#I'll miss you so much Ez
ravennaortiz · 2 months
Your Boyfriend is a Bitch Headcanon -Mayans Version
Summary: How the guys would react if they overheard some guy hitting on you and saying that your boyfriend is a bitch. Inspiration came from the song below.
Taglist: @keyweegirlie @hatersaremymotivators @meera10 @kikijackson-blog @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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A hint of mischief is in Coco's eyes as he turns to you after knocking the guy out who had went from telling you how beautiful you were to telling Coco he was a bitch and he could steal you away if he really wanted to.. "My bad ma" he states with a smile. You had been begging for a normal date night away from the clubhouse and brothers. As much as you loved them and the club sometimes it was nice to have a quiet dinner at a nice restaurant outside of town. You couldn't help the smile and laugh as you shook your head as you reached for his hand quickly moving to your car. "I can't take you anywhere. Always getting me in trouble" he continued as the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.
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"Oh, really? You think you have a chance of taking me?" inquired Angel his voice casual as he turned to the younger guy who had sat down at your table. The guy had been chatting you up since you had stepped into the packed clubhouse looking for your man. Not taking a single word you had said to heart as you told him to back off and that your boyfriend was not one to play with. You watched as the mans eyes widened as he took in Angel and his eyes flickered over the patches. Angel was an imposing man sitting down but when he stood up the guy took off. "Thought I was the bitch?" laughed Angel as he sat back down looking at you.
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Short king Bishop oozes big dick, don't fuck with me energy. Which is why you are stunned into silence as well as Gilly and Angel at what the new prospect has just said to him. The air is tense as Bishop contemplates the young man who had just dared to say he could fuck you better than him. "I assume you only said this because you think my beautiful goddess of a wife is a club girl correct? " asked Bishop as he gently taps your hip. Once you have stood up off his lap he stands up and walks to the new prospect who has decided now to shut his mouth. "I'll help you out son. There is no correct answer" states Bishop as he grabs the guys arm and leads him out the door.
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Manny is all slow blinks and tight smiles as he listens to the man next to him at the bar describe all the ways he would do you as they wait for EZ to get them beers. "Said she has a boyfriend, dumb bitch doesn't know what she's missing out on. He's obviously a winner since he left her alone." states the man as he nudges Manny who chuckles darkly. "Yeah, the mother of my four beautiful girls over there sure is missing out" he states before punching the guy in the face. "Also im her husband not her boyfriend" states Manny before making his way to you. "This is why I don't bring you out ma. Always got me acting up" joked Manny as he pulled you too him for a kiss.
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Guero is all angry forehead press and fists the minute the guy grabs your arm to turn you too him. The two of you had been taking a break from dancing and wee making out in the back of the packed clubhouse. You had mentioned to Guero earlier that the guy had been hitting on you and said he could take your boyfriend in a fight when you mentioned you were not single. Guero had wanted to put his fist through the guys face then but you had been so amused he had pushed the idea down so that he could keep that smile on your face. Now though it was on. No one touched what was his.
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The moment your sweet Teddy Bear said excuse me and stood up you knew the guy was done for. It never ceased to amaze you how many people thought it was fun to poke the grizzly bear of a man that was Gilly. You smiled as he blew you and your daughter who was cooing away in your arms kisses before grabbing the back of the guys neck and walking him out of the clubhouse. "Still getting guys in trouble, four days after giving birth" chuckled Coco, making you laugh, as he stood up. "I'll make sure he doesn't kill the kid"
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Creeper is silent as he watches you and the guy go back and forth. You have just as much blood on your hands as he does, he knows you can handle yourself. He won't hesitate to step in though if you want him too. He patiently waits for your cue as he sips his beer, chuckling when the guy says he can do you better and asks what position you like. "Do you like having your ass fucked?" you inquire as you tap Creepers arm. "As her bitch of a boyfriend I like to watch her fuck guys in the ass" he states as he looks the guy up and down.
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"Who's the bitch now?" growled Bottles as he stood over the guy he had just punched in the jaw much to the shock of everyone. The guy had been following you like a scenthound, not taking your rejection of an offer to dance or to sneak off to a more private area. Even when you stated your boyfriend was a Mayan he was undeterred, going so far as to push you into a wall saying your boyfriend must be a bitch if he wasn't with you. Pushing Guero out of the way as he congratulated Bottles you pulled him to you demanding he take you home to bed now.
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EZ is willing to let the guy slide. He's drunk and clearly overcome by your beauty. Who wouldn't be? He could not blame the guy for coming over and hitting on you. He probably figured you two were just friends sitting here having a drink and a chat. Its an easy mistake if you are new like he was. The two of you shared a look and small chuckle when the guy said your boyfriend was probably a bitch. He was going to let hat slide too but when the guy angrily slapped your beer out of your hand.....letting anything slide was out the door.
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puffcap-factory · 3 months
When Carpool Jams Gone Awry (Heartsteel Kayn x reader)
Heartsteel!Kayn x gn!reader; fluff, pure fluff, crack.
<Part 2 of "It all started with a missing guitar pick...">
After Ezreal witnessed the certain incident between you and Kayn in the past week, he decided to put matters in his own hands as a wingman and set you two on a quick car trip for just the two of you. I suggest reading the first one first for more context though, but it's completely up to you :)
Words: 2.4k
Notes: Idk why but heartsteel fics smh made me focus on the crack instead of the romance (oops). There’s 3 song references that I used for the fic btw. Oh, and I might try some spicier ones with Kayn though, he has so much potential. Anyways, enjoy the story! :D
The passenger seat became a silent observer to the awkwardness between you and Kayn as he settled into the driver's seat. You could practically feel the tension seeping into the air as you clicked on your seatbelt.
It wasn’t like this for the past few days, you thought. But why do you suddenly feel awkward now?
"So… it’s not the usual spot down the street then?" you asked, breaking the uncomfortable quietness.
"Nah, Ezreal mixed things up and ordered from somewhere else," Kayn replied with a grunt. “That prick…” he muttered under his breath, almost too quiet for you to catch. You noticed him setting the GPS of the car for about a 20-minute drive from your place.
Sensing the need to ease the tension, you reached over and turned on the radio, letting the music fill the car. You couldn't help but wonder how you had ended up in this situation.
It had been almost a week since that certain incident, yet neither you nor Kayn had mentioned anything about the guitar lesson or the fall. The week had also flown by with various schedules, leaving little time for just the two of you.
Kayn, although you knew that he had been acting like everything’s cool, couldn't hide the subtle changes in his behavior. You could tell by the way he would avoid prolonged eye contact when you talked to him, or felt his gaze when he occasionally stole quick glances at you when you weren’t looking. However, the interactions you had throughout the week with him were never personal; there weren’t many opportunities in the first place.
But tonight, it was Friday night, and the group had planned a barbecue on the rooftop of the dorm's apartment building. Everyone had pitched in to prepare, setting up grills and tables for a fun evening.
As the party kicked off and laughter filled the air, it was around 8 pm when you excused yourself to head back to your room for a bathroom break. On the stairs, you ran into Ezreal, who seemed a bit frantic.
"Hey, y/n! Perfect timing, I need your help," Ezreal said, rushing up the stairs.
"What's up, Ez?"
“So, I ordered these desserts for us,” he paused as he showed you his phone with the orders displayed. “But I accidentally selected ‘pick up’ instead of ‘delivery’! Can you come with me to grab them, pleaaase?” 
"Oh, sure, no problem," you replied casually. It seemed like a simple errand, nothing more. "I'll head to my room first, then meet you in the parking lot, okay?" you added.
“You’re the best!” Ezreal exclaimed, visibly relieved. “Take your time and I’ll be waiting downstairs then!” He headed back towards the rooftop eagerly, leaving you to make your way to your room.
You smiled at his reaction, and brushed off the thought of why he had seemed somewhat agitated for a mere errand, as you headed to the bathroom in your room.
After a moment, you finally made your way down to the basement level, ready to accompany Ezreal for the dessert pick-up. As you stepped out of the glass door of the parking lot, you spotted Kayn standing near the group’s SUV. He was looking at his phone, one hand in his pocket, seemingly to be waiting for you. He looked up as you approached, quickly pocketing his phone.
“Let’s go,” he said flatly, waiting for you to join him. 
“Wait, you’re the one who’s gonna pick up the ice cream?” You quipped as you went up to him. 
“Yeah, Ezreal claimed he had some ‘urgent tasks’ to handle,” he rolled his eyes, clearly not buying what Ezreal said. 
“Oh well…” you paused, starting to understand why he had seemed unusually excited. “Let’s go then.”
And that was how it went. It was clear to you that Ezreal had set up a sneaky scheme for you two. Although you certainly wouldn’t object to spend alone time together with Kayn, you had to admit it was a bit sudden. However, the lack of conversation was starting to bother you more than usual, somehow.
“I got to play a bit further into the song, you know?” you finally began.
“Oh? So, I assume your guitar lessons are going smoothly, hm?” Kayn asked, a small smirk tugging at his lips as he turned his head slightly towards you before facing back to the road.
“Of course,” you smiled to yourself, feeling a bit proud. “I’ve been practicing a bit before bed.”
“Show me later then,” he challenged with a smirk.
Okay, you’re not going to mention the fall, at least not yet. It seemed neither of you wanted to broach that topic. You were racking your brain for another conversation starter when a familiar song started playing in the background.
You couldn't resist vibing with the music, its lively tempo lifting the mood in the car as you started singing. Kayn was clearly enjoying the beat too, nodding along and joining you in singing. It quickly turned into a car karaoke jam.
“Bang bang into the room, I know you want it
Bang bang all over you, I’ll let you have it “
“Back, back seat of my car, I’ll let you have it
Wait a minute let me take you there, ah”
You pretended not to notice anything unusual and kept on singing, letting the beat carry you away. Why were you suddenly realizing the lyrics that didn’t bother you before? Kayn didn’t seem bothered either, at least not now, as he continued singing along. It was almost as if the music had created a little bubble of ease between the two of you, momentarily pushing aside any lingering tension.
The next song, however, shattered that bubble.
Kayn’s voice grew smaller and smaller as the lyrics seemed to get into his head.
“You like it wet and so do I…
…I know you never waste a drip”
You noticed his voice trailing off, but you pressed on, determined not to let the tension settle back in the air. Masking every awkwardness with your solo karaoke session, you threw yourself into the song, trying not to care about the awkward atmosphere.
Oh god, how much longer does this drive take.
You silently prayed for the next song to be less suggestive. Unfortunately, the radio playlist seemed to have other plans.
As soon as the next song played, Kayn went completely still beside you, his face straight, expressionless. The tension between you two became almost suffocating, thick in the air like a heavy fog.
“Push me up against the wall, don’t take it easy…
You like it hard like me, it’s what you need.”
You felt like jumping out of the car to escape the tension that filled the space. It was as if the song had suddenly laid bare all the unspoken tension between you and Kayn. He remained unresponsive as his gaze fixed straight ahead, and you could sense his uneasiness.
“Let’s get naked and explore our inner secrets…”
The words hung in the air, heavy and charged with meaning. Why was this song playing now of all times? You struggled to maintain your composure, but the blush creeping up your cheeks betrayed your cool. It was clear that the mood had shifted, and your confidence to continue singing wavered as your voice grew smaller and smaller. 
Even though the lyrics were etched into your mind, you tried to salvage the situation by nodding along with the beat. Neither of you dared to reach for the radio to change the song, as if both of you were in denial that the lyrics had stirred something between you two. The car was becoming like a pressure cooker, the tension almost tangible between you and him. 
Summoning your courage, you stole a glance at Kayn, whose gaze remained fixed straight ahead, visibly tense. His jaw was clenched, and you couldn't help but admire the view for a moment, before realizing you had stared for too long. He caught your gaze as he glanced to the side briefly.
“What?” he finally said, breaking the silence.
“O-oh, nothing,” you stammered, quickly glancing back to the front, a blush creeping up on your cheeks. “Is the shop still far?”
“No, it’s right there,” he motioned with his head, and you could see the small light panel displaying the logo of the fast food chain store.
Kayn then parked at the open lot, and you both stepped out from the car. Finally, a breath of fresh air, the one that you desperately needed. 
“Wait here, I’ll grab it quick,” Kayn said, taking the lead.
“I think I’ll borrow the bathroom,” you said with an awkward smile. He nodded in acknowledgment as he headed into the shop counter.
You made a straight dash for the bathroom, taking a moment to collect yourself and plan how to handle the rest of the drive back with him. You were sure you wouldn’t survive that same kind of tension again.
Meanwhile, Kayn, who had taken the orders, waited in the car. He knew he had been hiding his blush during the whole ride, not expecting the tension to be that intense. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he tried to clear his head. His mind was busy replaying the events that had led to this awkward situation.
“Kayn – aw, come on, I swear it’s a quick drive!” Ezreal pleaded, holding out the car keys.
“Ugh, if it’s a quick drive then why are you asking me?” Kayn groaned in response.
“Because… because…” Ezreal trailed off.
“Hey, I’ll drive. I don’t mind,” K’sante offered from the side. 
“Oh… um,” Ezreal answered reluctantly, glancing at Kayn for a bit before a playful grin appeared on his face. “Alright then, y/n will be waiting down at the carpark,” Ezreal grinned mischievously as he handed the keys to K’sante.
Before K’sante could take them, Kayn snatched the keys from Ezreal’s hands.
“Fine. I’ll go.”
Kayn rubbed his forehead, realizing all too well that they had set this up for him. He did want to spend more time with you, but the unexpected set of songs playing on the radio had interrupted his more peaceful set of plans. He then turned on the radio, just to check what song was playing, but immediately turned it off as he heard another set of suggestive lyrics in it. 
Nope, not again.  
He sighed in attempt to ease his own tension, feeling it did not work, he went out from the car. He took a deep breath as he contemplated on what he should do for the rest of the drive as he held his one arm on the car to support his weight, as his head now facing down to the ground.
“Damn it…” he grumbled, his face reddening the more he thought about you.
Meanwhile, you had decided to buy a cone of vanilla ice cream after making up your mind in the bathroom. You figured some sweet treat might help salvage the time.
Just for another 20 minutes, you can do it, y/n.
Taking a deep breath and exhaling, you attempted to calm yourself before heading out of the store. As you made your way to the car, you found Kayn sitting at the metal bars near the parked car, seemingly lost in thought as he faced the other way.
“Uh… sorry to keep you waiting, Kayn,” you said softly, approaching him with your ice cream in hand. Kayn glanced at you briefly but didn't fully turn, still deep in his thoughts. Sensing he wanted to say something, you took a seat next to him on the metal bars, quietly enjoying your ice cream. 
“Hey,” he finally called out, his face still turned away.
“Y- yes?” You were somewhat startled by his sudden tense demeanor, but you waited for him to continue. The sudden tension made your heart begin to beat faster.
He cursed under his breath, rubbing his face with his palm as if trying to shake off his uneasiness. Then, in a mumble, he said, “I’ll just ask this straight.”
“…Are you seeing someone?” His face still away from you, his voice tense.
“No…” you replied softly, a bit taken aback by the question.
He let out an exhale, rubbing the back of his neck as his face started to redden. “Do you… want to go out… with me?” His voice trailed off, barely audible.
Glancing at him, you noticed his face turned away, his ears tinged with pink. A smile crept onto your face.
Without hesitation, you softly placed your hand on his, which was resting on the metal bars.
He immediately turned to face you, his pinkish face now fully visible as you beamed a smile at him. Nodding happily, you conveyed your answer without words. You didn’t care anymore if your face turned as red as a tomato; seeing your reaction, Kayn's bashfulness immediately changed into a cocky smirk.
"Heh," he chuckled, his smirk widening although his blush was still present. "Looks like it’s not that hard to ask you out."
“Huh, what do you mean by that?” you teased, squeezing the hand which held his.
“Argh, your hand is all sticky!” he exclaimed, standing up and trying to shake off the melted ice cream.
“Kayn!” you laughed, feeling the tension dissipate as you both made your way towards the car door, ready to head back. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your hearts. 
You settled in the car seat when Kayn suddenly leaned closer from his seat. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, his fingers hovered near your nose.
“What?” you asked, trying to keep a straight face.
He grinned, his fingers lightly touching the ice cream stain on your nose. “You’re so sloppy,” he teased, before playfully sucking the melted ice cream off his fingers.
You couldn’t help but blush furiously, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks as he chuckled. Kayn's demeanor had definitely lightened up, but the car ride back home was a relentless onslaught of teasing directed at you. With or without music, his remarks kept you on edge, and though you wouldn’t admit it, deep down you were secretly enjoying it. 
Was 20 minutes this short?
Meanwhile, back in the dorm, K’sante glanced at his wristwatch, a bemused expression on his face. "Aren’t they kinda late?" he asked, turning to Ezreal.
Ezreal simply grinned, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Let them be," he replied with a knowing smile. "They'll be back with stories, I'm sure."
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kamwilliamsonn · 1 year
Stars - Caroline Graham Hansen
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Dating Caro wasn't always easy, especially when you played in another country
Your girlfriend, Caro, was your favourite person, there was never any doubt in it, but it wasn't easy, with you playing for Chelsea, and her for Barcelona, you didn't see each other as much as you both would wish.
Which is why Champions League nights were your favourite.
You knew that one of you would end up ruining the others dream at the end of this game, one would continue on, and one would go home.
But that didn't matter, you knew that at the end of the game, you were going back to her house.
Win or lose.
She was your love, your life.
It was no surprise when the plane landed and the Barça player was there to greet you.
"Oh, y/n invited an enemy!" Sam shouted with a teasing grin, your national teammate always taking a chance to annoy you.
You just rolled your eyes at the brunette. "Shut up, Sammy, not everything is about football."
A gasp echoed around your teammates, one you knew wasn't real, causing you to shake your head and run towards your girl.
Her arms opened wide as you jumped into them, your legs wrapping around her waist as her arms supported you.
Your head fell comfortably into the crook of her neck, "Jeg har savnet deg, min kjære." "I've missed you, my love." She mumbles out, putting you down, only to place soft kisses all over your face.
"I've missed you too, so much. Facetime doesn't show the real you. I've missed your face," you started, cupping her face in your hands as she pulled away to look you in the eyes. "I've missed your eyes," you gazed softly into her blue eyes, having completely missed the way they could make you feel like you were floating out at sea. They'd trap you, and you never wanted them to stop. "But God, I've missed your kisses." You pulled her into a passionate kiss, her hands going to hold your waist and pull you in tighter, while your hands moved from her face, into her hair.
It's the hollers from your teammates that cause you both to pull away, but you don't leave her grip. Her arms stay tight around your waist as you spun around in her grip.
Her head rests in the crook of your neck, leaving kisses on the soft part of your neck as your teammates come to join you.
Caro had been the only person to score in the home leg against your beloved blues, a game that was only 4 days earlier, but the way Caro was holding you, would make anybody think it could've been a year.
"God you two are disgustingly cute." Erin said, her accent so strong, Caro couldn't fully understand what she said, but the way you rolled your eyes told her it was teasing.
"You're just jealous you aren't in a relationship, Ez." You told her, making Caro smile and put her head back against your neck to try and hide it.
"Okay, we have to get back to the hotel now, my love, but I'll see you later.." You started, being interrupted by Emma.
She smiled as she got closer to the pair of you. "You can head back to her house, if you'd like, you know that when you're in the same city as Caroline, you don't sit still."
Your girlfriend begins to laugh at you, her face still hidden.
"You shut up." You told her, warningly, making her nod instantly and Sam start laughing instead. A glare from you shut her up as well.
"Okay, so, back to mine, and then I drop you off at the stadium tomorrow." She whispered to you, making you look back at her with a nod, your eyes full of love.
"Okay, my girls, I will see you all tomorrow." You told your teammates as you started to walk backwards, as if the teasing wouldn't happen if you slowly retreat.
That clearly didn't work.
"Don't forget that you're not allowed to do anything before a game!"
After she dropped you both off at the stadium the next day, you didn't fully get a chance to talk to each other, there was a whole lot of media, and training, and then it was warm ups, and the game.
But that didn't mean you weren't sneaking looks at each other, you stared at her with pure love in her eyes as she did her interview, while waiting for your own.
She kept looking at you while you were doing your warm up, and you linked hands with a soft smile while lining up for kick off.
But no words were exchanged, not until the 73' minute the score was 2-1 on aggregate, Guro had scored Chelsea's first goal of the game in the 67' minute, but you were still fishing for that equaliser.
You had the ball at your feet, and you were running, you wanted that goal, and you didn't want to stop for nothing.
But, you don't always get everything you want.
Mapi came in from the side, a tackle that sent you rolling over her, she got the ball, and luckily didn't clip your ankle, but, the way your head hit the floor left it pounding.
You held your head in your hands as you rolled onto your front, you rested it against the floor, trying to make the pain stop.
The whistle was blown instantly, and Mapi was back at your side, apologising over and over again. But that didn't matter when Caro ran over, she was on the other side of the pitch, but the moment she saw you go down, she ran.
She shoved Mapi out of the way, and had it been anybody else, Mapi would have shoved her back, but the way that you cried and held your head made her think she deserved it.
"Hello, my love, can you lift your head for me." She told you as the medics arrived, knowing that you were more likely to do so for her then anybody else.
As you looked up, you almost started crying more, unable to see the girl you loved so much, you couldn't make out her face.
"Hey, come on, don't cry." She told you, being careful as she held your face, the medic checking your pupils.
"That's definitely a concussion. She's going to have fo be subbed off." Your medic spoke, making you cry even more.
"I just wanted to score, Caro, I just wanted to score, I don't wanna be subbed off, I wanna score." You told her. "And I can't see your face. I wanna see your face."
All you were seeing was stars.
But all you wanted to see was your star.
She ran straight over to Jona the moment you were brought off and told him to sub her off or she was gonna get herself a red card so she was forced off.
Claudia came on in her place, and she legged if to the changing rooms. Wanting nothing else but to be there with you.
With her girl.
BOOM, ASKED AND WRITTEN. I actually really liked this, and I think it's brilliant. I hope that you (especially you @wosofie ) enjoyed :))
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imagineredwood · 6 months
“I don’t always need you to fix everything. I just— sometimes I just want you to listen."
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Request: “I don’t always need you to fix everything. I just— sometimes I just want you to listen." for angel or ez
Pairing: EZ Reyes x female reader
Warnings: Angst, friend breakup, tears
Word count: 868
A/N: This one is also self-indulgent after how this year has gone
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"Where the hell is she?"
EZ grumbled to himself as he wandered around the house. He'd woken up and had to pee, finding that the bed beside him was empty. Naturally, he thought that you had beat him there, expecting to walk into the bathroom and find you peeing in the dark, but it was empty. He'd gone out to the hallway then and rasped out your name, only to get no response. It had confused him greatly. Surely you hadn't gone anywhere. He went back into the room and grabbed his phone checking to see if he had any notifications. No texts. No missed calls. Nothing from either the club or you saying that there was some emergency where you would've had to leave. His brows were knitted as he walked back down the hall, checking the living room. Sometimes when you couldn't sleep you would come to the living room and watch your favorite movie, not wanting the light or sound of the TV in the bedroom to bother him. When he got there though, he found the TV off and the couch empty. He was worried now, going to the front door and looking out the window. Your car was still parked out front, so where the hell were you.
It was the light moving around outside on the patio that caught his attention. Walking over he saw you sitting there on the outdoor sofa, cuddled up into a blanket with a cup of tea, scrolling on your phone. He opened the door and walked out to join you, shivering at the cool chill that shocked his bare torso. You smiled softly as you looked at him. It was dark, but not dark enough that he couldn't see how fake it was. He lifted your blanket-covered leg up and then sat down, putting them to rest on top of his lap.
"What's the matter, baby?"
He ran his hand comfortingly over your legs as he watched you shrug.
"Just couldn't sleep."
Your voice was nasally and the slight sniffle you gave at the end of your sentence confirmed.
"Why are you crying? What's wrong? Talk to me."
You shrugged again and let out a small, watery laugh.
"Just sad. Thinking about her again."
EZ sighed and rubbed your legs more comfortably. The falling out with your best friend had been hard on you, especially because it was more her drifting away. You had always been there for her through thick and thin, been her shoulder to cry on when she needed it, given her all of yourself. And then just like that she'd gotten a new best friend and had left you in the wind. You had EZ still, of course, but it wasn't the same. She had been your best friend, not a secret or unsaid thing between the two of you. You both were attached at the hip, two peas in a pod, and just like that you had been replaced.
"It's like...how do you just move on from someone that you said you loved so much? How do you just change them out? Like it's nothing?"
You shook your head and EZ saw the tears begin to flow again in the moonlight.
"Sometimes people just grow apart, babe. They change and life starts to-"
You shook your head almost furiously, a few tears slinging off of your face and onto his chest.
"Don't. Please don't do that."
EZ squinted, not knowing what it was that he was doing.
“I don’t always need you to fix everything. I just— sometimes I just want you to listen."
EZ's heart clenched. He was a fixer. That's what he was known for. All quick thinking and sharp solutions. He prided himself on that. On being able to fix things. But that wasn't what you need right now, and he was going to respect that. He nodded and squeezed your knee, eyes on you as he apologized.
"I'm sorry. I just want to help; find a way to ease your pain. But I understand. I'll be a better listener. I promise. Go on."
You smiled tearfully and placed your hand atop his, squeezing.
"I just wish that she cared more. Cared as much as I did. And do. I guess that's why I'm crying. I can't just write her off. No matter how much I say I'm going to stop thinking about it and stop letting it bother me, I can't. Some days it's easy and I can but then I see something or hear something and it brings me back. I just want to feel better about it. And crying makes me feel better sometimes. So I came out here to cry."
You shrugged and EZ had to swallow down all the urges to intervene. Instead, he nodded and reached forward to wipe away your tears.
"You're right to feel upset and abandoned. Your feelings are valid."
You chuckled sadly and then took in a long shaky breath, using your fists to wipe at your eyes.
"I feel better. And I'm tired."
He uncovered you and helped you stand, taking your face in his hands and kissing your forehead.
"Well let's get you to bed then."
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Mayans MC taglist
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imagininghim · 1 year
Drunk Dialling
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A/N: I have heard the song Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan so much on Tik Tok lately. Everytime I hear it I picture Ez, so of course I had to make a story about it.
I hope you enjoy!
Like, comment, reblog!
~~ Flashback ~~
"Swear Ez, it's always the same with you!" She screamed at me, continuing to throw her clothes in a suitcase.
"Mi amour, please we can talk about this!" I said taking ahold of her wrist in attempt to stop her from packing.
"No! It's always the same with you! Club this, Angel that! When is it gonna be me?" She said pulling her wrist from my grasp. I stood there speechless, unsure of what to say. With a sigh, she threw the last of her clothes into the suitcase and zipped it up. "That's what I thought, goodbye Ezekiel." And with that, she picked up the suitcase and walked out the door.
I stayed there and watched her walk out, hoping I would wake up from this nightmare.
~~ End of flashback ~~
It was a regular Friday night at the club, we had been throwing another party. I was sitting at the bar alone, sipping on my fourth or fifth beer of the night when Angel approached me.
"When are you gonna stop sulking little bro? It's been a year, it's time to let her go." With a scoff, I picked up my beer and chugged the rest of it. Signalling the prospect to bring me another as Angel let out a sigh.
"I'm not sulking, I'm just not in a party kind of mood." I said simply.
"You're never in the mood for anything anymore. When are you gonna go back to being your old self again?" I scoffed back at him before taking my beer off the bar and making my way through the crowd. Hearing angel call my name, I ignored it and continued out through the door.
When I got outside, I took a seat on top of the stairs before chugging the rest of my beer and throwing away the empty bottle, the sound of glass shattering in the distance. I pulled my phone out of my jeans and began scrolling through my camera roll and looking at all the pictures of her and I.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the door open and Angel come out.
"You wanna talk about it?" He said, taking the seat beside me on the steps. With a sigh, I slip my phone back into my pocket.
"I miss her." Staring straight ahead, I could feel Angel's eyes on me.
"I know you do, but you can't beat yourself up over it. It's been a year, it's time to move on! Fuck some other bitches and forget her!" I felt anger begin to boil up inside as I stood up and made my down the steps.
"You don't get it!" I snapped. With a sigh, Angel stood up and made his way down the steps and in front of me.
"What don't I get Ez? Huh?!" He snapped back poking at my chest. "It's been a year Ez, she's not coming back! You made your choice, it was her or the club and I know it hurts but you gotta let her fucking go. Ever since she left, all you've been doing is drowning your sorrows in a goddamn bottle instead of moving on!" Anger ran through my veins as I pushed against Angel.
"I can't! Why can't you get that?!" I screamed back at him. "It's not that fucking easy, I love her! Not a goddamn day goes by that I don't see her face, I look for her everywhere I go! I didn't even try to stop her." I felt tears begin forming in my eyes, "I jus- I just let her go, I let her walk out." Angel stared at me in silence. "Why did I let her go?"
"Come on, let's go back inside and forget this." I shook my head before walking past him and over to the steps.
"You go on without me." I said taking a seat. "I'll be in later." Without taking another look at Angel, I heard him let out a sigh before making his way up the steps and back into the club.
As the door closed shut, I pulled out my phone and went into my contacts. Hauling up her contact, I hovered my finger over her number, contemplating on making that call.
Letting the alcohol speak for me, I pressed down on the screen before pulling the phone up to my ear and hearing it ring.
ring... ring... ring... "Hey you reached (Y/N), leave a message and I'll call you back!"
"... Uh, hey... It's Ez... I just wanted to say... I miss you." And with that I hung up the phone. I rubbed my hand over my face, wondering if I was making a mistake leaving her a voicemail. Would she even listen to it? Or would she delete it and pretend I never called?
A million thought swirled around my head as I sat on the steps, the feeling of little wet droplets falling on my skin tore me away from my thoughts.
I let out a sigh, standing up and getting ready to head back into the club when I felt a vibration in my pocket.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" Flashed across my screen. I slid my finger across the screen, answering the call and placing it against my ear.
"Ez... I miss you too..."
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melsie-sims · 11 months
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Eze had never seen Kallie so quiet. She usually had so much to say whenever they worked on the garden together, but that morning there seemed to be something weighing on her mind.
“We should probably talk,” he said. “I think I know what you’re thinking.”
“You wanna go, don’t you?” Kallie blurted out. “On the scouting trip? You wanna volunteer.”
Eze nodded. Clearly she knew what he was thinking too. 
“It won’t be for too long, only a couple months, three at the most,” he tried to reassure her, but she still looked so sad. 
“You should go. You’re the best man for the job,” Kallie sighed heavily. “But I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too,” Eze replied and leaned in to kiss her. “I love you.”
Kallie let out a sob against his lips. “I love you too...”
She kissed him again. "Make sure you pack plenty of wolfsbane, okay? And chamomile... that might help settle your stomach post-moons... And..."
"I'll be okay, you don't have to worry about me," Eze chuckled.
"Too bad, I'm gonna... every day... all the time," she giggled through a fresh wave of tears.
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I Adore You
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Mayans MC Masterlist
Part six of A Gentle Kind of Love
Contains: Fluff, Angel still being a shithead, smut (consent and negotiations, oral sex M and F receiving, fingering, praise kink, P in V, semi-public sex)
7.5K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #a gentle kind of love.
Smitten - Having suddenly started to like or love something or someone very much.
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You opened your eyes and were greeted by Manny's smiling face and a cat by your head, "good morning. Did you sleep well?"
He nodded and reached out to brush a strand of hair from your face. The action was automatic, and so was the closing of your eyes as you felt the calluses on his skin. You did your best to force yourself to think it was just a friendly gesture, made by a half asleep man who almost died yesterday "I did, did you?"
You smiled, "I did, how are your hands?"
He chuckled, "a little sore, how's your head?"
You sighed, "not sore but filled with maple syrup, you wanna do something today?"
Manny shook his head, "nah, I just want to hang out. You good with that?"
You nodded, "I'm great with that. We do have to get out of bed."
He groaned, "you sure? I'd rather just lay around with the cats all day long, I'm sure they'd love that."
You sat up and tapped his chest, "come on lazy bones, if we don't feed them soon they'll eat us."
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Creep's leg was bouncing up and down, "what the fuck are we going to do? You really want Izzy dealing with this, you saw what happened the last time Marcus got her involved."
EZ's memory of Izzy grabbing Bishop by the ear and dragging him to one of the back rooms and giving him a lecture that the whole Clubhouse could hear was seared into his brain, "I don't know what we're going to do, maybe they talked about it last night and they'll come here with good news?"
Coco shook his head, "you might be smart golden boy but you don't know y/n very well if you think she's going to come clean."
Angel threw his hands in the air, "Manny ain't going to say shit."
Bishop had been sitting there listening with a scowl on his face, "I can't fucking stand this bullshit anymore, make sure they come to the party this weekend and I'll deal with it."
Hank blinked, "Yuma is visiting, we're going to have our hands busy."
Bishop just got angry, "you think I give a shit? I am so fucking sick of you gossip whores, this gets fixed or you're all be on probation until hell freezes over."
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"Why does his belly smell so good?"
You giggled, Manny had his face buried in Sir Fluff's belly while the cat licked his head, "it's how they get you, they smell like happiness and sunshine and before you know it you'll be feeding them a picking up their poop."
Manny turned his head and looked at you, "you make that sound like it's a bad thing."
You sighed, "why don't I take you down to the pet store today, we can pick up everything you need then before you go back to your place we can pick you up a kitten from the shelter, that way you won't be alone in your apartment."
A sadness came over him, after he got the all clear from the Club, he was going to go back to sleeping alone in his bed, "nah, I don't want these three to get jealous. I'll just come over and hang with you, unless you're sick of me?"
You shook your head, "I'm alright with that, I like your company. And if I'm being honest even with everything that went on, this has been the best week I've had since moving here."
Manny sat up and brought the cat into his lap, "can I be honest too?" You nodded, "the week I've had with you has been the best week in a really long time, and not just since I moved here."
You smiled and sat next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, "I'm going to miss having you around all the time."
Manny leaned his head against yours, "I'm going to miss having you around too. But we'll still see each other, it's not like you're leaving for Mars."
You giggled, "you're right, nothing's really going to change, you just won't wake up with a cat butt in your face every morning."
Manny chuckled, hearty and filled with affection, "you say that like I don't love these little shit."
You thought for a moment, "well you can come over whenever you want, just to hang out."
He grinned at you, his hand reaching out to grab yours, "I'd fucking love that."
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Manny got a text late that afternoon and you could tell by his expression that something was wrong, "is everything ok?"
He shook it off and smiled, "that was Bish, he said I was good to go home tonight."
You did your best to stay neutral, "oh, well how about I send you home with dinner, that way you don't have to go out and buy shit."
Manny smiled softly, "alright, I'm gonna go pack."
He sounded so deflated, "you want a hand?"
He shook his head, his eyes cast at the ground, "nah, what are you going to cook?"
You wandered over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, "how does a curry sound?"
He sucked on his tongue and nodded, "a curry sounds great."
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You stood in his living room, looking around for something to do, "can I vacuum or dust? I feel weird not helping you after you've spent a week and a bit in my house."
Manny shook his head and placed the meal in his fridge, "it's alright, I'll let you get back home. Will I see you on Friday?"
You nodded, "of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world and there's no way I'm leaving you with Canche."
Manny sighed and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you into a hug, "I'm gonna miss you."
You hugged him back, burying your face in his chest and taking a deep breath, "I'm going to miss you too."
There was a change in the air as you pulled away, your eyes caught his and then you were leaning in, his breath fanning over your lips and you craned your head to meet him as he leaned down.
You flinched back, Manny doing the same as he looked at the door, "Manny, we got shit to do."
As soon as the magic arrived, it left with Angel's pounding, you flashed him a smile and walked over to pick up your bag, "duty calls, I'll see you on Friday?"
Manny smiled back, "yeah, I'll see you on Friday."
You swung open the door and rolled your eyes when Angel smirked at you, "hey y/n."
You shook your head, "hey, is everything alright?"
He nodded, "fine, you coming on Friday?"
You took a deep breath, "yep, I'll see you then."
You walked down the hallway and Angel walked inside to Manny rubbing his face, "what was that about?"
Manny huffed, "nothing man, what did you need?"
Angel flopped down on the couch, "Yuma's cut was bad again, they need out help cleaning up."
Manny clenched his fists, "is that why they're coming on Friday?"
Angel nodded, "yep, what do you want to bet this is the straw that breaks the camel's back?"
Manny shrugged, "who knows, Yuma's been on its last legs for a while, I doubt this will be the end."
Angel smiled again, "you sure nothing's going on between you and y/n?"
Manny shook his head, "nothing's going on, can you please drop it?"
Angel relined and looked thoughtfully at the ceiling, "sure."
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Friday came around painfully slow, the hours ticking by as you looked at the clock between clients. Relief came when your last two appointments were cancelled.
You finished your paperwork and rushed home, hoping to get to the Clubhouse early to help them get ready for the party. You drove into the compound at five, half of Yuma already there, Manny must have been listening out for your car because he was practically running out the door the greet you.
The moment you were out of your car and standing, Manny was wrapping you in his arms, "you're here early?"
You nodded, "I had two cancellations, so I thought I'd come and help out. How are things here?
Manny shrugged, "Yuma's here again, another bad cut. But other than that, things are the exact same."
You smiled, "good to know. I'm going to go in and help out, you got any plans tonight?"
He smiled back and threw his arm over your shoulder, "other than hanging out with you? Nope."
You shook your head, "shouldn't you be mingling?"
He huffed, "I ain't got nothing to say to Yuma. How are the cats?"
You groaned, "you have spoilt them with all your love, they have been walking around the house meowing, looking for you. Mr Butts won't even talk to me."
Manny tutted, "well then, I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow."
You giggled, "thank God, I was worried I'd have to beg."
Manny's smile turned into a smirk, "you never have to beg me for anything."
A thought came over your mind and you knew it was a bad idea but you couldn't help yourself, "well that's no fun."
Manny paused his path to the Clubhouse and licked his lips, "good to know Tesoro."
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Manny detached for you when you got in the door, giving you a smile before heading off to talk to Bishop. A laugh in the corner drew your attention, Raul was sitting with Yuma and their body language had you worried.
You walked behind the bar and jutted your head towards them, asking Hank what was going on, "you know what that's about? They seem friendly."
Hank huffed, "I was just about to ask you the same thing, you're the shrink. He's been in the shit the last few days with everything going on, I wouldn't be surprised if he jumped over."
You sighed, "you think he's got the balls to ask out right or will he get one of them to do it?"
Hank shrugged, "the way Yuma's going, Canche will ask just to piss us off."
You swallowed, "is there something I need to be worried about?"
Hank shook his head, "I'm sure you know what's going on, they had another bad cut. It's becoming bad for business."
You chewed your lower lip, "I know what I say has no bearing but you want my honest opinion?"Hank gave you a slight nod, "if they keep fucking around with fentanyl, they're dead anyway, give it enough time the problem will clear itself out."
Hank blinked, "that's fucking cold."
You shrugged, "eh, you fuck around and you find out."
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The party had just started when Manny sat down next to you with a beer, "how's your week been?"
You smiled, "good, I'm happy to get back to normal. What about you?"
He sighed, "there isn't much excitement in hauling scrap and fixing cars."
You shook your head, "you must have done something fun?"
He thought for a moment, "I went by the animal shelter. But I couldn't pick."
You giggled, "I would have helped, that apartment is so big and sad, you should have some company."
Manny shook his head, "I can't leave a cat along with all the runs, it would be wrong. Plus, you said I could come over whenever I wanted."
You were interrupted by one of the Yuma men coming over, his smile slimy as he sat next to you, "your prospect tells me you're up for anything, so how about you leave his little boy and come and spend your time with a real man."
You blinked, shocked at his boldness, "what are you talking about?"
He smirked and leaned in closer, "come on, we all know what women are like here. The prospect gave you a ringing endorsement."
Manny had gone stiff beside you, then he was jumping up and marching over to Raul and lifting him up by his collar, you turned to the man and pointed and the scene, "you see what you've done. I never had sex with the guy, can you fuck off now."
The sound of Manny's fist hitting Raul's face had you flinching but you knew better than to get between two men who were fighting, even if it was one sided. Bishop let it go for a while before stepping in, Raul's face bleeding and swollen, "what the fuck is this about."
Manny snarled his reply, "this lying fuck won't shut up about what happened between him and y/n, maybe you should tell the truth motherfucker."
You rubbed your face and stepped closer, standing in front of Manny to block his view, "let it go, he can lie all he wants. I don't care what other people think of me."
Manny clenched his jaw, "I fucking care."
The look on Bishop's face was deadly as he turned to Raul, "are you telling lies?"
Raul huffed, "it doesn't fucking matter, I'm jumping to Yuma anyway."
Manny stepped closer and you put your hands on his chest, "Manny, let it go."
He looked down at you, the anger fading from his eyes, "you say the word and I'll make sure you never says your name again."
You shook your head, "I don't want that, now I'd like to clean your hands if you'd let me?"
He swallowed, "alright."
Bishop pointed down the hall, "use the bathroom, we're going to talk about this once you're done."
To your surprise Bishop started to follow you, standing a few steps behind as you walked through the doorway. You opened the cabinet and directed Manny to sit down, the slam of the door making you jump, "what the fuck?"
You tried to open it but it wouldn't budge, Bishop's voice floating through the wood as you twisted the handle, "you two have some shit to talk about, you can come out when you've both come clean."
You heard him walk away and you leaned against the wall, "so, you wanna tell me why you decided to break the prospect's face?"
He huffed, "because he was talking shit about you."
You shook your head, "that's not a good enough reason to hit a man Emmanuel."
He sighed and stepped closer, "there you go again, saying my name like that."
You wrinkled your eyebrows, "like what?"
He stuttered, thinking over what his next words might mean, "like you love me. It's fucking cruel you know, you stand there and you look at me like you love me and…. You know what I was going to say that day?" You knew, you knew full well what he was going to say, "I was going to tell you that I.."
You closed the two foot gap between you in a flash and shut him up with a kiss, Manny returning it in earnest as his hands found your face, you pulled back for a moment, Manny's lips following yours as you exchanged air, "I love you too."
He didn't reply, his lips falling on yours again. Your hands clutched his kutte and you pulled him closer, his teeth brushing your bottom lip as the kiss deepened. His hands roamed your body, one hand landing on your ribs while the other slid down and squeezed your ass. You pulled away, smiling as you spoke, "I think we owe Bishop an apology."
Manny chuckled, his hand reaching up so this thumb could stroke your cheek, "what makes you say that Mi Amor?"
You brushed his nose with yours, desperate to pick up where you left off, "because he's been dealing with the other talking about us for the last however many months, I think we broke the poor man."
Manny chuckled, "I'm sure he's fine. I know this might seem forward but do you want to get out of here?"
You nodded aggressively, "oh, most definitely. Do we need to stop by the drug store on the way or are you good?"
It took a moment for him a get your implication, "I'm all good, you ain't got nothing to worry about. Are you?"
You nodded, "yep, all good."
He smiled, "now we just have to figure out how to get out of here."
He chuckled and walked over to the door, pounding on it and waiting for an answer. Bishop's voice came through, full of annoyance, "what the fuck do you want?"
Many sighed, "can you let us out now. We talked."
Bishop wasn't so easy to please, "about what?"
You smiled at Manny and he knew by your expression that your response was going to be vulgar, "about how we have catching up to do in the sex department. Can you let us out of here so Manny can…"
The door swung open and Bishop was standing there with his arms crossed, "is that all you talked about?"
You shook your head, "no, I told him the truth. Now can you let us go so we can make up for lost time or do you want us to fuck right here in front of you?"
Bishop waved his hands, a slight smile on his face "you can go. And for what it's worth, I'm really happy for both of you."
You took Manny's hand as you walked down the hall, Angel grinning when he caught sight of you, "I fucking knew it, you better name your first kid after me."
You stuck up your middle finger, "I don't think nosy bastard is a good name for a kid Angel."
Manny shook his head, "come on Tesoro, let's go home. The night is still young and I want to show you how much I love you."
You took his face in your hands and kissed him while the men around you cheered, "I can't wait."
You didn't miss the glare on Canche's face but at that moment, nothing else mattered.
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You stopped by Manny's place so he could pack a bag, you sat on his bed while he threw clothes his bag, not even bothering to fold them, "come 'er."
You walked behind him and wrapped your arms around his body, "you need something handsome?"
He smiled, turning his head to kiss you, "nah, I was just worried that if you kept sitting on my bed all pretty like that I wouldn't be able to help myself."
He spun around, placing his hands on your face while he kissed you, and you pulled back enough to talk, "you make that sound like a bad thing."
He chuckled against your lips, "nah, you deserve more than a hurried fuck. I'm a gentleman so we're gonna go back to your place and what is it that you said? Talk like adults then we have the whole rest of the night to enjoy each other."
You smiled, "I would really like that, you wanna order in too?"
He nodded, "pizza?"
You pecked him and rubbed your thumb on his cheek, "pizza sounds great."
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You got in the door only to be swamped with a flurry of meows, "you better say hello."
Manny sighed as Mr Butts jumped into his arms, "can you order the pizza while I say hello?"
You nodded, "sure, Lady Midnight is real mad at you for leaving." You jutted your head towards her as she glared from the couch.
Manny shook his head and smiled, "I'll win her back, she can't say no to kisses."
You tapped him and he turned his attention back to you, "what?" You smiled then kissed him.
You pulled back with a kiss on his cheek, "I'm going to go order that pizza then have a shower, you should think about what you want to do after dinner."
He looked over your face with a slight smirk, "oh, I have so many ideas."
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"You want some ice cream, it's mango and homemade?"
Manny shook his head, your conversation had been both productive and enlightening, "nah, I'd rather enjoy eating something else."
You giggled, "that's cannibalism Manny, it's illegal in California."
Manny smiled at you, his eyes full of affection, "now you're just being a brat." He walked behind you as you washed the dishes, his lips brushing your ear, "I'll finish up here, go to the bedroom and get comfortable, I'll be in soon."
You twisted your head and kissed him, "alright, I'll be waiting."
You walked into the bedroom, pausing halfway to spin and pull off your sleep shirt slowly, "you're not getting into my nice clean bed in your day clothes, so you should hurry up here and get yourself into the shower before I start without you."
Manny took in your bare chest with hooded eyes, looking from your breasts to your face and back again, "alright, I get your message. Careful Mi Amor, I'm going to have plenty of time to get back at you for this."
You smiled, "I can't fucking wait."
You waited on the bed, Manny talking to you through the open bathroom door as he showered, "we can just sleep if you want, there's no pressure."
You smiled, "unless that's what you want, my only plans for tonight are to make up for lost time."
He chuckled and you heard the shower turn off, "that's good with me."
You hopped up as he walked into the bedroom in nothing but a towel and sauntered over to him, "hey."
He smiled as you leaned in the press your lips to his neck, "hey Tesoro, you look like you've got an idea."
You nodded and reached down to run your fingers over the edge of his towel, "I do have an idea, would you like to hear it?"
He took a sharp breath as you ran your fingers from his collar bones, over his hard, toned chest and to his abs, "sure, what's your idea?" He lifted a hand to your face and ran his thumb across your lower lip and you turned your head to kiss it.
"You're going to sit on the bed, and I'm going to kneel between your legs and suck your dick. Do you like my idea?"
Manny's eyes darkened as he moved towards the bed, "I do like you idea, but don't get too comfortable, I've got some of my own." Before he sat down, you held up and finger and closed the gap before going back to the edge of the towel, Manny nodding when you looked up at him.
You pulled the towel free and he smiled, "you see something you like?"
You rolled your eyes, "you are very smug, I mean, you have a reason to be but still. Now, sit down and let me have my fun." You kneeled between his legs and took his cock in your hand, stroking it to full hardness as you kissed his firm torso.
You were just about to land on the floor when Manny stopped you and threw a pillow on the floor, "I can't have you getting all bruised."
You sighed, "I hit the jackpot."
Manny chuckled and let out a shaky breath as you pressed your lips to the tip of his cock. His hands found your cheeks as you sucked him into your mouth, taking time to focus on the head while his breath quickened. "Ah fuck, that feels amazing, fuck." He grunted as you took him further down, his eyes scrunching closed.
He let out a particularly aggressive grunt then he pulled you off him, you went to protest but he smiled at you and wiped the spit off your lips with his palm, "your turn Mi Amor."
Something in his eyes had you excited as you got comfortable on the bed and Manny's lips found your neck as his hands stroked your skin. "You better settle in gorgeous because we're going to be here a while."
You huffed, "I bet you say that to all the girls."
Manny chuckled against your skin, "I guess I'm just going to have to prove it to you." He kissed down your neck, pausing to suck a bruise into your skin as he made his way to your breasts, tutting as his lips brushed the soft skin, "I'm gonna have to pay more attention to these later, I have other things to do."
Your hand found his head as he kissed down your body, taking time to kitten lick your skin as he went. His hand were gentle as he lifted your legs over his shoulders, he kissed your inner thigh, his lips soft than soft as he moved closer to your core. His hand stroked the top of your thigh as he leaned in, his lips brushing your mound, he paused and looked up at you, waiting for you to give him to go ahead, "please."
Manny smiled then pulled your legs open slowly before licking your from entrance to clit in one long stripe. He wrapped his lips around your clit as you moaned, his beard scratching your skin and he brought one hand down to slide two of his perfect fingers inside you.
Your finger scratched his scalp and he grunted against you, pulling you as close as humanly possible while he brushed your G-spot with his fingertips. He seemed to enjoy it just as much as you were, taking his sweet time building you up until your legs were shaking around his head, you pushed him closer and his fingers picked up speed, forcing you over the edge as one hand left your thigh so he could hold you down with his forearm.
He didn't stop even for a second, the only reprieve for the oversensitive sting was the way he slowed back to his starting pace, a gentle brush more than an insistent rub. You dropped one hand from his head and felt around for his hand, Manny understanding what you were asking for and linking his fingers in yours as he picked up speed again. You clenched his hand as you came, Manny's thumb pressing lovingly into the back of your hand as he worked your through it.
He pulled back and pressed his lips to your thigh, rubbing his cheek on your skin as you caught your breath. You stroked his cheek and he pressed his head into your palm as he made his way back up your body, stopping to drop kisses on your skin as he went. He smiled down at you then brushed your nose with his, speaking against your lips as he nestled himself between your legs, "now, I'd normally be down there until you can't see straight but I'm a weak man and can't wait any longer, you alright with that?"
You nodded, pressed your lips to his and you tasted yourself on his lips as he smiled against your skin, "that's fine with me."
He chuckled, reaching down to grab his cock before sliding inside you so slowly that you could feel every inch of him, "you good?"
You sighed and lifted your hands to his face, pulling him in for a kiss, "I'm great, are you?"
Manny smiled and dropped his forehead onto yours, "everything is perfect." He started to rock his hips slowly, making sure to brush your G-spot with each pass as he held himself up on one hand and snaked the other between your bodies to rub your clit.
His hips picked up speed as he pressed his lips to yours and you rocked your hips to meet his pace, Manny picking up as you moaned into his mouth. He faulted for a moment, taking in a shaking breath, "fuck I love you so much."
You smiled and placed a hand on his cheek, stroking his skin with your thumb as you looked into his eyes, "I love you too."
He picked up the pace, his groans becoming more desperate as he worked you closer to the edge, "fuck, you feel so good Mi Amor. Can you give me one more? I can feel how much you're squezzing me."
You nodded, Manny slowing to a glacial pace, "I need a verbal answer Tesoro."
You whimpered as he sped up again, "yes please, whatever you want."
He smirked and kissed you, nipping your lower lip, "well I want you to cum again, you can do that for me, can't you?" The fingers on your clit picked up speed and your legs hugged him closer to your body as you contracted around him, Manny grunting and falling on top of you as he tried to compose himself.
"Fuck." Manny buried his face in your neck as he came, his teeth finding your skin while his hips stuttered. He pressed soft kisses to your face, starting on your temple then moving to each cheek before finally landing on your lips.
He shifted his hips and slid out of you, rolling over onto his side and taking you with him, "you need anything Mi Amor?"
You shook your head, "nothing at all."
He smiled and brushed your cheek with his nose before kissing you again, "you stay here, I'm going to clean you up then get us some snacks."
"I can get the snacks." You meant it but your legs were still shaking.
"It's alright gorgeous, what kinda boyfriend am I if I don't make sure you're looked after."
You sighed and drew him back in for a kiss as he got up, "I am one lucky woman."
He went to the kitchen first, getting two bowels of mango ice cream and placing them on the bedside table before wetting a soft cloth with warm water and cleaning you up, chuckling as you flinched away from him.
He picked up the bowels and handed you one before flopping next to you and beckoning him into his arms. You sat with your back against his firm chest and he smiled as you settled in, "are you comfortable?"
You nodded, "very, I wish we never had to leave."
Manny sighed, "we have all of tomorrow morning and most of the afternoon to ourselves, if you like we can stay home tomorrow night too."
You shook your head, "no way, if we do that they'll be breaking down our door. Anyway, I want to do some face rubbing."
Manny pressed his lips to your cheek, his skin cold from the ice cream, "I'll go wash up and let the cats in, you get ready for bed."
You gave him a look but he shot you down, "I got to look after my favourite girl."
You did as he asked, listing to him talk to the cats while he cleaned up. He returned holding Lady Midnight, her face still unimpressed, "she's still mad at you."
He chuckled, "I gave them all some treats, I think I've made amends."
He placed her on the bed and the others jumped up while Manny made a detour to the bathroom to get himself ready for bed, coming out a few minutes later. "What drawer are your underpants in?"
You made a face, "top one, why?" He smiled and walked over, getting out a pair and throwing them to you before retrieving some from his bag, getting dressed and climbing into bed.
He shifted Sir Fluffernutter and settled in next to your, wrapping his arms around you while you rested your head on his chest, his heart beating under your ear.
"You need anything else Mi Amor?" His fingertips were brushing your upper arm softly, while he looked over your face.
"No, I'm great. Are you alright?"
He smiled, "I'm perfect." He pressed his lips to your forehead and pulled the blankets over your bodies, "good night y/n."
You craned your head and kissed him softly, "good night Manny."
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Manny smiled and pressed his lips to yours, "morning Mi Amor."
You sighed and sat up slightly, looking him over in the dapple morning light, "you need anything handsome?"
His smile widened and he pulled you on top of him, "I can think of one thing."
You bent at the waist and kissed him, "and what is that thing?"
Manny ran his hand up your sides then back down to your legs, his cock hardening rapidly under you, "you."
You smiled back and placed your hands on his hard chest, "I can give you that."
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You and Manny showed up at the Clubhouse mid afternoon to smiles and cheers, "how did making up for lost time go?"
You rolled your eyes, "get your porn somewhere else Angel."
He chuckled, "I just thought you be busy."
Manny sighed, "we figured we show up just to rub our happiness in your faces."
Bishop chuckled, "rub away, these fucks deserve it for all the shit they've put me through trying to get you two together."
You smiled and looped your arm around Manny's, "see, we can rub away."
Manny shook his head, "you are terrible."
You pressed a kiss on his cheek, "I know."
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The sun had just begun to set when the other came in, Manny didn't even acknowledge Canche when he and Yuma walked in, it was Raul swaggering over to Bishop that had his attention, "what do you think going on there?"
Manny shrugged and pointed to his hand, "looks like he handing in transfer papers, good fucking riddance."
You sighed and reached a hand out to cup his face, Manny pressing his cheek into your palm, you leaned in close and brushed your lips with his, "I know this might seem a bit forward but maybe we can give him a proper send off?"
Manny looked over your face, his own filled with mischief, "I happened to know that the supply closet I help you stock is pretty close to where he normally sits. Is that the kind of thing you're thinking about?"
You nodded, "yes, I mean, it's not like everyone else hasn't had sex in there, hell, Bishop got down on the pool table."
Manny laughed, "you sure you're up for it, we've been very busy."
You smiled, he was so thoughtful, "yeah, I'm up for it. You wanna go now or…"
Coco dropped himself onto the couch next to you and Manny, "so, are you happy you finally spilled the beans?"
Manny gave him a nod, "yep."
You repeated his sentiment, "very, I am the happiest I've been in a long time."
Coco smiled, "good, I'm real happy for both of you, I always thought you be good together." His smile turned into a grin, "so y/n, does out boy live up to the hype?"
Manny smirked and you shook your head before responding, "oh, yes, most definitely. In fact, I would argue that the others ladies were underselling him a bit."
Angel walked over just in the nick of time to catch the tail end of your comment, "what was that?"
He sat down on a chair opposite with a beer in his hand and Coco smiled, "our boy can lay pipe."
You rubbed your face, "oh my God, can you two shut up. Yes, I'm getting great dick, can we drop it now?"
Angel chuckled, "good for you, if you had listened to me you could have had that good dick months ago but I'm still happy for you."
You pulled the pillow from behind your back and threw it at him, "shut up Reyes."
Manny tapped your softly, "be nice Mi Amor, it's not his fault he doesn't know when to shut up. And if anything, Bish is the reason we finally got together."
Bishop came over at the mention of his name, "you two need something?"
You shook your head, "no, they're just being little boys."
Bishop shook his head, "what's new, but you're not making it worse, are you y/n?"
You did your best not to laugh, "nope, I'm an Angel."
Bishop raised an eyebrow, "sure. I thought I's let you know that it's Raul's last night here, you should wish him well before he leaves with Yuma."
Manny placed his arms behind you and rested his hand on your shoulder, "don't worry pres, we'll give him a proper goodbye."
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That chance came when the party really started and Raul took his normal spot a few feet away from the storeroom, his new friends crowding around him to talk about whatever it was those Yuma assholes found interesting.
You grabbed Manny's hand and stood up, walking him into the small room then shutting and locking the door behind you, "how this?"
He smiled, "this is great, do you think you can stay quiet?"
You pressed your lips to his neck, "I thought you wanted the opposite?"
Manny's hand found your cheek as he walked you towards the door until your back was pressed against it, "nah gorgeous, those sounds aren't for anyone but me, you understand?"
He had a tone to his voice that was so deeply possessive that it made it impossible to deny him, "yes, I understand. I won't make a sound."
Manny smiled and trailed his fingertips down your chest until he was reaching the buttons on your top, "good girl." He kissed you as he undid your top, his lips firm on yours as he took control, leaving you breathless.
After your top went your bra and his lips wrapped around one nipple while his fingers came to stroke the other. You did your best but you couldn't help the gasp as his other hand slipped down your body, unzipped your jeans and moved to rub you over your panties.
Your head fell back against the door as his fingers moved against you with purpose, there was no softness here, he was a man on a mission and his sole goal was getting you off as fast as possible. You restored to placing a hand over your mouth the muffle your whimper and Manny's smile only grew as he sucked marks onto your neck.
You rushed to free yourself of your clothes, shoving Manny's hand away as he chuckled so he didn't have any barriers to your skin. When your jeans and panties were in a pile on the floor, his hand returned to your body and a grunt reverberated through his chest, "fuck, you're soaked Mi Amor."
You bit your lower lip as he sunk two fingers inside you, he swallowed your whimper as he pressed his palm to your clit, "come on Mi Amor, I can feel how close you are, let go for me." He spoke his words right into your ear, his lips brushing your skin as his fingers worked you over. You buried your head in his shoulder as you came and Manny's fingers left your body as he took a step back.
You reached out and fumbled to get his clothes off, his kutte and shirt falling in a heap before you moved onto his jeans, yanking them down just far enough to pull his cock out, "are you sure you can be quiet Tesoro?"
You looked at him, eyes wide and desperate, before shaking your head, "I don't think so."
He was looking at you with that tilt to his head, his lips brushing yours as he lifted his leg over his hip and pressed you up against the door. He grabbed his cock and ran it up and down your slit, placing it at your entrance before flashing you a smug grin, "oh, I know. But that's alright, can you try for me?"
You nodded, "yes, yes I'll try." He slid inside you in one smooth thrust and you let out a strangled moan.
His hips started to rock and you muffled your noises in his solid body, Manny didn't seem to like that because he was pulling out of you and spinning you around and slamming back inside you with a grunt. One hand found your temple as he pulled your head back to access your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin as he slid his hand down your body to rub your clit.
You let out a particularly desperate moan and the sound finally made it outside. Raul was sitting at the table with Yuma, doing his best to ignore the sounds that were so opposite to what he had described to his new friends, his lie becoming more evident with every thrust of Manny's hips.
Coco leapt up from his spot sitting with his friends and walked over to the speakers before turning to dial a notch and sitting back down with a shake of his head, "you alright man?"EZ was barely holding back his laugh.
Coco shook his head, "I do not need to hear this."
Angel sighed and sipped his beer then stood up seeing his opportunity when Raul left to get more beer for table, he wandered over to the bar, not even glancing at the man as he spoke, "I bet you're feeling real stupid, I would say that could have been you if you'd played your cards right but we both know that would have never happened. I guess you'll have those pretty noises to keep you going, it's not like you'll ever be the cause of them."
Back in the closet, you could hear the music coming through the door, someone must have turned it up a notch or two to hide the sounds of your pleasure. Manny nipped your ear and groaned into your hair as he felt you get tighter around him, "I guess you couldn't be quiet enough, what am I going to do about that?"
You couldn't form words as he pushed you over the edge with a well aimed thrust. "There you go, you did so well for me." He chased his own high, slamming his fist against the wall as he peaked. He held you up and slipped out of you, his lips pressing gently to the back of your neck as his hands ran up and down your arms.
"You good Mi Amor?" His voice was rough but calm as you spun around, pressed your chest to his and leaned against him.
"I'm perfect."
Manny brushed your sweat stuck hair off your face and dropped his forehead into yours, "that's good, you need anything?"
You shook your head, "no, I'm just preparing myself for what we're going to walk back into."
Manny chuckled, "if anyone upsets you I'll punch them." He pulled his pants back up then collected the rest of his clothes, helping your dress before throwing his kutte on and placing his hand on the door, "you ready?"
You nodded and he pulled it open, throwing an arm over your shoulder and walking out. There was a round of applause and you buried your face in his neck in embarrassment, Angel walked over with a smirk, "so, you kids have fun?"
You punched his chest, "shut the fuck up, I wasn't that loud."
Manny grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips, shaking his head with a soft chuckle, "come now Mi Amor, there's no need for that."
Angel didn't relent, "I mean, you were before Coco turned up the music to drown you out. I'm happy for you, I really am."
Manny smiled at glanced behind him at Raul and his new friends before pressing a kiss to your cheek, "I'll be right back." You walked off with Angel and sat on one of the couches to look at the unfolding scene as Manny approached the former Santo Padre prospect.
He tapped the man on the shoulder, his chest puffed out as he spoke, "I want an apology."
Raul balked, "fucking why?"
Manny smiled, "because you talked shit about my lady and I can't stand for that. I've proved you wrong about y/n and now I want you to tell me you're sorry. Until you leave here you're still our bitch so I want to hear you say it."
Canche didn't seem impressed, "look I get it, he said shit about your bitch and now you need to correct him but I think you've done enough of that already when you almost broke your hand on his face. There's no reason to fuck up this good thing we have going over some whore."
Everyone felt the air get cold, "what the fuck did you just say?"
You shuddered, the calm coolness in Manny's voice didn't bode well for Canche. You got up, hoping to be able to stop it before it became nasty but Angel put his hand on your shoulder, "let him handle it."
Canche stood up and did his best to look intimidating, "I said, your woman is a……." The crack of Manny's fist was bone shattering, and you flinched out of your skin as Canche hit the ground, the urge to get up and step in almost unbearable.
Canche didn't stand a chance, Manny gripped his kutte and held him up as his fist landed on his face. Bishop tried to step in but he only managed to pull Manny away when EZ joined. Angel finally let you up and you ran over, "are you alright?"
Manny's chest was heaving, "I'm fine, I want to go home."
You took a deep breath, "alright, we'll go home." You looked towards Bishop who gave you a quick nod as just like that, you left.
Chapter releases are up to you.
Hearts and blank reblogs with no tags will be worth one point each.
Comments and reblogs with comments/tags will be worth two points each.
This means there is a maximum of five points per person.
Chapter Seven will be released after 20 points.
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apompkwrites · 1 year
Hello theree! Sorry that this took a while school plus lack of imagination is bad. But now it's time for Lil!Shroud's turn at the fluff (does this found as fluff?)
It was an unfortunate day for Lil!shroud, like the gods were unhappy that day and decided to mess up their day for their entertainment. First it was their alarm konking out and not waking them up and ended with them being late for morning class, then being called on to answer a hard question. And now it was a savanaclaw and pomefiore student picking on them. They've been picking on Lil!Shroud for the past week, they always thought it was impressive how people from these dorms will only cooperate if it's picking on someone or a competition against Royal Sword Academy.
The confrontation began escalating and that started pushing them around, this lead to Lil!Shroud falling to the floor. They were just about to start gloating when "HEY! Leave my older sibling alone!" followed by a power magic beam that barely missed them. The bullies ran and Ortho dashed over "YEA! EZ GET REKT LOSERS!"Ortho shouted, "Sorry that's just something I heard big brother say, are you alright!? They didn't hurt you too bad did they?" "I'm ok Ortho, think I'll get a bruise though" Ortho inspected to area they were talking about. "Let's get you to the infirmary, I'll tell big brother about this and-" "No! Uhm- no you don't have to Ortho, it's not that big a'deal" The Android boy tilted his head in confusion "But he should know about this, you were being bullied!" Lil!Shroud knew that arguing with Ortho would lead to them somehow agreeing with him and telling Idia, he was very persuasive. Still they stayed firm on their decision and he respected that. But Ortho didn't need to tell Idia about this incident because he already saw it go down. A perk of being able to access the security cameras in the entire school was he could watch over his siblings from the comfort of his room, but if anyone was in his room then and there, they would be anything but comfortable. His hair was a burning red at these level 1 noobs who would dare put hands on his little sibling. Though it's true that they don't have as deep a connection as he and Ortho, they were still family. All those years of unjust isolation made Idia hold them closer to his heart.
It was fortunate they were in a spot where the cameras can see their face, he could identify them easily and found them magicam. Idia isn't usually one to send threatening messages to people (under an anonymous account) like a weirdo super fan but when it comes to his sibling, he makes an exception. The next few days Lil!Shroud notices that Ortho hangs around more, they don't mind however, the students picking on them got the message and backed off. While the fiery haired 3rd year stayed in his room, watching the camera looking at his siblings he feels a little guilty. If he weren't such a recluse, he could've protected Lil!Shroud in person and make more of an impact than just sending messages to them on magicam, his position as a dormleader was useful for these kinds of situations. Instead he couldn't even overcome his insecurities to help his little sibling. But after the events of what happened to Ortho, losing both of his siblings, he can't go through that again. So for now, he will work up his confidence and try to reconnect with his sibling. The first step to gaining favour points in a game is talking after all.
Wow that took a while. Sorry for not giving a story for a long time (even tho I said it was coming soon) I couldn't think of much 💀💀 I think it's only Lil!Asim left? Anyway thank you for being patient with me and have a wonderful day/night!
hngm my lil baby shroud :) and don't worry about taking breaks!!!
you got idia's relationship with them perfect tbh. he wants so badly to reconcile but he doesn't let himself because he's scared.
but anyway love the comfort for lil shroud. they're long overdue for family bonding :((
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Time - Michael 'Riz' Ariza x Reader
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life, @danzer8705 @mysoulisasunflower @vannabanana1995
It was the first night that you had woken up alone in a long time. You stretched your bare legs before rolling over onto Riz's side, your hand reaching out for him blindly, your fingers grasping cool sheets.
You understood what was keeping up him at night, this war with the Reapers. It was relentless and brutal, just last night they’d found three Mayans burnt to death in the desert, a friend of EZ’s, Manny among them.
You raised your head from the pillow, surveying the room as your hands rubbed over your exhausted features. You knew where he’d be, the same place you always disappeared to when the world became too much.
You found him on the steps of the decking in his back garden, surveying the array of cacti and agaves as he smoked a cigarette in the dark. The profile of his features was illuminated in the light from the moonlight. You couldn’t read his expression, but you knew he was deep in thought. That white vest clung to his torso as he blew a smoke ring out his mouth. He didn’t even register your presence until your hand came to rest lightly on his shoulder before you sat down next to him.
Riz tilted his head towards you before stubbing out the cigarette on the wood beneath his bare feet.
"I hate feeling so helpless." he admitted into the silence of the night.
Your cheek came to rest upon his shoulder as your arm threaded through his, fingers lacing together.   There was solace in the touch, a hope in his heart that the two of you would get through this, that the you’d both survive along with everyone else you loved.
"I've been thinking..." Riz told you, looking down at your entwined fingers, his thumb gracing over the space where one day he hoped a ring would reside.
"Should I be concerned?" You teased as his forehead came to rest upon yours.
"You know how I feel." He said helplessly. “I wish we had more time...”
His voice was gruff as he spoke. You could sense the well of emotion residing inside of him as you put your palm to the place where his heart beat within his chest. You could feel it's constant, steady thrum underneath your fingertips.
"You need to promise me if something happens..."
"Don't talk like that." You cut him off.
“It’s not something I want to think about Songbird.” He told you, his thumb chasing over the blush of your cheek until he cupped your face in his palm. "But if something happens to me, I want you to be happy."
"If anything happens to you..." You trailed off, unable to bring yourself to say the words.
I'll never be happy again.
Life would become empty and barren, you would live but not truly. Your existence would be pockmarked with the possibilities of what could have been.
You wanted to show him that your love was unconditional, that even though the future wavered right before your eyes, you were his, you would always be his.
"Marry me." You said earnestly. “If our time is running out, I want to spend as much of it as I can as your wife.”
Love Riz? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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raayllum · 1 year
Imo I just can’t see Callum willingly giving up the cube to Aaravos just for Rayla. He’s way too principled and moral to do that. Knowing him he’d probably aim to figure out some clever solution instead.
That's fine! Everyone views and interprets characters differently. Callum has just always had an edge to him that Ezran and Rayla don't, as protagonists. I very much view him as someone who has principles but is willing to bend them for the people he loves / his inner circle (Ez and Rayla), i.e. lying to Lujanne solely to try and give Rayla closure vs Rayla having reservations over doing it (even tho in her mind she was doing this for the whole world); Callum being willing to do dark magic at all; Ezran being sad/bothered at killing the monster troops in 3x09 whereas Callum is just smug/smiling.
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Callum being so 'personal' oriented is also what I think leads to him missing what Rayla's core issue is in TTM as well, I think (although she's also not communicating well about her anxieties). He focuses on her grief about her parents because that'd be his primary concern (and the one she's sharing with him) but Rayla's biggest issue is the threat Viren poses (globally) and Callum just doesn't tend to think that way.
As well as his parallels to Viren ("Ah, so that's what this is really about: pride" / "You're going to stay here and die out of pride?" / "I have always been ready to do anything to protect my family, however dangerous, however vile" / "You don't want to do this Callum, it's really dangerous unless someone shows you how" + "I'll help any way I can"). S4 also has a call back to him accidentally on purpose breaking magical objects, referencing his conversation with Claudia in 2x02 about him giving up the primal stone to save Zym (and ease Ez and Rayla's burdens), and later in that same season Callum also says that "But Rayla, the whole world is like a giant primal stone."
Tales of Xadia (which is continually being referenced more and more in show, with the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea featuring in S5, mentions of Leola, etc.) actually spells this out, with Callum's bio stating, "I value those close to me more than anyone and anything" and "I'm beholden to my inner circle, not some silly kingdom" (which is not what I'd want to hear from my crown prince, lmao).
There's also just the fact that Callum just cannot successfully stop Aaravos from getting out from a Storytelling Perspective and given that Aaravos is chasing what Callum thematically represents (Freedom) I've bet on Callum being involved for a long long time. Aaravos has to get out. We're not in the finale "triumphant heroes" season yet. S5-S6 is going to be a Tragedy.
Do I think Callum will go in happily to give up the cube? Not at all. It's a do-or-die, backed into a corner, no choices left kind of choice. Creative solutions won't be enough this time - for him or for Viren. That's the whole point
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neonmeron · 9 months
月曜日 2023/9/25
月曜日 2023/9/25
こんにちは!! みんなは元気?私はまあまあ。
I know I said I would post over the summer but I didn't. ごめん!
I know we're a bit in the semester already but I missed the first two weeks because of some family stuff and I was playing catch up when I got back. i've just been so busy with work, school, clubs, etc. and then i was going through relationship drama, and was pretty depressed due to that and overworking myself BUT I will try my best to summarize what we've learned so far. 自分が大丈夫だ。(と思います。)
The major grammar points we've learned so far are
お/ご+verb stem+します
can't forget to mention the crap ton of kanji and vocab we have to learn on the daily 😀
you know the drill.... lets go over the grammar!!
So たいです/たくないですadds on to the verb stem and it means want/desire for something
I want to eat = (私は)食べたい(です)。(were gonna keep things casual)
i want to drink alcohol = お酒を飲みたい。
I want to skip class = 授業(じゅぎょう)をサボりたい。
I want to climb Mt. Fuji = 富士山(ふじさん)に登(のぼ)りたい。
I want to make a cake = ケーキを作りたい。
I dont want to learn Japanese = 日本語を習いたくない。
(for negative sentences, instead of い you put the くない。)it's the same for いadjectives so im not gonna cover it much. I think you guys can figure it out. (I believe in you!)
Pretty simple. ます form but put たい instead. EZ PEEZEE
Similarly is たがっている。 that's used when you talk about what someone else wants. If I remember correctly, my teacher told us that expressing your wants is childish in Japanese culture? I think it was something like that but i'll have to fact check that.
So, Tanaka wants to work at the library. = 田中さんは図書館で働きたがっている。
You set it up as if your about to say たい but instead of い, you say がっている。もっと練習しましょう。
母は写真を撮りたがっている。It seems my mom would like to take a picture. Both the tanaka example and mom example are correct. They pretty much mean the same thing.
Uno mas
山下先生は風邪(かぜ)をひきたがっていない。Prof. Yamashita doesnt want to catch a cold. (i looked online and through every paper I had and none specified if I used いません or some other way so were gonna go with this for now.
Again, easy peasy. Moving on.
たりする is used to list events. Its similar to ~て、but て is more like exact events. たり is used to describe things you did without explaining everything, if that makes sense
パリとダブリンに行ったり、買い物をしたりした。= I did things like go to Paris and Dublin and go shopping.
ケーキを作ったり、 本を読んだりした。
たり is in past て form!!
たり implies you did more than JUST going there and shopping. 分かる?instead of たい,you change the い to り and then when you finished the sentence, you can do たりする、たりした、たりします、たりしました、たりするのは/が。。。です~~~ and so forth.
ほうがいいです is should/should not do. Its also called “its better to do…”
You should do something: past+ほうがいいです(ね/よ)
You should not do something: present negative+ほうがいいです(ね/よ)
Por ejemplo,
You should not exercise - うんどうしないほうがいいです。
You should sing - 歌ったほうがいいです。
You should no go out tonight - 今夜出かけないほうがいいです。
You should take medicine - くすりを飲んだほうがいいです。
Its kinda confusing cause theres also どっちのほうがいいですか。which we learned last semester but i guess mean the same thing. “Its better if you do xyz”,,,, “which is better?”
We can then pair this up with んです
Lowkey, im an んです hater. Its purpose it to “add emotion”
For present verbs you do dictionary form + んです ー 食べる>食べるんです。
For past verbs you do short て form + んです ー 食べた>食べたんです。
For positive い adjectives, you simply add the んです after the い。 ー かわいい>かわいいんです
For negative present  い adjectives, you negate it normally and then have the んです the ない ー かわいくない>かわいくないんです
For negative past い adjectives you negate it normallly かわいくなかった and simply add the the んです>かわいくなかったんです。
For な adjectives, you add なんです。元気なんです、好きなんです、にぎやかなんです。
For past な adectives, its just 元気だったんです、すきだったんです、にぎやかだったんです。
The short form of でした.
I feel like its pretty self explanatory.
Lets combine んです and ほうがいいです
A: ああ、あたまがいたいんです…
See?! Super easy! 
I’m kinda running out of time so I’ll leave it at that for now. I also don't want this to get too long. Next post will have すぎる、~ので、and お/ご and then after that I’ll finally tell you all about my summer and things happening in my life lately!! I'm so happy to finally be posting again. I've missed you, reader-chan. I finally have someone to talk to TT
今日の歌はKumi Koda - Guess Who Is Backです。(I remember listening to this song when I was a freshman in highschool. maybe it was middle school...ah, the memories..)
Notice any errors? Lmk!! I always want to fix my mistakes so I can learn better. ありがとう!
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ravennaortiz · 2 months
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it.....
"The Missing Pages"
Thank you for sending me this!!! I love these so much!!!
This title screams mystery to me! Angst, betrayal, love, grief etc. We will collect all the feels in this one!
Angels, pregnant wife goes missing after a heated argument over....EZ. He storms out after his temper slips enough that he punches a hole in the wall. He knows he needs to cool down and that she deserves a man who can argue correctly.
He returns the next day and she is gone, nothing seems amiss so he heads to the clubhouse. Assuming she went to work etc, because he texted her and she replied back.
Later that day, police show up to question him about her where about and now the house is a crime scene and blood is everywhere. She is presumed dead, eventually Angel is released from police custody and spends a year trying to come to terms with everything.
He is finally able to start going through her things....that is when he realizes pages from her journals she wrote in every day are missing, pages from some of her favorite books as well as some of her art sketches.
He then realizes that on a blank page it has indents, using a pencil he rubs it over and the words on one of the missing pages start to appear __ did it, save us
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shimmershae · 5 months
Desperately want to get back into writing again but that last season of TWD really took the wind out of my creative sails when TPTB did the most to try to make us forget that Carol is and always will be TWDU's Queen and that Carol and Daryl share one of, if not the most special, magnetic connections in television. Like they really thought if we didn't see her and they (force)fed us a steady diet of Maggie, Maggie, Maggie that we'd forget (nothing against Maggie, she just doesn't capture and keep this girl's interest). And the way they kept sucking my girl back into EZ's orbit. Like I enjoyed that dude so much more when they focused on his friendship with Jerry and his developing one with Princess and the others; he felt so much more well rounded and real. Every time you thought he and Carol had achieved some kind of healthy closure and they could both move on (into more interesting stories), TPTB was all ahahaha, fooled ya. But enough about that.
I want to write again. I miss it like a missing limb.
But I know I'll torpedo any progress I make when I inevitably post something (inevitably is presumptuous, lmao, but we'll leave it) and unfairly compare myself to others. Because that's my weak spot. It's what I do. Excuse me while I hide beneath a mountain of blankets on this rainy day in embarrassment and shame.
I am but a mere mortal. Human. And filled with all the insecurities that condition entails. Forgive me.
Any of you lovelies have any advice or encouragement to offer? Aside from the tried and true adage to write for myself? I've been doing that. I have 101 outlines for stories on my hard drive that chug along only to get stymied when I wonder whether they will entertain anyone other than myself. I'd say it's okay if they don't and it ultimately is. But interacting and sharing and loving on these two idiots in love is the community aspect I miss even more than writing itself.
I need some fucking Pixie Dust to stoke that inner belief. You lovelies get what I'm saying?
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bashfulgnome · 2 years
10 Years of Wrecking, Week 5 – Overflow
10 Years of Wrecking
Week 5 (Nov. 26 - Dec. 2): Free Week
My friend @cr1ms0nlord shared some lovely art with me and asked if I could write a fic based on the same concept (thanks for the idea buddy!). Well, what better time to release it than on the final day of 10 Years of Wrecking?
The fic is under the cut, but I would also like to thank everyone who participated in this month-long celebration and shared their WIR art, stories, and thoughts with the fandom for the anniversary. I'll continue reblogging any more contributions that I've missed and you're free to keep creating whenever you'd like (believe me, I take a really long time to make fanworks) but a big thank you to all participants and all of my wonderful friends I've made in this fandom. You've made these past 10 years amazing and I'm so glad we've met and bonded over this awesome movie. I hope to have many more good times with you all in the future!
She'd just about finished her ramen, but he hadn’t even noticed. 
The cool early-evening breeze in the shady outdoor patio ruffled the awnings of the shops and hotels along the main street in Extreme EZ Livin' 2. Felix had told her when she met up with him that it might be a little chilly, and insisted on lending her one of his shirts for an extra layer over her tank top just in case. The little button-down uniform wasn't exactly a comfortable fit, but the thought alone warmed her up just fine. It was pretty cute that he’d forgotten the height difference, too.
Tamora watched Felix struggling with the noodles, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, clearly unaccustomed to this kind of utensil. The chopsticks were smooth and free of splinters (a testament to the quality of the restaurant) but this didn't exactly help him grip his food. He'd spent the entire meal trying to make sure everything went perfectly. She was accustomed to chaos and disappointment–surely nothing could've SNAFU'd a lunch date that badly–but he seemed hyperfocused on making sure he didn't spill anything, or splash any hot broth, or make any noises.
Watching his consideration in overdrive merged affection and pity, how he cared about doing his best for her so much that he suppressed his little quirks and nervous habits. Not that it could've have been possible for him to even do anything in this situation that would drive her off; even when Felix was completely out of his element he always meant well.
It was something that attracted her to him, that even this early on in their relationship he tried so hard and valued what they had started building so much, but she couldn't help feeling that she was killing him somehow. Sprites passing through Game Central and hiding fearful glances, making a hole at her approach...did he sometimes see her that way too? Was he just better at hiding it?
If she stayed too long, would she erode what made him...him? The sweetness, patience, loyalty–how could he stay in one piece? He was used to such a simple life; how could she be anything other than too much? 
Tamora felt her own grip on her wrist tighten. The thought that eventually he'd be disappointed–or worse, hurt–if he got into this any deeper...burned and scratched inside her head. Just looking at him, a tenderness welled inside her chest that compelled her to keep Felix safe, to make sure his happiness wasn't wasted. She couldn't deny her own feelings for him of course, but he'd fallen hard and fast, riding higher than a past-midnight BurgerTime customer. Whatever image he had of her would have to shatter under its own weight eventually, in spite of them both. 
And still, what she’d been through tore at the scars whenever they had started to close, the cuts even deeper with the knowledge that it technically wasn't "real", never had been. That barrier was invisible but solid as any boundary at the edge of the map. It amazed her that the warmth he radiated was even able to pass through that wall, or that she'd turned out to be capable of sending any of her own back out towards him.
Maybe she was healing, the wounds opening less often and closing a little more tightly and quickly each time. Whether it was at his expense she couldn't tell.
Chancing a peek over at Felix, she noticed his cheeks had flushed from the heat of the dish. He lifted his head from the bowl, looked around, and made eye contact with her as he became reacquainted with his surroundings. 
"Still hot?"
His face went blank for a moment before he answered with a delayed startle.
"Oh yes ma'am...the ramen! The ramen's still pipin' hot! Had to take a break or I would've steamed my face right off!"
The corners of her mouth quirked into an unguarded smile. She could listen to that voice read a technical manual.
In a fit of nervous laughter Felix glanced back down at his chopsticks, still awkwardly adorned with a tangle of ramen–the broth dripping onto the table and his pants. Panicked, he took one bite and inhaled, pulling the noodles in with a loud, unintended slurp that bugged his eyes out in surprise.
Something in her chest twisted itself loose. Before she could think, a gale of laughter blew out from deep inside her. She leaned her forehead into one hand and gripped the table with the other, the crashing double-wave of that goofy visual and sound pummeling her previous train of thought and knocking her off balance.
Felix scrambled for a clump of napkins to dry his face and table before that...beautiful sound pealed in his ears. He'd heard chuckles and snorts from Tamora before, but never this lovely outburst of uninhibited happiness.
He reached out a hand to clasp over hers in affection and felt the tickle of an oncoming laugh himself. Unfortunately, he didn't make it past a sharp breath before being immediately reminded that all the spice had settled into that last mouthful of his meal.
“Tha-haaaaat” he wheezed, “wa-haaas a mistake!”
His violent coughs finally shook her out of her laughing fit as she watched him down the rest of his drink in one shot.
"Felix..." she panted, "I-I'm so sorry, the…! The sound just–I couldn't help it, are you okay?"
"Whew…oh my land… I'm just dandy! Nothing a cold drink couldn't wash down. 'M sorry I made such a mess–"
"Don't be. Haven't laughed like that in ages." 
She put a hand across his back, letting it linger on its way, and leaned in to kiss him on the nose. Felix didn't bend, or break, or recoil. He just laid his hand atop hers on his shoulder, and leaned into her with an even redder face and contented sigh.
"I'm glad I got to hear it, Tammy."
It was such a sincere response that she couldn't bring herself to hold eye contact.
"Y'know, next time don't fuss so much. You're gonna need to save that stress for everything else I put you through."
"I'm not jokin', you have a wonderful laugh. I wanna make you do that more often."
"I'm not joking either."
Felix paused. He looked around again and lowered his voice to just above a whisper.
"This isn't about dinner, is it?" He fidgeted with his hammer, running his thumb over the head’s curve. "I know I've been a bit jumpy lately but...I just don't wanna step on any toes. You don't have to tell me anythin' if you don't want to, but I won't be goin' anywhere if you do either. I can handle it, I promise."
Tamora pulled him a little closer.
She'd eaten the stalest crackers and ugliest MREs the service had to offer, but he cooked homemade soup, chili, and pies for her anyway.
She'd show up at her game’s exit covered in blood and grime from work and gotten into some brutal fistfights, but he still politely took off his hat and kissed her hands anyway.
She'd learned to manage the lingering mental scars and nightmares, but he did his best to understand and take care of whatever he could to put her at ease anyway.
Felix may have been a lover rather than a fighter, but if he was tough enough to stay by her side...well, maybe she didn't have anything to be afraid of. All those things Tamora loved about him weren't just painted on. She couldn't wear away something that filled him from the inside out, not any more than he could ever take away the fire that'd forged her relentless spirit in everything she undertook. He'd only ever stoked it.
"I'll take that chance if you will," she finally replied with a smile. "Maybe I can return the favor."
He kissed her knuckles and gazed up into her eyes with that entranced look that always settled across his features in moments like these.
"You already have..."
That settled it. He wasn't about to be one more thing that her past would take away from her.
Tagging some of my WIR buddies: @ask-icancraft-it @ashleybenlove @sgtcalhouns @coneygoil @kittysfigurines24 @fix-it-feesh @sadboy-tristan @make-it-mavis @datamining-your-heart @scarfboyxiv @wirridrs @doodlexx
Let me know if you would like your name added to the tags for future fics!
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tanix-dragon · 10 months
I just reblogged this post, and for good reason--when I saw it, it made me freeze. Dragonbrain turned on and I felt the strongest wing shift of my life and started doing a fear-response throat click. While I am not familiar with that particular building or even the book it's from, and it's definitely not a source or anything, it's so eerily similar to something in my dragon-self's memories that I know what the stone of that place feels like under my claws.
I also know what it sounds like to hear chains drag across its floors.
The absolute flood of noemata, of impressions, I got from this is insane. I have to write them down fast before I forget.
The stone is rough and course under claws.
There were chains. I was chained.
There were other dragons, too, and most were chained, although some were ridden by... something, some smaller creatures, and while they did not want to be, realistically, they had no choice
I was much, much smaller--an adolescent, maybe? I remember thinking that I could carry one of the smaller humanoids (I think they were humanoids, and I'll just call them that for now) if I had to but it wouldn't be easy. (For reference, the size I'm usually used to knowing myself to be is, like, fifty feet.)
I don't think all of my red markings had come in yet. I could be wrong, but my visual memories aren't showing me the markings on my forelimbs.
I was in a... cell, I think, down in a dungeon, and chained up like a horse is tied to a post. There were other dragons down there, too, the ones that were either there for "early processing" or tossed down there until they "broke." I think? It was dark, and wet, and stony, and some of us were kept down there.
There was a dull red dragon down there with me, a male, I think an adult but not a terribly old one--by my noemata and reconstruction of my language, that would make the correct pronouns muut/muuk/muuv, so we'll just go with those.
I don't know muuv name but I think it started with an Ez- sound, maybe ended in an -iel? Human brain wants to say Ezekiel but that's obviously not right... or maybe it was an El- with a z not long after? Elaziel, Ezkhaliel? I don't know. Something like that.
Muut... couldn't fly, I think, or couldn't walk, or something. Muut was missing a limb, or had a badly damaged one... I know muut had a really badly fucked up forelimb but I think muuv wings were messed up, too? I don't know for sure. All I know is, muut was scarred and beaten, and muuv spirit was basically broken. Seeing me, though, reignited something in muuk, like muut couldn't stand to see such a young dragon down there.
I think muut aided in my escape, somehow? I don't know for sure, but I can hear muuv scratchy voice shouting "Mor anor axid, mor anor axid! Mor anor axid veran!" which is "Let them fly, let them fly! Let them fly away!" The use of anor tells me there were multiple escapees--Dranonic's singular pronouns are gender-neutral and you would never call another single dragon anor, since it's strictly plural.
I know I got away, somehow, perhaps because the dragon mounts of the humanoids heeded the red dragon's cry, or maybe I just got lucky. I took a bad injury, somewhere on my right side...? I don't know where, exactly.
I think there was a light green dragon involved somewhere in all of that, too, but I don't know where. Female, and older than me, I think, so prrrobably same pronoun set as the red dragon? I don't remember much about muut though, just that muut was down there in the dungeons with us.
The humanoids wanted us for... something. Mounts, mostly, I think, although I get the distinct impression that there was an arena, too. Maybe that's what the dungeon was for.
I think that the humanoids harvested the bodies of those of us who died. Scales for armor, wing membrane for cloaks, bones and claws and teeth for weapons.
I know that I flew far, far away from that place, and I think I never looked back. I don't think that, even as an adult, I ever returned, not even for vengeance. I wanted to never fear them again.
So... uh. What the fuck, I guess. That's a hell of a discovery!
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coffee-at-annies · 7 months
73. Poj and jars (friendship)
Lmao. Love you Ez
73. Kill the Sun by Motherfolk
This was one of my pandemic/lockdown songs that I listened to it and it instantly went yes and put it on every playlist ever
I thought about setting this in last spring but it hurt too much so instead I’m softening the blow and fitting the song better by making it a college au.
Jars is a junior in college and goalie for his d1 hockey team. Teddy is taking a gap year back home in Latvia so they they can be seniors together and then once they graduate they’re going to figure out next steps together.
Well time keeps knocking me on my back/I don't know how much I have left/ But is this year over yet/ Feels more and more like I'm trapped
Tristan maybe isn’t handling college as well he’s been telling Teddy and his friends. Between hockey, prepping for his senior thesis next, the rest of his classes - several of which are mandatory if he wants to graduate on time, and missing his boyfriend, he’s struggling.
Don't hold your breath for me/ I’ll be back before the morning comes/ You don't have to worry/ We don't quit til the bottle's done/ Don't burn a light for me/ I won't leave until paying up/ And if the dawn's early/ I'll have to kill the rising sun
If it’s not partying — it’s all nighters. If it’s neither of those then it’s his insomnia raging out of control. He’s seen more sunrises than he cares to admit aloud. He’s not letting it effect him. At least that’s what he tells himself. The insomnia is good for making sure he gets all his work done even if he’d rather be out with friends distracting himself from his inability to sleep.
This is I think where PO comes in. He’s a bright faced freshman who has been hanging with Kris and the other defensemen. They end up spending a bunch of time talking at a party the hockey team is throwing. PO’s major is in the same department as Tristan’s and he’s been struggling with one his classes. Tristan offers to help him study and they end up in a lounge twice a week from 10pm to 2am studying.
Life is a race against the light/ I'll tighten two grips on the night/ Don't try to tell me I'm alright/ When I still groan with appetite
Studying with a partner is really helpful for Tristan. So is explaining the basic material to PO. Tristan can feel him understanding of the material deepening as he tries to put it into words PO can understand. It’s not all one-sided. PO ends up helping him with his mandatory language class. They end up studying deep into the night more than a couple times. Enough times that PO starts to get worried.
In spite of all your love/ You fear what I become/ If this is killing me you can't be the one to tell me/ The shadow on your mind is growing all the times/ If this is killing me you can't be the one to tell me/ I just want you to know/ I finally can let this go
PO maybe expresses this worry to Kris who talks to Sid who asks Rusty who texts Zach who pulls Teddy into the discord voice call they have going and together they plan an intervention. Tristan isn’t sleeping and his friends have noticed. He’s become a zombie running on caffeine and has been taking way more random naps around the hockey frat house. The next time they wrap up studying at ass o’clock in the morning PO drags him back to his dorm to crash on his beanbag chair instead of his lonely single so even if his insomnia won’t let him sleep he can at least watch the sun rise with the sound of a teammate’s breathing in his ears and let himself slip into sleep that way.
Send me a number 1-100 + a pairing and I will tell you what song it corresponds to on my Spotify wrapped AND give you a 5 sentence summary of a fic based on that song
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