#I’ve hopped on the Steve with memory loss bandwagon
arachpool · 2 years
Not long after the Vecna fight, and after Eddie is discharged from the hospital, him and his band mates leave Hawkins. Their reputations in Hawkins are basically in the fucking gutter, and they had a gig out of town, so they hauled ass.
Steve, who may or may not have some memory issues due to head trauma, completely forgets Eddie. He, honestly, forgets a lot of things, and when he’s about 25, him and Robin move away from the shithole that is called Hawkins and get a flat together in the city, insisting that they could do it.
And they did.
They pay their bills and rent on time, they budget their money, and they’re comfortable. So what if Robin brings home the occasional woman and it always ends with mumbled farewells that wake Steve up every time. He doesn’t mind. Just like Robin doesn’t mind when Steve starts bringing home girls, and the occasional guy (after the first one, Robin’s all like “YOU LIKE DUDES? WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME??”).
Every once in awhile, Steve and Robin make sure to call the kids, catching up and seeing how they’re doing. Dustin always asks how Steve is doing, and Steve always says good, even if he isn’t.
Steve was pretty surprised when the kids, each one of them, showed up at his and Robin’s door randomly. Steve blinked, about to ask why they were there, but Robin swooped in and let the kids in, excitedly greeting them.
“Did I forget something again?” Steve asked Robin as she was getting the kids drinks. Robin ruffled Steve’s hair.
“Nah, doofus, I planned this. Don’t worry.” Steve flashed a smile and joined everyone in the ‘living room’, which really was the doorway/kitchen/living room.
“What exactly did you plan, Rob?” Steve asked as he sat on the coffee table, glancing over the kids and observing how much they’ve aged in just a couple years.
“We’re gonna go see Eddie’s band in concert,”Dustin said with a wide grin, but Steve didn’t catch on. Dustin understood fast that Steve had lost all memory of the brunet, smiling still. “Corroded Coffin. I don’t know if it’s your style but Eddie said we could hang out with him and the guys as like a Hellfire reunion,” Dustin informed, doing some odd, back-of-the-hand fist bump with Mike. Steve smiled and nodded. He was fine with that.
The concert rolled around, and everyone but Steve was surprised by the huge turn out. Eddie had bought the gang’s tickets for them, and so they had no idea how expensive, or scarce they would’ve been. But judging off the fact the venue was jam packed, they assumed they dodged a bullet by being old friends with the band mates.
Steve felt an odd feeling in his stomach when the band walked on, the guitarist speaking excitedly into the mic. In fact, the guitarist was the only person Steve could focus on. His hair was long, and was tugged into a loose, high bun. Tattoos coated his arms, and he wore a slightly cropped, ripped to shit black shirt that read Corroded Coffin in lightning-esque lettering.
Eddie was quick to pick out his old friends from the crowd, letting Gareth speak as he watched them. Dustin and Robin had told him that Steve didn’t remember much of his last years in Hawkins, and the years before that were a little spotty as well, so he was forgotten. Eddie didn’t mind this much, especially not now that he saw Steve, wearing cute tight jeans and a deep maroon sweater, staring up at Eddie with pure amazement.
Eddie made sure to hold eye contact with Steve as much as possible, and the best part? Steve didn’t look away. His crush on Steve was horrible in Highschool, but he had gotten over it after leaving Hawkins. He got with a couple guys, he got over it. But now? God he was reverting right back into his high school days, heart racing just at the way Steve’s eyes would flick over his body or how he’d fix his hair. Did Steve even like men? God, Eddie sure fucking hoped so.
After the concert, the crew was escorted backstage and into the band’s dressing room. After excited greetings and hugs and stuff of that matter, Eddie’s eyes fell onto Steve again. Robin was talking to him, a comforting hand on his arm as Steve’s brows furrowed in thought. Eddie approached.
“Hey there,” Eddie greeted, and Robin turned, smiling.
“Hey Eds.” Robin knelt up to Eddie’s ear. “He’s trying to remember you. He probably won’t.” Eddie simply nodded, flashing a grin at Steve.
“Hey. Names Eddie, yours?”
“Steve. Steve Harrington.” Steve held his hand out to be shook, but Eddie took it, bowed, and kissed the back of his hand. Steve flushed all shades of red as Eddie rose again.
“Pleasure meeting you, my liege.”
“Y-yeah. You- you too.” Eddie let his eyes flick over Steve’s form. He flashed another grin.
“I hope this isn’t the last I see of you?” Eddie proposed, and Steve flushed red.
“You want my number?”
“Of course I do.”
“I- yeah- give me a moment- Rob what’s our flats phone number?”
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