#I'll leave this here and anyone with talent may be able to do somethings
greyskyflowers · 1 year
Soft Zoro brought to you today by greyskyflowers
Yes, hello. I have decided that I will not rest until the world has more soft Zoro.
I'll start with this.
Zoro is not soft.
For the sake of this I'm going to run with the whole tiger vibes Zoro thing.
Tigers are friend shaped. They have the cutest little ears and they're so pretty that I just want to squish their little faces up and call them baby. It's a tragedy that I will not be able to do this. It's also a tragedy that if I ever get a chance to squish a tiger's little face up and call it baby that I will die happy as soon as I try to do so.
I love when I see videos of caretakers for wildlife being reunited with the animals they once helped take care of. Not zoos, the perserves and sanctuaries and stuff like that.
I love it.
Tigers are wild animals. I would not encourage anyone to go up to a tiger, squish it's little face and call it baby. Even those people who have the great relationship with them are alway a misstep away from being a chew toy.
To me, this is Zoro. This is what I want people to get from my stuff about soft Zoro or submissive Zoro or whatever else I spit out on here.
Soft is not weak. Submissive is not weak. Allowing yourself to be weak, is not a weakness.
A tiger is not any less of a tiger because it allows someone it knows and loves to pet it. It will take your fucking arm off if it wants to. It will kill you and then go take a nap.
Zoro is terrifying. He's strong and incredibly talented and he adapts to his environment very quickly. Him and Luffy should honestly scare the absolute shit out of people.
Plus he was a bounty hunter, and the demon stuff or whatever that is, I bet Zoro can be uncomfortable to be around. He probably has that predator vibe to him, gives you the feeling that something big and scary is watching you. Peacefully, for now, but that can very easily change.
I love the idea that Zoro is brutal and bloodthirsty and unhinged during fights.
I love the idea that he's intimidating and unnerving if you don't know him very well.
I love the idea that Zoro is none of those things with the crew.
I like him having a place where he was be relaxed, soft, open, and 100% accepted as he is.
So yeah, I want to see him napping in little puppy piles with the crew. I want to see him letting himself relax around them. I want him to let himself experience the beauty of loving someone enough to allow yourself to be vulnerable around them. I want him baring his throat and back and belly to them, comparable to a animal rolling over to show trust. A tiger showing it's belly for it's favorite humans.
Does that make him any less terrifying? Fuck no.
It should actually make him more terrifying. He is not a mindless violent entity, he is fully aware of everything and chooses to absolutely fuck people up.
There's always an awareness that he's letting them see him when he's soft. He is not the one powerless in a situation like that. At any moment he could snap at all of them and he probably has. I can very easily see him building up those walls again when someone does something stupid. Leaving the crew, fighting Luffy, or just being a dumbass.
He goes back to defensive, unsettling, distant. And that might be worse than Luffy's anger or disappointment, dealing with Zoro's distance. Especially after having it. No more naps with a always warm swordsman. No more easy affection or privilege of being one of the people to see a fully relaxed and soft Zoro. No more touches to surprisingly soft skin, and no more easily given vulnerable spots.
I said at one point that Zoro gave me tiger on a gold leash vibes and here it is.
He may call Luffy captain and follow him willingly but tame is not a word that should be used to describe Zoro.
Let him be soft and terrifying.
Let him rip apart a battle field and drop bodies like gifts at his crews feet. Let him go back home bloody and feral, and angrily headbutt them like a cat when they refuse to touch him until he's cleaned up.
Let him come back clean, blood and wildness washed off and wisked away down the drain. Let him lay over their laps, cuddle up, or anything else like that.
And someone write me a submissive Zoro fic, god damn, I'm dying over here.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC most likely
Thanks @willtheweaver here and here, @the-golden-comet here, @paeliae-occasionally here, @happypup-kitcat24 here, @urnumber1star here,
@sleepywriter00 here, and @leahnardo-da-veggie here!
Rules: explain which of your OCs is most likely to do each prompt, then tag people with three new prompts!
This accidentally built up whoops!
Most likely to embarrass their friends in public
Parker. Runner up is Jazlyn, but Parker relishes in it just a bit more, where Jazlyn has a stronger sense of when to stop. Parker has no sugh thing. He will embarrass Wade and Teo all the time, and if he goes out of his way to embarrass you, that probably means he likes you.
Most likely to get drunk/hungover
Let's narrow this down to only 18+ at the start of Part One, since everyone who is 18+ is in an area where that's the legal age.
So that's Liam, George, Carmen, and Jedi. (Carla is a complicated case so I'm just gonna leave her out of this.) Carmen hates getting drunk, so she's definitely out for most likely.
I think it's Liam. He's the kind of person to become the life of the party when drunk.
Most likely to get kicked out of summer camp
Parker. Reckless and stupid.
Most likely to order the spiciest meal on the menu
Ash. She will just push herself through it. She wants the risk.
Most likely to fall asleep at the most inconvenient time
Robbie. If he was sleep deprived for one reason or another, I feel like he would collapse right when he was needed.
Most likely to lie on their resume
Atsila. Yeah, she's dead, but I have plenty of flashbacks with her later. And she would do that to make herself look better so she can meet her goals.
Most likely to burn something while cooking
If it's not a meal he's confident in, it's Robbie because he may forget. But also cooking is, like, the only thing Niri is not talented in, at least according to most people. So, Niri.
Most likely to stop a robbery if they see it taking place.
Wade. Too much of a do-gooder. And he's capable.
Most likely to not tell people they’re sick until they really need the help.
Lexi. She'll insist that she's fine.
Most likely to arrive ridiculously early
Lexi again. She wants to show how much she cares by arriving super early!! She'll even help set up!!!
Most likely to be in a relationship for less than a week
Parker. Before he found out he was aromantic, I believe he dated and immediately broke up with someone at least twice. Partially because the romantic attraction wasn't there, partially because he's impulsive.
Most likely to secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone
Carla. I feel like she'd be good at, like, a woodwind. She has had a lot of free time. But she's so reserved and quiet, it just wouldn't come up.
I almost said Ewan cause he's the best at music and would downplay his accomplishments, but if you mention music in front of him his special interest kicks on and he won't stop talking.
Who's most likely to pull an accidental all nighter?
This is tricky. Robbie may lose track of time but I think he'd pass out. And I feel like Carmen's all nighter would be very intentional. Jedi has insomnia, so maybe him, but Teo is a good candidate to not be paying attention to the time and suddenly it's morning.
Who's most likely to get stranded on an island and thrive?
I'll go with Jazlyn. I think she can do it. She's super intelligent and resourceful, as well as being able to think on the fly. Close runner ups would be Parker again, but I think Jazlyn would think more things through, and Parker is more likely to get himself into trouble. Liam would be highly knowledgeable, I just don't know if he can put that into practice. Same with Wendy.
Most likely to get bullied by a random child?
Carmen and Jedi are super easy to make fun of, but I feel like Jedi is an easier target because Carmen can be scary.
Who's most likely to trip over nothing while walking?
Who's most likely to call their mom when they get scared?
Well, Ash does call her (step)mom when she gets scared. Also Noelle over-relies on her mom. Every other candidate either has a bad mom, their mom is dead, or they don't want to bother her.
Who's most likely to get drunk first at a party?
Well, Liam's most likely to get a hangover, but I feel like Jedi would get pretty tipsy early on, and if Carmen decided to fuck it and drink something then her low tolerance would make her go first.
Most likely to trip over themselves
Already said Robbie.
Most likely to forget their keys in the lock
.... I'm so sorry, Robbie....
Most likely to fall asleep on the bus
If it counts as an inconvenient spot, Robbie, but honestly I'll go with Tyler, who I think could completely ignore the noises of the road, and likely stayed up too late reading.
That was a lot!
Tagging @mk-writes-stuff @melpomene-grey @mysticstarlightduck @winterandwords @elsie-writes
Y'all's prompts: 1) Most likely to lick something during a pandemic. 2) Most likely to try to fit a lightbulb in their mouth. 3) Most likely to cry during Titanic.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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bcbdrums · 5 months
Ok give me your feelings on SidStein and Sid/Naigus
First, to others waiting for ask answers - I answer out of order, sorry. I gotta go with what I'm in the mood to reply to and/or have time to reply to. So yeah.
Second, I'm DUMB I did not realize this ask was for the Bingo-card thing until you sent the ask a second time. So I'll answer to that second one with the Bingo card because...... I typed up this LOOOOOOONG reply that you see here, and realized right as I was about to drop it into queue that I'd totally misunderstood the ask. But. I wanted to ramble about this, so, the internet gets my opinions regardless.
I have SO many thoughts about Stein and Sid and things I plan to write (some very soon, which are mentioned herein but not in a fic context). Headcanons incoming!
Okay so I don't ship Stein/Sid but they are definitely very good friends. I think it probably started in the academy when Sid joined their class super-young just like Stein did. Younger than the average student, but not quite as young as Stein was. Very talented. I think he'd have caught Stein's attention for his skill at a young age, and also for his no-nonsense way of looking at things. Stein struggles with morality, and Sid is very black and white about everything. He never has those debates with himself, he's just got the answer ready to go. So I think that would have intrigued Stein.
Another thing is, Sid wouldn't have looked at Stein as a freak nor been afraid of him. In Sid's typical manner of taking things at face value, that's how he'd have taken Stein. Another talented meister who happens to enjoy vivisection as a hobby and thus he'd know to watch his back in that regard, but no differently than he watches his back generally. He truly wouldn't treat Stein differently than anyone else. This too would catch Stein's notice.
They'd become friends in a different way than Stein and Spirit are friends. No living together, only seeing each other in class, on assignments, and socially when Stein gets dragged out by Spirit to do things. And Sid would just...treat him like he treats everyone else. So, this and Sid's unique black and white take on everything would intrigue Stein.
He'd soon learn of and rely on Sid's absolute loyalty and trustworthiness in battle. He would possibly gradually make Sid a confidant and/or distraction as the world slowly begins to fall out from under Stein, as he sees a future coming where he may lose his weapon and then ultimately...it happens.
I think Sid stayed by Stein's side after that... After Spirit was gone, and with him, Stein's thready hold on sanity... (Or was Spirit also a hold on madness, hmm~) I think Sid was a rock for Stein in that time, because that's the kind of man Sid is. He's not the type to leave a friend in need. Even if he doesn't know how to help. And I think they'd remain good friends through the following years and Sid would be one of the reasons Stein didn't just...vanish off into the ether after losing Spirit.
I think Sid was a strong grounding force for Stein through those remaining years of Stein's adolescence and young adulthood even though Sid is younger. His unique grasp of morality would have continued to fascinate and confuse Stein, and be something he could use in his own confused rationalizations as he suddenly finds himself forced to navigate life without his weapon, using other weapons, and...then what, after he graduates? Sid would still be there.
So... I think when Sid died, Stein couldn't take it. He couldn't take the loss of another friend. But this time...he just might be able to do something about it. So he did. (I looked it up but couldn't find it anywhere, but some people imply?? That Lord Death ordered Stein to bring Sid back. If that's canon someone please direct me to the reference; maybe it's in SE NOT? I think Stein did it all on his own....)
So anyway....yeah. And I think after bringing Sid back to life, they remained good friends. Plenty of canon evidence (in both canons) to suggest as much. :)
Moving on now... Sid/Naigus. I've less to say here, I don't think about them too much. First off, yes, I like the ship. I think they were a couple while still in the academy together. I also think Naigus is slightly older than Sid. I think she was always there, an extension of Sid even through his friendship with Stein. Another calm and steady presence that perplexed and also helped steady our madman.
I also think Naigus reels Sid in from extremes. Because he's so black and white about everything, there may be areas that warrant some thought spent in the gray area that he is oblivious to, and she offers him that balance. Her thoughtfulness complements his iron will. Likewise, he brings out the best in her. A little knife who never makes death scythe, but is the choice weapon of someone who ultimately becomes a renowned three-star meister, highly-regarded teacher, and one in Lord Death's inner circle? And he chooses her. His fortitude would help her increase her confidence in herself, to be more sure and forthright with her opinions, even if they clash with his; after all, he's never shy of sharing, so why should she be? I think she has a deep empathy, but she's also as no-nonsense as Sid. She'll take the time to read people and a situation that Sid may not, but she won't pander to anyone.
I'm terrible at jokes and puns, but I keep wanting to say something here about... quick stabs of wisdom? They both cut to the chase? Someone more clever than me can say something about this later.
Are they a couple? Oh yes, yes they are. Sid likes women, and Mira likes Sid. I don't really know what else to say on that except they like everything about each other. Looks, personality, attitude, fighting styles... And they respect each other. They don't balk if the other tells them they need to rein something in; they'll listen. They know the other knows them that well. They're meister and weapon, after all. Who knows another's soul better than their partner?
Now, manga!Sid..... And I know you've not read it, so I won't spoil... But we're gonna ignore certain aspects of manga!Sid's personality because I think anyone reading this who has read the manga can agree with me that those aspects of Sid are just the author projecting his own...tendencies...onto the character. That's as far as I'll go with that. Sometimes things are just blatantly...not truly part of the story. So yeah.
THANK YOU again for this ask, I've actually had Stein and Sid on my mind quite a lot in these last few weeks. A fic is being mentally written, haha, and I looooove it.
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valeriefauxnom · 9 months
Euden's Surprising Spread of Spidey Senses
So this is another of the 'things I noticed a while ago but am now properly committing to text so I don't forget everything'. Anyways, I found it funny the more I looked that Euden seemed to have a wing of general senses/ability to discern things/feelings or reactions that nobody else had, and sometimes he thought he was completely normal when they really weren't.
The earliest example I can think of offhand is chapter 13, wherein he feels drawn to the whatever ominous mana stuff that gives Ranzal the heeby jeebies.
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Yes Euden I wonder why you're attracted to artificial mana that may be corrupted by black mana
As my friend joked in this scene, he's the one kid in a tv show that has to be stopped from licking whatever clearly bad object everyone else has the good sense to not touch (even if in this case, he'd be perfectly fine if the main reason it is 'dangerous' is because of black mana, being immune. Not that they knew that because since everyone hightails it as soon as it starts getting too thick so they have no idea he's not susceptible, but I digress).
Then, there's his ability as I jokingly refer to as the ability to sample and dissect dragon roars/behavior like fine wine:
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Nothing like being able to tell if a dragon is hurting or sane as well as their mood based on their roars. And it's not exactly a set science or habit that can be learned with all the noises the very-varied-in-form Dragalia dragons make. I think he does this at least once or twice more, but I could be wrong.
Regardless, imagine Euden and Bahamut having a conversation where Bahamut does his standard Variations On A Roar performance and Euden's just like, 'hm, interesting. that does sound tasty'. And everyone is very confused how he got that from ROOOOAAAARR.
Then there's his sensitivities regarding other things, like his ability to tell when someone is about to shapeshift.
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This is where he also tries to turn to his siblings to go, 'hey this is normal, right guys??' only to be flatly rejected.
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Granted, they more suggest experience might be the cause of his talent here, but since it's ultimately speculation and up in the air and explicitly something everyone else finds weird I elected to include it. Regardless if it's natural or supernaturally developed, it's a sense nobody else has.
Even Nedrick realizes quickly that Euden's just Weird and hypersensitive to dragon-mana stuff and decided to formulate a plan around that and extend a bit of trust to his ability. Which, for Nedrick, Mr.Never Trust Anyone Ever To Do What I Need Done, is a testament to just how weird and valuable he finds the skill.
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He later goes on to use his understanding of dragons and pacts to split up the power concentrated under Elysium back to their proper owners, the individual Greatwyrms.
Then, of course, is the built-in 'GPS return to sender' he has when it comes to Xenos' location and status. Quite handy he had that, or else we would immediately have gotten Dragalia 2: Electric Boogaloo wherein everyone collectively realizes Xenos isn't dead and has to assemble the gang again x years into the future. (Actually maybe it'd be better if he didn't so we could've gotten another Dragalia-)
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Ahem. Anyways, this is getting long, so I'll cut it off there, but the fact that Euden was weird compared even to his family is just a thing that is passively baked into canon. And this isn't even counting his behavioral oddities that constantly leave others going ??? regarding him all the time, just his sensory ones!
And I like those little kinds of oddities very much.
Long story short regarding Euden:
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Bonus round on editing:
Oh yeah, he also has a Find a Friend working ability that allowed him to track down and hear his friends across pocket dimensions. Even Mids, who has supernatural senses of his own in being able to derive 'true location', can't hear across worlds. Perhaps it's a good thing Euden didn't make too many otherwordly friends. Imagine constantly hearing friends speaking that aren't even in the same area or time of existence as you are (like Luca did that one time in the comics).
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Also, it's a bit funny that even if it's a power innate to him he's still addressing it as if it's completely separate from him and asking 'it' nicely to open up portals. Nothing like Euden being unable to do something himself, but because he's asking 'himself' nicely suddenly finds the willpower to make manifest what he wants.
...Imagine if it applied to food. 'Please mysterious power my friends and I are starving, can we have some food?' and a luxury turkey dinner just pops in front of them, what he was secretly wanting and is like 'wow what a coincidence, exactly what sounded heavenly to me personally. Thanks mysterious power!'
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
You could do Yandere Lucio from Overwatch Romantic, based on promts 41 and 47, where he is suicidal and manipulative.
I'm one for dark content on here so I'll make this dark just for you. Warning, it gets really bad- If you're ever actually in the situation... please call for help. You shouldn't deserve any sort of manipulation in a relationship. I purposefully made this really dark so heed my warnings if you read. Not the worst fanfic on the net, but it handles dark themes, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, THIS IS MEANT FOR HORROR.
Seeing Lúcio likes this is very OOC so I apologize if it is not that long.
Yandere! Lúcio Prompts 41 + 47
"I made this mark on myself to show you how much I love you!"
"I'd die before letting you go!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Guilt-Tripping, Suicidal thoughts implied, Obsession, Self-Harm, Delusional behavior, Relationship starts off mutual but turns forced, Stalking, Blood, Poor mental health, Attachment issues, Slightly grotesque descriptions, Lúcio is batsh*t.
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Lúcio has always been one to inspire and lift the spirits of others. He's a talented musician who wants to help others with their troubles. To others, he's a sign of the future.
He's an icon. He's a hero. He's naturally one to inspire others.
That light he has made you drawn to him.
When you first met Lúcio you thought he was a man of neverending positivity. He's always smiles and his songs are always so upbeat. He seemed like he could be the cure to negativity everywhere.
His personality made you great friends. You loved to hear his stories of how he freed his country. You loved to help him on his newest songs. You felt happy when you were around him.
When he asked you out, you jumped at the opportunity.
It never occurred to you that his positivity may have been born from a place of darkness. All you could think of was his genuine adoration. All you could focus on was his loving hug and playful kisses.
Lúcio made you love songs. He declared how much he loved you nearly every day. You didn't see anything bad.
Perhaps it was just the rose-colored glasses that come with love? Maybe you were just blinded with every loving cuddle? Maybe you were just too lost in every sweet word.
"Baby, I don't think I could ever live without you." He'd always say to you softly, often while draping himself over your body.
He almost felt too perfect. It's like his love feels artificial in a way. Why do you get the feeling he's hiding something?
Well... he is. Behind that happy and upbeat persona is something else. He's a man, who ever since he met you, has felt like he could never go back to a life without you.
He has countless photos on his phone. Many of you and him... some of just you. He loves those photos... he loves how happy you make him.
He often listens to the love songs he made for you. He even calls you over to listen along, too. Dating you has made him happier than anything else.
Which is why it's even more painful when something causes it to end.
The moment the thought of breaking up comes to mind... Lúcio feels his heart shatter. He doesn't want to lose you. He can't lose you.
That once upbeat and happy Lúcio seemingly disappears. Once you leave him for one reason or another, he's sent into hysterics. He may make everyone else happy, but you made him happy.
Up until he lost you... then he felt he lost everything.
He still kept the photos on his phone. In fact, your photo became his lockscreen and homescreen. Every day he looks at photos of you... he still loves you.
He still listens to the love songs he made for you. He couldn't think of them fitting anyone else. They were made for you... and they'd always just be for you.
He's embarrassed to admit it but he stalks your social media. When he's able to he even follows you in person. He's a desperate man...
Soon his desperation makes him an entirely new person.
Lúcio, the person everyone praised for being so uplifting, plummets to an all time low. His skin bleeds with your name. The pain is nothing compared to the ache in his heart. He smears his own blood in his fingers... he wonders what you'd say.
This is... dedication, right? He stares at his own blood... he stares at the scarring tissue that says your name. He will only belong to you...
Even if he has to beg.
"I made these marks on myself to show you how much I love you!"
When he does show you, he sees your wide disturbed haze. You look at him with what looks to be fear... yet pity. You can see the scar... no, scars on his skin. One large one says your name...
You wonder what the hell he's done to himself.
"You're bleeding..." He hears you murmur. "What's wrong, Lúcio?"
He wants to tell you what's wrong. The marks on his body, the ones he's done in your name, aren't what's wrong. It's the fact he can't live without you.
It's the fact he can't love without you.
"Please... I want you to take me back. I'm sorry if I've done something wrong!" He whines to you, practically on his knees. "I love you so much it hurts."
"Not until we get you help-" You try to bargain, terrified of what he's capable of. "You need to let me go... please, let me help-"
"I'd die before letting you go!" He snaps, tears in his eyes. "Is that what you want?"
"What? No! Lúcio, please-"
"You can't leave me like this, can you? You're too worried. I'll get help... all because I love you. But... I need you with me through it." Lúcio bargains. As he predicts, you go for the bait.
"I'll be beside you while you get help. Let me clean the blood off you...." You sigh shakily. Lúcio gives you a sad grin and clings to you tightly.
Like a venus fly trap, Lúcio played on your kind heart. He knows you still love him. You could never abandon him.
You may just say you'll stay to get him help now...
But he'll keep you with him... you'll get together again one way or another even if it's the last thing he'll do.
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f1orza · 3 months
Lucky Girl part four
Charles leclerc x fem!reader
Summary: it's the Monaco GP and Charles's home race what he doesn't know is that lucky has a plan to surprise him.
Faceclaim: threemillion
An/ I hope you guys get the Fernando part 😭 if not imma feel stupid. Also it's going to be 5 parts so there's one more part and lucky girl ends.
yourusername • stories
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(He doesn't want me to leave. On my way.)
Username81 are you going to Monaco??
yourusername 🤫😉
Username12 have fun wherever you are going !!
Thank you 🥰
Username4 y/b/n is so cute 😭
Username111 are you going to Monaco to support charles?
Bestfriend1 have a good time lucky
yourusername I will 😉
Bestfriend1 oh she about to have TOO good of a time 🤨
yourusername girl shut up 😭
y/b/username man I should be getting a Ferrari for setting yall up together 😒
yourusername You asking the wrong person for a Ferrari 😬
charles_leclerc where are you going chéri??
yourusername I have to go somewhere for work 😕
charles_leclerc oh, I was hoping you could come to my home race :(
yourusername I would if I could love :( but don't worry you'll see me soon enough ❤
yourusername • stories
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(Don't tell charlie if you see him in the paddock okay. This morning. Breakfast before the surprise.)
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yourusername it's time ⌛
Username1 I'll be there too omg 😁
yourusername say hi if you see me ❤
Username1 okay 😭
Username13 OMG ?!?
Username9 I love the dress where did you get it?
yourusername I made it 🥰
Friend1 Que tengas un buen fin de semana ❤ have a good weekend
yourusername Gracias amiga thanks friend 🫶
Username6 Che bellezza what beauty 😍
yourusername Grazie thanks 🫶
Username15 Lucky in the paddock!!!
Liked by creator
Username44 she came to support charles at his home race omg 🤭
y/b/username Espero que tu sorpresa falle 😕 I hope your surprise fails
yourusername Ya dije perdón por dejarte 🙁 I already said sorry for leaving you
y/b/username Usa tu buena suerte para un Charles p1 y serás perdonado 😌 use your good luck for a Charles p1 and you'll be forgiven
Liked by the creator
Bestfriend1 pasa un buen rato sorprendiendo a tu hombre 🤭 have a good time surprising your man
yourusername Oye, él no es mi hombre 🤔 hey he is not my man
Bestfriend1 Aún no 😉 not yet
yourusername girl.....
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yourusername you did it 🥳, I remember you once telling me how you felt unlucky whenever it came to winning your home race, that it just wasn't in the cards for you. That you might never be able to accomplish it and you'd disappoint everyone. I told you that that wouldn't be possible - disappointing anyone and that your time winning in Monaco would come, and I'm so beyond happy that I was able to witness it. Congrats Oscar and Carlos 🥈🥉
Non sei mai stato sfortunato amore mio, hai sempre avuto talento e lavorando sodo hai ottenuto tanto, Monaco è tua Charlie 🇲🇨. E sono così orgogliosa di te. Noi siamo così orgogliosi di te e so che coloro per i quali volevi vincere questa gara ti guardano con tanta gioia, amore e felicità. La passione che hai per quello che fai è qualcosa di così stimolante, ed è per questo che farai molto di più - diventerai molto di più. il nostro predestinato 🏎
You were never unlucky my love, you have always had the talent and by working hard you've accomplished so much, Monaco is yours Charlie. And I'm so proud of you. We are so proud of you, and I know those you wanted to win this for are looking at you with so much joy, love and happiness. The passion you have for what you do is something so inspiring, and that's why you will do so much more - become so much more. Our predestined one
Tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc thank you cheri, your support means the world to me and I am glad you were there today
yourusername as long as you know that this was all you, even if I was not here you would have won because you have worked so hard for this ❤
charles_leclerc you being here definitely worked not because you're lucky but because you being there for me at such a important moment made me believe it was finally time, so thank you y/n.
yourusername your welcome Amore mio 🥰 my love
y/b/username Lucky omg he did it 😭😭 I wish I was there to see it
yourusername I wish you could've been there too, it was magical
y/b/username we HAVE to go to the Spanish GP we can not miss seeing a Spanish driver racing there
astonmartinf1 that could be arranged 🥰
scuderiaferrari do not try and steal our ragazza fortunata 🤨lucky girl
astonmartinf1 worth a shot 😞
y/b/username Lo siento Fernando pero solo apoyo a Ferrari 🙏🏼 I'm sorry Fernando but I only support Ferrari
fernandoalo_oficial 🙁
Y/b/username 🤫🗿👆
fernandoalo_oficial ??
y/b/username sorry, but I meant Carlos 😬 FORZA FERRARI 🏎🏎🏎
carlossainz55 😆
F1 Congrats Charles 🎉
Scuderiaferrari il nostro predestinato our predestined one ❤
Arthur_leclerc si fier de toi mon frère so proud of you my brother
Bestfriend1 felicidades charles, muy feliz por ti 🥳 congratulations charles, so happy for you
charles_leclerc gracias bsf/n, te lo agradezco 😁 Thank you bsf/n, I appreciate it
Bestfriend1 ¿tú hablas español? you speak spanish?
charles_leclerc lucky me enseñó un poco 😊lucky taught me a little
yourusername et Charles m'a appris un peu de français 🥰 and charles taught me some french
apmmonaco Monaco is yours Charles 🇲🇨
carlossainz55 thank you lucky, it was good to see you
oscarpiastri thank you lucky
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sparklepool101 · 7 months
The Eastern Side of Bolganio (Project Sekai Fantasy AU) - Prologue
This fic is being posted on Ao3 and is currently up to chapter five with 29.3k words! The prologue only features a certain couple of characters because it's the prologue, but the main fic features every character! So if you like the set up/world here but were disappointed because, say, Kanade didn't show up, don't fret! Also, there is first person pov for exactly one paragraph. It's all third person after that I swear! Without further ado, here's the fic:
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
All stories start the same way. It may not seem like it, but I've seen enough stories come and go to recognize the patterns. No matter how fuzzy the memories are, there is always one moment that rings clear and true, a shift in the universe. A single chord is struck, and the reverberations echo to the very depths of the world. Sometimes it's in the click of a lock, other times it's the turn of a page. In this particular instance, I suppose it would be the clink of glass as a small child decided to follow his intuition and try his hand at alchemy. But enough with my rambles, you'll see enough of me later on. It's best for you to see the story unfold for yourself anyways.
Really, Hana should have noticed something was happening sooner. She saw the way Rui had been sneaking around the house that morning, ducking out of sight whenever she saw him. It wasn't too unusual for Rui, especially if he was playing a game with Mizuki and Nene, but it still should have tipped her off that something was happening. No use blaming herself though. Right now she had to focus on fanning the smoke out of the house because her son had decided to try his hand at alchemy. And it had worked. Back home in Asmodean, this would have been cause for celebration. Her son, her only child, was able to turn an apple into an orange before his seventh birthday. Rui was a prodigy. In Deorid? It was a death sentence.
"Rui, tell me what you just did," Hana said as she turned away from the window. Her son smiled back at her, eyes shining with pride and he held the orange close to his heart.
"I did alchemy. I did magic."
Hana sighed. "Technically no, alchemy isn't the same as magic." Though with how well he took to it, he probably did have some magic flowing through his veins. "Rui, I need you to run to the market and call your father back home, alright?" Rui nodded and went to stand before Hana put her hand on his shoulder. "Leave the orange here, alright? And don't tell anyone about what you just did, okay? Not even dad." Rui nodded again, eyes steeling as he absorbed her somber tone.
"Yes, mom." That was the last thing he said before he took off running. Once he was out of the room, Hana let herself sink to the floor. They had to leave, now. Even if there wasn't the already risk that someone had seen the smoke and gotten suspicious, she couldn't ask her son to hide himself away. If he had talents like this, she would do everything in her power to make sure they could grow and flourish. Taking a deep breath, Hana went to start packing up their things.
“Hana? What's wrong." Taichi said, rushing through the front door, Rui right behind him.
Hana set down the satchel she had been packing. "Rui, go ahead and tell your father what you did." Rui hung his head and grabbed the front of his shirt, mumbling.
"Can you say that again? I couldn't hear you." Taichi said, bending down to be at Rui's level.
"I did alchemy."
If the situation hadn't been so dire, Hana would have laughed at how fast the color drained from her husband's face. "I've already started packing."
"I'll finish then, go tell the Kusanagis that we're leaving."
Rui's head shot up in panic. "Leaving? Now?"
"Yes," Hana said, as much as it pained her to have to uproot her son like this. "You know what the laws are, we need to keep you safe."
"But, but I haven't even said goodbye to Nene, or Mizuki!" Rui cried, tightening the grip on the front of his shirt.
"You can go with your mom to visit Nene for a bit, okay? She can tell Mizuki goodbye for you." Taichi offered.
"Okay..." Rui said, voice quieting to a whisper. Hana walked over to her son and took her hand, rubbing small circles with her thumb.
Juro answered the door, as he always did.
“Hey, Juro. Sorry for dropping in on you like this, can we come in?” She asked, feeling Rui clutch her hand tighter.
“Yes, of course. Nene is up in her room if you want to go play.” Juro said.
“Thank you,” Rui said before running off.
Juro ushered Hana inside. “What happened, you look upset.”
“I need to talk with Doremi. We’re leaving today.”
Juro gasped. “What happened?”
“Rui is an alchemy prodigy.” Despite the weight the words carried, Hana couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride at the words.
A sad smile crossed Juro’s face. “Doremi will be delighted to hear it.” He beckoned her to follow him. The bedroom was dark, fabric draped over the two windows to help Doremi with her migraines. The woman was in the middle of a double bed, surrounded by as many pillows and blankets as the Kusanagi’s could afford. She was paler than the last time Hana had been here, skin and hair almost the same shade of sickly green. Her heart broke at the state her friend was in, had been in for years.
“Hana?” She said, brightening at the sight of her friend. “I didn’t know you were coming to visit today.”
“I wasn’t supposed to.” Her voice broke. “Doremi, I’m so sorry, I have to leave.”
“What?” Doremi said, struggling to sit upright. “What’s happening?”
Hana recounted the events of the morning for her friend, going slowly to make sure she understood.
“I’m not surprised. Rui’s always been a bright kid.” A beat of silence passed before Doremi spoke again. “Take Nene with you.”
Hana felt her chest seize. “No, no you’re going to move to Heyarin with her after you get better, you’ve been planning it for years. I can’t take her from you.”
A bittersweet smile crossed Doremi’s face. “We both know that was just a fantasy, Hana. We've been searching for yearsm, nothing can cure this curse. I’ll be lucky to last ‘till next harvest season.”
“Hana,” Doremi interrupted. “I can’t leave the city. I’ve already accepted that, it’s okay.” It wasn’t, nothing about today was okay.
“I’ll join you in Soral after…” Juro paused, eyes wet.
“After I’ve passed.” Doremi finished his thought. “Please, Hana. Nene is bound to have some magic, we both know it. She should leave now before it manifests.”
Hana took a deep breath, fighting down tears of her own. “Okay.”
“I’ll tell her to start packing her things,” Juro said before leaving the room. Silence stretched as Hana tried to hold back her tears.
“You’re doing the right thing, Hana,” Doremi said.
“I hope so, I really hope so.”
They left in the dead of night. The wagon was loaded up with everything they could fit, including her and the kids, while Taichi drove the horses. When they reached the city walls, Hana couldn’t help but hug the children tighter and hold her breath. What would happen if they were told to turn back? With bated breath she watched as Taichi talked with the patrol officer, explaining their false story. (A half-cooked tale about inheriting his grandfather's farm)
The officer gave a quick glance over the wagon and waved them on, signaling the gate to open. After it had closed behind them, Hana finally felt like she could breathe again.
“We didn’t get to say goodbye,” Nene whispered.
“Goodbye to who?” Hana asked.
“Your dad said he’d tell them,” Rui said. “Besides, we’ll see them again! We still have a show to put on, remember?” Hana smiled at the children’s optimism, quietly praying that they would be able to return one day so that they could put on their play. Kanako had been working so hard on the costumes.
Turning away from the city walls, Hana focused on the horizon.
“Look, kids.” She nudged them to turn as well. “Look at the moon.” It shone brightly, bathing the world in silver. They sat in silence taking in the world.
On some level, Hana knew the kids understood more than they let on. Nene’s face was far too somber for a girl so small, and Rui had barely spoken since they left the Kusanagi’s. She took a deep breath, once again reassuring herself that this was the right decision. Nene and her family had needed to leave the city for years but the curse prevented her mom from passing through the city gate, a cruel security measure from a man long since dead. Feeling her eyes start to prickle with unshed tears, Hana shook her head and focused back on the moon, humming a lullaby for the children.
If she focused hard enough, she swore she could see shooting stars.
The situation wasn't ideal. Even ignoring the fact that Saki probably should be resting back at the castle, you should never stargaze under a full moon. The light from the moon would wash out the dimmer stars and you would miss all kinds of things.
“Hona, hurry!” Saki called back. “You can stargaze when we get there!” Honami looked back to the earth towards her friends.
Sure enough, they were two paces in front of her, still steadily moving through the forest to find the clearing Shiho had promised.
“Sorry,” Honami called back, sprinting to catch up with them.
“You don’t need to apologize,” Shiho said. “Just hurry, you said there was supposed to be something cool today, right?” Honami brightened. “Yes!”
“Are you going to tell us what it is?” Ichika asked.
“No, you’ll see soon enough.” Honami giggled to herself. Even if it was a full moon, there was supposed to be a large shower of shooting stars this week. Her mom said that it was a symbol from the gods, coming every seven years to bless crops and bring good health. Saki had been wishing to see shooting stars for so long, this may be her only chance. No, don’t think like that. Saki hasn’t been sick in months, plus if the falling stars were supposed to bring good health, then surely there was no better place to receive the blessing than under the open sky itself.
“We’re here,” Shiho said, stopping. Honami took in the clearing, a large rock sat in the middle, surrounded by a sea of white flowers glowing in the moonlight”
"Shiho, this is beautiful. How did you find it?” Ichika asked.
Shiho shrugged. “Shizuku showed it to me. Does this work?”
“It’ll work perfectly,” Honami said while walking over to the rock. She climbed a little way up the side and looked up to the sky, seeing the wide expanse glittering above her. “Come on up!” She called out to her friends.
Ichika climbed up as well. Shiho helped Saki onto the rock just in time for a star to cross the sky, leaving a trail of light in its wake. Saki gasped and nearly fell onto Shiho’s head.
“Hona! Did you see that?” Saki cheered, eyes sparkling like the sky above. “Was that a shooting star?”
"Yes! This week is the Harvest Shower.” Honami let Saki grab her hand as she pulled her up onto the rock. “They happen every seven years and are supposed to bless the harvest. They’re also known for bringing good health.” Saki sat down next to her.
“I think I remember your mom mentioning it,” Shiho said as she sat down as well.
“They’re so pretty,” Ichika added, eyes glued to the sky. Honami looked upwards again as well.
Stars danced across the sky, leaving dazzling trails of light behind. It was mesmerizing. Honami had seen shooting stars before, but never to this degree. There were so many of them they seemed to light up the sky, turning the pitch black to a deep blue.
“Should we make a wish?” Ichika whispered. “That’s what you do when you see a shooting star, right?”
“I think so, yeah,” Shiho said.
“I know what I’m going to wish for.” Saki started “I wish—”
“No!” Shiho said, stopping Saki. “You can’t say your wish out loud. If you do it won’t come true.”
“Oh, okay,” Saki said. She shut her eyes tight, scrunching her face together.
Honami closed her eyes for a second, offering her wish to the gods. Please, let us stay like this forever. Playing between Saki and Shiho’s lessons, sneaking sweets from the cooks, and listening to Ichika sing whatever song she learned from the castle staff. Honami couldn’t think of anything else she would want. Opening her eyes, the stars greeted her again.
Eventually, the night grew cold and the children’s eyes grew heavy.
“We should go back, it’s getting late,” Shiho suggested.
“No,” Saki whined. “I want to stay with you guys longer.” She hugged Honami’s arm. Despite the sweet gesture, dread crept up Honami’s spine.
“Saki, you feel warm.” Too warm, especially for being outside in the chill for as long as they had been. Honami went to feel her forehead, but Saki recoiled from the touch.
“I’m fine, really.”
“Are you sure?” Ichika asked.
“Absolutely! I could stay out all night.” Saki smiled back at them.
“Still, I’d rather not push out luck. Someone might notice we’ve snuck out soon.” Shiho added.
“You have a point,” Saki added.
It took a bit for all four of them to get off the rock, but they made it out of the clearing soon enough. On the walk back, Honami kept looking at the sky. The stars peeked out between the tree branches. It was something to focus on other than Saki’s condition. She gnawed her lip as she mulled over what had just happened. Saki knew her limits better than anyone, but Saki also had a bad habit of insisting on pushing past those limits. A shout snapped Honami out of her thoughts.
Saki was limp, Ichika struggling to hold her upright. Shiho and Honami both rushed toward the girls, dread turning into panic.
They lowered Saki to the ground, letting her head rest in Honami’s lap.
“What happened?” Shiho asked.
“I- I don’t know. She was just walking next to me and then suddenly her legs gave out.”
“We need help,” Honami said.
“I’ll run back to the castle,” Shiho said.
“It’s quicker to get in through the servant’s entrance. I’ll show you where it is.” Ichika added.
The two ran down the path, leaving Honami with Saki. She brushed a stray hair out of Saki’s face with trembling hands.
“It’s going to be okay Saki, I promise,” Honami whispered. “You’ll be okay.” She repeated the phrase like a mantra, turning the words over and over.
It felt like hours. The wind howled, frigid air sweeping by the two children. Honami was shivering and hunched over Saki, trying to protect her from the cruel breeze. Her vision was blurring as her breathing turned shallow. It was terrifying. Honami could feel tears falling down her face, but she could barely bring herself to care.
”Hona?” Saki whispered, eyes still half closed. “Issat you?” She was waking up.
”I’m here Saki. You’re going to be okay, I promise. Shiho and Ichika and getting help. You’ll be okay.”
“It’s cold.”
”I know. We should have brought blankets, I’m sorry.”
“Hona, d’you think…” Saki was struggling to talk, struggling to stay conscious. “D’you think I could catch one of the stars?”
”If we wish on stars when they fall, do they have t’grant our wish if we catch them?”
”There’s a story about that in the library.” Honami said, desperately trying to hold Saki’s attention. “The boy gets his wish, but ends up having to pay a price."
”That’d be fine.” Saki shivered, teeth chattering so loudly Honami could hear it. “I wished that we could all stay together forever. I’d pay for that.” Saki stopped talking struggling to even keep her eyes open for more than a second.
“Saki!” A voice cried out. Honami jerked her head up, frantically searching for whoever called out.
“We’re over here!” She called desperately.
Tsukasa came crashing through the brush, armor thrown on top of his sleep clothes. He slid next to the two, panting heavily. His eyes were red, panic written all over his face.
“Tsukasa,” Honami choked out. “I’m sorry—”
“There will be time for that later.” He said, putting his hand on Saki’s forehead. Brow furrowing when he felt her temperature.
“She’s burning up.”
“She was fine earlier tonight. I promise I made sure to ask her. She’s taken all of her medicine as well, I don’t know what went wrong.”
“She had a nosebleed earlier today.” Tsukasa’s voice was grim. Honami felt her heart stop. “She was supposed to rest for the day, just to make sure nothing got worse.”
Honami was about to reply when more people burst through the brush. There were several knights, along with Shiho. They rushed over to the children.
One of the knights scooped Saki up in his arms. She whimpered at the movement.
”’Kasa,” Saki slurred.
”I’m here Saki, I won’t leave you.
“I’ll carry Lady Saki ahead; the doctor should be following behind us.”
Tsukasa nodded and followed the knight back through the brush. Honami picked herself up and Shiho ran over, wrapping her into a hug.
“She’s going to be okay,” Shiho whispered. Sinking into the hug, Honami buried her face in Shiho’s shoulder. She hoped so, she would catch a million stars for Saki to be okay.
They really should go home. Mizuki had been sitting on the street, staring at a door, for hours. Holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, if they kept wishing on the stars streaking through the sky, their friends would come back home. They were supposed to sneak out and go to the night market tonight. Yet when she arrived at their homes, one was completely abandoned. Nene’s father had been the one to tell them that two of their only friends had left the kingdom, answering the door when Mizuki finally mustered up the courage to knock. Now here they were, sitting in the cold wishing on stars like a little kid.
The door opened and Nene’s father stepped out again, beckoning them inside. “Let me make you some tea, it’s cold out there.” He said.
The tea was nice. It tasted like the same kind their sister liked to drink, earthy and sweet.
“So, mind telling me why you’re out so late?”
Mizuki almost spat the tea out. “Just, wanted to see how my friends were doing. That’s all.”
“And it had nothing to do with the night market happening? The one that Nene has been asking to go to all week?” He grinned.
Mizuki went back to their tea, hiding their face in the cup. “Sorry Mr. Kusanagi.” They whispered.
“Just watch out for yourself, okay?” His eyes were kind but dull. There was a sadness about the man, no matter how much he acted past it. “You should probably be heading home soon though, it’ll be morning in a few hours.”
Mizuki nodded and took another long sip of the tea. They handed the empty mug back and stood to leave right as there was a knock at the door.
“Stay here, I’ll answer it.” Nene’s dad said. Mizuki sat back down in the chair.
He opened the door to a tall man with dark brown hair. There was a girl with her too, around Mizuki’s age, her hair was long and black, with a deep blue at the bottom. It reminded Mizuki of the night sky.
“Hello Mr. Kusanagi, I’m sorry for the disturbance. My name is Ken.”
“Please, call me Juro. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“A neighbor tipped off the guards that someone was producing suspicious smoke in the house next to yours. They’re on their way now.” You could hear a pin drop. The seriousness of the situation settling in. ”I’m here to help you get out before they get here. I’ll help you grab anything you need, my daughter will get anyone else out of the house now.” The girl waved her hand.
“Mizuki,” Mr. Kusanagi said, “You’d better get going now. Can you take them back to their house?”
“Absolutely.” The girl said.
“I’m An, by the way.” The girl managed to say while running down the street. “Juro called you Mizuki, right? That’s a nice name!”
“Why are you calling Mr. Kusanagi that?” Mizuki managed to say, chasing after An.
“Huh? He said to call him that, right?”
“He told your dad to call him that, not you.”
“Oh. Well, my mistake. What were you doing at his house?”
“None of your business,” Mizuki said.
An stopped running and held up her hand. Mizuki barely had enough time to stop before running into An. She grabbed their hand and pulled them into an alley, pressed close against the wall. Two guards walked by a few moments later. The two children waited for them to pass before continuing on.
“How did you know they were going to be here?”
“I know when most of the guard schedules are. My job is to help people get to the inn safely, and part of that is making sure that we don’t get caught.”
Mizuki had heard rumors about this, most everyone had. A secret network that helped protect people with magic. “You guys work out of an inn?”
“Yeah, it’s my dad’s we’re headed there now. You can stay there for a bit until the guards calm down. Mr. Kusanagi should be joining us soon as well.” Mizuki nodded, even though An couldn’t see.
The two continued running down streets, getting lost in the maze of the city. Well, Mizuki was getting lost. An seemed to know every nook and cranny of it, even which walls were crumbled enough to be climbed over. After another couple of streets and two more alleys, An stopped in front of an inn. The sign above the door read “Weekend Inn”. An grabbed their hand and pulled them inside.
It was warm inside. A roaring fire sat in the hearth; a bard tuning his guitar sat next to it. An led Mizuki to a table.
“Stay here, I’ll grab you something to eat while we wait.” An said.
“I’m not really hungry.”
“Okay then, we can wait here.” An sat down at the table, across from Mizuki. “Oh, Mr. Yoisaki!” She called out to the bard.
“Could you play me more of that song you wrote the other day?”
The man looked up from his guitar. “Sorry An, I haven’t gotten a chance to work more on it. I’ll play you the rest next time I’m here.”
“Alright.” An said, turning back to Mizuki. “He’s a really good composer. My dad’s sung some of his songs before and invites him to sing at the Inn every now and again.” Mizuki nodded, not really focusing on the conversation. An kept talking about music, something about her dad, and a dream.
Ken entered the Inn, shutting the door fast behind him. Mizuki was out of their chair in an instant.
“Where’s Mr. Kusanagi?”
“Juro stayed behind,” Ken said, staring at the floor. “He wouldn’t leave his wife behind. I’m sorry, Mizuki.” His voice was heavy, he had obviously tried his best to convince the man, but Mizuki couldn’t help the tears welling up. If he had stayed behind, he had been captured. Being captured meant imprisonment at best and execution at worst, especially with the charges he was taken in for.
The sun was just beginning to rise when Minori left for the festival. It had been a hard sell, especially since it meant that they would have to bring her new baby brother along, but Minori’s parents eventually relented. After all, this festival happened only every seven years, in line with the Harvest Shower. It was midmorning when they finally arrived in the town.
There were flowers everywhere, with banners strung throughout the town. Bards were littered about, improvising songs together and entertaining the crowd. Minori didn’t want to blink for fear she would miss something, she ended up tripping over her own feet anyways.
“The Initiation Ceremony will be starting shortly in the main square!” A herald called out, catching Minori’s attention.
“Dad,” she said, pulling on his sleeve. “Can we go check that out?”
“Will you be okay with Ryota by yourself?” He asked her mother.
“I can handle him for an hour or so, go explore.” She smiled, taking the baby from her dad. Wasting no time, Minori grabbed her father’s hand and dragged him farther into the town.
The square was so full that Minori had to sit on her dad’s shoulders to see anything. A stage had been set up in the middle of the square, and a group of witches stood atop it. They had large, simple hats and black robes, no decoration at all.
“Dad, which Coven is that?”
“I’m not sure. You can usually tell based on their hats and outfits.”
“Doesn’t Miss Chihiro have a necklace that shows hers?”
He chuckled. “Yes, she does. She’s part of the Circle of The Silver Moon, which is why they wear necklaces with a silver moon on them.” Minori hummed in acknowledgment, resting her chin on her father’s head.
A man climbed on the stage and signaled for the crowd to quiet down. After the crowd listened, he bowed to one of the witches, an elderly woman, and exited the stage. The woman stepped forward and raised her hand. The other witches followed suit, revealing their wands. In a flick of the wrist, their simple clothes changed color, from a deep black to a pale purple. Minori heard her dad gasp.
“They’re the Royal Coven,” Minori remembered Miss Chihiro mentioning them. Witches so powerful that they served directly under King Tenma.
“I hope you are all having a splendid festival.” The old witch said, voice booming across the square. “Welcome to the Royal Coven Initiation Ceremony. Each year we visit promising young witches from around Soral. Today those we have selected will be accepted into our fold and welcomed as our Sisters.” The crowd applauded. “We have chosen to hold the ceremony here this year in honor of the Harvest Shower, in hopes that the gods will bless these girls.” The crowd cheered again. Minori couldn’t help but cheer as well. There was something, well, magical about how the woman talked.
The first new initiate climbed atop the platform, a teen with dark skin, long coiled hair, and a black robe. She was briefly introduced by the old witch and then demonstrated a spell she had mastered. The weather changed briefly, grey clouds gathering above the square. Minori clutched onto her father’s head, bracing herself against the wind whipping about. When the storm dissipated, with a flick of the teen's wand, she was presented with a hat and her robes turned purple. The process repeated for the next few girls, all teens who performed incredible feats of magic. All far more powerful than Miss Chihiro, who had been the village witch since Minori’s mom was a child.
Upon the stage was a girl, the same age as Minori. She had deep blue hair, the same shade as the deepest part of a pond, and skin slightly tanned, glowing in the sunlight.
The child raised her wand and made a large, swooping gesture. A thick fog filled the square, obscuring almost everything. Minori held on tight to her dad's head, clutching on in fear of getting swallowed up by the fog. Then, a small light drifted in front of her face. It was soft and gold, floating like a bubble. More followed in a myriad of colors. She reached out to grab one and it fizzled in her palm, dissipating in an instant. A gust of wind cleared the fog out of the square, leaving all eyes on the young witch. She was making the balls of light move and change color, waving her wand around in a specific pattern. Minori couldn’t take her eyes off her.
Eventually, the girl finished her show. Minori was among the first to applaud, cheering as loud as possible. The old witch came forward and flicked her wand, changing the girl's robes to purple. She started giving a speech, introducing the new Sisters. Minori only heard one name though. Haruka Kiritani, the witch with blue hair.
The crowd applauded once more before starting to dissipate. Minori climbed off her dad’s shoulders and ran towards the stage, desperate to see Haruka up close. When she got to the stage, there was a small group already gathered, asking questions to the young witch. Haruka was up close to the edge, standing next to the old witch from before. She had eyes as blue as the sky, they matched her hair beautifully.
“How are you so skilled?” A teen asked. “I’ve been training for years, and I still haven’t managed to master weather, much less with that level of precision!”
“Well,” Haruka began, “I’ve just practiced as hard as I can since I was little. Even when things got tough, I always tell myself that tomorrow will always be a better day.” She smiled.
Tomorrow will always be a better day. Minori stood there contemplating those words as Haruka answered more questions. If someone her age could do incredible things like that, why couldn’t she? Minori had magic, she was really good at making the chickens fly, so what was stopping her? Before she could muster the nerve to raise her hand and ask Haruka a question of her own, her dad showed up.
“Minori! Don’t go running off like that, you scared me.”
“Come on, we should go tell your mom about what she missed.”
Minori looked back to Haruka, who was being ushered off-stage by the old witch. Her chance had passed. Taking her dad's hand, Minori started walking back.
I’ve just practiced as hard as I can.
“Dad? I'm going to be a witch.”
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demonslayedher · 3 years
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I lost a bet to myself and paid the price by making another demon sibling AU. Was originally just going to be headcanons and doodles, but I wound up writing the parts I felt like. The names of Tengen's siblings are entirely made up. This will come in two parts due to length.
Clicking each bone in his spine, Yogen stood to his full height, taller than Tengen remembered. It wasn't uncommon to go long periods of time without seeing his siblings when they were on their own missions, but Yogen shouldn't had changed that much. "I'll spare you. It wouldn't do for the Uzui clan not to have a head. Now you're the strongest one."
"I wouldn't had been able to take you on, if not for the fact that you'd never have done it if you knew. You should thank me, Aniki. You know what I've spared you? Father was going to make us all have a fight to the death. You'd have done at least half of this."
"What have you done!?"
"I ate them," he laughed, something Tengen had never heard Yogen do in his adult voice. He had the most infectious laugh when they were children, and this rang with the same pleasure, however dissonant. "I was stunned too, at first. When I came to, I had eaten two of them, they were still warm in my mouth, their cells already nourishing mine. But you know what? I decided to eat the others. I was going to kill them anyway, what difference does it make that I should eat them?"
Tengen's face pearled back into a snarl, his eyes flaring.
"One, two, three... Eizen got away before I could bite him, though. That whelp would had done nothing for me. The one I really wanted to eat was the strongest," he said, his glowing white eyes shifting down to their father's fresh corpse. "And now, even he's nothing to me."
Tengen could stand no more of this. "Yogen!!" he screamed and gripped one of the swords at his back, and charged at Yogen all in one motion. A hard sickle burst out of the flesh of Yogen's arm and caught it, but when Tengen pulled his other sword down through Yogen's shoulder and chest, the sound of ripping sinews what different than it should had been. A look over to the injury revealed that the shoulder was repairing itself before Tengen's eyes. When had he learned any technique like that?
The momentary lapse in focus caught him, Yogen swiped up against Tengen's forearm. It felt too varied to had been spiked knuckles--those were his fingertips, he had grown claws. Tengen drew a sword up to lop off Yogen's forearm, and then his brother let out a shrill scream as his features lit up and revealed how contorted they had become. Yogen didn't look human anymore with how his veins bulged and burned. Burned? From what? Tengen took a look over his shoulder to the sun rising and casting light through the wide open door, and when he looked back, Yogen was gone.
Tengen watched the flames consume the house and the bodies of his slain family. He had combed it for any trace of Yogen, but his brother left none. Hope though he did that the flames may consume Yogen too, he knew in his gut that he was still out there.
Behind him, Suma sneezed in a gust of smoke that wafted into her face. Hinatsuru handed her a handkerchief, as she and Makio were already covering their faces in case of poison. Tengen didn't bother, he was resistent to most ninja poisons, and the scratches down his forearm were already less swollen. "You three should go back to your homes."
"No!" insisted Suma.
"We're already members of the Uzui clan," said Hinatsuru.
"Your revenge is ours," added Makio.
Hinatsuru made the most important point, they were already seen as his property. He could hear whispers and feel them all being watched; the other ninja clans knew what had befallen the most powerful family, and the Uzui name was now shunned. Even if Tengen wanted to stay, he had no place in the village, and neither did anything that belonged to him. The only thing left for him now was to track his brother down and drag him to hell.
Someone else was approaching, and Tengen reached for one sword. Uneven footsteps. One didn't have the splat of a foot, it was the thunk of wood--a cane, or two canes? A leisurely, but determined pace. Self-assuredness, even for entering ninja territory. A robust heartbeat. Who was coming?
"Well, is that what you all look like? I feel like I've wandered into one of those storybooks," said an old man. He had one missing leg, a full head of hair and moustache to rival it, a grin, and a telltale scar lining the underside of his left eye. "I had always left your kind alone, but I couldn't when I felt the presence of a demon over here."
"Who are you?" Tengen asked, stetching one arm before his wives while the other hand stayed at his weapon.
"You didn't chop its head off, did you, ninja boy? It's long gone by now, you know. It'll hide from daylight. Be even more trouble to find if it's one of your folk."
"How do you know about us?" Makio shot back.
"How do you children not know about demons? Aye," the old man huffed to himself as he set down a stool he carried. He planted his rump on it, then folded his arms. "The name's Kuwajima Jigoro, former Roaring Pillar of the Demon Slayer Corp. I figured this would be out of your expertise, so I've come to help."
Tengen felt in his gut he could trust that. He dropped to one knee and bowed his head, his wives all doing likewise behind him. Jigoro seemed to enjoy that, but insisted they do not. Instead of bowing, he'd appreciate the ladies rubbing his shoulders to display their gratitude, he said.
While Hinatsuru and Makio set about at each arm, Suma kneeled at his remaining foot with a gasp. "Aren't old people not supposed to be this beefy?"
"Can it, Suma!" chided Makio.
Hinatsuru said nothing, but could feel something was different in this man, not only in his physique. Whatever he had to say was going to change their lives more than the previous night already had. They all listened carefully as Jigoro orated about the existence of demons, how they eat humans, how they are near impossible to kill, but also the methods of those who hunt them, with specialized blades and an organization to support them. As he began describing Breath, however, Tengen stopped him. "I already know all that, that's ninjutsu basics. That's not giving me anything I don’t already have."
"Oh? I figured as much. Always made me curious about you pups. So you you've got the basics of Breath technique, huh?"
"It's beyond basic," he shot him an annoyed frown.
"I'll be the judge of that. See that tree over there? That's probably about the strength of the usual demon neck. Go hog wild on it." As much as showing off was against the ninja code, Tengen wasn't in the mood to argue and made short work of that tree, the only sound being the pop of it seperating into two halves. Jigoro gave him a clap, then stood with his cane. "Good accuracy. Spot on. Now you pick one out for me. Take some mercy, though, I'm only working at half-strength." He balanced on his foot and his peg, plopping the end of his cane in his palm to show off that he meant to use it in place of a sword. Tengen hated when other people tried to be show-offs, so he pointed to a tree a few rings thicker than the one he had cut.
The old man eyed it, then slid his good foot through the dirt, and as he leaned forward, clouds of steam rose from his lips. "Breath of Thunder, Fifth Form. Heat Lightning."
The sound hit Tengen so hard that he covered his ears, and the old man was gone--on the other side of the tree, which was not only cleanly chopped, but split itself in half vertically as it fell. A rarity, Tengen's jaw dropped. Jigoro looked back with a fierce grin, knowing he'd have left them all impressed.
Rather than one knee, Tengen planted his palms and face to the ground. "Please teach me this technique, Master."
"When did I ever say I wanted a student like you? You already said you know Breath technique, don't you?"
"You won't teach him?" Suma sat straight up, little tears in the corners of her eyes.
"I only want students with talents I can mold. You're already set your ways and would just try to make Thunder Breathing into what you want. You can't fill a full tea cup, as they say."
Tengen wanted to insist he's do anything to take his revenge, but the old man was right. As he was, he wouldn't be able to unlearn everything he always knew, it was as much a part of him as every experience and memory, like every scar, such as the ones running down his left arm.
"The true nature of Thunder Breathing would escape you, you'd get too caught up in how powerful it looks. You're too flashy!"
His cheeks flushed. "Say that again."
"You're too... flashy? I don't think a ninja should find that a compliment."
"You can't tell him all that and then not train him!" insisted Makio. "Please! There's got to be something you can do! Tengen-sama works really hard!"
"Tengen-sama works harder than anyone!"
"Please, Master. Tengen-sama can think flexibly, please give him a chance."
"I won't! I can already tell he's not the sort of student I'm looking for!" he barked back, and Suma burst out into sobs, while Hinatsuru hid delicate tears and Makio's face turned dark red. Jigoro flinched at the sight of the upset girls, then looked back to Tengen. "I--I didn't come out here to leave you high and dry, you know. I already told you about the Corp, didn't I? That's where you really need to go. I can't teach you Thunder Breathing, but if you really think you can pick up something new, there's an old scroll I've got of an off-shoot Breath. Someone like you might be able to pull it off. What do you say, ninja boy? How about I give that to you and you teach yourself Sound Breathing?"
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From there, Tengen took much the same course as in canon. When he became a Pillar and had his meeting with Oyakata-sama, he was upfront about his reasons for entering the Corp. Oyakata-sama appreciated his frankness and assured him that the entire Corp would support him if they found any information on Yogen, but Oyakata-sama was also keen on the undercurrent of Tengen's heart; that he was relieved to leave the murderous ways of ninja, and that he wanted to live an upright life. This finally gave words to something Tengen always felt, but thought he had no right to wish for. He and his wives were moved and they swore loyalty to Oyakata-sama.
However, as time went on, there were no clues whatsoever about Yogen. Around the time they all got antsy, Makio finally couldn't stand it anymore and suggested they may never find him. "Think about it," she said. "This Corp is full of strong swordsmen. Someone might had already chopped off his head long before we got here."
While that should had come as a relief, Tengen couldn't help but find the idea frustrating. That revenge was his to take. He could think of only one person stronger than him who might had done it, so he described Yogen to Himejima one day and asked if he remembered seeing a demon like that. Himejima plainly replied that he was blind.
As they began to accept that they may never have closure, Hinatsuru proposed that they be satisfied bagging an Upper Moon. That should be enough for them to earn their peace, she said, and as much as it grinded away at Tengen's heart, he agreed.
In the course of performing Tengen's Pillar duties, they closed in on what was likely an Upper Moon in Yoshiwara. Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma slipped in, but when he lost contact, Tengen went looking for some female Corp members to sneak in and see what was up. That's when he reencountered the boy whose head he meant to spill at the last Pillar meeting, as well as his two annoying buddies. Inosuke would had been satisfyingly flamboyant, if not for the fact that he was gross. The other whelp was named Zenitsu.
"You write that 'Zen' with the kanji for virtue?"
"Yeah. What's it to you?"
"Nothing," Tengen replied, never saying anything of it ever again. It didn't take long for him to notice that Zenitsu had ears on par with his own.
The boys managed to get in, and soon the plan went awry. Tengen's first encounter with an Upper Moon broke out, and that went awry in the most horrifically flamboyant of ways. Tengen found himself unconscious, needing to stop his heart to keep the demon poison from spreading, as it was many times more potent than any ninja or demon poison he encountered before. There was fire in the wreckage nearby, he'd be consumed if he doesn't move soon. In the odd space where consciousness was returning to him, his hearing reached into a deeper plain, where he could hear the most carnal thoughts pounding though the bodies of those around him.
Tanjiro was panicking.
No scent! No scent! Upper Moon Five--where did--but--no scent! No scent!!
Tengen could hear Upper Moon Six, in both bodies, but he couldn't hear any other demon. It gave off no sound. He struggled to look in Tanjiro's direction, and was stunned by the sight of a demon partway sticking out of the shadow Tanjiro has cast, guarding Upper Moon Six with a kunai stuck in his arm.
"Sakage!" growled Upper Moon Six. That is not the demon's name. "I don't need you here! Were you intruding on my thoughts?"
"I didn't need to. I heard the cacophony from ages away. You wouldn't had seen wisteria coming anyway."
Upper Moon Six looked to the kunai, while Tanjiro panicked that the poison had no effect on the newly arrived demon.
"Quit with all the fuss. I'd appreciate it if you hurry up and silence that Pillar over there," he turned his glance to Tengen. His eyes had writing in them, but that was Yogen. "I can't be bothered."
Yogen disappeared into the shadow as suddenly as he appeared, and Tanjiro fell forward with a stumble. He'd be a sitting duck like that, Tengen had to go save him, he pushed himself off the ground to--but--but his arm was missing--the scars were torn off-----
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Yogen had been quick to learn some of the ins and outs of being a demon, but not all the finer details. He gathered from the surrounding demons' fear of the drum demon that the "Twelve Moons" were the most fearsome demons, closest to their progenitor, but didn't those other demons notice that the drum demon couldn't stomach humans as he ate them? That demon was weak, and Yogen wouldn't stand for it. He cut off his head.
It did not kill the demon, who screamed at him with the characters "Lower Six" in one of his eyes, but he shut up quick when Kibutsuji Muzan arrived. Despite warning Yogen that this was not how fights between demons were done and he should kill Yogen for acting without permission, Muzan smilingly decided to allow it, and instructed him to absorb the former Lower Moon Six and assume his role. Muzan did not care for how Yogen's name referenced sunlight, though. He renamed him Sakage on a whim.
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Sakage went on to learn very quickly how to please Muzan, and how to climb the ranks. While not immune, he could resist wisteria poison, which Muzan was more than pleased to borrow from him and see how he could try to adopt it into his own cells. Sakage could move between connected shadows, and in spying on the Corp, he picked up on the hand signs the swordsmen used and quickly deciphered them, and openly reported so to the demons that outranked him. With hearing far more advanced that his brother's ever was, he listened to the information shared between crows, piecing apart their language to the best of his understanding.
Lower Moons Three and Two later, he used his spying abilities to identify his next target: Upper Moon Five.
Gyokko was startled by the challenge, and under Muzan's gaze, he could not refuse. Sakage made short work of him, and the other Moons all felt a chill. Akaza's chill was excitement.
Akaza wasted no time in chatting up the new Upper Moon, for Sakage likewise had a stated hatred for weaklings. While Sakage did find it a bit of a bother, especially since he knew he was a long way from ever being able to pose a real challenge to Akaza, he learned that the quickest way to stop Akaza from pestering him was to spar. Akaza loved to chit-chat even while sparring, though, and this became a useful way for Sakage to catch up on a hundred years of gossip about the other Upper Moons.
While it did feel they had somewhat of a friendship, one day they got on the topic of poison. "I hate people who use poison," said Akaza, between punches. "It's as cowardly and low as you can get."
Sakage, who could create a myriad of weapons from his cells as needed and always laced them in poison, was not offended, but disagreed. "I see no problem in being effective."
This gave Akaza pause, and an uncomfortable drop in his stomach. He excused himself, and bothered Sakage not so often after that.
Muzan was typically pleased with Sakage, which made Hantengu tremble that the ambitious demon had it out for him next. When Muzan was in a foul mood after Upper Moon Six's defeat, Sakage was likewise in a bad mood for the annoyance he encountered out there, someone who should had stayed hidden away instead of bearing free his inherently show-offy personality by joining the Demon Slayer Corp, especially since he was sure to have his ears set to the ground now for any new sign of him. He was certain Tengen witnessed him. But, for as much of an insult as it was to the Upper Moons that Gyutaro let him live, Tengen wouldn't be much of a threat anymore.
Still, Sakage knew to keep his cool. He had news to report, and he was certain of his deciphering. When he declared where the swordsmith village was located, Muzan had no doubts, and sent Hantengu alone. "Now why couldn't you find that, after all this time?" Muzan smirked to Nakime. She, not being of any rank, could merely apologize. Sakage took no pleasure or pride in looking better than a peer whom he knew he was stronger than. Muzan's mood could never be sustained for long, though, and he very soon frowned back to him. "You've brought no word of the blue spider lily."
"My apologies."
"Aren't ninja supposed to have knowledge of these things? Weren't you of a high ranking clan? Go back and order them to search."
And, at that moment, a dangerous thought escaped Sakage's inner filter, it leaked though to his mind at the same moment it leaked to Muzan's: But I can't show my face back there.
The way Muzan's face bent with disgust drove more terror into Sakage than when he was still a human and first encountered the demon lord. He felt certain of a swift death, but Muzan let him be. Sakage was still too useful. But, Sakage knew he'd have to crawl back to Muzan's graces by providing something of more use to him. He had to unveil a secret of more value.
Tengen, who remained active despite missing an eye and a hand, was present at an emergency Pillar meeting. Tokito and Kanroji were bandaged up, and they recounted how the swordsmith village was attacked by Upper Moon Four. With two Pillars and a few other reliable Corp members all working together they defeated him well before daybreak, but not before discovering an ancient ability known only as "the mark."
As he was now, Tengen knew he'd never attain this. What bothered him more was how the demons found the village, so hidden that he'd have to put his mind to it to have figured out where it was. He could had resorted to old tricks to figure it out, whether that be silently tracking the smiths after their deliveries or flirting with the Kakushi, but what recourse would a demon have had?
'I heard the cacophony----'
A demon may have had ears that rivaled his own, or were better!
Feeling sure of which demon it may had been, he set to thinking of what he would do next. If the demon moved in shadow, listening for the Corps' secrets, what would be a bigger target than the swordsmith village?
"Uzui-san, are you alright?" asked Himejima. "You seem quiet today."
"You look pale," added Kanroji.
"I'm jealous I won't get one of those flashy marks," he lief without flaw. "We all know I can't take any demons on like I used to. Maybe I don’t belong here."
"Uzui, what sort of talk is that?" Iguro looked to him with his flamboyant dichromatic eyes wide, and brows knit tight over them. "This isn't like you."
"I've got a different sort of mission to go on, I'll see myself out. You all stay here and keep each other company discussing this."
"Then I'll excuse myself here as well--"
"Not you, you've got no excuse," Uzui forced Tomioka back to a seated position by pressing on his head.
In conducting his own investigation, Tengen set his crow to work investigating from the sky. What the crow learned, tracing a few leaks and scolding the birds involved, was that their mid-air communications may had been what spoiled the secret location. This confirmed Tengen's suspicion about Yogen's hearing. He had a feeling about some other spoiled secrets too, and in following up with Corp members involved in previous mishaps, he concluded that the secret hand signals had been divulged.
(Read the conclusion reblog here.)
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ravens-words · 3 years
your just such a talented writer! wow! i love all those mini tarlos aus! what do you think abt a renaissance royalty courting au? ily!!!!
Thank you so so much, nonnie 🤍 so happy you've been enjoying them!
I wanted to write something fun- this was not it 🤣
Anyway, I've never written a royalty au before (because I suck at it, as you will discover lol)
Prince Tyler Strand did not intend to marry, much to the displeasure of his father- as the only son of King Owen Strand, he was aware that he had a duty to his father, and his kingdom; a duty he had no interest in fulfilling, not when it meant he would spend his life trapped in a loveless union, pretending to be something he was not, with someone he did not love, someone he would never be able to love.
He'd been content to live out his life alone, ignoring his desires and the longing he felt when he caught a glimpse of two people holding hands, sharing a loving embrace, a smile.
He'd been content to drift through life, but that was until he met prince Carlos.
The man was bright, and kind, and genuine- his heart was pure gold, and Tyler loved him in a way he'd never loved anyone before.
He did his best to ignore him- he left any room Prince Carlos walked into, stayed quiet throughout any conversation he was involved in and made sure he was never, ever alone with him.
That was, until one night, he heard a knock at his door. It was a quiet, short thing, but he was a light sleeper, and so it woke him.
He walked over to the door, and opened it only slightly, and nearly slammed in Prince Carlos' face once he registered who exactly it was at his door.
"Prince Tyler, may I have a word?"
No, he wanted to say. "Yes," he muttered, stepping out of his room and into the hall.
The prince started to walk away, then looked back at him, waiting patiently for TK to catch up. They walked through the quiet halls and into the garden.
"I'm leaving in three days' time."
TK let out a quiet breath, relief and sadness warring for dominance. "You will be missed."
"Will I?" He asked, eyes meeting his and daring him to look away. For the first time, he didn't. "From the moment I came here, you have done nothing but hide and run away from me. Tell me, have I offended you?"
He shook his head wordlessly. "You have not."
Carlos, in a move that stole the breath out of TK's lungs, brought his hand up and let it ghost over his cheek. "Do you feel it, too?"
TK let out a shaky breath and swayed closer, eyes shut tightly. "I can't."
"You can," he told him, breath fanning his cheek gently, making him shiver, "you can, just- let go."
"I can't," he shook his head.
Carlos smiled softly at him, letting his head rest gently on TK's. "We can. Things are changing, slowly but surely, and with a union like ours- we will make history, my prince."
He looked up at him, green eyes meeting warm brown, and felt like he could do anything. "Yes," he answered, nothing more than a whisper.
Carlos drew him into the circle of his arms, and the prince felt something he'd never felt before-
Give me a pairing and an AU setting and I'll write a three sentence fic.
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kayzume · 4 years
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Pairing: Android!Tendou Satori x SicklyF!Reader
Genre: Angst-ish
TW: Character Death (non gore)
WC: 1.7k
Note: Rushed...very. This is my contribution to Haikyuu HQ server collab and my very first time joining one, so I’m uh nervous af. I hope this was sufficient enough:)). Lots of talented writers and artists are participating so make sure to check the masterlist right here
Also: Mama @prismaroyal thank you so much (T^T)..what would I do without you🥺!! @shinrurie and @yacoka thanks for hyping me😳😭
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"Is X00 ready?" your father spoke in a low voice.
He looked at you and smiled "just a little bit more my angel, dad is gonna give you the companion of a lifetime" he told you gently. 
"If I even have a lifetime dad," you told him weakly and he gave you this mourning look "y/n don't say such words!" he said to you while shaking his head. He crouched down to your level and caressed your face "I'm gonna make sure that this droid will help you recover, it's not over yet please have more faith in yourself, you'll be fine, you'll get better and-" he sighs then grasps your hands lightly "and we'll be together for a long long time."
You knew that your father was grasping on his false hopes of you getting better. If somebody looks at you in your current state they would surely figure out that your gravely ill, your skin has lost its regular healthy appearance, your eyes were sunken.Your father is a scientist, he's done a lot to help you recover. He tried inventing various ways, medicines, and such to help your gravely ill body to become healthy, but to this day, nothing. None of your father's hard work barely made an impact on you. It always ends up on him getting upset that none of them is helping until today that is.
"He's X00, he will be your companion from now on, he's modeled after caretakers and nurses I'm sure he will be a good factor for your health" your father exclaimed while smiling widely. You shift your sights from your dad to 'X00' he was tall and kind of lanky, with wild red hair and mysterious red eyes, for an android, his eyes seemed so full of life, a clear contrast from yours, which appeared lifeless even for a young girl such as yourself? he was staring at you and you felt weird, like his gaze pierced into your soul itself. Shaking the thought, you stared back at him and he blinked. Wait did he just blink? "He can- h-he blinked, at me!" you told your father incredulously, but he only laughed at your surprised reaction.
"Well of course he can, he was built to act completely human, how else would he be able to sympathize with you if he can't?" your father said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I'll leave you to him so you can get to know him" he continued not leaving time for you to say something. You sighed in defeat at the realization that you are now stuck with a mecha humanoid that's just standing there, staring at you silently. Your father must be kidding, how in the world are you supposed to communicate with a metal piece of junk. You were never a fan of technology in the first place, always believing they were a pain and they stole a lot of your father's time. You looked back at 'X00' he doesn't look half bad if you bypass his blood red eyes “You-" you tried starting, but then you started coughing vigorously, it was painful to say the least noticing bits of blood on your hanky, you decided speaking is not the best idea at the moment. He looked clearly worried and you averted your eyes in response, away from his face. You closed your eyes and faced the other side of the lab overlooking the garden, but when you opened your eyes he was there crouched in front of you, staring.
"What the fuck!" you exclaimed startled, a hand to your pounding heart.
Then suddenly you felt a hand to your head making its way to caress your cheek tenderly, it was him. He looked extremely gentle for someone who doesn't have a real heart, you happen to look away only to take notice of your hand now resting on his other hand, something you didn't even notice. You peeked at his face, he was sporting a sweet smile, and you feel the hotness creep all the way from your neck to your face. You lightly try to pull your hand back "Oh uhm give my hand back please" you squeaked. He let go of your hand and proceeded to the back of your wheelchair, slowly pushing your way out of the lab "D-do you have a name? b-besides from X00?" you asked dumbly. Of course, he doesn't, he was only activated today "How about I give you one?" He didn't answer, so you opted to stay quiet as well. How exactly is he supposed to help you when he doesn't even talk?!
Time passes by the two of you and he's slowly acknowledging you. It feels like you're teaching a chick how to speak, rather than him caring for you, it was the other way around. Every time you are to spend time with your mother and father, he would be taken away by your father's attendants, claiming that time with the family was for the family alone, you always missed the forlorn look painted in his eyes. The first time that it happened it took you solid 10 minutes to reassure him that you'd only be apart for a short while. You might not admit it to anyone, but being around him slowly makes you feel at ease and surprisingly you could feel more energy surging through your body. As crazy as it is his presence gave more to you than necessary, and you're loving every bit of it disregarding the fact that being with someone like him is impossible. He understood you and stood by you regardless of what is and whatnot. You were thankful for him being a shoulder to lean on and just for being your friend.
Today, you and X00 will be picking out some flowers. Your mother had said that the air outside mixed with the flowery aroma will help you breathe better and upon hearing such, X00 ushers you both out immediately, you have regained your footing all thanks to X00. Though he barely speaks he always makes your day by humming a specific tune, It was your inspiration to be able to walk again, to be able to dance along with his beautiful music. You knew in the short time that you were together that something changed, you weren't able to pinpoint what it was exactly, but it's definitely there looming over you.
Some things were starting to feel different, the innocent looks turned to something more when it's just the two of you, for you at least. You try to brush off the feelings evidently growing on you as time passes by, you always have to remind yourself "y/n he's a metal junk, he doesn't do feelings" after you're mini realization you fought back the forthcoming tears, but to no avail. You looked up at the sky, asking whoever was up there in heaven, "why me, why us?"
"I" he started, making you look at him "Hmm?" You urged him to continue
"I want...I want a name" he said. The gesture stirred something heart-warming in your chest, but before you could even give him a response, you felt a sudden chill in your back and slowly you feel your world begin growing dark.
Murmurs, murmurs, and more murmurs. You can hear voices but all words seem to be incoherent.
"How is she?" a voice you recognized as your mother's, you can already imagine her pacing around the room by the sound of her concerned voice. She was the type to fret over everything.
"It's not looking good" you presume was your father's, as he gave an exasperated sigh. You thought why was everyone so gloomy? what is happening?
You slowly opened your eyes to the blinding white lights "ugh" you let out in pain. Why does everything hurt? What is with all these tubes and wires stuck on you? You know what was going on. Deep down you knew, but you decidedly keep on rejecting the idea of you passing. You thought if you leave now, how is he gonna keep going, and for what? The thought of him made you snap. 
"WHERE IS HE?!" you screamed startling your parents.
"y/n calm down, sweetie," your mother said while rubbing your back to calm you down "stressing will only make things worse, hmm" as if on cue you felt a sharp pang course through your body "Argh!" you yelped in pain, "hah..hah...hah" you started breathing heavily, the pain is starting to become unbearable, "Mom it hurts...so much" you clung to her as if it will make things any better. Your face is scrunching in pain, tears are starting to sting your eyes. Your mother was cradling you in her arms, you can feel her shaking. She was crying silently and it makes things extra clear for you, This is the end.
You calmed yourself down and pulled away from your mother. You looked her in the eyes and stated "I want to see him, mom, for the last time, please" you pleaded with her. She kissed your forehead and gave you a comforting hug. You both knew that this meant goodbye and it was hard to let go. Your father couldn't stand to look at you so helplessly that he decided to leave without saying goodbye. It was for the best you thought. The door screeched open, he stood before you. He looks forlorn as if something was taken away from him. "Come" you signaled him to come closer, he scooted next to you. You caressed his face, memorizing every inch, "I- I want you to remember that even though it was only a  short period of time that I was with you, I have loved every single aspect there is about you. I remembered you stating that you wanted a name, hmm, your name shall be Tendou because you were heaven's grace to me" you whispered. "You may not be able to feel love, but remember that this heart has only beaten for you." you continued leaning close to put his hands near your heart, with a longing look you placed a loving kiss on his forehead.
You gave him one last smile, "Farewell, Tendou"
Tendou cradled your lifeless body against his, berating himself over not being able to shed a tear. Deep inside him he was praying, “In our next life we’ll be together, I promise” feeling the heaviness in his heart “I loved you too”
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 05 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 2.5K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
<- Previous part (04)
Next part (06)->
{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
You just finished the book. Four days must be a world record. So you put it down on the nightstand, going to the window. Your heart starts beating fast when you see Bruce down there. He told you he'd have a busy day today, so Alfred will be bringing the meals. Bruce looks good, suit and tie. A small group of people is with him, with cameras and microphones. Another interview.
Dreams Are Better Than Reality
He suddenly looks up, straight at you. The smile that comes to your lips can't be controlled. And... There's a small smile on his lips too. Hesitantly, you wave at him, placing your hand on the glass. He nods, slightly. But his attention is claimed by a woman. She comes walking, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. She's beautiful, blonde hair and a dark red dress.
There's a knot on your stomach, and you quickly step away, closing the curtains. A man like Bruce is never alone. He can have anyone he wants, and many women want him, you're sure. It's stupid to feel this way. Bruce is a free man and you... You're a criminal.
Deciding not to think about it, you take the book, reading some parts again. Hours later, after dinner, when you're curled up in bed, you take the drawing you made of Bruce. It's hard to see the details in the darkness, but you already memorized his features. But you force yourself to put it away, back inside the book. Closing your eyes, you try to get a little bit of sleep.
• Bruce's POV •
The reporters follow me, and I tell them to choose a place for the interview. Today had been a hectic day, and it's far from over yet. Guiding them through the gardens, I look down at my feet. Did she eat something already? Did Alfred remind her that I won't be able to visit today?
“By the pool seems like a good place.”
“Maybe over there.”
Nodding, I don't pay attention to the chattering. I suddenly realize I'm by her room, and something makes me look up, at her window. My heart starts beating faster when I see her face, looking down at me. (Y/N) seems so different from when she got here, more innocent. Even though the distance, I take in her beautiful eyes, and her lips, breaking into a smile. I'm smiling back before I can notice, admiring her delicate face. She waves, her hand laying on the glass.
“Bruce.” Angela, today's interviewer, gets my attention. Our long term friendship gives her the opening to hug me, and place a kiss on my cheek. But as I loosely return her embrace, I'm aware of (Y/N), looking at me. At Angela and I. What will she think of it?
“Angela. I hope you're having a good day.” I tell her, my eyes quickly going back at the window when she pulls away. But the curtains are closed. She's gone.
The interview is the same as many others. I smile politely, answering the same generic questions. Hours later, I'm at the gala I'm forced to attend. The music, the people, nothing makes me stop thinking about her.
My mind starts wandering, and I picture her here, with me, in a beautiful dress, with her hair rolling down her shoulders. I would have her by my arm all night, show her around this place. Something tells me she would like it.
I can't think of (Y/N) like that. I've been telling myself over and over again, but it doesn't seem to work. I even considered the possibility of stop visiting her for a while again, but I couldn't. I have to see her.
It's past midnight when I'm back home, after leaving the gala earlier than usual. I go straight to my room to shower and check Gotham streets before deciding if I should go out today. But on my way to the cave, I walk by her room. Stopping on my tracks, I look at the closed door. Maybe she's awake.
Careful not to make any noises in case she's asleep, I unlock the door. (Y/N) is lied down, curled up. Slowly, I walk in. Her book is opened beside her, and a piece of paper is coming out from among the pages. Walking closer to the bed, I bend over to take it. The paper is from the book, folded. Opening it, I hold my breath to see a drawing of my face. She's talented. But why is she drawing me?
Putting the paper back where I found it, I walk around the bed so I can see her face. She's not peaceful. It looks like she's in pain. The nightmares. (Y/N) must be having another one. Carefully, I sit on the bed, trying not to move the mattress too much. I need to give her something for a dreamless sleep. She furrows her eyebrows, clenching her fist. She's scared.
I want to tell her I'm here, that whatever is happening in her head, it can't hurt her. What haunts her? And how can I chase it away? Reaching out my hand, I touch her cheek, softly. Her skin feels so delicate under my touch, so fragile. It kills me to imagine everything they did to her. The image of Belle Reve's guards beating her is too much to handle. Rubbing my thumb on her chin, a smile comes to my lips. I was right. (Y/N) is improving, and I meant what I said when I promised I'd never let her go back to that prison.
My eyes wander through her face. The roots of her hair, and all the rest, in a light shade of lilac. Her eyebrows, nose, and lips. When I look at her eyes, I find them open, innocently looking at me. I freeze, unable to move my hand away from her face.
• (Y/N's) POV •
In your sleep, you're drowning in darkness. You're struggling to breathe, but suddenly, you feel something. Whatever it is, it brings you back, slowly returning into consciousness. You feel something on your face, so softly, that it can only be a dream. It must be a good dream this time because when you open your eyes, it's Bruce you see.
Not Joker, or Harley, or some of the guards... Bruce. You're finally having a good dream. His touch feels so delicate, like it's not even there. Smiling, you take his hand.
“Bruce,” you say, pulling him. “Stay with me.”
He doesn't resist, so you keep pulling him until he's lying down, your head on his chest. You know this may turn into a nightmare any time soon, but for now, you can enjoy it. It feels so good... So peaceful. You hold onto him as if you could force the good dream to remain for a while longer.
“If you stay here I won't have nightmares,” you mutter, taking in his scent. You love his cologne, it's familiar. You wish it was real. You're listening to his heartbeat, feeling his chest moving as he breaths. You wish it was real, that this was really him. But it's ok. At least in your dreams, you can have him this close.
“I think I could fall in love with you.” It comes out, as you close your eyes again, bracing yourself for whatever may happen next.
“Me too.” His illusion answers and you giggle.
You really wish this could be real.
You're happy. Beyond happy. Maybe, whatever Bruce is doing is actually working. Brushing your hair, you need to tell him about last night. He will be happy, right? To know his project is going well. You hear the door opening and run out of the bathroom, as fast as you can despite the pain, smiling to see Bruce.
“Good morning, (Y/N). How do you feel?”
“Good.” Taking the cup of juice from the tray he's carrying, you take a sip.
“We need to talk about something.” He sounds serious, and whatever is it, it might just ruin the mood.
“Sure. But I need to tell you something first.” You sit on the bed crossing your legs. “Yesterday, I had a good dream. A really good dream.” Of course, you would never tell him what it was about. How you held on to him, your head on his chest... That he can never know. “It started bad but... It changed and then it was good. I can't even remember the last time I actually had a nice dream.”
Bruce seems confused, thinking. You watch as the puts the tray on the nightstand, as usual. He doesn't seem so serious anymore, just... Different. “That's very good to know.”
“What is it that you wanna talk about?”
“Nothing. Let's begin with your therapy session, as you like to call. Eat.”
Weird to say the least. Shrugging your shoulders, you eat the sandwich before sitting on the armchair before him.
“Alfred told me you went to a party yesterday. How was it?” You take a blanket with you, wrapping it around your shoulders.
“Boring, as usual. But the place was beautiful, I think you would like it. The Hall had high walls, with a huge crystal chandelier and its light reflected through the place as if starts had fallen to Earth.”
The image fills your heart and you smile. It sounds amazing, but... The people there would make you nervous, you're sure. “Did you dance?” You ask him, and the memory of that woman comes back to your mind. How she hugged and kissed him. “With that friend.”
“I didn't dance at all. I had a lot in my head. By the way, I'll be hosting a gala next Saturday. So Alfred will be the one to bring you dinner.”
“Alright... So... Batman does know how to dance. That's impressive.” Smirking, you tease him.
“You must be a great dancer too, to speak like that.” A smile crosses his face.
“Not really. Someone like me doesn't get the chance to go to parties like that... All we have are the night clubs. And I never enjoyed night clubs.” Every passing day, you take less pleasure in remembering your life. Before coming here, before Belle Reve. The adrenaline of some moments still get to you sometimes, and you find yourself missing it. But sometimes... You feel embarrassed to tell Bruce those things. You're starting to see that what you used to do wasn't right. But then again, how were you supposed to have anything in life? You're supposed to be graduated from college, and maybe be in a good job. But the truth is that you don't have anything but the money you stole. Being a villain is the only thing you know how to do.
“You're different from the others. It gets more clear every day.”
“Then you must be proud of yourself for choosing me.”
“No, I'm proud of you. When I first got in touch with the direction of Belle Reve and exposed what I wanted to do and who I wanted to try it on, they told me I'd fail.” Bruce's stare is intense, like fire. Not the type that burns, but the type that keeps people warm... Or maybe you're just cold today. “That you fight and run, constantly, never allowing any human being but those you command to approach. Never would open up, because they think there's nothing in you.”
“Maybe they're right.” Looking down, you pull your legs up, hugging your knees. “When nobody believes in you, you stop believing too. So that's what I did. They treated me like an animal, so I became an animal.”
“I believe in you.”
Your eyes meet his again, and you can't control the smile that comes to your lips. “I did give you a hard time, didn't I? In the beginning.”
“You definitely did. But I'm glad I didn't give up on you. It would be a huge mistake.”
Nervously, you run a hand through your hair. It's hard to admit, even to yourself, that you're glad too. “Well, Bruce Wayne. What is it we'll talk about today?”
“Harley.” He simply says.
“My dear sister. Is she still out there?”
“Yes, but I'm closing in. How's your relationship with her?”
You wanna tell him about the dream... The last thing you want now is to talk about Harley. What the hell is happening to you? Why did you dream of Bruce in that way in the first place? Was it because you got jealous of that woman? A beautiful, normal, mentally healthy woman Bruce could fall for? Wait, were you jealous? Is that what jealousy feels like? Like you want to punch that woman in the face until she's bleeding mess? No, you shouldn't do that. How do normal people deal with jealousy?
It doesn't really matter because you can't feel this way towards Bruce. It's like emotional suicide. Focus on Harley, focus on the therapy. “Harley cares about me. In her own way. She just cares more about herself. We...” Closing your eyes, you can't shake the image off my head.
Bruce's fingers caressing your cheek, so delicately. Your head on his chest, his arms holding you. It felt like... Home. How can someone feel like home? It's illogical.
“(Y/N)?” Bruce's voice gets your attention and you open your eyes again. “What are you thinking about?”
“The dream, I... It was good to have a nice dream, that's all.” His expression softens as if he's remembering something too. Maybe he remembered a good dream he had. “Harley and I were close when she started taking me out with her. As I learned things for my own, we eventually parted ways. It didn't help that I was in constant war with her beloved Joker.”
“Don't you have anyone who's a friend? Someone you would trust?”
“Boomy is like my best friend, I guess.”
“Captain Boomerang. We're rarely in touch, but whenever we bump into each other, I know he'll have my back.” You smile to remember him. He's a nice guy. At least to you. “Deadshot too. He's the one you look for when you need some actual advice.”
“Do you miss them?”
“Yeah, a little...” Why is he asking that? “It-It doesn't mean I want to go back–”
“You're not going back to Belle Reve,” Bruce reassures you, reaching out his hand, which you're quick to take. “Never doubt that.”
His touch is warm, and it burns like pure electricity. You don't know why he doesn't let go, his fingers caressing the back on your hand. “Thank you for... For not believing them. For... Everything. Everything you did for me, I... I never thought anyone would be this kind to me.”
“You deserve it. You deserve more than being treated like...”
“It's ok. I get it.” Smiling, your eyes fall on your hands, still together.
You have to be careful not to misread the signs. Careful not to confuse gentleness with something else... Bruce would never look at you differently. He needs a woman like the one you saw. Elegant, beautiful... Normal. You're too much of a trouble, and you always will be.
@redwolf-7 @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker
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indimlights · 4 years
✨Merry christmas Cille✨
To: @birthdaysentiment 💛
-> From: @indimlights (Rodrigo)
Hi Cille! I guess it's up to me to kick off this "little" surprise but I don't even know where to start...
I remember really well the first time I saw a post of yours, I was still lurking back then and the moment I read it I felt so many things, things I don't know how to describe and that I never thought words could make me feel and I knew, I just knew that I had to see more. Fast-forward a couple of hours I knew your blog by heart, I had looked at so many of your posts and every single one was as amazing as the first one, as touching as the first one and as deep as the first one.
The meaning you put on words still gets to me every single day, you have such a way into them and don't even get me started on your music analysis. The moment I read the first one I was mind-blown! The things you catch, the connections you make between the music and the scene, the way you describe the scenes, it makes me go back, relive the moment and feel everything I felt the first time I watched it and all this just by... reading your words! If that doesn't tell me how amazing you are with them I don't know what will.
From that day I always wished I could talk to you, get to know the person behind the words, behind the masterpieces, behind the blog because you seemed like such a sweet person and now... After some time, I got that chance and I'm so happy I got it. You are everything I thought you would be and 1000x more, you are sweet, caring, smart, loving, wise, joyful and so supportive to me and to everyone in this community! You always spread love and that's so important and so nice of you to do, the way you write essays in the tags for everyone's posts just shows that! It's such a simple thing but means so much.
And I'm not even mentioning how talented you are with non-written posts because those are on another level aswell, I mean you always surprise me with your ideas and creativity and just knowing that whenever I come here I will have some sort of attack waiting for me just keeps me going and I love everything you do so much.
I'll never be able to thank you enough for being so welcoming when I barely knew anyone and for making me feel so much more comfortable here! Getting to know you better and to share this experience with someone like you has been a blessing and I wouldn't change any second of it, thank you for everything you have done and for always being so sweet to me. I don't understand what I did to deserve all that but that just shows again how wonderful you are.
I'm wishing you a merry christmas! Surrounded by everyone you love and that makes you happy because you deserve that and so much more, please never change, never stop being like this, a special and wonderful person. I hope you enjoy this surprise :) Have a wonderful day Cille 💛
-> From: @remy3010 (Remy)
Hihi Cille❤ I love your blog so much especially music analysis! I just fall in love with your music analysis since your first posts.
For me whose mother tongue is not English, it takes a while to read but I'd love to. Because these articles deserve more people to see (including me)!
I have read every article of yours, the content touches me all the time. (Sometimes I have a lot of words want to tell you, But I don’t know how to speak in English..sorry🥺so I give❤ and reblog)
Anyway, thank you for writing beautiful words and sharing with us! I hope you can keep this passion forever, and everything go well. May you have wonderful days my friend ❤
-> From: @franboos (Francine)
hi bb cille,
wanted to tell u that i love u blog and the time u put into analyzing stuff is shhshdhdhdhd. queen shit. u seen so genuine to talk to idk, i get those nice, non judgmental, relaxed and cool vibes from u. lmao. pls stay on tumblr for as long as u can cuz i love ur posts. u notice such little things in clips from wtfock, like u have a very detailed eye miss hehe. i really want to get to know u more cuz i really think we could vibe v well together, and that’s on perioood 😌. i hope u have a great great day while reading this queen. never stop what you’re doing cuz ur great at it. i love you !!
many kusjes and knuffels*,
(*knuffels means hugs but also stuffed animal in dutch, did u know that? otherwise now u do, nice isn’t it)
-> From: @dagcutie (Pauline)
hey hey cille!!
I must admit i’m very much a fan of you and your blog
first of all, your posts? chefs kiss!! i mean your music analysis are amazing and so on point, your photo edits are always perfect and the colorings are so beautiful, your long text posts 'drabble/headcanon style' are so cute and always makes me so soft and emotional...
your love for black and white? that’s a big yes!! anyways everything you do is perfect!!
also can we take a moment to appreciate your person? i think we can and we must do it..
you’re always so supportive and kind, all the nice tags you let under peoples creations are so sweet!! I also could cry about how cute you are always leaving lovely messages to people inbox or coming randomly to them to say something nice.. you’re the most beautiful soul and a blessing for this fandom!! please never stop being you!! ily a lot, sending you all my love and i wish you an amazing day<3
knus og kys til dig💛✨
-> From: @allee-sander (Tanya)
Cille, you are an amazing person. you are so kind and loving. every time i see you on my dash, my face lights up. you are a literal angel. you are loved and appreciated, never forget that.
-> From: @tsjernobyl (Emma)
Cille, you are a genuinely kind and loving soul who's just on this site to talk about the things you love and spread a little joy and everyone can tell that the moment they go onto your blog. i've seen you be nothing but lovely to everyone you interact with and it's a real honor to be mutuals with you and interact from time to time. You are always one of the sweetest and most supportive people here, and i hope you feel that love flowing back to you at all times because you always have my warmest wishes and love!!!!!
-> From: @dreamaur (Ann)
How does it feel to be so cool and sweet and supportive??? I love you and your mind and how you see so many details and capture them so well with words,,,queen keep going with your top tier analysis and text posts that make me emotional everything single time
-> From: @annonymannonym (Alice)
Where do I even begin ummm ... well words may not be enough to describe such angelic human being that Cille is but today is about her *about you Cille* !♡! Honestly I’m so so happy and honoured and so grateful to have meet and know you and come along your blog and your amazing posts and edits , let’s s not forget about the masterpiece that your analysis is cuz I live for every single one of them ! Always so on point and touchy and so so emotionally, they give you a whole new perspective and point of view and helps you connect with the person that goes throught those feelings , helping you understand so much deeper the feelings and the emotions he experience in that right moment( so thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time and writing these it really shows how much passion and love you put on making these! they absolute helped me to understand and feel much more the meaning behind all these little moments you captured so so well and wonderful ! ) You’re always such a blessing here so lovely friendly so goodhearted and sooo on ... < insert here all the good compliments in the world > cuz they all applies to you ! Know that you’re so special and such a light a sunshine wherever you are and go , you always spread so much positivity and good energy and love and compassion and you support every single people your way comes along with and you shown so much respect and love and understanding ! Always with a wise and thoughtful mind and with the right words at you using them with so much care and mining fullness ! And your blog i love love love it the b&w aesthetic and your love for it owns my heart !! I adore your posts so much ( or ramblings or thoughts as you may call them but know they are so so much more than that its a way of yours to express yourself and open up and pour every feeling you experience and many people found themselves and feel with you , I find myself in them and resonate with them every time ! ahh and your tags that you write in every post are sooo sweet and cute i could read them all day long just coming on your blog and read them makes my day so much better ) they are such a good way to brighten your day and they put a smile on my face whenever i see you on my dash truly a blessing to have you here! Never forget how unique and special human being you are and every one who has you in their lives are very blessed to have you ! Never change being this beautiful inside and out but most importantly inside ! literally a tresure your soul is and must be protected at all cost so take very good care of it ! Don’t forget to always do what makes you happy and gives joy and peace and just you know that good feeling you have in your chest and heart whenever you do something you love and like with passion and joy. I could say so much more but maybe I’ll repeat myself cuz there are never enough compliments to say about how wonderful person you are! you deserve every single one of them ! I really meant every word i said from the bottom of my heart and know that i really apreciate and love all you do and I’ll be here to support you anytime! You deserve the absolute world and more!! love you Cille! ♡ Okey bye✿
-> From: @robbesdriesen (Bianca)
Cille ~ such a lovely presence to see on my dash always!! Your support towards everyone in the fandom is more than appreciated and so is your love that you continuously aim to spread <3
-> From: @happilyinsane (Dharaa)
Hey Cille 💕
Just wanted to say that I think you are really sweet and lovely. I see you everywhere on the tumblr. Wanna thank you for keeping this fandom alive during the drought and keep us entertained. I see your tags on people's posts and I always feel like you are so kind and sweet to spend your time appreciating people's work. Doesn't matter if its a photo or an edit or whatever. You are so nice to pay attention to everyone individually. You are such a good friend/mutual, always appreciating and sliding into their asks and just making their day a lil bit better. You definitely bring so many smiles on our faces. I am sure everyone is very thankful to have you in this fandom, I know I am.
I know we haven't interacted that much but thank you for sliding into my asks and giving me an opportunity to interact with you. You are the sweetest, baby. And I hope you like this whole thing that Rodrigo is doing, because you definitely deserve it. Keep lighting up our dashes with your posts, pls. Ilysm 💕
-> From: @alwaysaneverland (Sarah)
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-> From: @theflowerisblue (Lola)
Cille! You’re such a present part of the tag! You’re always interacting and posting and I love reading what you have to say. Your music analysis are so interesting and I also think you’re really funny! I love your black and white aesthetic and most of all I love how supportive and positive you’re towards everyone!
-> From: @fvae (Fae)
hi cille!! I'm really glad to have met you through this fandom and I hope you like the surprise!! I loved to read your song analysis because they're always on point and well thought of👌 💯  and your edits!! *chef's kiss*
sending you lots of love and hugs 💕💖💫
-> From: @embeddedinmybrain (Tasfia)
Hi Cille! You are just a ray of sunshine!! And you are the sweetest and kindest person here. I loved following through with your wtfock music analysis posts bc everything you felt is exactly what I felt. They made me really emotional!! And of course I (and Sarah and Fae) appreciate your tags for moyo season so much. We wait for them and we read them to each other and we just love seeing your reactions to it. Your edits are incredibly amazing too and I love the colouring in them. You are just an amazing sweetheart and I’m so glad to know you 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕
-> From: @veerledejaegers (Soph)
Cille, you are very friendly and sweet, always insightful and seem like an incredibly lovely person that i hope i can get to know better ❤️(also love the black and white aesthetic)
-> From: @sanderxrobbee (Semri)
Cilleeeeeeeeeeee loml!!!! Merry Christmas to you! I genuinely wish you all the best and I hope you get to spend all the holidays in the best way possible! You’re such a blessing to this fandom because you’re talented in every single way, whether it’s your writing or your godly Photoshop skills, oh and let’s not forget your dedication because you’re there all the time to brighten our days and make us smile. I haven’t known you for long, but I truly love and appreciate all you do and I’m grateful that you always take the time to compliment everything and everyone. You have no idea how much it makes me smile when you say my gifs are good because I’ve yet to learn a lot, but you are seriously one of the biggest reasons I haven’t given up the second something got too complicated. Where am I going with this? No idea. Anyway, I adore the fuck out of you and I’m happy to take part in this “project” because you really deserve all the love in the world. Once again, happy holidays!
-> From: @hopelessromanticvirgo (Elene)
Talking about you Cille is making me always so emotional but I will try my best not to burst out from love and emotions. You’re one of the sweetest person here and I will never get tired of saying that.
We haven’t talked that much directly but I don’t need that to know you’re one of the greatest person here, I just know that for sure. I’m also sure about it because I can see the way you treat people? Even speaking about your tags? Like you take the time out of your day to make sure everybody gets love and everybody gets attention. You make all of us smile and I adore your tags on my stories. You can’t even imagine how many times I have reread your posts about it, like I crave it, I’m in love with it, it makes me feel so happy and so loved and I’m certain that everybody else feels the same way too. You always know how to make everybody’s day better and how to make them feel special.
And please, don’t even get me started on your posts! Your song analysis. Like I know I’ve told you this thousands of times before but I don’t care, I’m saying it again! The way you pictured and described all those songs and scenes!!! Like wow! I’d always reread your posts about that one specific scene after rewatching the season countless of times. (And you also did so many scenes!! I’m in awe and I’m emo from just thinking about it)
Watching clips were different but reading them with lyrics were a whole other thing. I just felt so connected with the whole story and scenes when I’d ready your posts. And connect scenes with the music and it was the best thing ever. Sometimes I still go back and reread some of my favorite posts of yours. I never get tired of it.
And you’re so kind and so sweet that I could write essays about it! Such a blessing to this world! I just love you a lot okay? Everybody needs somebody like you, somebody who shines from kindness and love and people around you must be so lucky who get to meet you everyday and talk to you!
Thank you so much for everything you do, for being you and for making my day better and making me smile every time you reblog my posts or every time I just see your username on my dashboard! It’s such a small gesture but means so much!
Thank you for existing, babe! I hope you’re gonna have a wonderful day! And I’m sending you the biggest hug and my positive vibes! I hope a smile never leaves your face! And I only wish the best things up onto you! I love you! ❤️❤️❤️
-> From: @itubainaretro (Esther)
Cille, my queen!!! Hi, sweetheart! Just dropping by to say that I hope you’re having a good day, despite the situation that the world is in, and that you’re feeling happy, loved, cherished and warm today, because you’re you and you deserve to feel all the best feelings in the world! I wish you all the happiness in the world and that all your wishes come true too, because you sure deserve it! Thank you for being this amazing, inspiring, talented and sweet person that you are and that I’ve come to know a little bit in the past few months! I know we don’t exactly talk that much, but I want you to know that I love seeing you, your beautiful edits and your extremely heart warming “moments that live in my head rent free” posts on my dash daily! They all really make my days! Thank you for sharing your posts with us and making this fandom (and the world, honestly) a better place! You’re amazing and I’m really glad I pressed the follow button the day I did when I started following you! I hope this little message makes you smile today, babe! Best wishes and lots and lots of love,
Esther (itubainaretro) ♥️
PS: don’t forget to hydrate yourself, wear a mask and stay safe haha xxxx.
-> From: @driesendotkom (Marie)
Dear cille,
the reason i‘m writing this is to simply say thank you. thank you for being such a stable part of the fandom. every time i go into the tag i know i will see you there and it makes me smile every time. i can’t tell you how many hours i spent reading every one of your song analysis. even now a year after season 3 ended i find myself going back to them now and then to reminisce and relive those moments all over again.
i also want to say thank you for being such a kind and welcoming person. you care so much about the people you are close to. you are so easy to talk to and you make the people around you feel comfortable instantly. you brought a little bit of hygge into my life and one more time i want to say thank you 💛
-> From: @driesenrobbe (Becca)
my dear, sweet, cille! you never fail to make me smile and im beyond happy that we became mutuals! im sure i’ve already said this a million times before but you really do have the biggest heart and i couldn’t thank you enough for all the love and support you constantly share to everybody in the wtfock fandom. plus the talent you possess... girllllll i love seeing your edits and reading your posts (honestly your mind is just wowowowow, it’s on a whole other level of incredible and i hope you know just how wonderful you are). also the way you always write entire essays in the tags of other posts... like you really do take the time to make everyone feel so welcomed and loved, and I’m sending you an infinite amount of love and appreciation in return! you really are the sweetest, most caring person who deserves all the happiness in the world, an actual ray of sunshine! i hope you know how loved and cherished you are, and that good vibes are always being sent your way. Many hugs and kusjes, ilysm!!!! <3
-> From: @mijnlief (Eline)
Dear Cille,
This year has been a weird one, but I do know that it has also been one of the best because of meeting you. In such a short time we became so close, and I am so grateful to have met you during these weird times. We are so alike in many ways and I love that so much. Our Skype conversations are my favorite and the essays you send me about my writing and just about me being me always make me feel happy and loved. You are the kindest and most generous person ever. I hope you know how special you are. I am so proud of you for everything you have achieved this year and for choosing yourself in situations where it got hard to make a choice in the first place. I know I tell you that everyday, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again right here. I hope this post makes you smile, because you deserve that so much for just being who you are. You bring happiness to all of my days and I can’t wait to hug you one day soon when everything in the world calms down again. I love you lots! 🧡 Eline
-> From: @onzeziggy (Laurien)
My sweetest Cille, where do I even begin? I suggest we should just begin from the very beginning and I’m sorry in advance if this is going to be a long, sappy text! But now that I have the chance (shout out to Rodrigo) for saying everything I want, I’m not able to tell you how long this will take.
So Cille, I still remember very clearly the first time I saw your account appearing on my dash. It was a music analysis from one of the songs from season 3. I was so amazed by it, because I could imagine how much time it takes to make it and observe every little detail in a single clip. I immediately fell in love with the concept of it and one week later, when you posted another one, my mouth dropped to the floor. Another music analysis? From the same person? Who is she and how do I become her friend? After that second post, I immediately started following you and became your little fangirl. I don’t lie when I say I was waiting every week for a new update of your incredible music analysis nor when I say I loved every single one of them (and still do). I know I already said this a million times, but your words of telling what was going on in every clip, about the emotions present in them, and how the music blended all of it together… No one, and I mean no one could have done it any better! I will forever be grateful for those posts and I want to thank you once again for wanting to share them and your talent with us!
After the music analysis adventure, your picture edits catched my eye. I love them so so much and I also took some creation of it for making some myself. Still, I was this little fangirl, knowing your name is Cille, but also wanting to know so much more about the person behind one of my favorite blogs. And now, during this hiatus, I can say I’ve got to know you and I couldn’t be any happier about it! Starting with little comments in each other’s tags, having little chats in the comment sections to screaming about a possible drawing of Robbe from Sander on their one year anniversary. And look at us now, reblogging almost every post and writing essays in each other’s tags hahah! Honestly, it keeps me alive during these times and I’m so glad I can do this together with you! I live for your attacks! Aaaah now that I’m talking about an attack, the fact that you have a dimples post ready is making me so excited and I think about it every day! We both know what’s important in love and life and that’s Robbe’s dimples! But this right here shows once again what an amazing sweet person you are! No one on here has ever done anything like this for me before, so I can’t thank you enough for this and all the other things you did and still do for me! And the privilege I have to be able to call you my friend warms my heart <33
I’m going to end this with a little quote Robbe wrote in one of his Instagram posts. When I read it again a couple of days ago, I immediately thought of you and what we’ve been through together the last few weeks :’)) Once again, thank you so much for everything you do for me and for everyone here in this fandom and being the amazing person you are! You deserve the whole world for it!
“Sometimes it’s like we just met yesterday, but other days it seems like I already know you my whole life, I love you Cille!” <33
I hope you enjoyed this💛 If you didn't know this community loved you yet (and I don't think that was possible), now you definetly do.
Extra: I'd like to thank once again everyone that took part it this surprise, you are all the sweetest for taking some time to write this and to help me with it! Thank you so so much✨
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Ight. I havent seen anyone else request it so I'll take matters into my own hands. The Fake Dating Trope with Jask/Reader? Like reader uses it as an excuse to get a creepy guy away like "OH LOOK ITS MY BOYFRIEND JASKIER HI SWEETIE" because she panicked and then they have to pretend to be a couple. They planned to drop the act after she was safe but then an ex of Jask comes up so they just... keep the charade going 😂 And both internally dying because they wish it wasnt fake
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x ReaderWord Count: 1,287Rating: T for smoooochin’Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle a/n: Godddd I love this trope! Thanks!
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You were seated far enough back that no one paid you any mind you had a clear view of the performers. You had had a plate of fruit and meat and bread and a goblet of exceptional wine. It was the perfect evening.
“Why does such a beautiful flower shrivel her blooms by hiding in the shade?”
Oh balls.
You pretended not to hear the man, focusing on the dancing couples and the music. He sat next to you (note to self: next time, make Geralt sit next to me or else bring my dagger to keep the seat unoccupied) and leaned on the table so far he was finally, unavoidably, in your eyeline. You gave him a tight smile.
“So quiet, pray speak so I may know the voice of the goddess herself,” he smarmed and you fought back a disgusted scoff.
“Y/N, you’ll never believe who’s here!” a voice said and you saw Jaskier approaching you, pausing when he saw the man sitting next to you.
“Darling!” you exclaimed, rising to cross to where he was and pull him into your arms. He instinctively wrapped an arm around you though the look on his face was utterly confused. You leaned in close and whispered in his ear, “This oaf is bothering me, just go with it.”
Jaskier nodded and his grip around your waist tightened perceptibly. He fixed the man with a steely look and turned to you.
“Is this man bothering you, turnip?” he asked, a humorous smirk playing about his lips. Bastard.
“I don’t know, dumpling,” you said, turning to the man, “Is he?”
“No offense meant,” the man mumbled and wandered away. The pair of you laughed and Jaskier reluctantly let go of you.
“Perfect timing, I was just wondering how much trouble I’d get in if I got blood on the tablecloths,” you said, “But you were saying something?”
“Oh! Yes, you’ll never believe who’s here!” he continued. You looked at him expectantly and he paused a moment more, building the dramatic tension before proclaiming, “Millicent.”
“Yes! The woman who broke my heart in Posada!” he exclaimed.
“Ohhh yes… I’m sorry Jaskier,” you said, genuinely.
“It’s alright it’s just… she’s here with someone and it’s so insulting,” he groused.
“Well… you’re not alone, technically,” you reminded him.
“Of course not, but we’re not together,” he said. As if he needed to remind you.
“What if we were? Just for tonight? As far as they’ll know, at least,” you suggested.
“You mean we would… pretend to be together for the evening,” he clarified.
“It’s a silly suggestion I’m s-”
“I love it!” he exclaimed, pulling you back by his side and fixing his pale, blue eyes on yours, “But not as much as I love you.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the way he looked at you and then it sank when it remembered that this was just a game. But it was a game you would enjoy.
When the music started again Jaskier insisted on dancing every one with you, his gaze adoring and trained on you every step of the way. It was so intense at times you forgot the steps but he gracefully redirected you and took the opportunity to give you little kisses on the hand or the cheek or the forehead or even once your nose. When it was time for him to perform you stood in the front, unlike your usual seat in the back of the hall, and clapped in rhythm as he sang, returning every wink he shot your way. Your heart kept soaring and dipping at these little glimpses into what could be if this wasn’t a game.
Jaskier pulled you onto his lap and you wound your arm around his neck as he spoke with some friends after the performance, enjoying the envious glares sent your way by others around you. You heard him inhale sharply and followed his gaze to the woman you assumed must be Millicent.
“Is that her?”
“Ready to really sell this?” you asked. His eyes met yours, quirking his eyebrow in a question you answered with a little wink. He smiled and his eyes fell to your lips as his hand rose to your face, softly cupping the side of it and then pulling it closer to his. Your mouths met in a whisper of a kiss, soft and chaste. Jaskier had intended to leave it at that. He knew you were doing him a favor and he didn’t want to take advantage of that. But your lips were so soft and the little sigh you made when you kissed them tore at the last thread of restraint he’d been grasping at this whole evening as he paraded his true feelings as a vengeful façade. Now, with your face in his hand and your lips pulled back to his by his insistent mouth, now he would show you how he felt. His hand crept higher, tangling in your hair as the kiss deepened and you sank into his embrace further, his arm anchoring you firmly. Your response was just as eager, pressing against him as though you were trying to somehow fuse your bodies into one, breathing growing labored until the sudden sound of someone clearing their throat pulled you back to your surroundings. As you pulled back the gaze shared between you and Jaskier was slightly stunned, both warring with the same question; that couldn’t just be play, could it?
“If you’re done,” a voice said and you looked up to find Yennefer giving you both an amused look.
“What?” Jaskier snapped impatiently, angry at being interrupted though he knew if you’d kept going one or both of you were going to end up banned from all future parties.
“Geralt sent me to find you,” she answered, “I believe his exact words were if they’re quite done with their little games we need to get rest before tomorrow.”
You reluctantly climbed off of Jaskier’s lap and reached out your hand. He took it and rose with you. Yennefer walked ahead and the two of you meandered, reluctant to leave the space where you’d been able to explore yet unspoken feelings. When you reached the door, you paused.
“Once we cross that threshold we can stop pretending,” you said, staring at the thin line between your sweetest dreams the harsh cold of reality.
“I’m tired of pretending,” Jaskier said. Your heart hurt but it was good to hear. Good to know that the kiss really had been just more proof of his talent as a performer. He stepped over the threshold and you followed, and then he pulled you into a hungry kiss, his mouth demanding and possessive, claiming every inch of your mouth it could from your lips to your tongue to the scrape of your teeth against his. When he pulled back you gaped at him.
“I thought,” you began, gasping for breath, “I thought we were done pretending.”
“I am,” he said, “I’m done pretending that I don’t have feelings for you. I’m done playing the courtly lover, longing from afar. I want you, Y/N. You have only to tell me that you want me too and I’m yours.”
You could feel Yennefer watching you from several paces ahead but you were used to an audience now.
“I liked pretending,” you said, and his face fell a little, “But I much prefer getting to do this without any pretense.”
Before he could say anything, you pulled him in for another kiss and Yennefer kept walking. There was no possible way to make up for all the months of longing between you in one night, but you were still going to try.
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fasterthanmydemons · 3 years
((to start: I totally feel the same way about the high selectivity thing dfjhsfdhj - I always get super nervous seeing that and I'll just,,, leave sdsdfjhfds
but!! Silence, listen, ily, you are an amazing writer, and I absolutely adore how you write your muses!! please just be sure to take care of yourself and don't push yourself so much, okay? you're an absolute joy to have in the community, and I'm so glad I'm able to write with you!! <3
{out of breath} I’ll plop this under a cut just because I know there are a lot of people following me who prefer not to read a lot of OOC stuff, so I’m trying to keep their dashes clean for them and all...
Thank you for sending this. <3 I really did not post what I did to fish for compliments, I just was actually looking at blogs and left about four of them that said "highly selective” and wondered if I was the only one with that issue, heh. But thank you, I appreciate it very much.
I’m just not in a good headspace right now. Real life is kicking my ass physically, mentally, emotionally, pretty much from all sides. Given that and my anxiety, that’s a recipe for me to start comparing myself to others and feeling like I don’t measure up. I look at my dash and see so many writers, 90% of whom I feel, for many reasons I could easily list (imagination, creativity, sentence variation, vocabulary, character voice, emotional understanding, you name it), write better than me. It doesn’t help when the majority of writers on my dash write characters I write too, so I end up feeling like mine are extraneous. I mean, does Tumblr really need a 47th Wanda Maximoff? Especially if I’m not even breaking into the top 10 for quality? Or Vision... that one’s even worse because I only see like two other active Visions on here right now and they are. Just. A+. Quality. Amazing. I literally hear PB’s voice in their dialogue. It just makes me wonder... why am I bothering? I do know to some extent that some of this is anxiety, but when I can objectively list a lot of ways in which my muses, blogs, writing, etc. are not as good as others, I feel like there’s maybe something to it.
I’m going to just shout out to you and Carter for a second because... like my feelings about my writing don’t just extend to canon muses. Your OC is amazing. You have written so much volume but also substance about Carter that she feels like a real person. You have an active blog with many writing partners and your threads are so engaging (I may be reading several of them lol). I have yet to get a single OC off the ground on Tumblr at all. I have attempted 8 of them over the years. Three of them I’ve deleted. Two I’ve given up on. One is completely dead but I wish I could write him. And the other two each have one potential thread and that’s it. I have never been able to do with an OC what you and many other talented writers have been able to do with yours. There are at least five OCs on here that I love like real people haha. I’ve known them for months or years and they are just so cool and interesting. Sometimes I wish I had that with my OCs, but then I try to get some activity and all I hear is crickets, and I just retreat again and the blog goes quiet.
Anyway... long story short, I used to write a lot more and a lot better years ago, and within the span of a year, I lost my mother, got dumped after 17 years, was laid off from my dream job, and had a toxic relative move into my parents’ room. I realize in the grand scheme of things, this is not that bad compared to what other people have been through, but it completely disrupted me mentally and I have yet to recover. Add in Covid and not really being able to leave my house and having a chronic illness that was in remission for 20+ years suddenly return, and I have no been able to write novels or write rps like I used to for about 4 years now. People keep telling me it’s just a little blip and my abilities will return, but the longer this dry spell lasts, the more I’m losing hope of that happening.
Things are not good right now, so all these insecurities are coming to the surface. Will I be okay? Yes. Will this go away? Yes. I can suppress a surprising amount of negative emotion, I’ve been doing it all my life, heh. But right now it’s just all surfacing. For anyone who’s gotten this far in actually reading this, I see you and I love you for it. Just writing this has made me feel 2% better, which is worth its weight in gold.
I love writing with you too, and I am definitely getting out at least one Pietro reply for Carter today if it kills me. He’s so annoyed with me that I’ve made her wait so long. XD
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x10 - American Woman
SECRETS OF THE PAST — After uncovering a cryptic message from the past, Alex (Tyler Blackburn), Isobel (Lily Cowles), Max (Nathan Dean), Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Maria (Heather Hemmens) set out in search of answers at the reservation where Alex’s mother grew up. Meanwhile, Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) encourages Liz (Jeanine Mason) to reach out to someone from her past after Auturo (guest star Carlos Compean) gets detained. Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingaro & Jason Gavin (#210). Original airdate 5/18/2020. 
Tripp brings Louise to the Reservation in a body bag where the Navajo doctors are able to save her life.
"Your message said that you were gonna bring two women that would be no trouble.  This looks like a lot of trouble."
"I must have gotten the codes wrong."
"No, don't give me that Manes man nonsense. Not here in my own home."
"Her name is Louise. I promised her friend Nora I'd protect them. My brother triggered an ambush before I could get them here. And Nora…"
"Wait, what does the Air Force want them for?"
"They're not from around here. They're from...up north."
"Yìiyáh. No. She can't stay here… What if your brother comes here and finds a fugitive.  I can't put my people at risk for a white woman."
"Please. You're the only person I trust. If she doesn't make it, it was all for nothing."
"I'll have you remember that I was the one that saved your ass in Okinawa. I don't owe you anything. I'm only doing this because you're my family. And because I'm a damn fool."
A few notes on this scene:
--I don't know why Tripp pretends he got the codes wrong.  Unless he's spiraling and talking about the timing of the attack.  But it seems like he means the message that he was bringing them to the reservation.  Clearly things didn't go according to plan.  Though, it is always possible that we're still missing bits of the story.
--OG Easter Egg.  "They're not from around here.  They're from up north." For anyone who didn't watch OG, this is almost exactly how the exchange went when Max told Liz he was an alien in the 1999 pilot.
--Yìiyáh - I found nothing on this word.  I'm assuming that it's a curse word or general exclamation of negativity, but literally got zero results on google. It's possible, of course, that it's misspelled in the captions.  There were a lot of errors in the captions in this opening scene.
--While there really isn't any overt statement that Alex is half Navajo and this town is part of Navajo Nation (which has been in the news a lot lately and therefore is a good place in this country to be aware of), there's lots of clues or subtle enough statements that I feel like it can be accepted as fact, since: Harrison is a codetalker, the necklace is Navajo, tsela is a Navajo word. So I did a little peeking and it could work.  The closest Navajo town is about a 4 hour drive from Roswell.
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Navajo Nation: 
(side note - Navajo Nation has extreme poverty but also is utterly gorgeous. And the Tribe gets income from tourism. Just a few places there that I'm dying to go? Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, Shiprock.  Check it out.)
Liz comments on Max's irregular heartbeat, with literally no acknowledgment of the fact that she's straddling him and has a history of causing his heart to race...and other forms of lack of control (think 1x03).
"I'm excited about this though. You know Alex dug up all that info on our bio Mom. You sure you can't come?"
"Got to take my dad in for his blood tests. I want to check on Jenna too.  Cannot believe she's back in the hospital again."
"She's been in pain for weeks. I have no leads on the mysterious hunting van, and Charlie hasn't made contact."
"Hmm. To be fair, I do hear that phone service is a little spotty in flying saucers."
"Okay, I get that. You think my alien abduction theory is bogus."
"I know you're worried that this has something to do with you, but I don't think this is an alien thing."
"Cam and I had fractal burns on our necks. We had no memory of what happened. That's alien stuff. I just want clarity on something."
--Note that it's past time to abandon all hope of anything resembling a defined timeline for this show...once again we have weeks passing between episodes. This is the second time this season that the time passing has only been generically described as "weeks".  It's been at least a year since Liz came back to Roswell (per her conversation with Diego), but a year would be summer (late May or early June, specifically), and in this episode Isobel mentions that it's winter (which would be a year and a half).
Maria's pitch:
"In conclusion, esteemed members of the Roswell Tourism Board, while the Pony is normally a sanctuary for locals during CrashCon, I think that my plan to turn it into the Contact Cantina Pop-Up Bar will be a hit with alien fans."
"We're talking more money than we first speculated, aren't we now?"
"You know, Mayor Bernhardt, I forgot to tell you about our new morning cocktail… It's coffee, vanilla cream, and our best bourbon. Let me get you a double."
Note: so this is the famous Mayor Bernhardt. Funded by the Long family. Doesn't like immigrants. Had a racist relative who wouldn't give first prize to the black man.
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Maria's vision…
Herself, younger, sitting at the Pony bar. 
"You have to let me go! You're just crazy! And I'm trapped!"
And then she runs from the bar crying.
She's not wearing the necklace.
Describing it to Michael:
"I had a vision, but it was more like a memory. Of a fight I had with my mom when I was younger."
Isobel interrupts Michael and Maria to pick them up for the road trip. Just a few relevant excepts from this scene:
"Pack your bags. We're going on a family road trip."
"Is this why Max wanted the day off?"
"In the photo of Max and Isobel's bio Mom, there was a water tower. Alex recognized that water tower from the town where his mom grew up. You should come with us."
Alex and Forrest talk in the Crashdown:
"Hope that limp isn't from a paintball injury."
"Nope. Those bruises have mostly healed. I just got a new prosthetic. Takes a minute to get used to. You working on your book?"
"I write my book on my computer.  However, I write my angsty emo poetry in an angsty emo journal."
"I'm actually working on some poetry myself. Well, song lyrics, technically. It's a lot harder than it was in high school."
"Yeah, writing was easier for me when I was a kid too. Feelings...we bury 'em now. You just got to find that thing inside of you that doesn't have a voice. Lend it yours. You know? Listen, I have like, zero musical talent, but if you need help with the worst part, we could, uh…"
"Actually I'm leaving tomorrow for a few days to go talk to some recruits."
Michael interruptus, and the conversation goes casual.
--What happened to "angsty nerd isn't really my type." Or...was it FORESHADOWING!!!?! 😂
--Oh hi there clear shot of Forrest's clearly Deep Sky logoed ring…
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Cam has been having debilitating migraines that have been keeping her bedridden since the abduction.
Nurse Kate is a badass. she tries to keep ICE from getting into a patient's room. Liz hears her and hurries to the waiting room, where there's more ICE activity. Liz panics and tries to get Arturo out of the hospital, but she caught the attention of the ICE officers. However, Liz knows her rights.
"He has applied for his green card. I'm his sponsor, okay? This is his G-1145 right here."
"You can show that to the court."
"It's okay. Call the lawyer."
"No. He is a diabetic. It is illegal to detain a patient."
"Exigent circumstances. Move."
"No. Hey, this is an unconstitutional arrest and the ACLU will be all over you."
"Elizabeth, we respect the law in this family. If you're in trouble, who will take care of the mouse?"
--G-1145 is a request for confirmation that your green card application has been accepted:
--The timing of this all. Liz has been prepared for this moment all her life and would fight it to the point of getting arrested herself, if not for Rosa. Rosa's safety is the only thing that convinces Liz to step aside.
--As an only semi related note, this is a really interesting contrast to how they wrote Jeanine's character out on Grey's Anatomy.  
--Also feel like it would be remiss of me to not point out Liz's reactiveness and fightinf mentality is mirroring how Liz initially reacted to Max pulling her over in the pilot.
"Okay. So the Deputy on call says there's one detention center in the county. Here's the info."
"He doesn't have anything left in Mexico. No one. Nowhere to go."
"You can't think like that right now."
"I think like this always. Rosa and I used to recite our escape plan for if our parents got deported and we got separated in foster care. I begged my parents not to tell Santa where we lived because I was afraid he'd ask for papers. My whole life was built on a fear of this day coming, and it's here. If I'd have kept better track of his health, he wouldn't need these tests. I should have made him move to California. I thought we were safe being outside the hundred-mile zone, but after this election I should have known better. And I should have made him wear a sweater this morning because it's freezing out there. And what if he…?"
"...okay think. Is there someone we can call?"
"Kyle's at a conference, but I can have him call his mom."
"Do you know anyone with some real power? You know, Federal muscle?"
Cam gets dressed to take Liz to the Detention Center and Liz calls Diego for help.
The road trip group arrive at the reservation and meet Gregory Manes.  He says he remembers them all from high school.  He takes Max, Michael, and Isobel to learn about Louise while Alex and Maria go jewelry shopping.
Meanwhile Gregory is taking the Pod Squad to Louise's grave, but pauses for some flirting:
"You're still the Isobel Evans who convinced the basketball captain to pull four different fire alarms to get out of AP Gov, right? Yeah, legend. Here she is."
"Oh my God, it's covered in flowers.  It's winter."
"Rumor is they grow year-round unattended. She was a healer. I'm told she helped with trauma, addiction, that sort of thing. All without speaking."
"This another grave?"
"She was pregnant."
"Louise arrived gravely injured. And the baby didn't survive.
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--Louise died the same day the Pod Squad came out of the pods, confirming that she is probably the old woman on the reservation that was described in 1x09.
--Michael found the mysterious purple flowers growing on Louise's grave.
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Alex and Maria at the trading post.
"Are you okay? Seem a little off."
"I had a vision during a meeting this morning. It almost cost me a deal that could save the bar. Maybe I should just wear the necklace. Go back to being a social media guru. Slash barkeep. Slash magical trope in our redneck mayor's fantasy."
"So why did you really come today? Your ideal day off isn't fighting for the radio silence with Isobel Evans, so…"
"This is the back of my necklace. The word stamped in the silver says Tsela. The necklace is Navajo, so I thought maybe that was the jeweler, but no one I've asked here seems to know who made it. I just want answers."
"Well, there's a ton of silver jewelry for sale here. So why don't we just keep looking for something with the same stamp?"
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Pod Squad sharing a bottle of acetone by Louise's grave.
"Noah said our planet was war-torn. But the hell they found here can't have been worth it."
"Do you think that Louise's baby died from her injuries or do you think maybe it was never going to survive?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I was pregnant. When you died. Obviously I'm not anymore. I just can't help wondering if that was my last chance. Assuming that humans and aliens can't procreate because they're different species. Maybe that little baby wasn't viable."
"You almost died during the abortion, didn't you? I could feel it. Noah almost killed you again, huh? Oh, I need a minute."
After Max leaves Michael offers to be a sperm donor for Isobel if she ever wants to have a kid.
Liz at the Detainment Center
"It's Ortecho. Arturo Ortecho. He's my dad. And he needs gliclazide and beta-blockers. I brought both."
"We can't take contraband here, but there is an infirmary on-site, if he's here."
"You know, out of curiosity, did Nebane Abienwi visit an infirmary before he died of a brain bleed in your custody? What about Johana Medina León? She was 25 years old, okay? People walk through those doors and they die...Who's your supervisor? You need prior approval before conducting enforcement in a hospital. There was a compliance memo."
"Right, a memo, which is just like a law only not. Unless you calm down, I'm gonna arrest you for obstruction."
"Okay, Liz, maybe sit down.  Sir, I'm Deputy Jenna Cameron, and we appreciate your interpretation of your guidelines, but we have an urgent health concern about an inmate here, if you just wouldn't mind checking the system."
Jenna goes with the agent…when she returns...
"Do you have a court case next week for a vandalism charge?"
"What? Yes, but I didn't do it. I'm just gonna plead guilty and pay the fine. It's nothing."
"They denied your dad's green card application because of a misdemeanor on your record. You can't be his sponsor."
Jenna's headaches overtake her. Meanwhile, the ICE agent comes back with news:
"Here just came up. Ortecho is being transferred to El Paso for his deportation hearing. You can see him there around Tuesday."
--Liz's misdemeanor is taking the fall for Rosa's vandalism from when she was arrested by Sheriff Valenti in 2x02.
Gregory takes the Pod Squad to see Harrison who is on his death bed.  Manes boys are always welcome here, the woman tells them. Harrison is the only one Louise ever spoke to on the reservation.
"He met my great uncle Tripp Manes fighting in WWII.  Harry was a code talker."
Michael gets Gregory to leave with him so that Max and Isobel can go inside of Harrison's head. Their conversation:
"You look like her."
"Harrison.  You look different."
"That was a lesson I learned from Louise. How to take your mind to a better time when you're in pain. Come on. I haven't seen the sky in a while. I'll tell you about her...I taught Tripp the codes in the Pacific. That's how we set up the rescue. He was supposed to snuggle Louise and Nora here, but the plan fell apart."
In the past between Harrison and Tripp:
"You've changed. The man I met on that ship obeyed orders."
"Guess I saw what happens when good men fall in line with bad orders. I'm a Christian, Harry. When evil itself tells me to kill a woman with child, I disobey. Even if the evil looks just like my brother."
A nurse rolls Louise into the room in a wheelchair.
"Did you find a family for her?"
"There should be music where you take her. I think she's a dancer."
"You can give her a house full of music, Louise. Nora wanted me to protect you so that you could protect the child."
"No. He's coming for me and I can't even move. No. When the devil comes, I won't be able to fight for her. Please. It is hard to be a woman on your planet.  It's only gonna be harder still for her. Roy Bronson believed in meeting hatred with compassion. And I want her to be like him. A light in the darkness. A little star on the ground. I want that for both my girls."
"Where did he take the baby?"
"Can't say."
"No. Tell us where our sister went."
"She isn't your sister. Louise rarely spoke, but when she did, she spoke of two daughters. Two stars on the ground. She had no sons. You aren't hers. You came from something else...She lived for decades longer than she should have, trapped inside of a body that could no longer dance, waiting for a sign that you would be all right. She loved you."
Jenna wakes up back at the hospital.
"I asked them to run a new test. Your headaches are spinal headaches. Because there was a hole torn into your spinal cord."
"I'm sorry, what? My kidnappers gave me a spinal tap?"
"Do you mind signing off so I can look at your tox screen?"
"Yeah, of course, but, Liz, you don't have to do this, okay? Your dad, and…"
"I need a distraction. I can't leave for El Paso until tomorrow, and they're not letting him have visitors other than his lawyer until Tuesday, so...thank you for being here. You used your privilege to help me. I'm furious that I needed it, but I needed it."
--Reposado is a type of tequila
--Spinal Headaches:
Isobel and Max on what they learned from Harrison:
"You've always been different than me and Michael, okay? Always. You were the leader. From the start. I mean, you're the special one. You're the healer."
"I was. Now I can't even sneeze without my heart skipping a beat. All my life, no matter how weird things got, I never felt alone. Because I was your twin. Maybe I'm different. Maybe I'm a freak...I can't stop thinking about being chained up when I was a kid. It didn't feel like someone bad chained me up. It felt like I was the someone bad."
"Max, you're not dangerous."
"Saving people destroys me. But killing Noah? That felt good. I was high. And whenever I think about what he did to you, I want to chase that high. I wish I could kill him a thousand times. Louise mentioned the devil. Maybe something evil was chasing them. And maybe that something was me."
"Okay. I want to show you something. You see this hand on her shoulder there? See, Michael thought it was just someone who got cropped out of the photo, but no. Any female would recognize that body language. She does not want that hand on her. Louise said the devil would come. I think something evil was after them, but it wasn't you. I want to find out who it was."
Alex and Gregory:
"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you before we go. I also feel like I should congratulate you on getting out."
"Of the Navy?"
"Of the family. Getting out from under Dad."
"You got to break free of him, man."
"Do you feel free?"
"I don't think I get to be free until you are, Alex. You know, you're my brother. I wish that I would've stood up for you more."
"You know, I think he's actually getting a little bit better. It's like the stroke melted away the psycho in his brain or something." 
"If you can forgive him you should. Cast off the stone. Let me hate him for you. I owe you that much."
Back at the trading post with the whole road trip group.
"We scoured the store for jewelry that said Tsela on it, but nada. Although I did manage to spend an entire week's worth of tips anyway."
"Yeah it was printed on the back of my grandmother's necklace. I thought I might find some answers here."
"Well, apparently, it is Navajo for star on the ground. So, you guys ready to go?"
"Star on the ground.  Maria? What year was your grandmother born?"
"Uh, '48, I think?"
"Was she adopted?"
"Yeah. Oh my God."
"Your grandmother was my sister."
Note: The direct translation of Tsela is stars lying down. Interestingly, it's often a name in Navajo. When I googled it, the top results were names for Navajo boys.
Diego and Liz's conversation:
"Diego, I never would have reached out if it weren't an emergency. Thank your mom for me."
"The Senator was more than happy to call in a favor. She's always liked you."
"I like her too. We need more people like her."
"Look, we got lucky your dad got out at all, much less without an ankle monitor. And you pissed a few people off back there, so it's not likely that this is the end for you. Who's your lawyer? Or should I make some calls?"
"No, you've done enough. After what I did, I can't even believe you listened to my voicemail...How did you get here so fast?"
"I was at the airport in Phoenix when you called. Just had to reroute real fast."
"And how have you been?"
"Well, my fiancée left me. I'm kidding. No, I'm seeing someone.  It's getting pretty serious, so…"
"Good. Me too."
"Good. We can be friends...And don't take this the wrong way. Please tell me you're not wasting that incredible brain of yours writing alien hamburger puns."
"I am working on a few projects. Nothing I can talk about, but, I'm not wasting anything."
"Well, all the coolest studies make you sign NDAs anyway, so…"
"You know what? There actually is something...Do you know what butyricol is?  Worth a shot. It's this chemical I found in my friend's tox screen. I had never heard of it."
"Maybe you're slacking, Ortecho."
"I am sorry, it has only been a year. Did you literally forget everything about me?"
Note: I'm very pleased to say that when I googled butyricol, half of the top results were RNM related.  Definitely not a real drug.
Malex fight in the bunker:
"We're closed!"
"Hey, that alien console piece that Jim Valenti left me...You still have it?"
"No. I sold it on eBay."
"You didn't attach it to your console."
"I tried. Doesn't fit."
"So, Tripp left this for my dad before he died. My dad thought it was a code, but this is a reference sketch of this exact piece. My dad's been looking for this thing for 30 years and Jim Valenti had it all along...I'm gonna give it to him. I want to see what he does with it once he's got it. Look, if it didn't fit in your console, then it fits somewhere else. My dad could lead us there.""Your dad hunts aliens, Alex. He'll lead my family right off a cliff."
"I've protected you so far. That's not changing. Besides, he's different these days...I don't trust him, Guerin. I just…I'm asking you to trust me.""When we were kids, you believed people were good, despite humanity doing everything to prove you otherwise. And, God, I loved you for it. But what was charming when we were 17, it's just stupid now. How do you not see that? You believe there's some good in your father?"
"Yeah. Yeah I do. God forbid I have faith in people who don't give me a good reason to."
"That's not fair."
"No? Why is your hand covered? You miss your injury because you want to hurt. Your anger made you feel safe. I will always hate my father for what he did to you, but I don't want to live in that toolshed for the rest of my life. I don't want to walk around thinking that people don't change, that one day everyone's just gonna let me down, 'cause I am not building a damn rocket ship in a hidden lair. There's one way for me off this planet. And I need to believe in a reason to stay. I promise I'll keep you safe."
"Can't let you leave with that."
"What are you gonna do? Fight me for it?"
And then Alex leaves and is kidnapped. Hit over the head by an unknown assailant. The note from Tripp blows away.
Max and Liz are talking back at Max's house while Max drinks a lot of bourbon.
"You know, you never told me why your parents immigrated here in the first place."
"My dad wanted a family, but not in Juárez. There was no opportunity, no money. Women were disappearing there all the time. He didn't want my mom to be one of them. So he fled. You're wondering why your family came here."
"If I even had a family. I know so little about my own story. And the parts I thought I understood are just unraveling."
"Max. Family is the one area where I am certain that biology does not matter. Look, when I found out that Rosa was only my half sister that didn't change anything."
"This is different...There are only three of us on this planet, as far as we know. I mean, feeling disconnected from them makes me feel completely alone."
"Completely alone? I'm right here."
"When you needed a rescue today your Mensa society, old money son of a senator ex was there to answer your prayers. I couldn't even answer a call. You didn't need me."
"Oh my God. Okay, so would you prefer that I did need you? Would you prefer to come home to find me crying into my dad's windbreaker so that you can swoop me up and drive me to El Paso for his deportation hearing in the morning?"
"That's not fair. You wanted me to talk about today."
"Yes, okay. I'm sorry. I want you to feel better."
"Well, you think maybe you could go back in time and not meet someone as handsome as Diego? Seriously. He's like if someone mixed a cologne ad with a Kennedy. It's ridiculous. I will never feel adequate again."
"You're wrong. Max, let me be clear. You are objectively better in bed...And I never woke up on a Sunday morning to him singing Hank Williams in the shower...He never snuck unreasonable tips into my dad's checks. Or quoted Henry the Fourth. Coming home to you at the end of my worst days and my best days is the only rescue I need."
I actually found this background on the Ortechos to be fascinating.  In case you don't know Juárez is a pretty big city directly opposite the border from El Paso. It does have some huge crime issues. But it also is one of those border cities where the border is a little thinner. Like San Diego and Tijuana.  People live in Juárez and work in El Paso and vice versa.
If you want to see a really dark & gritty portrayal of Juárez, I'd highly recommend you to check out the American version of the show The Bridge.  Which literally deals with an investigation related to disappearing women.
Isobel and Maria at the Pony:
"She looks so determined."
"Yeah, neither of us would be here if she hadn't been. You know she was paralyzed 50 years and she still managed to use her powers to help ease troubled minds. You know how hard that is? To take on someone else's suffering? I mean, it doesn't just disappear. She would have been carrying all of that."
"She suffered so much loss."
"I don't know how to be worth it."
Michael on the bracelet.
"The beads are made with pollen from the alien flower. I found another plant growing at Louise's grave. Okay my working theory is that they grow from alien remains. There's this UFO lore about that Libyan desert where the flowers have been discovered before. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. I know better than to think I can save Maria DeLuca. I hope you decide you can save yourself."
Max is still drinking after Liz went to bed.  At 4:04am Diego calls and wakes her up. 
"I made a call, about that toxin in your friend's system. Butyricol. It's a drug. It's a memory eraser. It was developed by a private organization and purchased by the military for weaponization. There's no approved application outside of violent combat."
Liz tries to call Alex, but he's too busy being unconscious in the back of his SUV.  So his kidnapper pockets his phone.
Max has a memory flash. There's fighting, weapons clashing, a woman's voice...all while he's chained down in the cave. Louise appears and kneels down to touch his shoulder.  He looks afraid, but she's trying to comfort him (even though she has blood splattered all over her white clothes). She smiles and nods and then cuts Max free of the chains with her alien weapon. She offers him her hand, but before he can take it a figure in white appears and he and Louise fight. Max cries out and hides his face.
Present day Max is visibly shook by the flash.
1.  Shelly Fairchild "Worry No More"
2.  Powerslide "Just You And I"
3.  Will Fox "Against The Tide"
4.  Tommee Profitt feat. Sam Tinnesz "Bullet With Butterfly Wings"
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demonslayedher · 3 years
When shishi-tls translated Taisho Secrets about Kakushi from 1th fanbook, it was written that they can become Kakushi when they "fail to pass the examination". What does it mean? They run away from Final Selection or do not have the strength to get into it.
This is likely in reference to a question in the Q/A style Taisho Secret section, which I'll recap here:
Q. How does one become a Kakushi? A. It seems they are usually Corp members who had to retire due to injury, or people who weren't able to pass the exam but still wanted to contribute to the Demon Slayer Corp in some way.
This does make it seem like it's referring to the Final Selection as this "test" but we can find more clarification in the Kakushi's introduction in Chapter 44 after they tie up Tanjiro and carry him off.
The convoy that handles the aftermath, the Kakushi. They are the troops who take care of things after the Demon Slayer Corps fight demons. They are mostly comprised of people who were not blessed with talent for swordsmanship.
If they didn't have talent for swordsmanship in the first place, this leads me to believe that their Cultivators never allowed them to take part in the Final Selection at all, for that is the final selection. There's no sense sending people to their death if you're fairly certain they won't survive, after all. However, I'd like to take this opportunity to appreciate just how awesome the Kakushi are, swordsmanship skills or not.
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Okay, like... they can sew. I can't sew, I'm already super impressed by anyone who can sew. Also, let's think about how many people would be dead if it weren't for their emergency medical expertise. And while they may not be gifted swordsmen (or had to retire), they are super physically fit, very accustomed to carrying people for long distances. Swordsmanship skills or not, these people are not lacking in bravery whatsoever. Look at them. Not a shred of hesitation! You guys look so cool out there, I have so much respect for you!!
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Certainly, there are those who are quicker to spring into action than others, and some who may have gotten further than others when it comes to active combat, but I doubt any of them would have had it in them to turn tail and run from the Final Selection. (Except maybe Maeda-san.)
Just because most of them have at least some swordsmanship practice in their background, it doesn't mean all of them do. I'm sure a lot of them had other reasons for signing up as a Kakushi right away to contribute with whatever skills they had; some who lost their families might had known they'd be no good as swordsmen but they could cook or mend things or learn whatever new skills were necessary to support the people fighting their stead. What's very interesting, though, is something the Kakushi (and likewise, swordsmiths) are expected to give up: Their identity. It's hard to say why this might be, perhaps it's a precaution to keep them from being targeted by demons and tortured for information, since they can't defend themselves like swordsmen can. When Tanjiro is carried by a secret method to the swordsmith village, he's not even allowed to learn their names, it's that's serious. That's not to say they totally give up their identities, they keep up personal correspondence with people by name, and form relationships with other people in the Corp all the same, but there's something to be said for the willingness to leave one's identity behind at a moment's notice for the sake of the Corp.
We don't know if the Kakushi receive the same sorts of benefits as the swordsmen, who can earn higher salaries as they advance and who have a father-like figure watching over them from afar, knowing them by name, and remembering them by their wills should they give their life in battle. The Corp moves to support the swordsmens' work, and they are encouraged to focus intensely on their own personal strengths and to do whatever they need to hone them in their own unique way.
Kakushi don't face the same risks, their work is subordinate to the swordsmen. However, they must be proficient in a wider array of basic skills, like astronauts who must be able to do everything from flying spaceships to giving haircuts, for they must be entirely self-reliant for any need that arises, picking up more skills than they ever had interest in. By giving up their identities instead of their lives, its as though Kakushi must set their own egos aside and function for a higher purpose. The spiritual fortitude of this team is on a very different sphere; they need to see the bigger picture, and if that picture calls for them to take action that may kill them, they pick up a sword and do what must be done.
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