#I’ve been enjoying my save in brindleton bay and haven’t played there in years
socialtownie · 9 months
I want to start a save that isn’t in the worlds I typically gravitate towards
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scythesms · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs!
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
The 20s because it’s so soon, but mostly the 50s-70s. 
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
Very very hard to choose but these two hairs have to be at the top of my list
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?
Edmund! you wouldn’t think so bc I’m putting him through a lot rn but I truly adore him and I’m excited for what’s to come in his future 🤞🏽🤞🏽... Rosalyn is a very close second
4. What is your favorite world?
Windenburg at the moment.. so many lots ❤❤ Even though she’s irritating me bc I’ve been stuck there so long I can’t wait to get out Otherwise, I’d choose San Myshuno or Brindleton Bay.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
Once upon a time it was both but recently I haven’t had much time to play :(( so story driven it is
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
Yes and no. They’re cute but forgettable. This gen was actually supposed to have three dogs bc they had the vibe of a three dog family, but it felt like a hastle with how many babies they keep birthing
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?
The constant phones, checking on toddlers/infants, and the endless townies i have to delete -- although I’m sure there are mods out there 
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
From the frames to the paintings I love em all
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
Not too historic but bands. Playable saxaphones, flutes, drums I need it
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
Idk what I’d do without Cottage Living or Get Together/Cats and Dogs (for the worlds)
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
No fireplace fires!! bc the 1890s was hell omflgjf The timeless mod is also mwah
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
However many members the story insists :’)) I really enjoyed gen 1 with only 5 family members. I was forced to play with 9 up until the lung came around - which is the biggest it will ever be bc never again
13. Do you use poses?
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
Yess, a few for homework, brooms, vaccums, books (my fav), mops etc etc
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
16. What lifespan do you play on?
Long with a few fixes. 
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?
My sister and I were talking about how much we wanted a good black period drama and that led into us into talking about the lack of black history shows/series set before the 80s. I was also watching some older movies at the time while going through one of my sims phases, leading me to historical cc, simblr, and thus the decades challenge. it’s now consumed a year of my life 👩🏽‍💻
thank you beloved @antiquatedplumbobs for tagging me <33
i tag every and anyone 🎉
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Sims 4 Pack Ranking
Wondering which Sims 4 pack to buy? Here is my personal ranking. 
Expansion Packs
1. Seasons
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Great pack! It brings so much to the game! Weather gives the game a sense of realism. Being able to control the sim calendar is a God-send! You can add your own holidays and schedule events! Traditions are fun and bring family and friends together. I love throwing a Black and White bash on New Year’s Eve and a Dinner party on Christmas Day. It also helps you keep track of your sims’ schedules. Not to mention swings, sprinklers you can play with, kiddie pools, flower-arranging tables, snow activities, scarecrows, water baloon buckets, roller-blading and ice skating rinks and so much more! CAS and Bulid and Buy are also wonderful! And finally you can choose sims’ hot weather and cold weather outfits!
2. Cats and Dogs
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I am biased because I love animals. Pets are a great addition to the family. You can train dogs, take them for walks and play with them. CAS for them is amazing! Brindleton Bay is a great seaside new world. And you can create and own your own vet!
3. Island Living
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Certainly not everyone’s favourite pack but I absolutely love it! Sulani is a gorgeous world. Living the island lifestyle is one of my favourite’s to experience in this whole game. And now you can vacation their for a wonderful honeymoon or family trip! There’s mermaids (which you can become or create), sand activities, water activities like swimming, jet-skiing, canoeing, diving, scuba-diving and playing with dolphins. CAS and Build and Buy are amazing!
4. Discover University
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My one issue with this pack is that I think it takes too long to graduate, especially when you’re playing on short lifespan. But apart from that, I have so much fun completing each students daily and term check-lists and it feels so good for your sim to enter a career at a higher level, already armed with the necessary skills. Living on campus is fun, especially in dorms. You can play table tennis, juggle a football or join the rabbit-hole team, build robots, ride bikes and more!
5. Get Together
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Another pack that is not everyone’s favourite. I personally find it to be an essential. I use clubs all the time to allow family and friends to get together and socialise autonomously or to create specialised clubs where they complete hobbies autonomously and raise their skills. I find the nightclub experience so fun and take my sims out to one every friday in their clubs or by hosting a dance party or both! And the world is gorgeous! I love the little cafe’s!
6. Get Famous
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I end up having a lot of performer sims, so the fame system and perks come in very handy. And your sim can get famous doing anything with the help of a drone and a video recording station! I think it adds to the game working towards your sim becoming not only a painter but a world-renowned one! There’s even a music station where you can create your own beats! The actor career is my favourite in the whole game. It’s so fun having your sims dress up in different costumes and perform a sword fight on set.
7. City Living
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The City is beautiful. The festivals are amazing! My favourite is the spice festival because yes to my sims experiencing new cultures! I love living in an apartment. There are so many quirks, like your neighbour forcing their way in to borrow your shower or for game night. Love shooting hoops, setting off fireworks and adding all the new dishes to unique restaurants.
8. Snowy Escape
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I’m still learning about this game as it’s fairly new. Love exploring the new culture. Their aren’t as many things to do at the festivals as I feel their were at those that came with City Living. Great food to add to restaurants. Snowboarding and skiing are really fun and it’s great that kids can do it too and that all ages, including todllers can snowboard. As someone who goes on a lot of walks, I look forward to trying out hiking. It looks really fun! I just feel this pack could have packed in a little more.
9. Get To Work
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I’ve had this game for ages and I’m still yet to buy my own retail store. I need to get on that! I haven’t played the scientist career yet but I’ve played the doctor one and the law enforcement one and they do get boring after a while if your playing them actively everyday. Perhaps I should not play actively some days in the future. I think I just need to play with this one more.   
10. Eco Lifestyle
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I was really dissapointed when I heard this game was coming out. I’m all for saving the environment but I wasn’t sure it was something I’d have fun playing with in the sims and I haven’t really had much fun with it. Candle making is kinda fun but I hate that you have to have bits and pieces to make them as they are not easy to get. The only thing I really like in this pack is juice fizzing and the neighbourhood action plans. Free-love is a great addition for my polyamorous sims but it sucks that once they’re out of the neighbourhood, they get jealous again. Living off a dumpster is a fun challenge but it gets boring after a while. I don’t really like CAS or build and buy that much either.
Game Packs
1. Parenthood
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Great pack! Adds so much depth to family play and I am pretty much exclusively a family player, even when I play with supernatural sims. I love that parents and guardians can shape their children’s personalities. Build and Buy is so pretty and colourful! It screams family play! Love the kids school projects. Love being able to ground kids and put them on time out, disciplining and encouraging them and even ordering them to do things. 
2. Vampires
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I looove playing with supernatural sims! In general I prefer witches and wizards and magic to vampires but this is just a solid pack. Build and Buy is beautiful and allows you to create unique gothic and historical buildings. CAS is very cool too! Forgotton Hollow is gorgeous. I absolutely love the look of it! I want to live their! I don’t care how creepy it is. The vampire powers system is so good and gives you a great goal to work towards. I get such a thrill using powers on and biting other sims at night. It looks so spooky! Super speed is so useful! And I love creating vampire clubs and having them have epic looking vampire duals, letting them spar and train eachother and turn other sims into slaves or vampires or vampire slaves! Much darker than the other games. I just wish kids could have vampire powers and have a vampire form.
3. Realm of Magic
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I don’t know what it is but this game doesn’t seem as in depth as Vampires. It should but it somehow doesn’t. But it’s still a very good pack that satisfies my Potterhead needs well enough. You can create so many different types of spellcasters but I personally like going to the magic realm and learning all the spells and potions. It’s so fun duplicating yourself and setting sims on fire or conjuring a meal out of nowhere. Build and Buy is beautiful and duels are epic! I only wish kids could cast spells and it wasn’t so easy to learn all the spells and complete the aspirations.
4. Dine Out
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A lot of people say this game is glitched and it does take, like a whole day to have a 3-course meal but I personally enjoy that. I like taking family or friend groups out to beautiful restaurants from the gallery on a Sunday and letting them socialise their all day while waiting for their meals and enjoying the atmosphere. I use this pack all the time. I love owning restaurants. I love choosing the menus and creating restaurants that reflect different cultures’ cuisine. Running one is really fun. It’s hard to get a balance, especially while starting out but with perks you can watch your restaurant thrive.
5. Strangerville
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I played this through for the first time recently and I really enjoyed it! Much more than I thought I would. I love the possessed sims. They are so freaky. It’s a shame that it doesn’t feel like a game you’d want to play again but the world is nice. 
6. Jungle Adventure
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I confess. I entered a (I think it’s called a) temple for the first time at the end of last year. It took me forever to figure out how to get to one but when I finally did I found the game play a bit lackluster. But it’s a beautiful jungle-y world that is worth visiting for a vacation and exploring the culture is fun! Build and Buy is also amazing. And I liked adding the new cuisine to my restaurants.
7. Outdoor Retreat
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I haven’t played this one in ages but I remember I had fun doing it. Basically, you could have a similar camping experience in Selvadorada or any other world. But it’s fun for the winter log cabins and if you’re looking for a more forest-y vibe.
8. Spa Day
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Gorgeous Build and Buy! Worth it for that alone but I feel this pack could have been a stuff pack if you look at it compared to what we’re going to get in, say, Paranormal Stuff. Working on the wellness skill is cool. Teleporting is useful but a bit slow. I like having my sims go to a yoga class, meditate, get a massage and go to the sauna.
9. Star Wars: Journey to Batuu
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I’ve seen like 2 Star Wars films and had no idea what was going on both times. Similarly, I was pretty confused while playing but I can’t deny I had fun completing the missions, fighting with lightsabers and chilling with my droid. I did get board after a while though. It doesn’t really fit in the game but I’m happy for Star Wars fans. I’d be estatic if they did a Harry Potter, Once Upon A Time or X-Men pack!
Stuff Packs
1. Kids Room
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By far the best for me. You get so much stuff for kids. Love the addition of Voidcritters! The kids clothing is adorable and the Buy objects are incredible! Perfect for kids and creating unique rooms for them!
2. Toddler
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Love the new toddler play equipment! It is so, so cute to watch them play. The CAS is so adorable as are the Buy objects. I have yet to use play dates but they sound great for my families!
3. Backyard
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Love the water slide. My sims have so much fun on it. And the objects are great! Perfect for building a family garden. It makes me want to use the garden more in the sims.
4. Spooky
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Not everyone’s favourite but I love spooky things (I was deprived of Halloween as a child!). I use it all the time to have spooky dress-up parties or for spooky night clubs or lounges. It’s the perfect thing to flesh out Spooky Day from Seasons.
5. Romantic Garden
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I just think it’s pretty lol. CAS is really nice as are the buy items. The wishing well is fun and great to cheat with to bring back dead sims quickly, I recently discovered. There’s nothing more wonderful than going to a beautiful flowery garden at night with your sims couples.
6. Bowling Night
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I find bowling pretty fun in the sims. It’s great for a night out with the family. I am biased because I love bowling with family on special occasions in real life. It’s great for sims birthdays and Build and Buy is so unique as is CAS.
7. My First Pet
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Again, not everyone’s favourite but the items are freaking cute! Perfect for kids rooms and having a pet rodent is pretty cool as are the new CAS for Cats and Dogs. I wouldn’t be opposed to them expanding another pack like this was used to do in the future.
8. Luxury Party
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I use the buffet table and the chocolate fountain all the damn time.
9. Perfect Patio
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For the hot tub mainly! But the Buy items are great.
10. Cool Kitchen
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I just love having my sims eat ice-cream on a Sunday. There are so many flavour combinations!
11. Movie Hangout
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I love my sims having movie night with popcorn lol. And CAS and Build and Buy are pretty cool.
12. Vintage Glamour
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CAS and Buy items are awesome. I love the vanity table and that kids can use it. The butler is useful but only a few of my sims live that kind of life.
13. Tiny Living
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I was so disapointed when this pack was anounced but actually having a Tiny House comes with a lot of useful benefits. And Build and Buy and CAS are so pretty. Wish the furniture was tinier and the bed didn’t kill your sims all the time! I would actually like to use that bed!
14. Laundry Day
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I was upset that simmers voted for this. It adds realism, so I’ll give it points for that.
15. Nifty Knitting
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Again, I was upset that simmers voted for this but the Buy items are so colourful and pretty. Knitting can be kinda fun and some of the knittables are cute, especially the baby grows! Plopsy is a fun addition but I haven’t been able to make much money off of it.
16. Moschino
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Love the update to photography. I use it with one fashion forward household. I hate CAS and Build and Buy.
17. Fitness
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I never use the climbing wall but I like the wood design on the Buy items.
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