#I’m in a very Jevil mood
ematooney · 2 months
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Guys I can fix him guys
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zombvibes · 2 years
aight I gotta deltarune theory and since I got jack shit followers Im sending it in an ask to get it out there and since you got almost as much utdr brainrot as I do your you're the lucky host for my parasite ramblings alright here we go: I don't trust Trashy wait wait hear me out. So looking at the secret bosses so far, we seem to have a theory of abandonment going, right? Spamton's pretty explicit with being an email scammer that no one falls for, and Jevil is the joker card that often gets discarded before a card game starts. So far nothing that the fandom hasn't already figured out, no new ground being broken. Assuming that this trend follows, and knowing Toby's love for recurring themes this is definitely possible, we can expect each of the next bosses to also be abandoned things. Now lets look at Trashy. What is he? Thats right, a trash can. What could possibly be considered more abandoned, more discarded, than literal trash? The very same trash that makes up his stinky stinky innards. Now I know what you might be thinking, this is clearly a coincidence, Trashy is just a silly little joke character made to fit in with his natural environment, a garbage dump. He has a few funny little lines, and then you fuck off and he is left in the trash where he belongs, right? Its not like he does anything strange or suspicious, right? Its not like he has anything about him that makes him unique or notable, right? Right? Well if you said yes, than congratulations because you are wrong. At the end of chapter 2, when you fall into the castle town dark world, normally all the npc's that you recruited all enter the town and become new citizens. However, this doesn't happen during the snowgrave route, where everyone is either too cold or too affraid to join you, except for Queen of course. Oh, and Trashy. He is there. Somehow. Making him one of only two characters that joins castle town no matter what choices you make. The other being the central most plot relevant darkener in chapter 2. His arrival is played off as a joke, but given the general mood for the rest of the route it feels really odd and out of place. Why did Toby decide to randomly throw in a funny joke right after you essentially just finished Deltarunes genocide route? Take it away and the whole scene flows just as well, if not better. No, Toby went out of his way to make sure that we knew Trashy survived Noelles gamer girl moment, and that he was alive and well in castle town, and I for one am deeply suspicious of why. Look, am I saying that Trashy is for certain some sinister mastermind, or a future secret boss? No. But if he does turn out to be important in the future, I fucking called it.
I just wanted to let you know that I woke up to this ask @ 6am (6:00), read it and didn’t register anything. It’s currently 1pm (13:00) and I read it again and I still didn’t register everything but I, at least, understand where you’re coming from. 100% Disagree though.
However, I’m giving you and anyone else who agrees with you full permission to laugh at me in my inbox when Trashy does become important in some way shape or form.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Hey for the fandom ask let’s change a little i’m curious to know what you think of Deltarune characters (& Undertale if no one else ask)
Oh, alright! Yeah, I do not address UTDR all that often despite avidly awaiting Deltarune's completion... This happens when I am into a thing but choose to not interact with the fandom! I will separate the games because even though UT and DR share some characters, even they are slightly differently portrayed.
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
❤Favorite character
This motherfucker is some of the most intimate and personal a character ever got to be for me:
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I was actually so surprised by Literally Everything about him that I needed several days to process his EXISTENCE xD I absolutely love every single line he makes, and I feel strange deep relation to him (not kinnie one, but it feels spiritual). We are just on the same wavelength about being huge l00sers, being cringe but with a unique charisma, having intense mood swings, using weird humour and, of course, the whole 'perceiving the world as a simulation and going insane because of it'... I wish there was a legit term for 'the character I do not kin yet relate to and feel emotions of like they were my own'. I also once had a weird dream about him fusing with me into one entity to get to be 'real' using my human soul, and trust me, that was a whole TRIP for a considerable time. :')
👿Least favorite character
I will have to say Jevil, but this isn't entirely fair... Like I said, I am not ABLE to dislike a fictional character, ESPECIALLY by Toby, but with Jevil it is a love/hate relationship, so he is the only one who can even approach ;-; He is same category as Patches Fromsoft: the 'You have a lot to love about you, but... WHY.' kind of character. xD
💐Comfort character
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Deltarune version of Asgore is THE definition of the soft man. Somewhat lingers with me that in UT timeline he murdered children, but... this just doesn't get to me. After all, most people are capable of terrible atrocities, it is only a matter of whether they meet the conditions that bring it up in them or not. Hehehe...
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
Surprisingly, not Spamton! We are only [[Serious Business Offer]], my [[babygirl]]! Instead, I fucking HAD to have a crush on the hypocritical weather wane bitch ass motherfucker idiot Rouxls Kaard! x_x I still can't justify it to this fucking day. I tend to only like characters that are smart and complex, but I guess his Style TM and charisma alone are irresistible.
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🤝Character you relate to the most
You probably won't believe me, but... Noelle? Yeah, I know, this is very hard to communicate because she is sweet and soft but I am rude and abrasive, to say the least. Nonetheless, I am as far as kinning this character. There is a side of me that is alas not shown very often, however, close friends know of it. Christmas is my favourite holiday, I am very smart and talented but let people use me, I ask too many questions, I have some kindness to me, I am anxious and get startled easily, I am actually easy to push around the closer you are... Heck, sometimes I switch full mode into speaking like her, feeling like her and envisioning myself as her in my mind. x_x
It is a side of me that no longer shows often, nonetheless, it is still alive, like a soft core under a very thick skin. I also started to SERIOUSLY relate to her history after learning of the Snow Grave route.
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🔥Character you think is overrated
I ammmm gonna say, Spamton NEO version! When this character became really popular, it felt as though everyone only cared about his NEO form! Yeah, they are the same character, actually, but it is more about the delivery! If you don't love Spamton at his 'silly super short failing salesman that lives in the trashcan', you don't deserve him at his 'tall cool robot' form!!!!1! /lh
🧨Character you love to hate
Rouxls Kaard again! I know, it is the only DR character that gave me even a semblance of attraction, but I will always bully him for the coward and hypocrite siding with the winning side that he is XD
🙈Character you always forget exists
That one red blob with a face that characters always act around as if that's their friend and someone famous. See, I do not even remember their name! This is how much I forget about them!
🐰Favorite non-human character
Deltarune has only one human character to begin with, so I will use this field as 'favorite unexplored character' instead. Well, I was actually rather fond of Diamond King in my time! Gave him hella headcanons and all that!
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❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
ALL THE KINGS!!!!!!!! Diamond, Heart and Club Kings - because they were just a haha funny cameo with only Diamond King having at least SOME lines. Spade King was handled well enough in the canon, but it was the fandom that gave him pretty bad treatment - from neglecting the nuance of his character to the outright ableism (I am serious). But even fandom aside, Spade King deserved better than having endured an obvious divorce from a rather shallow wife, being abandoned by his Knight and living in the bitterness about how Lightners treated the Darkners. No shit he became an unlikeable person. Like... can anyone treat him nicely?
❤Favorite character
I love them all, but THE favorite got to be Undyne!
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She is already the badass fish girlfriend in the normal timeline, however, her best traits sure get to shine in Merciless Route. Her speech about humans and monsters hearts beating as one just to continue existing absolutely won me over. The coolest character, hands down.
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👿Least favorite character
No such thing, sorry! The closest I can think of is Muffet because unlike other bosses, she is Just There and is doing the smug anime girl moves, but she is still cute! Also I still like spiders ;-;
💐Comfort character
W. D. Gaster + Whatever fandom made out of W. D. Gaster (that mostly comes from interpreting Mystery Man sprite as him). But honestly, this character makes me happy! A mad scientist that accidentally cancelled his own existence and transcended beyond his own plane.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
Stupid motherfucking Mettaton and his pretentious, full of self personality -_- Can you tell yet that I have a type? W. D. Gaster is the close second, however.
🤝Character you relate to the most
Honestly, Papyrus. Almost a kinnie. Again, something hard to explain, because you can see my personality doesn't match, but it is just... the whole 'looser that really wants approval but is THE manifestation of everything that won't make anyone except a few people appreciate him'. He is also silly, that I can relate to. I will turn goddamn full TWENTY SIX in April, but I am still just really silly and naive @_@
🔥Character you think is overrated
I don't know whether I want to say Sans, because he kindaaaaa deserved his popularity... I think it is more about how his potential was overrated. In every Undertale AU, he is the central figure, and like... THIS is my gripe. If you gonna alter universes, why not touch other characters?
🧨Character you love to hate
Mettaton, because he is a huge bitch, actually xd Like, yes, he is very attractive, but I also want to short his circuits and not in the way of a weird euphemism, but in a literal way :( Think of 'I want to strangle him' but in regards of a robot character. Fuck him for abandoning Napstablook and being mean to Alphys when she is clearly struggling with many issues in weird ways :( I still love him tho
🙈Character you always forget exists
Nice Cream guy! Only ever remember about him when he is brought up in his ship with Burgerpants.
🐰Favorite non-human character
Again, Undertale has like... TWO human characters, so I will reverse this point! Picking between All Two of them, I think I like Chara better than Frisk. They invoke so much sympathy, they were the only one who truly understood Asriel (by his OWN admission!), they take lacking trust and bullshit very seriously and were clearly a very strong-willed child.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
The entire Dremurr family, including Chara. I mean... the whole plot sprouts from the tragedy of this family, so I guess this part is a no-brainer. Honorable mention is Alphys in the ending variant where Mettaton becomes the king, because it is heavily implied that she either committed minecraft or simply was in a terrible mental space enough to distance and disappear from society. I am thinking about that timeline every now and then. I even had a lost concept of her trying to run away from everything that fell on her and falling into rift in time, that changed her permanently. A never developed AU because people in a Discord server dissed my overly elaborate idea :(
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Thank you for the ask though! I don't get to talk about UTDR side of me all that often, despite how much it means for me!
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flowery-king · 2 years
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I had a day off from collage work and decided I'm in the mood to design the Jester boi we all love :>
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[Here's the entire sketch page of me figuring out how I wanted him to look!]
1) Jevil is an entity of pure chaos, however he does not have the ability to affect the world around him (anymore). That won't stop him from breaking the laws of reality when it comes to his own body though. He shapeshifts quite frequently when he talks - often expressing himself by means of contorting his physical body in strange ways. Most of the royalty of the Suits Kingdom is used to this by now - however there are still those who become extremely disturbed by these actions - often leading to a monster fainting. Jevil loves toying with these individuals especially. Their reactions are just so funny - how can he not? He's smaller than most adult monsters (which is still somewhat tall human-wise) - but that doesn't matter since he can just stretch out his body to tower over individuals if he'd like to.
I changed his ears to horns to emphasize more on the devil part of his name - no real reason other than that haha
2) Jevil's wings are actually just an accessory - he doesn't really need them to fly or hover. He doesn't even know that other monsters with wings for functionality actually need to flap them to fly - he just thinks they're being funny. Sometimes he'll spread them open for dramatic flair or use them for emoting (like those rare times he gets startled) but mostly he just keeps them wrapped around himself as a makeshift cloak of sorts. He has bells attached to him almost EVERYWHERE - and yet you still don't hear him when he sneaks up on you. He's only heard when he wants to be heard.
3) Jevil is very much acquainted with Gaster - he is the monster that helped him escape the restraints he had over his powers after all, finally able to effect the word around him with his chaos magic as much as he did to himself - and yet he still insists on being an asshole. How rude.
4) Jevil is able to do whatever he wants to do now after being let out from his cell - and yet instead of shattering the concept of reality into liquorice flavoured pieces - he instead decides to tag along with a human child on their quest to help the Darkners form peace with the Lightners once more. He thinks it's a very amusing goal to have and would like to see how they would go about doing so (boredom will do that to anyone). Plus - the human child's got some chaos magic of their own radiating off of them somehow - so he's enjoying the vibe.
I've decided to name the AU the Rae-verse since Reagan is somewhat the main character I'm gonna be focusing on story wise :3
Feel free to ask any questions if you have any about the AU :D!
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sn0wgr4ve · 2 years
* cracks knuckles. time for an influx of skelebro headcanons
* some are just sans, some are just papyrus, but i’m gonna try n make ‘em mostly both
* this is more of a general headcanon, but monsters are super fucking tall. sans, being one of if not THE shortest adult, stands at 8’2, with frisk being almost half his height (4’2)! which would make papyrus roughly 9’8
* sans and papyrus have similar “body” types, and with sans loving baggy clothes, they end up “borrowing” each other’s clothes a lot. though papyrus has willingly given sans a hoodie or two
* hee hoo pride time. they, coincidentally have similar identities. they’re both agender, with sans being transmasc, aroace, and gay, and papyrus being tramsfem, aroflux, and gay. they’re proud of it
* sans is absolutely fucking unhinged around papyrus (+ jevil and alphys). like if you see the two of them alone sans would act like a completely different person
* sans started drinking ketchup to gross out papyrus, but it ended up just becoming second nature
* on the above note, sans probably eats a lot of weird shit for the same effect. ketchup in ice cream, chocolate syrup on sushi, mustard and relish on a brownie, basically anything he could think of that would make someone die inside. i feel like he’d try my death cereal…
* despite his horrible food combos, sans is actually a pretty good chef and baker. he does end up having try try a couple recipes multiple times, but when he perfects it, it comes out pretty amazing. i like to think he started teaching papyrus and undyne so they wouldn’t fuckin burn undyne’s house down (…again.)
* papyrus is slightly british. sans isn’t. papyrus is for some reason. and he pronounces sans like “sah-ns”. it makes sans wanna scream every time, but he’s good at hiding it
* sans used to bite his friends and family affectionately. but way too hard. he accidentally killed the nerves of one of chara’s fingers. he stopped biting anyone but papyrus after that
* sans can probably hold up papyrus with one arm. and will throw him if he makes a snarky comment
* sans and papyrus have two moods. extremely fucking unhinged, or very sweet and loving. this applies to everyone
* sans and papyrus inspire/influence each other a lot more than either of them think. for example, i can see sans starting to bake to cheer papyrus up, so papyrus wanted to start to cook!
* the “papy” nickname became a thing as sans tried to cheer papyrus up by making him laugh. it worked! but the nickname isn’t really used all that often, so it can keep that cheery effect
* on the flip side, papyrus used to call sans “sansy” to annoy the hell out of him
* sans and papyrus aren’t that far apart in age, only a couple of months because of some weird skeleton logic. however, papyrus already outgrew sans when they were toddlers and sans never forgave him
* sans, papyrus, and alphys had gameboy pokemon games that matched. pokemon blue, pokemon red, pokemon yellow. sans found all the games and gave red to papyrus and yellow to alphys. he was proud of his joke. papyrus was not amused however
* sans and papyrus share a lot of interests, but don’t usually share such to most people. mostly because they both like mlp and papyrus wants to appear tougher (spoilers: it doesn’t really work)
* sans wears a black sweater under a white t-shirt. he wanted to slightly match with papyrus’s battle body
* sans taught papyrus the piano. he was surprised papyrus wanted to learn such a stereotypically calm instrument, but he was happy to teach him and just spend time with him
* papyrus made sans’s current/main/comfort hoodie! think the fangamer one. sans face on the zipper and all. he made it for sans and sans got attached to it for Decades
* sand and papyrus are both pretty good artists. papyrus is confirmed, as he painted the cliff/bridge in the room before snowdin town, but i like to think sans is a hobbyist comic artist (heheh.)
* relating to the above one, sans and papyrus like to watch each other paint. not for any real reason either, they just kinda. watch them do their painting thing. maybe ‘cause it’s relaxing
* sans and papyrus have very nice singing voices. i think sans used to sing papyrus to sleep. probably still does when he has bad days
* i think sans unofficially adopts anyone possible. he probably mentally adopted frisk his first look at them. you’re his friend and you show even the slightest bit of care? bam, now you’re his sibling or child
* sans has a plushie collection. this is just straight up projection. i can’t even hide it. i have spent likely $500+ on plushies. i can’t help but feel like he’d do the same. listen, the cute pokemon and utdr plushies got to me. i just cannot resist their cute tiny little faces
* sans is a major cat person. it just makes sense. i can see him falling asleep by a cat, solely out of love for said cat. even if he’s never seen the cat before them. meanwhile, papyrus likes snakes
* sans drinks monster for the “monster for a monster! :)” joke, and for the taste. like a weirdo /aff
* papyrus probably eats pennies
* sans and papyrus stargaze a lot when on the surface, and sans ends up ranting a nerdy scientific rant. papyrus does genuinely listen, he just usually doesn’t have anything to add or comment. sans thought otherwise until papyrus told undyne about how black holes formed. he was a very proud and happy big bro that day
* they’re both suckers for romance songs, despite neither being all that interested in a relationship (- jevil for sans. tee hee.) though, sans can’t see “just the two of us” as a romance song. he just sees it as him and papyrus comforting each other through the worst of it
* when playing ddlc for the first time, papyrus compared sayori to sans. sans, knowing what happens, just cringed and sighed to himself
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i replayed deltarune chapter 2 for a refresher this past week and if you’ll excuse me for being earnest for a second here something that i think toby fox is really really good at is framing things so that the mood of the situation is exactly what he wants it to be.
on the one hand, this manifests itself as pinning silly circumstances on threatening characters (like undyne accidentally setting her own house on fire and making funny faces during her battle or all of mettaton’s deadly game show segments being full of stupid jokes), but on the other hand, it also manifests itself as pinning threatening circumstances on comic relief characters (like sans judging you at the end of all your routes or everything with alphys and the true lab).
the way this phenomenon affects deltarune is fascinating because it’s what gives us stuff like the main antagonist and biggest threat of chapter 2 (queen) being an objectively pretty goofy person that’s clearly genuinely fond of noelle, or gimmicky minor characters like jevil or k round turning out to be tough battlers.
all this to say the whole segment before the fight with spamton neo when kris is in the queen’s basement alone between inserting the disk and susie showing up with ralsei to start the battle proper was for me one of the most genuinely unnerving parts of the game! and i’m very impressed by toby’s ability to take spamton (who up until then had been mostly silly and apparently inconsequential) and, by giving him the barest hint of a history, literally flip him on a dime into something that kris in particular is extremely scared of.
since every detail of spamton’s backstory is never actually laid out (the closest we get is the monologue from the addison, but we don’t know everything because the addison doesn’t either) it becomes a lot easier to match up the pieces with what we know of kris and turn him into a freaky mirror of their situation—the bad end, the worst path, the logical conclusion—which is made all the worse by the fact that he seems to be actively projecting on them, forcing them (and by extension, us) to come to terms with a possible future. it’s a slap in the face for them, a very very real sense of “this could be you”.
the spamton neo fight (and particularly the lead-up) did unironically creep me out a little—i think a lot of it has to do with the dialogue? he just says a lot of bizarre, unnerving shit, that clearly gets under kris’ skin much more than susie and ralsei’s. because susie and ralsei just see some… guy, some weird guy that’s trying to hurt them—kris sees a future THEM and that sticks with you HARD.
we have no clue who actually made spamton the way he is, who he’s actually been on the phone with, but we know exactly who’s manipulating kris—we are. they’re the heart on our chain. and whether kris ends up like spamton or like jevil or like someone else entirely, in the end it’s always going to be our fault.
and that’s what i mean when i say that toby fox is an amazing storyteller. the man doesn’t really take any prisoners. because even knowing all of this—even knowing what you’re doing to kris, how badly you’re scaring them—you want to know what happens next. so you’re still gonna play the game. aren’t you?
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antirealisation · 3 years
Things I am very into: characters Discovering the fundamentally fictional nature of their reality, and this acting as extremely stereotypical, at-times-criticised-as-ableist "went mad from exposure to a cosmic horror."
Because like. #fictive mood, right?
Which I say as if I any examples come to mind beyond Deltarune Chapter 1's Jevil and I suspect this one Chapter 2 character. "Character changéd by such a discovery" is also obviously good but not entirely what I'm thinking of at the moment lmao.
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Heck it-
I’m in a Rouxls Kaard headcanon mood, so uh, I’m just. Infodumping some of my headcanons for Rouxls in my DR AU! Under the cut because HOT DAMN, DO I HAVE WAY TOO FUCKING MANY-(OC included because reasons-)
* Rouxls starts off full on hating Theseus, only really ‘getting along’ with him to appease the king and Lancer.
* He’s never PHYSICALLY harmful towards Theseus(he’s better than that), but he sees Theseus as beneath him, so degredation is commonplace. 
* Ace, or at the VERY LEAST Demisexual.
* He puts on the whole jokey front, but when he gets really badly pissed off, FUCKING RUN.
* You remember Jevil’s boss fight? Yeah. Jevil would be a Cakewalk.
* After a while, though, he starts to enjoy Theseus’ presence.
* He shakes it off as “Merely a teste of mine controle.”, but that’s just denial.
* Lancer keeps bringing up that it may not be just friendship, but Rouxls constantly denies it. 
* The instant realization hits?
* GOD.
* He keeps telling himself that it’s nothing, he just needs to distance himself from Theseus, that his mind was playing tricks on him, THAT HE DIDN’T CARRY THOSE TYPES OF FEELINGS FOR HIM.
* Then Theseus comes in, very clearly having just gotten out of a fight.
* He stops for a moment, unable to register anything going on.
* He hears a snapping noise. Had something broken in the shop? Surely not.
* He’d never been one to typically default to violence, but now, for some reason, he just...
* Felt an urge to find the culprit of the attack and deal with them personally.
* Theseus asks him where he’s going and all he can respond with is a simple “out.”.
* When he gets angry, THE SHAKESPEARE SPEAK DROPS. 
* If he gets too angry or too into a battle, he slowly begins to melt. 
* Mans is a yandere if he gets too attached, change my mind.
* If Lancer is in danger and he just lost a battle, he goes Undyne the Undying mode.
Will add on as I think of more-
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afterthelastreset · 4 years
Rules Of One’s Soul Ch9 A Third Player
(Mak belongs to @wasted-church)
Normally when one was coddled like a child, they would cease to be treated such a way, but right now it felt nice being comforted by the much larger darkner. Even if it was like when he would have to hold Lancer and reassure him of anything. So for now, he wouldn't argue and just be content with the taller cat holding him in his lap like this. The peace and quiet of the sheap helped him to calm his usually overhyped mind, and the softness of the cat was really nice. The two were interrupted by the small pattering of feet and soon enough the small mammal, which he could now clearly see looked like some kind of bat thing from the looks of those weird wings. They held an apologetic look. "I can't find food, but I found these." They held up what looked like dark candy in their hands and offered them to the two. "I found better food." Seam sighed. "You couldn't find anything else other than that?" They shook their head. "And why not?"
"Jevil ate the rest this morning. Everthing except my candy stash. I'aspulled hin at hiding" Seam sighed before patting Rouxls on the back and asking. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to eat nothing but sweets would you?" Rouxls didn't answer but he did grumble and move slightly away from Mak making him chuckle. "I suppose not then." Mak shrugged before plopping themself onto the ground, dropping a few candies in the process, and stuffing their face with a few of them. Seam gave a dry chuckle before leaning back into the couch. Rouxls shifting to lean back into him a bit more which made Seam chuckle a bit. "W-Wouldst thou stoppeth that?" "Stop what? I'm doing nothing but relaxing...And taking care of you of course. Ahahaha." Rouxls narrowed his eyes. "That! S-Stop that I-infernal laughing! Tis nay funny!," he shouted voice cracking. Seam chuckled harder, making his body shake. Rouxls grumbled again and asking, "What doth thou findeth so funny?" "It's not often I find things amusing being a humble shopkeeper and all....But when someone overreacts like you do, I can't help but be amused." "Pardon me?! Overreacting tis nay something I do!" He finally pushed himself from against the taller cat and looked up to face this one eyed menace. He chuckled again at Rouxls already flustered and angry face. Making him flush more. "STOP THAT!!" His voice braking made Seam laugh harder and Rouxls gave a sputter of anger. The duke then tried to push himself from the larger darkner's grip only to have a paw gently wrap around his chest and pull him back to the warmth of the soft cotton. Making him give off a very undignified squeal. He could practically feel his face flush a deep purple as the cat continued to laugh at the now struggling, sputtering duke. His legs kicked out barely missing Mak's head by a couple inches, causing the poor stuffed bat to yelp and duck for cover. More candy scattering to the floor from their hold. Rouxls gave off another squeal when Seam finally managed to set him back securely within his iron-like grip. "Thou art to r-release me this instant! I-I shan't be treated l-like a prisoner b-by a commoner!!" "Funny, funny.~ I always assumed you were more, more of a bigger spoon.~" The sudden voice made Rouxls snap up immediately and give out a tiny squeak at the sudden appearance of the floating menace just a little ways from them. He immediately felt his pupils shrink and out of instinct, he leaned away from the smiling imp against Seam's chest. Jevil titled his head curiously, taking in the strange sight before him. Seam slowly cleared his throat gaining Jevil's attention. "Jevil. There's something I need to talk to you about-" "I don't suppose, suppose it has something to do with all this?" He gestured towards Seam who was still holding Rouxls but now in a somewhat more slightly protective way. The worm continued to stare directly at Jevil with a not fear but more of a panic in his eyes. This didn't go unnoticed by the imp when he looked back towards him. Fanged smile slightly fading. "...Did I miss, miss something?" "I would say so. But...I think it'd be better if Rouxls had a chance to get up and stretch his legs for a bit." Before anyone could respond Seam slowly began to sit up from the couch, moving his paws to hook under Rouxls's body. The worm gave a surprised noise when Seam moved him into the bridal position before standing up himself. Jevil tilted his head more and rose a brow as to question as to why Seam was holding HIS desired, but Seam gave him a look to say 'Not right now. Later.' Thankfully, Jevil backed off but didn't stray too far from the strange duo, as Seam turned towards the front of his sheap. He had to carefully step over Mak as they scrambled to pick up and eat the candies they spilt earlier from Rouxls's flailing like a fish caught in a net. Rouxl's making a comment about how unhealthy it was for a child to eat anything off the floor. Jevil followed close behind with the same questioning expression. "I can walk on mine own," Rouxls huffed while in Seam's arms, but it seemed the cat ignored his whining. Ounce they were in the front and away from the child, Seam set Rouxls down on his feet. The worn wobbled a bit, getting use back in his legs after sitting on practically a living cushion for the past hour or so, before regaining balance and standing up straight. Seam watched him for a moment before turning to Jevil who was of course staring at Rouxls with a sultry gaze. "Now what has happened to cause the duke, duke to stumble within your humble, humble home and become situated within your ....arms, arms?," he questioned Seam without really looking at him. Seam only answered with a hum before shifting his one eye back towards Rouxls who was busy straightening himself up, before looking over his shoulder at the two. "I...think I can explain. If the duke here doesn't mind me retelling what had happened-" "I simply p-passed out from static shock," Rouxls insisted crossing his arms over his chest like a pouting child, "A-And then I woketh up on thine filthy sofa where that....that thing-" "Mak." "Mak nearly frightened me to death! I shan't hear a-anymore of the matter!" He looked away with a cough, expecting neither to question his authority. ...He should've know by now. "I'm afraid that's not what happened. And you absolutely know it." Seam's answer silenced Rouxls into a blank stare. His button eye spun a few times before he looked back at the eager awaiting jester and sighed. Reaching up a paw to rub through the tuft of fur around his neck. "Don't know how to begin honestly...You might not like the news I bare." "Oh?" Jevil's smile became more strained as he narrowed his eyes slightly. The sight made Rouxls gulp and fail to suppress a shudder. "Hehe. I can't wait to hear the answer, the answer.~ Now what has happened, happened that would hender my mood..mood?" The old cat sighed before reaching up to rub his face. "Well...To be blunt?..... I believe your friend here-" He nodded towards the still duke. "-has a connection towards someone else. He didn't react too kindly to it I'm afraid ." Silence. Jevil blinked and his smile faded completely instantly. He stared at the cat for what seemed like forever before smiling again and giggling a little. Oh, what a joke. Seam's joking habits were still present after all these years. He looked back towards Seam with an expectancy to see him laugh at any moment when he saw through the joke....But he didn't. Instead Seam sighed again and reached a paw up to rub at his temple. What-? He quickly looked towards Rouxls, expecting a similar reaction, but the worm merely blinked that nervous look back at them. His form tense as they awaited the imp"s answer. They didnt wait too long because when Rouxls didnt answer Jevil swiveled his head back to Seam and laughed. "BWAHAHA!! Funny, funny. A good joke, joke to pull so close and so soon to such a wonderful holiday, holiday. You were always such a silly kidder Seam, Seam." Seam stared back and just sighed again. "No, Jevil. Im not kidding. This isn't a joke." Jevil's smile dropped again. His yellow eyes darted over to the still frozen worm who flinched as the yellow pinpricks studied his form. After a short while of just silent studying he again smiled but this time it seemed a little more strained. But only slightly. He chuckled. "Hehe. So a rival player has entered our game of hearts it seems." His tone made Rouxls shiver it held a almost happy aura but underneath was a slight displeasure. Jevil rubbed his clawed hands together and smiled sweetly at Seam. " And just who might this new player that has placed his heart card into, into our game?~ And so, so late too. I've nearly, nearly set down my deck, deck." Neither answered for a moment but Jevil wasn't stupid. He caught the nervous glance the two gave each other before back at him. Rouxls could practically feel the slimey sweat dripping down his face right now. Seam looked much calmer given the current situation but he did use to spend everyday with this lunatic. Surely he would figure out some way to turn this around and lesson the tense air between the three. The cat slowly rose a paw. "Me." Rouxls felt any sanity he had left shatter. Jevil gave a slightly surprised look and rose a brow at the cat's blunt answer. After a few more seconds he broke the silence. "You, you?" "Yep." He finally gave a calm smile. " Haha. To be honest I can't believe it much either. Could've sworn I wouldn't find mine let alone share one. " "Hahaha! Such a chaotic, chaotic dual fate has played against this!" the crazy idiot let off a series of giggles. The duke felt his mouth drop at the whole thing.......Did these two seriously not see how disastrous this was and how they obviously needed to find a solution to this?! Instead these two were talking like they were gambling with cards and he was like some grand prize to be handed over to the winner just like that! NO! He had quite enough of these shenanigans and all this ridiculous talks about how HE should feel and how these two were involved in his life. Quickly his nervous feeling was replaced by a anger and before his brain caught up to hid he shouted- "NO!!" Well the shout certainly caught the other two off guard. It certainly spooked him a bit. All three stood there facing each other and the child bat even stuck their head into the doorway at the sudden shout. Cheeks puffed out with what must' ve been the spilt candies. "....No what, what?" Well there was no going back now was there? Rouxls gave the most professional face he could muster and cleared his throat. "N-No! I will n-not be playing any of thou's 'games' any longer. T-They are not but foolish distractions that hast cost mineself valuable time with mine son and ....and am n-nay intetested in these l-love games!...M-Mine emotions are not a gambling table upon which you can play!" He straightened up his form and huffed. "Calleth me a coward to whom seest it fitting, but I amst forfeiting this playground of fantasies!" "Fantasy, fantasy?!....After what you said to me, me earlier?!" Jevil's face quickly became slightly annoyed. "You cannot, cannot just exit a game once you enter the gamble of life-" "Do you-" A paw quickly came between the two. And Seam turned to the steamed Duke. "-know how soul connections work?" Rouxls scoffed and waved a hand. "Of course. Tis the person whomever thou falleths in love with. Tis soulmate nonsense is beyond tiresome. " The two fell silent again as Seam lowered his paw and Jevil's annoyance left. Replaced with a blank expression. The two shared a silent look and as if reading each other's minds, came to the same understanding that reflected in their faces. Rouxls rose a questioning brow as too say, 'What's going on now?'. "That clears, clears the missing pieces of our puzzle, puzzle. Hehe." "What nonsense art thou mumbling now?" Jevil casually reached around and floated until he slung the arm around a slightly startled Rouxls. And giggled at his expression. "Silly, silly really.~ One cannot play a game they don't understand the rules, rules too. " Rouxls leaned his head away from the gave before reaching up a hand to push the giggling face away before giving Seam a questioning look. The old cat sighed before reaching up to rub his own face. "There's more to souls than just two people falling in love," he mumbled through his paw. "Likest what?" Instead of answering he gestured towards the back room again before turning around and shuffling towards the old room. The duke grumbled something but Jevil's giggles and nudges forward made him cave to the silent command to follow. Mak ducked their head back in as soon as Seam stepped into the doorway shortly followed by the duke and floating jester. And not too later the three were sat upon The couch....Well Rouxls and Jevil shared the couch. Seam was currently nicely seated in a random armchair he summoned up out of nowhere. When the three were somewhat comfortable the cat sighed. "Well then...How shall we start this?" "How about thee part where thou tellest me when this will be resolved?" "When you stop playing, playing the cruel act in the play?~" "Jevil. Please." He giggled and shrugged making him sigh and roll his eye. "Look. It's not an easy thing to explain. ...Even for someone who's seen it quite a couple times in my time. Hehe...But I can try to explain it at all." Rouxls hand a 'go on' motion with his hand and he continued. " Well...Your soul- how do I put this?- calls out to others almost constantly. Like a homing beacon. It just means you eventually find the person you're meant to be with. Mostly with a spark or reaction from each one's soul. And that's what usually people call soulmates." Rouxls blinked before slowly glancing over at Jevil who smiled widely at the worm monster. A....reaction of souls? He felt his ears dropped at the memory of his soul throbbing against his rib cage under Jevil's touch. The feeling of belonging strongly pulsing throughout his entire frame. And then the giant rush of adrenaline from shaking hands with Seam- "W-What a moment. How doth thou explain what hast happened earlier today? I refuse to believe tis was nothing more than static shock." Seam hummed. "Well....There has been rare cases of one having more than one attraction. Hehe. I guess you should count yourself lucky on that part." Rouxls just stared at the smiling cat before looking at Jevil who smiled wider with a purr of all things. "See, see?~ One cannot cheat the game of order, order and chaos- " Rouxls quickly stood up and away from the outstretched hand Jevil held out and gave a desperate look. "N-Now you stopeth that! I-I hath non intetest i-in being the target of thou's games! Doeth eithet of you think about mine say in thine matter?!" "Of course. It's a hard thing to understand at first, Im still trying to wrap these old patches around the idea. Hehe." "That tis nay what I meaneth and t-thou knows it!" Rouxls gave a side glance towards Jevil who giggled and held out his hand towards him. His hand held a pink glow and instantly his pupils shrank. Pink hearts shooting towards him. The day he held his emotions out to her- Rouxls squealed making everyone jump when the Duke held his arms out in a way one would do to shield themselves. The look in his eyes wild. "Nononononono!! No heart! No hearts!" The room went silent for a moment as the frozen jester floated there stunned and still gave that face when a bigger paw gently grabbed his outstretched hand to slowly lower it back down to his side. Seam pulled him back a few inches and gave a sigh before mumbling- "That's the thing I was hoping to talk to you about. But it seems I was a bit too late." A small stumble of footsteps caught their attention and Rouxls slowly backed away towards the doorway. Jevil perked up and reached out for him but yelped when the cat, with surprisingly good speed, latched onto the imp and pulled him back. Rouxls jumped startled and stumbled more. He fell over in the process and fell to the floor with a thud. Quickly picking himself up and scooting back. "I-.....I have my shop t-to t-t-tend to and. ...and. ...And other things!" "W-Wait, wait! I thought you said you didn't fear, fear me!" Nothing. "Rouxls?" The duke said nothing to the pleading yellow eyes and just scrambled out of that room away from the situation fully. "WAIT! COME BACK, BACK!" He pulled against the force holding him- "Jevil, stop! Let him go right now!" Seam's usually calm voice peirced his movements like a knife. "He needs some time to take this all in without you pushing your..uh..affection on him." The imp stopped but gave him a look that reminded him of a kicked puppy. Silence once again was the only speaker for them. Silently he unwrapped his paws from around his body and let him go limp in midair. After a moment the cat sighed and lowered his body back down into the armchair. He was really hoping to talk with Jevil about this before anything like this would happen. But too late I guess. Jevil was always one to just jump and express emotions whenever he felt like it, actually he was pretty predicable once you learnt his personality. But others often mistook his boldness and kept away from him. It would explain the Duke's weird reaction to him now. While Seam could see obvious signs of returning affection from Rouxls, his hesitance was strange. But now at least some peices were falling into place. Jevil stared at his old friend and asked in a voice not suited for him- "Is he....scared, scared of me? Did I do something, something wrong?" One look at the jesters fallen face made him sigh." No. No you didn't. But I was hoping to warn you of our dear friend"s fear of showing emotion." ".....He's afraid of my desire, desire?" "Not exactly..." He scratched his cheek in thought. How should he approuch this? "More so like he"s....erm...Confused and overwhelmed at the amount of attention hes getting right now most likely. You did say he suffered from insomnia?" "Nosleepitis. Yes, yes! And very stick in the mud, mud syndrome." "Well...hehe. I think maybe you should give him a little more space to get used to you." He chuckled. " You might spook him away with your desire flung at him every few seconds." Jevils ears twitched and the imp hummed before leaning forward a little. " Is that a hint of challenge I hear, hear. Old friend?~" Seam chuckled and narrowed his eye slightly. "You know I long since retired from those games. But....Perhaps I have some last few tricks up my sleaves....And its not very often I find someone who nakes me laugh with glee." The smile was back. "BWAHAHA! Are you sure, sure you're ready for me to deal you in, into this game of ours?~ Once you enter, you have to play or risk, risk forfeiting? ~" "Haha. I think this would bring some fun back into my life. Or not. Who knows unless you try? Hehe. And the prize might be worth the wait. " "HAHAHAHA! SEAM, SEAM!! JUST LIKE OLD, OLD TIMES!!" He latched onto his sides and curled into a ball giggling mad. "CHAOS, CHAOS!! FUN, FUN!! A GAME OF SUSPENSE, LOVE, FRIENDS- BETTER THAN A SIMPLE NUMBERS GAME!!" Seam smiled at the proposition. "Well then. May I have permission to be dealt into this game of yours old friend?" He held out his paw. Jevil rubbef his chin clear excitement in his eyes. "Are you certain?~ I have ways, ways of getting my desired checkmate in this event, event?" Seam gave an equally excited look. " Don't be fooled. I just might have a full house to throw down." With a smile. The two crazy fools shook hands. " Hehehe. I look forward to our dance, dance."
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I feel bad for assuming swap Seam was gonna do A Bad Thing now, but I just realized it's really easy to misjudge a character with two dark pits for eyes. Go find one panel zoomed up on the cat's face that isn't the least bit unsettling. (Also the fact that there are MULTIPLE things the cat could've worded better. "The "cleaws" are out"?? [ik all that was on purpose, I'm just saying])
Hahah, yeah!  That was all a part of the plan.  And if you notice, Jevil was real nervous too!  He was expecting it to go south, which only added to the ominous feel.  I’m glad my portrayal worked to put you on edge!
I’d like to take this opportunity to make some points about Swap Seam and drop just a few headcanons!
- Swap Seam has moments of extreme clarity and moments of extreme psychosis.  This can switch on the flip of a dime, which is why so many are very nervous around him.  Naturally, this event happened during a moment of clarity.  Think of it this way- someone with bipolar depression will have moments of extreme highs (super happy or super anxious, or some other intense emotion), and then they’ll have extreme lows (the dip in mood, feeling worthless, feeling more awful than they’ve ever felt.)  Seam had a similar condition, though rather than depression, he dealt with bouts of psychosis.
- Jevil believed in them.  He believed they could push past this.  And he was right in some regards, but with Seam’s lapses, the magician flipped wildly between wanting redemption and wanting to unleash chaos.
- If they had soul traits, Jevil would be a soul of Kindness and Seam would be a soul of Perseverance.
- Seam is actually a bit stronger than Jevil is in terms of magical strength, but because of his mental state, he often has trouble channeling it.
- They clawed their own eyes out when going through a bad bout of psychosis, and was immediately ‘rewarded’ by seeing the world for what it was- a complete mishmash of code.
- Fascinated by this, Seam began trying to stretch their magic to the full extent that they could.  They messed with the code, and it led to disastrous consequences.
- ‘Volunteers’ sawed in half, but it was no trick.  Failed knife-throwings.  Corpses bleached with neon colors.  Bodies that had been half-turned into confetti and half-mutilated.  Like a cat to a mouse, he was drawn in… But then forced to deal with himself and horrified during his moments of clarity.
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fastrainbowdas · 5 years
Fandoms: Inanimate Insanity, DDLC, UnderTale, DeltaRune
Oh jeez, let’s go one by one
Inanimate Insanity
The first character I first fell in love with: Honestly? OJ. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Paintbrush, obviously. In fact, I barely noticed them in the first season. Lol The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Suitcase, I guess. The character I love that everyone else hates: I don’t know if people hate them but... YinYang. I love those two. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Not sure who to put here. I guess Paper? But that’s because we didn’t get much of him. The character I would totally smooch: I don’t like kisses- The character I’d want to be like: Lightbulb... She’s just so happy... The character I’d slap: Cobs. A pairing that I love: I don’t... Know? I’m not really the shipping type. A pairing that I despise: Paintbrush and Fan. They just don’t fit together.
The first character I first fell in love with: Mmmmmmmmmonika The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Monika The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Natsuki. She’s not really my type I guess :P The character I love that everyone else hates: Monika The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Idk, Sayori? The character I would totally smooch: Nope The character I’d want to be like: I’m good thanks (Though, Monika’s world manipulation powers would be cool to have) The character I’d slap: MC... For being such a dumbass lmao A pairing that I love: I’ve seen people ship MC and Sayori and Monika and the player and honestly? Both seem very clever to me lmao A pairing that I despise: Yuri and Natsuki. They hate each other, people, get your shit together
The first character I first fell in love with: Friggin- Sans The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Flowey and Chara The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Frisk??? I don’t care much for them, they kinda don’t have a personality The character I love that everyone else hates: Flowey! The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Sans The character I would totally smooch: No The character I’d want to be like: Idk The character I’d slap: Idk either A pairing that I love: None A pairing that I despise: Sans n Pap, Frisk and Sans. People, please just-
The first character I first fell in love with: Kris!! They’re just a mood lmao The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Jevil! When I first heard about him I thought “Oh god, I’ll hate this guy” but he’s just a chaotic bastard and I just love those The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Rouxls Kaard. I don’t get why people love him so much- The character I love that everyone else hates: I don’t think that exists lmao The character I used to love but don’t any longer: None The character I would totally smooch: No The character I’d want to be like: Eh The character I’d slap: Spade King A pairing that I love: Nothin really A pairing that I despise: I haven’t seen anything bad yet....
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loverboypercy · 5 years
Fool’s Errand
Ship: Ace of Spades (Jevil and Null)
Notes: Platonic, angst
Fic under the cut
Jevil hummed, as he often did down here. It was very boring in his cell - no friends, no chaos, no whispers. Only his own voice to keep him company. His ear twitched as he heard metal steps making their way down the stairs. Certainly not the small prince - who was much faster and lighter. Jevil didn’t stop humming. For Lancer, he often quieted his singing - even if the boy liked it, it could be too much for him someday. Jevil would not extend the same courtesy to a stranger.
The steps came closer, and Jevil closed his eyes and hummed louder, hoping to dissuade them. He wasn’t in a very nice mood today. The footfalls stopped and Jevil calmed his humming, thinking that the person had left.
He was wrong.
“Jevil.” They said, “That was very rude of you.”
Jevil looked over, there across from him stood Null Void. It was strange, they were so much taller now, their form held tightly together rather than the wispy galaxy he was used to. While they still wore the same cloak (the diamonds, clubs and hearts replaced with a repeating spade though) it seemed now they were wearing armor underneath it. They were floating, a few inches off the ground. Jevil grinned.
“Wasn’t aware you’re walking now, now.” Jevil commented, flopping onto his stomach to get a better look at them.
Null rolled their eyes, carefully placing the food in his cell without a word. They turned to leave, and Jevil was caught by surprise. He didn’t want them to leave just yet!
“Wait!” He called out, and they stopped. Familiar wisps began falling from their form. Jevil winced, he needed to think of something, quick, quick!
“Where’s the small prince?”
Null turned back towards him, Jevil fought the urge to grin. They were so easy.
“He’s not coming.” They said, strange voice bouncing off the walls, “You gave him a fright last time. An awful one.”
Jevil blinked. He didn’t think it was that bad - it was only a simple fact! The Prince’s father was dangerous, and it was only a matter of time before the Prince would get hurt.
“He needed to hear, hear.” Jevil replied, uncharacteristically solemn, “The boy could die.”
“You think I’d let that happen?” Null asked. Jevil gasped for air like all of it had been sucked out of the room. The cell in that moment felt much darker than it had been for years, as he felt it creeping closer and closer to his mind -
When suddenly it all pulled back.
Jevil chucked, using the bars to pull himself up and pushing his face against them, “Afraid of what you might see, see?”
Null shook their head, “You are not worth my time.”
“We were friends, Void.” He said, “We worked well together - a wonderful, magnificent team-up!!” He cackled, “Don’t you remember?”
“Notice that use of past tense, Jevil.” They replied sharply.
Jevil rolled his eyes, “You aren’t like Kaard. You are no dog, dog! You know Spades-”
“He’s also Lancer’s father, Jevil.” They said, “And he is our king.”
“He is no king of mine, mine.”
“And that is why you’re here, and I’m up there,” They leaned closer, “protecting them.”
“And are you proud, proud? Groveling in submission to a monster, monster?!” Jevil snarled, his tick getting worse the angrier he got, “He will kill them all, all! Or lock them down here, here, with me, me! Are you going to stand by-”
Null’s form grew, eyes appearing all around him as their body lost all shape, “Jevil,” They snarled, instead of one voice surrounded by whispers it sounded like thousands screaming at once, “I will not let anything happen to them - any of them.”
Jevil’s expression shifted from righteous anger to bitter sadness, “Then why didn’t you protect me?”
The eyes widened, and Null snapped back to normal. He could see a pulsing light beneath their cloak moving quickly - it reminded Jevil of a scared rabbit. Jevil moved away from the bars, curling up in his cell. Null looked confused, scared and most of all sad. They reached out, hand covered by a metal gauntlet, before pulling it back under the protection of their cloak. Null vanished moments later. Jevil sighed. He was about to start humming again when he noticed his food. Curious he wandered over, and saw Null had used their magic to write something in the mush.
“I’m sorry.”
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serafxn-a · 6 years
(( Hey guys. Mun here. I know, I know, I’ve been relatively quiet lately. For... a while now. I should probably give a life update. A bit more of a comprehensive one.
After a simultaneously wild and dull 10 years of my life beginning with university, which included a lot of online and a little offline drama, the end of a 7 year relationship that I’m still kind of reeling over several months onward, and a whole lot of paranoia and health problems both mental and physical... My life situation IRL took a drastic turn and almost brought my online presence to a screeching halt. Around May-June of this year, I moved back in with my parents, got a job at a major UK toy store chain, and have no longer been able to sustain my wild-ass 10am-5am living due to changes in schedule and having major responsibility for the first time in my life. One such responsibility being not keeping my parents awake til fuck knows in the morning, ahaha. And, y’know, actually getting decent sleep before work... (something I’m failing a little at right now,,,)
I’ve got mixed feelings about it, but overall... it’s actually been a pretty positive experience. Being definitively useful, wanted and moreover needed does a lot for one’s self-esteem. Knowing I’m good enough at doing something that people will take my advice, and that I will get called into work for more hours instead of having my hours cut, is kind of a good buzz, even if it’s taken a lot of getting used to and been stressful for my RP life. Not having any friends IRL sucks hard when I can’t talk to my online ones as much but... I’m trying to deal as best I can.
But right now, let’s forget all that. It’s time for me to be sappy, because it’s late at night, I’m sick, and it’s almost Thanksgiving. ))
(( Now, I know I’m not American, so when it comes to Thanksgiving, I don’t go there. I might have humoured a “turkey” dinner of my own for a couple of years just so I wouldn’t be left out. Which I guess might be kinda sad but I prefer to think of it as an act of sentimentality.
And, what can I say? I’m a very sentimental person.
That sentimentality is what leads me to make this post. There’s so many important people I’ve met that I’m grateful for. I’d like to talk about some of them, because I don’t think I should be particularly shy about this. I might not get all of them, because I’m kinda scatterbrained (and at least as of making alterations to this part of the post mid-way through typing it it’s 11:30 and I have to get up at 8).
First off: if you’re in the Sunny Day Café server? You fucking rock! Even if you don’t talk too much in there, your continued support of my first real attempt to run a relatively public RP server is really appreciated. In particular on this front I’d like to thank Rose (blogs: @kxndncss​ @grxxnheart​ @hopxlcss​), Shad (blog: @flapsinhands​) and Ozi (blog: @magicbyhalves​) for helping me with moderating the place. I’ll be the first to admit that my moderation skills are a bit... well, 👋. I’m often not a good judge of situations, and find it difficult to trust my own judgements. It’s something I’m having to learn. So the help is really important to me.
Of course, these three (who I will dedicate more time to in this post later for sure) have also been really helpful with plot stuff. There’s a particular group of people who’ve been helpful with plot stuff, actually, aside from these three, and I’d like to mention them too.
Let’s start with Ziz! (blogs: @unseenbutnotgone​ @seenbutgone​ @unheardanduncaring​ @distastefulblossom​ @setebcs​)
My memory is trash, but I think Ziz and I started talking over Wings wanting to get to know Fin back when he was Sleazy? Because he was getting involved with his son, and of course a good dad would want to make sure his son is in good company. He wasn’t, but Fin grew from that, and I’m thankful for that too, but also I’m thankful for what happened when Fin ended up applying this relearned kindness when Wings’ son was forcibly fused with a corrupt fragment of his.
And then it all went really gay from there, and now they’re married and have spread the gay even further. It’s not even over yet, there’s so much potential for Reset and Fin still and I’m eager to explore it and fit them into this intricate new world that I’ve never really touched on in RP before. And to write with someone as caring, empathetic, funny and smart as Ziz? I’m really honoured. They’re really inspiring to me and I adore RPing with them. They put so much work into their muses, visually and historically and meaningfully and I just... 💋👌 Mwah. Ziz as a writer, and an artist, and as a person too - I look up to them so damn much.
And I definitely cannot mention inspiring people without coming to talk about Rose. She and Ziz were ultimately the reason I started to invest so much in my Gasters, they’ve provided constant encouragement with my writing, I’ve been able to bounce ideas off of them not just for my stories but for theirs too. They’ve been emotionally supportive and emotionally constructive too, which is honestly fantastic. I know I’m someone who has a lot of growing to do. I appreciate that there’s people who’ll stick by me while I’m doing it and help me along.
Rose is such a pleasure to write with. Her prose is utterly gorgeous to read, it feels like seeing the individual threads coming together in a tapestry. Her talent for finding mood music is fantastic and something I honestly aspire to, because mood music for writing or setting a scene is so so important. Her characters are always really well researched and have so much depth to them, and it’s really great seeing her influences because damn she has good taste too. And what’s more, I honestly do look up to Rose, because while her life experiences may not be perfect she’s accomplished a lot of things I would love to accomplish myself. She’s really inspiring to me.
While these are the two folks I talk to most, particularly about RP stuff, there’s a whole gang of bastards I’m thankful for... I’ll have to bullet point these guys because there’s a good few blogs associated with them and I want to try and include all the active/main ones?
Rav - @imbreaking-sans​ @imdespondent-sans​ @mraudio-the-audacious​
Bets - @fellythealphaskeleton​ @xa-eviterx​
Situ - @shadowbirdsitu​ @sourtrout​
Del - @skellie-bean​ @pocketpunk666
Collectively these are people I know I can come to when I need help with things, RP or otherwise, people I can vent to, people I can share experiences with, and people I can laugh with and listen to and just generally hang around and be myself with. Which is kind of really important, especially when I don’t entirely feel like I can be myself IRL still.
Rav honestly has such a good way with words, both when it comes to people and when it comes to prose, and seems wise way beyond her years at times. Her level-headedness has sometimes been a little intimidating to me, but possibly because it’d been a rare quality in people I’d known prior, and something I’m often lacking in myself. I look up to pretty much everyone for different reasons, or sometimes similar ones. Rav is one of these people I look up to, in part because of this level-headedness. (And also because holy shit she’s dealt with so much and still come out on top!!) She’s a lot of fun to write with and a very trustworthy person I’m honoured to call a friend.
I think, if my memory serves me right, when I was really starting to talk to this group as a group - not as it is now, but as it had been, with a few different people there or not there - it was Bets I’d first encountered. And, well, I didn’t make the best first impression, I don’t think... but I like to think it got way better afterwards. Bets is honestly a really fun and wild character whilst simultaneously having that level-headedness I really admire in people? And like, she has wack plotlines (I’m looking at all the Felly stuff especially with fuckin BIRDSCAPE), but it’s so much fun to see them unfold and be a part of them! I consider her one of the comic masters of the group alongside Ziz, and though their styles are fairly different I have a high respect for both of them. And what’s more, I’ve always found Bets super easy to approach, which is invaluable to me as someone who is very shy and unsure of themselves.
While I say Bets was one of the first people in this group that I encountered, but as the group stands now it was actually Situ. Prickly and Fin had this thing going between them that grew into joke-flirting that became actual flirting, because when you do something like that it’s almost certainly going to stop being a joke if you keep doing it. If there’s one thing I’m a sucker for it’s slow burn and these two delivered so wonderfully. Situ has always been super friendly, super eager and super full of enthusiasm! And while I regretfully haven’t always been able to match that, I have always had fun RPing with her. I love her art, her muse designs, and - honestly this might seem out of left field one day could you gimme a hand with my hair? Yours always looks so good!! ... Er, that aside, you’re another really approachable person who I appreciate a lot. (I also admire your muse dedication like holy shit how many blogs do I have now)
I absolutely have to open with the Del paragraph by stating she is fucking hilarious. There’s a reason she’s using the Jevil icon on Discord at the moment; she’s definitely our Joker. I’m legally obligated to state she’s full of beans (it’s funny because the beans are her muses), and I respect her so much for sticking with child muses and RPing them so well when it must be really damn difficult at times. There’s a lot of challenges that come with child muses for sure. Del is also a great listener, an enthusiastic plotter, and an incredibly sweet person. Fun fact: she sent me a plush jackalope a while back and he’s sat by my bedside ever since, receiving cuddles when I needed them most! Another fun fact: she’s usually the person who initiates the “hewwo??” in voice calls. Chaotic alignment as hell.
I’ve talked a lot about a particular group of friends but they aren’t really the only people I interact with... and while the people I interact with regularly has dwindled a little, there’s two people not in this specific group who are still super important to me, who I mentioned earlier, actually.
I’ll mention Shad first - blog linked further up - as someone who I’m really glad I grew closer to? We’d shared a few friend groups but it took a bit for us to really start interacting, and I’m so glad we did. She has a fucking killer sense of humour and it bleeds into her RPing in the best way. Being involved in her plots in any way is freaking awesome, and she’s been super great about getting involved in mine in a way that’s really fleshed them out and given them direction and form. Not to mention she was one of the reasons I got back into Guild Wars 2 and we have such a good time playing together and talking.
I think at least for now the last person and absofuckinlutely not least I’ll talk about is Ozi... whose friendship with me long pre-dates my current blogs, as we started RPing together in the League of Legends community. She’s a really positive influence in my life, and I’m honestly really grateful that she’s stuck by me through our changes in fandom. Seeing her grow and improve as an artist has been an absolute pleasure, and her writing has always delighted me. The development turns she takes are fantastic and really well thought out, and that she can work with so little and make so much is inspiring as all hell. (I’m mostly talking about the amount of work she managed to put into fleshing out Thresh back when we were in the LoL fandom but damn she’s doing such a good job with Shantae in this regard too?? Thresh was just a lot more... bare-bones. Ba dum tsch.)
It’s about now that I’ve run out of steam and it’s past my bed time but I would like to say that this list is by no means exhaustive. There’s a lot of people who have put me on the path I’m on today, some who I may not talk to as much, some I talk to more, some who I don’t talk to anymore at all. Maybe they left my life on a good note, maybe on a bad. But each and every person we meet leaves some kind of mark, however big, however small.
I’m grateful for all the people who’ve not only left kind marks on me, but stayed, too. ))
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awaningcrescent · 6 years
-plops down a computer with Deltarune loaded-
Ayana and Hannah immediately rush to the computer, analyzing how the thing is even functioning. Both start spouting technobabble at each other, trying to discover the answer to the mystery. Kaiden eventually pushes past them. 
“And this is?” He doesn’t seem impressed. Not very, at least. He boots up the game while everyone else starts to crowd around over his shoulder. Even Tuka seems to be getting in on the action, though mainly because there is a working computer. 
Anonymous said to awaningcrescent: Thoughts on Deltarune?
The game progresses at its typical rate, first through the town, then through the class, and finally the entrance to the dark world. Faithfully, Kaiden plays by the rules, though doesn’t get the hang of warning about Suzy. 
A couple hours pass, and everyone was getting into it. Even Tuka was trying to help guide when Kaiden got stuck looking for key pieces. 
A few more hours pass. 
And a few more. 
And a few more. 
The game finally comes to a close. Morningstar seems more upset than usual, and Nysa seems to be freaking out with Ayana, Thanata, and Thalia. 
“Did you see the little spade person???” Nysa grinned, “He’s my favorite!” She bounces in place, excited about the characters and blocking out the ending as best she can. Nysa was not a fan of that. Not one bit. 
“I think those puzzles needed to be better. Rouxl needs to get better at that.” Ayana spoke rather bluntly, making more glances towards the computer. Thanata rolls her eyes. 
“Come on, answer the question so we can relax. What do you think about it?” Thanata looks around. “That goes for all of you.” No one answers, or at least everyone is thinking. Thanata has none of it. She turns and faces Morningstar. “Morningstar. Answer the question.” Said murderer holds back a sneer. 
“Your choices do matter.” A certain amount of venom permeates his voice. Thanata looms over him, making his expression even more angered. “It was decent. I liked Kris. Okay? Answer over, Mistress.” His expression settles back to its normal distaste with the others before looking back at Thanata. She isn’t satisfied… She glares down at him. There will be punishment later. 
“Well, I thought it was an interesting story. That Jevil person I liked.” Thanata grins, “A creature of my own heart. I just wonder where those dark fountains came from…” She seems to get a mischievous glint in her eye…
Thalia immediately interrupts the thought. “I felt… sorry for all the creatures there. It was our fault they kept getting beaten with an ax…. But I thought humans couldn’t use magic. Kris… seemed to be able to. Even if it didn’t say.” 
“There is a deeper riddle to this than we all can see,” Tutoria speaks calmly. “On the subject of choice not mattering, there is only one choice that does: to live or to die.” They stop speaking, leaving the words floating for the others to ponder. However, Kaiden immediately breaks the mood. 
“Whoever thought that little shit was a good idea gets ripped in half.” He seethes quietly, rubbing his hands, “I’m sore from trying to beat that fuck. Sore.” He takes a breath. “It was a challenge though. I appreciate it.” 
“I don’t think any of that was real. Just a figment of a child’s imagination.” Tuka ruins the day once again, though keeps quiet after that. Hannah, on the other hand, jumps right back into the fray of examining the computer. It appears she didn’t pay any attention to the game itself. 
“The music was nice.” She mumbles as she feels the expectant looks fall upon her back. Nysa shakes her head but comes back. 
“I liked the checker! And Lancer! And everyone!” She grins. “I kinda think that the King of spades needs to go in a cage though… too bad we didn’t get to see what happened after the fight…” She droops. “I wanted to say goodbye to everyone.” 
Everyone seems to have a general agreement that the game itself was entertaining, though many seems more impressed with the tech working than anything else. Morningstar remains the most unhappy of all. Perhaps it struck a nerve. 
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