#I’m still dreaming about getting my hands on a paintbrush and finally fulfilling my childhood dream of a coloured xweetok
fuitygummy · 3 days
recently got back into neopets after 10+ years and the neopets brainrot has firmly settled
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WARNINGS: mild swearing, slight violence
When Katie's younger sister comes on the field trip with her, they meet Officer Jake Riley. Instantly there's some kind of hatred forming between her and Jake, but, when both of their worlds go spiralling, they both have to question if it was really hate or a disguised love?
Y/n and Katie had always been extremely close - especially for sisters with a five year age gap. They both lived together - y/n worked as an artist and Katie was a teacher at the local elementary school. That's what landed y/n here, in a hospital waiting room while the whole building was in a 48 hour lockdown. Great. Katie has persuaded y/n to come on a field trip to the hospital with her and the kids, and now she was sat in a chair, playing with the rings on her right hand, bored out of her mind. It had been 20 minutes. She was already bored. This was going to be fun.
Suddenly, Katie rushes up to her, clearly in a flat panic. "Y/n, I've lost Quentin! And his friend, Thomas. I don't know what to do! I can't believe I wasn't looking out for them more, I-" y/n cut her off, "hey, Kates, it'll all be fine, I'll go find the boys. You stay here and keep an eye on everyone else. I won't be long." Y/n stood up and walked out the room.
She eventually made it to the basement floor, walking through a dingy, tiled corridor. "Hey! Put your hands where I can see 'em! Stay 4-6 feet away." She heard a strong, male voice boom behind her. She rolled her eyes and put her hands up, slowly turning around. "Is this really necessary?" She sassed, noticing the gun pointing straight at her heart. The man holding it was handsome, with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a bit of scruff and was clearly very muscular. "You can't be down here, miss." He continued, holding a dominant tone. She rolled her eyes again - god, cops always assumed anyone they spoke to was some kind of assassin or mass-murderer. "You can drop the gun, cop-boy. I'm just looking for my nephew and his friend. I'm no national threat or anything." He lowered the gun slightly and continued, "1) I decide when it's appropriate to drop the gun, 2) don't insult a cop, or I'll have to cuff you and 3) why is your nephew and his friend in a restricted area of a hospital?" She huffed and dropped her hands to her sides as he took a few steps forward, dropping his gun to his side. "1) 4-6 feet, buddy, 2) is like to see you try and 3) well they're not anywhere else in this building and it's not like any of us are getting out any time soon, is it?" He closed the gap between them and spun y/n around, pushing her into the wall. "I will punch you if you don't let go if me." She said through gritted teeth. He leant down so he could talk into her ear. "Yeah, well I'm still the cop and you're making open threats to me. And these kids must be stupid or something. I'll find them - now is no time to let your kids off their leash." She rolled her eyes and stamped on his foot. He tightened his grip on her wrists, seemingly unphased by y/n's action. "You are in so much trouble - but I'll let it slide, just this once. One puny girl looking for some elementary school kids is the least of my problems right now." He said into her ear again. He released her wrists and took a step back. She stood away and rubbed her wrists.
"We better get going then." Y/n said, continuing marching down the corridor. The guy jogged up to her again. "Hey! There's no 'we' about this! I'm going and that's finial." Y/n spun on her heal to look at him, "look no offence, cop-boy, but I promised my sister I'd find these kids and get them back safely, I don't really care what uniform you're wearing I just want to find my nephew unharmed and healthy, got it?" She stormed off, eventually finding her way into a room where then man with the rats from before sat, two little boys in front of him. "Miss wait i-" the guy continued on until I cut him off, "Quentin! Thomas! Your mum was worried sick!" Y/n said kindly to the boys, she looked up at the guy with the rats, "I hope they weren't troubling you?" He smiled at her and waved her off, "oh no, no. They were perfectly fine." She smiled and crouched down, looking at the boys, "what do we say, boys?" She said with a smile. They both turned to the man and said thank you. Y/n stood up and looked at him, a warm expression on her face, "thank you." He smiled back, "anytime."
She stood up and turned around, ushering the boys out the door. As she went to walk through the guy grabbed her upper arm, "we are not done talking. Meet me back in that hallway in an hour." Y/n raised and eyebrow, "so what you're saying is you'd like to see me again? How flattering ." Before shoving past him, catching up to the boys.
Y/n quickly got fed up with the noise in the waiting room, so she grabbed her sketch-pad and a pencil and headed down to the corridor - hoping to find some quiet. She was 45 minutes early but she didn't really care. Once she got there she slid down the wall, moving her feet up so she could use her thighs as a rest for the lag while she drew. She started to sketch on the pad, letting the pencil take her where it wanted, her imagination going wild. She was pulled out of her trace to someone deliberately clearing their throat. She looked up to see the cop from before towering over her. "Miss-" he stopped as y/n cut in, "y/n." He continued, "miss y/n, mind if I join you?" He said sourly. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" He laughed and slouched against the opposite wall. "No."
Y/b laughed back. "So, Officer-" he cut her off this time. "Riley. Officer Jake Riley." Y/n continued, "right, cop-boy, what is it you so desperately needed to see me for again?" He tone had a slight annoyance in it. "Well, you did insult an cop. And you assaulted me." Y/n waved it off, "pfff, you barely felt it. It was light tread." He shot her a warning look. "So, y/n. Why do you think it's alright to insult a cop?" he said. She thought about it for a second before retorting, "because you're all dicks." He raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?" She nodded her head. "Huh, thanks for the information. So, would you like to tell me why me and everyone I work with are suddenly all dicks?" He seemed amused at her statement and her boldness. She sighed and finally answered, "because you don't respect people. You treat us all like sociopaths, or objects." She spat. He chuckled, "I'm beginning I get the feeling you had a bad experience with a cop?" She nodded her head again. "What happened?" He pressed on. She sighed again, debating whether she should tell him the whole story. "Fine. I was in training, fulfilling my childhood dream of helping people. I was with the Officer I trusted most that helped out at the academy. He'd offered to hive me extra training so I took it. We were out of a run when all of a sudden he shoved me into an alleyway, pinning me against the wall. I started choking as his grip got tighter. I managed out a scream and someone heard, the looked into the ally and he shot them, before proceeding to, to, um..." Jake leaned forward a bit, "What did he do, y/n?" She swallow, "he raped me." She said almost silently, but he must've heard because realisation flickered over his features. "You're Y/n Frank, aren't you?" She nodded weakly. All colour seemed to drain from his face. "That was one of my first cases. I was the one who arrested him, but by the time I got there you were already in the ambulance and my partner was the one taking the statement. I'm so sorry." He said, his voice full of pity. "I don't need your pity. Anyway, after that I couldn't stand to wear the same uniform he had, so I dropped out with only one month to go until I would have been a cop. Then I decided to peruse my dream of art." She made unenthusiastic jazz hands as if to make it sound magical.
Y/n stood up. "Are we done now? Can I go?" Jake nodded. She walked off without another word.
Over the days y/n could see Jake and Katie growing closer, both spending their free time together. When the lockdown was extended Jake came straight to y/n, who was laying on her front on her makeshift bed, sketching. "Hey, trouble, can I speak to you for a second?" Jake said commandingly. Y/n rolled her eyes. "That want a question, was it?" He shook his head. She sighed and got up, putting her pad under the bed. "Follow me." He said sternly. He lead her down to the corridor. Once there he turned to face her, "look, I'm running low on men. Like, really low. There's seven cops with side and over 400 citizens." Y/n shrugged, not bothering to make eye-contact with him. "Then just get done more send over." He sighed. "We can't - no one in and no one out." Y/n finally looked up. "Okayyy, so what do you want me to do about it?" His expression was completely serious, it was actually kind of scary. "I want you to help me, become my deputy. You've have complete training all you need is a gun and a vest, both of which I can get for you." Y/n rolled her eyes, "look, cop-boy. I dropped out for a reason. I don't want to do it and I shouldn't have too. And what do you need cops for, exactly? It's a virus, not a war." He sighed again, "look, y/n, please. Just do one patrol and decide from there. You haven't left the building. It's awful out there - robberies, murders, gang violence. I could really use the help." Y/n thought for a moment. "Fine. One patrol. That's it." He nodded. "Okay then, when do we leave?"
A few hours later y/n found herself sitting in the passenger seat of Jake's squad car, in a bullet-proof vest and holding a gun. God. How her life has changed in less than a week. She'd give nothing more than to be in the spare room at home - which she used as her studio - music blaring in her headphone and paintbrush in hand. Jake was right, it was a mess out here. There were dead bodies littering the streets, windows of shops and houses broken and cars left abandoned and wrecked on the roadsides. They suddenly heard the rumble of motorbikes, the noise surrounding them. "Crap." Jake muttered. Panic shot through her. "Jake, what's happening?" He cursed again. "Gang members. Meth heads. Normally the unpredictable ones." Oh god. This wasn't good. Jake pulled the car to a stop, hoping they would all ride past.
Unfortunately for them, the gang decided to attack someone. Jake barrels out the car pulling out his and and running to stand in-front of the old woman. Y/n followed closely behind, as much as she hated the idea of being a cop now, she had very strong reasons in the first place and always felt the need to protect those around her. The motorcyclists swarmed around them, creating a cloud of dust that engulfed them. The dust cleared for a second and Jake took a shot, just missing one of the 5 men. Y/n lined up her shit with one riding towards her, taking a careful shot and hitting him in the heart. His lifeless body toppled off the bike, landing with a thud on the grass. When the others noticed, they were quick to leave, clearly phased by death. "Few, that was a close one." Y/n said in relief. Jake helped the woman across the road, sending her in her way. He motioned to y/n with his hand and she jogged over to the car.
As she climbed in and out her helmet at her feet, Jake let out a strange laugh. "H-how are you so good with a gun? You haven't shot one for what - 3 years?" He looked at her, mesmerised. "I don't know. I was always good at stuff like that, darts, archery at camp, anything with a target I guess." She shrugged. "Jeez you would have made one hell of a cop." He said almost to himself, starting the engine back up.
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