#I’ve never seen it used well in figurative art EVER
sourkitsch · 2 years
Another one: I think the symmetry tool in procreate is one of the most detrimental “advances” in art in my lifetime
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hey, Hope you're having a good day or night wherever you are.
Can I request a headcanon about 141 with a female reader who likes to draw and sketch a lot? Platonic ofc.
thanks anon, hope you have a good ____ as well <3 i used to be a sketch/artist girl so this was so cute to write :)
an artist’s touch
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summary: When you aren’t on the field, you are an avid artist of multiple mediums. It isn’t brought up much but once it is, the 141 has plenty of questions (and even some requests).
pairing: Taskforce 141 x platonic!fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood/violence
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tbh when you first joined, they didn’t know much about your hobby (being part of a specialized task force is busy yk?)
but it was revealed when you finally were granted leave and you discussed your plan upon your return home
“my first stop is going to be to cass art :)”
immediate cacophony of “you draw?” “you’re an artist?” “have you ever drawn us before!”
after a few minutes you quelled all of their questions (“yes, yes, and i literally joined 4 months ago and haven’t had access to a pencil”)
ghost comments, “make sense why you’re so good at stabbing people”
“god you’re so morbid ghost”
when back on base, you were shy to show you’re talents but you eventually relaxed the more you were with your teammates
eventually you began to bring out your sketchbook or paints out when you were relaxing after a mission or training session
once in a while, someone will tell you your work is amazing but if you’re in the zone, they’ll leave you alone
one time price accidentally left his mug too close to your paint cup and you ended up swirling your brush into it
queue a long lecture about how you should pay more attention (but who am i kidding that coffee is so strong he probably didn’t notice)
you humored soap and drew what you thought the real simon riley looked like
ghost snuck a peek and one of the drawings was surprisingly accurate
speaking of which, you may or may not have used your teammates as drawing references but you’ll never tell
gaz just has such angular features which makes drawing his figure so easy
mans looks like a walking drawing figure
it’s relaxing to let your mind wander and hands do the work as you fill a page or canvas
painting at home in your studio helps you to unwind from the grueling job
once, you sketched a few designs for gaz when he mentioned wanting to get a tattoo
“i don’t know gaz this is permanent” “i’ve seen your sketches and they’re amazing! just send me a few designs”
he landed on a cool watercolor piece you had made months ago
after your design, you would all joke about how you would redesign ghost’s tattoo
“Lt. that shit is heinous, just let me draw you a coverup” “no.”
while you don’t accept commissions anymore, you did gift your captain a painting of his favorite secluded lake scenery
he has it hanging in the foyer of his elegant flat
while you don’t really exchange gifts, everyone knows what they would get you
ghost has taken special attention to the brand of pencil you use and the gouache paintings that litter your quarters
everyone likes to joke w you on the comms
“hey do you think you could paint a picture with the blood of your enemies?” “jesus! soap…but yes i could”
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docdufresne · 1 month
how r you so good at drawing (halo) armor. You’re literally one of the best I’ve ever seen. Tips please if possible? (specifically for the shapes of the armor)
Oh god heLLO; I'm super bad at explaining my process of drawing RvB armor, as it's been multiple years since I've done it up until recently, so I'm super rusty but I will do my best to explain myself!!!
I've never made any sort of tip guide or tutorial, so please bear with me!
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USE REFERENCES!!! This can go for renders from the Halo games directly (ArtStation was a great place to start, I'm not sure how things are post AI ""art"" surge, though) but at the very least, screenshot the heCK out of the series from whatever season you want to draw. There are a lot of different angles, and after they started to animate, it made it easier to get references with arms up or splayed out to the sides, or legs bent and hand motions!! Depends on what you're looking for!!
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For this Reference, I used a Halo 3 render, as well as the Caboose-isms poster render. There are more clear renders out there, I'm sure!
First step that I take in learning to draw a new set of armor is color coding the sections that I'm going to draw, and then labeling them with points of interest that make me remember the detail later; Like grooves, or a bevel that looks weird or silly. Color coding and labelling the parts made it easier for me to break it down into smaller bits to draw piece by piece, bc let's face it; Armor can be super tedious and daunting, especially if you're just starting out.
Remember It's ALL SHAPES!!! IT'S JUST SHAPES!!!! Break them down into more simple shapes to find what works best for you! Keep it loose in the sketch stage, so you don't get lost in the pesky details
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Remember that the armor goes on TOP of a body, and isn't a part of their body! Halo Infinite dOES have prosthetics that are a bit smaller than the armor, which adds depth and flavor to your armor though!
When in doubt, draw it larger than you mean to, and size it down to fit your other pieces!
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SIMPLIFY IT!!! TRACE TO LEARN!!!! Really just figure out where the pieces go and put them together like a puzzle! Armor is simply just, hard, and there's no easy way to learn quickly how to do it efficiently and well; It really does take a lot of practice and trying and sketching and watching clips and staring at other's art to maybe notice shortcuts or even details you didn't notice before!!
But the biggest tip that I can give you is just, don't be afraid to make "bad art" don't be afraid to draw "bad armor" !!! It doesn't have to be perfect, the details don't all have to align on model 100% of the time! All of my art, paintings and all, have things that I fudged or missed, or messed up on and didn't notice, but I still have fun painting and drawing because I like making people laugh with my comics and I like having them feel stuff about my paintings!
Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for, but I hope this helps even just a little bit!!
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astrologicalsstuff · 8 months
explaining aspects through my synastry with my boyfriend
18+ MDNI - please don’t copy my work
Hey guys I’m back again it’s been a while
I have a new boyfriend well it’s actually been a few months but I just want to show off our synastry
💛Our synastry💛
His Sun conjunct my mercury
Our relationship is strongly based on communication. He has been very helpful in encouraging me in my communication (I have Saturn in gemini).
This is everything from using solid information. Giving me resources to use in school. Helping me with my homework, to communicating my feelings and needs in our relationship. He has also has connected me a lot more with technology.
Moon conjunct moon
Our moons are out of sign but my Venus is conjunct my moon so I thought it might be worth mentioning
His Moon conjunct my Venus
We stay in all the time and we stay up at night talking about any and everything. We’re mercurials, but this aspect just allows us to unpack everything together. We always go out just to end up talking to each other in a quiet corner somewhere.
His moon in my 5th house
Yeah there’s romance. We go on dates everyday on the weekends or we find anew recipe and cook for each other all the time. We go out to art shows and analyze art together. And movies. I think this also has to do with our 2nd house synastry, but I always give him things to decorate (Venus) his house (moon). And I know how to deal with his feelings, but he also gets mine (most of the time)
My NN directly conjunct his ascendant
SN on the descendant I’ve heard this can indicate knowing eachother in a past life and everytime I end up talking to someone with these aspects it’s never a new introduction it’s always I’ve seen you somewhere. Or we’ve met before, I’ve even had lots of people have dreams about me before meaeting them. Southbode aspects always start of in the middle of something for me.
We also have a very cute story which I feel like has to also do with our Venus synastry, but when we first met He said he saw me in San Francisco and that we went to school together, and I knew I never went to school in San Francisco but then he said last winter and I knew I went there to check out colleges last minute almost a year ago, and he said he remembered seeing me and always wanted to talk to me but never saw me again. We ran into eachother at a party randomly in a city 6 hours away.
My side was I saw him at a party and thought he was cute so I was being very flirty with like smiles and staring. I really wasn’t looking for anyone but when he came in I was like he’s cuteee.
My neptune trine his ascendant
With my north node also making its place there, I think it also added to the fantasy that was our first meeting. He definitely has unrealistic ideas about me though. I don’t see what he sees but he makes me out to be this amazing angel despite it all.
His Venus in my first house
He says I’m his dream girl and he really makes me feel like I’m the hottest person he’s ever seen, sometimes it can be a bit much but I don’t mind. He also makes me feel valuable but that can also have to do with our 2nd house synastry.
My stellium (sun mars Jupiter) in his second
I love giving him things🫣 I make him art, and help him find things to decorate his house.
My Saturn in his first house
I do think due to other aspects we have a few power dynamics, and I think he thinks he’s the more mature one, but I think we just view these things in different ways. this has been my longest relationship
His mars (sag) in my 8th house
Yeah… you probably already know. This placement is categorized as sexual and intense. It is, we argue all the time, but the sex… I’ve never had sex like this he figured out all my secret spots
My Pluto conjunct his mars
Even though he can be pretty intense I feel like I do well with intensity. He probes but I want to be better about being honest.
His mars opposite my Saturn
It’s exactly what it sounds like we can’t have sex half the time because of a personal condition, it also took us a bit of time before we actually did start having sex. It’s hard to have sex at my place but he lives so far. Plus I always have responsibilities (Saturn) that he helps me with. We make a good team though he brings the action and drive to get things done and I bring… the things we have to get done lol.
His Saturn square my moon
I never thought it would manifest this way, but we have entirely different parenting styles and because of this we basically agreed we won’t work in the long run which is a contrast to the I want you forever he was giving me before. But it’s still a pretty reasonable and mature conversation and we agree that’s not something we have to think about for a while but that’s in the air.
I also believe in astrology which he doesn’t at all and tries to belittle me sometimes about it and sometimes it feels like he makes light of all my personal beliefs. He would never say this but he acts like all the things that matter to me are unrealistic and I don’t think he notices.
His Saturn square my venus
This one is actually very interesting this aspect gets characterized as “right person wrong time” it has the ability to keep two people apart through differences in responsibilities and values.
This can mean anything from age difference, infidelity, or
Saturns reputation of being cold and restrained dampens Venus and starts to weigh her down over time
I always thought this placement would be very intense and I see it slowly creeping over us, but for me as Venus I feel as though I can be very … indulgent and he tends to live life with more discipline. He often tries to encourage me to set rules, and standards to live by. We are fundamentally different and it can be quite difficult sometimes.
The timing in this relationship is also quite intriguing, he has a very steady semi fast pace for us dating. We do all the things exactly how we are supposed to and while it’s not particularly fast I think I’m more open to seeing the possibility of where we go where as he is planning for the long term.
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That’s all for now 🤍
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slashers-and-rats · 11 months
weeping willow.
vincent sinclair x gn!reader | sfw |
rat chat: this was supposed to be a dacryphilia thing, but it got real too sweet, so now it’s just fluff. he deserves it.
the low glow from the scattered candles cast soft shadows along the walls of the workshop. vincent had never noticed until now, but the way they warmed the room seemed to add a near romantic ambience. he was always focused on his art. he didn’t usually think of things like love or lust, opting to use up the space in his head for his craft and the bettering of his skills.
in this particular moment, he could barely remember he was in his workshop at all. if you had asked him what his passions were, he’d merely babble out the name of his love. his true love.
the scene was set. vincent was laid back on the cot in the corner of his room, tattered blankets and pillows crumpled under his continually shifting body. he couldn’t sit still. not when you were over top of him, perched with his waist between your legs, and your figure looming over his own.
he liked the weight of you. it felt right. something about the way your own body pressed down into his seemed to ground him in reality. you were an anchor of sorts, he supposed. if you weren’t sitting on him right now, crowding his space with your presence, he would’ve drifted into the ether. he already felt dizzy, overwhelmed by your being.
it’s what you wanted. he knew it was. he could see it in the way you smiled; he felt it in the way you brushed your fingers up the side of his wax face. you wanted him to be drunk off of you.
“has anyone ever told you,” you began, twirling a lock of his hair around your pointer finger, “that you are just so beautiful?”
vincent recoiled at the words. he tried to hide the reaction, but he was sure you had seen it. he shifted underneath you again, hands bunching up beside your legs, eyes peeling away from your own. no, he had never been told such a thing. why would he have? it was patently untrue. his face alone caused people to turn away in disgust. the only character he had ever related to was frankenstein’s monster, and that really told you everything you needed to know about how he felt about himself. he was everything but beautiful in his eyes.
“hey, don’t look away from me,” you tutted, pinching his chin. you dragged his face back towards you, forcing vincent to make eye contact yet again. for the moment he had looked away, he was able to take a deep breath and recollect his surroundings. but, the second he looked at you, that weight settled down on him again, and he was back to drowning in your vision. “you’re beautiful, vinny. absolutely gorgeous. you know that, don’t you?”
vincent let out a breath, one he wasn’t aware he had been holding, and shook his head slow. if he was one thing, he was honest. the truth was, he didn’t know what he was, but he knew it wasn’t good. the things he had done alone should have barred him from any positive standards, and he didn’t believe his appearance did him any favours in earning him good graces.
you observed him for a moment, and it continued to make him squirm. like an ant under a magnifying glass, he was burning up. emotions were something that he didn’t like to pay attention to. they went into his art, and were used for nothing else. yet, here you were, pulling them out of him. he didn’t like it. he didn’t want to feel.
you cupped his cheek, dipping a thumb underneath the edge of his mask. it made him flinch, almost as if he was in pain, but you knew better. you were gentle as you ran your finger up and down his jaw line, a smile returning to your face.
“well, i think- no, i know you’re beautiful. you’re the prettiest thing i’ve ever seen, vinny.” your praise came so easily. it felt like warm milk and honey dousing his body. it had gone from scorching to a cozy warmth, your words wrapping around him like a cherished blanket. “you stand like a statue, all tall and strong. chiseled. you remind me of a willow tree. something about the way you hang over me. it feels magical. at least, to me it does… sometimes i think, in another life, you were some whimsical forest god. something people didn’t really understand, but they knew was special. something to be worshipped. do you understand?”
vincent did, but he couldn’t bring himself to voice that. your words had dug into his chest. he felt as though his skin was being torn apart, and all of his warm insides had been laid out for you to examine and speak on. he felt seen. it felt good, but in a painful way. moments like these, so gentle and sweet, also reminded him of those moments of sorrow, of being misunderstood and punished for it. it was a double edged sword, yet one he fell on with grace. he wanted you to keep plunging deeper and deeper.
his hands found your thighs, squeezing gently. he had to hold onto you in some way, otherwise he’d melt too far into his own thoughts, and he worried you might never be able to pull him out again. it all felt like too much. these were things he’d never heard before, emotions he’d never experienced; it was such a fresh wound. he was bleeding out, but you continued to drain him of all thought.
“you’re so talented. you make masterpieces. which is ironic, because i think you are one.” you giggled, sitting up to rest your hands on his chest. “kinda cheesy, i know, but… this is all to just say… i love you, vincent. i do. and i always will, unconditionally.”
those words were the twist of the blade.
he, without realizing, began having tears stream down his face. it was when your eyes widened with worry, and a small sob escaped him, that he did notice how much he was crumbling. he quickly whipped his hands up to his face, pulling the mask away so he could rub at his eyes while hiding himself behind his arm.
“don’t hide, vincent…” you whispered, pulling his limbs away so you could see him. he felt exposed as he wept. he could barely see through his smudged vision, and he tried to blink away the tears so that he could look at you properly. you helped by using your thumbs to swipe them away as they came, which, unknowingly, only helped to further his quiet weeping. “are you okay…? did i say something wrong?”
vincent immediately shook his head. you had only done right by him, that much he was sure of. you were too good to him, in fact. you made him feel so good, so oversaturated with joy, it felt like a pleasant suffocation. all the crying was was a release of that feeling, like a pot boiling over.
you seemed to understand, letting your peaceful grin come back. “these must be happy tears than, huh?” vincent nodded. you pressed a palm to his cheek, letting him push into it. his eyes closed as he focused on stopping his sobbing. “I’m so happy i can make you feel this… good, i guess? i didn’t mean to make you cry, but as long as it’s for good reasons, i don’t mind.” you leaned down, pressing a kiss to forehead. “plus, you look real pretty when you cry.”
vincent held onto those words, keeping them close to his chest. if you said them they must be true. maybe, he was pretty.
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holybatgirlz · 6 months
Had to do another response to bridgertonbabe’s spouses groupchat
(All credit goes to @bridgertonbabe)
🐝 The Children Group Chat 🐝
Eloise sent a picture.
Eloise: I think we should submit this to Merriam-Webster to put in the dictionary next to the word ‘heavenly’ because holy shit what happened last night was the closest I have ever had to a religious experience.
Eloise: And yes, I already created and bought matching sweatshirts with this image on it for everyone. They say ‘I survived the Pictionary Incident of ‘16’ on them.
Hyacinth: I swear to god if you two idiots scared Sophie off I’m going to finish what she started.
Anthony: Do I have to remind everyone that both Colin and myself were assaulted last night?? Or did you not see the photo Eloise just sent??
Violet: Do I need to remind you both that you purposefully dropped a keg on your brother’s hand?!?
Colin: Mini. It was a mini keg.
Colin: We’re not stupid enough to drop an actual keg on Benedict.
Violet: Well, you could have fooled me.
Violet: The doctor told me your poor brother broke two fingers and was a millimeter away from needing to have surgery on his hand. And in his dominant hand no less.
Violet: Do you have any idea how this is going to impact your brother? His painting? His upcoming gallery showing? He still has three paintings he needs to finish before next month and I have no idea how he’s going to complete them now that you two have gone and done this to him.
Colin: Yes, yes mother. We know. Benedict’s your precious little baby. Heaven forbid he do anything wrong. Like yelling at his girlfriend because she nearly made him lose Pictionary.
Colin: A girlfriend who, I would like the record to reflect, slapped me.
Anthony: Sophie also gave me a black eye. Kate has spent all of this morning laughing at me every time I walk into a room and she sees it so I think we’re even.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet: What did you not understand about almost needing surgery? You practically shattered his hand!! You nearly destroyed your brother’s art career!
Hyacinth: If Sophie stops talking to me because of the shit you two bozos pulled omg I’m going to end you both.
Colin: I’m surprised the coke can you nearly hit her with didn’t already do that.
Daphne: Hey. We may have a situation happening.
Francesca: What’s wrong?
Violet: Is everything alright?
Daphne: Simon’s panic pacing in our living room right now and I heard him say something about Sophie. I’m trying to figure out what happened. Give me a second.
Daphne: Hold on.
Francesca: What??
Eloise: Say sike Daphne. Say sike right now.
Gregory: Seriously??
Colin: Oh shit. For real?
Francesca: How do you know?
Daphne: Simon and Kate are texting with her right now. I only figured it out because Simon’s stutter comes back when he’s stressed and mutters to himself to stay calm.
Daphne: But Sophie’s said she’s going to break up with Ben when he wakes up because she thinks we all hate her!!
Violet: I need to get back to the hospital right now.
Hyacinth: YOU IDIOTS!!!
Colin: Gregory. Since I know u r with her. Scale of 1-10 how pissed is Hy right now?
Gregory: Hy right now:
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Gregory sent a photo
Gregory sent a photo
Colin: Ah. 100 then.
Gregory: Yeah
Colin: Well it was nice knowing everyone
Anthony: Why on earth would she think we hate her?? You were all cheering her on when she was assaulting us.
Eloise: By far the hottest thing I've ever seen. I think watching her throw that punch rewired my brain chemistry. Watered my crops. Cleared my skin. Ended my depression. And helped me finish my graduate applications. I’ve never felt so alive.
Eloise: Fuck Wollstonecraft. Fuck Steinem. Fuck Atwood. Their works do not even compare to the straight prose Sophie was shooting last night while she was yelling at you two.
Eloise: And if we lose her now because you two idiots made her think we despise her I am going to HELP HYACINTH BURY YOUR BODIES!!!
Francesca: Mum, how close are you?
Violet: 30 minutes out. John is driving as fast as he legally can to get me back there.
Violet: I knew I shouldn’t have left her there alone. I knew something was off. She was far too quiet to have been okay with all of this.
Daphne: Do you need us to come meet you there?
Violet: No. The last thing we need to do is overwhelm her.
Violet: This is all my fault. I should never have picked Pictionary. I shouldn’t have even allowed a Game Night to begin with!
Violet: I forgot that I have wolves for children. That you all were swapped with changelings as babies.
Hyacinth: Why didn’t anyone stay with Sophie???
Eloise: Because she’s a grown woman who knows how to handle herself. She seemed fine last night.
Francesca: She seemed pretty overwhelmed to me. I found her crying in the bathroom after Benedict yelled at her.
Violet: She was crying?!!!
Francesca: I think she was just taken by surprise and she told me Danbury had called her earlier about the lawsuit with her stepmother so I thought she was probably already stressed before she arrived at the house last night. I told her Benedict didn’t mean any of it. And after the beat down she gave Colin and Anthony I thought she would be okay.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to get there!!
Violet: Sweetheart, I’m trying to get there as fast as I can.
Hyacinth: Omg Mum hurry up 😩😩😩 My sanity is on the line here.
Gregory: Anthony and Colin’s asses are literally on the line right now. Hyacinth might actually commit to killing them.
Hyacinth: I swear to God I’m going to actually lose it if Sophie leaves. We finally were about to have a cool in-law in the family and now you IDIOTS RUINED IT!!!
Gregory: We were almost able to say we had a felon in the family 😖😖😖
Daphne: Gregory. Sophie nearly going to jail is not something to strive for.
Francesca: She also isn’t a felon. She would have had to have been convicted for that to be true.
Hyacinth: Firstly, she was falsely accused and this has been a known fact for weeks now. Keep up. Secondly, and according to the police report, Sophie almost outran the cops and got away. Like they chased her seven blocks before they caught her. Full sprint the entire time. And then she elbowed one of them while they were arresting her so they nearly hit her with an assaulting police officer charge because of it.
Hyacinth: Thirdly, Ben said Sophie completely decked her stepmother once it was revealed that Armabitch lied about her stealing from her (which honestly should have been a heads up for tweedle dumb and tweedle dumbest not to FUCK with her)
Hyacinth: And FOURTHLY, she literally got broken out of jail by Mum and Ben because yours truly was smart enough to make sure her location sharing was on.
Hyacinth: She’s a literal icon of icons 😍😍😍
Daphne: Hyacinth, you never answered this the last time we asked. But did you hack Sophie’s phone?
Hyacinth: No
Hyacinth: I just made sure she was sharing her location with me while I was putting my number in her phone. That’s all.
Violet: Alright I’m back at the hospital.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to find Sophie! You need to stop her!
Violet: Oh I plan to. Not going to allow all my hard work to go to waste. I’ll text you once I’ve spoken to her.
Eloise: Are you two idiots happy with yourselves now??
Eloise: Was this worth dropping a keg on Benedict??
Colin: Again
Colin: Mini keg.
Colin: And right now, since I am currently praying to every God in existence to make sure Sophie and Benedict don’t break up, the answer is no.
Anthony: If she was bold enough to hit me in the face, then she was a perfect fit for this family.
Anthony: Mum, if you don’t stop her, tell me. I’ll come out there and speak to her myself.
Hyacinth: Anything?
Daphne: Oh my god this wait is killing me.
Francesca: Mum any updates yet?
Benedict sent a picture
Benedict: I lived.
Daphne: Benedict! Where’s Sophie? Is she with you?
Benedict: She here ❤️
Benedict: she finance
Eloise: ????
Benedict: Soap finance
Daphne: Benedict what are you trying to say
Eloise: What the hell does this mean???
Benedict: Soap
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: soap finance
Benedict: Duck
Francesca: Benedict are you still high??
Benedict: No. Typing 1 hand. Hard
Eloise: I think we should all take that as he’s still high.
Benedict: Soap Bucket my finance
Gregory: This is some fucking DaVinci code level shit.
Francesca: Are you talking about Sophie??
Benedict: Yes
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: She finance
Francesca: She’s fine?
Eloise: What about Sophie’s finances??
Violet: Fiancée. He means fiancée.
Violet: Sophie and Benedict are engaged!! Well, technically, engaged. Sophie told him he has to propose again once the drugs wear off but I got here just in time to see Benedict asking her to marry him after he woke up and hearing Sophie tell him yes. We’ve all been celebrating. It was quite lovely 🥰🥰
Benedict: Mum cryin rite now.
Eloise: No doubt ecstatic she no longer needs to worry about you dying alone.
Colin: Oh thank Christ.
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Francesca: 🥳🥳 Congratulations Benedict
Daphne: Congratulations!!
Hyacinth: This is literally the best news I could receive 😭😭😭
Benedict: Thank you ☺️
Benedict: V happy rite now.
Eloise: V high 2
Benedict sent a photo
Benedict: High on life 😌😌😌 On love 😍☺️🥰
Eloise: Omg 🤢🤮
Eloise: Freak
Eloise: No one asked to see your kissing selfies.
Violet: Benedict. Sweetheart. Since I apparently have to text you this as well. Put the phone down and go back to sleep.
Benedict: NO
Benedict: Engaged!
Benedict: Every1 celebrate me b engaged
Anthony: Congratulations brother.
Benedict: Asshole. Hat u. U no celebrate.
Benedict: Hate other asshole 2. Were Colin?
Colin: Hey Benedict. How’s your hand?
Benedict: Duck u
Benedict: Fuck u
Benedict: Hate u both so much rite now.
Colin: Listen. Ben. I’m really sorry for almost crushing your hand.
Benedict: Hand no long matter. U hurt Soap. I kill u.
Colin: She slapped me!
Benedict: Deserved. U deserved. Drop keg on me n face Soap wrath.
Benedict: God she was so hot 4 that.
Eloise: So hot
Benedict: So hot. My gf is so hot.
Benedict: Finance! She finance now.
Anthony: Benedict. Please tell Sophie how sorry we are for last night and that we are all incredibly happy for her. For both of you.
Anthony: You can also tell her she has an impressive right hook.
Anthony: …
Anthony: Benedict?
Anthony: Benedict are you there?
Violet: He’s not going to answer. Sophie finally took his phone away. But I’ll tell her.
Daphne: Everyone say thank you to Kate and Simon. They spent almost an hour trying to talk Sophie out of leaving Benedict while we were all freaking out.
Francesca: Do they know?
Daphne: I told Simon
Anthony: Kate knows
Gregory: Kate and Simon right now probably
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Eloise: Anthony. How much did you just drop on ‘thank you for saving my ass’ jewelry for Kate?
Anthony: Fuck off.
Francesca: I texted Kate. She’s checking the bank account.
Francesca: About 5k by the looks of it. And he’s taking her to Paris.
Anthony: I hate all of you.
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sallowsdiary · 14 days
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse after the Great Trousers Debacle, the universe decided to up the ante. Today, I managed to achieve a new level of humiliation—this time involving a broom closet and, of course, the new girl.
It all started innocently enough. I was wandering around the castle, minding my own business (and definitely not trying to “accidentally” bump into her between classes). I’d just come from Defense Against the Dark Arts, where Professor Hecat spent the entire lesson lecturing about the dangers of improperly casting Shield Charms. Fascinating stuff, I’m sure, but my mind was elsewhere—specifically, on how to make up for the trousers incident.
As fate would have it, I saw her walking down the corridor, her usual entourage of Ravenclaw girls nowhere to be seen. Perfect opportunity, right? Or so I thought. I figured I’d casually catch up to her and maybe ask if she needed help with her books, or offer to show her some secret passageways. You know, the usual charming Sebastian routine.
But then, things took a turn. She suddenly veered off into an empty corridor, and for reasons I still don’t fully understand, I decided to follow her. It wasn’t until she stopped in front of an old broom closet that I realized I might be coming across as slightly… creepy. But before I could rethink my life choices, she opened the door, stepped inside, and—believe it or not—disappeared.
Well, I couldn’t let that mystery go unsolved, could I? So, like the brilliant Slytherin strategist I am, I darted into the closet after her. And that’s when everything went spectacularly wrong.
You see, the broom closet wasn’t just a broom closet—it was one of those trick ones that the castle loves so much. As soon as I stepped inside, the door slammed shut behind me with a resounding click, leaving me in complete darkness. I fumbled around for my wand, ready to cast Lumos, when I heard a voice.
“Sebastian? What are you doing in here?”
It was her. The new girl. Stuck in the same tiny broom closet as me.
I don’t know what was worse: the fact that I had no idea what she was doing in there in the first place, or the fact that we were now trapped together in the world’s smallest and most awkward space. My mind went blank, and all I could manage was a very eloquent, “Uh… I… I thought you… dropped something?”
Brilliant, Sebastian. Absolutely brilliant.
She laughed—thank Merlin she laughed—and said she’d been looking for a hidden passageway she’d read about in Hogwarts: A History. Apparently, it was supposed to be behind one of the old broom closets in the castle. Unfortunately, this was not the correct one. We both tried to push the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. I even attempted a few unlocking spells, but of course, the door was enchanted to resist all the usual tricks.
So there we were, squished together in a dark broom closet, with nothing but a few dusty broomsticks and the overwhelming scent of old wood polish to keep us company. To make matters worse, every time I tried to move, I somehow managed to elbow her in the ribs or step on her foot. At one point, I knocked a broom over, and it smacked me right in the face. I’m sure that did wonders for my image.
We must have been in there for what felt like hours, though it was probably only ten minutes. Ten excruciatingly awkward minutes during which I tried to make small talk about… broomsticks. Yes, Diary, I found myself discussing the finer points of broomstick maintenance while trapped in a closet with the one person I’ve been desperately trying to impress.
Eventually, Peeves, of all beings, floated by and decided to release us. Of course, not before cackling and making some very inappropriate jokes about “clandestine meetings” and “getting cozy in the dark.” I’ve never seen someone exit a room faster than she did once that door swung open. I, on the other hand, was left to deal with Peeves, who was still laughing like it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen.
So here I am, once again contemplating whether it’s possible to transfer to Durmstrang mid-year. At this rate, I might have to start considering Beauxbatons—at least there, I wouldn’t have to worry about haunted broom closets.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
Hi! Really enjoyed the Harry is gay post, very well researched! Are there any other characters in the series you would also think are gay? Don't wanna say anyone just yet, just want your unfiltered opinion
Thank you so much!
Can't say I have other characters I feel as strongly about their sexual preferences. A large part of it is what Harry chooses to pay attention to. So, I don't have much evidence for anyone else, but I can say who I think is likelier to be gay (or at least not straight) from textual evidence. Some of them go into headcanon territory, but here they are, off the top of my head and in no particular order:
1. Dumbledore and Grindelwald
I'm pretty sure these two are canon, so I don't need to say much. But:
“Yes, even after they’d spent all day in discussion—both such brilliant young boys, they got on like a cauldron on fire—I’d sometimes hear an owl tapping at Gellert’s bedroom window, delivering a letter from Albus! An idea would have struck him, and then he had to let Gellert know immediately!”
(DH, pages 308-309)
Gellert— .... (This was your mistake at Durmstrang! But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met.) Albus
(DH, pages 309)
“Grindelwald. And at last, my brother had an equal to talk to someone just as bright and talented he was. And looking after Ariana took a backseat then, while they were hatching all their plans for a new Wizarding order and looking for Hallows, and whatever else it was they were so interested in.
(DH, pages 480)
2. Sirius Black
I think Sirius might've been gay, or at least bi. It goes into headcanon territory, but I think Sirius used to be in love with James. He just always gave me that vibe. (I don't think they were ever a thing, I think Sirius took his feelings for James with him to his grave).
Here are some quotes that gave me the feeling Sirius is not interested in anyone but James:
Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James’s nor Harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed.
(OOTP, page 642)
“He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed. “I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately.
(OOTP, page 670)
Plus, Sirius' general fixation on James and his constant reminiscence about him. And the two-way mirror they made just for them cause they couldn't handle an hour apart in detention:
This is a two-way mirror. I’ve got the other. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you’ll appear in my mirror and I’ll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.
(OOTP, page 858)
But we don't really know about any romantic interests Sirius may have had. So, it's more of a headcanon than anything.
3. Dean Thomas
I think Dean Thomas is bi (not gay, I think he did like Ginny). And I have only one qoute evidence for it, but it's a really funny one and I don't think I've seen anyone mention it so I'll put it here:
He certainly wasn’t the only one who was sorry to see Professor Lupin go. The whole of Harry’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class was miserable about his resignation. “Wonder what they’ll give us next year?” said Seamus Finnigan gloomily. “Maybe a vampire,” suggested Dean Thomas hopefully.
(POA, page 429)
Dean Thomas clearly read whatever 1990s version of Twilight that exists in the HP universe and wants a love triangle paranormal romance with a werewolf and a vampire.
4. Draco Malfoy
I think he was a little too obsessed with Harry. Like, I don't actually ship Drarry, but I can definitely confess Draco was way too interested in Harry for it to not appear a little gay.
He rummaged in his trunk up in the luggage rack and pulled out the miniature figure of Viktor Krum. “Oh wow,” said Neville enviously as Ron tipped Krum onto his pudgy hand. “We saw him right up close, as well,” said Ron. “We were in the Top Box —” “For the first and last time in your life, Weasley.” Draco Malfoy had appeared in the doorway. Behind him stood Crabbe and Goyle, his enormous, thuggish cronies, both of whom appeared to have grown at least a foot during the summer. Evidently they had overheard the conversation through the compartment door, which Dean and Seamus had left ajar. “Don’t remember asking you to join us, Malfoy,” said Harry coolly.
(GOF, page 168)
Draco literally comes to find Harry on the train, uninvited, every year (except 6th). Throughout their time at school, he also makes an active effort to seek out Harry to a level that is kind of ridiculous. It always looked to me like Draco was desperate for any sort of attention from Harry.
Harry looked down at the hawthorn wand that had once belonged to Draco Malfoy. He had been surprised, but pleased to discover that it worked for him at least as well as Hermione’s had done.
(DH, page 444)
Considering how loyal unicorn hair wands like Draco's are, it seems Dravo feels more friendly about Harry than he likes to pretend.
5. Aunt Muriel
It sounds weird, I know, but I have a reason here. So, Muriel is from the same generation as Dumbledore, more or less, from her words in DH. And we know, back then she had expectations to marry and have children as a (seemingly) pure-blood witch. Those expectations would've been prevalent when she was a young woman in the early 20th century, even among the less blood-purist families.
The fact that she didn't seem to have settled down with a husband and children implies she wasn't interested in doing so. This allows a reading of her as either interested in women or not interested in sex or marriage in general.
6. Alphard Black & Cassiopeia Black
For the same reasons as Muriel. Neither Cassiopeia (born 1915) nor Alphard, Sirius' godfather (born circa 1927-ish) married or had children. This is something that would be expected of them, so the reading of them as not straight is very plausible.
So, that's it. These are all the characters that off the top of my head I could give textual evidence for a not straight reading of. I don't have as much evidence, and that's why I consider this more headcanon than theory. Obviously, people can headcanon wherever, these are just the ones that I could recall evidence for.
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jgroffdaily · 4 months
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Interview by Jake Nevis, photos by Jenny Anderson - excerpts:
For Groff in particular, who’s earned a Tony Award nomination for his swaggering turn as the prodigious composer Franklin Shepard, the experience of starring in Merrily We Roll Along is provoking a tender sort of reappraisal of the wide-eyed, closeted 20-something who arrived on Broadway two decades ago in Spring Awakening, tending his own dreams. “There’s so many powerful parallels and I’m feeling the opportunity to release a lot of the tension I was holding at that time,” he told me earlier this month over coffee in Greenwich Village (just before showing face at a Tony’s luncheon). “This character feels like an exorcism of the lightest and darkest parts of myself.” With easy candor—and a charm not dissimilar to the kind he demonstrates in the role—Groff opened up about learning to live without shame and what Looking, the polarizing HBO series he starred in from 2014 to 2016, taught him about show business.
JAKE NEVINS: Hey, Jonathan. Congrats on your Tony nomination.
JONATHON GROFF: Thank you so much.
NEVINS: That’s exciting. How do you feel?
GROFF: Oh my god, I feel super emotional. I’ve been crying a lot these days. Last time I was nominated was during Hamilton, which was like seven or eight years ago. And I wasn’t in the show when the nominations happened. I had left to do a TV show. So this is the first time since Spring Awakening that I’ve experienced the intensity of awards season on Broadway while being in the show. I’m having a lot of flashbacks to being 22 years old.
NEVINS: What were your first encounters with Merrily in particular?
GROFF: Gideon Glick, who was in Spring Awakening with me, sent a text to the Spring Awakening text chain saying, “This documentary came out called The Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened. And it’s devastating and beautiful, and it reminded me so much of us. You all have to go see it.” So I watched the documentary about Merrily that Lonny Price made and was blown away by it. At the Hollywood Bowl, I had done Sondheim on Sondheim, where I sang the role of Frank in “Opening Doors” and Jesse Tyler Ferguson did “Franklin Shepard, Inc.,” so I knew the songs from there. Funny enough, we had just finished our Spring Awakening reunion concert, which was in the fall of 2021, and we were making a documentary about the concert and about the show. The Merrily doc was a big inspiration for that because of how they went back and forth and showed them as kids and showed them as adults. And then in January 2022, me and Jim Carnahan, who cast me in Spring Awakening 16 years before, were in a film club during COVID. After we saw 8½ at the Film Forum in January 2022, he said to me, “We’re going to come to you with an offer for Frank in Merrily We Roll Along. Do you know the show?” And I was like, “I know pieces of it, but I don’t know the show.” Maria’s production in London was on YouTube, so I watched it and I died for it. I just thought it was fucking genius, never having seen it and obviously knowing from the documentary that the show was originally a flop. So it took six months between January and June 2022 for us to figure out the dates. Dan [Radcliffe] was already attached to play Charley, and then Lindsay [Mendez] came on, and then we were off and running.
[Jonathan on reactions to Looking] And I was like, “Whoa.” That was when I started to learn the art of walking with an open heart and also protecting myself.
NEVINS: What does that look like?
GROFF: It’s like, having empathy and respect for the haters and honoring them and understanding that that opinion can exist and I can still be in my lane and express myself. Just because someone says it’s terrible doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth making.
NEVINS: Well, I’ll leave you with this. What’s the status of your inner voice? By all accounts, you’re living your dream, but I don’t want to draw any conclusions.
GROFF: This feels like it’s been a rebirth, a bit of a renaissance, and a release. It’s like I’m re-experiencing what I experienced when I was 22 with Spring Awakening, but now as a flashback, which is what Merrily is about. I moved to New York in 2004, 20 years ago. This show takes place over the course of 20 years. It’s about three friends. Spring Awakening was about these three characters. There’s so many powerful parallels and I’m feeling the opportunity to release a lot of the tension I was holding at that time. It feels like this opportunity to tap back into that 20-year-old I was and release all of the baggage from that time. I’m feeling more like myself than I ever have. This character feels like an exorcism of the lightest and darkest parts of myself.
NEVINS: An exorcism that ends with a Tony, hopefully
GROFF: Oh my god.
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mymoodwriting · 8 months
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Request for Anon (Yandere Professors Bang Chan, Hongjoong, & Sangyeon) 5k, yandere, college professors, scolding, manipulation, aggression, yelling, dub-con, non-con, smut, fingering, penetration, creampie, gang bang, bruising (@starillusion13)
“Have you forgotten who we are?”
Ever since you were young you knew you wanted to be a star. You wanted to be on stage, you wanted to entertain, you wanted to be loved. It was fortunate your parents supported you in this dream, even before they realized how serious you were. They signed you up for dance lessons, as well as singing, and did anything else they could to help. You were talented, and that was obvious from a young age. So it was no surprise when you got accepted into a prestigious arts university. Your parents were so proud, and you were so excited to properly start building your career.
Of course you had actually had the chance to show your talents before entering uni. You participated in some singing competitions, and did a few shows here and there. Some people knew you, but you weren’t a celebrity. You may have already had a chance to be on a stage, but that wasn’t gonna make you think you were better than others. At uni you were just another student, and maybe you wouldn’t even make it as big as you wanted to be, but being here was a great step. You wouldn’t bring up your past achievements, and do your best to get along with others. After all, in this industry it’s all about connections.
With that in mind you were quite surprised when some of your professors offered to privately tutor you and help you with your studies. They didn’t really do tutoring in general, but it seemed they were willing to make an exception for you. It had already been a few weeks, and by now they had all seen what you could do. You figured it was a good sign, so did your parents and they agreed to the tutoring. It was something you took seriously, but it was certainly more than you expected. Now you always stayed late with your professors. 
After your classes you’d spend a few hours with either professor Bang, professor Lee, or professor Kim in the dance studio. They had their own classes so it tended to be someone different each time. You’d practice your dance moves and work on developing your own style. It was quite exhausting, but fun nonetheless. Once you wrapped that up you took a bit of a break and then headed to the studio. You were already quite talented with singing, but that wasn’t the only thing they wanted you to focus on. If you really wanted to be a star, you had to be incredible, and they believed you were capable. 
So besides singing and dancing you were being taught about lyrical structure and music composition, then they even threw rap lessons into the mix. You weren’t studying all of these things on your own, this was certainly extra work they were putting on you. Still, they always assure you that you were capable, and you certainly felt you were learning. All this would give you an extra edge when trying to get a foothold in the industry, but there was something about this whole thing. After all, nothing is free, especially not in this industry.
“So, there’s this new place that opened up in town, and we should totally go.” Your friend Ava suggested. “I’ve heard good things from it. You in?”
“I’m out.” You commented.
“You’re always out.” Your other friend, Misu, pouted. “Are you ever going to hang out with us after class?”
“You know I have dance practice and then a session in the studio.”
“Those professors really don’t give you a break, do they?”
“They’re just trying to help.”
“Talk about picking favorites.” Lyla added. “You’re a freshman and they’re giving you all these free lessons. It’s kinda unfair.”
“They offered, and I couldn’t just turn them down.”
“You sure your parents didn’t pay them?”
“My parents never came to campus before they offered to tutor me.”
“Then what do they get out of it?” Ava asked. “No way they just tutor you for free.”
“Well… they kinda do.” You admitted nervously. “I should get going.”
“No, come on, girl. Text them you’re not feeling well and come with us.”
“Please, pretty please, just this once.”
“Yeah, we never get to see you anymore.” Misu commented. “Let’s go hang out together. One day off won’t kill you.”
You sighed. “Alright, fine, but just this once.”
You were lucky you didn’t have any of your tutors as your last class of the day. So you sent a message in the group chat with them, letting them know you were feeling under the weather and apologized for missing your lessons. With that done you packed your things and went with your friends, talking about the plans for the evening. It really had been a while since you hung out with them, so you were greatly looking forward to this.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard a firm voice call your name. You swore under your breath, trying your best to compose yourself. You slowly turned around, your friends already knowing what the situation was
“Professor Kim-”
“I thought you were feeling under the weather?”
“She is.” Misu cut in. “We’re taking her back to her dorm.”
“Is that so?”
The professor walked up to you, pressing his palm against your head. Then he placed a finger under your nose. You closed your eyes, realizing you had been caught.
“You seem fine to me.”
“You shouldn’t skip your lessons.”
“Come on now.”
The professor took your hand and yanked you away from your friends. They attempted to protest but you just shook your head at them. You got caught, so you’d have to suffer the consequences. You figured you’d be taken to the dance studio, as was the routine, but instead you were dragged to the recording studio. Upon entering you saw that professor Bang and professor Lee were also there. You were shoved onto the couch, keeping your head down as you adjusted yourself.
“I found her.”
“Feeling under the weather?” Professor Lee questioned. “You forget I saw you this morning, and you were just fine.”
“Sorry? You lied to us, and for what?”
“I just wanted to hang out with my friends…”
“What kind of friends convince you it’s a good idea to ditch your lessons? Those are not good friends.”
“Let’s not argue the details.” Professor Bang said. “The question is, what will be the consequences? Care to guess?”
“Since we’re here we should start with your vocal lessons today. Let’s warm up.”
That wasn’t a suggestion, so you got up and made your way into the recording booth, professor Lee following you. He brought in a stool with him and had you sit down. He placed his hands on your shoulders, slowly sliding them down your arms and then yanking them behind your back. You kept them there as you heard him take off his belt, using it to tie your hands together. He brought the mic closer to you, standing behind you.
“You may begin.”
You took a breath and began with your warm ups, following what you had learned, as well as what they had taught you. After a moment you felt professor Lee’s hands trailing down your sides, his hands reaching your thighs and massaging them gently. Instinctively you closed your legs, but he merely pulled them apart, tsking in your ear. From there his hands moved inward, his fingers rubbing at your core through your panties. You were never one for skirts, but had gotten into the habit of wearing them because of your tutors. You yelped into the microphone, feeling a bit shy.
“Keep going.”
“When it’s just us you call us by our names, remember?”
“Yes, Sangyeon.”
“Good girl. Now continue.”
You tried to keep your voice steady as Sangyeon continued his distraction. You even had to avert your gaze as Chan and Hongjoong were watching you from the other side of the glass. It didn’t help anything when Sangyeon pushed your panties aside and his cold fingers ran up along your core. You shivered, accidentally making eye-contact with Chan. You felt your face burning and you shut your eyes. You tried to compose yourself and bit your lip, but Sangyeon pushed a finger into you, a moan escaping you.
“Are you getting this?” Sangyeon asked.
“We’re recording.” Hongjoong assured.
Sangyeon wrapped his free hand around your throat, putting light pressure on it as he held your head high. You had to stay by the microphone and continue your warm up. You desperately tried to move, but your arms were restrained, and Sangyeon was holding you still. His fingers kept working you over, eventually finding your sweet spot. You whimpered into the mic, your breathing becoming uneven. Your face wasn’t the only thing burning anymore. By then Sangyeon had two fingers into you, his lips pressing kisses against your cheek.
“Sa… Sangyeon…”
“… please…”
“You don’t deserve to cum.”
He pushed you closer to the edge before stopping, pulling his fingers out. You whimpered, and looked up to him with pleading eyes. All you got was a kiss on your head as he undid the belt and freed your arms.
“We’ll start in ten.” Chan announced into the booth. “And you’re not allowed to touch yourself.”
Sangyeon left you alone, and you took the time to catch your breath and finish your warm up. You felt frustrated, but your lessons had only just begun. You practiced your singing and rapping, following the verses given to you and trying to do your own thing with them. When you finished you collapsed onto the couch in the studio, wanting to get some rest.
You opened your eyes when someone tapped your legs, seeing Hongjoong offering you a cup of tea. You took it and gave a smile, getting yourself a pat on the head. For now you’d let your voice rest and work on composition. Chan really wanted to get you to a point where you could write your own music. There was a great opportunity coming up as the university was having its annual freshmen showcase. It wasn’t mandatory, but it would be beneficial for any of the new students, even transfers, to participate.
“I was thinking of partnering with one of my friends for the showcase.”
“The showcase is very important and you can’t be doing it with someone else.”
“Why not? I don’t-”
“You have to show that you can be a star on your own before you collaborate with others.” Chan explained. “Besides, you’re already marked down as a solo act.”
“What!? I haven’t even submitted my-”
“We did it for you.” Hongjoong chimed in. “You can’t leave such things at the last minute.”
“I guess…”
“Hm, have you forgotten who we are?”
“No, of course not.”
“Then you have to trust us. We’re not just professors, but artists in the industry. We get a say whether you make it or not, and we do like you. So you shouldn’t ruin your chances.”
“As long as you stick with us and do what we say, you’ll end up in the spotlight.”
You took a sip of your tea before Chan took it from you, pulling you onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Daddy doesn’t wanna see you fail.” Chan mumbled. “And I’m not talking about your father.”
Chan placed a kiss on your neck, his lips trailing up until he stopped to press a big kiss on your cheek. He giggled into the kiss.
“Hm, we should go over to the dance studio. You can’t skip practice.”
“I know.”
The four of you made your way over to the dance studio, using a private practice room. They helped you with your warm ups, and then continued where you left off. They intended to have you dance as well for the showcase, so they had been working with you to choreograph your routine. It was still a work in progress, but you were at the halfway point. After three hours you collapsed to the floor, exhausted and finally done for the day. You were laying on the ground, eyes shut, and catching your breath when you felt someone on top of you. When you opened your eyes you found Sangyeon smiling down at you.
“Don’t you look pretty.”
“I’m all sweaty.”
“A beautiful glow.”
“You’re gross.”
“One must find beauty everywhere, and you look amazing.”
You remembered that this was how it all started. When the trio had first taken you on it seemed like a normal student and tutor situation. It wasn’t until one of your dance practices that you realized there was more going on. After a long session you found yourself under Chan. Before you could say anything he was kissing you. At first you were shocked but then you pushed him off, moving away. You told him it was wrong, and that you weren’t interested in him in such a manner, but that didn’t stop him. He wound up pinning you down beneath him, telling you not to lie to yourself. He knew the way other students would stare at him, and you were no different. Maybe that was true, but this still felt wrong.
You thought things would stay between you and Chan, but he was very open with affection in front of the other two. That led to them getting intimate with you as well. It started softly with kisses, but when it was just one on one they got bold. First it was Sangyeon in the dance studio, taking you after a lesson and pushing you to your limits. Then it was Chan in the studio before you practiced, telling you to consider it a warm up. Lastly it was Hongjoong after his lecture, having you stay with him since your private studies with him would begin afterwards. You could tell they all had some experience on that front.
Now they were all just comfortable with each other and you, so they had no problem taking turns. At this point you weren’t sure if they actually cared about you or if you were their project and they were gonna make you famous. At least they didn’t seem to doubt your talent, which is probably why you were still engaging with them in such a manner. There were times when it hit you how wrong all this was, but this was your golden opportunity, and you couldn’t blow it. So you went along with them. All the private sessions, the one-on-one practices, the sex. None of it was bad, but you knew for sure those around you would say awful things behind your back if they knew the truth.
“Yo, what’s the plan for the weekend?”
“I’m gonna be at the studio working on my showcase.”
“Girl, do you ever take a break.”
“Winter break is coming up.”
“And you sure you gonna take it?”
“I’m fine Misu, and yes, I will definitely enjoy my winter break.”
“Then I’ll make plans for then since you always seem busy.”
“One has to work hard to make it in this type of industry.”
“I know it. Although some good connections can go a long way. I need to start getting closer to my professors.”
“Just not too close.”
“Why not? You have to admit some of them are very-”
“Stop! I don’t want to know your type.”
“Alright, virgin.”
“Ya! That’s not true.”
“Then who was your first?”
“Exactly. Virgin.”
“Whatever. Enjoy your weekend.”
“You too. Don’t work too hard.”
“I’ll try not to.”
It was sweet that your friends always checked in with you about the weekend, hoping for the day you don’t say you’re busy. One day that will be the case but for now you had to spend your weekend with your tutors. You had to be at the studio by eight in the morning, so it always sucked having to drag yourself out of bed. You made a stop for coffee on your way, making sure to get some for everyone too. When you walked into the studio you were greeted with happy faces. They already seemed wide awake unlike yourself. Maybe they didn’t sleep at all.
“Look who showed up late.”
“It’s not eight yet, Sangyeon.”
“If you’re on time you’re late, if you’re early you’re on time.”
“I see, my bad.”
“We’ll work on that.” Sangyeon teased. “Let’s get you settled in before we begin.”
You had your coffee and the session was going by like normal until there was a knock at the door. It was the weekend, so not many students would be on campus. Although as everyone shared glances the door opened and your friend Misu stepped in.
“Hey- wow, what’s this?”
“A private session.” Chan stated. “Please leave.”
Chan didn’t wait for a response as he closed the door and locked it. Things were quiet for a moment, the guys waiting for the uninvited guest to leave. Once they were gone they all turned to look at you.
“What the hell was that?” Hongjoong questioned. “Did you invite your friend?”
“No! Not at all!”
“I think you’re lying.”
“I swear I’m not.”
“Then why show up here?” Sangyeon wondered. “On a weekend of all times?”
“I… I mentioned to Misu that I would be in the studio this weekend, but I never invited her! I didn’t think she’d show up to surprise me or something.”
“I thought we told you to stop socializing with your so-called friends.”
“Uh… they are my friends though, I can’t-”
“You can’t be having friends at this point in your career.”
“What? Doesn’t it pay to have connections in the industry?”
“It does.” Chan stated. “And you have us. No one else matters.”
“What did you tell her you were doing here today?”
“That… that I was working on my showcase.”
“So she came to potentially steal your ideas, or perhaps convince you to perform as a duo?”
“I… no, she wouldn’t-”
“And how can you be so sure? The showcase is a very important event for all the new students. Those that don’t perform well don’t stick around.”
“We shouldn’t continue at the school.” Sangyeon said. “It’s better we take these sessions off campus.”
“Off campus? What do you mean-”
“We can use my studio.” Hongjoong volunteered. “None of my artists are using it this weekend.”
“You… you have your own studio?”
“Of course. Chan does as well.”
“We’re not just professors. So let’s go.”
There really wasn’t a choice here, so you went with them to Hongjoong studio. It was in the city, one of the biggest buildings around. The others also seemed to know their way around. It wasn’t really noticeable before, but seeing how they all acted with one another it was safe to say they were good friends. When you walked into the studio you were quite amazed. The view was incredible.
“This is your studio?”
“You like?” Hongjoong chuckled. “Need a good view and sunlight for motivation. I’ve done some of my best work here.”
“In more ways than one.” Chan commented. “Now let’s focus. She’s spent enough time worried about others.”
“I’m not some kid. It’s important to socialize and-”
“Y/n, you’re a talented girl, and that’s why we picked you, but you should know to respect your seniors.”
“You’re also my professors and this-”
“We’re taking out free time and giving it to you.” Sangyeon reminded. “It would be rude if you took that for granted.”
“You still need to be punished for what happened earlier today.”
“Uh…” “I agree.” Hongjoong added. “Let’s enjoy the view some more.”
Hongjoong stalked over to you, forcing you back until your back hit the glass. He placed his hand on either side, boxing you in. You felt your face burning, avoiding Hongjoong’s gaze, but he ended up grabbing your chin and made you meet his eyes.
“You’re gonna be a star.”
He leaned in close, pressing his lips against yours. By now it was a force of habit to kiss back, or maybe it was just you wanting this too. Hongjoong’s hands trailed down your body, grabbing onto your waist. When he pulled away from the kiss his eyes gazed into yours with lust before he flipped you around. He pressed you up against the glass, a hand trailing down into your pants, rubbing you through your panties.
“No one can see us all the way up here.”
“… you… you sure?”
“The glass is one way.”
Hongjoong pressed kisses against your neck, sucking on bits here and there to mark you up. He kept you firmly pressed against the glass, leaving you with little room to move as he teased you. This was only the beginning and that was obvious once he moved aside your panties and ran his fingers along your throbbing core. You squirmed, pressing your ass against his crotch without meaning too, feeling something hard poking you back.
“You just have to ask, baby girl.” Hongjoong whispered. “Take your pants off.”
It wasn’t a request, especially when he helped you out by unzipping your pants. You hooked your thumbs into your pants, carefully shiming out of them as Hongjoong kept teasing you. After a moment your pants hit the ground at your ankles, and you carefully stepped out of them. Hongjoong pushed your legs apart, two fingers sliding inside you. A moan escaped your lips and you could see your breath on the glass. You were so focused on your own pleasure you didn’t realize Hongjoong had pulled his dick out. You only felt it press against your ass for a moment before he removed his fingers and then slid right into your pussy. You let out a loud moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
You needed a moment to adjust as he had done a sloppy job with prep. His heavy breathing was right against your ear, and he whispered how tight you were. He asked if you were ready and you nodded your head. His hands moved to your hips and he slowly began to move, getting into a rhythm before his basic instincts took over. Every thrust pushed you against the glass, giving you a slightly uncomfortable feeling, but it didn’t matter compared to everything else. You were panting against the glass, pushing back against Hongjoong as best as you could. You could feel yourself approaching the edge, mumbling something to Hongjoong, but he was in his own world.
By the way his movements were getting sloppy you knew he was close too. All you had to do was wait and play along, he’d take care of you in the end. His grip on your hips got tight, most likely going to leave bruises. Hongjoong ended up wrapping an arm around you and pulling your back against his chest. He thrust up into you a few times before you felt something warm running down your leg. The sensation pushed you over the edge and you were cumming alongside him. You had your head thrown back, resting on his shoulder as you came down from you high, catching your breath.
“What a good girl.”
Hongjoong kept you in place for a moment before pulling out and bringing you over to the couch. You were still out of breath, but were starting to settle down.
“You really got no problem making a mess in your own studio.” Sangyeon commented. 
“I have a cleaner.” Hongjoong mentioned. “And this wouldn’t be the first time they deep clean this place. Up against the glass is a popular place.”
“What about the couch?”
“A good choice too.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Sangyeon pulled you up and onto his lap. You were still exhausted but he loved the look in your eyes. He didn’t mind the mess either, his hand slipping down between your legs, fingers digging into the mess of cum still dripping out.
“Did you have fun?” You nodded. “That’s good. You had your break so how about I take you for a ride.”
“At a girl.”
Sangyeon pressed his lips to yours, a new flavor into the mix. You kissed back, leaning into him. Your legs were still shaking, your mind numb from the pleasure, but you continued with Sangyeon’s advances. His thumb was rubbing at your clit, taking full advantage of your current state. You had your arms wrapped around him, feeling how he found your sweet spot and began to abuse it. Before you cooled down he wanted to get in on the action, and now that he had you in his hands it was easy. He kept fingering you while he undid his pants with his free hand, springing out his cock. He stroked himself, getting hard, leaking pre-cum all over his hand.
“You ready, darling?”
You didn’t even notice when Sangyeon removed his fingers, but you certainly felt the stretch of his cock pushing your walls apart. You held onto him and moaned into his ear as he pushed into the mess, the squelching sound filling the room. Sangyeon let out a breath as you adjusted, loving the way your walls squeezed him. After taking a moment he grabbed your hips, helping you move up and down. You let him take control, helping how you could as you bounced on his cock. Your legs were already trembling, but you kept going, wanting to get another high. You could feel that heat growing again, practically being dragged out of you. Sangyeon got more aggressive as you kept going, definitely going to leave bruises on your hips.
As he lost his rhythm you did your best to take over, moving until you came. It wasn’t long before he climaxed as well, pulling you close and holding you in his arms, moaning into your ear. You twitched in his embrace, feeling so out of breath. You both stayed connected for a while as you came down from cloud nine. After a moment Sangyeon laid down and kept you on top of him, pressing lazy kisses to your face. You giggled and smiled at him, wanting to rest. Although you weren’t done yet. You suddenly felt hands pulling you off of Sangyeon and up on your feet. It was Chan, a devilish grin on his face.
“You’re not done yet, doll.” Chan said. “You have to please us all.”
Chan kissed you before dragging you into the recording booth and bending you over the table inside. He only ran his fingers along your pussy and ass before getting his dick out and pushing it into you. Now there was going to be a mess to clean up in the booth. You looked up at the glass, seeing both Hongjoong and Sangyeon watching. You made eye contact for a moment before Chan rammed into rather hard, making your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your mouth hung open as he kept going, pushing you to your limits. He was pulling another orgasm out of you, and all you could do was take it. His hands trailed up and down your back. 
As he got closer to cumming his movements became sloppy. You were feeling bits of pain, but it always got overridden by pleasure. Chan suddenly pulled you up against his body, thrusting up into you before spilling his seed inside you. A loud moan escaped your lips and you shook in his arms, feeling this third orgasm push your body to the edge. Chan held you tightly, moving ever so slightly to drag on both your climaxes. By this time you were spent and could barely keep yourself up. Chan wound up carrying you out of the booth, setting you down on the couch where Hongjoong had put down a blanket. 
Your vision was fading in and out, but it was over now. You felt a hand pet you softly, going along with a soothing hum too. You certainly fell asleep for a moment, waking up to the sounds of your own moans. You peeked your eyes open, seeing Chan and Hongjoong were by the mixer, messing around with the private recordings. Your head was resting on Sangyeon’s lap, his hand rubbing circles into your skin to relax you and release any tension in your body. You were still tired so you closed your eyes, most likely going to drift back to sleep.
“We should use some of this.” Hongjoong commented. “I got a few ideas in mind.”
“How exactly do you copyright this?” Chan asked. “Then again, we did make them.”
“How about we just keep it to ourselves.” Sangyeon added. “It makes it more special that way. Besides, actually using it could lead to trouble down the line. We don’t want to ruin her future.”
“Honestly, even after the showcase, we should continue with weekend sessions.” Hongjoong mentioned. “Especially in our private studios.”
“I second that.” Chan said. “Things work better this way for everyone.”
You don’t know how long you slept for, but when you woke up you were in the back of a car. Hongjoong smiled at you and took your hand in his, pressing a soft kiss against it.
“Hi… what’s going on…”
“We’re going out for some food. You must be hungry.”
The boys helped you out of the car, as you couldn’t really walk straight just yet. You got a private room at the restaurant, Chan having you sit in his lap instead of taking a seat on your own. He tickled you with kisses, slapping away the hands of the others.
“Behave.” Sangyeon growled. “She’s ours.”
“Yes she is.” Hongjoong agreed. “She’s our beautiful girl.”
“No, no, no.” Chan corrected. “She’s our beautiful star.”
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sephirthoughts · 4 months
Vincent's New Kid Just Dropped CH 6 Flashback Time: Deepground Part 2
REBLOG WITH @siringadev 's AMAZING ART 🖤🤍
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screenshot from Dirge of Cerberus of Nero's spectral form being super not gay for his brother
The next night, Nero sent out his darkness tendrils and began searching the place systematically, for any sign of another child. His specter moved unseen in the dark, invisible to security cameras, a spider, crawling through the cracks and on the ceilings, throwing out tendrils of shadow and weaving them together, till almost the entirety of the Deepground complex resonated within his perception. 
This tracking and surveilling behavior was extraordinarily complex, for a child of six years, but that was his secret. He was never really a child, at all. Nero was born a pure predator.
It was not that his mind had advanced so far past other children his age, it was that it had developed another way entirely—not a human way. It was a mind as sharp and simple as a blade, with the instincts of a jungle cat, and the patience and cunning of an orb weaver, all in the body of a human being. Well. Sort of human. His body was more than half Chaos, after all. 
For the sake of the silver boy, he put his predator’s instincts to work, hunting down this ostensible brother, like a warm-blooded prey animal. Not that he intended to do anything to the child, he just wanted to see if he was really there. The darkness got out of control sometimes, though, and even Nero couldn’t predict what it would do, so if it happened to swallow the boy…well, that wouldn’t be Nero’s fault.
Whatever his true intentions were, it didn’t wind up mattering. He could find no trace of another child, anywhere in the complex, aside from the cylinders of genetic material kept in cold storage, and those were only components, not actual children. 
Despite all his strands, tuned so carefully to capture the thoughts of passing handlers and researchers, his efforts yielded no clues to any children existing in Deepground, save for himself and the silver boy. 
After his search had turned up nothing, for three days in a row, he gave up and went to visit the silver boy again.
Elated to see him, the boy jumped up from his bed, and before Nero could think to stop him, threw his arms around his spectral form. 
Immediately, the purple-black miasma billowed and roiled in the air around them, and darkness tendrils whipped out to coil about the other child’s waist and neck. Horrified, Nero tried in vain to pull them back, but they clung tightly. 
To his astonishment, however, the silver boy wasn’t swallowed up in the miasma. He wasn’t even frightened by being grabbed, that way.
“Look, they like me,” he laughed, as several tentacles slithered up his neck and into his hair, and others prodded his cheeks. “What are these things? Do you control them? Can you use them to pick stuff up?”
Nero was flabbergasted. His darkness not only seemed to be playing around affectionately with the other boy, it also appeared that he was immune to the miasma. No one had ever stood right in it like this and survived. He gazed up at his smiling, snow-white angel, with an increased sense of awe. 
“I forgot to ask, did you see any sign of my brother?” the silver boy asked, after he’d been petting and playing with the darkness tendrils for a while.
Nero shook his head. 
The silver boy peeled off a tentacle that was climbing up his face, and looked down into Nero’s spectral eyes. “Are you alright? You didn’t put yourself in any danger, looking for him, did you?”
Nero shook his head. He was trying to figure out how to relate what he’d been doing, when the silver boy gasped. 
“It’s…it’s like a spiderweb,” he breathed. “You can watch the whole complex, this way. I’ve never even seen most of these places. This is amazing! How are you letting me see it?”
Nero blinked, taken aback. He had no idea how he was doing it. He’d only ever extracted information from people’s minds, he’d never attempted to share his sight with anyone, before. 
“I understand” the silver boy nodded. “You don’t know how you did it, because you’ve never done it before. I guess I can see some of your other thoughts. Or…feel them? That one didn’t have pictures.”
Nero became suddenly panicked, at what the silver boy might find out, if he kept looking into his head, and yanked desperately at the tendrils again, but he couldn’t make them come back. Having no other way to break the connection, he hastily dispersed his specter and returned to his body, panting and shaking with adrenaline. 
When the jolt of fear wore off, he felt deep remorse for leaving the silver boy like that, but there were so many horrible things in his mind. Crawling, grasping, ravening things. Things that wanted to drink blood and crack bones. Things that wanted to drag human souls into the abyss, and delighted in the screams of the dying. 
He couldn’t bear to think how his angel would look at him, if he knew what kind of monster Nero really was. He may never smile at him again.
Distraught and exhausted, he curled up into a protective ball in his bed and immersed himself in the darkness inside—the only place he was truly safe.
Fifteen days would pass, before he saw the silver boy again, but that was to be the day that changed everything. 
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the-painted-siren · 10 months
Anything At All
Summary: Lloyd is an adult who’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself—or so he wants Zane to believe. Good thing Zane doesn’t believe. Notes: A little thing I wrote for Round 1 of Who Wrote That in the Ninjago fic server I’m part of. Decided to polish it off and post it bc I had a good time writing it.
“You’re upset.”
It’s a statement, not a question. 
Lloyd glances up, his expression one that Zane knows all too well: brows creased, face pinched, eyes gleaming with a sheen of exhaustion. Lloyd leans back in his chair, an irritated grumble rumbling in his throat. 
“I am not.” Lloyd throws his pencil onto the stack of scrolls before him. The names of each of his students lay across the pages, accompanied by notes, diagrams, and schedules. Eraser shavings and crumpled-up papers overflow on his desk. 
“It's normal to be upset,” Zane says. “You're stressed from a long day.” 
Lloyd waves him off, yawning. “I’ve seen worse days,” he mutters. “I can get through this one.” 
“Have you eaten today?” 
Lloyd combs his fingers through his hair, a heavy sigh rolling out of him as he sinks down into his chair. He doesn’t look at Zane for the longest time, but the corners of his mouth turn to a pout like a child that’s been caught stealing sweets before dinner. 
“No,” he finally admits. “But it’s fine. I’ll find something to snack on later.” 
“You should eat,” Zane comments. “I can make something—”
“That’s nice.” Lloyd rises to his feet, a scowl flitting across his features as he pushes Zane toward the door. “But I’m a grown-up. I can feed myself.” 
“But I—”
Lloyd gives Zane a proper shove out into the hallway. 
“I appreciate it, buddy, really, but you can’t help this time.” 
Zane doesn’t believe that. 
He plays many roles within the team—medic, builder, analyst. He was built to protect and repair. And while he can’t traditionally repair Lloyd’s struggles, he figures he may be able to lighten them. He can take some of the weight off of Lloyd’s shoulders. 
Because Lloyd works—he works and he trains and he fights. Mostly because he loves doing it. He loves protecting Ninjago with every ounce of his bleeding, golden heart, even if he never says it. 
Deep down, though, Zane suspects it’s also because Lloyd doesn’t know how to do anything else. 
Zane figures he’s approximately 25% responsible for that. Less, if he takes Nya and Master Wu into account. More, if he considers the many times he’s recklessly thrown himself into battle, almost died protecting those he cares about, and never opened those vulnerable parts of himself for others to repair. 
Terrible examples that Zane knows Lloyd has internalized. 
Though, FSM forbid he ever point that out—Lloyd would have a fit.  
That leaves Zane the only option of supporting Lloyd through less direct means, which he remembers how to do with his favorite pastime. 
Cooking tethers Zane to his sense of self. It goes beyond a set of calculations that his superhuman brain can produce in seconds. He considers it an art and one of the few things that call for his opinion and not cold, hard facts—it’s something he knows he can always use to comfort his family.  
For Lloyd, Zane brings out a recipe of deep nostalgia and laughter. 
A noodle soup with a rich, golden broth flavored by an assortment of spices, ginger, lime, and cilantro. Traditionally made with beef or chicken, Zane has since changed the recipe to favor shrimp instead, as Lloyd proved to have a taste for it as a child. 
A few hours later, Zane sweeps into Lloyd’s room and sets the piping hot bowl of soup down on his desk. Lloyd looks up and immediately scowls. 
“Zane, I told you to leave me alone,” Lloyd snaps. “Can’t you see I’m busy?” 
Zane doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he scans the contents of Lloyd’s desk.  
“You are working on customized training programs for your students?” Zane asks. 
“You teach them because you care about them?”
“ Yes, ” Lloyd hisses. 
“If teaching is your way of expressing love, then cooking is mine,” Zane asserts, “and you are not the only one who is allowed to express their love here.” 
Lloyd looks gobsmacked that Zane would dare speak to him that way. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, spluttering for words that simply won’t come. Eventually, he scoffs, picks up a fork, and stabs at the food. 
Despite Lloyd’s agonizing display, Zane reckons that everything will turn out fine. He followed the recipe he wrote to the letter, the same as always. It’s never failed before; it shouldn’t now. 
Still, he finds himself watching with anticipation rushing to his head.
Lloyd shoves a forkful of noodles and shrimp into his mouth and chews—quickly first, then slowly, before he stops altogether. 
A shot of icy panic spears through Zane’s mind. Surely, he hadn’t made a mistake? Unless Lloyd had grown out of enjoying his food? Did Lloyd not like it—
A soft rumbling sound touches the air, familiar in every way. 
It takes Zane a moment to process what it is, but when he does, all of his doubt melts away. 
Purring. Lloyd is purring.
His pointed ears—from his supernatural heritage—flick once, ever so slightly. Then again, and again, until they flutter like the wings of a butterfly. Lloyd leans over the bowl, a content smile pulling at his lips as he swallows and dives for the next bite, slurping up noodles with reckless abandon. 
A cool sense of relief floods through Zane’s body at the sight. 
Ever since the Merge, Lloyd rarely seemed joyful. It was as though the years of loneliness had left him struggling to reconnect with even his closest friends and all the more desperate to assert his independence. Especially since his responsibilities had grown to include two—no, three, Zane recounts—kids and a busier monastery to maintain. 
To see Lloyd smile again soothed Zane more than words could explain. 
“Be sure to bring your bowl back to the kitchen once you’ve finished,” Zane says as he takes his leave. “I can serve up seconds for you too, if you wish.”
Lloyd suddenly spins around in his chair, eyes wide. 
“Uh, wait, Zane!”
Zane pauses in the doorway.
“Um… I know this might be a lot to ask…” Lloyd stumbles over his words, eyes darting away. “But… you know those spring rolls you make sometimes? The ones that have shrimp and pork and all that—” Lloyd makes a vague gesture with his hand. “ —green stuff you put in it. Could you…?”
“Of course,” Zane answers swiftly. “I’d be happy to make some for you.” 
Lloyd beams—soft and relaxed against the golden light of dusk pouring into the room. 
“Thanks, Zane,” Lloyd says. 
Zane merely smiles, happy to be of assistance. 
Anything at all to make his little brother smile again.
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poemnic-tarot · 1 year
Intuitive Channeled Messages For You
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(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonated. For entertainment purposes only)
These are short messages I channeled without card, just intuitively. Please let me know what you think, I’d love to know!.
( Art designed on Canva )
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 1 🧸
"You begin to get what life is all about. Every incidents, now you realised, was not a coincidence.It was meticulously planned for you to get here. Where you are today. Every road lead you here where you can see it all from an objective point of view. And you get it, you finally got it. You would not be confused no more, you trust the universe unconditionally. You will go where they lead you. There are fears of course and doubts and hesitation, but they would never stop you from vibrating in a high frequency, a vibration of love and compassion.
You used to be scare, all the time. Scare of life, of people in it, of all your choices, was it the right choice?, did i made the wrong one?.Why is everyone against me, why is the world against me?. Now you realised, it was just all karmic, it was designed specifically for you. So you could learn your lesson and move up. Ascend and become who you are today. Wise, at peace and more trusting than ever. Trusting of life, situation and most importantly, yourself and your choices. What you went through got you here today and you will be forever grateful. To the Divine,to yourself and your soul, for leading you home finally.
Poem: Sorrow To Joy by @cant-find-my-name
This big transition came through
A revelation
Firstly, we changed our beliefs
Reevaluate our wants and our needs
What makes us happy?
Who values we are following
Who we are without the things we do
Strip away all the unnecessary
Let go of pointless worries
To truly turn joyful
First, we shifted our energy
In this new me, being joyful
Is very easy
Song : Coming Back For You by Fireboy DML
Well I pray that the universe Gives you way more than you deserve When the tears fall like shooting stars Remember who you are Just look up to the sky you'll see
Well I pray that the universe Gives you way more than you deserve When the tears fall like shooting stars Remember who you are Just look up to the sky you'll see I'm coming back for you
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 2🛍️
“I can still recall what happened vividly. The memories would never leave me. In a way, it shaped who I am. I identified with what I went through. All of it, the good and the not so good. I appreciates all the good times, all the good people. I wish them well and I know they would do the same for me. I am on a new journey. Honestly, I have no idea where I am going, where am I headed to?.It seem not that important to find out, I figure I'll just start step by step into the unknown. I’m willing to, in a way, I was waiting for this moment. Hoping for it in fact.
It seem I had shaded my old skin. Despited remembering everything that happened. I want to changed. I want to rebuild, I want to become something else. It not because I hated my old self or anything, in fact. It's the opposite. I love my old self very much, but I think it’s just time. Time for me to discover a new side of me that’s different. That the world have never seen before. I am excited, nervous but not scare at all. Which I'm thankful for, I want it to be a fun journey, learning about myself, who will I become. I love every versions of me, the old and I'm already sure that I will also love the new. I guess it's my new purpose in life, get to know thyself again and I'm looking forward to meet me.
Poem : Shooting Stars by @cant-find-my-name
My eyes Shined
They reflected the distance light
I’ve never pray so hard in my life
Wishing for a living dream
Wishing to know
What does all the pain mean?
Trying to find the reason
The universe put me here
And I can’t -
Find the reason
Even as stars shimmered
And shoot down
It is me that has been earth bound,
I can’t go back
I can’t go home
The limit is getting too loud
Going aimless
Wandering about
Maybe it is time for me to discover
Reach deep within me to know
How far did I come from?
And how far can I go?
Song: I'm Still Here by John Rzeznik (Treasure Planet)
I am a question to the world Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway, you don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be
And what do you think you'd understand? I'm a boy, no, I'm a man You can't take me and throw me away And how can you learn what's never shown? Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me 'cause I'm not here
And I want a moment to be real Wanna touch things I don't feel Wanna hold on and feel I belong
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 3🍑
“It's the people that loved you for who you are that helped you made it. They were a voice telling you not to give up, even when you wanted to. Even when there was no more reasons to go on, you think of the people who loved you. And in a way, their love for you saved you, when your own love wasn’t enough.
But you are still not out of the wood yet, but you're not scare of it no more. You are not scare to be alone anymore. People are your strength and there's experiences of that, but they are also your weakness. The world is more complicated and more than one dimensional and frankly, it's giving you a headache. You just want to live a simple life, a minimalist, no complication, alone in a forest surrounded by nature. You want your wood to turn into a forest. And build a cozy cottage to refuge there when the real world is too much. But most of your life, it's a graveyard of regret and it's full of shadows that you rather ignore. However, no more of that you finally decided. You pray for life to get better, for yourself to get better and in a way, you did not see a way out of it alive.
But in those darkness, you saw light and that light has led you to where the sun shined through. You can see better days," the monsters turned out to be just tree". There are better days, healthier ways to live. And in a way, you want to find that out for yourself. There are alway balance in life, you must remember one thing. When there's darkness, there is also light. When you encounter one the other will also find you. When you experienced one side, don't be scare to face the other. That is how you learn, that you will alway be okay.
Poem: Invisible Force by @cant-find-my-name
Something is choking me
The invisible force
Stronger than what's real
Maybe the scariest thing
Are what we're all thinking
Not necessary the truth
Or what happened
But what could have been,
It's scary to see
What isn't there
The affect is real
But the enemy aren't here
Song: This is me trying by Taylor Swift
I've been having a hard time adjusting I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway
I just wanted you to know That this is me trying I just wanted you to know That this is me trying
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 4🍇
"Peace will find you, no need to seek it. It's there for you to tap into it, anytime, anyplace. No need to acquired more to get it. The misconception that you need this or that in order to feel whole. It a misconception, you only need one thing child. And that is yourself. If you have yourself, all of you, the dark and light part of you, the side you loved and admired and the side that make you look away. All parts of you deserve recognition. They are you and yours alone, so we got to honour them. Every part of you love you and want your attention and want you to acknowledge them. Let us finally do that. Let us look into the mirror and see ourselves finally.
We are a pure soul, there is nothing wrong with us, no matter what people implied. We are not broken, we are whole. Your soul is intact, it is there for you to go back and connect to it. Your soul is waiting for you to answer its calling. You heard it but you ignore it because life get in the way, but, if you're trying to find that fulfilment. That feeling of, aww there it is the thing I'm look for?, as annoying as it is, it is that part of you that you wouldn't dare look at.
Poem: Surrendering by @cant-find-my-name
Surrendering my sorrows
Surrendering to my flaws
If there is no Perfection
I would be perfect
Nitpicking my visions
Aiming for the best
Left behind a broken body
And an anxiety ridden mind,
Right path don't do that
Peace is not a compromise
Tis a birth right
Just like how everyone will die,
Getting my soul back
Revived my forgotten joy
Everyday supposed to be precious
Not wishing for it to stop
Song : Back To Beautiful by Sofia Carson
They say You're not good enough, you're not brave enough You should cover up your body Tell me, watch my weight Gotta paint my face Or else no one's gonna want me
Why do we say this to ourselves? And even worse to each other? Why do we say this to ourselves? Ooh
We gotta, get back to beautiful Gotta, get back to beautiful All these words, starting wars Over who can hurt who more Gotta, get back to beautiful
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 5🍰
"Something is changing, you can feel it. More internally rather than externally. But it's changing all the same. But you're not scare or excited. You are just neutral about it. But there is that part of you that goes, Finally. Because lately, nothing evokes your interest.The desires you had once feel ill fitted. When you realised that nothing really matter, not in a depressing way, but more of a freeing way, You accepted that as truth. You are not satisfied in life, yes, but seeking more things will not do either. You don't want more per say, but there's something missing that you don't know how to put into words. The missing piece might not be tangible, might just be intangible things that you can't hold onto. Which way should you headed towards when your inner compass is kind of confused.
Forward is the way, you will never be lost, as long as you keep moving forwards and not stop. We will not rush either. When we are in a confusing state, we must take our time and experienced our moment fully so that there won't be a lapse in our memory. Memory is a tricky thing, if you think too far into the future or the past as you experiencing the present, then your present becomes filled with memories from the future or the past. So the present moment will never exist. Be careful of letting moments passed you by, it is alright to not know why you are feeling this way. It is alright to be confused or sad or even unsatisfied. It is alright to be in that state in your present because whatever you are feeling at the moment, the present will eventually become a past.”
Poem: Renewal by @cant-find-my-name
There is hope in this world
In words that you said,
Even though it's a lie
You tell yourself it'll be okay
Maybe not now
Definitely not right now
But hopefully someday
You begin to notice the yellow
In dandelions,
How it shine like gold
In certain light.
Now you finally see
The colourful sky
How many shades of it
Changed with time.
How every poem you write
Begins to rhyme
And you know there's a reason for all this
Every little bit of it
So whatever happened
Do not resist
For you shall learn to embrace it
Song : Take A Chance by Flume
So you feel all your powers unfold
Stretching our big wings while the white is turning gold So tell your story baby, don't give up, just let it all go out You're quiet wishing for something now
Will you be the one to take a chance? Have demands, spill your heart Will you be the one to take a stand Make the girls dance Spill your thoughts Will you be the one to take a chance? Have demands, spill your heart Will you be the one to take a stand Make the girls dance Spill your thoughts, will you?
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 6🌙
"The unlimited possibility you seek is there for you to tapped into. Your believed is everything, so be careful what or who you believe in. Miracles exist, just look into a mirror and witness one. Look into your own eyes and wondered who that soul is. For it is you, but there so much you don't know about yourself, yet. Instead of feeling bad about that, we should feel excited. For it is a privilege to know thyself. Know your limit and your unlimited possibilities. How many grains of sand on the beach, that is how much your potentials lies. What you can achieved in life is up to how much you are opened to recieved.
My dear, you are magnificent, I wish you can see yourself through my eyes. How you hold on to life, wise beyond your years. Give it everything you got, no matter what that is, is such a human trait even gods envied. Every difficulties you go through know that those got nothing on your willpower to get through them. You are a strong little human, whose hope is bigger then the universe.You believe in the better, better days, better life, better energy for this earth. And your hope/light is what is keeping this planet alive. Keep believing in your power, because you are powerful. And loved by many.
Poem: Home Coming by @cant-find-my-name
My Divine Mother gentle touch
She taught me so much
By being nurtured we grow
By being loved we thrive
By being connected
We become part of the Divine
I know you look at yourself
And see a scare child
Darling, that's quite alright
Cause you are protected, alway
All the flaws should be
There's no need for harsh judgment
Gentleness to ourselves is what
We should aim for
Realise what's important
Now look at yourself one more time
And see the true core
Song: Hummingbird by Metro Boomin & James Blake 
Hummingbird, summer sun, has it brought my life back? Hangin' in the balance, have you brought the light back? And how long's the night shift? She's sure I get away with Realizin' she might be all I need in this life
When I saw a cold snap, I wasn't with the season Attack was on the airport and outside there was a season In here paper walls are pushing back on you like Eventually you push through, the moment that you realize
And hummingbird, I know that's our time (That's our time) But stay on, stay on, stay on with me And hummingbird, I can never unsee What you've shown me, stay on, stay on with me
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
🍑Thank you for reading! I would love to know what you think. See you soon!!!🧿
🍏Check out more of my Original Poetry at @cant-find-my-name or my IG Poemnic
🍉Check out my YouTube Channel for more Pick-A-Card Reading : Poemnic -Tarot
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yzeltia · 15 days
FFXIVwrite2024 8. Wedding Vows
Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, Postmoogle
Expansion: Endwalker(Timeline Wise, Otherwise Irrelvant)
Rating: G
Summary: U'rahn practices for his big day with his biggest antagonist.
Notes: Freeday prompt given to me by @beyond-mortal-limits
*Based on Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
**Based on George Michael's Father Figure
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“Alright! Have we started? Now remember, only write the stuff down that I’m saying for the vows. You don’t have to write it all down…you better not be writing this down…Augh. Anyway. My Vows….My vows….Let’s try:
“Nyx, I’ve loved you since you first took your hand and led you to go do all the stuff Zoissette didn’t want me to do with me…-
“Yes it was a date for someone else? Why? What do you mean that’s lame. Don’t you kupo at me! I’m paying you to write stuff not give me dating advice! Let’s try again. …Maybe traditional?”
“I, U’rahn Nuhn, take you, Nyx Blackmoon, for my eternally bonded spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do…well, until death do I part. I will love and enrich you all the days of my life.
“How’s that? What do you mean ‘lame, kupo?’!? It’s traditional! …Okay …Nyx is not a traditional bride but that doesn’t matter cause they’re going to be the most beautiful and special brrride there’s ever been. Don’t ‘Sure, kupo!’ at me! It’s trrrue! But you’re right…Nyx loves me for my orrriginality and that I enrrrich them…Maybe poetry? I can be poetic! Urianger taught me sonnets after Nyx taught me Haiku!!…Can too! Oh yeah!?
“Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Night?
Thou art more um…lovely and temperature
Rough winds do shake my darling buddies in May
And Summer’s heat hath all too short a date,
Sometimes too hot the eye of Nidhogg shines
And often is gold and complex and I’m dimmed,
And every faerie from faerie sometimes decides
By chance of nature’s changing course to their whim…d
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of thou wanderer’s shade
When in eternal bonds to time thou grow’st
So long as Nuhn can breathe or eyes can see
So long lives this one, and he gives his life to thee-* Stop laughing!
“I swear, moogles are nothing but trouble. That was really good! Yes, I recited it perfectly from the book that Urianger gave me! No I didn’t guess! Just keep your comments to yourself and help write down my vows or I’ll feed you to a sandworm!
“Now…if poems won’t work. How about a song:
“That's all you wanted
Something special, someone enriching 
In your life-
Just for one moment
To be warm and naked
At my side-
Sometimes I think that you'll never
Understand me 
But something tells me together
We'd be happy, oh-oh, baby
I will be your Nuhn figure
Put your tiny hand in mine 
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind-”**
“What? That off key? …Yeah, I’m not very good. Maybe if I asked Big Bro Erick or Big Bro Thancred to back me up in the vocals? No? Yeah…no. I can even admit I’m not the best singer. Alright. Fine…What do you think I should do? … … … Ah…I can try that…:
“Nyx…When I’m around you I feel invincible…Not like my normal invincibility, but like, y’know, that I could do anything and everything I put my mind to. Even the stuff that I’m super bad at. I know I’m not the smartest or wisest guy out there but you never hold that against me and when I meet something that I can’t overcome, you let me try until I ask for help. You never judge me or put me down. I feel so seen and loved around you. 
“And…well, it’s no secret my family is super important to me. You’ve fit right in with us in your own Nyx way. I know that if something ever happened to me, you’d be there to watch over them where I cannot. I named my first daughter after you ‘cause I don’t know anyone more strong and beautiful that I would want her to look up to. 
 “So uh, what I’m trying to say is that I’ll always love you…And I promise, as long as I draw breath, to keep enriching you and making every day be filled with new, fun experiences when we are together.
“Why are you crying? Me? I’m not crying? I just got stuff in my eye! It was good though wasn’t it? Let’s stick with that version….C’mon, I’ll get you a kuponut.”
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tyrantisterror · 5 months
Woah, that’s pretty heavy, dude. I’ve never seen anyone analyze the series that way, but now that you brought those themes up, they seem pretty damn obvious. Can you elaborate on this interpretation of the shorts and the series? As well as each version’s respective symbolism? How do you think the main cast gaining new colors at the end of the original, only to lose them for the new series factors in to this interpretation. What do Roy and Lesley represent?
Each of the original shorts puts the three main puppets in the role of students and has a different teacher force a "lesson" upon them.
In Creativity, the teacher keeps telling the students how great creativity is, while constantly shutting down their attempts to actually express their own thoughts and feelings, whether it be by questioning the purpose of her arbitrary rules for what they should do or by making artistic choices she doesn't approve of - "Green is not a creative color" isn't just a funny joke, but the whole point of the short and how education often fails when trying to teach art. Because schools put so much emphasis on "objective" evaluations of student progress, they often fail to truly teach inherently subjective subjects like art and creative writing - you can't let people express themselves freely if you have to force them to fit a super strict rubric. "Be creative, but only use the colors I allow you to, only do the activities I've assigned, only think the way I think" is inherently contradictory advice, and by the end of the short the students are so frustrated that they express their creativity in a way that gets them banned from doing it ever again - "let's all agree to never be creative again" is where the short ends.
In Time, the teacher tries to explain the concept of time in an inherently over-simplified and often borderline inaccurate and nonsensical way, to the increasing frustration of the students. The teacher specifically puts a big emphasis on 1. being punctual and 2. believing that the past was generically shitty but it's done so we don't have to worry about it, and the future will be great so don't worry about it. All of these "lessons" are designed to make the students think about time only in the sense of it being a rule they have to obey - a schedule to stick to. When the students actually ask insightful questions about time - "Is time even real? Does anyone know?" - the teacher gets angry and punishes them by forcing them to contemplate their own mortality, all to reinforce the idea that time is just an arbitrary set of rules they have to obey or else.
In Love, the yellow puppet is given lots of empty platitudes about how great love and compassion is and how he should value them, only to then have a bunch of arbitrary rules about how and when one should love heaped on him once he agrees that love is important, with the rules eventually saying his love should be to some nebulous authority figure - "Our king" in the cult imagery of the episode is very much a stand-in for authority in general. We're shown how education can make even the most wholesome-sounding of lessons twisted for a purpose of controlling and manipulating students, forcing them to believe in things that aren't real for the benefit of a select few.
I feel I don't need to explain the Computer episode to anyone who's been in a public school's computer class in the 90's/early 2000's, it kind of explains itself. But a huge problem in education to this day is the persistent belief that you can make students teach themselves by throwing shitty yet expensive "cutting edge" education programs at them - it's what 90% of school budget increases go into because it makes the politicians who buy them look like they care without actually putting any work into understanding what education really needs.
The nutrition episode makes fun of how goddamn mercurial nutrition education has been over the last few decades - one minute eggs are good for you, then you're having too much of them, then you need more of them again, it's fucking madness - and how ultimately all nutrition education does is give you so much anxiety about the foods you pick for yourself that you just buy whatever's advertised for you the flashiest, even if it's really bad for you (like canned meat from one of your few remaining friends).
In the final episode of the original shorts, the Red Guy, having escaped his teachers, finds himself in the dreary adult world, and despite everything actually pines for the simpler days of being a student. He decides to look into the nature of his education, and sees not only how shitty and half-baked a system it is, but also the true root of it: that it wasn't made for the benefit of students, but for the parents who made those kids and want them indoctrinated so they behave better. That's what Roy represents - the parent who doesn't really care about their child learning anything useful beyond "obey the people in charge."
As for the show being about the horrors of the mundane adult world, well, I think that's pretty obvious. One episode is literally about getting jobs. Another is about confronting your own eventual death. They're not subtle about it. And hell, it builds off the finale of the original shorts - Red Guy already transitioned from childhood to adulthood, it's only fitting his pals came with him.
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wraithdance · 20 days
Hi, I’m the “woe is me” anon. I’m going to refer to myself as that because it’s super annoying to me that I came off that way and I am actively cringing.
Anyway, thank you so much for writing back to me with your thoughts and opinions. I really appreciate your perspective.
With the music thing, I 1000% understand where you’re coming from. There are a lot of renditions (idk if that’s the correct word so I apologize if that’s the case) of songs that were sung by African men and women when they were slaves. I do listen to that music sometimes because I just think it’s really powerful and meaningful, but I do it respectfully because of the history & of course out of respect for the artists.
When I said I have a hard time interacting with those communities, I didn’t mean it like “they don’t like me so I don’t like them.” I meant that I have seen so many people post in their bios that straight, white people aren’t welcome, so I tend to just stay away when I see any writing or art that’s from a poc or someone who is in the lgbtq community, even if I don’t see the artist specifically say that. I’ve just started to kind of assume they wouldn’t appreciate my interactions, which is not fair of me to assume and I acknowledge that.
With the blocking thing, of course I respect it when I get blocked. I’m a big advocate of using that feature myself, but because I’m old and getting blocked used to be a “fuck you,” I still have a moment of :( when it happens, especially when I realize it was avoidable if I would have read their bio and seen that they didn’t want me there in the first place. It makes me feel awful because I crossed a boundary by not looking at their profile before liking their post. Again, that is not on them, that is on me and I would never ever want to make anyone uncomfortable intentionally.
I had the privilege of growing up in a pretty diverse area, so race wasn’t something I really paid attention to until I got older, which I think is the case for a lot of white people which is a whole other issue that needs to be addressed.
So when I started seeing things like “no straight white people are welcome,” it shook me a bit because I had never seen that before. I’m absolutely not saying they shouldn’t do that. If that’s what makes them comfortable, by all means, and I respect it, but I do hold the opinion that it causes division and is hurtful, which I think that might be the point for some people, and that’s okay too.
I really rambled, good lord. And I really fucking hope I’m not coming off as some ignorant white asshole, because I actively try to educate myself on these things.
Hi so respectfully I’m going to answer this last ask on the subject then I won’t respond anymore. I do think you want to learn but I want to set a hard boundary now and going forward.
I don’t enjoy facilitating talks on anti racism because it’s exhausting and I don’t like having to step so far outside of myself to try and teach a concept in depth that I only learned because I have to survive in a world not for me. It’s just very emotionally draining for me personally. Compiling stuff like the directory is one thing because I’m centering other marginalized people and it’s for my own use as well.
There’s excellent educators out there and amazing books that can help you gain clarity/understanding on what the disconnect is. I am just a bitch that likes being silly online and I’m not emotionally equipped or being paid like they are to handle topics like this. I hope you can understand my stance 💖
Further thoughts below.
On your own, I’d really like you to figure out what about negro spirituals is something you enjoy listening to. Because I didn’t blink when you said you liked rap but seeing that part of this ask threw me absolutely off. I’m southern and black American so negro spirituals have a very specific and weighty meaning to me. *I* don’t even listen to them like that because I feel such utter sadness and pain remembering the passed down stories my grandparents/family told me about being from the south and those that were enslaved. It feels so very dystopian to hear someone listens to it casually and I’m not sure if I’m misinterpreting that part and if I am, I’m sorry.
I’m glad you realized you were making assumptions, the only thing you can do going forward is take care to not write others off before they’ve even said anything.
The rest of your ask is a contradiction tbh and I’m going to rip the bandaid off because like I said previously there are people who would be a lot less careful about responding to this kind of thing. It’s not divisive for the marginalized to want to protect their selves and their spaces. Point blank period.
I would entertain the ‘we need to all get along’ logic if we were far more advanced as a society on topics of race and discrimination, but we aren’t. By centering how you feel about not being allowed to interact and how hurt you are you’re redirecting the conversation from the WHY.
Why do these random people you come across on the internet feel so strongly about white/straight people that they don’t want to risk dealing with a white/straight person online?
If you didn’t come up with at least 3 relevant events against the lgbt/poc community after you read that then there’s a problem. You’ve said it yourself the last thing you want to do is come off as woe is me but the prioritization of how you feel first is going to trip you up from learning/understanding hard concepts like this that you didn’t grow up learning.
Like I said I don’t want to facilitate these conversations, I’ve done so for years in a career setting and I don’t have it in me anymore. What I can do, is give you some resources to look up if you feel inclined, just come back and say ‘hey I’d really like those links/books’ and I’ll give them to you without another word.
Otherwise if that’s not something you want to do then you’re good. Thank you for asking in the first place, I think that’s a good first step.
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