#I’m surprised Lae’Zel didn’t want me to murder her
mewtatedbunnies · 11 months
Random Woman: *complains about not being able to buy a Githyanki egg*
Me: *holds out the owlbear egg to her*
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cammyyyydekarios · 8 months
Wasteland Baby,
I’m in Love with You
A Gale x f!Dark Urge fanfiction
Warning: 18+ readers only. Full tags on AO3
‼️spoilers for act 2 dark urge path‼️
Summary: Gale has a confession and Lilith is struggling with many complicated feelings.
Read on AO3 or under the cut
It was a cheerful night at the Last Light Inn - or, rather, as cheerful as the night could be in the shadowlands. The path to Moonrise Towers was grueling and dread still lingers on the edges of minds, especially Lilith’s.
The half-drow, half lost to her thoughts is nestled in the corner of the bar, drink in hand. Her urges have been harder to control - especially after seeing Isobel, her supposed ‘target’. After the initial shock and fear and murderous rage crossed her mind she had to defend the Selune cleric fiercely and suddenly. How the urges begged her to rip her throat out, to watch the blood gush from her wound while the life left her eyes. Instead, she settled for stabbing Fist Marcus until her wrist cramped, covered in his sticky blood and only half satisfied.
She disgusted herself. Worse, she terrified herself. She hated herself. She convinced herself the world would be better if she didn’t exist - that it would be easier if she was dead, and her urges along with her. But she lives - and knows she is needed in the fight against the Absolute. She needed to save her friends from becoming mindflayers. It was the least she could do, to right her ever growing list of wrongs.
So yes, tonight she broods in the corner of the bar, getting drunk on cheap wine and watching everyone around her celebrate. Seemed a fitting end of the night for her.
Her companions were all drinking and making merry. Perhaps too much merry, as Shadowheart looked as if she had too much to drink grasping onto Lae’zel’s shoulder for support. The gith scolds her and leads the cleric to the bedrooms of the inn. Wyll, Karlach and even Astarion are taking delight in watching Volo perform.
Lilith sighs and decides she’s had enough of the festivities for tonight. She begrudgingly lifts her hips from the stool and the frayed hem of her trousers catch on the chair, sending her stumbling forward. She braces herself for a fall, but is surprised by the feeling of strong hands on her hips holding her in place.
Her head tilts up, making eye contact with her mystery savior. A bratty quip about ‘keeping your hands to yourself’ dies on her lips when she meets warm brown eyes.
“Gale.” She breathes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
The wizard silences her with a smile. “It’s quite alright, Lilith. I was actually hoping to catch you before you retired to bed tonight.”
His hands were removed from her hips now. The heat of his touch lingered, rousing something deep in her gut.
She swallows nervously. “Here, or…?”
“I was actually wondering if you’d care to join me outside?” Gale asks, his tone giving way to his anxiety.
It would be better for her to keep her distance from the wizard - she knows she is dangerous. Anyone who gets close to her is in grave danger. She didn’t know consequences were in store for her now that she refused to kill Isobel after her butler’s order.
But Gale is Gale - kind, smart, handsome. Deserving of happiness. And for whatever reason, he desires her.
He’d expressed as much just mere hours earlier.
Then, her hair was wild, bloodied. The white strands were haphazardly pulled up and stained red. Her body shook with adrenaline from the battle with the shadow creatures. She was wiping blood from her face when Gale had approached her. She smiled as he appeared in front of her, but stood stock still when she saw the expression burning in his eyes. They were dilated, heavy lidded, wanting, even. He’d approached her, pressing his palm hard against her hip, making her gasp. The filthy words he whispered in her ear made her melt into his grasp like putty. He’d said she never more beautiful than in the heat of battle. He’d admitted his own desire and she could feel his growing arousal as he pressed himself against her.
As quickly as it happened, he’d pulled himself away, but not before his eyes lingered on her lips. The memory of their shared scene in the weave with his lips on hers played back in her head and she wanted nothing more than to kiss him in that moment. Until Astarion had approached with a mirthful grin, dangling an enchanted necklace to show off to her.
“Of course.” She responds after a moment, taking herself out of the loop of doubt wracking her system. “Lead the way.”
The night is dark as Gale leads her to an uninhabited clearing outside the inn. Cold air pricks her skin, sending a soft shiver throughout her body.
Darkness cloaked the land, usually - something Lilith was familiar with. The little memories she did have were of early childhood - and growing up in the underdark she found comfort in the way it draped over the land night and day.
Tonight, there is no cloaking darkness. Lilith’s eyes widen as she takes in the awe-inspiring sky before her. Colors swirled where the darkness should be. An aurora borealis.
“Wow,” she breathes out. She moves to seat herself on the cold ground but Gale reacts quickly, muttering a quick conjuration spell. A soft bedroll appears under her and she can’t fight the smile that plays on her lips. “Is this all your doing, Gale?”
The wizard seats himself next to her, his thigh brushing against hers lightly. “It is, indeed.” He answers her, his eyes set on the sky in front of him. He turns his gaze towards her, swallowing hard.
Lilith reaches out and brushes her hand against his. He responds by twining his fingers through hers. His thumb caresses her knuckles tenderly.
“Are you alright?” She asks him. Her heart races in her chest. She wonders for a moment if Gale is as nervous as she is. She wonders if she rests her hand over the orb in his chest if she would feel the wild thumping of his heart. Of course she would - a bittersweet reminder of how alive he is, so alive and so different from anyone her fractured brain can recall. All she remembers is death; by her hand, by others, it didn’t matter. Sickening images taunted her night and day with no repentance.
Well, almost no repentance. When she is with Gale…everything is different. She feels almost soft, almost pliant. She smiles. She can’t say the other companions bring that side out of her - most of them thought her ruthless and kept a careful distance. Not Gale, though. He was always quick to remind her that the urges were not her, that she was not a monster. He brought out her human side; the side of her she always thought was weak. Yes, she had all the makings of a drow; pale, moonlit skin, pointed ears, misty purple eyes. With human blood coursing through her veins. She was conditioned to believe humans were weak, fragile…but she’s come to find that Gale is none of those things. He is strong, intelligent and open minded; whilst also being tender, soft and sweet.
She recalls loving a human before losing her memories, in her own revolting way. She cannot recall his face, the visions of him merely shadows in her mutilated brain. She cannot recall anything about him. But being close to Gale often brought back snippets of memories - feelings, mostly. The soft brush of another’s hand, a lock of hair pushed behind her ear. The soft, caring touch of someone tending to her wounds.
Sometimes, when she lies awake at night, she wonders if she is truly capable of loving someone else. In her mind, there is no doubt she is undeserving of it - loving someone, and being loved - all together. To her, it is almost crueler that she feels so much. It would be easier to not feel at all than address the ache in her chest when he comes near.
“I love this time of night.” She finally hears Gale breathe out. His eyes are glassy as he continues caressing her knuckles with his thumb. His voice wavers, giving way to his nerves. “There’s almost a reverent silence that accompanies the peak of darkness, when you’d almost believe the dawn would never break…the cradle of eternity.”
Lilith’s mouth quirks in an attempted smile as she continues to listen to him. She is quite used to the endless words akin to poetry that seemed to be instinctual to the wizard, but something about his tone tonight is different.
“The timelessness of lovers…” he drolls out, turning his head to look upon Lilith. Her breath hitches as their eyes make contact. Gale expression is so vulnerable…so open. A hand presses against her cheek. The touch is brief, but the heat of him lingers. “The most beautiful of fantasies.”
Her face warms at his praise. It isn’t unlike him to flatter - but that remark feels different. He feels different. Lilith cant deny the effect his words have on her, but she knows that’s exactly what she is. A fantasy. A pretty face to look at, a warm body to indulge in. A tool to be used and thrown away. Nothing more.
She swallows, hard. “Why did you summon me here?”
Gale releases her hand now, leaving it cold at her side. “This may be my last night alive. I wanted it to be under a canopy of beauty, and wonder.” He tells her as he looks upon the stars. His gaze shifts to her again and she stiffens. “And with company to match.”
“I thought this place might bring me peace. I thought it might make the weight of what I must do feel a little lighter. But I am not so sure.” He finally confesses.
“Gale,” she starts, her eyebrows furrowing. “I refuse to believe this is the end. We will find another way, I promise.” She tries to hold back the rising panic in her voice, not wanting to divulge how much she feels she needs him.
The wizard’s smile is guarded. “Thank you. But even if we do find another way, perhaps this is the right way. The end fate wishes for me.”
“No. No.” Lilith breathes. “I cannot accept that. I cannot allow you to throw away your life for her-“
“It’s not for Mystra, Lilith! It’s the whole godsdamned world in the balance and I have a way to fix it-“
“I won’t let you. You can’t-“
“But why?” Gale asks. His usually warm brown eyes are wide, pleading.
Lilith’s gaze drops to the ground. A rising panic floods her body.
“Please, tell me.” He urges her, taking her cheek in his hand. His hand brushes her cheek and her eyes meet his. “You’re….crying.”
It’s an observation. One that shocks even her. She blinks, confused. Streams of hot, salty tears flood from her eyes. She can’t remember the last time she cried. Hells, she could barely remember anything, but she knew she didn’t cry. At least, she thought she didn’t.
Gale wipes her tears, and there is something so foreign, so cloying about his thumb brushing them away. Has she ever been touched so gently?
“I do not know who I am, not wholly,” she confesses. “But I know you. You’re good, you’re kind. You’re an incredible wizard and you have family and friends who love you, Gale.”
The wizard is silent, for once. She continues. “I wish I could take your place. I would take the orb from you in an instant, destroy the absolute and finally pay for everything I’ve done.”
Gale’s hand cups her jaw, willing her to look at him. “Lilith.”
“I’m not good, not like you. I have nothing, no one and it’s more than I deserve-“
“Lilith, look at me.”
It’s a command, and she follows it. She darts her eyes up at him, and gods his dark eyes are so soft as they look at her. The sincerity of it makes her feel naked. Powerless, even, as this human man cradles her heart in his hands and he doesn’t even know he has it.
“You must know you are very special to me.” Gale says, his voice merely a choked whisper. She trembles, and he covers her hands with his. “If things were different, if we were home…I’d have taken the time to do things properly. To say it all better. But time is short.”
Lilith knows what’s coming before it leaves his mouth. She’s pulling away, ready to retreat. “Gale-“
“I’m in love with you.”
She sits still, in shock after his confession before shaking her head. “I am undeserving of your love, I’m a murderer, Gale-“
“I’m in love with you, Lilith.” He repeats himself, sterner this time. “And I think you love me too.” He grips her hands like they are his life source, his eyes pleading with her and Lilith is tired. She’s tired of holding back. She’s tired of pretending she doesn’t love him. So, she takes his jaw in hand and slots her lips against his, and she’s finally kissing him. Hesitant and clumsy at first; her lips touch his, barely pressing. He reaches up to cup her cheek, groaning as he tastes her lips. She realizes very suddenly Gale isn’t shy with his mouth - his tongue slides against her lower lip, seeking entrance. Lilith lets out a choked little noise and parts her lips. He tastes like sweet red wine and magic as he lazes his tongue in her mouth. She could feel the weight of his body, incessant, pressing her against the bedroll.
They kiss for a long while. Long enough that Lilith forgets her earlier hesitations.
“I think I’m in love with you too.” She whispers against his chest when they finally part. “I don't - I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like. But…I know I want to be with you.”
Gale smiles, he truly smiles for the first time since Mystra charged him with detonating the orb. “That’s a relief. It would be a shame to spend my final hours making an ass of myself.”
“Gale!” She swats at his shoulder playfully, sending him rolling on his back. He laughs, freely, a light sound. She rests her body on top of his, her thighs on either side of his. His thumping heart beats quickly against her breast. “I’ve made a mess of you.” She tells him with a sigh, thumbing away her signature raven black lipstick from his irritatingly kissable lips.
With a hushed command and small gesture of his fingers, the lipstick disappears. She feels a light tingling on her skin. Gale takes off the rest of her makeup too with another hushed prestidigitation cantrip and he looks at her. His big brown eyes are admiring her, full of adoration. “You are beautiful.”
It’s the first time he’s seen her without makeup. The face that’s usually so severe, setting fear in the hearts of so many looks so soft as she gazes down at Gale. Her skin pale like marble, her eyes a soft lavender. Her lips deliciously pink and kissable. The same could be said about her cheeks, all hot and flushed just for him. And on the plane of her nose and on her cheeks are a soft smattering of freckles. With a light touch, he traces the scar that starts at her forehead and runs diagonally through her full brows to end at her cheek. His eyes are questioning, but he doesn’t voice his curiosity.
“I think I was young,” she starts, letting her mind sift through her broken memories. “I don’t remember anything other than that.”
Gale hums for a moment, staring up at her with an almost tangible warmth. “I could pick up a pen write poetry about your beauty…alas, there are truly no words that compare to the vision in front of me.”
“Hmm. I admit, I’m not well versed in poetry. Though I do enjoy a good raunchy ballad.” Lilith teases him, sliding her hands along his plush velvet tunic.
He grins wickedly. “Ah! A splendid idea! It would be quite the story to hear in a tavern, wouldn’t it? Two unlikely companions becoming close through hardships and grave dangers, finding love with the prospect of death looming on the horizon…”
“If I’d known you felt this strongly about ballads I would have asked Alfira to write one about us instead of my ravishing body.” She accentuates this point by taking the wizards hands in hers, guiding them up her frame. She places them on her waist before letting go. Gale’s fingers dance along the fabric of her tunic before settling on the soft curve of her waist, squeezing gently. “Or perhaps an erotic novel featuring a noble wizard and his drow maiden would be more to your taste?”
Gale’s mouth parts in surprise for a moment as he gathers his thoughts. There was no denying the impact her words had on him. In fact, his growing excitement was evident between her legs now.
The wizard clears his throat, sliding his hands lower to claim her hips with his touch. “A novel written by you would be a dream come true, my darling. In fact, I could try my hand at it. It should be easy, given even a mere glance from you inspires me to no end. In more ways than just one.”
A hitch in Lilith’s breath emboldens him, evidence of her reaction to his words. His gaze trails from her face, flicking down to her chest lingering just long enough to be respectful, (he is a gentleman after all) eventually landing on her thighs spread on their side of his, then back up to her eyes. “Of course, I would very much enjoy writing of this ‘ravishing half-drow maiden’,” - he is quick to correct her and she rolls her eyes, muttering “semantics!” - “but I’m not quite sure any flowery words could accurately describe just how lovely she truly is.”
“Then you must recount just how ravishing I am. In extra detail.” Lilith demands, leaning in just enough their noses touch.
“Oh yes, my dearest Lilith,” Gale starts, his thumbs dipping just under her tunic. He traces shapes into her bare skin and Lilith has to remind herself to breathe. “I shall write of every little thing that makes you so. Starting with those spellbinding lavender eyes that give way to your every emotion. Your gorgeous lips, your delicate curves, your fascinating mind. I’ll write of your strength, too. The feeling of your skin under my hands, as well, though I may need to do more…research, so to speak, on that specific topic.”
“Are you saying you want to touch me, Gale?”
“If I could be so lucky - I want it more than anything.”
“Then why write when you could feel? Experience?” Lilith guides one of his hands to her chest, over her hammering heart. He feels it beat under his touch for only a moment until she slides the hand down, placing it on her breast. He takes it in hand, her plushness filling his palm. “I’m quite real, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” He smirks shamelessly, his hand kneading at her. “But consider this, love: in the future…when death welcomes me to her door, my words will remain. Our love immortalized on paper forevermore. I shall write of you until I can no longer hold a pen, when the ink runs dry and I fill the final page, until there are no more words to say.”
Even as he palms her breasts eagerly now, his voice stays perfectly even. Godsdamned wizards and their impeccable concentration! He speaks in a relaxed, even cadence saying the sweetest words and touching her - though now, Lilith could see his pulse jumping under his skin. Small victories.
“You are such a romantic.” She murmurs affectionately, pulling her lower lip in her mouth as his thumb brushes lightly against one of her nipples. “Tell me, Gale, how is it possible such a lovely man has no wife awaiting him at home in Waterdeep?”
“Perhaps it is the same reason why a beautiful unmarried maiden such as yourself is perched so prettily in my lap. Gods, I feel so privileged to touch you like this.” The wizard was losing it now, his thoughts spiraling all in the same direction. He needed her close, to worship her with his touch. He needed to show her just how special she is to him.
Lilith toys with the hem of her tunic, a bright flush decorating her pale gray skin. “You may touch me however you wish, Gale. I grant you that privilege.”
Gale swallows hard, understanding quickly dawning on him. He releases her breasts to drag her tunic up over her head. She raises her arms and the garment is quickly discarded. His breath hitches in his throat as he takes in the view of her; the tops of her breasts spilling through her bra. It digs into her skin uncomfortably and the wizard furrows his brows. “That looks painful. May I?” His fingers trail up her back to the clasp holding the constricting fabric together. She nods and he doesn’t hesitate; the bra falls to the ground a second later, discarded and forgotten.
Lilith sighs in relief as her chest is bared to the cool night air. She watches Gale’s expression turn as he observes her, his eyes dragging down her form appreciatively, memorizing every inch of her milky skin. She resists the urge to cover herself. A part of her feels shameful when he looks upon her. Of course she knows her body is littered in scars. Gale, however, didn’t know the extent of just how scarred she is. So many wounds, some healed and barely visible, some fresher and pink. And he has yet to say a word! Not knowing what he is thinking is akin to torture for her.
“You practically glow in the moonlight.
Goddess.” He finally says. His voice is finally shaky, breathy even, like he can scarcely keep himself together. “I often wondered what you would look like, bared for me. My imagination pales in comparison to this.”
Lilith is throbbing between her legs now as he touches her properly for the first time, lithe fingers dancing along her skin before circling her sensitive nipples. Her thighs clench, squeezing his hips. She bites back the meek moan threatening to leave her.
“You haven’t seen me bared yet.” she teases, rubbing the crux of her thighs along his length.
Gale practically groans as she rocks her hips on him, grabbing at hers to still her. “I haven’t, have I? Allow me to amend that.”
Lilith slides off his lap so his fingers can work at her laces. Warm, practiced hands slide the fabric down her legs before throwing it to the ground. Those same hands caress her hips and thighs in earnest now. Her eyes lift to meet Gale’s, only to discover how utterly enamored he is with her body. Gods, how intense those kind eyes could be. How much heat could lie inside them - lurking just beneath the surface. She presses her thighs together, her core barely concealed by a small pair of black panties.
“Ah, ah.” Gale tuts, prying her legs apart, first admiring the way the fabric sticks to her flesh. He dips his thumbs under the waistband of her underwear, stealing a breath from her. “Would you allow me the privilege…?”
She nods, maybe a bit too eagerly. “Please, Gale.”
With no hesitation, he slides them down her legs and bundles them up, placing them in the pocket of his trousers. “…for safekeeping.” He assured her with a wink.
A nervous laugh bubbles in Lilith’s chest as she rests back on her elbows. She anticipated he would jump on her at first opportunity; but he pulls back, choosing instead to admire her under the soft glow of the sky he conjured just for her. “Lost your nerve, wizard?” She asks him. Her legs drape open and she’s finally bare beneath him. His eyes lock on to the small thatch of silver hair between her thighs before they traveled lower, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“How inviting you are. Just beautiful.” He murmurs appreciatively and she has to fight the visceral reaction her body has to his words. She clenches around nothing and pulls her lip between her teeth, biting hard.
Gale’s steady hands cup her jaw, pulling her into him and kissing her fiercely. He pulls away - breathless, before asking: ”May I touch you?”
“Are you sure-“
“Gods, please Gale!”
“Desperation is a good look on you, dearest.” he admits before kneeling in front of her and lowering himself until she could feel his breath on her. “Such a delicate flower.” He whispers, finally dragging a single finger down her folds. Dexterous fingers tease her flesh, circling once around her opening to gather her slick before pressing against her already swollen clit. His eyes lift briefly to admire her debauched expression as he slowly sinks one finger inside her, immediately followed by another. “Does that feel good?” He questions, but the knowing smirk on his lips tells her he already knows the answer.
Lilith pouts and sighs dramatically, causing him to stop the movement of his fingers inside her. He looks up, a furrow in his brow. “Is something wrong?”
“Yes, something is gravely wrong. You see, a certain talented wizard of great renown once told me he had a practiced tongue…” She smirks, scooting her hips closer to his face. He presses a soft kiss right under her navel, leaving her shuddering. “The problem is, I’ve scarcely been able to think of anything else but that beautiful man and his tongue-“
Gale swiftly cuts her off with a long drag of his tongue up the expanse of her. She whines as he reaches her clit and threads her fingers through his soft brown curls.
“Oh.” she breathes as he parts her folds and focuses on her tiny bundle of nerves. Gods, was this man eager to please. She bucks hard against his face and he presses a hand hard against her thigh, holding her leg up to rest on his shoulder. “I - I apologize,” She stammers out, her whole body quivering. “It’s been a while, can’t even remember the last time-“
The hot lave of his tongue between her legs abruptly stopped, replaced by Gale’s thumb, his other fingers still stroking inside her at a languid pace. “What exactly are you apologizing for, love?” He asks and his hot breath makes her squirm.
“Gonna come fast, Gale please-” she practically begs him now, her hand in his hair pushing down his head, desperate to have his mouth again.
Gale seals his lips around her clit and her whole body contracts, her legs only spreading wider for him. He greedily laps up her release as he pets at her inner walls, stroking deeper and deeper as they contract around his fingers.
“Gale…” she whines, practically tearing at his tunic to pull him closer. His fingers slip out of her as he falls into her embrace, their lips meeting desperately.
Lilith didn’t know she could feel this way. To feel more like a woman than a monster. But in this moment, pliant in Gale’s arms, she feels like a woman. Hells, she feels like a goddess after he worshipped her with his tongue.
The same tongue that was now sliding across her own. Her hands grab at the hem of his tunic, shoving it over his head. The wizard chuckles before assisting her, slipping it the rest of the way off. Her palms slide over his bare chest, finally feeling his skin under her hands. His trousers are next to go, haphazardly thrown to the side and when Lilith opens her eyes Gale is looming over her in only his underwear. Her hands find the waistband quickly with all intentions of dipping her fingers inside and taking him in hand, but she hesitates. Instead, she looks up at him, and finds him staring down at her. Their eyes meet - his, dark and stormy, full of lust and love. It steals the breath from her lungs and she kisses him them, pressing her forehead to his. “You’ll stay with me?” she asks him now, her voice softer than he’s ever heard before. Her teary lavender eyes are begging, pleading him. Please, she wants to say. She wants to have him, to keep him. She wants to be enough. Enough for him to stay.
”I’m here,” he tells her, his voice strangled. His own dark eyes are glassy. “I would never even dream of leaving you, Lilith. I love you.”
Their lips meet again and she takes him in her hand, earning a groan from her wizard. His skin is hot in her palm but she needs more. She pulls away from him, settling back on the bedroll and opening her legs. “Please.”
Gale exhales heavily at the sight of her, so open and ready for him. He crawls over to her, his body hovering over hers. ”Gods, you’re a vision - what do you need, my love?”
Lilith cannot help it; her eyes flit straight down his body to stare between his legs. He looks achingly hard; a bead of wetness at the head that she desperately wants to lap up. However, in this moment - her need for him to be inside her was far greater.
“I need your cock.” She finally tells him, pleading, her arms reaching out to pull him on top of her.
“Eloquently put, dearest.” Gale murmurs teasingly before holding her close, kissing her slowly, languidly. His hardness presses against her stomach and she reaches down, angling him against her center. A whine escapes her as the tip of him brushes her still-sensitive clit. She is so wet, her slick so abundant he slides right down through her folds and enters her with no resistance. He groans as he does - his control waning for every torturous second he lets her walls adjust around his girth.
Lilith gasps as he thrusts inside her for the first time, her hands flying up around his neck. “Gale,” she moans, placing a wet kiss over his pulse point. “You make me forget this god-forsaken world, you elate me, excite me, intoxicate me - fuck!”
A brutal thrust causes her to lose her train of thought. She moans with reckless abandon, clenching around his length that’s buried so deep inside her. “By the gods, I feel the same way, Lilith.” Gale manages to say, his breath hot against her neck.
”You know me like no other,” she proclaims, winding her legs around his waist. She digs her heels into his backside, a desperate moan spilling from her lips as the angle forces him even deeper. “Gale, I - I love you. Come inside me, please, make me yours. I want to be yours.”
Gale wastes no time in dipping his head down and licking into her mouth, her jaw cradled in his hand. His cock throbs against her fluttering walls as he fucks her at a maddening pace and she knows he is close. Still, his hand slides between their bodies, his fingers gathering her slick and circling her clit. She whines in his mouth and clenches around him, so close to the edge already.
“I feel it,” he practically growls against her lips. “The way you tighten around me - gods, come for me again my love.”
She does - she comes around him like a storm, mewling into his mouth, squeezing his cock with reckless abandon. It sends Gale to the edge; his hips stutter against hers and he spills inside her.
The moment feels precious. Cathartic. His lips slide against hers and for once she is grateful to not be able to remember anything before the tadpole. For this; being in his arms - is perfect. He is what she wants to remember. No one else.
“Will you?” She asks him. “Stay with me?”
Gale presses a sweet kiss to her head. “Of course I will, my darling.”
And for now whilst Lilith is nestled safely in his embrace, she stares up at the sky. Her lips curl in a smile as the colors of the Aurora Borealis comes into view. She marvels at how incredible the stars could look. An almost indescribable feeling rushes over her sweat slick skin, a sense of security she’s never experienced before. Her eyes move to Gale, who’s eyes are closed, his breaths coming even and deep. She waits for the urge to call on her, tainting the moment. But it’s quiet, seemingly dormant.
For now, everything is perfect.
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athkatla · 11 months
“I wanted to say something, while you’re all gathered around,” Ven began. The half-elf cleared her throat, looking down at the curious faces of her friends as they sat around the campfire. “You’ve all trusted me with your secrets. I appreciate it and - and I’d like to return your honesty. I trust you all. I consider you to be my friends and there’s something about myself I should have made known.”
“Oh, how wonderful! More surprises," Astarion said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "As if this group wasn’t weird enough. What other fun secrets can we have?” 
The group looked at her expectantly.
“That little rant actually made me feel better about myself, thank you,” Ven said flatly. “I’m a child of Bhaal.”
For a moment, there was only silence.
Wyll spoke first. “Bhaal, the god of Murder? One of the Dead Three? That Bhaal?”
“The very same,” she confirmed.
“I knew there was something about you. It’s because you’re part god!” Karlach said. She looked Ven up and down, as if seeing her in a new light. “Wow. Do you have any Bhaalspawn powers we could use? Can you smite someone? Make them explode? Turn ‘em inside out with your mind?”
“Uh, no,” Ven said with a small laugh. “Sorry. I surrendered my divine essence a long time ago.”
Astarion made a noise of annoyance. “Of course you did. Gods forbid one of us have a special power to help us on this doomed little quest of ours. Are you certain you can’t - I don’t know - melt anyone? Have you tried?”
“I’m sure,” Ven assured him.
“Tch. Why waste our time when it offers no advantage in battle?” Lae’zel asked, looking rather irritated that her sword sharpening had been interrupted. 
“That’s very rude, Lae’zel,” said Wyll. “She trusts us enough to tell us about herself and this is how we receive her? Thank you for telling us, Ven.”
“You were open-minded about my worship of Shar," Shadowheart said evenly. "I’ll be open-minded about your heritage."
Gale, whose gaze had been far-off as if he were locked in his own thoughts, suddenly looked to Ven with enlightenment in his eyes. He spoke for the first time since she shared the news.
“Ven is a nickname,” he said slowly. It was not a question.
“Yes,” she confirmed.
“Derived from Venhaerys,” Gale continued.
“I was going to get to that part-” Ven began, but was interrupted by a loud holler from Karlach.
The tiefling held up a red hand to silence anyone that was about to speak. “Hold on! Venhaerys Summerstar? Hero of Baldur’s Gate? There’s a statue of you in the city!” she said. “Well, I mean, it’s a fountain and it doesn’t have your face on it or anything, but - your name’s on the plaque! For defeating Sareveok! Holy fuck, soldier. This whole time-”
“So you’re the Bhaalspawn who came to the city a hundred years ago?” Astarion asked, assessing Venhaerys in a new light. “Well. Maybe this news isn’t so bad. You might have powerful allies we could use.”
“I’ve heard stories about you and your friends my whole life,” Wyll said. He looked a little dazed. “We’ve all been sleeping next to a famous hero every night.”
“You’re the Blade of Frontiers, Wyll. You’re famous, too,” Ven pointed out with a roll of her eyes.
“Sure, but I’m not part god,” he pointed out.
“Technically, I’m not part god anymore-”
“- and you know Jaheira - “ Karlach rambled to herself.
“I can’t blame you for wanting to keep it to yourself,” Shadowheart said, looking amused as she jerked a thumb in the direction of the enthusiastic tiefling.
“I didn’t intend to keep it to myself. When I met you and Lae’zel, I introduced myself only as Ven because I assumed we’d either die in our escape attempt or we’d go our separate ways soon after,” Ven explained. “I didn’t think it was worth getting into. And then we got caught up in other problems and time just slipped away from me…”
“Is there anything we should be aware of?" Shadowheart asked. "Any divine liabilities?”
Astarion straightened. “Yes, I’m not going to wake up in the middle of the night-”
“And find me trying to suck on your neck?” Ven asked, pointedly looking at the vampire spawn. His shoulders slumped and he quieted. “No. Nothing like that. People do occasionally try to kill me when they find out I’m a Bhaalspawn, though, so… watch out for that, I suppose.”
“I’m sure we can handle whoever is foolish enough to make the attempt,” Wyll said confidently.
“Is everyone okay with this?” Ven asked, surveying the faces of those in the campsite. 
“Sure, why not?” Astarion asked with a dismissive wave of his hand. “But if you do happen to develop god-powers, I’d like to be the first to know, darling.” 
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leopardmuffinxo · 4 years
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Guess who hurt her own feelings last night by siding with the bloodthirsty drow, Minthara? I always said that I probably couldn’t go through with it, but I was just so freaking curious how the companions would react. I’ve seen a few videos here and there, but I just wanted to see do it myself and let me tell you, I HATED IT. 
It is definitely one of the more evil routes you can take and you really see that trickle down due to your companions reactions to the whole ordeal. I have included my ramblings below. Obviously there are some spoilers in the event that you want to play it yourself. 
I’m gonna keep this part short, but the slaughter of the tieflings and the druids in the grove is heartbreaking. You even come into a room full of defenseless tieflings, who are cowering in fear, while Minthara and the goblins just tear all of them down one by one. (I didn’t even participate in the fight since I kept skipping my turn. Poor babies. 😭💔)
After all the murder, you’re of course told by Minthara that they will celebrate in your camp that night. 😒 
If Wyll was in your party during the first fight in the grove, he will turn on you and you’ll have to kill him along with the tieflings, if not then he comes up to you right when you enter your camp to confront you. He calls you a monster and tells you that you don’t stand for anything he believes in. He then leaves the camp forever. (I don’t blame you sir, I am a terrible person).
Lae’zel isn’t fazed in the slightest, which doesn’t surprise me. She’s not really worried about either outcome because all she cares about is getting to the creche to be “purified.” She still wanted to claim me as her prize, so she’s just the same old Lae’zel regardless of your choice.
Gale is livid the moment I go to speak with him. He states that he’s losing himself and that I’m leading him down a dark path since I’m making him participate in mindless slaughter. That he doesn’t know who he is anymore and that I’m completely heartless. He then says that he should leave, and being that I’m already being a huge asshole anyways, I tell him I agree. He huffs, turns around, and leaves camp forever. 
Shadowheart is pretty intoxicated and comments on the goblins having the good wine that goes straight to your head. Its honestly hard to tell if she's drunk due to guilt, if she’s just genuinely enjoying herself, or if its due to the obnoxious goblins that are worshipping a weird altar they brought into our camp.  Probably some weird combination of all three. Who knows.
I will add that there is a random goblin you can speak to that offers you a prize for all the carnage you caused and its... Alfira’s lute. 😭😭😭 MY FREAKING HEART SHATTERED. I stared at the floor for a second after that. 
Here’s where a lot of my lovely mutuals/followers will focus lol. We all love the smug, sassy vamp. 😂
While I can say that I enjoyed his more sultry demeanor at this party, (that voice is just pure silk), I can tell that this may be the start of him becoming more power-hungry and dangerous. He seems completely content with everything that lead up to this point, and its a little off putting. (For me, at least.) Like I said, he’s much more sultry in the way he speaks to you during this party as opposed his more playful banter during the tiefling party. He immediately asks what your poison is, and if you let him pick, he chooses red. (I’m assuming he gives you some of the wine the goblins brought, while he drinks blood out of a wine glass.) He then toasts to the “pile of corpses” and asks what you would like to toast to. (Did I mention the dead tiefling bodies littered around your camp, lying in pools of blood? Yup, thats a thing you have to look at.) Picking the “that's not funny” option results in him replying that “You did what you had to. Don’t be ashamed you did it well” line and that “Life is tough.” Even the way he propositions you is different, in a way. The way he speaks is like he’s putting on a performance for you, with it almost being guaranteed that you’ll want to sleep with him. Hence the “come on, there's a spark here. I know you feel it too” line if you try to turn him down. He’s definitely reveling in the fact that you just slaughtered a bunch of tieflings, while being praised by a bunch of lowly goblins. 
Like I said, it was interesting to see the different reactions and what it does to your companions, but idk if I could do it again. I love the tieflings too much. 
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