#I'll delete the tags if they're annoying anyone!
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deathdetermineslife · 5 months ago
I genuinely cannot stand you and your account. Every time I make a new account, you're always the in selfship tags filling it up with your terrible art and shitty posts. You are a waste of space and no one in this community likes you. Your f/o (who isnt YOUR f/o by the way, stop calling him that) doesn't love you, he definitely thinks you're annoying and wouldn't love you in any universe. I want you to know that I have an entire group of selfshippers I'm friends with that wish you'd do the world a favor and kill yourself, just so you know. It doesn't matter if you block me, by the way, because I can and will make new accounts to try to make you feel like shit. I pray to God every day you get in a terrible accident and die a slow and painful death. You mischaracterize "your" f/o (just a reminder, he doesn't love you and wishes you were dead!), you make the entire selfshipping community look stupid, and you're a sharer, too, which means you don't actually love any of your f/os anyways. You should get off of Tumblr. I'm serious, several of my friends are skilled hackers and will dox you. You don't deserve any of the merchandise you own, you don't deserve to be happy, really. And don't even try to tell me that since I'm a proshipper this goes against my "antiharassment values" or whatever I'm sure you'll try to say, every single proshipper I've spoken to thinks you're a hypocritical, disgusting, terrible individual that doesn't deserve the likes and attention you get. I seriously cannot believe anyone will a brain follows you. They probably do because antis don't have brains. They're retards that like throwing pedophile accusations at anyone that breathes. You all are some of the most idiotic and stupid people I've ever seen in my entire life. I cannot stand you. No one likes you, any mutual you think you have is secretly hoping you die, and trust me, a few people I know who follow you or at the very least have reblogged your things are secret proshippers! Isn't that terrible? I'm sure you think so. Because you think we're so bad, don't you? You think that all of us are rapists and evil people that deserve the death penalty. Every time someone reblogs the art you make and says "otp" and "I ship it", just know they're lying to you, they don't believe that, in fact, everyone's out to get you and no one likes you. And that server you own? Just know no one in there likes you. All of the friends you probably think you have? They don't like being around you. He doesn't love you, no one loves you, and if you have more f/os, they don't like you either. Your familial f/os want to disown you, your platonic f/os wish you weren't friends with them, and every single romantic f/o you THINK YOU HAVE does not LOVE YOU they DON'T LOVE YOU and they NEVER WILL. THEY DON'T LOVE YOU. Every person I have talked to you about agrees they wish you didn't exist they wish you never made an account they wish you never started posting to selfship Tumblr. You are lucky that your main blog isn't linked here because if it was, I would be sending asks there too so you'd have to delete your main blog too, and maybe then you wouldn't come back to Tumblr. The entire selfship community hates you and your lazy posts that a five-year-old could write up. In fact, just so you know, I regularly steal your posts and post them to the proselfship tag and they get more attention than your blog. Antis are the minority in fandom, no one likes antis. Not a single person likes them, you're all braindead children who have no morals or understanding of the world. This website would be better without you on it. I know you'll post this, and I know that there's probably going to be people in the replies telling you that they love you so much and that you're a good person and that "your" f/o loves you but he doesn't love you and he never will love you and you're absolutely fucking delusional if you think so. I fucking hate you. I'll continue to ban evade until I can push you off of this website. You can't get away from me and I will dox you.
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uh oh someone let grandpa out of the nursing home again. also you sound like an evil supervillain. you expect me to take this seriously? this CANNOT be serious I'm giggling so fucking hard
anyways, heres all the art i have of me and korekiyo!
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also bad news buddy, i dont have any familial or platonic f/os. womp womp. go back to algebra class, lil bro.
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trainsinanime · 3 months ago
Is there a specific scientific term for what I'll call "harm construction", meaning "thinking of ways that something harms someone in order to condemn it"? There must be, right? I see it all the time and it's not new. Let me give some examples in random order.
One of the first cases where I really remember it was at least a decade ago, an online article by a British newspaper, about how an online store had put a pole dancing pole in their toys section. A bit of an embarrassing mistake but nothing more.
However, that article provided several quotes from a British couple who said they were very worried, because their kid could have seen that. It seems pretty clear that their kid did not, in fact, actually see it, but the newspaper treated their concern as if it was a genuine thing to worry about. It was utterly ridiculous.
A more recent example is a call-out ask I received a few months ago and, of course, immediately deleted, but it's still been living rent-free in my head since then, because it was so horribly bad. I'll not repeat the exact wording, but they were annoyed that their victim blog (which I don't follow and haven't for years, if ever, and they don't follow me) was annoying and sometimes said mean things. They very ineptly tried to explain that this might have been part of the reasons why someone else, completely unrelated, sent out hate messages to yet another person. That was the harm that was so big that it supposedly justified a targeted harassment campaign. (If you're the person who wrote that call-out ask, please rethink your life. You were only increasing the hate in the world, not making anything better. I suspect the sender wasn't anyone who actually follows me, but just in case).
The biggest and most prominent example of harm construction right now is of course all about trans people, bathrooms and school sports. Conservatives and TERFs alike need a reason to oppose the existence of trans people beyond "I personally find them weird", because saying that out loud gets them correctly branded as bigots. How do you turn "let's be really mean to a marginalised group" into a progressive cause? By saying that the existence of this group causes harm. The problem with that is that trans people existing does not actually cause any harm, it's literally fine.
So in an effort to construct harm after all, they have searched far and wide for something that trans people could even theoretically damage, and the only things they managed to come up with are "there might be someone with unexpected genitals behind that bathroom stall door" and "the sanctity of gender-segregated sports". If it weren't for their cultural and political power then it would almost be funny how little potential harm they managed to find and how much they have to amplify it. They're just another couple in the newspaper worried that their kid might potentially see a website.
If you look for it, harm construction is everywhere, because we all sort of agree on a surface level that dividing people into "normal, acceptable" and "weird, must be punished" isn't nice, but the instinct to punish people for being "weird" is still alive and well and many people refuse to question it.
At a completely different end, anytime someone uses the word "normalisation" about a fanfic on Ao3, that's another example. We all know making blorbos do weird things doesn't actually hurt anybody (assuming proper tagging and so on), but we still want to punish people who do it wrong. So we construct harm, by arguing that seeing something on Ao3 might "normalise" the thing and make it more likely that someone will do it in real life.
These examples are very different, at very different ends of almost all scales of power and cultural influence and meaning, but the core idea is always the same. So, yeah. There must be a better term for this.
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bageltopia · 3 days ago
20 questions for fic writers! i got tagged by @fivedayslater ✨
How many works do you have on ao3?
just 27 🥺
What's your total ao3 word count?
714,283! will i break 1M this year? i hope so but that remains to be seen
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i'll give you the top 3 😭 they're all quite old and i frankly don't stand by them anymore except perhaps for #3...every few months i go through the struggle of whether or not to delete these fics but i'm trying to be more of an archivist towards my work haha
catch and release, haikyuu (kurodai)
on our way, harry potter (drarry)
thirst aid kit, gintama (ginhiji)
What fandoms do you write for?
right now just one piece! i have major tunnel vision when it comes to fandoms and my brain doesn't allow me to be properly multi-fandom
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to reply to comments that i get right when i post a fic, especially if someone is asking a question, but i'm not consistent with how long that lasts...i get overwhelmed :( but i read and appreciate every comment very much!!! <3
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm i don't really know that i write angsty endings. there are a few from past lives not on my current ao3 i suppose
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think it's this fic swan song, which is a post-canon, shippy take on the netflix show "the society" and it's extra happy (to me) bc the show ended up being cancelled shortly after i published this 😭 so in my mind, my fic is their happy ending haha
Do you get hate on fics?
my choices get questioned sometimes which can be annoying but no one really hates intentionally or in a personal way
Do you write smut?
well yes!
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
hmm...what can i say 😬
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! i think translations are lovely and i always appreciate when people take the time to do it
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes in a past life, but not on my current ao3!
What's your all time favorite ship?
probably SNS or hashimada from naruto...though i have nothing to show for it...zosan and lusan are starting to come close though
What's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i don't have one at the moment aside from the one i'm currently working on! i'm pretty good at finishing wips hehe
What are your writing strengths?
i think i'm pretty good at humor and bringing small details to life
What are your writing weaknesses?
i can be overly-descriptive sometimes and lose sight of larger themes by focusing too hard on small details
Thoughts on writing dialog in another language for a fic?
i have not done this so N/A for now!
First fandom you wrote for?
probably harry potter in the ye olden days, when they were still being published and i was certainly too young to be interacting with fandom in the way that i was
Favorite fic you've ever written?
i have 2, for different reasons!
moonlighters because it's my first foray into writing something ambitiously long and i'm happy i accomplished that at all
bad revolution because it's my own fic i've reread the most and i really like the setting, atmosphere, and story i put down in a tight 15k 😌
tagging @sinelanguage @incalamity @summerofspock and anyone else who'd like to answer!! ❤️
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canonizzyhours · 1 year ago
I wrote this long meta post this morning when I was supposed to be working in response to someone saying that they relate to Izzy because he's an outsider, but I deleted it because I realized that I don't care about Izzy, and there's no point in arguing with someone who will be like well that's just your opinion man. Out of all the crew, I care about Izzy the least. I missed Buttons more than I'll miss Izzy in S3. So I'm going to stop reading Izzy posts.
(Although I still maintain that if you see Izzy as the outsider character in Season One you're missing the whole point of his character in that season. Being disliked by your peers is not the same thing as being an outsider!)
But I have one final vent: I'm completely baffled by the canyon. Completely. After I finished the first season, my friend warned me that there were people in fandom who LOVED Izzy, and I was like lol wut. And even after reading all the canyon's meta and all their frankly unhinged tweets, I still don't get it.
Jar Izzy? Okay, I totally get that. Everyone loves a bad boy with issues. I'd be shocked if he didn't have some fans.
But canyon Izzy isn't even Izzy. I've seen them say over and over that Izzy is mentally ill, which is never presented in canon (yet they ignore Ed's very textual breakdown??? why don't they relate to Ed's mental illness???). They say he protects and cares about the crew - citation, please. Show me the scene where he protected anyone. They say that he was completely motivated by the thought that Stede and/or Ed was going to get them killed - aside from Izzy freaking out over the Spanish in 1x04, there's no evidence of that, either. Every character trait they like about canyon Izzy (secretly soft inside, a genius, a natural leader, creative, funny, really really ridiculously good looking, probably nice to kids) literally belongs to the character of Ed!
Then I see posts saying that they relate to Izzy because they're mean and no one likes them... yikes. Or I see them say that they relate to Izzy because they've loved someone who hasn't loved them back, but then why do they vilify the character their fave loves? They've been queer baited because Steddyhands was totally written into canon. Izzy was the only real disabled character. Izzy was the only real gay character. Izzy was the only one with a queer storyline - I guess Stede's entire storyline in Season One never happened?
And you know what, I could probably ignore all that. I could stop checking Tumblr. Hell, some of the Ed takes annoy me because they go too far in the opposite direction and call Izzy an evil mastermind; there are a lot of annoying posts on this site. But it bleeds into my first love: Modern AU Fanfic. Any time I click on a fic that pairs Izzy with anyone else it's more likely than not to portray Ed as violently insane or emotionally manipulative. It bums me out because I'm going to have to start filtering out more and more fic, and I'm going to miss out on some real gems just because it's also tagged Izzy Hands. But I don't know how much longer I can read fics where it turns out that Ed beats and tortures Izzy and only Izzy because they have a special connection, and Izzy gets with Lucius or Frenchie and Ed can't handle it because he can't deal with Izzy loving anyone but him, and Ed picks at Izzy and says terrible underhanded things about him, and everyone is secretly on Izzy's side. WHY ARE THERE EVEN SIDES???
Anyway, I blame Sherlock and discord.
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herswxrd · 1 month ago
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courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten
semi-selective BREATH OF THE WILD LINK RP blog run by gio // follows as infernalpursuit 18+ & dash only ; non-mutuals, crossovers & OCs friendly
spoiler free bc mun didn't finish the game yet
affiliated with @hislxght
rules under read more tags dump ;; rebloggable promo ;; interest checker
this is a sideblog! I’ll follow back as infernalpursuit.
this blog is 18+ only, and any minor mun who try to follow will be blocked
i don’t roleplay with anons, personals and OCs without an “about” page! You guys are free to send asks, but I won’t play with any of you.
i will also hardblock immediately anyone who knowingly reblogs or uses A.I. “art" 
obligatory mun=/= muse rule
graphics and icons psd by noxcave ; screenshots mostly taken from guiltfreeicons • anime-like icons by Project RGB • any unofficial uncredited art belong to me
i didn't finish BOTW yet, and while i have vague knowledge of TOTK i'm likely going to focus on BOTW for the time being. consider this a slightly canon divergent gameverse!Link
Link can talk, but I'll likely make him speak as little as possible.
I’m open for one-sided crushes on your muse’s side, but please contact me about it before engaging in one; i don't know if i'm going to multiship just yet, for now i'm single-ship with hislxght, who is also my main Zelda ; I'm open to play with more Zelda muses, but any relationship will be strictly platonic
the only NSFW content you'll see here will be regarding death and violence; Link is 17, 100 years timeskip or not, so no smut will be present. Attempts at engaging sexually with him will lead to the immediate block.
any kind of question is accepted, but if you start to annoy me with dumb nonsensical stuff or anything that doesn’t respect the rules will be deleted and blocked if you continue.
blog may end up being trigger-heavy, especially regarding death, themes of apocalypse, violence and mental health. Everything will be tagged properly, but don’t hesitate to ask me to add some more trigger warnings if necessary; in return, I ask mutuals to please tag IRL suicide/suicidal thoughts, FNaF and spiders. I tag any triggers as #[trigger] tw! 
I’m always in for any kind of violent threads. I love rping something involving fights - but know that any hint of godmodding will result in me dropping the thread instantly. chances are I'll roll dices for fighting threads
don’t spam likes, especially if you’re a personal blog
if you want to rp just drop a starter or contact me for a plot. Remember that I'm selective and I have the rights to say no.
DO NOT reblog RPs, asks, headcanons or IC posts you’re not directly involved, unless we agreed for you to be part of it. i will hardblock you right away
I heavily encourage reblog karma. I’m obviously calmer when it comes to sentence starters, but if i reblog a headcanon prompt and i get nothing just to see it reblogged immediately i might end up unfollowing.
reblog stuff from source, no matter if they’re prompts, memes, musing or other people’s art. unless source isn’t available, I will promptly block any non-mutuals who reblog from me and eventually mutuals who keep doing it.
i have a ton of blogs, and therefore a ton of threads, and i mostly reply and post immediately to threads that inspire me the most while putting most others in queue, generally posting either one or two a day. whatever thread i reply to first isn't a sign of me not wanting to interact with you, just. have patience fnmdasg
this said, i might occasionally drop threads from time to time, but i'll always let people know; i occasionally also lose notifications both for threads and IMs since tumblr hates me in particular, so in case hit me up
at last, a special rule for my more "confrontational" muses: i will hold them back from making comments or actions that make you, the mun, personally uncomfortable, but chances are that i'll let them go as far as they're allowed to during threads. if they have a problem with your muse, they will voice them; if they're violent, they'll be violent. i fully expect consequences for their words and actions if they take things too far, and i expect the same in return, but i won't make them more gentle unless it's something that troubles whoever i'm interacting with. i value your safety out of character, and diverse and at times antagonistic relationships and discussions in character. we can sit down and plot out anything that has the chance to make things sour and upsetting for the muses to make sure we don't cross boundaries, of course.
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gio, 20+ y/o, italian, female
main blog is slightly-gay-pogohammer
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asgardian--angels · 11 months ago
I love your blog title. I love that when DJenks made his announcement this month, I went into the tags all morose and accepting defeat, and I saw you there still ready to fight, not giving up, ready for a marathon. Truly, that means SO much to me. A little bit of hope is a powerful thing to have, and we need people who are determined to keep that flame burning bright. So happy to have you in this fandom. You really do make a difference. 💕
Aw, thank you! I really appreciate it. And yeah, I'd almost forgotten about my blog title, which I've had for over a decade, and how hope really does embody me and everything I do.
The streaming landscape is in upheaval, things are changing by the week - even since our turbo-cancellation was announced, two other shows (cancelled for much longer) were saved. Like others have been saying, we were all mentally prepared for a marathon and realistically I don't think anyone can just call everything off after just two months when so many shows have to fight for years before getting a movie deal. I respect David - he told us that news so that we'd know that there's nothing more we can accomplish right now by shouting at streamers, and that we did make a difference. There WERE interested parties, we proved we were lucrative. But that does not mean the fight is over, it just means we need to change tactics and pivot to keeping the fandom active and vocal in the long-term, and bide our time until shifts in the industry open new doors for revisiting OFMD (like David Zaslav leaving, or Max going under, or another merger). That might be six months, or it might be six years. What I am certain of is that there's so much love and passion for this show from the cast and crew that everyone would be down to get the gang back together for a season 3 years down the road.
Basically, I have no doubts the fandom will persist - this fandom is composed of very enthusiastic and artistically talented people who have an unending well of inspiration to draw from. What I do think needs to be done though, that I'm seeing wane a bit on Twitter, is to ensure we direct that noise; most people have stopped using OFMD hashtags, which means our posts won't get noticed. Something that has been great is just how vehemently the fandom has gone after Max on pretty much every single promotional post they've made in the past few weeks - check any of them out, and you'll see 95-100% of the comments are OFMD fans using #DontStreamonMax and #FireDavidZaslav , plus the great new tagline 'Sell The Show, Let Us Go'. That is something that I feel is critical we keep up, as I think one of the most powerful means of influence we have right now is to hold this industry responsible for the cancellation of queer content and just quality content overall. That's one direction we can really put our might towards - toppling the WBD empire faster. Other things we can shout for are a physical release, 'The Jenkins Cut' of s2ep8, deleted scenes/bloopers, merchandise, etc. Max is being absolutely idiotic right now in a way that shoots themselves in the foot, because they're holding onto this IP that could have been their lifeline for keeping subscribers and stock prices up, and not only did they cancel it but they're not even maximizing on the rights they refuse to sell by promoting it or making merch of it, anything that could continue to bring in revenue for what they KNOW without a doubt is one of the best performing shows they've ever had on their platform. Them trying to forget OFMD exists is the nail in their own coffin, because it's the only reason a whole lot of people ever did business with Max in the first place.
So, the long and short of it is, I'll never stop having hope for the return of our show! David said we got the attention of this industry, and we've proven our worth. It's just a really unstable landscape right now, so we need to be patient. It's annoying to see these streamers invest in less successful and more expensive shows, but I think they're all panicking to stay afloat even though they're not making decisions that could help them there. The dust needs to settle. If we can show that there's still a loud and passionate fanbase in a year, in three years, then they will revisit us. We need to keep calling out WBD and Max, we need to keep using hashtags to be heard, and just try to settle into a rhythm that we can maintain long-term. We still have a bunch of BTS to see from Samba, and we will have WJW with David at some point. I think it's important that we DON'T request any season 3 info from him, because that's what jeopardizes the possibility of that storyline then ever getting made. I'm seeing some people on Twitter start to burn out or fall into a state of sad acceptance and if you need to do that for your health, that's fine. But I don't want that mindset to spread throughout the fandom. Our outlook, our words, do have the power to become reality - if we sit back and wave the white flag, then that seriously hurts our chances of ever getting the show back. But if we can carry on like it's just a season hiatus, continuing to demand the question 'ok so WHEN *taps watch*' then our insistence can help make season 3 a reality.
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white--moon · 8 months ago
Those words are supposed to sting, he thinks. They do, but in a distant way. He doesn't care enough at the moment for them to have full effect.
He wakes up some time later, though he honestly doesn't know how long he's been asleep. He's also not quite sure what is waking him up at first. He cracks his eyes open, groaning a displeased sound at the light streaming in through a gap in his curtains. Their track is automated. They're on a timer. They should definitely be closed. He fumbles for the remote, finds it, and pushes the close button. The gears engage, but then the track holding the curtain clinks quietly against the end of the rail it's on. Closed, but still letting sunlight through.
Frowning, he sits up with the intention of figuring out the problem, but he's hit with an immediate, skull throbbing headache and nausea that comes with way too much alcohol and not enough food and water. It's way too early in the morning, or day, whichever, to be worrying about fucked up curtains and puke on his rug because of it, so he drops back down to the bed and rolls over to ignore the light. It's while his eyes are closed, shutting out some of the stimulation, and the pounding in his head is calmer, that he realizes there's also some kind of noise. It takes him too long to realize it's a commotion coming from downstairs. Which means it's for sure too early to be awake because his guards know to kick everyone out by a certain time.
How fucking obnoxious.
He's generous enough to not only throw a huge party, but let people crash at his place too, and the thanks he gets is being woken up early.
Growling an annoyed sound, he sits back up. There's no blanket to toss back, he never made it under them. He stands, an ache creeping through his hips and lower spine to remind him that that was in fact not a very lucid wet dream. Just that realization is enough to enough to have him half hard.
He tugs on his pants from last night, nearly falling over when his balance is shit from too little sleep and too much partying. As soon as he's halfway down the hallway and can see the open air space of the landing, he sees the crooked chandelier but it's not until he's up against the railing, looking down, that he can see why it's crooked.
He scowls at the body in dull, tired annoyance for a second, before looking down at the unfortunate guests that were below it. "Fuckin' Ichigo." He mutters, then, at the people still below. "Hey! Get the fuck outta my house and if a single one of you breathes a word about this to anyone else, I'll find you." It wont work. This will definitely get out. There will be all kinds of rumors circling by the end of the day. He doesn't really care. No one talks to cops, that's the important part.
He looks at the body again, seeing that corner of paper sticking out of a pocket. Right. A note. About someone trying to kill him. Ichigo's being awfully protective for a guy who doesn't like him anymore. Shiro has enough casual sex to convince himself that the sex last night could have been casual, no matter how much he doesn't actually believe that, but murdering a man for him is not casual. Even for a mercenary. Especially for a mercenary, who is supposed to be hired and paid for that service. He leans his forearms on the railing and scowls, but his thoughts, in between the throbbing headache, are swirling around Ichigo, not the fact that there's evidently a price tag on his head.
He autopilot reaches for his phone in his back pocket and- oh, hey. It's there. It never made it out of his pocket last night, that's why he couldn't find it. That tracks.
He types in Ichigo's number three times and deletes it three times. He finally shoves his phone back into his pocket and decides to see what the note says first, snagging a surprised guard (understandable, he supposes, since this body used to be their superior or however ranking works for them) and instructs him to start cutting the body down, preferably without breaking the chandelier but it's kind of ugly anyway so he won't be too upset.
The way Ichigo says that sounds so casually polite, like he's a guest in someone's home and spilled a glass or something. Not like he just fucked his ex. But maybe that's the point. This means nothing. Shiro snorts. "Mostly, yeah." That can't possibly be a surprise.
Enough of his high is wearing off, pumped through his system faster with all the adrenaline and activity, that he's starting to feel a little more like his sharp-tongued self. "I'm not easy to kill. You should know." He's not sure what Ichigo cares if he lives or dies at this point. In fact, he's just starting to realize it's weird that Ichigo came to warn him. Or maybe he noticed that earlier, but got too distracted to dwell on it.
Sure is such a half assed response. He suspects that means Ichigo wont be taking him up on the offer, but that's probably for the better. This is all going to be a mistake in the morning- or whatever time he rolls out of bed hungover and in dire need of a shower. Not the sex part, he'll have no regrets about that. It'll be all the renewed junk that's probably going to flood in behind it. Shit he's been trying to choke the life from for years now. What a mess.
He hears the sound of Ichigo leaving his room and refrains from sitting up. Instead, he heaves a heavy breath rolls overs, burying his face in his pillow and letting the dark he finds there loll him into a heavy sleep.
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starlalalala · 7 years ago
ah prompts open
I really want to start writing ah stuff, but what I’m working on now is a little longer and I’d like to do some smaller stuff in the meantime.
So please send in prompts! I prefer aus -any au will do, I just don’t like writing office stuff- and I’ll reblog a couple of prompt ideas here. Feel free to make up your own request though!
Oh, and keep it sfw.
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0risha · 4 years ago
☆ — black s/o | sanji, zoro, law, luffy & ace
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someone ( tumblr deleted the ask so I have no clue who sent this request in ☹️) REQUESTED :: general romance headcanons with sanji, zoro, law, luffy, and ace with a black s/o??
TAGS :: mentions of alcohol and being under the influence (zoro obvi), fluff, slight dressrosa spoilers in law's part.
NOTE :: sorryyy that this took so long. if you're seeing this, I hope you like it. and make sure to take care of yourself as well!! these were so fun to write. NOT PROOFREAD. i'll proofread it later :)
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zoro definitely admires you from afar. it's not likely that he'll smother you in endearments all the time, only on rare occasions.
I mean...there are moments where he will but that's only if he's had endless amounts of sake.
when that happens, his words are slurred and his cheeks are flushed. it might seem like he can handle alcohol well but that's only when he has to be on guard. he only truly enjoys his drink when he's around someone he trusts.
so, when he's in a drunken haze and you're trying to get him to go to sleep, he's clinging to you affectionately and telling you how lucky he is to have you. of how he can't wait for you to witness him finally become the greatest swordsman. his speech always ends with him staring at you for way too long under the moonlight. even under the influence, he's too embarrassed to openly tell you how pretty your skin looks, how pretty you look.
he's muttering everything underneath his breath. you hear it all of course. the only thing you can do is nod with a small smile until he finally falls asleep on your shoulder. there's not much of a chance of him remembering anything when he wakes up. and even if he did, and one of the crew is hassling him, he'd deny it with every fiber of his being.
alsooo, I headcanon zoro as someone who loves to act annoyed when you play with his earrings but internally, he finds it cute. he knows that you like the way they look on him and sometimes he acts cocky about it 🙄
he's always smirking when sanji comes around and you're by his side. just to make the cook jealous and it works....the next thing you know, they're bashing heads like nobody's business.
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it's safe to say that sanji's head over heels for you. it's custom for him to shower you in compliments as soon as you wake up — heart eyes and all, with a side of breakfast of course.
he's so protective for no reason. it doesn't matter how long you've been together, he still can't believe that you chose him. so if someone as much as talks to you longer than 'necessary,' he's lurking behind you with fire in his eyes and legs.
he's kind of delusional lol and calls zoro jealous because he's in relationship with you but zoro could literally care less.
he treasures your opinion over anyone else's. if you show slight distaste over a meal he made, he's sulking for the next two business days.
if he shares his childhood with you he doesn't really expect you to comfort him —express instances of shock, yes but comfort him? no. when you do, he falls even harder for you.
he never lets you do much of anything. according to him, gods/goddesses are meant to relax. you're grateful for his attentiveness but you still do what you need to do, of course.
giving is a way of affection for sanji me thinks. so he's always gifting you with things; jewelry that he's seen your gaze linger on, clothes that he thinks will make your skin look nice etc.
he might go overboard sometimes but nami's always there to knock him down a few notches... literally.
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▶︎ LAW
just like zoro he's not the type to openly show affection. only because he's a little shy and he's not too good with expressing his emotions.
but he does fuss over you a lot.
i think law is the type to give you little gifts in exchange for his usual quiet demeanor. not extravagant gifts like sanji but little trinkets here and there. he's a doctor, so he might know the right products to get for your skin 🤔
law's the type to get jealous but keep it inside. we all know how cute bepo is and you can't help but to gush over the bear's adorableness. you know that one moment where law yells at bepo, stop being so cute! yeah it's a daily occurrence.
it would be hilarious if you ever went with law whenever he's with the straw hats. he feels betrayed whenever you laugh at his morbid shock of things that transpire.
he tries to keep you from the straw hats (especially sanji) because they're reckless but it never works out. if you're close with nami, he has this image in his mind where he thinks you're going to become a thief or something but it's stupid because you're a literal pirate 😭
there might be a little angst in your relationship; especially being that law's only purpose (at one point) was to get revenge for corazon. when that's revealed things might get a little rocky but after the events in dressrosa, he treasures you more and is sure to tell you that —with a few apologies.
ohhh and as his s/o, there's a great chance that you like his voice. he never really understands —he thinks you're weird to be honest — but he does find it kind of cute. he might get flustered when you tell him.
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omg this boy is in love with you. he shows you off any chance he gets. he's clingy too, always catapulting himself to be by your side or wrapping his arms around you.
he's not scared to express his love for you at all times. you both could be walking on an unfamiliar island and he's giving you the loudest kisses on your cheeks, lips, forehead and neck, he's just shameless.
he feels the most pride when you proclaim your beliefs in him being the next pirate king.
if word gets around that you're with luffy and since the government sees him as such a huge threat, there's a high chance of you being pursued at an alarming rate.
luffy would feel terrible if you ever got hurt and he'd probably question his abilities/strength. just make sure to comfort him as much as you can.
if you're in a relationship with luffy, you both would share similar traits; sometimes reckless, always persuaded by food, a little dull in the head etc. though, you'd have to be the one to get serious or else you guys would just be terrible.
you guys spend most of your time on top of the ship's figurehead admiring the sea. if you fall asleep, he'll carry you to bed with the brightest smile on his face.
I don't think luffy really gets jealous. not because he doesn't care but because he doesn't notice. someone would have to point out if anyone's getting too touchy-feely with you.
if you guys ever argue (it's not rare, luffy's really stubborn) his way of apologizing is sharing his food with you :) that's his number one portrayal of love.
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▶︎ ACE
out of everyone I think ace would be the most private about your relationship with him. he's analytical, he knows his status and he'd beat himself up if anything ever happened to you.
BUTTT when you finally get a wanted poster he's going wild with happiness and running around the moby dick. showing you off with a bragging tone.
now, the biggest sign of affection in this relationship is definitely cuddling and sleeping. it makes sense. ace knows he's warm, you know he's warm. it's perfect.
ace is really touchy too, so when you both are cuddling his hands are grazing past your hips, waist and whatnot. he'll nip at your neck every once in a while to check if you're asleep.
you both serve as entertainment for the whitebeard pirates; falling asleep at random times, fighting over food, and crazy stunts.
ace loves when you play in his hair. his head will be on your lap while your fingers lull him to sleep.
he likes to play in your hair too, if you let him, especially if you frequently change your hairstyles.
jealous ace is scary; eyes low and a small flame on his fingertips but he plays it off with a smile. he's not the type to get physical but his words are cunning and sharp-edged.
ace really wants you to meet his brother. both of the most important people in his life meeting is bliss to him.
sometimes ace questions his place in the world. he has thoughts of being unwanted, of being the son of the man who everyone has tales of misfortune from, of not being loved but one glance or smile from you is enough to momentarily dispel them.
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 1 year ago
//soul heckers ooc:
so. to whoever was like 'plural anon??? :o' re: legion before i even made the account, uh. congratulations i guess. except the legion aren't the plural, but i see a lot more how it could come off that way.
so apparently i have OSDD - probably OSDD-1, but i don't have a formal diagnosis; i would personally say DDNOS 1a even though that's technically not in use any more, because it fits the best (and is what the friend with very similar symptoms who helped me through this was diagnosed with). some people are going to be not surprised at all huh.
this is mainly a way for me to... well, work out how to get these heckers to cooperate in a safe environment. saffron, fuchsia, and cerulean are... what's the word. larger-than-life(?) versions of what/who(?) i have. den is... well, basically me, same as blackthorn is. you may have noticed a. very not subtle association, also. they're based off the lake trio (and the 'true self' as giratina) because it was an analogy that made sense to me that stuck - it's a coincidence re: anyone else's sinnoh misadventures, but could be interesting to work in, though saffron is nothing like indigo's uxie. i am simultaneously glad and annoyed i got this one to stick because i like giratina. but i am not cool enough to be giratina.
anyway. the important bit. these four will stick around for a while - blackthorn as a whole won't be available, but these four will be able to respond and know what's going on. simon will also be around trying to be a voice of reason as such, i'll be commenting on stuff like usual, except with them instead. i will try to tag them properly - if any of the pixies are being too extreme (most likely fuchsia demanding to be able to help) please let me know and i'll tone it down. pronouns-wise - all of them are okay with any pronouns, but for the pixies i will be using he/she/they respectively to make it easier to distinguish, and den will (like blackthorn) use she/her due to being used to it. pelipper mail and all that is still on, though magic anons are still limited for the duration - feel free to send them, but they may be saved for later or deleted.
any advice is welcome, but in no way obligated; if you give me advice and i don't respond please don't be offended as i'm probably low on spoons. or tumblr ate it. anyone telling me 'oh you're portraying plurality wrong' is not. i'm exaggerating, yes, but it's based on my own experiences - it cannot be 'wrong'.
and yes i called it soul heckers in the end. because they are heckers who need to behave :v and soul hackers is So fitting but i don't want to spam their tag.
A video begins.
Simon is in a hallway of the Legion residence, talking to the camera-holder.
Simon: I think the regression there did more harm than good. I should have remembered the chair incident - i lost contact with her for a while after that and only met up again here by chance---but it slipped my mind because she never talked about it... ???: What happened, happened. Don't blame yourself - it was worth a try. Simon: ...she's falling apart. I---heck, yeah she's like a sister to me now, doesn't mean she should take on the classic eldest daughter parentification--- ???: So you think she should stop helping others? Simon: No! And I know you knew my answer to that already. I just think she needs to take care of herself too---look. You're basically---can you just root access and help her? ???: Not without losing the core of who she is - you know this is from trauma. If I remove that, she won't be Blackthorn any more. Simon: So what can we do? Are you just here to tell me that we can't help?! ???: No. There is... another way. One that may be difficult, but in the long run, it should help her... all of her. Simon: Huh? ???: You say she's falling apart. I can see that. Better to disassemble the pieces and let them rejoin in their own time, than shatter and lose parts to the void. Simon: ...what does that mean. What does that mean---
The camera-holder opens the door to Blackthorn's room.
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To reveal four figures - familiar yet different at the same time.
[the rest of the video is buffering...] //picrew source
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shrapnelstars · 3 years ago
That was a bit too concentrated for just tags.
To elaborate, I started on the internet when people just posted shock shit and racism/sexism at random, and if that kind of thing made you upset or uncomfortable, the rule was to just brush it off.
Nobody should be subjected to that kind of dumbassery, but just shaking off random bullshit is a very powerful tool that people don't utilize to their advantage these days as much as they used to. The ability to discard some asshole's opinion and move on with your day is liberating, and I see people breaking those age old rules of "Don't feed the trolls", "You can't change other people", etc. with depressing regularity.
You don't owe anyone a response for anything for any reason.
You need to delete and block upsetting shit before it takes root in your heart.
Be careful what you share, because anyone can use it against you.
Sometimes, people post bait sentences that they won't even actually believe, they just post it because they want to derail everyone else's day and get a fight started, because it's funny for them to watch. Do not respond to bait.
I know that in the modern era of social media, we now have access to wider ranges of insane opinions that can end up being unfortunately genuine, but bait is still a very real thing. In a certain sense, that should give you hope that there are fewer people who believe some stupid, fucked up shit than you think. They're just posting it for reactions. It's still annoying and can take root in your mind if you don't snuff it out quickly, but you always have that small relief that "Oh thank god, they just want to watch a train wreck. They don't actually believe that. I'll stay clear of the wreckage all the same, though." This frees up your mind from dooming in the process. Your mind goes from "Look at all the horrible people" to "Let's avoid those trapdoors/landmines", and you start breaking the cycle of negativity and doomscrolling in the process while training your own agency to avoid shit that is upsetting.
People don't learn that process anymore. Nowadays, they come online, bear their soul and get that info used against them, take everything they see dead seriously, engage with everything that exists, and set themselves up for a miserable time because corpo social media has silently set up this unhealthy mindset that if you don't engage with horrible shit, it means you are ignorant or don't care about "The World Around You". Directly untrue. Shutting out horrible shit when it's making you feel horrible is the correct action and people need to do it more often. Doesn't matter what your followers or friends say. When you need a break, take it. Do not try to be a hero or some kind of all-compassionate being.
You cannot become an all-compassionate being. You will get Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder.
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a-chilleus · 3 years ago
i hate to be the one who tells you but that brotherwives tumblr user who has the post about platonic intimacy is actually also an incest shipper. like very blatantly on their ao3 they fetishize it and write kink things between brothers
ok, i needed a distraction from my brain today so i looked this up. if anyone gets annoying about this i'm deleting this post and blocking on sight.
i agree their fics are weird. like, weird enough that i'm not gonna read them to find out if my first impressions are correct. but from the tags - all of them are tagged some form of "non-sexual kink" or "gencest," which apparently means "Emotionally Incestuous but Non-Sexual Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester." the tags ("unhealthy relationship") and descriptions ("They’re a dozen dysfunctional disorders wrapped up in flannel") imply that this is bad, fucked up, a result of their fucked up life situations, etc. like, again, i'm not gonna read these fics, but i don't get the impression that they're glorifying actual incest in any way.
therefore, i really don't give a shit. i say they can write their weird fucked up stories to their heart's content.
from a quick scan of their blog, yeah they enjoy jokes and memes about fictional incest, and have reblogged fanart. i'll block them so i don't have to see it.
if i had good reason to think they were causing harm to real people, as opposed to merely being weird about fictional characters, then THAT would be another issue entirely. but just writing fucked up stories about fucked up people doing fucked up things? there are bigger problems in the world.
so, anon, i appreciate your good intentions here, and i'm grateful that you wanted to let me know about something you found concerning. however, for future reference, i really only want to know if someone i've reblogged from is doing harm to real people. real harm includes being a terf, being a known abuser, etc.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 6 years ago
Request: Can I please request an imagine where Bucky falls in love with a nerdy, sweet, innocent, short (I’m 4ft 10 1/2in btw LOL) Kindergarten teacher (I’m also a kindergarten teacher😂). They meet when she takes the kids on a field trip to the museum (the one that has all of the Captain America and Bucky stuff), they talk a lot and he asks her on a date + he introduces her to Steve and Sam as his girlfriend + Bucky being soft for the reader + sweet kisses, cuddles, and hugs.💜
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x teacher!Reader
Genre: super Fluffy
Requested by: @kpopgirlbtssvt
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack
Warnings: none (?)
A/N: wanna hear something funny? I read it wrong. Like the whole request, so I had to delete what I'd written and write it again (why am I such a mess?) and THEN tumblr deleted it after I had finished it. Anyway, I hope the wait was worth it, enjoy <3
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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I didn't want to go to the Smithsonian to see the expo of Captain Fuckin' America all over again, but Natasha insisted that they had modified it, and that I sure had to go and see it all over again.
I was walking towards one of the newly added panels when a little kid bumped into my leg. "Fuck!" I turned around just in time to see the kid falling on his butt. "God 'm sorry" I kneeled in front of him to check if he was okay.
I heard rushed steps that preceded the view of a girl kneeling in front of me. "what did I say about running?-I'm sorry" she added, giving me an apologetic smile.
"I'm the one who's sorry" I smiled at her, but she wasn't even looking in my direction.
"Miss Y/n!" the woman turned around to look at a bunch of little kids that were now approaching us "look, It's Bucky Barnes!" the whole group started to squeal excited.
"Oh- I-" Y/n was finally looking at me with wide eyes and lips parted, and for the first time, I was able to see how damn beautiful she was. "Oh" she repeated, letting out nervous chuckle.
Her eyes, along with the children's ones and the few people's in the museum, were too much for me to deal with. "I-I'm sorry again. Have- have a good... time" I muttered, beaming at her before getting up to leave.
"Okay, kids, let's go pick things up" I said, smiling at the children while I grabbed the keys. I opened the five lockers where they had left their things, and then, after checking the number on my key, I looked for mine.
At the beginning of the trip, I had asked one of the receptionists to store my things while I helped the kids, in order to save some time. And, of course, they had to choose a locker from the third row.
Right before I left to ask for help, Bucky Barnes entered in the room and, flashling me a smile, he walked to his locker.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped to him and tapped his shoulder. "I'm- I don't want to bother but my things... They're in that locker and" he looked at the locker I was pointing at. "I kinda-" c'mon, say it, I thought, it's not like he hasn't seen you. "God this is so embarrassing" I let out a nervous chuckle "I'm too short to reach it, could you-"
He let out a chuckle. "sure. Gimme your key?" I gave it to him and waited besides him. "here" he called my attention, carefully handing me my bag.
The corners of my mouth twitched when, instead of giving me my jacket, he held it for me to put it on "Thank you so much"
"No worries, Y/n" I gnawed my lip nervously before adding something else. "it's Y/n right?" she, biting back a grin, nodded.
"well, thank you anyway... Bucky." she replied, looking up at me enough time to see the blush creeping over my neck and ears. There was a moment of awkward silence between the two of us. "I should get g-"
"Did you like the expo?" I blurted out, feeling incredibly unhappy about her leaving.
She looked at me, with a spark of surprise and confusion in her eyes. "yeah. I actually come with the kids often." I nodded, my mind buzzing, trying to find a way to keep the conversation going. "Did you like it?"
Sadly, I heard her question after I had spoken, and not before. "would you like to grab a coffee?" her lips parted and her eyes widened, I realized I should have thought twice. "God 'm sorry, I don't-"
"Uh... I've to come back to school with the children" before I was able to tell her to forget it, she spoke again. "but this- this afternoon I'm free?" she questioned more than stated, gnawing her lower lip.
"is that a yes?" she nodded, extending her hand to me. "what... Oh fuck sorry" we both laughed while I gave her my phone for her to write down her number.
"Okay so" she gave it back to me and grabbed her bag. "I finish at 4"
"Okay Uh..." I walked out of the building with her and her class "Send me the address of the school and I'll pick you up"
"Sure, see you later, Bucky!" She said excitedly, walking away with the kids.
I double checked the address she had sent me before climbing off my bike.
Bucky: I'm outside:) r u ready?
During the few minutes it took her to answer, a wave of insecurities overwhelmed me, but most of them were ridiculous things I had never been insecure of.
And then it hit me, how damn nervous I was.
Y/n: I have a problem :(
Y/n: come in, I'll explain
I did as she told me to do and, after asking where Y/n was, I got to her class' door, where she was already waiting for me.
"Hey there" I greeted with a smile, managing to suppress the 'beautiful' that almost came out of me. "what happened?"
"i have to prepare a last minute activity for tomorrow" She groaned dramatically, running a hand through her hair. "I'm so sorry, I really wanted to-"
"Hey, 's okay" I gave her a small smile, not even bothering on hiding my disappointment. "tomorrow maybe?"
"yeah... Okay" she parted her lips a couple of times like she wanted to say something, but she ended up giving me a tight-lipped smile and got in the class.
Who the fuck cancels a date with Bucky Barnes? Oh, yes. Me. I let out a loud groan followed by a whine, and I almost missed the buzz of my phone.
Bucky: are you gonna be alone?
Y/n: yeah why?
He did read the message, but the fact that I didn't get any kind of reply made me kind of upset.
To my surprise, not even ten minutes later Bucky was entering in the class with two coffees and two doughnuts.
"what's this?" I asked, a smile creeping over my face while he set everything over my desk.
"Didn't feel like waiting" he handed me a one of the coffees, leaning against the desk. "and I thought you could use some company"
"I definitely could" I confessed with a chuckle, walking to his side and hopping onto the table. "thanks Bucky. This was really sweet."
We looked at each other for a moment, the same stupid smile on our faces. "can you tell me if the coffee's good? 'cause I have no fucking clue what I ordered."
I let out a laugh "how's that even possible?"
"names were long and complicated, doll" he defended himself. "it was easier back in the day"
"back in the day" I echoed amused before taking a sip of my drink. "well it's... Sweet"
"just like you, then" I felt my cheeks reddening at that simple statement. "and it's hot too" snorting, I buried my face on Bucky arm, who was softly chuckling.
The sound of my alarm going off had never been so annoying.
When I tried to move to turn it off, Bucky’s strong arms tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. "don't"
"Bucky, I have to work" I mumbled, trying not so hard to get rid of his embrace. "c'mon, do you want me to lose my job?"
We had been dating for a few weeks already, but it was the first time that I had stayed the night at Bucky’s house —a. K. a the Avengers tower— so I wanted to leave before anyone could wake up.
"not gonna lose it, darlin'. You're too good at it." he stated, nuzzling his nose against my neck. "You're so warm. Like a blanket"
I couldn't help but laugh. "Bucky, c'mon" I half-heartedly pulled away, earing a whine from him, and jumped out of the bed.
It took me less time than I thought to find the kitchen. Surprisingly, the hardest part was to find the food.
I was focused on the things in the fridge when a voice almost gave me a heart attack. "Jesus Fucking Christ! Who are you?" I turned around to be met with Sam Wilson himself, dressed in a pigeon pj's.
"That's Barnes tee-shirt" he stated, calmly stepping to the hall. "STEVE GET YOUR ASS HERE, BARNES BROUGHT A GIRL!"
"WHAT WHERE?" My eyes went wide and I froze in place when Steve fucking Rogers entered. "Holy motherfucking shit, 's true"
"'Course it's true!" Sam yelled offended.
Thank God, in that moment Bucky entered in the kitchen and made his way towards me. "found your breakfast?" I denied, not being able to formule a proper sentence. "shouldda waited for me, baby" he whispered, grabbing a few things from the top shelf. "Sorry 'bout them" he pulled me closer and pecked my nose.
"Buck" Steve called his friend and we both turned to him. "who's her?"
"she's Y/n" he stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "my girlfriend." I started to blush like crazy, and Bucky might have felt it, because he pulled me to the side his chest with one of his arms, while with the other prepared my breakfast.
"You're what now?" Sam asked, and I saw him leaning over the counter between us. "Tell us about you, Y/n"
I opened my mouth to try to avoid that somehow, but Bucky was faster. "she gotta go to work, right?" I nodded and he gave me the breakfast. "c'mon, baby. Eat and I'll drive you there."
"Okay." I finally managed to speak, and Bucky leaned on me to peck my lips. "thanks Bucky"
He gave me a smile an guided my out of the kitchen with the breakfast in my hands, leaving behind us Steve's and Sam's bantering about us.
"I'm really sorry. Forgot today was training day" he apologized again in low voice, kissing my temple.
"it's okay, they seem nice" I said entering in his room and leaving the breakfast over the nightstand. "but they're like hyped kids"
"they're indeed" he agreed with a grin on his face. "so" throwing himself to the bed, he lay on his back with his head resting over one of his hands. "now that I'm taking you to school, and we've more time..."
I huffed, but when he pouted at me, I gave in. "just five more minutes." I warned, scooting closer to him and lying on his chest with my arms hugging him.
"Okay, miss" he replied, shifting his position to be able to cuddle me better. "just five more minutes"
"Bucky I mean it" I warned him again when he got way too comfortable.
"No you don't"
"fuck you, James" I said, chuckling heartedly.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him into a kiss, which turned out to be a mess due to both of our smiles.
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