#I’m like how dare you interact with the things I’ve put readily available online
I forget that other people can see what I post on social media and I freak out when others interact with my posts.
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billtrotter · 7 years
The link above is to an online, interactive map I first created in 2013 while researching mansions on Mount Desert Island, and have been curating (i.e., updating) consistently ever since.
Now that it has gotten more than a quarter million views (as of Sept. 2020) I figured it would be worth writing up something that explains how I go about updating the map, and what sort of issues, impressions, or information I’ve come across while doing so.
But first I want to explain my motivation in making the map, which essentially is a geographical list. It is not intended to be a “lifestyles of the rich & famous” sort of thing, even though that is one inescapable aspect of it.
Maine predominantly is a rural state with a low ratio of wealthy residents but its scenery attracts many very wealthy people from out of state who, either simply by paying property taxes or by also employing local people and helping to fund local institutions, have a significant impact on the communities where they spend their vacation time. Mainers cherish their privacy and afford these seasonal residents a lot of it, which is fair and appropriate, but given the impact these mansion owners can have on these small towns, there is legitimate public interest in knowing, to an extent, who they are and what kind of backgrounds they have.
I’m also motivated by my enjoyment of maps and of zooming in and exploring places with Google’s satellite imagery.
Plus, some of the houses themselves I find to be appealing, though I’m not much of an architecture buff. Some of them, on the other hand, are kind of ugly (imho). Others are notable for their size or location, and others still have modern and daring designs that make them stand out in stark contrast to their neighbors or surrounding landscape. Some of the houses themselves have histories that are worth noting.
Some of them are quite visible from public vantage points, and others are tucked away and difficult to get a first-hand glimpse of unless you saunter up the driveway (something I won’t do and don’t recommend) or, in many cases, have the use of a boat. Google’s satellite imagery, obviously, has made getting an aerial view of these mansions a lot easier than it used to be.
What’s more, there are a lot of them, especially along the coast-- too many, frankly, to tag and identify them all. There has to be criteria for which properties get listed, lest the map turn into heaping pile of overlapping colored stars and pop-up windows, many of which may contain very little worthwhile information.
Luckily, not all “mansions” are created equal, which is reflected in the color-coded scheme of stars I’ve employed to tag the properties:
White stars = properties with estimated values of less than $1 million.
Yellow stars = from $1 million up to $3 million.
Orange stars = from $3 million up to $5 million
Red stars = from $5 million up to $10 million.
Purple stars = $10 million and above.
Some of the mansions are big and expensive by anyone’s standard -- Robert Greenhill’s mansion overlooking northern Moosehead Lake and Dick Wolf’s mansion in Seal Harbor on MDI come to mind -- while others might stand out in their local communities but don’t come close to rivaling large, luxury homes elsewhere in the state.
This is why I have tagged so few properties in Washington County, in far eastern coastal Maine, which is considered one of the state’s poorest counties even though it has some of its most beautiful coastal scenery. Simply put, there are very few (if any) big, luxury houses there (which I am sure many local residents would say is a good thing).
Usually I can find the estimated value of a house by looking up municipal (or state) property tax assessments online or, if they are for sale, by finding the list price on real estate websites. Size I don’t really consider, though frequently there is close correlation between how big a house is and how much it is worth. But if I found a really small house worth, say, $2 million, I would probably tag it because it would be pretty unusual.
The extent of assessing information available online varies greatly from town to town, which is why details provided on the map can be inconsistent from one town to the next. Some towns provide only acreage and land and building values, while others also provide the year the house was built, square footage, the number of bedrooms and bathroom and even exterior photographs. All online assessing information includes the name of the owner, be it the name of a person or a private LLC.
Some towns don’t provide any assessing information online at all. Friendship, Sorrento and Islesboro are examples of towns that do not. All four of these coastal towns have expensive, seasonal waterfront homes, however, and in the case of Islesboro some of them clearly are qualified to be listed among the most exclusive summer estates in Maine. For Islesboro (which I hope to visit at some point so I can look though the town’s public paper assessing records), I’ve made rough guesses based on local real estate listings or by doing quick comparisons with other similar oceanfront homes elsewhere in the state.
I try not to tag houses with an estimated value less than $1 million, though I do make some exceptions. Private ocean islands have unusual appeal, so I might identify some that have houses, especially if the islands are for sale, even though they might be listed for less than $1 million. I also make exceptions for well-known Mainers such as former Gov. John McKernan, who co-owns a summer house at Hancock Point near Ellsworth, and for UFC founder Dana White, who grew up in Hermon and owns a modest property in Levant.
I also take into consideration where in Maine the property is located. It seems every other shorefront home in Northeast Harbor and neighboring Seal Harbor on MDI is worth at least $2 million, so I try to list only the more expensive ones or those with interesting information about them or their owners that I can find online. This same higher standard applies to the high-end communities of Prouts Neck in Scarborough, Biddeford Pool, Camden and Rockport, and maybe one or two other coastal towns.  
Conversely, inland towns have much fewer mansions, so any big house away from the coast that is worth $1 million or more is much more likely to get tagged than a house of the same value on the coast. The exception to that rule would be Washington County, where I have yet to find any luxury oceanfront house worth more than $1 million.
If the house (not just the land) seems valuable enough to tag on the map, I’ll try to find out who the owner is. Often it is easy -- sometimes surprisingly so -- but often it is not. In the case of properties with an LLC as the listed owner, it can take a lot of effort to try to track down other verifying information online, usually in the form of news reports, court filings, or business information. Sometimes those efforts come up empty.
My strong preference is to find out the name of the person or persons who actually own the mansion and to find basic information about how they came by their wealth. If I can find these things, I’ll include links in the pop-up window for that property to news reports or web pages that have information about the owners.
Sometimes I will tag a luxury home even if I cannot find out or verify who the owners are, but the house itself has to be striking or interesting enough on its own merits without having to know to whom it belongs. In these cases, I make sure to provide links to information about the actual house, such as real estate listings, photos and descriptions on architect websites, or articles from architecture or home and lifestyle-focused publications.
One such example of this is modern house in Camden owned by Toriko LLC which features a highly unusual design in which two parts of the house are connected by a long indoor, single-lane-width swimming pool. Evergreen Estate in Greenville, which comes with a surrounding private 9-hole golf course, is another.
One last thing: I want to stress that all the information posted about properties identified on the map is readily and legally available to the public, either from the government entities that assess property taxes or from media reports, public real estate listings, court documents, and the like. I have found some things online about people or properties that I do not fully trust to be accurate or appropriate and which, as a result, I will not provide links to, on the map or anywhere else. All of the information posted with the map, including links, is provided with the intent of being objective, fair and impartial.
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