#I'll go in pinterest and search up like. 70s fashion or 2010s teen fashion or something
lulubeanie · 27 days
Don't forget that you can always draw your ocs and favorite characters in fun outfits that you think they would wear. you can and should do this
#duck speaks#it's very fun to do and like. think about what types of clothes they'd like to wear#and the things they'd pick out at a store with all sorts of clothes to choose from#it can be a way to get to know the character better also I think#especially for ocs. it's like a way to develop their character#what sort of clothes do they typically wear ? what textures and colors do they like in clothes ?#are they comfortable showing skin with their outfits ? do they get cold or hot easily ? what type of climate do they live in ?#is there a type of outfit they wish they could wear but are too scared/don't have the means or money to ?#do they normally dress more casual or more formal ? what would a formal or casual outfit be for them ?#what do they wear in the summer ? what about in the winter ?#what are their pajamas like ?#do they dress in fashion from a specific era ? what era are they from also ?#do they dress more feminine or more masculine ? a mix of both ?#do they wear the same/similar outfits over and over ? is there something they always wear no matter what outfit they have on ?#do they care a lot about their appearance and how other people see them ? how does that effect their outfits ?#lots of things to think about#also you should draw them in outfits for mee#I love outfits and I love to see them#you don't have to make them up from the top of your head even. you can have an idea for what you want and look it up for reference#I do this a lot#I'll go in pinterest and search up like. 70s fashion or 2010s teen fashion or something#and look around to get a better idea of what I'm going for#pinterest is nice because you can click on a image you like and it'll have similar ones under that :]
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