minwooks-moved · 1 year
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crimzon0king · 1 year
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some redraws of little scenes in A Glitch In Time :3
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glowingsand · 1 year
kurusu kazuki (39) - still cries like a fucking wimp
suwa rei (35) - cooks the best french toast
unasaka miri (15) - is a high school student now!!
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vintage-brass-tc · 4 months
Suggestive undertones in this post, again 😭 my apologies.
His prolonged attention always sends me down a rabbit hole…
Every time I’m on the floor in front of U, he just seems to never stop looking down at me.
Just the other day, he had the ensemble sit down on the ground for once, because someone complained about their legs being sore… and so I smoothly, carefully lowered myself to the ground with my contra still on my shoulder, and once I sat down, I started looking around, and noticed that U was looking down at the floor, silent.
After every rep, I set my tuba slowly onto the floor, and a couple times, I had noticed U glance at me. In addition, whenever I would pick it up off the floor for the next rep, I always caught him staring down at my action, without fail. The reason for it, though, I’m unsure of.
Maybe it was me tipping my body forward, arching my back, or maybe it was the way my hands snaked around my contra gently, before they took hold of it and lifted it up, maybe he was paying attention to how my muscles tensed upon doing so. Or, maybe he couldn’t drop his focus because I was staring right up at him. Either way, he was staring me down.
And get this. U began to give us directions, before his eyes flitted towards me, and he stated, “Well, tubas, you can’t do this…” his voice cracking at the end as his clear voice began to suppress into a mutter. His voice breaking was kind of fine…. umm 🫣
And he stared at the floor silently, in thought, for a few additional seconds, before he told us what his original plan was: he wanted all the brass players to put their whole mouthpiece into their mouth, since the openness of it would help us experiment with our breathing like we had been previously.
Despite his initial conviction about the tubas’ mouthpieces being too big to fit in our mouths, we all told him we could totally do it, and so we did. U was walking around the block and looking at everyone as we continued the exercise, as he had been, but I noticed he never strayed too far from me.
Every time he walked by me, he’d look over. At one point, he had a sudden realization and froze, quickly exclaiming that we shouldn’t breathe in through our instruments, and he then stared straight at me, unmoving, unblinking, with wide, serious eyes, and he held that look for three solid seconds as I stared back at him, my own eyes wide in surprise at his intensity, and with the mouthpiece still in my mouth I nodded vigorously so he knew I understood.
There was another point where someone had said something funny while we were doing this exercise, and a laugh came out of me, but it kinda sorta sounded like a slight gag 😭 and of course I still had my mouthpiece in my mouth. When I tell you U’s head whipped over his shoulder to gawk at me SO QUICK. I HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM MOVE SO FAST IN MY LIFE??? ALL I COULD DO WAS SMILE AWKWARDLY AND WAIT FOR HIM TO LOOK AWAY 😭😭
Then, after all of that was said and done, I was still on the ground and listening to a tech talk to us, when I felt the presence of someone else beside me (like a warmth? You know the feeling), and I moved my head to look from my peripheral, and saw none other than U STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO ME, LITERALLY LESS THAN A FOOT AWAY??? And it was SO tempting to look up and meet his eyes but I held myself back from doing so 💔
It didn’t take a while for him to move away after I made it a little obvious that I had noticed him next to me, more obviously moving my head to the side in his direction, sparing a glance at his calves, but woooh. The height I was at next to him… and after everything, he chose to stand next to me as I was on the floor… I won’t say anything more 😵‍💫
HE NEEEEDDDSSS TO BE FORWARD WITH ME… I SWEAR I CAN’T TAKE THE EXCESSIVE, INTENSE STARING AND THE IMPLICATIONS AND UGH, I THINK HE KNOWS HE HAS ME WRAPPED AROUND HIS FINGER. and he dropped everything to give me attention after someone interrupted me, THEN called me kiddo too before I left the band hall for the summer 🥺
I love him so much.
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blorbodiaz · 5 months
finally watched the idea of you i fear this is a hit guys
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girlboyzone · 1 year
girl boy zone
hello meep
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10hpgone · 1 year
please free me from the clutches of kev/su
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violetashfall · 4 months
Clumsy Boy.
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Where Carl is a wreck...
┊ ➶ 。˚
!basically fem reader (No physical disc) - 3rd person!
Pretend Warnings;
Carl is a complete loser in this !!
Got some notes at the end of the fic, just me complaining...
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Carl Grimes had gotten significantly more uncoordinated after he lost his eye… his depth perception was not what it once was, and paired with the headaches and brain fog, his clumsiness only got worse.
He took offence to the way his eye deceived him, looking so insulted whenever a water bottle hit his lips before he could part them, how forks kept knocking against his teeth when he tried to take in food.
One person who always witnessed his struggles was [name], she couldn’t help but notice his stumbles and the empty grasps he made whenever he missed whatever he wanted to hold.
His clumsiness was ever-present in how close he got to her while talking and walking, always finding himself a few many steps too close. He tried to make it seem casual, he totally meant to stand foot-to-foot with her–He didn’t even notice when the rim of his sheriff’s hat hit against her head–and when he took those very slow steps back, they were so inconspicuous he might as well have been a ninja…
But of course, Carl was lying to himself, he looked like Bambi learning to walk on ice whenever he was with the poor girl who kept falling victim to his wobbly brain.
But [name] found it sweet – Carl looked so flustered when he accidentally wavered too close, how his lanky arm bumped into hers when they walked… his coordination skills only got worse when the sun came out, blinding his only good eye and making his foggy brain ache further.
It was how he ended up in such an awkward situation: He hated ladders with a burning passion now his mind was constantly dizzying. He had to climb one at the lookout post during the summer day, clinging close to the rung bars - focusing on not getting too woozy. [name] stood at the top, looking over Alexandria with her hand extended for him to take - the one he missed as he clambered to the top with the fear of a tiny puppy - for such a strong boy, he was acting like a kid terrified of heights, throwing himself into the lookout with zero grace and little self-preservation left.
[name] couldn’t dodge him quick enough when Carl tumbled into her, the crown of his head harshly knocking into her chin - making [name] freeze as the force drove her to bite her tongue. When Carl felt the clunk on the top of his head it was already too late, eye-level with [name] once his legs were fully straightened, already taking a tripped step forward and already hanging off her to stop his fall. Their noses hit each other and worst of all, their lips ungainly brushing together.
[name] pushed herself back and forced him upright in a split second, hearing his thick boots thudding against the floor as he stabilised himself. [name] fell backwards raggedly, tripping on her shoelace - his clumsiness was infectious apparently. Not only did [name] feel her sore teeth and hammering chin, but her lips were also buzzing like his had zapped an electric current through them. Her nose wrinkled at him, pure perplexity taking her face as she stared–
“Jesus, Carl!” She exclaimed like a bruised child, She was a bruised child; tasting that pinprick of blood that pipped out her bitten tongue, knowing she’d get a purple mark on her chin from his thick skull colliding with it. The one day he didn’t wear that stupid sheriff's hat… at least it'd cushion the blow.
Carl looked down at her, eye shot open and brain paused in a deep drowning feeling of mortification… and an upcoming migraine. “I’msorry–” His words spilt so fast they were incoherent, hands extended yet frozen by his sides - he had practically just attacked her–Thrown himself at her like she was a lake and he needed to hide from the wasps swarming his head–and it didn’t even work! His brain burned, lit ablaze by the thoughts in his head telling him he was an idiot, asking himself why it was always her.
“You sneeze on me yesterday and now break my jaw?” She whined dramatically, grumbling and pouty, cupping her chin and instinctively touching her lips. She gawped at Carl who's face was burning scarlet - not only had he been weird with her for months, hindering his progress with her at every turn by stepping on her toes or stabbing her with his fingernails when trying to hold her hand–something he was so embarrassed by he was timid to try again, especially after she began figuring out what his murderer name would be after he finally killed her–He had also just ruined his chances further by attacking her with his gracelessness.
“--I didn’t mean to,” Carl cringed at himself, heart pounding in his chest as he kept inwardly begging for the world to swallow him up right there, partly wanting to glare at her for bringing up when he sneezed on her - he had begged her to forget about it, he just wanted her to think he was cool. “Both times,” He muttered, “Any of the time–All of it.” He spilt, moving towards her with stumbled steps and fumbling arms. He tried to help her up - thanking god he at least held her hand with more ease this time.
He couldn't believe himself, he wasn’t awkward, he was outspoken and smart - but Jesus, he did not act like it... especially now, staring at her apologetically with a tight grasp on her upper arm as if she would flee if he let go, but in reality, it was to stop himself from falling to his face without her support, he felt dizzy.
“You’re fine,” [name] said, side-eyeing him as he helped her stand, feeling his hands shake against her. She usually found his clumsiness endearing, but she was startled this time, so much to process about that split second interaction. One thing [name] could tell was how by that tiny grimace on his face - one clouded by the most dorky, cringed, expression ever - that he was at the start of a migraine, and so was she if the pain in her chin radiated any further through her skull.
She started hoping their mistaken kiss would turn him into… well, just a Carl who didn’t keep colliding into her… but he wasn't a frog, and she was no princess, she scowled too much for it.
"You are fine? Right?" She asked, brows furrowing as she inspected his expression, seeing his jaw tight and eye squinted. "Just, Just a headache." He said, shaking his head and diverting his face further, not exactly wanting to look into her eyes when he was so mortified.
[name] huffed, Carl was back to his normal stubborn denial now, just with some extra embarrassment - he knew damn well she was about to tell him to take his painkillers, he'd give her that look as if to say 'Don't baby me' - he wasn't a child who needed to be reminded… but he couldn't bring himself to look at her after that colossal fumble, still flushed and awkward from basically kissing her. "I'm fine." He repeated, voice holding tenseness, something about how [name] stood quiet for a few seconds too long made him know she'd be teasing him soon enough for the massive blunder... he just wanted to get over it... and maybe smirk and kick his feet while thinking about how her lips briefly felt against his.
"...Why are you smiling?" [name's] brows furrowed further, watching Carl who held an expression mixed with pain, mortification and somehow cheekiness... his mind somewhere else for a moment.
Carl's eye widened when she called him out, looking at her as his tiny, dopey smile fell and got replaced with blabbering lips, "Shutup." He grumbled - getting ripped away from his lovey thoughts - about to let her hand go, yet he couldn't bring himself to, palm stuck to hers like glue, wanting to hold it too much to let it go.
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(A/N) I hate writing in 1st / 2nd perspective so I just didn't... the use of [name] is pretty robotic but, hey... I have no defence. I kinda wanted to make this a 'neutral pronoun' fic but got pissy that my WiFi wasn't working so I didn't...
I just wanted to try writing fanfiction.. This was supposed to be a bot, and probably will still be. I didn't capture his character because I made him a dorky whump - I was in a silly mood!!
So yeah, first fanfiction, I felt like a completely stereotypical teenage girl writing this and I don't mind it.
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stursweet · 9 months
high as fuck rant about chris 😂
thinking bout how i’ve been on chris dick for 3 years is literally fucking insane like.. i know not one person give a fuck but like i have seen that dumbass through everything .. even when people were fuckin callin him orange hoodie kid on tiktok ☹️ it is so fucking bad for me.
when i see a picture of him / hear his voice / his name etc i literally start fucking tweaking and geeking like i’m fuckin 8 and when he fuckin post i jump my big fat ass up and down in my parents house and shake the fuckin tectonic plates like. and the fact that i’ve hugged him twice too makes it fuckin worse like i be looking at them pics and vids and analyzing the way he looked at me even tho he definitely thought my dumb fuckin ass was ugly and a freak.. i was fighting the urge to scream in his dumb ass face IM LEGAL HO!!
like i am gonna fucking throw up holy fucking shit i love him so fucking bad 😕 i literally get fucking sick when i remember that every fuckin teenage girl in the fuckin country in heat for him like.. i genuinely get pissed when 11 year old fuckin girls be all up in his comments like “i love u🥺” like? i will swing yo lil ass across the fuckin courtyard at your school bitch don’t fuck w me I AINT TOO OLD TO KICK YOU IN THAT THROAT! (i’m playing)
but like. i am about to fuckin jump on laura filipowicz tiny ass and stand on her shoulders like a fuckin pigeon til she agree to let me have ten mins with his ass. i can’t breathe yall i’m fuckin sick. like that is my babygirl my forever my queen. like my ass got a fuckin LOCKET with a pic of him at his graduation? like i am not normal i need fuckin euthanized. i need to fucking throw my phone out . if you read this i’msorry
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yourlovermori · 2 years
you are one of the only people i feel like i can run to with my hornee izuku thirst i’msorry-
but listen. amazon. position. with. izuku. his knees pressed to his chest, ankles by your head. not being able to help begging you to go faster, promising he’s been a good boy. to take your frustration of the day out on him by using his dick cuz he’s seen how worked up you’ve been and and and- yeah :(
im so sorry my beloved pegnon please forgive me for getting to this weeks later :(( you’re such a sweetheart, thank you so much for the kind words it means alot to me honestly :)) you had me foaming at the mouth with this one good god.
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think about how one day you come home after a hard day of work — a hard week of stress that’s been building up in every category under the sun to the big bright round eyes of izuku. he knows how tiresome this week’s been for you. he sees how your warm smile continuously falters as every day passes and it’d be a lie if he said the slow absence of your affection and attention hasn’t had him feeling neglected. oh god and just think about how increasingly needy he’s gotten over the week. fucking the shit out of his fleshlight — his eyes becoming glossy when he can’t cum knowing that his cum only belongs in the depths of your cute little cunt.
once you’ve stepped through the door he’s all over you. disregarding your personal space as always and burying his face in your neck — whining against it. most of what he’s saying is incoherent except for the fragments of him begging for you. “you can use me”, he says “anything fr’you j-just want you to touch me — just wanna be inside” he gasps against your skin. so distraught that he’s almost inconsolable —gripping the fabric of your shirt and pleading for you to do something — anything.
which lead you here with him gripping the backs of his thighs and his curly hair splayed out against the pillows — looking at you with stars in his eyes as you harshly bounce yourself on his cock. the constant —shluck shluck everytime you sink back down it has him delirious and moaning out, “g-god fuck fuck keep going” n choking on a gasp, “swear m’gonna be s’good fr’you — i’ll be your good boy, i promise.” —knowing that this position doesn’t allow him to do much but act as your pretty little dildo.
and poor baby is so sensitive that he’s cumming before you — sobbing into the air and tears dribbling down his face — hiccuping sorry’s as he looks up in shame. and you almost feel bad for him for the way his body tenses up when you start your pace up again — hissing at the overstimulation and mindlessly babbling to you, as you continue to use his cock until he’s shriveling up and shooting nothing but blanks.
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4x01 · 1 year
vaguely related to the last post but i have been on this website for years and have yet to fully understand what it is about one certain very specific aesthetic that so compels me stylistically let alone what it’s even called. but i’ll see a person called @100101xxxx1021 and their archive is like 1) woman in latex suit on motorcycle in broad daylight 2) vaguely toxic looking goop on sidewalk 3) anime image 4) people with buzzcuts 5) nondescript surreal location that people definitely shouldn’t have access to 6) weapon 7) anime image 8) fire 9) jellyfish. if you don’t know what the hell im talking about i’msorry
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gejo333 · 1 year
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Lightning Strike
Miguel O’Hara x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: You’ve been dating Miguel for a month, but the past week you have been rain checking your dates. Miguel fears that you’re going to breakup with him, but little did he know the silly reason for your excuses.
Here’s a little one-shot for you! Also small update on “A Misunderstanding” instead of two more chapters it’s just going to be one. I thought I had enough plot for two more. But I decided it’s better to end it at chapter five.
I’msorry if I haven’t replied to any comments! I still can’t reply. 🥲
I apologize for any grammatical mistakes!
The sky was cloudy, consuming your apartment in darkness despite it being the early hours of the afternoon. You were curled up on your sofa wrapped up in a blanket watching one of your guilty pleasure movies.
You picked up the remote and turned up the volume to the tv a few decimals after hearing mother nature’s roar for the millionth time this week. It’s been storming the past five days which has put a huge damper on your week.
The light and ringing from your phone perked your attention as you picked it up from the coffee table. It was Miguel. Your heart ached when his face, the image you used for his contact, lit up your phone. You pressed the answer button, holding your breath, wondering what sorry excuse you we’re going by to give him this time. For the past five days you have been telling Miguel you couldn’t go out on your date for a stupid excuse.
1st Excuse: Sorry I’m feeling under the weather today. How about tomorrow?
2nd Excuse: Sorry my brother called me, he needs my help moving.
3rd Excuse: Sorry I’m working late tonight.
On the other side, Miguel was curious what your next excuse would be to not see him. You had only been dating for a month, but he could tell when you were lying. It hurt every time he called you this week and heard you make up a lie to not see him instead of telling him the truth.
“Hey, are you still available tonight to go to dinner?” After his words another loud clap of thunder pierced through the sky making you almost drop your phone.
“I’m sorry Miguel, I’m stuck at the office again. I have a deadline due tonight. Another rain check?”
“Cariño…” Miguel’s voice turned slightly serious which made you bite your lip, knowing he wasn’t buying it. Another strike of thunder roared through the sky.
“I-I need to go.”
“Y/n wai-“ You hung up before he could pry further. You lightly banged your head on your knees, hating yourself for just hanging up on your boyfriend. It had only been a month since you began dating after a mutual friend set you two up. You really liked him. He was caring, thoughtful, smart, funny, and you didn’t want to sound so artificial but he was hot as hell.
But you kept beating yourself up that you were treating him so badly this week. But how could you tell him you were deathly afraid of thunder and lightning?
Last time you told a guy you were dating they laughed and made fun of you for having a childish fear. A knock brought you back to your senses. Getting up from the couch you opened the door before checking who it was, which was a huge mistake. When you opened the door you came face to face with you boyfriend who had a not too happy face. His reddish brown gaze made you shrink in your place.
“I thought you were at work.” Miguel’s serious tone made you wince slightly. You understood the anger in his tone. You step aside to let him in so you could close the door. Once inside he turned to you, his arms crossed making his muscles naturally flex.
“I-I wasn’t at work. I’m sorry for lying.” Your gaze shifted away from his before looking back at him. You felt a stab to your heart when you saw his angry gaze turn sad.
“The other times I called you this week. Did you lie then too?” Miguel asked despite knowing the answer already. He just wanted you to tell him the truth.
“Why? It’s feels worse to know you want to end things but stringing me along?” His words made your eyes widen as you quickly go to him and cup his cheeks.
“Miguel, why would you think I want to break up with you? Of course I don’t! I love you.” You were shocked with your last words that came out of your mouth. Miguel’s eyes were wide, surprised by your words too.
“You love me?”
“Of course I do. I’ve never felt so connected to someone before. My heart skips a bit every time I think of you or see you.” You couldn’t believe you just poured your heart out to your boyfriend of only one month.
“I love you too, cariño.” His words made your heart skip a bit as tear brimmed your eyes.
“You do?” Miguel placed his arms around you as he brought you against his chest.
“You are the light of my life. I hate ever second I don’t spend with you. But why the sudden distance? The lies?”
As if Mother Nature wanted to tell Miguel herself a struck of thunder clapped very loud as if the lightning stuck right in your living room. The noise made you jump in fright as you bury your face in his chest.
“Y/n? Are you ok?” You could hear the concern in his voice as you looked back up at him seeing his eyes look just as concerned as his voice. You took a deep breath.
“The reason I’ve been making excuses to not go on our date was because I’m deathly afraid of lightning and thunder. And since the weather has been like this all week, I haven’t been able to step outside of my apartment.”
“Is that all?” Miguel let out a breath of relief. You didn’t want to break up with him.
“You aren’t going to laugh at me or mock me?” A small chuckle escaped from you. Miguel’s eyebrows scrunched up as a pout formed on his lips.
“Why would I do that to you? It’s normal to have fears. Plus, having you in my arms to protect you from the thunder. Mi amor, is it bad that I love it?” A smirk appeared on his face which made your cheeks tint slightly. You go on your toes as you placed a kiss on his lips which he gladly reciprocated.
“How about I order us some Chinese from your favorite place and we watch one of our favorite shows.”
“That sounds perfect.” You smiled before you jumped again from another clap of thunder. Miguel kept you in his arms as he kissed your forehead.
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”
Hope you enjoyed!💕
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glowingsand · 10 months
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she could fix me
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personadaylight · 2 months
Random ... is that you
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themothnotthemap · 7 months
[exomemories in fanfic format below cut. cws for death, general blood, possession, violence, etc — tags are specific, ask to tag further. i am your new favorite living dead girl.]
Atlas doesn’t realize how spaced he is until Danny pulls his hand away from the toothbrush. He takes a moment to spit up - It’s mainly blood, some foam from the toothpaste, and Atlas pretends to miss the question. “Are you okay?” hangs in the air until Atlas leaves for errands.
He never does respond. 
It’s cold out. Maple weaves between his legs with every step.
He’s supposed to meet his dad later that night.
That sort of goes out the window when his head gets bashed into a wall. 
That sort of goes out the window when his vision spots and someone’s crushing his windpipe, cold steel hits him upside the head, and the sound of Maple barking and tearing into someone’s leg fades into the background of blood rushing in Atlas’ head.
There’s something else rushing. Some kind of flame - Atlas thinks someone might be aiming to burn him again.
The pain never comes. There’s a certain dullness to everything. A certain haze. Someone- No, something- stands in front of him.
Canid. A distant part of him supplies ‘eastern coyote’. The skull is, atleast, lit bright. Pink. Strontium and potassium, a distant part of him supplies.
It— She cocks her head, whispers with a voice like ivory and brimstone-
“..You want to live.” It’s not quite a question.
“Yes,” the response is rushed, slurred, hazy. 
“..Of course you do.” It’s not offensive, condescending- A fact. Maybe laced with confusion.
It takes Noa all of two seconds to grab onto her hand.
It burned. Burned up every last inch of him, he swore it. Like an ache that ate up every joint, every nerve, every vein - and in the same instant it was over.
In the same instant - from the pain in his ribcage piercing into his lungs, the whisperings of salvation, the handshake to now. He watches the last dancing of pink flares fade from his fingers, watches it seep into his eye in the pool of blood at his knees.
Maple’s hackles lower, she nudges her bloody muzzle into Noa’s hand- and Atlas barely processes himself getting up, taking a hold of the leash — Nothing clicks in until he’s staring at his bedroom ceiling with the dog over his stomach and the cat nuzzling at his face and his father in the doorway.
Nobody speaks for a long moment. It’s a headtilt, eyebrow raise, a vague motion to the eye of the same side. 
Noa swallows. Takes a breath. It’s shaky, carries the taste of his own ashes, carries the taste of regret — the kind you feel when you had no other choice.
“..I fucked up.” The words aren’t right. They feel clunky in Atlas’ throat, chalky when he swallows another mouthful of what was almost his remains. “I- I think I died?”
“..You think you died.” It’s deadpanned back at him. Not disbelief. The kind of worry you feel when you knew it was going to happen.
“I think.” Atlas repeats, stomach dropping. He sits up. His hands are shaky. They’re bloodstained, and Danny whistles low and smooth. “It’s mine. Maybe.” Atlas pauses. Tilts his head to the side, like he’s listening- “It’s not-?” 
There’s a few seconds before it hits in. Before the consequences weigh heavy in his mouth.
“Ohgodit’snotmyblood-“ He’s almost on the verge of sobbing, voice pitching up as he’s pressed tight to Danny’s chest in one swift motion. “What did I do- I’msorry. I’msorry. I’msorry, m’sorry, m’sorry-“ Everything blurs. Everything burns, everything rings loud in his ears and he flinches- halfscreams at the phantom touch of heat and bone on his spine, and the real heat, the steady breathing on the other end. 
He takes the night off work.
It doesn’t stop him from taking a nap with Maple under the counter.
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cielarchived · 1 year
Do it.
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