#I’m not against self checkouts btw
When people say they’re okay with AI and machines taking over jobs that are overly cumbersome, tedious and annoying for humans, I really hope they mean something like data analysis where it’s used as a tool to save time for the analyst when there’s a lot of working parts, and not like customer service jobs, like a cashier, because corporations won’t implement the very fucking simple quality of life policy that they won’t tolerate customer’s abuse towards their employees.
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1d1195 · 20 days
The banter/dialogue that you write is really good! Especially with Niall bc I’m pretty sure we all know it’s really harmless so I’m constantly enjoying reading it! And had to look up that clip and I SEE THE VISION! LOVE IT HAHA!! honestly idk why I wasn’t a fan?! genuinely had nothing against them and I had a lot of friends who were into them plus I found them cute enough but idk WHY my brain couldn’t get into it lol also LOVE a good protective man trope, it just HITS when done right!
In that alternate timeline I would like to believe that Harry suffered a lot for being a dick! And he had to grovel a lot for making her cry! Idk I’m a simple girl I love when men suffer😁! And slow burns are my preferred vibe tbh lol I love the yearning and the pinning! ALSO that part 4 sneak peak, SO EXCITED!
Oh I support her being grumpy like you cannot make me hate her! Like I get it! VERY excited for when you decide to show us what’s you’ve been hinting! I just know you never miss!
Never been there since I haven’t been to the east coast but sounds like if I ever do visit I will NOT being going there bc that sounds like hell😭 theres many places here that are constantly so packed there’s truly never a break😭! The vibes are never good, so many people, and not enough cashiers/self checkout the lines are CRAZY😭
Wait that’s so cool that you did a research proposal for it!! But it’s sweet how you try to help your students with it! It’s sucks but it’s nice to know that your students have someone to help with that! AP anything was so bad😭 those crazy timed tests just made everything worse! So I don’t blame you!
It doesn’t make you sound old! And I understand what you mean! I think it’s a time thing too. Especially with how rn it feels like there’s no end in sight or how I fear I’m still going to feel this way. Time is something that allows for a better understanding, it’s just hard sometimes to remember when you’re deeply in it lol But I get what you mean about them feeling different! It would make sense due to you obviously changing in everyday aspect whether it be career wise or personal life!
Yay I’m so happy work went well! It’s the beginning of the year so it is a bit exciting since it’s kinda new with getting to learn about your students and stuff. But I’m hoping this can continue!
It’s so sweet of you to even notice my absence 😭 I’ve always told myself that if I were to ever take a long break or delete my account for good I would let you know so that there wouldn’t be any worry! Yeah it was not easy at all trying to navigate this episode on top with school. But it’s my last week FINALLY!! So I just have to push through this last bit!
It’s not lame! If anything I’ve always believed in that kind of thing! I definitely feel better with the shorter hair now but mainly because the heat is still so strong here and I don’t have to have such an extensive hair care routine! Plus I’m just so excited to change my hair color soon so shorter hair is better overall lol I’m trying to sleep and stay hydrated! I hope you are doing the same too! And you’re too kind!
It may be the same stuff that you’re aware of but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still hurt when you’re feeling like this! I hope that you don’t get to that kind of low that you experience last week any time soon! I’m glad that you’ve started to have some better days/moments especially with reading your books! A good romance story is always a win! And you can truly embed go wrong with a good single dad and nanny trope! Love that for you! Also idk if you’ve ever mentioned it or not but do you annotate your books?!(Btw the fact that you finished honey already is so CRAZY in the best way!)
Omg Sam😭 no youre literally the sweetest!! The kindness that you have can be felt right through the screen! YOU are so loved!!! You also deserve all love and happiness too! I LOVE YOU!!! Wishing you the best as always!-💜
For the best you weren’t a fan. I was CONSTANTLY exhausted by them. I told my friend all the time how much I wanted them to just stop leaving the house because I couldn’t keep up. I was worried ALL the time about them ☠️
I’m glad you liked the sneak peek! I also love when men suffer HAHAHA perhaps I’ll add it to the check-ins and alt reality one like I did for Dolcezza 🤔
Market basket is old school so no self check out there. The cashiers are pretty efficient but there’s ALWAYS lines up the wazoo.
I’m glad you think it was cool because I did NOT think it was cool. In fact I HATED it so much. My math brain was not meant to write in that kind of capacity. I enjoyed reading about it though! Interesting stuff! I loved my basic psych classes I took so I always find reading how the brain works (especially in crazy teen heads).
LAST WEEK! 🥳🥳🥳 love that for you! I hope you get some time to relax and do fun things! I always miss you when I don’t hear from you but I always want you to prioritize your health first so if I end up missing you it’s okay 💕💕
Honey just came POURING out of me. I can’t explain it. I feel like I fucked up the last couple parts though and I refuse to look at them again so I don’t overthink it lol but 6, 7, 8 gave me a bit of trouble 😅
I do not annotate my books. I’m pretty pure about my books but I will ALWAYS highlight a funny quip about the expense of men. I don’t remember the exact line nor book but I def highlighted something that said “it seemed men were the cause of the issue” like that just BEGS to be highlighted and underlined. I think annotating is cute though. I borrowed a book from a friend who annotates and it was actually SO much fun to read because she noticed so many things that I did not. Plus she’s funny as fuck, so it was like bonus content reading her thoughts.
Love you! 💕 happy last week of classes! 🎉
0 notes
yourfavewriteress · 4 years
check you out (part 1) | connor mcdavid
Teaser: “This is a grocery store, we really can’t control who comes in here.”
(i know i should be working on something else but sometimes i really can’t help what i come up with :/ )
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Four Times Connor wanted to ask for your number + the one time he finally did
“Please wait for assistance.”
You sighed, standing up straight at your post to move towards the waiting customer.
“Hi, how are you?” Smiling at customers had become second nature for you, having been working at the grocery store for almost a year. Although not a marvelous job, you got a weekly check that you had earned yourself and you were finally able to pay for your own bills without the help of your parents. 
“Good, you?” He responded.
“I’m doing okay, how can I help you today?”
“Do you know what aisle your pasta sauce is? I was looking for a bit and I didn’t see it.”
“Should be in aisle 7,” You directed. “Did you check there?”
“I think so, but I’m going to check again anyways since I now know where to actually look,” He let out a laugh before looking back at you. “Do you- Can I leave my stuff here while I go grab it? I’ll be five seconds.”
“Yeah, go ahead, I’ll watch them for you,” You smiled, nodding.
“Thanks,” He turned on his heel, quickly walking towards the aisle. You continued smiling at customers passing by, leaning against the machine. As he disappeared into the aisle, you looked over the items he was buying. Protein powder, a lot of healthy shit that you had never seen before, and literally one bag of candy (that was sugar free, btw). You laughed to yourself, wondering how disciplined this guy had to be to stick to whatever diet he was on.
A few seconds later, he re-emerged from the aisle and you took your time to study him as he walked. Clearly taller than most guys you’ve seen close up, he had to be at least six feet. In his jeans and hoodie, you could see the shape of his body, and judging by the diet, he most definitely took care of himself and his health. 
“Thank you,” He smiled when he finally reached you. “I don’t know how I missed it the first time but you’re a lifesaver.”
“No problem,” You nodded, walking back over to your post. You looked over all the customers in the self-checkout area, trying to find something to occupy your attention as you still had three hours left in the shift. When you looked back over to the right, you were surprised to see the man from before standing in front of the kiosk. 
“I feel like that annoying customer right now and I’m sorry, but I’m pretty sure my machine just froze,” He said, scratching the back of his head. You peeked over to the machine he was using.
“If you think you’re annoying, you wouldn’t survive two minutes as a cashier,” You replied, walking with him to the machine. “Let’s take a look.”
He laughed in response, shaking his head. “I probably wouldn’t.”
Tapping a few buttons on the screen had no success, “What happened exactly?”
“I’m not really sure, I scanned everything, I put a $50 bill in there and I was just waiting for my change.”
“Okay,” You mumbled, pulling the key from your pocket to open the machine. He stood behind you as you worked to figure out the problem, or at least get his bill back to send him to another machine. When you crouched down to be eye-level with the cash acceptor, the man’s eye’s couldn’t help but travel over your body. Although covered in your uniform of the store shirt and black jeans, he saw enough that made him have to look away otherwise he was sure he would be seen as that creep customer that couldn’t keep his eyes in appropriate places. 
You felt his eyes on you, and while this wasn’t a rare occurrence with the many forward customers who shop at your local supermarket, his look (if he was even looking, as far as you were concerned) didn’t make you uncomfortable in the slightest. To be fair, you already had your chance to study him when he wasn’t looking. Making sure you weren’t still smiling at the thought of him checking you out, you looked back, your eyes immediately locking on his.
You paused as he let out a gentle smile, asking, “I broke it, didn’t I?”
You couldn’t help but laugh then, your head leaning on your forearm that was holding the machine to keep you from falling in your crouched position. “You didn’t break it, these machines have minds of their own, trust me. But, I just need to grab a different key to get this part open and then I can take care of you.”
He swallowed at that, and even though he knew it was in reference to his grocery order, he couldn’t help it when his eyes once again trailed over you as you stood up to walk towards a nearby door.
“Got it,” You smiled as you came back into view of him. He stepped aside to allow you to crouch down again. The man focused his eyes on his items on the belt in order to avoid being caught admiring you again red-handed. Really, he could feel blood rushing up his neck, and in other places. It was better for him to look away now before it was too late.
“Ah, here it is,” He heard you say before holding up his crumpled bill. “I’m pretty sure it just got jammed somehow after you put it in, wasn’t your fault.”
“I still feel bad for causing all this trouble,” He replied, biting his lip.
“It’s no trouble, it actually gives me something to do other than stand here like a statue,” You said, closing the machine and standing up.
He smiled then, although you didn’t see it. “I’m glad I can help, then.”
Not knowing what to respond, you moved on, “Okay, I’m going to have you pay at my station because I don’t want the same thing to happen again.” You restarted his machine and then reached for his water pack, to help move it back to his cart.
“No, no, it’s okay, I got it,” The man said, stepping closer to you to motion to the water. “You’ve done enough, literally.”
It was your turn to swallow as you got a whiff of his scent, which was hard to describe in any way besides manly. You know that scent that you think a true man has? It’s strong, but enticing. Clean, but also sweaty in a way. It was like a version of Old Spice but younger, and hotter (at least to you).
Taking a breath to soak in as much as you could without being a creep, you stepped back, “Okay, I’ll meet you up there then.”
You turned on your heel, your mind racing as you thought of how to compose yourself until he left the store.
Working in a place that had different people coming in everyday, you were used to the occasional smokeshow and having to not stare. You usually didn’t have to interact with said smokeshow, but you always had to be professional. This case was nothing different. No matter how hot this guy appeared today, or how nice he smelled, he was still a customer and you were still an employee. Get it together! you thought.
“Okay, here you go,” The man said, handing you his bill again.
“Thank you,” You replied, taking it and giving him his change. “Sorry about our machine, but I hope you have a good day.”
“Thanks, you, too,” He smiled. “It’s been a pleasure,” Trailing off, his eyes fell to your chest, “Y/N.”
Although his eyes prompted it, you didn’t allow your jaw to drop as you watched him, pushing his cart away with a smile still on his face.
You thought about him for the next hour, and when you finished wiping down your machines, you caught your reflection in the store window.
Your eyes locked on your name tag sitting on your chest. Why the hell does he get to know your name but you don’t get to know his?
The next few weeks went by as uneventful as any other time in your life. You worked at the supermarket, and when you weren’t there, you were at your apartment, catching up on as many shows as you could with the free time. Until you had to return to your college classes, you were going to relax as much as possible.
“Hey, Y/N,” Your boss said, approaching your station. “Do you think you can stay until 10 tonight? Eva just called out.”
“Uhm, sure,” You shrugged, looking down at the time. “That’s fine.”
“Thank you, you’re the best,” He breathed. “Seriously, I can always count on you and I’ll never forget that.”
“I just like the extra money in my paycheck,” You joked. 
“I’m going to act like I didn’t hear that,” He began as he walked away, laughing.  
You shook you head, laughing as well. As you were still smiling, you could hear one of the machines start up, meaning that you finally had a customer after ten minutes of complete silence. The back profile seemed familiar, including the large container of protein powder in his cart. A few moments later, he looked over, smiling.
“Hi, Y/N,” He said.
You did your best to hide your blush as you smiled back, “Hey, how are you?” Not a big deal, you thought, he probably just remembers everyone’s name.
“Pretty good, how about you?”
“Same old,” You shrugged. “Try not to break the machine this time, though.”
He laughed, his head falling back on his shoulders, “Last time I checked, you told me the machine’s have minds of their own. I accept no responsibility.” 
He made a note in his head of the fact that you remembered him from your last encounter. It wasn’t the last time he was in the store, but it was the last time he saw you. Every time he stepped into the store since then, he searched for you near the registers and today was the first time in weeks he finally saw what, and who he wanted to see.
“I only said that because you looked scared, and I wanted to make you feel better.”
Better wasn’t the only thing you made him feel in your short encounter, and the man knew this as he replied, “How noble of you.”
You laughed at that, so much you didn’t catch the look of pure admiration he gave you as he studied your features from where he was standing.
“Yeah, someone has to do it, right?” You breathed.
He didn’t respond, but you saw him smiling as he shook his head at the machine.
It was a pretty boring day. With only one other cashier in the store, it truly felt like you were in the middle of the woods. You leaned over onto your station, chin in your palm as you looked around the store in view. 
“Hi,” A voice broke you from your daze. You stood up straight looking over at the customer.
“Hi, can I help you with anything?” You asked.
“Not at the moment, but I’ll let you know,” He said as he walked over to a nearby machine.
You had every intention to lean back down in your spot, but as you peeked outside, your eye caught the sight of your favorite mystery customer. He was getting out of a nice white car, a car that made you mumble holy shit to yourself. Looking away quickly, you stood straight at your station. Since you couldn’t see the entrance and wouldn’t dare to look if you did, you didn’t know when exactly the mystery guy walked into the store. 
However, about 10 minutes later, he was walking into the self-checkout area.
“Hey,” He smiled as he approached the empty machine next to a slightly older man.
“Hi, nice to see you,” You smiled, as politely as possible. 
“You, too,” He smiled.
After a quick once over of him, you looked back to your monitor. At this point, his face had already been burned in your brain every time you came into the store. His voice burned into your memories, especially when it was saying your name, addressing you. Whoever the hell he was, he had an effect on you that forcibly kept him on your mind, no matter how minimal your encounters with him had been thus far. 
It was maybe a minute before you dragged your eyes up to look around. Spending a longer second on him, you could see the muscles he had clearly through his simple black tee. Snap out of it. You sighed, looking back at your monitor, even though you didn’t really want to. Why the hell was he so nice? Why the hell was he so hot?
“Excuse me, I need some help,” The man at the machine next to him called out. You nodded, moving towards him.
“How can I help?”
“I’m not sure how to do these tomatoes. They don’t have stickers.”
“Sure,” You replied, stepping closer to the screen to put them in. As he didn’t step back, you kept a safe distance, reaching around him. You did your best not to make a face signaling back the fuck up but that was only made harder by his stare that you could feel on the side of your neck.
“I see you here a lot, do you get a lot of hours?” He said in a teasing tone. 
“I get enough,” You responded through a polite one.
As you finished the tomatoes, you looked up at him, “Anything else?”
“What do I have to do to get your number?” He asked. “This has to count as, like, our fourth meeting.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t give my number out to customers,” You pursed your lips, eyes flickering back to the machine. “Anything with your items, though?”
“Make an exception for me,” He said, ignoring your redirection.
“No, I’m sorry. But, if that’s it with your items, I’m going to go back over there.” As you turned around to walk back over to your station, he grabbed your arm, halting your movements. It wasn’t a tight grip at all, but it was locked. You could cause a scene, scream and draw unnecessary attention, but you opted out. You still attempted to pull your arm free, getting more frustrated as he didn’t let up.
You turned, locking eyes with him, “Let me go.” Punctuation every word, you pointed to the cameras that you were only 20% sure were actually recording the encounter.
“Let me give you my number, then.”
Your eyes once again scanned the area that apparently had everyone looking everywhere but where you were basically being held against your will. You looked over at the mystery guy who was focused on bagging his items now, holding your eyes on him longer because you really didn’t know what to do and he did seem like your closest solution without drawing too much attention. If only you knew his name. Shit. 
“I said no already, seriously, stop,” You narrowed your eyes back at the man holding you, hiding the true fear you were feeling under your skin. “You do know that this is grounds to get you banned from this store, correct? Arrested, even?”
“Come on,” He jerked you slightly and you tried again to calmly remove his hand.
“Dude,” You heard suddenly. You looked over to see the mystery guy, who you could now call your hero, beside you, bags in hand and eyes trained on the man’s now tightened grip on your arm. “What are you doing?”
“We’re talking,” He responded, releasing you within seconds, especially after the mystery guy stepped closer. You stepped back, closer to the mystery guy unintentionally.
“That didn’t look like talking, man.”
“How about you worry about your own shit?” You rolled your eyes at that, walking back over to the station. You took a deep breath, rubbing the area that had already started to redden from his grip. You didn’t look up as the two men exchanged words or when the mystery guy came over.
“Are yo- Wait, is that your manager? Should I go get him?” You followed his pointer finger then looked back down at the monitor.
You shook your head, avoiding his eyes, “I’m fine, thank you though. I really appreciated that.”
“This is your place of work,” He said, slowly. “Are you sure you don’t want me to tell someone? Give a statement or something? That was insane.”
You nodded, “It’s fine. A guy with an ego as big as this store is not worth me stressing over.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice it before, though. Is your arm okay?“ His eyes trailed down and you shifted on your weight onto your other leg, looking down at the damage, but also to look somewhere else besides his eyes.
“I’ll be okay, I’ve suffered through worse,” You gently shrugged, looking back up at him. He was already watching you and you could see his shoulders slump.
“I’m sorry, again-”
“-You are not the one who should be apologizing,” You started. “This is a grocery store, we really can’t control who comes in here.”
“They should,” He raised his eyebrows. “For your safety.”
You were sure he meant “your” as all cashiers and not just you.
You paused for a moment, unsure of how to respond, going with, “Yeah.”
“I’m still sorry that he thought it was okay to put his hands on you,” He said. You nodded slowly and he smiled then, a light laugh escaping his lips. “I hope you have a safe rest of your shift, Y/N.”
As you held eye contact, your stomach did a flip at the thought of him saying your name. It was music to your ears, and also a slight boost to your ego.
“You know, it’s a little unfair that you know my name and I don’t know yours since we’ve talked multiple times at this point.”
Adjusting his bags to one hand, he held the other out to you, “I’m Connor.”
“Well, it’s nice to finally have a name to put to the face,” You responded, returning the handshake. You cursed yourself in your head for not double checking for sweat as your hands touched but he didn’t seem to mind, if there was. In fact, all Connor could think about was the fact that you basically just admitted to him that you had been thinking about him. Or, at least that’s what he hoped you meant because that would make him feel less weird for having thought about you so much. 
This was only the third time he had seen you and you were on his mind more than he ever expected. At this rate, Connor knew he was fucked. But, he didn’t know you were, too. He didn’t know anything about you, and that was the problem.
He thought about doing it then, putting himself out there to a complete stranger, even though you didn’t feel like a one to him. Just ask for her number, he thought. Then, he remembered the asshole you had both just dealt with and decided to leave it for now. Bad timing, he convinced himself.
“I’m sorry I don’t wear a name tag like you,” He joked.
You smiled, rolling your eyes, “Yeah, lucky you.”
“I’ll see you around,” Connor then replied. “Be safe.”
“I’ll try,” You sighed. “Bye, Connor.”
Watching him as he walked off, you thought back to what had all just happened. You made a note to tell your supervisor when he got back from his lunch and of course, have that man banned from the store. You also started to mentally prepare yourself for your next encounter with Connor. Connor. Now you had a name to think about during the boring hours of work.
“Fancy seeing you here.” You nearly jumped out of your skin as you walked through the parking lot of the supermarket. You had the early morning shift, which was usually a graveyard, and had hoped you wouldn’t have to work too hard.
Turning on your heel, you were surprised to see Connor getting out of his car. How the hell did I miss his car right in front of me? you thought as you looked down, double-checking your appearance subtly. You weren’t a slob, especially lately since you never knew who you would run in to. Who am I kidding? This is exactly what you wanted to happen. Maybe not early in the morning but beggars can’t be choosers, can they?
“Who goes to a supermarket at 7 am?” You asked, stopping with your hand on your hip. 
The sun was shining bright behind Connor, and you couldn’t see his eyes trail over you. You looked better than he even remembered. You were wearing blue jeans that were exactly your size and since you had classes the day before, your hair wasn’t a total mess. It was a simple look but still made Connor’s breath hitch as he stood in front of you.
Much to his despise, it had been over three months since he last ran into you at the store. On top of his practices in preparation for the upcoming hockey season, he had media interviews up to his neck as a young captain in the NHL. 
You, of course, had resumed classes and worked less hours at the supermarket to keep academics as your main priority. Having only three shifts a week seemed small, but you were stressed and the semester wasn’t even halfway done. When did professors stop giving students a few weeks before killing them with assignments?
“Someone who has a tight schedule,” He smiled, walking until he was by your side. Nodding to the store, “Opening shift?”
“Unfortunately,” You sighed, nodding. 
“Well, at least you’ll be awake for the rest of the day,” He said.
“Thinking like that is the only way I convince myself to get up,” You laughed.
“How have you been?” He slyly slowed his stride as you walked towards the entrance together to prolong your conversation, hoping you weren’t running late for your shift. You noticed, and continued at his speed, biting your lip to stop from smiling.
“Pretty good, tired,” You shrugged. “How about you?”
“Same,” He laughed, putting his hands in his pockets. “How long have you been working here?”
“Like a year and a half,” You answered. “It’s close to where I live.”
“Hm,” He hummed.
“Close enough that I could walk if I wanted to,” You said. “But, also driving is an option, I guess. Not that that’s important or anything, or that you even needed that much detail.”
If it wasn’t for him standing next to you, you would have pinched yourself for how awkward you were being. You weren’t used to talking to an attractive guy this early in the morning. Or, at all.
“No, it makes sense,” He replied, laughing. “I was just asking because I feel like I would have noticed you before we met.”
“Notice me?”
He looked down at you, a smile still on his lips, “Yeah, I would definitely remember you.”
“My first memory of you is when you broke our machine,” You teased.
He rolled his eyes, “I didn’t break it, it did that to itself,” He defended. 
“Sure,” You nodded sarcastically.
“Anyway,” He sighed dramatically, letting out a laugh after. “I think that’s when I first saw you, too.”
“Now, I finally know your name,” You said as you finally reached the entrance.
“You do,” Connor responded, smiling. 
As you entered the store, you couldn’t miss your boss already waving you over with a wide smile on his face. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked back at Connor to say bye but he moved to speak at the same time.
“Ca-” You both froze, and you blushed under his eye. He smiled again, “You can go first.”
“No, I think you should go because I was just going to say that my boss is waving me over like a crazy person.”
Connor turned around to your nod, and you watched your boss furrow his eyebrows before Connor looked back at you.
“I was just going to say I hope you have a good shift, if I don’t see you before I leave the store.” That wasn’t at all what Connor wanted to say but he knew you had to go. And, he’d much rather ask you out when your boss wasn’t watching less than 20 feet away.
“Oh, thank you,” You smiled, oblivious to his failed attempt. “Have a good day, with whatever crazy thing has you here at 7 am.”
He laughed, “I’ll see you around.”
and, one.
Finally free, you thought as you adjusted your bag on your shoulder. You had just finished your shift, the day finally reaching 5 pm. You were on your way out of the store, waving bye to your coworkers on the registers when you saw Connor bagging items near the exit.
You noticed he was practically done and simply gathering his things together to walk out and you thought about speeding by him as sly as you could, hoping to avoid an encounter when you were sure you looked as drained as you felt. However, before you could even make a decision, he looked over, eyes locking on yours.
He smiled, brightly, “Y/N, hey!”
“Hi, Connor,” You smiled, laughing lightly at his excitement.
“How are you? Are you just now getting off?” He looked down at his watch.
“Yeah, I’ve been here for a few hours,” You replied. “More protein shakes?”
He laughed, “I’m actually good on those. I had to restock on my unhealthy stuff this time.”
“I’m surprised,” You said. He grabbed his bags, motioning to the exit. This is it, he thought. Connor heart rate quickened as he quickly went over what he wanted to say in his head.
“No one eats healthy all the time,” He said as you both walked towards the exit. “Did you drive today?”
“I did, actually. I knew I was going to be too lazy to walk after eight hours,” You admitted. “And, it’s been getting dark a lot earlier.”
“Smart,” He smirked. 
“I haven’t seen you in awhile,” You commented after a few moments. “Awhile,” meaning a little over two months. 
“I’ve actually been out of town for a few weeks,” He said. “But, I did have a question for you, so I’m happy I caught you today.”
“About the store?” After it came out of your mouth, you realized how truly stupid you sounded. Obviously not.
“No, not really,” He said, looking down at you briefly. 
“What’s up?” You asked him. At this point, you had reached his car in the parking lot, your car only a few spots down. He set his bags on the ground, slightly fumbling around to find what you thought were his keys.
You watched him, and held in your smile when he finally found them, letting out a slight breath of relief. He looked over at you, and you were caught red-handed. You weren’t sure what reaction you expected, but blushing and shaking his head was not one of them.
“Give me a sec,” He mumbled as he pressed a button on his key to open the trunk of his car. You looked over the part of the clean interior that was visible to you, admiring it.
“This is a really nice car,” You said as he placed his bags in the trunk.
“Thank you,” He said, reaching up to close it. “Can I walk you to yours?”
“Sure,” You felt your heart rate pick up as he locked his car again. “It’s just right here.”
“So, you can absolutely say no, I can take it,” He started, and you couldn’t tell if he was still blushing from a few moments ago, or maybe it was just the reflection of the headlights of passing cars. “Would it be okay if I asked for your number?”
You had enough self control in the moment to keep your jaw from falling, or your face from turning as bright as firetruck, but your words were always another thing. “You want my number?”
“Yeah,” He laughed softly. 
“Why?” The word came out of your mouth before you could stop it. You also couldn’t stop the blush then, taking a breath to push your hair out of your face, nervously. “Sorry, I mean, uhm, what-, why-”
“-Our sixty second conversations kinda have me hooked,” He explained. “And, I’d really like to take you out sometime, but obviously I wanted to work my way to that since we don’t know each other and I get that this might be weird. And, maybe you get this a lot working here.” He was beginning to ramble so he stopped, staring into your eyes to hopefully communicate that he really wasn’t some weirdo. Just a guy super into you, even though he barely knew anything besides your name and your laugh. And, so far, also your corny but admirable digs at him. 
He couldn’t help but smile when he was around you, and he really couldn’t help but want to see you outside of the store. He wanted to get to know you, and spend more time with you. He knew there had to be a lot more to you than your job.
“This does happen sometimes,” You nodded. “Usually, older, perverted guys. The occasional young guy with a big ego, really depends on the day.”
“I hope I don’t fit into either of those categories,” He laughed. “I really don’t want to overstep or make you feel weird.”
“You haven’t,” You responded quickly. “It’s okay, do you have your phone on you?”
He smiled then, reaching into his pocket before pulling out his phone. Unlocking it, he handed it to you and watched as you typed away. 
Holy shit, he thought again. It was the first time that he was ever really nervous to ask a girl for her number and he almost expected you to reject him. Already be in a relationship, or just simply not be interested. He expected the worst, just like you did.
You hoped he couldn’t see the shaking that you felt in your fingers as you created a contact for yourself in his phone. Once you were finished, you looked up to find him already watching you. Blushing, you held his phone out to him, “There you go, that’s me.”
He took his phone back, smile widening after he looked down at the screen. “Thank you.”
“I guess I’ll talk to you soon?” You suggested, finally unlocking your car.
“Definitely, I’ll text you later tonight,” He responded, stepping back a few steps.
“Okay,” You grinned, opening the door. He nodded before a smile appeared on his face as he walked backwards towards his car.
“Bye, Y/N.”
“Bye, Connor,” You responded as you slid into your car. Closing the door, you let out a breath as you kept your eyes forward to start the car.
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thedailycourtney · 5 years
Some Things
Friday Jack and I went on a trail walk in the morning, and then I didn’t stop cleaning until 9 PM. I did all those things I’ve been meaning to do for at least a month now: vacuumed the dog hair from against the baseboards, washed all my bedding, washed all Jack’s bedding, washed rugs, some minor sewing projects, cleaned off The Chair - you know the one, the one all the discarded, not quite dirty enough to wash clothes get piled on, put all my sweaters away - two full months after I’ve worn any of them, but who’s really keeping track of that, right?, pruned plants, cleaned the back porch, etc. etc. 
Storms and rain were predicted all weekend, but as per usual, forecasts mean nothing, and it ended up sunny and gorgeous both afternoons, and I had my backyard all to myself. (I’m sure there’s a scientific reason for it, but storms tend to split right before they get to Columbia, and veer off North and East. It’s like we’re reverse Eeyore - rain and gloom all around us, sunny and bright overhead. I’m not mad about it.)
Other than the lady at self-checkout at the grocery store on Saturday morning, I didn’t talk to a single human being until Sunday afternoon. It was g l o r i o u s.
Watched three (four?) Lifetime movies. Life Lesson from Saturday’s binge: parents should definitely listen to their kids more, rather than their brand new significant other, whom they moved WAY too fast with, btw. Also, and this is one of the Top Five Classic Lifetime Movie Rules: don’t get into an argument with a psycho near the top of a staircase, especially near a railing over a grand foyer. 
Ate too many carbs, if there even is such a thing.
Slept in until NINE on Sunday morning. 
Planned on finally finishing the book I’ve now let expire four times. Planned on finishing Season 1 of Game of Thrones. Did neither of those things.
Ate at least one batch of tater tots per day.
After the amazing feeling of getting into my made bed on Friday night, decided to make it every morning from now on. Or at least make it at some point in the day before I get in it again at night.
It was EXACTLY the weekend I needed.
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