#I’m sorry I’ve got many thoughts about my ex holy shit
j00stkl31n · 2 months
So you were in an open relationship?
I guess yeah that’s another word for it. It didn’t feel super open cuz they’d be all flirty with girls then I’d talk about someone and they’d get all quiet and not care at all :/// so it was okay for them to date around just not me 😓
Like the main diff is like open relationship are more for hook ups and this was like a proper relationship and they were continuing to look for more partners. While I sat there feeling under loved and appreciated they were looking for someone else to spread themself thinner with 🙃🙃🙃
Gods talking about this all is undoing some vault memories I wish I didn’t open :/ cuz like man wtf where some of the things they made me deal with ://///
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loviingpedri · 28 days
tasting blondies - mason mount and joe burrow
prompt: noticing a pattern in your love life.
joe b x reader
ex!mason mount x reader
warnings: grammar issues, cursing, arguing
click to help palestine
credits to owners for all images
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sitting on the couch with you boyfriend, joe. you ran your fingers through his short hair.
“i can’t believe you did this.” you laughed as both of you smiled.
“yeah, me either. i decided to change it up for the summer. do something for the new season.” he held you tight, smelling his strong cologne.
“if it’s one thing, you look good. really good.” you clicked your tongue at the emphasis of the word ‘really’.
and that’s when the flashback hit you.
slowly touching his hair, admiring the white chocolate color. at the same time a few years ago, you would be ending a messy situation with a boy with a similar haircut, mason mount.
“is there something wrong?” joe asked you as your expression changed.
“no, nothing is wrong. something just came in mind.”
you love joe, seriously. the memories of june 2023 always come back to haunt you. meeting the famous other footballer, changing your life. you experienced so many things within a month. you were so attached, blinded by love, nothing would’ve seen it coming.
on mason’s summer vacation, he invited you to go to spain with him. of course you accepted, you wanted to see what this relationship could bring to your life.
in the end, it was pain, regret, and heartbreak.
joe was staring at your facial features and talking gently, “you can talk to me.”
“it’s nothing. just some old memories came back. it was never important anyway.” your cleared your throat, desperately wanting to change the topic on the conversation.
“is it about that one guy you told me about? mason mount, right?”
you looked at him, trying to find a good answer.
“yeah, but i don’t wanna think about him. he’s long gone in my life. i’m craving some brownies, what about you?”
laughing at you, “i think it’s funny, the guys sent in the group chat of him when i first showed my hair. they said it was funny how you’re dating another blonde now.”
“i never thought of that.” you laid your back on the coach, really taking in the information of the pattern you just figured out.
“you know, you never told me what happened with him.” you looked at joe, a lump formed in your throat.
“are you serious right now, mase?” you pushed him away from you as he was attempting to explain.
“it wasn’t like that!”
“you use that same fucking excuse for everything.”
“i’m not the one who followed someone else on this vacation.” he threw his arms up.
“everything is about you. isn’t it? i went on this vacation because i was in love with you. mase, you can’t be serious right now.”
“nobody told you to catch feelings, alright. i thought we both assumed this wasn’t gonna be serious.” you scoffed at him.
“so you took this as a joke? i am not a joke.”
“holy shit, you’re actually unbelievable. we were never official!”
“to you. you think mind games is funny?”
“i only thought this was a summer fling. i thought you were gonna see other people, like me. i wasn’t gonna stay in chelsea forever and i was sure you weren’t gonna stay.”
tears forming in your eyes. you were in disbelief.
“of course i was gonna stay with you. i was ready to leave everything behind to follow you. i thought we had something.”
“sorry y/n. you thought wrong.”
————flashback ended————
you cleared your throat as you poured white chocolate chips into the batter.
“so yeah, that was my lame ex.” you gave him a warm smile as you shared the most vulnerable part of your life.
“you didn’t deserve that, seriously.” joe stroked your hair as he ate a few chips.
“the past is past. the pain is healed, and i’ve got the best boyfriend ever.”
joe kissed your forehead as the oven beeped after it was done pre-heating.
sitting on the couch with freshly baked blondies.
“i think you have some sort of magic on men.” joe said, taking a bite after.
“you start dating a guy, then all of a sudden, he goes blonde.” he shrugged his shoulders.
“i’ve never thought of that. i’m just really that powerful then.”
sharing a laugh, you were proud of the person you became. the pain healed, and so did your heart.
because, in the end, your feelings are valid. and you learned a lesson that no matter how much something hurts you, you can find happiness somewhere else, for the better.
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thatgoblin · 1 year
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~::~ Summary: After a drunken night with a man name John, Reader finds herself in a position they had never thought they would be in. ~::~ Fem!Reader, 1st POV.
[WARNINGS: Brief pelvic exam, swearing, grief, sibling death, family issues, vague speak of abortion, cursing, unplanned pregnancy, vague-ish descriptions of drunk sex]
::AN-This is just part one of the series, I'll go through the whole pregnancy and maybe after. Enjoy!::
Tequila was always responsible for my mistakes. I should have kept my promise of never having more than one shot, but that quickly went out the window when I bumped into him. He was tall and handsome and smelled of scotch and tobacco. I was pretty sure I complimented his mutton chops and that’s how it started. A few beers and more than a couple of shots later, I was pressed against his door as we kissed like drunk college students during Rush Week. Eventually we made it into his house with giggles and drunk stumbling, at least getting to his bed before the main event. 
I was going to have beard burn by the end, but that wasn’t important. What was important was that I was half undressed as the man ate me out like he’d been starving for it. While I don’t remember every single detail, the broad strokes of the night were there, I knew I had had a good time at least. It probably wasn’t the olympic level of sex I thought it was at the time, it was still pretty good. The next morning, he made me coffee, told me his name was John and if I ever wanted to have another fun night again to give him a call.
“So, why haven’t you called him?” My friend Jesse asked as we sat at a table in a cafe, once I'd finished telling him about John. I had called him and asked for some adult talk because holy shit did I need it. 
“Because I honestly forgot, but now I really do need to call him buuuut I lost his number,” I said. 
“Oh no, did you get the clap?” He asked, shirking away.
“Worse,” I groaned, leaning back in my seat. 
“Ew, herpes?” He asked, scrunching his face up.
“Even worse,” I said, putting a hand to my belly. “A lot more noticeable than herpes in the next few months.” 
“Oh. . . Oh shit,” he said, raising his brows. “I mean, are you sure it’s his?”
“I’ve only slept with one person in the last four months thanks to my ex, so yeah, I’m sure it’s John’s,” I grumbled. I knew that would be everyone's question, probably even John's, but it still didn't feel great to hear.
“Sorry, just checking,” he said, holding up his hands. “So what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. It’s. . . It’s still early and it’s not like he HAS to know as I’m not sure I want to keep it,” I said, poking my sponge cake with a fork. “I don’t even want kids. I never planned on it, not even with Paul and he was my longest relationship.”
“Oh Paul,” Jesse said wistfully. “It’s all his fault that this happened. If he hadn’t cheated on you so many times, then you wouldn’t have been looking for a rebound.”
“Well the tequila didn’t help either,” I snorted. “Doesn’t make a difference. I’ve still got to make a decision and it’s getting close to the deadline for the permanent one.”
“Have you gone to a doctor yet?” Jesse asked.
“Yeah, right after I took the pee test at home. I wanted to make sure so I didn’t panic over nothing,” I said. “They said I’m about 7 weeks along. I didn’t want to do any tests other than the blood lab, and since I could give them the date of my last encounter, they were able to figure it out from there.”
“Man, that’s wild. Have you told anyone else? Your family?”
“Absolutely the fuck not,” I choked out as I sat up. “They will never know if I can help it. No matter the outcome, they are not in my life for a reason.”
“Because they’re fucking psychotic?”
“Because they’re fucking psychotic. Damn right,” I huffed. It had been so long since I’d had any contact with my family. My parents were still back in Inverness for all I knew and my older brother was somewhere with the military. Last I had heard was that he’d made it to Sergeant in SAS and that was because I had run into an old friend from school. It had felt so sad to find out through gossip essentially. Someone I had been so close to growing up was now a complete stranger.
“So, if you keep it, can I be the Daddy?” Jesse asked with a grin.
“Jesse, you can barely keep your rabbit alive, I’m not letting you parent my fake plants let alone anything that comes out of me,” I groaned, shifting to sit up.
“Hey, Sassafras is doing amazing and he’s even getting a brother soon. Don’t be bad mouthing my babies,” Jesse pouted. 
“Sorry, sorry,” I said, rubbing my face. “I shouldn’t be taking the stress out on you. That’s not fair and I’m sorry.”
“Those hormones are messing you up, BAD,” he said. 
“Yeah, they are. I don’t get sick at least, but the mood swings are giving even ME whiplash." I was silent for a moment, contemplating the possibility of telling John. The good, the bad, and the more than likely to happen heart break if I made an attempt to have something outside of our one night stand. 
Paul had done a number on me. We’d been together since secondary school on and off, but the last four years we had become so close and in tune with each other. We could tell when the other needed something without saying anything and were genuinely happy where we were. I had been at least. It turns out he’d been fucking some hen from his work the entire time and had gotten her pregnant. When that happened, a switch had flipped and I didn’t know the man anymore. He moved out when I had gone to work one day, leaving me in a lurch with rent and a place that I had so many happy memories with him in. 
"Maybe it’s better if I just don’t tell him,” I said softly, shaking my head. “I mean, we could be really bad together. All I know is that he’s in the military and is never around. If I wanna raise anything, I want my partner to be there with me and I already hate being alone. I’d probably lose my mind if it was just me and it on our own. Besides, he probably doesn’t want something like this. Otherwise he’d have it by now.” The man was good looking, funny, and with a military career, he could have married someone and had kids with them by now. 
“True, but what if you guys work really well together?” 
I went quiet, trying not to let a fantasy of me and John form. Paul proved that it doesn’t matter how long you were with someone or how close you got, they will still break your heart when you least expect it and act like it was nothing. 
“Don’t let him ruin your future, Boo,” Jesse said, reaching over to take my hand. “He’s taken enough from you. There’s no reason to let him have more.”
“I know,” I said softly, squeezing his hand. “I just wish I knew what to do. If someone could tell me for sure if me and John would work out or not, that would be amazing.”
“Well, I’m sorry that I left my crystal ball at home,” he said, letting go. “But maybe give it a try. At least you can say you gave it a go.”
“Yeah, but I have to find the guy first and I don’t remember his number or where he lives,” I said. 
“Well, how about putting that detective brain of yours to work? You watch all those crime dramas, why not use it in real life?” He asked.
“Because this is real life and not DCI Banks,” I said, giving him a pointed look.
“Just retrace your steps. Do you remember the bar you met him at? Maybe he’s a regular,” Jesse said, rolling his eyes. 
“True. That’s actually a really good idea,” I said, tapping my chin in thought. “I mostly remember what he looks like too. Well more than mostly, I could probably pick him out in a lineup. He was really good looking.”
“Oh yeah, that’s definitely going to help you find him. Just ask the bartender for the really good looking guy,” Jesse snickered.
“Shush. Well, it seems that the, uh, Shit, what do I call it?” I asked. 
“Are you asking me what to call the fetus inside you?” Jesse asked, raising his brows. 
“Just call it Bug. You know? Or even Bean. It’s like, what, the size of a grape?”
“Little smaller. I think the internet said it was the size of a blueberry.”
“That would be cute, but it also sounds like a safeword,” Jesse snickered.
“English people do really like beans,” I said. “Let’s go with Bean.”
“You’re English too!” Jesse cackled.
“No I’m not! I’m Scottish! There’s a difference!” I cried, throwing a napkin at his face that he easily caught. “Fucking American with your Mountain Man accent telling me I’m English. My Last name is MacTavish, that’s not fucking English.”
“I’m Appalachin, Darlin’. I’m not just any Mountain Man,” Jesse grinned. 
“I’ll be sending you back by punting you over the ocean if you don’t knock it the fuck off,” I hissed. 
“The mood swings are going to be killer with you,” Jesse snickered.
“Don’t,” I sighed. “Just don’t. But it seems I'm keeping the Bean after all."
“Good luck. I mean it. Being a single parent ain’t easy, but you’re not on your own with this. Even without John, okay?” He said, reaching over to squeeze my hand again. 
A few days after my lunch with Jesse, I was at the bar that I had originally found John at. It was packed for a Thursday night and the thick smell of alcohol was making me nauseous. Getting to the bar, I flagged down the bartender in hopes they would know him.
“What can I get ya, Love?” He asked, leaning in so he could hear me. 
“I’m actually looking for someone,” I said, climbing up to kneel in the seat so I could lean over the bar. “I don’t know if he’s a regular or not, but I figured I’d try.”
“Sure, what’s his name?”
“John. I don’t have a last name, but he’s tall and built, has dark sandy hair with a mutton chops beard. I think he’s in the military,” I said.
“Oh yeah! John Price! He and his men are regulars,” the bartender nodded. “Just saw him a few days ago actually. What do you want him for?”
“Well, I’ve got something for him that he left when I last saw him and I only got his first name and haven’t been able to find him,” I said. “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find him other than here, could you?”
“Sorry, I only know him from here. Maybe if you come back tomorrow he might be here. He usually shows up a bit earlier than this,” the man said with a shrug. I nodded and thanked him, giving him a few quid for the help. I decided that I could hang around and see if he still shows up that night while I dug around to see what I could find on social media. 
Getting a Shirly Temple, I grabbed a corner seat and spent about an hour trying to find him online, but the man was a ghost. Nothing. No Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, not even a LinkedIn. What was I supposed to do? Give my number to the bartender and hope he remembered to give it to John? That is if he would. He’d probably just toss it. There was no way I was leaving my number on a board in hopes he’d see it. That was how I would end up on a true crime Youtube channel. 
About to call it a night and escape the bar that was building a headache in the base of my skull, I shot a text to Jesse to let him know I tried the bar and at least got a last name. As I turned to put my phone in my purse, the chair opposite of me was pulled out. Looking up, I couldn’t believe my dumb luck.
“Heard you were looking for me,” John said with a chuckle. His deep, gravelly voice was just like I remembered it as he was grunting in my ear while he-
“Yes, I am,” I said with a nervous laugh. “I, uh, know that it’s been a while since we last saw one another and I planned to call you, but I lost your number.”
“You know you don’t have to make up a story if you want to have a pint with me,” he said, a soft smile peeked from under his whiskers. 
“Oh, no, I really lost your number,” I said, straightening up in my chair. “I also have the memory of a goldfish, so when I realized I had lost it, it was too late. But you’re here now.”
“That I am,” he said, nodding with a hum. Almost getting completely lost in his shining blue eyes, I quickly gave him my full name. 
It was very clear as to why I had started to flirt with him in the first place. The way he looked at me, making me feel like he knew exactly what he wanted and it was me. 
“It’s nice to get a full name, after almost two months,” he said. “It’s lovely to meet you, I’m John Price.” He held out his hand for me to shake and damn it, I was melting into his touch. His hand was warm and rough, but firm. “So, were you seeking me out for an introduction or maybe I could buy you a drink?”
“Uh, I was actually looking for you because. . . Well. . .” It felt like the words were getting stuck in my throat, trying to choke me to make me leave and pretend nothing happened. 
“You want another go where we’re a bit more sober and able to have more fun?” John offered with a wink as he leaned forward to sip his beer he’d brought over with him.
“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out. He furrowed his brow, staring at me.
“Congratulations?” He asked slowly.
“That’s why I was looking for you,” I said with a heavy sigh. “I’m pregnant and about 7 weeks along. If you do the math. . .”
“I see,” he said, nodding. Sitting back in his chair, he fiddled with a coaster, staying quiet for a moment. I didn’t want to push it or scare him, so I was patient. “And you’re sure it’s mine?” 
I had prepared myself for that question, made sure it wouldn’t bother me by asking myself that same thing over and over, but hearing his tone and seeing that flash of doubt on his face made me want to hide in shame. I didn’t shame people for how many people they had slept with and while I didn’t have sex with strangers, it felt like suddenly I was this ‘loose’ person that was trying to get every single dick they could and use the system to get free stuff. The next nine months were going to be hell on my body, but sure, I only did it for free stuff and to control a man I had met ONCE.
“You’re the only person I’ve slept with in the last four months. So, yeah. I’m very sure,” I said, feeling my chest start to tighten. Anxiety began to twist my stomach like I was wringing my hands under the table. “I don’t want anything,” I added, nearly choking on my own spit. “I mean, I don’t want you to feel like you owe me or the Bean anything. I just wanted you to know, so if you did want to participate at all, you could. If you don’t want to, that’s fine. Again, I just thought that you had a right to know.”
“That did go through my mind,” John said with hesitation. “I know you said you don’t want anything, but it wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t help out at all. A support check at least.”
“That. . . That’s up to you. I’m not going to take you to court over it. I figured if you ever want a relationship with the Bean, then we can work something out. I’ll keep you updated on anything you want to know or I can just leave you alone,” I said. That part was hard. I didn’t want to be a single mum and I didn’t want to be alone, but I also didn’t know John. How many relationships went sour because two people had a kid and chose to stay together instead of separate because they thought it would be better for the kid? Too many. 
“I think I’d like to know,” he said, looking up from the coaster to me. “I’d like to be involved as much as I can be.”
“Okay,” I said, twisting my napkin more. “Okay, we can do that. Um, I have a doctor’s appointment next week. If you want, you can come. It’s just a general check up.” 
“Yeah, I can do that. Just let me know the time and place. Do you want to meet there or I can pick you up?” He offered, that look coming back again. John knew what he wanted, but I couldn’t tell if it was me or the Bean. That wasn’t something I thought I would need to worry about. Would he think I wasn’t fit to be a parent by myself? Did he have family that could raise the Bean and think it would be better if they did? The prospect of being betrayed to have the Bean taken away was suddenly very real and terrifying.
“We can meet there. Here’s my number, so you can keep it and I can’t lose it again,” I said, sliding my phone over to show him my number. He added my number to his phone before adding his to mine then sliding it back to me. “I’ll go ahead and send you the details. Um, okay, I just realized how, well, how silly this sounds, especially after me giving you my information, but I just thought of it. You aren’t a crazed serial killer, are you?”
John let out a bark of a laugh, his shoulders shaking as he chuckled. “No, no. Nothing like that. I’m just a captain in SAS.” 
“That’s what it was,” I groaned. “I knew it was military, but I couldn’t remember exactly what it was.”
“To be fair, I didn’t exactly tell you,” he said, leaning forward again, much more relaxed by my ice breaker question. “So what is it that you do?”
“I’m a restaurant manager for an Italian place on the south side of town. Ciao Bella.”
“I’ve heard of the place. Always good things. I haven’t eaten there before, but now I might,” John said. 
“It’s a pretty good place. I recommend it and not just because I work there.”
The longer we talked, the more comfortable I felt with him. I still wasn't sure if he wanted me or the Bean, but it was starting to look like both of us. When I was ready to go home, he offered to drive me home and when I declined, not for lack of him trying, he walked me out to hail me a taxi. There was a bit of awkwardness at the good night part. Did we kiss? Did we high five or wave? In the end, I gave him a one armed side hug that he happily returned. 
Once I was in the taxi and down the street, my phone buzzed with a message. 
'I forgot to ask, but why do you call the baby The Bean?' I snorted and shook my head. 
'Because you English really like beans and that's the size of it right now.'
'You're English too.'
'No, I'm Scottish! There's a difference!'
'You’re right. Out of curiosity, are you related to or know a Johnny MacTavish?'
'Is he from Inverness, Scotland?'
'Yes. You know him?'
I had screwed up. I had seriously screwed up. I couldn't bring myself to answer him, not even when he called once I got home. It had been almost a decade and I still couldn't bear to think of him. He was supposed to be the good one. He was supposed to help me and comfort me and instead he abandoned me. If John knew him then I couldn't be around John. I couldn’t put myself or the Bean through what I had gone through the last time I’d seen him.
Once inside my flat and my door locked, I turned off my phone so I didn't have to listen to it buzz with calls and messages. How could I explain to him even the very basics to begin with? I couldn't without giving away every dirty, dark detail of why I cut him out of my life to begin with. 
Laying in bed as I felt sick, I couldn't help but think that I made a mistake. I never should have looked for John and I never should have told him. It could have been dealt with quietly and quickly and I wouldn't be so attached to it. Wrapping my arms around my belly, I started to cry. Why did I try and do the ‘right thing’ for myself? It never worked out, it wouldn’t be any different from Paul. He’d find out and he’d either leave or take the Bean or worse, would make me believe he was a good person till I truly needed him and it turned out to be a lie the whole time.
When I had ghosted John, I don’t know why I thought he’d just disappear. Why would he, after finding out I’m pregnant with his Bean, not do anything to track me down and make sure I wasn’t dead in the gutter or smuggled to another counter? While I had no information to go off of to find him other than a bar, he had plenty for me. Between my phone number, my place of work, all the information on my social media, and the doctor’s appointment that I had given the details to, I was somehow surprised to find him waiting for me at the front of the clinic the day of my appointment. It had been almost a full week since I’d seen him and had been ignoring his calls and texts in hopes he’d either talk to Johnny and find out why it was better that way or would just give up. 
“Ah, shit,” I groaned under my breath, seeing him sitting on a bench as I walked down the street from my bus stop. John had already spotted me before I could try and go another way in, giving a wave as he stood up to meet me. 
“Do you want to talk about why you pulled a Houdini on me before or after the appointment?” He asked, meeting me halfway.
“Afterwards. I haven’t eaten today and I don’t have the energy to explain everything in great detail like you’ll want it to be,” I said with a sigh. 
“Why haven’t you eaten?” John asked, frowning a bit.
“I woke up late after pulling a double shift. Turns out when you’re pregnant you get tired much more easily and if you stop moving, you do fall asleep no matter where you are,” I said, rubbing my tired eyes. There were dark circles under my eyes for sure and I probably looked like I had rolled out of bed after a week of doing nothing. My clothes were wrinkled, my trainers dirty, and my hair unwashed for the last week. John meanwhile looked put together and had done everything on his to-do list for the next month in six hours. 
“Alright, yeah. We’ll go for food after this and we can talk,” he said with a nod. Turning, he opened the door for me, letting me lead the way to the receptionist. After checking in, we found a pair of seats together in the corner. As I looked around, I felt more shame creeping up. It was a government run clinic, which meant people who weren’t well off were there and that meant stereotypes. The mum with two kids screaming while pregnant with a third, one who didn’t look older than 15 with her own mother, and one who looked like she had nicotine patches on her arms as she bounced her leg and scowled at the room. It was what I could afford as I didn’t have private insurance and John didn’t seem the type to have been in a place like that before. At least in the UK. 
I began to worry if he was silently judging me, reconsidering everything about me because we were there and not some posh doctor’s office with pleasant music playing softly while pretty people with white, toothy smiles were all around. 
“Ms. MacTavish,” a nurse said from the door to the exam rooms. Standing up, John and I followed. She took my vitals and weighed me before taking us to a small room. 
“Do you want me to hold anything?” He asked softly, minding how the room made our regular voices sound like we were shouting. 
“Oh, yes, thanks,” I said, handing my purse and jacket. I hopped onto the exam table as he held my things, moving his chair closer to the head of the table instead of at my feet. At least he was being polite. We waited a bit in silence, but it was actually comfortable. It was odd, given most people would be talking about anything and everything to avoid the fact that I was about to have to take my pants off and have someone else stick their fingers inside my fanny. 
The doctor came in after a bit, knocking then coming in without an answer from me. She immediately went to wash her hands before looking over my chart, not looking at me yet. “Okay, Ms. McTavis, you are here for a regular pregnancy check up, and is this the father of the child?” She asked, misspeaking my name. The woman looked like she was either going to ask for a manager or call the police on someone for being too loud two houses down. 
“Yes, this is John,” I said, not even bothering to correct her. I probably wouldn’t see her next time, so it didn’t matter.
“And how long have you two been sexually active together?” She asked, continuing to read over my chart and make notes. 
“Um, just once,” I said, earning a raised brow from her. “We had a one night stand. What does that have to do with the visit?”
“Ah, are you sure he’s the father?” She asked, looking down at my chart to write a few things and ignoring my question.
“Yep, the only person I’ve slept with in four months.” This was a nightmare. It was one thing to go through this with just myself, but having John there to see and hear the questions was humiliating. If we had been married or a committed couple, it would be different, but because we weren’t, I was the irresponsible one.
“All it takes is just once with no condom or pill and here you are. Alright, go ahead and take your trousers and pants off and we’ll do a quick pelvic exam.” Instead of leaving the room, she drew a curtain around me after handing me a gown. I just tried to keep any signs of embarrassment to a minimum so we could get through this. 
“I can hold those for you, Love,” John said softly, once I was changed. He was standing up with his eyes down, but holding out his hand for me to give him my clothes. 
“Thanks,” I said in a near whisper, handing him my things before getting back on the table to put my feet in the stirrups. Letting out a breath, the curtain was drawn back and the doctor scooted in on her rolly stool with gloves on and ready to go. “Lube’s a bit cold,” she said, smearing it a bit before pushing in a finger then two. It felt so uncomfortable and hurt slightly, making me even more embarrassed that John was there to see it. She had to adjust my legs, spreading them wider and higher, making it harder on my body as she did the exam. 
This was completely different from him having his head buried between my legs or him seeing me completely naked on top of him. Part of me began to wonder if I was just stupid for offering to have him at appointments with this happening. I had probably scared him off for good. Parents who wanted kids, who were trying for them, this wouldn’t bother them. We had an accident and this was forcing us to be much more intimate in an alien way.
“I need you to stay there for a moment, I forgot to grab something from the supplies,” the doctor said, pulling the curtain so I wouldn’t flash anyone when the door opened. When it closed, I tried to keep my sigh quiet, but again, those fucking rooms made a whisper sound like borderline yelling. The quiet fell over us once more, but this time, John stood up to move his chair closer. Sitting back down, he was right next to the table. He reached up and took my hand in a loose hold, giving it a quick kiss as we waited. If I wasn’t so anxious or ready to throw up, I would have cried at his sweetness. 
Once the doctor came back, she finished her exam and said everything looked good and she’d see me in four weeks. After finishing her job, she closed the door behind her after letting me know to take my time if I needed to and just leave the door open when I left. John stood up, letting go of my hand, to grab some paper towels for me. I quietly thanked him as I cleaned up myself before taking my clothes back to dress. When I was done, he took my hand in his and walked me out of there. 
Outside, I felt better, but only so much. The close interior of the clinic and the chemical smell from disinfectants were not longer trying to smother me along with my embarrassment at least. Now I had to explain everything to John and expect him to be okay with it after making him sit through that?
“If you’d like, I could get you on my health plan and you could go see a different doctor,” he offered as we kept walking. I wasn’t really paying attention to the direction as my hunger was starting to overshadow everything else, my hands getting a bit shaky had him stopping us. He looked over my face as he held both my hands, silently taking stock of where I was at. “Let’s get some food in you before we talk about anything else, yeah?”
“Please,” I said, nearly bursting into tears. Goddamn hormones. Putting his arm around me, he led us to his car to drive us to the nearest restaurant. 
After we were inside and food was ordered, delivered, then devoured, that was when he started to talk again. 
“I meant it earlier,” John said, using a napkin to wipe his face clean of crumbs. “I can put you on my health plan and you’ll be able to go to a different place.”
“I appreciate it, but this is fine,” I said, tearing up pieces of bread to sop up any juices left from my meal. “It would be a mess to change providers and this is the easiest place to get to from my place by bus.”
“You know you can ask me to take you to your appointments. It’s not a problem,” he said, looking over my plate that I practically licked clean. “Want anything else to eat? My treat.”
“I feel like a broken record a bit, but it’s fine. I’m good,” I said, fibbing a bit. Ordering a small portion didn’t exactly work in my favor, but I didn’t feel comfortable relying on him much more than I already had allowed myself to. “As for my appointments, you won’t be able to take me all the time and when I hit 28 weeks I go every other week, then at 36 weeks it’s once a week. It’s a lot to ask of you and I can do it on my own. I promise, I’m an adult.”
“Even adults need help from time to time, besides, I said I wanted to be involved,” he said. When the waitress came around to ask if we wanted anything else, John turned to look at me and waited patiently. The waitress seemed to understand what he was waiting for as she turned to look at me with a sweet smile.
“I’ll have a burger and fries. Adult portions, well done,” I said after a few seconds of panic deliberating. The man seemed unable to stop himself from trying to take care of me as much as possible. That should have been a sign to me that he was a good person and would do anything for me and the Bean. He probably did that to a lot of people around him as well. The waitress took my order with a nod then was off.
“Now, about the health plan,” John said, picking up his mug of coffee. I could see the slight smile he was hiding behind it and wanted to slap it out of his hands. Ugh. He was going to drive me insane with being so nice and helpful.
“As long as I don’t have to marry you or move in with you to be on it,” I said with resignation. 
“Done,” he said. “I’ll get you the paperwork for you to fill out and that’ll be that.” 
“Sounds good,” I said. 
A quiet fell over us as he stared at me and I refused to look at him. I knew what he wanted and until he asked, and even then, I wasn’t going to offer it up. 
“So,” he said, setting his mug down to lean against the table on his elbows. 
“So,” I said, picking up my fork to swing a bit in my fingers as I leaned back in my chair.
“You’re Johnny MacTavish’s little sister?” 
“Depends on who you ask,” I said with a shrug.
“If I were asking you?”
“Then I would say that I don’t have any siblings or immediate family.”
“And if I asked him?” I looked at his words. John was watching me, every movement, every small twitch or tell. The man was waiting for me to lie or to tell him the truth.
“Then he’d tell you he had two younger sisters. One is deceased and the other is one that he and his parents don’t talk to or see,” I said, shifting in my chair. “You didn’t tell him, did you? About me or us or the Bean?”
“No,” John said, shaking his head. “I thought you two might be estranged partners at first, but I did my own digging.”
“Yeah? What’d you find out?” I pulled my legs up in the chair to sit criss cross, unable to keep his gaze for too long. 
“I found out you went to secondary school as Johnny was starting the military and your sister was working at a local shop. Once you graduated, you went a bit wild, I would say. Partying and such. Then your sister died in a drunk driving accident and you disappeared for a bit,” he said. “But I’m still not getting the answer as to why you ran when I mentioned Johnny.”
“That is because he and I don’t speak. I haven’t spoken to him or my parents in almost a decade. Basically since our sister died,” I said, keeping my gaze on the paper straw cover that I was folding. John was quiet, letting me get the words out on my own time. “I had been at a party that night and had been drinking. So, I called Saoirse to come pick me up. All my friends were pretty pissed at the time, so I thought I was doing the right thing, you know? Not leaving with the drunk people and getting a sober driver.” I swallowed hard, feeling my chest tighten as I tried not to let the images of that not conjure up in my head. I didn’t even get to know what happened fully till my cousin Mike told me and that was nearly two days later. 
He and my other cousin Seamus were the only family I still considered to be family. They were military like Johnny, special forces in SAS, but they were older. Mike was nearly 60 and Seamus was pushing mid 40s, but they had always been kind to me and never treated me differently. Especially Mike. He’d send presents for Christmas and my birthday, things I actually wanted while my parents would give me the bland socks or clothes that I hated. He still did when he could. All he had were his brother Paulie left as his parents were gone with no spouse or kids of his own. Mike got me through the grieving, but he never spoke up like Saoirse did. 
“She was on her way there when one of the guys that was at the party left, and he hit my sister when he was trying to race someone else that was drunk. When my parents found out where I had been and why she had been there, they blamed me for her death. Johnny wasn’t around much because he was off doing military stuff, so the only story he got was from them. I never got to explain to him what happened or find out what our parents told him. He wouldn’t look at me even at the funeral when the family was gathered together. I ended up drunk halfway through and left. No one followed me aside from my cousin Mike. He let me stay with him till I could get my own place. My parents didn’t try to find me or talk to me, neither did Johnny.” 
“I’m so sorry, Love,” he said softly, reaching over to take my hand that was starting to pick at my cuticles. “That must have been. . . That’s so hard.”
“Yeah,” I said with a snort, trying not to focus on it too much and have a melt down before I got my food. “Johnny never reached out to see if what they said was true, just trusted them despite the bullshit they always pulled with me. I have no clue what I did to them, but my parents always treated me differently. It wasn’t outright abuse, but I know they never did like me, let alone love me. Saoirse always stood up for me, whenever they gave me a hard time, she’d call them out on it. Johnny didn’t get to see much of it because he was always busy and he always believed our parents. They had never done anything wrong to him, so how could they be so bad?”
“Have you tried reaching out to him? Try explaining anything to him?” John asked, rubbing my palm. 
“I did once, but he acted like I was. . . Like I was some druggie asking for help to get their next fix. It was maybe six years ago. I saw him in passing in Glasgow. He said I needed to get help and stop asking for money, before I even said anything. Johnny told me that I was an adult and couldn’t live off of mum and dad forever. Apparently our parents had been telling him that I was constantly asking for money for beer or drugs or whatever and he didn’t question it. We used to be really close, you know? Right before he turned 16 and tried to join the military, we’d always be around one another. Him and me and Saoirse. I don’t know what changed, but once he was gone, he wasn’t my brother anymore. Just a stranger who didn’t have time or want for me.” 
Just as it was getting too much to talk about, my food arrived. While I didn’t have that much of an appetite after explaining myself, even leaving a lot out, I still needed to eat. John didn’t ask any more questions as I ate, though I’m sure he had some. Finished with my food in just a few minutes, I let my meal settle before asking my own question. 
“So, how do you know Johnny?” I asked, knowing it was something that we would have to work with instead of around.
“He and I are on the same deployment team, specialized task force if you will,” John said. “We work together and see each other almost daily when we’re not deployed.”
“So this is something that he will find out about,” I said, nodding as anxiety made my stomach roll. 
“I know you two aren’t on good terms, but I can’t hide this from him. I also didn’t know how. . . Sensitive it was,” he said. “I can tell him myself or we can tell him together, but he has to know.”
“Which means my parents will find out as well,” I said, feeling like I was losing any sense of control I had over the situation. It was quickly going into a very upsetting and unwelcome direction. 
“Possibly,” John said. “I know that this is asking a lot from you, from carrying the baby to having to speak with family you cut out of your life, but I want to make this work. I want to be there for our child and you.”
“You’re right this is asking a lot,” I said, nodding as I stood up. “I can’t do this John. I’m not even sorry, but I am being asked to do so much, no I’m being told to do so much. I know you want to be in Bean’s life, but I am sacrificing everything and you get to just waltz in like the hero with the medical plan and the money and the car to take me places. I’m not-I can’t. No, it’s not happening,” I said, walking out. John cursed before following me out. 
“Love, just wait,” he said, grabbing my arm. 
“No! You wait!” I snarled as I turned on him, yanking my arm away. “I am expected to give up everything and sacrifice my sense of safety and self worth for you! Not Bean, but you! Because you work with my brother who I haven’t seen in years and because you want me to go to the nice medical practice and you want me to do this and that and I don’t want to! I don’t have to! So just leave me alone and forget I ever found you again. I’ve been on my own long enough that I can take care of myself and Bean without you.”
“You don’t have to though,” John said. He was frustrated, scrubbing his face as he looked around to see people staring at us because of my outburst. “Just-”
“No, no justs!” I cried. “I want to be left alone. Don’t call me, don’t follow me, don’t message me, nothing!”
He looked so heart broken, so desperate to help, but didn’t know how to handle being denied. Part of me wanted to just break down into tears and hug him, plead for him to never leave me, but I knew. . . I fucking knew that this was a pipe dream. Anything he and I could ever be or have was a fantasy. As soon as Johnny or my parents found out, they’d poison John against me. Help him take the Bean if they wanted to. 
I stared hard at him for a few moments before turning to walk away. I was miles from my place, but I didn’t care. The walk would help me get rid of these feelings and wants and pointless dreams. It should have been clear from the start that I wasn’t going to have a house with a yard and a bright red door with a shining white archway. No 2.5 kids with someone I loved and an old dog or cat we found while dating. I saw who I was at the clinic. The mum with two kids screaming, a third on the way while trying to handle it all on their own. That was my future.
Days passed and John kept his distance. I didn’t attempt to contact him and he did the same. After a while it felt normal again aside from getting sick at the slightest strong smell. I hadn’t escaped the dreaded ‘morning’ sickness after all. Work was hard, but I got through it, even if it meant leaving when the food began to be cooked and coming in early. Hitting 10 weeks felt like it took forever. The mood swings were still awful and my breasts were tender and swollen. I was getting a more noticeable bump too. It was easy to hide, but standing in front of a mirror in my underwear showed that there was indeed a Bean growing inside me. 
The worst part was my blood pressure. Somehow I had very low blood pressure despite the stress I was under. Low enough that if I was still for too long I would start to pass out. A quick clinic visit had me upping my salt intake and water. It wasn’t bad if I was at home, I could just sit in the floor till the feeling passed. I hadn’t experienced it outside of the house, yet. 
Mid week 11, I finally went to the store instead of eating out. I wasn’t feeling great, but I was doing what I could. Pushing the trolly up the bread aisle, I was looking for the one type of bread I knew I could stomach when fate decided that it was time for things to come to a head. 
As I was reaching for the bread, standing as tall as I could on my tippy toes, a hand reached up and grabbed it. 
“Here you go,” a familiar voice said. I turned to look at the person with wide eyes, both of us having a moment of disbelief. 
“Hey, Soap, don’t forget the-” 
Son of a fucking bitch.
“Oh,” John said as he saw me and Johnny staring at one another. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah,” Johnny said, never taking his eyes off me. “Just helping this nice lady get some bread.” 
I never had a hair trigger to cry before, but the moment he said that instead of saying he knew me, it broke me. Bursting into tears, I couldn’t even leave. I was sobbing so hard. 
“Soap,” John said with a growl. I tried to brush his hands away, to try and get some space, but John wasn’t letting me leave. 
“Do you know her, Cap?” Johnny asked, sounding anything but pleased. 
“Easy, Love,” John said softly, pulling me close and stroking my hair. It shouldn’t have made me melt into him so easily, I should have tried harder to leave, but I was just so damn tired. 
“Price?” Johnny said, getting gruff. 
“I know who she is, Soap,” John said. “I know who you are to her. We can do this here or we can do this in private, Sergeant.” His tone left no argument or even a choice. The three of us left the store empty handed. John had me tucked under his arm the whole time we walked to a nearby house. It was just a few blocks from mine and when Johnny pulled out his keys to open the front door, I began to sob all over again. He had been so close this whole time and we never once ran into each other. It meant we either had very bad luck or he knew where I was the whole time and never said a thing. 
John offered soft words of comfort and reassurance as he guided me to a sofa. Sitting me down, he looked off to the side and told someone to bring him a cool wash cloth and to make tea. 
“I’m not fucking English, I don’t drink tea,” I croaked between sniffling sobs. 
“Yeah, but I am and so is the Bean,” John said, giving me a smile that made his cheeks round and his eyes crease. It was the same one he’d given me that first night we met. 
He had been sitting at the bar, nursing a scotch when I came up wild and loud, climbing onto a stool so I could kneel on it to be able to lean onto the bar so the bartender could hear my order. I glanced at him and flashed a smile and a wave. ‘Hi!’ I said, giving him my name. ‘Do you like tequila?’
‘Hi, I’m John and I do like tequila.’
‘It’s grand to meet you, John! Have a shot with me!’
“Who’s Bean?” A voice asked, bringing us out of our small daze. Looking up, there stood a man with dark eyes and a curious look. 
“Gaz,” John said, clearing his throat. “Not the time.” The man nodded, handing him the wash cloth that he turned to wipe my face. Letting him clean me up, I was able to calm down and at least stop crying. The headache that came after didn’t help at all. I couldn’t take any medication for it either, so I only had a bag of frozen peas that Gaz had grabbed at John’s request to help soothe the pounding behind my eyes. 
“Seems we’ve calmed down enough that we can talk,” John said as Johnny joined us, standing in the doorway, leaning against it with his arms crossed and his face sour. “There’s no good way to say this, so I might as well just say it. Johnny, your sister and I had a one night stand and now she’s pregnant.”
“Bullshit,” Johnny scoffed. 
“Sergeant,” John growled in a warning. 
“She’s not pregnant,” Johnny said, not backing down. “You two may have fucked, but she’s not pregnant. She’s just trying to get money out of you.”
“I went to a fucking doctor’s visit with her. She is pregnant and she’s been trying to avoid me and push away any help I offer her because you and your parents seem to have it out for her,” John snarled, standing up. “Now, I don’t know what your parents told you, but your sister has done everything in her power to make sure I’m not in my child’s life because you and them treat her like a plague rat. She has not once asked for a damn penny, let alone any large sum you’ve made up in your head.”
“You don’t even know if it’s yours!” Johnny cried out, pushing off from the doorframe. 
“I’m the only one she’s been with, you fucking muppet! You’d know that if you’d talk to her like a decent person, let alone a decent brother!” John snapped, getting in his face. “I have been trying to do everything I can to make sure I have a relationship with my child, at least, because it is impossible to get close to her after everything you lot put her through! I gave you the benefit of the doubt even. That you were just fed lies so much that nothing else made sense! No, this is willful ignorance now and I won’t stand for it. Your sister has been alone needlessly for years. Be a fucking man and own up to your mistakes.”
The room was deathly quiet as the two men stood there, seething as they stared each other down. 
“You know shit ain’t been addin’ up, Johnny,” a low, gruff voice said. A man with a skull balaclava stood off to the side as he watched everything. Had he been there the whole time? “It hasn’t been for a long time.” Johnny turned away from John to look at the man then to me. His snarl faded as he kept our gazes locked before walking away. “I got him, you take care of yours, Price,” the man said, calmly walking after my brother. John nodded, letting out a breath he’d been holding. 
“I. . . I’m sorry, Love,” he said softly, taking a seat next to me, his head hanging as he stared at his hands. “I know you didn’t want any of this and I’ll take you home if you want me to.”
“John,” I said, reaching over and taking his calloused hand in mine. “Thank you.” He looked from our hands to my face, his brows relaxing a bit from the worried scrunch they’d been stuck in.
“You’re welcome,” he said softly, leaning in to kiss my cheek. 
“I think maybe we should try things differently,” I said, bumping his head with mine. 
“Yeah?” He hummed, pulling me close to rest against his chest. 
“Dating. We should date. Start there and work our way up,” I said, nuzzling against his chest. He was wearing a soft cable knit sweater and I wanted to climb inside it with him. 
“I think that’s a good idea,” he said, his voice rumbling deep in his chest as he put both arms around me. 
“I also need the insurance papers again. . . I lost them,” I said, tucking my head under his, happy in the warm and safe spot I’d made. 
“Of course,” John said, chuckling. 
“Also. . . That was really hot, you standing up for me. I don’t think I’d ever been so turned on before,” I said, hiding my smirk.
“Brat,” he snorted. “Do you want to go home?”
“Can you come with me and stay?” I asked, pulling away to look up at him.
“Wild dogs couldn’t keep me away,” John smiled, leaning down to kiss me. 
Series Masterlist
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow
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Your eyes couldn't hide anything
You were wrong when you said everything's gonna be alright
You were right when you said this is the end
You lie for a moment, you lie as a decoy
Sittin on the stand with no remorse
Be creepin wit mad demons
Blood rushin, concussions
Y’all can’t see this but this might be the night
Chloe don’t know better, Chloe’s just like me
Dreams like this must die
And everyone has a heart and it’s calling for something, and we’re all so sick and tired of seeing things as they are, and everyone is hidden and everyone is cruel, there’s no shortage of tyrants and no shortage of fools
And the little white shape dancing at the end of the hall is just a wish that time can’t dissolve at all:
“Well, there are some things too hard to explain but my baby’s coming home.”
And I realized
How many paths have crossed between us
This story is old, I know—but it goes on
Sounds like today’s a good day for a tape
It seems to make you laugh each time I cry
Well its been ten years or maybe more since I first laid eyes on you
Come and play the tunes of glory
Raise your voice in celebration
And learn the meaning of existence in fortnightly instalments
Come share this golden age with me in my single room apartment
Oh and I could be a genius if I just put my mind to it
Now they expected to control us (these aren’t the words but they’re what I thought the words were for 30 years )
“Oh, come on make it up yourself. And I promise I won't tell this to anybody else in the world but you.”
I ain’t had a job for a year or more, I don’t own a thing
Holy law and money, their intentions are tall
We smoke and talk in my room
Maybe I'm crazy
Or maybe you know
But I've got this feeling it’s all about to blow
So we go from year to year with secrets we’ve been keeping
“Yes, Jackie.” (there’s actually a French man named jacky on the wall who died last year)
Cameras on the microphone
I knew you was conflicted
Light my fire
Holy junkie
Funky monkey
He don't want to play that game
He gotta play that game
What will you ever do when you blow a fuse?
Sooner or later you’ve gotta get down and sing
I’m the siren that you hear
I’m churnin out novels like beat poetry on amphetamines
I’ve got feathers in my hair
They judge me
Brooklyn Babies
Yeah then I saw love disfigure me into something I am not recognizing
“See the cage.”
I will not open myself this way again.
All all you folks, you come to see; you just stand there looking at me…and I could kill you.
“I know there’s a way that we can make ‘em pay.”
“We never lost control.”(this stuck out like a sore thumb today)
When I’m in trouble I know she’ll go with me until the end; everybody asks me how I know I smile at them and say “she told me so.”
Don’t get high on what you create, oh it just might steal ya
Cocaine cocaine cocaine ALL DAY, Jesus, ok quick lecture: we’ve Got an overdose coming, so you better pull your shit together and now the lyrics: buzzing all the time, just one hit and I feel great….we promise we won’t tell.
Music is your only friend; until the end.
We can’t stop is the song that was playing Dec 30 2017 when fake katie told me I needed to “party” even tho I’d been sober a year, and when I asked with what, she responded “coke and ecstasy”. That was the longest & most severe drug addiction I ever had and I hope I never see it again, and sometime in 2018 while high out of my Mind after realizing I’d been duped, wrote, “blond got me hooked on cocaine” on my wall next to an exchange between me and my ex-therapist that said “I’m in a boat with drugs and ritual and voices”, and her response “do something with it or get a new boat”…so I did. It just took awhile. In the words of our friend the pot dealer “smoke weed, dude.”
Also don’t trick people into cocaine addictions by pretending to be their dead niece, maybe? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Don’t bother saying you’re sorry(though you having your henchmen leave wrapped drinking straws everywhere so I’d be reminded of my addiction was super shitty IMHO)
You are the habit I can’t seem to kick
And like a car crash I can see but I just can’t avoid
Like a plane I’ve been told I never should board (Steel, RIP)
Oh right that song about a girl you’re obsessed with that you never talk to, twice in one day
“When you hit the ground, it’s an awful sound.” Speak to us of this expertise. After all it’s played three times in 24 hours. On three different playlists.
A yo there’s poison in that gumbo
I know your secrets, bitches
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makeupinthedrawer · 3 years
Don't know if you're gonna write this but I've always thought about nerd! reader x Niall because I'm a nerd and wanna read about cute nerdy things they'd do together. Byeeee
i’m so so so so sorry that i’m not seeing this until NOW??? ☹️☹️☹️ i literally never got a notification that someone sent in an ask i hope ur still here to even see this i’m so sorry 💔 i hope ur okay with me using it for a headcannon tho❤️‍🩹
upcoming content : just fluff
my masterlist
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niall is a nerd!! like a full out, unashamed NERD!
sometimes you forget that considering he’s a superstar
an international superstar who has been in every corner of the globe performing for fans screaming his name like he’s a king
but when he’s lying on the couch, kicking his legs, giggling and exclaiming with glee, as one of his many astronaut friends calls him from space
yes from S P A C E
all his fame and the image of who he is to the rest of the world fades to the background
“he called me from SPACE!” / “i know!“ / “my voice was in space darlin” / “:’) that’s very exciting, ni.” / “do you think the aliens would like my music” / “i’d like to think so” / “me too! :’)))”
but for every space launch and science documentary he’s made you watch, you’ve balanced it out with the amount of movie and cartoon marathons you’d force him to watch
from classics like harry potter and the hunger games, to your favorite niche cartoons, he took the time to try and understand each of them
some of them he doesn’t really get
“so they just have to …kill each other?” / “yeah pretty much” / “but why?” / “they’re being forced to by the government” / “but that’s so sad :(((((“ / “i know” / “i wouldn’t kill you babe / “i wouldn’t kill you either”
but some he gets hooked on like normal people for instance
“they’re from ireland!” / “yup!” / “like me!” / “i know!”
laughing at every irish reference and pointing out every familiarity
“this is exactly what it was like growing up in ireland”
sometimes you had to bite your tongue when he said that. wondering if he had some life changing, heart wrenching romance he never told you about
but when he’d look up at you every week, popcorn in his lap and a spot carved out for you on the couch just under his arm, you knew you had nothing to worry about
“and this is also a book? :o” / “mm hmm, it’s in my drawer :)” / “ :o :o :o :o” / “d’ya wanna borrow it, bub?” / “:D!”
the two of you had your nerdy differences that you introduced each other to over the course of your relationship
but the one thing you both had in common from day one was
planet earth
“he’s the cutest little thing i’ve ever seen in my life ♡ U ♡ “ / “don’t get attached love” / “wha- no no no no!” / “holy shit, look at it go!” / “i’m literally about to start crying. :(” / “well keep it down, i want to put this on my story :|” / “:((((“
you woke up everyday and thought about how thankful you were for niall
finally with someone who didn’t make you feel embarrassed over your interests like your ex did
“and so yeah, that’s why it’s my favorite” / “wow, you’re so smart” / “i- i i’m sorry if i was rambling” / “…i like your rambling, i like everything about you, petal :]”
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133 notes · View notes
callme-barnes · 3 years
Drunk Crushin’
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*GIF is not mine*
Summary: You have a night out with the girls to get your mind off of your ex. Now your in the tower confessing things you wouldn’t be if you were sober.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader (with powers)
Word Count: 1,842
Warnings: None
A/N: Please do not repost my work anywhere! I wrote it for Tumblr so it stays on Tumblr. I’m trying to get back in the swing of writing things because well, I love writing. It’s been literal years since I’ve written anything so please be kind. I kind of just put this out as it goes. I don’t want to think about it too much or I will never publish anything. Anyways, for this pic I gave the reader the ability to manipulate nature but it doesn’t play a huge part in it. All mistakes are mine. Enjoy otherwise!
The euphoric feeling of the satin dress on your skin was mixing in nicely with the feeling of too much alcohol in your system. The alcohol heightened the smooth sensation on your skin and the music caused you to sway from side to side to the rhythm, flashing lights dancing across the exposed skin of your legs, arms, and chest. Natasha and Wanda surrounded you, the pair of them a lot more sober than you were.
“Y/N/N...how are you feeling?”
You managed to open your eyes at hearing your name, although it sounded muffled due to your intoxication.
“I feel...amazing! Who...who needs men. Right? Right!”
Wanda couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her lips at your response
“Babe maybe we should have you drink some water. You’ve been on the dancefloor for hours” she mentioned in slight concern but also was amused at how carefree and happy you were in that moment.
“I’ll take...I’ll take another shot” you said blissfully, looking at Natasha and Wanda before you reached over and moved your arms around each of their shoulders
“Thank you guys so much...I...I needed this so much. I can’t believe...believe he would do something like that. I mean...what...what the fuck was he thinking?! And in my bed for fucks sake”
Wanda and Natasha moved to walk you towards a small corner booth, Wanda excusing herself so she could get you some water.
“Don’t worry about him babe. He was a fucking asshole. I couldn’t stand him. If I had a chance to cut his head off I would”
Y/N laughed to herself as she leaned into Natasha, resting her head on her shoulder, her own head spinning.
“I love you Natasha. And you Wanda!”
Wanda laughed at your coo and she slipped into the empty seat next to you helping you get your water bottle open
“I love you too babe. Now, let’s get you sobered up just a little and get you back to the compound”
You don’t even know how the conversation was started due to your head not really remembering any complex thoughts, but your mouth was running as if you knew exactly what you were talking about.
“He’s...holy fuck, if I could get my hands on that man. He is probably...probably the hottest man I have ever laid eyes on. I’m glad he managed to get into this era because...I mean, the 40’s didn’t appreciate him much”
Natasha had her arm wrapped around your waist, your heels clacking on the hardwood floor and your dress had ridden up dangerously short above your thigh. You were smiling to yourself as images of Bucky Barnes flooded your mind, your intoxicated brain flashing the most sinful, perverted thoughts.
“Have you seen the man workout...when he’s all sweaty and...out of breath”
Wanda set your stuff down on the counter with a small smirk on her face as she listened to you go on about the super soldier, having known all this by now. She had always agreed not to read your mind but you didn’t exactly make it hard to notice sometimes. She was pretty sure everybody in the tower knew about your crush on Bucky.
“Sorry Y/N, you’re the only one who has noticed that I’m afraid”
Natasha set you down on one of the stools, Wanda moving to stand next to you to keep you upright. You swayed a bit to yourself, looking around in a haze.
“Oh come on! Don’t tell me. We’ve all been in the same room with the guy! He once took his shirt off during a sparring match with Steve and I haven’t stopped...thinking about it since. But you gotta....you gotta shhh because my boyfriend would get mad if he knew”
Natasha laughed slightly as she took some snacks from the cupboard noticing Bucky walking into the kitchen Before he got a chance to ask what you guys were up to, you let out a scoff as you looked over drunkenly at Wanda
“Oh wait….I almost, forgot! I don’t even...have a boyfriend! Not anymore. Fucking bastard. He...you know what. Fuck that guy. I think I’m pretty hot, I am a...I can make life grow with these hands!” you say as you hold up your hands in front of both you and Wanda, Wanda reaching over and grabbing onto them causing you to lean into her chest, your eyes looking up
“You think...you think I’m hot don’t you Wanda?”
Bucky watched the display in front of him, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge then looked over at Natasha
“What’s all that about?”
Natasha ate a chip and looked over at Bucky speaking quietly, “She found Leo in bed with another woman this morning”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up, a bit in surprise but more so in disdain. He figured that’s how that guy would go out. Bucky would constantly see his wandering eyes when you would bring him around, even go far as catching up all up on some girl once. Leo had just laughed it off and said it wasn’t what it had looked like before before walking back to you. Since that day Bucky made sure to keep a close eye on him, which put Leo on his guard and just made it harder to catch him
“Asshole. How did she take it? Why didn’t she tell me?”
Natasha looked at Bucky with a knowing stare, “You know why she didn’t tell you. She hasn’t exactly been that open about her relationship since that day you told her you caught him on some girl at the BBQ last year”
Bucky drank more of his water and sighed, his gaze moving up to see you interacting with Wanda. He couldn’t help the slight smile that was on his lips as Wanda pushed hair from your face and spoke to you in a quiet, calming voice.
“Whose Natasha talking to? Hey Nat! I’m the drunk one here you’re not supposed to be the one talking….to yourself”
Natasha smiled in amusement as she ate more chips from the bag, “I’m not babe, I’m talking to Bucky”
Your eyes widened immediately as you straightened up from Wanda’s body and fumbled around with your hair, “Holy shit! Why didn’t you...tell me. Wanda how do I look?”
Wanda let out a laugh and shook her head as you loudly whispered to her, her hand going to hold onto you and smooth out your hair
“You look lovely Y/N/N”
You looked in Bucky’s general direction, a smile on your face at his words. You brought your chin to rest on your open palm on top of the counter, your eyes closing and opening so you could try to focus
“Y/N, Wanda and I are going to get out of this clothes and we’re going to bring you a change of clothes. Are you okay with Bucky for a few minutes?”
You let out a soft grumble in agreement, your eyes now just staying shut.
“Yeah. I mean as long as...he doesn’t take off his shirt because I wouldn’t remember it in the morning and that would be...a waste of a strip tease”
Bucky laughed a bit as he walked over and stood next to you to keep you upright, “Don’t worry doll my shirt will stay on”
Wanda and Natasha laughed to themselves before making their way to their rooms to change. Y/N felt her body sway to rest against Bucky’s torso, her head on his chest before Bucky moved to rest a hand on your waist
“Come on Y/N we should get you in a more stable seat”
You groaned as Bucky helped you up off the stool and made his way to the couch
“Bucky, you were right. I’m sorry, I should have...listened to you”
Bucky moved to set you down on the couch, taking a seat next to you “Right about what sweetheart?”
“About Leo...he was, he’s an asshole. That day at the BBQ, I knew...I knew you were telling me the truth. I just..do you know I had caught him talking to other women all the time? On his phone, when we went out. I just...I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want it to be true”
You moved to lay your head down in his lap and sniffled, “I tried everything, he just...I should have accepted that he didn’t want me”
Bucky moved his hand to push your hair out of your face, his other hand resting around your form “Don’t beat yourself up Y/N/N. He never deserved you. He’s an idiot if I’ve ever met one. And I’ve met many. If you want I can go scare him for you. You know, rough him up a little bit”
You laughed softly and shook your head, “It’s okay. Thank you though”
Bucky looked down as he continued to run his hand through your hair, watching as you held up one of your hands, “I should’ve choked him out with a vine when I had the chance”
He let out a loud laugh at this, his hand reaching up to take yours and set it down on your hip, “Calm down there Little Shop of Horrors”
Nat and Wanda entered the living area, clothes in hand, “Alright little lady let’s get you out of these clothes. Thank you Barnes”
Bucky helped you sit up, getting up when Wanda and Natasha sat down,“Bucky can’t leave. He smells nice, and he’s comfortable”
“Bucky can’t watch us change you sweetie. Remember, waste of a strip tease?”
Bucky smiled and turned around as Nat and Wanda helped you out of your dress and into a large t-shirt and shorts, “It’s okay I’d strip for that man any day”
Wanda scoffed with a laugh, Bucky’s smile growing into a happy little smirk at your words
“He’s still in the room lady behave”
“Oops, sorry”
You let out a drunken giggle as Wanda and Nat finished up, “Alright Bucky you can turn around. You’re welcome to join us. We’re just going to pop in a movie so we can keep an eye on her for the night”
Bucky nodded as he took his seat next to you again, letting you get comfortable in his lap again, his hand finding a comfortable spot on your waist.
“Psst...hey Nat you think I...got a chance with Bucky?”
Bucky looked down with a small smirk since Natasha was on the other sofa turning on the TV, “Absolutely doll”
You let out a content mumble of ‘thank god’ before stretching out your arm across Bucky’s lap.
“You know she’s not going to remember any of this when she wakes up right?”
Bucky looked up at Wanda before looking back down at your form
“Oh I know. That’s what’s going to make my days so much better for what I have planned”
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Two In A Bed//Draco Malfoy x Reader
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A/N: Holy Cow I’ve finally reached 100 followers wow! Firstly, thank you! Secondly, I’ve promised myself I’m gonna post at least three days a week from now on, so feel free to send any requests you have my way! Enjoy this little cliche piece of ‘two exes have to share a bed’.
Set: Post War
Word Count: 1,550
Warnings: swearing, drinking, sexual tension, SMUT
Y/N Y/L/N dragged her black suit case behind her as she climbed the stone steps to the grand country hotel that towered in front of her. She hovered at the door, pausing to check her apperance in the glass before pushing them open. The grand hallway was decorated in silver and green- very Pansy she thought to herself as she wandered over to the check-in desk. 
“Hi, I’m a guest at Pansy and Theo’s wedding tomorrow?” The bored teenage wizard behind the desk flicked through the parchment guest list and once Y/N had told him her name, he handed her a small silver key; room three hundred and two. Making her way up the stairs, struggling a little with her suitcase, her mind began to wonder whether Draco would be attending. Since she moved to America for work, she’d heard nothing from her ex and was even slightly surprised to have been invited to Pansy’s wedding. When she reached her room, Y/N struggled with the lock before finally unlocking the door and throwing it open. As she lugged her suitcase in, eyes to the ground, she was shocked when her body hit into a much taller one. 
“What a pleasant surprise Y/L/N.” God, his voice was so smooth, Cheeks flushed red, Y/N met Draco’s bright, blue eyes, taking in his appearance. He hadn’t changed much, he was still tall, pale and well dressed. 
“What are you doing in my room?” Was the only thing Y/N could mumble as she attempted to avoid his fixed gaze. 
“My room, you mean.” Y/N huffed before showing him her key only to find out he was holding up an identical one. 
“There must be some mistake, we can’t share this room,” Y/N began to pace, “Merlin’s sake it’s only got one bed.” Draco laughed at her a little. 
“It’s not ideal for me either darling, Pansy didn’t want my wife here and now has me sharing a bed with another women.” He suddenly stood, gently sliding his feet into his shoes, “I’ll go and sort it out.” 
Y/N watched as he left, sitting down on the bed, raking her hands through her hair. She heard the door open and instead of seeing Draco, Pansy stood at the door, face contorted in a sneaky smile. 
“If this wasn’t your wedding, I would kill you.” Y/N warned as Pansy walked over to join her on the bed, Pansy giggling quietly. 
“I couldn’t help myself, you’re just still in love with eachother and I wanted to help.” She smirked. Y/N shot her a dangerous scowl, which Pansy rolled her eyes at.
“He’s married Pans, for fuck sake.” 
“Yeah, an arranged, loveless marriage.” The words left her mouth, causing Y/N’s jaw to drop to the floor, Draco entered, causing the two of them to quickly regain composure. He announced that the wizard at the desk had instructed him to talk to Pansy about his room problem. 
“Sorry Drakey, there’s no rooms left,” Pansy said slyly before making her way to the door, “so you two will just have to be very grown-up and share.” With that, she left, giving Y/N a small wink as she closed the door. 
Draco and Y/N sat in silence for a while before either of them decided to speak. Then they launched into deep conversation, talking about her travels, his work, their lives and it felt as if they’d never lost contact. Draco didn’t mention Astoria once. When dinner time rolled around, Draco got ready first, letting Y/N have the bathroom for as long as she needed. When she stepped out in her knee length green dress, Draco was unsure on where to look. Instead, he simply let Y/N take his arm as he led her to the dining hall to meet the other guests. The dinner was spectacular, Y/N wondered how much the whole thing had cost Theo’s parents. The alcohol was effectively unlimited and before long Y/N was beginning to feel a little dizzy. As guests began leaving, she attempted to stand, swaying on the balls of her feet. Draco ran to her rescue, one of his strong arms sweeping around her waist to help her up the stairs. When they reached their room, he helped her in, leaving her to stand while he fetched her water. 
“I’m going to get undressed now.” Y/N announced, half shouting, swaying in her seat as she sat down on the bed. “Don’t look freak.” Draco threw his arms up in mock innocence before turning around to face the wall while she took off her dress. “You can look now.” He turned back to look at her and audibly sighed when he saw her in just her underwear. “Liking what you see Malfoy.” Y/N teased. She stood and before she could stop herself she was standing in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leant in, closing the gap between them. Draco’s hands found her waist and he pulled her into him, returning her kiss with twice the passion. Then all of a sudden, he pulled back, pushing her from him gently. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” He whispered. He silently gathered his stuff from the room and sent her a sympathetic look. “I’m married.” Y/N watched him stuff his suitcase, still standing, saying nothing. Draco strode to the door, pulling his suitcase behind him. As he opened the door to leave he turned on his heal to look back at her. “I can’t fall in love with you again.” And with that, he left. 
Y/N awoke to gentle rays of winter sunshine peaking through the gap in the curtains. She groaned as she remembered last night and realised her head was pounding relentlessly. Y/N stretched out in the kingsize bed before rolling over to look at the time. Eleven AM- shit. The wedding started in half an hour. She quickly jumped from the bed, sprinting around the room, perfecting her makeup, curling her hair and squeezing into her silver dress. She was finished just in time and sprinted down the hotel stairs and into the grand hall, throwing herself onto her seat. 
“Rough night last night Y/L/N?” Blaise teased as she let out a deep breath. 
“Fuck off Zabini.” She spat, he let out a chuckle. The wedding was beautiful, Pansy’s dress was stunning, the ceremony emotional and the wedding dinner as immaculate as the night before. Y/N barely drunk today though, regretting her actions last night. Draco was a no show to any part in the wedding, which left Y/N with a pit in her stomach, knowing he’d gone back to his wife. She left the wedding disco early, before anyone else, making her way back to her room at only eleven at night. As she flounced down her bed there was a soft knock on the door. 
“Go away Pansy.” Y/N yelled.  The door opened anyway, causing her to groan. 
“Not Pansy.” Draco appeared at the foot of the bed, causing Y/N to sit bolt upright. He nervously played with the family ring that snaked around his pale finger. “My wife’s fucking her boss.” He sat down next to her. 
“Oh,” Y/N sighed, “I’m sorry Dray...” 
“I’m not.” Draco suddenly turned towards her, placing his hand on her thigh, making her gasp a little. “It means I can do what I wanted to do yesterday.” With that he pulled her into him by her jaw, causing Y/N to release a shaky moan. “I’m going to file for a divorce,” He whispered while placing sloppy kisses onto her neck, “not that I ever loved her.” He swiftly fell to his knees, using a firm hand to part Y/N’s legs. “Fuck.” Y/N watched as Draco rolled and buttoned his shirt sleeves, showing off his forearm, the dark mark poking dangerously under the sleeve. With that he pulled Y/N towards him, nestling his head between her legs, dragging his ring finger over her clothed slit. She moaned again quietly, watching his every movement. 
“Are you sure you want this angel?” He asked, suddenly softly. 
“Yes. Draco I-” He suddenly moved her panties to the side before pushing his face against her pussy. He began to eat out so slow and sensually, Y/N felt like she was going to explode. Draco ate her until her legs began to shake, letting her cum on his face. Then he twisted her round, arching her back with his hands. His pale hand came down onto her ass with a smack before he teased her entrance with his tip. 
“Fuck me Draco, please.” Y/N moaned quietly. Draco needed no more motivation, pushing his entire length into her, causing her to writhe beneath him. He began to pound into her at a ridiculous pace, not giving Y/N time to think. Draco’s hand came down to grab her hair into his fist, pulling her neck back so that their eyes met. 
“Sorry princess, I just want to see your face when I cum in you.” With that Y/N’s legs gave way once more, her mouth screaming his name along with many profanities. With a few more thrusts, Draco came inside of her with a groan, pulling out and inspecting his work. Then, he leant down, placing a tender kiss to her forehead. 
“I should’ve never left.” 
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter one rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peter’s greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Masterlist and Series Masterlist
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“Married?” You squeaked as your eyes grazed over the words on the card a hundred times without retaining any of the information. As you momentarily forgot how to even read, you had to rely on the words coming out of Andy’s mouth.
“Yes, uh, married.” He awkwardly cleared his throat. “Dani and I are getting married over the summer.”
The awkward silence filled the air, suffocating the three of you, but you didn’t care. You were still staring at that damn card. That damn card that said your ex boyfriend was getting married to another girl.
“Married.” You repeated, at a loss for words.
“You said that already, dumbass.” Venom chimed in, telepathically. You rolled your eyes and kicked the bench, signaling to her to quiet down.
“Yeah.” He said again. “I know we’re young, but I’m sure about her. She’s the love of my life.”
“Wow. Good for you.” You faked a smile as you stared at the invitation. “It’s Uh, it’s a lot to take in.”
“I know. That’s why I wanted to tell you in person. I figured it would be better than you randomly getting the card in the mail and finding out that way.” Andy explained.
“Our hero.” Venom snarled, so you pinched your leg to send her the message to be quiet.
“Yeah. Yeah, no, I’m glad you told me.” You lied as your eyes finally processed something on the card.
“You’re getting married on August 10?” You asked, finally tearing your eyes away from the invitation to look at him. He looked good, you had to admit. His curly brown hair was cut shorter than usual and he was still wearing his police uniform.
“Bright and early. I chose that day because-“
“Because it’s your parents anniversary. I know.” You cut him off, a little sharply.
“I’m sorry if this is awkward.” He frowned. “I understand if you’re too hurt to come.”
“It’s fine. We were together and now we’re not. Besides, I’m really happy for you and Dani. She really helped me get back on my feet when Venom and I first bonded. I like her. And if you want to marry her on that day, then go ahead.” You said, and you meant it. You did like Dani. You’d like her more if she wasnt dating the love of your life, but hey, nobody’s perfect.
“You’re lying. We want him back. He looks so juicy and delicious.” Venom said. You choked on your saliva for a moment at her words and Andy was quick to pat your back.
“You alright?” He asked. You nodded and made a mental note to have a domestic conversation about boundaries with Venom when you got home.
“I’m fine. And anyways, I’ve uh, I’ve moved on.” You lied, adverting your eyes so he wouldn’t catch on.
“What? No we haven’t?” Venom didn’t grasp the social cue.
“You have?” Andy asked, seemingly taken aback.
“No! We love you!” Venom growled in your head.
“Yep. I’m in a deeply committed and loving relationship.” You nodded as you looked anywhere but at him. It wasn’t a total lie. You were technically in a relationship with Venom, though be it a host/parasite kinda deal.
“What’s he like?” Andy wondered, looking pissed off all the sudden.
“They’re great. They’re, uh…tall. Super, super tall.” You began to describe Venom. So far, it was all true. Venom was 7’6 in her final form.
“They’re black, like yourself, and they’ve got this big, beautiful smile.” You could feel yourself cringing internally as you painted the picture for him.
“You think our smile is beautiful?” Venom teased you.
“And they just always have my back. They’re my ride or die, you know? If I didn’t have them, I’d be dead. Literally.” You finished. Also true. If you and Venom ever got separated, you would both die. Andy was looking off into the distance, sucking his teeth before nodding again.
“That’s nice.” He said, but his tone didn’t sound like he thought it was nice.
“I’d literally die.” You repeated to fill the awkward silence.
“I get it.” He deadpanned.
“Like, I’d freaking perish.”
“Alright.” He held up his hands and you stopped.
“So, do you think you can come?” He brought the conversation back to him, something he was good at.
Of course you could come. What else would you be doing? But you were just getting back on my feet after losing your job and a wedding might be too much too soon. You were at rock bottom before you found Venom. Well, before you found each other. That was nearly a year ago, but that day came back in flashes every now and then...
“You’re seriously breaking up with me? Over a job?” You asked as you followed Andy out of the police station. You were under the impression that he had just been fired because of the files you took from his computer. Classified files on local businessman Carlton Drake and the people he had killed with his experiments, of course.
“Yeah, I am.” He snapped. “I’m done with you.”
“Can’t we talk about this?” You pleaded as you followed him down the street.
“Okay.” He stopped, looking angry. “Do you want to talk about how you embarrassed me in front of my precinct? I just got yelled at in front of my all my coworkers because of you and your greed. You used me for your stupid show.”
“I wasn’t being greedy.” You insisted, ignoring that he called your job stupid. “You had the information on Carlton Drake and I needed it to make an accusation. He’s killing people! He’s a bad guy, Andy. And I write about and report bad men. That’s my job. I didn’t know that looking at your files would get you fired.”
Andy put his hands on his hips and looked around, suddenly sheepish.
“I wasn’t fired.” He mumbled.
“What?” You switched from upset to confused. “Then why are you angry?”
“I was demoted to traffic duty for two weeks because of you.” He pointed an angry finger at you and you almost laughed.
“I’m sorry, wait.” You compared yourself. “You’re breaking up with me after two years together because I got you demoted to traffic duty? Are you serious?”
“Do you know how embarrassing it is to wear that orange vest? It’s humiliating.” Andy shouted and you covered your mouth to keep from laughing. “Everyone in the neighborhood knows me and now they’re gonna know I’m on traffic duty.”
“People know you?” Your eyes widened at how dense he was being. “Andy, I’m a local celebrity. I had a whole show on YouTube that I was just fired from. Actually fired. You’re just a police officer who was demoted.”
“To traffic duty.” He repeated, as if it was suddenly worse.
“I know!” You snapped before calming down. “Are we really over? Just because of one mistake?”
“You used me.” He shrugged. “I can’t trust you.”
You stared at him as he walked over to you, never breaking eye contact as he took his key off your key ring.
“We’re over.” He hissed before turning around and walking away.
“Y/N?” Andy waved a hand in front of your face, snapping you out of it.
“Oh, right sorry. Um…” You trailed off as you mulled it over. You were happy for him, but you weren’t ready to see him marry someone else. That was gonna be you guys. Of course you wanted to be at his wedding, but you wanted to be the bride.
“Actually, I cant.” You blurted, quickly thinking of a lie. “The Daily Bugle called me and offered me a job in New York. They want me to cover a story on some serial killer. I was gonna move there part time until the story is done. I’m leaving in a few weeks.”
It was partially true. The Daily Bugle did reach out to ask you to write the story, but you had planned to write it at home. News of Andy’s impending marriage was enough to drive you out of the state.
“Oh really?” Andy raised an eyebrow. “Wow.”
He was never one to celebrate you, even when you were together, but his reaction seemed different now. He almost seemed surprised that you were still successful without him.
“Yea. I just finalized everything this morning.” You lied again as you wondered how you’d get a NYC apartment on such short notice. “But hey, maybe I’ll finish early and make it back in time for your big day. I mean, it’s only April. I have lots of time. How many people could this guy possible kill until August?” You joked, but Andy didn’t laugh. He never really got your sense of humor.
“That’s great Y/N.” He nodded, not much enthusiasm behind it. “Things are really turning around for you. I can’t believe you found a job and a boyfriend. I didn’t think it would happen.”
You narrowed your eyes at his condescending comment but decided to brush it off.
“Well, it did. I’m on to bigger and better things.” You cut into him a little as you stood up. “I better go. I told my partner I’d meet them for lunch. Bye!”
“Bye!” Andy called after you, still in a funk from what you told him.
You practically ran home and slid down your door once you got inside.
“Holy shit. I’m such a liar.” You grimaced and covered my face with my hands. Venom manifested herself in her snake-like form and looked at you.
“You’re not a liar if we move to New York and start dating.” She said, making you laugh.
“You have a point. In that case, will you be my girlfriend, Miss Venom?” You asked sarcastically and Venom grinned.
“You’re not really my type, but I’m willing to settle.” Venom matched your sarcasm.
“Then let’s make moving plans, baby.” You sighed. “We’re going to New York.”
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To the Friend I Used to Think was So Great
To preface, I said what I needed to say to you in our dms. And I don’t think you even use Tumblr anymore, but on the off chance you do find this, I’m not using any names or places. But I’m sure you’ll know who you are. And if you get pissy about this, just know I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I told you in that text message, 
I used to think you were so great. We had been friends for years, and I always thought you accepted me for who I was despite having such different views. If someone asked me, literally yesterday morning I would’ve sung your praises. Now here I am, pissed off and mad more so at myself because I let it happen again. Is it your name, or your fucking star sign? Because you’ve done the exact same thing an ex friend of ours did to me, someone you and I had both ranted to each other about for doing what you’ve done not only to me but to our mutual friend and sister over these past few months. 
You’re so goddamn confusing. Give me space, but also give me comfort? Well which was it? Because we gave you space, and I would reach out to you only every now and then to see if you were still alive because I was fucking worried. Even then I didn’t reach out as much as I wanted to cause I didn’t want to push you. Then you get mad that we didn’t try contacting you on other apps outside of the one we all most frequently use? The one I’ve told you that that’s where you could always find me and I’d always see it? 
How much have I had to stifle because of you? How many things have I felt I couldn’t rant or even talk about because you showed little to no interest? (Something you claimed we did to you, and to an extent yeah. Maybe I did. But I was done giving more than I got). Do you want an itemized list?
My Writing. Because gods forbid you put the same amount of effort into reading my works that I do yours. Or that I had to rewrite my ideas so it can have your OCs shoehorned in otherwise you wouldn’t care to read it period?
 My Art. See same reasons as 1.
Pokemon. Literally my first love and I can’t rant about it cause all I get as an ‘Ah Cool’. And although I doubt it crossed your mind, but had it ever occurred to you I never did a Pokemon AU despite loving the game so much?
Mythology. Another thing I could rant about. And when you tried to use it to justify why your ocs were so overpowered “Oh well this character is the son/reincarnation of this greek god” but you gave him the totally wrong powers did you expect me to not call you out for being inaccurate to the mythos? 
My Tarot and Oracle cards. This was more so in case your parents went through your phone or I was scared of you telling them. How fucking shitty is that? That I had to literally stifle something because of your fucking parents? 
My own problems. Figured this would be the last one. I couldn’t talk to you about anything personal cause you were so fucking unavailable. Family issues? Nope you were mourning. Work being a pain? Nope your work is sooo much worse. Fuck, how much shit have I put aside just to listen to you say I never cared? Fuck you. Actually fuck you. 
And don’t get me started on your parents. It was always me and our other friend coming to see you. When was the last time you called us? Let alone came out to visit us? You don’t have a license? Boo hoo, go and get one. Don’t rely on your parents as they obviously aren’t helping you. And every time I went over there, I was put under a goddamn microscope. Sorry, but I’m not getting indoctrinated into your cult. Having jesus and the holy spirit shoved down my throat through passive aggressive threats and preaching, all the while you KNEW how I felt about it (not to mention the homophobia). And you did nothing. You left me to feel uncomfortable. And you played a role in it. Remember back in highschool when you stole my comfort item? The one I have repeatedly said I can’t sleep without and take with me if I’m not sleeping at my home? I do. I remember it vividly how you laughed until I showed a massive amount of distress over it. How Christian of you all. 
But no... I was the bad friend. I was the one who didn’t stay up late, knowing I should be asleep, to listen to you rant. I wasn’t the one to buy you fucking games because you constantly complained about having no money in your account, which wasn’t surprising given your spending habits. No.
It was you who was so great, right? 
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Alright alright ty for responding! I’m super hyped abt this one hehe but here I go:
This is for Frankie Morales, who I love so freaking much ☺️
Okay okay here: A high school reunion where Frankie and Reader meet again after 10 years.
They had such a huge crush on one another and reader was ‘popular’ while Frankie was just shy/nerdy. Maybe they dated but had to separate while they were in college because of the distance but they still have feelings after all these years?
Also reader has learned that Frankie has a kid but didn’t know that his wife divorced him so she’s kind of upset until Frankie tells her (assuming she runs off or something?).
Eventually they start again in their relationship and it’s a fluffy and cute!
I love angst and fluff so since you like writing about those I thought you would be a great person to ask hehe. Anyways I love your works so much and thanks in advance if you write this! ❤️✨
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A/N: this is literally just a ton of softness, enjoy! 💕
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You could hardly believe your eyes as you scanned the room and found the one person you hadn’t been expecting to see. Out of all the people in the world, there was Frankie Morales, across the crowded ballroom, mingling with a few other of your old classmates. It had been two whole decades since you’d last seen him; two decades since you’d last kissed him, last told him you loved him, last held him. Back then you had been positive that you wouldn’t see the last of him. 
You knew he’d gone into the military after high school, greatly deviating from your plans of college, and ultimately causing your break up. You’d never heard a word from him or seen so much as a glimpse of him since the day of your graduation. At first you had been hopeful that you’d see him again sometime at some point, but the time had never come. That had led you to believe that he wouldn’t even be coming here tonight, to your class reunion. You could just picture him saying something along the lines of ‘why? what a silly waste of time!’ Unbeknownst to you, he hadn’t actually planned on coming - not until he’d gotten word through the grapevine that you’d be there. 
The sight of him was enough to take your breath away; he still looked exactly the same after all this time, just older, hardened, and world weary. Much like yourself and everyone else here, you supposed. But when his soft, chocolate eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but grin at him, the corners of your mouth tugging upwards without a second thought. Turning to the group of women you were chatting with, you offered them a half hearted excuse and made your way over to teenage love. Frankie didn’t hesitate to do the same.
Meeting halfway in the middle, you almost crashed into each other, your body practically humming with excited nervous energy as you stared at Frankie - your Frankie. He smiled that same smile you’d fallen in love with all those years ago, his magnificent dimple making its appearance. 
“Honey Bee-”
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you both said excitedly, before breaking into a fit of giggles. At least you were on the same page about this one. Part of you had always wondered, even if just a small, tiny part of you, whether he held any disdain or dislike for you after you ended your relationship. It had been hard at the time, you were both lovestruck young fools, but you both knew at the time, even if only deep down, that it was the right thing to do. Maybe it had all happened the way it did for a reason. 
“Do you want to go outside? To the gardens?” he asked softly as you nodded in response. Without a moment of hesitation, he reached for your hand, clutching it tightly, but gently, in his much larger one, lacing your finger together without a second thought. Trailing behind his long strides, you couldn’t help but admire his frame; tall and broad, with just the right amount of softness that somehow remained firm. He’d gone from a good looking teenager to a handsome man. 
Once you were away from all the commotion and outside in the cool evening air in the gardens decorated with lightly twinkling lanterns, he paused and turned to study you. A look of pure adoration was etched into his eyes as his hands found either side of your face and he gently traced over your features. 
“You are just as beautiful today as you always have been,” he beamed at you, “my sweetest Bee. After all these years, I get to see you again.”
“May I kiss you?” as soon as his name fell so softly from your lips, he couldn’t help him. It was like he was eighteen again, and falling over, so easily, so effortlessly. You watched with wide, doe eyes, the most innocent expression on your face as you nodded before biting on your lip.
Before either of you could think too much about it, he crashed his lips onto yours and kissed you with a fervent, but gentle intensity. It was like no time had passed and neither of you had to think about it; it all worked so easily. Just like it had always been meant to be.
When you finally, reluctantly, pulled apart, you grinned at each other like fools. You couldn’t help but steal a few more kisses from him. “Frankie...I never thought I’d see you again. I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I wasn’t planning on coming,” he admitted sheepishly, looking down at his feet for a moment, “but I heard you were going to be here, and I had to come.”
“For me?” a flush rose into his cheeks as you beamed at him and offered up a shy nod.
“Of course,” he confessed, “why else? I always hoped I’d see you again one day...I never stopped thinking about you. How horribly cliche is that?”
“Well, even if it is, then I suppose that makes the two of us fools,” putting your hand on his cheek, you traced your thumb over his features, “you’d always cross my mind...a lot. Probably more than I should have…”
“Somethings never change, huh?” he laughed light as he led over to an empty bench surrounded by beautiful evening blossoms. You sat next time, watching with nervous intensity as he held your hand in his, “how’ve you been, Bee? Really? Tell me everything.”
“Only if you promise to do the same.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
And it was easy to talk to him; just like it always had been. In some ways, it was like no time had passed at all. With him you never had to think about what to say, or worry about him passing judgment or anything. It just was...and it was a beautiful thing. An odd longing feeling settled into your stomach the more you listened to him, leaning in closer and closer until you were almost in his lap. In some ways you wondered if it had always been him. Like you were both here again for a reason. You liked the idea that everything happened as it was meant to, as the universe willed it. 
“But then my wife…” as soon as the words hit your ears, you tilted your head to the side and gave him a confused expression. Wife, wife, wife. Holy shit.
Springing to your feet, your mind was reeling as you imagined all the ways in which you had fucked up, but Frankie was fast on his feet and was still right behind you, calling your name as he tried to catch up, reaching for your hand. Of all the things you had imagined, this wasn’t one of them. Eventually you stopped and turned to face with a wide eyed expression, “what do you mean wife? Frankie, I-I still have a lot of the same feelings I always did, but if you have a wife-”
“Bee, please no,” he shook his head fervently, trying to get you to calm down and calm his own racing heart, “no, no, no, I shouldn’t have said it like that - old habits die hard. I meant ex-wife. We’ve been…we’re divorced, and have been for over a year.”
As if to prove his point, he held up his left hand and showed you that he wasn’t wearing a wedding band. His own eyes flitted awkwardly to our own hand, almost as if to check that you weren’t someone else’s either. Instantly you felt foolish and silly, knowing it had been foolish to explode like that. You should have known better; Frankie would never lie to you, “I-I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry, Frankie. I just...I couldn’t handle the thought of you...well doing anything with someone’s married, or you being married to someone still. Needless to say, my own marriage didn’t end well; he cheated on me with multiple women.”
“I would never put you in that position,” he promised softly, “and I would never do that to anyone. Especially not to you, Honey Bee. If...if you’ll have me, however you want, I promise you I will never lie to you. I never have and never will.”
“Promise?” you looked at him with glossy eyes as your lip trembled, but he just nodded and reached for your hand, pulling you closer to him, “Francisco…”
“Of course,” he replied softly, “so full disclosure - I’m a divorced, single dad - very proud dad of the sassiest and sweetest little girl that is my world. I know that’s a lot, on top of everything else I’ve told you, but that’s...that’s what it is. Who I am. I guess it’s probably not what you were expecting...probably a let down.”
“No,” you promised him quickly, with a big, wide grin, “it’s wonderful. You’re wonderful, Frankie. None of those things are a letdown; you’re perfect. We’ve all got our issues - I’m a divorced, single dog mom that’s considered a failure by so many people because I went to college and ended up doing something completely different, and now run a small coffee shop. It’s not exactly lucrative, but I love it.”
“You always wanted a coffee shop,” he remembered; you’d told him about it more times than you could remember when you were just kids, “your dream came true!”
“It’s even better now,” you insisted softly, “because I’m here - with you. I think...I think it’s the only thing I’ve ever really wanted. Seeing you again, after all this time...it’s still you, Frankie.”
“After all this time?”
“Good,” he beamed at you, “I’m glad the feeling’s mutual. Honey Bee...may I kiss you again?”
“And again and again and again?” you laughed at his playfulness, but underneath it all, you could see there was a serious side to all of this. He was looking at you like you had hung all the stars in the glittering night sky, “if you’ll still have me?”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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fruitcoops · 4 years
So I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen Euphoria BUT the two main actresses are Zendaya and Hunter Schafer. Hunter is a trans woman and plays a trans woman on the show. And a year or two ago, there was a video of fan that recognized Zendaya at the airport and talked to her and got so emotional because, the fan, was also trans. She talked to Zendaya about how much Hunter’s portrayal meant to her so Zendaya pulled her phone and FaceTimed Hunter so that the fan could talk to her. And the fan started crying and talked to Hunter and Zendaya even took a picture of the fan holding the phone up with Hunter on the screen. Anyways, I think it would so cute if Remus ran into a hockey fan and recognized him and the fan told him how much Sirius means to him and how much him being a gay hockey player inspired him and so Remus facetimes Sirius so he can talk to him :)
This is honestly one of my favorite asks of all time. Not only is the video super cute (watch it here if you like), the idea behind it is incredibly important. Representation matters, everyone. Sweater Weather credit belongs to @lumosinlove, but Kaden is mine!
The kid looked nervous, even among his group of friends who not-so-subtly nudged him in Remus’ direction. Remus waved and offered a slight smile; all five immediately began whispering. The kid still looked nervous.
“Ex—excuse me?” Remus looked up from his phone. The boy—he couldn’t have been more than sixteen or seventeen—stood a few feet away with his hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets. “Um, hello.”
“Hi, how are you?”
“I’m doing pretty well. Uh, I’m Kaden. I-I play hockey?”
“What a coincidence, so do I,” Remus laughed, holding a hand out. “Remus Lupin. Nice to meet you.”
“I know.” Kaden flushed a bit as he shook it. “I mean, I know who you are, not that it’s nice to meet me—” He pressed his lips together and took a deep breath. “Sorry.”
“No worries. Am I in your way?”
Kaden shook his head rapidly. “No, not at all. It’s just…you’re kind of a huge role model of mine. What you and Sirius did…” He swallowed and wiped his hands on the sides of his jeans; his voice sounded thick. “Sirius has been my hero ever since I started playing hockey as a kid, and when I realized I was gay I thought I was the only one, but then both of you came out and—” He cut himself off with a trembling breath. “And, yeah.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Remus touched his shoulder. “Do you need a second?”
“No, no, I’m good.” Kaden sniffled and looked up at him. “You changed my life. Seeing Sirius at All Stars, still kicking ass as an out gay guy, was a huge turning point for me. I just wanted to say thank you.”
Remus’ throat tightened a bit and he pulled his phone out of his back pocket. “Is it okay if I give someone a call really quick? I think they would want to say hello to you.”
Kaden nodded, clearly a little confused as he opened up FaceTime and turned the volume up. It rang for a moment—there was a crackle as the call connected. “Hello?” Sirius lit up when he saw Remus. “Hey, there you are.”
“Oh my god,” Kaden whispered, covering his mouth with his hands. Remus heard several people gasp behind them. “Oh my god, no way.”
“Hey, baby, I found someone who you might want to meet.” Remus leaned down a bit so Kaden was in frame.
“Hi,” he managed as a tear dripped down his cheek. “Hi, I’m Kaden.”
“Hi, Kaden, I’m Sirius. Are you alright?” he asked gently.
“Yeah, I’m—I’m fine.” Kaden took a few deep breaths, but his lower lip wobbled again and he swiped at his cheeks. “Sorry.”
“Take your time, kiddo.”
Remus wrapped an arm around his shoulders and Kaden leaned into him. “I don’t even know what to say,” he laughed around his tears. “Holy shit. I feel like I’m meeting a superhero.”
“I don’t think I have any superpowers yet, but that’s very kind of you.”
“Kaden plays hockey, too,” Remus added.
Interest lit in Sirius’ eyes. “Really? That’s so cool! What position?”
“Defense, and I’m the alternate goalie for my team.” Some of the tension melted out of his shoulders as he talked, but he was still shaking. “Also, I’m gay.”
Sirius’ eyes crinkled in a smile. “That’s awesome, Kaden.”
“I thought I was alone before you came out,” he continued as new tears welled up. “But when you kept playing and kept fighting and kept being the best even when everyone was being awful about it, that—” He broke off and took a couple breaths. “—that was everything. I’ve looked up to you forever and I thought I would have to quit playing if I wanted to be happy. You showed me that I can do both.”
“You can.” Sirius steadied the camera and looked straight into it. “Kaden, you can be anything you want to be, okay?”
Remus passed him a napkin to wipe his nose. “Okay.”
“You are not alone, buddy. There are so many people who want to see you succeed, whether that’s in hockey or whatever you choose to do. Be proud of who you are.”
Kaden nodded, pressing his hand back over his mouth for a moment. “God, this doesn’t feel real. This is the best day of my life.”
“This is in my top five, no doubt.”
“Anywhere near the Stanley Cup?” Kaden laughed as he wiped his tears away with his sleeve.
Sirius paused for a moment. “Honestly, I think they’re tied.”
“Order for Marianne?” the cashier called. A young girl from Kaden’s group of friends stepped up and grabbed both bags, hauling them off the counter. She cast a brief, awed look over her shoulder and craned her neck to see Sirius, who waved to her through the screen.
“Well, I don’t want to keep your friends waiting,” Sirius said with a wink. “It was an honor to meet you, Kaden. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you so much.” His voice cracked and cleared his throat. “So much. For everything.”
“Love you,” Remus said before he hung up the call and turned back to Kaden. “I’m proud of you, too. That was really brave.”
In lieu of a response, Kaden wrapped him in a tight hug. “Is this okay?” he asked, voice muffled in his coat.
“Absolutely.” Remus gave him a light squeeze; Kaden’s chin barely cleared his shoulder. “Thanks for saying hello. Hearing that means so much to both of us.”
One of Kaden’s friends edged forward, holding their phone tentatively. “Could I get a quick picture of you guys?”
“Yeah, for sure,” Remus said, taking a small step to the side so his arm laid over Kaden’s shoulders.
“Got it.” They lowered their camera and bit their lip. “Thank you again. Only a few of us play hockey, but what you did made a huge impact on all our lives.”
“You definitely made an impact on mine.” Remus waved as the five of them headed for the door. “See you around! Kick ass in your next game, okay?”
“You got it,” Kaden laughed, giving him a final look before the door swung shut.
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
A/N: I made some new friends who are fellow writers on discord and my heart I— 🥺 cookie if you’re reading this be the ryu to my saeko
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter five
“And the champions are MSBY Black Jackals! Y/N, was that an amazing game or what?!” Your co-commentator said as he turned to you. “That was probably one of the best games I’ve seen all season. I find it crazy that I managed to see the first game Ninja Shoyo and Tobio had against eachother in middle school and Tobio’s team won by a landslide but now watching them both after all this time? Wow it’s just amazing. The Jackals deserve this win.” You said and he nodded.
When the game ended you saw your kids run up to Bokuto and Atsumu and you mentally groaned as the sound tech tried to remove the headset and the wireless mic from your pants. You then sighed in relief when Hinata hugged them both and took them away. Jamie took a picture of Hinata and your kids because he wanted to post a before and after of when they looked like little potatoes.
You didn’t have a chance to go back to your kids or even congratulate Hinata. You were swiftly taken away by Kuroo and the rest of the team for a quick meeting. Your face turned bright red when they all praised you for doing an amazing job and how intriguing you made the match sound. You knew a lot of the monster generation due to nationals and training camps and your cousin and the people loved how you talked a little more about how much their favorite players have grown since you’ve been there to see it all.
When the meeting ended you texted Jamie to meet you in the hallway near the locker rooms. Tobio wasn’t answering your texts and you wanted to see if he wanted to come over to your home so you could all eat and watch a movie to end the first day of your new job. Tobio is probably upset about his loss but he acknowledged how much stronger Hinata has gotten so he probably shouldn’t be too beaten up about it.
The hallway was empty occasionally a few workers passed by. Kuroo wanted to speak with you after but he was held back by other responsibilities and he asked to call you and you nodded with a soft smile. So now you waited alone for Tobio, Jamie and your kids to make their way.
You heard a few foot steps so you turned to see familiar faces and If seeing Atsumu today wasn’t good enough imagine seeing his twin and your ex boyfriend?
It’s too soon.
You quickly turned your head and started walked to where the locker rooms were and the footsteps moved faster. “Kageyama wait!” Suna said, his voice was deeper and he pleaded so desperately. You close your eyes and stop walking. Their footsteps slowed and you turned around. Even in heels you were facing his chest. He certainly looks ever more fit in person then in pictures you managed to see on the internet. His hair was slightly shorter but he was handsome as ever. You slowly looked up to meet his fox like eyes and it felt like forever.
“Um...hi..how’s everything?” You asked awkwardly, “Everything is fine I guess. I went pro.” He said quietly and you smiled. His eyes softened, you looked so beautiful and mature. You now wore your hair down, in beautiful curls. You’re wearing heels, high heels. You also are wearing a little more makeup then what you used to wear in highschool but you still looked breathtakingly beautiful. He saw you doing your thing up there in the commentator stand and he was beyond proud how how far you’ve come and he hopes you’re just as proud of him.
“That’s wonderful, Suna.” You said softly and his heart clenched.
Call me Rintarou, Rin, babe, anything but Suna.
“Hello, Kageyama. It’s been a long time.” Osamu spoke up and you turned to him. “It has, how’s everything?” You asked him. “Finally took the culinary path, I own a restaurant called Onigiri Miya.” He said. “That’s amazing. I’m so happy for both of you but I really need to go—“
“So soon? We were looking for you everywhere.” Suna said quickly, “Tsumu told us you were here.” Osamu said and you gritted your teeth. “Son of a bitch can’t keep his mouth shut.” You huffed. Their eyes widened, since when did you have a potty mouth?
“How long have you been a commentator?” Suna asked, “This was my first pro match. I used to be a ref for highschool, middle school and elementary teams.” You said and he nodded. You heard little footsteps at a fast pace and children’s laughter.
Holy shit.
This is not good.
Oh my god.
“I told you kids to stop running!” You heard Jamie and the two men turned to see Jamie chasing after those two brats from earlier. “Jamie?” Osamu said in disbelief. “Where’s mommy? She said she’ll be here. I wanna tell her that Rubens asked me to marry him.” Akira said and your eyes widened. Your daughter looked up and she screamed. “ITS MIYA ATSUMU!” She yelled, “I get to see you again!” She said as she ran. “Akira don’t run without me!” Rini yelled. Before your daughter could come tackle Osamu you quickly made your way between the two men and you scooped them both up in one swift motion. “How many times have I told you guys to not run in the halls?” You said with your back facing the two men.
The secret was out. You’re screwed. There is nothing you can do now. “A lot.” They said deafeated in unison. “And how many times have I told you to stop bulldozing people?” You asked. “A lot.” They replied robotically.
“Then why do you both keep misbehaving? When I’ve told you many times not to.” You said and set them down.
“Sorry, mommy.”
“Mommy?” Suna asked, your twins finally turned a bit to see who that mystery man was and they gasped.
“Yeah, I’m their mom.” You cleared your throat and you turned and straighten your posture.
“The cats out of the bag.” Atsumu said as he leaned against the wall. Since when has he been there?
“Oh—ok..” he said quietly. Now he knows he doesn’t have a chance anymore. Whoever you’re with is lucky to have you as a wife and the mother of their children. But he should have known, you’re a catch. Who wouldn’t want you as their wife?
“Mommy, is he our dad.” Rini spoke and you almost choked. Atsumu actually spit his water and Jamie and Osamu almost fainted.
Wait what?!
“The what?” Suna asked. “Rini no—“ you said quickly. “He’s not? But we look the same. And you have a photo of him in your box under your—“ “That’s enough.” You cut him off. You didn’t like using that tone with him or Akira but you don’t know how Suna is going to react.
“T-they’re mine?” Suna spoke up. “No—I mean yes—I mean. It’s complicated. Why don’t you give me your phone number and we can meet up privately and talk about it.” You said quickly. This was so embarrassing, and just awkward. Especially in front of everyone.
“It’s a simple question, Y/N. It’s either a yes or a no. Which is it so I can leave or I can get on the phone with my lawyer.” His whole demeanor changed and your kids hid behind your legs. His eyes narrowed at their actions. “Lawyer for what?” You asked. “Yes or no.” He ignored your question. Jamie took a step forward but Atsumu grabbed her shoulder to stop her and she quickly smacked it away.
“Yes, you’re their father.” You said and he sighed and rubbed his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He immediately asked. “I tried to.” You told him. “When?” He asked. “A week before I was due.” You replied. “Which was what..? In September? I got a new number. How could you act so stupid.” He said and you gasped. “Excuse me?” You immediately got defensive. “You’re calling me stupid?” You asked. “Yeah well you could have found other ways if you really tried!” He said, “The twins didn’t change their numbers, you knew my address. There was no excuse for you to not tell me.” He said and you scoffed. “Sorry for being depressed that my first boyfriend started dating me over a stupid bet and I was traumatized from dealing with a pregnancy all on my own. Sorry for caring more about you—“
“How were you caring about me? Huh? Tell me!” He said with a raised voice. In all honesty you raised your voice first. “Rintarou, were you willing to give up everything? Volleyball, college, happiness, to raise two children? Were you willing to sleep on the cold floor in a cramped studio apartment, wishing you had enough money to buy yourself a bed. But you needed to feed your kids and buy them clothes. Tell me rin, would you have done that?” You screamed. “Would you be willing to suffer and deal with strangers and family members telling you how stupid and how much of a whore you were for having children so young. I didn’t tell you so that I save you from that. So you could do this.” You motioned. “So you could go pro and live your dream. Believe me Suna I was going to tell you eventually. When I had a feeling you were ready.” You said.
“I did this for you.” Your voice cracked.
“Mommy we’re sorry. We don’t need a dad, let’s go home.” Rini spoke up and he pulled your pants leg. “When you cry it makes me cry mommy, please stop.” Akira’s voice shook. You reached down to rub their heads.
“Well, Rin. There you have it. There you all have it.” You said and glanced at the twins and at Tobio and Hinata who were peering over the wall. You pressed under your eyes to stop the tears. “If you want to be in their life, let me know. If not then don’t waste my time and ask me stupid questions. I did what I did for a reason, not because I was being petty.” You spoke up.
So what should he do?
He just stood there in complete shock. So you took that as your answer. “Well if you excuse me, it’s late and I need to get my kids in bed. They have school tomorrow.” You said and held their hands as you passed by Suna and Osamu, you didn’t dare look at Atsumu and Hinata and Kageyama’s heart broke when they saw the single tear fall down your face.
You didn’t look back, but your kids did. And they looked at their father with so much hurt and betrayal. They’re homeschooled, you as their mother and teacher get to decide what they learn. Normal kindergartners learn how to spell their names and read. But they’re already advanced, I mean you were the top student in your class. Made sense you’d turn your children into kid geniuses. They were already fluent in English as well, and they read a lot. Not because they have to but they genuinely like it. Akira can sit for hours and Rini did too but after a few pages he starts rambling and giving a book report about all the interesting things he read.
They’ve read books and seen shows and movies of a perfect family. A son, a daughter, a mother, a father, and a dog or cat.
That’s all they wanted.
They wanted a complete family. They want to see their father reach up to the highest shelf to help you grab some plates, and they wanted him to read them books, they even wanted to know if their father liked listening to old rock bands and watching anime like you and them.
They wanted to know if there was anything similar between their father and them other than appearance. But they would never know that. They finally saw Rin turn and he looked at those two kids, it’s honestly scary how similar they look to him. He took a step towards you, but before they could tell you, you turned the corner and they decided it was best to just drop it.
They didn’t need a dad anyways, right?
They’re doing just fine with a single mom.
They’re just feeling selfish, right?
But they don’t understand, they’re only five.
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A/N: childhood trauma at its finest smh I’m in tears why tf do u still read this shit 😫😭
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar @sredamancy
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
you didn’t kiss her back
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wordcount: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of nsfw content, brooklyn :/
In hindsight, he should have known. 
He should have known when Brooklyn texted him the group invite for dinner in a separate text thread, not the intern groupchat, but he was too busy with work that day to even question it. Just liked the message as his usual form of RSVP. 
He should have known when Brooklyn was ultra-polite to him at work that day, not adding any of her usual flirty comments or going out of her way to stroll by his desk. Instead, he was too caught up in work assignments and trying to figure out how late he could FaceTime Sophie that night without waking her up.
After the workday, Rafe was walking out to his car when Brooklyn jogged after him to catch up. “Hey, Rafe, wait up!” 
He grimaced but turned around - he’d learnt to just deal with her presence over time. “What?”
“Um, my car’s almost out of gas and I don’t think I’ll make it to the restaurant and be able to make it home. Would you be able to give me a ride?” She asked, almost shyly. 
Rafe calculated the drive time in his head. Eight minutes. “Uh...yeah. That’s fine.” He nodded shortly, then nodded his head in the direction of his car. 
Brooklyn gave him a grateful smile, matching his quick pace to the car. “How was work for you today?” 
“Fine.” Once he got in the car he dropped the act, just turning up the radio so they didn’t have to make more small talk. Just being near her made him feel on edge - the same way he often felt around his father. She reached out to touch his arm and he flinched away, making her giggle. “Someone’s tense.” 
“Can you not?” 
She rolled her eyes. “Touchy.” 
“I’m trying to be civil here.” He remarked. 
“Hm.” She let him sit in silence for a solid half minute, then spoke up again. “I saw Sophia posted some picture of her wearing a Cartier ring on her Instagram. Did you pay for that?” Brooklyn pushed, sounding almost nervous. 
Rafe shrugged. “So what if I did?” 
“You never bought me designer.” She glanced at her nails, trying to appear nonchalant. 
He snorted. “You can buy yourself designer things just fine. We both know that.” 
“Not the same.” She mumbled, then opened her mouth only to let out a sigh. “It’s just - never mind.”
He looked over with an annoyed glance, tapping his fingers on the wheel. “What.” 
“Surely your dad doesn’t approve?” 
Rafe tensed and she resisted a smile, knowing she had struck a nerve. Exactly what she wanted. “Since when have I cared about my dad’s approval?” 
He might have gotten away with that with someone else, but Brooklyn could read him well. Too well. She’d seen him deal with his dad’s disappointment only a few times, - Ward was always on his best behavior whenever she was around, the model of a perfect parent. 
Brooklyn laughed at that, shaking her head. “You’ve always cared about his approval, I find it hard to believe that’s changed in just a few months with some girl.” 
“Eight months.” He corrected, his jaw clenched tight. “And you know her name. Don’t be rude.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Sophia or something. I just don’t get it.” 
“It’s Sophie. Still. And good thing there’s nothing you need to get about my relationship.” His knuckles were nearly white around the steering wheel as he pulled into the small parking lot, then glanced around with a frown. “Where’s the other interns? Shouldn’t they be here by now?” 
“Oh.” She raised her eyebrows, surprised. “I just sent the invite to you. You didn’t notice?” 
He hadn’t, of course, but he wasn’t about to let her know that. He parked the car and turned it off, looking over at her with a confused expression. “What?” 
“I didn’t send it in the group message, Rafe, I thought we could go out, um, with just us.” She gave him a small, earnest smile. “Like old times.” 
He grimaced, closing his eyes for a second and taking a breath. “Are you forgetting that you broke up with me?” 
“I mean - Rafe, come on. We worked well together. We could at least be friends.” Her tone took on a pleading edge and she leaned in a little closer, her arm nearly touching his on the center console. 
“You made me feel like shit, Brooklyn.” He told her flatly, frowning. The last thing he wanted to do that day was rehash a conversation with his ex that they’d already had at least three times since breaking up. (The first was more akin to a drunken screaming match that ended in tears for both of them, the second was just bitter insults hurled back and forth, and the third was as short as possible, on the campus quad in between classes.) 
“I just wanted to help you.” She murmured, then suddenly leaned over and kissed him quickly. He was so taken aback that it took him a second to spring back, eyes wide. “Brooklyn! What the hell!” 
She blushed, embarrassed as she started stammering. “I didn’t mean - I wasn’t thinking -” 
“Fuck.” He wiped his lips with the back of his hand and shuddered, looking disgusted. “Get out.” 
She sat there for a moment longer, not looking at him. Her voice grew impossibly small and she picked at her cuticles, radiating anxious energy. “I didn’t drive.” 
“I don’t care. Get an Uber or something, get the fuck out.” Rafe was practically fuming as he glared out his window, not wanting to acknowledge her. 
“I - Rafe, I want -”
“Out.” He insisted. 
She nodded quickly and scrambled out of the car, casting a wayward glance back after walking away. Once he was sure she was around the corner, Rafe slammed his fist on the steering wheel. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do more - throw up or go scrub his body clean of any trace of her. Brooklyn’s floral perfume lingered in the car and he felt nauseous, unable to think of anything but Sophie and how she’d react once she found out. 
After he took a few moments to center himself, absolutely livid, he punched the ignition and peeled out of the parking lot, repeatedly swiping his hand over his lips in an attempt to get Brooklyn’s signature cake batter-flavored lip gloss off. (The summer after the breakup, Wheezie had started wearing a vanilla sugar perfume that smelled all too similar - Rafe had a headache for weeks.) He drove to a nearby park and sat out by the water to get away from the overwhelming perfume scent in his car, and his hand was nearly shaking as he hit the app to FaceTime Sophie, nervous as hell. 
She picked up right away, grinning once his face filled her screen. “Hi! It’s good to see you. I can’t talk long, I’m getting ready to go out, but what’s up?” 
“Um...” Rafe briefly debated bringing it up, anxiously pulling at a loose thread on his shorts. “Just checking in. How’s your day been?”
“Oh my god, so...” She launched into a ramble about a cool new project she was working on, and how she got to be with some of her new friends, and how she aced her Spanish test. He listened, a little impatient, as guilt ate at him.
“Soph -” He tried interrupting, knowing if he put it off any longer he’d make himself sick. 
She didn’t notice. “And it’s kind of tricky -”
“Baby, listen.” 
“- But it’ll be really rewarding -”
“Brooklyn kissed me.” He blurted out quickly.
She froze immediately, eyes wide with her lipstick raised halfway to her mouth. “She did what?” 
He bit his cheek hard before replying, his heart pounding. “I’m so sorry, Sophie, I didn’t - I should have known, her stupid dinner invite -” 
“Rafe, shut the fuck up, why are you apologizing? You didn’t kiss her back.” It wasn’t a question, just a statement of trust, but he almost flinched from the hard edge to her voice.
He shook his head frantically. “No! No, of course I didn’t. Fuck. She barely even touched my lips before I pulled away.” 
“Fucking hell.” She had to set her phone down as she was practically shaking with anger. “I knew it.” 
“Knew what?” 
“I knew she was going to pull something, that - that -” She seethed, unable to get all her words out. 
“That…?” He tried supplying. 
“That bitch! Oh my god, what the hell? If I were there, I swear I’d - holy fuck. I’ve never wanted to punch someone until now.” She started pacing the room, flexing her fingers into fists. 
Rafe couldn’t hide his tiny smile, raising his eyebrows. “You’re kind of hot when you’re mad.” 
“Focus, Cameron.” She snapped. “Oh my god, she’s so fucking petty. First the Instagram messages, then this -”
“Wait, wait, hold on, what Instagram messages?” He interrupted, frowning. “What are you talking about?” 
“Oh.” She scowled, crossing her arms. “She followed me a couple weeks ago and went through and liked the posts that you’re in, and keeps responding to my stories. Like that group photo I posted the other day at the bar, some of the guys were in it? She literally responded with ‘wow, glad you’re getting some in Spain.’ What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“Sophie, you should have told me.” He rubbed his temples, upset but completely unsurprised - Brooklyn had done that same to a friend he had taken to a date party once when they were in one of their many short breakups. “I’ll talk to her, tell her to knock it off -”
“And have her try and kiss you again? No, I don’t think you need to give her any reason to be one on one with you.” She huffed, indignant. “How many days again?” 
He paused to think. “Thirty? Twenty-nine?” 
“Jesus Christ.” She sighed, running her hand over her face. “Any chance you want to come early?” 
He looked apologetic, shaking his head. “Can’t, baby, I’m committed to this internship right up until I see you.” 
“Damnit.” She flopped back onto her bed and rolled over onto her stomach to face the camera again. “Next time you’re at dinner, let me know and I’ll text you a picture of my tits or something.” 
Rafe snorted. “I don’t know if that’s the best approach, but I wouldn’t be opposed to getting more nudes from you.” 
“No, you’re right, she’d probably just tell you I’m slutty or something.” She rolled her eyes, only for him to frown. “You’re not slutty, baby -” 
“I know, I know, whatever. What happened, seriously? Why’s she so hung up on you? I mean, I know why, look at you -” she gestured at the phone, making him laugh, “- but for real. Will you tell me?” 
He nodded, taking a moment before he spoke. “She, um, cheated on me, but I didn’t find out ‘til after she broke it off. Not until the charity gala, actually. She’d say things like, ‘you’re so needy,’ then would get mad at me if I went to hang out with the boys.” Rafe paused, thinking. “She invited herself to the Bahamas, both times. My dad loved her, that should have told me enough.” 
“Oh.” She murmured, frowning. “That’s fucked, Rafe, I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, took me a while to snap out of it.” He half-joked, then his tone turned more sincere. “You should know, I was going to take you to the Bahamas house this spring, actually. But I didn’t want you to think I was showing off or something.” 
“Rafe Cameron, showing off?” She teased, lifting her hand with the Cartier ring and raising her eyebrows. “Never.” 
He immediately blushed, protesting. “That’s different!” 
She grinned. “Is it?” 
“It is. Totally different. I almost bought you the one with diamonds, that’d be showing off.” 
She narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t.” 
“Yes, I almost did.” He grinned, noticing that she wore the ring on her ring finger instead of her middle finger like he’d originally put it on her. “Sarah talked me out of it, so go complain to her if you wanted that one. She said you’d probably have my head.” 
“Smart girl.” Sophie laughed. 
“Do you always wear it on that finger?” He asked with raised eyebrows. 
Her cheeks tinged pink and she shrugged, trying to be nonchalant but her tone took a defensive edge. “Maybe. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a finger. Why? Does it make you feel weird?” 
“No. Does it make you feel weird?” 
“Good.” She shot back, pressing her hands to her hot cheeks for a moment. “I have to go, I’m late for meeting my friends now.” 
“Wait, Soph.” He smirked and she narrowed her eyes again, wary of what he was about to say. “What.” 
“Love you.” 
“That’s it?” 
He laughed, grinning. “I’m still not opposed to you sending me pictures of your tits when I’m at dinner.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Do you know how difficult it is to take a good nude? I have to be alone, I have to contort myself in a weird position or use the self timer, then I have to edit the lighting because I have to take them at night -” 
“Alright, alright, I get it. I’m just kidding.” 
“You absolutely were not. I love you. Go appreciate the pictures I’ve already given you.” 
“You gave me three for the entire summer.” He complained, and she rolled her eyes. “That’s a lie, I left you with three and I’ve sent you a couple since then. Goodbye, Cameron, love you, you ungrateful son of a bitch.” 
He grinned. “Wait, Sophie, wait.” 
“You’re not mad? At me?” 
Sophie paused, furrowing her brow. “Do I have a reason to be mad at you? You’re already forgiven for not telling me, is there something else?” 
“No, no.” He shook his head quickly, voice going quiet. “I just, um. She would have had my head for what happened. I know you’re not her, but I’m just used to that, I guess.” 
She softened, wishing she could hold him. “I trust you, Rafe. I mean it. I’m not mad at you. I’m pissed off at her, but you didn’t do anything.” 
“And you’d tell me if you were?” He rubbed the back of his neck, a little anxious. 
Sophie laughed softly, nodding. “You’d know if I was mad at you, baby, it’s hard to hide.” 
“Right. Okay.” He didn’t seem fully convinced, but nodded anyways. “I’ll let you go, then.” 
“Not mad at you. Good night, my favorite boy.” 
He gave her a small, shy smile. “You promise?” 
“I promise. You’re always my favorite.” She returned a bigger smile. “I’ll text you when I’m home if you need to talk more.” 
“No, no, I’ll be fine.” He waved her off, not wanting to seem too dependent. 
She nodded, blowing him a kiss with a grin. “Night, baby. Sweet dreams.” 
taglist: @whoeveniskendall @kkmaybank @karsinner @outerbanksbro @outerbankspreferences @randomficsandshit @sunshineitsfine44 @jailcalledlife @tovvaa @moniamaybank @illbesafeforyou @dontjinx-it @freddymaybank @jjmaybankzz @g4bster @oopsiedoopsie23 @babygal-babygal @thecuthoney
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
Dive| Part 10 | jjk
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Pairings: Jungkook x y/n, Yoongi x oc
Word Count: 4.6k
Series Description:  Camping with your ex, sounds horrible right? The camping trip was   planned and payed for long before y/n’s shitty boyfriend broke up with   her. Her best friend Abby, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook are there to make sure she has an amazing time. However, sharing a tent with  a smoke show like Jungkook is bound to lead to some complications.
Warnings: language, *this chapter mentions mentally abusive actions* *Very clingy/Jungkook and oc*, mentions of sex. For real... seriously CLINGY. 
They were attempting to be quiet but, their hushed tones were far from hushed. You’re awake now, eyes still closed as you process your current surroundings. You focus on the conversation that is seemingly between Jungkook, his cousin, and what you assume to be his aunt. She thanks him a countless amount of times and he tells her that it was no problem an equal amount of times. A hint of annoyance in his tone, but she clearly didn’t detect it at all. Then his cousin says something that you can barely make out, whispering being something she clearly comprehended; unlike her mother and Jungkook.
“We’re supposed to talk today, ill let you know what happens…” His voice veers off as if he suddenly became nervous.
“She cares about you Kook, I can tell. You care about her too, right?” she mumbles, no longer trying to whisper.
“A lot,” Is all you hear him respond with. His cousin giggles and tells him one final time not to stress and that everything will work out. She thanks him for the umpteenth time and they finally leave.
You wonder what time it is, laying there fully coherent but for some reason scared to open your eyes. After laying there for awhile and playing out every possible outcome, you decide to ‘wake up.’ Pulling yourself up into the sitting position, your pupils adjusting to the small amount of sunlight coming in from the windows.
“Good morning,” His voice is like honey, as he lifts his coffee cup to his lips. “Do you want some coffee?”
A soft smile and a nod have him gathering a cup and pouring the liquid gold into it. After telling him that you’ll take it black, he walks it over to where you are on the couch. You take it into your cold hands, sighing after taking a drink. Holy shit you were hungover.
You sit in silence long enough to wonder why it suddenly felt odd. You had so many things you wanted to say but couldn’t formulate the proper way to bring it up.
“Thanks for letting me stay the night,” you murmur, his large doe eyes peak up from his mug.
“Of course,” He answers, his face freezes when he realizes he doesn’t know what to say either. Or maybe, like you, how to say it.
Things go quiet again, you hear the birds chirping outside and the slow morning flow of traffic. You adjust yourself so that you’re facing him directly, your legs crisscrossed beneath you. His hair was fluffy, tame, but fluffy. The area around his eyes is slightly swollen and you wonder if he got any sleep last night. Mindlessly you set your mug down on the coffee table and you start moving across the couch to where he is. You still don’t know what or how to express what you need to but maybe you don’t need words. His eyes flick to yours, at first, he looks panicked then it quickly changed to relief. A smile pulling at his lips as he leans forward to set his mug next to yours. With his hands free, he sits back as you straddle his sweatpants clad lap. You take a deep breath, drinking in his morning beauty as his hands find their way underneath his shirt that clung to your body, resting on your hips just above the waist band.
When your eyes meet his, you forget why you worried at all. A wave of complacency rushing through your veins. With him you felt safe, with him you had no worries. Your fingers delicately push their way through his fluffy locks, letting your nails lightly scratch his scalp. His eyes close instinctively as he exhales deeply. As his head falls backward, your eyes are drawn to the center column of his throat. Fantasizing about how good it would look decorated in your love bites.
Before you can act on it, his words are pulling you from your heed.
“I’m really sorry that I made you upset last night, I should have told you what was going on so you didn’t worry,” his eyes meet yours and they’re filled with regret.
“Well I appreciate your apology, but I’m the one who should be apologizing. I guess I was just… confused, it hurt seeing you with someone else obviously.” you explain softly your fingers steadily raking through his hair.
He hums at your words, his fingers delicately brushing along your spine. Fire spreading from the tips of his fingers through your cold body. His brows shoot up, “I wish it wouldn’t have happened, but I learned something because it did,” his head tilts to the side as he drinks you in.
Staring into his whiskey colored orbs longer than you should have, “What did you learn?”
“I learned that… seeing you cry is something I never want to do again. I only want to make you happy, never sad,” He reaches up to cup your jaw, his eyes scanning over your face frantically.
Looking away from him, you feel your eyes start to well up. He inhales quickly before adjusting beneath you, “No… no, what did I say? I didn’t mean to ma…” he starts to panic, wondering what he said wrong.
“Remember when we were camping? And you told me I was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life,  and I started to cry?” You chuckle. He reaches up to wipe away your tear. His body visibly relaxes when you compare the situations.
“Mhm, and you told me that no one had every talked to you like that,” his voice is quiet. You have to swallow the lump in your throat when you realize he remembers that moment as clear as you do.
“Well it’s true, ya know? I don’t know if I’ve ever been properly…loved,” You start to explain, “At the same time, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this way about anyone else. You make me feel like I’m crazy. There’s something about you that’s so intoxicating to me. I’ve never experienced having someone care about me the way you do or pay attention to me the way you do. It’s all so new to me, I’d be lying if I said that I’m not terrified.”
When you look up at him, he’s nervously chewing the side of his mouth. You laugh through your nose, leaning forward to press your lips to his. When you start to pull away his lips chase after yours. He kisses you a little more passionately this time as his hand wraps itself around the back of your neck pulling you down to him again. Breathlessly you pull apart, his hand still holding you close as your forehead rest on his.
“I’ve never been in this deep for someone, y/n. I’ve never cared about someone as much as I do you. I don’t know why. I can’t explain why I have these feelings for you but, I do. You make me so happy, and you bring a peacefulness that I’ve never felt before. I fucked up once, and I promise you that I will never do anything to hurt you ever again. Like I said… only want to make you happy.”
Your tears are mixing with his, and you can’t stop them from coming. You know that everything he’s telling you is true. You know that even though he hurt you, he didn’t mean to. You know that if you allow him too, he will love you with all of his heart for the rest of his life.
“I know we were going to talk about this tonight, but I can’t wait anymore, “His voice was shaking, almost as if he was unsure of the words that were about to be spoken. He sits up tall so that his face is mere inches from your own. He swallows hard, and his nerves start to rub off on you.
You raise your brows giving him a gentle smile as your fingers slide down to the back of his neck, silently telling him that he didn’t need to be nervous. He exhales loud in response.
His hands quivering as they rest on your sides, “I want to be with you. I want to be all yours, and I want you to be mine. I know what I want, and I don’t want you to be confused about anything anymore. Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?”
Your chest tightens with every confession that leaves his lips. The overwhelming feeling to scream or yell or cry. His eyes scanning your face for an answer, a hint, anything to ease his nerves.
Your voice is shot, so you nod aggressively. Tears shaking off of your face. Before you can get your full response out his lips are on yours fervent and passionate as his fingers lace in your hair on the back of your head to pull you closer to him.
He pulls back to take you in once again, “I’m sorry, I’m just having a hard time believing that you’re finally mine.”
You giggle as he pulls you in again kissing you slower this time, taking in the details to remember this specific moment and the exact way he feels. He wonders if he should tell you he loves you. He wants to, he wants to scream it from the roof top. He was honest about never being this deep. Part of him thought he may never know what it felt like to be in love. Up until you, it was short relationships that were always one sides and lacked something vital. Up until you, love didn’t exist. To him, you were love.
“So, does this mean…we can get breakfast instead of dinner? I’m literally starving to death,” Your stomach groans rip through the silent room. Jungkook instantly starts to die of laughter.
“Yes baby, I’ll make you some pancakes, sound good?” He shakes his head, giggling at your dramatic head nod.
Sitting across from him as you eat breakfast, reality set in. Everything felt surreal. Every fiber of your being was ready to dive into what ever was in store for you and Jungkook. As much as you convinced yourself that you were ready for the next step, there was no denying that you were terrified of giving your heart to him. Obviously, the sexual attraction was there, but you wondered if that was part of what was making everything so intense for you.
Jungkook was an anomaly to you in so many ways. He was caring, attentive, and insanely attractive. The most dangerous thing about him, however, was his ability to bring you to your knees; literally and figuratively. He was like a sex God that you couldn’t say ‘no’ to, because why would you? During your time away from him, you wondered how you would feel if you hadn’t allowed yourself to be with him sexually. The automatic intimacy was something about your relationship that made you miss it; made you miss him.
“What’s on your mind?” His voice is laced in innocence as he cocks his head to the side. Stacking your plate on top of his. You have to laugh at his innate ability to see through you. Another reason it was so hard to deny your chemistry.
“I guess, I was just thinking about us,” your bottom lip is instantly sucked into your teeth as you look away from him.
You hear him hum as he stands to put your plates in the sink, “Anything you want to share?” he asks. You can tell he’s somewhat anxious by the way he avoids you. His back turned away from you as he fidgets with the dirty dishes in the sink. You stand and wrap your arms around the back of him.
“Nothing bad, I don’t think at least… just maybe want to take things… slow.” You mumble into his back, feeling his quiet chuckles rumble against your cheek. He turns in your arms, brushing your hair behind your ears before cupping each side of your head.
“I’m listening,” He smiles.
You take a deep breath as you explain how you feel. Ultimately ending by telling him that you want to wait awhile before the two of you do anything sexually.
“It’s not like I don’t want to, I just think it’s smart if we maybe slow things down a bit. The way we should have at the start. I like you a lot Jungkook, and I want to be confident that we exist outside of our sexual attraction…” you ramble, his attention on you never faltering. “Do you hate me now?”
His eyes scrunch together, appalled that you would ever assume that he could hate you.
“I could never hate you,” He presses his lips to your cold nose, “What I feel for you is way more than sex. But I get that I need to prove that to you, and I will. I think that if that if it’s something you need from me than I will go as slow as you need me to.”
“You promise you’re not mad? Or upset?” you ask him quietly, swallowing hard. He lightly grips your chin, pulling your face up so that you’re looking at him.
“Baby… why do you think I would be mad?” He asks, his voice is soft and concerned.
“I-I don’t know,” your chest starts to tighten, and tears start to build up in the corners of your eyes, “Ben would get mad if I didn’t want to. He always made me feel guilty because I made him wait three months before we had sex. He said he didn’t mind at first, but he did.”
Jungkook wraps his arms around your shoulders pulling your in close. His face red with fury. If he thought he had reasons to hate Ben before, now he had motive for murder. He lifts you up, setting you on the counter so he can stand eye to eye with you.
“Look at me baby,” he demands softly, “I would never make you feel guilty for not wanting to have sex with me. You are so much more than your body and I need you to know that. We can take things as slow as we need to take them. I want you to trust me completely, I will never hurt you.” He pleads, begging for you to believe that he was someone different.
Tears building in his own eyes now, guilt of his own words and actions weighing even heavier. He knew that he hurt you when you overheard his conversation with Ben, but it was so much more than that. You let your walls down for him, and he completely let you down. He pulls you into him tighter this time. Understanding how vital it is for him to love you properly. To show you how incredibly special you are to him.
Your conversation ended there. You both moved to the couch, deciding to watch a movie while you cuddled with one another; not quite yet ready to let one another go.
“Abby is going to lose it when she finds out we’re actually together.” You murmur into his chest with a giggle. You feel his chest shake when he starts to laugh quietly.
“Yeah Jimin and Tae have been making bets on if and when it would happen.”
“Assholes,” You shake your head, rolling your eyes at their immaturity. At the same time you cant blame them for finding a way to make your roller coaster of emotions somewhat entertaining for them.
“Are you going to Jimin’s movie night tomorrow?”
“Yeah, should we tell them then?” you ask
“Maybe… or maybe we should have some fun with it?” He grins down at you.
“I’m listening…” You tilt your head on his chest to look up at him.
“Well if Jimin and Tae are betting on us, you know Abby is playing along too. So, what if we tricked them. When we show up tomorrow, we not only act like were not dating… but as if we have no feelings at all. They’ll be so confused.” He giggles.
“When do we tell them?” you bite your lip, weighing out the scenario in your head. You know they’ll be pissed but that’s what makes it intriguing.
“Mmm… I guess when we leave? Unless they catch on before that.” He shrugs, looking down at you.
“They’re gonna be pissed,” You giggle raising your brows.
“I know,” He laughs, clearly that’s the point for him.
“Alright lets do it.”
Movie night comes faster than expected. You almost fucked up the plan by  wearing Jungkook’s sweater over your leggings. Last minute you had to run inside and switch it out for one of your own. You and Jungkook ride together, deciding that you’ll go inside a few minutes before him. You’ll tell everyone that you took an Uber if they ask.
“Remember, pretend I don’t exist.” Jungkook reminds you, as he pulls into the parking spot. You glance over at him, nodding your head. His sharp jawline on full display as he chews at his bottom lip. His tattooed arm flexing as he adjusts his grip on the steering wheel. He reaches down and puts his car into park. As soon as he does you instantly reach across turning his head to look at you.
“You say that like it’s going to be easy…” You mumble as you drink in his facial features, the mole just under his lip begging to be kissed. His lips start to pull into a smirk. Without thinking you push yourself out of your seat and over to his lap. Straddling him with one leg on either side of his. His eyes follow your every movement, his breath hitching when you finally make yourself comfortable. His hands naturally reaching behind you to cup your ass over the thick material of your leggings.
Finally facing the truth, you will never get used to the way he looks you. His dark caramel colored eyes reminding you of Whiskey in more ways than one. The way they warm your entire body from head to toe, or the way that they make you want to risk it all; never thinking about the consequences. Completely and utterly intoxicating.
You lean in kissing his cheek with a feather light touch, his eyes never leaving you. With your fingers just below his jaw, your lips dance along his cheek, closer and closer to his plump lips. Both of you letting out a sigh of relief when you finally reach them. Your lips fitting together as if they were made for each other. His tattooed hand suddenly comes up to your neck pulling you desperately closer. His tongue teasing your bottom lip just before he decides to let it slide inside. Your tongues tangle together for what feels like a century, until he pulls away, trapping your bottom lip in between his teeth as he does.
“Fuck, I don’t know if I can do this,” He giggles as he tries to regulate his breathing. You giggle as you leave a trail of kisses down the side of his neck. You know it’s not helping the situation but if you’re not allowed to talk to him or look at him for the next 3 hours you needed to get in what you could now. With one final, long, kiss to his lips you open his car door to let yourself out.
“It’ll be worth it,” You giggle, realizing his hand was still holding onto yours. You look at his lap realizing that you caused quite the situation. You wince, biting your lip as you look at him with sorry eyes. “Ill go inside and let you figure that out,” You giggle as you start to walk away.
“I thought you were supposed to be sweet?!” He yells out sarcastically, only making you laugh harder.
It was harder than you thought it would be. Not because you desperately wanted to snuggle up to Jungkook on the couch, but because between Tae, Jimin, and Abby; you couldn’t catch a break. The second you were in the door they were on you like bats out of hell. Asking you every question under the moon about you and Jungkook and your impending status. You immediately excused yourself to the restroom, claiming you had to pee the entire way here. Once you were away you texted Jungkook telling him to come inside so they would stop hounding you. You knew they wouldn’t talk about it if you were in the same room.
Conveniently, Jungkook walked into the apartment as soon as you walked back into the kitchen. You smiled at him, then quickly excused yourself to the living room to sit and wait for the movie to start. Jungkook follows your lead, sitting directly across the room from you. His eyes meet yours for a brief second, and you wish you had the ability to read his mind. The not so quiet whispers from the kitchen catch your attention. You have to giggle a bit at how overdramatic they were being. No doubt, they were confused. If it weren’t for Yoongi yelling out for them to join everyone in the living room, they probably would have stayed in the kitchen trying to figure out what was happening.
They all file into the room, their eyes casually flicking from you to Jungkook. Abby cuddles up to Yoongi, her eyes tight on you. You avoid her at all cost, knowing she would try to communicate through her eyes. Jimin sits with Jungkook and Tae plops down next to you. His innocent smile playing on his lips as he turns his head and looks you up and down.
“You doin okay?” His brow lifts as he asks you.
“Uhm… yeah?” You giggle, scrunching your brows as you adjust the cover that lays over your body, “Are you?” you smile.
He looks over at Jungkook, who is seemingly immersed in whatever is on his phone screen.
“Im… good.” He answers, his brain still trying to put the pieces together. Jimin is talking to Jungkook but it doesn’t look like he’s getting the answers he wants. As Yoongi presses play on the movie, all of the questions come to a halt. You can still feel Abby’s eyes burning into your head. Midway through the movie you can tell they’re all texting one another, each of their phones going off at the same time.
Your phone goes off a few minutes later…
He keeps asking me and I keep shrugging my shoulders. He’s losing it… this is so funny.
Wait awhile to respond, they’re watching.
Controlling your reaction on your face was harder than you thought it would be. You calmly set your phone down, resting your head on the couch. A few minutes later you decide to go to the restroom, pulling your phone out to text Jungkook back.
Yeah they’re for sure losing their minds.
… this is kinda hard.
You glance at yourself in the mirror, fidgeting with your appearance. A risque thought comes to your mind. You know you shouldn’t but, at the same time, you can’t think of a reason not to. You quickly take your hoodie off of your body and slide your leggings down your legs. Adjusting the waistband of your panties, then adjusting your girls in your bra. You sit on the edge of the bathroom counter, making your ass look fuller than it actually is. After playing with angles, you decide to take your bra off since he can see your tits from this angle anyway. After a few tries you finally capture the perfect picture.
Plopping down on to the couch, you wait a few minutes until you see Jungkook take his phone out of his pocket. Hiding your phone, you quickly press send, and adjust yourself so you can see his reaction. His eyes suddenly widen as he rearranges himself on the couch. His eyes flick up to yours, making your chest burn with a simple look. His pupils are blown out as he gnaws on the corner of his mouth anxiously. He pulls a pillow over his lap and waits a few more minutes before responding.
Baby doll, this was not a part of the plan.
I cant stop mentally undressing you now.
 As you read the message, the corners of your mouth lift into a cocky smirk. The pillow over his crotch tells you everything you need to know. As the movie comes to an end, everyone starts to talk about their weekend plans. Jungkook is quiet as his eyes are locked on you. His leg bouncing beneath him, as he leans on his elbow. You pick up your phone trying to decide on the words to say. As your fingers ghost over the screen, you can’t seem formulate what you want to say to him. You slowly look up and when you make eye contact with him, your mind is made up.
You slide your phone into your hoodie pocket, as you slowly push yourself off of the couch. Jimin going on about weekend plans in the background, but you and Jungkook are in a world of your own. As you walk across the room, you don’t notice when the room goes silent. Jungkook instantly perks up when he realizes what’s happening. Straightening his posture, he moves the pillow on his lap, and you take its place. Straddling him as if no one is in the room. Leaning into him, you gently slide your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck pulling his face up to yours.
Both of your smiles disappear when his lips hit yours, pressing into you for longer than he should have. When you finally pull away your rest your forehead against his.
“Hi,” you whisper.
“Hi.” He smiles.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!” Abby and Jimin scream nearly in sync with one another. You and Jungkook both start to die of laughter, as you adjust yourself to sit in his lap facing the others.
Taehyung, Jimin and Abby staring at you like you have three heads.
“Are you… are you together? Officially?” Abby throws Yoongi’s arm off of her so that she can stand up.
You look at Jungkook, and you both nod.
“Finally! For fucks sake. It took you long enough.” Yoongi groans out of nowhere, expressing the thoughts that were on everyone mind. The whole room erupts into laughter, and snide comments about how cruel we were to trick everyone. Abby and Jimin expressing their annoyance with not being called immediately.
“We just thought it would be funny. We know you guys have been placing bets on when it would happen, “Jungkook says as his arms tighten around your waist, pulling you in closer to him as he buries his nose in the crook of your neck.
An overwhelming feeling of contentment washes over you. Jungkook’s lips lightly brushing against your shoulder as if he needed to make up for the time that he wasn’t able to. His fingers laced with yours as his thumb brushes the back of your hand. It felt so natural. Even everyone around you had seemed to move on, clearly it felt right to them too.
His lips trail from your shoulder up to your ear, moving your hair out of the way, “No one will ever wonder if we’re together anymore. From now on, everyone will know that you’re mine and I’m yours.”  
@cainami @carolsummerlove @zeharilisharaban @jikooksgirl19 @fallen-for-luke @madygswich @sugalarity @lofikoo​ @ggukkieeee @peachy-bhun @megs58298 @kawaiiayasan @ jeonchan26  @ambersaesthetics​ @hopekookies​ @rumpucis @iaintnohollybackgirl
A/N: THANK YOU for your patience on this chapter. There will be one more chapter (maybe two) after this one! I got a new job and life has been hectic. Please let me know what you think! (let all of your favorite writers know how much you love their work! We appreciate it more than you know!)
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Hospitals & Hellos
A JSE Fanfic
Consider this a follow-up to the action of the previous part. A lot happened, including a cliffhanger that really left you dangling >:)c Sorry about that, but also not sorry. Anyway since it’s so closely related, I’m having trouble summarizing it. Basically, Chase and Marvin get some good news, there’s a brief intermission when something else happens, and then we cut back to those in more danger. That may sound confusing but I don’t want to get too spoilery. Read for yourself =)
You can find the other stories under the pw timeline tag!
Chase woke up to the sound of his ringtone, the sensation of someone shaking his shoulder, and the pain in your back and neck that develops when you fall asleep somewhere you’re not supposed to. He groaned, and opened his eyes. Where...? Ah, right. Jack’s hospital room. He fell asleep? For how long? Visiting hours must be almost over by now.
Marvin shook him again, leaning over from his chair next to him. “You keep getting a call,” he said. “You should probably pick it up now.”
“Right.” Chase stretched, wincing a bit at the ache in his body, then dug his phone out of his pocket just as the ringtone ended and the call dropped. But looking at his lock screen, he had three missed calls from one Detective Nix. “Oh shit!” He was immediately awake. “I gotta call back—”
Before he could do that, his phone rang yet again as it received another call from the detective. This time, Chase picked it up instantly. “Hello?”
“Mr. Brody?” asked the somewhat-familiar voice of Detective Nix.
“That’s me. Sorry about all the missed calls, I-I fell asleep.”
“Ah, I see.” Nix sounded amused. “I suppose I have to plan for calling you several times.”
Chase laughed nervously, glancing over at the others. He’d fallen asleep to Marvin teaching Jack the beginnings of BSL, but now both of them were staring at him, listening in to the conversation. Jack was sitting straight up, without leaning against the bed. Marvin kept bouncing his leg. The two of them were clearly anxious. “So...wh-what’s the situation?”
“Well, there’s good news, bad news, and good news,” Nix said. “Which would you like to hear?”
Chase inhaled sharply. “Bad news first.”
“We couldn’t find your friend Henrik. Or the other one who’d been taken a month ago, Jameson.”
“Oh.” Chase’s heart sank. “What’s the good news, then?”
“First things first: your friends’ tips were extremely helpful. We managed to find the house they were talking about,” Nix said. “We didn’t recover many things from the location, but we found something else. Or rather, someone else. Jackie Donovan.”
If his heart sank before, it now rocketed upward into his throat, rendering him speechless. Finally, he managed to get out a strangled, “What?”
“He was in one of the house’s bedrooms, badly injured and tied to a chair, but alive,” Nix continued. “He’s at the hospital now.”
“Which hospital?” Chase asked.
“Southpoint General, in the—”
“Holy shit, we’re literally there right now!” Chase stood up so fast he knocked his chair over. “Where is he?! Can we see him?!”
“He’s recovering in what is, I believe, the emergency ward,” Nix said calmly. “Don’t worry, he’s stable, but as I said, badly injured. Unconscious, actually. Visiting hours are basically over, but if you’re already here, and you insist, you could probably hurry if the staff lets you—”
“That’s what we’ll do, then. We’ll be there as soon as possible!” Chase hung up without saying goodbye, and turned to face the other two.
“What was that all about?” Marvin asked, confused but hopeful.
“They found Jackie!” Chase shouted, unable to contain his overflowing joy and relief. “They got him back, he’s here, at this hospital right now!”
“What?!” Marvin shot to his feet. “We gotta see him!”
“That’s what I said! If we run, we might be able to squeeze in just before visiting hours end.” Chase started to head towards the door, then stopped, and looked back at Jack. “Oh, uh, sorry, you probably want—”
“Go!” Jack waved at the two of them, pointing at the room’s doorway. “Gogogogogo!”
Chase laughed. “Alright, we’re going! I’ll see you in a couple days, probably!”
“Okay, bye!” Chase hurried out the door.
“Bye, Jack!” Marvin added, following Chase.
Jack waved at the two of them as they left.
From there, the two of them hurried to the nurses’ station so they could ask where Jackie was. Once the nurse confirmed he was in the emergency ward and gave them the room number, they practically sprinted to the right wing, desperate to make it before visiting hours were over. They ended up making it just in time, and both skidded to a halt outside the right door, breathing hard.
The door to the hospital room was ajar. An older man leaned over and peered through the doorway. “Ah, hello Mr. Brody.”
“Hello, Detective,” Chase said. He paused for a moment to breathe, then added, “We’re here.”
“I can see that,” Nix replied, smiling a bit. “Well, you and your friend come in. It’s Mr. Maher, isn’t it?”
Marvin nodded. “Yeah. Weren’t you at the trial? You talked about the case?”
“So I did.” Nix nodded.
“Huh. So you’re handling the whole thing?”
“Indeed. It’s turning out to be a complex beast of clues and crime. Anyway.” Nix stepped back, and Chase and Marvin entered the room.
Most of the emergency ward was large rooms with multiple beds, but there must have been certain circumstances in place to let Jackie have his own room to himself. It was small, but a bit more homey than Jack’s room in the ICU, with cushioned chairs and a couple small tables, even a TV in a cubby in a wall. The hospital bed didn’t have as much medical equipment surrounding it. But Jackie wasn’t awake to appreciate any of this.
Chase stopped short, just staring. It was eleven months since he’d last seen Jackie. He hadn’t always been that pale, had he? His collarbone and cheeks hadn’t always jutted out like that, had they? His hair was a shoulder-length mess, having grown out, and his eyes had deep purple bags under them. He was wearing a hospital gown, but there were scars visible on his arms that certainly hadn’t been there before, as well as some bandages wrapped tightly around his right arm above the elbow. Despite all this, he looked rather peaceful in sleep, breathing steadily.
Marvin made a choked sound, unable to say anything else.
“He’s...fine, right?” Chase asked, glancing at Detective Nix.
“The doctors say so,” Nix assured him. “He was injured when we found him, but they say it’s not life-threatening.”
“H-how? How was he injured?” Chase asked hesitantly.
“Well...you can see his arm. His legs are bad, looked like someone used a knife to slash them up. And there was a stab wound in his stomach. But he hadn’t lost too much blood. They say his main problem is malnutrition. He’ll be okay.”
Chase let out a long breath. “Okay. Okay. That’s good. Good to hear.”
Marvin stayed silent. He walked up to the bed and, after a moment, gently took Jackie’s hand. 
“I’ll let you two have a moment.” Nix slid out of the room, closing the door behind him.
The moment passed in silence.
The car ride back was silent as well. A lot had happened that day, and the two of them sat, quietly processing everything. They lost Schneep, but found Jackie, each within a few hours of each other. Who knew what would happen tomorrow?
Chase pulled onto the street where Marvin’s house sat, and noticed something odd. “Is there someone outside your house?”
“Hmm?” Marvin, previously spacing out, snapped back to reality. “Why would someone be at my house?”
“I dunno, I assumed you would. Not expecting anyone?” Chase shrugged. “Maybe they’re in front of the neighbors.”
“No.” Marvin narrowed his eyes, staring down the road. “There’s someone at my door. A car in front, too. Who is that? I can’t see them.” He shook his head. “Too dark. The city needs to work on installing stronger street lamps in the area.”
Chase chuckled a bit. As he approached Marvin’s house, he pulled to the side of the road, right behind the strange car that was already there, and tried to get a good look at whoever was at the doorway. A woman. Dark-haired, wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans. She was facing the door, her back to the road, but when the car pulled up she heard the sound and turned to look. Odd...Chase recognized her. But he couldn’t place where he’d seen her before. “You know her?”
“Uh...I don’t think so?” Marvin shook his head, looking confused. “But I think I do? She kinda looks familiar.”
“I was thinking the same thing, actually.” Chase parked the car and opened the door. “C’mon, I want to talk to her.”
“Yeah, let’s ask her what she’s doing at my house at like ten o’clock,” Marvin said, opening his as well and heading out.
The two of them walked up the short path to the door. The woman, noticing them, waved. “Hello! I’m very sorry, ah—one of you is Marvin, right? Actually, you both look—maybe you could both help me? I’m looking for Henrik.”
That voice made Marvin stop in his tracks. “Mina?!”
Chase visibly started as the pieces clicked into place and he remembered who this woman was. Mina von Schneeplestein—or rather, Mina Pfeiffer, as last he heard she was going by her maiden name again. What was Schneep’s ex-wife doing here?!
“Ah, you recognize me, so I have the right address.” Mina nodded, satisfied. “You are Marvin? I saw you on television, I recognize your hair. Though it’s longer than I remember. But to be fair, my memories of faces are vague.”
“You saw me on TV?” Marvin repeated, looking even more confused now that he realized who the woman was.
“Um, hi.” Chase waved awkwardly. “I’m Chase, I’m a friend of Schneep’s. What are you...It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, were you out of town or something?”
“Oh, Chase! I remember you. Yes, I went back home and stayed with family for some time,” Mina said.
“Why are you at my house?” Marvin blurted out.
“Well, ah—sorry about that. It was the only address I could think of.” Mina sounded fairly embarrassed. “I thought you would be home. I am looking for Henrik.”
“Why? We haven’t seen you for more than a year!” Marvin pointed out.
“Yes, I know. It is...a complicated situation.” Mina glanced back at the door behind her. “Should we go inside and sit down?”
“No, I’m fine,” Marvin said. “We can talk about this while standing.”
“...oh. Okay.” Looking even more embarrassed, Mina stepped away from the door, walking a bit closer to the two men. “I suppose this wouldn’t take too long.”
“So you’re looking for Schneep?” Chase asked.
Mina nodded. “Yes. I received some phone messages and mail from this hospital they said he was staying at. But I threw them out. Shortsighted, it would seem.”
“I think I know what you’re referring to,” Chase said. He recalled a conversation he had with Dr. Laurens, where she said they were trying to contact Mina but getting no response. “Did you think they were spam or something?”
“Ah...no, not exactly.” Mina grimaced. “It is really a long story, and it is cold and dark out, so I would prefer if we could step inside—”
“No, tell it quick,” Marvin interrupted.
Mina bristled a bit. “Well!”
“Marv, c’mon,” Chase pleaded.
“Look, no one disappears for a year without a reason,” Marvin insisted. “And something about this seems fishy, so I want to hear the story before I let her into my house with my pets.”
Mina sighed. “I do not see why you are so concerned. Henrik and I are married.”
“You’re divorced.”
“No, they’re separated,” Chase added. “It’s a different thing.” But personally, he still considered them exes, even if the separation had been friendly enough. The pair of them had rushed into marriage, likely due to some family pressure, and later agreed that they needed some time apart to sort their own lives out. That was about three or four years ago, and shortly afterwards Schneep had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. As far as he knew, they hadn’t gotten back together since the separation.
“It’s just weird that you’re showing up looking for him now,” Marvin said, crossing his arms. “Where were you when he first went into Silver Hills?”
“I was out of the country,” Mina repeated.
“On purpose?”
“Were you avoiding him?”
Mina looked like she wanted to protest, but then straightened, adjusted her jacket, and said, “If you must know, then yes.”
“Ha!” Marvin barked.
“You must be missing so much of what happened,” Mina said, leveling him with a stare. She was about equal height with the two men, so it wasn’t hard to do. “Henrik and I...were starting to try again. But then his behavior became erratic, and the next thing I knew, he put his friend in a coma and started killing strangers.”
“He wasn’t the one killing them,” Chase corrected gently—mostly to prevent Marvin from saying the same thing, much louder.
“Well I know that now, but at the time, it seemed fairly obvious,” Mina pointed out. “So I left for some time. I returned a couple months ago, but only now heard the news about the truth of the situation. I saw clips from the filmed hearing between you, Marvin, and that doctor. I saw them on television, and realized something was off. So I looked it up, and now I know, and now that I do, I have to talk to Henrik about something.”
“You know...it seems a bit sketchy that you immediately thought he must be the killer,” Marvin said. “Because he was, what, ‘erratic’?”
“Yes,” Mina said firmly.
“You should have realized he would never do anything like that!”
“I wasn’t about to stick around and have blind faith! That is how serial killers draw in women, it has happened in the past!”
“Schneep would never—”
“I did not know that! He was being very strange, and with his condition—”
“Get off my property.”
Mina blinked. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Marvin leaned close to her. “Get off my property.”
“No, you do not understand, I really must know how to talk to Henrik,” Mina said, tone shifting from defensive anger to a strange desperation. “There is an important matter—”
“Find that mail you threw out and get the address from there. Google it, I don’t care. Though really, if you keep talking like that, I wouldn’t let you anywhere near Henrik.” Marvin growled. “If you stay here one second longer, I’m calling the police. Leave.”
Mina looked like she wanted to protest more, but thought better of it. She walked around Marvin and Chase, staring at the two of them as she did, and then hurried down the path to the street. She got inside the strange car Chase had parked behind, started it, and drove off.
“You could’ve handled that better,” Chase said.
“You didn’t say anything,” Marvin replied, facing him.
“No, I know. You’re right, something about that seemed...weird.” Chase couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about the way Mina was acting was...strange. Not in a bad way. But it felt like there was something more she wasn’t saying.
“I don’t like people talking about people’s ‘conditions,’” Marvin muttered.
“Yeah, that was a bit...Just, the way she said it, like it was a given, y’know?” Chase shook his head. “But you really went off there.”
Immediately, all the fire drained out of Marvin’s body. “Sorry,” he said quietly. “I’m just...tired.”
“I don’t blame you. I feel it too.” Chase nodded. “You, uh...want to go see Jackie sometime soon?”
Marvin nodded. Day after tomorrow? he asked, signing.
“That could work. We’d have to be quick, though, Stacy will be dropping off the kids in the evening for the weekend.”
Oh, you sure? I can go tomorrow, or even after the weekend.
“No, it’s fine, I...I really want to see him.” Chase swallowed a lump in his throat. “I’ll pick you up. How about around two?”
Marvin nodded again. That would work.
“Great. See you then.” Chase retreated to his car, turning back before getting inside to wave at Marvin one last time. Marvin waved back, then turned around and went through the front door to his house. Once he was gone, Chase got in his car and drove away.
This day just kept getting longer. He really needed to get home and go to bed.
Two days later, Chase picked Marvin up and the two of them drove back to the hospital around two o’clock, when visiting hours started. They remembered the way to Jackie’s room, and found it quickly. Nobody else was there. Chase half-expected Detective Nix to still be here, doing some sort of police stuff, but no, the room was empty. Jackie was lying in bed, eyes open, hands folded on his stomach, staring at the ceiling. He wasn’t moving at all, except for the up-and-down of his chest as he breathed. Chase hovered in the doorway, Marvin nearby, feeling uneasy. This sight was a bit...worrying. Was Jackie okay?
Marvin leaned over and whispered, “Is he awake?”
“I don’t know,” Chase replied in the same hushed tone. “His eyes are open.”
“Maybe it’s like with Jack? How he was before?”
“God, I hope not. I don’t want anyone else to go through that.”
At that moment, Jackie’s head turned, and he looked at the two of them. He must have heard them, despite the whispering. Chase gasped a bit before coughing to clear his throat. “Hey, Jackie,” he said awkwardly. “It’s uh...it’s us.”
Jackie didn’t respond, just kept looking at them. His eyes darted up and down as he took in their appearances. Self-consciously, Chase tried to brush some nonexistent dirt off his jacket. He should have worn a newer one instead of the old one with the first merch design for his channel.
Marvin waved. “Hi. We’re here now.”
“Yeah, hi.” Chase waved again. “Uh...how are you feeling?”
Still no response. Though Jackie looked a bit confused now.
“Uh...can you hear us, bro?” Chase stepped forward until he was standing next to the bed, then put a hand on the non-bandaged part of Jackie’s arm.
“Holy shit!” Jackie jerked his arm away and bolted upright. “You’re really here!”
“Wh—yeah?!” Chase said.
Marvin laughed.
Chase glanced back at him. “Dude, what the fuck?” 
“Sorry, sorry, I-I dunno what that was about, nervous reflex,” Marvin waved away Chase’s look. “It was just a bit funny, cause he jumped up like that.”
“I—I wasn’t expecting that,” Jackie said, sounding a bit dazed.
“You...weren’t expecting us to actually be here?” Chase clarified.
“Yeah, I-I-I thought that—it’s all a bit—never thought I’d—” Jackie paused, gathering his words. “I thought that maybe...I was just daydreaming a bit. To make myself feel better. This whole place, actually.” He gestured around the hospital room. “I guess it was all so surreal, and I...I was kind of out of it, a-anyway, so I thought this was just more of that.”
“Oh. Well, no, we’re here.” Chase squeezed Jackie’s arm. “You’re really in the hospital. Southpoint General, actually, the same place Jack is.”
“Really?” Jackie laughed a bit. “Cool, I could go visit him.”
“Well he’s in a different, um, ward, or whatever,” Chase said. “But yeah, technically you could.”
Jackie smiled, but then the grin slowly faded from his face. His eyes glazed over a bit.
“So...” Marvin jumped in, walking over to stand next to Chase. “What do you remember?”
“Huh?” Jackie blinked, and looked over at him. “Remember about what? You’ll have to be a bit more specific.”
“I mean about the whole rescue operation,” Marvin explained. “How did the police find you?”
“Oh. Uhhhh yeah like I said I was really out of it, so...” Jackie shrugged. “Not that much. I remember them appearing, I think. There were, like, footsteps, and then a bunch of strangers appeared in the doorway.”
“Did they have to kick it down?” Marvin asked, sounding a little too excited at the idea.
“No, it was already open. I dunno why. Maybe he forgot to close it all the way, he was in a hurry.” Jackie mumbled that last part under his breath, but Chase and Marvin heard it easily enough. “Anyway, they picked me up, and I’m sort of assuming there was a ride to the hospital of some kind, but I completely zoned that out. I kinda vaguely remember a bunch of doctors and some bright lights? But, uh...yeah. Otherwise, I just woke up here, in the bed, and thought I was daydreaming it all.”
“You must have some vivid daydreams, bro,” Chase muttered.
“Yeah.” Jackie nodded.
Marvin gave Jackie an odd look. “I don’t know if having daydreams that strong is normal.”
“No, probably not, but it doesn’t matter, really,” Jackie dismissed.
Marvin looked like he was ready to push the issue, but Chase put a hand on his shoulder and subtly shook his head. This wasn’t the time. “Well, we’re...we’re just really glad you’re okay, Jackie,” he said softly. “We were so fucking worried. You—you’re alright, right?”
Jackie patted himself over, wincing a bit as he pressed on his chest. “Mostly, yeah.”
“Yeah. We’re so happy you’re back,” Marvin added. “What...what happened?” Chase gave him a sharp look, but it was too late, the question was out.
“What happened?” Jackie looked at Marvin incredulously. “I got fucking kidnapped, that’s what happened. And then—a-and then—I was—we—” He stopped, taking a few deep breaths. “Sorry, I...I can’t talk about it.”
Marvin winced. “Sorry. Th-that was—that was rude. It just sort of came out. You don’t have to talk about it. Like Chase said, we were just...really worried, and we—we want to know you’re okay.”
“It’s fine, just be careful,” Jackie said quietly. “I’m okay. Except for the obvious.” In the moment of silence that followed, his eyes drifted down, attention drawn by the bandages on his upper arm. Frowning in strange concentration, he reached up and started pulling at them.
“Whoa, dude, what’re you doing?” Chase almost reached out to grab his wrist, but stopped, thinking that wouldn’t be well-received. “You need those!”
“I just wanna confirm something,” Jackie muttered, managing to loosen the tight bandages enough to start unwinding them. “They can be put back on.”
“I—you’re not wrong, but—what if there’s—I don’t know, a lot of blood, or something?” Chase speculated.
“I don’t think so. Not if I’m remembering right.” Jackie slowly removed the bandages, unwinding and pulling them off. Until, eventually, the wounds underneath were visible.
All three of them stiffened in unison. Jackie’s arm was cut up, but not in a random or accidental way. Instead, the word WARNING was carved into his skin, in bleeding capital letters, going from his shoulder, all down his arm, reaching his elbow. 
“What the fuck...?” Chase said, unable to say anything else. He couldn’t believe what he was saying. Stuff like that didn’t happen in real life, only in crime dramas. Who would actually do that?
Jackie’s face shifted as he covered up his distress with a blank expression. “So I was right,” he said tonelessly, attempting to rewrap the bandages one-handedly. Chase pulled himself out of his stunned stupor to bend over and help him with them.
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“Huh?” Chase stopped, looking back over at Marvin.
“Anti. I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Marvin repeated through gritted teeth. His posture was stiff, unmoving, his fists clenched. “He takes our friends—JJ, Schneep, Jackie—and does this? I’m going to kill him. I’m going to take a fucking knife or a gun or rope or whatever I can find and I’m going to kill him and watch the fucking life drain from his eyes—”
“Jesus, Marv, calm down!” Chase cried. “You gotta think this through.”
Jackie nodded. “Yeah. You’re not a killer.”
“I could be,” Marvin said bluntly.
“No!” Chase straightened, grabbing Marvin by the shoulders and forcing him to look at him. “Marvin, I get it, you’re upset by recent events and clearly filled with rage. For good reason, I’ll say. But you can’t just walk up to a professional assassin and attack him, you’ll just get killed! Besides, JJ and Schneep wouldn’t want you to do that, even for their sake. Just...take a step back. Go walk around and get it out of your system, if you have to. Don’t do anything stupid.”
For a moment, Chase’s words only seemed to anger Marvin more. But then, he broke away, letting out one long, single breath. He pressed his hands to his eyes, breathed some more, then let out a shout and hit himself in the chest a couple times. Chase jumped in surprise, instinctively reaching forward to stop him, but Marvin was already done. “Alright, fine, you have a point. That’d be a dumb move. Impossible and not worth it. But fuck, we gotta do something.”
Chase nodded. “Yeah. I know how you feel, bro.” Even though common sense would say to leave this to the professionals, he couldn’t just sit by while his friends were in danger.
“Um...” Jackie waved a bit, drawing the other two’s attention back to him. “What do you mean ‘professional assassin’?”
“Oh. Do you not...know?” Chase asked. “I mean, I thought you would, but...I guess maybe there wasn’t an opportunity. That’s, uh...kind of what Anti does. I think what he’s done with Schneep and whatever he has planned now is just...a side thing, maybe. We actually found his website—oh shit!” His eyes widened in remembrance, and he whirled back to face Marvin. “Marv, you’re not gonna believe this, and you probably don’t need any more reason to hate this guy, but he might be the one who stabbed you.”
Marvin gasped. “Shit, really?!”
“The one who what?!” Jackie repeated.
“Oh, right you were...gone by the time that happened.” Marvin grimaced, then quickly filled in Jackie with what happened at the boutique he used to work for. Finding out it was a front, having someone stab him on his way home one night, getting home and patching up just barely in time, then figuring the owners of the front tried to kill him and heading back to Ireland for a few months to let things calm down. “How’d you figure out it was Anti, Chase?”
“I checked his website. He has reviews from past, uhhh…’clients,’ and one left one talking about a failed hit on a guy who sounded like you,” Chase explained.
“Well, shit.” Marvin folded his arms, face grim. “That’s not good. Well, I’m not gonna leave again until this whole thing is cleared up. Fuckers try to kill me again.”
“Y’know I really don’t think you should tempt fate like that,” Jackie pointed out.
“Fate doesn’t exist, only karma. They’ll get what’s coming to them thricefold, I’m not leaving.”
“I guess...you don’t have to,” Chase said skeptically. “But be careful. We’re not losing anyone else.”
Marvin nodded, expression finally softening. He grabbed Chase’s hand and squeezed it. “I will be.”
“Good.” Chase sighed. “Well, Jackie. This has been a lot of excitement. We should probably let you get some rest.”
“No no no!” Jackie protested. “I-it’s fine, I don’t want you guys to go yet. I...it’s been...so long. You know?”
Chase nodded sadly. “Almost a year.”
“Yeah. Exactly.” Jackie grabbed the edge of the hospital blanket, twisting it. “So...you have a lot to catch me up on, then. I-it’s gonna take a while. You should sit down.”
Marvin and Chase glanced at each other. Then Marvin shrugged. “There are better chairs in this room than in Jack’s,” he said.
Chase laughed. “I mean, I wasn’t gonna say it—”
“You were thinking it, though?”
“Glad to hear my chairs are superior,” Jackie said, smiling a bit. “Pull one up.”
“Alright, Jackieboy Man, we have some time,” Chase grinned. “There’s a lot you’ve missed.”
The three of them sat, talking for hours about things that mattered a lot, and things that didn’t matter at all.
“—can’t believe they—how did they know about—probably figured out about the others too—”
Jameson wasn’t paying much attention to Anti’s muttering, but every so often, he caught random snatches as Anti paced back and forth. Every time he passed by the doorway, more angry phrases passed through into the bedroom beyond. Something really had him upset, didn’t it? From what little he heard, someone had found something, and that was a big problem. Well...he had wondered if the police found Anti’s previous hideout, and if that was the reason he had to drag them out of there. Whatever the case, good. If Anti had a problem, he deserved it.
“—three fucking people in this tiny—gotta find out what’s still—somewhere new? Maybe?—”
Lying on the bed, Jameson saw Anti’s shadow pass to the left...then the right...then the left...then the right.... It kept cutting across the light that was shining into the dim bedroom from the room outside. The living room, to be exact. The living room of the apartment he was now trapped in, to be precise. Though, Anti did seem to be distracted. The bedroom door was wide open, if he wanted he could run out and—No, it probably wouldn’t work. Anti told him the front door was locked, and he probably still had the key on him. Jameson couldn’t take it from him; Anti was much stronger. Besides, even if the key had been sitting out on the table, Jameson wasn’t the only person who needed to get out.
Speaking of which...
He rolled over to his side, now facing the bedroom wall. There was a window on this side, but the shutters were closed, and actually had a padlock making sure they couldn’t be moved. Anti probably had that key, too. There was a wardrobe in one corner and a dresser in the other, the former having its doors ajar to show it was empty inside. Or...empty of clothes, at least. A figure was pressed against one wall, huddled up, indistinct in the shadows. When Jameson had woken up a few hours ago, there had been faint mumbling and sobbing coming from that direction. Now, there was nothing.
After a moment of listless staring, Jameson sat up, glanced out the doorway to make sure Anti was still occupied in his pacing, then stood and walked over to the wardrobe. He pushed the door farther open and stared down at the figure. A man. Knees pulled up and arms covering face, the classic defensive position. A moment more passed before Jameson sat down on the wardrobe floor next to the shadowy huddle.
“Ah!” The man gasped a bit, then looked up. Wide blue eyes reflected the little light in the dim room. He stared at Jameson, then asked, “Jackie?”
Jameson shook his head.
“No, no. Of course not. I’m sorry, I am just confused.” The man’s eyes squinted a bit. “Do I...know you?”
Jameson shook his head again.
“Oh. Good. I was worried for a moment there.” The man uncurled a bit, taking his arms away from his face. He reached down to his ankles, slightly adjusting the cuffs around them, binding them together. Then he glanced around. “I do not recognize this place, either. Do you?” When Jameson shook his head for a third time, the man tilted his head. “Can you...not speak?”
Faintly surprised, Jameson nodded. Most people would ask why he was quiet or demand that he talk. Only a few caught on to the reality without him somehow cuing them with signs or writing.
“Ah, I’m sorry, then. Can you hear me?”
A nod.
“I see.” The man glanced out at the room again. “My name—my name is Henrik.” So Jameson’s guess was right. This was the Dr. Schneeplestein he’d heard so much about, and had one brief meeting with, a meeting that had ended badly. “What is your—what do I call you?”
Thinking for a moment, Jameson reached out and gently took one of Schneep’s hands. He stiffened a bit, but allowed him to do so. Jameson then drew out the letter J twice on the surface of his palm.
“JJ? Oh, that is very nice.” Schneep smiled faintly. “I understand some sign language, you know. But I am afraid I am very rusty. I do not think I could hold a conversation.” His smile fell. “Do you...know why we are here?”
Jameson nodded sadly. He gestured out towards the room, in the direction of the doorway Anti was pacing and muttering in front of.
Schneep shuddered. “Yes, I—I have—he has—I have been in this situation. Before.”
Jameson pointed at himself, then made the sign for also by pointing his fingers and touching his hands together.
“I know that one. You...you know him, too?” Schneep’s voice held a combination of horror, sympathy, and strangely, hope. Hope that he wasn’t alone. “I suppose I don’t have to explain, then.”
Letting out a huff of dark laughter, Jameson shook his head.
“Hmm. That is good.” Schneep scanned Jameson, taking in as many details he could in the faint light. “I...something about this time is...different. Than when he last took me.” He suppressed another shiver as he looked up towards the shadow passing back and forth on the ceiling. “I...am sorry you are here.”
Jameson scooted closer to him. He put one hand on Schneep’s shoulder and signed Sorry with his other. Neither of them should be here. Anti should never have interfered in their lives again.
Schneep let out a shaky breath, and leaned closer to Jameson until he was resting his weight against him. Jameson pressed his head against his. And together, they listened to the sound of their nightmare pacing and muttering, wondering what was next for them.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 3 years
March of the Black Queen (A Borhap Boys SMUT)
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Part 18 of The Queen Repertoire Series
Notes: I am so going to hell for this, but if you're reading this then so are you so...see you there!
I swear this life is a fucking curse!
I’ve always had my fair share of bad luck but this was ridiculous on so many levels. My so-called boyfriend of five months decided it would be just great to rail the shit out of our neighbor in our bed. Motherfucker never even told me he was GAY! I packed my things as he sobbed and said he was ‘sorry’ and explained how he’d been trapped in the closet his whole life (asshole parents). I told him I would forgive him in time, but for now, I needed a few days to get over the sting of it all. I left our apartment and drove to my best friend's place.
I’ve known Joe forever and he always knew what to do to get me out of a funk. He was basically a happy virus that infected every part of me.
He answered the door and his face when from having a sunshiny smile to a very irate look. “What the fuck did he do?”
“More like who the fuck did he do,” I said entering his apartment and explaining as best I could what had gone down without outing my ex (not exactly my sexuality to reveal after all). “Do I even need to ask if I can crash here until I find my own place?”
“You can stay here forever if you want,” he said embracing me. Joe gives the best hugs on the planet, and fuck anyone who disagrees with that. “The guestroom is all yours, go unpack while I call in the cavalry.”
“Seriously?” I arched an eyebrow at him.
“They care about you too, you know,” he said. I rolled my eyes and left to unpack. Sometime later multiple voices filled the air. The Borhap Cavalry had rolled in. I put on a happy face and made my way to the living room. I’d barely entered when a body slammed into me.
“I’LL FUCKING KILL HIM I SWEAR!” Rami said crushing me in his arms.
“Relax, my King,” I said. “It was an inevitable thing...nothing for you to lose your shit over.”
He stepped back still not convinced. “But—.”
“But nada, my King,” I said. “A pure-warmhearted Pharaoh such as yourself doesn’t belong in prison anyway.”
He sighed but nodded before taking his place on the sofa. On the coffee table were a couple of pizzas and beer to wash them down. I sighed.
“You guys are too good to me,” I said going in for a slice of (Y/F/P). We ate in silence for a while, each of the guys comforting me every now and then. Once we were done eating though...things got a lot louder.
“Truth or Dare, right now, who’s in?!” Joe asked, shouting slightly (he was a bit drunk so…). The guys shrugged.
“Eh, what the hell,” I said.
“Y/N/N TRUTH OR DARE?!” he asked excitedly.
“Um, I dunno, dare I guess,” I said. “You know to break the ice.”
Joe got an evil smirk on his face.
“What?” I asked.
“I dare you to play the Game,” I damn near choked on my beer.
“YOU FUCKER!” I snapped at him.
“What’s the Game?” Gwilym asked.
Joe laughed.
“It’s a stupid thing we did back in college,” I said turning to Joe. “A thing you promised never to speak of!”
“Oh, come on,” Joe said. “You gotta admit, this is exactly what you need right now.”
I groaned. “I hate you so much right now.”
He took out his phone. “Your time starts now.”
“What exactly does she have to do?” Ben asked.
“You’ll see,” Joe smirked earning a middle finger from me.
A couple minutes later Ben excused himself to use the little boy's room. I groaned under my breath. Too easy…
Round 1- Ben:
I excused myself a moment later, claiming to need something from my room. I stopped in front of the bathroom and knocked slightly. “Ben?”
“Yeah?” he answered through the door. I could hear his full stream going but...the opportunity was too perfect.
“Can I come in?” I asked.
“Um...just give me a moment,” I could hear him flush and then the sink turned on. I was nervous but did what I had to to be ready. I thought of him...of his strong hands and his length. I was suddenly very grateful that I had changed out of my cut-off shorts and into my pajama shorts. I shoved my hand in and began rubbing circles around myself. I let out a small whimper and I almost didn’t hear the doorknob turn. The door opened and Ben stood there, mouth agape as he stared at my hand. I quickly pulled it out. “Uh...did..uh...do you need something?”
“No,” I said. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to play a game,”
He looked at me confused so I stepped up and brought my lips to his. My kiss stunned him but not as much as my touch did. I reached down and rubbed at his length through his jeans.
He pulled back gasping. “Are you bloody serious right now?”
I nodded and brought my lips to the skin of his neck. “Come on, Ben...play with me,” I whispered wrapping my arms around him. He cursed and picked me up. He placed me on the sink and slammed the door shut. I yanked my shirt off and hopped down to rid myself of my shorts and panties. I hopped back up as Ben started to do the same. Once he was free of his pants he tugged on himself and stepped closer to me. I reached up and cupped his face in my hands pecking him on his lips. He kissed me back before pushing in. I bit back a moan as Ben let out a grunt.
“You feel so fucking good, love,” he muttered as he started to move. To say he knew what to do to get me to scream and writhe would be an understatement. He thrust into me as though for him it had been quite a while since he last had mind-blowing, toe-curling sex.
“Mm, fuck...I really did need this,” I moaned holding onto him as he slammed into me hitting my sweet spot. “FUCK! Ben! Right there, right there!”
Ben smirked. “Only if you moan my name again.”
“Ben,” I moaned as he slammed into me again. “BEN!”
I suddenly felt my body begin to tense up and I knew… ”Fuck Ben...I’m almost there!”
“It’s alright,” he said. “Come for me darling,” he pecked me on my lips. “Come on my dick.” He muttered.
Suddenly my body became still and I was screaming his name as I soaked his cock in my juices. Ben continued as I collapsed on the counter. Eventually, his body stiffened and he filled me up with a grunt that melted into a moan.
“You...are...bloody...amazing at that,” he said breathlessly.
“I’m amazing? Ben, I haven’t screamed that loud in years.” I said.
“Well then you’re ex is bloody miserable at sex,” he chuckled. “You deserve to scream like that each and every time you’re fucked, and I’m glad I was able to do it this time.” He reached down and pulled himself out of me. “Who knows...maybe I can do it again one day.”
I chuckled. “Maybe.”
I hopped down and cleaned myself up before getting dressed. We went back to the living room where Joe was smirking at us.
“Consider the Game commenceth,” I said.
“Ben, on a scale of one to ten, how was it?” he asked.
“One-fucking-thousand mate,” he said. Both Rami and Gwilym looked at us confused.
“Don’t worry you two, you’ll have your turn soon enough,” I said smirking at them.
We continued to hang out and when the sun began to set we agreed it was time for a movie. But first Gwil wanted to check in with his girlfriend. He disappeared into the kitchen with his phone.
“Joe do I really..?” I whispered.
“You know the rules babe,” he said.
“But he has a girlfriend,” I argued.
“Yeah,” Joe said. “A girlfriend that’s been giving him a lot of shit lately.”
Round 2- Gwilym:
I sighed decided it was useless to argue with Joe. A moment later I stood up and started towards the kitchen. Gwil was sitting at the dining table while on the phone and it did not look good.
“Darling, I swear I’ll be home by next week,” he said. “I know but...this isn’t exactly a small project you know...and these men are basically family to me I can’t just...Darling..? Darling..? FUCK!” he hung up and threw his phone onto the small dining table.
I stepped in awkwardly. “Hey, uh, is everything okay?”
“She’s threatened to leave me unless I go home tonight,” he said glumly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I sighed.
“Don’t be,” he said. “We’d sort of been crumbling for a while...we’ve been wanting to take the next step and have a baby and all that but...I have work. And it’s not like I’m working a regular nine-to-five I could quit just like that I’m...I’m living my dream.”
I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. “It’s gonna be okay Gwil,” I said. “Everything usually works out in the end.”
“Do you think it’ll work out for me?” he asked.
“I know it will,” I muttered pecking him on his scruffy cheek. “Any woman would be damn lucky to be with you,” I said pulling. “Hell, I feel lucky just knowing you.”
He smiled slightly at that. “I wouldn’t say I feel lucky knowing you,” he said. I looked at him slightly confused. “It wouldn’t be enough...I’m blessed to know you.” My lips were on his in an instant. His facial hair tickled me slightly, and I let out a small giggle. Gwil in turned smiled and wrapped his arms around me deepening the kiss. I climbed onto his lap and straddled him.
“God, what the fuck are we doing?” Gwil said before moving to kiss the skin of my neck.
“I dunno but I don’t want it to stop...do you?”
“No,” he said continuing his work on my neck. I started grinding on the bulge growing in his pants. He moaned. I continued moving my hips along the bulge until eventually, Gwil needed more.
He took me off of him and started undoing the button and zipper on his pants. I quickly pulled my shorts and panties down and looked up to see Gwil with his pants and boxers around his ankles and his length in his hand as he stared at me.
“Ready to play?” I muttered damn near purring the words. In response, Gwil wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I hovered for a moment before sliding down onto his length. “HOLY SHIT!” Like the rest of him, his length was long and thick. Gwil hissed at the motion. After a while, I began to move.
Gwil pulled my shirt over my head a little while into it and began massaging my breast. I pulled his shirt off as well as I continued to move up and down his length. Now completely exposed to one another he brought his mouth to my breasts and started playing with my nipple. The feeling made me moan and move faster. Gwil grunted and brought his hands to my hips. He went in deep but not too hard.
You see while Ben was rough and damn near frantic Gwil took care of me. He made sure he wasn’t hurting me and did all he could to give us both a hell of an experience.
He picked me up after what felt like a lifetime of me riding him and laid me on the ground. He continued his caring ways as he thrust into me. I reached down and squeezed his (insanely perfect) fat-bottomed ass. He groaned at that and unintentionally thrust into my sweet spot. I moaned holding on to him.
He moved inside me hitting that same spot over and over again. “Gwil...I’m gonna…”
“It’s okay, darling,” he said. “D-Did you want me to cum on your stomach or..?”
“No,” I said getting closer to reaching my peak. “No, I want you inside me...please do it inside me.”
He looked slightly panicked. “What if I...fuck...what if I put a baby in you?”
I smiled. “Then I guess we’ll have to have a baby together.”
Suddenly a wave splashed over me making me arch my back and causing my toes to curl. I moaned and tightened around Gwil. He continued to thrust eventually letting out a loud moan as he shot his seed inside me. His body trembled as he came down from his high. He pecked me gently on my lips.
We cuddled there for a moment before standing up to get dressed. Gwil grabbed a paper towel and cleaned my cunt showing that his caring in sex didn’t stop at aftercare. I blushed and proceeded to get dressed. “Gwil?”
“Hm?” He looked up at me as he zipped up his pants.
“After the Game, do you think we could ever..?” And that’s when he cupped my face and kissed me. We pulled and were both smiling like idiots.
“I love you,” he muttered. My heart raced and I pecked him before saying…
“I love you too.”
Hand in hand we walked back into the living room having missed a good chunk of the movie.
“Jurassic Park again, really?” I said sitting next to Joe.
“Don’t avoid the subject Y/N/N,” Joe said. “Gwil, how’d it go?”
“About a million out of ten I’d say,” he smiled.
We continued to watch the movie which ended once the sun was fully gone. We agreed on watching one more movie before calling it a night and the temperature dropped to freezing levels (by Southern California standards I mean). I noticed Rami shivering.
Round 3- Rami:
I got up and ran to my room to get my favorite blanket. I grabbed it and went back to the living room sitting down beside Rami. “Here,” I motioned him to get under it.
“Oh, no I’m—.”
“I wasn’t asking, my King,” I said. He sighed and pulled the blanket over himself.
“Thanks,” he said.
For the last movie, we decided on one of my faves (come at me, I dare you!) Breaking Dawn Part 2. At first, it was just another innocent night with me and my boys. Then Rob and Kristen started having rough vampire sex. That plus the music made me relax into Rami.
“Wow, that’s actually kind of...hot,” Rami said.
“You know I’m willing to bet there are a lot of girls out there who imagine themselves like that with Benjamin,” I said. “Your Benjamin, I mean, not...okay probably our Ben too but...you know what I mean.”
“You think?” he looked at me questioningly.
I nodded. “I bet they even touch themselves while they do it too,” I muttered bringing my hand down to his leg. “Bet they even moan his name or even your name.” I started rubbing his length through the fabric of his pants. His eyes grew wide as he gasped.
“What the fuck are you..?”
I smirked up at him. “Time to play...my King.” I undid the button and zipper on his pants and brought my hand to his length which was already semi-hard. I ran my hand up and down his shaft feeling it grow more and more.
“Fuck,” he muttered. I smiled and brought my lips to his jaw. I kissed him softly, trailing up to his ear.
“Did you want to play here or..?”
“Behind the couch,” he said. “I-I don’t want them to see.”
“Yeah, ‘cause we sure as hell can’t hear anything,” Joe joked.
“Fuck off,” Rami said.
“Seriously though, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before,” Joe said. “You don’t have to be so nervous. ‘Side’s it’ll probably be better than the show those walking glitter bombs are putting on.”
Well, Joe did have a point.
Rami suddenly picked me up and placed me on the floor. “Let’s play, buttercup,” he muttered (in his Snafu accent no less)before pulling my shirt over my head. We stripped each other eagerly before Rami turned me so that I was on my knees. Like Freddie before him, Rami was really blessed in the dick department. As he positioned himself at my entrance (keeping the blanket on us at all times) I questioned for a moment how that would ever fit inside me. He made it work though.
I gasped as he stretched me.
“Huh-How the fuck are you all insanely big?” I asked stunned at how well endowed these four drastically different men were. Joe, Gwil, and Ben just chuckled at that.
The next few minutes were filled with our moans and slapping sounds as Rami thrust into me. I was basically bent over the couch between Joe and Gwil so as Rami took me from behind I could clearly see them with their hands on their lengths. Joe reached down and massaged my breast.
“Joey,” I moaned. “It’s not your turn yet.”
“I know,” he groaned, his other hand moving faster along his cock. “Fuck.”
Meanwhile, Rami reached around me and started rubbing my clit. “Oh fuck…” I moaned.
“That’s right Buttercup,” Rami muttered in my ear. “Cum for me. Cum all over this dick.”
My back arched and I tightened around him. “RAAMMIII!!!”
Unlike the others, he pulled out and jerked off onto my back. “FUUCCKK!!” he groaned as he painted my back.
“Hands down the best lay I’ve ever had,” Rami said breathlessly. “Million outta ten for sure.”
Round 4- Joe:
“J-Joey?” I said looking up at him.
“All ready for you Y/N/N,” he said motioning me to get up on the couch with him. Legs shaking I stood up and sank down onto his length. I road him harder than I did Gwil, mainly because it was the final round and lord knows the last was the most important in the Game.
Joe kissed my breast as he held me close.
“Fuck, it’s been so long,” he moaned.
“Not for me,” I smirked. I looked over and Gwil was still jerking himself. Looking around I found that Rami had collapsed on the floor (exhausted) and Ben was watching us with his length in his hand. I turned back to Joe kissed him once and picked up my pace. Joe chuckled.
“Someone’s having a good time,” he teased. I moaned.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” I said.
“As you wish,” he smirked before flipping me over. He rammed into me pushing me slightly forward so that my mouth was inches above Gwil’s cock. “You wanna suck it?”
I moaned and nodded.
“Go ahead,” Joe said.
I grabbed Gwil’s length and kissed the tip before sliding it into my mouth. Gwil hissed and his fists balled up.
I was getting lost in sucking when I heard Ben ask Joe, “Mate, do you mind?”
“Hang on a second Ben, I’m getting close,” Joe said. Sure enough a moment he threw his head back and slammed into me one last time before bursting inside me. He moaned and shook as he emptied himself. He then pulled out and another length was shoved inside me.
I pulled back from Gwil and looked behind me to see Ben thrusting into me, our skin smacking together.
I was on cloud nine.
Once Ben came for the second time I found myself getting close to bursting. I crawled onto Gwil and slid onto his length.
“I-I’m almost there,” I said riding him.
“Allow me then,” he said grabbing onto my hips and slamming up into me.
“OH FUCK!” He moved fast and hard. “Fuck! Gwil! Yes, yes, yes...right there, right there!”
Tension brewed within me and before I knew it I was tight around his length, soaking him in my juices. I threw my head back and screamed as I came hard. I collapsed on top of him and straddled him as he continued thrusting.
“Fuck! FUCK!” Gwil cursed bursting inside me.
We all collapsed in bliss, the movie long forgotten, and all of us spent beyond belief.
Now I've got a belly full You can be my sugar baby You can be my honey chile, yes
“So does anyone win in this game?” Ben asked.
Joe chuckled. “Y/N/N is...the winner is the person who screams the loudest.”
“I won last time too,” I said. “Thanks to Joe...I dunno if it’s a ginger thing or what but...damn!”
“Pretty sure it’s a Deacon thing,” Joe said.
“Oh yes, it’s definitely a Deacon thing darling,” Rami said in his Freddie accent.
I laughed. “You’re all idiots,” I looked up at Gwil who was currently my pillow. “But I love you.”
He smiled. “We love you too.”
“And we definitely have to play again someday,” Joe added.
“Not sure that’ll be possible with me and Gwil dating and all,” I said.
“Wait wuh?” Joe gawked at us.
“Are you serious?” Ben asked.
Rami just smiled.
Gwil and I laughed and kissed for the final time.
Taglist: @fairestkillerqueenofall @onceuponadetectivedemigod @boherahpsody @thebohemianpenguin @ihatethespacebars @rose-de-jaune @xxkellsvixen19xx @valeriecarolinaw @5sos-wdw @hearttshapeddboxx @pleasingiswhatweaimfor @hatemylifesofuckingmuch @painandpleasure86 @haileynicoleseavey17 @queenlover1997 @mrsmazzello @hannafuckingsucks @zwiezraczek @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @tinywildeace
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