#I’m still working out a full feral Mountain design in my head for that scene we talked about
autumnblooms · 1 year
So the mountain angst, I have to work on it in little bits and pieces cuz feels 😂
I thought I'd drop some tidbits here cuz I'm brainstorming and you get to be witness to it.
Terzo is dead, or at least presumed dead. After being dragged off stage at their last show, the ghouls have not seen or heard from their beloved Papa. Aether and Mountain have put in inquiry after inquiry with the Clergy, only to be dismissively told that a "paradigm shift was in motion". Omega is beside himself.
The ghouls are back at the Ministry, and the change can be felt with Terzo's absence. Yes, the man was arrogant, sometimes dangerously impulsive, but the abbey had been bright and full of music and warmth under his direction, being the hedonist that he was.
Now, it is cold, and dark. Siblings scurry along the corridors, heads down and shoulders hunched. The ghouls, where once recieved warmly, are now thrown fearful sideways glances, like the siblings know something that the pack doesn't.
It's the transition from fall to winter. The ghoul's elemental powers are lulling, as they tend to wax and wane with the change of the seasons.
They begin waking up to find that members are simply...disappearing over night. First Zephyr, then Ifrit. One day, Omega, their Alpha and protector, is just...gone. Mountain, Dew, and Aether huddle together most days for protection and comfort, feeling the absence of their mates. They have each other, they can keep each other safe.
But the Winter solstice is coming. The longest night.
*slinks away back into my cave*
Mac your mind!! I see exactly where you’re going with this and I am so here for it! The slow build up of dread, and the absolute fear Mountain will have when certain Dew related events occur…just 🤌🏼 And the timeline is perfect too because there’s no Copia really around yet to intervene with anything, it’s just Sister working in the shadows which creates more fear and uncertainty~
Take care while you write love, I can’t wait to read it when you’re finished!!
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