#I’m just really gay you guys
ratcorner · 2 years
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[ID. A digital painting of the Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared protagonists falling into a convoluted spiral. In the center are the antagonists, intruding upon the scene. The canvas is crowded with images of the Teachers and the house. End ID.]
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james-p-sullivan · 1 month
okay so in french baguette means wand/rod and it’s not solely used for bread like in english
but even so seeing red call it his ice baguette makes me cry laugh
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thenevarranaccord · 1 month
I’ve decided to bully people who are still in denial about Dumbledore being gay. It’s the only way.
“There is absolutely no textual evidence that Dumbledore was gay, except for his extremely flamboyant behavior and style of dress, his many feminine hobbies, his complete lack of attraction to women, the love letters he wrote to another man, the sexual tension he had with another man, the scandal about his relationship with another man, the time Harry talks to him about his previous relationship with another man and, of course, the multiple times in the latest movie where he says he was in love with another man.”
I think most of you are just dumb.
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klanced · 1 year
[12yo keith is standing in a walmart parking lot holding a rainbow colored balloon and other miscellaneous items]
shiro: wha- is that keith? what is he doing?
adam, deathly serious: takashi he worked super hard on this. so please just play along
shiro: what is ‘this’ supposed to be?
adam: (shhh! he’s coming over here!)
[keith nervously approaches shiro and adam]
keith: ummm... hi shiro
shiro: hi keith :)
keith: happy gay month cuz you know. you’re gay and stuff.
shiro: .. okay. thank you?
[keith hands over the balloon]
keith: i got you this gay balloon cause it’s got all the colors of the rainbow. because it’s gay 
shiro: okay-
[keith starts handing over the other things in his hands]
keith: and i got you skittles because they also have a rainbow on them-
shiro: okay-
keith: and i got you this cookie cake, it says, um
keith: [mumble singing] ‘beee who you areee with yourrr.. priiiide’
shiro: this is for-- pride month-- why did you do this, why are you doing this?
adam: (BE. NICE.)
keith: .. because you’re gay!
shiro: .. okay.
shiro: wow, thank you keith, this is really nice! i’m sorry i didn’t get you anything :(
keith: why would you get me something for pride month?
keith: ?
shiro: keith, this is so thoughtful, thank you! :)
keith: :D
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Steddie going to bed when hellfire sleepover are like an old married couple. Both of them sat up in the double bed, Steve has a roller in his hair and doing the crossword, Eddie with glasses perched on his nose reading up on new dnd concepts. Eddie shouting through the walls when he can hear to kids up late ‘KEEP IT DOWN! YOUR MOM HAS WORK IN THE MORNING’
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Buddie confession scene but it’s just Buck telling Eddie how “Whatta Man” started playing in his head the day they met and Eddie was shirtless
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skyafied · 1 year
hi there! i really liked your heavy redraws and saw you were asking for suggestions so may I ask for a little red Oktoberfest smooch or general fluff? pretty please 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Oh yes yes you absolutely may!! Thank you so much for the request and kind words, I’m so glad you liked them!!! I am shaking you and spinning around rn!! 💥
As for the Red Oktoberfest fluff-
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I think they both express love in their own way!! I love old men yaoi!!! I also managed to dig up this very old WIP, maybe I’ll get around to finishing it sometime :’D
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r0semultiverse · 5 months
Is anyone gonna ship these 2 or do I gotta do it myself?
Looks like I gotta do it myself!
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& this scene too
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There's also Rao holding onto Thief off screen at least twice!
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They literally held hands too!
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Look, even the toys on Amazon have them together, like c'mon now!
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ebonytails · 6 months
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Hiii, I’m currently revamping some of our old pride animal designs :-] i’ll post the LGBTNRD soon! Lots of animals to draw
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parkitaco · 1 month
yes working in food service sucks in many ways but sometimes a jaw droppingly beautiful woman will come in to order and you get to blush and giggle your way thru an interaction w her and this is both a blessing and a curse
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nocentis · 3 months
⚶ ┆ Between his teeth and beneath his nails, an airy fruit light as love is bitten down to the rind. Even with his mouth full of pulp he finds himself desperate for her taste.
A sigh echoed and swallowed, kept locked in his chest like a secret. He held his breath until it burned; savored every hitch and every hum of her sacred song. Each curse spoken like a prayer, like praise; wept like gratitude wrenched raw from the soul — raked clean and spit out like the pit of a cherry. When he's forced to breathe, she is the hallowed riptide, and he would be blessed to drown in her lush.
Ripe as a peach at the crown of her cheeks; soft red flush so sticky sweet. Another of her colors comes to life in his mind. One shade closer to the divine.
⚶ ┆ Woven together like lace under the pale light of a waning moon. He can't be sure where he ends and she begins. She pierces straight through him like he belongs to her, and in some capacity, he knows that he does. There is no room left in his heart for desire of this nature. It has reached its bounds and collapsed inward on itself — a singularity the size of her that takes of these moments and stretches them infinitely, ever deeper, ever denser; inescapable.
Too much would never be enough and yet he counts every falling grain of timesand, tallies them up, and says his Hail Mary's in correspondence. Blessed is he for these hands to hold her, for these eyes to view her, for this mouth to speak her name. Blessed is he for the breath and the bread, the water, the whine.
Under his breath, to no god in particular, he issues his thanks.
"You're still awake." Her voice is strained by the small hours. The calm is sweeping her away and yet she remains afloat, waiting for the rise and fall of his chest to slow before she sinks into sleep. "Your train leaves early. You should rest."
His own voice is gravelly, thick with syrup, when he attempts to quell, "There will be another train. There is always another train."
There is nothing more important than this — her head on his chest and his fingers in her hair, scarlet as the sun's kiss and softer than silk.
She shifts so that she can look at him, and the nightglow catches the honey of her eye. "You should rest," she reiterates, and though she aims to chastise, he can feel her care bleeding through her touch.
"I will," he promises, though he chooses not to specify when. "I'm not ready for tomorrow."
He feels her hum before he hears it. Gentle as a lullaby, it dims his vision, and he finds a brief reprieve inside his eyelids.
"You're ready," she assures, succinct as ever.
"You're right," he concedes through a sigh, "I don't want this to end."
"Then don't end it," she slides her hand into his, weaves their fingers together in an airtight knit, "Water it. Let it grow. Keep it alive while we're apart."
He responds first through a light squeeze, a bit of humor trapped in his chest, and he can't deny that, "There are some things even I can't kill."
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gaylittleguys · 1 year
I hate it when people make posts or whatever like ‘ugh 🙄 I can’t believe I’m a MAN 🤢🤮 I grew up thinking I was woman and women are so great and pretty and I’m just a gross stinky man ew’ like ok. speak for yourself I love being a man it fucking rules. trans masculinity is awesome. you sound like you need to sort those feelings out for yourself dude.
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cover art for a project me and my sibling are writing on!
it’s a crossover fic
Transformers x Bungou Stray Dogs
i add the link Here when the first chapter is finished<3
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lizzibennet · 6 months
one thing since i’ve realized i am a lesbian is i literally don’t pay attention to any man anymore even if i think they’re objectively handsome. all these stills of great looking guys in their slutty breeches and i’m just like my besties are looking great! good for them! I WOULD DIE FOR THE FEMALE CAST! good for my boy ant tho!
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arsoniiii · 5 months
Hi!! Just wanted to mention that I absolutely love your artstyle. It's so cute and round and fluffy and whenever I see it I get this random urge to hug someone. In summary, it's amazing.
that’s so sweet! it makes me happy to know that my art brings you comfort 💕 thank you so much!!
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britcision · 9 months
So this is pretty much what it looks like when I’m world building with the partner
Partner: so I want Evil Tony Stark to have this magic painting of a door that opens into a dark little room to keep my boy in when he’s naughty or inconvenient
Me: oh yes very good. And it’s not like the frame is the door, you open the painting of the door into another dimension
Partner: yeah he’s gotta be able to take it away with him so he can have it on command 😈
Me: okay so how I think this works is he paints the room inside it first to make the interdimensional space, and then paints the door closed over it, so he can paint whatever he wants in the room 🤔
Partner: oh yeah that’s cool, so he can put furniture or a happy little tree in 😋
Me, suddenly vibrating: okay but no he actually paints a Happy Little Tree and it’s just a tree in the corner of this completely dark room that just giggles softly all the time 🫠
Partner: …. And we tell the party as a joke the first time about this old cell the boy was in with a happy lil tree 😏
Me: and then we don’t say anything for like 2 years and then one of them gets put in the dark room and they just hear giggling 🤩
Partner: okay so Evil Tony Stark mostly uses constructs and stuff for servants so we’ll put the Robotery in the basement for those 🤖
Me: okay, and when y’all go back to the abandoned mansion do you want there to be one left behind? 🙂
Partner: fuck yeah and the boy knows all of them he loves little creatures (and the house mimics) 🥰
Me: and since the boy was intentionally left behind, this is probably a construct that was doing something related to him so it’s probably reasonably aesthetic, yea? Like feeding him or dressing him up? 😇
(The boy was being kept as a pet by Evil Tony Stark because he glows for Fey Reasons and was pretty literally a living sculpture for 11 years and they did not exactly worry about the “living” part much)
Partner: yeah, if Evil Tony Stark is gonna see it around it’s gotta be aesthetic ✨
Me: so you find this cute sweet little construct friend and then you go a little further into the room and just see hundreds of partially or fully deconstructed bodies of this exact little guy and most of them are just minorly different aesthetics because Evil Tony Stark just trashes them when he wants a new look
Also one is still just barely alive and that’s because it’s one of the ones with a person’s soul bound to it and they’ve just been cuddling in the dark for months since they were abandoned 🥰
This just happens in the winter okay I become Extremely Fucking Ominous for literally no reason and then it’s Horror Time
Most of our world building is him making cool and interesting places and characters and then me sneaking in sideways like “hey what if they’re also super fucked up 👀”
And to be fair he loves it and he always says yes please and helps me fuck them up more
Anyway we laid the groundwork for Lord Meldacio’s mansion today that the party are gonna get to in a couple weeks and I had so much fun this guy is the fucking bomb
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