#I’m dying. Wanda just wanting to hang with her friend pls
writteninscarlet · 9 months
♣ Wanda & the Moon Knight system - curveball so that Marlene can look at her friend and just shake her head, and Diatrice giving the WORST advice ;; @marlenexalraune
send ♣ and a ship ;; definitely accepting
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who is the better dancer?
“Let me be arrogant and bold and say myself,” she answered with a laugh in her voice. “I’ve been dancing a long time, and I really enjoy it.” The auburn haired witch was confident in her abilities. She was not perfect, but she had fun and enjoyed what she did.
“I enjoy dancing with them all, though it’s not exactly a common occurrence.” The laughter was still there, though warmer and more affectionate. “I can sometimes persuade Steven onto the dance floor if we’re at an event. He’s rather good. Jake is rather good with a spin across the floor. Or making me spin. And usually if trying to get out trouble. I’ll admit it puts a smile on my face.” And Marc— “Marc is good with a slow dance at the end of a very long night.”
who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more?
“Hm… That’s tough. I suppose Jake likes being out and about. He must really rack up the miles. But it’s worth the long time away if it means being shown some secret spots later.” She gave a soft smile, then continued, “If I’m looking for Steven, I look indoors. I don’t mean to say he enjoys that more, but it’s his… habitat.” Her tone joking and light on the last word. “He’s in his element.”
“It’s hard to predict where Marc will be. Probably out and about. The city is his playground. But he’s at home indoors, too.” She turned those thoughts to herself, “It’s a cop out, but I like both. I like to travel and move, but I spend a lot of time working and researching indoors. And it’s nice to just relax and watch a movie now and then, or read a book.”
who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person?
“Diatrice tells me they’re dog people. I’ve come to find out that’s because she wants a dog and I feel she also likes to remind them of Jack Russell. Now there’s a dog I can come to like myself,” she replied, smirking ever so slightly. Truthfully, pets were an added pressure. But also a means to relax and a companion. That was maybe a nice thing to have.
“I’ve never had either as a pet. A cat suits my lifestyle more. I’m constantly moving and they could be in the shop. It’s hard to say if animals care for the Mission.”
who’s more social?
“I’m not sure how Jake manages to have a conversation with EVERYONE. I mean, a ten minute journey can take triple the time.” She made a face, cheeks puffed out before relaxing and laughing. “It’s a skill I wish I had. Steven is great, too - especially at a gala. He’s good with the political talk, even if it’s not what he would like to be doing. I do think it gets a little harder for him to do so when I purposely catch his eyes whilst trying to be so polite and diplomatic. It’s only catching his eyes, I swear.”
She smiled softly, amused and warm, “I would say Marc is social, but I get the feeling that’s not a view others share. But well, since he’s social with me, that’s what I care about. And he’s better than most think. To do his job you have to be. There’s different ways of being social. And as for myself? I like people. I enjoy talking to others. But it can be draining. I would happily sit and be myself, researching or working on something. Or reading for pleasure. But even if my social battery is drained, I would still happily sit with them.”
who makes the bed every morning?
“Steven,” she said simply, then flashed a smile. “He does it best. I think Jake puts in an attempt. And to be fair, Marc does too. Steven is impeccable.”
“I’m probably the worst on some days. My work is during the day or night, it depends. It’s not a set schedule. If I’m as nocturnal as they are, or Marc mostly, I’m usually up before them to try and do some yoga in actual daylight. The beds made by the time I’m back.” She paused, smile playing on her lips still. “If it’s a normal day and I’m asleep during the night, they usually come to bed when I should be waking up. …but perhaps I pretend to sleep a little longer.” Of course they knew it was pretend, but some things didn’t need to be said. She appreciated the lie in. She didn’t mind whether she was asleep at night or the day. Things changed so often, she was used to it.
who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm?
“The Mission is usually cold,” she said, scrunching up her nose before shrugging. “I don’t mind, really. And if it’s just me there’s a touch more warmth to the place.”
She couldn’t tell who liked it cold more or if none of them really cared. Since it didn’t bother her, she wasn’t going to change things. Besides, she liked wearing warm clothes. They were comfier.
who takes longer getting ready?
“I don’t think Jake or Marc would have a closer or wardrobe or dresser. I think for them it’s unnecessary.” It was a quirk that didn’t harm her, and so something she left be. Mostly. Jake had his style of clothing that suited him, and Marc had the suit. Civilian stuff? Not so much. Maybe a little more now. But hardly anything. Clothing didn’t bother her, and why force clothes on him he wasn’t comfortable in?
“Steven has his own style, and it’s quite dashing and dapper.” There was amusement in her tone, but it was good natured and her words were sincere. He looked good. The styles suited him. They ALL looked good - though she had to thank Marlene for showing her some of the very few pictures left from years ago. Boy, styles had really changed hadnt they? “He makes me look good when I stand next to him,” she joked, grinning brightly. “Out of the three, he takes longest. It’s understandable given his job. I’m probably behind him, but I do have magic on my side. And I’m in costume and uniform almost as much as Marc.”
who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones?
“I like scary movies. Marc, Steven, and Jake? They might watch them if I ask them to. It’s not their favourite style. I get it. They know real horror and scary stuff, plus some scary movies are plain awful. I guess for me it makes me feel better to see fake horror.” And she liked a safe thrill sometimes. “If I want to watch scary stuff, I can go to Marlene. I’m not going to force them to watch things. But I do like to watch movies now and then. I don’t know it’s just—- it’s taking a break.”
who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it?
She laughed at the question, trying to think about it. “I wish I could say Marc. It’s not Marc. I don’t know. I don’t scream, but it’s probably me that actually gets a start. It’s funny, I’ve fought giant bugs before but the small ones surprise me.” Wanda didn’t kill bugs, she also wouldn’t condemn people for doing that either. She mostly didn’t bother them until they bothered her. …had she once requested them to get rid of a bug that was bugging her? Maybe. Sometimes she forgot she had magic.
who is more technology challenged?
“We can all use technology. Jake uses it less. But I have to admire and be impressed that he doesn’t use the satnav as much as I do. It’s not that any of us can’t use technology, it’s that we just use it for different things.” She paused, thinking it over with a furrowed brow. When it came to technology, maybe even she used it less than others? “With being able to use magic, I guess don’t use it often. I mean, I don’t even use my phone much. I don’t— I mean, the Avengers get in contact. My brother just visits.”
who would be more likely to burn something in the oven?
“Marc and Steven can argue over this. They CAN cook, it’s just not often they do or want to. Jake can cook. Again, not often, but I like his meals.” Wanda gave a little nod, then tilted her head as she thought. “I can cook. I don’t do it a lot and it’s not like I’m a brilliant chef. But I can cook. I like to do it if I have some time. I don’t usually burn things. Honestly.“ She was better with vegetarian meals, but she would cook for them what they wanted - would be happy too. A take out now and then or cheap meal was fine occasionally, but not all the time. It was just one simple way of showing affection and warmth.
who talks in their sleep?
“I do. They do as well. Sometimes I can’t tell who,” she said, speaking softly and slowly. There was a pause, a shake of her head. “I speak usually during bad dreams. It’s not often, but I know it happens. Usually when I’m stressed before sleeping. Sometimes I talk outside of bad dreams.” At this, she brightened a little, soft and amused smirk beginning to grow on her features. “Actually, I maybe was a little evil. PERHAPS I have pretended to be asleep next to them and made a sleep request of something to do, or perhaps some action.” Credit to them for following through on the request. They probably knew she was awake, but in case they didn’t, Wanda knew a few mutterings in her sleep would make any of the three of them happy. Or blush. It depended.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
“Jake has done it more than the others, I feel he gets distracted more though. I swear Steven has done it before rushing off, but he says otherwise.” Truthfully? She probably had done it herself. Marc was adamant he’d never done it, which definitely caused her to make a face when he’d said as much but she would believe him. It was a simple, small action, easily forgettable.
who likes getting dressed up more?
“Jake.” Said confidently and firmly, before the witch laughed. “Okay, probably Steven and I. We’re perhaps a bad match, trying to outdo one another - or, no, outdo everyone else. As I said, he makes me look good when I stand by his side.” Still with a smile, she added, “But Marc pulls off any look he tries. It’s usually the suit, sure. But he pulls off any look with ease.”
“I have to try hard. I use magic, sure, so I can’t complain. I have it easy. But I think they put me to shame sometimes.” Whether it was true or not didn’t matter, because she saw them look so good.
who’s better at tying ties?
“They can all tie them better than I can,” Wanda answered with a shrug. “I don’t have a lot of practice. I can. I suppose. Something simple.” She just simply didn’t have much need.
who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone?
“I have. Not that I think it gets any use. I don’t think it’s ever been used and I don’t ask why we need one.” She paused, thinking it over then added, “Hopefully it doesn’t get used. The message is pretty much just joking and for them to hear.”
who’s better at planning romantic things?
“Steven and Jake are really good. Their styles are so different, but I like the surprise. It’s going somewhere different, or leaving things behind for a while. It’s something big or something little.” It was something that was sincere, and she appreciated their actions so much. She always wanted to repay them.
“Marc…” She paused, her smile softening, “I don’t have a love language. I like them all. But I like being around people I care for. I know it can get in the way. But I never feel useless or annoying or that he wants me gone. I value his time with me. I like the little gestures. I don’t need the big gestures.” To just take off his mask was enough. She’d never push or request it. The mask was now… him. It was how he presented himself. It didn’t change how she felt. But to see him without was GOOD.
who takes up more space in the closet?
“Steven. Don’t even look at me, it’s definitely him.” Well, it was between the two of them. “It really isn’t Marc or Jake. I’m surprised they actually have clothes sometimes. Clothes that fit and aren’t filled with holes or tears.”
who has more of a sweet tooth?
“I won’t deny that it’s me. I also won’t deny that they have worked that out and like a child I am rewarded for certain things with candy. It works.” Look, after a long day there was still things that needed done. And she appreciated something sweet to give her energy and keep motivated. “They all their favourites, which took a while to work out because I’m not sure they were always truthful in telling me when they didn’t like something I gave them. Luckily, I’m not picky - sour, sweet, anything, it’s fine.”
who drinks more often?
She scrunched up her nose as she thought, an unconscious habit. “I don’t drink. Not often, I mean. I’m a lightweight and sometimes— well, sometimes I have medication to take. They don’t mix.” Did they drink? Sure. But they weren’t drunk in her presence.
who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation?
“Hm. I’m not sure. It could be any of us, depends on the situation.” She absolutely had laughed or been sarcastic in a serious moment. Her life was so often full of those moments, that she just needed to make light of some circumstances. And sometimes a bad guy just needed to be laughed at.
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captains-simp · 3 years
Yelena Belova + Fake dating Au!! pls 🥲 :)
I've been waiting for someone to pick the fake dating one *fist pumps air* I'm gonna combine this with your other request if that's okay
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"I think I'm inlove with you."
Warnings: shitty family and homophobia
7.7k words
A/n: if y'all want me to do this oneshot again but with Wanda (cos I'm a lazy hoe) just lemme know 👀 I think it would work pretty well 👀
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Pleeaasse, Lena." You pouted once again. You had been begging Yelena for the favour for an hour now; her stubborness was proving hard to overcome.
"I'm busy." Yelena said, her accent strong as she walked around her appartment to collect things for her next mission.
"But will you be busy on the 10th?" You asked from the couch where you watched her disappear into various rooms as she talked.
"I thought you said it was a few days." Yelena quipped, seemingly only giving you half her attention.
"It is." You confirmed with some hope.
"So I'd need to clear my schedule for more than just the 10th." You huffed and rested your head on the back of couch.
"Yes you would. I'm sure Natasha can manage without you for a few days."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." She muttered.
"Please, Lena." You tried. "I need a win." Yelena stopped by the kitchen counter and gave you a long, considering look. You had long given up on your puppy dog eyes and instead copied her expression as you chewed on your bottom lip.
"I'll think about it." Yelena finally said before grabbing something from the cupboard.
It was the best response you had gotten all night and you knew you wouldn't get anything more. So you accepted it and hoped for the best.
Your parents had invited you to their cabin for a few days just like they did every year. It was a beautiful place. You could spend your whole visit in the forest along the back. Or swimming in the clear lake that was a short walk away. The cabin itself was the cosiest place you had ever been and had been where some of your best memories had happened as a kid.
As you got older things changed. Being around your family, especially your parents, wasn't as enjoyable. They had high expectations for their children, expectations that your siblings had met without a problem but ones that you had struggled with.
You enjoyed your life. You had the kind of relationships you had always hoped for, you loved your job and you had the perfect balance of the two. But you could never shake the feeling that you had failed.
Your brother was a surgeon who always told you all stories of the lives he saved and the close calls he had swooped in to save people from. One of your sisters was some hot shot lawyer who had done great things like help people wrongly convicted but still put dangerous people back on the street. And your other sister was the CEO of an energy company that you never quite understood. They even all had equally successful partners who loved to talk about themselves as much as your siblings did. You didn't have any of that. But you did have Yelena.
Knowing the Avengers was the only thing about you your family took interest in. They were always subtly hinting at wanting to meet your friends. But you knew the Avengers had to endure enough fan service and didn't want to push your family onto them, especially with how annoying they all were.
However as your family's unrealistic expectations reached their all time high you were sure you wouldn't be able to handle another trip with them without a win, and you were far too petty to take the moral high ground and just not go. Not to mention that was a huge part of you that was dying to see what the Yelena girlfriend experience would entail. Yep, that was what you were asking of Yelena. To pretend to be your partner for the duration of the trip.
"When are you going?" You asked, changing the subject in hopes that Yelena wouldn't suddenly conclude she didn't want to do it (then you really would have to ask one of the others).
You knew it wasn't a smart choice. That if Yelena agreed your crush on her could get out of hand. You knew you would end up getting too caught up in the act. You could have, no - should have - asked Natasha or Wanda or even Carol if she was around. But your family knew you were the closest with Yelena and she would be the one it felt the most natural with, and the most believable. At least, that was what you told Yelena.
"Tomorrow." Yelena answered, keeping her focused tone.
"When will you be back?" You attempted to keep the concern out of your voice but the glance Yelena gave you told you you hadn't done a good job.
"The day after." She said, softer this time. You nodded as you looked down at your lap and tried not to think about everything that could possibly go wrong on her mission.
"Be safe." Yelena strolled over to you and placed her hand gently ontop of yours and gave it a quick squeeze.
"Got any plans Saturday night?" Natasha smirked knowingly at her friend as they preped for their mission.
"No." Yelena replied as she slotted a spare gun into her leg harness.
"Nothing with y/n then?" Nat asked, partly genuinely but mostly knowing Yelena would still say no.
"No." Yelena said again, biting the inside of her cheek in consideration before speaking again. "Not this Saturday."
Natasha raised an eyebrow in surprise and interest. Yelena rarely made any kind of special plans with you as you would always hang out casually so it was never anything fancy or different that needed planning. She had always wanted to though.
"Plans for another time?" Nat continued as she double checked her pack.
"Maybe, I'm still thinking about it." The redhead turned fully to her friend at her words, confused at why Yelena was hesitant to spend time with you. "She wants me to go to the cabin with her and her family." Nat had heard all about the infamous cabin and your family.
"That sounds fun." Nat nodded. The cabin sounded fun. Your family did not.
"As her girlfriend." Nat's eyes widened excitedly but before she could speak Yelena clarified. "Her pretend girlfriend."
Nat paused and looked as though she was going to speak for several seconds until she stuck to just giving a confused look.
"Yeah." Yelena sighed. "Thinks it would seem impressive." Yelena had tried not to be hurt over that. She knew you weren't just friends with her to show her off to people, because you never did. But it hurt her to think the only time you could see her in a romantic way was when you were pretending.
"Well," Nat muttered as she adjusted the zip along the front of her catsuit. "Fake it till you make it." It was Yelena's turn to give Nat a questioning look. "Maybe it'll be an eye opener for her."
"You think I should do it?" Yelena asked, fully open to hearing and accepting her friend's advice in that area.
"Definelty." Nat confirmed. She wasn't sure about it for the reasons she said though. Yelena's crush on you was obvious to everyone except you, just as it was vice versa.
You had been overjoyed when Yelena told you she would come with you to the cabin and play along as your girlfriend. She had told you when she came back from her mission, in fact it was the first thing she said after she had let herself into your appartment.
It was never really brought up after that, but you couldn't deny you were incredibly anxious on the week leading up to the visit.
On the drive up to the cabin you and Yelena stayed in a comfortable silence most of the time, clearly both lost in thought. You had the radio on for background noise more than anything else, but you would occasionally lightly tap the steering wheel if there was a tune you recognised, oblivious to Yelena's acknowledging smiles.
"So what's the plan?" Yelena asked as she looked at you expectantly. Right, of course the spy wanted a strategy.
"Keep things simple, I guess. They know how we met already so we can just say at some point we took things a step further than friendship." Yelena didn't seem convinced at the simplicity of that. "Look they're not going to want to hear about us, not much at least. They prefer the sound of their own voices, they'll be trying to impress you is all."
"Impress me?" Yelena asked.
"Yeah, hope you warm up to them so one day they can invite you to their snobby parties." Yelena chuckled as she glanced out of the window, knowing there was a lot of truth to what you said.
"And what are those like?" She enquired curiously.
"I wouldn't know, I've never been invited." You said simply. You had gotten over that a long time ago, gotten used to being forgotten. Yelena clearly hadn't though.
"It will be an honour to turn them down." Yelena said. You shook your head and smiled at her. That did sound pretty nice.
When the cabin came into sight between the trees your nerves spiked. You figited in your seat and bit your lip when you saw some of your family gathered outside, their attention instantly on you. You shot Yelena a quick smile which she returned before you got out of the car.
"Y/n! So nice of you to come." You mum said as her eyes flickered to Yelena more than you. She opened her arms for the shortiest hug in human history before turning to Yelena. "You must be Yelena, we've heard so much." You mum insisted as she brought Yelena in for a hug too.
The blonde raised her eyebrows at you over your mum's shoulder and you bite back a laugh. The others came over to greet you and mainly Yelena in a rush, overwhelming both of you.
"You too will be in the upstairs bedroom on the left." Your mum told you as you went to grab your bags. You did a double take, convinced you had heard her wrong. That was the best room in the house. A big difference from being in the small room in the basement every other time you had been there.
"First one on the left." Your dad confirmed. There was no way your parents were going to be in the basement so you wondered who else had been moved around but didn't ask, knowing whoever it was wasn't going to be happy.
You and Yelena made your way up to the room and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of the spacious room and the door you knew led to your en suite.
"That was...a lot." Yelena summarised as she said her bag under the bed.
"I would tell you it gets better but I don't want to get your hopes up." You sighed as you got a couple of things out.
"It's just a few days." Yelena said despite the fact you should have been assuring her.
"Yeah." You nodded and stared down at the floor. "Now c'mon." You suddenly said as you took ahold of Yelena's hand and laced your fingers together. You missed the startled blush that crept onto her cheeks when you turned around.
Your family were sat outside whispering amongst themselves when you returned. Their interested gaze fell to your entwined hands in an instant.
"So you work with the Avengers?" Your brother, Dalton, said as soon as you both sat down.
"I do." Yelena said as she continued to hold onto your hand.
"Must be crazy, what are they like?" He enquired.
"They're good." Yelena said simply. Everyone clearly expected something more but Yelena pretended not to notice making you smile.
"I almost did business with Stark once, decided against it in the end." Claire announced proudly. You and Yelena exchanged knowing glances. Stark had told you all about his encounter with your sister, it definetly wasn't her turning him down.
"I was invited to one of his parties." Anna said quickly. "I was busy that night unfortunately."
Bull. Shit.
"Yes I remember working with Doctor Strange when he was still in the medical profession." You gave Yelena an I-told-you-so look as your family erupted into conversation over who had the most contact with the heroes. That had to be a new record of how quickly they started talking about themselves.
They continued like that until your mum called everyone in for dinner. The food smelt undeniably amazing as you took your place at the table next to Yelena and eyed the dishes infront of you. Your parents efforts to impress the blonde weren't all that bad.
Your family continued to catch up and and you and Yelena half listened as you ate. They were all doing as well for themselves as ever and still hadn't learnt any modesty.
Although you were proud of your siblings for what they had all achieved, Yelena had stopped four potentially devastating bombs going off in the space of half an hour a week before but she wasn't going to bring that up anytime soon. Eventually though, the attention turned to you to bring you out of your silence.
"And you're still working in that little café, y/n?" Your mum asked curiously.
"I own it, mum." You corrected quietly as you stabbed some pieces on your plate.
"Ah yes, quite the contrast though, isn't it. Between you two." She said as she pointed at you and Yelena with her fork. You didn't say anything to that because you felt there really wasn't anything to say in response. It wasn't like you hadn't thought that exact thing every now and then.
"The team loves it." Yelena said suddenly making everyone, including you, look at her in slight surprise from speaking up. It hadn't taken your family long to learn Yelena wasn't much of a talker, not to them anyway. You couldn't get her to shut up half the time. "At least one of us goes everyday. If we're lucky we all can. Nothing beats it." She defended simply before turning back to her food to show she wasn't going to say anymore. You smiled down at your plate at her words and the truth of them.
No one said anything in response, clearly shocked from this new information until Dalton spoke up.
"But doesn't Stark like fancy, top of the line, restaurants? I can't imagine him in some random coffee shop, no offence sis." He nodded towards you though you knew he didn't mean it. He couldn't let you have just one win.
"That random coffee shop has catered some of Stark's parties. Not that many though." A smug smile crept onto Dalton's face as he opened his mouth to make a snarky remark but Yelena cut him down again. "Because y/n's invited to the rest as a guest and a close friend." Your family stared at you with open mouths.
"You've been invited to Stark's parties?!" Anna exclaimed. In your defence, your family never wanted to hear about your life so you never got the chance to tell them anything.
"It's not really my crowd." You shrugged. "I just go to hang out with them after." Dalton's jaw clenched in annoyance and he didn't say anything for the rest of dinner. It was only really your mum who kept talking. Telling everyone about her latest travels that fell on death ears.
It was certainly a first for your family.
When everyone had finished their food you and Yelena excused yourselves and said goodnight before retiring to your room. Yelena shut the door gently as you collapsed onto the bed on your back and glared at the ceiling. The blonde shuffled around quietly to get her toothbrush and toothpaste and some other things you weren't really paying attention to and went into the bathroom.
When she came back out she was in her bedclothes and lifted your feet off the floor to turn you so you could fully lay on the bed. You smiled at her weakly.
"You should go get changed." Yelena said as she got her laptop out her bag. "Then you can pick a movie." She announced when she had gotten under the covers and started her laptop. You smiled more and nodded.
You tried not to think about your family and everything they had said at dinner as you got changed but it proved difficult. Everything they had said echoed around in your head but most of all you couldn't shake the disregarding ways they said it. It was as though you could do no right with them. Maybe they would never be proud no matter what you did.
You placed your toothbrush back I'm the holder and rinsed your mouth before heading back into the bedroom to an awaiting Yelena.
You got under the covers next to her and rested your head on her shoulder as you glanced at the Netflix screen and pointed to one of the comedy movies. About ten minutes into the movie Yelena spoke. "You okay?" She whispered as she continued to look at the screen although that wasn't where her focus was.
"Yeah." You whispered back.
"Promise?" She said after a second." You moved your head away so you could see Yelena clearly.
"I'm so glad you're here." You said honestly. She smiled and nodded as her eyes searched yours.
"I'm glad I'm here too." You knew Yelena wasn't glad she had to spend the time with your family. She was glad that she could support you despite their efforts to bring you down. You were incredibly lucky to have her.
You rested your head back on her shoulder and neither of you spoke for the rest of the movie. Or the rest of the night. You must have fallen asleep about half an hour in.
Yelena wasn't much of an intimate person. She made the odd exception with you and Natasha, but always seemed to refrain or hold herself back from being too close to you. So when you woke up and couldn't tell where your limbs started and Yelena's ended, you were surprised to say the least.
You were resting your head on her rising chest and had your arm slung across her stomach. Your legs were tangled together and her arms were holding onto your waist. A warmth spread through you and you decided to settle back into her hold and closed your eyes with a content smile.
You had about ten minutes to enjoy that before Yelena woke up. You could feel the moment she realized you were so close, she physically froze. You waited in anticipation for something for several moments until your friend very slowly unhooked her legs and guided your body to lay against the mattress and pillows as she slipped out of bed towards the bathroom.
You sighed when you heard the door close and rubbed your eyes slowly, knowing you should get up but wishing more than anything that you could return to how you woke up.
"Morning." Yelena croaked when she left the bathroom and saw you sitting up in bed.
"Morning." You said back with a smile and tried not to focus on how ridiculously attractive her voice sounded.
You gathered some random clothes into a bundle and went into the bathroom to change again and brush your teeth. When you came out Yelena was pulling her shirt over her head and gave you a generous view of her toned stomach. Your face heated up when you saw it and you turned away to pretend you hadn't seen when Yelena noticed you.
"Don't make a sound." Yelena warned. You glanced up at her with some confusion. "I don't think your family's awake yet, that means we get the kitchen to ourselves." She grinned and you did too.
You and Yelena had gotten so used to getting up early for your jobs you forgot other people would still be sleeping. It was hard to break out of the habit but it proved useful.
The pair of you made a quick breakfast and ate it outside thanks to the warm weather even at that time. But soon enough your parents came downstairs and ruined the peaceful atmosphere with the clanging of pots and loud convosations.
You wandered around the side of the house and saw the old table tennis table that bad been folded away years ago and hadn't been set up since. You went over and started setting it up when Yelena joined you and eyed the table with a glimmer of mischief.
The blonde was the most competitive person you had ever met, you learnt that over a simple game of snakes and ladders years ago.
"You played this before?" You asked convosationally.
"I have." She said as you both automatically took up your positions of opposite ends of the table.
"Me too." You said confidently. "A lot." Yelena hummed in acknowledgment and swivelled her bat in her hand and stood ready. You smiled at her seriousness for the game.
You served surprisingly well for someone who hadn't played in a few years and Yelena was able to hit it back with ease. Once you had developed a steady pace you started hitting the ball more daringly to Yelena who was caught off guard before she started doing the same.
The moment you missed the ball a smug grin started on Yelena's face, her arrogance stopped her being aware of you suddenly sending the ball back her way until it was too late.
"That wasn't fair!" She exclaimed childishly.
"That was tables tennis." You said seriously but started smiling again. Yelena rolled her eyes and flipped you off as she trudged back to the table and served the ball with force. You managed to send it back but took a step away from the table in caution.
You continued like that for a while. The competition tension rising as you picked up the pace, one of you occasionally getting a point before the other evened it out.
At one point you were vaguely aware of Dalton sauntering over to see what you were doing and arched his brow at the sight of the table.
"We still have this thing?" He questioned and you hummed quietly in response, too focused on the game.
"Hey Claire! Get over here, we're playing table tennis." You rolled your eyes at the intrusive and could sense Yelena refraining from doing the same until an idea popped into your head.
You caught the ball in your hand and smiled at Yelena's protests as you moved round to her side of the table just as your sister came out.
"I didn't even know we still had this." Claire laughed as she picked up another bat from the box.
"Maybe we should take it back with us." Yelena whispered to you and you bit your lip to contain your smile because yes, yes you should. Inevitably, your siblings sucked at table tennis.
You had suspected as much you just never thought they would be as bad as they were. They missed almost every hit and everytime they did they got increasingly angry, which meant they ended up flaring their arms around like idiots. It was a memory you would be sure to treasure.
"Stupid game" and "probably broken" kept echoing across the table until your siblings finally stormed off to throw a tantrum.
The rest of the day went by quietly. You and Yelena sat by the lake for most of the afternoon to enjoy the sun and heat. You reveled in the most recent memories of your siblings embarrassment and had to keep hushing down to childish whispered whoever one of them was nearby.
Surprisingly, dinner went by peacefully too. You weren't asked anymore questions at the table. Instead, your family were content with talking about their upcoming plans between stealing glances at you and Yelena that the blonde never failed to notice.
The pair of you slipped off to your room the first moment you got and easily fell into bed besides one another. Yelena picked out a horror movie instantly making you groan into her shoulder as she giggled.
She settled down beside you and within the first few jumpscares she slowly wrapped an arm around your shoulder so you could sink into her further. You were barely paying attention to the film after that.
Despite the chilling scenes of the film, you couldn't help but want to melt under the warmth of your best friend. You hoped it was something you got to experience more, you felt safer than you ever had in Yelena's arms.
Little did you know that having you in her arms was the most comforting feeling Yelena had ever experienced.
You had thought waking up in Yelena's arms the morning before had been the best thing to awake to. But that day when you woke up not only were your legs tangled together again but the blonde was slowly stroking your hair while your head rested on her chest. It was a gradual gesture that maintained a perfect rhythm and made you want to fall back asleep. But you were afraid you would mistake it for a dream later on. No, it was definitely real.
Luckily, your head was already tilted upwards slightly so when you secretly opened your eyes to risk a peek at your friend you saw her staring out the window as though she was in a trance. She was clearly so deep in thought she hadn't noticed you wake up, you had never seen her like it. But the feeling was too good to ignore, too compelling.
Soon enough, you found yourself drifting off back to sleep.
When you woke up again Yelena was gone. Her absence left am emptiness you knew wasn't good for you. As the days of your visit went on your fake relationship with Yelena was going to effect you even more when it was over.
Over...you couldn't think about that.
Once you got up and got changed you found Yelena in the kitchen looking at the news on her phone as she sipped her coffee.
"Morning, honey." You grinned. Yelena blushed slightly into her coffee, something you thought was undeniably adorable.
"Morning yourself." She tried to play off smoothly making you grin more.
You made breakfast for you both just as your mum came into the kitchen and greeted you both with an overplayed smile, already talking to Yelena about an upcoming party that she should go to. Yelena mumbled something about a full schedule as you managed to whisp her away outside with your food.
Eventually, you and Yelena became bored with sitting around in the house when you had such amazing surroundings on your doorstep. You declared that you were going on a walk with the blonde and left before any of your family could invite themselves to go with you. Especially as you had told your friend to wear her swimwear underneath her clothing as you had a surprise for her.
You made a point of holding Yelena's hand as you left and once you were far away from the house went to take it back only for her to hold on tighter.
"You never know where they could be lurking." She joked as an excuse, so you starting swinging your arms playfully as to assure her you wanted your hands to stay linked together too.
You spent hours in those woods and was thankful for having a spy best friend who of course knew to pack the essentials like food and drinks so you could stay away from the house as long as you wanted. The blonde brought so much you were able to have a small picnic on top of a hill that overlooked the large lake that stretched out all the way back to the house. You remembered thinking up stories as to explain the strange shape and curves to it as a child.
"It's beautiful here." Yelena said as she picked some grapes from the bunch between you.
"It is." You agreed with a fond smile.
"I used to want to live in a place like this." She muttered, sparking your interest.
"In the woods?" You asked curiously and she nodded.
"I thought I could retire to the woods and get a small cabin and I could grow my own food and that was all I needed." You hummed with a smile as you studied Yelena's features.
"Sounds lonely." You thought aloud.
"I'd have a cat." She said simply making you laugh. "I never used to think that but now when it crosses my mind and I picture that life... I picture someone else there with me." You knew she was imagining it as she spoke and you wished you could see exactly what it was she wanted.
"We could always downgrade the holiday house." You half joked as you nodded in the vague direction of the house. "Make it a simple cabin."
"We?" Yelena asked hopefully, the emotion clear before she had a chance to conceal it.
"There's no one I'd rather run away and live in the forest with." You joked although there was a lot of truth to your words. The blonde considered you for a while before smiling and nodded as though she had reached her own internal conclusion.
"Come on." You said suddenly as you stood up and dusted yourself off.
"You want to go back?" Yelena asked and you grinned.
"I'm going to show you that surprise." You declared and packed the remaining food away. Yelena did the same, eager to see the surprise you kept secret the whole way.
It was quite a way back to the house. The whole time Yelena kept asking more questions about it but you wouldn't say. She could only make guesses based on the swim wear which should have left only a few options, non of which she got right.
Finally, you arrived where you wanted to and grinned at Yelena before starting towards the edge. The blonde frowned as she watched you approach the ledge and became worried when she invisioned the steep slope that didn't always lead to water straight down. If you were to fall... your friend didn't have to wait long to see that. You slipped along the edge and disappeared from her view as she gave a startled cry and sprinted towards the edge and knelt over with wide eyes, expecting to see something that could haunt her forever but instead she saw you on a wide ledge but seven feet below her.
To your left was part of the ledge that had been dug into randomly and acted as perfect aid to get back into the woods above.
"Come down here." You beckoned as you starter to take your top off. Yelena's eyes widened more and quickly turned around and dropped down next to you steadily.
She glanced over the side of the small ledge to glance at the fifty foot drop into the water. There was nothing in the way to fall onto but there was no telling how deep that water was.
"You can't go in like that." You laughed as you kicked off your shorts and pushed them to the side. Yelena's face heated up at the sight of you in your y/f/c bikini as you assessed the view. But even in her flustered state she was able to put it all together.
"You want to jump down there?" She exclaimed making you laugh.
"I've done it tones of times." You assured. "It's fun."
"It's a death wish! What if the waters not deep enough?" She questioned making you laugh more.
"Are you scared, Lena." You teased as you took a step towards her making her avert her eyes from your form. She scoffed to play it off.
"Of course not." You hummed in faux belief.
"Well then I'll see you down there." You grinned and took a couple of steps back until your feet were no longer on the platform and you were plummeting down towards the water where you landed with a splash.
Yelena held her breath as she waited for you to resurface for a few agonising seconds. When you did with a gasp and started kicking around frantically to keep yourself afloat with your built up adrenaline the blonde sighed in relief and started taking off her own shorts and shirt and placed them next to your things.
You've jumped from higher. She told herself as she rocked on her feet. With a harness! She argued back before she shoved those thoughts aside and threw herself off the ledge and into the water below.
You laughed as she came back up and pushed her hair away from her way. You swam closer to her and saw her wide smile.
"Fuck." Yelena whispered with a laugh as she looked back up from where you had both come.
"Told you it was fun." You teased as you tried not to focus on the low cut on her bikini bra.
"Yeah yeah." She laughed and adulterer when she looked past you and saw you were surprisingly close to the house. She could see the outline of your family sat outside.
"They're looking." Yelena muttered. You could tell by the look on her face who she was talking about. It wasn't like there was anyone else around either.
"Do you think they've caught on?" You asked nervously as you stared at Yelena's grey eyes to stop you looking at your family.
"Maybe..." She considered and glanced around. "It's not like we've been acting like that much of a couple." You scoffed at that.
"At home everyone assumes we're dating and the one time we need it be believable it isn't." You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile.
"I know." Yelena laughed for a second but then paused. "Then let's give them something believable." She gently placed both her hands on your waist and pulled you slowly towards her. You let her guide you and took extra notice of the water droplets across her face. You almost trembled when your bare stomachs pressed together in the water lightly.
Yelena's soft hands left your waist and gripped your thighs to pull you up to wrap your legs around her own waist. You couldn't help but giggle at the gesture as you wrapped your arms around the blonde's neck and held onto her waist with your legs in a lock.
"Can I?" Yelena whispered when she lifted your chin with her finger and her other hand came round the back of your neck.
"Just shut up and kiss me." You demanded with a playful smile and leaned in to do it yourself.
You smiled into the kiss and felt Yelena do the same. It was everything you had ever imagined it to be. Her lips were soft and fell into place perfectly against your own as they moved together.
You mind was hazey and your stomach was doing flips at the realisation that you were actually kissing your long time crush. You forced yourself to remember that it was all a show. That Yelena didn't mean it. But she put on a believable act and kissed passionately, even slipping her tongue through your parter lips to explore your mouth further.
When she eventually pulled away you rested your foreheads together to catch your breath and grinned as you closed your eyes.
"You're a really good kisser." You blurted out making Yelena chuckle.
"Not too bad yourself." She teased.
"I hope not, we're gonna have to do that again." You smiled and instantly realized that sounded like a confession you desperetly wished you could claim. "You know because...Once probably wasn't enough to make it entirely believable." You rambled and Yelena nodded somewhat stiffly and let your legs drop back down.
You wanted to say something to her, anything but it was all stuck on the tip of your tongue.
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, a small murmurarion of starlings flew across the lake, some of them skimming the water then gaining height again as they got closer to you and Yelena.
You both ducked instinctively as they flew over your heads and off towards the forest again as you watched them in awe until they disappeared. You glanced up at the sky and noticed the sun had gone behind a cloud, ableing you to continue looking up at the other birds higher up.
You kicked your legs up slightly so you could lay on your back and outstretch your arms to keep you afloat in the water so you could stare up at the sky without hurting your neck.
You didn't realise Yelena mimicked you until her hands brushed against yours. She withdrew it as soon as you touched and went to murmmer an apology but you smiled and held onto her hand as you both lay watching the birds.
Neither of you had to say anything. It was a comfortable and peaceful silence that was occasionally filled with birds chirping or the sound of a calm breeze. Of all the things you expected to feel on that trip, relaxed was not one of them. You stayed like that for a while until you were both snapped out of your daydreams by the distant yell that declared dinner. Well, you had to go back to them eventually.
Both of you took your time swimming back to dry land and only felt a shiver when you left the water and the breeze hit you. Yelena spotted and reached the towels before you and wrapped yours around you tightly. You thanked her with a small blush as you both sauntered up to the house where the mouthwatering smell of a barbecue greeted you. Your dad was leaning over it while shooing your brother away as he tried to offer his 'help'.
You and Yelena went inside to change swiftly and came back outside as the food was being placed on plates and your mum finished setting up the buffet.
Everyone starter helping themselves and you piled as much food as you could onto the plate. You parents had asked what food Yelena liked and when you gave them a brief list you added in a few things you knew you both loved.
"You gonna eat all that?" Anna asked as she eyed all the food on your plate. Guilt and insecurities washed over you until Yelena purposefully grabbed a large handful of small sausage rolls and put them on her plate that was piled with a considerable amount more food than your own. You smiled at the reassuring gesture as she sat down with a satisfied grin on her face when she saw Anna close her mouth to stay quiet.
"Thanks." You whispered to her as you sat down.
"If you don't eat all that I will." She declared. You were pretty sure she went back for seconds.
Instead of disappearing back to your room like you did the previous nights, you and Yelena stayed with your family for a while after dinner. It wasn't to do with their company, more the mesmerising fire in the firepit you all sat around. You were cuddled up into Yelena's side with a blanket over both of you as you stared at the flames, smiling at their small flickers and dances.
"So Yelena," one of your sisters began, "are any of the other Avengers...you know." She nodded her head in the direction of you both.Oh boy, you though.
"I don't think it's my place to say." Yelena said because yes, a lot of the Avengers were queer.
"Oh come on, you can tell us." Anna encouraged as she sat forward eagerly.
"I could, but I'm not going to." Yelena continued to defy.
"Lay off it guys." You mumbled but was ignored. Your family took it in turns saying her teammates names in hopes of sparking a reaction, clearly forgetting they were facing a spy.
"Stark!" Claire said but was instantly shut down by the others.
"He's married!" Dalton objected.
"Could still be bi though." Claire tried but  Dalton just scoffed.
"I suppose there's going to be more surprises."
"What does that mean?" Yelena asked with narrowed eyes. Dalton met her gaze with his own challenging one.
"I just never thought one of the Avengers would be a dyke." You felt Yelena stiffen as you all held your breath. There was no way to tell what was going through the blonde's mind, especially as after all those years of friendship you still didn't even know what team she batted for. She was an ally at least, but would she see this as her battle to fight?
Upon getting no reaction, Dalton continued. "It makes sense why you'd hang out with y/n though, we always knew something was wrong with her but-"
"That's enough." Your mum snapped with a guilty expression she failed to mask. You swallowed hard and moved to get up, deciding you had heard enough.
"Then you're idiots." Yelena stated as she glared daggers at your brother while you sunk down.
"I'll have you know I have a doctorate-"
"Your idiots." She repeated. "There's nothing wrong with y/n, which is impressive considering she's grown up around you lot." You looked at your friend in awe as she continued.
"She's the most amazing person I've ever known, including any of the Avengers. She's everything that you're not and I'm lucky to call her my girlfriend. It doesn't matter what any of you think of her, I love her and I always will." She declared as shot daggers at each individual family member who had fallen silent. She took your hand and pulled you up from your seat to take you inside.
You couldn't get her saying she loved you out of your head. You reminded yourself over and over again on the way to your room that it was just an act. That the blonde was making her point. But God, how you wished it was real.
She was so gentle with you as she guided you through the house. When you got to your room and broke down sobbing she held you on the bed for a long time until your cries turned to sniffles. The thing was, you weren't sure what you were crying over. Sure, what Dalton had said had hurt. As did the confirmation that your whole family had always looked down on you. But you had known that was the case for a long time, you had moved on from it.
Instead, you may have being crying over what you didn't know and didn't have. How much of what Yelena said was true? It was all based off of something that wasn't real. What if she saw you the same way your family did?
When you stopped crying you became aware of Yelena gently stroking your hair as she rested her head on yours and held you close to her. You remembered the memories you had accumulated over the past few days with her. The kisses, the hand holding, the nights together, how she stood up for you like no one ever had. You loved her so much.
"I think we should go tomorrow." Yelena mumbled and you nodded into her shoulder.
"I'm not going to leave you though, you know that right? You can stay at mine and we'll watch more of those crappy American movies you like." She mocked lightly making you chuckle against her. "Whatever you want."
"I just want you." You said honestly. You knew you shouldn't have said that, but you were too emotionally drained to care.
"I just want you too, y/n." You pulled away from the blonde to look at her clearly.
"I don't think you know what I mean." You sniffer and she smiled at you fondly.
"I mean what I said earlier, around the fire." Your eyes widened slightly and you held your breath.
"It was all an act though." You whispered and Yelena chuckled as she exhaled sharply.
"No y/n." "I think I am inlove with you." She said as she took ahold of your hand and searched your face for any signs of a reaction to her confession.
"Me?" You questioned, not quite believing it.
"Yes you, idiot." You smiled and sighed in relief, not being able to find the words to express your overflowing happiness and numerous other emotions you couldn't quite pinpoint. You let go of Yelena's hand and brought them both up to cup her cheeks. You had done a lot more handholding than kissing in the previous few days. It needed to be evened out.
You closed the gap between you and kissed Yelena with just as much passion as you had in the lake, except all hesitation and questions were gone. Because you knew she loved you. Oh God she loved you. You grinned into the kiss at the thought and felt her hand fall to your hip while the other caressed the side of your neck in the most gentle manner you had ever seen from her. When you eventually pulled away you rested your forehead against hers, a smile still playing on both your lips.
"Told you we'd have to do that again." You said and and laughed. "I love you too."
"Well I hoped that wasn't a pity kiss." She joked and you smacked her arm playfully.
"It definetly was not and I'll prove it to you by taking you on a date when we get back." You promised as you sat back to look at her clearly.
"Oh yeah?" She asked with a playful smirk and leaned over so her face was inches away from yours.
"Yeah." You said back.
"Well until then, my real girlfriend should definetly just keep kissing me." She said as she pushed you down gently and kissed you again. You smiled against her gleefully.
"Your girlfriend would love to."
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writingforloki · 5 years
Sparks fly - Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Take a pizza ma heart. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Summary:  Y/N settles in to her new place at the Avengers tower, friends are made, pizza is ate.
A/N: Chapter 2 is here! it took a bit longer than I expected bc v unexpectedly I had a social life this week! So still not loads of Buck in this chapter, but I feel like we are still setting the scene. Also I love slow burn. Pls let me know what you think!! (ps my writing is a bit naff, I know this, I'm just getting back in to the flow after not writing fiction for about 6 years.)
here is chapter 1
After Sams comment broke the tension in the room, the rest of the introductions went pretty smoothly with everyone welcoming you as a new member warmly, although you knew that you had a long way to go and a group like this wouldn't trust you completely straight away, you'd seen what some of the members of the Avengers had been through and you weren't about to overstep your boundaries with them.
“So where's Y/Ns room then? I bet she's dying to take a load off and settle herself in.” The voice came from Bruce, who had smiled comfortingly at you and shook your hand warmly when you were introduced to him, it was almost as though he could feel the sense of anxiousness itching its way in to your brain, you didn't much like being the new kid.
“Oh yeah, its down here let me show you, I've already had your stuff moved up here and you can do whatever you want to the room.” Tony said walking ahead of you, turning to gesture animatedly while he spoke.
You followed him out of the meeting room and down a corridor, the chrome walls were all so uniform and every corner looked the same, you hoped you wouldn't get lost. Tony started to explain about the bedroom situation, telling you that he’d had to install more bedrooms when the newer avengers started to live at the tower, he explained briefly that not all of the team actually lived there full time but you all had a room, just for as and when you needed it.
“So your wing is part B of the permanent residents, so you have Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Sam, then you have Peters honorary room, you know really I didn't wanna give him a room because technically he isn't an avenger and he's too young to be hanging out with a group of freaky adults with a lot of personal issues, but he got all sad and thought we didn't want him around so he has a room in the permanent wing to visit but I usually kick him out back to his aunt's house when he becomes a pain in the a-”
“Hey Mr Stark!” A cheerful looking face popped around one of the doors, it was a face you didn't recognise but it was youthful and by the look on Stark's face, this must be Peter.
“Damn it kid what're you doing here? It's one pm shouldn't you be at school?” Tony sounded exasperated.
“Erm uh no Mr Stark it's the Summer holidays so I thought I'd come hang here for a bit, Aunt May wanted to clean and I just wanted to get out of her way you know!”
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head “Right okay but remember you should come through the front door rather than sneaking in through the window, one because it’s freaky as shit when you just pop up and two because if there was an emergency, you could just be nappin away and nobody would know because you're supposed to be at school!”
“But .. it’s the holidays Mr Stark..” The kid trailed off looking confused.
Stark shook his head and shot him a look “So not the point but okay. So if we knew you were here, you could've been at the meeting and we could have introduced you to our new trainee member, Peter, Y/N, Y/N Peter.”
You waved at the kid, “Hi nice to meet you Peter, I get why you’d wanna come chill here, it's pretty cool.” You smiled and he smiled back at you opening his mouth before Tony glared at him and and told him to go home, pulling him down the corridor and leaving you at what you assumed was your door.
You pressed your thumb against the fingerprint activation lock and the door swung open to reveal your new home, the room was big, with a large bed on the back wall, a desk, a TV, chair and a small sofa, this was the nicest room you’d ever been in, it was devoid of personality and a little cold looking at the minute but you still had your personal items to set up and make it your own.
You turned and opened the wardrobe, it was already full of your clothes, that confused you, but you assumed tony had many people at his whim to do things like this for the team. Nearly everything was unpacked save a one box, so you brought it onto the desk and opened it, this was the box of your most personal things, photo frames, movie stubs, your jewellery box, you set them up around your room and put some bits on to the pin board on your wall, your head spun when you heard a gentle knocking on the door, it was Wanda, she was stood in the doorway, a soft smile on her face.
“Hey, how’re you settling in?” She asked kindly, her eyes scanning the room.
“Good so far, the rooms amazing, I'm just trying to put a few things around the room to make it feel more like home you know?” You cast your eyes down and perched on the bed. Wanda looked at you with sympathy in her eyes and came to join you.
“I know how you feel, it’s weird coming here, everyone's great and all but we all know what it's like to be the new kid, to have nowhere else to go, and anyone of us will have time to listen to you if it all becomes too much or if you just need a chat.” She spoke softly.
“Thanks Wanda, I really appreciate it.” You smiled at her lifting your eyes to hers before standing up and wiping your hands on your jeans, “So what am I actually supposed to do around here Tony mentioned something about having training to do but he got distracted with that Peter kid, what's his deal by the way, is he just like a relative of Tonys or?”
Wanda's laugh caught you off guard, “Peter? Did Tony not tell you? Of course he didn't, Peter is Spiderman, yeah Tony doesn't like him being around that much, he says its because hes annoying but really I know he just wants him to have a relatively normal life, I think he makes him feel all paternal.” she said her smile now stretched to a grin.
“Wait hold up, that was Spiderman?!” Your face must've looked quite a picture because Wanda started laughing. “But he's just a goofy little kid! He said he was still at school!!” You exclaimed, shock radiating off you, as the two of you broke into giggles at your reaction.
You didn’t know if it was the sound that brought him over or if he was just on his way for a visit like Wanda, but another knock on the door got your attention, when you looked up Steve was in your doorway, smiling fondly at the two of you.
“Hey we’ve just got pizza if you guys wanna join us?” he tilted his head slightly, making him resemble a puppy, even if you wanted to say no, you definitely wouldn't be able to.
“Pizza? Yeah I love pizza, pizzas great.” you shuffled over to Steve and Wanda followed you as you made your way down the hallway to a room you hadn’t been in before.
“So this is the kitchen / living area, we usually eat in here but we have another living room with more sofas that doesn't get used as much, one of us will show you that later.” He said as you rounded the corner in to the kitchen where there was about ten pizzas spread across the table.
Sam, Nat, Clint, Bucky and Bruce were the only ones left from the meeting, with Steve explaining to you that everyone else had other responsibilities to attend to away from New York.
“So I’m guessing Tonys not explained what you’ll be doing here training wise for the next few months?” Steve asked, he was usually the one who ended up designing the training and workout regimens for the newcomers anyway.
“Um no, I must tell you though, I'm a real beginner, I don't really have much experience with training and working out a lot, I mean I walk all the time, gotta get those 10,000 steps in a day, plus I don't like public transport that much and I don't own a car..” you trailed off as you felt yourself babbling under the pressure of all the people in the room looking at you.
Steve smiled kindly at you as you blushed at your own awkwardness.
“Don't worry about it, we’ll start you off slowly tomorrow, usually it would be me starting you out with boxing and a bit of light training but I have a mission for the next two days so it’ll actually be Bucky you're training with tomorrow.” He said picking up a slice of pizza and put it on his plate.
“Oh okay, cool.” You said turning to lock eyes with Bucky who was across the table from you, you smiled and he gave you a small one in return which you appreciated it even though it looked awkward and didn't really meet his eyes. Maybe he’s just shy, you thought to yourself.
“Don't worry, he’s not as scary as he looks.” Sam said elbowing him in the ribs making Bucky glare at him.
Suddenly you were aware that it was probably the apprehensive look on your face that made Sam say that. “Uhm no he’s not, I mean you're not scary, sorry did I look scared you're- you don't look scary, you look nice!” You gabbled on, afraid you’d offended the man. God you really did have to stop talking shit when you were nervous.
Sam let out a loud laugh and the rest of the team save Bucky joined in, who was now looking embarrassed but you couldn't help but see how the corner of his mouth twitched up in amusement.
As if you weren't already afraid enough for training, now with your lack of experience combined with embarrassment you were really dreading tomorrow.
If anyone wants to be tagged drop me an ask!
This fic is also on Ao3
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winterschild999 · 7 years
SUMMARY - You kissed Bucky to get a girl off his back and he couldn’t stop thinking about kissing you again . 
WORDS - Approx 1k
WARNINGS - Fluff? Kissing.
A/N-So I had my math semester exam today and it’s my fav subject and I did pretty good and I was happy so I wrote something. I wanted to write something smutty because that was what I was most comfortable writing and I really enjoyed it but nowadays I can’t get myself to write a single word of smut since people have been associating it to me wanting to get notes(likes and reblogs).I just want to you guys to genuinely enjoy what I write. (sorry for the rant)
You could have not been happier. You just finished a week long mission and to come out with the girls for a night of fun was just what you needed. You were relaxed,sitting on the stool,watching Nat and Wanda dance freely on the dais ,a martini in your hand ,you felt good. You were proud of yourself .You saved so many lives.You weren't arrogant in any way but you were so happy that you have  a job that entails saving lives everyday ,and you could do this for the rest of your life. It had it's side effects .Some days you would just feel really gloomy for no apparent reason, some days the nightmares would be so severe that not sleeping was the best option. But it was days like this,that you would realise that if you couldn stop the nightmares of at least one more person by saving their lives you wouldn't mind having nightmares yourself.
You wanted to join the girls on the stage and dance with them but you couldn't ,you had sprained your ankle.As you eyes roamed the floor you met with a familiar face. It was Bucky. You smiled at the fact that he was comfortable enough to come out alone by himself ,that too to a night club.He was starting to open up,all thanks to Sam . The feud between them is just a facade ,Sam cared for Bucky as much as Steve did,but he had a different way of showing it. Bucky was in the crowd and he looked really uncomfortable.
 You thought it was because of the new music. He isn't used to this kind of music,that literally screams sex.But no,it wasn't the music.It was the girl .She had her hands around his neck and her face mere inches from his.She thrust her hips into his crotch dancing to the music. His smile was so forced you felt sorry for the poor guy.He was trying to look anywhere but at her and that's when he saw you . You smiled and waved at him and the look of relief that washed over his face made you laugh .He pushed the girl by her shoulders and told her something like 'Just a minute' before he walked to you .He sighed heavily as he sat in front of you .
"Who's your friend Barnes?She looks pretty."You teased.He glared at you .
"I was dying out there.I was stuck there for like 15 minutes and that bloody Sam left me alone with her." He ordered for drink and looked back to see if she was still there.
"I could tell you were uncomfortable,I'm sorry."You smiled before bringing the drink to your lips as he started into your eyes.
Your eyes turned to the right to see the girl coming. Bucky noticed it. 
"Please tell me she isn't coming here."He begged.
"She's coming here."You were trying so hard to not laugh at his situation . You wanted to help him.
"Oh god.Fuck .What am I going to do?"He asks,his eyes begging you to help him out.
As she neared you stool you leaned forward and kissed Bucky. He was taken by surprise but kissed you back after you whispered 'Play along'. She watched you with anger before turning and making her way back to the dais.
"Yep,she's not coming back any time soon."You say winking at Bucky.
"Um..thanks."Bucky fumbled . 
"I think I have to go . Nat looks pretty drunk.You coming back or are you going to hang here for a while."You try to ask as nonchalantly as you could.
"Uh yeah . I think I'm gonna come too."Bucky says looking at the ground.
"I'll meet you out ,I am going to call Nat and Wanda."
Nat and Wanda were walking in front of you as you and Bucky walked side by side.You were searching for a topic to talk about but you couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. You didn't know what came over you . Not that you regret it . But maybe Bucky did . He didn't look very pleased. Arghhh. You were cringing so hard,scolding yourself in your mind when Bucky's voice breaks the trance.
"Sorry,what?"You asked ,as you didn't here what he asked.
"How was your mission? You were gone for a week. We missed you."Bucky said.
"Uhh It was fine.Not very hard . But the location was pretty discrete so it took time to find." You reply.
Did he just say 'we missed you'.Who was we? Before you could talk to him about the kiss ,you find yourself in front of the tower,Bucky awkwardly saying goodbye . You waved your hand and said goodnight as you walked Nat to her room. Bucky couldn't sleep ,he couldn't stop thinking about how soft your lips were.He could't stop thinking about how he wanted to kiss them again . But he didn't know if you felt that way . You seemed so cool after the kiss like it didn't effect you at all. He knew he had to talk to you . If he kept thinking like this he wouldn't be able to sleep . So he decided to walk to your room. As soon as he knocked he doubted his decision but before he could bolt you opened the door.
"Hey!"You say .
"I..I couldn't sleep . I wanted to talk."
"Come in. I couldn't sleep either."You say giving way for him enter.
"Oh...Umm I wanted to talk about the..."
"Kiss.I know. I am sorry if I crossed a line . I didn't ask you and you seemed pretty uncomforta.."
Before you could finish he pressed his soft lips to yours in a gentle kiss.You cupped his face and returned it. 
"I couldn't stop thinking about kissing you since the time you kissed me." He smiled rubbing your cheek with his thumb.You wrapped your hands around his torso and hugged him .
"I couldn't stop thinking about kissing you too."
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