#I'll be back to adding image descriptions soon too
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pine-niidles · 8 months ago
May & June Updates
\o/ The tone of my last update was pretty negative but lo and behold I'm feeling better than I have been in months! 
To recap from our last few episodes I've been deep in pretty bad artblock, dealing with a family death, leftover stress from dealing with visa issues and moving countries, and other general life stress. Plus a new thing since April is wrist pain at any minor use of my hand (ironic for rsi to catch up to me during a period of time where I'm NOT doing art) and that was scary for a while (I'm doing better now but still trying to take it easy). Each thing I could maybe deal with individually but all together it really put me out of commission. 
Finally though things have started calming down and in the last couple of weeks I've been doing a lot better :) 
May & June
I skipped doing an update for May so this post is a two month update... but to be honest I don't have all that much to show off regardless. A zine I took part of released!
Sea Unseen Zine
​I've drawn something for several editions of the Sea Unseen Zine at this point, in previous years I've draw some perhaps a little more niche sea creatures but this year I decided to indulge myself and draw bird. I'll be posting the full piece from that when I get a chance but for now you can get the zine from it's itch.io page 🌊
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July Plans
I can finally say my artblock is well and truly gone and with great (or horrible maybe) timing I'm getting drawn into the artfight hype. I have 34 people on my hitlist already which I probably won't be able to get to all of to be honest (especially with trying to go easy on my wrist) but I'm planning to do my best and to have a good time :) 
I've been having a lot of fun drawing myself and friends little icons so I'm planning for those to be the bulk of my artfight attacks, I've already gotten a bunch out:
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But well, with how I am I can't help myself doing some bigger pieces too (you can find the full view of this one on any of my social media, I think it turned out pretty cute) 
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I'm constantly reminded I literally have the best commissioners out there. Not only do I always get the coolest designs to draw but my current batch has been so kind and patient with me as I was going through it. I'll be finishing my outstanding pieces this month and while I think a break from my regular stuff would be good for me I'll likely open comms just for those little chibi icons I've been doing (taking this as an excuse to show off some more of them - my ocs this time)
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That's all from me for now! It feels great being able to draw again and hopefully I'll have more stuff to show off next update ;)
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kimmi-never-dies · 5 days ago
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Image is not mine!!
A/N: I have not seen any Hanahaki disease fics in a hot minute, I really want it to make a come back.
TW: lots of angst, Hanahaki disease, blood, panic attacks, detailed descriptions of suicide, illness, use of Y/n, fem!reader
Did it seriously have to be like this?
Was Hyun-ju being punished for something? she really couldn't tell at this point, but then again she asked herself that question her whole life, so maybe this was just another thing to add to her long list of problems.
Hanahaki disease, the doctor looked her dead in the eyes and told her she had literal flowers suffocating her from inside her lungs. she though it was just a myth, some sad urban legend someone came up with online.
Of course she had to go and fall for the one person who supported her the second she came out to her. And now she was once again paying the price for wanting to be happy...
She soon arrived back at her crappy two-bedroom apartment she was sharing with her roommate, (Y/n), who ironically was the reason she was sick. Of course it had to be the one person who supported her no matter what, the second she came out to her.
"hey, what'd the doctor say?" (Y/n) asked, looking up from her phone as she heard the door open up, revealing her roommate/best-friend.
"oh uh...yeah, they said it was just a respiratory infection, no worries." Hyun-ju responded as she took her coat off, relieved to be out of the cold winter air. "I don't feel like cooking, wanna order takeout?" she then asked as she sat down on the other side of the couch.
She was gonna die anyways, why not splurge a little while she's still here?
"sure, sounds good, I'll order it." (Y/n) said as she began to pull up their favorite restaurants website on her phone.
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(WARNING: past this point contains mild gore, blood, and dark themes, if these make you uncomfortable don't continue!!)
This wasn't fair.
Why'd it have to be her?
Hyun-ju knelt on the floor as another coughing fit started, blood and flower petals falling out of her mouth and onto the floor as she tried to stop it, her lungs burning as it became hard to breathe.
The flower petals were (f/c), (Y/n)'s favorite color, which only added to the sick irony of her situation. Her soulmate would never love her back, and those flowers were just a cruel reminder of everything she could never have.
She could never have the life she wanted, Thailand, finishing her transition, buying that calm little cottage, and most of all...(Y/n). She would never be able to-
"Hyun-ju are you- OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL!?"
"(Y/n) wait, its fine I promise...I'm okay..." Hyun-ju tried to stutter out, but it mainly just came out as small wheezes and coughs. she tried to regain her composure, shakily getting up to approach the woman in front of her. "Okay!?" (Y/n) exclaimed, her voice raising slightly as she panicked. "You're coughing up flowers you're not okay!!"
(Y/n) gently led Hyun-ju over to her bed, sitting her down as she thought of what to do next...She couldn't believe Hyun-ju lied to her, especially about something as serious as this seemed to be...
"you should've told me...you know I'd do anything for you Hyunnie." she said in a soft, yet worried tone.
"I didn't want you to worry, you already have too much on your plate..." Hyun-ju replied, taking (Y/n)'s hands into her own, trembling slightly as she spoke.
she could've believe she let it slip that fast, Hyun-ju didn't wanna involve Kimmi any more than she already was, she couldn't let it slip that she was who didn't love her back.
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(Y/n) took a bit of time off work to help Hyun-ju through her illness.
She was there to help cook, help her clean, she talked her through every coughing fit, cleaned the blood and flowers off the floor, and was all in all just there to make things easier for her friend.
Unfortunately, Hyun-ju hated it. she hated feeling so helpless, so dependent. worst of all she could tell the time away from work was stressing (Y/n) out, as they still had bills and rent to worry about.
Throughout all of this, Hyun-ju just felt more and more like a burden. As much as she could tell (Y/n) was trying to stay strong for her, she just couldn't do the same.
She had to do this...
(Y/n) knocked on Hyun-ju's bedroom door, concerned as she heard small wheezes coming from inside. "Hyun-ju, are you okay? can I come in?" she asked.
No response.
"I'm gonna come in okay?" she then asked, pushing the door open, only gasp in horror at the sight before her.
A pill bottle, with pills scattered all over the floor. it was the leftover pain medication Hyun-ju was given after her top surgery...
and there, laying on the floor, slipping in and out of consciousness, was Hyun-ju, her bangs stuck to her damp, sweaty skin, her body limp on the ground as she panted.
"what did you do!?" (Y/n) yelled in a panicked tone as she quickly ran to her friends side, gently cradling her as she dialed 119.
she spent a few minutes on the phone, explaining everything to the operator before they sent paramedics, and while waiting, (Y/n) held her friends limp body against her chest, crying and pleading with her to stay awake.
"just a few minutes...please...please stay awake...don't close your eyes sweetness..."
"Hyun-ju wake up...don't fall asleep..."
maybe a pt2??
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bella-rose29 · 1 year ago
Bite Me - Prologue
Vampire!Lockwood x f!vampire!reader
Ok so I have no idea what to call this series to be honest (Bite Me was the first thing that came into my head so we'll go with that for now), and also I have no idea how regularly I'm going to update
on the plus side I'm home for the Christmas holidays on the 15th (if I manage to get my assignments done bc I have four? five? due that day 🥲), so I'll have loads of time to write then!
Word count: 660
Warnings: being drunk, mentions/minor descriptions of death and decaying bodies, mentions/minor descriptions of wounds.
Tag list: will be at the end bc there are genuinely about 50 people (I'm assuming that if you liked this post, you wanted to be added to the tag list for this series). if you want to be added to or removed from the tag list, then let me know (either on the post I mentioned or here, or just drop me a message!) <3
(not my image, credit to David Geib)
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The streets of London were bustling with activity despite the late hour, groups of people laughing obnoxiously as they exited or entered a pub, music blaring over car speakers and out of clubs, sirens cutting through the usual sound of car horns and traffic and bright lights casting the city in an almost supernatural glow.
A man was stumbling along the pavement, dressed in ragged clothing and his beard scruffy and untrimmed, and he clutched a bottle of beer in one of his dirty hands as though it were his most prized possession. The people that he passed paid him no attention, rightfully thinking that he was just another drunk trying to forget about the darkness that clouded the air of the capital. Perhaps the lady that stopped him when he nearly fell face first into the ground should have made sure that he got in the cab she hailed for him, but she was busy, needing to get home after working late. He slurred a thank you to her, patting her shoulder with a tired smile as the cab pulled up to the curb, and she went on her way.
The man didn't make it into the taxi.
A second man appeared before he could, and the driver, not wanting to wait given the late hour, drove off to find better customers. The drunk turned at the tap on his shoulder, furrowing his brow at the polished businessman before him and following in a drunken haze when asked.
If the woman had made sure that the man made it into the taxi, then perhaps she wouldn't have been watching the news the next morning, spoonful of cereal halfway to her mouth, explaining how a drunk man had been murdered late last night in an alleyway.
She rushed to work after shovelling down the rest of her food, downing a coffee on the way to the morgue and demanding to see the body that had been brought in. She pressed her fingertips to her neck, right over her pulse point, and stepped into the room where the drunk man's body was, attempting not to gag at the stench that was already enveloping him.
He's decaying too quickly, she thought, a frown appearing on her face. It had barely been seven hours and already she was needing to press her sleeve over her nose to prevent the smell from assaulting her senses. Pulling back the cloth, the coroner explained how there were no signs of physical assault but for the marks on the neck.
The woman froze slightly, rectifying her slip-up when the coroner eyed her curiously and relaxed again, asking to be left alone for five minutes with the body.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind the last person to leave, the woman leaned in closer, pulling her hair out of the way and examining the marks.
The wound went right into the carotid artery, so at least the drunk man was only in pain for a few seconds before he died.
The woman left the room, dragging the cloth back up over his already-gaunt face, nodding to the people that she passed on the way out. Once outside, she leaned against a wall and pressed a hand to her forehead, the other hand holding her phone to her ear. It rang three times, then someone picked up.
"Yeah?" they answered.
"We have a problem," she said, not wasting time. There was no need for formalities, they each knew who was calling. "I've seen the body; it's definitely his work. We need to call a congress."
"Get it done. We'll need to move fast if you're right." The phone clicked on the other end, signalling the end of the call, and the woman sighed as she headed back to her car.
"Shit." She tapped her phone a few times, sending out the message to everyone that a congress would be in session in two days time. "Shit."
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tag list: @avdiobliss, @novelizt, @my-mask-of-sanity-is-slipping, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @downgoestheship, @howcouldifearanyhurricane, @oshverse, @demigoddess-of-ghosts, @mentallyillsodapop, @peace-333, @nomugglesallowed, @why-would-i-eat-chewy-chicken, @sousunny, @vijigenshin, @beebo86, @dangelnleif, @halfthyme, @d-e-s-t-i-n-e-s-i-a, @forgottenangel, @catnip411, @mnmississippi, @ohmyoverland, @ellajar, @chronicpcssimist, @criesinlies, @hotcryptidsummer, @melliegorl, @justanassociate, @sydsicr, @starzortega, @loveverythingbooks, @boookfreeak, @fallinginlovewithbeingaliveagain, @thorns-for-the-sake-of-flowers, @rhiannons-realm, @karensirkobabes, @lavendernarwhal72, @star-of-velaris, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @sandiesohocollins, @ladyfluffyduck, @rentaldarling, @magipies, @donotwonderr, @wenigstenshabeichesversucht, @toddandersondupe
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rscroogedraws · 1 year ago
Commissions are open again! If you're interested, I have all of my current commission info and prices here:
I set up a Patreon last month. So far, I have a $1.00 tier set up and 3 Patreon reward illustrations. All 3 are up and available now! Two of the PNGs are for patrons only, but the Rivera Halloween illustration PNG is free.
As an FYI, my Patreon is more of an optional/voluntary tip jar at this point in time. Any Patreon illustrations will be shared in general here and my other major social media. The only exclusive part is that most PNG versions of an image will be available to patrons only. I'll be setting up a poll for November's rewards soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
If you're interested, here's my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheRScrooge
And here are the October/Halloween specific Patreon rewards:
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Next week is going to be focused on finishing commissions. After those, I'm hoping to get 4 pages updated for my fan comic "You're Not my Boyfriend." I'm also hoping to get back to working on pages for my new comic "Love Potions Won't Work" this month, too.
Another thing I'd like to do with YNMB is bundle all of the current pages into a PDF once I get the next 4 done and put that out there in one convenient spot for anybody interested. I definitely want to do that consistently all the way up until it's done, too.
I'm also thinking about putting up my PNGs and various other illustrations up for purchase or download on itch.io. Once I have that set up, I'll make another update post. That's where I'd especially like to put up my Patreon PNGs if anyone wants a specific one, but isn't interested in my Patreon. There will be several free things up there, too.
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firefaerie81 · 2 years ago
Fae Watches Thundercats 2011
(adapted from my twitter thread because twitter is dying, bear with me while I feel out the formatting)
Hi!  I recently revisited Thundercats 2011, and got super into it!  So, I'm gonna go through it again and livetweet it this time, going into probably way too much detail about my thoughts.  So if that's something you're interested in, you can follow along live on twitter as long as twitter is still there, but also the tumblr edition will be tagged #fae watches thundercats!
My current plan is to watch one episode a week on Tuesday nights, adding to my twitter thread as I go, and then compiling and adapting each episode's commentary into larger posts on here after the fact. We'll see how that works out.
Before we start, full disclosure: I rewatched 2011 because I started watching some of the 80s show with friends.  To be frank, 2011 is the version I really like while 80s is mostly a curiosity, so that's the perspective I'm coming from in the rare times I'll compare the two.
And it will be rare.  I'm not here to compare anything, I'm here to gush about a show I like as its own thing.  But there will be a handful of occasions in the next 26 weeks where I'll have something interesting to say about the different versions.
It's also a real shame that the 2011 version doesn't have a proper opening sequence, so I'll just supply this fan-edited one set to the 80s theme with Will Friedle's "Thundercats, ho!" spliced in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDfbLnWGl70
Alternatively, here's one I edited myself set to the Mew Mew Power theme song.  I made it kind of as a joke, but ended up really liking how it turned out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj3xmHRQkdc
Anyway, without further ado, let's dive into episode one: Omens, Part One
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Oh boy, this description's gonna be real funny in a bit.
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This one, though, is perfect setup.
For you see, there is...
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*guitar riff*
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Dear, the cloak-as-disguise look works best at night, when you can blend in.
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Poor Snarf has anxiety.
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Rescuing someone from a bully is a classic establishing character moment for a hero, and for good reason. What our main character says here is a perfect establishing line for him because to me, this compassion is the core of his character. There's, uh, some ups and downs later on, but I'll make my case as we go.
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And of course, as soon as he gets their attention, they leave the other poor soul alone. And he can kick their asses. Action scenes are hard to screencap, so I skim over a lot of them, but if there is something interesting that happens I will talk about it.
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It's good to have a sturdy team mascot around.
It's also good to have someone who followed you out of the palace backing you up.
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You cocky dweeb (affectionate)
(And here's where I hit the 30 image limit. I thought I'd be able to do this all in one post, like a fool. NEXT POST!)
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mjjune · 2 years ago
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He tightens his grip on his ax. “Show yourself.” Another flash of silver eyes, this time with the silhouette of long, sharp ears and snout in the fog. It is gone again before he can react. The voice laughs a low, sinister hum. He tenses, but fights his instinct to attack or run. The Wolf doesn’t play with its food. So I am not food.
A PLAYLIST image description in the alt text. click subtitle or image to hear playlist on youtube!
HEAVEN IS HERE / FLORENCE + THE MACHINE and i ride in my red dress / and time stretches endless with my gun in my hand / you know i always get my man THE WOLF / PHILDEL i'll leave with your head, oh, i'll leave you for dead, sire the wishes i've made are too vicious to tell WOLVES WITHOUT TEETH / OF MONSTERS & MEN you hover like a hummingbird / haunt me in my sleep i breathe what is yours / you breathe what is mine RIBS / THE CRANE WIVES the dark doesn't frighten me / i chose to close my eyes don't let them sell you any armor / all your ribs are still your own COUNTING PATHS / MATTHEW & THE ATLAS soon your touch will disappear / something that i should have come to fear no one's ever looked at me that way HELL OR HIGH WATER / THE RESCUES trees are burning, ravens fly / smoke is filling up the sky bury everything they said / never fall, never fall THRONE / SAINT MESA you hate my bad behavior / you cut my loosened tongue you play the part of savior / i watch you come undone THE HORROR & THE WILD / THE AMAZING DEVIL remember me i ask, remember me i sing / give me back my heart, you wingless thing / think of all the horrors that i promised you i'd bring LIAR / THE ARCADIAN WILD i need you to see through my act / to tell me i'm wrong, to take off the mask or else i'll be left in the lie / and i'll deceive my way straight to demise
@annetilney @bebewrites @diemohnblume @eventideintrigue @isabellebissonrouthier @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @mr-writes @perasperaadastrawriting @phantomnations @wildswrites comment or message me to be added/removed!
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msookyspooky · 3 years ago
Sequels Suck
Part 17
word count: 4,000
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"YN, you're hurt. We need to call another ambulance. " Dewey took out the rest of the bandage he kept on him. Tying it around your arm as it slowly turned the white cloth red right where the stab was.
You flexed your hand. "I'm fine! I can move my arm, I'm not gushing blood. I need to go with Randy! I'm not waiting for an ambulance-" 
Dewey held your shoulders to look at him. "YN...I know. I want to be in there too but...There is nothing you can do. He was flatlining, he could be-" 
You shoved Dewey away, completely devastated and manic and everything borderlining losing it.  Ready to lose it right there in front of the small crowd forming to see what had happened. 
"He's not! He's going to make it!" Your face dropped as fresh tears rolled down your cheeks. "I have to go to him...Please." 
Gale simply watched you with wide eyes. A bystander on the sidelines of it all. 
Andrews stepped forward. "YN. You do need to get to the hospital and get your arm examined and probably stitches. If you don't want to wait for an ambulance,  we can drive you there. You can see him and get news while helping yourself...And then, you are going somewhere safe." 
"What? I'm staying at the hospital with him until we know for sure he'll make it. If he...No, he will but I have to be there! I-I have to!" You stammered. 
The detective gave you a stern look. "You're putting him in danger if you stay. Think about it; if he lives then the killer has no idea...If the killer is after you; then they will kill him while he's down." 
"But if he dies-" 
Richards added, looking resigned as he said it. "Then there is nothing anyone can do. YN, he could already be dead. You staying will put you in danger and possibly him if he's alive." 
You blinked tears away. Swallowing and slowly nodding. "...Fine." 
Dewey reached over to rub your shoulder. Pain in his own eyes. "It's okay. He'll be alright." 
You felt Dewey drap his jacket over you as yours was soaking in Randy's blood back at the van. Police already were sectioning the crime scene off having just arrived shortly after the ambulance. 
You watched them examining the van and putting up the tape. Everything felt surreal as you were led away, clutching your stinging arm to your chest. And then...You remembered those eyes...You knew Randy was most likely going to die or be dead. You didn't want to admit it but the look he had was the same one Sid had right after Billy plunged the knife in her...And you had two people to blame for that.
A harsh frown formed on your face as you were led into a building before the media got to you. The cafeteria. The image of Billy just standing there on your first day, silently threatening you. It scared you at the time, but now, it just made you seethe with rage. You knew the police would never catch them. Even with a description, they weren't capable of it. If they were this bold then that meant their bullshit plan was coming very soon. Maybe even within the next 24 hours or less. 
You were running out of time and they were forcing you to make a decision. Every single person you knew would hate you for it but if it meant Dewey and your family or even your new friends could have a chance at survival; so be it.
They wanted you so damn bad; They could have you. 
You quietly asked. "Can I...Use the restroom?" 
"You can't wait till the hospital?" 
You shook your head. Richards didn't answer at first, thinking before he nodded. "Andrews is getting the car out front. I'll wait outside the door... We'll have to come back for your things later." 
Dewey looked like he didn't want to leave you but gave you a pat on the shoulder and a reluctant nod. "I'm going to be around...Be careful." 
You nodded. A sinking feeling that it would be the 
last time you saw each other... You felt fresh tears in your eyes before you quickly reached out to hug him. It took him by surprise but he gave you a small smile and returned it. Clutching you with his good arm as he whispered to you. "It's okay, we'll get them." 
You didn't respond as you pulled away, sniffing hard and forcing the tears at bay. You said goodbye as Richards led you away to the restroom. 
"Um...Can I grab water from the kitchen?" 
He raised a brow but nodded as he watched you through the open kitchen door. You went to the fridge and the containers of water bottles nearby. You glanced over your shoulder to see him looking down the hall. You quickly opened a few drawers, saw exactly what you were looking for, and took it. Discreetly hiding it in Dewey's oversized jacket's inner pockets before turning back to Richards with the bottle.
"Okay, let me use the restroom real quick and we can be out of here." 
"Hurry up." Richards urged as he led you out of the cafeteria, down the hall and to the restroom.  The same one you used when Stu cornered you in the stall. 
You walked in to see the blood caking all over you in the mirror. Your left arm burned like hell but you could still move it. You sat your water bottle down on the sink. You ran the water, washing off Randy's dried blood off the top of your hands. You grimaced at it staining underneath your nails. Knowing it was his made you sick. It just affirmed what you had to do even more. Absolutely over everything about this and them.
You knew this was going to end horribly...But time was running out and you were hopeless at the moment. You weren't thinking of tomorrow. Just how you felt right now.
You gave yourself a long look in the mirror. Eyes red rimmed, glistening with a numb expression on your face. Hair a mess, clothes splattered in blood, jeans soaked the most from kneeling next to Randy...It was reminiscent of how you and Sidney looked that night. 
You took a deep inhale and jerked away, marching to that door you wanted to investigate from day one. You should have seen it to begin with. You were done being chicken and you needed to find out the truth.
Your hand gripped the handle, secretly hoping a ghost mask was hiding in it so you could end this as violently as they did your only true friend you had left in this world. Your eyes widened as you ripped it open. You thought it was a closet...It wasn't. It was a door leading to the outside. Revealing grass and the back half of the building. A women's restroom sign on the outside of it. Was it a safety issue? Considering Stu got in; absolutely. But it was still an escape to get away from everyone and hunt them down.
 You gave a bitter smirk to yourself. 'So, that's how you did it. You just snuck in and out while no one was looking.' 
You knew you could follow along, go to this safe space the detectives had in mind and hope and pray you wouldn't die...But you knew that wasn't happening. Right now; all you knew was rage. The rage of someone you loved and cared for being murdered in front of you. Most likely dead. By the same two monsters that tried to trick you into giving in. The same ones that tried to kill you multiple times...This rage you had was mind numbing. You were gonna die...But not before wringing their necks. 
They weren't the friends you had in school or the guys you secretly had feelings for...Not anymore. All bets were off after what they just did. 
'If I die...I'm dying taking at least one of you down with me, you bastards.' 
Gale watched Dewey hug you. She felt an uneasy guilt creep in her as she saw the genuine fear and grief on both of your faces. She hated that. It was an unfamiliar emotion she didn't like one bit. Dewey turned away from her as both Richards and Andrews left with you in the empty cafeteria. Richards made a b line for you to get water from the kitchen as you all separated. 
"Dewey wait-" 
He turned to her and she stopped in her tracks to see the pain in his glare.
"Gale, I need to find the killer. I don't have time." 
She reached out to him. "And I can help! Please, Dewey." 
He walked past her. "Why? Haven't you done enough? Your movie, your book, your accusations towards YN. You put her in danger. You put us all in danger." 
"I thought-" 
He cut her off. "Does it look like she's involved, Gale? Were those…" His shoulders tensed. "Were those wails of pain and sobs and her desperate scream good enough for an oscar? Is she faking the wound on her arm? Is all this an act?" His voice was heavy as she bit her lip at the sound of you and Randy filtering through her mind. 
She hesitated before Joel slammed open the cafeteria door. He marched towards her as Dewey watched from a few feet away over his shoulder. 
Joel dropped off his bag with a grin. "I quit!" 
"You heard me. Because of ALL this; my van is being apprehended for evidence and impounded afterwards. I told you I was done, I told you I wasn't risking my life. Get some other sorry ass to tape you yelling and rushing around looking for a crazy." He walked away before pointing back at her as he walked. "Ya know what? You're the crazy. You're crazy for staying here and I think you need your head examined." 
"Joel!" Gale called after him as he walked out the doors. Gale looked down at the bag at her feet. Lost for words other than a few soft curses under her breath.
Dewey glanced at her. "...So, it looks like you won't be able to make your big second break after all." 
He started walking away. 
She hesitated before blurting it out. "I-I feel bad, Dewey." 
He stopped but didn't turn around as she continued. "I feel really bad. I don't feel bad about anything...But I feel bad now." 
He slowly turned to look at her. "...Is this just another brilliant Gale Weathers performance?" 
Gale lashed her hands outward. "Do you see a camera here?! I just wanna catch this fucker!" She sighed heavily and held herself. "I...I really thought I had the full story. I thought YN was involved. The outfit with Tatum's blood, the knife with her fingerprints, witnesses and her stopping me but...I guess even the best can't always get it right…I feel bad." 
Dewey rolled his lips in thought before huffing. "You should tell her that." 
"When Dewey? We don't have time! I need to solve this!...We...We need to solve this...Please, Dewey. I can't do this without you...I-I really do need you." That level of vulnerability felt foreign to her. But somehow, he always coaxed it out of her. 
He turned around to look at her. His eyebrows turned up and genuine hope in his eyes. 
He stared a moment before firmly saying. "Me too." 
Gale felt a small smile form as he limped towards her. He went to pick up her bag and she helped him haul it on his shoulder. "I can do it." 
"I know but...I guess we all need help sometimes." 
He gave her the first tiny smile she had seen from him since Woodsboro. "You're right." He winced at how heavy it was. "What's in here?" 
She moved a stray bang behind her ear. "Just some crowd footage that Joel shot." An idea formed as she remembered the killer seeing them earlier in the courtyard and or park. "Hey, wait a minute-" She unzipped the bag as Dewey held it for her. She dug until she found a tape. 
She looked up at him. "If the killer really is relishing and watching every minute, then he'd be here on these tapes, right?" 
Dewey's face lit up as well. "It's worth a look." 
They both gave each other a determined smile. Dewey continued. "We need to hurry. Before YN or anyone else is hurt." 
"Man, this isn't working!" 
He rolled his eyes as his partner in crime ranted. Billy leaned towards him. Mumbling low out the side of his mouth. "No shit... We gotta end this. Tonight." He huffed. "No more goddamn games. No trying to get one last chance to have her beforehand. No more screwing around." He whispered low. "She has to die before tomorrow is up." 
Stu rolled his lips and nodded. Billy saw it and sneered in response. "Don't you pussy out on me now, Stu." 
"I'm not, man! Just...Contemplating how good she looked this morning." 
"Damn it, Stu! I don't care how she looked. She has to die." 
Stu rolled his eyes. "I know that, alright? Whose idea was it to corner her here? I want her ass dead just as much as you do!... Just kind of disappointed that the game has to end already." 
Billy eyed him. The betrayal from two years ago still fresh in his mind, especially when it came to you. 
"Yeah well, that's just too bad. Games have to end eventually, Stu...You better stick with it this time. I'm telling you right now." He pointed with his cigarette in hand. He smoked when he could...After all this happened. It was the only joy he got other than killing. 
Stu groaned with an eye roll, folding his arm over his chest. "God, are you ever going to get over that?" 
"No." Billy muttered with a mild glare, taking a drag before blowing it at Stu's face. Stu coughed and glared back at him. "I don't forget backstabbing bullshit." 
"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, I was wrong, I fucked up. I get it." They were silent a moment before Stu smirked to himself. "Besides...I can't wait to see the look on her face when we hang Deputy Dipshit from the theater. Not before getting-" 
Stu faltered. Billy raised a brow before his eyes traveled to where Stu was looking at. His fingers  instinctively twitched to reach for his knife. They were behind the old art building at the far corner. Hardly no one came by but he was still prepared.
But he wasn't prepared for what he saw.
Not much surprised Billy or had him taken aback. But seeing you covered in blood. Shirt and jeans covered, a thin droplet from your left wrist to your fingertips staining a bandage, a spot of blood on your face. Wearing what he recognized as Dewey's Jacket...And a mile long stare in your eyes.
Stu glanced over at him. Both gave each other surprised stares before Stu looked back and forced himself to smirk at you. "Damn, YN. You never looked better. Preparing for the big finale?...How the hell did you even find us, babe?" 
"Phone Call. Police tracked you here. Not very smart of you both to still be hanging around...Then again, what more could I expect?" You mumbled in a heavy voice. Slowly walking towards them. 
Billy eyed you up and down. Putting the cigarette out under his heel and pushing himself off from the brick building. "Did they? Well payphones are public. Could have been anyone." 
"Yeah. Guess so." You replied. He could sense the calm before the storm and didn't like it.
Billy stared at you. Raising his brows as he was ready to get his knife the minute you got close enough. He gave you a cocky smirk. "So what? Did you get cops to come looking for us? You're gonna try to corner us? Is that your big plan?" Billy shook his head and narrowed his eyes at you. His hand in his back pocket with his knife. " YN...Are you seriously trying to pull the same stunt I did? For what? Sympathy? Ya gonna try and make us feel bad before your guards show up?" 
"No...They don't even know I'm here." You replied, firmly but slowly shaking your head. Not losing eye contact the entire time.
Stu huffed with a grin. "Well, that was dumb. Did you hit your head or what?" 
You didn't answer. Stalking towards them. 
Billy lost his smirk. Stu must not have noticed as he chuckled.
"Ya know what, man? She got a taste and came back for more. Am I right, Sweetcheeks?" He gave a lopsided grin and adjusted his jeans at the hem suggestively. 
"Stu-" Billy tried to warn as his fingers gripped his blade as he saw the murderous rage in your glare the closer you got. He was used to seeing it on Stu towards victims or even himself but never you. It reminded him of Jack Terrance in the Shining when he finally snapped. His face fell as he saw you look at him with more hatred than he ever saw in you.
He only had a second to whip out his knife when you rushed him. He protected his abdomen, thinking you were going to stab him just to feel impact on his cheek. He missed as he slashed at you. His head jerked to the side as he caught himself from stumbling at how much force you put into the punch.
Stu's eyes were wide in agitation as he went to grab you. "Hey, what the hell-" It was cut off by him gagging as you punched him in the throat. With his height it was the closest thing you could reach. 
Billy grabbed you by the collar of Dewey's jacket and slammed you into the wall. He did it two more times just to make sure you knew how much you fucked up. 
He saw your gaze grow hazy as a pained groan escaped you. 
"Are you out of your fucking mind?! Do you have a death wish or what?" 
He felt something hit his leg. He glanced down to see a kitchen knife slip from your jacket as you tried to reach for it. He blinked down at it...Truly not thinking you would ever have the guts to do it. Some tiny part of him mildly impressed
Some other tiny part of his ego dissatisfied you wanted to kill him too. Majority of him absolutely livid you thought you could even try it.
He slowly glared back up at you through his lashes. Tilting his head with that familiar feeling of sadistic hunger taking over at all the things he would do to you for this.
"...You do have a death wish." 
He felt Stu over his shoulder, pushing his knife against your throat. Huffing through his teeth at you. "Oh, you did it now. Are you stupid? You think you could punch me and live?!" 
"FUCK YOU BOTH! KILL ME! DO IT!" You screamed loud enough for anyone nearby to hear.
Billy shoved his hand over your mouth as Stu quickly shot his head up to make sure no one saw or heard. He hauled you by your jacket behind the building where no one would see. 
He hissed through his teeth as he pushed you against the wall. "Shut the fuck up!" He glared at you, practically nose to nose as you glared back. "You'll get your damn wish; Don't worry about that. I'll finish what I wanted to earlier."
He saw how red rimmed your eyes were. Your fingers gripped his wrist for leverage and it pushed the sleeve of Dewey's jacket up. You gritted your teeth as his knife was balled in his fist near your face. 
"Then do it! You aren't going to stop taking everyone I love from me till you do!...So do it and get it over with. Kill me so you'll leave my friends and family alone." 
Billy stared at you and so did Stu. Stu's eyes widened and darted to your arm as the bandage slipped and Billy looked in the direction his eyes did. He saw the slash on your left forearm near your wrist. His breath caught in his throat and his body tensed as he realized the smell was there. It wasn't corn syrup. You weren't copying what he did the first time around to trick them. This wasn't theater makeup to try and persuade them to reconsider…This was real.
Billy stared at you, mumbling under his breath. "...This...This is blood." 
Your face twisted in outrage. "No shit!" 
You went to kick him and he shoved himself close to you. His eyes searching your face for an answer.
 Stu spoke up first as he grabbed your arm to look at your long gash, knife still at your throat. "Yeah, no shit. What the fuck, YN?! Are you you trying to kill yourself before we can?" 
Your mouth hung open. "What? Stop screwing with me already!" 
Billy pulled you closer by your collar. "Then stop screwing with us." 
You looked like your brain stopped working for a second as you all three exchanged glares. You released a frustrated scoff. "What are you even talking about?! YOU did this! You took him from me." 
Billy felt his glare waver into complete confusion as tears sprung to your eyes. "You killed him...You fucking monsters, you killed him! Randy is probably DEAD because of you." You hissed through your teeth, nails digging into Billy's wrist as you spat at him. "I regret EVER saving you bastards. I lost Tatum, Sidney...And now Randy." A choked sob almost escaped you as you tried to maintain your glare at them. "So, kill me. You're going to take everyone away from me until you do." 
He tried thinking of a comeback. Anything to maintain the facade that he was on top of this. But the shock was winning. And your words stung...He hated that. Both of them were too stunned to speak.
"What is the matter with you two?! Don't tell me you feel guilty now. You didn't feel guilt plunging your fucking knife into him over and over. Stabbing me and aiming for my face...WHY AREN'T YOU SAYING ANYTHING?!" 
Billy gritted his teeth as he heard Stu finally let the cat out of the bag. 
"...Ray's Dead?" 
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kerie-prince · 4 years ago
lights, camera, action (m)
Draco Malfoy x Reader
requested: (anon) Draco wants to make a sextape request
warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, filmed sex, oral (fem receiving), edging, praise kink, dirty talk, biting (? idk if it counts tbh)
summary: Draco persuades you into filming you both during sex
a/n: damn, did i really write this? i put so many descriptions for everything, it's like i'm an actual erotica novelist. they take a whole page to describe ONE vein. whew chile, anyways. here's this lmao
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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Draco laid on your bed, the orange sunlight illuminating your room as he played with your new camera. He never expected you to take interest in the muggle photography school, but he fully supported you going into it.
This new camera given to you was an anniversary gift from Draco. When he gave you the camera that you initially started saving money for, you jumped in excitement. It had wide, changeable scopes and had a professional microphone attached to it. It became your favorite toy as you took it to classes everyday and with every trip you went on with your blond boyfriend.
Right now, you were sitting on your desk looking over all the photos you took on the streets for an upcoming assignment through your laptop. They were pictures in sepia of people walking and doing everyday normal things, but in Draco’s eyes, it was pure art.
As he was going through the gallery on the camera, he came across a couple videos. They were from a trip to Italy last spring and mostly consisted of you walking behind him and focusing the lens on him walking. The next video was sweet; it was you holding the camera to film both of you together in the hotel room laughing together.
While the memory was a lovely one and brought a smile to his face, a peculiar thought flashed across his mind. He placed the camera on your night stand before getting off the bed and stood behind you seated in your chair. His slender hands came up to rub your shoulders and smiled – no, smirked – when you sighed in content.
“Darling, are you almost done?” You didn't hear the way his voice became octaves lower.
“Almost. Just a couple more edits and I'll be all done,” you told him. You stretched your neck out to the side to crack the stiffness in your bones from sitting in the same position for so long. While the relief felt nice, you didn't expect to feel Draco’s mouth to attach to the exposed flesh.
His lips were smooth, always cared for and never became chapped. As he placed wet kisses on you, your homework was left forgotten. It's not due for another few days anyway.
All you could focus were the wet kisses and little nibbles on your neck. You tilted your neck a bit further for Draco to access the dip of your neck and shoulder, biting harshly to leave a mark. When he pulled away, you turned your rolling chair around and stood up to kiss your boyfriend.
The kiss was hot, sensual and breath-taking. His hands were tangled in your hair as you held his waist, hands grasping at his shirt. His tongue easily slipped in your mouth when you gasped from one of his hands tugging at the hair on the base of your neck.
No matter how many times you've kissed your boyfriend, he never failed to send an eruption of butterflies in your stomach. It felt like the first time every time.
His legs guided you to your bed and he let you fall onto it. You were about to pull your sweatshirt off before he stopped you. You watched as he picked up your camera and opened the display screen. “Love, mind if I make a suggestion?” You nodded at his question, getting excited.
The red recording light lit up and Draco looked at you through the screen, “Just want something to remember this by for later.” There was an electric feeling making its course through your veins. If you were honest with yourself, you’ve wanted to do this for a long time but didn't know how to bring it up.
You sat up and lifted your sweatshirt over your head, gently tossing it to the side. Your subconscious cursed at you for not wearing a cuter bra, but it’s not like it mattered anyway since it was eventually going to come off. Draco licked his bottom lip as he watched you through the camera. He could feel himself getting hard in his jeans. His eyes looked around where to place the camera down and landed on the dresser across from your bed. He angled it to have a perfect view of the two of you without it being too far or too close. Once set, he grabbed his shirt from the back and threw it over in a rush and unbuttoned his jeans. He crawled on top of you and immediately started peppering kisses in the valley of your neck causing you to giggle.
Draco’s hand roamed to your back and fumbled with the bra clasps. You could feel that he was struggling with it so you lifted yourself up a little bit to make it easier. Once it was torn off, he looked into your eyes as he lowered himself into your breasts and gave them soft, teasing kisses before taking one of your nipples in his mouth. You used one of your free hands to massage the one that was free as Draco used one of his to sneak inside your leggings.
His fingers were playing with your clit over your panties, rubbing it in slow circles. A soft moan fell out of your mouth when Draco bit on your nipple. He could feel you dampening beneath his touch, “Let’s take these off.” Draco lifted himself up to hook your leggings and panties together and take them off in one go. Almost forgetting about the camera, he looked in both adoration and primal lust at the image of your sprawled out with your legs open for him. He palmed himself before getting down on his knees and pulled you closer to the edge of your bed. His fingers played with your slit to feel how soaked you had become, “You look so pretty like this, princess.”
You said a soft ‘thank you’ and blushed. “‘M gonna make you feel good,” were his last words before he leaned in and licked a long stripe on your lips. Your hands rested gingerly on the top of his head and your hips moved on their own against him.
Every now and then, he would open his eyes and stare at you, loving the way your lips quivered and eyebrows knotted in pleasure. He moaned into your pussy, the vibration adding to your arousal. Unexpectedly, Draco softly bit the skin above your cunt, causing you to arch your back up. He used this moment to smoothly enter two of his ring-clad fingers into your heat. The fingers worked to stretch you out for what was to come soon.
Your breathy moans flowed around the room as Draco's slender fingers scissors your sleek walls, “How does that feel, baby?” You tried to come up with a response, but all you could muster were needy whimpers. You were becoming addicted to the feeling of his rings brushing against a sensitive spot inside, the warm silver adding more pressure.
Draco stretched his thumb across to draw the number eight on your swelling clit. He leaned closer to spit on your pussy and used the fingers of his free hand to spread the lubricant around.
Your legs were shifting around and the telltale sign of your hips stuttering told Draco that you were close to your orgasm. He pumped his fingers faster, building the knotting feeling in your abdomen until you felt nothing at all.
Draco chuckled deeply as you glared up at him. “That’s not funny, Draco,” you scolded. He lowered his jeans to the floor and kicked them off, returning to his spot on top of you. Draco grabbed one of your hands and used it to palm himself. He was semi-hard, and you took it upon yourself to guide your hand and start jerking him off over the cotton fabric. You looked up at your boyfriend feigning innocence, knowing that it drove him crazy to watch you with doe eyes as you pretended you weren’t doing the dirtiest acts.
After a few minutes of teasing, he became frustrated and nearly ripped his boxers off. He manhandled your hand onto his bare dick again, jerking himself off at this point. You would give him little squeezes and use your unoccupied hand to massage his balls. Like he did with you earlier, you bent down to spit on the tip of his cock which had become fully hard now.
“Draco,” you moaned, “I want you in me.” He groaned at your request, pushing you down on your back and positioned himself to lie comfortably, grabbing your legs and guiding them over his hips.
Your boyfriend rubbed his tip up and down your lips, spitting once again and spread it around his dick before he slowly entered your pussy. He didn't need it, though. You were already so wet from him devouring you and from watching him work on his own dick with your hand.
Your pussy welcomed his cock, embracing how it perfectly stretched you from the inside. His hips started rocking back and forth and you moved your hips to match his set rhythm.
Draco leaned down and marked more hickeys all over your neck. His ears picked up on your groans, whimpers and moans. Sounds that were hotter than that of a porn star. You held a bunch of the soft blond hair and tugged on them to get a sound from him.
“Oh my Merlin, you feel so – o-oh! – you feel so good inside me, Dray,” you encouraged him. Your legs wrapped around his waist and pulled his body closer for him to thrust deeper into you. His thrusts became rougher and faster.
“Is that right, baby? Is my cock making you feel good?”
“Yes! Oh, Merlin, yes,” tears were threatening to spill. The familiar tightness was building up inside you. You tightened yourself around Draco, gaining a delicious groan from him. “Are you gonna cum for me?”
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m–” once again, this bastard edged you on. Draco had quickly pulled himself off and not only denied you of an orgasm, but laughed at the tears of frustration and possibly also anger on your face.
You slapped his biceps and tried guiding him back inside you. He quit the torture tactics and pushed himself back into your cunt with a harsh snap of the hips, jolting your body up. You let out a scream as he started his fast pace, pistoning in and out with only the tip ever staying in. The only words that left your mouth was ‘Fuck’ and ‘Draco’.
Draco held his head up to watch you unravel on him, proud of himself to see you in such a state because of him. As if his ego wasn't big enough.
The blond changed his slouched position into one of him sitting up on his knees and grabbed your legs and draped them over his shoulders. The stretch stung a little, making you drown in madness from all the sensations of some pain, but all pleasure.
If at all possible, you felt him even deeper in this position he had you in. Your own hands worked by themselves, one holding a leg closer to you, and the other slithering down to flick harshly on your clit.
The sight was pure erotica. Draco was breathing heavily, sweat thick on his skin and so close to his climax but he found the strength in him to keep going and get you to yours first at least.
“Dray, I’m gonna… I'm–”
“Go ahead, darling. Cum on my cock,” Draco told you between breaths. As if on command, your orgasm hit you hard with a scream of his name, a result from the denied ones earlier. Your legs twitched and your hips were moving sporadically with Draco’s.
As you were coming down from your high, Draco kept thrusting until he rushed out and spilled himself all over your chest. You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out to catch some of his spurts of cum. The warm, slightly salty taste running down your throat.
Nearly exhausted, Draco fell on top of you. You both kept trying to gather your breaths back to normal. Once you did, your boyfriend raised himself off to grab some tissues to wipe his seeds off of both your chests. He then threw his boxers off and walked over to the camera on the dresser.
You had actually forgotten all about it, too caught up in the moment.
Draco joined you back on the bed and went through the gallery of the camera, trying to find the video he just filmed. And when he found it, he smirked at the time-stamp.
requests open!
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football-and-fanfics · 3 years ago
Nightmare - Andy Robertson
Who: Andy Robertson Request: 3 for Robertson Prompt #3: Nightmare Requested by: anonymous Warnings: descriptions of nightmares (obviously 😉)
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It was probably caused by the weather. The storm and heavy rain pummeling their bus on the way back from their match against Manchester Untied had Andy on edge. He had seated himself halfway down the bus, picking a window seat. The wind howling past the bus sent shivers down his spine, so Andy put on his headphones, turned his music up loud, and rested his head against the window. He closed his eyes and tried to forget about the gruesome weather outside, just wishing for the trip to be over soon. At some point, Andy had fallen asleep. But it was a troubled sleep. Images of whirlwinds and tsunamis haunted him. He tried to run away from the water rushing in his direction, but he already knew he was not going to make it. Any second now, the water would swallow him whole… Andy awoke abruptly from someone shaking his shoulder. It took him a few seconds to realize it was Trent who had awoken him. Andy was breathing fast and his heart was hammering in his chest. “Bad dreams?” Trent frowned at him. “Yeah.” Andy nodded, shaken up. “How’d you know?” “You were mumbling and thrashing around,” Trent answered, "so I figured you didn't like what you were seeing in dreamland." He shrugged ever so slightly. “It’s this damn weather,” Andy sighed, “it’s setting me on edge.” Trent nodded understandingly. "Yeah, I'm not liking it either." Andy passed a hand over his face. “Anyway, thanks for waking me up.” A small smile pulled at the corner of Trent's mouth. "Anytime, mate." Andy leaned back in his seat. His breathing was slowly going back to normal, as was his heart-rate. It didn't look to becoming better anytime soon outside, so a peaceful nap looked seriously out of the question. Andy put his headphones back on, deciding to give it a try nonetheless. “Fucking weather." Tags: @glam-khal, @evie-pr, @gryffinwars, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @de-geas, @stonesyyyy, @drizzyreese, @hbstre, @soccerfanfiction, @sternennebel2001, @celessence Liverpool tags: @theqazer (Tumblr won't let me tag you😥), @berrydoughnuttruth Robbo tags: @footballffbarbiex, @lightsupdoyouknowwhoyouare, @liverpoolfanx (Tumblr won't let me tag you 😥) PL player tags: @superjackgrealish If you would like to be added to the tags list, too, you can fill out this form and I'll add you to it!
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annlillyjose · 4 years ago
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[Image Description: The words TWINEPATHY and Ann Lilly Jose written in a serif font on a background of rippled water// End ID]
Hey y'all. Yep, you read that right. We are re-introducing my short story Twinepathy, aka the piece of work that led to a major change in my writing process and style. Rambles towards the end of the post. Enjoy the specifics now.
TWs: Death, suicide, drowning
Logline: Protagonist is being interrogated on her twin sister's death, and she's reminded of all the dreams she's had of her death.
Word Count: 1665
Has freaky dreams
Hates her parents
Too scared to lose her sister, but ends up losing her
Norah's twin sister
Loves art
Wants to love her parents
Obsessed with ladybugs and moths
Dead (oops)
Has issues but that isn't explored in the book
Just know that they're immature af
Police Officer
Basically just doing his job
Is too nice to be true
Wants to help Norah but doesn't know how
I started drafting this story a few months back when it started off as a totally different story. The characters had the same names, but they weren't twins. Norah was the younger sister then. The dreams weren't an element of the story as well. This version of the story took me about an hour and a half to draft, and went through some minor changes after it. For several months, I believed that the story is complete and that I'll not go back to change anything. Why, then, am I making this update?
This version of the story has helped me find myself as a writer and feel more confident in who I am, my prose, and my skills, and for that reason, this will definitely hold a special place in my heart. I wanted to make a post specifically for it because... um... well... I love it, okay? That's it.
We'll now move on to some excerpts.
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The last time I dreamt of my sister, I killed her.
This is my opening sentence. Quite proud, to be honest. Death in the first sentence is my new favourite thing oops.
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Renee and I are in the midst of a forest, a full moon shining translucently through the dark clouds. My teeth chatter in the cold, breath catching mist, turning exhaled air into short-lived frost. We're roasting marshmallows over a little fire, the crackle of twigs burning blended with the music playing from my phone, her dancing to it, swaying from side to side. Observing that she's too close to the fire, I get up, asking her to move away, but she doesn't.
She's dancing to the music as flames turn her into ashes.
This is one of the dreams and is the best one I guess. I sorta really like the imagery in sentence two.
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I walk out of the building and take the longest way to the plantation. Reaching a hand into my hoodie pocket, I crumble with teary eyes the painting I'd torn from the back of Renee's History notebook - the one of her submerged in water.
This is how the story ends. I really sorta like this little paragraph, too.
That's all for excerpts. At this point, what I think is that the story requires a rewrite because there's a lot of scope within the draft and I don't want to leave it to waste. The current word count is very low and I'm pretty sure I can take it to about 2.5k to 3k. There are so many aspects of the story that I can expand on, so let's hope it goes well. I'm not sure when I'll get to the edits, because editing this story is a bit of an emotional process. I've seen this as my best project for such a long time and now it feels weird to know that it requires changes. But it'll be for the best, and the process will hopefully be for the best too. (Expect an update post sometime soon haha)
That's all for now, friend.
Love, Ann.
General Taglist (ask to be added or removed)
@maxgraybooks @shaonharryandpannisim @heartfullkings @bookdragonfanish @vnsmiles @dallonswords @wannabeauthorzofija @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @avakrahn @ambidextrousarcher @showgirlcurio @jenetmoses @17nim
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twisted-imagines · 5 years ago
Experiment on me (nsfw) | Idia Shroud 💀 x reader
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Warnings: fem!reader, pure PWP, extremely vulgar, usage of sex toys, overstimulation, mind break(but make it consensual);
Word count: 1.1k
Note: For starters, it's not my usual format, it's not exactly reader insert, I did it for my adorably stupid friend. I love you, dork, never gonna stop loving you, dork. Hope at least this will get through your skull, so you could understand that you're very much loved.
Not all descriptions may fit you, fishies, but it's still somewhat vague, so feel free to indulge, except it targets mainly ladies~
Without further ado, you might as well enjoy it 💓 
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"S-so, how does it feel? I-I tried to calculate all the necessary measurements, but it still may not be precise... It's the first time I created something l-like this."
Really, he couldn't tear his eyes away, he wanted to engrave this moment into his memory for eternity. Adding that cutesy lingerie set to the cart had been the right choice, even if it costed him around a bucket of blood, pouring out of his nose. But it looked way beautiful then he could have imagined, any and all of his daydreams fell short in front of the real you. Ah, his nosebleed was starting again.
Idia was panting heavily, but it didn't compare at all to the way you keened and moaned loudly, your throat already hurting from the stretch you put your vocal cords through. But it's okay, Idia's room was soundproof, none of the skin slapping noises or your own wails wouldn't leave it, while your boyfriend's dexterous hands would keep plunging the bright pink dildo into your dripping hole. It's beautiful, the way pink color complemented your skin, Idia thought, while his own cheeks gained the same deep shade more and more.
"T-there are more modes, we should test them too, okay? But you will be glad to, y-yeah?"
You trashed even harder, the flimsy tissue of your bra stretching further around your breasts, bringing the supple mounds and perked up nipples into full view for Idia. The intensity of vibrations was turning your brain into mush, and the way the toy perfectly aligned with your insides, stimulating all the right spots, ripped yet another orgasm out of your burning body, second that night. But the man before you didn't relent, how could he, seeing the lewd image of your red pussy sucking the dildo further into you. And Idia was all about it, encouraging you.
"Ehehe, [Y/n], you really are a greedy woman. I created it specifically for you, but it's still not enough, is it? Do you want more? Maybe... Maybe, I could satisfy you if I added my own cock too? It's not as perfect, though..."
Alas, the only answer you could produce was an obscenely cry, a mumbled "yes" and "Idia" left your mouth, as squelching noises of your cunt being thrust into became wetter and wetter. You heaved, trying to concentrate on the fiery blur of the blue flames in your line of sight you believed to be your boyfriend, a task almost impossible as your pussy once again constricted in orgasm, letting out more slick juices to coat the dildo inside of you and drip further down on to the dark sheets of Idia's bed.
"Idia... More! Please- Ngh, more, fuck me more! I want you! Ahhh-!"
The man nearly came from your sudden proclamation, paralyzed with shock so that even his hand stopped moving, which in turn earned a very needy, high-pitched complaint out of you. How could anyone resist you, really? If you kept shaking your hips like that, lifting them in such a sinfully inviting manner, Idia was sure any man would gladly bend to your will and relegate his whole being to you. But he was glad, that in the moment, only him and things he created could enjoy your presence, your love, witness you unraveling and drooling from the pleasure you received. Before he could spiral himself further into the dark, inescapable pit he often found himself in, Shroud decided to rather mind himself with you, so only your pleasured cries would fill his ears, the sight of your soft, flushed flesh would be the only thing he saw. He too wanted to feel himself become full with you to the brim, in a similar way his dick and dildo were now stretching your hole to its limits.
You really were a dream, one that he never ever wanted to wake up from. Trying to fit but further into you, grinding his teeth and breathing in deeply just not to spill into you right away, Idia pressed your thighs closer to your chest, mindful as ever to not put any strain on your body. Squished between his tall form and bed, you looked like one of the pictures he used to study as part of his education program. But to Idia, no goddess, painted or carved, could compare to you. Or maybe you yourself were a goddess, who whimsically decided to grace himself with your appearance in his gloomy abode. One he unashamedly reduced to a half-consious state, whose once pure image he tainted with lust and immorality. But he loved you that way, twisted just the way he was.
Every little jerk of his hips made your breasts jiggle, voluptuous curves on display for his darkened eyes only. He bet you would be more delicious than any candy he had ever eaten. He didn't think of himself as a glutton, but resisting you was something out of the realm of possible and so he leaned in to have a bite.
You recoiled from the harsh pain of serated teeth sinking into you hard enough to draw droplets of blood, but soon enough each bite you received made a rackets of pleasure travel through you body, shattering your mind to bits, small enough to only keep meeting Idia's movements with your own eager ones and vocalizing your pleasure for the echo to freely resonate through his room.
Seeing your eyes roll harder into your eyelids, little red tongue coming out with every pant and moan, forming an O-shape with your mouth, Idia, prompted by the sensation of your pussy clenching around him, quickly neared his own climax, pouring his semen into you.
But thrusts of his hips rocking you back and forth didn't stop, continuing to stuff you with more of his milk, the white liquid mixed with your own lubricant soon forming a puddle underneath the place where you connected, until the man could no longer go on anymore.
By the time he finally laid you back and took away the used toy, you could only quietly sob, body spasming with each breath. Your eyes clouded with tears, you couldn't move even a finger, less understand who was that somebody, who was softly caressing and massaging the plush of your tights and belly, holding your trembling hands in their own. It was calming, peaceful, your heart was ready to burst from all the emotions you felt, most prominent being happiness. You were happy to bask in their attention, right, in your Idia's attention, soon enough calming down enough to cuddle further into his warmth and relinquish yourself to the peaceful slumber. Before your mind faded away, you caught the words carefully whispered into your ear.
"I'll gift you even more toys and other things, so stay with me okay? [Y/n], you're my most beloved person."
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cevans-is-classic · 4 years ago
[the anon from the prev ask, thought I'd come off anon]
ok np! I'll give ya Steve and Bucky content separately <3
Going on an art haul and buying ludicrous amounts of paintbrushes, because like all the great artists he forgot to clean them last time. He likes the soft bristled ones that get the paint all hazy on the canvas.
He likes to paint landscapes, but gets kinda bored seeing the same old buildings of NYC everyday. So he asks JARVIS to open up random travelling sites and recite the descriptions to him, and he paints out the wonderful majestic image the sites describe.
His favourite colour is yellow, because his mom liked to ruffle a hand through his hair, and called him her Golden boy. So he paints bright sunrises and sunsets, deserts, fruits, flowers, occasionally himself as well.
He likes to paint in natural light, right beside the window.
The whole apartment is filled with old blues music as he moves around and sees stuff for motivation, listens to JARVIS, and sings along to the song. He dances to it too but no one other than JARVIS can prove that, and J isn't gonna spill.
He loves to knit and embroider. It started as a suggestion from his therapist, and now he actually kinda likes it.
He remembers his sisters making so much stuff back in the 40s, and he tries to find old patterns to replicate. Men standing under streetlights, people having a picnic in a park, dancers on a stage, etc etc. Anything that reminds him of people and places to be is an immediate yes.
He plans out designs on napkins when he eats out, and then keeps them all in a folder back home which no one is allowed to touch. It's his ideas file and he picks from it whenever he needs it. But he never transfers the ideas to paper, they always stay on napkins.
Sometimes he doesn't even knit with a purpose, just keeps on going as a rectangle turns into a square and then back again into a rectangle, just going and going. It's multicolored as he keeps adding new yarn to it and when he closes it off its just a long piece of cuddle-me-wrap-me-around-yourself-fuzzy-warmth something.
Hope you like them! And hope you and your mom feel better soon 🫂🫂
I love the idea of Steve painting places his never seen before and then you have Bucky over here being crafty as hell and so sweet 😭
I needed this. Thank you, you absolutely beautiful human ❤😭😭
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jamkookies · 5 years ago
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Description : A trip to Malta for the shooting of Bon Voyage seems peaceful enough until the moment things take an unexpected turn...
Word count : 3.3k
"Please, sir! I'm begging you! Open up, please!"
It was surprising how the both of you hadn't even moved an inch despite the cries that had begun to turn downright hopeless but as Jungkook's arm shields your body defensively, you decide that you just can't take it anymore.
"Jungkook, we should take a look." you say hesitantly, turning your head in his direction.
"No way. It's a trap." he claims. "I'm sure of it."
Your eyes keep boring holes into the door as if your vision could penetrate it.
It's quiet for a while.
Maybe he left.
Maybe he-
A thunderous boom to the door.
"We have to at least take a look, dammit!" you exclaim and push his arm away, now decisively heading towards it.
"Wait!" Jungkook yells after you but instead of stopping you, he joins your side. Before you can make any further attempts, he mushes his face onto the platform and looks into the tiny peephole. Curiosity can hardly keep you still.
At last, Jungkook retreats and motions for you to take a look as well but you don't know whether to expect a garnison of soldiers or a horde of wild bisons behind the door because the expression on his face is unreadable.
The cold surface of the platform touching your forehead only makes you grow even more uncomfortable. Then, your eyes are able to discern an obscure figure behind the magnifying glass. "You've got to be kidding me, " you whisper as your eyes naturally widen.
This could not be.
Him, out of all people....
Both you and Jungkook exchange a look of silent agreement and he pushes the open button with no words needed. The door swings open to reveal a slightly dishevelled-looking man with multiple cuts and bruises marking his face. Those eyes you'd seen gleaming with vigilance are now tired, drowsy yet still scarred with horrors you could only imagine. You'd never forget those eyes because they had been the ones that had given you a chance to escape, a chance to save yourselves.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook wonders, not bluntly but rather in a puzzled demeanor.
"Let me in, please. I'll explain everything, " the old bodyguard says and throws a look behind his back and down the stairs.
You and Jungkook exchange another look and then the latter opens the door wider, giving him space to enter. The bodyguard's face almost melts in relief upon the gesture. He crosses the doorstep in two huge strides, putting the farthest distance from it.
From the moment the lock clicks back in place, a deafening silence hangs into the air, adding even more to the suspense.
You decide to break the ice first. "What do you mean they're gonna kill your family?"
The bodyguard takes notice of where your eyes are fixed and he unconsciously touches a bruise on his chin. "Actually, I lied about that. I had to convince you to open the door."
Your anger flares like wild fire but before the flames can grow higher he quickly compensates for his mistake. "I'm really sorry. I had to.They...they did some things to me...I'll explain everything but I don't have much time."
"Why?" you demand. "Are they following yo-"
"What are you doing here in the first place?" Jungkook interrupts.
The man appears to be going through an internal conflict as his eyes shut tight, hands clench and unclench and the line of his eyebrows angles into a wide V. His distressed condition explained so much and yet so little. His eyes that up till now had been staring at the ground, lift to level up with yours and then flick to Jungkook's. "I went through hell itself to get here unnoticed. I'll have to go soon. But before I do, there's something you should know."
* * *
As much as Jungkook refused to drop the disgruntled attitude, he still made the man sit on the couch and then proceeded to offer him a much needed glass of water. The man drank and drank and drank like he'd forgotten its taste and freshness and after his thirst was sedated, he started chirping like a bird.
"First of all, I want to apologize about trying to take you by force back in Malta, even though in reality it was not my choice."
"We'd figured that out, " you confirm. "But why did you help us escape?"
You'd been racking your brains out for a long time now, trying to come up with a logical explanation but no answer fit in the frame. You just couldn't understand why he would put himself in danger so you could run away.
It didn't make any sense.
"I couldn't just let them take you like prisoners, " he says. "I had to at least give you a chance because I myself wasn't given one."
Jungkook's brows wrinkle in confusion. "What do you mean?"
A look of something like shame casts upon the man's face and he stares at his clasped hands. "When I first got this job, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Being a bodyguard, I had taken everything into account, including the fact that I would probably have to give up my life at some point but I never thought I'd be involved in criminal affairs."
Criminal affairs? What was he talking about?
"I thought it was normal at first. I thought this was how things normally went but when you decided to go to that trip in Malta I realized that I couldn't get out of this sucking hole no matter how much I tried. And the worst thing about it is that you've had to suffer along all this time without even knowing it."
Jungkook raises a hand to stop him. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on there a second. Are you talking about Sejin making Y/N leave? And the the thing at the plane? I know he went a little too far but-"
"You think that's a coincidence?" the man shoots back. "He set everything up. From the tickets to the hotel to everything. Every single piece of it was planned out."
Your teeth grind against each other with a mixed state of anger and shock putting them into action. When you throw a glance at Jungkook's traumatised form, tears start to form at the corners of your eyes. The man's statement seemed to had jarred him to the bone and rendered him speechless, incapable of forming a coherent thought.
"I apologize for that, " the man continues. "I didn't want to say it straight away because I knew it would come as a shock to you but Mr.Sejin is not who you think he is. I've had to live with this knowledge for years now."
For a moment, Jungkook's eyes clear up and he blinks a number of times till his attention is completely aimed at the man's face. "Is this a joke or something? Did he send you here to play with us?"
The man's expression remains stoic, forever expressionless but even through his mask you could make out the scars of horrendous truths.
He wasn't lying.
You both knew that but you just couldn't accept it, even though deep down you had always sensed that the origin of your ordeals had been somehow designated.
The said bodyguard points a finger at his face. "You see these bruises, sir? They gave them to me as a punishment for not being able to bring you back. Beat me up till I fainted. When I woke up they made it clear that this time the job had to be done properly. That's why I'm here. To bring you back. But I won't be doing that. I'm here to make sure that you know who you're dealing with. I don't have the authority to talk with his superiors. Trust me, I've even tried to but he's always one step ahead of me." He smiles sadly. "I've gotten countless warnings because of that."
Jungkook puts his head in his hands and agressively ruffles his hair. "How long has this been going?"
The man doesn't hesitate. "6 years. Since the moment Ms.Y/N set foot on that company. He was obsessed with the idea of a boy-group only and didn't want any other intruders. I can witness the number of times he complained to his superiors about not letting her join. He kept pestering them, kept telling them all sorts of things but PD-nim was the one who insisted on taking her. After that he was absolutely furious. You should've seen the way he flung things around in his office. It made me scared for a moment."
He releases a long-kept sigh and shakes his head dreadfully.
"This went on for as much as I can remember. He never changed, always kept making attempts into kicking her out and covered it with a fake smile. But this time he had it all planned out to the smallest detail and couldn't afford to just brush it off as usual. That's probably his biggest mistake so far. He just couldn't stand hiding in a bush anymore so he went 'go hard or go home' I guess."
All this new information was making your head spin. Your mind wasn't helping either, continuously attaching images to the words, helping build up the portrayal of the man who had detested you for so many years, piece by piece. To say that you'd been dismayed was an understatement. You just couldn't believe your ears, couldn't wrap your head around the idea.
"What exactly had he planned?" asks Jungkook with a tint of hesitation in his voice. Understandable enough, taking into consideration the fact that he was fed up with the truths he'd heard. The bodyguard takes a sip from his glass and gulps audibly. He keeps throwing nervous looks at the door, as if waiting for someone to burst in.
"If you can remember....the accident with the saesang girl...."
Not that
Anything but that
"It was not an accident, " he confirms. "Your manager planned it."
No no no no no no-
"He hired that girl knowing she was a saesang and told her what she had to do. He promised her Jungkook would be hers if she managed to get the job done. That night, when you sneaked out into the forest, it's like you offered yourselves to her in a silver platter. And that's how it went. She took care of everything; the car, the tools, even her assistant."
He shakes his head and you see a melancholic smile cast upon his lips as he looks directly at you. "Stupid girl. She hated you so much to the point where she even ignored Sejin's orders for a moment. He'd never intended to kill you. Obviously, he wasn't that stupid. But she didn't care at all. Thought about getting rid if you since she had the chance and went all-psycho. Unfortunately for her, you managed to escape and that's when Mr.Sejin got angry. Really, really angry. His face got all red and puffy and when Namjoon-ssi tried to talk to him, worried about you gone missing, he yelled in his face."
You can almost feel the nostalgic taste of the word in your tongue. It was like smelling that familiar aroma of fresh flowers that grew in your back yard and being swept into a wave of old memories. Sick of you, to not think enough about him all this time, when all he'd ever did was worry about you.
You missed them. All of them. So much to the point where it hurt.
Were they okay?
Now that you were certain about your manager's intentions, you couldn't help feeling concerned about the rest of the boys.
Unaware of your thoughts, the man continues with his story. "And things got even worse when she shot you and you jumped into the stream. I guess she panicked. Her voice was literally shaking from the other side of the phone during the call with manager-nim. I don't know what she said exactly but it still didn't make him give up. After all, he had to prepare for the grand finale."
Jungkook's sharp intake of breath switches your attention to him. You examine his face carefully, looking for any signs of panic but nothing makes it to the surface.
At least not yet.
"-called the ambulance to make sure you wouldn't die."
The momentary distraction had made you zone out and you're only able to catch the last part of the phrase.
"Then what?" Jungkook asks softly.
It's like the man's physiognomy is put into action; eyelids blinking furiously, lips opening and closing, hands fumbling with each-other. He seems nervous to keep talking and that only puts Jungkook on edge even more.
"Then what? " the latter insists. Bolder this time.
The man chokes the words out. "Th-then you wrestled with that girl's assistant. And-"
"And I killed him." Jungkook finishes for him. You notice the way his eyes turn glassy and distant, as if they'd travelled back in time, recalling the events.
"No, sir. He's alive."
Both yours and Jungkook's head snap in his direction with lightning speed.
Had you just imagined him saying that?
"What?" you voice.
"He didn't kill him, " the man confirms and this time you can clearly see his lips matching the words. "It was all a trick."
Tiny little glass shards scatter across the floor, but you don't even have time to react as another loud noise joins it.
"No!" Jungkook yells again after taking out the anger on the second vase. " I don't believe you! You're lying!" He's fully risen to his feet, his chest puffed from breathing too hard. You've never seen him like this, so angry and panicked and scared.
"He's alive, sir. I'm not lying. They enacted the death-"
"Shut up!" Jungkook screams.
"-to make Y/N-ssi feel guilty and leave. Please, sir. You have to listen to me. You did not kill anyone."
A storm of emotions drowns you whole and it's impossible to pinpoint a particular feeling in the midst of all the chaos. Pain, sadness, relief, anger. They all come as a flooding mess, an absolute wreck.
But none of that matters now.
Not as you notice Jungkook from the corner of your eye, slowly sink to the floor and curl into a ball. It's just like that night at the hotel. He rocks back and forth with no awareness of his surroundings, completely lost in his despair.
The storyteller gives him a perplexed look. He must be wondering why Jungkook was reacting this way, why he didn't sigh in relief upon the news of his innocence.
That's because the man didn't know what the idea of killing someone had done to him and how hard it was to just rip that thought out of his mind. He'd convinced himself over and over that he was guilty, that he was a murderer. You'd witnessed it yourself during all those restless nights filled with nightmares driven by his own conscience. You'd both tried to speak as little as you could about it by trying to avoid that fact but now that he's given up and let himself fall apart, you're able to see how it had ruined him beyond repair.
You glare at the bodyguard to stop him from going further and rush to Jungkook's side on the floor.
And your heart shatters into a million pieces.
He's sobbing like a little child.
A grown-up man turned into a little kid just like that, with his arms wrapped around his knees, head buried low within.
You carefully approach him and crouch on the floor, putting a hesitant hand on his shoulder. "Kook..."
He doesn't even acknowledge your presence and his sobs only seem to increase but that doesn't discourage you from throwing your arms around him in a wide hug.
"It's okay, Kook. You're okay."
Suddenly, his hands wrap around your waist and he hugs you so tightly, you almost fall back. You thread your fingers through his dark silky hair and pat his head.
Another choked sob escapes his throat.
Oh how you wished you were the one suffering, not him. If only you could take all his pain from him, you'd gladly do it. You'd do anything for him.
His fists scrunch the fabric on the back of your shirt as hit tears spill on your collarbones.
"You're okay, you're okay, shhhhhhh." you whisper in his ear.
All is forgotten by now. The only thing you can focus on is to let him know that you were here, that you understood, and that it was okay to feel like this.
It was okay not to be okay.
* * *
You'd lost all sense of time with Jungkook in your arms that you'd failed to even throw a look at the man in the corner, silently waiting for the situation to cool down.
"I'm sorry." you hear Jungkook's worn voice at the side of your neck.
"Don't be." you answer. "It's not your fault."
He finally unties his hands from your waist and takes a deep breath. A dark veil still hangs in his eyes but he tries to cover it up with a weak smile. However, the smile turns a tad bit more genuine when you cup his cheek with one hand and gently caress it.
"I'll get you some water," you say and make to get up but he grips your hand and looks up at you with pleading eyes.
"Don't go."
If you could choose to have an image branded at the back of your mind, this particular one would be it. Those big round eyes and the messy curls that fell over them carelessly, that scar on his cheekbone, the one you'd always loved, and the pouty lips under the frame of which a tiny mole showed.
You feel like crying and laughing at the same time.
Yet you still understand.
He needed the physical support as much as the he needed the emotional one in order to have something to hang onto. A safe harbor to keep him from straying off into the dark corners of his traumas.
"Okay." You sit back down and Jungkook clings onto your arm almost immediately.
"Sir, " the man finally decides to speak. "I'm really sorry about everything."
Jungkook nods in affirmation.
You're just about to add something when the man's inner pocket of his coat starts to vibrate.
He gulps.
Looks at the door.
With shaking hands, he reaches inside his coat and retrieves his phone.
"It's him." he says upon taking a look at the screen.
Your senses tingle with a mind of their own. What you'd been talking about all this time takes the form of a man. The source of all your fears and sufferings.
The floor suddenly grows uncomfortable.
It's like the vibrations are digging into your brain, each buzz more unbearable than the other.
The man can't seem to take it anymore. He taps on the phone and pushes it to his ear.
A gruff voice joins the line.
You're not able to catch any of the words but the man's face says it all.
Something happened.
"Don't hurt them, " he croaks.
More yelling on the other side of the phone call.
Then, silence.
At this point you don't know what to expect. You tightly squeeze Jungkook's leg in reassurance.
The man's begging eyes turn to plead with yours, desperate, hopeless. "I'm sorry, " he says and runs off to the door.
But instead of leaving, he pushes the open button.
And waits.
Your heart leaps in your throat when a dozen other bodyguards rush inside.
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ukiyoe-reproduction · 5 years ago
Description pt1
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"This is one of the extravagantly heroic compositions produced by Kuniyoshi in response to the government crack-down on more frivolous subjects. It is based on the novel by Kyokutei Bakin (1767-1848) 'Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki' and Hokusai's illustrations to it. Fleeing by sea from defeat in the Heiji Wars, Tametomo's party are overcome by a storm. His wife throws herself into the sea to placate the waves, while Kihei saves their child by climbing on to the back of a huge shark. Tametomo is stopped from killing himself by the spirits of mythical creatures called 'tengu', followers of the dead Emperor Sutoku. The signature is 'Painted by Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi'."
:refered from the British Museum's website.The original resource is in, https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/A_1906-1220-0-1339
ーAbout the original copy I usedー
In the case like this time that I never can get the true original print, Im usually to use the old reproduction or printed matter from a book or internet.
Since a reproduction print is normally difference from the original in the all point of lines, colors, etc.,so it's better to use a printed matter of the original print. However, I couldn't get to find the good copy of this one on books or databases of the internet. Those that were available there were not in good condition or too downsized that I couldn't use at all.But on the way I had been looking for, I in chance could find the old reproduction in the market. So I decided to buy and reproduce from that one since there hadn't seemed other way except that .The reproduction of this picture is really rare itself. It's highly probable that there have been ever just two reproductions .The one is by Inuki Tachihara and the other is by a publisher, Uchida Art. The reproduction I got was that Inuki Tachihara had reproduced in 1987. When I compared the print with the original copy as possible as I could after buying , there were not a few points of lines , colors, etc.,which were difference from the original in the edo period.But I decided to choose to refer only the Tachihara's reproduction for my reproducing work since making half adjustment and taking on half way to the original print without the good original copy made me feel something strange or inconsistentable.
So my this time reproducing work is reproducing of reproduction.
This is the reproduction by Inuki Tachihara in 1987, which I used as the original copy for this time .
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(It's normal that a reproduction print has difference points from the original true print.Because it's impossible to make the exactly same print as long as it's handmade and reproducing basically haven't been aimed to pursue to reproduce the exactly same state of the original print in its history.For example, reproducing resembles classical music or entertainment. What I mean is that the player's aiming isn't to pursue reproducing exactly the same state of the first of the original era.But unlike the music or entertainment, there is the field of restoration in paintings. What Ive been aiming belongs the kind of there. Hopefully, I want that reproducing and restoring of ukiyoe will be separated to recognize a little more clearly as difference work in each, in people even including a traditional carver, printer or publisher.)
In the following link, you can look some original copies and the reproduction by Uchida Art. https://ukiyo-e.org/image/bm/AN00027972_001_l
Anyway, although Inuki Tachihar already died but he was the only guy who had done reproducing including materials restoration.Im going to post an article to introduce him here my blog in the near future.
ーThe materialsー
①woodblock : I for this reproducing used 16 pieces of plywood of cherry, Yamazakura山桜 , which its dimension is 27×40×2.5㎝ in each piece.
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Finding out and restoring the original pigment and paper are the important theme of my work.I have an idea that one of the main reasons why a reproduction commonly doesn't make me feel the reality of original print is the difference of use of pigments and paper between the reproduction and original . For example, there is not a few vintage reproductions which don't look to come to get closer to the original though they've already gotten quite aging change.I think this is also caused by the difference of materials .The pigments I used for this reproducing were sumi, turmeric, mercury vermilion, red iron oxide, prussian blue, safflower red, white lead and mica powder. I explain as the following some of them.I yet haven't gotten satisfied ones, but want to find and get someday in the future.
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Printed turmeric color tends to permeate to the backside of sheet ,so I could distinguish the use from the backside of his reproduction. Mr. Tachihara basically had made the pigment of turmeric by drying its color extraced from the root by boiling .I this time followed that way. However, in the book published in the meiji period, it's written that the color is extrcted by boiled water or alcohol, etc. Actually, it hasn't yet been clear how it had been made in the edo period. Anyway, in the field of dying, changing the color by the use of some kinds of mordant have been done from the quite old days, so I think there is possibility that the turmeric pigment at a supply store in the edo may haven't been one kind. Hopefully, I in the future could find a materials book which provides evidence but I feel that probably couldn't be verified without doing scientific analysis for the pigment on the original prints in good condition.Anyway, the turmeric on his reproduction has a little more red color than mine. But since the turmeric is easy to get changing by aging and when I before time left its ingredient after using , it got red color , so I this time figured the red color of turmeric of his reproduction was caused by aging.(Although this isn't a case of this time, the turmeric color get the red color a little bit by being deepen. ) The color of turmeric is easy to be gotten since once it's boiled in water,the color comes out soon. However, the times of boiling we do, the color endlessly comes out being paler by paler like as a tea pack. How I could do extracting effectively had been a problem I had in these years, but I this time could find better way for that.I'll introduce that way in the future post.
・safflower red 細工紅
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The red color of safflower can be gotten from hana-mochi紅花餅 which is dried petals of safflower after fermented , by alkali liquid from straw ash and acid from plum.For using as pigment, that dried color is dissolved by acid from plum.Since I hadn't been able to make this pigment well , I concentrately was doing experiments many times to make the good pigment in almost a couple of months for this time.As the result, I succeeded to make much better one than before. Although I think there isn't one true color of this pigment as restoring the one over 150years ago since the pigment color on making progress is changeable by the various reasons like the quality of ingredient, making method, climate condition or ph of the plum acid which is added as the use of pigment. But I this time could make the good one reaching the range of level being aimed.
According to the book "nishiki-e no hori to suri"錦絵の彫と摺written by Kendou Ishii石井研堂, as the use of safflower red pigment , acid from dried peeled plum called "kawa-muki"皮むき is used to dissolve the pigment. I this time tried to make and used it as just plum's season.
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I'll post more detailed info of this pigment in the near future.
I was so impressed the red color when I printed it .Although I'd been using a red pigment of chemical carmine for a reproducing work from publisher or my second state work, which has been generally used in the traditional printers but I thistime realized deeply that the safflower red pigment looked similar but actually different from the chemical carmine.
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Anyway, when Mr. Tachihara reproduced this in 1987, he didn't yet found the true safflower red pigment 細工紅. Reading his books , I think he had used the other kind of safflower red pigment called hon-beni 本紅 which was purer and made mainly for a lipstick from safflower petals.
・red iron oxide
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It's said two kinds of red iron oxide had been used in the original prints in the edo period.I have made one of them by my self . However, the color on Mr. Tachihara's reproduction had much more red and dark than mine , so I this time used to mix my self made one with sumi and a ready made red irono xide sold with name of "natural soil", which had more red color .Although I don't know what kind of red iron oxide he used in his reproduction , but probably it would have been natural one from soil.
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Mica powder was used mixing with other pigments for the colors of gradations on the huge shark or the waves. When I was a traditional printer, I had used ready made one. But I feel particle of those ready made ones are homogeneous and refined too much , and I didn't like much to use for my own reproducing .So , on this occasion that I used mica powder for my own one in the first time, I thought to try to make it by myself. In the beginning, I started to look for the natural domestic mineral on the internet, but run into difficulties.So I went to the mountain in Aichi prefecture, where had been the famous place of the production in the past.The mica I used for this reproducing was that I had gotten there and refined by myself. I'll introduce more detailed info of that in the near future post .
To be continued Description pt2.
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