#I'd honestly love to see her in the canon style
x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
hawthorne brothers in bed head canons
@s-rosie requested javery ones but it disappeared so im just tagging you T-T. ok so i decided to combine two posts so i wouldn't have to do this twice. i sort of promised i'd do hawthorne brothers and then i got this request so this is both of them. @catapparently and @never-enough-novels helped with this a bit. i apologize if this sucks, i felt kinda awkward making this (and you can clearly see that bc of the way i wrote things but i also had fun). also, there are more averyjameson ones cause i love them and find it easier to write for them. some of these are also less dirty than others (i also apologize if yall wanted something dirtier). hope you like them <3. tags: @lanterns-and-daydreams
jameson and avery:
i saw someone make a post about this but jameson is totally into being handcuffed to the bed (or wherever they're doing it).
they both have praise kinks (i think this is obvious) (especially jamie)
avery always wears clothes that are either easy to take off or give easy access if you know what i mean (cause there's always a chance they might do it in a random bathroom somewhere and she wants to be prepared).
jameson is really into dry humping (with avery of course)
they're both switches (they're not doms or subs, they're a mix of both sort of for those who don't know what a switch is)
jamie will literally always eat her out before they actually fuck bc he's terrified of hurting her and wants to make sure she's wet enough.
they love doing it from behind (doggy style, spooning, etc) but jamie also loves anything that allows him to look at her face cause he loves seeing her when she comes (and just looking at her in general cause he loves her).
oh and jamie loves seeing her ride him. he can't help but think his gf is the hottest girl in the world.
jamie honestly doesn't care if he comes. all he cares about is avery's pleasure.
a lot of hickeys in places where people can't see. that's all i have to say
jamie put candles and flower petals everywhere for their first time. they both cried.
jamie loves dirty talking bc it always makes avery blush.
sometimes they'll be watching a movie with avery sitting with her back to his chest, and he'll put his hand in her pants and start pleasuring her.
i mentioned in another post that avery sometimes becomes insecure about her looks (its pretty much canon bc she hints towards it in the books), jamie will catch her watching herself in the mirror clearly judging herself, and he'll pop up behind her and start fucking her in front of the mirror (with her consent of course) whilst whispering in her ear that she's beautiful and stuff
he talks her through it. whispers sweet nothings in her ear and all. (also he's a consent king as he should be. he's always making sure she's ok)
jamie is a very big boobs guy. im calling it. it doesn't matter if they're small or big, he loves them.
he's a really big fan of putting his hand on her thigh. when he's driving, at an event, etc he'll put his hand on her thigh and just leave it there (and sometimes it leads to more)
grayson (and hypothetical love interest cause i don't like writing about a character we know nothing about *cough* lyra *cough*)
he's a very plain guy. his favorite position is missionary.
he's a sub and has a praise kink. he'll never admit it but he loves having his gf have her way with him.
his gf uses his suit ties to tie him to the bed (or he blindfolds her with them sometimes)
definitely not rough, like ever. he's a very sweet lover and will constantly ask his gf if she's ok or if she wants to stop.
one of the reasons why his gf ties him to the bed sometimes is that he's such a people pleaser that he'll stop his lover from making him feel good because he feels guilty that he's not the one doing it to his lover if he isn't tied up.
very loud in bed. sometimes people will hear from the other side of his room and scurry away.
gray and his gf have fucked in the pool before (lets just imagine its his pool and no one else goes in there cause umm... yk). he either sits on the stairs and lets her ride him or they do it standing.
he has an obsession with thighs. loves being smothered by them and always has his face between his gf's, pleasuring her.
he's a very big fan of neck kisses (receiving and giving). he isn't a big fan of hickeys though.
a lot of lazy sex bc he's usually really tired from working all day but still wants to ravish his gf.
nash and libby:
nash most definitely calls her good girl and stuff like that
very big fan of face sitting. if has to choose a way to die, it would be being smothered to death by libby's pussy.
will not let libby close her eyes when she comes. he wants to be able to see her when she does.
they have done it in the kitchen before bc libby basically lives there at this point (so, countertop sex).
his favorite position (idk what its called) is missionary but he folds libby's legs so they touch her chest (maybe this is just a variation of missionary idk T-T).
libby puts on nash's cowboy hat whenever she rides him (i think other people have made posts about this).
nash is very big on aftercare. they always cuddle after, he cleans her up, etc
libby most definitely has a praise kink. i think it's quite obvious
i honestly think they're both switches cause i can see both of them being tops and bottoms.
he's very big on foreplay. he is not into quickies. if he's having sex with libby, he will be taking his time making her feel good and stuff.
max and xander (i honestly don't really know for them):
they most definitely have like cringy sex but as a joke (like they'll call each other my kitten or my prince or smth like that and then just laugh)
they have tried every single position in existence for experimental purposes but at the same time are very innocent (it took them years to get through all of them). idk how this makes sense but its max and xander so nothing makes sense. (idk what their fav position would be though T-T)
max really likes being on top bc she feels powerful, and xander lets her bc he loves his gf and women in power
they usually do it in his lab because he's always in there (so a lot of countertop sex). they do it there so often that he bought a couch so to put in there so that they could be more comfy.
xander takes his time to learn all of the things that make max moan harder or arch her back. he's a very attentive lover and notices everything.
max is really big on consent. their first times consisted of max stopping every one second to ask him if he was ok (xander would to but bc of what happened to her with her ex (the nudes) i think that she's really big on consent, more than xander).
i hc that max is really short, meaning that xander constantly has to bend down or pick her up in order to kiss her (bc he's canonically 6'3), and that also means that some positions don't work for them bc one is max too short or xander is too tall.
after they're done, he kisses her from her hand up to her shoulder, and mouth, and, then, he'll look at her with a big smile. its like this ritual he has and he always does it.
they're very into dirty talk because they both read smut on ao3 (ive mentioned this in other posts). xander can read dirty talk (and smut in general) with a straight face, but, if max is the one doing it, he becomes a blushing stuttering mess. max takes advantage of this in bed when she wants to be on top. she'll whisper something in his ear which catches him off guard, and then she flips them over and takes the lead.
max is a very big fan on lingerie. it makes her look sexy and xander finds her hot so its a win win.
i really apologize if this sucks. for some i didn't have as many ideas and then sometimes i got a little awkward (but i mostly laughed a lot making this post).
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sukinapan · 8 months
honestly would be pretty interested in hearing about all of them, if thats alright
it's no problem o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o i like talking about this
for context, apart from making personal art i'm also an artist and character designer at Smarto Club, so I don't know if these count as OCs but i have posted art of them here: Haco from >Bubblegum Galaxy and Teacup from >Teacup.
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you can check the steam pages on those games for more info if u like. i love all my characters but i don't usually make personal art of these two since i already do it as my job.
my newest Smarto Club character is a bit different since she's more in the style of what i'm doing personally so i want to make more art of her soon. her name is Abigail:
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she's a kid who likes reading about bugs and catching them but she never hurts them : ) this is a short game in early development but it's about catching creatures called angels. it's got horrorish vibes but i don't think the end result will be full-out horror, since it's also kinda silly...
then there's Peklo, it's a game for which i created the whole concept and story but the plan is to develop it as a studio at Smarto Club. i wrote more context for it on this post, but for the characters, they're my favorites to make art about at the moment. the main ones are Kiku (the cat) and Mi (the bunny):
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i recently created these human forms of them for fun but i'm not sure whether i'll establish them as canon or not... they're trapped in limbo/hell so there's space for them to have a past human form. they don't remember their lives but Kiku feels a deep sense of regret about things unkown to her and wants to break out of Peklo. Mi feels trapped in an eternal sadness, she longs to see the ocean, she can always hear it but has never been able to reach it.
the antagonist in Peklo is a frog entity called Guppy but i haven't really shown him outside of his froggy logo
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i also have OCs from my smaller games. there's Hlina that i created specifically for >this game that was commissioned to me for a zine. i don't have any plans to use her again for now but i might make more art of her in the future for fun. she's part of a strange dream realm and is hostile to the player:
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there's iro from the >game with the same name who's my oldest game OC. i created that bitsy game for her story but she existed previously in my art degree final project, it was a version of the same story but just a section of it. it's a dream of mine to create a full-fledged 3D game for her some day.
she's a bit of a defective space exploration robot, sent to explore planetoid Iridium-3 in search of human contact. it's set in a future where humanity has dispersed among the whole galaxy so lots of groups have lost contact with each other.
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my latest game OC is Michtat, a wizard cat that i created just for this silly zine.
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lasty, there’s the characters from my comic that I’m working on, called The most distant planet. the main characters are Victor and Mitya, two 9 year olds whose families end up living together.
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i'd say these are the dearest characters to me of all. i don't post as much of them because they're mostly in the shape of comic pages and it doesn't spark as much interest as my games. i love drawing them though.
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they’re both little weirdos who isolate themselves and don’t fit in much with other children, so the friendship they develop is very special to them. they have almost opposite personalities where Victor (darker hair) is very shy and dorky but also very sweet to everyone, while Mitya mostly gives 0 fucks about what anyone thinks or says, he blurts out whatever he’s thinking and just wants to run around wild.
the story is mostly slice of life-ish but there’s also a science fiction element ^-^ Victor is obsessed with things like ghosts, aliens, etc but Mitya thinks it’s all just dumb tales.
another important character is Alyosha, Mitya’s 17-18yo brother. he doesn’t know how to talk or relate to his little brother and is kinda weirded out by him. they where very close when they were younger, but when Mitya was 2 he had an accident that Alyosha feels guilty about, and has been somehow different ever since.
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he still worries about his little brother and how isolated he is, though. at the beginning of the story the two of them live alone with their grandma who does love them but has kind of a cold and distant personality. 
Alyosha was the type of kid to be considered “gifted” but now feels completely burnt out and had to repeat a grade at school. he felt so humiliated by this he eventually stopped going entirely, so he now works part time and just studies at home. he cut contact with his old classmates but he still has 2 best friends from the last few months he spent at school in the grade below, Manon and Min Na. they’re the kind of friends who just show up unannounced at his house and job, and are very involved with his family’s life.
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i’ve also included Min Jie in some art, she’s Min Na’s younger cousin and comes into the story later:
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i should have like character sheets and stuff for all of these OCs but i’m the kind to just jump head first into drawing/modeling lol, that's why i included all these finished illustrations.
i really wanna publish this comic, i’ve been working on it for a long time and i’m currently waiting for the results of a public funding application here in my country to decide what i'll do next.
hope this could be of interest (^人^) thanks for the ask!
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howlingday · 4 months
What if Jaune was a Xiao-Long? Does he either inherit Tai’s puns but are actually good, or Summer’s obsession with weapons, specifically swords.
Well, let's talk about the changes that would come with Jaune being born a Xiao Long. I'm assuming that he's Raven and Tai's son and Yang's twin brother, since him being Ruby's twin would potentially give him silver eyes and take away Ruby's role as the innocent and pure soul that she is, since she'd have to share the big hero spotlight.
As a Xiao-Long Branwen, Jaune's eyes would be red, blue, or purple, which is a choice of colors I love. Like, Yang isn't red like her mothers or blue like her fathers, but a lovely mix of purple to show she is both her mother's and her father's child. So Jaune also being born with these would be nice, though him having either Tai's or Raven's colored eyes would be a nice contrast to Yang. Also, fourth option, just putting it on the table so it's there, Jaune being heterochromatic with red and blue eyes. But to be honest, that feels a little too OC for me. Honestly, I'm leaning to Tai eyes since it would give Raven more reason to not stick around.
Jaune would grow up with Yang and help raise Ruby, but I could see him acting more like a brother than a father with her. He plays video games and reads comic books with her, while Yang is acting more as a mother-figure, filling in the space Summer left. I can also see Jaune having a Luigi dynamic to Yang's Mario, with him being the more timid and cautious twin of the two. Like, I'm imagining the three leaving to look for Summer with Jaune making constant whines like "Yaaang, we should go back!"
Now, with Jaune's weapon, let's address the goliath in the room. Crocea Mors? Not a thing. There's no family heirloom for him to take from the wall to attend Beacon. Instead, since he'd attend Signal and Beacon with his sisters, he'd make his own weapons. What weapons? Ooh... That's... Oof... If you're familiar with my Ru-Ja-Gun-Con series, you know that there are A LOT of weapons Jaune could choose and be inspired by. I even hinted at one being a solid choice for me if I had my way, BUT that was Jaune in canon. This is an entirely different Jaune. However, since this Jaune is still, essentially, Jaune, I would still like to keep the Jaune Arc style, so I'll let him keep the sword and shield and say he was inspired by the fairy tale stories he would read to Ruby, and yes, it is the Rusted Knight. However, I'd also like to borrow from the Joan of Arc inspiration and give Jaune something from her arsenal. I'm thinking a sword and shield/sheath that can be turned into a crossbow! But wait, there's more! Since both Ruby and Yang use theirs for combat AND mobility, I'd like to suggest Jaune has a rappelling line/bolt that he can slide on. Neat, right? Now we just need a name... How about... Juniper Rose, named after his favorite character from his favorite fairy tale.
"But what about his semblance?!" The voice in my head cries, mimicking what I think is what you're asking. Well, since he is heading off to Signal and Beacon with his sisters, it would only make sense to have Jaune unlock his aura and his semblance, but instead of coming up with something wild like Juniper Rose, I'd suggest keeping Aura Amp as his semblance BUT obviously have it unlocked sooner. I'm imagining a scenario during training where Ruby or Yang got really hurt, so he rushes over to help them and uses his semblance to quickly heal them.
But yeah, there's my Jaune Xiao-Long for you.
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fumifooms · 6 months
Marchil crumbs part 3
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7
Count of times canon reminds us that Chilchuck is very attracted to blondes: 3rd For context: this is the canon explanation for everyone's shapeshifters
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I can’t get over Chilchuck seeing Marcille like she has anime sparkles around her hair. How long have you stared at it. It’s like with the handsome Senshi where everyone is like "no this looks legit and absolutely like the real one" but her hair is shinier/prettier in the changeling than in the actual her
It drives me crazy that Marcille styles her hair every day for herself but little does she know she’s giving Chilchuck the show of his life, daily arranging his favorite thing aka blonde hair into different unique ornate hairstyles. Not that he cares about the details but ohh my god.
It makes sense that Chil would be the first one to notice her hair being all loose and messy then. He’s bothered by seeing her like this and wants her to tie it up again, and is even more unsetled and shocked when she says she doesn’t want to anymore. Though he also recovers from the shock quicker than Laios and takes charge of the situation. HE NOTICED. HE CARESSSS. IT BUGS HIM
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^ That is what you call a character arc, of becoming attached to her hair lmfaoo(more like to Marcille and her habits). Or lying. "Man I sure wish she'd shave her hair I'd be less distracted on the job. Her golden majestic hair is so blinding with how shiny and sparkly it is ugh" /j
He chose to do a portrait teehee <3
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Chilchuck defending her honor even under mind control that makes them honest zombies
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Marcille out there defending his VIRTUE. It’s not just that he didn’t commit infidelity, he HAS A PURE HEART!! Honestly, assigned virtuous by a bicorn would so be the type of novel shenanigan that Marcille would hella romanticize. Which we do see her do lmao but <3
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They're so funny together in the golden kingdom chapters. First of all, sitting in front of each other at the table? Nice. Second, them being on the same wavelength all throughout lmao.
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Them. Sharing the same numerous braincells, nodding together and making good use of it to make good decisions for the party. Valuing their noses
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Also can we apreciate that they like, can talk together. Communicate and debate. Even under tougher situations or more sensitive topics. Shit this would have been a good place to put the pages when Marcille was dungeon lord... But they're lined up for part 4 and part 3 is already full with pics... You guys have no idea how much Tetris I'm doing for these marchil crumbs posts
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I wanna do a full compilation of every time he laughs at her but in the meantime have this small imperfect collection as well as this reddit comp. I swear she's the person/thing that makes him laugh and smile the most. Besides alcohol maybe
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The gang and Chilchuck both knowing her well and not at all lol. Gotta love Chilchuck's confidence about knowing her favorite meal, and him remembering the bare minimum that even Laios hasn't lol
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Marcille infesting his life to the point that, quote, "her delusions" are even part of his adventurer’s bible life timeline. The only picture in fact, in the streamlined canon reference to Chilchuck's life. "Hey is Marcille imagining herself as an halfling and Chil's wife with a mini Chilchuck baby Chilchuck's canon family appearances" canon: well no but actually yes /j
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Chil at her bedside <3
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Looking out for each other comp Yes thank you Chil captain obvious (he's trying his best and doesn't want to die let's not be mean c'mon). But like you know with that whole scene of the mad sorcerer attacking, for Chil it must have been the most terrifying thing ever. Ancient magic?? By an elf, targeting them with murderous intent?? With only an elf with also ancient magic to keep them safe attack by attack in the nick of time?? His biggest nightmare. I'm also reminded of when Chil talks with Leed about how "our magician held under the mad sorcerer's attack" all fond and 'I am so relieved I can trust her with my life' and Leed is like "That silly looking elf?!" and Chil was like "Yeah she's silly. At least she's strong tho." I'm getting carried away but yes this scene was relationship-defining in some ways
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But they keep each other in check too
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She was trying to make conversation and sharing her interests aw Chil come on
They're sooo domestic. "Chil are we there yet" "Marcille I swear to god if you ask me that one more time-". Also second time through the manga that Marcille squishes Chil against the ground/wall.
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Get squeezed idiot
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Part 4 is here!
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bleachbleachbleach · 6 months
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[Bleach 072]
This scene is important to me for the express reason that Hitsugaya was apparently the one to tell Jidanbou about these rules. Because they are friends! We know this not from any in-story interactions but from one line in Hitsugaya's Souls profile:
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[Souls 133]
I'll be honest with you, I've never actually read Souls and have never thought about where it ties to canon temporally, but the answer to that is apparently sometime before Hitsugaya confronts Ichimaru.
This amuses me because at this point we know all of five things about this guy, and one of the five is that he's friends with Jidanbou. We don't even know the name of his Zanpakutou (that's the "?" in his stats profile box), but we know he's FRIENDS WITH JIDANBOU.
I don't have the English version of this page, apologies, but basically it's just like, Hitsugaya is a shinigami who comes from Rukongai, he's the youngest Captain in history, and he's currently investigating the Rukia business and trying to bring Ichimaru's shit to light. By the way, he's friends with Jidanbou and taught him the "Rules of the City." (Then the bottom sidebar is about how Hitsugaya treats Hinamori like blood, and wants to protect her.)
Which honestly makes this Jidanbou connection even funnier because Hinamori, the reason Hitsugaya is even in this story and the only reason we know this much about him (through Hinamori's Academy flashback), gets a neat sidebar, but the line about Jidanbou is just thrown in at the end of the main narrative like, beeeeee-tee-dubs!!
I've always wanted to write fanfic about this, but I haven't yet come up with a premise that was actually interesting to me. I assume they get paired up in this way for the size kink, though internal to the narrative that only gets us so far. After that it's like, okay, they're both associated with West Rukongai, so there's that. They're probably both socially ostracized: According to himself, people in Junrinan find Hitsugaya off-putting because of his white hair and his, well, off-putting demeanor; people probably make fun of Jidanbou because he's enormous and speaks with a lisp (though this doesn't carry into the Viz)/doesn't come across as normatively cognitively developed. But I'm kinda like, okay, sure, whatever. The most interesting part about that for me is still that Hitsugaya has a casual friend at all, because what few relationships we do see are extremely not casual. But also BTW Jidanbou!
I still think my favorite version of this relationship is the one where, while Hinamori's been off at school, Hitsugaya casually mentions to her that he's friends with Jidanbou the Gate Guardian, with absolutely zero explanation, as a child might about a brand new ride-or-die friend, as though this were completely normal and natural for him, and that's all that's ever said about it. Hitsugaya is definitely someone who has a mental white paper for anything he's ever done, which is why I find the contrast/discrepancy so appealing.
If my life depended on writing Hitsugaya Jidanbou friendship, though, I'd probably start with the City Rules. Because:
Jidanbou has been guarding this gate for 300 years. We don't know how long Hitsugaya has been living in Junrinan, but we do know he would not have had first-hand experience with any City Rules more than ~35 years ago. Not that you need to go to the city to know the rules, but I think canon Hitsugaya establishes pretty well that he doesn't talk about things he's not interested in or things that he doesn't have personal verified knowledge of. So for the first 265 years, no one bothered telling Jidanbou very much about this place he was guarding (not even his brother). He's a utility, and one that lives outside the gates (FUGAIKUUUU)--also one that's not perceived as smart enough for that information to be meaningful. But that whole vibe is not really Hitsugaya's style, because he loves an infodump--but also because he has a bone to pick with the notion of instrumentality.
If we're making a point of saying that Hitsugaya taught Jidanbou the "Rules of the City" (in quotation marks), we're introducing an interlocutor's specific POV. I'm not saying Hitsugaya's just making shit up for the hell of it, but how important these rules are, why these would be the top 3, what their original contexts were vs. being pulled out like this, and what's a literal municipal code vs. a social more vs. just something Hitsugaya has personal commentary about, are up in the air. What I'm saying is, I feel like these have "a gigai is for eating beans" energy.
At minimum, I enjoy this because this is all information that is completely incidental not only to the main storyline but ALSO to the Detective Hitsugaya B-side. But I love that Bleach is consistently so, so interesting about all these characters and their POVs and the rules that do or don't exist in the world, particularly at these early junctures, where most of what we've heard about Soul Society is from Rukia, and a lot of it we've already seen contradicted; and we'll continue to as the arc unfolds. Who even NEEDS Kyouka Suigetsu??
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highladyjane · 3 months
Fave fan fiction atm? ✍️
Gawsh, at the moment?!
When it comes to fan-fics, I'm a multi-chapter, canon-universe kinda gal, and I usually don't start reading until the fic's got a couple of chapters going and updating regularly since I like reading stuff in one go (because so many I'd started on ended up unfinished and that kinda hurt since I get invested 😩), but I'm following quite a bunch at the moment 😅
My favourite fan-fiction to read will always be Elriel (they've kept me thirsty so they're actually the ones that got me started on fanfics), but I also read some Dramione, Elorcan, & random LOTR every now and then.
I'm sure you're already following/read the most easy to find, frequently mentioned, and already established ones, so I'll skip mentioning those.
If I'm going to recommend any of those I'm reading "at the moment" it would be the following that deserve so many more kudos and comments and hits and over-all LOVE and appreciation, imo:
@merakimoonglade's Chiaroscuro series! (Elriel)
I read it all in one go some weekends ago and fell in love with the author's unique, emotive, and beautifully descriptive style of writing. It's also filled with crumbs that are a delight to find here and there throughout. My heart hurt after finishing it, so I'll warn you for that, but that's because there were such lovely and light, but also angst-filled moments. She also has a multi-chapter fic on the works called Shadowlight which is a bit of a continuation to the series, and that's why it's a must include in this "at the moment" list. 😊
@violetasteracademic's Golden Doe in a Valley of Shadows (Elriel)
As I've mentioned, I don't usually start "In Progress" fics until they're well a couple of chapters in, but violetasteracademic is so intelligent and lovely - just like her writing! My favourite kind of people are those who reply to all the comments/messages even though they don't have to, so I automatically loved her! Therefore, my curiosity got the better of me, so I read 1 chapter, obviously got hooked immediately, and she's kept us fed and spoiled with nearly daily updates since then like the absolute ✨Mother✨ she is... So this is already a must-read!
@tealeaves-and-rosepetals's Resilience and Roses (Elriel)
Probably one of my all-time favourite fics because it's probably one of the most believably canon-like, beautifully well-written (I wish SJM wrote like this tbh), mind-blowing and heart-wrenching fics I've ever read, so it's got to be included - and I just cannot fathom why it doesn't have more LOVE. I'm including this in this "at the moment" list because I recently re-read it, and because she does have an on-going multi-chapter fic "Shining Through That Moonless Night", which is a continuation of Resilience; and which I'm honestly still holding out on for the same reasons I mentioned above. But I've read 1 chapter and already know I'm going to love it and probably bawl my eyes out for loving it, so I'm trying to wait patiently (while mentally preparing myself) for a couple of chapters more before I devour it...
As for one-shots, the most recent one I read (last night) was @viridianevergarden's The Comforts of the Night (Elriel)
I think they mentioned it's their first writing in a while, but I thought it was beautifully written and felt very Sleeping Beauty-ish and Az-angsty, so I'm hoping there's a continuation or that we get to see more of their writing in the future!
Now, I don't want any pressure at all to the above-mentioned on their writing journeys, but I really hope for more people to find them and GO and send them some very well-deserved love, so we see more of their writing and thank them for blessing us with their beautiful talent(s), humility, and overall loveliness! ✨️
Thank you for the Ask, btw. I tried not to go overboard with my answer, but here we are 😅😆
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ofdarkestdesires · 10 months
Alright! So, now that we have the full line-up of the Level 10 Bell’s Hells artwork, I think it’s about time I sat down and gave my personal opinions that nobody asked for about everyone’s styles.
Chetney Pock'o'pea
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While I appreciate the more active pose and visible armor as opposed to his more unassuming original design, I am very off-put that he completely abandoned his original color scheme and all shreds of his original aesthetic. I also think the tracksuit is a bit much—listen, I’m a fan of toeing the line of what fashion belongs in a fantasy setting, but I’m pretty sure this fully vaulted over the it and did a full backflip and three-point landing into ridiculous. 3/10
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And unfortunately, the same must be said for his Lycan form. This artwork feels like a serious downgrade from the original Chetwolf, which honestly filled me with a shock of horror each time he popped up. The only reason it is higher than base-Chet is that Chetwolf is still a werewolf, and werewolves are badass. 4/10
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Laudna, on the otherhand, is a total glow-up from her original design. Everything about her design ties together and brings in perfectly her aesthetic and backstory, from the haunting tree embroidery on her dress (akin to the Sun Tree she was hung from) to the little Pate birdhouse backpack (an homage to the Baba Yaga forest witch imagery she picked up), all the while looking so much like the elegant and imposing Delilah Briarwood. Easy 10/10 for me.
Fresh Cut Grass (F.C.G.)
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F.C.G.'s new art...isn't bad, but I'm not as wowed by it as some others on this list. Something has clearly changed here in the choice to include his new blue jacket, and I approve! I'm also a fan of the wires having more definition and appearing more purposefully stylized, as if he's taking better care of himself...but the pose and the style just feel a bit lacking to me. 5/10
Fearne Calloway
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Honestly, my only gripe with this outfit is the upper-half of her bustier. It feels very cluttered and like there is a lot of fine detail that just ends up being all meshed together. That would be my other only other gripe, too—there's a lot of small, fine details here that makes her feel cluttered. Which, honestly, fits her as the sneaky little hoarder that she is! But yeah, I would've done something else, something cleaner, with the upper half of her bodice. Also, while I know she is a Druid, I don't think she needs the plant growth on her legs... 8/10
Imogen Temult
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I would just like to point out that this outfit was unveiled to us as Imogen's choice for winter-wear while traveling through the Crystal Sands Tundra. Is it sexy? Definitely. Is it my personal taste? Mm, not really, but I can see the appeal. Am I upset that even after the semi-canonization of her needing glasses, this bitch is still not a sexy glasses-wearing nerd? Absolutely—but the biggest sin this outfit does is fail to be climate-accurate. -1/10 for improper environment protection, and 7/10 for the outfit itself.
Orym, Savior Blade of the Tempest
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I am incredibly torn here. Because, when it comes down to the armor itself, this is a clear winner. Orym's new uniform is a perfect upgrade from his original more humble and simple apparel, becoming much more about function and protection, while still retaining his svelte and limber appearance. The noted upgrade to Seedling is also nice, though I wish it was a bit more pronounced. What pulls me back from really loving this design, though, is his proportions—I feel like his head is way too big, or his limbs are way too skinny. Over all, I have to give this an 8/10.
Ashton Greymoore
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Remember at the start how I said I'm all for toeing the line of what fashion belongs in fantasy settings? Yeah, this fucks! From the first episode, we knew that Ashton was a punk, and this just picks that up and runs with it in such a cool, fun way. I legitimately want this entire outfit—fuck cosplay, I'd just wear this irl! It leans enough on his old design to be recognizable, but pops out as truly his own. And the hammer looks wild—I can't wait to see that thing really pop off like crazy in the next fight. Definitely a 10/10 from me!
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gritsandbrits · 5 months
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Okay some redesign notes his design isn't awful but definitely needs work.
Change the hat to a standard crown. It already looks like an apple and the rims can be serpent shaped.
Or give him a dad bod!
Also give the cane gold accents
Dark blue or sunrise colored wings that contains stars (think of Teela's sorceress design from the cgi he man). He is called MORNINGSTAR for a reason.
Make his hair a deeper shade of blond so it wont blend in with his skin (or give him a deeper skin tone)
Traditionally depicted with red hair but personally I'd stick to blond or a soft orange pink. Like the dawn. ✨MORNINGSTAR✨
Also wrinkles so he looks older and experienced instead of looking like Charlie's twin
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His canon outfit is fine it just needs more gold & other accent colors. Preferably blue for holy or green for wealth/envy.
Eyes can be blue or purple for angelic roots
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Imma take a page from another Jeremy Jordan character - BLUE HAIR STREAK
Again, adding more blue/purple balances with red and hints to his angelic roots
he wears a mechanic outfit in his down time because he is an active schemer - an inventor if you will - also bc i love a man in goggles
Demon form is a European style dragon for serpent symbolism. Feathered wings you know like how some species of dinos had feathers.
Now for writing. I honestly dont mind him being the goofy ash dad but GIVE HIM EDGE TOO. He talks more elegantly and archaic, everyone can't be sounding like a late 2000s anime forum edgelord. Make him a diabolical mastermind who sees charlie as a disappointment at first then he realizes he isn't treating her better especially when the angels & Adam start messing with her. Stick with him being the villain in adam and eve's story; he isn't let off easy.
He drove Lilith away with his selfish pursuit of Knowledge. He hopes he can win her back but she still dislikes him, she only hears him out for Charlie's sake.
I'm split on the Adam dynamic; on one hand it makes sense considering Luci ruined his life. But I also think Archangel Michael is a worthy opponent because technically have the same ranking, and Michael is the often the one who banishes Lucifer from heaven in the first rebellion. So Luci has a complex dynamic where in a show about grey morality, Michael is justified in cutting him off and NOT demonized for doing so. Hehe. But also with Luci gradually losing family and love he realize he took it too far and tries to be supportive or at least not actively threaten people.
Inaccuracy aside, I don't even really mind that he's a separate entity from Satan. Just make Lucifer a bad boy, a truly bad boy. Make him edgy. Make him elegantly evil. Make him goofy. Just give him depth.
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In a better written show, I'd honestly be down for a villain song that sounds totally heroic. It could work really well for a fallen hero or a villain who thinks they're a hero, and the noble lyrics being ultimately at odds with the character and their actions could be well done irony. But... RWBY is not well written. In fact, it's so badly written, that I genuinely can't tell if Hero was meant to be a villain song or not. Are the lyrics about saving people meant to be ironic, considering his later actions like trying to bomb Mantel? Or is it meant to be genuinely heroic since, like you said, Ironwood hadn't actually gone through his fallen hero "arc" yet (And some of James's more over-the-top villainy in V8 very well might not have even been planned at that point)?
So, like so much of RWBY, it's a potentially neat idea that either it wasn't well done or was just wasted, and it mostly just makes me think of ideas for a more interesting story.
In certain circumstances I could really see an ironic hero song really working either via misdirect with the lyrics or outright lying in the lyrics. But I need to emphasize under certain circumstances as even if R/WBY was a better written show…I don’t see something like that working.
For R/WBY this kind of song with double meaning lyrics or misdirect or even lying wouldn’t work because the nature of the songs in R/WBY is…complicated. Take for example bmblb. This song was released for the volume 4 soundtrack and fans got really excited thinking it meant the bees romance was canon. The writers came out and threw Jeff under the bus saying he was just trying out a different style of song and that it wasn’t based on anything or canon. Then volume 9 came out and then bmblb part 2 came out implying that bmblb was in fact canon all along. 
Not only that but what the songs well are is also constantly shifting like The Truth from volume 8 is more generally describing Cinders life while other songs are said to be what characters are thinking internally. Regardless even if the R/WBY songs were consistent in what they are narratively I still don’t think this kind of song trying to trick the audience would work since the characters aren’t even singing the songs. At least not in something like R/WBY. 
A character not singing a song meant to manipulate the audience doesn’t work in most things because it’s just the authors messing with the audience which is frustrating and pulls you out of the story and leaves a sense that the writers just are not competent writers since they have to resort to lying to the audience directly to make their story work and leave the audience unsure what even is canon or not. That’s not fun I most stories. However in stories where the audience is known by the characters to exist is when this type of manipulation works wonderfully. 
Take Doki Doki Literature Club, Monika not only knows about the players existence, but she is actively trying to earn their affection and make them fall in love with her. Her either singing a song or playing a song like this to manipulate the player themselves makes sense because she the character knows she’s in a game and knows there is a player watching her. Her being the one to manipulate the player is different because rather than it being the writers taking a lazy approach to trick the audience, there is a valid story reason for it to happen.
But using a heroic song to trick other characters in a musical I’d argue is also a valid approach. Having characters use double meaning to trick the character (and yes for a time the audience if we’re exclusively following the journey of the main character) into thinking they are good and when the truth is revealed the double meanings and the lies in the early song come to light is also a good way to do it. 
Frozen almost pulls this off with Love is an Open Door wherein it’s later revealed Hans was using Anna to steal the throne. I say almost because the writers use cheap tricks to lie only to the audience to sell it rather than just not showing us his POV and us trusting him like Anna. The scene I’m talking about is this scene in particular. 
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There is no one here to see him besides the audience. The only people this smile is for us for the audience to trick the audience and make them think he is genuinely a good guy. If the scene had just cut away the second he fell in the water it wouldn’t be lying to the audience but because this moment exists the writers have gone from characters manipulating another character to the writers lying to the audience to make the betrayal more shocking later, when him just being awkward and nervous around Anna would have been fine because again it’s a character manipulating a character. Cut out this one little shot and “Love is an Open Door” works as a hidden villain song disguised as a love song. 
Sorry that was a long tangent about another almost works scenario so let’s play around with an example that could work hypothetically. Let’s pretend that Wreck it Ralph is a musical. And say King Candy sang to his subjects about how he “built the perfect kingdom” or something like that. We think initially it’s just him being over the top theatrical but then when the twist is revealed we know he really did rebuild Sugar Rush to be his perfect kingdom so he could always be the favorite racer.
Okay it’s not a perfect example I’m just mostly trying to get the point across as I am not aware of a movie that pulls this kind of trick off well so there isn’t a good example to show. Regardless Hero just doesn’t work.
To your question about what Hero is supposed to be. From my understanding of the writing it was supposed to always be a heroic song. The writers said initially that the ending of volume 7 was supposed to be vague with no real right or wrong side and that it was supposed to be unclear. They also said that James’s writing in volume 8 was changed and made more intense mid 2020. This is notable because volume 7 finished airing early 2020 so they would realistically know what fans were thinking and whose side they were leaning towards. Hero would have long since been written at this point which is why it makes sense it started off genuinely as a heroic song and once the writers didn’t like how many people where siding with James so they changed his arc in volume 8, the fans scrambled to try and somehow justify this radical shift in characterization. 
Maybe it would be less frustrating and I could roll with the double meaning theory about Hero if James’s arc in volume 8 was actually a well done fallen hero arc but it wasn’t. It was a rush job to try and make the mains look better that turned into an extremely ableist and harmful arc that butchered a well written character to prop up their poorly written mains.
But really even in a better written show their just isn’t any lines with actual double meanings that work for a fallen hero arc. Some people argue:
There’s no sacrifice that I won’t make
Is supposed to be about James’s willingness to sacrifice Mantle to stop Salem but….at the end of the gravity fight we see James willingly sacrifice his other arm to stop Watts. We see the payoff from that line immediately after the song ends with James literally searing the flesh off of his own arm.
Another section I see used sometimes is
I will fight
For you no matter how I am despised
Portrayed as cruel and heartless, I am might
I am power, I'm due process, I will smite
Our enemies destroy
Mettle I'll deploy
But generally it’s parts taking out of context to the narrative these lines are painting. I’ve seen people argue the part:
I am might
I am power, I'm due process, I will smite
Our enemies destroy
Mettle I'll deploy
Is James talking about enjoying destroying people ignoring again the context and the logical reading of some of the lines. The lines start off by talking about how he’ll fight for you, no matter how much people hate him and think he’s a monster. The line “I am power, I’m Due Process, I will smite” is likely a. Playing off of the name of James’s weapon (due process” and B. Trying to find a rhyme for “might”. But playing devil's advocate for a second here, even with the reading of James is ready to smite his enemies….saying he is ready to smite the seemingly endless army of soulless man eating monsters…well I struggle to see it as pure evil given said soulless nature of man eating monsters driven to destroy humanity. 
I also see people argue that “Our enemies destroy” is James thinking he would destroy his enemies which doesn’t make sense with how that line is, to me it reads as “our enemies destroy everything important to us” and the next line “Mettle I’ll deploy” is in response to their enemies destroying. 
Sorry this ask got insanely long I just had a lot to say hehe.
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dizaryswrites · 1 month
I have a confession to make!
I don’t know how obvious it is, but I actually haven’t read any comics 😅 I know, I know haha, it’s just I haven’t had the time! Luckily, I mostly follow blogs that I know are comic readers so I know what’s fanon and canon mostly. But since I will have free time in the summer, I was wondering if you have any recommendations on what to read and where to start?
Oh man I WISH I could be one of those blogs who snaps out the long scroll that just rolls down the hallway with a concise cross referenced list of top hits from every era and where to start with each character! But I am a book hoarder with not enough time on my hands so I haven't even read half of what I have, let alone all the back issues 😅
Here's some stuff that I really enjoyed as a new-to-comics-and-DC reader and in general (in mostly chronological order because that's how I arrange my comic books):
Batman: Dark Victory
I really enjoyed the mystery and early Batman days, plus Dick Grayson's debut! He is a delight. I didn't read Long Halloween which comes before this so I missed some context but I picked it up easy enough (also according to some reviews the mystery can be repetitive if you have read Long Halloween sooo win for me ig?)
Robin: Year One
I am determined to read this one soon. I've heard great things about it though so it's being added
Batman: Prodigal
I read this without reading a single page of Knightfall because I was getting interested in Nightwing and this was the earliest book that my library had available (I have given up on a chronological reading order since those early foolish days). I knew nothing and still really enjoyed Dick!Bats and Robin!Tim together. I need to reread this soon
Formerly Known as the Justice League
A limited run, 6 issues I think. Honestly I should just say Justice League International in general but I started with this mini for Booster Gold and Blue Beetle after seeing some funny panels online and I fell in love with that whole cast of losers (affectionate). It's not BatFam but so so fun to read (and JLI has some really poignant moments too)
Young Justice: A League of Their Own
SO FUN. Tim and friends dealing with just ridiculous scenarios LOL I'm only halfway through but it's great
Batman: Hush
I haven't read a lot of just Batman titles but I enjoyed Hush. It had some good character moments for Bruce that helped me understand the way he thinks a little more. I also hear Bruce Wayne: Murder/Fugitive is very very good but I haven't gotten around to it yet (a running theme)
Batgirl: Point Blank
Cass is a treat. This was the first volume I found of her's, haven't read the others yet, but even lacking context I really enjoyed her as the main character and her interactions with Steph, Babs, and Bruce.
Teen Titans (Geoff Johns)
This was one of the first series I started reading and it was a good intro for me, a completely new DC fan. It's Tim and his friends but more serious than YJ. I've read vol 1-2 and part of 3
Under The Red Hood
Classic for good reason. I haven't finished it yet (teehee) but the first half has been entertaining. Jason has had some um... interesting writing in his time. But I really enjoy the way he's written here. It's a good baseline imo. I've heard Lost Days is also good
Nightwing (Tomasi run)
I love Tomasi and this run was a lot of fun. Dick is funny while not losing his serious, capable edge, he interacts with people in his circles, and has some interesting introspection moments. There's a weird part of the plot about midway that definitely uses bad Asian stereotypes which is so disappointing. But after that it gets normal again 😅
Batman & Robin
This comes right after Tomasi's run and it's a mixed bag for me. It's definitely interesting seeing Dick and Damian learning to work together but I was still new to DC with little context for things and was also *so* put off by the art style that I don't remember it well. But I thought I'd add it anyway since it's an iconic moment for Dick!Bats
Batman and Robin (Tomasi)
I adore Bruce and Damian struggling together to discover what being father and son looks like for them. I adore Damian having growth. That's volumes 1-3. 4 is post Damian's death (and damn issue 1 is a well written look at grief), I haven't read 5 or beyond yet.
Nightwing (Rebirth)
The first Nightwing title I read. Looking back, the characterization is a bit weak in some areas, doesn't quite match how he's written in older runs, but it had good moments and kept me entertained. Especially!!! In vol 3 with Humphries's Judge arc
For more current runs, I'm really enjoying World's Finest. Waid's writing is good and Mora's art is just *cartoon heart eyes*. Bats, Supes, and teenage Dick Grayson are a fun trio. Amid other runs that had me tearing my hair out in disappointment or frustration, WF is a breath of fresh air.
Titans United: Bloodpact is a 6 issue limited that was also a really nice read. It's Dick's Titans but Tim is there too and I enjoyed everyone's writing.
The Human Target (Tom King) but honestly I was just losing my mind over Greg Smallwood's art and paneling the entire time. A masterpiece. I want to frame every page. I cheered when he posted inspiration threads on Twitter.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
It's not Batfam but hear me out!!!! This comic had some of the sweetest moments between Supes and Jimmy and I wanted to grab literally anybody by the shoulders and shake them until they looked at the Lois, Clark, & Jimmy in the helicopter panel and GOT IT!!! Also it is so delightfully wacky and funny, I was genuinely laughing out loud. Steve's Lieber's art is the perfect pairing with Matt Fraction's writing.
This isn't DC at all but it's the series that made me (and so many others) really love comics and their storytelling potential. Matt Fraction's Hawkeye run, volumes 1-4. Between his writing and David Aja's artwork and color theory (and Steve Lieber's guest issue that literally gut punched me and changed how I saw later parts of the story, it was never just a filler issue to me, Steve) you get a great story that says so much with so little (in the best way) and is a visual treat as well. Chef's kiss.
Some other non-DC comics I really enjoyed are Die (imagine Jumanji but D&D and novels and oh look the consequence of your actions has grown up), Something is Killing the Children Vol. 1 (I am not a horror girly but I really enjoyed this, in no small part because of Dell'edera's art), Eight Billion Genies (the world population hits 8 billion and now everyone gets a genie, what could go possibly wrong), and Paper Girls which I'm about 2/3 through (picture stranger things but with time travel, spaceships?, and oh shit is future me lying??)
Damn, I guess I really did have a scroll's worth. 😭 Anyway, my recommendation for where to start with this list is...what does your library have available? Don't forget about the Hoopla app too, that's where I read some of these digitally. Or the used bookstore which is where I got 90% of my comics from.
But seriously! Just pick whatever sounds the most fun or has the character(s) you're the most interested in and go from there. Skip around on the timeline or go in chronological order. Whatever floats your boat! I think that's the really unique thing about comics. Plus if you can't figure out the context of what you're missing or what is happening simultaneously (because writers & editorial used to care a little more) you can do a quick google or (and I wish I had this with Batgirl) @cephalog0d has a pinned timeline master list. Incredible.
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cedarxwing · 12 days
8, 19, 22 for the Hannibal asks 😊
Thanks, Dia! <3
Questions from this ask game.
8. Favorite dish?
Oh, you might hate me for this, but Bedelia's leg is hands down the most stunning and emotionally impactful dish. For a nasty book fan like me, eating someone while they're sat at the dinner table is quintessentially Hannibal, and while the scenes with Gideon are beautiful in their own way, they can't compare to how absolutely radiant Gillian Anderson is in that post-credits scene.
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Janice Poon's food styling is impeccable and sooo romantic, with pomegranates, roses, flowers spilling out onto the table, and a bed of ice representing the ninth circle of hell in Dante's Inferno (positioning Bedelia as the ultimate betrayer). And the ti leaves studded with blackberries are gorgeous! Honestly, were her leg still attached, Bedelia could wear it as is to the Met Gala.
Plus, a pit-roasted leg is iconic (I head canon that Will dug the pit because Hannibal was too injured from his bullet wound). No dour "come from clay, return to clay" references here; this is a celebration. Also, there was a version of the script where Hannibal carved a portion of the leg and served it (see the pre-made cuts on the far left) and ahhhh I wish we could've seen that. C'est la vie.
[I feel so guilty choosing this one right in front of your salad. I promise I love Bedelia! Had Hannibal cooked and plated Will's brain in Dolce, that probably would've been my fav dish instead. I'm just a slut for the original brain-eating scene. 😭]
19. Do you relate to any character? Any lines?
I always get Bedelia when I take quizzes, and that makes sense to me! I'm reserved around people I don't know. We're both analytical and too curious for our own good. "Greed and blind optimism" lol. I'd be on that flight to Paris, too.
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^ Me when I'm having a panic attack.
Also, her esoteric dialogue is so me writing meta. Girl, what are you even saying...
22. Have any personal head/heart canons that you don’t hear talked about often?
I don't hear most of my personal head canons talked about often because they're incredibly angsty! For example, I believe that:
S3b physically and mentally broke Will, and he needs Hannibal to put his pieces back together post-fall.
Post-fall Hannibal still needs to work through his past with Mischa/Abigail and his tendency to destroy the things he loves (an ever-present threat in his relationship with mentally-vulnerable Will).
Until these conflicts are resolved, they're both unstable and self-destructive, and it's a major impediment to their life on the run.
I also love the idea of toxic yuri marlana.
Basically, I want my favs to suffer as much as possible, bc that's what I find most interesting. 😇
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leonawriter · 2 months
I was probably too happy that Akako was finally being (as far as I can tell)genuinely nice to Aoko that I missed it. I’ve been wanting that for over a decade at this point.
I’ve been eating so good so far DCMK wise this year. Conan and Aoko canon interaction, Akako not being two faced to Aoko and Kaito in disguise watching over Aoko and Nakamori.
Would have liked Kid and Aoko to have talked about Sun Halo but if we see her in a more detective role it could happen in the future (hopefully in this volume).
I mean, I got back into everything because of what I'd heard about the movie, but the more I see about the recent developments - Aoko in the movie, recent Kid chapter having Hakuba in it, Akako like said - the more I'm happy about it all myself!
I honestly have no idea if/when the events of Sun Halo are going to get brought up again, but the whole "Aoko suspecting Kaito is Kid" thing is clearly something that keeps coming back whether she likes it or not, so... it's possible that the scar could be a plot point.
I may have said, I wish we'd got to see Hakuba's reaction to Aoko mentioning that Kid was hurt, but I suppose that's more of a fanfic sort of thing since it isn't as "relevant" as the resolution, and the Kaito-Aoko moment at the end, which I do love.
I've seen a little criticism for the Sun Halo and Green Dragon chapters for being a bit more Conan-style in their outlines (as in, unravelling tricks after he's done them, which to me makes sense because he's faster now), but honestly, I like what they've both done for Aoko. Because in Sun Halo she was helping him all the way through, and she was the one who solved a few things herself, showing her compassion and intelligence, and in Green Dragon it wasn't just her mother who was noticing those small details.
It just... it reminds me of why each time I say "Magic Kaito has two different detective/thief pairings," Kaito/Aoko fits because she is! She's wanting to catch him just as much as the "real" detectives! The dynamic is there, and letting her show it is a delight.
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calekinnieplus · 4 months
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This looks like a fun idea, so here goes! :
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What do you think of this guy🙃?
Oh wow! Good character you chose there ahahaha! Roselle Gustav aka Huang Tao!
First impression
Honestly, I was floating in confusion at the start a bit, considering it was my first Chinese webnovel, so I had a period of readjustment to the writing style (or the translation ig?), so I didn't immediately connect the dots that Roselle was a transmigrator or that he's... kinda "dead" lol
Buuuut, once the dots connected, I did find him quite amusing! Bro's self-confidence gave me second-hand embarrassment, but not That bad. But also, Klein was bashing on him so hard, it was kinda hilarious.
I don't fully remember what impression I had of him, since I was reading pretty slow in the beginning and some ideas were lost, but overall, fun guy lmao
Impression now
Hilarious guy, a meme, a legend.
Quite unfortunate that his end was just endless suffering (which will hopefully not be endless haha...). Bro made small mistakes in the beginning when he didn't know Anything, when he was transported to a world he didn't know anything about, forced to adapt and live a new life. I don't know, I find him tragic, just like Klein.
At least he had some good times along the road (especially with a demoness heh). The funny stories were nice to read.
Favorite moment
Basic, but his first talk with Klein. I mean, him meeting a fellow transmigrater and quickly having faith in him was sweet. I really wish to see more of them :>
If we're talking about the diary entries, I'd probably choose when... uhhh the corruption thing. Roselle going to the moon. And when he gazed into the Abyss. I remember how the diary entry abruptly cut off after dumping a lot of info and both Klein and I were Flabbergasted. What did it MEAN-!!
(I have a feeling I'm mixing up the moments, but the feelings remain. The confusion, the anticipation and the wonder from some diary entries were Amazing)
OH, and the last diary entry of course. It was so chill-inducing! It was one of those moments that answered a lot of questions while also bringing even MORE questions. It was just- the atmosphere full of fear and uncertainty, putting into question what that fellow transmigrator went through, wowie~
Idea for a story
Well, let me shuffle in the corner of my brain...
I've always been a fan of Time Travel AUs. So the idea of Klein (at a higher sequence but not Saint Level, maybe? Idk, a lot of possibilities here) travelling to Roselle’s time period and the two of them becoming best buddies (Roselle’s words, not Klein's. Klein's facepalming in the background at Roselle’s shenanigans).
Maybe! It could be a young god Mr Fool using his domain over Space and Time and having a misplaced adventure during Roselle’s time.
(We're pretending the Outer Gods and CW isn't as dauting of a problem as they are in canon, aye?)
Anyway, doesn't matter which version of Klein or during what time he's visiting, it's mandatory that he facepalms at least once :))
Unpopular opinion
Well, I don't know the popular opinions, so I'll guess I'll just go with an opinion.
I mean, he totally could've treated his wife better. I can understand feeling a disconnect with this world and humanity in general, but at least don't bring shame to her name by being a known womanizer, mm? At least divorce or smth, man. You overthrew the government, you could definitely do that.
Unless he actually did divorce her and we just don't know. But otherwise, yeah. Kinda dick move there, Emperor.
Favorite relationship
(Platonic, right?)
Again, basic but. Roselle and Bernadette.
The fact that Bernadette spent so much time searching for a father she was on dubious terms with and how much faith she had that he persevered against all odds.
The fact that Roselle’s one and only tie with this new world was his daughter, his beloved child that he loved with all his might. A child he shared a piece of his old world with. A child he remodeled this entire world's structure for. Absolutely heart-warming.
Favorite headcannon
Hmm let's see...
Huang Tao, as a young individual who surfs the internet, would know a lot of memes or jokes. After becoming Roselle Gustav, those memes aren't easily forgotten.
I mean, is it canon, actually? Maybe he made several Chinese meme references and I missed them lmao. That would be funny
Bonus: imagine Huang Tao and Zhou Mingrui bumped into each other one day, unaware that the next time they'll meet each other, it will be after more than 10 000 years, give or take. ...what's the timeline here?
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babblingeccentric · 1 year
Strawhat Real World Jobs
Yes Oda did give out alternate jobs for all the strawhats in an SBS but I will die before I accept Zoro as a cop and I have a few other quibbles and elaborations I'd like to put forth for Modern AUs. I want you to keep in mind that I'm writing this from a distinctly US American point of view so some of the job cultures may be slightly different to your locality.
Luffy- Firefighter: this one is correct. Luffy needs a job that is highly physical with low organization and intelligence requirements (sorry) This man is not going to college. He isn't a hero but there's no other legal way to get the adrenaline rush he needs. Also firefighters have a higher tolerance for fistfighting than other jobs, but not as much as construction. I think he could do construction labor if needed but I also think he would get bored. He would also be a PR nightmare as a professional athlete or wrestler. Could make it as a YouTuber but only if someone else edited his videos. Honestly YouTuber Luffy is your best choice if you want to preserve the feel of canon in a modern world.
Zoro- Cop: I'm sorry Oda but this is dumb as shit. Zoro would get asked to serve an eviction to a struggling mother of three or clear out a homeless encampment and quit on the spot. Or he would get into fights with other cops and get walled out and have to quit. He could still be a swordsman as a professional Kendo fencer? Athlete? Idk what they call those but he'd go on the pro circuit and absolutely decimate. He'd teach at a dojo in the off seasons. I'd also see him as an athletic trainer. I think Zoro could make it through college
Nami- Nursery School Teacher: While Nami is canonically very fond of children and quite good with them this feels like kind of a cop out. I think meteorologist suits her skills really well and I think she could kill it in the looks contest that weather anchors have to play.
Sanji- Stylist: I love this one so much. Idk what the original was but a stylist in the US refers to either a personal stylist which is a person who picks rich people's outfits or a hair stylist which is a person who cuts and styles hair, usually women's. Both jobs are associated with flamboyant gay men. He goes to his job and he gasses up women and calls men ugly for eight hours and then comes home and cooks Luffy dinner because he got texted a picture of the most fucked up eggs you ever did see that morning.
Ussop- Graphic Designer: I honestly have no notes. Yeah Ussop can hold down a steady job, and yeah it should be art focused. What is art but lying anyway?
Chopper- Grade School Teacher: This one is just so cute. He's got a childishness to him that makes kids like him and he has a soft caring personality that makes him good at his job. He can also be strict when he really has to. I agree Chopper would be a great elementary school teacher
Franky- Pilot: I guess? The thing is I think flying a plane for a job is both stressful and boring and I honestly don't think it suits him as well as say mechanic. I think Franky would be great as a mechanic souping up hot rods and doing weird custom jobs and he would be very entrenched in the local car scene. I also do just love mechanic characters
Robin- Flight Attendant: We all know this is just for Frobin reasons. And while the idea of a hand sprouting from your fold down tray to serve you your in flight meal is charming Robin deserves better than being Franky's beautiful assistant. Also I don't wish customer service upon her after all her suffering. I think she would be a great lawyer. She's smart, she's eloquent, she's poised- she'd kill it in the courtroom. She does corporate law for Crocodiles unethical company for a ridiculous sum before quitting to start her own firm and defending Luffy's numerous aggravated assault charges cause she likes him.
Brook- Detective: I'm not really sure why they picked this but I now want a detective story where Brook runs around solving mysteries (wait isn't that just skullduggery pleasant?)
Jinbe- Train Station Attendant: This is really cute, but we all know he'd be a retired yakuza boss. Maybe in some wild world where none of the strawhats turn to crime. I think he would be a local institution and know a lot of people and ask them about their families and such
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cal-cium-the-nerd · 4 months
do you have recommendation for good MoL fanfic ? i' m really new to fanfictions in general
Hello! To be honest, since there aren't really that many fanfictions for MoL (only 30-something), I'd recommend filtering through the ao3 tag to see what appeals most to you personally. I also know there are some more MoL fanfics in fanfiction.net but I've long since forgotten how to use the search function on that website, my apologies. Anyway,
Onto some actual recs:
Find Family (an exercise for the advanced mage) by Neceros
Words: 1853 Summary: Zorian knows exactly where he stands in relation to his family, but Daimen needs to work on that.
lovely Lovely LOVELY fic about Damien & Zorian's siblingship, and also probably my favorite MoL fanfic ever so far.
you bring all the colour to my daydreams (you bring all the quiet to my life) by moonbreadroll
Words: 556 Summary: Zach sits on a small hill just outside the city walls watching the fields. The rock at Zach’s back is cold, the grass under him still damp with morning dew and leeching heat from his legs, but Zorian is a line of warmth at his side.
A short fic from Zach's perspective where their (but mainly Zach's) timeloop trauma is brought to light. Very sweet, hurt/comfort style
Coda to a Love Song (Never to be Written) by Elsin
Words: 665 Summary: Zach and Zorian have more in common than simply having spent years together in a time loop.
An insightful fic exploring Zach and Zorian both being aromantic, set long after post-canon, honestly a gem for ZZ fics
guidance and golems by Elsin
Words: 1290 Summary: Kirielle takes an interest in a new branch of magic.
Very sweet fic with a focus on Kirielle, exploring her magical education as well as her relationship with Zorian. The way Kiri is written here is amazing, and I've got to admit I'm biased for her, as she's one of my favorite MoL characters
I'm going to stop my recs here, but anyone feel free to reblog this adding more recs!
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letyukisayfuck · 8 months
hey!! i really like your blog and all of your thoughts about haruhi the franchise are so interesting but what I'm curious about is how do you feel about koizumi in general? you speak about him very rarely but he's my fav character and you're my fav tumblr account so far so i wanna hear it if you have something to say about him ahah
aaaaaa thank you! i'm glad people like my particular brand of nonsense and screaming loudly into what i initially thought was a void. gotta say, being called someone's favorite tumblr is an honor i never thought i would receive from anyone
so yeah, i mostly talk about koizumi on here to give him shit, but honestly that's partially because i find it funny that after mikuru gets promoted from being nothing more than the universe's punching bag he basically takes her place in terms of 'character that suffers for comedy' (see: random numbers and seven wonders in particular), and partially because the text gives us very little of him seemingly being genuine without some level of bullshit attached to it.
like i said yesterday, i don't dislike any of the brigade; koizumi would probably be classed as my least favorite, but it's not so much because i dislike him and more because he never gets the narrative focus that would bring him up to the same level as mikuru
we never really get something that eqates to love at first sight or the melancholy of mikuru asahina for koizumi, and certainly nothing on the level of disappearance or intrigues (which i would argue are the yuki and mikuru spotlight novels, respectively)
(melancholy and surprise i would class as haruhi spotlights, one before and one after her character development; and sigh i would class as 'establishing material that is necessary but not exactly fun to sift through for the most part')
i like to think if we ever get another long-form book it'll be koizumi-centric, mostly because i'd like to see him actually get to be a major player! it's getting a little sad to watch kyon hear him go "maybe i wanted to time travel" and just go "i mean what could koizumi possibly want from me"
but really, the only koizumi spotlight we have is the tempo loss bishop exchange--which, notably, while i take it as canon (as it was authorized) was not by tanigawa; if i remember right, it was instead written by sou sagara
i read a fan translation, as there's never been an official release and my relationship with the official haruhi translations is reasonably antagonistic on a good day, and i think it's worth noting that for the first page and a half i didn't think there would be a plot. i thought it was just koizumi's philosophical bullshit, novelized.
that said, it was really fun to read something from his perspective (kind of like how editor in chief gives us insight into yuki and mikuru via their writing styles; but more direct)
so, before i get into my own thoughts (which i believe i've touched on before), it's worth noting that while the entire cast of haruhi can be easily read a variety of ways, koizumi is arguably the easiest to do this with because we get so little to work with in terms of "things we know to be true"
things we know for sure are true about koizumi: north high student (presumably a teenager), esper, works for a mysterious organization, considered attractive/popular (unless i'm misremembering something), has explicitly stated that he's always putting on an act but has never clarified how much and in exactly what way, earnestly offers advice but often contradicts himself, claims to be able to read haruhi's mood/emotions/something along those lines, and (in the later books) has made a hobby out of trying to convince kyon to deal with his very obvious romantic feelings for haruhi
my own reading of koizumi is biased by my readings of other characters and their relationships/dynamics; and it's also specifically the one i think is the funniest option: koizumi has a thing for both kyon and haruhi, is aware that neither of them views him the same way (with haruhi viewing him solely as a subordinate and only really paying attention when he's saying things she wants to hear, and kyon seemingly regarding him as a friend as well as a source of useful information, but hardly even willing to acknowledge that fact most of the time)
and, since he has accepted that neither of them like him that way but they do very obviously like each other, he's decided that they should get over themselves and get together. unfortunately, kyon's strategy when he hears things he doesn't want to is pretend no one's said anything at all, and so koizumi's words go ignored
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