#I'd love to run a rescue sanctuary someday btw
thatcharmingjerk · 7 years
Why I like German Shepherd dogs even they're widely spoiled with bad breeding and have health issues and honestly are a handful to train and especially socialize (tbh I have theory that a gsd for 90% certainty even CAN'T be fully socialized to accept all dogs that cross their paths ) ??
But ye the answer is that they're still relatively easy dogs but still beautiful; like borzoi and doberman are gorgeous too but hunting dogs that are also big sighthounds?? Or dobbers, from what I've gathered they are even more challenging to train and there's also the ear issue because I prefer pointy ears on dogs and dobbers don't have them without mutilating a puppy :s also gods bless shepherd dogs for I know they will stick around humans unlike a hunting or retriever would..! (Of course shepherd can bounce too esp with higher prey drive but still) and "specializing" with one breed is easier, you know what to expect health and nature wise.
And also I love to support sensible breeders that health check their dogs because they are helping to save gsd that used to be and hopefully also will be badass war dogs that could do huge jumps and not have their hips collapse or etc .
And yeah I support greatly the "adopt don't shop" principle, but I also probably will stick with gsd because wow they are adorable idiots with purest hearts (and well, a friend is breeder)
My point is that I really like these babies.
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