#I’m so glad DJ crazy times is mainstream now
otasunedaily · 1 year
day 6 (women are my favorite guy)
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Stereo Hearts
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Synopsis: Silence can drive a person mad which makes radio like some sort of hero. It just takes a while to find the right station to listen to. Pairing: Jihoon x fem!reader Genre: fluff, collegeAU!Jihoon Warnings: noneeee Word Count: 1.6k words a/n: pls pretend spotify doesn't exist yet and yes this was kinda inspired by radio rebel
_____ silently thanked whoever created the radio. She thought that she would go crazy from the silence of the room she was in. The fact that her roommate was always grouchy and complained that she couldn't do anything if there were any "annoying" sounds made it hard for her to study in their shared room. She couldn't complain about it because the free dorm room that came with the scholarship was more than she could as for. So that left her to study in the dorm common room, earphones plugged into her phone and its radio tuned on some old radio station nobody listened to anymore.
Unfortunately for her, the songs that played on the radio these days didn't have any essence. They were either about having sex or were just pure electronic noise if they weren't memes. None of which helped her study. Sure there were some good songs but that only came on the radio every few weeks. So she had no choice but to go back to her routine of ever maddening silence.
On her way to class one day, she saw a poster on the notification board at the school entrance about the launch of the university's first radio station.
"I didn't know the university had its own radio station," she mumbled to herself. The bell rang and she left the poster behind, taking note of the station numbers and promising herself that she would check out the newfound radio station after class. Station 5.26.
That night she calibrated her phone radio until she heard a voice crackling in her earphones.
" -again guys to Station 5.26, University Radio. I have to get out of here to give my shift over to DJ Woozi so here's Fly Me To The Moon by good old Frank Sinatra. Good night!"
Old-timey music wafted into her ears as Frank Sinatra sang. The girl smiled. Now there was some good music. She took her books out of her bag and started going through what she had learned that day.
Studying became a joy more than a job when she listened to University Radio. Her favorite segment was the one hosted by DJ Woozi, who she heard was a student in the university. She had fallen in love with his impeccable taste in music, ranging from hard rock and hip hop to orchestral music and old classics. But that wasn't the only thing she had fallen in love with.
Hearing his voice over the crackly speakers of her phone made her feel better. A day hadn't gone since discovering that radio station that she didn't listen to his segment, Simple Radio, all night. Even if it ended at 3am, she couldn't finish her day without hearing him sign off with his signature "Goodbye guys, and may the simplest things make you smile today."
He was her vitamin. And though she had never even seen him yet, one could say that she had fallen for him.
Which is why she was devastated to hear that the station would be offline for the duration of the coming school break.
Over spring break she could think of nothing but going back to school. Most students wouldn't want their days of vacation to end but _____ was itching for the new term to arrive.
After an eternity, the day classes resumed came. As she sat in the back of her father's car, she could barely hear him talk about how he had gotten an email from the university about new dorm arrangements. Her mind was off in another place, some specific radio booth to be exact. As soon as they stopped at the school gate she hurried out of the car, not even bothering to give her bewildered father a second look.
A bunch of students were crowding the notification board, blocking the entrance. When she got to the front of the crowd she saw that the dorm rooms offered by the university were shuffled, including her dorm room.
To: The Students
Re: Dorm Room Assignments
Dear Beloved Students,
The faculty has come to a decision to rearrange the existing dorm rooms from being separated by gender to a co-ed arrangement. This is to ensure that we make the most of the space that is allotted for the dormitory rooms. Posted below are the said room assignments.
Thank you for your cooperation.
_____ scanned the list until she found her name. Room 17, Building B. Under that was another name equating to the same dorm. Lee Jihoon. From an annoyingly sensitive girl to some strange guy she had never met, her dorm life was never boring.
She dragged her luggage to Building B, hurrying so she could turn on her radio again. Heaving a sigh in front of room number 17, she opened the door to reveal a room with two beds and a boy in front of his laptop on one of the desks that were pushed against the wall. He had brightly colored hair buried under a big pair of headphones, his fingers tapping on the desk as he listened to something on his laptop.
As quietly as she could, _____ snuck into the room. She must have been noisier than she thought because he turned around to face her. His surprisingly handsome features gathering in confusion before they softened into understanding.
"You're _____, right?" he said, his hand slightly hesitating whether it should hold itself out for her to shake or not. The girl smiled and nodded before shaking his hand which he finally decided to stretch out. He smiled, his starry eyes disappearing into half-moons. Maybe this guy was better than her last dormmate.
Over the next few weeks, she and Jihoon became friends. Meeting up outside of class and talking about absolutely anything. _____ was glad to not be in the company of someone who hated listening to music. Blasting music in their dorm room was something they both enjoyed. She and Jihoon even shared the same favorite artists so picking which songs to play was never an issue.
There was something about the boy that felt so familiar as if she had met him before. She couldn't deny the fact that she liked being with him. Not even to herself. Being with him almost made her forget about her favorite radio station.
On one early Saturday morning, she was alone in the dorm listening to Station 5.26 yet again when Jihoon came through the door from his part-time job. "Hey." she greeted him, not bothering to remove her earphones or even look up at her roommate.
"What are you listening to?" he asked, walking to her side and peeking at her phone screen. _____ turned her phone slightly to show the boy. He turned to look at her, a surprised look on his face.
"You listen to University Radio too?" Jihoon asked her incredulously. Enthusiastic about finding another common thing between them she started gushing about how she found the radio stations and how much she loved it over all the more mainstream stations.
Her roommate just smiled as she talked, silently taking in everything she said as he put his bag down and sat on his bed. The boy stared at her smiling face and blushing cheeks, hands that moved with every word she said, dainty fingers that pointed to nowhere in particular as she spoke, eyes that shone and sparkled and luscious pink lips that he just wanted to-
The boy pinched himself out of his daydream. He couldn't be crushing on his roommate right now.
It didn't take long for her to start talking about Simple Radio and DJ Woozi. Jihoon's eyes lit up when she mentioned it. _____ spilled everything she had kept to herself, from her love for his taste in music to her embarrassing crush on him. It all came spilling out. She felt as if she could trust Jihoon with them. As her secrets came to the light, the boy's eyes became wider and wider.
"Hey, you know I work for the university radio station, you wanna come along to my shift tonight?" he offered her. His roommate immediately agreed, wrapping her arms around his neck and thanking him again and again. His cheeks burned, a reddish tint left on them when she let go.
That night they got ready to go out. _____ could hardly believe her luck. It was almost 9pm, the time for Simple Radio to come on. That meant that when she got to the studio, her idol would be there. And she could finally meet him!
The studio was a dimly lit but cozy place. It was filled to the brim with CDs and records. Several speakers hung from the ceiling and stood at every corner. An empty booth stood in the middle of the floor. Jihoon put down his bag and walked to it, fiddling with some buttons and levers. _____ walked around to inspect the shelves. She found old CDs of famous singers and unknown rock bands. It fascinated her that so much music could be contained in one place.
A crackling came from the speakers, then a voice.
"Hey guys welcome back to Station 5.26 University Radio, I'm your nighttime companion DJ Woozi and this is Simple Radio."
_____'s eyes widened. She looked at her watch. 9:00pm, it said. The girl hurried back towards the booth, expecting to see DJ Woozi. But when she got there it was only Jihoon, headphones on his ears. She watched him, confused as to why he was inside. His gaze met hers through the glass.
"I'm here today in the booth with a person that's very special to me standing outside, watching me. She doesn't know that I'm the DJ Woozi she wanted to meet so bad,"
_____'s mouth gaped open.
"Nor does she know that I like her."
Jihoon smiled at her through the glass, mouth still near the microphone.
"And I hope that my confession today will blossom into something more."
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mcardoso · 4 years
And here…here is our ‘piéce de resistance’. The latest addition to our humble residential retreat: the tranquility den. This is where the ceremony will take place. As you can see, we opted for an East-meets-Midwest vibe, taking inspiration from Ayurveda principles and Feng shui. Think curved walls, an open space and lots of natural light. We find that a bright open space is just the most wonderful vehicle to connect with the absolute. Being here feels like… standing in a big mirror. Reflective. Peaceful. Absolutely transcendent. When the entire assembly gathers together and meditates, you can feel everyone actively relearning themselves, in a much deeper way than they had ever thought they could. It’s magical. To be perfectly honest, the worst thing about being the eminent chief, is that I personally don’t get to spend as much time meditating, but that’s the burden of being a visionary, a minister of light. No one can truly understand.
I like to call it our Sandals Resort for the soul. Every day, our four hundred residents and many of our loyal Instagram followers who tune in online, routinely partake in our daily introspection sessions, morning yoga, intuitive massage, dancing sessions…sometimes we even bring in a DJ on Saturdays. Whoever said soul searching couldn’t be fun? We celebrate the joyous stages of human experience just like anyone else. But we’re not like everyone else. We have a mission. A noble pursuit. To elevate our minds to a higher plane of being, the Kingdom. Dramatic, I know. However, if we are to gain access to the Kingdom, we must do the work. That’s the part few understand. We are here to work. On ourselves, on our minds and spirits. On our souls. As eminent chief, I am here to empower and instruct. I’m hoping this interview sets the record straight on that.
We couldn’t be more excited that you are joining us today. It’ll be a real treat to experience the Purifying Ceremony for the first time. I’m jealous of you! To be perfectly honest, we are long overdue for one. I think some of the recent bad press- the article that shall not be named- has really placed a hamper on our spirits. We started the day with a gorgeous morning hike, did some guided meditation and now we’re all running around getting everything ready for tonight. Don’t worry, it’s nothing crazy. No robe wearing crew around a huge caldron. We’ll just all gather together, take turns venting, purging all of the negativity out into the energy field. Then, I’ll naturally take the stage and counsel the entire assembly. That is my absolute favorite part. To stand in front of my brothers and sisters, and feel the love, the respect…the admiration. It’s… intoxicating.
I don’t really plan my lectures ahead of time or anything. I usually just close my eyes, and hope for that tranquil awakening to express itself verbally. It’s a very, very spiritual experience. Much like taking your bra off at the end of a very long day. I must admit though, tonight I do have somewhat of an agenda. I feel it is my duty to address some of the issues that have come to light that outsiders really don’t understand about our movement.
 I just despise talking about things that genuinely don’t matter in the greater scheme. I mean, why does it matter how much my sessions cost, when I’m selling enlightenment?
Yes, I do make quite a bit of money. With the lectures, and the book sales, and the sessions, and our daily Assembly collection…But all this money talk is terribly impolite. You must understand, all of our funding goes right back to the cause. And yes, as an instructor, I need to nourish my own being, and that costs money as well. When you’re running what is essentially an empire, though a virtuous one at that, you need to maintain a profit. Having good business sense does not mean I’m greedy. That we’re greedy. Greed has no place within these walls.
I fear the media has been quite unfair. When the article came out, I was not surprised by the backlash. Not in the least. I understand that the nature of my work rubs some people the wrong way. I have seen a lot of envy, and jealousy, and opposition. It’s honestly just taught us to become more mindful as to who we choose to include in our meetings or what-have you. I am a good person. I have great intentions. You don’t need to like me. Hell, you don’t even have to join our mission. But slander is simply shameful. And those who judge me will be disappointed in the Kingdom beyond.
They would also judge those who would follow us. Determining the worthlessness of any that would join some “cult”, assuming that that is the worst thing that anyone could possibly do, for they are being brainwashed. Led down the wrong track into some obscure camp, going to the devil. What does that devil look like?
Oh, and how I simply detest their language. They try to undermine my authority among our assembly, referring to me as a “delusional charlatan.” Me! Meanwhile David Koresh, Jim Jones, Charles Manson: they were never seen as charlatans. Oh no. They were “visionaries whose missions went awry”. They were cult “leaders”. Leaders! Can you believe that? Them, leaders…Those murderous fools. Excuse my language, but they were sex-crazed maniacs, who were just…just…messy. Allowing their male urges to guide their prophesizing, mixing business and pleasure with no respect to the former. Never have I been described as a leader by the media. Technically, I would prefer eminent chief or minister of light, but I’d settle for leader. Just look around! I’m running a tight ship here; a most efficient organization.
 And sure, we share some of the same strategies and beliefs. But we are nothing alike. Apples and Oranges. Our Assembly is nothing like the organizations led by those imbeciles. Not that the mainstream world would care. Everyone is so quick to condemn and judge those of us who seek to look beyond, that they will go to any lengths to make us look bad. To make me look bad. I will no longer stand for it.
I’ve fought for the platform I have. I’ve spoken, written, expended my blood, sweat and tears to create this community from the ground up. This community that trusts my teachings, accepts my ideology, believes…believes in our power. The power of belief and objective. My power. No outrageous article could bring us down.
No offense. I am sure you won’t defame our character: you’ve been here, you’ve spent time with us, you understand what we’re all about. Sincerely, I am so, so grateful to you. To real journalists like you. Thank you again for coming down and listening to our side of the story. I see greatness in you. If you’re interested, I’d love to talk to you about our organized program of thought reform. You seem like a great candidate and I just know we’d love to have you in our community.
Welcome brothers and sisters, I’m so glad to see you. It’s been far too long since our last ceremony. We have work to do. 
Original Text by M. Cardoso
Published 2020
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mashitandsmashit · 6 years
America’s Got Talent: The Champions - Auditions 2 (Review)
10: Taylor Williamson. While his character has certainly grown on me since his initial audition, I never really found him that funny. You can make awkward funny, but you gotta have the humor to back it up, and here, he just couldn't find the right material...Can't say he deserved to be runner-up back in Season 8...
9: DDF Crew. What might be seen as a million dollar act in Holland would be filler and fodder in America...I'd also complain about the “Fortnite” dance, but with jumpropes, it's actually quite impressive! Still, this was forgettable...
8: Ashleigh & Sully. Despite ranking in the same spot as the dog act last week, this show had much stiffer competition, and from here on out it's mostly praise...Indeed, I found this superior to Sara and Hero last week; While S&H may have had a more interesting set, Sully's youthful excitement gave this performance a much bigger spark! I thoroughly enjoyed it, though the later entries in this list kinda pushed this one aside in my mind...
7: Piff the Magic Dragon. From one adorable dog to another...Piff is a fine example of a magician who gets by on his personality, but he can still evoke the classic question of “How did he do that!?” every now and then, in this case with the ring appearing in the egg yoke...Actually, some sleight of hand might explain that...But regardless, he's just a lovable character with an even more lovable animal sidekick, and as long as they entertain, they can make all the poop jokes they want...
6: Light Balance. I might be a little biased putting them just shy of the Top 5, because even at their worst they're still entertaining as hell...But I disagree with the judges, because I found this to be pretty safe compared to what they gave us back in Season 12...The theme was cool, but there weren't as many cool effects...But again, if I saw this performance as part of their full show with all of their other crazy stuff, I'd get a kick out of this! Still a favorite of mine!
5: Darci Lynne. The singing was great and energetic, and between this and her recent Christmas special, you can tell she's trying to put her own singing on a bigger display (though to be honest, I can't picture her being nearly as enjoyable as just a singer). But this was kinda safe as well...I kinda wish she'd bring in a new puppet; Revolving between the same three starts to get monotonous...Still, I wish her the best in her career, wherever she decides to go...And yeah, it's a shame she didn't make it...
4: Courtney Hadwin. While it was mostly the same kind of performance she's been leaning on throughout Season 13, performing her own original song does breathe new life into it! And yeah, I liked the song! This gives me some high hopes for her future music career! Lord knows, we could certainly use more rock music in the mainstream again!
3: Viktor Kee. Still finding new ways to make juggling a beautiful spectacle!
2: Deadly Games. Now, I'm convinced that Heidi once again just waited until near the very end before pushing the GB as an afterthought, because that is so her! ...That being said, this is her best Golden Buzzer to date! I remember when these guys were on AGT a few years back, and I didn't really care for them...Here, they seemed to have developed the right idea of what they are! The set was more unique, the knife throwing was more intense and the targets were more interesting! Everything just came together for this act! Had I not read the spoilers for this show ahead of time, I certainly wouldn't have expected them to make it over Darci, Courtney or any of my other old favorites...But somehow, Heidi's last-minute GB pick made sense! And hey, any Golden Buzzer not given to a singer is a plus for me!
1: Cristina Ramos. Never heard of her before, but she made quite the first impression for American audiences! What makes her stand out is her variability what with her clashing genres and several different singing voices...And she makes it work with her stage presence and powerful vocals! This looked like it SHOULD have been the closing act! But because she was only the half-point of the show, it probably put a lot of pressure on Courtney performing later, because this lady puts even her to shame! Regardless, I'm glad America got her well enough to give her more votes than favorites like Courtney and Darci...We may not have known about her before, but we're certainly gonna know now!
This was a great show! It was great enough that I'm willing to accept Piff, Viktor, Darci, Courtney and Light Balance getting eliminated for what were clearly two underdogs who somehow managed to rise well above! The format still sucks...But whatever, for such a stacked night, I'm surprised at who I was willing to accept going through...
And now, once again, I shall rank next week's acts based on how much I know about them, how much I liked them in the past (or might think of them now), and who I already know is going through and hope their position is well-earned, because once again, it will come at the expense of some old favorites...
10: DJ Arch JNR
9: Ryan Stock and AmberLynn
8: Tom Cotter
7: Angelica Hale
6: Paul Potts
5: Darcy Oake
4: Jon Dorenbos
3: Billy & Emily England
2: Samuel J. Comroe
1: Prince Poppycock
Two opera singers, two child musicians, two magicians, two comedians and two danger duos! What an interesting combination!
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thotyssey · 4 years
One of New York busiest, most in-demand and outspoken nightlifers, David Serrano made his name giving us life from the DJ booth… and these days, he’s officially capturing our lives in the photo studio.
Thotyssey: Hey David! So, how has Crazy Covid Summer been treating you?
David Serrano: It’s been interesting. I got Covid early in March, so I was able to get passed it quickly. Unfortunately, with the bars closed, I haven’t been working much… but I am not wasting this time. I’ve been really focused on leveling up my photography skills.
Glad you’re feeling better! I did see you just released a whole bunch of gorgeous pics of some of our famous queens. Are these shots you took a long time ago that you’ve finally been able to get to, or are have you been arranging new shoots during this downtime?
A little bit of both. I’ve been able to do several shoots during lockdown, and have several lined up. But I’ve also been going into the archive and pulling out some of my favorites that may have not had a chance to shine yet. Definitely using this time to be as creative as possible.
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[All photos by David Serrano]
Do you think you have a favorite subject yet, as far as the people you’ve shot?
I love people with over the top looks. Pretty is fine, but it can be a bit boring. Anyone that pushes the envelope with their aesthetic is what I gravitate towards. I recently released a shot of Androgyny that I love, with her giant red Mohawk. It’s very punk. I like that. I also love anyone that can just let go in front of the camera and go big. They’re not worried about looking foolish or pretty. And I love shooting dancers, ’cause they know how to move. I shot FiFi DuBois, and we had some really dynamic shots.
You’ve been doing nightlife photography for a few years, but for a long time you were better known in NYC as a DJ. I think it’s really just been the past few years that you really stepped up as an in-demand photographer. Was that intentional, or did it just kinda happen that way?
It was purposeful, for sure. I’m definitely interested in moving in that direction with my career. I’m 43 now, and I’m wanting to work more outside the clubs… but still staying within my nightlife community, like my work on The X Change Rate with Monet. I’ve spun the big clubs, and that was fun when I was younger. But as I get older, my priorities are changing. I prefer to work more shows now, and work more closely with the nightlife artists… so these are steps that I am making to expand my skill sets.
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Before we talk more about Now, we should visit Then! Where are you from originally, and how did you begin as a creative person while growing up?
Okay, that’s a long story! I was born in Port Jefferson, Long Island, but moved to upstate NY right outside Woodbury Commons when I was three. I lived there ’til 10th grade, and then moved to South Carolina for a year and a half. Then I finished high school in a small town outside Orlando, Florida. My dad had retired while I was in high school, so we moved and I ended up going to three high schools.
I knew I wanted to do something creative since I was a child because my mom told me, “do something you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” So I gravitated towards the arts. It was always between music and film. I actually started college as a film major at UCF, but ended up switching my major my last semester to music production, which is what my degree is in.
When I turned 28, I moved back to NYC to pursue a career in music as a singer / songwriter. I released a song with Junior Vasquez called “Not Again,” aptly named ’cause it was the only song we did together. I made no money from it, so I decided to pivot and got into DJing instead. I loved it, and that became my career. I also started working in graphic design, which then led back to film. And here we are today… full circle moment.
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Was it Junior who taught you how to DJ?
Um, no… LOL. Actually, I consider my DJ parents to be Xavier and Corey Craig. They helped me a lot, and gave me advice when I first began. My first gig was filling in for Xavier at Barracuda, which became my first residency in 2007. And as of March, I was still there.
As far as bars and big parties in the realm of nightlife go, what have been some of your favorite memories and highlights of the past decade-plus for you?
I enjoyed my time at Stage 48 spinning upstairs in the pop room, along with my time at XL working “Hot Mess” with Lady Bunny and Bianca Del Rio. I also loved working Drag Brunch at the Highline Ballroom, and of course the multiple Glam Awards I’ve spun. Those are just a few that stand out. There have been so many. I’ve been very lucky.
I always wondered… what would happen if you won a Glam while you were DJing the awards show? Would you play your own music intro and run up and accept, or just, like, wave from the DJ booth?
I’d have them toss it to me, LOL! Or I’d walk in an awkward silence. Fortunately, it probably won’t ever be an issue.
We’ll see you up there soon enough!
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In what huge ways has the nightlife biz changed since you started out?
Social media has definitely impacted nightlife, for sure. People don’t need to go out to the bars and clubs to meet other gay people. Plus, because the world is more open and the LGBT + community is more accepted, the crowds have become more mixed and smaller. Drag has exploded after almost dying out because of Drag Race, and drag has become more mainstream… and has moved from only being hidden away in the underground scene. This is why I’ve felt it necessary to evolve myself. Otherwise you get left behind.
It’s true, within nightlife there is a clear path for drag performers (that fit certain criteria, like being cis men) to elevate, but that path is not so clear for everyone else in the biz right now.
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Speaking of social media… you have a very unfiltered presence there, lol! Whether you’re discussing politics (you’re a very progressive Bernie man), pop culture or even nightlife drama, you often say exactly what’s on your mind. Today that’s almost like a death sentence (or at least an entirely stressful situation), with all the canceling happening. Do you care what people think about your social media posts?
I am a native New Yorker, and Hispanic to boot. We don’t hold back our opinions. Couple that with the fact that I’m older and come from a generation that wasn’t coddled or given participation trophies for everything, and my personality can easily trigger overly-sensitive types. I don’t like those people and don’t want to be around them anyway, so speaking my mind keeps them at bay. I have no interest in giving them any power.
People that are in my circle know me, and don’t have any issues with me. I’m actually easy to work with, and very chill. But I don’t have time to baby anyone, or give a platform to anyone talking nonsense or creating problems when none exist.
Actually, what are your thoughts about nightlife folks (promoters, DJs, performers, venue owners) who did those large, undistanced and unmasked parties during lockdown, particularly in those first months?
We all have to be careful and responsible… but I understand people needing to earn a living. If you’re being irresponsible and not wearing masks in public indoor spaces, then you’re asking for trouble. But at the same time, we need to be pragmatic and not Mask Nazis. If someone is outside without a mask and minding their own business, leave them alone. If they’re inside a public place, feel free to say something. As for the public parties packed with no masks, that’s not smart… but we know who these people are. They’re not usually known for their good decision making skills.
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[Photo: Maxim]
Lol! Tell us a bit about The X Change Rate, Monet X Change’s fun talk show care of the BUILD Series that airs on YouTube and is filmed for a live studio audience (pre-Covid, of course). She’s had some amazing guests, and naturally she’s a great hostess herself! You’re the house DJ there, naturally.
Monet is great–super sweet to work with, and I was gagged when she reached out to me and asked me to be a part of her show. The crew is amazing, and it’s really inspiring and humbling to work in such a professional environment.
Hopefully you’ll both be back in the studio soon!
I sure hope so.
It must be old hat at this point–but still cool–to have seen so many queens you’ve worked with over the years get cast and do well on Drag Race.
Yes, it’s so surreal to see so many of my friends make it on the world stage. It’s inspiring… but also hard to reconcile. To me, they’re just my friends. To their fans, they’re superstars. It’s weird, but very cool.
So it’s almost impossible to answer this question nowadays, but what else is coming up?
I’m currently in the process of creating some amazing images with Danny Logan, formerly known as Dallas Dubois. He’s become an amazing costume designer since leaving drag years ago. He’s gone on to work in television and film, and is doing very well for himself. We have some incredible, politically charged and poignant concepts in the works… so look out for them.
That should be amazing! And finally: there was a lot of new music this summer. Did anything stand out as your favorite song or album for you?
You have no idea. There have been SOOOO many great songs. I am really into the 80’s synth pop sound, that has made a huge splash on the scene this year: from The Weeknd to Gaga, Dua Lipa, and Miley. They’re all killing it. Right now, I’m loving Miley’s newest song “Midnight Sky.” She’s serving major Stevie Nicks vibes, and I am here for it. Not to mention the video is giving me major visual inspiration for my shoots!
Thanks, David!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for DJ David Serrano’s upcoming appearances, and follow him on Facebook, Instagram (also one for his photography), Twitter and YouTube. All photos care of David Serrano unless otherwise labeled.
On Point Archives
On Point With: David Serrano One of New York busiest, most in-demand and outspoken nightlifers, David Serrano made his name giving us life from the DJ booth...
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