#I’m still recovering /pos
tftjaspasaur · 2 months
yall don’t get your ears pierced at Claire’s or you’ll be like me crying after getting fucked not because it was bad or anything but because you’re fucking ear hurts and is infected bc you got them done at Claire’s
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dumborangecat · 1 year
The new episode killed me so now i’m gonna talk about the toxic doomed yuri (Petrigrof)
Okay so the bus scene, omg the bus scene. I’ve seen a few people criticise Simon for not going with Betty, or even considering going with Betty, and while he’s definitely not perfect, that’s not one of the things to criticise him for (stares at the implied professer/student dynamic)
Simon would never have boarded that bus, it’s just now who he is. Simon is calm and collected (pre-iceking ofc), he thinks things out a lot more and doesn’t make those kinds of impulsive decisions like abandoning his current life for 6 whole months on a complete whim. If Betty had maybe mentioned her feelings earlier, and invited him on the trip, I wouldn’t be suprised to see him go on it. But as it was, Simon had only just been presented with the idea that he was even wanted on the trip, and had 0 time to do anything with that. If their roles were reversed, and it was Simons trip, he would have gone and saw Betty again 6 months later.
Meanwhile Betty is much more wild and impulsive, even in her everyday life (as seen when she litterally chucks a can of cherries at simon instead of just handing it to him or having him come get it) her deciding to abandon her trip and stay with Simon is completely within character for her. She makes more decisions that entirely disregard what she wants all for Simons wellbeing, not because he wants her to do that, or is encouraging her to, but because thats who she is!! Her impulsively is only worsened when Simon comes around because now she has someone to throw everything away for! Someone who, for as much as he loves her, is either too dense or too naive to realise that’s what she’s doing! If the roles were reversed, she probably would have boarded that bus with simon, because that’s who she iss!
Simon and Betty were never going to work out well, even without the Mushroom war and Ice King/Golb junk, Betty constantly sacrificing her ambitions for Simon, and Simon never realising thats what she’s doing, was always going to lead them towards an unhealthy relationship, the only reason that never happened was because of all the magic stuff, they just never had enough time together for their unhappy ending to play out like that.
And all that’s not even mentioning their obsession with one another, ep 8 did make it seem almost as if Simon wasn’t as obsessed as Betty was, but he absolutely was, perhaps not at first but he definitely is now. His entire life is in complete shambles without her, if he wanted too Simon could begin his research again and start a new life in ooo, but he can’t because Bettys not there. He’s so hung up on her that even 12 years later he was still trying to bring her back! He loves her just as much she does, they just don’t show it the same way!
(I mentioned Simon not realising that Betty practically throws her whole life away for him, I don’t mean he doesn’t see her impulsive tendencies, he does, and he loves her for them, he just doesn’t realise how damaging they are)
(Not related to my previous points) But also something about that whole flash back seems odd, it feels like the definition of ‘looking at something through rose-tinted glasses’ the question is just whether he was downplaying his own actions, or Bettys. It’s possible we’ll see Bettys POV of how it went down, but honestly I think that would add more confusion to everything, as she also looks back on their relationship through ‘rose-tinted glasses’, so i’d like to see how they show us what really happened.
They make me want to scream, they’re only gonna get sadder next episode and i am not ready
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scoops-aboy86 · 3 months
By The Heart (Secret Admirer pt 2)
Steddie Week 2024, July 2: Hands / touch starved / Invisible Touch by Genesis
wc: 2136 / rated: T / set between seasons 2 and 3 / also on ao3
After the world fell apart a second time in November of ‘84, Steve had finished out the rest of his senior year in a daze. Partly because Billy Hargrove had broken a fucking plate over his head, giving him a small scar by his hairline that the doctor said would fade and recurring headaches that the doctor said might stick around anywhere from a few months to forever. 
It’s been more than a few months and the headaches are only slightly less frequent and a tiny bit less severe. 
He graduated, barely. His dad keeps dropping pointed comments about how his parents let him stay in their house rent-free after high school, how he’d saved up while attending a nearby college by not having to worry about the cost of a dorm or basic meals, and that it is his gratitude towards them that has moved him to offer the same to Steve. Usually said comments come after Steve tries to sidestep some sort of menial task, and it always feels like a threat.Steve just grits his teeth and takes it—refills his dad’s drink when the bottle is already literally right by the man’s hand, washes the family car after dinner when both his parents know that Steve has a shift at Scoops first thing in the morning, whatever. He can’t afford to get kicked out right now. 
His job at Scoops Ahoy is shit, all bright fluorescent lights and kids screaming and everything getting sticky for a measly minimum wage, but that probably reflects the quality of the job application he’d submitted. 
He has no friends, no prospects, no one in his corner except a bunch of incoming freshmen and the only one who really seems to want him around is off at some sort of smart people camp that he’d never even heard of… Go figure. 
But he has Secret Admirer. 
Okay, what Steve has is a pen pal who has a PO box and prefers to remain anonymous, possibly because Steve is an embarrassing person to have a crush on these days. And it’s really stupid that he thinks of them as first name Secret, last name Admirer, but it’s not like he hasn’t tried to come up with better names! Unfortunately, there are so many things Secret Admirer has called him (sweetheart, darling, dearest, honey, baby) that he can’t really think of anything original with those constantly rotating in his head… He can’t use them, though. It’d be weird. 
The first letter had been shoved into his locker in the last few weeks of school, looking like someone either wrote it with their non-dominant hand or had also suffered a blow to the head recently, and he hadn’t known what to make of it at first. In fact, he’d considered the possibility that Tommy or Billy were playing some sort of prank on him… but he didn’t think either of them could write “To Steve, the heart of my heart” without bursting into homophobic flames, and if it was Carol she would’ve done her girliest handwriting with hearts dotting the eyes. And his Secret Admirer had mentioned things no one else in his life seemed to care about. 
I hope you’re feeling better. Sometimes I notice you squinting or grimacing in the classes we have in common… Are you still getting headaches? Do you get enough rest? You probably already know this, but mental and physical rest are super important for getting your handsome self all recovered, big boy. 
I had a concussion once, not a bad one but it really left an impression. Felt like I was trying to think through a head full of soup for weeks. It sucks that teachers didn’t seem to cut you much slack because, just saying, I noticed they used to do that a lot more when you were still on the basketball and swim teams. Jock privilege placed above consideration of an actual, serious injury? I’m sorry, but that’s the rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril, sweetheart, and you deserve better. 
So, yeah. Clearly his Secret Admirer is a nerd who doesn’t necessarily have the best opinion of jocks… but still took the time to notice all those things and write kindly about them. It felt nice, knowing that at least one person out there noticed, maybe even cared. 
And when that letter turned out not to be a one-off, a few more letters in his locker and then one in his mailbox, postmarked and everything, after graduation? Steve was hooked, enough to start writing self-consciously back. 
Which has brought him to the point of wanting so badly to meet this person that he’s stooped to begging, and it’s not even getting him anywhere. 
It’s occurred to him that it could be a guy, of course it has. Steve might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knows it happens. He’d had a friend in middle school, Todd Fischer, nice guy, totally normal kid—got caught kissing some boy in the next grade up behind the gym and turned out to be the worst sprinter of the two. The Fischers had moved out of Hawkins a few weeks later and Steve hadn’t heard anything from or about Todd since. They’d been halfway through reading Romeo & Juliet in English at the time, and Steve remembers thinking when they got to the end of the play that at least things hadn’t gone that badly for Todd and whoever the other kid was. He’s old enough now to know that it could have; between Todd being such a nice kid, Barb dying in his own backyard, and the threat of government agents coming out of the woodwork if he ever breathes a word about certain secrets, the thought leaves a bad taste in Steve’s mouth. 
Anyway, if it is a guy, that would explain why Secret Admirer keeps dancing around his pleas to meet. And the initially disguised handwriting—which had been dropped by the second mailed letter, along with a brief, sheepish apology. 
But it could also be a girl who’s really shy or something. Steve doesn’t want to assume and then look like a total idiot further down the road. Whoever it is, all Steve knows is that he doesn’t want to lose them. He has to play this smart, play it cool… because he knows himself, and already knows that they have him by the heart based on words alone. 
The latest letter is in his hands, crinkled a little at the edges, and Steve can’t help himself from rereading the fifth paragraph yet again. 
… those indecently tiny shorts. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about running my fingers up the inside of those thighs. Or my mouth. Whichever you think you’d like best, baby, I’m not picky. And while I do like ice cream, particularly strawberry with rainbow sprinkles in a cone, I can think of something else I’d love to wrap my hand around and run my tongue over before any drips can escape. You just think about that, hmm? Maybe share some of those thoughts in your reply, if I haven’t scared you off…
He’s not scared off. Doesn’t need to know exactly who put pen to paper to imagine hands and lips running up his legs, either, an invisible touch that sends shivers along his spine. 
Okay, maybe it’s been a while. Between striking out from behind the Scoops counter and not really trying all that hard anyway, the only action Steve’s seen is from his own hand… and this letter. He has thoughts, alright, but has a much better idea of how to translate them into action than words. And this is his problem with the whole pen pal only thing, his natural charm (if he has any left) is absolutely useless in this medium. 
The other problem is that he really, really wants to jerk off about this, except he’s got almost no details to fuel the fantasy. He knows that Secret Admirer had a concussion once, but not what color or length or texture or style their hair is; knows they’re on the fringes of popularity and not really into sports, but nothing about their height or build or how they might move against him. Hell, he doesn’t even know if they’re a girl or a guy, isn’t sure if he should try to imagine boobies and painted nails or stubbled cheeks and big hands. 
Secret Admirer has mentioned being a smoker though, of both tobacco and grass, and Steve is not exactly proud of how strongly this makes him want a cigarette just because it’s all he has to go on. He has work in under an hour and Robin hates the smell of cigarettes, will be extra vicious for their entire shift if he comes in reeking of smoke. 
He’ll have to figure out something else…
Dear Secret Admirer, Thanks for writing again, I was really glad to get your letter. I don’t sleep with them under my pillow because sometimes my pillow ends up on the floor and I don’t want to drool all over them. I keep them in a box in the back of my closet, because sometimes my parents have the cleaning lady do my bedroom without telling me and I don’t want her going through my stuff or putting it in weird places that I can never find again.  Sorry for laughing at you You must not have seen me last week when I threw a banana peel at my coworker for It’s not being humble if I don’t deserve Yeah, fuck high school.  Sorry for not rewriting this, I’m running out of paper and my dad’ll kill me if I break into his office to get more I definitely thought about what you said in your last letter. I thought about it a lot. It’s hard to figure out how to explain what though, because I wanted to picture you like you were probably picturing me when you were writing it. You obviously know what I look like, but I don’t know who you are so I had to get creative. (Which isn’t my strong suit. So if this is stupid maybe we could just never mention it again?) Since I don’t know what you look like and it’d be weird to try and picture you anyway, and then what if I’m not even close and that makes it seem like I don’t like you for who you are? I’m not sure if that makes sense. But anyway, since I don’t know what you look like I pictured you dressed like a ninja.  Hear me out, okay? You’re such a mystery. Ninjas are mysterious, and dressed all black to blend in with the shadows. You can’t see their hair or face and they wear gloves because you can tell a lot about a person by their hands. I guess what I’m saying is I imagined you sneaking into my room at night when the lights are off. Totally silent but with this powerful presence, you know? I think if I were in the same room as you it’d feel like that moment right before the whistle goes off at a swim meet, because that’s just like, holy shit it’s about to happen and your muscles are all tense but ready but you’re waiting, coiled like a snake. So I’m coiled like a snake and you’re still a ninja and I’m not very good at this. I’ve done it over the phone a few times but that’s different. I don’t know where I’m going with this just sitting writing this alone in my room with Genesis playing in the background so I’m going to stop. Just trust me, it was hot. If you ever want to exchange numbers I’d be happy to tell you all about it sometime.  It feels weird to end like that, so I’ll also tell you that I tried reading that Hobbit book you suggested and you were right, it’s a lot easier than the Rings book that the kids I babysit tried to bully me into reading. Bibo is freaking out about all these dwarves in his house and I can relate, it sounds like when those kids all show up and try to rope me into driving them around town. At least they haven’t tried to make me steal anything or try to take on a damn dragon yet. Hopefully this book won’t give them any ideas.  — Steve PS If that was so dumb you changed your mind about still writing to me, please let me down easy. Seriously it would be no hard feelings. At least I still have a great ass and great hair, so I’ve got that going for me.
Tag list (open): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @tangerinesteve @steviewashere
@cryingglightningg @theresebelivett @sleepy-steve @rozzieroos @lunaraindrop
@just-my-latest-hyperfixation @wheneverfeasible @swimmingbirdrunningrock @yesdangerpls @matchingbatbites
@ihavekidneys @p0lybl4nkk @grtwdsmwhr @cheesedoctor @thetinymm
@practicallybegging @fuzzyduxk @greatwerewolfbeliever
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shalomniscient · 6 months
excuse me 🔊 excuse me lady with a breeding kink coming through 🔊 excuse me
arlecchino isn't only an extremely responsible father but also a responsible and caring husband. she might look quite dull and cold but once her child is born she lets a tiny bit of her feelings slip through the mental cracks your childbirth left on her mind even in public.
she's tough and rough but she absolutely adores your daughter and – the powerful and intimidating woman she is – arle's definitely ready to play dress up or tea partying with her baby girl when she grows up a bit. but arlecchino is a busy woman as well... and her little bundle of joy will need someone to play with, right? so, after a few months from the childbirth arlecchino suggests making a nice cute sibling for your little one. she's aware that your body needs time to recover and she does her best to speed up the healing process.
your pelvic muscles are now flabby, of course, it was your first child ever! and that's no good if you want to make another baby. so, arlecchino insists on you performing kegel exercises. but instead of a toy she gives you... her dick! it's nice and thick and she doesn't shove it all the way in, so it doesn't hurt your still aching womb, but this way she can control the amount of effort you put into these exercises!
it feels hot and overwhelming, you're trying not to make much noise as your baby's sleeping right behind the wall in her cradle (she has all the best nannies in the world to take care of her at night, so you can rest). you are nowhere close to your climax, arle simply won't let you cum until you complete your exercises properly.
«the last set was hideous. come on, doll, do not upset me», she squeezes the meat of your legs and plunges a tiny bit deeper, growling into your ear. «try one more time, do it better». your walls squeeze her, then relax, squeeze and relax... her tip rubs so deliciously against your spongy spot, it's almost unbearable. she presses her palm to your lower belly – gently not to hurt your still soft tummy but firmly to feel your muscles.
«give me ten more and then i will probably make up my mind and let you cum», she whispers and sighs as she feels another particularly strong squeeze around her cock. «good girl, now nine more. do it properly»
you were never really into sports but these exercises... they were definitely better than any gym you could've attended in your life.
– with love, milk anon🥛
this is so…… i have no words. im. blushing at my phone rn. milk anon you are so crazy for this… THE GOOD GIRL AND THE HAVING TO KEEP QUIET……. this is hitting all the spots im going insane at 0027 hours rn 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 im so WEAK for cockwarming and this is functionally cockwarming with a twist didhdkdksldjdkd
brainrotting about what would happen when the sets r done…….. she’d be gentler and not as intense as she usually is but archons does she know how to use that fucking dick of hers to make me absolutely brainless without even needing to expend that much effort LSHDHDJ i need her so bad 😭😭😭 she makes me feel like i’m in HEAT i SWEAR
on my knees for more of your breeding kink thoughts my dear milk… 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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styrostuff · 3 months
good morning, styrostuff nation
i just wanted to tell you all that today, i’m 50 days clean.
when i first started running this account, it would have been an incredible feat to make it to one day clean.
it’s possible to pull through :) it’s so fucking difficult but it’s so, SO worth it.
i still have a lot to work on mentally, and socially. but sometimes shit doesn’t work out the way you think. /pos
me and my fp (ex-fp??? idk) are friends again. i hope someday my attachment to them will be healthy. but for now, i have the consolation that i’m one of their closest and dearest friends and if i had a healthy attachment to them, our friendship would be really good for me. they’re a wonderful friend. i missed them a lot. they still want more space between us than we used to have, but i can live with that.
i don’t have to hide tools and first aid supplies anymore, or spend an unreasonable amount of money restocking. i don’t have to hide fresh wounds from my friends and family, or worry about scared looks from my friends if they accidentally catch a glimpse of open wounds. it’s summer, and i can wear shorts and t-shirts again.
watching my scars fade used to destroy me. but now that they’re healed to probably the fullest extent they possibly could be, they’re a reminder of a very dark period of my mental health that i still feel myself slipping into sometimes. but every split and episode i go into without s3lf harning is a step in the right direction.
i know many people in this community aren’t ready to recover, and i understand that. recovery is terrifying, recovery can be emotionally draining, recovery can be painful. my first two weeks fully clean this streak were some of the worst weeks of my life. but it paid off. it gets easier. the urges still happen, but they’re easier to ignore. i don’t look back at photos of my relapses and feel pride anymore— they make me feel queasy at the fact that i was able to do that to myself if i catch a glimpse of one in my camera roll.
recovery is so difficult. but it can be so wonderful.
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lazywriter-artist · 2 months
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Unconventional Company
Warhammer/Helldivers/Halo crossover + writing warmup
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Slowly Night clutched its wispy black tendrils around the planet and travel became difficult, forcing the Trio of trained soldiers to set up camp for the night. Seated around the fire the Space Marine would reach back into his satchel, digging out a large book as he leaned back some.
His voice, cutting through the settling air, rumbled the question “So pray tell guardsman, have you all finished your prayers? I hadn’t seen even a single one before battle…” He questioned, strangely nonchalant for how confused the other two were left. The other armored figures glanced to each other with small shrugs.
“prayers?” The spartan echoed, he had heard of a variety of religions back home and on various planets but with the mystery shrouding this giant already he really hadn’t taken the ‘marine’ to be much of a religious man. The Helldiver didn’t seem to be a fan of this topic however as he crossed his arms, leaning back with an aura of disapproval. He didn’t really trust this brick wall much already. Was too big of a guy. Never took off his armor…maybe he was an automaton. These prayers sounded very UN-democratic. Hmph.
Though their confusion deepened as the marine looked appalled, gently digging out an almost rosary like item with a large double headed eagle attached “ahah…yes?— your prayers to the God Emperor?” He pressed, the duo again glancing to one another.
“Doesn’t sound very democratic-“ growled the Helldiver as the marine gave off a sudden menacing aura. The spartan swiftly clapped the back of the helldiver’s helmet with his armored hand, clearing his throat to try and recover the situation, “Right! Right!! our prayers! How could we forget!?” He’d swiftly nod with growing anxiety as the Helldiver grumbled in complaint over being hit. The spartan wasn’t about to be ripped in two by this muscle man freak in super armor because the quack Helldivers like this one couldn’t see the writing on the wall.
“How indeed.” Snorted the armor clad wall of a man before allowing his original aggression, hesitantly, to fall away. “But it is only natural when fighting for the God Emperor.” He nodded matter of factly.
“For Liberty ya mean.” grumbled the Helldiver, receiving another smack to the helmet as the spartan cleared his throat once more “RIGHT! Yes! Perhaps you should lead us through one? We are a bit rusty—“
He gulped, worried of the marines reaction, hoping this would smooth it over. Even still he braced for the worst until— the marine seemed to light up? “Of course! I always am ready to show guardsmen new prayers for our God Emperor!” His deep voice bellowed as he would readjust to be closer to the two.
Despite the Helldiver disliking the idea the spartan forced ‘convinced’ him to go along with it, if only to just please this ‘Space Marine’ into not crushing them under his boot— and he had to admit, it was kind of endearing the joy the marine displayed as he traced over the strange words within his book, explaining these ‘prayers’ he picked out for them and how to say them.
…Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad?
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Lovely dividers by @squishyowl (Imperial) and myself :) (Helldiver)
Yapping below the cut
Oh BROTHER this one took a lot. Idk y but hey it happens (mostly due to my inability to stay on a project for too long—) but anyhow
This bad boy had say in my inbox for a WHILE and in my notes even longer….i think I ported it over to tumblr around the time I made the original au post, meanwhile it’s been written since about I first made the au, so woof a while ago
This bad boy took a few months on and off again to complete just due to my spelling and grammatical errors and the whole not working 100% of the time on it X.X
But here it is!!! Idk if it was obvious but the crossover is a really fun idea to me and I definitely wanna do more with if- so we shall see 🥰
I’m just a big huge sucker for sci-fi stuff especially sci-fi battle stuff and these three being big poster children for that idk how I couldn’t
Anywho- thank you all for reading and u all are so cool and thanks to my moots who proof read it for me 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶✨✨✨💪💪💪💪
Everyone have a good day 🫶
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nightylantern · 4 months
Gojo x reader; A nightmare that couldn’t hope to exist again
So I uh saw the newest leaks on jjk, and I wanted to be heavily comforted as I don’t know how to feel about it. Don’t worry this doesn’t contain the leaks, this is a what if scenario (info down below)
Here’s just some comfort as a what if, what if maybe after everything they somehow revive Gojo? I mean this Gojo right? He’s not a regular sorcerer…right? This is honestly to comfort me, don’t come at me if he’s truly truly gone.
Tw: Nightmares, fluff, Au of post canon where everything is saved and all, because I don’t know how the ending will go yet, ptsd, SPOILERS LIKE HUUUGE-
Poke poke
poke poke poke
poke poke poke po-
“ALRIGHT, I’m up I’m yawn, up, wha- OW!” His waist was still sensitive as heck, no wonder, he was slash- no, SPLIT, literally. Gojo groans as he blears out from his sleepiness due to the insistent poking, the poking who he assumes is coming from you, “listen I know you want me up but could you turn on the lamp? It would be easier to se- yelp agh…shoulda warned me, gosh my eyes… rub rub I hope it’s not to early, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep” he continues to ramble out of sleep for a bit and turns to you, or more surprisingly, your back.
Now that he thinks about it you haven’t done or said anything, minus the poking of course. “Hello…? Uh your awakened husband is here, seriously you can’t just poke me awake as I’m recovering from, well I dunno…MY BODY SPLITTING IN HALF and just remain in the edge all quiet and everything.” He tried to sound playful but you didn’t move, it was almost like you didn’t hear him, and suddenly he felt chills.
What if maybe…he was still out there, rotting in half? What if he left you behind..? What if what if what if-
He didn’t realise he reached out for you unconsciously until he felt the warmth of your skin and you turned your head slowly, not enough for him to see your face but well…enough for him to know you acknowledged his presence, he runs his fingers up and down your back “hey, uh, you okay? You woke me up and yet you seem so…distant and odd, love you know I’m here right?” He hesitated before holding your shoulder, where he felt the trembling and realised why you weren’t facing him, why you were so quiet. You turned around facing him which confirmed it, you were crying. With this knowledge he wasted no time in sitting up at the headboard despite his waist screaming otherwise and trying to situate you in his lap, which came along with your protests;
“Satorou! No I can’t…it’s still healing!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, I’m alive and it’s not like it’s gonna fall off.”
“It’s still healing, what if it gets infected due to a blood clot or something! Satorou I can’t, even if you claim it’s okay I won’t be okay…so please..”
The fear and helplessness is your voice is what got him to stop, so, rather than you sitting on his lap he had you both lie down and cuddle up to each other, making sure you were comfy while also proving he was comfortable aswell. He kept kissing your face, wherever his lips could touch as a gesture of comfort, he wanted you to feel, to know he was here, and he also wanted to know that he was here. He kept you against him while running his fingers up and down like earlier in a comforting manner, hoping to soothe you.
“…so, my scrumptious little dollop of happiness, love a-“ “Satorou don't you dare,” you interrupted with a giggle, both cringing and giggling at the super long phrase he tried to give you “haha! Just wanted to make you laugh, or atleast a it happier darling. Seeing that you giggled I had done an amazing job, right sweetheart?” He said as he kissed your cheeks, to which you giggled.
“Seeing that my first job is done, we are moving to the second job!” He said as his voice toned down slightly, “and that is finding out why you were crying when I woke up, my lovely spouse here shouldn’t be crying as I was sleeping, oh do tell me if it was the snoring, wait that explains as to why you were poking me aggressively!” He said dramatically to which you chuckled “no no Satorou, I’m sorry I woke you up, I just…I had a horrible nightmare about…about you and I thought you were…let’s just say I needed you, I needed you talking to me, touching me, I mean the warmth is enough but you sleeping, considering how your body has been…I just needed to see you alive” You mumbled the last part out quieter but he caught it. He didn’t know that his sleeping was THAT bad, he was told by Shoko that he slept like a dead man, but to make his one and only think that too? It broke his heart seeing you crying because of him, because he looked dead, and while you trailed off he had a good idea as to what you might have dreamed about, sure you weren’t out there but you knew the contents of his…death. Hmm…
”Is that so darling? Hm…what to do, this is rather a pickle isn’t it? Well as much as I would love to say that everything will be okay…I can’t confirm it considering the situation is still unknown,” he murmured while stroking your hair, you tensed against him as you knew this, but didn’t want to hear it. “However, Yuji and Shoko both are on my case, they refuse to leave me alone, and are basically forcing me into temporary leave, heck maybe considering my condition they will force me to retire all together,” he said with a joking tone which made you smirk. “I don’t know what will happen, for despite my amazing capabilities I cannot tell the future, if I could I wouldn’t have been split in half now would I? Hey…no I meant is as a joke, no I’m sorry I didn’t mean to dampen the mood..” he said upon realising you were tensing, fretting over his words,”damn it…I really suck with comforting don-“ “yes,”you deadpanned.
“…haha, did you really need to call me out?” He said awkwardly, when he got no reply he just continued running his hand up and down your back, the atmosphere eventually got comforting. The night was quiet, minus the ticking of the clock, and the wind outside, it was cozy and warm, safety was guaranteed, yet your trembling had yet to cease, he was about to speak up again when you interrupted him,
“I always hated your cockiness you know?” He looked down at you, “I hated how you always assumed you would win due to your abilities, it was because of that, that you became reckless and lazy, and even when fighting against a formidable enemy you still remained confident no? How do you think I felt in regards to that?” Gojo wasn’t stupid or deaf, you would always complain about his recklessness and how he could die, to which he would always brush off, one day it even lead in a fully fledged argument between you both, which lasted for days on end until you both broke the silence, realising that it wasn’t healthy for either of you to continue with this silence since you both had issues taking care of yourselves. That’s not to say your worries ceased, nor his cockiness, but he promised to be more careful, and well…he was cut in half. “I knew you know? I knew that the jobs were dnagerous and I knew you weren’t guaranteed a happy ending or anything, especially with your cockiness and all,” happy ending? Damn you had unique phrases didn’t you.
“I hate you so much, I hate you for making me worry! I hate you for dying! I hate you for making me grieve and mourn!” You kept crying over and over and letting your resentment be known until “I hate myself for being weak, for being unable to protect you…” Gojo froze at that, while he was aware of your worries, he wasn’t aware of how it affected the image you projected onto yourself, the fact that you couldn’t help him on the field, the fact that he surpassed you miles ahead, and the fact that he basically died. He thought about it for a moment before finally speaking up:
“I won’t lie to you, I haven’t necessarily been thinking about your needs on the field, or in general despite the fact that I love you. Getting stronger, teaching my students and defeating curses were mainly on my mind. For that, I am really sorry…but that doesn’t mean I loved you any less. If anything I’m at fault for not taking you into consideration, because the last thing I want to do is break my dearest spouses heart. Now that everything has changed, if there are curses they are most likely not strong, something I could take out within minutes, seconds even…hey dont give me that look, I’m not being cocky.” He trembled under your glare..
“Okay, maybe I’m being a little cocky, but that isn’t my point. The point is, the curses are weakened drastically and if that’s not the case then they are gone for good. Regardless of the outcome we don’t have to worry about danger, for we both are capable enough to defend ourselves, you with your self defence and me with my abilities. Don’t you see what this means?” He wiped the stains off your cheeks. “Just because everything is over doesn’t mean the pain and suffering will go away immediately, heck maybe never, I know Yuji will be unstable for a while, but that isn’t all there is. I’m not young, but I’m not old either, same with you. We still have a life to lead you know?” He pulled you against his chest while smiling, a soft smile reserved for his closest ones, like you. “So let’s live with happiness moving forward. Whenever you suffer I’ll be there to support you, just as I expect you to do the same. Let us live our lives to the fullest, like a normal married couple, it is my job as your husband to make you the happiest person alive no?” He murmured softly. You listened intently while resting against his chest, and then you spoke up:
“Can you at least promise me that you will remain safe moving forward? That you will take care of yourself?” You asked, looking at him expectantly, to which he hesitated a bit, to which you spoke up once again, “you said it yourself, there are no more major threats with the curses, so you shouldn’t be out there fighting and returning home all banged up, so it’s impossible for you to be able to break said promise…unless you plan to pull something?” You eyed him suspiciously to which he spoke up quickly,” NO! I uh…I mean no, I wouldn’t dare, and your right about the curses…so yes, I promise that I won’t ever put myself in danger recklessly ever again, and that I will make sure I return to you, in one piece, not two- OW!” He winced at your smack, however you were satisfied, and with that you snuggled up to him. A comfortable silence ensued again, until you asked one last question:
“Satorou…you said we would have a future of happiness earlier…what future do you envision when thinking of that? I mean I can’t expect life to be simple for you after everything that’s occurred…” He was silent for a long time, until he replied, “honestly I don’t know, I just tend to dream about your happy face, and me being by your side, touching you, kissing you, loving you, and living a happy life with each other, heck maybe even with a child,” he smiled at the thought.
“…then let’s make it come true.” You finalised, to which he looked down raising an eyebrow. “Let’s make your dream come true, for that is now my dream as-well! A dream like that…is a thousand times better than the nightmares.” You said with sparkling eyes, the first genuine emotion of happiness you showed that night.
He smiled, but didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to, for all his words could be felt with his eyes, hands and body. He wanted nothing more then to secure that future, and so he squeezed you a bit tighter, to which you reciprocated, and just like that, both you and him dreamed.
He dreamed of you, your smiling face, your laughter, your iconic glaring face, you scolding him, and just living a happy life.
You dreamed of him, his smiling, his laughter, his face when he is trying to hide from your scolding. A happy life with a happy man, and even a glimpse of a child, a child you desired to have with him.
You both didn’t know if the world would even be safe, and knew that a “happily ever after” was near impossible for sorcerers or those within the circle, especially with someone like Gojo who had been different from the other sorcerers. However the world had changed for the better, you both knew that, so maybe, just maybe, his ending that intertwined with yours, and continues intertwining, could change too. However all you could do was dream in the meantime.
Nightmares became less common after that night.
*Credits to the amazing manga of JJK, also GOJO PLEASE COMEBACK ALIVE* *I hope you enjoyed! Mind you I’m not into JJK as a whole so I don’t understand the lore, please correct me if I do get things wrong!Also IM ALMOST DONE WITH SCHOOL AND FINALS AAAAA*
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ohno-the-sun · 4 months
Guess what? >:D I didn't realised that you updated the luca fic since last time I visited, sooo... here we go :3
‘Wh– bah! Where are you going?’
I love how he unconsciously switched to "mind communication" ♡♡
Precious baby
‘You were trying to drown me!’
Oh you sweet, innocent baby you!🥺🥺🥺🥺
I also like how Moon was like "I will kill this bi-" and then after he actually arrived, he was all worry, and no anger "shit, this dumbass will kill himself. I will cure him. I should help."
Love the paralell, that Moon hates his human form and disgusted by it, meanwhile Sun do the same for his siren form.🥺🥺🥺 my poor babies. They need someone to tell them, both is ok.
‘I don’t think being a siren is an infection. It sucks sometimes–’
😭😭😭😭😭my babyyy. He is so pure. They are both so pure. Moon got some answers Sun slipped...he wants to relate to him. And he is so concerned about Sun's well being😭😭🥺🥺
There is so much they have to talk about.
But in the same time, I can imagine Bright pacing in the kitchen. Hearing this strange noises and warbling as they speak with eachother😭😭 I am so glad this communication is mind-bounded, because if Bright hears any of this out of context...
“Hey Sun are you guys done in here ‘cause I have to get dressed and–”
Oh no.... here we go...
–"only to notice the very obvious fact that I was stuck in the bathtub– as a siren– who couldn’t talk."
Oooooooooooooh :000
Now I feel dumb. I thought they could speak still human too, but chose not to.
“I’m naked"
The laugh I just let out😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 Oh nuuuu😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
‘I mean yeah– we need to suck it to breathe.
Ba dam css! 🥁😂😂
I love their banters♡
‘What’s family for?’
😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺♡ the way I melted🥺🥺🥺🥺
I imagine Bright watching Moon walk out without a word, like "wtf??? Where is my partner, what did you do to himmm!! >:(" and then wanting to give Sun a bit time to recover (which gives Sun time to soak in the water and get dry)
I am still interested tho how Moon got there :3 ... did he... really stole a car? He knows how to drive??
(Next chapter)
"Sun had suggested taking the car to the bank, but considering it was just a block down the road, I figured walking was better"
Oh no😰😰😰
Oh ok. Sun is smart about it. Or as smart as he can be without saying no to Bright ^^
"Alright, Mr. Fredrickson..."
Freddy got a new job?
Or this is a reference for another freddy👀👀
Not the glamrock one?👀👀
"My heart sank at the thought. Maybe I had been too pushy asking about Moon? Or maybe I was being annoying, or maybe he didn’t love me anymore–"
No no no Bright😭😭😭 don't internalise it!!! It is not your fault darling🥺🥺 this is not a healty for you...
"But before he could, a horn blared as a giant truck rushed past us. A wave of dirty street water filled my vision."
IT IS HAPPENING.... khm... I mean its very sad :(
You got me good...
With the glasses...
You! >:( /pos
“Sun I am not in the mood for a performance right now. Could you please just use your words and help me dry my glasses?”
Oh dear... if he could, he would have done so🥺
"The rest of the evening was spent ordering out dinner and watching an old sitcom on the television. We laughed and joked into the night."
This is the dream :,) ♡ man... what I would give for such a peaceful night...
It’s fine.
I’m fine.
I’m Sun.
Her Sunshine.There’s no rain on sunny days.
just bawling my eyes out😭😭😭😭
I, as a doctor, prescribe Sun a platonic cuddle session with Bright🥺
Waaaa entyter aaaawawaaawa!!
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I always love your thoughts you noticed so many little detail ough waa im so happy!!
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mel-1n-hell · 2 years
Safe Foods + Diet Foods Masterpost
(I live in the Midwest)
This is a list of a bunch of my personal favorite foods and ingredients to utilize when I’m heavily restricting. I usually love making the highest volume possible out of the lowest cals, but I also sometimes eat smaller amounts of higher calorie/denser foods if I’m, say, wearing something tight or whatever and don’t want to be water bloated. I believe in the importance of being at least mildly sated, and also in the importance of multivitamins+supplements! If you’re restricting, there is a 100% guarantee you are not getting enough vitamins to maintain external functions you really don’t want to start failing on you. I lost a lot of hair when I dropped a fuck ton of weight for the first time because I was 14 at my worst and didn’t understand anything/didn’t care at all about body chemistry, but after I was forced to recover, after my hair began growing back and thickening up, it became very important to me—as did many other aspects of my body that are influenced+enhanced by the ingestion of vitamin supplement (also hair oils like rosemary and castor and almond, leave-in conditioners, good conditioner in general // all of these things will support hair health and maintenance, specifically!) So take your vitamins! Especially capsules, because gummy vitamins are easier for your body to flush out. Plus, a lot of them are just placebos dyed a fun color and rolled in sugar. (The “Now” brand offers very high quality supplements and multivitamins in capsules/pill form)
Also, now that I’m an adult and can buy my own groceries, I have much more access to helpful tools that I wouldn’t have been able to access at 14 or wouldn’t have known enough about to even bother figuring out more. I’m much more educated now and feel almost as if restricting is too easy, too fun. Will it become a problem? Maybe. But until then, and as long as I know we’re all bent on our own destruction anyway, I’ll share what I know, because I wish I would have known about some of these things the first time I decided to dive headlong into the pits of despair (‘:
I can share my favorite combos/meals in another post if anyone would like to see it! First, though, a few general rules I follow, as a sort of context to the masterpost:
1. Caloric intake matters first and foremost. It’s just the simplest way for me to track what I’m eating. (Now don’t do this, but) You could be eating the shittiest, sugariest, most processed diet on the planet but if you’re in a caloric deficit, you’re still going to lose weight.
2. All vegetables are safe. A vegetable is not out here making anyone fat or unhealthy. Certain vegetables, like potatoes, are denser in calories, so it’s just a matter of learning how to use them, but if that scares or triggers you, stay away! For me, I always try to maintain that plants are nothing to be afraid of. I’m neurotic enough without being afraid of the food that literally comes from the earth.
3. All fruits are safe. Moderation is more important to keep in mind when it comes to fruits versus vegetables, because fruit contains more sugar, which means more calories overall. But fruits are my favorite additions to breakfasts, or as sides/snacks later on in the day. It’s a little extra something to crunch/chew on, and all fruit is just so yummy.
4. There’s nothing wrong with a chocolate fix!!! Dark chocolate (the higher the percentage, the better!) has numerous health benefits because it contains a plethora of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It can be high calorie, so enjoy it in moderation, but there is absolutely nothing I love more than taking my time on a lux little square of dark chocolate while I’m reading a book.
5. No eating after 10pm. (I know most people choose an earlier time, but I’m a college student in a stem field who walks from her apartment to campus, so I get home later than traditional dinner time most nights.)
6. No eating before 7am. (8am is preferable.)
7. Eliminate as many sugary, processed carbs as possible. They aren’t really satisfying your body, and consuming these kinds of foods while restricting often leads to uncontrollable bingeing.
8. Eliminate fried foods (unless you figure out an air frier for a cheat night or something).
9. If you’re going to focus on any macros/micros, focus on protein and fiber! Protein is greater sustenance; fiber makes you shit.
10. If you binge, you binge. It happens. It comes with the territory of ED’s. Your body is literally pre-programmed to react this way to starvation because it’s a self-defense mechanism, and for many people, it’s an emotional defense mechanism. Just make your best mental and physical effort to minimize damage. Screwing yourself into the ceiling and just eating more will make you feel cosmically worse. Try to catch yourself before saying “fuck it” and continuing to binge harder, because even you know you don’t really mean that, and you know you’ll hate yourself to the moon for it later. Take a deep breath, name a few of the five senses to ground yourself or whatever, and then walk away. Listen to some music. Chew some gum or start sipping on lemon water. And remember: one pound is 3,500 calories. You would have had to eat that much on top of your basal metabolic rate (how many calories your body burns just existing) to gain just one pound. Water retention can be flushed. Fat cannot be.
11. Drink at least two quarts of water a day.
12. Take your fucking vitamins. xoxo
Okay! Now that I’ve rambled enough, here’s the masterpost (:
🥗 vegetables 🥗
1 cup broccoli, chopped (31 cals)
9-10 baby carrots (30 cals)
2 stalks celery (15 cals)
5 garlic cloves (20 cals) / (great roasted in the oven or as a flavor edition! stuff also makes you shit like crazy depending on how much you eat)
1 cup kale (16 cals)
1 cup spinach (7 cals)
1 cup baby spring mix (7 cals)
1 cup cauliflower, chopped (27 cals)
1 medium/small white or red onion (41 cals)
5 mini yellow/Dino egg potatoes (110 cals)
1 medium/small sweet potato (110 cals)
5 asparagus spears (15 cals)
5 medium white or baby bella mushrooms (20 cals)
1/2 cup sliced water chestnuts (45 cals)
🍑 fruits 🍑
6 mini sweet peppers (60 cals)
1 medium green bell pepper (24 cals)
1 medium red/orange/yellow bell pepper (37 cals)
1/4 avocado (75 cals)
1 medium tomato (22 cals)
1 medium banana (100 cals)
1 medium apple (100 cals)
1 medium grapefruit (104 cals)
1 large orange (87 cals)
1 clementine orange (35 cals)
5 medium strawberries (25 cals)
1 cup blueberries, frozen or fresh (80 cals)
10 raspberries (10 cals)
10 grapes (20-30 cals, depending on size + size variation; one small/medium grape is usually around 2 calories)
1 kiwi (40 cals)
1 cup red cherries, frozen or fresh (80 cals)
1 small champagne mango (80 cals)
1 cup honeydew melon, diced (61 cals)
1 cup watermelon, diced (46 cals)
1 cup pineapple, diced (82 cals)
1 medium cantaloupe (186 cals)
2 medium medjool dates, pitted (110 cals)
🍞 grains 🍞
1/3 cup flour, wheat or white (152 cals // for use in mug cakes, personal pancakes, personal cookies, etc.)
2 slices Healthy Life wheat, honey wheat, or white bread (70 cals)
1 Country Hearth light bun (80 cals)
1 mini bagel (100-125 cals, depending on flavor+brand)
1 bagel thin (110 cals)
1/3 cup rolled or quick oats, dry (100 cals)
1 cup plain Cheerios (100 cals // 140 cals for honey nut)
1/2 cup rice, brown or white (108 cals, brown; 102 cals, white)
1 “Ole” X-Treme Wellness wrap, tomato basil, spinach, or traditional (50 cals)
🍗 meats 🍗
3 oz (about the size of your palm) boneless, skinless chicken breast, cooked (120 cals)
5 medium chicken fajita strips, frozen (110 cals)
2.5 Simple Truth Organic homestyle chicken tenders (170 cals)
1/2 can Good & Gather chunk chicken, canned in water (50 cals)
1 can Chunk Lite Tuna (90 cals)
11 medium Member’s Mark cooked shrimp (60 cals)
1 tilapia fillet (112 cals)
4-6 pieces thin-sliced deli ham or roast beef (60-70 cals, depending on brand)
4-6 pieces thin-sliced deli chicken or turkey (50-60 cals, depending on brand)
🧀 dairy / imitation dairy and animal products 🧀
1 medium egg (66 cals // 78 cals for large)
1 tbsp I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, light buttery spread (35 cals)
1 tbsp Blue Bonnet, light buttery spread (40 cals)
1 tbsp Blue Bonnet, buttery stick (60 cals)
1 slice Kroger fat-free American cheese slices (30 cals)
1 stick Sargento Light mozzarella string cheese (45 cals)
1/4 cup shredded fat-free mozzarella cheese (45 cals)
1 slice Sargento Ultra Thin cheese, Swiss, provolone, pepper-Jack, sharp cheddar, or Colby-Jack (40-45 cals)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk, vanilla or original (30 cals)
1 cup Silk unsweetened cashew milk, vanilla or original (25 cals)
1 cup Silk unsweetened coconut milk (40 cals)
1 cup Almond Breeze unsweetened chocolate almond milk (40 cals)
2 tbsp sugar-free International Delight or Kroger coffee creamer (30-40 cals, depending on flavor and flavor’s brand)
1 Kroger Carbmaster Yogurt, any flavor (60-80 cals, depending)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Mint Cookies n’ Cream (180 cals)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Cookie Dough or Mocha Coldbrew Coffee (185 cals)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Chocolate Peanut Butter or Mini Donut (190 cals)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Caramel Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie (205 cals)
additional: any protein ice cream brand is a great dessert choice and so unironically delicious! I just listed Target’s because it’s cheapest, cost-wise, but Halo Top, Frozen Farmer, Enlightened, etc. -- they all market low calorie ice creams for anywhere between 270-470 cals per pint, depending on which flavor and brand.
🍚💰 god-send diet foods 💰🍚
1 bag shirataki noodles (20 cals)
1 cup shirataki konjac rice (30 cals)
1 pint Frozen Farmer sorbet, peach, strawberry, honeydew, watermelon, or mango (70 cals)
1 pint Frozen Farmer sorbet, strawberry lemonade (80 cals)
1 pint Frozen Farmer sorbet, raspberry (90 cals)
Walden Farms syrups, chocolate, caramel, pancake, maple walnut, strawberry, blueberry, etc . (0 cals)
Walden Farms dressings and sauces, Ranch, Buffalo Ranch, Caesar, Thousand Island, Chipotle Ranch, Bacon Ranch, Creamy Bacon, Italian, French, Honey Dijon, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Spicy Buffalo Vinaigrette, Super Fruits Balsamic Vinaigrette, Raspberry Vinaigrette, etc. etc. etc. (0 cals; there are literally endless flavors and all of them are zero calories. No joke. Look it up, order some on Amazon, Kroger and Walmart carry the most popular flavors)
Walden Farms coffee creamers, vanilla, mocha, peppermint, caramel, hazelnut, etc. etc. (0 cals; these might need to be ordered on their website or on Amazon)
Diet Soda, any flavor or brand (0 cals, obv)
2 tbsp Great Value peanut butter powder (50 cals // PB Fit = 60 cals per 2 tbsp)
Stevia or erythritol sweeteners (0 cals)
PICKLES!!!!!!!! (0 cals)
🥨 munchies 🥨
1 cup SmartFood white cheddar popcorn (70 cals // moderation)
1 cup Skinny Pop popcorn (39 cals // moderation)
18 mini twists, Rold Gold fat-free pretzels (110 cals // moderation)
23 twists, Clancy’s Everything-Pretzel Slims (110 cals // moderation)
3 Twizzlers (100 cals // moderation)
2 Zachary’s Thin Mints, mini dark chocolate peppermint patties (65 cals // moderation)
1 Brach’s Candy Cane (50 cals)
2 Hot Cocoa Kisses (36 cals)
2 Cherry Cordial Kisses (40 cals)
1 square 85% Lindt dark chocolate (58 cals // moderation)
1 X-Treme Wellness wrap, cut into 8 slices and salted+baked into tortilla chips, with 1/4 cup salsa (75 cals) or 2 tbsp Good & Gather queso blanco dip / Tostitos salsa con queso dip (90 cals // moderation)
1 slice Healthy Life bread, toasted and with 2 tsp I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! buttery spread, garlic+onion powder, and some salt (60 cals) OR toasted and with 1 slice Kroger fat-free American cheese, melted (65 cals)
1/2 medium banana or apple with 1 tbsp PB Fit powder + 2 tbsp Walden Farm’s pancake syrup for PB drizzle (80 cals // other sugar-free syrups add 5-15 cals, ex. Maple Grove [5], Log Cabin [10], Kroger brand [15], etc.)
2 slices deli rotisserie chicken / turkey, thin-sliced, spread w 1 tbsp Kroger fat-free cream cheese, rolled around 1 baby dill pickle (40 cals // without cream cheese, 25 cals // don’t knock it till u try it😒😒unless u just don’t like pickles lol)
10 strawberries and Walden Farm’s chocolate syrup (50 cals)
1 sugar-free Jell-O cup (10 cals)
1 sugar-free pudding cup (60 cals)
🧂🥫 other sauces / dips / condiments / ingredients 🥫🧂
Mustard, yellow, Dijon, or spicy brown (5-10 cals per tsp, depending on brand)
Miracle Whip Lite (20 cals per tbsp)
Stubb’s Sugar-Free Smokehouse BBQ sauce (10 cals per 2 tbsp)
Prego Marinara No Sugar Added (60 cals per 1/2 cup)
Chi-Chi’s Salsa (40 cals per 1/2 cup)
Tostitos Salsa Con Queso dip (40 cals per 2 tbsp)
Good & Gather Queso Blanco dip (40 cals per 2 tbsp)
Any sugar-free or fat-free dressing!! Just check labels.
Maple Grove sugar-free maple syrup (5 cals per 2 tbsp)
Cocoa powder (10-20 cals per tbsp, depending on brand and purity of cocoa)
Dark spices are said to speed up the metabolism, and they also allow your brain and stomach to feel more sated after eating, so use lots of seasonings! Plus, flavor :P (chili powder, paprika, cayenne, red pepper flakes, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, etc.)
I hope you all found this post to be useful in some way, or maybe inspiring or motivating! If anyone has anything they’d like to add, don’t hesitate to reblog with your own list of favs. I plan on adding to this if I find anything new or remember something I might’ve glossed over when writing it.
That’s all for now. Stay hydrated and take your vitamins angels❣️
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*HS!Alastor figuring who has whose voice with his and the other counterparts while Vox is playing a game on his Switch*
HS!Alastor: So, your counterparts have Willy Wonka’s voice, especially catcf. Charlie has Cady from Mean Girls. Husker has Dr. Facilier’s voice.
HS!Vox, not looking up from his game: Who?
HS!Alastor: You know, the Shadow Man?
HS!Vox: …
HS!Alastor: From Disney’s The Princess and the Frog?
HS!Vox: …
HS!Alastor: …He’s the guy who sang ‘Friends on the Other Side’.
HS!Vox: OH, HIM! That song is fucking awesome. Yeah, I can hear it.
HS!Alastor: *rolls eyes*
HS!Vox: Though I think he shouldn’t have it.
HS!Alastor: Have what?
HS!Vox: That voice. I don’t think Husker should have it.
HS!Alastor: …Then who should have it?
HS!Vox: Your canon counterpart.
HS!Alastor: Why?
HS!Vox: Because of how a like they are.
HS!Alastor: …
HS!Alastor: I’m going to need an explanation for this one.
HS!Vox, finally looking up from his game: Think about it. They both do voodoo, they’re both shady as hell, they’re both deal makers, and they’re both from New Orleans. Shit, they both have a literal living shadow to their bidding!
HS!Alastor: …So, you believe that my canon self should have Husker’s voice, just because him and a fictional character share the same traits?
HS!Vox: Yep.
HS!Alastor: …
HS!Vox: …
HS!Alastor: I can’t deny that would have been amazing if that did happen.
HS!Vox: Right? And you know for a fact he kill it at singing ‘Friends of the Other Side’!
HS!Alastor: Oh, without a doubt! That song was made for him.
HS!Vox: Hey, speaking of that song, you think we can get Husker to sing it?
HS!Alastor: Eh, I rather not. I still haven’t fully recovered from the embarrassment from last time.
HS!Vox: Oh come on! It wasn’t that bad!
HS!Alastor: It really was!
HS!Vox: It really wasn’t! It was kinda cute seeing how happy you got when CATCF!me sang ‘The Candy Man’ for you!
HS!Alastor: That’s not the point! The point is!-Did you just call me cute?
HS!Vox, realizing what he just said: Eh…
HS!Vox: Imma, Imma go back to my game.
HS!Alastor: Yeah, you go do that.
HS!Alastor: *chuckles*
This is insanely meta and 4th wall breaking /pos
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
what your favorite jojo character says about you !
these are my takes on what kind of person you are based on your fave ;)
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jonathan- you’re way too good for this world and i will protect you with my life!! you always choose the “nice” option when you’re playing an rpg/otome. i bet you cry during movies. you’re a dog person but you’re not annoying about it.
speedwagon- you’re either the kind of person that has a waifu unironicly or you’re too afraid to disagree with other peoples opinions. you were for sure bullied in school for liking anime and never really recovered .
joseph- you think you’re the funniest person in the room but in reality have the sense of humor of a middle school boy and everyone thinks you’re annoying. you have no idea how to act in public
ceaser- you most definitely get bitches.
jotaro- you’re either too horny for your own good or youre the kind of person who automatically chooses the most basic mc because it’s the safest. you probably never outgrew your emo phase and i guarantee you read lots of hardcore smut in middle school.
kakyoin- you use the word milfs way too much. it’s actually kind of annoying. please shut up. on the other hand you know how to dress!! for some reason every single kak stan knows their way around fashion. your probably an avid markiplier enjoyer.
avdol- you had a crush on zuko in middle school and i bet you carry a lighter everywhere. you don’t smoke or anything you just carry it to carry it. you’re like super mature for some reason and you are the brains of the friend group most likely.
polnareff- you’re a bit dense but we love you anyways. you have zero clue how to express your emotions. please stop letting people trauma dump on you :( you don’t deserve it babe
iggy- shut THE FUCK up
josuke- you are the coolest person on earth. you have no flaws. you are a god.
okuyasu- you’re the dumb friend. i’m sorry to tell you like this but someone had to. you make up for your lack of brain cells with your big heart <3 i bet you know lots of random facts about uselessness things as well.
rohan- you’re the biggest bitch i have ever met/pos. you definitely had a devianart phase that you only outgrew because you got bullied or met some scary ass people on there. you’re kind of a weirdo but that’s what gives you your spice.
koichi- you act innocent and kind but you’re a bitch too/ also pos. i bet your AO3 history is full of insane amount of hard smut or hurt/bo comfort.
giorno-you’re either a dope ass person who’s actually super genuine and everyone wants to be your friend. OR you’re a super annoying anime fan who says shit like “but can he beat goku though”.
mista- you’re a stoner. i have not met a single fan of this man who does not smoke. you either smoke before every little thing you do and mention it to every single person on this planet. or you’re down low about it and just kind of go about your life.
narancia- you are still a child. you didn’t really mature correctly and i bet it’s because of some traumatic event that happened during childhood that forced you to grow up. please go to therapy i will be your therapist. also liking sharp things and setting things on fire is not a personality trait.
fugo- you’re a red flag but in a good way(?)you always try to see the best in people even when it’s clear they are the worst person on earth. you definitely have anger issues because you suppress your feelings until they explode out of you. you give really good hugs i think.
abbacchio- you either want a big titty goth gf or are the big titty goth gf. you never left your emo phase and you definitely had a behavior problem in high school. please stop dying your hair every month it’s going to fall out soon.
bruno- you’re most DEFINITELY the mom of the friend group. everyone comes to you with their issues but you’re too afraid to put your issues on someone else because you don’t want to burden them with your feelings.
jolyne- you are most DEFINITELY lgbqt emphasis on the L. you most definitely have issues with one or both of your parents.
hermes- COME OUT OF THE CLOSER PLS!!! we all already know you like girls just admit it we are going to love and accept you no matter what.
foo fighters-autism
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artbylittlebug · 9 months
i just wanted to say i love your blog and your art so much. even though i just found your account im in love with your work <3 /gen im struggling with a lot of stuff and ur art always makes me want to cry/pos its so cute but most importantly the the message it portrays always makes me feel better. ur blog makes me want to try to recover <3 (im kinda bad at talking in general so sorry if this is awkward lol)
Oh my goodness 😭
What a beautiful message.. thank you so much!! I’m so sorry to hear you’re having a hard time but I am glad that my art helps you in some way. Recovery is really really hard and many of us never fully “recover”, we just keep doing our best to stay here alive to see another day. I turned my attention away from wishing my mental illness would improve or go away completely, and try putting all my focus into my hobbies, interests and people and animals that I love. I may be depressed forever but it doesn’t mean I can’t still have a great life and the same goes for you ❤️ Keep going.
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nattaphum · 1 year
Man Suang timeline
April 26
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April 28
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April 29
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Pond: Man Suang. Few more queues to go. It’s a very hot and dusty period. After Songkran, my body has been broken all the time. I have lost weight and got slimmer more than before. Today my body just feels like it is about to recover 100%. I am very sick, but I have to carry my body to direct all the queues. But the working atmosphere with good and talented people really helps to heal the mind and increase energy. There are only good-hearted people in this group. All parts are important. Even the caretaker of the mobile air conditioner works hard to reduce the temperature under 40°C for the team because the weather always breaks the air conditioner. The team who provides water and prepares ice cream snacks is fighting too. We've almost done it, everyone.
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Two new articles came out:
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You can fully read them here and here but i’m posting the new additions below:
The word "Suang" comes from the ancient Chinese language which is still used in some Asian regions as a surname.
Man Suang or Maen Suang is the king of the Suang Kingdom who is in conflict with Phimphisakhon, the king of the Son Kingdom.
The two are the main characters in the Thai classic poem called “Lilit Phra Po” (which can be translated in “The Story of a Royal Hero”) with 3,870 lines, set in the Ayutthaya period.
It is estimated that this poem was written in the late 15th century or early 16th century and the author is still unknown nowadays.
The main content of this poem is about a romance story which, you guessed it, ends tragically due to political intrigue. (*cries in despair 😭*)
To be sure, the storyline will not completely follow Lilit Phra Po's poem because Man Suang is the first original script made by the BOC production house.
May 2
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The illustrator of Man Suang shared this video of the quiet atmosphere surrounding the filming location:
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May 3
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Your account inspired and motivated me to unfollow the bajillion pro ED tags I was following, unfollow/block all those pro ED accs I was following, and block all the pro ED tags. I feel so strange (/pos) and free. My dash is filled with stuff that ACTUALLY made me happy rather than sad. I ate peanut butter on toast today and it was scary but it was so so good I had forgotten the taste but!! I remember it now!!! I’m crying tears of joy. Thank you so so much.
I'm so damn proud of you! I've been there, and it is definitely a freeing and new feeling after suffering for so long. Knowing there aren't any REAL "rules" about what you can and can't eat is an amazing feeling. Peanut butter toast is way too good to not eat; I have it often in my recovery because peanut butter is such a wonderful food that is meant to be enjoyed by everyone, as long as they're not allergic of course- I eat peanut butter almost every day now. Just today I had a food I've never eaten prepared by myself as I still have some "fear food" issues, but it was one of the best things I've ever eaten- even over a year into recovery I'm still discovering new foods to enjoy the freedoms of eating, and I laughed and enjoyed the cooking process with my husband and we were both dumbfounded by how good it came out- so don't give up because it keeps getting better the more you recover and allow the freedoms you were missing out on back into your life!
Recovery is full of celebrations, milestones, freeing feelings, and great accomplishments. There will be some hard stuff too though, so remember these great feelings when the hard days happen. I definitely have more good days than bad due to recovery though; that's for sure! Try to journal these happy and positive feelings to remember if you find yourself having an upsetting day down the road(on paper if possible so you can read it without the computer/phone- there will be days it's best to stay off the Internet). Not trying to scare anyone, but not every day will feel as great since EDs are seriously mental illnesses with many symptoms to face in recovery.
I need to warn you though, and everyone reading this here on Tumblr, that NO tag is 100% safe- selfish pro anas post in the recovery tags too, so I do suggest stepping away from Tumblr sometimes- get back out into the "real world," spend time with family, friends, pets, etc- enjoy the outdoors, do some fun movement; not to burn calories, but just go for a short walk outside if you can or sit in the sun/shade and just enjoy the world around you. Experience the world pro ana was trying to take from you by trying to force you to spend all day looking at disturbing images and repeating cruel mantras that urge you to suffer- life was not meant to suffer from- it (and definitely food!) was meant to be enjoyed by us all.
Stay motivated in recovery, and feel free to message me any time- I am disabled so I am usually at home around my phone and answer messages pretty quickly as long as I'm not having a health crisis (unfortunately my body got pretty damaged by my ED, so I will always have reminders of what my ED has taken from me and appointments to go to for various chronic conditions).
Wishing you all the best, and have fun as you rediscover the freedoms of eating what you want without punishment- I'm still making new discoveries of "food joys" all the time!❤️
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sicktrix · 3 months
I Saw The TV Glow has left me in shambles, and honest to god I don’t think I’m ever gonna recover.
“There is still time” FUCK OFF I’m done /pos
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haywire-hetfield · 4 months
Oh my god I can’t stop thinking about Lars and James fighting during like babytallica era, and they end up getting physical on the floor and something one of them do (stepping on the others crotch, choking e/o, etc) gets one of them hard and they both are like ??? ���� and it turns into something gay as fuck (if you can write something like this I will literally lose my mind /pos)
A Step Beyond
Warnings: Hair pulling, fighting, grinding/dry humping
Words: 1,344
Lars couldn’t even remember what they were fighting about. Being stuck around the same people all the time with no escape was enough to set anyone on edge, though. Every little thing became something massive once they’d been on tour long enough. The hotel rooms were a nice reprieve when they got them, but even the added space couldn’t completely calm them down. 
He couldn’t remember what they were fighting about, but he remembered being too close to James. Looking back on it, he knew he started the fight. He shouldn’t have pushed into James’ personal space, intentionally trying to goad a reaction out of him. He remembered shoving the blonde hard enough to almost knock him over on the bed. The next moments moved in a blur, James moving off of the bed quicker than he’d ever seen. He remembered his skull making contact with the carpeted hotel floor and James’ solid weight on top of him. 
“Let go of me,” Lars snapped, despite the fact he had started this in the first place. He avoided yelling for now, not wanting to get the hotel staff called on them. James caught his wrists roughly and held onto them, pinning them down onto the floor. Lars thrashed around beneath him, trying to dislodge him. It wasn’t a fair fight by any means, James was far bigger than him and even at his harshest movement, Lars didn’t even come close to throwing James off of him. “This isn’t fucking funny. I’m serious,” He warned. 
“Are you going to stop if I let you up?” James asked, his hand holding Lars a bit too roughly. Still, Lars didn’t want to say yes. It felt too much like letting James win and he was far too angry to let that happen. Instead, he shoved against James as hard as he could. It didn’t seem to catch James off guard, loosening his grip for a moment before reorienting himself. In the grand scheme of things, it didn’t do much to get James off of him. “Stay still,” His hand tightened again and Lars was sure there would be bruises left along his wrists. 
Lars stopped moving around as much, trying to catch his breath a bit. He thought about his next move, looking for a way to get James off of him without apologizing or stopping. James watched him closely and didn’t seem to trust that Lars was actually calming down. The idea hit him quickly and he spit without thinking. The angle made it a bit awkward, but his saliva hit James almost directly and it was clear he hadn’t been expecting it. 
“What the fuck?” James hissed out, letting go of Lars to wipe his face off. Lars moved as soon as he did, doing his best to wiggle away from him, but James recovered from it quickly. He went to grab his arms again and Lars retaliated this time, trying to keep his arms free. One hand curled into the mess of blonde hair and yanked hard, hoping James would relent and move off of his body. He was caught off guard by a soft moan and a jerk of James’ hips, though. Looking at his face, James’ eyes were closed tightly and Lars wasn’t sure if it was from pain or not. 
“Was that-” Lars didn’t finish his question, knowing the answer to it already. James was pressed close to his body and Lars could feel he was half-hard. He watched James’ face for a moment, smiling when he saw James’ cheeks turning a bright pink. He’d always been so easy to fluster. “Does that feel good?” He asked quietly, making sure there was no judgment in his tone, not even playful teasing. The entirety of their anger had melted away almost instantly, being replaced with something much more intimate. 
“Shut up,” James said, although there wasn’t as much bite in his voice as he wanted there to be. It was clear embarrassment had overshadowed any frustration he felt towards Lars. His eyes didn’t open and Lars loosened his hold on his hair, petting it softer than he’d pulled. James was quiet, unsure of what to say and Lars sympathized. He knew there wasn’t a social precedent about what to do in this situation. 
“Rub off against me,” Lars suggested once his brain landed on what he wanted to do. It might not be the most smart move, it could seriously fuck things up between them, but it was definitely what he wanted the most. James’ eyes opened finally, staring at him and looking for any hint of him joking. There was none to be found and James nodded once he realized this, cheeks still bright red. “It’s okay. We don’t have to even talk about it after,” He encouraged and it seemed to be the reassurance James needed. 
His eyes closed again and he readjusted himself, pressing his face into Lars’ shoulder and wedging the smaller man’s leg between his own thighs. It was awkward and uncomfortable at first, both wiggling and rearranging for a bit before finding the right position. Eventually, James found what worked best and he rocked against Lars unevenly. A soft, choked off moan left him at the first press and Lars smiled. 
Lars moved his fingers to the back of James’ head, sliding them deep into the nape of his neck and curled them around his hair. He held close to his scalp and didn’t pull very hard, not yet anyway. He just held him firmly enough for James to feel the first pull of his hair, the threat of him getting rougher right there. James was torn between wanting it and being nervous about the pain, but he was leaning harder towards the first feeling. His hips found a steady pace after a bit of time and Lars could hear his breathing intensifying. 
“Just like that, James. Keep going,” Lars encouraged, although it didn’t seem like he needed to. James made no signs of slowing down or stopping now that he’d found something that worked, chasing how good it felt. Lars wondered when the last time he’d been with another person was if he was already this desperate for it. He didn’t mind it, though. If anything, he found it attractive that James was so needy. His fingers tightened and he tugged his hair firmly just to gain a reaction, smiling when James whined. “Keep going,” He told him again and James rocked harder against him, growing more eager with every small pull. 
James didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to. He was perfect the way he was. Lars smiled and could even ignore his own needs in favor of letting James essentially use his body to get off. This was doing more for him than actually touching himself would, he was sure of it. He closed his own eyes now too, savoring every sound James made so close to his ear. A harsher groan was pulled from the blonde haired man and Lars knew he had to be getting close to the edge, his hips rocking harder and faster. 
“Come for me,” Lars attempted to inspirit him, tugging at his hair once again. It earned an almost pitiful whine and Lars would do anything to hear that as often as he could. James lasted longer than he thought he would, going for a few minutes more before his body was tensing and his thrusts were slowing down. “Good. Just like that,” Lars murmured as James’ body grew too sensitive to keep pressing against him, hips jerking minutely. 
James was breathing heavy against his throat now, sharp and ragged breaths as he attempted to calm himself down. He stayed pressed close and Lars wondered how much of that was from embarrassment. His fingers became gentler in James’ hair, petting through it and holding onto him until he was ready to continue. He wasn’t sure if James would want to get him off in return, but even if he didn’t, he thought this was still pretty good.
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