#I’m sure newly turned spike was as evil so it makes me wonder what a century of time would do for Vamp Willow
sspoike · 3 months
HOLY SHIT YOUR TAGS ON THE SPIKE WILLOW TARA SET!!! HOW have I never drawn the comparison between Tara and Dru there. It seems sooo obvious reading your tags, much big brain, but I always just looked at daaaw Willow Spike bonding <3
omg THANK YOU!!!!! Something about that Spiral scene feels like such an underrated Spike and Willow connection. I remember my first thought regarding this scene was that his patience with Tara was completely unsurprising. He loved Drusilla. He spent a century caring for her on hand, knee, and foot. I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t even his first time playing “surprise sunshine peekaboo.”
The whole interaction got me thinking about how Spike spent a century in the spot that Willow is in right at that moment, how there was probably a stressful learning curve for him and Dru, shrouded in the mental toll and grief that Willow was only beginning to experience. Without knowing what would come of Tara’s future, I can’t help but think that when Spike looked at Willow, he had a decent idea of what she personally faced.
And then THAT got me thinking about the parallels between William Pratt and early seasons Willow. Them both starting out at earnestly sweet nerds with good intentions, constantly bullied by their peers, growing into their strength and power and self-confidence that kind of kills of bunch of people??? And then inevitably chooses to use their superpower for good??? I mean I don’t really know what to do with these dots but brother I’m connecting them.
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chelsfic · 4 years
Leftovers - Part 11 - Nandor the Relentless x Reader Fanfic
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For Previous Parts: WWDITS Masterlist
Summary: Guillermo shows off some of his cool, new vampire powers and the reader tags along on a hunt. What could go wrong?
A/N: DON’T @ ME ABOUT THE PATRIOTS DIG! I’m from New England! It’s finnnnneee. Also, previously I said this might be the final chapter. It’s not. There’s one more to come after this.
Warnings: Peril!, Blood drinking
“So...what’s it like!?”
You’re sprawled across your bed watching Guillermo stand in front of the full-length mirror amusing himself by picking up various knickknacks from your bureau and making them float in the reflection. He’s dressed as he usually is: a pair of khaki slacks, a button down shirt and a thick, striped sweater on top. The one adjustment he’s made to his wardrobe is the addition of a black leather duster that’s currently folded at the foot of your bed. Very Spike.
He turns to you with a wide grin, his newly minted fangs on full display.
“It’s...wonderful!” he gushes, coming to sit by you on the bed. “I can fly! I can turn into a bat! And did I tell you I worked out my special vampire power!?”
“Guillermo! Show me!” You sit up, bouncing the mattress excitedly.
“Okay, okay!” He glances around your room for a second, his eyes darting from your cluttered bureau to your overflowing closet to the floor that’s littered with laundry. He raises his hands and does a little flourish. Suddenly your discarded clothes are floating through the air, folding and neatly stacking themselves, the objects on your bureau are rearranging and tidying themselves and your closet is swallowing up the overflowing clutter. 
“Oh...my...g--” you stop yourself just in time and throw him an apologetic look. “--gosh! Your secret weapon is housekeeping!?”
Guillermo gives you a deadpan look as he corrects, “Telekinesis!”
“That’s...so...awesome! Guillermo! You’re like Matilda!” 
If he could, Guillermo would be blushing under your praise. As it is he’s smiling wide enough to dimple his cheeks. 
“Guillermo!” Nandor’s voice booms through the house. “Are you ready to come hunting with us?”
Nandor grumbles about taking you along hunting. But when you hint that you don’t want to be left alone with just Colin Robinson for company--and Nandor spots Colin sneakily setting up his Scrabble board--he...relents. He’s been doing a lot of that lately and he’s secretly very worried about word getting round the vampire community. So, he pretends that it is his idea.
“Yes, we should take the human with us. For cammy flogs,” he nods knowingly into the camera.
“Cam...camouflage, master?” Guillermo suggests, his eyes narrowed in confusion. 
“As I said, Guillermo!” Nandor snaps, irritably. “Let us away to sate our dark appetites!”
With you tagging along the vampires are forced to walk to the park and there’s a good deal of complaining going on even from your steadfast booster, Nadja. 
“Sorry, guys,” you honestly do feel a little bad, especially since you can tell Guillermo is itching to stretch his wings, so to speak. “But, hey! Maybe you’ll run into someone on the way who looks good to eat?”
Nadja sniffs petulantly, “Now that we are forced to acquire our own meals every evening because Guillermo has shirked his duties!”
Even Nadja’s entitled griping can’t drag down Guillermo’s ecstatic mood. He’s almost floating with happiness--no, he’s actually floating, you note that his feet are several inches off the ground.
“I’m not a familiar anymore, Nadja!” Guillermo explains for the umpteenth time. “You guys are lucky I’m still doing so much of the cleaning with my special vampire power.”
Nandor stalks beside you, his long cape billowing out dramatically in his wake. He bares his fangs and interrupts, “Well...let’s not be too hasty, Guillermo. You’re still kind of my familiar...my servant...my...cool...vampiric...underling…”
He trails off as you dart a warning glance in his direction.
“What!?” he whines, shrugging his broad shoulders with a nervous grin. “Someone needs to do the dusting and help me with my hair!”
“Don’t worry, master,” Guillermo sighs, not without affection. “I’ll still take care of you. We’re a family now!”
You feel like your heart might burst and you clutch your hands together and gush over how sweet that is, even as your boyfriend hisses and grimaces in distaste. 
“Guillermo!” you skip over to him, tugging on the long leather coat and making grabby hands. “Piggy back ride!”
He nods with a laugh. You jump up onto his back, squealing in delight as he glides above the concrete. 
“Don’t go too high!” you whisper into his ear, fisting your hands into the leather of his jacket. 
“Hey, be careful there!” Nandor grouses. “Guillermo, control your baby vampire bloodlust! If you eat my girlfriend I’m going to be really annoyed!”
You roll your eyes but send a smile in Nandor’s direction all the same. As Guillermo would say, he has a funny way of showing he cares.
Guillermo’s still effortlessly lugging you around when you enter the darkened paths of the park. There are a few late night joggers about, some homeless people and couples walking arm in arm. Your group splits up, so as to attract less attention. Nadja and Laszlo go off together and Nandor sticks with you and his new fledgling. 
“Help me pick someone out who looks kind of...villainous…” Guillermo says to you over his shoulder. He’s still coming to terms with taking human life.
“Sure,” you chirp, scanning the park for a likely victim. This is part of the reason why you wanted to tag along tonight. Not just to see your newly vamped friend in action. But...to see if you can deal. “How ‘bout that guy? He’s wearing a Patriots jersey. He must be at least a little evil…”
Guillermo snorts, but his eyes track the fellow with a hungry gleam.
“His face is...really red,” he mutters under his breath, baring his fangs and practically drooling with blood lust.
“Human,” Nandor says, coming up behind you and lifting you off Guillermo’s back. “Time to get away from the hungry vampire now.”
He sets you down in front of him, wrapping his arms around you and shielding you from the chilly night air with his cape. You both watch as Guillermo transforms into a bat, gliding soundlessly over to the man and then taking his human form right behind him. He drags him behind a nearby bush. The whole thing takes seconds and they’re almost entirely obscured from view except for the man’s kicking legs. 
“Wow…” you whisper, suddenly feeling very frail and very human. “That was...so quick!”
Nandor tightens his arms around you and leans down to whisper in your ear, “Soon, my little human. Soon you will conquer the nights with us! In the blinks of the eye it will be your turn…”
He drifts off and you crane your neck around to see that his eyes are trained on the shuddering bush, his mouth open in hunger as he subconsciously reaches out. 
“Nandor… It’s okay if you want to go take a bite. I’ll be fine,” you offer, edging out of his arms. 
“Just a quick…” he mutters and then he’s flying forward faster than you track with your human eyes.
You creep closer to the bush, not willing to stand out in the open like a baby gazelle in a park that is apparently a vampire hunting ground. Guillermo and Nandor are hunched over on either side of their victim. The sound effects they’re making as they tear into the man’s throat are not...all together without their charm. Sure, the squelching, liquid suction of their feasting is kind of gross, but Nandor’s deep, feral growls stir something inside of you. You find yourself fantasizing about kissing those bloodstained lips…
“Hey, boo. Long time, no munch.”
The familiar voice comes out of nowhere. Faster than you can react--faster, even, than Nandor and Guillermo can pull away from their meal--you’re grabbed from behind and suddenly launched into the air, soaring into the night sky over the park. 
“What the shit!” Nandor shouts from below.
At first you flail your limbs out madly, shrieking and clawing at the hands on your shoulders. But when you finally catch a glimpse at the retreating ground below you, and realize how high up you are, your body goes slack. You desperately clutch the wrists of the vampire holding you and slam your eyes shut against the dizzying sight of your legs dangling, suspended hundreds of feet above the ground.
“She said she wanted to join the club--mile high! I said, that’s easy girl, I can fly! One quick thing, though, ur gonna die…”
The vampire twists you around until you’re front to front, but you keep your eyes stubbornly shut. Tears leak out as you whisper, “Don’t drop me, don’t drop me, don’t drop me…”
“Count fucking Rapula!” Nandor’s voice suddenly tears through the sky and you dare to open your eyes, craning your neck around to see him with Guillermo, Laszlo and Nadja all floating in mid-air behind you. 
Rapula--you guess that’s his name?--shifts your body around casually like you’re nothing more than a bag of potatoes. Now he’s holding you under only one arm so he can point dramatically at your vampires.You let out a whimper and cover your face with your hands to block out the view of the ground beneath you.
“Nandy? The...Remorseful? Is that it?”
Nandor growls and lunges forward but Laszlo puts out his forearm to keep him back.
“Careful there, old chap. He’s the only thing standing between our roller warrior and the ground below!” Laszlo turns to Rapula, “Now, I say, unhand our human thrall, Count Rapuleeeehh!”
There’s a beat of silence during which you hear nothing but the sound of the wind whipping around you. Rapula’s arm on you tenses momentarily as he answers, “Whatever you want, old-timer…”
And then you’re falling. 
And screaming.
And falling some more.
Until suddenly you’re not falling anymore. But instead of the solid, final impact you expect, you find yourself landing in a pair of outstretched arms. Nandor cradles you to his chest, his grip on you is borderline painful but you’re not about to ask him to loosen it. You snake your arms around his neck, burying your face into his shoulder and holding on like your life depends on it. Because, well...it does.
He says your name, softly at first and then more insistently, “Okay! Okay! You can stop shouting now! I’ve got you.”
You didn’t even realize you were shouting until his words break through and you snap your mouth closed, subsiding into tiny whimpers as he floats back up to join the other vampires. 
You’ve never felt more appreciative of Nadja’s hyper aggression. Guillermo and Laszlo are restraining Rapula between them and Nadja hovers before them, clawing her nails down the leech’s face as she unleashes her unholy diatribe.
Rapula’s bravado has melted away and he’s begging in a soprano squeak, “I didn’t know she was under anybody’s protection! You shoulda put a label on her or somethin--”
Laszlo turns to Nandor with raised brows, “That is true, Nandor. You were meant to write your name and the date on her with the marker pens. We might have avoided a lot of bullshit if you’d followed your own rules for once.”
“Shut up, Laszlo!” Nandor, Nadja and Guillermo all cry out at once.
“Master, why don’t you take Smash home? We’ve got this situation in hand,” Guillermo suggests, he pats his leather duster and you spot the end of a sharp wooden stake sticking out of his pocket. Seems like a bit of a hazard for a vampire to be walking around with one of those…
Nandor scoffs, “No! I will be the one to do the avenging. Guillermo, fly home and fetch my head-ripping gloves!”
The other three vampires look skeptical and you peek up at Nandor with a pleading look.
“Please, Nandor. I just want to go back to the house. And the ground, back to the ground, please.”
Nandor looks from you to the group with an obvious frown. Finally, he sighs dramatically.
“Very well, human! Yeesh, you’re really ruining my reputation over here,” he complains but there’s no heat in the words. He turns back to the other vampires. “After everything that happened with the Council. I think it’s probably best if we refrain from killing him. Simply dismembering him and scattering the parts in the ocean will be sufficient, alright? I’ll see you all at home.”
With that matter-of-fact proclamation, Nandor tightens his arms around you and soars away, gradually descending into the park until he touches down smoothly into the grass. 
“We’re on the ground, my human,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Do you want to walk or you want to do the pig ride like you did with Guillermo?”
You huff a laugh and look up at him with a coy smile, “You’d really give me a piggyback ride? Even if it made you look silly?”
Nandor glances around at the empty park as if he expects a panel of judges on vampiric coolness to pop out from behind a tree. He looks back at you with an abashed grin. 
“I will do it. Although I never look silly. Now come on.”
He slings you onto his back and rises onto his toes until he’s gliding just above the ground.
“Wee!” you squeal, throttling his neck in your excitement. It’s...exhilarating to feel so safe and happy after nearly dying--again.
Nandor glides the whole way home, casually hypnotizing passersby so that they ignore the odd, floating man and the cackling girl straddling his back. When you finally make it back to the house he pauses at the door, depositing you onto your feet and looking down at you with a hesitant expression.
“My human,” he begins, drawing out the last syllable as he searches for words. “I know that you wanted to wait a while before your unholy transition. But I was thinking...maybe we better get it over with before you...accidentally get eaten or dropped from the sky or something.”
You snort at his wording before your face turns more serious and you admit, “You...might be right.”
“Is that a yes?” Nandor asks with a hopeful sparkle in his dark eyes.
You look up at him and for a moment your head spins as you contemplate how far you’ve come. You went from victim to thrall to roommate to lover to...well, what exactly will this mean for you two?
“Nandor...Nadja turned Laszlo into a vampire and now they’re married. Does that mean this is, like, a proposal?”
Nandor’s face blanches in surprise and his eyes go shifty as he answers, “A proposal to eat up all your yummy yummy blood and replace it with some of my own thereby turning you into an immortal vampire, yes.”
You shimmy back and forth on your feet playfully as you prod him further, “And then…? What comes next after that?”
���And then…” Nandor echoes, “we will see.”
You laugh at your goofy vampire and walk ahead of him into the house. 
“Alright...you make a good point. So...tomorrow night?”
Nandor’s mouth splits into a wide, vicious grin as he answers, “Tomorrow night.”
A/N: There’s one more chapter to come! I thought this was going to be the final one but--the demons demanded otherwise!
@festering-queen​ @kandomeresbitch​ @strangestdiary​ @glitterportrait​ @scuzmunkie​ @redwoodshadows​ @sarasxe​ @rileyomalley​
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deadanddeactivated · 5 years
Intrusive Concern
Fandom: Sanders Sides Characters: Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Deceit, Orange/Wrath, others mentioned Pairings: Remus & Virgil Warnings: It’s from Remus’ POV so there’s lots of Remus-y thoughts Summary: Remus is a 'Dark Side'.  He knows that, he's accepted that, but he never wanted it.
And now Virgil isn't one, and Remus can't let Deceit ruin that.
Remus is a 'Dark Side'.  He knows that, he's accepted that, but he never wanted it.
"I'm not evil."  He used to mutter to himself.  Back when Thomas was young and the split was fresh.
"Of course not."  Roman used to scoff.  "You're half of me, and there's no way I can be evil."  Back before Thomas had focused on Roman alone.  Before Remus was shoved to the back of his mind to be ignored and forgotten and denied.
"Of course you are."  Wrath had smirked.  "But that's fine, we can still make Thomas see you."  Back when he was the first Side Remus had seen in years.  Back when Roman had long since stopped seeking him out.
Remus had been desperate then.  Desperate to be seen and heard and acknowledged.  So he'd taken Wrath's hand and he'd joined the 'Dark Sides' (as Roman would would one day dub them, as Wrath alone would embrace). And he hated it.
He doesn't mutter to himself anymore.  Remus has accepted his place on the 'Dark Sides' and he gets it now.  'Being evil' wasn't his call to make - it was Thomas'.  Thomas thinks he’s dark and so he is.  There's no changing that, not when Thomas doesn't so much as react to thinking about jumping out of a moving car, let alone wonder where the thought came from.
The others like to claim they’re in the same boat as Remus.  Or Deceit likes to go on about how this is 'totally his choice and what he wants' while Wrath waxes lyrical about how darkness was something thrust upon him.
It's all a bunch of butthole.  
They aren't like him.  They aren't half of a whole, easily split into 'good' and 'bad' no matter how inaccurate the terms.  No, they aren't like that, they're whole.  Whole and complete and not missing a part of himself and-
Remus feels a wave of energy as his thoughts slip into Thomas' and sighs.  Usually he tries to be a little more creative with his influence, but it can't be helped now.  Maybe later he'll have Thomas think about pushing Joan in front of a car, he does have a reputation to keep.  What would Wrath do if he discovered how little Remus cared for the whole 'brooding, evil, edgelord' vibe?  Especially after…
Ah, but Remus' thoughts are getting ahead of him.  He isn't up to that part yet.  No, he's thinking about Deceit and Wrath and how they don't have to be ‘Dark Sides’.  They're whole aspects of Thomas, they cover a lot more than what they're named after.  If they only played their cards right, Remus is sure they wouldn't be about of the unwanted.  Thomas would see them in a whole new light (ha).
Fear was just proof of that.
Sorry, Anxiety.  Well actually Virgil.  Remus has such trouble keeping track of what that side is going by these days.  Maybe he should just mix all the names, cover all his bases at once.  What would that even be? 
Virgity?  Anear?  Fexigil?
Ha.  The first two sound almost like dirty words.  He'll have to start using one of those whenever he sees Virgil.
Not that he ever sees Virgil.  Even back when he was Fear, he avoided Remus like the plague.  
That had hurt once.  Back before he pressed Deceit for why and got a happily spoken answer, "Wrath totally hasn't talked you up as a super negative influence on Thomas.  Virg definitely isn't scared of you.  Why would he be?  He's Fear."  
Remus supposes he'll be pulled away from people forever.  Roman was first, pulled away by Thomas and the wanted sides, and now Wrath had pulled him away from Virgil.  How long until someone pulled him away from Deceit?
He visited once, after Virgil officially shed his identity as Fear but before he'd really become one of them.  He just popped up one afternoon as the newly dubbed Anxiety (that's what he was going by then, right?) paced his room, now floating somewhere between the wanted and the unwanted sides.  Remus really only wanted to give him his congratulations, to tell Virgil how happy jealous he was.  It did not go well.  It never does.
"Well, well, well it really worked.  Maybe you should be creativity, hm?"  He joked.  Virgil had hissed as he turned to face Remus who just kept grinning just keep grinning.  The vaguely lit side had already been tense but Remus could see it get worse, so scared even as he glared and held his ground.  "You managed to recreate yourself after all.  Oh, do you think we could really swap?  We can clearly change."  Remus continued.  He never liked silence.
"Leave me alone Duke."  Virgil managed through clenched teeth.  He knew Remus name, he didn't have to use that title.  Why did everyone always use that title?  Why was he always lesser?  "I'm not like you, I don't want any part of your schemes."
"No, you're not."  Remus agreed.  You're whole, he wanted to say, not like me.  No matter how much I change, I'll always be a half.  Always be the Dark to Roman's Light.
Instead, he perked up.  "But hey, do you think the others think that?"  It was meant to be an innocent question.  A conversation starter.
Instead, the bags under Virgil's eyes got darker.  The same way more and more of Fear's eyes would start to dart around when Remus was near. 
"They don't know."  Virgil claimed, voice layered and wrong.  Something shifted in Thomas as Virgil's paranoia spiked.  "They can't know!"
Remus didn't visit Virgil again.
He sticks to the back of Thomas' mind.  Somehow, he finds himself hating it even more now.  Which is ridiculous, because things aren't different without Virgil.  Not for him, they'd never been friends.
And yet, Remus starts avoiding Wrath as the side simmers away. Which is, admittedly, pathetically easy once Wrath locks himself away in his room.  Not that that will last.  The second Thomas gives him the chance, he'll boil over and even Remus doesn't want to see that kind of destruction.  Well actually it might be interesting… he'll have to think about it.
Watching as Deceit grows bolder without Virgil around to hold him back is harder because suddenly Thomas sees him, knows him, and god Remus wants that so bad it's not fair.  But harder still is listening to Deceit becoming more and more desperate to convince himself Virgil isn't really gone.
"He hasn't abandoned us!  He's just, building up to some grand scheme.  We'll see!"  He used to scream.  Back when Virgil first left them.  Those defenses had quickly morphed into claims of, "They've manipulated him.  We just need to snap him out of it and he'll come back!"  Sometimes Remus wonders if Deceit knows how much he lies to himself.  Sometimes he wonders if Virgil knew.
Remus stays out of it.  He listens and he gives Deceit empty words or he redirects the conversation but he stays in the back of Thomas' mind.  Oh he thinks plenty about the ways he could step in.  Dramatic displays that will lead to Virgil liking him and Thomas seeing him and Roman letting him join in again.  But he doesn't act on any of it.
Then he overhears Deceit saying something and that changes.
"If Thomas wants to be more honest with himself," he starts, spitting the word 'honest' like it's poison, how would a snake even poison itself, or would someone else be poisoning it, would someone have to force feed a snake poison to do that, "then all his sides should be honest."
"Qh, plotting in the dark again.  That's bad for your eyes.  Or at least one of them.  Would the human one or the snake one be worse off?  We should test this.  And also their reactions to acid."  Remus decides, grinning when Deceit glares.
"Do keep distracting me Remus."  He said.  "It's not like I'm coming up with the perfect plan to get Virgil back or anything unimportant like that."
"Oh?"  Remus prompts.  "Does it involve rope?" He asks, conquering a rope in his hands.
“No!”  Deceit snaps, too frustrated to remember to lie.  He gets like that when he’s frustrated, or excited, or startled.  It never lasts long.  “Thomas is not obsessed with being honest, yes?”
“No?”  Remus frowns like he’s not used to the way Deceit talks.  He does, but Deceit likes to think he’s confusing people and Remus is more than happy to play along.  Especially now.
“Exactly!”  Deceit says.  Idoly, barely away he’s doing it, Remus starts to tie and untie the rope.  “Well, how do you think he’ll feel when he hears that Virgil’s been lying to him from the start?  He’ll hate it, they all will.  And Virgil will remember how horrible they are and finally come back.”  For just a moment, Remus freezes in his motions.  Deceit’s too excited to notice.
“So you’re going to pop up and reveal him?”  Remus asks, humming to himself.  “That doesn’t seem very grand of you.  I thought you were better than that De.”  He tsked.
“Well I hadn’t tried dropping rather obvious hints to get them to ask.  That would work!  They aren’t all oblivious idiots that ignore my every hint.”  Deceit hisses.
“Don’t look at me like that.  I’m not Thomas’ intelligence.”  Remus claims, raising his hands in a surrender position only to realize he’s gotten them quite tangled in all his fidgeting.  With a glare, Deceit waves his hand and the ropes become a snake which easily untangles itself.  “Oh kinky.”  Remus says.  “Snakes would make for a very interesting BDSM night, you know.”
“Oh I most certainly do what to know.  I just love talking to you sometimes.”  Deceit huffs and then cringes as he thinks of it anyway.  “Obviously I won’t be dramatic as ever when I don’t reveal Virgil because at this point my only option is not to just tell them.  They’ll most definitely believe me, but that matters because Virgil will stay incredibly calm.”  He says, getting back to the matter at snake-tied hand. 
“As long as you’re dramatic.”  Remus says.  “Do let me know if you need any ideas.”  He grins.
“Never.”  Deceit grins back.  With a wave, Remus leaves for his room.
With the door shut firmly and safely behind him, Remus let the frown take over his face.  What would Thomas do when Deceit revealed Virgil?  What would the other sides do?  Even Virgil’s reaction is a worry.  Remus can think of several outcomes, none of them good.  Not for Thomas and not for them either.
“I can’t let that happen.”  Remus decides.  Virgil’s gotten out, he’s broken the pattern.  There is no changing Remus, Wrath will never want to change, and Deceit’s too dependant on Wrath to try.  But Virgil got out.  Deceit can’t ruin that.  Sure, Virgil left them behind but so did everyone else Remus can’t fault him for it.  
So Remus decides to get creative, and he decides to do something.
Subtly isn’t exactly his birthday suit, but Remus thinks he did a pretty good job.  It wasn’t particularly fun - acting full on ‘bad guy’, bending the truth like that - but it worked.  Better than Remus expected actually.  Thomas had actually, truly seen him.  And sure he wasn’t about to listen to Remus, but that’s fine.  He’s used to that.  It’s enough that Thomas saw him, enough that the others don’t fear him anymore.  Maybe he should send Logan a fruit basket.  Oh a book basket!  Of books he can eat!  Candy books!  Books on candy?  Replacement teeth?
Ah, but that wasn’t the point.  The point was that it worked!  Virgil got the message.  If Remus is honest, and he usually is, he hadn’t expected Virgil to just tell Thomas himself.  His thoughts were more along the lines of an epic showdown between Virgil and Deceit where Virgil ensured De would keep his secret, and De realized that Virg was really gone forever, that things had changed.
But oh well, no epic show down.  Disappointing because Remus always loved seeing Virgil go all out, but probably for the best.  He’s not sure De could handle that.  There were certainly some almost-sides that hadn’t.
At least Virgil’s methods worked.  Sure Thomas knew, but it was on Virgil’s terms.  That had to mean something.  At the very least Virgil’s room hadn’t reappeared down the hall.
Did Remus mention he’d been seen?  And that that was incredible?  Because Remus had been seen and it was incredible.
All in all, a wonderful day, Remus hums to himself as he skips back towards the back of Thomas’ mind.
“I see your plan went perfectly.”  Deceit spits as Remus passes, glaring.  “Not that it came at the cost of mine.”  He’s clearly annoyed, but he doesn’t seem to think it was intentional.  Otherwise they’d be having an epic show down and Remus isn’t sure he could handle doing that to the only friend he has left.
“Oh it did indeed.”  Remus grins.  “Thomas finally aknowledged me.  In no time at all he’ll realized I’m the better creative half.”
“Of course he will.”  Deceit huffs but he doesn’t say anything else as Remus ducks into his room.
As the door shuts safely behind him, he turns and frowns.  Someone’s sitting on his bed, someone who really shouldn’t be back here.
“Virgil?”  The side in question looks up then quickly looks away again, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hi.”  He greets.
“Should you be back here?  Aren’t you worried you’ll catch darkness?”  Remus wonders.
“I’m not staying.”  Virgil says.
“Well obviously.”  Remus agrees, though he’s admittedly a little relieved.  Of course it was a bit worrying to find Virgil in the back of Thomas’ mind right after he told Thomas the truth.  “Why are you back at all?”
“Well…”  Virgil hesitated a moment before sighing.  “I want to um, say, thanks.  For the warning.”  He manages.
“What warning?”  Remus grins, winking and tapping his nose rather obviously.  Virgil stares for a moment before shaking his head with a smile and a chuckle.  Like he’s fond.  That’s new.  And nice.
“There was uh, there was something else too.”  Virgil says.  “I’m… I’m sorry I thought you were some big villian like, well you know.  You’re easily the best of u-... this.”  He apologizes, stumbling a bit over his words.  But Remus gets it.  He also thinks it’s much more cutesy heart to heart than either of them can really handle.
“I wouldn’t say that.”  He claims, intent to change the topic.
“Yeah?  What would you say?”
“Giant radioactive octopus, except it’s tentacles are knives and also it’s holding knives!”  Remus announces, earning another one of those head shakes.  It’s definitely more amused than annoyed.  
“Of course you would.”  Virgil says, standing.  “Well, that’s all I had to say.  Bye Remus.”  His name, Remus thinks, that’s his name.
“Unless I see you first.  Because I’ll hide.”  Remus grins, hoping Virgil can’t tell how much all this means to him as the newly wanted side lowers down.  
Virgil’s never going back to them, Remus knows that even if Deceit doesn’t.  But maybe, just maybe, they could join him.
106 notes · View notes
vln-vibes · 5 years
Ephemeral Flowers
WEEK 3 DAY 7 of Maribat March; BROKEN Part of Staying Whelmed and Erable.
Ships: Dickinette, AdriKon, NatMarc
Summary: They won. Earth was saved from the Reach... but at what cost?
Paris, France June 20, 12:20 CEST
“Everyone get to the shelters!” 
Adrien was lucky he was already out when this disaster began. His mom had called to see if he’d been alright, he felt an uneasy squeeze to his heart when he told her that he was in the safety of the Bourgeois hotel; he never liked lying to his mom before, but he didn’t have the choice right now. Not especially after he just got her back.
Somehow, he thought six hurricanes surrounding the Eiffel tower and making their way around the city was easier to handle than their Final Stand barely a month ago.
“You think this has anything to do with the Reach?”
“Most likely, Chaton” Ladybug’s voice was in his ear, the team going around and helping the citizens head to previously designated akuma shelters. Ryuuko had activated Wind Dragon form to try and contain the hurricanes in one place, but they seemed to be more powerful than the average hurricane… y'know, considering there were six.
“Any word from the Team?” Bunnix asked.
“Guys, I know what's causing these things!” Viperion’s voice was hard to hear, a lot of interference where he was. All their devices got pings, each of them showing an oval shaped device floating in the air with a swarm of drones surrounding it, currently in statis.
“What the hell are those things?” Monarch asked, indigo locks, where normally red hair was, blew wildly in the air.
“I’d say that looks pretty alien to me” Paon responded, their embroidered royal blue mask shaping to the same furrowed brow they had. “It's like the Reach’s final present to Earth, if anything. Y’know, one last kick to the heroes and all that.”
“Mon ange, now is not the time to think of how fitting this would be in a writing point of view”
“Look, it's either this or panicking.”
“It.. a.. Eiffel….attack..g hurry!” Viperion’s signal was beginning to cut out, but they all got the idea.
Paris, France June 21, 05:16 CEST
The Dupain-Chengs watched as the Justice league announced that the reach had been defeated; the world was now safe.
The world panicked as machines began to pop up in different places of the world, two even in Paris, but were dealt with by their own heroes. Many had wondered if they would continue once Hawkmoth was defeated, but they continued to protect their home. It was of no real surprise when they teamed up with the other heroes to take down the Reach. But something deep within told them that all was not well when the announcement was made.
“The Reach is being sent back into space and will be awaiting trial Green Lantern Corp.” Captain Atom announced as the crowd began to cheer, but his face was not one of celebration. Wonder Woman taking his place at the podium, sadness and acceptance in her eyes before speaking.
“But it was not without a cost; Today we mourn and celebrate the lives of the Parisian heroes who gave their lives to save the planet”
A hologram appearing behind them, one by one appearing as she said their codenames;
“Souris,Tyger, Paon, Monarch, Bunnix, Taurus, Roi Singe, Pegasus, Ryuko, Viperion, Carapace, Queen Bee, Rena Rouge, Chat Noir and Ladybug.”
The permanent smile on the holograms made Sabine’s heart ache, those young heroes who’d been protecting Paris for more than five years. They had finally defeated their villain only for them to parish.
But she knew there was more to it. She might have been paranoid, but a mother’s instinct was never wrong
“Oh their poor families,” Tom said, shedding a few tears for their beloved heroes. A knock on the door interrupting their solemn thoughts, going downstairs to open it they were surprised to see a red eyed Richard with his younger brother, Tim, and friends, Artemis and Wally.
“Richard? Is everything alright?” Sabine tried calming her voice, but alarms rang in her head as she noticed their matching expressions. The same look of guilt and regret as no one dared look her in the eye.
“I-It’s about Marinette “ Richard softly spoke, the group silently entering the apartment. “I think you need to sit down for this, both of you”
Tom and Sabine shared a look, both instinctively knowing that they would not be seeing their little girl for a long time.
“... She wanted to tell you for so long” Artemis’ voice cracked, handing them a small device. Sabine cradled it in her hands, one last thing from their daughter she was sure. Pressing the sole button on the device a hologram popped up before them; Marinette was there from the waist up, as though she had been sitting when recording this message, the only identifiable item of clothing was a black zipped up half-jacket.
‘Hi maman, papá. If you’re seeing this then it must mean that my mission is complete or I gave it my best til the bitter end’ her little girl looked so tired, as though the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Had she always looked like that?
``I don’t know how long I have before our final fight, but I gave it to Dick so he’d give it to you guys just in case. For nearly the past seven years, I have been at the front of what seemed to be an endless war. I’m sure I’ve changed, hopefully into a respectable woman that will make you proud. The truth is…’
‘Please don’t.’ Sabine stubbornly thought as the tears welled up in her eyes, her husband's squeeze on her hand tightened as they heard her next line, a familiar mask being placed on her face. The world froze and her blood grew cold.
‘I am Ladybug; wielder of the Miraculous of Luck and Creation, Guardian of Miracles and Protector of Paris. I wanted to tell you for so long, but with Hawkmoth out and about I just𑁋I just couldn’t! I couldn’t allow you to suffer, knowing I was out there everyday  risking my life because of some maniac with too much power in his hands. I didn’t want your lives in danger because of my selfishness.’
Their sobs echoed in the now too empty house, regardless of the other guests in the room who accompanied them in silent tears.
‘I hope you can forgive me for having to learn this way. I can only pray I made you proud. Know that wherever I am, I’ll always love you. Signing out, your daughter Marinette Dupain-Cheng.’
Paris, France June 21, 05:16 CEST
Conner Kent hated the news he had to give.
But he owed it to Adrien.
He stepped into the gates of the newly named Graham de Vanily Manor, knowing that it was late, but hearing soft speaking voices come from inside. Part of him wished that he had agreed to let someone come with him, but he knew that there’d be other places that need visiting.
Too many.
As he softly knocked on the door, knowing its residents could hear him, Conner felt like he would throw up. The last look of those emerald eyes haunted him and made his heart ache.
He heard the heavy doors open and thought he saw a ghost.
“A-Adrien?” he felt his throat tighten before noticing the differences; this new figure was taller, leaner, hair platinum blonde instead of honey, green eyes with specks of gray.
“No. I’m his cousin, Felix,” the lean man asked, clearly perturbed by the fact that a complete stranger was knocking at their doors at five in the morning.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Can I come in, it’s about Adrien” Conner could hear his spiked heartbeat as he moved to the side and beckoned him to the family room. 
In the room were three figures, two of them looking nearly identical if for differences in hues and a few hardly noticeable grays on the paler one (then again losing your sister and husband would do that to you). It explained why Felix looked so similar to him, at first glance they could be mistaken for twins. The other was a big burly figure, bigger than himself.
He knew Emelie Graham de Vanily and Guillaume ‘Gorilla’ Durand. He could only guess that the other woman was Amelie, the aunt that lived in England with his cousin that Adrien would sometimes talk about.
“Conner.” Emelie caught his attention from her wheelchair next to her sister. He hadn’t known her for long, mostly through stories he was told, until she was woken up; then he was introduced as Adrien’s boyfriend.
“Mrs. Grah- I mean Emelie” 
Conner couldn’t do this.
He didn’t want to.
But they deserved to know the truth.
“It’s fine dear. I’m afraid Adrien was going to spend the night with Chloe when that disaster started.” her eyes clearly worried, looking out the window, the first few rays of sunshine peeking through this somber morning.
“I hope they were fine” Amelie sighed in agreement, “Can I offer you something to drink?”
“No. No it’s fine, thank you” he took a deep breath, not wanting to allow his own emotions to overcome him. 
“I need to speak to you about Adrien.” Everyone’s heartbeat elevated as he did nothing to hide the somber tone in his voice, and Conner wanted to hate his super hearing. 
“Adrien left this behind. In case anything happened, he wanted for you to read it before letting anyone else say anything.” he pulled out a black envelope, in silver cursive it said, ‘To my Family’
“Co-Conner, what is this about?” Emilie’s hands shook as she got a hold of the thing, as though she were afraid it would burn her.
“I think you should read the letter first.”
‘Hey fam,
I know I just got you back, which is why I’m sorry this had to happen. What I’ve been doing this past half decade has been a real wild ride. After what happened with mom, Gabriel practically locked me up in the mansion, only letting me leave whenever it was for his convenience. I was just the trophy son, I wonder if he ever loved me.
Life is full of unexpected turns, one minute you feel like you’re locked up in the highest tower by an evil witch, the next you’re on the adventure of a lifetime with the best friend you can ever ask for.
There’s a lot of things I regret not doing; not stopping Chloe from becoming a total brat and bully when we were younger, not going to uncle Arthur’s funeral, being complicit in Gabriel’s will and therefore Lila’s and especially harassing one of my best friends because I couldn’t take no for an answer just like that man. 
I regret not telling you that I am Chat Noir, the Black Cat of Misfortune and Destruction and  Protector of Paris.
I hope you can forgive me for not coming out with the truth sooner but m’lady and I had already come to an agreement to not tell our families in fear that they’d be targeted by Hawkmoth; can you imagine what would have happened?
Even with all of that over and done with, the risk was too high, and honestly I didn’t know how to casually bring it up in conversation. Oops.’
Emelie’s voice cracked as she choked on a laugh, her vision too blurry to see what the next word was, quickly engulfed by her sister in a hug as she passed the note to Felix. His own eyes were bloodshot but he refused to let any tears run until he finished reading.
‘Most importantly I regret not proposing to Kon.’ 
Conner felt his heart stop. The world was spinning around as the line repeated in his head; did everything always look so blurry?
``I was going to ask mom for her ring, but I thought it’d be better for a wedding. I even started wedding planning with Mr. Dupain-Cheng, did you know he’s a hopeless romantic?. Mari thought I was insane when she helped me pick out the ring. We got it custom made too; Tungsten𑁋 one of the strongest metals on Earth, it’s harder than Steel!
I had hoped to give it to him myself but things don’t always turn out the way we want them to and I’ve learned that that’s okay. I lived my life to the fullest and experienced things no others have; pretty cool I’d say.
Forever your little cat waiting for his knight,
Adrien Agreste Graham de Vanily’
Conner hadn’t realized he was crying until he felt a small object placed in his hand, Felix having placed it as he shook in an attempt to suppress his tears. Connor realized that it was the ring Adrien had gotten him.
The mansion was filled with sniffling, the shadow of a cat seemingly looming over them.
The WatchTower  June 20, 07:16 EDT
Lex Luthor did not think everything would go to shit with the Reach so quickly. Neither he nor the Light trusted those aliens as much as Superman could throw them; that is to say they were just using them and planned on backstabbing them once their usefulness was done.
Not only had they killed one of the members of the Light, not that any of them thought he’d be gone for long, but they had also planned to betray the Light as well.
He convinced the most likely fired United Nations secretary general Zhang in order to call the League; he may not like them but he also enjoyed living on Earth… maybe until they find a sustainable planet to move their society to should anything happen.
“Luthor! What are you𑁋”
“ Secretary Zhang was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency,” he decided to ignore Captain Atom’s outrage and cut to the chase. “As I have a possible solution to our mutual problem”
“A problem created by you and the Light when they collaborated to bring the Reach to Earth.”
“But as I believe you know, the Light always planned to betray the Reach. Lexcorp𑁋”
“I think that’s enough of that Luthor,” the man could say he was surprised by the sudden appearance of the Parisian superheroes who’d “recently debuted” after defeating a magical terrorist that had been rampaging for the past years. He hated having not known that, apparently it was something no one in the Light knew.
Though Vandal Savage and Ra’s al Ghul gave interesting looks when finally catching glimpses of them.
“We have already created a solution, one that needs no help from the likes of you,” Ladybug’s eyes glowed red as she looked at Luthor, a ladybug themed flash drive on Nightwing’s hand.
“And trust that the Light will see justice for their crimes”
With that Chat Noir cut the transmission, the team turned back to Blue Beetle as he continued to create Reach Tech eggs, as per Ladybug’s instructions, and Pegasus transferred the flash drive's information into them.
“Alright guys, we have 19 Magnetic Field Disruptors to destroy and stop the world from ending”
They distributed the eggs with groups of two going up against each MFD; one as cover while the other went to disable the device. There were barely enough heroes available as the majority had gone out to help with rescue of the citizens.
“I love it when she takes charge like that.” Nightwing sighed before helping distribute the eggs and sending the teams to their designated areas.
Paris, France June 21, 05:16 CEST
Kaldur’ahm found himself in front of a ship, The Liberty. He never ceased to feel like it matched Luka’s easy-going attitude.
As he boarded the ship he could see some water remaining from the storms earlier, quickly using his hydrokinesis to throw it back into the river.
He was procrastinating.
He walked down the deck towards the door leading to the cabin. With a swift knock on the door, he could not hear anyone approaching; that’s when he noticed the bell. 
He needed to deliver the news.
He pulled on the rope as the bell chimed loudly, a muffled yelling coming from within. A woman with graying hair in a messy braid came out, although tired, there was a clear resemblance to them in the way she currently looked like she’d skin him alive and feed him to the fishes for waking her so early. It was a few times he’d seen the siblings genuinely angry and he could say it matched the woman before him.
“What’re ya doing on my Liberty so early?” she wipes the sleepiness from her eyes and adjusted her glasses. Despite how carefree she’d been described, he couldn’t help but think she looked older than she should.
Oh right.
She became a single mother of two at barely thirty years.
“My name is Kaldur'ahm, a friend of Luka and Juleka. I am… sincerely sorry. I am afraid I did not come bearing good news” the woman, Anarka Couffaine, looked alert and like she was about to fight him. He gave her the item the siblings entrusted the team to deliver should anything happen.
Luka and Juleka had left a song. 
Anarka did not hesitate to go down to her children’s room , an old radio with a DVD player being used to play the song; Luka’s soft guitar strums soon became accompanied by Juleka’s gentle voice.
Happiness and joy
Sorrow and sadness
You and I
We shared them together
Shared for a time
But suddenly faltered
Flowers of a dream
Anarka slowly sank onto the floor, Kaldur holding her to the best of his abilities as silent tears. As soon as the strums of the guitar started she knew what it meant; she had learned to understand her husband, and then her son's way of communicating after all.
A field of grass
Leads to heaven
A gentle wind passed by
When you gave a smile
Nothing to fear
Forever in my heart
Blooming flowers prevail
“H-How did they… ?” Anarka’s broken voice softly spoke as the music continued.
Despite what Nightwing had said earlier, he couldn’t help but blame himself; if they had captured all of them earlier, then perhaps the Reach would not have gotten the chance to implement the MFDs. If they had detected the two remaining at the poles, then none of this would be happening…
“They were heroes.”
Paris, France June 21, 05:25 CEST
Batgirl and Impulse were there at the Kante residence only for Claudie to beat them to the punch.
“Max programmed Markov to tell me everything if his vitals couldn’t be detected anymore” her sad but proud smile did nothing to help them feel less guilty for the single mother.
Wonder Girl stood in awkward silence as Eden and Roux Lavillant-Piaf reacted to the news of their daughter’s death. The two men taking comfort in each other's presence as they cradled one another, Eden humming a tune she thought was familiar while Roux shed silent tears, one she later realized was one of Souris’ favorite songs; La vie en Rose.
Kid Flash didn’t know what to take of Kagami’s note;
‘I do not need that woman’s tears, nor those of whom call themselves my family. I would rather tell the Dupain-Chengs or Couffeine, however, if these are being delivered they are already heavily burdened. Knowing my friends shall mourn my loss is enough’
He also didn’t know what to make of Nathaniel’s request;
‘Don’t tell my family about Monarch. I doubt they’d even care’
The beautiful smell of the land that lingers in our history
Sands of black that color every little corner
I saw eternity only once, but I realize it cannot be kept in sight
Paris, France June 21, 05:30 CEST
Bumblebee was not surprised by Abeille’s video to her parents or even the fact that she was ‘fired’ by Audrey Bourgeois. When Guardian asked her about it she just shook her head in somber.
“Some people mourn differently”
“I always knew my little Marc was a hero” Mrs. Anciel, Paon’s grandmother if Garfield remembers correctly, said as she sat in her rocking chair in a daze “I just never thought it’d be so literally”
The Le family had just thanked L’gann with clear tears forming in their eyes after giving them a letter in a language he did not recognize. It wouldn't be until after that he learned Roi Singe’s native tongue was Vietnamese .
Our lives are truly in a world of wonder
A poem of my life - it's a pretty song to remember
We already acted a thousand lives
For the briefest moment in our long history
Paris, France June 21, 06:16 CEST
Robin, Tigress, Blue Beetle and Miss Martian felt their hearts heavy.
They had decided to be the ones to inform the Cesaires, Kubdel and Lahiffes of what happened to their daughters and son.
They were the only heroes apart from the Couffaines that had siblings.
“If I had never given her that watch” Mr. Kubdel buried his face in his hands.
“You didn’t know but maybe she did… She was always a spitfire, I don’t think we could have stopped her if we tried” Jalil told his father. Neither men wailed, they simply hugged each other for a while.
“No! She𑁋She can’t be gone!” Ella and Etta had viciously tried to beat at Tigress as he kneeled down to them. The hug she gave the twins seemed to trigger the waterworks as they devolved to sobbing.
“I couldn’t protect her…”
“You can’t blame yourself for this” Blue Beetle tried consoling Nora as she sat on the couch, hand on her head as she hid her face from everyone; he knew that if he heard about Milagro he’d feel the same. 
“He’s too lame to be a hero!” Chris yelled out “You’re lying!”
“You know we’re not,” Miss Martian said soothingly from her place with Ms.Lahiffe, trying to help the crying woman.
“I hate him! I hate him!” Chris’ yelling got louder 
“No you don’t” Robin spoke next to him, “No matter how much you fight, no matter how much you get on each others’ nerves, no matter how much you wish you’d never see him again… You still love him. He’ll always be your big brother”
“How would you know?” Chris’ voice cracked as he finally realized that his denial would do nothing to bring Nino back.
“Because I lost my big brother too”
I love you; I miss all of you
No warning what had happened then
I won't ever say goodbye
Metropolis June 20, 08:30 EST
“So now that Hawkmoth’s gone are coming back to Gotham?” Robin asked from behind Taurus, the hero engaging in a fight with one of the drones, headbutting it into the other one.
“Don’t know replacement,” he grunted “I kinda like it there, but I do miss the English language, as annoying as it is”
“Well,” Robin continued, using his bo-staff to push away the drone blocking the main device, “You know you always have a place back home, right?”
With one last dash he pressed his egg onto the MFD, deactivating their device. The two heroes looked at each other proudly as Taurus smirked.
“Yeah I know”
Birds are singing
Clouds are drifting
Trees are rustling
They cover the night
Gotham City June 20, 08:30 EST
“Hey Ma fée?”
Nightwing leaped across the street, throwing an EMP on one of the drones before Ladybug used her yo-yo to throw them away.
“Yes, Mon coeur?” Ladybug looked at him curiously
“I was thinking” he touched the MFD with the egg, letting the machine fall onto the Gotham street, “Maybe it's time we take a break from the whole hero business. I doubt we’ll be able to fully take off the capes like Wally but𑁋”
The two shared a tender kiss, the last strike of lightning disappearing from the Gotham sky.
North Magnetic Pole June 20, 13:50 UTC
They missed two MFDs.
Their locations blocked them from the initial search until Blue Beetle and Tyger told them that there were still two out there in separate parts of the world.
Ladybug had volunteered her Team to go, originally just planning to go by herself and Chat Noir while Rena Rouge and Carapace could get the other; Viperion and Bunnix immediately objected and instead her whole team was deployed to go.
They were herself, Monarch, Paon, Taurus, Viperion, Ryuuko, Tyger and Souris. The other team was Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Abeille, Bunnix, Pegasus and Roi Singe. Pegasus would teleport both teams to their destinations due to the simple fact that there were no Zetas in the Arctic or Antarctic.
She would lead the team to the North Magnetic Pole; Chat Noir would go to the South Magnetic Pole.
“We’re too late…” 
Ladybug’s crestfallen expression was felt by her team as they watched the Magnetic Field disruptor reach its chrysalis state as they watched the ice cave collapse in on itself. The Earth will fall in a new ice age… 
South Magnetic Pole June 20, 13:50 UTC
“Both MFDs have reached Chrysalis state” Chat Noir informed the Watchtower. He didn’t think it would all end like this.
After everything they went to, after finally defeating Hawkmoth, after finally getting his mother back and the literal end of the world had to happen.
‘No! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!’ Plagg’s voice echoed in his head, ‘We can still stop this if we combine our powers’
“Ladybug, is Tikki𑁋?”
“Yes, she also says we can do it.” Ladybug’s steeled voice responded before he finished asking.
They could still save the world, they could still stop the Reach from winning.
But Chat Noir knew better than to think that there would be no consequences to their wild plans.
“Are you in, Noir?” 
“Always, my Lady”
Adrien could only hope they could forgive him, and that the letter would get back to them in safety before feeling his consciousness merge with the god’s.
Time passes by
With merciless pride
The sun will rise again
Mount Justice Remains June 21, 00:02 EST
Batman found the need to stop himself from gaping at the remains of Mount Justice. Sure it had been sabotaged and destroyed partially before, but now it was gone.
All of it thrown with chunks of rock and metal scattered around the beach.
As he and the others descended with help from the Green Lanterns, Hal and John. He couldn’t help but fear it was too late. 
They were too late.
“By the Gods” Diana gasped, suddenly clutching at her head, “Something is wrong”
With a gust of wind they were greeted by Flash, followed by Miss Martian’s bioship landing on the beach. One by one the Team came in various forms of disarray and emotionally compromised.
“Oh” Martian Manhunter sumbered, likely reacting off of the wave of sadness the teenagers made no effort to hide. Batman missed the look of remorse and sympathy sent his way.
“What happened?” He hadn’t meant to growl it out, but there were only so many reasons why the whole team would feel this way; there were casualties.
Batgirl and Nightwing could barely look his way before Robin decided to take a step forward. Tim had always been able to push aside emotions better than Barbara or Dick.
Our lives are truly in a world of wonder
A poem of my life - it's a pretty song to remember
We already acted a thousand lives
For the briefest moment in our long history
“The Reach left one last surprise for Earth in an attempt to cover their tracks; Magnetic Field Disruptors meant to cause natural disaster before forcing the next ice age. All but two MFDs had been deactivated, each located at the two poles. By the time we arrived they were already at their chrysalis stage. Those sent were able to deactivate them… at a cost” Tim choked out as he heard Diana, Kal and Sheyra take sharp breaths, it had to be bad for him to get so emotional.
“Robin?” Batman kneeled as he placed a hand on the younger’s shoulder.
“T-There were no survivors B”
“... Who was dispatched?” Diana asked, fists clenched in frustration of being too late and having others pay the consequence.
Batman must have been too distracted by Tim’s state to have noticed Nightwing launch himself into his arms and silently cry.
“I’m sorry Batman.” Flash stepped forward, and he knew Barry well enough that the man was probably holding back tears. Batman felt a familiar sense of dread build up inside him; the last time he felt this way had been when….
“Team Miraculous was sent.” 
Bioship June 20, 13:55 UTC
“Whatever they’re doing, it's working!” Atom’s voice could be heard on the comms as Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Tigress, Robin and Nightwing sped as fast as they could to the North Magnetic Pole. Aqualad, Superboy, Impulse and Blue Beetle made their way with Sphere to the South Magnetic Pole.
“The power’s too strong” they could hear Chat Noir mutter with Plagg’s familiar echo.
“Can’t stop! Won’t stop now!” Ladybug gritted out as the interference with their comms got stronger.
“AHH!” The sudden screams made their blood freeze as they could only think of the worst case scenario.
“It’s not time, not yet!” their mantras continued as the static became painful.
Both groups made it to their destinations as the bright white light of the MFDs became tinged with color. The rainbow of lights shot up higher in the air before a similar bridge of light joined it, both Team’s powers combining in that moment.
“They’re doing it!” M’gann and Bart cheered before Jaime and Tim interrupted.
“Something’s wrong!”
“What do you mean fade!”
Suddenly the light began to expand, encasing the heroes inside before their figures began to shimmer and break.
With one last look the lights gave one last powerful glow, it dissipated, spreading a warmth like that of a hug to each of them.
But by the time each group managed to look, the cold finally seemed to reach them.
There was nothing left behind.
Paris, France June 26, 10:00 CEST
The official story was a kidnapping.
The teenagers that disappeared some time last week during what many had taken to calling “The Reach Invasion”; Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Graham de Vanily, Luka and Juleka Couffaine, Chloe Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Cesair, Nino Lauffey, Max Kante, Le Chien Kim, Alix Kubdel, Nathaniel Kutzberg, Marc Anciel, Rose Lavillant and Jason Todd-Wayne. The fourteen children and single adult had been caught up during the chaos of the Reach’s invasion and had been taken when looking for shelter. 
There is always a little truth in every lie.
The amount of missing children cases in general had been increasing since the Reach had arrived on Earth, but even after sending them off to Oa they had yet to find evidence of all of them. Only a small percentage had been freed, now having to undergo Metahuman training, and sent back home or relocated. 
Over half had been deemed unsatisfactory and were subsequently terminated.
But that still left about forty percent of potential victims to be found and rescued.
But their parents knew that their little heroes would not be part of that percentage.
They had saved their planet at the ultimate sacrifice.
“Today… We would like to honor the fallen heroes of Paris by lifting a new statue in their memory for all their services… One that is long overdue and that we can only hope they will see from wherever they are'' Mayor Bourgois spoke, though his eyes seemed so far off, not that anyone would blame him after they caught word of his daughter’s disappearance. There was a major turnout for the unveiling, it seemed as though all of Paris was present; guests like Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Bruce Wayne and his sons Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, Oliver Queen and his newly found son Roy Harper, Lex Luthor, Prince Ali of Achu, Audrey Bourgois and reporters like Lois Lane, Cat Grant and Iris West-Allan were in charge of reporting live.
The statue was golden, each hero caught as though they were in the middle of action with it’s two longest heroes in the center, the rest surrounding them for a 360 effect; 
Ladybug and Chat Noir back to back, one with her scarlet yo-yo flying midair and the other using his baton to jump like a cat with a black gloved hand behind him. On Ladybug’s side was Viperion strumming his harp, his arm’s bangle glowing turquoise, while on Chat Noir’s was Rena Rouge caught playing the orange flute in the middle of a leap. Next was the newest heroes Monarch and le Paon on Ladybug’s side, one with a white with purple butterfly about to fly away from his outstretched hand, the other blowing into a single blue feather, while Tyger and Souris were on Chat’s, Souris also leaping while using her pink jump rope and Tyger getting ready to roar, magenta claws cusping around her mouth. Roi Singe was in the back of Ladybug and Chat Noir, his yellow glowing bo staff frozen mid twirl before calling for “Uproar”, assisting him was Bunnix, using her umbrella with a baby blue glow at the tip as a sword, and Pegasus with his horseshoe boomerang, arm encircled with a blue ring. Ryuko, in the middle of transforming into Wind Dragon form, with her ruby sword at hand and Abeille, launching her glowing spinning top, charging into the fray. On the sides were Carapace, with his shield armed up in front of them, the beginnings of his shield being formed in a translucent green glass, and Taurus, with his fists in the middle of punching and eyes glowing red, defending the group from oncoming attacks.
“I’m so sorry,” Dick found himself whispering once the ceremony was done and everyone had left their offerings. If only he had done better; if only he had asked them to join the raid; if only they had caught everyone instead of leaving them divided and scattered;
The rose gold ring weighed heavily in his pocket.
I love you; I miss all of you
No warning what had happened then
I won't ever say goodbye
They talked about what would happen in the future; neither saw themselves leaving the hero business anytime soon, it was too hard to after so long. She  had dreams of becoming a top-tier designer while he wasn’t sure what he’d do. They jokingly said he’d be a stay-at-home father or a model for her line.
Now none of that would be happening.
“He looks different from when he was Robin” he heard Tim whisper, melancholy and reminiscence, in his look as he stared at Taurus. Definitely more brute stregth and hands on but that look of mischief and cockiness were the same as Robin II. 
“He was always a little shit” Dick laughed softly, remembering that they’d be adding the Miraculous team to the new Grotto at the Watchtower, Jason’s being specially made to display both his time as Robin and Taurus.
Today would be his last day at the Watchtower for a while.
He was tired, after all of this, and was ready for a break. He knew Conner also planned on doing the same thing while Artemis was coming back to active duty despite Wally’s reluctance. He wasn’t too sure about his best friend, but the redhead insisted that he wanted to get his degree first before going back to the hero business, even part time, he even began hinting that Dick could go to college and try and get a semblance of normal life; they both knew it was in vain but neither said anything.
But before any of that he still had business to take care of.
Paris, France June 19, 00:20 CEST
Marinette woke up in a cold sweat.
The same nightmare she’d been having for the past week.
Her Team would fall for the sake of the world.
“I think we both know what this means Mari,” Adrien said silently as they watched the Parisian night atop of the Eiffel Tower.
“I don’t want it to come true” Marinette could feel the tears starting to sting her eyes.
“Then we’ll do our best to stop it” Adrien’s determined face made a soft smile appear; something told her that as hard as they’d try it wouldn’t change a thing.
But it was nice to hope.
“Why should we make these goodbye messages?” Chloe asked skeptically that morning after the team had gathered. They had just been told to do them or write any  requests for someone to follow if anything should happen to them. After all Marinette and Adrien had finished theirs.
"Come on Chlo, just do it."
"Better to do it than regret not doing it."
"Think of it as a little thing to look back at when we come back after missions. A motivation to come back and destroy it"
They just hoped they’d be forgiven.
Paris, France June 26, 12:30 CEST
Walking into the Dupain-Cheng household he found that it was much colder than anytime he’d come to visit. Sabine and Tom had let him in with no hassle, the duo still reeling in the fact that Marinette was gone, he was too. They made little small talk for once, just checking to see how the others were doing and to not be strangers, before they excused themselves to meet up with Tom’s parents. Dick went up to the familiar step of stairs and opened the familiar hatch.
Her room looked the same as it ever did except it was missing a certain shine, an aura of creativity. He supposed that with the owner of the room and the goddess of Creation missing that would happen.
Her scattered design sketches and pieces of fabric reminded him of the latest project she told him about. Balls of yarn from when she started knitting or would use to play with the Kwami, and Adrien from time to time. Schedule reminding him of all the plans they had for once Hawkmoth was caught.
He made his way to her desk, a secret compartment on the side of the desk had been almost invisible to all except those who were aware of its existence. Opening up the small door he let out a small gasp, the Miracle box reminding him so much of her again; 
The box was in the shape of an apple blossom, fading from red at its center to white at the tips, overall its appearance was rather simple but then again they always said appearances are deceiving. He then took out an old phonograph, a tablet, and an ancient book, the Miracle Book or Grimoire. With a sad sigh he pressed the small apple blossom’s center at the top before tapping the top petal, followed by top left, bottom right, bottom left, top right and center again. The lid to the compartment lifted, revealing seven empty slots, before opening up its petals, two layers of six petals stretching themselves so as to not cover each other. Only four compartments were being used. Using a bag he carefully stored the box inside the phonograph while using a satchel for the Grimoire and tablet.
He already told Zatanna and Zatara about the Grimoire, the two assuring him that it would be safe and that they’d even get other magic users like Constantine and Doctor Fate, who seemed to think he owed a debt to the Kwami and would honor their remaining comrade, to help protect it. The tablet could go to Tim and Barbara who’d have the best bet in perfecting the translations and encrypting it further so even if someone got their hands on it they’d have a hard time even unlocking it.
But he hadn’t thought of the Miracle box.
He looked up at the pink room with nostalgia, remembering every video chat, midnight meeting, talks at the terrace, impromptu sleepovers, designing frenzy, fashion talks, modeling session, strategy meetings, emotional breakdowns and kisses they shared in the very room.
He couldn’t help but want to take it with him.
Dick looked at her desk, a photo from when they were still Ladybug 1.0 and Robin, one he took as Dick Grayson when he commissioned her to make him a suit for the Wayne Gala (only to wear it to the Sweetheart’s Dance), one from Rolling-Stone wedding as he was twirling her around the dance floor and another from a few weeks ago when they were celebrating Hawkmoth’s capture with the Team. More photos littered her wall; Adrien and Wally arm wrestling, Artemis and Alix doing parkour, Kaldur learning some guitar from Luka, Conner being subjected to a makeover from the girls and Adrien (which he needed after his third year of wearing the same outfit), M’gann meditating with Barbara, Nino and Marc, Tim and Max looking at some sort of schematics on screen, of Jason during combat training with Kagami, Chloe and Black Canary.
It felt like a lifetime ago.
“Are you alright?” Dick hadn’t realized that the tears began to fall again. He turned around but saw no one there.
No one would be there.
“We miss her too” the voice spoke again, Dick knew he couldn’t be hallucinating, looking inside the bag he noticed the Miracle Box glowing even as it was held shut. With far more patience and calm than he truly felt Dick opened the Miracle Box again with four bursts of lights appearing as he did so.
He barely remembers Marinette explaining the Miraculous to him but he did recall the kwami’s names and powers;
Barkk, dog kwami of Bonds and Foraging.
Ziggy,  goat kwami of Endurance and Speed.
Daizzi, pig kwami of Abundance and Ingenuity.
Orikko, rooster kwami of Forethought and Cycles.
“I miss our Guardian” Daizzi cried into Ziggy who seemed to be in a similar state, Orikko looked quiet but clearly saddened given his downward feathers and comb, Barkk was the one who had been speaking to Dick.
“You loved our Guardian, she loved you very much” Barkk sniffled sadly.
Dick realized that they not only lost their Guardian but their fellow Kwami as well;
He wasn’t the only one left with a gaping hole in his heart by the love of his life and little brother.
“Hey now,” he said, taking the miniature gods into his arms in a small embrace, “You won’t be alone. We’ll make it through this, together”
As Dick made one last glance at the room, memories playing out like ghosts before him, he secured the bags containing Marinette’s precious items and made his way out of the cold apartment.
He didn’t know if he’d ever recover, just like with his parents; But he knew he wouldn’t be alone.
He just hoped that he’d make them proud, from wherever they were watching.
Nothing to fear
Forever in my hear
Blooming flowers prevail
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luescris · 6 years
La Villian Cafe
Okay so here’s a one-shot that I whipped up yesterday. I got the idea from someone, but I can’t remember who it was so, if it’s you, please tell me! Credit belongs to them!! Enjoy!
One would think it weird that there was a whole cafè dedicated to just Villains somewhere out there in the world. It was a place where villains could settle down every now and then, either with each other or by themselves. They knew it’d be counted as a crossover, but as long as they weren’t on screen, they were fine. It was built as a get away, as a place where they could settle down, so it was built and looked as such. It was cute and cozy, like every other coffee shop, and most of its occupants wouldn’t ever want it otherwise. Even if those occupants were very few, it was managing very well (Especially since most of them came from the Disney franchise).
It was a warm afternoon when the bell of the shop ringed with the opening of the door, and in entered the Greek God of the Underworld, Hades, from the movie Hercules. With a face that looked like he was ready to drop at any moment, he stretched his arms with a grimace, giving a long groan and dropping his arms. He made his way towards the front, where a friendly looking woman with a towel around her head awaited with a smile.
“Hello Mr. Hades,” She said sweetly. “Your usual?”
“That sounds good. Except maybe add in a doughnut and…” He thought for a moment, squinting at nothing. “Two shots of espresso.”
“Alright. Hard day in the Underworld, huh?” The woman asked as she turned to the counter behind her.
“Psh, you know it Medusa.” Hades leaned against the counter with a sigh. “These restless souls are just.. So uncooperative, you know? I tell them, ‘Hey, maybe you’re getting tortured and burned in fire, but it’s not all too bad. You’ll get used to it after some decades.’ But all they want to do is moan and complain. Drives you insane.”
Medusa nodded. “Oh I know. It’s hard to be a villain.” She turned back to him and placed a bag and cup of coffee onto the counter. “Here you go. $22.37, please.”
After paying what he owed, he turned to the shop before him and took a sip of his coffee, and gave sigh of relief. “That’s the stuff…”
“Hey, Hades! Over here over here!” A voice called suddenly, and Hades noticed that, in the corner next to a window, sat Doctor Doofenshmirtz, waving a hand wildly with a large grin on his face.
Hades sighed with annoyance, but walked over to him anyway and sat. “Hello, Doof.”
“Long time no see!” Doofenshmirtz replied. “How’s life in the Underworld? Goin’ good?”
“Just the opposite.” Hades muttered, then took out his doughnut and bit into it.
“Oh. Well, anyway, have you heard what Disney had done? Have you heard their latest news yet?”
Hades shook his head. “I don’t get told much. I live at the bottom of the Earth. It’s hard to get any news from anywhere down there.”
“Well it’s a good thing you came here! I’m telling you, you are really going to love this!” Doof added that with a wink. “It’s gonna blow your socks off!”
“Oh I’m sure it will.” Hades muttered to himself, and took another sip of his coffee as Heinz continued. But what he was about to say was definitely unexpected.
“They say that Disney has made another new villain! They say he’s real powerful, and dangerous! Maybe not as powerful as all of us combined, heh, but.. He sounds real menacing!”
Hades almost spat out what was in his mouth, interest perked as he stared at Doofenshmirtz. “.. A new villain? Did you hear a name? A-a description, perhaps?”
“Unfortunately no.” Doof looked down sadly. “But man, that description got me excited. Wonder who it’ll be…” It was quiet for a few seconds as the two mulled over the thought, the Doofenshmirtz gasped and looked up with a newly found energy. “Hey, do you think he’ll find this coffee shop? Do you think they’ll let him have access?”
“.. I dunno,” Hades shrugged. “The guy sounds a bit too dangerous for this place, though, don’t you think-?”
Suddenly, the door to the cafe opened and interrupted what Hades was saying. Both of their heads turned to see who it was, but their faces immediately became confused. There stood a boy who looked about the age of fourteen, with black hair, one blue streak in it. He looked as if he was lost, looking around the room rather awkwardly. A racoon was hanging on to his shoulders, also looking as lost as the boy.
His blue eyes seemed to have almost no light in them as he awkwardly stepped in, took a breath of air, and announced quietly, “Um… They told me to come here, so uh.. Yeah..”
From around the counter, Medusa walked up to him with a suspicious smirk. “Do you have a card, young man?”
The boy blinked at her for a second, then muttered, “Oh” and reached into his front pocket in his apron.
He handed it to Medusa, who stared at it for a few seconds, then looked back at the boy. “Hm. Fine. Welcome to La Villain Cafe. Enjoy your stay!” She handed him back the card with a half smile, then walked back behind the counter, looking at him with curiousity.
Hades and Doofenshmirtz watched as he walked himself over to the far back of the cafe, and sat with his back facing the other two. The racoon climbed into his lap with a soft coo, and the boy pet his head slowly.
“... You gotta be serious.” Doof whispered, bringing Hades’s attention back to him. “ That can’t be him, can it? I mean, he doesn’t look evil. He doesn’t even have a lab coat!”
“He has an apron and gloves,” Hades pointed out. “It’s close right? Plus, you don’t look evil either, and yet her you are.”
Doof nodded, then realized what he said and glared at him. “Hey, wait a minute
“We should go over and talk to ‘im.” Hades interrupted him, hiding a smirk that pulled on his lips as he stood and walked over.
Doofenshmirtz sat for a second, then followed behind him while muttering underneath his breath.
The boy looked up when Hades arrived with a somewhat polite smile on his face. “Hey kid, you must be that new guy we’ve heard alot about.”
The boy stared at him for a second, before saying, “... And your hair is on fire.”
Hades blinked as his smile suddenly vanished at the sudden comment, while Doofenshmirtz snickered behind him.
Hades shook his head, then grinned again and laughed. “... Heh, you’re smart kid, real smart. Nice one. Name’s Hades, Lord of the Underworld, brother of Zeus and so forth. What’s your name?”
“... Varian.” The boy muttered, then looked away and into the window. “Now go away.”
“Wow, this kid seems real depressed.” Hades whispered to himself after another stunned silence.
“Lemme try.” Doofenshmirtz stepped in front of him. “Hey, Varitos was it-?”
“Varian.” Varian replied stiffly, but didn’t look at them.
“Varian. Right. Where ya from? You seem like an interesting character. What do you do?” He waited for a response, and when there wasn’t one, Doof continued, slipping into the chair across from him. “You know, I’m an inventor. I make stuff to destroy my arch nemesis with so that I can someday rule the Tri State Area. And, maybe the world afterwards.”
This seemed to have spiked his interest, because Varian looked over at him with slight confusion at his words. “... Tri State Area?”
Doofenshmirtz grinned. “Yeah. It’s where I live in my world, though. Don’t worry about it.” He shifted his position. “Did you try to take over the world?”
Varian blinked. “Uh.. No, not rea-”
“Doof not every villain wants to do that,” Hades said with an eye roll. “How about your backstory huh? Do you have one?”
“Uh, I suppose-”
“Hey, I was supposed to ask that!” Doofenshmirtz shouted at Hades.
Hades rose an eyebrow. “And why should it matter?”
“Because I actually have one! You are only something that came from a fairy tale that’s not even scientifically possible!”
“Hey, if ya wanna see the Underworld, be my guest. Nothing’s stoppin’ ya.”
Doof glared at him, then looked back at Varian with a fake grin. “So Varian. Got any parents? Relationships? Who’s that furry little friend of yours?”
“It’s a racoon.” Hades muttered.
“I know it’s a racoon! I asked ‘who’, not ‘what’.”
The argument lasted for a while, and it lasted until Varian seemed to have gotten enough of it. He stood upright from his seat, fists clenched as he shouted, “Enough!!”
Hades and Doof looked at him, blinking with surprise in mid-argument.
“Since you won’t leave me alone about it, I guess I have no other option than to tell you my own personal business!!” Varian snapped. “I started out as a humble alchemist who wanted to simply help everyone in Corona and make my father proud of me, but nobody ever wanted my help and I somehow made things worse! Then these black rocks came in and began completely destroying my life--quite literally might I add--without stopping! The princess of my world, Rapunzel, gave me her word that she’d help me figure them out, but she practically lied to me when I went to her and begged for her help! You know why?! My father was being encased by those same black rocks!! But precious Corona apparently came first! And then, she expects me to be perfectly okay with everything?! No!! Of course I’m gonna backstab her and steal the SunDrop Flower! She did that to me!! Oh sure, she apologized before that, but if she really cared, why in the world didn’t she come and see me after that storm?! They left me there, so that I took care of myself without an adults or parents or anything!! But they’re only gonna care about what I need when I attack the castle with a robot army, capture the queen, and almost kill the queen!! Noone’s gonna care that everything I’ve done was to save my father, who I am seriously hoping is still alive!! They’re just gonna simply throw me in jail and forget about me, let me rot until there’s nothing left of me while the princess and her little group of friends goes out and explores, when everything happened because of her!! She’s the reason why I’m here, she’s the reason why my dad’s not here, she’s the reason why those black rocks exist!! She’s the reason why I’m a villain!!”
The cafe was quiet.
Doofenshmirtz and Hades stared up at Varian, who suddenly found himself standing on the table, with mouths wide open and eyes as small as dots. There were a bit more villains that had entered who stared at Varian with the same looks the other two gave, standing stock still. From behind the counter Medusa also stared at him, frozen in mid pour.
Varian was huffing slightly, and he turned his attention back to the other two and whispered past the lump in his throat, “Well… Now you know.. Happy?”
He scooped up Ruddiger from underneath the table after jumping off of it, and stormed passed the others, who quickly moved out of his way as he did so. They stared, even after the door had been slammed shut, and he disappeared around the corner, where two guards had apparently been waiting for him. One of them placed a hand on his shoulder before they had completely rounded it.
“.... No words…” Hades barely whispered finally. “Absolutely no words….”
Doofenshmirtz closed his mouth. “He looks so young… Why would they..? The kid isn’t even…”
Slowly, the rest of the people continued with what they were doing, and when Hades glanced over at Medusa, he noticed that she was facing him. He knew under those sunglasses of hers, was a glare as hard as stone.
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