#I'll glady take!
So. I was having a Big Sad about stuff (thanks to everybody for the well wishes <3), so I did something unwise but probably inevitable.
I have finally acquired Skyward Sword.
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menlove · 7 months
I'm ngl I get raising awareness but seeing ppl draw like. cutesy fanart of their faves waving palestinian flags feels so dystopian & a little disrespectful/tone deaf. or posting about how "fave character from x show would support palestine" like. there's no problem imo w still participating in fandom while bad things happen in the world but it just gets very odd and tone deaf when we start crossing them over. like there's people dying, I really don't know that it's appropriate to bring up how glup shitto would oppose that. maybe you as your own person can do that on your own perhaps? without making it about fandom? like idk! it's just odd behavior To Me.
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unadulteratedragon · 4 months
literally just submitted my application just to receive a rejection mere hours later 🚶🏾‍♀️
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zaephix · 7 months
the little things / / xavier , zayne , & rafayel . . .
slight spoilers for their myth stories
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the reason as to why XAVIER takes great care of his hair was unknown to you. why he laid his head down in your lap even after being glued to your side the whole day. the reason was simple, so that you could keep running your fingers through it. he'd gently guide your hands over to the top of his head, a soft chuckle as you kiss the button of his nose. to him, you were the core of his being, his star.
XAVIER can't stop the pleasant smile gracing his face as you revel in another victory, his eyes never leaving your form. in the same way that you ponder about what to eat for lunch, he wonders if anyone ever wished upon the stars that danced in your eyes. and as you both ready yourself for sleep, he'd found his answer. if no one else did, he'd glady be the first to do so. just ignore how his already slow heartbeat begins to slow even more against your back, how his mind travels back to that fateful night underneath the glistening cosmos. "i'll be by your side, always."
before heading to work, ZAYNE can never seem to leave your side. he'd be caught up in your soft snores, the way your chest slowly rises and falls, and your lips. he can't stop himself as he leans down to place a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth, all the while making sure you're wrapped snugly in your blanket, your pillow fluffed from beneath you.
ZAYNE is the type of lover to text you as soon as he's on his break, asking to make sure you ate the breakfast he left for you in the kitchen, or that you remembered your wallet on the coffee table. you always tell him that he worries too much, that he should be focusing on himself, but how could he? not when his priority is your well-being, your state of self. just ignore how his breath seems to get shaky, the frost crawling up his skin and into his veins every time he's near you, sharp pains coursing through his muscle. "i won't forget you... not this time."
when it comes to showering you with affection, RAFAYEL seems to take the cake. kissing your knuckles every time he greets you, strategically pulling you away from work to cuddle with you, he knows just how and what to do at the right times. however, what he fails to notice is how he unconsciously looks for you the first thing he steps into a room, how his shoulders relax after realizing you're safe after you've texted him a little later than usual, how his hands linger a little too long in yours.
RAFAYEL has already come to the realization that he's head over heels for you long ago, just not fully realizing how bad it was. all within a second you were his bodyguard, his fishie, but most of all, his muse. he'd make the world his canvas - your eyes the rhythm hidden beneath the layers of paint. just ignore how he sometimes gets quiet when around you, his mind swirling like a paint brush dipped into watercolor. "fish are emissaries of the god of the sea, this... is my vow to you."
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divine-hugs · 11 months
Mk1 men x Multiversal Skirmisher-Reader
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Johnny Cage
> So I heard from Liu Kang that you're one of a kind? We have some things in comman.
< You and I must have different definitions of 'one of a kind'.
> I'm not like the other Johnny's, I'm better.
< Prove it.
> You have to take me on a joyride to another timeline, I'd love to team up with another Cage.
< I can barely keep up with one of you.
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Bi Han
> You are mearly an anomaly.
< I am beyond your comprehension, Cryomancer.
> You have such power and use it for what? Galloping around like a fool, what a waste of potential.
< The multiverse is better off with someone like me protecting it, not destroying it.
< You can still redeem yourself. I've seen you take the right path.
> I make my own path.
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Tomas Vrbada
> You're pretty fascinating.
< You're pretty intriguing yourself.
< My mission is to try madam bo's cooking in every timeline.
> Then let me recommend the finest.
> Are you staying for long? I could show you around, if you'd like.
< Your company is most appreciated, Tomas.
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Kuai Liang
> You've travelled through many timelines, I must know what you've seen.
< I have many stories to share, soon.
> Is there a timeline where Bi Han is good...
< I'm sure there's a timeline where he's better, I only wish it was this one.
> You're saying there's a timeline where I'm Sub-Zero? How is this even possible.
< The universe is vast, beyond our comprehension.
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Kenshi Takahashi
> Why come here?
< Where you are, I follow.
< This isn't really a 1v1.
> I could beat you without Sento.
> My ancestors fight beside me.
< Weird way to meet your family, but I'll take it.
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Shang Tsung
> I need to get my hands on you, such a fine specimen.
< You're not the first Shang Tsung I've put in his place, and you won't be the last.
> We could take over the world, I would glady stand by your side.
< I will not be led astray.
< You think you can take me?
> In more ways then one, my dear
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Liu Kang
> I humbly welcome you to our timeline.
< Thank you, It's an honour to meet you.
> We could use an ally like you.
< You can trust me.
> It must be lonely travelling through timelines as you do, I could...
< Are you offering your company?
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larluce · 7 months
Merlin as Arthur's familiar/Arthur's shapeshifter falcon AU
@dsabian , @theroundbartable , @theplatanitosqueal , @stressed-but-chill , this part is quite long.
Morgana, Arthur (with Merlin on his shoulder) and Uther having a family dinner. Gwen and other servants enter to serve the food.
Uther: Does the bird really has to be here?
Morgana: Oh, let him be. He's very well behaved. Even more than Arthur.
Arthur: I'm very flattered you think so highly of my manners, Morgana.
Merlin: (chirps)
Morgana: See? He agrees.
Arthur: Shut up, Merlin.
Uther: (thinking) Am I the only one that thinks is weird they treat this animal like a person?
Arthur: (takes a bite of his food) Hum, what is this? A pigeon?
Merlin: (chirps loudly, horrified, and flies away, leaving the room)
Uther: Arthur, control your bird! He left feathers on my food!
Arthur: Sorry father. (worried) He isn't normally like this, I think something upsetted him.
Morgana: Maybe is because you're eating a bird?
Arthur: No, that have never bothered him before and small birds are part of merlins' diet.
Morgana: Wait... (turns to Gwen) Gwen, what type of bird is that on Arthur's plate.
Gwen: I'm not sure... (turns to other servant girl) Gladys, you were with the cook when they prepared the food right? What kind of bird is that?
Servant girl: I don't know, it kind of looked like a falcon but it was too small too be one.
Morgana: You mean like a merlin?
Arthur: (pales) Fuck! (stands up) I'm sorry father. I need to go (leaves)
Morgana: Yeah, me too. It was a nice dinner, your majesty (leaves too)
Uther: But you barely touched your plates! (sighs, to servants) Take this away, and make sure you don't cook merlins for dinner next time, for gods' sake.
In Arthur's chambers. Merlin is in his human form crying, while Arthur and Morgana try to comfort him.
Merlin: He was just two years old!😭 He was barely starting living.
Arthur: (hugs him close, patting his back) I'm so sorry, Merlin.
Morgana: (puts a hand on his shoulder) Are you sure is Claws?
Merlin: I'll recognise him anywhere. (snifs) He had just started his first nest with his mate.
Arthur: Wait, he had a partner? 😧
Merlin: And five little eggs. (breaks the hug abruptly) OMG! I need to tell Brownie what happened to Claws!
Arthur: Go, meanwhile I'll talk to the hunters so this never happens again.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you, Arthur.(kisses him on the cheek) I'll be back as soon as I can. (turns into a bird and goes flying through the window).
Arthur: (in shock with a hand on his cheek) 😳😳
Morgana: I'll try to get Claws' rests, so maybe we can do him a proper funeral when Merlin comes back.
Arthur: (snapping out of his trance) Right, good idea, Morgana. I'll meet you at your chambers in an hour.
Later. Arthur shouting at the hunters.
Arthur: What were you thinking?!😡
Hunter1: (scared) Bu-but, sire. You told us to get rid of it.
Arthur: Yes, but you were supposed to bury him somewhere in the woods, not get him cooked!
Hunter2: We were going to, but the cook saw us and thought it was todays dinner-
Arthur: I don't want to hear your excuses! (threathening) No one must know about this, specially Merlin, this stays between us. Do you understand?
Hunter1: Yes, sire!
Hunter1: Yeah, we won't mention this to your.. uh.. pet.
Arthur: Now, get out of my sight!
Hunters: Yes, sire! (leave)
Morgana: (enters, in disbelieve and furious) I can't believe you!
Arthur: (turns to her, nervous) Oh, hi, Morgana! 😅
Morgana: Don't "hi" me. You killed Claws! You murderer!
Arthur: You're talking like I've just killed a person. He was just a bird.
Morgana: He was not just a bird to Merlin and you know it! Did you think about how devastated he would feel?
Arthur: He was never supposed to know he died, just that he disappeared!
Morgana: yeah, because that's ten times better, isn't it? Are you even hearing yourself?
Arthur: Morgana, stop. I feel bad enough already.
Morgana: As you must! 5 merlin chicks are without a father thanks to your sick jealousy!
Arthur: (Guilty) I didn't know he had a family. (thoughtfully) How do you compensate a female bird for killing the father of her eggs?
Morgana: Don't. She'd probably just take your eyes out.
Arthur: (sighs) Will you tell Merlin?
Morgana: No, that would just crush him more. Your secret is safe with me.
Arthur: (relieved) Thank you.
Morgana: But you better start acting on your feelings for Merlin before you start killing the entire merlin race!
Later at Claws funeral in the royal garden. Morgana puts Claws bones in a box and Arthur buries it while Merlin watches in grieve.
Morgana: I'm sorry I could only save the bones. The servants tend to eat the royal leftovers.
Merlin: It's okay. If he wasn't eaten his dead would've been in vain. (turns to Arthur) Was he delicious?
Arthur: Ahm... yeah?
Merlin: (smiles, sadly) I'm glad. He was a nice friend. He didn't care I wasn't enterily a bird though he didn't quite understand it.
Morgana: Did you know Arthur thought he wanted to mate with you?
Arthur: (flustered) Morgana! 😳
Merlin: Oh, he did propose me to mate with him once.
Arthur: What?!
Merlin: Yeah, he did the most beautiful flying dance I've seen, but I just couldn't see him like that. So we stayed friends. It surprised me a lot, normally merlins just leave after I reject them, but he never stopped hanging out with me, even when he found his mate.
Arthur: What a nice friend (thinking) That flirtatious bastard.
Merlin: Anyways, I need to go now. Brownie needs me to hunt her food since she's incubating her eggs still and can't leave her nest.
Arthur: (guilty again) Right, send her my condolences.
Morgana: Mine too.
Merlin: (kisses Arthur's cheek again and leaves in his bird form).
Morgana: Well, that went well.
Arthur: Morgana.
Morgana: Yeah?
Arthur: I need to learn how to fly.
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moroostar · 4 months
hii!!! how are you doing:3 i was scrolling and found your acc nd can i just say I LOVE YOUR THEME your writing is so babygirl too like<33 you deserve more attention fr fr. anyhoos, may i suggest some a timeskip!oikawa x transmasc reader where reader js got top surgery?? im thinking tooru twirling him around like a prince and silly giggles + tons of gender euphoria<3
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– ☆ fluff
– ☆ including : Timeskip! Oikawa
– ☆ request by : @bloodymiso
🗒 : Awh, Thank you so much I appreciate your compliment and I'm doing fine (I hope you're doing well )! <33 | trans! Male reader
❕️: Requests are open! (read the rules before requesting <3)
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Oikawa was very worried when you first went into surgery, Iwaizumi had to basically be on the phone with him the whole time just to reassure him that you'll be okay and nothing bad will happen to you.
He was so happy when your surgery was done. He had to stop himself from hugging you too tight and was showering you in compliments of how strong you are and how he's so proud of you. You softly patted his back in response.
"Gee, you make it seem like the surgery was going to kill me."
"Shh shhh, my handsome husband aren't you exhausted from being in such high levels of danger..."
When you were allowed to go back home, he even skipped some volleyball games and practices so he can take care of you while you recovered. He would make you food, clean the house, feed your pets (depending if you want any <3), and would glady be any type of assistance to you.
Now that it was finally time for you to take off your bandages from your chest, Oikawa drove you to the back to clinic to allow them unwrap them.
He sat in the chair next you with a smile and holding your hand.
Someone came in and took them off for you as you look down.
Oikawa chuckled and admired you in his seat as you had your mouth slightly parted in awe.
Driving back to your shared home was in comfortable silence with music playing at a lowered volume.
"How about I make you your favorite hm? Afterall I am starving and I want to give you a little something for this."
"That sounds perfect."
As soon as you got home you went into the bathroom to the mirror to see what you looked like.
Standing there for a little bit made you realize how comfortable you finally felt in your own body and not disgusted or wrong. You wouldn't have to worry about your binder and knowing when to take it off and layering your clothing just so you can appear as you want to when you take your break from your binder.
Standing there for a second longer and then smiling as you walked away into the kitchen to smell the food Oikawa was starting to cook you walked into the kitchen to hear him humming along the song that was playing in the background with an apron you got him awhile back.
You lowered the music and wrap your arms around his waist watching him cook your favorite dish.
"So, how are you feeling?"
He stopped cooking and turned around to face you then grabbed your legs and spun you around. He set you down, setting his hand on your waist and lifted uo your hand as he danced with you to the music that was playing.
You rested your hand in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you for supporting me through all of this."
He placed a kissed on your head and went back to making food.
"Of course, I'll support through anything."
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intimacyequalsdeath · 7 months
How about Bo with 7, 30, and 41 :b <3
Thank you for this request anon! I hope you enjoy what I came up with for you with the prompts <;3 The prompts anon chose are: Prompt 7: "I told you to stay in the car" Prompt 30: "I'll take care of you, I promise" Prompt 41: "Show me how grateful you are"
For future requests the prompt list is HERE
Notes: Minors DNI, No descriptions of reader used due to them not being provided hope that's alright anon <3. TW: Not really any for this one. "Bo I don't know why the hell you had to wake me up and drag me out here with you for this"
You grumbled tiredly from the passenger side of Bo's truck. He had woken up at an ungodly hour and instructed you to get in his truck. Apparently Lester and Vincent still weren't back from tracking down a new group of stragglers and Bo was none to happy.
"I woke you up cause your the only one in this goddamn family that was still at the house doing what you were told to do"
"Bo, They've been out thousands of times later then this, I'm sure they'll be fine"
"No! I fuckin told those two to be home by the time it got dark. There's no sense is being out this goddamn late"
You rolled your eyes, when Bo was on a mission there was no getting through to him. He was determined to get it done no matter what he had to do.
Soon enough the two of you pulled up behind Lester's truck and could see both Lester and Vince standing on the side of the road seemingly going over something. Bo parked the car and hopped out.
"Stay in the car" He commanded before walking over to his brothers.
You could hear the reverberating yells from Bo when he reached where his brothers were standing. Reprimanding them for being out so late and not trying to make contact with him at all, with a huff and a certain tiredness when it came to Bo yelling tonight, you hopped out of the car yourself and made your way over.
"I told you to stay in the car" Bo said when you reached the three men
"You did, but if you think I'm going to listen to you over here basically blowing hot air at your brothers you're wrong. It's late Bo, I get that you were scared cause you didn't know where they were but can't we go over this tomorrow?"
Bo sighed before bringing a hand up to lift his hat and the other one up to run through his hair. He then put his hands on his hips with a shake of his head as he looked at the ground.
"Fine, but tomorrow morning no one leaves that house till we have a family meetin' you hear me?"
Lester, Vincent and you all nodded and began to return to your respective vehicles. You grabbed Bo's arm to drag him back to the truck as Vince and Les climbed into Lester's.
"Bo honey I get that you were worried but you need to relax, Vince and Lester know what their doing out there and were perfectly fine" You comforted him as he drove the two of you back to the house.
"I know that, but I'm trying to keep everyone safe, It takes one slip up for everything to go fuckin wrong"
"You already do a great job of keeping us all safe Bo, let the rest of us shoulder some of the load"
"Darlin you know I ain't the best at givin' up control like that"
"I know, but you should really at least try to let me help, I'll take care of you I promise"
You could see Bo think for a moment in the overhead light of the truck as he pulled in front of the family house. You always some how knew exactly what to say to Bo to pinpoint how he was feeling.
"Fine, if you think you can handle some of my workload why not. " He finally relents.
"See was that so hard? you should be grateful for me" You said with a smirk.
"Grateful huh? Sure babe real grateful"
"Well" You started with a smirk, opening the front door of the house "Why don't you show me how grateful you are?"
Bo smirked, placing his hands on yours hips and propelling you into the living room.
"Glady honey, I'd be happy too"
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sissylittlefeather · 3 months
Let's Forget About the Stars: Chapter 3
A/N: Another installment for Elvis and Dove! This one is a little spicy, but don't worry, these two are still hopelessly devoted to each other.
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, kissing, cussing, masturbation (m&f), phone sex, ejaculation, oh and racism
Word count ~2.5k
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They drift off to sleep together, Elvis's mind racing with plans of how and when to ask and visions of her in a white dress walking down the aisle towards him.
Elvis has two weeks before he has to go to Vancouver for his concert in August of '57. He and Dove spend as much time together as possible until then, even staying together at Graceland several times. They don't have sex, no matter how much they want to. He's waiting for their wedding night and even though he hasn't said it to her, she's okay with waiting. That doesn't mean they don't have their fair share of fun similar to that first night they stayed together. Still, though, she hasn't touched him and they haven't seen each other naked.
When the time finally comes for him to go to Vancouver, he takes her home to pack a bag to come along. However, he didn't think about how his manager might respond to the idea. He shows up at his house with Dove in tow only to run into the Colonel.
"Oh! Colonel, this is my girl, Dove Morningstar." The Colonel purses his lips and nods curtly at Dove. She holds her hand out for him to shake, but he doesn't take it.
"My boy, your daddy told me about this new... adventure... of yours."
"Adventure? What did Daddy tell you?" The Colonel looks at Dove, down to the overnight bag in her hands, and then back at Elvis.
"She is not joining us in Canada." Elvis looks at him shocked.
"Why the hell not?"
"She is not acceptable. I would've rather had this conversation in private, but you force my hand."
"Force your hand? Colonel, what the hell are you talking about?" Dove shifts uncomfortably.
"Jumbee, I don't have to come if it's-"
"No, Dovey, you're coming." He turns back to the Colonel. "She's coming. Or I'm not."
"My boy, the flight is booked and she doesn't have a ticket. She will not join us." Dove can feel the anger roll off of Elvis as his nostrils flare with rage.
"What the fuck is the problem, Colonel?"
"Look at her. She does not meet the standard of what a man of your caliber should date, if he dates anyone at all. Now, I am happy to arrange a date with someone appropriate, but you need to see this trip as an opportunity to move on from this silly obsession."
"Silly obsession?! I love-"
"Yes, you love her. Given enough time, that will fade. You'll see. Now, say goodbye and come with me to the airport. Someone will make sure she gets back to where she belongs." Dove looks at the ground, willing the tears not to fall. This is exactly what she has been afraid of since she met him. She turns and heads for the door with her bag in her hands.
"Wait, Dovey, no, don't leave, you're coming." He stops her at the door and she turns to face him.
"Elvis, it's really okay. I don't have to come. Maybe he's right. You're Elvis Presley. I'm just... me." He holds his hand up to her cheek firmly.
"No, honey. I'm Jumbee and you're the love of my life. I will fix this."
"Just go to Canada. We'll figure this out when you get back." He pushes his forehead to hers and closes his eyes.
"I don't wanna be without you."
"I know Jumbee, but it'll be okay. I'll be right here." He nods and kisses her deeply.
"I love you, Dovey."
"I love you too." The Colonel rolls his eyes and ushers Elvis out the door quickly. Gladys and Vernon are set to follow later, so they're still there when Elvis leaves. When Dove falls to her knees in tears in the foyer, Gladys goes to her immediately, wrapping her in a hug and pulling her to the couch to hold her as she cries. She shushes her and hums quietly. Vernon watches the way she weeps and something inside him softens. When a good amount of time has passed, he offers to take her home. She nods, defeated.
In the car, Vernon and Dove ride in silence for most of the way. As they get closer to their destination, he clears his throat and she looks over at him.
"You really love my son, don't you?" She turns and looks out the window.
"Yes. I do."
"I'm not a monster. I want him to be happy. I just worry what people will say. Surely you can understand that." She swallows deeply.
"I do. I've tried to tell him it won't be easy, but he insists that he doesn't care."
"My boy is headstrong. When he wants something, he'll do everything he can to get it, and he usually does. That's why I'm talking to you. You need to decide if you want to do what's best for him." She looks up at him. Is he suggesting what she thinks he is?
"I'm not ending this."
"Even if it means the end of his career? Think about what's most important to him. Do you want to be the reason that's taken away?" They pull up to the front of her boarding house and she looks back at Vernon.
"If he ends this for his career, I will respect that. But until he tells me himself that he doesn't want to be with me, I will be with him. Every step of the way." She opens the door and gets out of the car, walking up to the porch without looking back.
On the plane, Elvis and the Colonel have a similar conversation, but the Colonel is not as nice as Vernon.
"An Indian girl?! Elvis what are you thinking? You might as well be dating-"
"Stop. You seem to think I care that she isn't white. That's wrong and you know it."
"You may not care, but your fans will. Half of them will lose all respect for you. The other half will be devastated that you're unavailable. You are only you because of those fans. Do you really want to alienate them?" Elvis looks down at his hands in his lap. He knows the Colonel is right. But he loves her more than he loves his career. He looks at the Colonel sternly.
"I'm going to say this once and I hope you hear me. I would go back to being an electrician before I'd give up Dovey. We're done with this conversation."
"I hope she's worth it, my boy."
"She is."
Elvis performs in Vancouver to a raucous crowd and has an amazing show. He's pleased with his performance, but there's one thing missing: Dove. When he comes off the stage, he's hit with a wave of wishing she could be there to celebrate with him. He decides then and there that she will be at his next show if he has to drive her there himself.
The Colonel arranges a party for after the show and fills it to the brim with pretty girls. He's determined to distract Elvis and get his mind away from that girl in Memphis. Besides, Elvis is too old to be what he is. It's time for him to become a man.
But his efforts are all for nothing. Elvis politely greets the women the Colonel thrusts at him, signs autographs and even kisses a couple of cheeks, but nothing more. He almost seems bored with the party.
What he really is is anxious to get back to his hotel room and call Dove. He misses her so much he can barely stand it. All these other girls might as well be invisible.
"Colonel, I think I'm gonna turn in." Elvis gestures towards the door.
"No, my boy! We're just getting started! Here, have you met-"
"No. No more girls, Colonel. I'm going to bed." The Colonel leans in to Elvis's ear and whispers.
"I could always send one of them with you." Elvis snaps his head back to look the Colonel in the eye, shocked he would even suggest such a thing. He's not even sure how to respond. "It's time, my boy."
"No. It isn't. Goodnight, Colonel." With that, Elvis turns on his heel and heads out the door to go back to his room.
"And then he said he could send one back to my room with me?!" Elvis lays on his bed with the phone pressed to his ear.
"Wow. What did you say?" Dove is on her side in bed, holding the phone with her shoulder as she plays with the cord. She's missed Elvis so much it hurts, so hearing his voice on the phone is exactly what she's needed.
"I told him no! You know you're the only girl for me, Dovey." They sit quietly for a bit. "I wish you were here."
"I know, Jumbee, I do too. I miss you like crazy."
"I miss you too, baby." Dove smiles and lays back on her bed.
"What would we do if I was there?"
"Well, we'd be snuggled up together on this bed, for one thing."
"Yes. And I'd be kissing you." She giggles.
"Oh, you would? Where would you kiss me?" He smiles slyly.
"Everywhere. Your neck, your cheeks, your lips..." Elvis looks down at himself and notices his dick as it hardens in his pants. What he wouldn't give to be kissing Dove right now, rubbing against her passionately.
"Mmm I would like that. Then what?" Dove's chest heaves as her heart races. She feels her arousal building between her legs, desperately wishing Elvis was there to work his magic with his hand.
"Well, then, then I-I-I would..." He trails off, wrapping his hand around his cock without thinking.
"Yeah? What, Jumbee?"
"I would touch you..." Elvis moans softly as he begins to stroke himself.
"Elvis, what are you doing?"
"Nothing... I'm just... nothing." He stops touching himself and then whimpers. "Maybe we should hang up."
"Hang up? Why?" He takes a deep breath. He knows he has to tell her, as awkward as it might be.
"I'm too... I need to... well, baby..."
"What is it?"
"I don't want to... shock you..."
"Elvis, you can tell me anything." He looks down at his rock hard cock and sighs.
"I'm too turned on. I need to... take care... of myself..."
"What? You need to...? Oh." Her mother told her that this kind of thing happens to boys sometimes. She blushes, but he can't see it.
"Yeah, so maybe we should just hang up..."
"No, I'm not ready yet. You've... finished with me before. What if you just did it now?"
"While we're on the phone?!"
"Yeah... we could keep talking..." He's quiet for a minute, thinking.
"You could... do it too..."
"What? No! I'm a girl! I wouldn't even know what to do."
"Dovey, baby, you just move your fingers on yourself the way I do." Her heart is pounding at the suggestion, but she's craving the feeling so badly.
"I wish you were here!"
"I know, baby, I do too. But just pretend it's me touching you. Sometimes I pretend it's you touching me."
"You do?" His hand slowly moves back to holding his dick.
"Mhmm. I pretend like you wrapped your pretty little hand around me and you move..."
"Would you like that? If I did that?"
"Oh, Dovey, I would love it." He unzips his pants, freeing his cock and starting to stroke it again.
"What does it feel like?"
"It feels so good. Like when I rub my finger on you and then slide it inside." She whimpers, her core throbbing with need. "Just touch yourself, baby. Make yourself feel good. I'm right here."
He moves his hand a little faster, sliding his foreskin back and forth, giving himself just the right amount of friction. Dove's hands shake as she slides her pajama shorts and panties down. Slowly, she puts her finger on her clit and moves it back and forth. She whimpers a little.
"Are you doing it? Talk to me baby." Elvis whispers breathlessly into the phone. She moves her finger more boldly, getting lost in the sensation.
"Yes, ohhh, yes I'm doing it. It feels so good."
"Good. That's good. Just imagine my finger on you, moving so fast over that little spot that makes you wild."
"Yes, Elvis! What are you imagining?"
"Oh, baby, I'm imagining your hand on me, pumping up and down, making me feel so good."
"I'd like to... try that... sometime." The thought makes him groan.
"I would love that, baby. Now, slide your finger inside, like I do." She pushes her middle finger into herself and moans loudly. He grunts, collecting some precum from his tip and rubbing it around. "Yes, baby, like that. Does it feel good?"
"It feels so good... oh God..." He pumps himself harder and faster, trying to match what he assumes is her pace and she slides her finger in and out of herself.
"Don't stop baby... I want you to cum for me..." She uses context clues to figure out what he's talking about and moves her finger over her sensitive bud faster and faster.
"Are you gonna cum too?" He nods and then realizes she can't see him.
"Y-yes baby, I'm so close, oh!"
"Me too, Elvis! Yes! Yes!"
"Fuck, Dovey, yeah baby!"
She throbs and pulses around her own finger while his hips buck and he ruins his hand with his release. They both sit on the phone breathing heavily and trying to recover from their orgasms. Finally, he speaks.
"Dovey, are you still there?"
"Mhmm. That was... I liked that..." He smiles, desperately wishing he could snuggle her and kiss her forehead.
"I miss you, baby."
"I miss you too. Come home to me soon, okay?"
"As soon as I possibly can." She smiles into the phone.
"Then I'll see you soon."
"Not soon enough. I love you, Dovey."
"I love you too, Jumbee."
Several days later Elvis finally gets back to Memphis. Gladys calls Dove and makes sure she's at Graceland when he gets home. Vernon watches anxiously, wondering if anything he said will make a difference.
When Elvis walks through the door, he kisses his mama first and then runs over to Dove, scooping her up to wrap her legs around him. He peppers her with kisses wildly as she giggles.
The Colonel looks at Vernon, frustrated. Elvis is oblivious as he carries her up the stairs directly to his bedroom. Gladys smiles and walks back into the kitchen, leaving Vernon and the Colonel alone together. Vernon speaks first.
"I tried to appeal to her better nature. I think she really loves him."
"I don't care if she does. This cannot continue. She will completely derail him."
"They're both pretty insistent. I'm afraid if we push them we'll make it worse."
"No. Elvis is not stupid. I'll come up with something."
"Colonel, maybe we should just let him be happy. It probably won't last anyway."
"Is that a bet you're willing to lay your son's future on?" Vernon swallows and shakes his head.
"No. It's not."
"Then I will need you on my side when I come up with something."
"I will be back."
Stay with me!
@wildhorseinkansas @everythingelvispresley @ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @returntopresley
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en-geneisaxx · 5 months
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'Please don't say that this is the end of us...'
Pairings: Husband!Hoon x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing (you're gonna be on a rollercoaster of emotions darling) and a suggestive at hoon's part (if u squint 🤭)
Feat. Jay, Heeseung and Jake of Enhypen, Yeji (Sunghoon's sister), Jin Ae (Y/n and Sunghoon's child)
Tagging my moots who wanted to read: @pockettwinzz @diorsyun @rinbowaman @heeslomll @heeslut4life @hoonieshoneymain @sungvrhs
Not proofread 😅
Likes, reblogs and/or following me will be much appreciated!!
Part 4:
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The silence was so loud.
But I mean, it was expected. How would you have reacted given that information and the current situation you were in? Even I, too, wouldn't know, despite living it.
'Y/n,' Jay breaks the awkward atmosphere,
'take your damn child before it has a concussion from it falling from my arms, because I feel so fricking weak right now.'
Glady, you took Jin Ae, since she was like a comforter. And, gosh, she was SO 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 CUTE.
Finally, you felt a little light-hearted, but that could only last for long...
'I...damn. I never knew my bro would be like that... He's not the type to do that...'
'Y/n...have you ever suspected that Jake dude? Because right now, he seems like he's the problem.'
'I agree, Jay. Hoon would never hurt you, but it may be he's worried that Jake guy would take you. You're everything to him, Y/n, and he's just as similar to you when it comes to love.'
Hearing the different views of the story did give you an insight of what might be going on in his head.
'Try being Hoon,' suggested Jay, 'because you need to know what's his version of this mess.
Thoughtfully, you scrape out every detail of Jake you could get from your memory, and tried to piece it together to get a clear answer.
Jake was a flirty boy, so his actions could rub off people in the wrong way, especially if it was Hoon.
When he hangs out with you, he would definitely initiate the physical contact, snaking an arm around your waist or putting an arm on your shoulder.
The way he would look at you...it...it was different, now that you're gaining a third person view. Those eyes...it was so dark when it came to you, unlike when they have a charming gleam to others. Could it be lust? The thought made you sick, you hated liking another man when you were happily in love.
Even the nicknames...he would call me things Sunghoon does, like 'Love' or 'Darling'.
Ah, so he wasn't trying to be my best friend,
He took 'bf' to a whole new level.
No wonder why Hoon got so agitated at the thought of him.
But...at the same time, these are just reasonable guesses. I would need to discuss with Sunghoon to actually know the answer.
'So, what's your verdict, 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤?'
'I think Jake tried to change it to Mrs. Sim.'
'I thought so too, ngl.'
'Me three!' Yeji chimes in.
'Well, at least now you should have Sunghoon's view.'
And I think we talked for too long that Jin Ae started crying, hungry for milk.
'Shoot, Jin Ae hasn't drank yet.'
'We'll leave you two to be, call us when you're done.' Says the modest Jay, who you really thought deserved to be the older Park.
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'I'll be waiting nearby, ok bro?'
'Cheers Hee, for letting me hang about your place and all that.'
'My job as the eldest, is it not?' He chuckles.
'I know you love Y/n, but right now, you're not really taking your role as the husband, aren't you? Remember, you haven't heard her side of the story, so take it easy.'
'I'll try to, I really will.'
I head on over to the backyard of our house, decorated by my lovely Y/n. She took so much time renovating it into the piece of art it is today. That was what she was good at: creating masterpieces. She's probably best at it because she is one, and if I was to ever be hurtful to her, I would never have meant it; I never deserved such a woman ever, such luck I had to create my family with her as my wife.
I start appreciating everything more, taking a look around and observing the way she places the plant pots, and the strokes she did when painting the fence. There was something else she was better at stroking at, but we'll save that for another time.
When approaching the bench where we would always sit when it was a beautiful sunset, I noticed engravings on it. I thought someone may have vandilised it, until I took a closer look.
'Y/n Park ♥︎ Park Sunghoon'
'He's my forever!!'
'I'm so happy my child was made with him.'
'𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏, 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.
-𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒀/𝒏.'
All this made him feel ashamed of himself. He deserves to, he was pretty much destroying his sunshine.
He wanted to talk things out, but you weren't there.
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'Who is it?' Enquires Yeji
'Ooolalaaa, it's Mr. Park Sunghoon.'
*Otp* 'What.'
'Where's Y/n?'
'Jin Ae was hungry, so she's breastfeeding her right now.'
(She's such a good mother... Oh, Y/n, if only I could prove my love to you better...)
'Oh...ok.' *Ends call*
*Jay and Yeji monster shrieks*
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blakenation1 · 2 months
I NEED a Dead Boy Detectives episode where Edwin gets a spell casted on him where he loses ability to move his right arm for 24 hours/something along those lines and Charles has to do everything for him.
For example, antagonist (Ester? Perhaps?) casts a spell to try and get the dead boys once again, but this time putting (part of) Edwin out of commission. Let's say he can't move his dominate arm and hand for 24 hours. I think it would go something like this:
Thinking back to the scene where the dbda is in the middle of the woods trying to find a (not real) ghost that is Monty's friend (Gladys), when Edwin whips out a potion making kit thing out of nowhere and conjures something up in like 5 seconds. Let's say that the dbda is in another situation like this.
Charles: "Edwin, you have to make something to kill that thing," *as he's pulling out the little potion making??? Kit from his infinity backpack*
Edwin: "I would be more than happy to if I physically could, Charles." *eye roll* *scoff*
Charles: "Fine, okay. I'll just do it for you. You can still talk, yeah? Just tell me how to do it." *as he slams the kit on the ground*
Edwin: "Do be very careful with that, Charles." *sigh* "I suppose I could. You must listen to each direction I give to you very carefully though. One slip up and not only is that beast over there going to be killed, but also the rest of us.”
Charles nods hesitantly, clearly a bit spooked by this, but he has to help out Edwin, of course.
Charles: *opens up the kit* "So like... What do I do?"
Edwin: "Well first, take that bit of [insert fancy herb name here] and grind it up and combine it with [insert another fancy scientific name here] and then place them in a jar, heat only for 1.75 second-"
Charles: "what."
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angel2el · 3 months
Blackened Haze - Elvis Presley (Coming Soon!)
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So so sooo excited to share this with you all! I'm starting my second series (Yes, I'll continue DWY) and I am so excited to release the first chapter.
This series will be an Elvis x reader, taking place around and after the time of Gladys' death. In real life, Elvis never healed from losing his mother. This story will have a happier ending -- with his longtime girlfriend by his side, he continues and life goes on. He heals.
I'm aware this isn't exactly the type of thing most people like to read. In the beginning, it will be very grief-filled, heavy, and sad. But I genuinely enjoy writing this, and I think it will give people a glimpse into Elvis' psyche as well as hopefully warm their hearts as they watch Elvis recover and become himself again, working his way out of a dark, thick haze that took him over when his mother died.
Chapter One will be out extremely soon. I am already at over 2700 words! Please don't be shy to comment or send a message or ask. I love talking to you all.
I'm having so much fun writing this. It's very emotional I hope you all love it.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 3 months
Do Not Disturb (Elvis x F!Reader)
I never would've imagined that when I met Elvis Presley before one of his first concerts that I could be minutes away from marrying him. I remember our entire history together like it was yesterday.
He was such a shy boy and I was such a shy girl. We'd go on milkshake and movie dates together. I would help Mrs. Gladys in the kitchen for Sunday dinner back when they lived in the house on Audubon Drive. It was always a good time.
And of course, how could I forget his wonderful proposal. It was during his concert in Hawaii. I remember how he invited me and my parents all the way to Honolulu. He even paid our travel fare and everything. It was the final song of his set and he looked right at me.
"Ah'd like ta thank everyone for comin out to see me. Ah especially wanna shout out mah lovely girlfriend out in the audience. For mah final song tonight, Ah'm dedicatin this to her. It's called Love Me."
And that's when I broke down and cried. Love Me was my favorite song and he's singing it just for me. It isn't as if he hasn't sung that song before, but it was because he saved this song for last that I knew. He was proposing to me.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
As soon as I could, I rushed right over to see him. Once he opened the door, I flung myself into his arms.
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"
Many tears were shed that night. Even Mr. Vernon and daddy looked misty eyed. Momma couldn't have been any happier to hear the news. Even when we got the news about Elvis' draft notice, I stood right by his side. We planned our wedding to be just before he had to report for duty.
So now here I am walking arm and arm with daddy down the aisle. Elvis looks absolutely stunned to see me in my dress. Before he can speak, the preacher speaks up.
"We are gathered here today to celebration the union of this young couple in Holy Matrimony."
Everything fades away until we get to the I do's.
"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"
Everyone applauds and cheers as we kiss. Elvis even picks me up and carries me to the limo. This is the best day of our lives.
"We're married."
Elvis has a shaky sigh and I know he was just as nervous as I was. Even throughout the reception, I could tell he was boiling over with nerves. It wasn't until late into the night that it all comes out.
"Honey. Ah need you."
I feel a little shiver roll through my body. Elvis said that right in my ear in such a husky voice, I can't help it. I'm still a little nervous, so I have to ask knowing full well what he'll answer.
"Need me to do what?"
Elvis' breathing gets very ragged.
"Get the Do Not Disturb sign an take off the dress."
And just like that I do as he says. As I get the sign, I see him taking off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants. I struggle to get my dress off before he takes me into his arms.
"God. Ah need ya so bad. Ah can't take it."
"I know."
He looks down at me and flips me onto my back.
"Ah'm gonna take good care a you. You ain't ever gonna think bout another man while Ah'm gone. Just me."
He says all this right in my ear as he touches me. I can feel his fingers curl.
"It's ok honey. Ah'm gonna make ya feel real good before we make our marriage fully bindin."
Elvis of course makes good on his promise. I feel completely at his mercy as he pleasures me. And yet I trust him to the absolute fullest. He knows just how and where to touch me that makes me feel full of need.
"I need you."
I feel him chuckle against me before I can feel his tongue. Momma would be furious if she saw us like this but I don't care.
I don't remember what happened after that. I just know that it feels very good. Nothing feels real anymore to the point where I could swear Elvis is moving right through me. Not just through me but moving in and out of me like I'm nothing but air.
"Oh God!"
Everything goes black. I feel a heavy weight land by me. I don't even to think about curling up against my new husband. I'm not worried about what will happen when he leaves. For now, we're here. We're married. And the best part? I can't even care that we had no protection.
An: Thank you @cattcb for the request! I hope I have enough balance between fluff and smut in this story.
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aliypop · 23 days
Gentle On My Mind
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Word count: 1,115
Prompt: It's a hot summer night in 1956 and with Cecelia's mother on tour she simply needs a friend who happens to be her boyfriend to keep her Gentle on her mind.
Warning: none
Note: I was listening to Gentle On My Mind and got this idea, remember if you have any requests let me know!
July 1956
Cecelia parked her Ford Thunderbird outside of the quaint house on Audubon Drive as she walked to the front door of the Presley household. Taking the key from behind the potted roses on the doorstep, Cecelia began to open the door, taking a deep breath in. However, that was until she heard the engine of a certain purple 1956 Cadillac Eldorado pulling in. Rolling her eyes, she couldn't help how extra her boyfriend could be sometimes,
"Nice ride there."
"You like it?" He winked, placing a tender but quick kiss on her lips.
"I do." She laughed, bumping noses, "Say I have a question for you." Cecelia mentioned that as she walked inside the house, she took a deep breath and smelled the faint smell of a home now 10 hours away.
"Yes, darlin'?"
"Elvis, is that you?!" Gladys asked from the kitchen,
"Yes, mama!"
"Need any help, Mrs. Presley!"
"Love Bug, you're here too! " She perked up and walked towards the living room as she hugged Cecelia,
"Nice to see you're home." Gladys kissed her cheek, then her sons, the two gushing at her motherly woes. "Speaking of, I actually have a question..."
"Anything sugar."
"Well, my mama's on tour, and I don't wanna be alone in that great big house 'cause it gets borin' and..."
"You want Elvis to stay with you?"
"I'd like Elvis to stay with me- How'd you know!?"
"I'm a mother. We know these things." She winked,
"Well, can I, mama?"
" Of course, but don't go creatin' no other Presley's." She playfully scolded as the couple blushed out of embarrassment.
Racing to his room, Elvis packed a few clothes as his mind wandered to what they'd be doing, baking or maybe movies, maybe a pillow fort, definitely a pillow fight.
"Alright, I'm ready to go. Call ya when we get there, okay, mama."
When they arrived at Valmos manor, it felt like a ghost town, just an empty shell of a house, no lights on or anything, just silence, peace, and,
"OOOH, YOU HAVE ELVIS OVER. I'M GONNA TELL YOUR MAMA!" Rosa smirked, peering from the fence as Cecelia rolled her eyes,
"I'll tell yours you've got a bun in the oven by Scotty..."
"I saw nothin'..." Rosa mumbled as Elvis chuckled. Taking her key, Cecelia opened the door, turning the lights on as she helped him with his bags,
"Well, what's first?" He asked,
"Pajamas, then I was thinking a pillow fort and a bit of baking?"
"Sounds good to me." The two changed into their night attire, Cecelia in a pink negligée with a matching robe that Elvis bought her and Elvis in embroidered light pink pajamas. Even when they didn't try, they tended to match.
Taking the pillows from every room, they draped the blankets together over the top as they had set up camp in the living room. Until she felt a soft thud against her back. "See, someone isn't playing fair..." Cecelia grumbled as she took a pillow and hit Elvis back, the two erupting in laughter, "Well, I got two!" He smirked as Cecelia hit him in the face, knocking him over, "And I w-" Before she could finish, she exploded in laughter as she felt him tickling her ribs, her breathing shallow as he began to pepper her with kisses,
"THA-THA- THAT'S CHEA AH HA HA." Elvis smirked until she pinned him down, tickling his ribs and then his belly, "H-HEY!" He kept laughing, making her laugh as she stopped,
"Sorry, babe..."
"It's o- HA! Y-Y- YOU MINX!" When the tickle fight finally ended, Cecelia rolled over and purched her head on her palms as she looked over at Elvis,
"Boy, I could sure use somethin' to eat..." He looked at her as she grinned,
"Well, you wanna help make it?"
"I ain't much of a cook..."
"That's alright." She smiled, leading him to the kitchen. Cecelia had a few baking pans, one for cupcakes, another for cookies, and one for her infamous cheesecake tarts.
"We'll start you off with cookies."
"Why cookies?"
"Cause even when burnt, they come out tastin' okay." She shrugged getting the ingredients, Elvis helped her with the flour as she got the butter and eggs and yeast for the dough,
"Now whadya do?"
"Crack the eggs into the bowl."
"Like this?"
"Mhmm." She watched him as she added flour, baking soda, a pinch of salt, sugar and vanilla for taste, "Now what?" He looked back at her,
"You stir it."  
"Like this?" He asked as he was poking the dough mix,
"No, like this," She had one hand on his hip the other on his forearm as she helped him stir. "There you go." Her scent entangling him as their eyes met,
"Hmm..." Her eyes darting towards his lips, Elvis leaned in as he kissed her sweetly, propping her up on the counter tops as his hands craddled her face,
"Go wait in the living room." She blushed,
"What did I do wrong?" His chuckle vibrating on her lips, "You are a distraction." She playfully pushed him away, Elvis began to jokingly sulk as he walked to the living room, "Alright, but I'll miss ya!"
"Miss ya more."
Scrolling through the TV Elvis couldn't find anything, except for news, a few cheesy TV movies, and Vampira which whom he had a soft spot for, setting the volume up his eyes were glued as she was showing Dracula tonight, the perfect movie for the perfect ambiance for the perfect sleepover with his perfect girl.
"Pepsi or Coca-cola?!"
"Pepsi if you've got it doll!"
"What's she up to..." He shook his head smiling, on a serving tray was an array of sweet snacks, cookies, tarts, cupcakes, and "A Pepsi-cola float!" She smirked as Elvis grinned,
"Spoilin' me good huh?"
"Well the key to a mans heart is his stomach." She chuckled scooting over into him as he wrapped themselves in a blanket, his arm around her waist as she fed him a cookie,
"These are delicious..."
"Mhmm..." Cecelia nodded,
"Honey what's wrong?"
"There's an eggshell in mine..."
"Sorry babe." He chuckled, as the night progressed the pair was talking about everything from politics to music, to fashion, movies, their dreams to,
"I'm tellin' ya Captain Marvel Jr. is superior."
"And Superman isn't, I mean, black hair, blue eyes, super kind..." She smirked, "Southern boy, true Americana!" She winked as Elvis laughed,
"Or you like him cause he looks like me."
"Or you look like Superman!"
"What if I am?" He leaned in closer,
"Then I'm your Lois Lane." She held his hand, the two reading from her comic book collection,
"Oh! This ones a good one!"
"Jay Garrick... Cece..."
"What, you've got your lightin' bolt, I've got mine." Sticking her tongue out at him, As the night progressed, the two had been found cuddled up in a warm embrace fast asleep.
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magicalgirl-safespace · 2 months
omg can you share cg basil and regressed aubrey hcs? (pref if you didnt use the term "little") /nf
Thank you so much for requesting Dear! I use the term little since it's easier to remember but I won't for this post, I'll continue doing it for my other posts so I hope you understand^^
Caregiver Basil! And Age regresser Aubrey! Head Canons•🐰🌻
(‼️warning for potential eye strain due to colored text, all of my posts have colored text, subtle mentions of Aubrey's home life, mentions of panic attacks, and self depreciating thoughts about being a bother‼️)
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- Aubrey doesn't regress often but whenever she does, Basil is always there to take care of her
- Basil usually makes her stay at his house while she's regressed, it's safer, warmer, and all her toys and supplies are there
- Basil calls Aubrey various nicknames, but his favorite is Gladi (reference to the flower he's assigned her with)
- Aubrey is always curious as to what Basil is doing, so she follows him around the house while he does chores
- She also brings Bun Bun with her! Basil makes sure to take good care of him
- Aubrey has building blocks that she plays with all the time. Whenever she finishes building something, she runs over to Basil so he can see her creation
- Aubrey is surprisingly energetic, so she and Basil play outside often. More often than not, getting very muddy
- Basil loves brushing her hair, he makes sure to be gentle with it and Aubrey really appreciates that (it can also calm her down from panic attack). When he's done she'll get really shy and mumble "thanks.."
- I mentioned this in my Basil cg post, but he's an amazing cook. So he shows off his cooking skills to Aubrey often. Everytime she eats his food, she always talks about how yummy it is
- Aubrey needs reassurance whenever she regresses because she doesn't wanna be a bother, but Basil always reassures her that it's completely fine and he absolutely loves taking care of her
- Aubrey LOVES when Basil gives her piggy back rides, she likes being so tall!
- Basil knows that Aubrey is indecisive, so whenever she's picking an outfit to wear for when she's regressing, he always offers to help her pick. All the outfits he's picked for her, she's absolutely loved
- Aubrey has a lot of those bracelet making kits, she loves making bracelets with Basil and they always make matching ones
- Basil crochets on occasion and he makes stuff for Aubrey when he does, he made her a bunny plushie once and is never seen without it when she's regressing
(I hope you liked these hcs^^)
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dancingdub · 1 year
hard work pays off
just Emily being mommy and daddy. some teasing, jealousy, and Emily being a tad controlling lol
very smutty, 1.6k word count
Emily Prentiss x fem reader
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It's been a really long and exhausting case. Now that you and the team are finally on the jet and heading back to the BAU you can relax. You were sitting across from Emily, Derek and JJ on the other side of her and you. Spencer was sitting across the aisle at his own table. Hotch and Rossi sitting across the jet talking about the case you just finished, while you guys were mindlessly bickering. “So y/n, how's it going with that girl you’ve been seeing?” Of course Derek would ask that, though this whole trip you couldn’t seem to keep your eyes off Emily. It took a second before you could answer. Emily’s eyes were focused on your lips like she was waiting for you to answer. “It's okay I guess, we’ve only gone on 2 dates. Not really anything spectacular.” you felt a wave of heat wash over your body as Emily began to smile at your response. “Have you talked to her since?” JJ chimed in. “no, I uh actually haven't reached out since our last date,which was last weekend.”you almost felt like blushing. Emily was biting her lip like she always does, making your hands sweat. “Derek, when's the last time you’ve gone on a date?” Emily chimed in, taking the heat off of you. It's almost like she knew what you were feeling. “Let's not talk about that.” Derek spoke, we all started laughing.
Once off the jet, you went to your desk in the bullpen and grabbed some files you needed to finish up before tomorrow. Emily was at her desk on the left of you, Derek on the right. “All right everyone, I'm heading out for the day, goodnight.” Derek walked away with all his belongings and headed toward the elevator. You were soon the follow. You said your goodbyes and started to walk towards the elevator. “I'll walk out with you.” Emily said looking you dead in the eyes. You started to feel warm again but tried not to show it. She also said her goodbyes and you both walked toward the elevator, you hit the button and waited. It was silent the whole way down and into the parking lot. “ So do you have any special plans for this weekend?” Emily looked over at you as you both walked to your car. She had a smile on her face, she was so beautiful. “ I actually don’t have anything planned, maybe look over some old files.” you stopped next to your car and so did she. Then after a brief moment she took a step closer. “You know, you don’t have to be so serious all the time.” she spoke seductively, drawing you in. You could smell her perfume, vanilla and lavender. “Uh well…” you started. Emily took a step closer, you were almost touching. Your mind was blank. All you could think about was the feeling of her body on yours, her lips on yours.
“Why don’t we do something tonight?” Emily asked, her body still almost touching yours. “Well , uhm, I don’t..” you couldn’t even finish your sentence. Emily biting her lip again and making you melt. “ you're so cute when you're nervous.” Emily took the final step toward you, her body on yours for the first time. She was so intoxicating it made you wet. “Y-yes we can do something tonight.” you finally managed to get out. You’d never felt this way before, and you knew there was tension building since day one. Emily always had her eyes on you, and now she had her eyes on your lips. She leaned in closer, her lips almost on yours. Then she tilted her head up toward your ear, you felt her lips graze you. “Let's go then.” she whispered. Your knees almost gave out at the sound of her voice. She grabbed your hand and began walking to her car and you glady followed. She opened the passenger door for you and you got in. she shut the door for you and walked to her side and got in and started the car.
Once we made it out of the parking lot, she drove with a need for speed. It was a silent ride for the most part but the tension was building. She stopped at a red light and looked over at you, need in her eyes. She grabbed your thigh and you couldn’t help the little moan that escaped your lips. Her touch sent electricity throughout your body. She smirked and continued driving. About 5 more minutes passed before we pulled up to her apartment complex. She opened her door and got out of the car with grace, she came over to your side and opened the door for you, her hand held out for yours to hold. Once inside the main entrance, you walked up a flight of steps before she opened the door. She motioned for you to enter and she followed after you, shutting the door behind her. You took a look around, noticing how nice and neat her place was. She had great taste. “You have a really nice pl-” before you could finish Emily had her body pressed against yours, her hands finding your waist. She had you pressed against the wall, lips almost touching. “Can I kiss you now?” she asked softy, and you’ve been waiting for this for a while. You didn’t say a word, then you finally pressed your lips to hers. Emily liked that, she held the kiss for a moment longer before she kissed you back a little harder. There was a need in her kiss.
Her lips still on yours, her body pressing yours into the wall. She slipped her tongue in your mouth, deepening the kiss. Your tongue made its way to her mouth, fighting for dominance before she pulled away, biting your bottom lip in the process. She picked you up, your legs straddling her as she brought you to the bedroom. She laid you down on the bed, she was on top. She began kissing you again, more passionately this time. It felt like she needed your lips. You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her closer. She grabbed your hands and put them over your head, holding you down while she kissed you hard, her tongue circling in your mouth. Your hips couldn’t help but thrust looking for some kind of friction. You needed her badly. She took that as an invitation and pulled your shirt over your head. Your chest is almost
bare besides the bra you were wearing. She gave your breasts a little squeeze before sliding her shirt over her head. She was wearing black lace and it was so sexy. You couldn’t take your eyes off her chest. She smirked and slipped her bra off, then returned to being on top of you. Her skin was soft and warm on yours. She kissed your lips before making her way down your cheek and the side of your neck. She placed little kisses, and sucked some spots in between. This made you squirm. You just wanted her face between your legs.
She made her way to your breasts, carefully slipping your bra over your head and working on each one. She kissed and sucked your right nipple, cupping the left and switched giving them both attention. She kissed her way down your stomach, she was driving you nuts. She unzipped your pants and slid them off. “You're so wet for me baby.” Emily spoke in that soft, seductive voice. “Please fuck me, please.” she locked eyes with you after your request.
“I love when you beg.�� that was all she said before your panties were off and her face was between your legs. Her tongue sliding down your folds and touching your entrance. She did this 2 more times driving you wild. You couldn't stop your hips from moving into her touch.
“Keep still baby,” she spoke right into your pussy before finding your clit. There was no way you could keep still, her tongue dancing circles over your clit. You grabbed onto the blankets for support, you couldn't stop your legs from shaking. Emily worked your clit, your juices flowing out. You were so close to release, then she stopped. “I said keep still.” she looked at your face, there was a pain in your eyes. You needed to cum, your clit was throbbing. Once you stopped squirming, she put her first 2 fingers in her mouth, sucking lightly before putting them inside you. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she was good at it. She started to fuck you slowly as you tried your best not to move. Small moans escaped your lips.
Then she began to fuck you harder, her fingers curled up touching your sweet spot. “Oh god Emily,” she moaned at that response, pumping her fingers harder. She put her thumb over your clit rubbing in circles. That sets you over the edge. Your legs began to shake, your orgasm taking control. Emily felt your entrance pulsing and she slowed, riding out your high. She was watching you as you opened your eyes, your legs still shaking. “Jesus Em, I think I saw god.” she smiled at your praise.
“I think you should stay here tonight.” Emily spoke firmly, moving to lay next to you on the bed. All you did was nod your head, you couldn’t go anywhere anyway because she drove you here. Though you did want to stay. “I also don’t want you seeing that girl anymore.” Emily looked over at you. “ I want to see you more, and no one else.”
“Uh okay,” you began before she placed one last kiss on your lips.
“So, how about some food?”
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