#I’m more of a support than a dps kinda guy tbh
flyin-shark · 1 year
Are you more a brick-through-the-window or a cutting-breaklines kinda guy with cop cars?
Wouldn’t you like to know, Firefox user? >:3
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outivv · 3 years
hello!! idk if this counts as a request or not, but tbh i would just like ur opinion!! :DD
if tokyo revengers characters were in genshin impact, what vision would they have? i personally can see mikey having an anemo or pyro vision. draken would maybe have geo lol idk fits the vibe ig haha. btw sorry if this breaks ur rules!! i thought it would be ok to ask here because this is still kind of genshin related?? but if it's not that's ok :) just ignore it :D
tho ty if u do answer this and hope u dont mind me dropping this in ur asks !! :D
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Synopsis: what vision Tokyo revengers characters would have
Warnings: spoiler warnings, and not proofread
Game/ fandom: Tokyo revengers, and genshin impact
Note: I’ve only watched the anime so not all characters will be included.
A/n: I love this request so much
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Mikey: anemo, or hydro
I wanted to stick to two per character at most so… yeah.
I think anemo because it’s a… reoccurring theme that anemo characters will lose someone they love… so yeah
And then hydro because it fits, if you think about it… I’m not sure how to explain it because hydro characters are hard to figure out but they seem to have a close relationship with their family or a strong sense of justice, and passion for something that is their whole career like pyro characters. So. There’s that.
With anemo he’d definitely be causing swirl reactions left and right, like you lose Mikey in a fight. And then out of the corner of your eye you see a guy flung up into the air and a huge swirl reaction. “There he is…” *cue a large sigh from draken and you*
Let’s say he was a hydro character… he’d be a selfish hydro character like childe, needing to be on the field for a fair amount of time with a insane cool down. I just know it.
I think he’d use a catalyst. But he’d be a close range catalyst user that has attacks like eulas that are acrobatic and uses his legs, doing physical damage while also doing anemo or hydro damage.
Draken: geo
Cant deny it fits the vibes
Be an insane shield character that scales of off his Health. Kinda like zhongli but also being able to do a fair amount of physical damage, so he’d basically be a sub, or main dps
Probably uses a sword or polearm. I’m not sure why, because my first thought was claymore but that doesn’t really fit him in my opinion.
I don’t think he’d be able to heal like noelle but provide a small physical damage buff to himself, and other characters.
I think he’d have a geo vision because he probably didn’t want a vision, and got it randomly after Mikey got his vision.
Baji: pyro.
I mean… do I have to explain?
In my opinion all pyro characters are… well fiery, for lack of a better word, emotionally driven, and are passionate about something. Sound familiar? Yeah baji would 100% be a pyro user.
Strangely enough I don’t think he’d use a claymore… like I do but I don’t. A polearm almost feels more fitting… but other than a polearm my second choice would have to be claymore.
Got his vision in the middle of a fight, he was probably helping someone, or was an adventure doing a especially difficult commission.
Definitely a main dps. Probably has a lot of attacks with a large aoe.
Takemichi: pyro
Do I also have to explain much…
Like baji he seems emotionally driven, and passionate about something. Doesn’t necessarily have a fiery personality, but more a fiery ambition.
Uses a sword. He’s basic but it’s fine.
Probably a selfish support character. Like he needs to be on the field for a certain amount of time so then some sort of buff can take place.
Got his vision in some sort of bear death experience. Like bennett
Chifuyu: hydro, or dendro
Probably a hydro character, he’s loyal, calm, and caring.
But could also be dendro… idk I get the vibes
Probably uses a… bow. Bow users I’ve noticed are either really amazing supports ie: venti, and Fischl, or really amazing main dps ie: ganyu, and yoimiya.
Despite his weapon though, I think he is a really good sub dps leaning support.
Probably vaporizes everything in sight with baji
Not sure how he got his vision, I feel like it’d be something that he wouldn’t really tell anyone.
Kazutora: electro
I’m not sure why electro… probably because it fits him the most out of the seven in my opinion.
Ive noticed that the electro characters either got their vision in a moment of fear, or even hate their vision, or *cough* *cough* Lisa *cough* were just like “hmm… guess I’ll need a vision :>”
Kazutora could fall into either one of these two. Probably the first one though.
Honestly… if there was such thing as a scythe user he’d be one, but sadly there is not… so the closest I can get is a polearm user.
Efficiently uses a polearm sweeping enemies off their feet for his auto attacks
Probably a strong sub dps.
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ponett · 5 years
here are some more SLARPG-related asks from my curiouscat! lots of talk about the party members’ gender identities and orientations and how they’ve felt about that stuff growing up in this one
you've talked about how there's a lot of contrasts between Jodie and the other 3 (for instance, the other 3 go against their usual animal stereotypes while Jodie's a bit more traditionally what a tiger is usually like) but I just realized another, possibly unintentional level of contrast: Melody and Claire being trans is important to both of their characters, and Allison being cis is important to her character, while for Jodie you've mentioned that whether they were cis or trans was up in the air for a long while
yeah, jodie is intended to be pretty different from her friends as the most experienced and confident (and oldest, if only by one year) of the group. while she's officially a member of claire's guild, she's also basically an unofficial member of the paladin brigade
my initial indecisiveness over whether she was cis or trans (she's cis, if you didn't know) was really just part of me taking a lot longer to figure the character out, tbh. like she was designed a year later, and she doesn't appear much in the first two hours of the game, and a ton of details about her personality were up in the air for a long time. for a while i knew she had to be there, and vaguely what i wanted her to be like, but not what her purpose was in the story
ultimately i decided to make her cis in part because showing solidarity between cis and trans WLWs is a big part of what the game is about. jodie is claire's unconditionally supportive cis friend, similar to how allison is that for melody. it gives the party this nice symmetry. two trans girls, two cis girls. two butch, two femme. two magic users, two melee attackers. two support, two DPS. two carnivores, two herbivores. etc. etc.
I know you already stated your headcanon voices, but I wonder what voices Melody and Claire would have if their voices didn't quite sound "passing". While their default voices in my head are lighter and passing, I tried reading some of melody's lines in my head with a deeper voice and it kinda made her come across as even more cute/endearing than before? (and she was already cute/endearing)
yes, deep voice melody is very good! not my default voice for her, but as a trans woman who's done no vocal training i obviously like the idea of melody and claire sounding somewhat similar
WHich of the SLARPG characters have the hottest dads?
i picture jodie's dad as an extremely huggable big tiger guy so definitely hers
How did Melody and Claire meet? Was one of them doing a "hmmmm, I should get to know some fellow transwomen personally, any others in my area?"
it's explored more in the game, but they met through jodie! claire and jodie are both from the mainland--jodie moved to greenridge first after she graduated high school for reasons that are explained in the game, and then claire moved in with her a couple years later and met everyone else through her
idk if this is spoilers but how did each party member realize their sexuality? i just love hearing the little tidbits of info about their identities and backgrounds.
in the demo melody says allison's known she was gay since middle school. i'm not sure if there's much of a story there, allison just figured out that she was never going to start liking boys but that she did, in fact, like girls
melody took a bit longer to figure herself out, but she's bi with a strong preference for girls, so i think she just kind of knew that she was attracted to people regardless of gender and that she just happened to be much, much more easily drawn to girls. that said, before she realized she was trans at age 15 or 16, melody was like "well, allison is a lesbian and i am not a girl, so i could never date her," and wrote off the possibility that her feelings for allison were romantic. even after she came out and started transitioning, it took her a long time to consciously reassess her feelings
similarly, i think claire struggled for a while as a trans lesbian. she'd find girls attractive, but not quite know how much of that was "i wanna date her" and how much was "i wanna look like her." i could dive a little deeper but i think that might encroach on spoiler territory
as for jodie, i think it was less a case of her finding other girls attractive and more that sapphic girls around her age kept finding HER attractive and she was like "oh wait, this is... good actually? i like this?"
So does Paula actually not like Allison? Paula's huge and amazing btw
you ever have a coworker or classmate where you're like "oh man, they're so annoying," but you still hang out with them at work/school because it's someone to talk to while you're stuck there? it's like that. honestly though, it's mostly just that paula thinks she "tells it like it is," and that if allison would just listen to her she'd be better off 
which of the SLARPG gals is most likely to enjoy prog rock music? Claire seems like a good candidate given her non-standard time signature theme song
oh you know claire's crazy about prog rock lol. allison would probably appreciate it too, just to a somewhat lesser extent
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
why people do women wrong? it's always the man that gets good. I mean: Pansy Parkinson-no development. Still evil bully Claudia-turn bad, no redemption Azula-from bad to worse, no redemption. Only regina and kuvira have a redemption (kuvira does not deserve it) The others stay bad, insignificant. // From bad to good,redemption. Draco Zuko Soren What i learned is that women are worse than men. Do you know what I mean...
This one is a little tricky for me to answer because I’m not sure if I agree or disagree. I’ve seen a lot of media where the female characters are treated awesome (I’m thinking of the heavy girl power shows; Winx, W.i.t.c.h., Totally Spies, KP, etc.) But then there are some where the treatment isn’t so great. I can see why you’d say so but I think I kind of lean more towards saying that it isn’t a gender issue so much as I have a habit of latching onto and getting attached to characters that aren’t particularly well liked by the creators and/or fandom.
The reason I don’t think that this is a gender issues is because we do have characters like Regina and Kuvira (personally I do think that she deserved it, I’m a rather staunch Kuvira supporter lol) are proof of that. We also have Shego  from KP (who in the very final episode, if I remember right) ended up having a hand in saving the world. She and Drakken ended up getting an award for it (again it’s been a while since I’ve watched that tho so I could be wrong). Regardless she was pretty consistently humanized throughout, and sometimes shown in a more positive light. More recently, Icy from Winx finally got a backstory that painted her in a more sympathetic light. Pretty sure she also helped the good guys in the finale (it was kinda unclear because I watched the Italian version and I don’t speak Italian). This was particularly astounding to me because up until then the writer seemed to really not like her lol. And of course we have Regina who has, what I think, is one of the most amazing redemption arcs out there. Her sister got a redemption too and so did Ursula and Maleficent. Anastasia got one. In season 7, Cinderella’s step mom got one. Even Cora got a little redemption arc and she was one of the meanest bitches int show lol. Say what you will about Once, but a good lot of their female villains turned good (and if they didn’t they were humanized). And then there’s Kuvira who also got a redemption, even if the execution was somewhat rushed.  Acxa is also a good example. Again, say what you will about Voltron, but Acxa, Zethrid, and Ezor all got receptions and ended up fighting for the good side. There were even scrapped plans to make her the pilot of the yellow lion. Hell, Haggar got some humanization at the very end. She was eventually portrayed as a woman who just wanted to be reunited with her son. 
So I think that there are many examples of shows where the females (and female villains) are treated well. Enough of them, at least for me, to safely say that I don’t think it’s a gender thing.
At the same time characters like Azula and Isabella are the reason why I can see why you’d say female characters are done dirty. Azula especially seems to get poor treatment even from the authors when her situation is very similar to Zuko’s and literally every other character gets sympathy by the gallon. But tbh I think that it’s more of the fandoms than the creators. I’ve noticed that with Isabella, for example, her brother, Guy, gets a lot of love and sympathy and everyone seems to love him. No hate on Guy, because I like him too. But Isabella is an abuse and an (implied) rape survivor. And she went from good to evil to good again and then back to evil where she stayed and died. It has been a while since I’ve interacted with that fandom, but I know that back when it first came out, everyone hated her and there was like no sympathy for her even when she was good. I think that it’s because they saw her as a replacement for Marian and so they did that ship war thing where they hated her for getting in the way or whatever. I’ve actually stumbled upon an outright hate fic or two about her. 
Regina also got so much hate from the fandom. I’ve noticed that a lot of people liked to praise Hook and excuse a lot of what he did, but they’d constantly demonize Regina for similar stuff. Like before her redemption the fandom (at least the portion I talked to) hate this hate boner for her and would constantly shit talk her at every opportunity. Back when I fought everyone who disagreed with me I remember constantly getting into it with a handful of Rumple fans who would hate on Regina for being a killer while simultaneously dismissing and justifying the murders Rumple committed???? 
Azula, I feel, has become the fandom’s punching back. She and Zuko both have the same father and were exposed to abuse from him. Different kinds, but still abuse. They were both kids. But for some reason Zuko’s negative actions (as a result of his abuse) tend to get swept under the rug while Azula’s are always discussed. I think that it has a lot to do with that Zuko did get his redemption. But at the same time I’ve noticed quite a few people justifying some of the bad things he did in the past while knocking Azula for doing bad things. 
I also think that it might have  to do with Azula being realistic. I know a lot of people who say that they see people they don’t like in Azula and for that they can’t like her. Which is fair enough. I have a few characters that I don’t like because they remind me of people I don’t like. 
As for Claudia and Soren; I’m not caught up with DP. But I feel like Claudia is going to be redeemed. I think that Aaron might be treating her as Azula but with a redemption. But I’m also kind of skeptical because there’s speculation that he was lying about the whole ‘plans for an Azula redemption’ thing, which is a whole other matter that I’m not even going to get into right now. I think that with DP we’re just gonna have to wait and see how Claudia is handled. 
Bottom line I feel like fandoms tend to be harder on female villains than male villains. I don’t think that its necessarily the writers. And even then I’m not quite convinced that it is simply because they are female, because I have seen quite a few female villains get lots of love from the fandoms. And despite it all, Azula does get sympathy from the fandom and I’ve seen several people who don’t particularly like her, say that they at least feel bad for her. I think that it’s just kind of easier to pay attention to the hate than it is the the love sometimes. Because one unkind comment tends to just really stick out among positive ones. Hateful comments also tend to have more of an impact than kinder ones. 
TL;DR While I can see why you’d say that female character are done wrong, I think that I lean more towards it not being a gender issue. I think that there are many factors as to why certain female characters get less sympathy while others get more. I hope all of the above made sense. 
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sambashua · 7 years
questions tag
I was tagged by the cutest sweetheart @shinwrons​ aka my fave penta stan thanks for tagging me mariah:D
What are your five favorite songs from your bias group?
as most peeps well know, my bg is SEVENTEEN TEEN TEEN and ugh i love all their songs so much this is a real struggle but i think Pretty U, Beautiful, NO F.U.N, Healing and Fronting are the ones I listen to most consistently ??? (this was my biggest struggle in my 19 years idk man i like all their songs listen to them all)
What are your five favorite songs (kpop) not from your bias group?
Well this is even more difficult but I’ll list some I’ve been listening to a lot recently bc I am super indecisive: Blackout by VIXX (bc i finally added it to my playlist thanks to cass), CAMO by BoA (dude this song is so good i’ve listened to it so much she is my queen), Running 2 U by NCT127 (ah this song is so lit by i wish it was longer tbh), Happy by WJSN (i go so hard to this song) and You Smile by ASTRO (this might be my favorite astro song ever idk i just love it so so much like i love baby a lot but 10/10 shoulda been their title imo)
(um okay so i can’t just put five bc i’m a ho so imma do another five girl groups and five boy groups and these are the ones i listen to a lot not just recently more like long-time faves idk) (also this is so much ya don’t gotta read this i just get eggcited abt music)
Why So Lonely by The Wonder Girls (this was one of my first favorite gg songs after mamamoo and hyuna and stuff so it holds a v special place in my hort and i used to watch the dance practice on repeat that whole summer lol i miss them now i’m crying), Like a Cat/Heart Attack by AOA (ugh i can’t choose between these songs i listen to both all the time i just love aoa and i hope choa rests well and gets better) (also have you seen the dp where they dance in cat onsies honestly iconic), Rollin’ by Brave Girls (the mv is trash but the dance is lit like how much thigh power do they possess i’ve tried and i can barely do it for one chorus like ?? but support them pls also deepened and yoohoo are jams ugh), Why by Taeyeon (aka the loml) and Free Somebody by Luna (aka the second loml) (oops also coloring book by oh my girl)
All In/Need U by Monsta X (i listen to these alllll the time), Heartbreaker by NCT 127 (AH I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH), Wake Me Up by B.A.P (jam of the century), Chained Up by VIXX (who doesn’t love this song tho) and Sherlock by SHINee (hoo hoo hoo what’s better than shinee’s back badadadadada)
What are your five favorite non-kpop songs?
I’ll just list my favorite song for my five favorite western artists! Falling by Florence & the Machine (but flo is my all time favorite artist ever and i love every single song she has ever released she is a musical genius), My Body Is a Cage by Arcade Fire, 4u by Blackbear, Woman by the 1975 and All You Are Is History by State Champs wait also My Brother Taught Me How to Swim by Passion Pit (ah i love all their songs so much) AH SHOOT also Still by The Japanese House okay that’s all~
Who is your bias and why do you like them?
hmmmm well idk abt you but i just hate jeon wonwoo what a gross nerd who reads a bunch o books and makes dumb puns and laughs unnecessarily hard at the pain of others and is generally very violent w skinship and can’t eat seafood and is wayyyy overconfident and always hides his hands if he’s wearing long sleeves and is generally very shy and introverted and is afraid of dogs and cried at me before you and thinks he’s the best gamer in the world and has the dorkiest,  most adorable smile where his nose crinkles up and wow how gross don’t like him at all idk what to say
What do you usually wear for winter/autumn/spring/summer? What’s your “style”?
ahhh mariah i totally agree w you~~ my ‘style’ is just generally comfy lol usually i wear leggings and a t-shirt tbh but my job requires me to wear real pants rip so for work i usually wear jeans and an okay shirt ? my staple piece is long sleeve t-shirts tho i wear them all the time even in summer here it gets p hot but if i can i wear log sleeves and pants bc i’m crazy apparently. i like sweaters a lot too and jeans but idk i’m just so lazy when it comes to fashion help me
For your bias group, what was your favorite hair style/era for each member?
um this is illegal ugh okay 
scoops~ either nice era or last summer for kcon ny w his grey/silver hair i mean come onnnnn
hannie~ ummm his is difficult bc he’s def had the most range w his hair... but i’m gonna have to say pretty u era bc ?? i liked it so much but i feel like a lot of people didn’t?? he looks good w any hair tho tbh (also to clarify i do not mean the extensions bc those were low key cursed just his bob okay)
jun~ okay i seem super nice era biased?? but surprisingly i really loved his blonde hair i thought the styling was good and the HEADBAND yes but also boom boom era was iconic bye
hosh~ well hosh legit always looks good rip but i think i really loved pretty u (all the hats were so blessed) and boom boom eras! his light hair for mansae and the light blue/silver were also frickin bomb af but i generally prefer dark hair~
wonu~ i think i talked abt this before but i reallyyyyyyyy loved pretty u/shining diamonds concert ugh also ofd1 (shoot i can’t find any pics but it was basically this but softer or award shows 2016 ah plz he always looks good tho and his hair rn is so good too ugh it’s like ofd reminiscent (i had 400 tabs open for this i h8 me self)
jihoon~ wow okay def nice era once again! damn i shoulda just say nice era for everyone and called it a day rip but also come on adore u era was everyone’s fave fight me HA FOUND A POST WHICH COMPARES THE ERAS WOW BLESSED
dokyumie~ my fave for him was for sureeee adore u era! normally i prefer bangs but seokmin is one of a few boys who i actually prefer his hair up ???
gyu~ as expected probably pretty u era! he just looked like such a soft puppy LIKE HE SHOULD!! but damn his black hair is so good too bye
hao~ he is always the cutest lbr but he looked incredibleee w his silver hair for highlight and also pretty u bc i am such a ho for brown hair why
boo~ honey blonde boo is such a blessing but he looked so cute for adore u too how it was styled up a bit AND ALSO MANSAE OR NICE W THE RED BROWN COLOR ICONIC AND ROSE QUARTZ BOO IT WAS TOO SHORT LIVED
bernonnie~ high key anything after mansae era destroys my life but i’ll say pretty u just bc he looked so young and cute ahjgka but i mean nice, boom boom and dwc are illegally good too so (look how softtttt)
chan~ p r e t t y u just bc that’s when my son started to grow up cry also his hair before that era was so endlessly tragic why pledis (boom boom was also v v good tho)
How did you “discover” kpop and how did you discover vixx?
okay i was like why vixx bc i didn’t realize someone else wrote this lol but kpop in general i found through youtubers yes yes and i was like wow dope then i only listened to bts for a couple months and here i am now (you can find a more detailed synopsis in basically any questions tag i’ve done if you haven’t seen it by now lol) BUT WOW VIXX HOW INTERESTING OKAY so i liked chained up and dynamite ya know back in the early days of my kpop career so like early 2016 i think then that spring/summer 2016 i was like okay i like bts and svt but i know there’s more out there *clenches fist* so i set out on the yt channel learnkpopnameswithme (?) and i saw vixx and was like wow cool i know a bit abt them and i watched a couple and i think i saw error and was like hollup this is too damn intense bye so i still listened to their music and stuff but i thought there were unattractive and i hated ken (I AM SO SORRY I LOVE HIM NOW IT’S OKAY) but i think when milky way mv came out i was like wow how good and pure! and then a month or two ago i really started watching more of them and their variety lol. but in conclusion i’ve known their names for forever but i was like not into them much haaaa sorry
What does your phone case look like?
it’s this sparkly grey case that’s half clear and looks like mountains/waves/granite/??? depending on who you ask but everyone asks me if it’s broken smh
Do you normally browse tumblr on your phone or on pc?
usually phone unless i’m already on my computer ?? or if i’m writing a post ? like i’m on my laptop now so
How are you doing? Got any plans for the day/night?
doing greatttttt when i started writing this it was my birthday so i was like yay i have plans but now i kinda don’t lol rip
i’m only gonna tag people i’m close ish with?? bc i can’t come up w any different questions and these are p good! @king-hao @kyungminie @yooncheoly @atshinee @hoshi-ssi @jungnoir @moonhyook @s-lay-ing@everyonesabiaswrecker @taeismyking @honestlay ofc only do this if you want but i’d like to see your guy’s answers
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