#I’m so proud of AEW now
hanitje · 1 year
Truth or Dab with Adam Cole & MJF
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kitkat238984 · 8 months
Goddess Of Your Dreams (soulmate au)
Summary: In an alternate universe where soulmates are determined by unique marks, you do everything you can to hide your matching soul mark from the cold-hearted handsome devil, Hook.
But when a match with "Timeless" Toni Storm causes your secret to be revealed to the whole world, you have many awkward encounters that leave you both mesmerised and breathless.
TW: Mentions of sexual themes, normal wrestling violence.
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The crowd roared as The Chairman’s Intent played through the speakers and Hook entered through the tunnel and made his way down the ramp towards his hungry-for-violence opponent, Wheeler Yuta. Excalibur’s voice fed through the TV screens in the homes of thousands. 
“And we see the cold-hearted handsome devil walk down the ramp, so confident and expressionless, a complete contrast to that sunflower soulmark he’s sporting there, wouldn’t you say Taz?” 
The father of the heart-throb in the wrestling world had to stay neutral in his job as a commentator, but never hid how proud he was of his son and his achievements. “Of course. But if there’s one thing I’m sure about is that he will make some lucky girl very happy”. 
“Hook, doing his ritual of circling around the ring. And I think the soul marks make you realise just how human we all are, showing almost the vulnerability in people as stone cold as Hook”. 
The match between Hook and Wheeler wasn’t for any title, only to settle a score when Yuta began cussing out Hook’s arrogance and the friends he “strings along”, and - as he usually does - Hook shoved those words where the sun don’t shine and had him caught in a redrum within minutes. After all, cursing is Danhausen’s thing. 
A couple of weeks later, you were backstage, preparing for your upcoming fight against ‘Timeless’ Toni Storm for the Women’s World Championship. This was quite frankly the biggest match of your life, and against a wrestler who was far more experienced than yourself, even though you had been in AEW for a year now and had made quite the spectacle of yourself with your alluring character. You couldn’t count the number of times male fans of AEW had approached you with their clever but awkward pick-up lines. 
“You’re ready for this” , the voice of your ringside and friend, Kris Statlander, told you whilst patting your shoulder. “You’ve studied every one of her moves and trained for weeks on end. How are you nervous about this?” 
You ignored her question with no real answer to give her. You were ready, more than you had ever been for a match, let alone already being a decent wrestler. 
You continued to watch yourself in the mirror. You really did look like a goddess. And that wasn’t you trying to be conceited because your whole gimmick was that you were Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty and sex and more. You wore waist high blue shorts with decorative white buttons and drawstring with a matching plaid sporting bra which cupped your breasts and made your cleavage visible for all to see. 
You didn’t mind being used as sex appeal to be honest as it made you feel a lot more confident in your self. You’d hardly had any confidence before AEW until one day you decided to be brave, wearing very little sportswear at the gym which happened to be the day you were recognised as a potential for professional wrestling. Coincidence? Who knows, but you didn’t care. Everyone appreciated you as a good sportswoman. You were here and you were proud your dream came true whilst also being one of the best female wrestlers in the company. 
“You know why I’m nervous”, you said, timidly, glancing to the right of the mirror to meet the gaze of Kris. 
“We go through this every time, no one’s going to see it. They never do! That choker is very secure. You might as well be strangling yourself”. 
You hummed, instinctively slipping your hand under the large braid that snaked down the right side of your neck and swept your fingers under the choker, touching where you knew your soul mark to be. 
“I don’t even know why you bother hiding it. It’ll come out eventually. One of your hookups are going to piece it together”. 
You smiled and chuckled lightly at her comment and turned around, tiptoeing to lean closer to her ear. 
You whispered, “Daniel Garcia didn’t say anything when he had his hands wrapped round my throat”. 
With a hearty laugh, you went to leave the room you used as a dressing room hearing her dramatically gasp, saying “Y/N, you’re such a slut!” 
The door was half open with you facing inside. “I may be a slut but I still have morals. My soulmate is more important than any of those floozies”, you laughed again and opened the door fully, but almost crashed into a figure who was walking past and most likely heard the last of your conversation. 
You looked up at the tall man wearing a white hoodie and black sweatpants and immediately cleared your throat and glanced back down when you made quick eye contact when he glanced at you with a raised eyebrow and continued on his way, not stopping once to question what he just heard. 
“Awkward”. You turned your head to glare before nodding your head towards the hallway so you can get ready to go on, not before taking one last look at the cold-hearted Hook who had his hood covering that damned mark that matched yours. 
Why, of all people, him? 
You’d never even spoken to each other and you always thought that your personalities would clash. That is, if you even knew his personality. His cool exterior was only an act after all - or at least most of it. You had no clue where to even start with him. 
Your ‘quick look back’ must have lasted a little longer than you anticipated because you found yourself being pushed through the dimly lit hallway towards the stage. 
Toni Storm was already out there making her extravagant entrance as usual and the nerves suddenly hit you again like a continuous stabbing to the gut. 
Kris must have read you like a book because she began roughly massaging your shoulders and shaking you, waking you out of the depths of your own mind. 
“You got this", she told you. “Rip out the feathers of her boa and you’ll have her crumbling on the spot”. 
“Or that would just make her even more angry?" 
“Just beat her senseless and bring back that belt. Come on, we’re on”. 
You heard the guitar riff you’d heard so many times which was your entrance song, 'Venus' by Shocking Blue - ironically not such a shocking song for your character. 
Holding your best flirty face, you walked through the tunnel and stood centre stage, eyeing the crowd and blowing kisses at certain men on the front row, contributing to your act. You made eye contact with Toni Storm and gracefully travelled down the ramp with Kris tailing behind you, riling up the crowd a bit before walking around ringside. 
Entering the ring you saw she had a mic in her hand and so you thought you’d wait to attack and have a little fun first. 
“Any words before I banish you off the screen?” 
You motioned for the mic and she willingly let you have it. “First off, that belt clashes with your outfit. And secondly… I’m about to knock you into the 1800s, showgirl”. 
You throw the mic to the side and headed straight for the attack which Storm skilfully dodges but you bounce back on the ropes and high kick her in the face which makes her stumble back. 
You go back and forth with the attacks and a few minutes in it’s still difficult to predict a winner as you both fight through the pain, eager to get your hands on that belt. 
You let her swing you around the ring before stranding you in the middle where she kicked your back and you fell forward, face first into the canvas. Blood was most likely pouring from your nose at this point and you felt pretty helpless but, your arms the only thing keeping you up, even when she had your legs bent and leaning on your back you still wouldn’t budge so the referee never started counting. 
Everything from that point felt like slow-motion. Storm yanked up your hair and grabbed a hold of the precious choker that you felt the need to guard with your life. However, you couldn’t stop her as your arms were still in use to hold you up. 
You thought you could hear the voices of Excalibur, Tony, and Taz commenting on this scene when your oxygen privileges were taken away from you for a brief couple of seconds. 
“Dramatic as ever! Toni Storm ripping that choker from Venus, breaks the chain, and still has her-” 
“Wait a minute there, Tony”, Excalibur interrupts. “What’s that? On her neck?” 
“Why, it’s a sunflower!” He was quick to reply. “Oh, my god! Now, for anyone who doesn’t remember, that’s the exact same soul mark as our very own Hook! Taz, how are you feeling about this?” 
A few seconds passed before Taz responded to that question, bewildered by this realisation that millions of people in the fanbase had just come to terms with. “For the first time ever, I-I have no words. I’m utterly speechless”. 
You couldn’t believe what had just happened. You were in such shock that the one thing you were trying to hide was revealed that you lost control of your arms and they gave in to both the weight of yourself and Toni - who was still laying over your back - and the recoil of your head after the breakage of your choker. 
You acted fast when the referee began smacking his hand on the canvas and you swung your elbow back into Storm’s side, rolling her onto her front in place of you, pulling her legs back and holding down her upper back with your knees so she couldn’t escape. 
Within three seconds, you heard the ring of the bell indicating your victory and had secured yourself the WWC. You carefully got off your opponent and used your large braid which was still somehow intact to cover the sunflower mark. You knew it was all too late but perhaps you could save yourself at least a little dignity for now. 
You allowed your hand to be raised in the air and for the Women’s World Championship belt to be slung over your shoulder. You decided to not let your revealed secret take away your triumph and you gladly stood on the ropes of the ring and held up the belt for the world to see. Most of the crowd were cheering which you were relieved at. 
Jumping out of the ring you picked up a mic and yelled out, “Checkmate, bitch!” before Kris attacked you with a hug which you happily embraced, knocking the microphone out of your hand. 
With smiles strewn across your faces, you limped up the ramp and gave the camera a wink and blew a kiss before heading through the tunnel. 
You were greeted with “well done”s and “congratulations”’s, and you didn’t fail to notice every one of them look at where your soul mark was. 
“I can’t believe I just did that”, you said to them all, still breathless. 
“We thought you were a goner when she had you pinned like that. Such a turn around”. 
“Saw it in the viewing room. Could’ve gone either way”. 
“Y/N…” a stern voice called to you. You turned to see who it was and came face-to-face with the one and only Tony Khan. 
Ah shit. 
“I hate to cut this celebration short but could I speak with you for a moment?” 
You stared in shock. “Uh yeah of course”. 
He couldn’t fire you, could he? It was just a soul mark. Even though the scenario that he would get rid of you was unlikely, the fear plagued your mind. 
“I first want to say well done for securing the Women’s World Championship. You deserve it after all the effort you’ve put in this year”. 
“Thank you”, is all you managed to say. 
“I’m going to be straight with you. It was very irresponsible to keep something like a soul mark matched with another wrestler away from myself and the team. We would have understood if you wanted to keep that a secret from the public but not us. We could have helped you and prevented a situation like this from happening". 
You sighed, knowing he was completely right and you should have at least told someone about it so you could get help to cover it rather than taking it upon yourself to hide it from everyone. 
“We can’t do much about it now. The public already knows and we’ll just have to go with it”. 
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying, sir?” 
“If what you’re thinking is incorporating it into a story line, then yes”. 
You had such mixed emotions coursing through your veins at this moment. You were relieved that you weren’t in trouble, excited you were part of a new story line, thrilled that you’d just won your match against Toni Storm, and scared as to what your soulmate would say to you after this. 
He continued. “But I have to ask. Did Hook know?” 
You shook your head lightly in shame and looked down at the hands that sat fidgety on your lap. 
“Well I’ll give you time to sort out a few personal things, and I’ll make sure promos are recorded regarding your new on-screen romance first before there’s any action in the ring. Thank you”. 
You nodded in appreciation and left his makeshift office, now bubbling in anticipation at this new opportunity. You practically ran to your dressing room where Kris said she’d meet you and you’d get changed and party until dawn, drinking to celebrate your success and to also forget about the future encounter with Hook, well… Tyler is what you’d found out his name was, but you weren’t ready to be so casual with someone you'd never spoken to before. 
When you were back at work, you expected Hook to approach you straight away, however, the most you got out of him was a mere glance your way or sometimes you’d catch him staring at your back, not that he seemed even the slightest bit embarrassed to turn away. 
You couldn’t possibly start any conversation with him. In fact, when you were told what was happening for one of the promos, introducing your on-screen romance, you never spoke to him about it and had to improvise when the cameras were placed on you both. 
“Danhausen, tell us how you’re feeling about the upcoming trios match?” The interviewer asked him. Danhausen being himself, he had this scary yet amusing pose with clawed fingers in front of him. 
“Very good. I have cursed all three of them so they may die before then”, he said in his freaky accent. 
“And of course you’re teaming with Hook and Orange Cassidy - a pretty strong team formed there if you ask me - how do you think they’re coping with the pressure of this match?” 
“I fear they are frozen”. 
“Uh frozen? What do you mean by that?” 
“Some powerful sorcery has frozen them in time. Look!”. 
The camera first focused on Orange Cassidy who was leaning up against a wall, both arms and legs crossed and slowly chewing on a piece of gum. 
The camera then turned to you and Hook who were told to stand opposite one another, simply staring into the other’s eyes, your soul mark being the one to show the camera. 
Although it was only acting, you still felt butterflies floating around your stomach since this was technically the most you’ve ever interacted with him, your soulmate. No one else’s soulmate. None of his adoring female fans had the same mark as him on their necks. The thought of you being the special one almost brought a smile to your face, but you had to stop yourself when you remembered the cameras. 
You used this time to really appreciate his facial features. How had you not realised how attractive he was sooner? His jawline was well-defined yet looked so soft to touch. And his eyes… so dark but so… intriguing… and… and… what were you saying? 
You’d got so lost in the moment that you hadn’t even realised that the cameras were no longer on your faces. It was only when the clicking of Danhausen’s fingers in between you both that you were brought out of your trance. 
“I fixed them! I didn’t know I could uncurse someone…” 
You saw Orange Cassidy on the other side of the room, peeking over the top of his sunglasses with his suggestive look at you. Hook hadn’t once flinched or maybe even blinked and still continued staring your way. The fear and self-consciousness struck you like it had done a thousand times before and you awkwardly walked past him towards catering where you were to meet Kris and Willow. 
You were smitten alright. Unmistakably. And you did not want to make yourself feel even more flustered than that situation had already made you. 
The plan was simple. "Timeless" Toni Storm and her husband and AEW wrestler, Juice Robinson, would talk shit about you in the ring, daring you to come out with the belt. You’d go out, say something snarky, they’d beat the crap out of you, and Hook comes out to save you. Easy. Simple. 
Except it really wasn’t that simple. Not when Hook was involved. You couldn’t bring yourself to confront him again. Danhausen’s promo was only the beginning and you only just managed to hold yourself together then. 
It took you a few laps around your hotel room that morning to clear your mind of the worries. Once all of this was over and everything made sense in the world, there would be nothing left to worry about and you would actually be able to get on with your life and career in peace. 
You were backstage, ready for your entrance. Hook stood only a couple metres away, eating a bag of chips. If there was one thing you definitely knew about Hook as Tyler, it was that he loved chips. Even when the cameras were nowhere in sight you always saw him with chips to hand. 
“...so what I want to say to Venus is that if you want to disrespect my beautiful wife, then you can come out here and say it to me as well. Come on! What are you afraid of? Everyone knows your dirty little secret now so you might as well show it to the world!” 
You took that as your cue and motioned for the sound and visuals manager to play your into. When it began, you wasted no time strutting out on stage, with no bother sending kisses to the crowd. After all, you were meant to be angry at them. 
You were given a mic at the end of the ramp and when you entered the ring, the power couple before you stood tall and confident, looking down at you who stood alone with your newly won belt you felt the need to protect. 
“Let us not dither with such a minor dispute. I don’t want to waste my time with an extra”, Storm laughed, and you heard a few boos in the crowd. Thank you. “You have stolen what is mine and I want it back. Now”. 
You smirked to the crowd and back at her who had her hand out expectedly. 
“It’s actually my belt now. My belt, my championship, my title. If you want it, you’ll have to come and take it from me. Mr. Loverboy over here don’t scare me”. 
An impulsive thought suddenly came to you whilst saying that. Where were their soul marks? Were they matching? People get into relationships, but normally they wait for their soulmates for marriage. Perhaps you just couldn’t see their marks, you thought, but then inwardly grimaced at where it might be as Robinson wasn’t exactly hiding much of himself with the amount of clothing he was wearing. 
“And where’s yours?” she asked. “Are you done staring at each other or are you still both lost little puppies, looking for their owners?” The teasing began to infuriate you. She must have been told to make the most of how she was the one to shed the light on your soul mark. 
“It’s… none of your business…” you awkwardly stated, glancing off to the side. 
“I’ll tell you what is my business. That championship. Darling?” 
Within seconds, the mic flung out of your hands for goddess knows how many times now and before you knew it, your hands were pinned behind your back and you had fallen to your knees, hair pulled to look up the 1920s star, officially at the mercy of the couple. 
As always, Storm dramatised the entire scenario, acting as if the belt was an Oscar she’d won for a picture show, and suddenly flung it to the side of the ring before striking your face with her forearm several times and you could do nothing but endure it. 
At one point you decided to test the waters and spat at her, who gasped disgustingly and kicked you to the side and you dropped on the floor. 
As if on cue, the arena darkened and Action Bronson played through the speakers, notifying you that Hook had entered the scene, and the butterflies yet again fluttered in your chest. 
Don’t get nervous now with millions of people watching you, Y/N. 
At the sight of Hook striding down the ramp with his cold-hearted yet handsome, sort of devilish expression - oh you got why they called him that now - Robinson and Storm ran past him towards the tunnel, Hook intimidatingly puffing out his chest through his hoodie as they crossed. 
The crowd went absolutely wild when they saw that Hook hadn’t stopped there and fought, but climbed through the ring and stood over your feeble state. As expected and without any exchange of words, he offered you a hand which you looked to the audience for approval before accepting gratefully. 
Ahhh it hurts so much. I didn’t realise the soulmate bond was this powerful. Was he feeling the same as me? How was he so cool about this all? 
You smiled as you both walked up the ramp in style, a couple that were quite frankly unstoppable to AEW. 
You didn’t bother lingering backstage, hoping that maybe Hook would finally approach you since you still couldn’t gather the courage to do it yourself. It was rather hypocritical of you seeing as you had an entire year to say something, but you just wanted to know if he was interested in you or not before making a fool out of yourself. 
A small gasp escaped your lips when a strong hand gripped your arm and spun you around where you faced the devil himself. He stared at you like he had all those other times, although you noticed the subtle desperation in his expression as his nose twitched and eyebrows furrowed, adjusting his jaw. 
His eyes shifted and you followed his gaze to where your mark was and self-consciously reached up to touch it but his hand gently took hold of your wrist, stopping you, and his head leaned closer toward your neck. 
Was this a chapter out of Fifty Shades of Grey or something? 
You couldn’t tell if your heart had stopped or if it was beating so furiously that it would burst out of your chest. A shiver sent down your spine and a shaky breath left your lips when you felt his own brush over the mark you shared, giving you the perfect angle to see his own soul mark. 
It really was a replica of the one you had which was a given. 
His head lifted out of your neck and he met your eyes again, this time exhibiting a sly smirk telling you that he knew exactly what he was doing to you. 
How devious… but you couldn’t deny that you were loving every second of it. 
“Why were you ignoring me?” you finally managed to ask after weeks since your mark was first shown in the ring. His obvious attraction and reveal of his need for you as well fuelled confidence within you, and you were glad that this encounter had turned out the way it had. 
“Why did you hide this from me?” He placed a hand on the side of your neck which now filled you with warmth and comfort. 
You kept quiet and bit your bottom lip as you didn’t really have a good explanation for why you did what you did. 
He chuckled lightly and quickly looked over your body, licking his lips - a small detail that only someone as close to him as you were in that moment would have noticed. 
“Well now I know we’re soulbound, it’d be rude not to ask the lady for a drink after the show. So how about it?” 
A large, mischievous grin swept across your face. “I’d love to. But you should know that I don’t commit on the first date. Not to anyone”. 
“Not even to your soulmate? Aren’t you meant to be the goddess of love?” 
“Are you saying you’re already in love with me?” 
You had both found yourselves gradually getting closer and closer. You didn’t even realise when your chests had come into contact, breath tickling each other’s faces. 
“Can’t argue with the soulmate bond”. 
Almost in desperation, your lips crashed into Hook’s who’s hands travelled to your waist to somehow pull you even closer than you already were, your arms snaking around his neck, fingers sliding through the hair at the top of the nape of his neck. 
“...I thought these videos were meant to be about me…” a voice broke you out of your kiss and you felt Hook huff and pout like he usually does, making you giggle at his childishness. 
You turned and saw Danhausen standing, watching you both in confusion with the camera crew situated behind him, pointing towards you. 
This was undoubtedly going to be aired in a promo but you couldn’t care less in that special moment of yours. The crew left once they realised that you both weren’t going to budge from where you were. You’d just been thrown in the arms of your soulmate after a year of knowing the truth and over a month of incredible attraction. 
Your attention was very quickly back on the man securely holding you in place, and you decided to tease him a little if that was the game you were going to be playing. “I’m not just the goddess of love. I’m the goddess of beauty… desire… sex…” 
Knowing exactly where you were going with this, his smirk returned, bigger than before. “Well let’s see. Beauty? Check. Desire?” He told a hold of your hand before guiding it towards the bulge that stuck out of his sweatpants. You squeezed his length gently, earning a soft groan before pulling your hand away again. “Check. Sex? Well I guess I’ll be the judge of that”. 
His hands slid down, cupping your ass and lifting you up with ease as you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. You felt yourself being carried through the halls backstage and you used this time to entangle your hands back through his hair which caused him to squeeze where his hands were placed on your backside. 
You lightly nibbled on his neck where the mark was and breathed in all of him. 
Ugh. Did he always smell this fucking good? 
You didn’t care if the people you passed were judging you or not; you only cared that all this tension was finally about to be released. 
“You’ll be turning full heel after the night is over, baby. I’m about the fuck all that gracefulness out of you”. 
You giggled and leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “You just try me”. 
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Hi. I’ve read some of your fics and I was just wondering if your could do a x reader with either of the following (the Elite, Adam Cole, MJF, Ricky Starks, or one of the womens) I had a really shitty day at work and I wanted to know if you could do something where that after training the readers back hurts from taking bumps. My back is really bad to the point I have to go to the chiropractor along with my shoulder. I explained it badly because I feel like shit from work but just something really comforting
Honey, I hope your back is getting better (please don’t stress yourself). Imma do reactions so you can get the most comfort possible and sorry that this couldn’t come out sooner
AEW Stars React: Your back getting injured in training
Pairings: MJF x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Kenny Omega x Reader, Hangman Adam Page x Reader, Willow Nightingale x Reader, Adam Cole x Reader
Word Count: 875
Supreme Speaks: hey I hope that the anon who requested this iks having a better day. I was gonna do an imagine but it was easier and quicker for me to write reactions. I hope all of you reading this also has a great day and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: same instances in different fonts, barely proofread
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom
Kenny Omega
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Mans would notice the first time you landed wrong (Mans is the Bout machine)
He would try to correct you but ultimately decided to end the session to prevent an injury
I also think he is the one who constantly has an eye on you afterward; like you are not allowed to leave his line of sight
So you now have the task of sitting and being pretty while he fixes lunch/dinner
You are not allowed to walk around for long periods
Would give you tips on how to land safer in the future
I also say Kenny would put down a thicker landing mat for you once you are ready to train again
Would also praise you for trying to continue to train
“You are tougher than most of the boys in the back. Nick cried once from taking a bump wrong.”
Hangman Page
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Once you landed wrong and he saw how you reacted; you were immediately taken out of the ring
“Nope. No, no, no, we’re leaving and you’re getting a heating pad.”
Would immediately get you IcyHot/BioFreeze for your pains
Tries to distract you with discussions about other topics (favorite songs, movies, etc)
Would carry you every time you wanted to walk somewhere
Bathroom? You’re over his shoulder. Want to eat? You’re being held like a baby to the table
Listens to your rants, outbreaks, cries, anything at any time of the day
Would give you massages at any time
“Please do not move too much. I want you to be at 100% next time you practice”
Adam Cole
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Just like Page and Kenny, Cole doesn’t take this lightly (as he has suffered from back pains)
But I think you were landing safely and you just took too many bumps and they just started to hurt your back
Just to be on the safe side, he would book chiropractor appointments
He would go through the appointment to show that you’re not alone
Adam would also do his own observations to see if he needs to alter anything
Will readjust everything to make sure that you are comfortable
ALSO MANS WILL GET YOU FLOWERS EVERYDAY (I just see that whether it’s platonic or not)
“You’re gonna be okay and I’m so proud of you for taking everything like a champ.”
Also, he would have a bath waiting on you before you could walk in the door
That man will take care of you
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Okay listen….he would try to make fun of you at first
But when he noticed that you wouldn’t even give a snarky comeback, he changed his attitude
Will spend a shitload of money just to make you feel good
Appointments? Medicine? Massages? Compression shirts? You name it, he got it.
As you start to feel better, Max will start cracking jokes
“You are a strong individual who can take anything thrown at her….except for an arm drag”
Will reference you to make his opponent feel bad
“Y/N, who is smaller than you, had to stop wrestling temporarily cause she was carrying the weight of the industry on her back..unlike you shmuck.”
Ricky Starks
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Mans knows exactly how you feel
Will give you every piece of advice and equipment that helped him through his bad back
“Sleep on your stomach….or was it your side? Just go to sleep and tell me how you feel later on.”
Will make everything within arms reach for you
Doesn’t want you to enter the ring until a week later
Ensures you that you didn’t do anything wrong (wrestling is just hard at the end of the day)
Like Page, he will listen to what you have to say and will try his best to respond to it
Will support whatever you choose to do but will push you to keep going in the future
“I know it hurts now, but once you’re all better, you’ll forget this ever happened and flourish like the butterfly that you are…or something like that from Pinterest”
Willow Nightingale
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Okay, I think she would freak out about everything
Tbh, she wouldn’t know what to do as she is genuinely worried about you
You would find it endearing and a little bit distracting (in a good way) as she scrambles to help you
Would worry every time you left something up, doesn’t allow you to bend down
To comfort you; cuddles everyday…every fucking day… (you betta not decline em either)
Would take online advice to heart and hope that it genuinely helps you
I can see Willow looking up what to do to help you, but she would come across different conditions and would be convinced you have it
“Do you have Osteoporosis? No? Then you have Arthritis….No I’m not calling you old.”
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supakixbabe · 5 months
So, AEW cut the footage of the incident off their videos, so I’m pretty sure this was their last resort because Muffins kept taking shots and making the company look bad. They truly never wanted this, but they did what was necessary. And sometimes turning the other cheek doesn’t work and you have to be a little petty in return.
I just want them to know that there’s still people who support AEW. Jack Perry. And the Bucks. This didn’t change our minds, it gave us proof of what we already knew.
They sacrificed their reputations even more to prove what kind of person Muffins was and that he was lying the whole time. That takes fucking guts and I’m so proud of them.
Now let’s move on and show everybody why AEW is where the BEST WRESTLE!
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 1 year
can I request a part 2 for the Kenny Omega Babies writing. Where the reader is at one of Kenny Aew match or Aew paper-view. Or is watching from reader and Kenny home in
Of course, I love requests. I hope you enjoy!!!1
Babies pt 2
Pt 1 Pt 3 Pt 4
Summary: you are backstage with the Elite getting ready for their match at Revolution
Word count: 556 
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Main Masterlist Kenny Omega Masterlist
So far the pregnancy has been going well. I am around 34 weeks into the pregnancy, and Kenny has made sure to be at every appointment, not wanting to miss a thing during this pregnancy. I honestly found it so cute, he was beyond excited to meet our baby. When we found out we were having a girl Kenny wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Despite being on the road and his injuries flaring up he still managed to build the most perfect nursery for our little girl. He insisted on doing it himself, he painted the room a sage green wanting it to be gender neutral. I noticed some photos on the wall and I cried when I saw what they were, photos of Kenny and I in Japan. There was even a picture of us alongside the Bucks and some of our other friends in Japan. It was taken the day Kenny and I met all those years ago in Japan. 
I tried my best to make it to the weekly shows, missing everything about wrestling. Being 34 weeks pregnant I knew baby girl could come any day now and I would only be at a few more shows before the baby was born so I was so excited when I found out I could attend Revolution to support my best friends against The House Of Black. I got to see some of my fellow wrestlers who I'd been missing and they couldn't wait for me to return back to the ring. 
Soon it was time for the match and I couldn't wait. Kenny placed a kiss on my stomach and talked to our baby as we waited for his que to go out. 
“I’ll be right back little one, I’m going to kick some ass and then we can go out for ice cream. I know Mom has really been craving some mint chocolate chip!” Kenny said, kneeling at my bump. Placing delicate kisses to the baby. 
“Y/N!!! I felt a kick, she kicked!” Kenny exclaimed 
“She must really want that ice cream!” I replied 
“I hate to interrupt this but we have to go” Matt said, ushering Kenny to get up. 
“Okay Okay, give me a minute Matthew!” Kenny said a bit annoyed 
“I love you, be safe out there alright. No stupid bumps Tyson!” I said to Kenny before placing a kiss to his lips
“No promises, I love you too Angel!” 
I watched the match backstage on a monitor, so proud of Kenny and The Bucks. The past few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone. The trios titles situation, the pregnancy, the fact that I would now be joining as a 4th EVP to take Cody's place. Everything was crazy but I wouldn't trade it for anything. 
“Jesus Tyson” I just watched him take a hard fall on his bad shoulder when I felt a kick
“You see that love, that crazy guy out there is your Dad. He can be crazy sometimes but we still love him. I can’t wait for you to meet him. He can’t wait to see you, he loves you so much already and so do I. Who knows maybe one day you will be a wrestler like us.” 
It was the moments like these I wouldn't trade for anything. 
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theworldofotps · 1 year
Rewarding The Champ (NSFW)
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Male Reader Word Count: 1,230 Description: After Seth wins at MITB his boyfriend gives him a reward back in their hotel room.
Warning: Little smutty oral sex
Requested by anon, I hope you enjoy! Apologies if it’s a little rushed it’s been a while since I’ve wrote a MxM piece.
Thanks to @new-zealand-chic for giving me the last line I absolutely loved it and just tweaked it a little. ________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @auburnwrites @aews-four-pillars @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @mcreignsera  If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ________
Watching the screen closely, y/n stands watching with bated breath as his boyfriend laid in the ring. Seth’s match against Finn at Money In The Bank had been intense and a little stressful. 
“Come on baby get the pin.” 
He whispered watching Seth and Finn go at it, seeing Damian come out with the briefcase made him groan. 
“Damian please for the love of everything not tonight.” 
Y/n begged watching the drama unfold, seeing Finn take his attention off Seth made him bite his lip. 
“Now's your chance!” 
Watching as he moved when Finn went for the coup he held his breath watching the curb stomp. Listening to the crowd count to three Y/n cheered when Seth got the pin. Quickly going to the gorilla Y/n smiled seeing Seth be congratulated by Hunter and a few of his coworkers. 
“I’m so proud of you that match was incredible.” 
Seth turned laughing softly as y/n hugged him tightly pressing a kiss to his lips.. 
“Easy on the ribs babe but thank you that means a lot coming from you.” 
“You’re welcome, wanna go back to the hotel so you can relax? We can celebrate a little if you’d like.” 
“Yeah sounds good just let me change, I'll shower at the hotel.” 
Y/n nodded his head as the two made their way back to the locker room, leaving Seth to go into the locker room. Y/n leans against the wall scrolling through social media reading some of the comments about Seth and Finn’s match.. 
“Okay love let’s go.” 
Seth had his bag slung over his shoulder and took his boyfriend’s hand. Chatting, the two make their way out to Seth’s rental car. Placing his bag on the back seat Seth got behind the wheel and made the short drive back to the hotel. Y/n was excited to have Seth to himself for the night. Usually one of them was working late so this was a treat. Arriving in the parking lot Seth parked and the two grabbed their bags making their way inside the hotel and up to their room. 
“I know I already said it but you did a terrific job tonight babe, truly that match was amazing.” 
Y/n said softly leaning against the wall of the elevator as he watched Seth. 
“Thank you, Finn is an incredible performer so any match with him is always a good one in my book.” 
“Damian really had me worried if I’m honest.” 
“I’m sure a lot of people felt the same way you did, baby.” 
Seth chuckled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips then spoke again.
“So what do you feel like doing?”
“I thought we could celebrate a little after your shower… I’d like to reward my champion for a job well done.” 
Hearing the lust fill his voice Seth's smile quickly shifted to a smirk as the doors opened. Stepping off the elevator the two quickly made their way down the hall to their room. Y/n’s words echoing in Seth’s head, sliding the keycard he ushered him inside, closing the door behind them and turning the lock. 
“You go get cleaned up and I’ll meet you in the bedroom when you’re finished.” 
Turning with a wink y/n went to the kitchen while Seth made his way into the bathroom. Waiting to hear the door close y/n made his way to the bedroom as well pulling the covers down and grabbing a spare pillow. Just because he was giving head doesn’t mean his knees needed to suffer. 
When the room was finally ready he removed his shirt and turned the lights off. Leaving just the glow from the bedside lamp to light the room. 
“Wow I should win big title matches more often when you’re around.” 
Seth said from the doorway, looking up y/n felt like the world stopped. Seth was, from his guess, completely nude apart from the towel riding low on his hips. His damp hair hung over a shoulder and the few drops of water he missed glistened against his skin. The sight was enough to make his mouth run dry and his pants become tighter. 
“Are you going to say anything or are you just going to stare at me all night?” 
“Sorry sorry just you look really good and it caught me off guard.” 
Y/n smiled and watched his boyfriend slowly walk over to him, y/n’s fingers reach out touching Seth the moment he was close enough. Biting his lip he motioned towards the bed with a nod. 
Seth sat down the towel slowly riding up exposing more of his thighs. 
“Crawl to me.” 
“I said crawl, you can’t just expect me to let you have all the fun can you?” 
Y/n slowly got to his knees and crawled over to the pillow, once settled he slowly slid his hands up Seth’s legs. The hair slightly tickled his palms. Reaching up he undid the knot on the towel, watching it fall away to reveal Seth’s hard cock. 
“I haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already hard for me.”
Y/n chuckled as he leaned forward slowly flicking his tongue over the slit, collecting the small amount of precum that had gathered. Humming softly y/n swirled his tongue over the tip listening to the soft sighs and shaky breaths that Seth took in. 
“I love the sight of you on your knees for me.” 
Seth whispered watching as y/n’s mouth started taking him in. If there was one thing Seth loved to see more than anything was the image of his boyfriend choking on his cock. His lips stretched to fit more in his mouth the way drool collected at the corners of his lips, tears filling his eyes as he got farther down the shaft. He looked down right delectable. 
Y/n began bobbing his head once he finally got down near the base, his throat slowly relaxing so Seth could easily slide in and out of his mouth. Hearing the moans and grunts from his boyfriend was enough to let y/n know that Seth was enjoying this. Blinking back the tears y/n pulled off to just the tip was left in his mouth. Giving his throat a moment to relax he used his hand to work Seth’s cock. 
“You look so sexy with my cock in your mouth, your eyes all teary. Fuck the sight of you is enough to make me cum.”
He grunted out as he fell against the mattress, y/n continued to work his cock using both his mouth and hand to bring Seth right over the edge. Emptying his mouth y/n gets up crawling onto the bed. Looking at his boyfriend y/n couldn’t help but smile softly, seeing Seth laying there the afterglow of his orgasm evident on his face.
“I’m so proud of you babe, you deserve all the praise you got tonight.”
The younger man whispered as he watched the man laid out on the bed. 
Seth sat up just enough to look at his boyfriend and smirked softly, pressing a kiss to his lips before quickly flipping them over. 
“Again thank you love now how about instead of singing my praises right now I want to hear you screaming my name.”
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elitehanitje · 6 months
AEW Has A Major Platform For Me To Express Myself And Show People My Culture
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Queen Aminata is proud to be the first African born woman to be signed to a big wrestling promotion.
After working a plethora of matches for the promotion over the years, Queen Aminata officially inked a deal with AEW in February 2024. Aminata has capitalized on the momentum quickly, as she is set to face Billie Starkz in a match for the new ROH Women's World TV Championship at ROH Supercard Of Honor in April.
Speaking to the AEW Unrestricted podcast for a new interview, Aminata reflected on being the first African-born woman to ever sign a contract with a major wrestling promotion.
"Coming from Guinea, I wouldn’t say there’s nothing special about it but there’s so much more because people from here don’t know Guinea. They know Africa, but it’s like, Africa, you know what I mean? I just wanted to give them something that they don’t know, tell them a story without talking to them that is showing them, hey this is where I’m from, but this is what you get. Especially with being signed, this is a bigger company that has a major platform for me, so what better way for me to just express myself and show people my culture, my accent, and how proud I am to walk in there with my cape. It’s funny sometimes because some fans will be like, ‘Oh my god, that’s just a fake accent, are you really from Africa?’ I’m like, ‘Yes honey, I was born and raised in Africa. I still go back.’ I just had bigger dreams than I could realize in Africa, so I just took a chance on myself and I gave it my all. I feel like I have two homes now, I have the USA and I have Africa. I’m happy to be here, at the same time I miss home. I’m so thankful for everything I’m building here and I know there is many more to come."
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kylefletchersgf · 4 months
♡☠︎︎🕸『Unity of Hell』♡☠︎︎🕸
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
-ˋˏ [Word Count] ˎˊ : 1.1k
-ˋˏ [Genre] ˎˊ : fluff/angst
-ˋˏ [TW] ˎˊ : cussing, gxg, mistakes I might have
-ˋˏ [Taglist] ˎˊ : @stacksifino @nev-danielgarciawife
[Let me know if you want to be in the taglist]
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.
You flew in with your girlfriend Diamante you guys just got done filming Roh in Minnesota and today's Rampage will be filmed in Illinois, Tony wanted to talk to you guys so as soon as you both got to the arena ya'll went straight to his office. He told the both of you a storyline idea where you two are going to be feuding and once he got the okay from youc guys he put it down to start tonight; a promo from you targeting her and a promo from her targeting you.
You two practiced together until it was her turn to do her promo so you went to the catering area so you won’t be seen with her. Diamanté came out her locker room and was stopped by Renee as she asked Diamante “what are your thoughts about what y/n said about you on twitter?” Diamanté looked over at Renee and scoffed “I really don’t care what y/n has to say about me is she got a problem with me she can find me in the ring and we can solve it like that. If not then leave my name out your mouth or we’re gonna have a real problem”
After her promo she left to do whatever she was going to do so later that night around 9:30 pm Renee found you to get your say on what Diamanté said about you, Renee put the mic to her mouth and asked “Y/n what do you have to say about what Diamanté said about you?” She asked curious. You looked over at her “you know what Renee Diamanté is the type of bitch who runs her mouth but never gets that much Tv time, so Tony ‘Mr. Khan’ how about we cut Mercedes Moné’s shit so Diamanté and I can settle this since she wants to fight so bad, honey even though we’re in a relationship right now I’ll kick your ass right to the couch like I’m gonna kick and rag doll your ass in the ring” you scoffed. After your promo you got up and walked away to Tony Khan to see if that was good enough to him which he agreed it was.
You went back to Diamanté’s locker room to meet up with her again sitting on her locker room couch as she looked over at you “you’re getting the hang of these promos” she said proudly. You smiled at her being proud of you, even though you been a wrestler you never really had promos if you did they were kind of weak so Diamanté started helping you with them. Ever since you’ve been getting help you’ve gotten better and better so Tony Khan’s been booking you to have more and more promos almost every week.
Diamanté loved that you was getting more tv time even if it was against her it still made her proud that you was starting to shine more, even if she ain’t she’s just happy that at least you were. Before you knew it it was Thursday and Tony Khan had you booked for Roh, you are fighting Billie Starkz and this is the ‘improved’ Billie not the one you’ve been seeing before. Ever since she aligned with Athena she became more vicious so you have to be prepared to be healthy enough to continue your feud with Diamanté at Aew.
You lost your match against Billie now your main focus is to continue your feud with Diamanté, after Roh was over you flew to the next state for Dynamite. After that loss to Billie you needed motivation again so you started meditating and taking notes on some old wrestling shows while you were on the plane; you went back and forth with wrestling notes and writing affirmations to keep your mind healthy and positive.
When you got off the plane you had enough notes so as soon as you got to the hotel you went straight to sleep. When you woke up you started to workout; you did light stuff since you and Diamante was actually going to fight tonight, since she was already down there when you got done with your workout you and her did a few couples style work out then went upstairs taking a shower together. Diamanté talked you through your anxiety to keep you calm while she drove the both of you to the arena.
“You got this babe don’t worry” she says kissing your head as you both stood in her locker room as you leaned on her hugging her. During your match against Diamante you tried to do what you said you would buy for some reason your mind was somewhere else, Diamanté dominated you during most of the match but you did get control here and there. You got injured but it wasn’t yours or Diamanté’s fault it was just a miscommunication doing a move so you didn’t blame her.
The referee noticed what was going on and told Diamanté secretly to pin you so the match could end, when you got backstage Diamante held you close telling you she was sorry as she carried you to the trainer’s room “Todo esto es mi culpa. No debería haber hecho ese movimiento” she said to herself in Spanish. “Babe it’s ok it’s fine I know you didn’t mean it it’s just a miscommunication that’s all” you said reassuring her and side hugging her as your knee got checked out.
You had a torn acl which means you’re gonna be out for 6+months, you hated being away from wresting but you didn’t want her to feel more bad then she already did it made you sad to see her like that. While you stayed at home she would FaceTime you every day that she traveled and stayed on the phone until she had to fight. Before she went to bed she would FaceTime you again to talk to you and that was the routine until she was allowed to take time off to take care of you.
You hated not being able to wrestle but it does feel good to finally relax with Diamanté by your side. She took care of the housework and everything that needed to be done so you can get better; the only time she let you get up was to move your leg around or to do therapy/exercises for your leg. Over the past 6 months Diamante has been helping you get ring ready again, you trained as hard as you can to get better and better in the ring without making your self exhausted. You hated the journey back because of every emotion you felt but when you get back in that ring it’ll be worth it.
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randyortonofficial · 6 months
title: build our kingdom pairing: randy orton/cody rhodes word count: 2759 important tags: fluff, humor description: It’s the biggest night of Cody Rhodes’ life, therefore, it’s the biggest night of Randy Orton’s life. Cody has always wanted to do this on his own, but when they both learned Cody was going to beat Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania for the title, Cody didn’t even think twice before telling Randy he had to be out there with him at the end to begin the celebration.
April 7th, 2024
It’s the biggest night of Cody Rhodes’ life, therefore, it’s the biggest night of Randy Orton’s life.
Cody has always wanted to be his own man. He didn’t want to live in anyone’s shadow, or be anyone’s understudy, and because of that, he and Randy don’t really share any screentime together. He doesn’t want people to think he got here solely because of his friendship, or now, relationship with him. It’s something Randy has always respected, and one of the reasons why Randy likes him so much to begin with - that burning desire to make a name for himself without anyone’s help.
But when they both learned Cody was going to beat Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania for the title, Cody didn’t even think twice before telling Randy he had to be out there with him at the end to begin the celebration.
Everyone in that arena is overcome with emotion for Cody, no matter who it is. Fans, commentary, even Samantha Irwin, the ring announcer, can not contain herself as she stammers through announcing the new undisputed champion.
And Randy Orton, a man infamous for displaying little emotion, is having a hard time containing himself also as he heads down the ramp and up the stairs to the ring to kneel down right beside his husband with a reassuring hand right on the back of his neck.
“You did it,” Randy manages to get out softly. “You made it, Cody.”
Cody looks up to Randy with the biggest, boyish smile as he clings tighter onto his hard earned world title. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
In front of everyone, they lean in to capture each other’s lips at the same time in a chaste display of affection before Cody drops his head against Randy’s chest. Randy wraps his arms around Cody tight and closes his eyes.
“Gonna make me cry, man,” he huffs a chuckle.
“Come on, I’m the crier between us,” Cody teases. “And the people aren’t prepared for Randy Orton’s tears of joy-”
“I give a fuck about you. Who cares about everyone else?”
Cody snorts as he pulls away to look into Randy’s glassy eyes. Despite his teasing, Cody finds himself tearing up more seeing the first tear drop down Randy’s cheek. He pouts a little as they both bring a hand up to wipe the tears away from each other, little chuckles shared at the fact that they’re crying together in front of millions and millions of people, before they take each other’s hands to stand up on their feet.
Randy sniffs and pats Cody’s chest, right above his Dream tattoo. “Go show off.”
With a prompt nod, Cody turns to head to the ref so he can be paraded around the ring with his new title. Randy stands at the ringposts and takes it all in, the electricity of the crowd and the infectious glee his husband displays as he holds up his title for all to see, as he looks around at all his adoring fans, as he looks up to the Wrestlemania sign before saying, “I did it, dad. I won.”
Randy has to shut his eyes tightly to try and hold back the tears that are trying to come through again.
Cody has been through so much to get to this point. He’s literally bled and sweat for this. This is all Cody has wanted, ever since he was a little boy, and no matter what, even when he left WWE to travel around the world in the indy scene and eventually create AEW, that was always his end goal - to main event Wrestlemania, become the world champion, and make his dad and their legacy proud.
Even if Dusty isn’t physically here, Randy can feel his spirit permeating over the ring. It’s kind of overwhelming how much he can feel him, moreso, how proud he is of his son.
When Cody looks back to Randy with tears rolling down his cheeks, Randy knows that Cody can feel it too.
  The ring soon fills up with all of their friends and family, from the likes of John Cena all the way to Alanna, all dressed in true American Nightmare branding for her stepfather. Randy has his whole life to spend with Cody, so he stays out to the side to let everyone give their congratulations and support, hugs and handshakes and what not, and he’s laughing with joy as Sami and Jey hoist Cody high up into the air.
Randy’s won a million world titles, but he’s never had a celebration quite like this. He’s never been on the cover of a WWE game, he’s not the face of WWE, he hasn’t won back-to-back Royal Rumbles, nor does he want any of that. Cody’s accomplishments are his own, and they are what set him apart from everyone else.
Cody said he always wanted to be like Randy, but he doesn’t anymore. Now, he can be like Cody.
John comes on over to pat Randy’s ass. “You did good, man.”
Randy huffs a fond breath through his nose and quirks a small grin. “He’s worked so hard,” he tells him. “We’ve been through so much, I…” He bites his lip and shakes his head. “This still doesn’t feel real.”
John shrugs. “Agree to disagree. Listen, if Cody could tame your wild ass and get you to like guys,” he raises a knowing eyebrow and smirks, “then winning the world title in the main event at Wrestlemania is a cake walk.”
Randy scoffs and pushes John away by the shoulder. As he gives Cody his attention again, he sees Sami smiling over at him and waving him over.
“Come on, dude!” Sami says. “Show him off to the world!”
Cody’s eyes widen as he looks back and forth between the two men. “Guys, no, no, no-”
Randy is laughing maniacally as he comes on over to hoist Cody up into the air with Sami. Cody, despite his protests, rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a fond grin as he rests a hand on Randy’s upper back. After some seconds, he looks down to Randy and Randy looks up to him in return.
In that moment, the entire world turns into a monochromatic blur.
They’re staring into each other’s blue eyes so thoughtfully. Their lives together flash by in seconds; from the first time they met, to their first kiss, to getting together, moving in, getting married, and everything in between.
Seventeen years, they’ve known each other.
Fourteen years, they’ve been together.
Ten years, they’ve been married.
This year, they’ve achieved everything they’ve set out to do, and best of all, they did it together.
Randy blinks slowly at Cody before his lips upturn into a proud, but loving smile, the most loving one he thinks he’s ever given Cody, and Cody thinks so too since Randy can see him trying hard to hold back his tears again.
  Cody’s hand comes up to hold the back of Randy’s head, fingers gently scratching against him. As his eyes travel over his husband’s face, he asks, “until the end of time?”
  “I know you’re the one for me,” Cody tells him. “I’ve always known that but - I swear, everyday, I get reminders of it. How… how perfect you are for me, how perfect we are for each other and…” He closes his eyes tightly. “I just can’t believe we’re here,” he whispers.
“It’s okay, Codes,” Randy whispers back. “I can’t either, but we are here. This is real, all of this is.” He threads his fingers through Cody’s hair to give a slight tug and Cody looks up into Randy’s eyes, only for a second, because Randy is pressing their lips together. It’s a few moments and then they’re properly looking into each other’s eyes again.
Randy’s smile sets Cody at ease once more.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Randy tells him. “Neither is any of this. You’re with me forever, Cody, and I’m going to take care of you and do everything for you until the end of time.”
Cody smiles, in the way Randy loves so dearly, with his eyes crinkling and Randy’s heart flipping upon the sight. Quietly to his new husband, Cody tells him, “until the end of time, Randy.”
  Randy nods solemnly. “Until the end of time, baby.”
Then, Cody is let down so they can celebrate in the ring all over again.
Randy runs his hands down his face before clasping his hands in front to help hide his expression. He averts his gaze from Cody to gather himself, and he swears if he leans in and squints, he can see Seth tightly hugging Roman at the end of the ramp and very tenderly carding his fingers through his hair.
Looks like they’re not the only ones to have an intimate moment together tonight.
Everyone begins to filter from the ring, one by one, until Cody is left standing in the middle with Randy on the outside.
With one final look to each other, they smile once more, and then suddenly, Cody is cheering loudly and spreading his arms wide out, gold title on display around his waist as the many, many fireworks shoot up into the sky. Interplays of color cast over the stadium, from red to yellow to blue, but the shade that stands out most of all is the elusive shade of Cody Rhodes.
They walk each other up the ramp, hand in loving hand. Cody continues to wave and play to the crowd, acknowledging every single person that even looks his way, but all Randy can do is look at Cody, look at his husband, and think of how far he’s come and how much he’s earned his spot.
It’ll always be him and Cody.
Then, now, and until the end of time.
  Once they make it backstage, away from any and all prying eyes, Randy feels completely comfortable again, and because of that, it leads way for him to let the tears freely roll down his cheeks. He has to hold a hand up over his face and press down hard, even squeezes hard at Cody’s hand, and Cody stops in his tracks to turn to Randy.
“What did we say, Randy?” Cody chuckles, but it doesn’t have much humor to it - rather, a tinge of concern. “I’m the crier-”
“Man, I’m just so fucking proud of you.” Randy drops his hand to look down into Cody’s eyes. “Nobody else deserves this more than you, and I - I’ve been fucking waiting for this moment forever, ever since Legacy, and now it’s here and…” He presses his lips tightly together and shrugs. “I dunno. I dunno how to deal with it-”
“You don’t know?” Cody scoffs and lets go of Randy’s hand to settle his own two hands over his title. “How do you think I feel? I…” He looks down to his title and lets out a shaky gasp. “I… I-I’m the world champion, Randy. I-I won. I won in the main event-”
“Of Wrestlemania,” they both finish together. They both can’t help but chuckle earnestly as they look back into each other’s eyes again.
Cody looks over Randy’s face again. His hands curl tightly into fists, as if to restrain himself, before shaking his head and bringing them up to hold Randy’s face in his hands.
“I wouldn’t be here today without you,” he reminds him. “I wouldn’t be who I am today without you, Randy. I talk a whole lot about how I wanted to get here by myself, with no help from anyone, how I wanted to be independent and get out from people’s shadows, and I did but I’d be beyond stupid to think I wouldn’t be here without you. You were so instrumental in my journey, from my growth not just in my career, but as a person. You taught me what matters, you showed me how to ground myself, how to prepare myself for the worst, you showed me the world, Randy…” Cody lets out a long sigh and closes his eyes as he presses his forehead to Randy’s.
“You showed me the world, and you gave me the world.”
Randy brings his hands up to hold onto Cody’s shoulders and takes a deep breath. “I love you, Cody,” he whispers into the sliver of space between them. “More than anything. You’ve come so far. You’ve dealt with so much fucking shit and you proved everyone wrong, proved them all wrong and I knew you were going to, I knew it-”
“You believed in me since day one,” Cody gasps. “You believed in me when no one else did, Randy. You always believed in me, even the times when I didn’t believe in myself. In my darkest hours, you were there. You were always there and that’s why I’m here.”
Randy’s not too good at words. Never has, never will, though being with Cody has strengthened his vocabulary considerably. He’s always expressed himself best through actions, so it makes sense to Cody when Randy surges forward then and there to claim his lips so passionately and tenderly.
All the things Randy wants to say to Cody is done with one powerful kiss, and it’s worth a thousand words, each single one waxing poetic of how strongly he feels for his husband and all he’s been through in his 38 years of living.
Their lips drag away from each other so slowly, and they steal one more kiss before pulling away enough to gaze into each other’s eyes-
  “Don’t think about it.”
Cody and Randy furrow their eyebrows and look over to see Hunter with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Think about what?” Cody asks.
“I don’t care how long you guys have been waiting for this moment,” Hunter tells them. “It does not give you an excuse to have incredibly loud, rough sex all over the locker room.”
“Come on, man, it’s a special day!” Randy groans as he drops his hands from Cody’s shoulders. “And you know how special it is too!”
“Please, Hunter?” Cody widens his baby blue eyes ever so slightly at his boss. “You know how much I’ve been through to get here-”
Hunter sighs. “Look, nobody knows better than me-”
“And do you remember? When you were the one that wanted to have that kind of sex with me?”
Hunter huffs and shakes his head before quirking a grin. “Sure, I did until I realized how disgustingly in love you two were with each other…” Then, with squinted eyes, he presses his lips together. He looks back and forth between Cody and Randy, and Cody and Randy just look to each other wondering what the hell Hunter is thinking about before suddenly, Hunter is groaning out loud and flinging his hands in the air.
“Okay!” Hunter sighs and holds up a finger. “Just this once, I will not say a thing.”
Cody and Randy smile big and high five each other.
“Fuck yeah!” Randy gets down on one knee to prepare to lift up Cody. “Let’s-”
“Not now.” Hunter raises a pointed eyebrow before grabbing Cody’s wrist. He looks over to the new undisputed champion and pats his title. “You got media, kid, and a big press conference to do. You guys can defile the locker room later.”
Cody rolls his eyes and looks back to Randy. “Catch you after the press conference?”
“More like I’ll be catching you.” Randy winks and clicks his tongue. “Better be coming to me with spread arms and spread-”
“Keep that thought to yourself, Randy.” Hunter quickly ushers Cody away. “Alright, so…”
Randy chuckles before turning around to head into Cody’s locker room to do just that.
Cody’s moans carry through the concrete walls of the backstage area and into Hunter’s ears. At this point, Hunter is used to it, so he continues to casually stroll down the hallway until he sees an intern staring rather curiously at the wall.
“Hey, kid.” Hunter shoves his hands into his pockets. “Something wrong?”
“Do you hear that?” the intern asks. “What’s that noise?”
Hunter allows an almost fond smile to grace his lips. “Just a ghost, son,” he tells him after patting him on the shoulder. “Just a ghost.”
As the intern walks away, still with an aura of uncertainty, Hunter looks back to the source of the noise. With a shake of the head, he chuckles before continuing down the hall, and thusly, into the new era of WWE; helmed by Cody Rhodes.
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visionarystoryteller · 11 months
Everybody Talks|| Love For Noella Levesque
*part of ‘Love For Noella Levesque OC World*
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For weeks, all that was talked about was Noellas betrayal to her dad and the WWE. Noella took a break from her socials and went radio silent on a lot of her WWE friends. Her father called almost everyday but she just kept screening his calls.
Noella enjoyed working with AEW and Tony. Tony reminded her a lot of herself and they got a long like brother and sister. She really was enjoying herself a lot.
Then there was Max. Max and Noella kept up quite the flirtation with each other but never really making much of moves. Max was waiting for the right moment and Noella was just trying to not think about everything happening with the dirt sheets and tabloids. It was quite tiresome.
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Noella was sitting at production, on her phone scrolling through her socials. She hadn’t been on them in a minute and knew she would have to release some type of statement soon. Her father and the WWE have still been closed off about commenting on anything which surprised Noella, but she also knew they wanted more from Noella.
“Alright which one of them do I have to punch” Max says upon sitting down next to Noella at production. Noella looks over at him.
“Nobody Max…just thinking about releasing a statement…” Noella says. Max nods slowly.
“You don’t owe anyone anything sweetheart, you know that” Max says. Noella breathes out.
“I hate being looked at like I betrayed people Max.” Noella says with a sad tone. Max gave her a sad smile.
“I did everything for them. To make them proud and happy but nothing worked. I’m tired of it Max” Noella says looking over at max with sad eyes.
“Fuck do I know that…but sweetheart I’m proud of you and I think you’re doing amazing. You don’t owe anyone anything because you know who you are, not them.” Max says. Noella sadly smiles at max.
“Everybody talks sweetheart. Makes them feel less like losers” Max states. Noella nods agreeing.
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@NoellaALev: it is without malice to anyone within my family or the WWE that I left. I wanted to pursue something new and exciting. That is all.
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Noella sat in production watching as Max was in the ring talking. Her eyes were basically glued to the screen.
“You know you both do this thing when y’all stare at each other and it usually looks like your constipated” Austin says sitting down next to Noella. Noella looked over at him and laughed.
“You’re horrible Austin” she laughs. He shrugs.
“I’ve hung around Max to long” He chuckled out.
“Now we both know it was Riley and Roddy get out of here with your shit” Noella laughs moving his foot off her leg.
“So quick to stand up for him, you really do like him don’t you” Austin smirks. Noella rolls her eyes.
“Eat shit Jenkins. Don’t you, oh I don’t know, need to go be a supportive boyfriend to britt?” Noella sasses. Austin raises his hands in defense before standing up.
“Alright alright damn sis” Austin says turning and walking away. Noella giggled before looking back at the monitors. Max was making his way up the ramp and into the back. Noella looked over to where Max walked through and his eyes found hers. He gave her a wink and made his way over to her. She turned her chair a little and Max leaned both his hands on her arm rest and moved into her neck to give her a kiss. Once it was planted he moved out of her neck and kissed the crown of her head.
“You smell so good all the time, makes me wonder if you taste good too “ max says quietly. He quickly moves his head back into her neck and swipes his tongue over her neck, eliciting a giggle out of Noella. Max quietly groaned and pulled away. Noella pulled on Max’s scarf and held it in her hands, keeping Max close. The pair stared at each other for a moment, the air between the two becoming intense. That was until Noellas phone went off. Noella closed her eyes and slowly let go of Max’s scarf. She looked over at the table and picked up her phone and sighed. It was her dad’s bestfriend, her fake uncle, Shawn. She had screened so many of her dad’s calls that now he was resorting to Shawn, at least she thought. Max pulled at her hand and pulled her up and moved her around. He sat where she was sitting and she looked at him with question.
“Max there’s another chai-“ before she could finish her sentence, Max pulled her onto his lap and clicked the accept button on the call for her.
“I’m right here” max whispers holding onto her leg near her knee. Noella nodded and put the phone to her ear.
“Hello?” She says.
“Wow no Hi Uncle Shawn!” Shawn playfully says. Noella wants to break. Shawn was always good to her. Maxs hand soothingly moves up and down her leg.
“Sorry, hi uncle Shawn” she says.
“Hey kiddo. How’s everything?” Shawn asks.
“Is this you asking or my dad…” she sighs out. Shawn releases a breath.
“Myself. Your dad…your dad has been silent on all that’s been going on with you. Vince is on his ass but we both know it’s nothing new for him. I wanted to call to see how you were holding up. I’ve seen whats been going on. I know you Noella Ann, probably better than your father does…talk to me.” Shawn sighs out. Noella felt a tear slip down her face.
“Yea…well. I’m hanging in there…I’ve kinda been screening dad’s calls…our last conversation didn’t go great…told him to not expect me at family gatherings as I saw where I stood” Noella says chewing her lip.
“You can always come spend holidays with me kiddo. You know we love having you around.” Shawn says.
“I know, but I already told Max I’d spend it with him and Piper” Noella says looking over Max who had a smirk on his face. Noella smiles at him and looked down at his hand that was on her leg and saw his dynamite ring, max watching her. She ran her fingers over it absentmindedly as she heard Shawn chuckle through the phone.
“Ooooooohhhh I seeeeee” Shawn laughs. Noella giggles and shakes her head.
“Stop” she whines.
“So I’m assuming you really like him then” Shawn encourages. Noella looks over at Max and pokes his nose, watching him scrunch his face but a small smile trying to break through.
“Yea I think so” she smiles brightly. Max watches as her face lights up and can’t help but smile at her. She was so beautiful to him.
“Does he treat you right?” Shawn asks.
“Without a doubt” Noella says.
“Then I can’t wait to meet him” Shawn says, making Noella smile.
“I know things are rough right now but your dad does love you Noella…I gotta go, I’m guest appearing tonight, if you need anything call me.” Shawn says. Noella chews her lip nodding.
“Okay, good luck” she says.
“I love you Noella, like my own, bye” Shawn says.
“Love you too uncle Shawn, bye” Noella says and hangs up the phone, looking off at the wall. Max pats her thigh.
“Cmon sweetheart, we have a flight to catch in 2 hours” Max says looking at his wrist. Noella looked at him.
“You’re traveling with me this time not Austin and Britt” Max says helping you off his lap.
“Well okay then” Noella says. Max chuckles and grabs ahold of Noellas hand and walks to his locker room to get his bag.
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daddyhausen · 2 years
shooting my shot with this request, but would you be interested to write some Trent Beretta/reader post-match with OC angry/sad smutty headcanons?
• angry/angst sex headcannons — trent beretta •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { trent beretta masterlist }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact } rough sex, angry sex, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, male orgasm, biting,, internal cumshots, vaginal creampie
{ word count } — 418
{ pairing } — fem!reader x trent beretta
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @eddie-kingstons-wifey @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
trent was fuming
more than normal after loosing a match
you had found him pacing back and forth in the now empty locker room
everyone had cleared out after hearing him throw a fit
“babe, calm down, it was only a match”
you tried to reason with him
although the sound of your voice was music to his ears, your words seemed to stab him in the chest like a dull blade
“only a match?” he reiterated, eyed widened in faux shock
“no offence to orange but i clearly had that match won”
he tired to calm himself, although the memory of losing to his best friend only pained him more
“i was so fucking close, i could taste it!”
his nails dug into the arm rest of the couch
a sensation that would make your skin crawl with uneasiness
“hey…sit down”
you grabbed him lightly by the shoulder, guiding him to the couch
practically forcing him to sit, keeping him there by straddling his lap, arms wrapped around his neck
“you did the best you could-”
“seems like my best is not good enough” he grumbled, cutting you off
“don’t say that!” you slapped his chest lightly
“i’m still proud of you, though”
his gaze softened slightly, as an exasperated sigh left his lips.
he turned to you, pressing a small kiss the the inside of your forearm
“how about i help take your mind off it, hmm?”
he cocked an eyebrow questioningly, before quickly getting the hin
settling back into the couch
“well…what are you waiting for?”
you quickly stripped your lower half
prying your shorts and panties down your thighs
kicking them off beside the couch
trent was more haphazard with with movements
simply freeing his cock from his ring gear
you wasted no time straddling him again
lifting your hips up slightly, slowly sinking down on his cock
trent, ever the impatient man, grabbed your hips, holding you still as he slammed up into you
using you as his very own personal fleshlight
“god, baby. you feel so fucking good” he barely managed to croak out through a moan
you gave a soft hum in resposnse, teeth baring themselves into his shoulder as his speed increased
“fuck…i’m cumming, baby”
his hands wrapped around your waist, clinging to your frame as he filled you up
he sighed in relief, feeling his cock thrum against your tight walls
“why don’t we go back to the hotel? i gotta give my girl an orgasm in return”
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
I was meant to send this earlier but I’m just now getting to it.
AEW stars of your choice reacting to the fem!reader having her/a wrestlermaiea moment, like winning a title or ended a rivalry.
AEW Stars React to: Your Wrestlemania Moment
Pairings: Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader, Daniel Garcia X Fem! Reader, Mark Briscoe X Fem!Reader (Platonic), Jeff Hardy x Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Hook X Fem!Reader, Dante Martin X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Supreme Speaks: Thank you to @hookerforhook for requesting and supporting me. I apologize for being off the radar as shit as been hitting the fan in my life. I will upload more posts this week. But as always, my inbox and requests is open for everyone. P.S you are loved and greatly appreciated.
Warnings: None really....i think, gifs are not mine, I repeat: gifs are NOT mine
Taglist: @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Winning the Title:
You won the Royal Rumble and had a first-class ticket to Wrestlemania
Where, also, you had the opportunity to the main event with Becky (Or Charlotte or whoever else you want)
After a feud that has been brewing for a couple of months, it all came down to this
You were gonna walk in as the challenger and walk out as the champion
And you did exactly that
All while giving the crowd and fans around the world memorable moments and five-star moves
After 15 minutes, the bell rung and all was said and done as you held the championship over your head
You celebrated with those at ringside (family, friends, fans) before blowing a kiss to the camera
But most importantly to the person who has always supported you, no matter where he is
Ending a Rivalry:
You have been in a rivalry with Liv Morgan (or someone else)
At first, you two were running the division as a tag team before being split up due to comparisons and underlying tensions
After months and months of scathing promos, vicious attacks, and iconic moments
You two were set to wrestle in a No Holds Barred match at Wrestlemania
Even though y’all weren’t the main event, ya’ll stole the show
With moments that involved blood (if you wish), ladders, kendo sticks, and breaking tables
In the end, you were the only one standing with your hand raised as the winner
You helped Liv up before hugging in the middle of the ring
Eddie Kingston
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This man would be screaming “I told you so” to everyone and their mommas
Blows up your phone with spam of “You did good! I guess” “Drag her!” “Dawg you suck lol jk” “I’m proud”
You know how Eddie just randomly posts stuff? He’ll just post a pic of you at Wrestlemania followed by memes or old Japanese Wrestling
Eddie would try his best to promote your win to everyone in his line of sight
Cuts a promo and ends with “Also, congrats to Y/N! Hella proud of you skunk”
I also have a feeling that because Eddie is close with you, he would take this win for you a little more personally than how people would expect
He’s happy that you’re experiencing something that he has yet to have
Ricky Starks
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Wishes he was there ringside, but Ricky sends his support from afar
Make three separate Instagram posts and five tweets about you, all talking about how you’re amazing (and how you’ll meet stroke daddy later)
Makes all of his friends congratulate you with posts and comments (will literally take their phones and do it for them if they don’t)
Refers to you in promos to make his opponents (especially ex-WWE) jealous
“Well, unlike you, my girlfriend was actually able to have her Mania moment”
Spoils with presents (wink wink) you as soon as you guys are reunited
Daniel Garcia
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“Your win is my win right? So technically I won at Wrestlemania too?” “No.”
Makes your win his Twitter header (don’t matter if you’re together or not)
Will brag on Isiah’s vlogs and to the JAS
Will taunt people like “Did your girlfriend win at Wrestlemania? No, didn’t think so”
Like Ricky, he will post you on his Instagram and Twitter with simple or funny captions
Would genuinely be proud of you and all of your accomplishments;
And would definitely make your Wrestlemania picture/outfit his Home Screen
Mark Briscoe (My twin flame)
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Would definitely tell you that he saw it coming “I CALLED IT!”
Would send you some flowers that remind him of you and tells you that you did a good job
Mark will ramble on and on about your match to Penta and Fenix
Will turn a promo into being about your win
Will compare your victory to an animated movie where the hero wins all the time
“You know like that one film?” “Cars?” “No…Up! That’s what it called”
Although he hasn’t made it to WWE yet, he is extremely proud of you and will defend your victory till the very end
Jeff Hardy
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As a man who has had his Wrestlemania moment; he’s happy that he had yours sooner rather than later
Will recount his own Wrestlemania moments and reminisce as he looks at your bright smile
Jeff would be the one who dedicates his next gear and facepaint to your Wrestlemania gear
Gives you a spill (speech) about living up to standards and upstaging yourself on future occasions
“And if you don’t feel confident…just jump off the ladder, the floor will catch you”
I want to say that in future matches he would use your signature move or like a common move that you use
Jeff is so damn sweet and will continuously support your accomplishments
Dante Martin
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This man is a cutie patootie
Darius would definitely post Dante’s reaction (involves him jumping up and down and screaming at the screen)
Would FaceTime you and just listen to you talk about the entire thing from your perspective
Would call/text you “I’m so proud of you baby”
Cites you (and this specific moment) as his inspiration for future interviews
Would have flowers delivered to you with a little note attached
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His silent celebrations speak volumes
Would definitely take you out to show how proud he is
I feel like that Hook would be the type to like a post about your victory/moment
But what would really solidify your relationship would be that he posted you on his story with a black heart
That’s also how he confirms your relationship
The wrestling world goes wild as he also wears a hoodie of your merch or posts a picture of ya’ll kissing
Like Dante would also have flowers delivered to you, idc what you say
"I love you and I'm so proud of you"
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supakixbabe · 5 months
If you want honesty with no biasses, it was a double edged sword. So whatever AEW did or didn’t do, y’all still would be bitching, moaning, and complaining about it. Like this was honestly a lose-lose situation, and you know what they said by doing what they did?
“Fuck y’all. Here’s your proof. Suck on that!”
And I’m honestly so damn proud.
Now we’re back to getting banger matches, storylines, and papes.
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midwestmade29 · 11 months
My first request 🥰
This little number was written for the anonymous request I received the other day! I hope that they enjoy what I came up with. While this story lacks the spicy content I usually write, it was nice to branch out and try something new. So, thank you for the request…let’s hope I did this right 😂
(Here is the original request from anonymous:
I personally would love to see a Christian Cage x (Possibly?) A Pregnant!Wife Reader, maybe the reader is pregnant and Christian’s valet (kinda like the Miz & Maryse) and she’s stressing at Ringside during a match that happens involving Christian’s little Crew (Him, Lucha, & Nick)?)
This story contains minor swearing, pregnancy, slight description of labor pain(s). Read at your own discretion.
Y/N- your name
O/B- obstetrician (A physician who cares for women and their baby during pregnancy and childbirth)
Word count: 1,343
Divider is from @saradika
GIF credit: @junglehooks
A Labor of Love 💕
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Christian and I had countless conversations about me joining him, Luchasaurus and Nick for his “write off” match that was happening next week on Dynamite. I wanted nothing more than to be ringside supporting him, cheering him and the guys on (and maybe even causing a little mischief for their opponents) but Christian was 100% against it. I know he was just being protective of me and our baby growing inside of me, but I knew this would be the last match I would be able to accompany him to the ring before our baby would be born. He also knew that I wasn’t going to give up on this until I got him to change his mind. To the rest of the world Christian was the biggest ill-tempered asshole, but when it came to me (and our baby) he was a complete softie. I loved being able to know that side of him.
“Y/N, what if something were to happen and go wrong? I just want you and the baby to be safe. It’s too risky for you to be out there with all 6 of us in the middle of the chaos. I won’t be able to keep an eye on you or keep you out of harm’s way.” He explained.
I couldn’t help but to let out a frustrated sigh. “This isn’t my first rodeo, Christian. I know what to do and where I need to be. I really want to be there since neither of us will be traveling with AEW after this match because the baby will be here soon. Please, just trust me. I need to do this for you and for me.” I pleaded. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I spoke again. “What if we ask my O/B at my appointment in a couple days if they think it’s a good idea or not? Let them decide if I’m in the clear to join you. Would that help make you feel better about it?” “I don’t think it would take all my worry away, but yes that’s a good idea. If the doctor says it’s okay, then I will trust their judgement, and yours.” I squealed with delight and threw my arms around Christian’s neck, causing my baby bump to nudge his stomach. Christian smiled at my excitement and placed his hand on my bump, marveling at the sudden kicks he felt against it. “Your mother is the most stubborn and determined person I’ve ever met. If you come out with the same fiery qualities she has, I’m in trouble.”
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“You ready baby?” I asked Christian as we stood backstage in gorilla position. I knew how nervous he still was about having me ringside even though my doctor gave us the green light last week. Christian would be missing the next 6-8 weeks because of the baby, and I was bound and determined to make tonight special for him. Little did I know how “special” the night was going to turn out…
Luchasaurus and Nick stood nearby, stretching, and psyching themselves up while I tried my best to calm Christian’s mind. “You’ve worked so hard to get here baby. I’m so proud of you! I’ll be fine, and so will the baby. Now get your DILF ass out there and give em’ hell!” He kissed me fiercely before leaning down and kissing my baby bump too. The opponent’s music hit right before they went through their tunnel and down the ramp towards the ring. There was a small pause before Christian’s music started vibrating through the arena, causing him to instantly tap even more into his villainous persona before leading the 4 of us up the steps to the tunnel. Performing was like a second nature to me, so just like Christian had done, I flipped a switch and turned on the bad bitch persona I was so good at portraying. I placed my hands on Luchasaurus and Nick, parting them as I made my way in between and took my place right next to Christian. I plastered the biggest and brightest smile on my face while lacing my fingers with Christian’s as we walked down the ramp.
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It was about 8 minutes into the match and the guys were rocking and rolling. I kept my distance from the busy spots in and around the ring while playing my part perfectly. Right on cue, I started distracting the ref so Christian could hit his opponent with the TNT belt Nick had tossed to him. I was yelling and waving my arms in the air manically, doing my best to keep the ref’s eyes on me for a few moments longer. When he threatened to throw me out from ringside, I hopped up and down throwing a tantrum, pleading my case for him to let me stay. The damage in the ring was already done, so I waved off the ref, allowing him to return his focus to the match.
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Everything was going smoothly until Luchasaurus nailed Christian with a tail whip when the opponent he was aiming for ducked out of the way. Christian stumbled back into the pads of the turnbuckle, completely dazed before sitting down. My first instinct was to go apeshit on the asshole who ducked out of the way, but I went after Luchasaurus instead. (I blame the pregnancy hormones) I had fury in my eyes as I climbed onto the apron and began yelling at Luchasaurus for not being more careful, cursing at him and getting in his face. Nick rushed over and tried to calm me down, but I quickly put that little boy in his place. The more he spoke, the more my urge to slap him grew. When I reared my hand back, Nick recoiled but lucky for him Luchasaurus grabbed hold of my wrist, stopping my hand from making contact with Nick’s face. If looks could kill, that dinosaur would be dead right now because I was staring daggers at him.
The ref had enough of my behavior and tossed my ass out. Of course I threw a fit all the way up the ramp until I reached the backstage area. I was a little winded from all my theatrics, so I tried to catch my breath as I watched the match on the tv in the back. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my lower back, around my hips and to my lower belly. The surprise of it caused me to gasp and white knuckle grip the table next to me so I could steady myself. “What the hell was that?!” I whispered to myself. “This is not happening right now…” Another wave of pain radiated through my lower half, this time causing me to drop to my knees. Kris Statlander saw what had happened and rushed over to my side, full of concern. “Y/N! Are you okay?” “I…I think I’m in labor. Help me stand…p-please. I need to get my phone so I can get ahold of my doctor.” I spoke as calmly as I could through gritted teeth. Kris helped me to my feet, holding on to my arm giving me support. I didn’t even notice that Christian’s match had ended until I saw him running towards me. “Are you alright, Y/N? Is the baby okay? What’s going on?” he asked breathlessly. “I think the little s-show I put on with Luchasaurus and Nick might’ve caused me to go into labor.”
Christian’s face turned a little pale as he stood in front of Kris and I in shock. It took Kris snapping her fingers and a boop on his nose for him to come back down to Earth. “You okay there, Dad?” she asked him playfully. Christian’s brows knitted together as he gave her a dirty look, but his face softened when he turned his attention to me. “I’ll put the fact that I was right about it not being a good idea for you to be ringside tonight on the back burner temporarily. Now, let’s go meet our baby!”
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Thanks for reading 🖤
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
‘Why can’t you let me in. What are you so afraid of.’ ?
(sigh. you know that happened here. i can't control any of my word counts lol. WELP.)
He’d once read that after a car accident, injuries could take days to be felt, because endorphins are natural painkillers and adrenaline masks the soft tissue damage. He thinks it’s much the same when he walks off the ring with the FTW belt, leaving Lee Moriarty on his hands and knees, heart pounding against his ears. Hook’s aware that he just got the shit beat out of him, but his blood’s still singing and the nerves beneath his skin aren’t registering much yet. If his fingers clutch the damn belt harder than they need to, it’s only because he thought he was going to have it ripped out of his hands when his vision had gotten blurry, painted red around the edges.
He’s desperate to get out from backstage. The eight minutes in the ring had felt like a lifetime; the only pain points he’s aware of already are the ache building in his left elbow and the sting along his back. He knows, logically, that means both injuries are severe enough to push past all the inhibitors. It’s not a good thing.
Hook needs to get out, get one of the cars back to the hotel so he can lick his wounds in peace, and whatever deity observes AEW is clearly mocking him, because he runs smack into Ricky Starks. Objectively, the man looks terrible—he’s been a wreck since August, since the stable dissolved and Hobbs turned on him. But now, with blood smeared across his temple, he looks even worse.
“Hook,” he says, and Hook absolutely cannot deal with this right now. He doesn’t even reply, just tries to push through, only he’s misjudged how banged up his shoulders are and smacking into Ricky’s chest sends a wave of pain down his arm.
Ricky reaches out, quick as a wink, grabbing Hook’s bicep with one hand. “Hook, you’re a fucking mess.”
Hook only pauses because he’s surprised that Ricky is touching him; Ricky knows better. Ricky doesn’t usually do that without a warning.
“Hey, kid, listen.” Ricky’s hold tightens. Fuck. That stings. “He did a number on you out there. You need to have someone look it over, make sure you’re okay.”
“Let go,” Hook says, a challenge. Tries to rip his arm free and can’t, because every single muscle in his body has stopped responding to his commands.
“No, listen to me. This isn’t a sport you do alone. You think you can, but you can’t. Someone has to be in your corner afterwards.”
If Hook doesn’t escape soon, he’s going to lose it backstage with a hundred cameras surrounding him. He knows it’s coming; the fire’s leaving his limbs, fleeing and leaving a gaping hole behind. He knows what’s coming to fill in all that empty space.
“Fuck. Off,” he hisses.
“Hook, I’m serious.” Ricky leans in, doesn’t get the hint. “I’m not saying it has to be me. You need a support;  you need someone after a fight like this. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about.”
Sheer panic provides the burst of strength that Hook needs to break free, spinning out from beneath Ricky’s hand. His temples have started to throb, in time with his heart. He needs to get his shit out of the locker room and find one of the cars they’ve always got on stand-by for the post-match runs. He spins, leaving Ricky standing there with one arm outstretched; it’s not even like Hook dislikes the guy, but he cannot be here anymore. His left arm has started to burn and the pain is making its way up through his shoulder. Once the full onslaught hits, he’s going to…well.
“Hook!” Ricky calls, but Hook’s already in a half-sprint, and with the bang-up Ricky got backstage earlier, there’s no way he’ll be able to keep up.
Grab your shit, get out. Don’t stop for anything.
The adrenaline crash hits him ten minutes after he’s made it back to his hotel room. If it wasn’t so overwhelming, Hook might have been proud of his ability to gauge the time needed, but as it stands, he ends up on the grimy carpet that he has just enough brainpower to hope has been recently cleaned when the pain slams into him all at once, a deluge.
His whole left arm is on fire. The burn, centered in his elbow, extends all the way up through his neck and rattles the teeth on the left side of his mouth. His back might as well have had coals raked down across it for how bad the sting has settled into his skin, and his right hand might be broken from where Moriarty jammed his fingers apart. There’s copper at the back of his tongue he can’t swallow down. Hook mashes his face into the carpet fibers and tries to bite back the scream, because there’s no way the walls will disguise that sort of noise.
He needs to ice his arm, his back—fuck, he needs to ice everything. He tries to push himself up and almost immediately his left arm goes out. At least the carpet swallows the resulting exclamation of anguish.
There’s no way he can ice his left elbow with only one hand. He might be able to get to his back, but twisting to attempt to reach with his good arm reveals the futility of that particular thought process. Fuck.
Hook manages to get himself up on his knees using only his right arm, left cradled close to his chest as best he can. If he just sleeps on it, he isn’t sure he’ll wake up with any feeling left at all. And if he can’t feel his arm, he can’t wrestle, and if he can’t wrestle—
There’s a knock at the door.
Hook squeezes his eyes shut, misery lodged in his throat. He freezes, hoping whoever it is will go away if he pretends he isn’t inside, that the room is deserted. A moment passes, and then another knock.
“It’s Danhausen,” comes the voice from the other side, quiet and muffled behind the wood. “Hook?”
“No,” Hook says. He isn’t sure it’s loud enough for Danhausen to even hear him.
“Hook, open the door.”
He can’t. Hook’s fingers curl against the carpet, nails tearing up little tufts of fuzz. 
“Danhausen knows you’re in there.”
“Go away,” Hook tries.
“Hook.” Danhausen’s voice, even from so far away, sounds…different. There’s a lower quality to it that Hook hasn’t heard before, almost like he’s dropped some of the act. “Why can’t you let Danhausen in?”
A second, and then, as an addition, even quieter: “What is Hook afraid of? It’s just me.”
If pressed, Hook wouldn’t be able to explain what came over him, what finally pushed him to stagger up to his feet and stumble towards the door. The onslaught of pain, probably, and the fact that he’s light-headed with how poorly his entire body is. He’s a half-step away from passing out as his brain struggles to deal with the overload. Or maybe it’s just that he actually does, somewhere, somehow, want to be anything other than alone.
His right hand smacks into the door knob before he gets his aim right, pulling it open. Danhausen’s holding a bucket of ice in both hands. There’s something off about the paint on his face: the black shapes are elongated, just off enough to be noticeable. But it doesn’t really matter. Hook slumps against the wall and winces, because even that was agonizing, all bruising contact.
Danhausen opens his mouth as though he’s going to say something, and then changes his mind. He slips in through the opening and closes the door behind him, setting the ice bucket down on the weathered television stand. “Hook needs to shower.”
Hook needs to fucking die. He closes his eyes as his whole body shakes against the wall. “Can’t.”
“Hook can simply—oh.” Something scrapes, plastic against plastic. “Your elbow.”
Warmth presses lightly, gently, against Hook’s side, the one that wasn’t smacked repeatedly. Danhausen’s hand curls there. “Come with me.”
If Hook was in a better state, not dragged halfway to hell and back, he’d fight it. He would. Instead, he lets himself be led into the narrow hotel bathroom. Danhausen turns the water on and wiggles his fingers beneath the spray to check the temperature. He’s, ridiculously, still in his black jacket, the one with the red embroidery and the bizarre teeth decals.
He turns back to Hook. His mouth is a thin, unhappy stripe of black. “Strip.”
“What?” Hook manages, chest constricting.
Danhausen motions with one hand, impatient. “Yes, yes, leave your shorts on, it’s fine, just take the rest off.”
Hook can’t even get his damn shirt off by himself. The fabric catches on his shoulder, the one he can’t move, and he has to bite down on his lip to keep from crying out. Danhausen has to help tug it free. Then Hook sits on the edge of the shower with his legs in the tub, and allows Danhausen to sort of nudge him forward so he’s leaning in, face down.
At first, he’s so fucking panicked he can’t move, not even when Danhausen grabs the shower coil and pulls the sprayhead out to wet Hook’s hair over the bath. He’s never had anyone do this before, never, and the nerves spark up and down his exposed skin, summoning goosebumps. But when Danhausen starts working shampoo into his hair, kneading at Hook’s scalp, his whole body sort of…slumps, giving in. It’s unbearably gentle. It’s nice. It’s emotion that sticks between Hook’s teeth, saccharine sweet.
Moriarty had gotten his hands in Hook’s hair, too, jerked his head back when he tried to pull the strands free. Danhausen’s ministrations help to soothe the burn left behind.
“Danhausen saw the match,” comes the statement from over his shoulder as Hook’s closed his eyes again to keep the rinse out of his eyes. “Hook did very well.”
“I almost lost,” Hook grits out. A bit of shampoo catches in the corner of his lips, bitter.
Danhausen hums a little. “But you didn’t.” Then he taps Hook’s shoulders. “Done. Hook should dry off. Can you handle the rest from here?”
“Yeah.” He’s got an extra pair of shorts peeking out from his duffel, just outside the bathroom door. He’s pretty sure he can do that with one arm.
Danhausen leaves while Hook changes into the new pair. Hook can hear him moving around beyond the bathroom, rummaging through a bit and moving the ice bucket. He thinks it ought to feel stranger to have Danhausen in his hotel room, only it doesn’t, because it’s just Danhausen. Ever since Hook let the man in, it’s just been…easy. A familiar sort of weird that’s strangely comfortable.
Hook stares at his reflection in the mirror—hair plastered to his forehead, skin pinking where the blood vessels will bruise—for only a moment. It’s a little hard to look at the aftermath.
He really did almost lose.
Hook exits the bathroom, leaving behind the bit of fog gathered on the glass to find Danhausen sitting on the bed. He’s got the ice bucket and a roll of Ace bandage he must have fished out of Hook’s duffel. He gestures for the space left open on the duvet in front of his legs. “Come, come.”
There isn’t much else Hook can do but oblige, gingerly lowering himself onto the mattress.
Danhausen moves for his arm first, which makes sense; it’s the worst of his injuries. Hook hisses, wrenches his face away when Danhausen slowly extends it. The pain is enough to sting the corners of his eyes, hot. He’s embarrassed when the tears track their way down his face to drip off his jaw, but he doesn’t pull his arm away. Danhausen wraps the ice in towels, and then secures the towels with the bandages. By the time he’s done, Hook can’t move the damn thing if he’d wanted to.
His fingers slide across Hook’s shoulders to the spot where Moriarty got his elbow in several times, a quick succession. When his fingertips hit the edge of the damage, Hook groans. Danhausen’s hand stills where it is.
Then he gathers more ice from the bucket, dripping water across the bed, and Hook’s whole body clenches up when the shock of cold hits his skin. He trembles against the ice Danhausen’s holding against his back.
“Hook will bruise,” Danhausen comments, voice low. His free hand traces a gentle loop up to Hook’s shoulder. “But I think this will help keep the worst away, no?”
“It hurts,” Hook admits through clenched teeth.
“Yes, I expect so. That Moriarty fellow was good. No match for Hook in the end, of course, but good.”
Hook waits. When nothing else follows, and Danhausen’s free hand remains where it is, featherlight contact, he thinks he’s steady enough to ask. “Why did you come here?”
“Hook had a rough fight,” Danhausen says. “The doctors should have looked at this, but it’s—”
“No, why did you come here?”
Quiet descends over them. Hook’s breathing is quick from the cold pressed against him and the aftershocks of the flight or fight response retreating; he can hear Danhausen’s breathing behind him, slower. More controlled.
“Danhausen got a call,” he replies, slowly. “From Ricky Starks.”
Hook’s mouth goes dry. “What?”
“Well, yes, Ricky Starks did not have Danhausen’s number at first. He sent a message to Danhausen’s friend Trent, who then contacted Danhausen’s friend Orange to obtain it. And then he called.”
Hook braces for the wave of humiliation, and ends up feeling…warmth. Relief. Gratitude. He’s grateful, so much so that if he were standing, he might double over, so grateful to the man he pushed away who still found a way to look after him. Grateful, despite it all, that Ricky still cares.
Grateful that Ricky knew enough to understand that Hook can’t let most people in, but that Danhausen could never be described as “most people,” grateful that he would go through so much just to contact him.
Hook’s gone silent, and Danhausen’s fingers on his back have gone still. “And…you came,” Hook says.
“Of course Danhausen came.”
“But, last week, who…” Hook swallows. His tongue’s three sizes too big. He can’t finish the question.
Danhausen understands anyway. “Danhausen’s friends Chuck and Trent helped to make sure Danhausen was all right last week.”
The ice shifts, sliding a little up to Hook’s shoulder blade. Then Danhausen’s free hand moves up to Hook’s neck, his thumb dragging a gentle trail up towards his hair. “Danhausen is not upset. Trent and Chuck are good friends, of course.”
“But,” Hook prompts, even though he’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to hear the rest.
“Danhausen would have preferred Hook be there.”
“I’ll do it next time,” Hook promises, voice raspy. With his right hand, the only arm he can move anymore with the makeshift splint on the other, he reaches up, finds Danhausen’s fingers. Tangles them together. Maybe he squeezes too hard. 
He leans back, enough to trap both Danhausen’s other hand and the ice pack between them. This thing between them, it’s something; he knows it’s going to be something, but he’s in such a shit state and he can’t chase it down with every muscle in his body screaming. He hopes Danhausen gets that, he’s desperate for him to understand, that yes, yes, but not now, just not now—
Danhausen shifts forward, his chin on Hook’s shoulder, pointy enough to sting a little. Then he exhales, the echo rattling through Hook’s back, and his mouth turns down, makes contact. The ghost of a kiss skates over Hook’s skin.
“Danhausen doesn’t wish to leave,” he starts, and Hook’s pretty sure he knows what’s going to follow, “but there are…things I need to do.”
“Things,” Hook repeats.
“It’s complicated.” Cryptic. “Will Hook be all right?”
“Yes. You don’t have to stay.”
He wonders if this has to do with the off-ness of his face paint and the weird video from a few weeks ago. Eventually, Danhausen will tell him…probably.
Danhausen pulls back, finally letting up with the ice. Hook’s back is numb, thoroughly so, and that’s probably as good as he’ll get tonight. Danhausen slides away so he’s half off the bed, though one hand remains on Hook’s arm. “Hook ought to take something.”
“Many somethings,” Hook says, and sighs. He’s got a full bottle of ibuprofen in his bag.
Danhausen moves to leave. Hook grabs his fingers before he can fully slip away.
“Thank you,” he says, low. Almost a whisper. Almost too quiet to hear.
Danhausen smiles, one corner higher than the other, the unfamiliar lines of black crinkling. “Hook is most welcome.”
Hook doesn’t want to let go, but he does. Danhausen offers him one last smile, half a grimace, and leaves. He forgets the ice bucket.
Hook collapses back against the pillows. He’s got just enough strength to crawl beneath the blankets, and that’s where his reserve ends. His eyes close. 
That’s the thing about keeping everyone else at a distance—you get the chance to sleep, to keep ignorance to the rest of the world, to things like backstage feuds and grainy, black and white videos with metal spikes.
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questintheskies · 2 years
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Wrestling’s next breakout international star is upon us. His name is “Switchblade” Jay White, and the former New Japan Pro-Wrestling world champion is ready to showcase his talent to the world.
“So much is possible,” says White. “Impact, AEW, WWE—we’ll see.”
Jamie White truly transformed into “Switchblade” Jay White when most weren’t watching. Since 2017, he worked a demanding schedule that included stops all over Japan—most of which were not broadcast. Repeated stops, from Sapporo to Hirosaki to Kanazawa, provided a platform away from wrestling’s blaring spotlight to sharpen his skills, shaping White into the masterful performer he is today.
While White would not discuss his contract status, industry sources have confirmed that he is set to leave New Japan. A two-time IWGP world champion, White exceeded all expectations during his run in the company.
“I’m at peace with it,” says White, who brought new life to Bullet Club as its leader. “I don’t know if there is much more I could have done. I don’t feel like I left a bunch of boxes unchecked. I’ve been living it, so it can be hard to appreciate it in the moment, but as I move on, I’ve started to look back at the weight some of it holds. As time goes on, I hope people appreciate it even more.
“To me, I was doing what I was meant to be doing. Now I’m looking at what’s next.”
As leader of Bullet Club, White gave the group a unique edge. His persona was different from past leaders, presenting the group in an altogether vicious, cunning manner. One key reason for his success in the role is that he never attempted to mimic Kenny Omega, the man he replaced.
“I always chuckled when people compared me to Kenny Omega after I took over Bullet Club,” says White. “I don’t think you can find two wrestlers who are more different than me and Kenny. I think a lot of people wanted me to try to be just like Kenny, but that’s just not me. If I tried to do that, I would have failed. I did it my way.”
White is still working New Japan dates, even after losing a Loser Leaves Japan match to former Bullet Club partner Hikuleo this past weekend at The New Beginning in Osaka. He will wrestle AEW star Eddie Kingston on Saturday at NJPW’s Battle in the Valley card in San Jose.
“I can’t go back to Japan, but there is nothing that says I can’t compete at the shows in the United States,” says White. “Hikuleo was everything I always knew he was. I’ve always believed in him. I’m proud of him, and his moment came against me, so now we’re tied to each other forever.”
Only 30, there is no limit to the heights White can reach. He is a world-class wrestler who can cut exquisite promos, and he has spent the last half-decade enhancing his presence and physique. But before he moves on to his next conquest, White still has unfinished business with New Japan—including watching his eternal rivals, Kazuchika Okada and Hiroshi Tanahashi, wrestle in the main event.
“People are getting all worked up about it, but my future is this Saturday,” says White. “You’re going to get a treat in seeing the storied rivalry of Okada and Tanahashi on the card, too. I hope Tanahashi got his teeth fixed—his three front teeth fell out when he bit into a protein bar. I guess that happens when you get to his age. And speaking of Okada, I’m proud of him. He’s finally listening to me. I like his approach going after [Kaito] Kiyomiya from NOAH. I met him once when I was on excursion, which is quite funny now that he’s now their champion and I was over in New Japan. Props to Okada; he’s obviously learned a thing or two from myself.”
In addition to the next chapter of Okada-Tanahashi, the Battle in the Valley card also includes the NJPW debut of Sasha Banks, who is now wrestling as Mercedes Moné. White against Kingston is also a worthy addition to the card. Very few pros connect with their peers in the same manner that Kingston does, and he has a style that should mesh perfectly with White.
“What you see is what you get with him,” says White. “Eddie’s real. That doesn’t mean I like him, but he is real. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything verbally or physically. He’s probably got the hardest chops I’ve ever felt, and I was just in there with Hikuleo, who has some huge damn mitts on me. I know Eddie can hit hard, and I know what he’s capable of, and I know Eddie wants his moment, but you can’t get what you want all the time. I’m going to teach that to him at Battle in the Valley.”
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