#I’m somewhat on a phf high after rereading some of it
ilikebobcuts642 · 6 months
Jjba part 5 and Purple haze feedback spoilers ahead
A phf scene I think about often is the stand-induced dream Fugo has where he stops Bruno from ever joining the mafia (along with the rest of the gang but the main focus is Bruno)
This scene added with the other scenes between the two (Bruno reminding Fugo of his grandma, Fugo taking on missions he knows Bruno would be too heartbroken to do, Fugo holding a grudge against Trish for “forcing him to part with Bruno”, ect.) shows how much Fugo just wanted to protect Bruno
He wanted to repay Bruno for basically saving his life. Wanted to make him as happy as he could in their situation, even to the point of hiding things he knew would upset Bruno. It’s an (oddly) wholesome fact about Fugo that I wish was talked about more by the fandom.
They’re the “A relative I swore to protect is dead but I will still fight for them” trope but better.
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