#I'd marry this crazy lady in a heartbeat
n03m1blog · 2 months
we have to start with lily and james alone because they are a sort of enemies to lovers trope
the man
Lily is simply the major girl boss because she is so sick of looking at men that lift up exaggeratedly themselves and she hates JAMES POTTER the most, between all the guys in hogwarts
and listening to his "fanclub" it's exhausting!!
also, Lily is a muggleborn so the fact that still today is remembered as one of the greatest witches
tells everything alone, she WORKED HARD
"When everyone believes ya
What's that like?"
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can
Wondering if I'd get there quicker
If I was a man"
you need to calm down
James just thinks that she is such a loud lady AND he doesn't understand her like AT ALL
crazy lady... kinda attractive, but still
actually, he admires how stubborn she is in every argument so he is starting to let her win (that's what he said but we know that lily is just more determined)
"You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace
And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate"
i forgot that you existed
James starts to make advance to her, ha has eyes on ly for her
and Lily it's just there ignoring him because he is a jerk
"I forgot that you existed
I did, I did, I did
It isn't hate, it's just indifference
It isn't love, it isn't hate
It's just indifference"
death by a thousand cuts
James does not accept it and he KNOWS that one day she will his and he will make her lose her self-control
maybe, the others are right, not today
being a people pleaser and having feelings for someone that despises you it's hard yk?
"I get drunk, but it's not enough
'Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby"
and james is just thinking about those last years coming out all together and how he thought that they were kinda of sharing something, but no lily is not into him, isn't she?
cruel summer
that summer by the sea, they spent the night together in a tend
everyone thought they were intimate but they are a slow burn guys
Lily was falling for him and it was a matter of time
how could she let it happen?!?!?!
" And I screamed for whatever it's worth
"I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
He looks up grinning like a devil "
" It's new, the shape of your body
It's blue, the feeling I've got
And it's ooh, whoa, oh
It's a cruel summer "
James can't control his heart at all, he is all hers
and he can see it now, she is AT LEAST seeing it too
"it's brighter now, now"
"i once belived that love would be burning red but it's golden"
the way the sun lights up his face, his body, his whole skin, his smile Lily is just staring the scene
\"i wanna be defined by the things that i love,
not the things i hate,
not the things that i'm afraid of,
not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night,
i just think that you are what you love"\
\and this is about how they see life the same way, i like to think that THIS is what they talked about in that tend all night long\
it's nice to have a friend
so they are starting as friends
"Wanna hang out?"
Yeah, sounds like fun
Twenty questions, we tell the truth
You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too
Something gave you the nerve
To touch my hand
Lily is telling herself "It's nice to have a friend" because it's insane thinking about MARRYING HIM lol
i think he knows
Lily fell.
"He got my heartbeat
Skipping down 16th Avenue
Got that, oh! I mean
Wanna see what's under that attitude"
"He got that boyish look that I like in a man
I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans
He's so obsessed with me, and boy I understand
Boy I understand"
James is all full of himself but she wants more, she is ready.
london boy
just little things about James told to us by Lily
"But something happened, I heard him laughing
I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent
They say home is where the heart is
But that's not where mine lives"
please, they are telling each other that they are soulmates.
James' "I know I tend to make it about me
I know you never get just what you see
But I will never bore you, baby"
to Lily's "And when we had that fight out in the rain
You ran after me and called my name
I never wanna see you walk away"
these promises as they are getting married.
the song sings alone, they are both LOVER by taylor
miss americana & the heartbreak prince
they are a powerful couple in hogwarts you either hate them or envy them
you love them only if you know them
they are very bossy and they DO have a perfect attitude so if you are jealous of them it's understandable
and if you spread voices about them, you can't break THE couple.
she is a bad girl because every girl wants to be her and he is the heartbreak prince because he is would give everything for her <3
paper rings
James proposing in the best way possible
he would like to give her a BIG DIAMOND and a PERFECT MARRIAGE if she would just say so
or marry her rn!
such a romantic man our james
the archer
James has joined the order.
"combat, i'm ready for combat"
"I've been the archer
I've been the prey
Who could ever leave me, darling?
But who could stay?"
"They see right through me"
James is such a good and brave boy but is he really ready to give his life?
his dad would do it so he should
he is a potter
he has to protect everyone, so he should.
and now he is trying to explain the situation to Lily.
"Who could stay?
Who could stay?
Who could stay?
You could stay
You could stay
and Lily would never leave James alone even if she is pregnant.
"Combat, I'm ready for combat" she said to him.
false god
the war gives only sadness and doubts.
they were both exhausted but they never stopped loving each other, even tough it was a hopeless situation
the prophecy said that their baby is in terrible danger, harry will be the one to destroy voldemort...
they are all in danger but they will defend their baby with their life if they'll have to.
again, as i said, they were always so tense
they just love eachother SO MUCH and don't want to be apart...
"meet me in the afterglow"
= meet me in the afterlife
(i'm sorry, it is just fitted sooo well <3)
soon you'll get better
Lily's love saved Harry and this song is just her singing to her little baby that everything will get better
harry had always such a hard life because he is the chosen one
and Lily had never stopped protecting his child
cornelia street
Harry walking trough Godric's Hollow for the first time
but it was so traumatic staying there that christmas that maybe he will never go there again
it is so unfair that he has no memory of his parents because he was only one, so he is imagining a life with them, a life where he didn't lose them
p.s. we actually don't know so...
i hope you'll enjoy it
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adelha-mathilde · 8 months
Adelha X Mammon (Obey Me!) NSFW fic
summary: Mammon makes a move on the dragon lady. Which turns into him giving more than just his heart
characters: Adelha (main OC of this rp blog), Mammon
content: NSFW meant for mature readers only, romance, intimacy
Mammon had planned everything out in detail for months. Choosing the few gifts he had brought with him to Adelha's Apothecary Shop with every consideration. His ringing of the doorbell leaving him quite nervous. So when Adelha opened the door, Mammon had become a rather flustered mess. His blush deepening as he mumbled a hello to lift up the gift basket full of Hell Jasmines. Which had Adelha gasp in surprise to then lean forwards and wrap Mammon in a hug. Which left Mammon as red as the roses sheen.
Soon enough, the two were sitting in Adelha's greenhouse to transplant her gift in pots to grow them and ensure they stayed fresh. Mammon feeling the effects of the magic flowers to be openly moving with care. But he soon had to stop and just sweep Adelha into his embrace. His heart pounding so hard it was hurting his chest. "Delly... I can't hold back... Not anymore... I'm in love with you!"
Adelha gave a squeak as Mammon openly cradled her face in both his hands. A few tears leaking from his eyes as he panted for air. "I've spent the few years you've lived here getting more and more drawn to you! It's been driving me crazy! I can't stop thinking about you! I dream of you every time I fall asleep! Here I used to want so many things! But now... Now all I want is for you to be mine! I'd give up everything else except my family if it means you marry me!"
The two stared into each other as the moment lengthens. Mammon heaving for air as his heart gives more tumbled bashes against his frame. So Adelha gave this lovestruck demon a gentle kiss in answer. Her whole body flushing in the span of just a few of Mammon's heartbeats before she answers his pleas. "Then it would seem we are of the same mind and heart, Mammon. But I waited for you to figure this out and decide to commit to this shared path. So then." Adelha reached into her dress pocket to remove a special ring. It's braided band made from molten yellow topaz, molten yellow sapphire, and a while gold to look freshly polished. A dragon adorning the braid for Adelha to slip the ring onto Mammon's finger and speak sacred words. "In accordance with the traditions of the Fae and the dragon clan of the Mathilde bloodline, I marry you and take you as my beloved mate. Mammon. You are now one with me and become my husband in the Currier clan. A permanent piece of my being."
Mammon goes as deep red as a tomato to just have his jaw drop open. Looking both elated and stunned. "So we're already married?! Just like that?! You- I- We're married now?!" Adelha nodded to then purr at him. "Why go through all that extra ceremony when we've decided and committed in heart? My family and many of the Fae just tend to take their mate in this manner and skip such things as weddings and ceremonies. But we may have a formal wedding if you want. But this also means..." Adelha turns her gaze to get very shy. "We're also now on honeymoon... So Mammon... My body is now yours to join with..." Mammon gives an open squeak of pure emotional turmoil. Hugging Adelha closer as he sways a little on his feet. "Oh boy oh boy oh boy I wasn't planning on this... Lucifer is going to be so mad at me for not giving a warning... Delly..."
Mammon finally gives himself the needed mental shake to then grin as wide as possible. His whole frame vibrating as he says, "You're mine... I get to have you all for myself! We get to be everything we want with each other! I am the happiest demon in existence! So then! The Great Mammon must shower his bride in all the passion and devouring possible!" Mammon then goes for the bold approach to sweep Adelha up off her feet and consume her mouth with ravenous abandon. Both his hands cradling her rump with a hunger to keep her against his frame as he licked and kissed his dragon bride. Leaving Adelha reeling in sensation as she moaned into his ministrations. That all consuming fire spiking through the both of them to rile Mammon up even more. So he moved to press Adelha into the wall and start biting at her lips and neck in sheer carnal delight at her reactions. The dress she is wearing ripping and tearing with how much force Mammon is putting into his hands as they explore his lover.
It doesn't take much for Mammon to just leave Adelha's dress in a shredded pile of cloth around them. His own clothes not faring much better as he just let's the greed of his sin free. Yet he does keep enough tender love to ensure every touch and taste leaves Adelha captivated and treasured. His worship of her body a vow to her soul as he nestles them against the wall. His sheer strength keeping the both of them in place as Adelha wraps herself around Mammon to start devouring him back in equal passion. Tracing a special kind of magic over his senses to leave him panting and gasping for air. Hunger and vulnerability shared and matched as they gave into the divine act of consummating wedding vows to bind their beings into one union.
Mammon chooses to move them to the bedroom for the next few rounds of making love. His heart thundering in his chest for every pump of molten blood to rush through his veins in blissful life. Leaving him drunk off the high to sear into his spirit with sweet delight. Until the two have spent several long hours in their dancing and pleasuring out of unconditional love to have Mammon dazed. The two of them currently back on the bed after a bath to have finished their lovemaking in almost every room of Adelha's home. The Avatar of Greed fully zoned out and laughing like a gleeful child as he hugs Adelha tight. His new bride snuggling into his frame to kiss at his neck with soft purrs. Which just has Mammon's toes curl again as he chuckles. "That. Was. Perfect. Would you be mad at me if I said I wanted more of that every single night from now on?"
Adelha gave a chiding huff to tickle Mammon's sides. Making him yelp and squeak as he failed at escaping. But he soon was left panting and laughing to snuggle into Adelha's arms and just relax. Her words silken and sweet. "We will have to make a portal door to the House of Lamentation. Perhaps Lucifer might give us one as a wedding gift."
The House of Lamentation was full of sounds of happiness and delight. All five of Adelha's puppies playing with Beelzebub and Belphegor as Aqua lay in Satan's lap for a brushing. While Leviathan and Asmodeus were bouncing one adorable little human toddler each. The adopted toddlers squealing in delight as their uncles played with them. Lucifer currently sitting with the oldest adopted child who was currently reading a book to Lucifer. The vampire boy being very careful as he turned the page so as not to dislodge the IV line giving him a needed blood transfusion as Lucifer cuddled him closer. His words so full of love his heart might burst. "Yes. Well done, Elias. But do let me know when you need to rest up. I may love hearing you read to me. But your health comes first."
Mammon was currently sitting on the couch to be openly cuddling and kissing one of his baby twin girls. His smile a permanent fixture on his face as the baby give happy squeaks when he gave them soft kisses. Her hair in pigtail to have traces of deep red and pure white. While Adleha held their other baby girl for her to be drinking a bottle of special baby formula. Since Simeon had blessed the formula with a special prayer to help boost the immune system. Her hair a rich and beautiful black mixed with silver white. Adelha looking to her husband as Mammon openly cooed at his daughter in his arms. "Who is the most precious little rascal in the three realms! Is it my darling little Jiya? Yes it is! You are papa's greatest treasure! Just as is your twin, Zadie! But you get to have the best papa and mama and three most amazing siblings!" Mammon brings his daughter back into his arms for cuddle hugs as Asmodeus openly chuckles at the lovestruck father. "I never thought I would see the day you become a gushing fool for love. It's the best look you've ever had, Mammon. Especially when you brought our two little human darlings into the family. I know the Currier clan has a dedicated calling to adopting children from bad family situations. But I never expected for the both of you to take in two human kids."
Leviathan gives a grunt when his current toddler yanks on his tail to have him smile with amusement. The nerd shut in more used to hugging and tugging to just sigh. "Not to mention taking in Elias. I know his heart condition was a huge factor in his distant family giving him up to the Currier clan. But I half expected them to try and take him back once the medical bills got paid. Did your guardian Eugene step in or was it Claude?" Adelha smirks to note with molten intensity. "It was both of them, Diavolo, and Solomon. They made it clear Elias is ours. Love is more potent than blood. Hence why the parents of Cullen and Fintan didn't even bother once we made it clear they wouldn't have a toe to stand on in court. These little ones belong to our family. Our hearts are theirs to learn from and be nurtured by. So they are our children under all creation and eternity's love."
Lucifer thought on this as Elias paused in reading to rub at his eyes with both hands. The heart monitor attached to his chest going off for all the adults to pause as Elias sniffled. But Lucifer just cradled the little vampire to his own heart to rub his back and keep him calm. "There there, sweet one. We know you had a very hard time. It is okay to cry and be sad. We are here to love you and hug you for all our days and nights. Did you want to spent tonight with me in my bed so as to keep you warm, Elias?" The little vampire nodded to snuggle his head to Lucifer's heart and sigh. "Yes please. Are we going to have dinner soon? I was hoping we might make Uncle Belphie's favorite." This had Belphegor smile to nod as he chuckled. "Okay. Sounds like a plan to me."
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rookieforlife · 5 years
Olivia Schough adventures in Mexico.
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thekatebridgerton · 3 years
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Literally all of them please!!
Anthony: he's too autocratic, controlling and domineering, he'd walk all over me
Benedict: He needs glasses and while I love him. The man is content to chill out and do nothing in life. Sophie probably runs their estate.
Colin: too mischievous. I know some women like men who are kids at heart but Colin is a lil shit just bc he wants to be. Also he has a temper and can be a tad obsessive
Daphne: We would be friends but she's a little bit too fakey for my tastes. Pretends to be happy way too much to be healthy
Eloise: Like Anthony she also would walk all over me. Except that Eloise would bother to apologize. Which would make me hate her just a little bit because it shows that she knows her behavior was wrong
Francesca: where do I start. The fixation with her dead husband? Her Catholic guilt? The fact that she needs a glasses prescription that's only a little less urgent than Benedict's?
Hyacinth: because she's a bad gossiper, she's been publicly reckless, irresponsible and she's probably one breaking and entering away from prison.
Gregory: he's too easy to bully and falls in and out of love way too soon for me to take him seriously as a date
Kate: she's got no patience for fools, I'm pretty foolish, she's scary, intimidating and she'd make me cry on our first date.
Sophie: she's... Perfect actually. I wouldn't date her because I think she needs therapy more than she needs a romantic partner and there would be no spark between us. she'd probably scold me a lot for being a lazy bum. So I would pay the bill and leave
Penelope: because Her family sucks. And she's got a vindictive personality. if our date went badly Lady Whistedown would make sure I could never show my face in polite society ever again. (You guys know I'd still marry her in a heartbeat #Team Pen)
Simon: because he is too hard to get to know and I don't have the patience to go digging a hole to china so I can reach his heart
Phillip: he's too much of a people pleaser and doesn't comunicate well, we would be the most awkward couple ever (you guys know that I'd also Marry HIM in a heartbeat)
Michael: not gonna lie, Michael is prime spring fling material. But I'd never date him because he's so depressed inside. There's too much catholic guilt and fakery under that smile. He'd drive me crazy with his inability to makeup his mind
Gareth: Wouldn't date him because I 1) think he's boring and 2) he's the type to support the dangerous behavior of his loved ones without having any backup plan. So in a sense, he's rather dumb too
Lucy: it's not that I wouldn't date her, she wouldn't date me because she has high standards and I respect that. Also Lucy is pretty judgemental when you get to know her
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and that”s the tea
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