#I'M STILL wearing the ring of mind shielding you can get from it
saw a post that was saying like. 'the emperor is as customizable as your tav' wrt to his morality, motivations, etc. and i'd really love to know the logic behind it. because this pt my character has been generally friendly since act 1, did not react negatively or violently to the reveal, and has been generally friendly since, recognizing the necessity of allyship - the only real thing is not unlocking any of the illithid powers, and pushing back against him when he did not want to help Minsc. but this.
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feels very manipulative in a way that i don't think can be spun as just my interpretation of the character. considering its also followed up by, as with every conversation after the reveal, saying I should unlock my illithid potential or whatever
though it was immediately followed by
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like you haven't been watching me go for wizard ass since act 1 my man
like i feel whether he's a horrible manipulator or unlikely hero is like. idk at best he's somewhere in the middle. he's an unlikely ally that would not have gotten this far without, but for someone so concerned about getting the player to trust him, he does a lot of untrusthworthy shit even after you know the truth. like come on man.
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hi!!! what about laurance and/or garroth where the reader gets injured in a fight(whether it was because they took a hit for them or they failed to protect the reader)? how would they react? what would they do? thank you thank you! :D
☆°•Hunt down the good in me☆°•
Warnings : Gore, nothing horrific, but the reader gets wounded, and I tell you where and how bad lol. Accidentally focused more on the hurt than comfort. I'm so sorry lolol, you can totally feel free to request a follow-up for the recovery process if you want to focus more on that aspect lolol.
So it turns out this got kinda long- and if laurance is ANYWHERE near this length, then it's probably best to split them lmfaoo. But! I hope you enjoy, I'm gonna set up the masterlist then get working on the next part!
Again hope you enjoy, I haven't written in a few years so sorry if it's a liiittle off I'm gonna write and write till I got it lol.
And with that said, requests are still open!! Ah!! Please feel free to send one :D
GN reader, that will just be my default unless otherwise specified. Reader is wearing a corset of some kind but, there are plenty of Masc and GN medival fantasy outfits featuring corsets I don't think it should be a problem.
Anywho! Enjoy my drabble!
You don't even realize it immediately, your mind went blank and you could hear nothing but your own heartbeat. Time slows as you take in the shock and horror on your companions blue eyes and his mouth open in a shout that vaugley appears like your name.
What led you here? Oh, yes, that's right, you and Garroth were on a supply run for Pheonix Drop. He had taken the heavier of the two crates without a word about it before you both headed back down the trail. You remember it was a goregous day... warm and sunny shining through to the forest floor through the thick roof of leaves.
You were teasing him. You can't remember what for anymore... you're falling over. You had been mid-turn to face him big cheeky smile just in time for a bolt to fly through your upper arm clearly whoever shot you wasn't expecting the turn with their aim, you were mid turning feet unsteady but the force of the bolt going through your arm, knocks you down fully.
Your senses rush back to you when your knee hit the ground, suddenly deeply, agonizingly aware of the hole in your arm as pain shoots down it. Searing fire permiating deep into the tissue and muscle of your arm. The crate falls to the ground next to you. A pained Gasp rips itself from your lungs, and the sound of the forest comes rushing over you like a wave.
Your on your knees crumpled over on yourself shoulder and forehead pressed to the path dirt, you feel clammy and cold, but your arm is so incredibly hot.
" Y/N! " Garroths voice rings out along with the twang of a bolt hitting his shield and the loud thunks of armored boots running towards you but you can hardly register it, your mouth is dry and your nerves are screaming. Garroth slides to a stop and drops to his knees besides you moving one hand to turn you off your side and onto your back.
"GAH! Ah ah-" Another searing wave of pain through your injuried arm as it touches the ground tearing the shout from you, all your muscles involuntarily tense, other hand shooting to the wound feeling boiling hot thick blood covering your hand, the metallic smell acrid and overwhelming almost making the back of your throat feel sticky.
*Thunk* as another bolt hits Garroths shield, and the sun is hidden from your view as it raises to protect you as he asses your damage, eyes wide and frantic.
"No no no, don't do that" he says reaching for your hand to remove it from the wound, he's trying to sound put together for your sake but his voice is trembling.
"Ow ow ow fuck-" you gasp out as your hand is removed, your wrist held gently with his one free hand. You're bleeding a lot, but not enough for him to be worried that it tore a major vessel but far far too much for him to feel comfortable leaving you to take care of the assailant before doing... something ANYTHING to slow it, but he will need both hands to tie a tourniquet but if he puts the shield down he opens you both up to fire.
*Thunk* He growls under his breath at the impact against his shield, looking back at the bolt that spins and lands to the ground, feeling a curse bubble in the back of his throat The Quarrel is straight and smooth with no other points. Good news for you means the puncture should be clean, but those are the heads most adept for piercing through steel as if it's leather. Under normal circumstances, he would gladly take the bolts anywhere to protect you, but your dominant arm is currently out of use, so he can't afford not to kill who is attacking you.
His thoughts rush through him, acting fast he uses one hand to rip his cape off, lay it under your arm, shushing you gently as you groan in pain. He knows he can only do a very very temporary fix, folding it in half over the puncture, grabbing the excess and twisting it *as if* it was a tourniquet as tightly as he possibly can with just fabric alone around his fist. You breathe in sharply through your teeth as your arm is a strange mix of burning and numb pausing only to adjust his shield to block bolts.
"I know, just a few more moments" he whispers finishing tightening the fabric then balling up the excess the pressing it down hard on the top of the wound, your legs jerk harshly as you bite back a scream at the pressure.
"Listen to me very closely Lord Y/N" he speaks again voice firm determination blazing in Garroths mind as he firmly enters 'Guard mode' pushing aside his personal dread at the moment, knowing it will prevent him from doing this with the upmost efficiency.
"Your to use your uninjured arm to hold this ball as *tight* as you physically can right where I have it until I return to treat you. It is absolutely *imperative* that you follow my instructions exactly. It is the only thing keeping you from bleeding out. Move your hand on top of mine so you can press down the moment I leave" he instructs very very firmly, similarly to when he gives orders to his fellow guards. So with shaking hand you move your clammy hand and place it on top of his over the bundle of fabric and you feel his fingers twitch, as his heart lurches nearly losing his composure, sliding his hand away turning and sprinting in the direction of the bolts terrifyingly instead of a white hot rage he feels.. *nothing* devoid of the feeling for the life he's about to take, he's past the point of the hottest anger that could be.
This man is going to die, that is a simple reality. And it will be by Garroths hand.
Such is the fate of anyone who dares cause harm to his lord, his love.
He returns not long after, sheathing his sword and tossing his shield to the side as he runs to your side blood splattered across his face and armour he drops to his knees quickly again with both hands free now to fully pay attention to you, murderous haze melts away as he devolves into frantic movements, that your to lightheaded to really process them. The arm is full of very vital heavy bleeding arteries .
He asses the situation, unwrapping his cape from your arm to determine the state of the wound, cursing his own shaking hands as he tries to focus on his medical training and not the fact that it's you below him, your blood coating his fingers, and face drained of color. He notices instead of gushing the blood was a light dribble which is both... good and bad, your defiantly in shock so your body has severely lowered blood flow to your extremities so, your chances of bleeding out has severely lowered. Shock was something he could treat out here with the help of potions which he knew one of these crates held, they were for the Village but that didn't matter to him now.
"Good, good you did so well m'lord" he whispers taking a discarded bolt to make a more proper tourniquet, putting it in the ball of his cloak and using it to tighten the fabric even further around the wound easily cutting off the blood flow and securing it tightly. Moving a hand to just very slightly raise your back off the ground, second one moving to loosen the laces of your corset to allow for easier air flow as your breathing was turning shallow. He pulls your crate over to be just by your legs, raising up your feet and placing them on top of the crate to improve the blood flow. Before looking down at your hazy eyes.
"Stay with me Y/N. Stay with me, you are going to be just fine, you *have* to be just fine. Think of Levin and Malachi what they would do without you, what *i* would do" his thumb brushes over your cheek leaning down for just a moment to press his forehead to yours, a weak whine escaping you in responce as he shoots up sprinting to the crate he had dropped when he saw the bolt enter your arm. He had heard a smashing sound when it hit the ground and now was PRAYING to any of the divine that would listen that even one of these bottles where in a decent condition, grabbing a bolt that had bounced off his shield once more, he shoves it into the top half way before pressing hard on it until the crack of the crate giving can be heard and he prys it the rest of the way with his bare hands.
Tearing through the contents of the barrel until he finds at the very bottom a second much smaller crate but the lid wasn't nailed onto this one. He pulls it off tossing it away to reveal mostly shattered glass and soaking wet padding, but dizzying relief fills him when he finds 2 bottles that survived; Quickly snatching away one of them and running back to you using his teeth to pull out the cork as he was making his way.
"Good, good, you're doing so good." He continues shakily "your going to be just fine. All you need is to drink this, and you will be just fine. That's all you need." He says quickly, almost as if he was speaking more to himself than you, taking your injured arm and placing it over his shoulder partially to elevate it, heart cracking at the hiss of pain, but mostly to put his arm under your back so he could prop you up to drink from the glass bottle. Whispering words of encouragement and praise as he rubs the skin of your back with a thumb through your blood soaked shirt.
The potion works quickly, veins and nerves rebinding, and skin knitting back together as the thick bitter liquid slides down your throat, gagging in the first moment as your body tries to reject any more negative sensory. But Garroths head against your head gently shushing and still whispering to you gives you enough clarity to keep drinking. Until the cold bottle is taken away. And you feel the rush of blood entering your arm as the cloth on your arm falls away. The physical injury wiped away.. but the brain is not so easily healed, still in shock.
Now that the immeadite danger is gone. All of the emotions Garroth was hiding away to prioritize his duty slams into him like a blow to the gut, trembling sorrow, guilt, relief, and fear running through him as he harshly blinks away the tears burning his eyes. You can't see him cry like this not now. He needs to get you home.
"Hold onto me as tightly as you can" he mummers hating the trembling in his tone as he reaches down gathering you in his arms, one hand pressing your head the the juncture between his neck and shoulder, the other underneath your bottom, moving your legs to hook over his hips. Squeezing you rightly to himself for a moment once he has you situated, one arm may still need time to move bit you cling to him with the other his warmth and the familiar smell of Rosewood that clung to him still under the metallic tang of blood. He inhales deeply through his nose before giving a heavy exhale from his mouth, holding you as closely to him as he possibly can.
He Abandons the crates, and scraps of his cape to start walking to Pheonix drop holding you to him. Keeping the hand holding you to his neck gentle but firm, so you can't see the tears slowly falling down his cheeks.
He had failed you, not only as your guard.. your HEAD guard, but as a lover. And he would never do it again. He carries you home, whispering his love and apologizing over and over and over the whole way.
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fanficwriters-posts · 7 months
Hii, how are you doing? Hope all is well :3
Do you possibly have any thoughts as to how/if Hiro would work with a very energetic/chaotic s/o that has a tendency to be impulsive at times?
(I was thinking of them being Star Butterfly/Pinkie Pie coded...but idk if you know those characters or not!)
Hello! I'm doing well, thank you for asking! 😊 And of course i have some thoughts for Hiro x Chaotic!reader.
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Hiro with a chaotic s/o
(s/o is a student in campus and the same age as Hiro)
Meeting you is a memory Hiro cannot get out of his head.
You were in your lab, making your project until BOOM!
Hiro and Tadashi were in the lab when it happened but considering how dangerous your projects usually are, Wasabi already placed a protective shield that can be turned on and off manually.
Your hair was blown up and your face and your lab coat are covered in ashes, expect for your eyes since you wear goggles. Your ears were ringing but you didn't mind it at all
When Tadashi knocked on the shield which caught your attention.
You spun around on your chair and take the goggles off to see.
"Tadashi!" You exclaim excitedly before you press the button to deactivate the shield and let them into your lab. "What brings you here?" You ask him, unbothered by the mess.
"I'm just walking around, ya know?" Tadashi replied casually before he steps in with a shorter raven haired boy behind him. "(Name), this is my brother, Hiro."
You turn to the boy around your height but taller by a couple of inches. You give him a toothy grin. "Hi! So nice to finally meet Tadashi's genius of a brother!"
Hiro stares at you in surprise, you were covered in ashes of the exploded project and you weren't even hurt. "What's up? Uhm, are you okay?" Hiro greeted back before he smile nervously.
"Oh, yeah. This is nothing. Just a little miscalculation and accident." You giggled, wiping the black stuff off of your face and shake your hair back in place. "So, are you joining our program? I hear you're an awesome robotic!"
"No. Not really." He replied, shrugging his shoulders a little. It was a half truth and half lie. He wanted but he still wasn't sure.
"Oh." You pouted before you grinned again. "Welp, you'll be joining us sooner or later. These things just takes time." You shrugged and take off your lab coat and goggles, putting them away.
When he sees the real color under your lab coat, it wasn't what he expected. You were different in style. Tadashi walks over to your project to see what was wrong.
"Does this happen often?" Hiro asks you, noticing a few bandages on your arm and one on your cheek.
"Pfft, no..." You trailed off nervously, lying to him before you tell the truth, "Okay, yeah. This happens way too often. But, i'm okay."
That troubled Hiro a little. "Maybe next time we can work on it together- if! If you want, ya know? I-it's no problem."
You and Tadashi perked up at his offer and glance at each other for a second before you guys grin.
"Yeah! I can come by to the Lucky Cat Cafe." You spoke happily.
Hiro blushed and grinned back. "Yeah! You know, i live upstairs."
"I know. Tadashi told me a few days ago when i was at the cafe. Very homey and cozy." You tell him, putting on your headphones around your neck.
"Cool. Cool." From there it was awkward for Hiro but not for you.
You helped around almost everywhere. Doing stuff you weren't asked to, playing video games with Fred in his room, helping Hiro with his project, too.
Tadashi's funeral was not what you expected to happen. Heck, nobody expected Tadashi to jump into the fire to save Callaghan who apparently is still alive thanks to Hiro's Microbots.
After you guys get over the loss of Tadashi, you guys form a team and called yourselves, "Big Hero Seven".
Everyone have their amazing choice of weapons while you? If you were a character in Overwatch or TF2, you'd be the most useful one.
You have a shield, you carry a big hammer like Amy Rose from Sonic, you have an indestructible helmet that helps you bust through bricks and wood with ease.
I mean, come on, you were hit on the head with a vase once and even though it hurt, you're still alive until today.
After months of being friends, you and Hiro finally got together and everything was swell.
If it weren't for Hiro, you'd be covered in bandages. Heck, even end up in the hospital for a stupid reason during missions/patrols.
Hiro is super glad that Tadashi made a big marshmallow healthcare companion instead of something else because Baymax looks out for you, too.
Knowing your chaotic nature, Hiro tends to get energized by it as well. It's like your optimism and excitement energy just vibrates and it made him feel encouraged.
You have your own gaming room that has soundproof walls because you scream at jumpscares or unfortunate scenes in the games you play.
Hiro rarely sees you play games at home but at the arcade, he knows you mean business and so, you two play multiplayer games because you hate competing with your boyfriend.
You know how you get when you're playing against someone and when you play with someone, it's like you're a whole different person.
You're not.
And Hiro doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he finds it adorable at how focus your are at a game, almost similar to how focus you are to your projects and homeworks.
You definitely write fast. And when you're bored, you doodle little stuff on your notes. Professor Granville wasn't surprised but she admires your enthusiasm.
During dates, you and Hiro would have fun. Nothing is calm around you guys. Expect when you're going with the rest of the group or with Aunt Cass.
When Hiro got that internship with Krei, you weren't pleased. You love Krei but you hate the guy, too.
But as long as Hiro's okay, you're fine with it.
You know that episode where Karmic turned into a beast?
You almost put a fight with her if it weren't for Hiro holding your back and told you that it was your friend, Karmi.
Sometimes, you'd go out on patrol on your own or with Fred without the others' acknowledge. Of course, it got your in trouble at the end but at least you got tacos.
You, out of everyone in your friend group, listens to music a lot. That's why you got to have headphones at all times.
You listen to music while training, too.
I mean, who doesn't?
The teammate who takes the most damage? You.
The teammate who is always ready to protect? You. And Gogo.
And finally, one day you decided to take a break and lay down.
Hiro invited you to his place to hang out, but he expected chaotic you, not calm and relaxed you. You two went up to his room after Aunt Cass gave you guys a tray of snacks and drinks.
You lay down on Hiro's bed and sigh softly. "You okay?" He asks you as he place the tray of snacks on his desk.
"Yeah. Why?" You reply calmly, sitting up to look at him. Hiro's brows furrowed and he place the back of his hand on your forehead to check for any fever.
You raise a brow in confusion. "I'm not sick, Hiro. If i was, i wouldn't be here."
"J-just checking." He said in defense before he sits down beside you and place his finger on your neck to check if your hot but you're not. You're just warm.
"I'm fine, Hiro. Seriously." You giggled, grabbing his hand and you sandwich it between yours. "I know you're not used to me acting so calm, everyone aren't. But, sometimes i also want to relax."
"Oh! Oh, okay. Oh!" He said with relief. He then grin and wrap his arm around your shoulder after he pull his hand out of yours. "Well, maybe now i can finally put down the first aid kit."
You laugh wholeheartedly and kiss his cheek. "I always keep you on your toes, don't I?" You giggled.
"Eh, sometimes you do. Sometimes it's because of my instincts as your boyfriend." Hiro respond, shrugging his shoulders a little.
At the end of the day, Hiro prefers his chaotic s/o over calm s/o.
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knitnightstudio · 11 months
Ed's emerald ring, a love story
It's the morning after what I can only assume is (probably inadvisable) mind blowing sex and BOOM, close up on that emerald ring. Ed is also wrapped in an emerald green robe. He wants Stede all over him. This is not a man with regrets.
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This is the closest we have seen the ring and the moment a majority of fans noticed the ring. Many assumed Stede gave it to Ed the night before. And in a way he did. Now that Ed has been well and truly docked you better fucking believe that it's time for Stede's ring to shine. Ed wants EVERYONE to see that ring. There is no hiding now, their love is real and everyone needs to know.
We see it shine when Ed comes back with the breakfast for Stede. No hiding any of this from Izzy.
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It is also pretty well featured during the lunch scene, as our boys are still glowing from the morning.
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But this shot is my favorite one. Ed has put his right hand over his left, but he has intentionally splayed his fingers so he and everyone else can see the Emerald. If you watch closely you can actually see his finger land on the ring and then brush over it to allow it to be seen. Ed is SO PROUD and SO IN LOVE. Stede is also now wearing an emerald green shirt. I am 95% certain this is the first time Stede has worn green this season.
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Then we head to Spanish Jackie's and see the ring a few more times, out and proud amongst Ed's crew and friends.
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Shortly after this Ed sits with Spanish Jackie and we see him being to panic. (I feel i should also clarify that Stede was also being a dick but i'm focusing on Ed for this, so just know that I know).
After this point, when Ed is panicking and running away we barely see it. The camera is back to showing Ed from the wrist up and his hands are busy doing things and shielding the ring. He's freaked out, he isn't looking to the ring for comfort so we don't see it. Stede was there, but now Ed is pushing him away.
For the life of me I cannot tell if Ed is wearing the ring when he and Stede fight or if he has taken it off. All the cuts are so fast during that scene and every picture I could get is fairly blury, especially if I try to zoom in. In the pic below it looks like his ring finger is empty, but it's also possible that I just can't see the band well.
There is another shot when Ed's hands are by the railing but I wasn't able to get any clear images of his fingers.
If he has removed the emerald here, which it really looks like he has, it's the first time he's taken it off other then for 2x5, and we know in 2x5 he was feeling pretty comfortable and free.
My guess would be that part of him knows he is panicking, and he knows if he looks at the ring it's going to confuse the rush of emotions he is feeling even more, so he removed it. He has it back on in the beginning of 2x8 so if he has taken it off, it wasn't for long.
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sunrisemill · 7 months
✮From the start✮ pt.3
Chris and y/n have always been inseparable, they’ve always relied on each other but what happens when one of them falls?
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.4 Finale
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Chris’ pov
(2 months ago)
I toss and turn in my bed but can’t shake off this horrible feeling. She's been acting weird and distant lately, I feel like I don't know her anymore…are we still friends? The other day we were watching a movie on my couch, and she looked so sleepy. I couldn't help myself, I put my arm around her and the only way I could describe the look on her was pure horror. Did I do something wrong? Did I go too far? Did I smell or something? I groan into my pillow as those thoughts flood my brain. I have to talk to her. I rip the blanket off of my body and slowly sit up “Alright Grandpa. Do you need help with that?” I feel my lips curl up into a small smile at the memory. She never did give me a break, god forbid I'd let out the TINIEST noise bending over “You okay Grandpa?.” “Do I need to take you to the nursing home already?” Her voice rings through my head as I stand up, I glance over at the alarm clock on my bedside table, 12:22 it reads. God, I hope she’s awake. I can't go on like this anymore.
“Y/n.” I whisper-shout as I stand below her window. I know she’s up cause she has her lamp on “I bet she’s blasting her music, that girl’s gonna go deaf.” I grumble to myself. I smirk as an idea comes to mind, I pick up a small pebble and throw it towards her window creating a small tap noise. “Oh, my precious Y/n. I cannot bear another second without your gracious company.” I say in the most dramatic tone I can come up with. Not long after that I hear the sound of a squeaky window being opened. “Now what the actual hell was that?” I grin as she pokes her head out of the window. God, she looks beautiful… “what? I thought you liked corny shit like that. You're always making me watch that cheesy ass rom-com, what was it now… 12 going on 22?” I ask in a teasing voice. Of course, I know it's 13 going on 30, how could I ever forget her favourite movie? I even watched it without her so I could memorize the wedding scene that she does not stop talking about. “Haha, Chris. You're so funny.” she replies with a PAINFULLY sarcastic tone. “Why are you here anyway?” I take in a deep breath. “I wanted to talk to you, could you maybe…come down here, my neck hurts.” I watch her let out a soft chuckle as she retreats her head back, she's gonna come outside and I'm gonna have to do one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. She can't hate me…can she? I mean, she could after this. Y/n hasn't always been the best at expressing her emotions or telling me how she feels, she just shuts down. My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of her back door sliding open. I don't know how she does it, she could be wearing a trash bag for all I care and she would still take my breath away. “Hey…” I whisper as my voice fails me. “Hi?” I watch as she hugs her body to shield herself from the cold. “I was just- I was wondering…are you okay?” Her body stiffens and I just think…oh shit. “I'm fine, Chris. Why wouldn't I be?” The coldness in her voice could send a chill down anyone’s spine “Y/n, I can tell when there’s something wrong. Why can’t you talk to me?  Im here for you.” I take a step toward her but she steps back. C'mon Y/n, don't do this to me. Let me in. Just talk to me. I silently plead to her as her face contorted into a look of annoyance. “I've told you a hundred times already. I am fine. Why can't you comprehend that I don't need a saviour. It's 1 am, go home and sleep like a normal person for once in your goddamn life.” My breath catches in my throat as her tone gets more and more cold as she speaks. What happened to the Y/n that I know? The one I fell in love with… “you know what…” I swallow as I feel tears brimming my eyes. “Im done dealing with this. I care about you but you couldn't give two shits even if you wanted to. Do you know what you are Y/n? A fucking coward! Oh, how dare somebody show even the littlest bit of concern for you. I bet you’ll just forget about me, You'll get a new best friend and fuck it up the same way cause you're too much of a pussy to confront your feelings. I tried helping you but you're hopeless.” I wipe away the tears that fell from my eyes and huff before storming off in a fit of rage. I slam the gate to her backyard behind me, leaving a shivering, startled Y/n behind. Even after all of that…I cant help but still love her.
(A/N: Omg this took so long to come out cause my laptop decided to break but I finally got it fixed YIPPEE!!!! I hope you'll like this cause I feel like I cooked with this. Don't ruin my confidence)
Tags: @guccifrog
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majesticwren · 5 months
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this now exist. it's a silly little drabble to put my heart at ease. it had been rattling in my brain ever since WM thanks to @hirunoka and now here we are - it was ofc supposed to come out like weeks ago but I'm a busy bitch lmaooo. I leave and breathe for the shield, always have, always will. they are the reason why I got back into wrestling the first time 10 years ago and why I got back into it again almost 2 years ago now. I will always be grateful to everything they gave me and everything they always meant to me, so I needed to write this. please, enjoy. also, for anyone interested, I wrote this thinking about this song in particular, which to me will always represent the shield shipping party
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It had been a hot minute since Dean stepped foot in WWE. He was done. He had been done a long time. For more reasons than he could ever explain, the fight got finally taken out of him five years ago and he hanged his boots for good.
Fighting had been his life for so long that he had to learn to exist without it. He had to rewire himself to be mundane and to deal with emotions in healthy ways. And it had been mostly difficult. Hell even. Dean had never felt as out of place as he did in those past five years. Even now, he couldn’t consider himself quite settled.
But it wasn’t enough for him to come back. There were monsters, waiting for him in those fights he craved that he never wanted to meet again. 
He couldn’t say he didn’t miss it. Some things he missed every day. Some people he missed like he would with parts of himself. But, no matter how much the melancholy gnawed on his bones or the old habits whispered in the back of his mind, he was certain he would never come back to WWE.
Until Seth called.
It wasn’t the first time that someone from inside the company tried to get him to come back. Not that Dean spoke with many people from that old life anymore. Only Seth remained a constant in his life. And even though he had desperately tried to push him away multiple times, it always seemed like Dean could never entirely banish him. He wasn’t allowed to forget his past life.
“You need to be there,” Seth’s words still echoed in Dean’s mind, “I don’t care how. Leave that out to me, I’ll get you through. You can kick and cry about it, but you need to be there.”
For once, Dean hadn’t tried to fight him and simply agreed. He didn’t try to compromise or have things go his way. His defeated “Okay,” came as a surprise for him too, but he knew Seth spoke the truth. He needed to be there.
Something was pulling in his chest, a feeling not even he could ignore. It was something old, something almost forgotten, yet real. It tasted sour, like tears and sweat; hard, like heartbreak; but it was also encouraging and soft, like brotherhood. Dean had never been able to find his place in that world again because he had already found it before, and nothing would have ever compared to it. No one stood a chance to understand him, to love him, to deserve his trust, just as much as his brothers did.
And so, even though his biggest fight ever was to keep away from that world that almost ate him alive, Dean was set to be there tonight. For Seth. And, especially, for Roman.
Like never before in his career, Roman stood a good chance to lose everything tonight. His title, his empire, his sanity. And Dean wasn’t about to let him slip away. Both he and Seth knew what was at stake. And, even though they both hadn’t agreed to anything Roman did in the past few years and hardly recognised the man they considered a brother under that mask Roman liked to wear, leaving him alone as his world crumbled was out of the question.
It was needed. Roman had embarked on a dark road and it was time to stop him, but hell if Dean was going to leave him alone.
Now, Dean was watching it happening live in front of his eyes. 
From backstage he could hear the crowd roar in response to everything happening in the ring. He remembered what it felt to hear them chant for him when he was their hero. He remembered how dangerously tempting it was to be on top of their world. But he had never liked the glory. Not truly. Not deep down. He wasn’t born to be a champion. His glory was born from the ashes of the biggest heartbreak of his life. It was still such a dark place he didn’t want to drift away to.
Dean fidgeted, switching his weight from one foot to the other, impatient and nervous. He didn’t feel at ease. He wasn’t supposed to be there. His past and present kept mixing in his thoughts and emotions, rattling his nerves. Even his clothes had started to itch on his skin. 
Especially when Dean saw Seth going out in his S.H.I.E.L.D. attire; so much of their past just flooded through him, cancelling out the past ten years and mixing all his memories. Their first WrestleMania. Seth’s betrayal. Dean clinging for his life to their fight, spilling sweat and blood for it, unable to let go. Roman never left his side. The three of them disagreed but never lost each other completely for all the years to come; it was all there, still burning in his chest.
They exchanged a long look and a silent nod, acknowledging that they both were feeling the same things, as they crossed paths before Seth proceeded to go help Rhodes.
Seth had to do what he had to do. The right thing was to help Cody. Dean had no doubt about it and he wasn’t about to hold a grudge. In this match, in this feud, Cody Rhodes was the better man and he was the only one able to bring an end to Roman’s empire. 
But just because Dean was aware of what was going on and supported Seth’s decision, knowing he would be distraction enough to Roman to give Cody a chance, it didn’t mean that it was any easier to watch Roman fall. 
One. Two. Three. 
Roman Reigns was defeated. His empire was over.
The crowd went wild. The American Nightmare song exploded into the stadium. The Lincoln Financial Field foundations shook.
Dean watched it as it happened but had nothing to celebrate for. If anything, he was ready to mourn, because Roman had just lost everything.
He then waited for what it felt like a lifetime. Seconds mixed with hours, it felt all the same and it didn’t matter, Dean’s heart was still about to explode.
No one was backstage waiting for Roman with him. None of his closest people. No friends. He had no one, but a ghost right out of his past there for him. That was probably the saddest thing of it all.
When Roman emerged from the curtains, he looked like hell. He looked exhausted. He had fought, Dean had no doubt he tried to defend his empire with everything he had in him and he was to be praised for that. He may have been wrong on many things recently, but he was still a gladiator. 
However, it wasn’t how worn out Roman looked that moved Dean enough to take a step forward even before he could think about it. It was the fact that he was crying. Emotions streamed clear down his face, scarring his handsome features and crossing his face with pure pain. His mask was gone. He was only a man, now.
Roman gasped, looking at him in the eye. He was clearly surprised to see him. He was probably the last person Roman would expect to find there. Dean couldn’t blame him. After all, they haven’t spoken in years by now. But he wondered whether or not Roman hoped to find someone else. 
If that was the case, Dean felt his fragile heart already creaking under the pressure. But again, he wasn’t there for himself. If Roman hoped for someone else to be there, then tough shit because he had only him left. And Seth. In the end, it kept coming back to the three of them.
There was a pause as the air stood still between them. 
Roman and Dean only looked at each other for a few moments, studying the men they became in the long time that divided the brothers they once were. 
Dean saw something break inside Roman. It was like it fell right out of Roman’s chest and into his. And he was ready to catch it. He was ready to catch him.
Without anyone needing to speak one word, they both moved, attracted by a silent, invisible magnetism and embraced each other. Dean grabbed solidly on Roman’s big frame as the man let himself go against him, releasing a tired, broken sigh.
“I got you,” Dean whispered, and then said again, louder, over and over as he cradled Roman gently. 
Roman cried into his shoulder. It took him a minute to react, but when he wrapped his arms around Dean, his hold was so strong he was almost squeezing the breath out of his chest. Roman’s fingers clawed on the material of his t-shirt, grasping at him like he was his only lifeline. So, he proceeded to squeeze him more, just to make him feel he was there.
“I got you. You are not alone.”
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Later that night Dean and Roman sat on a couple of bleachers on one of the higher rings, from where they had a pretty good view of the empty stadium. It was still completely lit by the powerful white lights, making it look melancholic and uncanny.
Roman was calmer now. He was still defeated, losing took everything out of him. Dean suspected he had cried all his tears out and had nothing else to give, now. He looked heartbroken; his pain still followed like a heavy shadow. He was empty now. Which was a good thing, Dean thought, at least Roman wouldn’t have been consumed by his own anger or gone into self-destruction mode. Not just yet, at least.
They sat quietly, shoulder to shoulder, sharing a pack of non-alcoholic beer as they looked at the stage and the ring being dismantled.
“You know,” Roman started, he had been quiet for so long that suddenly hearing his thunderous voice startled Dean, “for a moment, out there, when I saw Seth, I didn’t know what year it was anymore. I wasn’t sure what had happened and what had been a dream.”
“I know,” Dean nodded, thinking long and hard about his words, “I am afraid all of it happened. Not much was a dream.”
“I am sorry,”
“Don’t be. We all make mistakes.”
“I gave everything to that championship. I fought like hell. I-”
Dean shook his head, willingly interrupting Roman before he’d spiral into his own darkest place. “You did. And you had one of the longest reigns in history. No matter what, you can always be proud of that,”
“It was just so easy to lose, you know?”
“I know,” Dean released a sigh, still remembering so well how hard it was to have it taken away, “That’s how things go though. Championships are meant to be won and to be lost.”
Roman didn’t reply. He just looked in the distance, releasing a tired, sad sigh. 
“Now, we rebuild,” Dean dared, still trying his best to pull Roman away from throwing himself off the edge of some dark thoughts and spiral in his own head.
Roman paused, hanging onto Dean’s words. “Do you want to know something?”
“Tell me,”
“I feel free,” the timid smile that popped on Roman’s lips was a surprise that made Dean release a relieved sigh.
“I bet you do, big boy,” he patted heavily the man’s shoulder and then left his hanging on Roman’s shoulders, “I bet you do.”
“You couldn’t have picked a better place to reach for a motherfucker with a shattered knee,” Seth’s sudden snigger surprised both Dean and Roman. Especially Roman, who froze in his seat and simply glared at him.
Dean ignored Roman and stood up, welcoming Seth with a hug. “How are you feeling?”
“All things considered alright, thanks,” he explained looking down at his now wrapped-up leg. He was leaning on a crutch, underlining how bad his condition really was. Despite the possible pain involved and an injury that would have taken Seth out, he didn’t seem to have any resentment. 
Roman, on the other hand, was still frozen and the more seconds passed, the more Dean thought he could feel him getting lost in his own demons. 
Seth costed him everything, after all. 
Not only he had decided to go out there and fight for Cody, quite literally shielding him from Roman’s wrath. But he did it in the only way he knew would take Roman’s attention off Cody for long enough to grant him the win, using the SHIELD attire wasn’t only theatrics, it was a tactic and it worked. 
“Are the celebrations still going?” Dean wondered quietly. There was a reason why they had decided to come hang out up there and it was to get Roman as far as possible from everyone welcoming Cody. 
Protecting Roman had become Dean’s only priority.
Seth nodded. “People are starting to leave though; we could be in the clear soon.”
“We?” Roman wondered coldly, breaking through their conversation. 
Both Seth and Dean looked back, only to find the big Samoan looking back into the middle of the stadium where the stripped rind still stood. 
“Yes, we.” Seth started, he seemed too tired to pick a fight and yet he was ready to confront Roman, fearlessly raising his chin. “You know why I was fighting with Cody, we talked about this countless of times. But hell, if I’m gonna turn my back on you again.” The three of them all looked like they went through enough shit to just hold a grudge anymore. “If you don’t like it, tough, that’s what you get,”
Dean rolled his eyes, hoping he wouldn’t find himself in the middle of another pointless fight. He wasn’t there to fight, after all. And he had no intention to get stuck in the middle between the two. 
Roman sealed his lips and simply released a sigh, emptying his large chest of any emotion. After a long pause, he finally leaned in and grabbed a can of beer passing it over to Seth. He didn’t look at him, but that was enough of a peace offering.
Both Seth and Dean sat back down, next to Roman and they all just looked down to the ring.
“Thank you, boys.” Roman said after some time, “I appreciate you being here.” He still wasn’t looking at them and fell into another long silence right after, but both Dean and Seth were just as grateful, both welcoming his words with soft smiles and nods. They got into that world together. They fought so many battles together. And now, it was time for the curtain to fall. But they were still together.
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valyrfia · 24 days
i'm so compelled by your steve and tony thesis on the tags under this post https://www.tumblr.com/valyrfia/761331351932829696/exactly-if-i-wanted-best-friends-i-would-be-into?source=share that i (after having spent my teenage years reading stucky) want to try it out. do you have any fic recs to get me started?
Oh boy anon I haven't read stevetony since 2020, but it's such a formative ship to me that a few fics still stand out in my mind. If you're interested I'll leave them and comments on the impressions they left on me below the cut.
Quick disclaimer that Marvel is often treated as a multiverse to differentiate between comics and movie canon. The main comics canon is 616, and the movies are just the MCU. There are other comics canons and multiverses, but 616 is the main one you need to get your head around for a lot of these comics-related fics. The MCU is vaguely based off of 616, but the most important aspect to wrap your head around if you want to delve into fic and don't want to read the comics is that Civil War in 616 ended with Steve almost killing Tony, not able to bring himself to do it and surrendering, Steve getting shot on the way to his trial and dying, Tony becoming director of SHIELD and becoming severely depressed over Steve's death, and then via other plot happenings having to delete his memory INCLUDING the fact that Steve died, and Steve resurrecting via sci-fi shenanigans. This arc along with The Confession and The Oath are what mainly fuel stevetony.
Okay, now that the primer is out of the way without further ado here are some fics I read in my teenage years that irrevocably changed my brain chemistry with regard to how I choose to ship anything ever.
When I Think (Oh It Terrifies Me) by celli - 8k, E
Look, some mornings you wake up and little green men are invading New York City; some mornings you wake up and you can hear Captain America's voice in your head. Tony has been an Avenger long enough that he saves his freakout for important things.
This is the first fic I ever bookmarked on ao3. It's short and snappy and fun and serves as a great little primer, especially since it's MCU!
almeno tu nell'universo by silkspectred - 114k, E
Tony drives off. Well, he wants to. But he can’t. Because. Steve Rogers is in front of his car. Steve fucking Rogers. Is in front of Tony’s fucking car.
Complete change of pace from the one above, but still MCU–this is Steve and Tony locked up together in the Italian countryside after the events of Civil War where Italy herself is as much a character as anything. I had the absolute privilege of reading this as it was released chapter by chapter and just remember it being breathtaking.
The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark by jibrailis - 42k, M
After contracting an Asgardian virus, Tony starts forgetting things. And people. And Steve.
All I remember of this is that it was the first fic I ever properly sobbed my little heart out to. I would recommend a thousand times over, I remember the settings and character work especially being really well done. It's also MCU!
wear it like a message by starvels (dinosaur) - 10k, E
Steve and Tony have some negotiations about how to wear rings and dog tags on your person when you’re a superhero badass wearing skin tight body armor. Also, they kiss a lot.
There's a common trope in stevetony that is vaguely described by 'peak battle couple', and I think that's definitely one that you would enjoy especially if you come from a Lestappen background. It's 616, but I seem to remember there's not a lot of actual plot knowledge required.
America Isn't Chicken by Dr_Amuly - 130k, E
After a Civil War, death, rebirth, a takeover by Osborn, brain deletion, and the fall of Asgard, Steve and Tony might just be starting to get back on solid ground with one another. Things aren't perfect, not yet, but they can be in the same room as each other without resorting to violence, and they've even managed to share a smile or two. Seems like the perfect time, then, for Tony to try and fuck it all up with a stupid game of gay chicken. Meanwhile, as if he didn't have enough to worry about, Tony realizes some kind of supervillainous trouble is brewing when increasingly advanced armors start popping up all over Manhattan, looking strangely reminiscent of his tech. On the other side of the world, Steve gets news that Zola is on the move in Russia, with some sort of nefarious plan at work. Which will ruin them first? Will it be this unknown armored villain who is after Tony's tech? Or will it be Zola unleashing his mysterious plan on the world? Or will Steve and Tony prove to be their own worst enemies, destroying the tentative truce they managed to forge with their own stubbornness?
Don't be intimidated by the length of this, or by the fact that it's 616. Amuly was long a famous author of the fandom because they have a real gift for crafting excellent, engaging, and accessible novel-length fics. I would actually say this is the perfect primer for getting to grips with the world and universe of 616 while also being a hot and hilarious fic.
Belief Space by magicasen - 59k, M
The Time Gem appears not when it is wanted, but when it is needed. Steve learns this the hard way. (Or: an Infinity #6 AU where Thane refuses his birthright and the Avengers are doomed - until the Time Gem shows up within Captain America's grasp.)
I would definitely caution that you need to be pretty familiar with 616 canon to enjoy this one, but I gained all my knowledge through fics and context clues so once you've established that return here. THIS is my favourite fic of all time. I can't NOT recommend it. That is all.
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xoxoavenger · 8 months
Drunk Under a Streetlight
pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
summary: But I knew you/Dancin' in your Levi's/Drunk under a streetlight, I/I knew you/Hand under my sweatshirt/Baby, kiss it better, I/And when I felt like I was an old cardigan/Under someone's bed/You put me on and said I was your favorite
word count: 961
warnings: drinking
cardigan masterlist main masterlist
That night, they get absolutely wasted. It's mostly because JJ knows Y/N wants to be able to forget about what her parents have done to her, to numb the hurt of their betrayal, but instead of depressingly getting drunk alone at the Chateau, they go to Charleston, just the two of them. They take the ferry and walk to one of the bars, laughing and reminiscing about how they used to come with their fake IDs, finding the places that didn't card and taking everyone and going crazy on weekends. Sometimes they would fall asleep in a park, waking up to officers telling them to leave, but sometimes they would rent a hotel room and continue drinking until morning.
"Maybe you should slow down." JJ says when she nearly falls of a chair finishing her drink. He's laughing though, and when she leans against him he knows it's time to pay the tab and find a hotel room. He doesn't think they'll continue drinking, not this time, but Y/N's had a rough day and he wants her to have the comfort of a bed tonight.
But it's too late in the night, and without them knowing everyone else has left and they're being kicked out of the bar. They stumble away, laughing and leaning on each other. JJ has halfway forgotten about his plan to get a room when Y/N runs ahead. 
"I have a song stuck in my head!" Y/N yells, one hand around the lamppost as she twirls to the music in her head.
"Oh! Oh! Let me guess!" JJ screams, grabbing her hands and spinning her around. It's two AM, but they are near a park, houses far enough away that they won't hear the couple's screaming.
"It's Taylor Swift!" She tells him, causing him to gasp dramatically and drop her hands, swaying away.
"I wanted to guess!" He wines, causing her to laugh.
"She has like, a million songs! I wanted to make it easier for you!" She laughs, falling to the grass on the other side of the sidewalk.
"I'm about to read your mind." JJ says, the street light making his light hair practically reflective and his eyes the brightest shade. Y/N is about to doubt him, tease that there is no way he could know that, when he stars singing. "I like shiny, yeah, but somethin' paper rings, uh huh you're the one I want!" He calls, and she can only laugh as he hums and dances, a splash on his jeans illuminated as it catches the light. She can't remember how it got there, but she smiles all the same.
"How did you guess?" She asks, letting him pull her up to her feet, the two of them singing out of tune and the wrong words as they twirled around, kissing in between words.
The truth is, she actually had Getaway Car stuck in her head. But it was cute that JJ started singing Paper Rings, or at least trying his best. They get halfway through Lover, which is easier to sing, before they collapse on the ground and fall asleep in each other's arms.
This time, they wake up abruptly not to a police officer but the sprinklers. They scream and stumble away, noticing that they've only been asleep for a short period of time; the sun had barely risen and the air was still cool, despite the summer. The couple grumble and take the first ferry home, sitting close to each other. Y/N was wearing JJ's sweatshirt that he had shoved in a small backpack that had shielded it from being wet.
As their headaches settled in, all Y/N could think about was her previous night. She left home. And sure, she hadn't been sleeping there for a while, but her parents hadn't actually kicked her out. All she could think of is that her mother didn't care, just yelled at her as she left.
"Baby," JJ was wiping her tears before she even knew that she was crying. She looked up, letting him put his arms around her.
"I'm sorry," She was glad that in the morning the ferry was only full from the OBX to the mainland, plenty of people going to work there. Not as much so vice versa. "I was just thinking about how my mother didn't even care that I was leaving. She only wanted to save face, that's why she didn't kick me out sooner." JJ's hand went to her waist, under her sweatshirt to rub circles on her skin.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. It's your parent's fault. I don't know why they wouldn't like someone like you." He comforts, pressing kisses to her cheeks and then one to her lips, even though their breath was sour.
"Probably because I was a terrible daughter." Y/N frowns. Maybe, if she hadn't pulled so many stunts, if she had tried a little harder, then her parents would have cared.
"Hey," How JJ knew what to say Y/N had no idea, because JJ never had the best parents either. "Parents are supposed to love unconditionally. They were like this before you started acting out. It's the same with my dad." He kisses her forehead and pulls her closer, hands caressing her skin. It's almost like he read her mind.
"Your dad is worse by a mile." She tells him, because it's true. But they both smile, if only because they don't have to deal with Luke anymore, and Y/N can't help but feel the love she has for JJ blossom in her heart. Her mother made her feel useless, weak, but JJ? JJ made her feel needed. She was important to him, and the fact that he made sure to tell her made her fall even more in love.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Angst with a Happy Ending, Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Another boring night in Bakersfield, but Jake makes it a lot more interesting.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Photo Flirt 
You wake up the next morning with that slight disorientation that comes with business travel.  You'll be in meetings all day so you sneak in a quick workout in before you have to drive over to the hangar where today's debrief is going to take place.  The hours-long meeting goes as expected and the group determines that the heat shielding was the failure point.  Something you had expected all along. Tomorrow when you get back to the office you'll write up a summary report to get over to the materials research department to see what they can come up with for the next prototype.
Tonight, you joined your coworkers for drinks and dinner at some local sports bar. There is nothing more depressing than a crowd of business people drinking oversized fruity drinks at a Chili's off the freeway on a Tuesday evening, so you're glad for the local choice.  Dinner and drinks are pleasant enough.  You talk about the Padres game and you get to brag about catching a foul ball.  Near the end of dinner your phone buzzes in your pocket and it's a text from Jake.  
Jake: What's up?  
You: Just finishing dinner, can I call you in an hour when I get back to the hotel?
Jake: Sounds good.  P.S. wear something sexy.  
The next message is just a picture of the very familiar pattern of your black lace boy shorts.  The memory of Jake stuffing them into his pocket the other night flashes in your mind along with a brief flush on your  face.  That cheeky bastard, two can play at this game.  
You settle up your bill and say goodbye to your coworkers. Most everyone will meet up in the San Diego office on Thursday to discuss next steps.  
You get back to your hotel just as the sun is starting to set.  Pulling the sheer curtains closed for a nice background you figure out the angle that you can place your  phone on the desk to get the shot I'm aiming for.  You want a silhouette of yourself backlit with the setting sun filtered to send to Jake.  Nothing identifying, but still sexy as hell.  It takes you about 10 tries to get the shot you want. The picture is a silhouette showing the distinct profile of your ass and breasts. Rifling through your overnight bag you search through the clothes to see what could qualify as sexy.  A white lace bra and a pair of simple white cotton underwear with lace trim catch your eye.  That'll do, you think, classic and a little innocent.
You send the picture and get relaxed on your bed and wait for Jake's reaction.  It's less than five minutes before your phone rings.
You answer, "Hello, Jake."
"Are you trying to kill me? You're all the way up there in BFE and I'm down here in this lousy house," he replies, in a half whine.
"I'm not the one who sent me a picture of your  underwear while I was at dinner with coworkers," you remind him, teasing him.
"Bad or good timing? I bet you got out of there as fast as you could."
"Only because you needed some teasing back.  You said, ‘dress sexy’, so what are you wearing?"
"Dog tags." 
"That all?"
"Well, I am holding a certain pair of someone's underwear if you want to count that as clothing."
The image of Jake stretched out on his bed, miles of golden skin, and hard muscles with just his dog tags nestled between his pecs is instantly conjured up in your mind. In this mental tableau he is twirling your  underwear around his index finger on the hand that isn't holding the phone to his ear.  
"My turn now, what are you wearing, Ms. Matthews?"
"Not much, a white lace bra and some white bikini underwear with lace trim."
"Sounds like you're trying to play the innocent."
"Maybe I am, what are you going to do about it?"
You are starting to massage your breast through the lacy cup and squeeze your thighs together in anticipation, the ache already starting to build in your core.
Jake laughs at the challenge, 
"Well, if I were there I would start by kissing you so hard I'd leave you breathless." 
Your fingers go up to your  lips and press them wishing it was Jake's lips.  
"Next I work my way down your neck with my lips and tongue and just skim the tops of your tits peeking out of your bra. I want to tease you right now and make you want me inside you so bad." 
Your hand traces his path as he talks down your neck and across the swell of your breasts.  
"Next I'd slide your bra straps down your arms and pull down your bra to reveal those amazing tits," he purrs, a light hitch in his speech, you know he is touching himself right now.  
"I'd suck on your nipples and maybe use a little bit of teeth to get you really worked up." 
You pinch your nipples hard enough in response that you moan into the phone.  
The smile on Jake's face is audible through the phone.  
"Getting a little antsy, El?" he teases.
The way he gives you a nickname makes your chest flutter.  
"I'm just following your lead, dear," you breathily answer back. 
Another hitch in his breathing tells me that he is getting into this.  You imagine him fisting himself in slow languid strokes and you can feel yourself get wetter.
"Where do you go next, Jake?" 
"At this point I'm so hard I could cut glass, it's taking everything I have to not just rip your underwear and plunge in." 
His breath starts to quicken, 
"But ever the gentleman, I pull those little innocent white panties down and dive in with my tongue." 
The memory of his talented tongue sends your hand diving into your underwear and you begin furiously rub your clit, moaning indecently and breathing heavily into the phone.  
"I want to make sure you're nice and wet when you take my cock inside you. Oh baby, I've got your panties here and god do they smell good."
You're imagining Jake has draped your stolen underwear over his nose as he pumps his cock in fast strokes to smell your  arousal from the other night.  
"Oh God, I want you inside me right now,"
you moan into the phone, your moans are getting a little louder and breaths are getting shorter.
"Jake, I'm so close, so close," you whine. 
His voice is strained when he replies, 
"Me too baby, me too. Come for me Elsa, let me hear you come." 
It is his voice that finally pushes you over the edge, a strangled cry from you as your orgasm washes over you. Moans emit from the phone speaker as Jake comes on the other end of the line. The next few moments are filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and your mutual returns back to earth.  Jake speaks first, 
"God damn you are so sexy. I can't wait to see you in person now." 
"I'm back tomorrow late afternoon."   
"Good," he practically purrs.
"Think of something and we'll connect tomorrow when I get on the road.  Good night, Jake.  Sweet dreams."
"Sweet dreams, babe, I'll see you tomorrow."
You fling off the remaining clothing and throw it toward your  overnight bag, deciding to sleep naked to cool your overheated skin. Sleep comes quickly with visions of a certain blonde pilot in your mind.
The next morning, you wake up and find a message from Jake on your  phone.
Jake: How about I come over and cook you dinner?  You're probably wanting some home cooked food.
You: That sounds amazing.  I'm hoping to leave here by 1 pm.  Why don't you head over to my house when you're done for the day and get started.  There's a lock box in the garden shed with an extra key.  The code is 1903.
Jake: Sounds good, do you like Italian?
Jake: 1903…the year the Orville Brothers took flight?  That's your secret code? You delightful airplane nerd.
You: You'd be good at bar trivia.  See you later.  
Chapter 9
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detectivemaker · 6 months
Angsty mind control story, or Crowley snake's tattoo takes matters into its own,  non-existent hands
I really am surprised by the lack of  mind control stories in the good Omens  fandom, give me more specific Crowley doing some mind f****** on our favorite chunky angel, so I've decided to write this story
It's day 88 of operation make heaven nice again, and Aziraphale is bored out of his mind
The only real success he's had so far is implementing walls for privacy, but other than that Heavens the same old s*** bureaucracy it always has been, he knows it now it's never been nice, maybe during the time before the great fall,  but the only demon he's acquainted enough with to try  getting back into heaven is absolutely against it
He  let's out a sigh and face plants into his desk  tears prick at his eyes and soon he silently sobs into his paperwork," oh Crowley, I'm such a fool"  he whispers
*if you were here now, I'd go anywhere you take me* he thinks to himself  but before he can start on another set of whimpering cries he feels something wrap around the essence of his true form, the slight feel of scales upon Halo sends him sitting up with a gasp
"w- what" he  stutters out then it's out a grunt when the scales tighten in a loop, to get deep breath he Miracles into existence is Halo and a mirror
His eyes  widen in Surprise when he sees the  ink colored snake rapping gingerly around his Halo,  raising a hand he presses it into the surprisingly scaly flesh of the pitch black serpent
" Crowley?" questions, but no this isn't Crowley, but part of him yes, but not the real him
This sad realization only affects him for a moment before it's cleansed from his mind like water cleanses dirt,   panics at the sun realization that he's no longer feeling sad,   he grasps at his Halo but before he can try to wrench the snake from it a voice rings in his head like Unholy church bells
" don't struggle little angel,  my master misses you greatly,  I'm just here to bring you back home,  now be a good little lamb and let me lead you" the voice that sounds so much like Crowley's since his hands to his lap and a dizzy smile begins to etch itself on his lips
yes that's right, he's been such a foolish lamb,   he has Mosey far from home, but this lovely serpent knows the way back, so he rises to his feet and his leg like the good little sheep he is
Crowley had been drinking himself blind for exactly 88 days, but still he is capable to see and he sees he is without an angel,   the salty tears spilling into his cup of whiskey make it taste bitter
" emm, Mr Crowle"  Muriel says interrupting the demon's second hour of day drinking this morning, the demons shaded eyes bore into her celestial form but a quickly directed to the person next to her
"an-Aziraphale, what are you... What are you wearing?"  he says slipping down his sunglasses to get a better look at the ugly dressed angel
" don't you like it, I put it on for you" the angel says voice dreamy and eyes hazy,  the angel Santos over and the Bells on his neck jingles as his sheep like tail wags in excitement as he presses a kiss and his lingerie junk on to the demon 
" angel!" Crowley sputters out  he's just about to hesitantly kiss the angel back when a chuckling hiss catches his ear
He looks up to see his tattoo wrapped Vine like around Aziraphale's Halo  and he Sighs in annoyance
"Get off him and get back on here" he orders and snakes slithers from  it's holy perch back to its usual place on the side of his head, the angel blinks and his eyes come back into Focus
" I really am sorry for that, you"  he pauses pushing up his sunglasses to Shield the tears from the Angels vision before continuing," you can go if you want"
" well" a pause from the angel it's only then that Crowley realizes his hands are stained with liquid gold," I don't think heaven would invite me back in after what I did"
"did you?" Crowley asks a mixture of amusement and horror lining his tone he lets out a laugh when Aziraphale  nods sheepishly
" God you're wonderful angel" his   Chuckles pulling the blonde into a hug and sighing into the man's neck as he returns it
" it's good to have you back"
" it's good to be back"
The end
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
🍩🍰🍧🌺🌱 🌌💡🎡 A lil afternoon tea in a garden followed by a night at the fair for Mio!
Oh and Zin’s got one they want to know: 👑
🥺he'll treat you to so many stuffed toys by simply buying them once he fails to win any of the rigged stalls
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
i think i wrote in somewhere that baby Mio's favourite treat to get back home were these honeycakes, which were essentially folded dough that was fried in hot oil and filled with fruits and nuts and drizzled with honey. crunchy and sweet.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
i think he'd be partial to like, coffee and walnut or something. he generally prefers earthy flavours over sugary sweetness.
generally not a sweet-toothed monster though, so cakes aren't high on his list of favourites.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
he had that lion's head ring that he gave to Onu to bring back to his mother - that was a significant message, one that he hoped conveyed the fact that he was alive and that he hadn't forgotten his home.
there's also his sundisk pendant, which is a significant symbol of his home. he's always had a sundisk on his person, whether embroidered into his clothes as a child or on ceremonial dress, and then gifted to him in this beautiful pendant form maybe when he was just on the verge of adolescence. it's a promise, in a way, that his fate is inextricably tied to the city as is the right (and sometimes curse) of the bloodline. the meaning it holds is hard to put into words for Mio, and to lose it would be devastating.
i think for the most part, his childhood possessions remain in Akhenaton. he left with only the clothes he was wearing and a poorly made shield.
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
imagine if i said cats
honestly i can't think of any except like, hayfever, but i'm not gonna rp that shit out we can just imagine him being a runny nosed, red-eyed grump while traipsing through any grassy field with more pollen than he's used to
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
meeting Shadiya for the first time, i think. it was the first real taste of... i guess, responsibility? for Mio, in the sense that it was made clear at that point that his life was not his own to live. he would not be afforded the same freedoms as his brothers, and matters of the heart and mind would always be considered at the cost of his city and not himself.
but it was also the same moment he met his soulmate. so, you know, swings and roundabouts
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
he started out as a character for an rp with no real ties to dnd, and i recall him being some kind of cultist knight slash smuggler who had ambitions for a syndicate empire and wanted to overthrow his father or something. his realization as an exiled prince only really took shape when i started viewing him as a dnd pc in 2019/2020, but the concept has certainly been around for some 7-8 years now.
two things: he's always been a blacksmith, and he's always had adolin as a brother figure in his life. everything else kind of came in after once i started piecing together his story and his motivations and how he was driven. ironically, the entire paladin concept came much later despite his first iteration as a knight in a lowkey cult. TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE.
also, Maahes being associated with lions always was the vibe if the name wasn't already a huge indicator. i wanted him to be loud and obnoxious and revered and all these other things, while also very capable of being a pathetic wet cat.
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
hah, wing it, geddit--
he would largely prefer to have a strategy or plan in place, but he does have an impulsive streak that lets him think on his feet. ultimately it would depend on the situation - i think he will be extremely meticulous about things when he sets foot in Akhen again, but that's afforded to him by his familiarity with the place rather than intent.
otherwise he's happy for other people to plan things for him and to be told where to be and at what time :) nice and easy breezy.
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
first of all, good luck getting him onto a ferris wheel. those bitches suck ass when you're scared of heights.
secondly, the irony here is that he would absolutely kiss a friend or someone who was in on the joke of being in a classically romantic setting without being the actual partner, but if it was someone he was truly involved with, NAH
and then just for zin:
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
as something beautiful, i think. a piece of art to be admired. why? he's not interested in being a story when he can't be around to polish the details, his sense of morality isn't so rigid that he intends to only do good and be good and share that moral, and ultimately, he's very self-absorbed.
but he also believes that beauty comes from creation and the opportunity to rebuild, to remake, reforge, recraft. i think there would be a little part of him that would dream of keeping the sundisk in his light (and pelor's) long after he's gone.
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intolerancecare · 10 months
Is this pain their so called shield and protection so I won't get sick? Because if not they know that I will get sick? Come on, let somebody state an incident where I deviate from reality. Aside from voicing out my assumptions because nobody tries to answer me.
And kindly disregard the people from rehab that I seriously abhor. They really mad me angry.
This is care? from the people who ask because they think that I got sick when truth is I have more evidence that they are sick? why? I will still ask what is the incidence? my post? We have so many ideas in our mind much more those who are like me. I was an irrational avid reader. I just vent. I needed an output. Did a paranoid psycho followed me? Mostly those who doesn't work? who do they see a biatch?
Paranoid psycho. Reminds me of a former workmate who claimed that she was an exam reviewer for psychiatric nursing. I questioned her once about the script in their establishment. It's the only one that has a different format. She sat on the top of the table and emphatically ask me, "Do you have a problem? Do you want to talk?" Evasive and judgmental. In the US, Do you ask people to wear mood rings? Ahhh. Her features is typical of those who work in Casinos. Saw a prototype.
If she's not a psycho, she is stupid. If she thinks I'm sad or suppose to be sad then she doesn't understand that there lots of coping and defense mechanism that can get you by until you get to see the right person to talk to. Most of them are healthy options.
0 notes
whltlock · 2 years
for the blurbs can i ask for more Jason x sex worker!reader? I'm high key obsessed with them
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A/N: this is set further in the future than my other one-shots, when they're realising they're falling in love 🥰 just plain ol' mundane domesticity
Jason ducks around the corner at the same time you reach it. You peek over your shoulder, eying how far you’ve wandered from the club. Sometimes, if you’ve been good, Tomas doesn’t mind as much if you take a little trip around town. As long as you come back within a couple of hours. And usually, you have an escort, but what he doesn’t know won’t kill him. Even if it might kill you.
Jason watches your fur coat bristle in the breeze. It’s dark and lush, perhaps one of the few items you own that is; it also shields your body from passersby.
You squeeze it tighter around yourself as you look up at him. “Hi,” you say, voice delicate rather than sultry.
“Hey,” he replies. He glances down at his hands where two steaming cups are housed, then holds one out. “Dunno if you drink coffee, so I got hot cocoa,” he says, a little sheepish. “Whipped cream, too.”
He’s mesmerised by the smile that lights up your face.
Your hand curls around his as you take the cup, but you stay there a moment, wishing he wasn’t wearing his gloves; wanting a bit of human contact.
Slowly, you trade.
“Mmm,” you hum after a sip, expression still bright. Your eyes land on him and he thinks the splotch of cream on your lips is adorable. So, so different to the persona you use to survive.
Until your tongue flicks out and licks it away, then his chin drops as his cheeks grow hot. Your smile turns wily.
He thinks he likes your company. Likes it a lot. Maybe too much.
“We’re not allowed chocolate,” you say then, pulling him from his embarrassment.
“Figured,” Jason says, and it tastes sour on his tongue. The perils of man-unkind. “Could you hide some if I got more?” he asks.
The tang worsens when your mouth tugs forlornly.
“Probably not.”
He sighs. Not wanting to ruin the mood, he continues, “You need anything?”
You shrug casually. “You’re not the delivery man, you know.”
Jason makes a displeased noise. You smile.
“Blankets? Socks?” he suggests, ignoring your amusement.
You shake your head. There’s such a fine line between what will and won’t be noticed; what will put you on the boss’ radar in a bad way.
He deflates.
Your eyes trace the cup that’s cooling as you search for a name. There isn’t one. Your fingers tap the thin cardboard.
Your eyes drag up again, tracing his dark clothing, the couple days’ worth of stubble, the sharpness of his features. His eyes that are bright and feel omnipotent. The nervous swallow that passes through his Adam’s apple.
Every time you see him, he gets more handsome. You think about kissing him.
He’s not the saviour the world pictures, but he’s better, you think, because he actually cares about you. Not the glory or the money or the blood—just you.
Finally, you ask, “What’s your name?”
His weight shifts feet. He stares. You wait.
He clears his throat, and then, “Jason.”
“Jason?” you echo.
He nods.
You step forward. Jason watches your every move, terrified of the power that he’s handed over.
You look him up and down, then quickly and to his surprise, you hug him. He sways as his balance is interrupted.
“Jason,” comes out muffled against his shirt. You feel his warmth and nuzzle into it; breathe in his delicious, inviting cologne. “Thank you.”
It’s not just a thanks for the drink; it’s for everything.
He’s suddenly overwhelmed by the gratitude, and gradually, he sinks into your arms. His nose settles in your hair, and just like you, he savours the sensations, all of them new and thrilling.
Jason. Jason. Jason. Jason.
It rings in your head like a prayer and you want to fold yourself into him, a willing disciple.
His hand lingers on your spine as he says, “I got you.”
Your eyes slide upwards. Slyly, you tease, “I had you first.”
He doesn’t let you deflect as his palms swiftly cup your cheeks. He holds you firm and steady, unwavering eyes on yours. “I got you,” he says, each word pronounced gravely. “I’m with you. Understand?”
You can’t help but glance at his mouth, although you nod. “Yes,” you whisper. Without realising it, your fingers have tangled with his, mirroring the hammering insides of your chest. He squeezes them.
“Good.” After a moment, as the seriousness fades, he taps your nose with glittering eyes. “Now drink up. I got more snacks on me.”
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 7
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 3,411
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
Series Masterlist 🤎 Marvel Masterlist 🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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Everything's been a mess. SHIELD headquarters, the city, your apartment...just you in general. Surely most of your coworkers- the good ones, not the Nazis- went home dragging their tired feet with concern over where they'll be employed next since you're all technically out of jobs now, but you haven't spared a single breath worrying over such a trifling matter.
Usually after having such a rough day, you'd return home to a tidy apartment and flop down on the couch to take a much needed nap. Today you merely walk right past it, stepping over the scattered belongings HYDRA had previously gone through and making a straight shot to your bedroom. There you go straight to cleaning the mess left behind with a quickened pace, yet nothing goes back to their respective places. The uncomfortable clothing you only wear for parties gets thrown into a pile on the floor, the soft shirts you enjoy being folded into a suitcase where you stuff all the beloved items you can.
You're mind is just about as scattered as the remnants of SHIELD, so much so that you can barely recall the last few hours. Your fingers are cold and numb, each movement feeling automatic like you're a puppet being pulled at the strings. Even back at the hospital, you hadn’t been yourself which is something Natasha felt the need to point out yet you brushed her concern off, insisting you're just shaken by recent events.
It's not a total lie. Surprisingly, despite how you felt earlier in the day, you can give two shits about SHIELD or HYDRA or whatever. A slight part of you is concerned over Steve, but you're certain he'll pull through. If you hadn't been, you wouldn't have left the hospital in a rush. You only stayed long enough to confirm he'd be okay before making your exit. Right now, there are more important things than worrying over a job or the stubborn super soldier who always lands on his feet. Right now, you're shaken over your fiancé.
Someone could've easily convinced you your eyes just aren't working the way they used to; that you've become complete senile in your old age and that the brainwashed soldier ready to kill you for a second time wasn't your long dead lover. A part of you even wished Steve would've looked at you like you were crazy back then, offended you'd propose an idea so ridiculous, so impossible, that would only open old wounds yet he didn't. He looked away from you, insisting he saw the same man you did hidden behind the amnesia and pain...after all these years, James Buchanan Barnes is alive.
Bucky is alive. You can't seem to get past that thought. It guides you, influencing your actions into what most would consider a completely impulsive decision. Where are you going to go? How are you even going to find him? What will you say ifyou do find him? None of these questions are applied to your current plan of just packing up your belongings and finding Bucky. You can work out the details later, but for right now, the important thing is that he's out there lost and who knows if he's still under HYDRA's influence. Whatever you do, no matter how long it takes, you need to make sure he's safe be it as (Y/n) or Hollie.
There's a ring of your doorbell, one you would've opted to ignore if not for Natasha's voice on the other side. Cursing, you throw a few more things into your case before hurrying to open the door and offering her your best 'I'm in the right state of mind' smile.
"Hey! How'd the press conference go? You must've got out of there quickly. I thought you'd be stuck with those reporters all day."
"It went as well as it could've. Figured I'd come hideout at your place for a bit. I swear, everywhere I go someone recognizes me," she smiles not that you trust it. You can guess why she's here and it's a conversation you'd rather avoid, but it'll do no good for your case by merely turning her away; doing so will only give her further reason to pursue the topic.
Releasing your grip from the doorframe, you step aside to let her in," well, comes with being a famous Avenger I guess...My apartment's actually a mess right now. HYDRA really left no stone unturned here."
"I'm sure. I'm scared to see what my place looks like. Hopefully you didn't have anything valuable?"
"Nah, I figured they'd begin searching agent's apartments after the announcement so I took all the good stuff with me. Nothing seems to be missing from what I've noticed. Of course, it's not like they would've found anything. I might be close to the Avengers, but at the end of the day, I'm still an ordinary agent," you wave a dismissive hand while walking ahead of her to pick a few papers off the ground.
Alas, she stops a few feet within the apartment before finally asking the question you knew she would; the same one she had asked you about a million times at the hospital without ever once accepting the answers given.
"What's going on with you?"
"I don't know. What's going on with you?" You chuckle, eyeing her with mock suspicion," I'm frazzled. I think that's understandable considering everything that's going on. We just overthrew HYDRA and now we're all out of jobs- well, at least you still have the Avengers. I'm gonna have to find something new."
"Which I know isn't the problem because of your impressive resume and besides, I'm sure Stark's already getting the paperwork ready to have you come work for him...So what's really bothering you, (L/n)?" Oh, last name. She's getting impatient with your redirects in conversation only further convincing her of your lies.
Sighing, you lean against the couch," are you really not going to let this go? I mean, you chased me all the way back to my apartment just to bother me over this again despite me telling you it's nothing. Can't you trust me when I say that?"
Natasha stares at you through narrowed eyes before suddenly turning on her heel and making a straight line to your room while ignoring your attempts to stop her. You end up looking like a kicked puppy when she makes it to the door before you do, stopping beside the bed and tilting her head towards the case on top of it.
"You're leaving," she sounds more hurt than angry.
"Where? Why? Are you scared of them coming here for you? If that's the case, you can move in with me or I can move in here, but I really don't think anyone will come after you-"
You hug yourself stubbornly with a shake of your head,"-I'm not scared of anyone, Nat. I just...I have a personal thing I need to do and it involves me traveling. I won't be dropping off the face of the Earth if that's what you're afraid of. It's just a little last minute and I'm not too sure when I'll be back-"
"-What kind of 'personal thing'?"
"I, um..." You bit your lip before inhaling," I'm going after him."
"'Him'?" She raises an eyebrow mockingly.
"James, Bucky, Steve's friend...the Winter Soldier. I need to find him."
Natasha's eyes soften yet her concern doesn't disappear," but why? (Y/n), you saw what he did. I understand that he used to be Steve's friend and all, but he's been under HYDRA's control for years. Even if he isn't under anyone's control right now, we don't know how he'll behave on his own. He could hurt you."
"He won't hurt me…" she gives you a judgmental look to which you quickly roll your eyes at, continuing before she can actually voice her criticism," oh please, Nat. I'm a trained agent. It's not like I'm going to walk up to him and invite him to a tea party. When I find him, I'll keep an eye on him from afar to judge the situation before I make any other calls. By your own logic, if he is under someone's control or just a dangerous person, it won’t be good for him to be out wandering around among the general public. We need to find him before anything bad happens. I...I need to find him."
Natasha sighs," Steve isn't going to like this. He'll try to join you and then we'll have two idiots running into danger."
"This has nothing to do with Steve, in fact I don't want him to even know what I'm doing. All he needs right now is to focus on getting better."
"If this isn't about Steve then why are you doing this?" She shows genuine shock, having originally figured you'd be going on about this Winter Soldier hunt with the desire to help Steve, your closest friend. What other motive is there?
"Because why?"
"Just because!" You huff in annoyance," is Steve the only person allowed to care about Bucky?"
"He tried to shoot you."
"But he missed this time so it's all good."
Natasha blinks," 'this time'? What's that supposed to mean?"
Damn you and your scattered brain.
You smile nervously with a shrug of your shoulders," I mean 'better luck next time', ya' know? It's an expression. Why are you acting like all my words have hidden meanings all of the sudden, huh?"
"Because it's starting to feel like they do..." Natasha narrows her eyes," you know, anymore I'm starting to feel like you're not telling me everything- or anyone for that matter; as if you're trying to hide something from us all. Originally I tried to brush it off, but the more I think about it, the more there is that just doesn't seem to add up about you, especially recently.
"You've claimed to have told us everything about your past yet you've contradicted yourself more than once. You told Banner you have PhDs in both physics and engineering, but according to your records you only have the latter. You joined SHIELD only four years ago but know way more than a typical agent in your position would let alone one who's been here for such a short amount of time. Hell, sometimes it seems like you know more about what's going on than even Fury or myself. I can ignore most of it by dismissing you as either really talented or just a plain liar, but what I can't seem to forget right now is that password."
"What password?"
"The one you used to access SHIELD's files earlier-"
"-Oh, yeah, that...Well, I told you I'm good at what I do. It was just some easy hacking-" You go to quickly explain, only to be cut off by Natasha who takes a step closer.
"-Which I might've believed if not for the fact that you accessed some of SHIELD's most confidential files with a single password. It took Stark more time to do that yet you did it in only a few characters. How?"
"Well, I think it was Hollie Stark's old password actually. I had discovered it long before the trip when I was bored one day. You know me," not a complete lie," Natasha, we're friends. You don't really think I'm lying to you about this, do you? You don't think I'm some sort of threat or anything?"
"I..." She frowns then shakes her head,"...no, I don't. I don't want to anyways. If you were against us, you wouldn't have helped with HYDRA. You wouldn't have done half the stuff you have to help the AVENGERS. Still...If we're really friends, why can't you just be honest with me? I've told you all about my own past and the things I've done; I trusted you with all of that and I'm clearly not in any position to judge you for anything you've done either.”
You run a hand through your hair, looking away from her concerned eyes which feel like they're burning into your soul," I know, I know, Nat. It's just..."
"(Y/n), you can trust me."
"I can. I can trust you with so much, Nat," finally, you look back at her, fighting back any tears or shaky breaths," you're the first true friend I've made in years, and I don't like having secrets from you, but you wouldn't be able to understand this."
"Try me."
There's a silence that floods the room, one suffocating and cold. If you could, you'd try to run away from this situation. Maybe you'd try to argue further even at the risk of upsetting someone close to you. With enough back and forward, you could possibly wear Natasha out until she gives up with a chip of her trust towards you. It would be a sacrifice, but it's better than her thinking you're insane...isn't it?
"I'm sorry Nat..." You hate sounding so broken- so pathetic as you walk past her to your suitcase. It's as if her disbelief is radiating off her body as she watches you zip up your belongings with a lowered head.
Placing the case on the ground and extending the handle, you meet Natasha's eyes blankly," the reason I know so much about SHIELD and that password is because I'm Hollie Stark reincarnated.”
You're not sure if this silence or the previous one is worse. Natasha's lips twitch as if she's almost tempted to laugh yet the bitterness of the moment causes the joke to fall flat into a scowl instead," seriously, (Y/n) I'm-"
"-A few weeks ago, at that party Tony threw, you asked me why I seemed distracted and I told you it was because that day was an anniversary for me," Natasha shuts her mouth, allowing you to take in a careful breath as you continue," that day, seventy years ago, James Buchanan Barnes proposed to me. It was a spur of the moment question- something I don't think he really planned out outside of just wanting to spend his future with me. Aside from ourselves, only three people knew the date...Call Steve."
"-Call Steve right now. Ask him."
Natasha hesitates, wanting to argue against cruelly involving a recovering Steve in such a joke, but the stern look in your eyes challenges any objections and the way your hand tightens around the suitcase handle seems to tell her you'll only walk out if she tests her luck further; that you're hundred percent serious at least in your own mind.
She moves too slowly, pulling out her phone and finding Steve's contact. Each ring stretches an hour apart until the familiar voice reaches her ears," hey...When did Barnes propose to Hollie Stark?...Stark, Tony's aunt. They were engaged, right? I just wanted to know when?...Yes, I know it's random, but just answer the question, Rogers..."
Her grip tightens on the phone, her eyes reaching yours again with an inhale. Your expression softens under her shock, your fingers twitching uncomfortably as you watch her echo out whatever Steve's trying to say which is probably just him wondering why she's so interested in something so irrelevant; something he doesn't want to think about while aching in a hospital bed.
You're quick, quick enough to scare any normal person with the speed in which you rush forward and try to snatch the phone away. Even though Natasha fights against it, you manage to at least hit the 'end call' button, shaking your head frantically once sure your conversation won't be overheard," don't."
"What? Why?!…Wait, I get it. You and Steve are playing some joke on me, aren't you? See how far you can slip up an ex-Black Widow-?"
"-Steve doesn't know and he doesn't need to know either," you sigh exhaustedly, running a hand over your face," look...I'm being serious. Sometimes I wish it was some type of joke, but it's not. I lived my life as Hollie Stark before being reincarnated with all of my past life's memories still intact. I don't know how it happened or why, but it just...happened!
"That's why nothing adds up about my backstory. It's the result of two lifetimes mixing. I didn't lie to Banner when I said I have two PhDs, I probably do know more about SHIELD than Fury, and just a few hours ago I found out my fiancé has been alive this entire time and God knows where he is right now or if he's even still safe," at this point you're unable to hold back your own tears, all the stress of keeping this secret for so long coming undone within seconds.
"That's why I need to find him. I need to find him, Nat- to make sure he isn't alone and to understand why the hell all of this has happened to us. You can doubt me if you want. You can think I'm insane, but it isn't going to change any of this," sitting back onto the bed's edge, you rest your head in your hands while impatiently waiting for her response.
Natasha's staring at you, processing everything that you've just said and what Steve’s date confirmed…Regardless of it all, this is you. You're the same person she's trusted with so much. Sure, you say or do strange things, but you're not one to make such a crazy claim randomly...You wouldn't lie about something like this and be so upset over it...
"...I believe you..." You never thought you'd hear those words before. You're only used to the judgmental looks and comments, never prepared for someone to calmly sit beside you in quiet acceptance as if it's the most normal thing in the world. Then again, maybe you've just never found the right person to trust until now," but...I don't understand. Why haven't you told anyone else? Why not Steve? Or even Tony? Don't you think they'd be happy to know? Weren't you close to them both?"
"...Natasha, you didn't even believe me right away and you never knew Hollie. Imagine how Steve or Tony would feel if I claimed to be her. They'd be harder to convince and if I can't manage, I'd only end up hurting them. I...I can't tell them through a spur of the moment like this. It needs to be the right time and thought out properly...so that all of our feelings can be spared from that."
She doesn't look convinced, still having that habit of keeping her eyes locked on you as if you'll suddenly clear away your tears and have a good laugh over it all. She wants to argue for Steve and Tony's cases further, wondering if it wouldn't just be easier than keep it all a secret from them, after all, wouldn't they have more right to know you're Hollie than her? Then again, she can understand your fear in a sense. She knows what it's like to keep a secret past and to worry over losing others through their reactions. While it may not be the same, it's similar enough.
"So there's no convincing you, huh? You're really Hollie Stark and no matter what I say, you're going after your...fiancé?" It sounds so weird saying out loud. Maybe someday she'll be able to chuckle over the idea of you being engaged to the Winter Soldier. She's seen his past pictures and must admit he was handsome, but is there any chance of him being the same person now? What if you go through all this just to be hurt in the end? God, she's already worrying over you as Hollie and it's only been a few minutes.
"I'll still keep in contact like I said. I'm going to find him and try to figure out a way to help. In the meantime, Steve doesn't need to know. You said it yourself, he'll just try to join me if he knows. I want to make sure Bucky is in the right mindset before I arrange any meeting between them, after all, I of all people know how hard it is to see those you love after so much change," you give a pathetic laugh at the end, looking up to Natasha to catch her slow nod.
"...If you need anything, I'll be here as always...You know that, right? I mean, it's weird to think that you're Hollie Stark and that I'm going to have to start making the same fossil jokes towards you that I do with Steve, but it doesn't change what we've been through together.”
You smile sadly while sitting up a bit straighter," well in that case, I'm going to make a stupid request before I leave."
"And what's that?"
You hold your arms out, your smirk being nothing compared to the usual one you wear, but it's a start," I can’t leave my best friend without a hug, can I?"
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kashi-prompts · 3 years
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Rating: T
Pairing: Kakashi x Reader
Genre: Fluff. Teeth rotting fluff.
"It's stifling in here," the silver-haired Hokage managed, slipping a finger under his mask to let the air hit his face. He took a deep breath, trying to relax the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Kakashi," Gai stood from the wooden chairs before the Hokage's desk, "relax, my friend. I've never seen you so tense."
"I'm not tense," Kakashi brushed off Gai's hard reassuring pat on the back.
"The crease between your eyes has never been so prominent," Gai poked his friend's forehead, stopping him. Kakashi sighed heavily, meeting Gai's gaze.
"I'm fine," he reassured his friend.
"Having second thoughts?" Gai nudged him.
Kakashi looked at his friend and pushed past him to walk to his desk, "no, never. Are my robes here yet?"
"Then what is it?" Guy followed him, watching him as he shuffled papers around on his desk, "We're so young; how could anything bother you on your wedding day?"
"I'm not bothered," Kakashi turned, looking at his oldest friend, giving him a reassuring promise. "Just a little nervous."
The silver-haired shinobi turned Hokage had never felt this way before. His chest swirled with tightness, and his mind raced from thought to thought. The whole village had its eyes on him and [y/n] today. Every gaze would be turned to their marriage, the Hokage and his new wife.
Gai slapped Kakashi on the back again, smiling broadly, "I'm happy for you, my old friend. You're a lucky one."
Kakashi laughed nervously, his fingers pushing the hair at the nape of his neck down. He still hadn't gotten used to the missing thicker locks that had been cut off earlier in the week. His mind traveled to his bride, dreamily manifesting the image of what she would look like walking towards him. He felt his chest tighten more, exhaling shakily.
"Your haori is ready," Yamato came through the office door, towing the Hokage's formal attire behind him carefully. Kakashi nodded, realizing the ceremony would be beginning shortly. He turned to the window behind his desk, looking down at the ceremony space designated for his wedding behind the Hokage's manor. Guests were trickling in one by one, all being greeted by Iruka, whom he had appointed.
"Perfect!" Gai exclaimed, grabbing the attire from Yamato's grasp, "let's get this party ROLLING!"
The sunlight was overbearing on his back as he made his way down the steps towards the ceremony space. His haori fit nicely, but the black, heavy material felt like two weights on his shoulders. He smiled at the guests, greeting the other Kage's respectively. Each congratulated him and encouraged him to not worry about hosting duties on his big day.
Kakashi looked around, taking in the surroundings for a moment as he adjusted his sleeves. Then, he thought of the day he asked y/n to marry him. Sitting quietly under a tree, her head had leaned against his shoulder, dozing off after their rather long walk to their favorite quiet spot on the outskirts of Konoha.
The wisteria blossoms had been in full bloom, dangling above them to create a sea of lavender-colored petals. He had taken her hand as she rested, silently and covertly slipping a ring on her finger with his shaking, cold hands. She hadn't budged at his movements, her breath shallow against the side of his neck.
"I love you," he had whispered against the shell of her ear, "and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Her eyes had fluttered open in surprise, dazed by his words. His fingers had grasped her hand gently and pulled them to his lips, kissing the tip of her ring finger with a tender, fervent gaze. When the realization had hit her, her arms had flown around him, pulling him close to her with a shower of kisses and affectionate affirmations following.
Looking back, the thought enveloped him in a warmth that wasn't from the sun casting down.
"Kakashi," Iruka called out, a smile stretched across his lips as he checked his watch, "all the guests have arrived."
"Good," Kakashi nodded, "I guess that means we're almost ready."
"Yes," Iruka smiled again eagerly. He hesitated for a moment and then leaned in, his voice just above a whisper. "It's time to go get your bride."
Kakashi looked over quickly at Iruka, his eyes glistening with excitement and nervousness. Iruka raised his eyebrows, urging the Hokage to go meet his future wife.
You stood in your kimono, flattening the white fabric out nervously at your waist. Your hands felt clammy, and your heart thumped uncomfortably in your chest. Glancing at the clock, you couldn't help but think of the moments that ticked by that brought you closer to being Kakashi's wife.
Reaching up, you traced your eyelashes with the back of your finger, feeling the moisture from your eyes lying modestly between them. The emotions in your chest were overwhelming you, threatening to burst at any second. The joy consumed you as you inhaled heavily, feeling your lungs expand before letting out a shaky breath.
At one last glance, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes fluttered from the ornate flower in your hair, the rouge on your cheeks down to the bouquet you held at your waist. So this was really happening, you thought.
The sound of a gentle knock on the door caused your heart to skip into your throat. You turned, watching the handle turn quietly before opening a crack.
"[y/n]?" you heard Kakashi's hesitant yet soft voice from behind the opening.
"Yes?" you asked, unsure as to why. You had been waiting for him - for this moment when he would open the door and see you for the first time in your wedding dress. Your heart quivered in your ribcage.
"Can I come in?" he asked quietly, the smile evident in his voice.
"Yes," you replied, your voice exuding like a content sigh.
He didn't swing the door open like some men would, eager to see their bride and get down the aisle. Some men would never even think to knock, knowing full well that what was behind that door was theirs. But the Hokage was different, gentle in more ways than one, yet fiercely protective of what was his.
You hadn't realized you had been holding your breath as you watched him open the door. The sight of his slender fingers tenderly gripping the knob was all you could focus on for a moment, the overwhelming excitement and nervousness engrossing every cell in your body.
But when you finally looked up at him, your eyes catching his, everything felt peaceful. Nothing else mattered except for the gentle upturn of his eyebrows and the soft slope of his lips that curled into a smile. The recognition of his uncovered expression that you only saw intimately sent an electric shock through your body.
The distance between you both disappeared almost immediately. You felt the dance of his fingertips curve around your waist, pulling you close to him as you stifled a giggle of excitement that quickly turned into tears of delight. Tears brimmed at your eyes as you hugged him close, feeling his steady body against your chest and his fingertips spread between the skin of your shoulder blades. Nothing mattered at that moment.
"You look so beautiful," you felt his lips brush against your ear. You smiled against his jaw, feeling the soft prickle of his skin and the scent of his aftershave fill your senses.
"I wasn't expecting you to not wear your mask," you whisper into his neck as your hands hung lazily around his body. But, instead, you felt his hands gently grasp your shoulders, pulling you away to look at you. Your eyes scanned his face, the small mole on his chin resurrecting the smile you couldn't quite tame.
"I figured you'll be my wife shortly, so you should certainly get used to it," he lifted his finger and traced the curve of your own jaw, the feeling of his rough index finger traveling across your skin sent an electric shock through you. You felt heat erupt within you, and by the firm look he gave you, he had felt it too.
"Will you not be wearing it during the ceremony?" You asked hopefully.
He chuckled, pulling you back into his chest. You felt the echo of his laugh reverberate against you.
That was a no.
The surreal environment you walked into with your fiance on your arm felt like you had been transported into a far-off dream you had had many months ago. The realization that all of your planning and praying for things to singularly come together to this moment overwhelmed your senses.
You looked down the aisle at Kakashi, his mask returned to cover his sharp features. Yet, a part of you didn't mind. It was the familiar face you had fallen in love with. You could see the shadow of a grin under the fabric of his face as you walked towards him. Sakura blossoms bobbed all around you, whispering in the breeze that swept his short hair to the side even more.
Once you reached him, you could see the outline of red around his eyes. The man who never showed his emotions in public unless absolutely necessary couldn't help but be overcome with passion at the sight of his bride. You reached for his hand, feeling the clamminess of his skin as you threaded your fingers through his. You smiled at him, and he leaned over to plant a soft kiss on your temple.
"You may kiss your bride," was all you heard as the ceremony ended. You looked up at him, delirious with joy as he smiled down at you, his wife. You narrowed your eyebrows when he didn't immediately press his lips to yours at the reader's consent. He waved your maid of honor over, pointing to your bouquet that she held for you.
"This?" your maid of honor asked, holding up the floral arrangement. He nodded, taking it from her as your attendees continued to cheer. You took it from her and looked back at him, puzzled by his strange request.
But when he pulled your wrist up to cover both of your faces with the bouquet, it all made sense. Shielding the two of you from the audience, you felt the pleasing satisfaction of his bare lips to yours, the sensation enough to send an electric shock through every cell in your body as he pulled your waist closer to his hips. Your whole body blushed at the thrill of kissing your husband without his mask in front of a hundred or so people.
Pulling away breathlessly, he looked down at you, relishing the look of awestruck satisfaction on your face as he pulled his mask back over his nose. Setting the bouquet back at your waist, you gave a dazed smile to the cheering attendees.
As you turned back to the ever louder cheering guests, you felt his lips touch the shell of your ear while you walked back down the aisle.
"Was that good enough for you?" He quipped, smiling behind his mask. You giggled at his remark, waving to your guests.
As you reached a private place behind the crowd, you let out a long sigh, waving your hand to fan yourself. You smiled, joy filling every nerve ending in your body.
Looking out at the crowd that dispersed to a cocktail hour, you felt the warm embrace of the Hokage's arms around your waist. You sighed again, inhaling his scent as he buried his lips in your neck. You felt his grip tighten on your hips.
"I love you," you murmured to him, caressing the hand on your hips. Quickly, he turned you around to face him, searching your face as if to emanate with his eyes how he was feeling.
"I don't think you understand," he whispered to you, his hand on your jaw. You reached up, your fingers brushing over his knuckles and the warm wedding band on his fingers.
"Understand what?" You giggled.
His face remained serious, his gaze overwhelming.
"Understand what?" You repeated quietly.
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."
472 notes · View notes
etceteraon · 3 years
losing heart | hjs
pairing: gamer!jisung x female reader
genre: f2l, fluff, romance, angst
warnings: slight language
word count: 10.2k
summary: after meeting and starting to date your close online friend of a few months, you start to realize that maybe you might have been better off staying online.
a/n: this is my first fic and I really hope it's enjoyable, I worked really hard on it and hope it meets any expectations. I also wanted to thank
for being so kind as to help me proofread this and actually help me expand upon it, I'm really thankful for their help and this probably wouldn't be half of what it is without them helping me out. I am indebted to them /j. I also had another friend help me read over this and I promised them a jeongin x reader in return, so expect that in the near future!
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Video games had never been an issue for you before. You enjoyed them yourself normally, occupying yourself with various titles and genres of video games. Growing up you were known as the nerdy kid, finding interest in things that the other kids deemed ‘weird’. Really it was just that they were closed minded and couldn’t accept anything that was different or new. Anime and video games were entertaining, it didn't matter to you what other people thought about it. It was something that had helped you bond with some of your family members, and had helped you make a few friends over the years, one of them being your current boyfriend, Han Jisung.
The two of you had met online in a game you both enjoyed, Genshin Impact. Normally conversation in this game wasn’t much, just asking what the other needed and helping the other out with it. Things like domains, bosses, etc. After that was all said and done, you said your goodbyes and left, more than likely never encountering the other player ever again. When you and Jisung had met in the game however, things had gone much differently. It was only after about an hour of grinding domains that he had asked for your Discord, the two of you chatting on there for a few weeks before you both mustered up the courage to voice call. A few weeks after that, it was video calls. Only a couple months later, you two were very close friends, playing games and hanging out whenever you both had free time.
How quickly you two had clicked was a mystery to the both of you, but even your online friends were surprised at how fast you had let Han Jisung into your circle. Normally you were very particular about who you spoke to, let alone on a daily basis. Whenever you first met someone you usually spent the first few weeks getting a read on their personality and getting to know them before even thinking about actually getting close to them. It seemed Jisung had just rubbed off on you so quickly you hadn’t had a chance to actually go through your usual process.
When Jisung had suddenly brought up the idea of meeting in person just six months after first meeting each other online, it came as a shock to you, not expecting him to be the one to suggest it since you had learned he was actually an introvert despite his online persona. You had both learned that you lived relatively close to each other, having discussed where you lived previously. It was still about a two hour trip from your house though. Jisung of course had suggested he be the one to travel, but you didn’t want to cause him any more anxiety than he already had and told him you’d be more than willing to do the traveling.
A week was all it had taken for you to get on a bus and travel from your hometown to his. Jisung was texting you the entire ride there, clearly nervous with how many questions he was asking, probably wondering to himself if he should just call it all off. Your other online friends had gotten quite jealous since you hadn’t even met them yet, but you had to remind them just how much further away they were compared to him. They couldn’t argue with that. The two hour ride hadn’t felt long, your legs relieved to be standing upright as you exited the bus, holding your bag close as you looked around nervously. You had never done something like this before, and you honestly hadn’t even realized just how nervous you were up until now.
Scanning the busy sidewalk, you squinted, nibbling on your bottom lip as you struggled to focus, your heart slamming against your chest. Having to wear masks didn’t make things any easier, only being able to see the top half of people's faces really limited your ability to recognize someone you had only ever seen over the phone. After a few minutes, you had begun to wonder if Jisung had up and ditched you. Scrambling for your phone, you nearly dropped it, hissing as you unlocked it and looked over your messages with Jisung. He had said he was on his way to the bus stop a half an hour ago. It couldn’t take him that long could it?
About to call him, you walked over to the bench and sat yourself down, pressing the dial button and placing the phone up to your ear, looking around sheepishly, silently wondering if you were going to be ghosted and have to take another two hour drive home. Faintly you could hear the sound of a phone ringing, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you turned your attention to the source, seeing a rather short male with bleach blonde hair running towards the bus stop with a motorcycle helmet in hand. It was only moments before the male wearing all black actually reached the stop, looking around, locking eyes with you for a moment before pulling out his phone that was ringing and taking less than a second to look at the caller ID before answering.
“Y/n? I just got here- Where are you?” He questioned, nearly making you scoff into your phone’s receiver as you stood up, looking directly at him and cocking an eyebrow.
“Right in front of you.”
The slow turn and the look of realization was more than comical. Jisung’s eyes widening and then scrunching as he smiled under his mask. Hanging up the phone he slowly walked over, rubbing the back of his neck as he cleared his throat, shaking slightly with anxiety. “I uh, I’m sorry for getting here late. I kind of ran into an issue and had to do some last minute problem solving.” He explained, earning a head tilt from you. “What kind of problem?” You asked, wanting him to elaborate.
A quiet chuckle left his lips as he held up the motorcycle helmet he was holding, motioning back towards a bike that was parked on the side of the road. “I only had one. So I had to go and buy another.” You were sure your expression had matched Jisung’s from just moments before, in shock as you realized the motorcycle was his. If he was slow at realizing you were right in front of him, you were slow in realizing something much more obvious. “You never told me you drive a motorcycle…” You trailed off, Jisung nodding slowly in agreement.
“Ride a motorcycle but yeah. It never really came up and I’m not one of those people who constantly brags about riding one. It’s just a mode of transportation and happens to be cheaper than a car.” He shrugged, and honestly, you couldn’t argue with his reasoning. Clearing your throat, you shrugged your bag further up onto your shoulder, shifting your weight back and forth on your feet. “Well, I’m here. Now what?”
Jisung paused for a moment, seemingly processing your words before motioning towards his bike once more. “I figured we could go back to my place. I figured I’d order food since I’m not the best cook as you know. Almost burnt down my apartment on multiple occasions. My roommate is there, but he’s really chill. You’ve heard him every now and then on call or on mic. He normally keeps to himself, but I already told him about you coming and he doesn’t mind.” He stopped, thinking about whether or not that was everything he was wanting to say. “...Yeah. Unless you don’t feel comfortable with that of course. We can always go somewhere public and just hang out like that.” He offered, clearly not wanting to make you do anything you didn’t want to do.
“No, that sounds great.” You assured him, seeing his eyes scrunch as he smiled again, nodding happily. “Okay cool, let me just-” He stepped forward, getting alarmingly close and leaning forward. It felt as if your heart had stopped beating and the world was moving in slow motion around you. But before you could let your mind wander too far, Jisung placed the helmet he had been holding on your head, knocking you right out of your trance. “-ouch…” You mumbled, Jisung leaning back just slightly to look you in the eyes.
“Sorry, it’s kind of heavy, but it’ll keep your head intact.” He joked quietly, making sure everything was tight, locked and secure before stepping back and flipping the shield to cover your face, smirking slightly as he smacked the top of the helmet. “You good in there?”
Rolling your eyes, you flipped the shield back up to glare at him, smacking his arm as he laughed. “So you’re an ass in person too?” Jisung clicked his tongue before snapping his fingers and shooting finger guns at you. “You know it.” You were internally cringing, but before you could even think about teasing him for it, he was walking over to his bike and you had no choice but to follow, trailing behind him like a lost puppy.
You watched as he got on his bike, pulling his helmet on with ease and starting the engine, the loud sound making you flinch. If Jisung noticed this he didn’t comment on it, simply looking over at you and moving his head to the side, signaling for you to get on the bike. You had never rode one before, so this was a nerve wracking situation. What happened if you fell off? What if you got into an accident? Your mom had always told you just how dangerous motorcycles were. What if this was a bad idea?
Suddenly, Jisung was off of his bike and his hands were on your waist, lifting you up and onto the motorcycle, flipping your face shield back down before getting back on himself. He kicked the stand up so he was now balancing the bike himself. Looking back at you, he raised his voice so you could hear him over the sound of the motor. “I’d suggest you put your arms around me unless you wanna fall off.” Mean, but you knew he was just trying to tease you. You didn’t waste any time to wrap your arms securely around his waist, your head resting against his back. You swear you could feel him laugh as he flipped his face shield down, but you didn’t have any time to really think about it before he was off, riding down the streets of Incheon with you clinging to him for dear life.
The ride to his apartment felt like forever when in reality it only took a few minutes. Your grip on him hadn’t loosened in the slightest, far too afraid of falling from the motorcycle. Even after he had parked and turned off the engine, you were still sticking to him, an audible laugh leaving his lips as he took off his helmet. “You plan on letting go anytime soon?” He teased, you only shaking your head in response. He snickered before carefully prying your hands off of his waist, getting off of the bike and helping you off before taking your helmet and tilting his head slightly, noting your expression. “Was it that bad? I tried to be a little less reckless than normal.” His tone was joking, but you could tell he was genuinely concerned he had scared you.
“N-No it wasn’t that bad, just not used to it.” You assured him, stumbling slightly as you tried to take a step forward, his arms quickly reaching forward and holding you so you didn’t fall. “Jeez, we’re lucky you don’t have very far to walk.” Again with the teasing. You weren’t surprised by it though, Jisung had always been like that when you two talked. You scoffed, hanging on to his arm as you steadied yourself. “Shut up Ji. Where’s your place?” You questioned, Jisung smirking before leading you towards the building, letting you hang on to his arm without much thought. He didn’t seem bothered by it in the slightest despite having told you that physical contact made him nervous. You wondered what had changed. Carefully leading you inside and through the building, the both of you made it to his apartment, you finally letting go of him as he pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. If his roommate was home you weren’t sure why the door was locked, but you didn’t bother to question it as the door opened and Jisung motioned inside. “Ladies first.”
“When have you ever considered me a lady?” You joked, stepping into the apartment and looking around curiously, Jisung scoffing at your question as he shut the door behind the both of you. “Since always. You are one are you not?”
Shrugging, you didn’t answer his question, tugging at the straps on your bag as you walked further into the apartment. For some reason the decor didn’t really feel like it matched Jisung. After all, he had this whole e-boy/rocker look going on and you had fully expected the apartment to be messy and unorganized, but it was the complete opposite. It was clean, spotless even, and it made you wonder if he had cleaned simply because he knew you were coming to visit. Turning to look over your shoulder, Jisung smiled sheepishly, fiddling with a zipper on his leather jacket. “My roommate helped clean everything up. It doesn’t usually look like this.” He admitted, making you laugh and shake your head. “I figured as much.”
As if on cue, another male stepped out of a room in the hall, locking eyes with you and giving you a questioning look before noticing Jisung standing beside you, putting two and two together as a smile started to form on his face. “Oh, you must be Y/n-ssi.” He stated matter-of-factly, making his way down the hall towards the both of you and holding out his hand to you in greeting. You gingerly grasped his hand, smiling softly as he began to introduce himself while shaking your hand. “I’m Yang Jeongin, 01’ liner.”
Your eyes lit up at the realization that you were both the same age, “L/n Y/n, also 01’ liner.” You stated, watching as he relaxed a little realizing that he no longer needed to be so formal with you. The two of you let go of each other's hands, “Ah, well it’s nice to meet you Y/n. Jisung hyung has talked about you a lot.”
Raising an eyebrow, you glanced back at Jisung who smiled and shrugged as if to say he didn’t know what Jeongin was referring to. “I hope it was only good things.” You returned your attention to the male in front of you, watching as he chuckled and quickly nodded his head in agreement with your words. “Only good things. He’s always going on about how much he enjoys your company and how pr-”
“Yang Jeongin- '' Jisung cut him off suddenly, the younger male’s eyes widening before a mischievous smile crossed his face. The two males exchanged various expressions, you watching in confusion as they had a silent conversation with their faces. After a few moments, you cleared your throat, feeling awkward just standing between the two as they acted as if you weren’t right there. Snapping out of it, Jisung looked at you, quickly putting on a smile as he placed a hand on the small of your back, leading you towards the hall. “How about we hang out in my room, hm?”
“Wha- but I thought-” You trailed off, Jeongin following behind the two of you. “Seriously Jisung hyung? I thought we were all gonna hang out-” He mumbled, Jisung shaking his head as he practically pushed you into his room, stepping inside and shutting the door on Jeongin before the younger could hold it open. Locking it, Jisung turned to you, noticing your quizzical expression. He chuckled nervously, placing his hands in his pockets as he averted his gaze. “I just thought it might be better to hang out alone for a little while.” He stated, though his words sounded off, like he was only partly telling the truth.
You decided not to pry however, glancing at the door behind him. “What about Jeongin? He seemed upset.” Jisung shook his head, moving away from the door and closer to you. “He’ll be fine. He’s only being like that since we don’t normally have people over. After we hang out on our own for a while and go back out there he’ll forget about it.” He sounded so sure of himself that you had no reason not to believe him, nodding slowly as Jisung bit down on his bottom lip, seemingly debating something in his head.
“What’s up Ji?” You questioned, said male letting out a breathy laugh, not at all surprised that you had noticed something was going on in his head. “I uh- well I didn’t want to make it weird or anything but… I was wondering if I could give you a hug?” He sounded like he was nervous, and that suspicion was confirmed when you noticed how he was refusing to look at you, shifting back and forth on his feet. You found this cute, giggling quietly as you looked him over. You had just been practically glued to him while he was taking you back to his place on his motorcycle and now he was all shy and nervous because he wanted a hug?
Wordlessly, you crossed the remaining space between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his waist and looking up at him. Jisung tensed up slightly at your touch, remaining still for a moment before wrapping his arms around you, holding you close and resting his head on top of yours. “I made that weird didn’t I?” Snickering, you nodded, still keeping your hold on him but closing your eyes. “Just a little, but it’s fine. You make everything weird.”
An offended sound left his lips, earning a laugh from you as he pouted. “I do not make everything weird.” He mumbled, watching as you slowly pulled away and sat down on his bed, glancing around the room to actually take everything in. The decor in his room definitely made more sense, anime posters and figurines, manga, various instruments, LED lights adorning the ceiling, his gaming setup. It was all very Han Jisung. A light blush adorned Jisung’s cheeks as he cleared his throat and sat down beside you, nibbling the inside of his cheek. “Sailor Moon huh?” You teased, watching as his ears turned red with embarrassment.
“You’re gonna make me take all of this down right now I swear.” He huffed, eyeing you as you took your bag off and set it on the floor before falling back onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling and kicking your feet. “I think it’s cute. I like Sailor Moon too, she’s pretty.” You admitted, meeting his gaze to show that you were being honest.
“I mean, what’s not to like about her? She’s funny, sweet, caring, cute- plus she has a cute cat and super powers. Not only that but her outfit when she transforms is adorable. I’d wear that if I could.” You trailed off, watching as Jisung’s expression changed. You couldn’t read what it was, but there was a slight sparkle in his eyes as you spoke about his favorite anime character. “What are you thinking about?” You pondered, Jisung smiling as he snapped out of his trance, laying down beside you. “I just didn’t expect you to like Sailor Moon too. We never talked about that before so I didn’t even know you liked anime.” You considered his words before realizing that he was right, nodding slowly.
“I do. I watch it every now and then when I have time, but I grew up watching it. Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Naruto, the essentials.” The two of you talked about anime and your other interests besides gaming for a while, simply laying on Jisung’s bed as you both relaxed and spent time together, getting to know each other a little more. It was almost comical how easily you two got comfortable with each other despite having never met in person up until then. You both stayed there for about an hour before Jisung had brought up his music, asking you if you wanted to hear what he had been working on. Of course you obliged, sitting up as he grabbed his guitar and made his way back over, playing a few songs for you after getting over his initial nervousness to sing in front of you.
You praised him for how good he was at singing and playing the guitar, also mentioning just how thoughtful and beautiful his lyrics were. He turned bright red at your compliments, shaking his head as he put his guitar back, holding out his hand to you as he came back over, asking if you wanted to go out into the living room and watch some TV and order some food. Of course you agreed and took his hand, getting up and following him out of his room and into the living room where Jeongin was sitting, his eyes moving from the TV to the both of you. “Oh, are you finally gonna come out here and hang out?” You could tell he was upset, but not enough to cause his voice to sound angry.
Jisung simply nodded at his roommate, going over to the couch and scooting him over before sitting down himself and patting the empty spot beside him for you to sit. You made your way over to the two males, slowly sitting down as you looked at what Jeongin had been watching, some YouTuber playing a game you had never seen before. Looked like both of the boys were gamers, which made sense. Jisung took the remote from Jeongin, switching it from YouTube to Netflix and clicking his account before handing you the remote. “You can watch whatever you want.” He told you, pulling out his phone so he could order food, Jeongin looking over his shoulder as he mumbled to the older male what he felt like eating. You laughed quietly, shaking your head before returning your focus to the TV.
You picked out an animated movie you hadn’t seen in a while, reaching forward and setting the  TV remote down on the small table situated in front of the couch. Leaning back you noticed Jisung’s eyes glued to the TV, confused at his expression until Jeongin also looked up. “Ah, Jisung hyung watches this all the time. I think I’ve seen it at least twenty times.” He mumbled, your eyes widening as you leaned forward to grab the remote. “I can pick something else if you both have already seen this-” Jisung quickly reached forward, shaking his head as he took the remote and set it back down.
“No, it’s fine. If you want to watch it, we can watch it.” There was something different about his voice, but you couldn’t quite place what. Nodding, you went back to your previous sitting position, Jisung mumbling something you didn’t catch before handing you his phone. “What do you feel like eating?”
The three of you debated over what to eat for a while, mainly because you would suggest something, they would agree and you would go right back to asking them if they were really okay with what you had picked and then you were back to square one. Eventually you actually managed to decide on something, Jisung ordering for all three of you and then focusing on the movie. The three of you sat in silence, enjoying each other’s company. It was about halfway through the movie that the food arrived, Jeongin getting up before Jisung could, opening the door and thanking the delivery person before bringing the food in and shutting the door behind him. He quickly sorted out the food in the kitchen before bringing it all over, handing both you and Jisung yours before sitting down and starting to eat his own, not even bothering to wait or thank Jisung.
Giggling, you quietly thanked Jisung who shrugged it off, saying it wasn’t a big deal as he began to eat. The rest of the night was spent pretty much the same, the three of you watching various movies before Jeongin decided to retire for the night, saying goodnight to both you and Jisung before shutting himself in his room, leaving you and Jisung alone in the living room. Once the movie you were watching was over, Jisung cleared his throat, causing you to look over at him, feeling a little tired, but not trying to show it. Of course, it seemed like Jisung knew even with you trying to hide it, a soft smile on his lips as he slowly stood up. “You can sleep in my bed. I’ll take the couch.” Always the gentleman.
You opened your mouth to argue but he shook his head before you could, “I’m not letting you take the couch. So either you take the bed, or I end up on the floor. If you sleep on the couch I’m sleeping on the floor, so either way I’m not sleeping in my bed. Would you rather me sleep on the couch or the floor?” He didn’t give you much choice, but you knew he wasn’t bluffing. Groaning, you lifted yourself off the couch, ignoring his cheeky laugh as he led you back to his room, turning on the light and showing you where everything was in case you needed it. He then reminded you that he’d be on the couch in the event you needed him for anything, saying goodnight and giving you another hug before leaving his room and shutting the door to give you some privacy.
Everything felt like a daydream up until that point, a sigh leaving your lips now that you were alone in his bedroom. You locked the door so you could change into your nightclothes. After you had done so, you moved to unlock the door, your attention grabbed by an out of place manga just after. You walked over, picking it up and moving to put it back in its place, only for pages to fall out of it, your eyes widening when you thought you had accidentally ruined something of his, only to notice when going to pick them up that they were song lyrics and different ideas for songs. You felt like you were invading his privacy, quickly trying to stuff the pages back into the manga before your eyes fell upon your name. Furrowing your eyebrows, you couldn’t help but look over the page, eyes widening.
There was a knock on the bedroom door and before you could react Jisung was already in the room. “Sorry I forgot that I need to get my clothes-” He stopped once he caught sight of you, clearly in shock with how he simply stood there. You smiled sheepishly, placing the paper you held back into the manga and closing it. “I didn’t mean to look through it. I was going to put it up because I saw that it wasn’t where it was supposed to be and then a bunch of pages fell out.” You tried to explain, Jisung finally moved to take the manga from you, setting it back down on his desk before looking you in the eyes.
“You read it didn’t you?” His voice was calm, but you could tell by how quickly his eyes were scanning your face that he was anxious to hear your answer. Nodding, you bit down on your bottom lip, unsure of what to say or do. Jisung sighed, taking a step back and running a hand through his bleached locks, “God- I didn’t want you to find that… I meant to tell you, like actually tell you. I wanted to send you that song once I had finished it.” He mumbled, his admission making your cheeks heat up a little. So you weren’t reading too much into everything.
Reaching forward, you pulled Jisung into a hug, clearly surprising him as he squeaked in surprise. “Wh-” Before he could even finish his question, you interjected. “I like you too Ji.” It was simple, it was to the point, it was the truth.  You felt Jisung tense in your grip before relaxing completely only seconds later, pulling you closer to him as he let out a breathy chuckle. “So, I don’t need to send you that song?” He questioned, looking down at you as you smiled. “I’d still love to hear it.” Smiling, Jisung leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I think I’ll finally be able to finish it now.”
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That was how everything had started, and that was what got you here. Laying in your shared bed staring up at the ceiling as the subtle sound of clicking and the drag of a computer mouse filled the room. You weren’t sure how long you had been laying here, but it had been a while. Slowly, you turned your body to the side, seeing your boyfriend's back turned towards you, facing his monitors, headphones over his ears. You weren’t sure when was the last time the two of you had actually spent any time together. In between work and his constant gaming addiction, it seemed you were always left to occupy yourself. When you got back from your job, he was usually asleep, so you’d climb into bed with him and sleep yourself. Almost every time when you would get up, he’d either be gone or sitting at his desk and playing video games. That was when your dislike for video games began.
Today was no different it seemed, a quiet sigh leaving your lips as you reached over to your nightstand, picking up your phone and checking the time. It was late. Though you could have guessed that by how dark the room was, the LEDs on the ceiling the only thing illuminating the room. They had been Jisung’s idea, but you hadn’t objected since you figured it would be both of your living space and he ought to have some things of his own as well. You felt a sinking in your chest as you came to the realization that your fear was more than likely true. You had gone off to work that morning hoping, praying that Jisung would at least remember your birthday. But it seemed he hadn’t, far too engrossed in his video games to even notice you were awake.
Gulping, you pulled yourself off of the mattress, deciding you weren’t going to make a big scene. You left the bedroom in silence, going out to the small living room of the apartment and sitting yourself down on the couch in front of the TV. You could feel tears pricking at your eyes, but you wouldn’t let them fall. Reaching forward, you turned on the TV, figuring a distraction would help keep all of your emotions at bay. That or it would drown out the sound of you crying once you finally broke, knowing it was only a matter of time before that actually became reality. You didn’t even bother to actually pay attention to what you had put on the screen, merely turning up the volume as you pulled your knees up to your chest, lowering your head so you could no longer see.
You weren’t sure where things had gone wrong. Really, nothing had. You and Jisung had been very happy from the beginning, and you had no issues up until you both actually decided to move in together. You thought that living together would have actually made it easier on the both of you, not having to manage your work/life load as much. Trying to date while living two hours away from each other and having jobs on top of that made things harder, but now that you two were actually living in the same apartment, it felt like you actually spent less time with each other. Odd how that worked.
In the moment, you were tempted to just grab your things and leave, overwhelmed with the amount of emotions you were feeling. Anger, sadness, betrayal, loneliness… it was all just piling on. It probably didn’t help that you never expressed how you were feeling, pretending everything was just fine when you knew it wasn’t. You were just never one to create a problem, opting to just suffer than make anyone else uncomfortable or feel bad. The sound of someone knocking on the door had forced any tears that were about to fall back into your tear ducts. You knew Jisung couldn’t hear with his headphones on, so you begrudgingly picked yourself off of the sofa, sulking over to the door and prying it open, looking out with a dead expression up until your eyes met ones you hadn’t seen in months.
“Chan?” You breathed, unable to believe he was actually standing in front of your apartment. When you had moved in with Jisung, you had moved to Incheon in order to not make it hard on him. This had caused you to leave your family and friends behind, including your friend since middle school, Bang Chan. He always had impeccable timing. Beaming, Chan held out a box that held a cake in it, a present in his other hand as he tilted his head sweetly, his curls falling just slightly. “Happy birthday Y/n! Surprised you didn’t I?” He chuckled slightly, watching as you took a step back, a hand over your mouth as you tried to contain yourself.
It seemed to be just enough to send you over the edge however, tears spilling from your eyes before you could stop them, a broken sob leaving your lips as Chan’s happy expression quickly changed to one of concern. “Oh God-'' He didn’t even ask to be let in despite having never visited yours and Jisung’s apartment before, stepping in, he shut the door with his foot. It took him only seconds to find a place to set down the cake and present he held, bending down slightly as he held your arms and tried to look you in the eyes, seemingly searching them for an answer. “Y/n what’s wrong?” He had known you for so long, there was no getting out of this one.
He knew that you never cried in front of anyone unless something was really wrong. That or you had been holding in your emotions for too long. This time it happened to be both. You weren’t able to blame it on being happy to see him, he’d be able to tell you were lying immediately. God why had he decided to visit you now of all times? Sniffling, you tried your best to stop crying, shakily wiping away your tears before Chan wiped the remainder away with his thumb, arching an eyebrow as he awaited an answer.
“I-I just… God…” You fumbled over your words, not exactly sure how to explain what was going through your head to Chan. Of course, it seemed he could sense this, taking your wrist and leading you over to the couch you had previously been curled up on, sitting you both down and smiling softly. “You can take your time Y/n. I’m not gonna rush you. Just tell me what’s going on and why you’re so upset.” He always had to be so understanding and kind. You just weren’t sure if he would be as understanding and kind to your boyfriend after you told him what was bothering you. He had always been overprotective and had even tried to talk you out of moving in with Jisung in the first place.
“O-Okay well, it’s really not that big of a deal. It’s just Jisung and I haven’t been spending much time together lately. I’m just lonely and upset.” You mumbled, watching Chan’s jaw harden at the mention of Jisung, his eyes narrowing and growing dark as he tried to put the pieces together. There were things you weren’t telling him and he knew it. “Is he busy with work?” He questioned, your heart clenching. Chan really was just going to get to the root of the issue wasn’t he?
“He is sometimes…” You trailed off, nibbling on your bottom lip as you avoided Chan’s gaze. You hated it when he got angry. It was rare for him to do so, but when he did, he was terrifying. “What about other times?” His voice was cool and even, showing no signs of anger, but you knew better. You knew he was probably itching to get his hands on Jisung and in your mind you were wondering whether letting him in was a good idea.
“Well… when he gets back from work he usually sleeps or plays his games. When I get back from work he’s either at his job, sleeping or gaming. I mean, gaming is his form of stress relief so… I get it. It used to be mine so I can’t really be upset with him for that. I can’t be mad at him for sleeping or going to work either. It’s not that big of a deal.” You were making excuses for him and you knew it. But you didn’t want Chan to lose his cool. The thought was more scary than spending your birthday alone. “So he’s choosing video games over you.” Chan stated bluntly, anger creeping into his voice.
Slowly, you decided to look at him, only to see he wasn’t even looking at you now, but rather around the apartment, one of his fists clenched as he tapped his foot against the hardwood floor. You didn’t respond to his statement, so it was only a few moments before he looked you in the eyes, giving you a look that told you to correct him if he was wrong. You searched your mind for something, anything, but you came up with nothing, gulping as you slowly lowered your head, sighing shakily. “I-I guess.” You whispered, feeling your body grow cold as you admitted it to yourself aloud. Chan cleared his throat, nodding as he looked around the apartment once again. “Is he at work right now?” The silence that filled the apartment was his only indication of that, but when you looked around, unsure, he could tell that he was wrong in his assumption.
“He’s here right now isn’t he?” He scoffed, the anger he had been holding back making a swift appearance as he got to his feet. Eyes widening, you quickly grabbed onto your friend's arm, knowing he could easily overpower you and do what he wanted, but he wouldn’t. He may know you like the back of his hand, but you knew him just as well. “Chan please. Don’t make this a big thing. I’m already upset and things getting out of hand is only going to make it worse.”
“Y/n-” Chan started, looking back at you, anger fading as he looked into your eyes, knowing that ultimately he was going to do whatever it was you asked of him. “Can I just talk to him? You and I both know that you don’t deserve to be treated like this.” He bargained, only causing you to shake your head in disagreement. “You know for a fact that you won’t be able to hold yourself back if you ‘just talk to him’.” You gave him a knowing look and he simply huffed, averting his gaze. He knew you were right.
“You brought cake right? How about we just have that and hang out? That’d make me feel better.” Chan’s tension had eased slightly at your request, taking a deep breath as he nodded, deciding he was simply going to appease you since it was your birthday after all. Getting off of the couch, Chan grabbed the cake and present he had set down in a hurry, going into the kitchen and setting it down once again. You followed shortly after him, looking over as he opened the box, a soft smile gracing your lips. He had remembered your favorite color. “It’s very pretty.” You praised. Chan clicked his tongue as he opened a pack of candles, starting to place them on the top of the cake. “Of course it is, I picked it out.” He teased, causing you to roll your eyes and smack his arm. “God you’re annoying.”
Snickering he shrugged his shoulders, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and carefully lighting the candles. “Yet you still miss me. Crazy how that works.” Looks like you two were right back to how you had always been. He wasn’t wrong though, you had really missed him. Being pulled away from everything you knew just for Jisung had been hard, but it had been something you were willing to do for your relationship. One you weren’t even sure was there anymore. Pulling you from your thoughts, Chan started singing. His voice had always been amazing. After he had finished, you blew out the candles, Chan grinning and ruffling your hair before pulling out the candles and starting to search the kitchen for something to cut the cake with. “So, what did you wish for?”
He always asked that question. Every single birthday of yours without fail. You always responded with the same thing. “You know I can’t tell you that. If I tell you it won’t come true.” Laughing, Chan shook his head, amazed that you still stuck by that. “You actually think that matters?” He questioned, earning a nod from you as you opened the drawer that held your kitchen utensils, pulling out a knife and handing it to Chan who thanked you before getting to work on cutting the cake. “Have any of your wishes come true that you haven’t told anyone about?” He pondered, the question making you think back on your previous birthday wishes.
“Mmm, there have been a few actually.” Chan gave you a questioning look, pausing as he did so. “Like what? Since they’ve already happened you should be able to tell me right?” You considered it before figuring that he was probably right, pulling out two plates and forks before sitting yourself down on one of the barstools that were placed along the island in the kitchen. “For my sixteenth birthday I wished for a skateboard and I ended up getting it that day.” You stated, Chan smirking as he continued to cut the cake, shaking his head.
“Maybe because you had been bugging your parents for it for a whole year. Only to never use it despite me telling you I’d teach you how to ride it.” He added in the last part just to chastise you, placing a piece of cake on a plate before handing it to you along with a fork. “I highly doubt that had anything to do with your wish.” You rolled your eyes as you took a bite of cake, humming quietly. He had remembered your favorite flavor of cake too. Of course he had.
“You don’t have to hate on me for believing in birthday wishes just because you don’t Chan. I get it, you’re too grown up to believe in something silly and childish like birthday wishes.” You could tell he got slightly irked by your words, scoffing as he got himself a piece of cake. “That’s not even it-”
“Then what is it?” You cut him off before he could finish, tilting your head slightly as you stared at him. Chan slowly took a bite of cake, looking you in the eyes, considering his next words carefully. “None of my birthday wishes ever came true. So I stopped believing in things like that. I think it’s endearing that you still do though.” He admitted, causing you to frown. “None of them? Not one?” You questioned, Chan seeming to think back on it as he stood there in silence, looking down at the cake. “Mm, I guess there was one that came true?” He sounded unsure, but you leaned forward in your seat, smiling as you waited for him to elaborate.
“I think it was my eighth birthday? The memory is kind of foggy, but I remember wishing for another sibling. It’s kind of dumb now that I think about it, but it did come true.” He shrugged, looking back up at you as you giggled while taking another bite of cake. “I’d say that’s a pretty big wish. The stars probably just figured that wish was enough for a while.” Chan rolled his eyes, snickering as he shook his head. “Yeah sure, whatever you say Y/n.”
The two of you enjoyed each other’s presence for a while, seeming to forget about the issue at hand which was exactly what you had been wanting. Not wanting to confront it or make a big deal out of anything. Chan was helping you ignore your problems and you were more than grateful, the male stating that he wanted to watch you open the present he had got you, so you both moved from the kitchen to the living room, the TV still playing whatever it was you had put on. Gingerly, Chan set the present on your lap, waiting patiently for you to open it.
You had always gotten nervous when it came to opening gifts. You were never a fan of surprises and presents were just wrapped surprises. Slowly, you pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, peeking inside. Your eyes widened once you realized what it was he had gotten you, gasping as you practically ripped it out of the bag, looking it over with wide eyes. “Oh my god- This is so expensive Chan. You really shouldn’t have.” You pried your eyes from the present to meet his gaze, seeing just how happy he was with your reaction to the gift. “I knew you’d like it. I’m sure you’ve been eyeing it for a while now. You always do that with the new lines.” He stated, making you nod in agreement.
“I actually had this in my cart for when I could afford it. It still scares me how well you know me. I never even told you about the new line.” Chan simply shrugged, acting as if it was no big deal. “What can I say, I’m just that good.” He chuckled, already leaning back as you reached forward to smack him.
For a few hours the two of you just sat and talked, not even realizing just how late it was getting. The two of you were making up for lost time, only able to talk over the phone or text, sometimes video call depending on just how busy the two of you were. Life as a producer was busy, that was also part of the reason you were so surprised he had shown up at your front door. It was the last thing you had been expecting. Just like you hadn’t been expecting Jisung to leave your bedroom. It seemed he and Chan had noticed each other’s presence before you had even noticed Jisung, standing silently in the hallway as he looked between the two of you. You immediately turned your gaze to Chan, seeing the look that was on his face before had returned. That wasn’t good.
“Who is that-?” Jisung finally spoke, looking at you with confusion and slight fear. It was then you remembered that Jisung and Chan had never officially met, your eyes widening as you motioned over to your childhood friend. “Chan. Bang Chan. I’ve told you about him, remember? My best friend since middle school.” You explained, Jisung’s expression growing more relaxed as he slowly nodded, remembering discussing him before. “Ah, yeah. We’ve never met before.” Jisung smiled, making his way over to the couch and holding out his hand.
Chan stared at it for a moment before deciding not to be a total ass. He took his hand and shook it, gripping it tightly before paying Jisung a sickeningly sweet smile. “No we haven’t. I’m sorry for not telling you before coming over but I thought I’d surprise Y/n for her birthday.” There it was. You had been expecting him to say something, but you hadn’t been expecting him to say it right out of the gate like that. Confusion was written on Jisung’s face for a moment before his eyes widened in realization, his gaze quickly flitting to yours. “O-Oh…” It seemed he finally understood the tension coming from Chan.
Slowly you lowered your gaze, fiddling with the present Chan had gotten you. Jisung took a moment to look at it before looking to the kitchen, seeing the cake sitting on the counter. “Y/n… I’m… I-I didn’t realize…” He stammered, unsure of what to say or do. After all, there wasn’t much he could do now. “It’s fine.” You mumbled out, forcing a smile as you looked up at him, hating to see just how upset and guilty he looked. Chan on the other hand, wasn’t having it.
“Look, I know it’s our first time meeting and Y/n told me not to make a scene, so I won’t. However, it’s not fine. You should know Y/n well enough to know that she doesn’t like to voice what’s upsetting her. You may be busy with work, or stressed, or whatever, but you ignoring her for your video games is something that shouldn’t be happening. Forgetting her birthday? Don’t you think that’s a little much? Do you see the problem? Y/n shouldn’t have to beg you for attention. You should be paying attention to your girlfriend regardless of what your work life is like and if you can’t handle that, you shouldn’t be stringing her along. She doesn’t deserve that and you know it.” His words were harsh and to the point, but he got across what he wanted to. Jisung gulped, biting on his lower lip as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“You’re right.” Jisung mumbled, hanging his head. “I’ve gotten so absorbed in gaming because of stress from work, but that’s not an excuse. I should have been paying more attention to Y/n, so much more attention. I-I honestly can’t believe I forgot her birthday. I didn’t even realize just how bad I was getting… I just…” He sighed, stopping himself as he turned from Chan to look at you, taking a few steps closer before bending down slightly to look you in the eyes. “I’m so sorry Y/n. Really I am. I don’t have any excuses. How I’ve been treating you is wrong and I realize that. I promise I’ll change.” He spoke softly, searching your eyes as he apologized.
You could tell he was being genuine, seeing tears pricking at his eyes as he spoke to you. “You’d better or I’ll come right back here and take her home with me.” Chan muttered, causing you to roll your eyes at him. “Chan-” You chided, earning a sigh from him as he stood up, placing his hands in the air as a sign of defeat as he made his way into the kitchen. “Sorry, I’ll give you guys a minute.” It was clear he didn’t want to, but he would do it for you.
Sighing quietly once Chan had left the room, you looked to Jisung and patted the part of the couch Chan had just been sitting on, waiting for Jisung to take his place before sitting crisscrossed and facing him. “Ji… I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not upset. I am. I’m really upset. I had honestly thought that you would pull through and remember my birthday but you didn’t. It honestly felt like a stab to the heart. However, I’m also not going to say you’re completely at fault since I haven’t been honest and voiced how I was feeling to you. Keeping quiet and just letting things get worse was my own doing and I’m sorry I didn’t communicate with you.” You mumbled, Jisung furrowing his eyebrows and shaking his head as he reached forward, taking hold of both of your hands. “Hey, no. You’re not taking the blame for this. You shouldn’t be apologizing to me when you haven’t done anything wrong. You never once forgot anything important to me and I forgot your birthday. That’s huge and I’m gonna be apologizing for it forever. I should have realized what I was doing to you. That was my fault not yours, okay?”
You frowned, getting ready to disagree. “I’m not budging on this one. You have no reason to be apologizing to me. You know I’m right.” You didn’t, but you weren’t going to argue with him. Once Jisung saw you were done trying to blame yourself, he sighed, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your forehead, the memory of the day you had first met in person coming back to you. “I’m really really sorry and I’m gonna make it up to you somehow, I promise.” You hummed, closing your eyes as Jisung pulled you into his chest. This was more contact than you had with him over the past few months.
“You’re making a lot of promises tonight Han Jisung.” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around him and looking up as he nodded in agreement. “I know, but I plan to keep them. I’m going to change and I’m going to make it up to you.” Smiling faintly, you hummed again, not wanting to say anything else as you rested against your boyfriend's chest, closing your eyes as you allowed yourself to relish in his presence. You hadn’t fully forgiven him, you were sure he knew that as well, but you were just glad the biggest thing was out of the way and you wouldn’t have to tiptoe around the issue anymore. The rest of it would be him regaining your trust and fulfilling his promises. “Happy birthday baby.” A quiet mumble left Jisung’s lips as he kissed the top of your head, earning a smile from you.
“Technically her birthday has already passed. It’s nearly two in the morning.” Chan suddenly cut in, causing both you and Jisung to turn and look at him, you with a glare and Jisung with a questioning gaze. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I see you two have made up for the most part so uh, seeing as I traveled two hours to get here, you both mind if I crash on the couch?” You opened your mouth to speak, but Jisung beat you to it. “Sure, it actually pulls out into a bed since my old roommate comes over sometimes and crashes. I can set it up for you.” His sudden agreement surprised you, but you decided not to question it, Chan nodding as he motioned towards the door.
“Cool. My stuff’s in my car so I’ll be back.” He then left without another word, Jisung watching him go before looking back at you. “Am I sleeping on the floor then?” He questioned, causing you to roll your eyes. “Ji, when have I ever made you sleep on the couch or anything like that?”
He smiled faintly, shrugging his shoulders as he lifted himself off the couch before helping you up. “Well technically the first day we met.” Shaking your head you went to the kitchen, putting the cake and everything else away as Jisung moved things around in the living room before pulling the couch out into a bed. “You were the one that didn’t let me sleep on the couch. I was going to, but you forced me to sleep on your bed.” As Jisung was fixing the pillows, Chan walked back into the apartment, this time locking the door behind him. He set his things down by the couch, giving Jisung a sideways look when their eyes met. “What-?” Jisung trailed off, looking down at the bed before looking back up at Chan.
“Blankets?” Jisung’s eyes widened. “Oh. Oh yeah right, sorry.” He swiftly turned and walked down the hall towards the small closet that held clean blankets and pillows they kept aside. From the kitchen, you gave Chan a look that told him to knock it off, the male deciding to act like he had no idea what you were looking at him like that for. Jisung returned with blankets in hand, setting them down on the bed. “There, is this enough?” He questioned, Chan looking them over for a moment before simply nodding. “Yeah, that’s fine.” No thank you, no ounce of appreciation in his voice.
Jisung cleared his throat, nodding slowly before turning around and making his way into the kitchen where you were cleaning up and telling you that he’d do it. It took a bit of convincing, but eventually he had kicked you out of the kitchen, finishing up by himself. You huffed as you went over to Chan who was fixing his bed for the night. “You know you don’t have to be such an ass to him. He apologized.” You mumbled, keeping your voice quiet so Jisung didn’t hear. Chan sighed, straightening out the blankets before grabbing his bag and setting it on the bed, looking through his things. “I’m still pissed at him. He’s lucky I didn’t beat him into the ground. The only reason I didn’t is because you told me not to.”
“And I appreciate that, but he is still my boyfriend and I would like for you two to get along. I don’t want to have to play mediator any time you two are around each other.” There was silence for a moment before Chan sighed, nodding in agreement. “Fine. I’ll tone it down.” Smiling, you gave him a small hug, “Thank you.” You peeped, him only groaning in acknowledgement.
“Where’s your bathroom so I can change?” You showed him to the bathroom before starting back down the hall towards the kitchen, only to meet Jisung halfway, him holding your gift from Chan in his arm, folded nicely. He lifted it, smiling sheepishly. “He’s really good with gifts huh? I know you’ve been eyeing this thing since the new line came out.” You were genuinely surprised he had known that since he had been so preoccupied the last few months. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he seemed to notice. “You leave your tabs open a lot on your laptop. When I wake up for work you usually leave it out, so I noticed that you were looking at it fairly often.” He explained, your eyes widening slightly. “Oh… I didn’t even realize.” You half-whispered, Jisung chuckling quietly.
“I’ll go put this up.” He smiled before brushing past you and into your room. Chan left the bathroom only moments after, changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants much like Jisung had been wearing as long as you’d been awake. “You should sleep. It’s late.” He spoke, causing you to nod before watching him make his way down the hall towards the living room. “Are you going to sleep?” You asked, knowing that he had issues sleeping, always had.
“I’m gonna try, but don’t let me keep you up. I’ll be fine out here, I’m a grown man you know.” He teased, earning a quiet laugh from you. “Okay, well thank you for everything tonight Chan. I really appreciate it.” Turning, he smiled, his signature dimple smile. “No need to thank me. I just expect you to travel two hours for my birthday now. I’ve set the bar high.”
Your playful banter went on for a while longer before you both said goodnight and you retired to your shared room with Jisung. Stepping inside you shut the door behind you, immediately noticing Jisung busy unplugging all of his gaming stuff. Your eyes widened, “Ji- This isn’t… I didn’t mean you had to-” You couldn’t even form words, Jisung turning to look back at you. “I know. I just think it would be best for me to stop completely for now. Get things back in order before I even think about introducing this back into my life. It got way out of hand and I don’t want that to happen again. So I’m prioritizing.”
“B-But that’s… don’t you think it’s too much?” Your voice was quiet, unsure as Jisung shook his head, unplugging one final cord and picking himself up off of the floor, dusting himself off. “No. Considering I’ve put you on the side burner for months now, I think it’s more than enough. Gaming will always be there, but I don’t want to lose you because of it.” Shifting uncomfortably, you picked at your fingers, unsure about the whole thing. Jisung walked over, pulling you into his arms and resting his head on top of yours. “I’m sure about this okay? So don’t worry about it.”
“Okay…” You trailed off, deciding that if it was Jisung’s decision, you didn’t have any reason to argue with him. “Okay. Well, how about we go to sleep, and since you’re off tomorrow, I can take tomorrow off, probably call in sick-- and we can go do something, just me and you? There’s a fashion show downtown I believe. You can wear your new present from Chan and you’ll be the best dressed person, along with the best looking. Then we can go out to eat, or before. Whatever you wanna do baby.” Smiling you relaxed in his grasp, “That sounds great Ji.”
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