chemzee · 1 year
Guys somebody PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add that shoes squeaking sound effect to that Daniel dancing video. I'M BEGGING YOU
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whateverisbeautiful · 6 months
What a joy and an honor to have loved Richonne's epic love story as hard as we could while we could. 🥹
Richonne means so very much to me and always will. To say their story has impacted my life for the better would honestly be an understatement. Rick and Michonne and their journey together from season 3 to TOWL played a part in keeping me going because life gets hard but the love captured between these characters is such an inspiring light that is exquisite and powerful and worth sticking around to behold.
And while 'it feels like it's ending'…it’s like Michonne said - they don’t die and neither does the love we have for them. We’ll be able to cherish Richonne and every single breathtakingly beautiful moment they gave us always. Richonne are the ones who live, the ones who love like no other, and the ones who will eternally hold a special place in my life.
This one-of-a-kind, out-of-this-world, moving beyond-words love story between profound soulmates Rick and Michonne Grimes - two of the greatest characters in media brought to life by the phenomenal Danai Gurira and Andrew Lincoln, two of the greatest actors in the craft - it lives on forever. And for that, I’m truly thankful. 🤍
Rick and Michonne got their happy ending with their precious children. 😭 They won. We won. 🙌🏽🎉
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Also! In honor of that deleted picnic scene, (which I would have loved to see make the final cut) I just thought I'd share my little headcanon ending scene. A few days before the towl finale, I had this vision of a Grimes Family picnic moment being the final shot of the show, but of course, my vision includes a Carl cameo to complete the Grimes Family moment. This is what I had written down and imagine as a day for their family now that they're back together as they're meant to be:
Rick and Michonne have another Family Fun Day picnic with their kids. There’s this calm quiet moment where Judith is snuggled up to Michonne happily reading the book her parents brought home for her on the blanket, RJ is resting with Rick’s arm around him, Michonne is nestled by Rick’s side, and then Rick looks out and sees essentially the spirit of Carl standing from afar. Rick and his son share this warm smile as Carl gives a proud nod signaling this is everything he’s wanted for his dad - to feel safe and happy with their family just like Carl wrote to Rick in his letter.
And then Michonne looks at Rick and asks, “You see something?” And Rick just looks in Michonne’s eyes, smiles at her and says a content, “Yeah” before kissing her - finally seeing and experiencing the family he thought he’d lost for good but they’re all with him now. And then it ends with Richonne doing their signature thing of holding hands while enjoying this hard-earned and much-deserved day of peace with their family.  🥰
That, along with the abundance of golden moments we actually got within this miniseries and the main show, is how I'll forever remember my beloved Richonne and their Grimes family. Resilient love personified. It's been an unforgettable journey and I'm grateful for every part of it. Thank you, Andy & Danai. Thank you, Rick and Michonne. Long Live Richonne. 👑
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peachsukii · 21 days
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d3sertdream3r · 20 days
I've been loving trop this season!! I am wondering how the whole SauronxGaladriel thing is going to play out though I'm nervous it won't be very satisfying with everything they've built up and all the marketing hype it's gotten. I'm worried they're baiting shippers to get more people to watch. Thoughts?
Oh boy, I have MANY thoughts!
I am absolutely DEVOURING this season, anon! The first episode in particular really blew me away. As a Saurondriel/Haladriel shipper, I thought all the direct parallels shown in Sauron and Galadriel’s journeys were PERFECT! 
I was worried they were going to retcon Sauron’s genuine feelings of despair and questioning if he should “repent” or not due to the amount of hate and toxicity from the usual suspects on the internet. Instead they really leaned into it, and I loved seeing The Dark Lord having nightmares. It’s a side of him we’ve never seen explored before! And that Annatar reveal… holy moly! Celebrimbor and I were both like: 
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Galadriel has been breaking my heart in each episode. Elrond and Gil-Galad need to give my girl a break! Morfydd Clark’s acting is stellar. She is so heartbroken over not recognizing Sauron for who he truly was and even worse… catching feelings for him! She’s really going through it and it hurts, but it’s also brilliant on the writers’ part. 
Everyone else’s acting and stories are great too. Arondir was a favorite of mine last season and continues to be this season. Disa is FANTASTIC and I love her and Durin so much there aren’t any words to describe it. Isildur and Estrid are cute and I’m interested to see how their story plays out. I hardcore ship Elendil and Miriel, and his daughter needs to take a seat before she helps Pharazon destroy their home! I know the story, but MAN was it killing me to see how Eärien is contributing to its downfall in this show (in a good way… I think having her be involved with the opposite side of her father makes for great drama). 
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As to the second part of your ask… I have been involved in many online fandoms for about 13 years now, and I gotta say that 98% of the time fans come up with way more interesting storylines than the creators of any show. A lot of the time they just don't deliver. I’ve been burned over and over again, so my bar is pretty low at this point. 
They’ve done a fabulous job with the Saurondriel dynamic so far, and I’ve seen some really interesting fan theories about Galadriel briefly joining Sauron or being taken prisoner by him. As truly fascinating as that would be, I’m not holding my breath. I think it’ll be a rehash of season one’s ending with more violence since they have swords this time around. After that, I’m guessing they’ll focus on Sauron gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing his way to the throne of hell while Galadriel and company work together to stop him. They’ve hinted at Celeborn a bit, I’m sure we’ll see them reunited at some point. 
I’m sorry if this isn’t very reassuring! I wish I could be more optimistic about Saurondriel in season 3, but I honestly don’t think Tolkien’s estate would go for Galadriel falling to the dark side in any capacity. Sauron taking her prisoner could happen, but I highly doubt it simply because as I said before, fans tend to have better ideas than a lot of creators in my opinion.
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I could be completely wrong! I have just learned not to trust creators to handle things the BEST way, but that doesn't mean it won't be handled in a GOOD way. Hopefully that makes sense, lol. I think some people will be satisfied and some people won't, just like every other story. The shippy photoshoots and marketing have been delightful! I can't tell if they're baiting until I see the last episode. I think they were just having fun, but some comments from cast and creators would definitely seem a bit baity if the payoff is underwhelming. We'll see!
I really hope the season goes out with a bang and we all have something to love about it; especially Saurondriel shippers!
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nullians · 10 months
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Once upon a time, there was a wolf who howled at the sun.
It's @vashwoodbigbang posting time at last! I've worked with @walfs and @morning-moonstruck and got to see this phenomenal fanfic come into existence!
Please check it out - it's such a carefully crafted work of love and I'm sure that with the next two updates, Kacey (walfs) will manage to convey just how much thought and consideration went into their story. Every chapter will also come with an art piece so please look forward to our future posts!
Other illustrations: chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3
(Textless version under the read more)
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mintsandapples · 6 months
never has a show given me everything i've ever wanted and more until now!!!! love lives and love wins and haaaaaaa my heart is so full bye
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cerbreus · 2 months
my partner of 1 year broke up with me yesterday but i also got a large 1.25" thick marble tooling slab at the thrift store half off so who's the real winner here?
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louisplumpyass · 1 year
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luimagines · 2 years
Modern day chain getting isieked in hero-game- character reader's fantasy world.the chain are all basically like somewhat fans of readers game & have played every version but then one day they get transported into reader's world & now the reader has to protect & transport these guys back to their worlds.
Could u imagine one of the links (who's got a big crush on them) is getting taught by them on how to use a sword because as badass as the hero is they can't always be there to protect the links.
Then they get them into THAT position.
The classic one.
You know the one.
You know what I am talking about.
Picture this :
The link in question (whoever you want) is swinging a sword, sparing with the hero with their newly learnt swings & techniques. The sun is barring down on them as beads of sweat flow down from their foreheads & layers of their top garments have already previously been discarded to limit their restraints & to also prevent themselves from getting a heat stroke.
Duck, block,swing,parry, swing, swerve,dodge, swing,swing, jump & duck.
They kept repeating this pattern with Y/N as they spared off together as with each repetition began to go faster & faster then the previous. Sometimes the hero would throw in an attack from outside of the rhythm to shake up the playing field & to keep link on his toes yet still stayed consistent with the patterns as they'd clashed their metals.
Duck, block,swing,block, swing, swerve,dodge, swing,swing, jump & duck.
Y/N's eyes never seemed to move from their cold & laser focused stare into him that felt like they'd burn right through him into his soul.
Link had continued to keep his eyesight trained into their attacks with every hit,but a part of him just couldn't seem to stop his eyes from occasionally trailing off ever so slightly to admire...their very VERY impressive build that looked....ahem......a bit sweaty.
He could almost feel a lump in his throat form as he watched the bead of sweat roll down thier-
He quickly blinked as he shouted at himself internally only to look up & narrowly blocks a hit coming from above.
The heat must have really started to get to him if he was struggling this much to not get distracted.
That was the only explanation he could think of, after all they had been sparing for a while in this summer heat,both of them are nearly at complete exhaustion with everyone else resting inside the lodge inn thus leaving them both alone together.
Swing, block,swing,parry,swing, swerve,dodge, swing,swing, jump& duck.
It was hot.
He's cheeks felt hot
His face felt hot
They were hot.
He just felt hot.
Everything felt hot & his muscles screamed out for him to stop but he couldn't, but for what? What was it? Why did he always want to still keep going?Was it his pride? Fear? Stubbornness? Determination? Adrenaline? Whatever it was that was calling out to him to keep going was starting making him feel as if somewhere in a some distant world he was made-no-meant-no- he was built to do this, it was near second nature to him.
Duck, block,swing,parry, swing, swerve,dodge, swing,duck, jump & duck.
It felt...good.
Duck, block,swing, swing, swing, swerve,dodge, swing,swing, jump & duck.
It felt real.
Duck, block,swing,parry, swing, swerve,dodge, swing,swing, block & duck.
It felt natrual
Duck, swerve,swing,parry, swing, swerve,dodge, swing,swing, jump & BLOCK.
It felt normal.
It was just hot outside that's all.
Then finally a loud clash is heard &-
He blinked & saw he had knocked the sword clean out of the hero's hand, Y/N had looked over to where the sword had been thrown then they turned to him & gave him a quick surprised but proud smile as they placed away their shield behind their back signaling that it was the end of todays lesson.
"Ha! Not bad! Not bad at all!You've improved a quiet lot haven't you? I don't know if I've mentioned this to you but you lot really seem to have a bit of talent for this sort of stuff.I guess it won't be long till your fighting moblins all on your own,eh?" Y/N walked over to pick up the discarded sword from the ground before turning to walk back to Link.
And as much as the majority of his being screamed in joy once it was all over, somewhere in the smallest piece of him that lived somewhere deep in his primitive mind somehow wished it didn't end.
But he still was relieved to finally be able to rest.
"hah-well, ah-we've got a pretty great tutor for this stuff,so-hoo- we can't take all the credit.." link pulled up the side of his sleeve to clean away the moisture building on his face as he breathed heavily.
"Your stance still needs some work though, next when you're going for a slash remember to put more of your weight forward into it & twist your hips a bit, it'll make it much more faster." Y/N held the sword up to demonstrate the motions.
"You mean like this?"
Link attempted to copy the reiteration only to be cut off by them once they noticed his inaccurate stance.
"No,no,no, you have to turn,turn your, link you gotta-no! You have to- nevermind let me just-!"
And before he could even get a breath out link suddenly felt a pair of hands latch onto him & very warm chest pressing into his back.
Suddenly the air in his lungs didn't exist as he felt a hand grab into one of his fore arms & a hot breath blow past his ear. His mind went blank as his perception of the world around him narrowed down to the person behind him.
He couldn't hear anything past the pumping blood & low breathy words being spoken in his ears like fine wine being chugged down.
He could very clearly hear them speaking but he couldn't know what they were saying,it was like their voice was both too close & too far away for him to hear.
He turned his face over to speak only to come to notice just how close their face was to him & was almost startled. He must have been staring during those few seconds because the hero had soon stopped talking still facing forward with one hand still guiding him glanced to his face with their eyes.
"Hey, seriously, you need to be paying attention to this part,Link."
He could swear he almost felt their lips brush past his ear as they leaned in just a bit closer to him.
Suddenly he felt a pair of fingers gently but firmly grab his chin to divert his attention right back to the sword in front of him.
"S-sorry, right, I was just-nevermind.." He blinked & shook his head regaining his focus as he felt his cheeks begin to flare up more again both from the initial embarrassment of getting caught in that fashion & by much they've physically gotten closer to him.
It was just the heat that was all, he was just imagining it!
"Ok link just move your hands up to the side like this & move your waist like that." Their voice sounded tired & breathy next to his ears as he contemplated if this counted as being in torture or heaven. Sure he fantasized about hearing the character of myths speak to him like this but not like "this" this.
It's just the heat,it's just the heat,it's just the heat!!
The hero then placed a hand on his hip pulling him in to turn as he felt himself pressed into their pelvic & the other hand guided the rest of his forearms to slash against a tree.
"That's right,just like that link.Just a little more & oh that's good. Right there Link! Keep going!"
Hylia please end him right now or give him strength to live through this. On second thought maybe just kill him & end his suffering.Were they doing this on purpose? They had to be. Then do they know about his feelings? Were they just teasing him? No it wouldn't make sense since it would be so out of character from them to be like that in the game.
But they aren't in a game.
And Y/N wasn't a game character.
Sure they looked,acted & sounded perfectly like the protagonist in the game & their world/story is a perfect replica of the games & but that didn't mean they were the same person even though their life's stories/trauma are the exact same ones as the protagonist of the game &-
No,he was overthinking all this, his mind was trying to make the situation into something it wasn't because he was tired & it's been frying in the heat.
It was just another normal,everyday, INNOCENT little training with THIER FRIEND & nothing m-
"You're doing so good, Link. Don't stop!"
They had to be doing this on purpose.
If he didn't feel uncomfortable in his pants before he very much did now.
He could feel thier muscles & heat on his back. He could feel the strength in their arms as they firmly held his wrist getting him to repeatedly do the strikes.He could feel just how their frame seemed much bigger than his. Granted he wasn't a very tall person but this somehow made his more aware of his small short frame.
He wants it end.
He doesn't want it to end.
He wants it to end.
He never wants it to end.
There was a sound of bark being torn off & looked up to see a huge cut through the thick trunk of a tree that he must have left behind with his own sword.
He did it
The hero had then finally released his forearm & hip as they back off from his body.
And although he & he's bodie were relieved that it was finally over somewhere in the back of his subconscious mind still called out & wished it hadn't ended.
Only this time he was actually longing for it.
But now that Y/N wasn't right next to his ear any speaking to him he couldn't make out that they were congratulating him for his improvements because the sound of his own heart was beating through his ears before they walked off saying something about remembering to join the others after he rested.
Once they had left & were long gone Link fell down against the slashed tree.
As he sat there panting & gasping for air he leaned his head back to stare up to the sky's.
The sun was still blazing with only a few clouds hanging by.He sat there thinking to himself in silence.
He just felt hot. That was it.
It was just the heat.
He was just hot.
Nothing happened
He. felt. hot.
He began to think back on the events that transpired, like how their chest was presses so close against his back,the way thier hands were gripping onto his arms, the way their lips barely brushed past his ear,the sweet smell of sweat mixed earth & oak filling his nose,the sound of their grunting as they clashed weapons that breathy low voice that was so close to his face it sent shivers down his spine while they called out his name with praise, in only he'd have that all again but while-
No one did anything.
No one is doing anything.
Y/N was just helping them out, they weren't doing anything on purpose,it was just his mind playing tricks with him! Making things out to be what they weren't! He needed to get his head out of the gutter, he couldn't think of someone who's risked thier lives more then once for him in such a way.
But.then again..
His placed a hand over his mouth & looked down to stare at the sword in his hand as the memories flashed through his head once more.
Weather they did or didn't intend to do it on purpose...
His face flushed again.
His body was hot.
His face was hot.
He felt hot.
Y/N is hot.
He slumped to the ground with his arms placed over his head covering his face under the tree's shade in absolute embarrassment & defeat.
Well there was no point in denying it anymore
He spoke the last words from his thoughts out loud.
"that was....kind of hot."
Hi Hello. I'm dying.
Thank you anon.
I'm blushing and it's dumb and I'm very happy to have found this in my inbox XD
I feel a little bad for Link- but it's not exactly out of character for Reader to make things a little bit hard for Link, is it.
Take that as you will XD
I just..... Everyone look at this. ^.^*
I have no more words. Take it. Enjoy it. I'll be thinking abut this for the rest of the day now. It's going to live rent free in my head for a week. <3
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
💜🔐⭐️ for the ask game~
Hiii~ <333 (put a cut for the long answer haha~)
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
I'll go for a little honestly, and say what I'd actually say: Anxious, Perfectionist(ish), Chaotic, and Loyal.
🔐 something no one would guess about you
That I'm adopted! I mean, I tell a lot of people, so it's not like a secret or anything, but I look just like my adoptive parents, so I've always had the choice if I wanna tell people or not, no one can just guess! (I've even had people comment on, "aww, you look just like your mom!" and we like to share a little laugh over that~)
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you?
Honestly? I'd say starting this blog. For many many years I've been so anxious about this side of myself. Hating it, hating me, wondering why I was like this, and just generally feeling awful and ashamed.
Then one of my friends (who knows) talked me into making an email specifically for this type of thing so I could try to find communities to start engaging with. I was terrified, but I did make one and sign up for tumblr.
I didn't engage with anything for a solid year, until I found anime, and then found this amazing community. Then, despite intense anxiety about it, I started interacting! And thankfully, some of you amazing people found me and took me in. 💗
Loooooong winded answer, but basically, making this blog is one of my biggest accomplishments, and especially starting to create content and talk to all the insanely talented and friendly people on here <333
I'm still not completely over the shame, I think that'll take a little while, and by god I'm still so anxious about interactions on here, but you guys have made this one of the most important things in my life, 😭💗 and helped me start accepting parts of myself I didn't know I could~
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lee-blogs · 11 months
I know not a lot of people'll see this since its on the side blog, but it's a little easier for me to say it here for right now.
To Mags, Catt, Amber, and everyone else who's reblogged my post on my main, thank you. I might not be the most active or talkative right now, but i wanted to let y'all know that it's not going unnoticed and that i appreciate you all 💙
And to my friends, i love you guys so very much. Y'all's support and love have helped me so much during this, i really can't be more thankful for all of you 💙
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allylikethecat · 10 months
ally!!!!!!! i have not read the update yet but just wanted to say this was definitely the one i was hoping for!!!! i unfortunately am going to have wait to a few hours before i can read it but i cannot tell you how excited i am to read it and just had to let you know!!!!
I hope you’re doing well!! <3
AH! Hello Dearest 💌 Anon! I hope you are doing well as well!
I'm so happy to hear that you are excited about the You Know Where the City Is update! I was worried people were going to be disappointed it wasn't a Ducklings update or a sickfic - BUT I really, really love this fic and am so excited whenever I finish a chapter and am able to post it!
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the chapter after you read it! 2014 Fictional!Matty and Fictional!Taylor, the bisexual disaster duo have a very special place in my heart and I enjoy writing them so much! Let me know what you think when you finish it!
Thank you so much for reading, for your support and for this lovely ask! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your night!
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greedbent · 1 year
everyone stop.
check out the absolutely gorgeous and incredible mobile banner a lovely lass made for me out of the kindness of her heart 🥺💖
okay, carry on
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hugsqueeze · 1 year
Just rambling about future project hosting BELOW!!!!! 🐛
Maybe I'll write (more) extensively about this another day, but I've been delaying and stalling any kind of creative projects out of fear/aversion to modern fandom culture and also... Just general stage fright. I like the idea of making comics for my stories or even working on games again. I've been drafting stuff for several projects on and off. But I always clam up and lose motivation when I imagine my work circulating to a much bigger audience. ☹️ Idk why, it's too intimidating. And I repeatedly thought to myself, "Well, I just wish that I could show my mutuals/friends the finished product and that's it." Not have it in a public space necessarily, but give the link to a couple people I feel comfortable with. And maybe over time, I would feel comfortable enough to release it for the general internet to see. Though the idea of being at the center of a fandom again is. Really... frightening and overwhelming to me 😭 Even now.
Mostly everyone who follows me here is on my comfort list of people who I would want to see my work. But again, if I just post the direct link or comic pages or whatever, it's a lot easier for random people to stumble upon it. Not trying to say that I think my projects are going to be good enough to get majorly big (nor do I want them to get big!!!!), but Hopefully you know what I mean anyway!!!! >_< BUT! I recently realized that I can make certain characters/posts/etc authorization only on my toyhouse! So, if I want to post comics or even game links, I can do so there. That way, only a limited number of people will see it. And even if it gets shared with others, it probably won't reach a huge audience of people. :] Thus keeping it MOSTLY in my circle of friends/mutuals and such (at least as much as possible)!
Again, this is a sort of makeshift solution. And maybe (HUGE maybe) I could make my stuff not authorization only in the future! But, for now, going forward, that's my game plan!!! Because I don't want to make games to accumulate an audience, I want to make games for fun. And because I love my OCs and want to see them come to life. I don't want to stifle my creativity out of fear. If that makes sense!! Anyway... I apologize for the rambling!!!
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
fully entering my "arrrg matey walk the plank" era
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Sebastian (Pressure) fluff. I need it.
"I gotta ask, do you have personal beef with those Squiddles? Because you sure like harassing them with that light of yours."
"I don't do it on purpose! If that damn Angler stopped killing the lights in every big room, maybe I could see my own hand in front of me!" You scowled up at the sea creature while standing in his humble shop.
Why was Sebastian always taunting you whenever you died to something unexpected..only to act all friendly-like in this place?
Well, you had to be grateful he was the only thing down here that wasn't trying to kill you, and that no other monsters could barge into the shop when you least expect it.
So for once, you could breathe easy..
Until he decided to remind you of those creepy squids who were somehow always in your way.
He must get a kick out of watching you perish.
"Oh of course, blame everybody except yourself." He tsked. "You have more than enough clues on how to survive each creature you encounter...but maybe they should've spoonfed all the details to you instead-"
"I don't need this from you." You huffed. "My damn hands are cramped from holding a locker shut against Pandemonium, Eyefestation gave me a killer headache, nobody bothered to tell me about the people in the walls-"
"And don't forget about those Squiddles, hehe."
"Okay, okay. I've had my fun. I'll shut up about them now."
"Thanks. You have any medkits available?"
"Right on my tail, buddy. Hope you got enough data."
"More than enough." As your eyes surveyed the items strapped to his tail, they eventually wandered over to the desk with batteries laying out.
But it wasn't them that caught your interest, but rather the file on the table. 'How curious..is this for a monster I'm gonna meet soon?' You went over to investigate.
"Is the document for sale?"
"Wow, you might be the first to ask me about that and be able to afford it! The others before you barely had enough for a flashlight." Sebastian chuckled, clasping his hands together. "If you're interested, give me a thousand data, and I'll have it ready for you to read when you return to the surface. And don't worry, it's all there. So I won't have to kill you to to reveal any information."
You blinked, realizing what he meant by that as you read the folder's cover and why he was asking so much for it.
Sebastian's Document
Of course, you knew he'd be recognized as a specimen, too, but to be put with Pandemonium, the Anglers, and all those other monsters that tried to eat you alive?
For some reason, it made you frown a little.
"This is your file, and they let you keep it?" You turned back to him.
"...I stole it. And I'm not gonna lie...I regret reading it." He muttered, suddenly looking a bit tense..and sad, even, although he was quick to mask any signs of vulnerability when he realized you were staring. "Anyways, it's a steep price. I'm sure you'd rather spend your assets on-"
"What if I buy it and take it off your hands right now?"
For a moment, his ear fins perked up with surprise, glowing eyes widening. But he was quick to give you a suspicious gaze. "Really? You're that nosey about my lifestory? Pretty weird if you ask m-"
"It's more of a courtesy to you."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I mean..you look like you're carrying a heavy weight just from that folder being there. You haven't stopped looking at it since I mentioned it." You pointed out, seeing his ears twitch again. "You've always told me "out of sight, out of mind" with the Anglers. Couldn't I say the same about you and that document?"
".....using my own words against me, eh? What're you, a damn psychologist?" He teased, although his words didn't hold as much spite or sarcasm as usual. "But no, you're right. I'd rather forget about it forever. So if you want it that badly, be my guest." His third arm made a grand gesture towards the table. "Just don't get caught parading it around. And don't come crying to me when you realize you needed something else instead of-"
"I won't, trust me." You exchanged the data, taking the folder. "I'll be on my way now. I got a crystal to find."
With that, you began ducking down to renter the vent and continue your journey into the abandoned site-
You paused and looked back at Sebastian, tilting your head as you wondered why he seemed nervous again--wringing his hands together.
"Um..thank you, genuinely..for taking that off my hands." He cleared his throat, sweeping back his dark bangs. "I hope that whatever you find in there doesn't..get in the way of our "partnership". I'd hate to lose my number one customer."
Nodding, you gave him a reassuring smile. "You won't lose my business, Seb. That I promise."
"..now hold on we aren't THAT close to start going by nickna-" He began to snap, but you've already disappeared into the duct. "Aaaand they're gone...hmph..well..least I don't have to worry about that anymore."
Sighing, he looked around the shop, wondering what he should do now.
What you did was certainly a nice gesture.
He only hopes you'll keep your promise and not be afraid of him.
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