#I’m doing great tonight LMFAOOOO
bottomvalerius · 2 years
“I need water. I thought I could substitute it with white claw, but I don’t think so”
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ofmermaidstories · 7 months
Mermie! I’m mad 😡
I went bar hopping tonight and I’m not the slightest bit tipsy!
lmfaoooo sagey. that’s probably a good thing, being tipsy is overrated. 🥹 the more important thing is: did you have fun? 🥺 were people nice??? was there good music?????? i rarely go out drinking—it’s normally just a cocktail at dinner somewhere for me when i do—so lemme live vicariously through you. 😌 what did you drink??? the other night it was hot and i was entertaining myself at home so i swung by the bottle-o and got a ginger beer!! i had that with a tub of häagen-dazs, lmao, the pralines and cream! it was GREAT.
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christophernolan · 1 year
instagram cillian fans really giving us a bad name tonight omfg. why are they all being so openly homophobic to ben whishaw??? some of them literally saying they wanna "k word" that "f**". do they not realise a) that's fucking psychotic and b) cillian has been friends with ben for nearly three decades?
i'm hoping ben's fans are too nice to blow this up and start drama but i just saw the owner of a big ben fan account (who has met him multiple times and is followed by his mum and twin brother) post about us with a bunch of screenshots so i think we might be fucked lmfaoooo :(
How pathetic of them. This is immature behavior. I stay away from fandom drama. I’m in my own bubble so it doesn’t really bother me what childish tantrums are being throw by instagram users. I haven’t seen Ben’s show so I won’t judge his performance but I’m sure he was great. I’m a bit disappointed that Cillian didn’t win since he won’t be playing Tommy Shelby anymore but other than mild disappointment I’m okay.
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dearrrabbit · 2 years
[A Reddit post from u/theking_babey, posted at approx. 10:34pm.]
‘AITA for getting jumpscared by my boyfriend?’
‘So. I’m (20m) feeling awful about what I did to my boyfriend (19m) coming home tonight, because when he caught me off-guard, I screamed and dropped a bunch of stuff I was carrying.”
“I tend to startle easily because I zone out really easily, which is exactly what I was doing coming in from work tonight. I had a bag of groceries in hand, and was just shutting off my earbuds when my boyfriend turned the corner, and when I saw him, I screamed and dropped all my stuff.”
“I know it sounds and like.. could be taken as really mean but I swear to fuck it isn’t like that! I think my boyfriend’s really handsome, he’s got a sweet face and sweet eyes and overall, I love him a lot, but he’s also.. not great at maintaining a sleep schedule, and that combined with the scary stories I was listening to, and how dark it was.. I kind of. Thought he was a ghost. For two seconds.”
“I feel so bad about it, oh my God. He’s genuinely so sweet too, because he made a joke about it and I just couldn’t stop apologizing.. He’s not a scary guy. I’m just a little bitch about the horror podcasts he tries to get me to listen too.”
“I just need some reassurance here that I am not an AH, but please, how do I make this up to him? I don’t care if he was fine with it, I’m making it up to him either way. T•T.”
[A Reddit comment by u/the_darkside_had_cookies4]
“Good fucking lord, OP.”
[A Reddit comment by u/nerf_thisd1ck]
“reading this made me feel better about tripping my girlfriend on purpose lmfaoooo”
[A Reddit comment by u/dw1cky_withthespliffy]
“R.I.P. man.. Maybe offer to cook him dinner or something? Acts of service are supposed to be the best way to show you’re serious.”
[A Reddit comment replying to u/dw1cky_withthespliffy, by u/theking_babey]
“Thank you to the only helpful Redditor ever.”
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otonymous · 4 years
Glutton For Your Flavour (Obey Me: Beelzebub - NSFW)
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Description: You’re about to become Beel’s next meal Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  Spoilers for Lesson 5 of MS (hard).  Please note potential trigger warnings: dub-con (as an inadvertent result of somnambulism), cunnilingus in two flavours (soft and rough), squirting and overstimulation, slight size kink, very faint hints of tetraphilia, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it blasphemy, slight fear (monstrous descriptions) Word Count: ~2900 words (~14 mins of smut & shenanigans) Author’s Notes:  My very first fic for the Obey Me fandom!  I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve recently started playing this game and the story and its characters are so amusing I had to write about it.  This piece may not be to everyone’s taste, so please, please, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above and skip if it’s not your cup of tea.  That being said, hope you all enjoy the read! 💕😆
“Bad luck to be sharing a room with Beel, but what can ya do after he destroyed yours while destroying the kitchen, and all for a dumb custard!  Be careful — he might mistake you for a snack and eat ya in the middle of the night, hahaha!”
The scene fragments, Mammon’s face wavering as his voice grows faint, consciousness seeping into dark corners like sunlight cutting through fog.  And when you open your eyes, you can’t quite place where you are for a moment, straddling the line between dreamscape and reality.
You sigh.  There it was again, the sensation so pleasant it had roused you from the deepest slumber.
Further blinking off the haze of sleep, you take in your surroundings: a large bed lying empty across from yours in a room almost cavernous in size and just as dark save for a candle burning low on a desk, the glow of its flame orange like the hair that was currently brushing soft against your inner thighs—
“So tasty…not…enough…need more…want to…eat…zzz….”
Eyes still closed, the demon’s face is shiny even in the dark, slick from cheek to chin with what must’ve been a copious amount of his saliva and your arousal, you blush to realize.  And when he doesn’t budge even after a swift kick to the face, you are ashamed to find the Lord of Flies’ show of strength sending yet another throb to your already pulsing clit.
He does wake though, Beelzebub’s amethyst eyes opening wide before he falls backwards onto the cold stone floor to realize what he had inadvertently done in his sleep.  And as the always-famished sixth born looks from the shredded remnants of your panties to the pool of wetness on the sheets where his chin had rested, he becomes even more tongue-tied than usual.
“I…uh…I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to…I dreamt I smelled something delicious and I was so hungry…and somehow I’m here, on the floor…I don’t even know…I-I’m so sorry!”
His cheeks grow so flushed they remind you of the red spider sandwiches he packed away during dinner, stuffing them two by two into his mouth until Satan smacked his hand away for trying to take more from his plate.  The expression on his face is so full of remorse that even if you were angry, you’d be inclined to forgive the demon who was currently grovelling at the foot of your bed, swearing he would hand himself over to Lucifer and Diavolo first thing in the morning to be strung up and hung upside down for a fortnight, even (gulp) forgoing food for a day or two.
“Beelzebub…Beel…BEEL!”  You shout, interrupting his self-inflicted tirade.  “It’s okay, you didn’t mean it.  You were sleepwalking.  You don’t have to go to Lucifer and Diavolo about this.”
“No, I have to.  My behaviour was inexcusable—”
“BEEL!  Let’s…just…try to go back to sleep, okay?  We have our midterm in Devildom law tomorrow morning and I really don’t feel like failing just because I didn’t get enough shut eye.  So please, can we just pretend like this didn’t happen?”
Those orange brows are still furrowed when Beel finally lifts his head and nods.  But then his gaze is falling again on the wet sheets and the shiver than runs through that larger-than-life body seems to send another wave of anxiety through the demon.  He makes a mad dash for the door, murmuring something about getting a snack from the kitchen and “you can have the room tonight” before it slams shut behind him.
He doesn’t return for the rest of the night.
The exam was so disastrous even Mammon didn’t bother sneaking another peek at your paper after the first two questions.  And even if you had somehow managed to get back to sleep after last night’s ordeal, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that you were still distracted by the memory of Beel’s mouth on your pussy:
His long tongue, serpentine as it delved deep between swollen folds to taste you with gusto.  
The way he rolled your clit between those plush, soft lips before sucking it into his hot mouth, over and over again.  
The throbbing between your legs that refused to cease long after the Avatar of Gluttony had left the room you were temporarily sharing, sleep only forthcoming once you had succumbed and reached beneath the sheets to finish the job he had started, your moans licentious even to your ears as you pretended your fingers were his.
It was a pale imitation, of course.  That much you could see for yourself, stealing a glance at Beel seated two rows down — quill twirling between long, dexterous digits when he wasn’t putting ink to parchment.
But those gigantic hands were just a small part of what made Beel demonically attractive, as if the word “small” could be applied to him at all: tall and built, there were times when even you envied the ease with which he maintained that perfect physique despite his penchant for shovelling enough food to feed all three realms into his mouth on the regular.
The same mouth which brought you so much pleasure the night before.
Clearing your throat, you pretend not to see the smirk that spreads across Asmo’s delicate face, hoping the lusty demon sitting just to your left wouldn’t pick up on the very secret thoughts you were having about his brother.
[Private Chatroom]: Satan, Levi, Mammon, Asmo
Satan: This is going to sound crazy, but doesn’t it seem like Beel’s…hungrier than usual?  Is that even possible?
Levi: OMFG!  You should’ve seen the state of the kitchen this morning after Beel decided to camp out there overnight!  It was a total war zone, like that epic battle scene in Vol. 5 of TSL lololol.  Soooo good XDDDDD
Mammon:  Hey!  He’s gonna eat us outta house and home at this rate!  Shouldn’t we stop him?
Satan: You do it, Mammon.  Aren’t you always saying that there’s nothing The Great Mammon can’t do?
Mammon: …..
Asmo: Please, as if anyone — angel or demon — could come between Beel and a meal.  
Satan: Why was he camping out there in the first place?  Was there something wrong with his room?  I don’t remember him complaining about anything since he got shacked up with the exchange student.
Levi: Not like he could, seeing as it was his fault to begin with and a direct order from Lucifer.
Asmo: Maybe we should ask her.  I’m sure she knows something about what’s inciting his hunger judging by the way she kept staring at him in class today fufufu 😏  She almost failed her midterm because of it, isn’t that right, Mammon?
Mammon: ‼️‼️
[Mammon has left the chat]
Levi: He is sooooo transparent LMFAOOOO
Pressing a hand to your mouth, you try to contain your shock at the sight that greets you when you peek around the corner into the kitchen:
Curved, ebony horns sitting majestically atop a head of disheveled orange hair.  Thick, corded muscles that ripple across a broad back — readily apparently because the creature bent over a mountain of food on the ground was wearing nothing but a pair of pyjama bottoms, loose and slung so low over narrow hips that the sharp V defining his groin is visible even from the distance at which you stood.  
Because this wasn’t quite what you were expecting to find when you made your way to the kitchen in the middle of the night to search for Beel, thinking to approach him about the peculiarity of his recent behaviour: the way he now ate constantly and was less satiated than before, the fact that he seemed to be going out of his way to avoid you even though you shared a room.
In fact, he hadn’t said so much as another word to you after he gave you two dozen of his prized custards the morning after the incident, apologizing again until you had to be the one to make him swear he wouldn’t breathe a word of it to Lucifer.  The demon even made a beeline for the door as soon as he saw you emerge from the bathroom tonight, fresh from a shower.
It wasn’t hard to guess where he was headed.
Even still, you tried to focus on your textbook, reading the same line over and over again as you waited for Beel to return so you could have a proper conversation with the demon you made a pact with.  And when you could wait no longer, you made your way towards his favourite room in the House of Lamentation — silently, so as not to draw the attention of the eldest sibling.
But the growls coming from the direction of the open fridge this time sounded like Cerberus himself, enough so that you find yourself rooted to the ground, unable to take another step forwards or back.  
You had never seen Beel like this before, tearing into whatever he could get his hands on with a savagery that made your heart stop.  Teeth, lips and tongue devoured without second thought in a way that was simultaneously terrifying and…
Suddenly, he stills, throwing his head back to sniff the air once…twice…and in a flash, he is upon you, towering over your head as he rises to full height — bigger and taller and much more intimidating than you’ve ever seen him before.
You should have been scared.  Any person in their right mind would have if they found themselves cornered by a demon of Beelzebub’s calibre.  But the hands that balled into trembling fists at his sides made you feel oddly secure, your deepest instincts telling you that not all was as it seemed.
“You need to leave.  Now…please.”
“What’s going on with you, Beel?  I just want to help—”  You reach for his arm.  He jumps back as if burned.
“I SAID YOU NEED TO LEAVE!  I-I…can’t hold back…for…much longer!”
Handsome face screwed up as if in pain, Beel turns to put as much distance as possible between the two of you, squatting on his haunches with his head in his hands when he murmurs:
“I…I don’t know what’s going on with me.  This has never happened before.  I’m hungrier than I’ve ever been.  I eat and eat and eat and it still isn't enough.  The last time I felt satisfied was when…when…”
His voice dies down to a whisper.
“…when I tasted you.”
Putting out a hand, you steady yourself against the wall, knees suddenly weak at Beelzebub’s admission.  Or perhaps it was due to relief, the tension that had been steadily building in your strained relationship with the demon released to know that you weren’t the only one who desired to revisit that night’s events.
So you gather your courage, stepping softly towards the demon who crouched on the ground next to the lit fireplace, the heat radiating from the hearth warming the flesh you had deliberately left bare when you lift the hem of your night gown to expose yourself to Beel.
“What are you doing?!  I told you, I can barely hold back—”
“Then don’t.  I don’t mind, Beel.  I…I like it too.”
Amethyst eyes darken as they look up into yours, orange flames reflecting off pupils blown wide.  And when he speaks next, the deepness of his voice echoes in your body, as if its source were to be found within your own soul.
“Ask and ye shall receive.  I won’t touch you until you do.”
Nipples hardening beneath your gown, the rush of heat that floods your core makes you shudder when you say,
“Please, Beelzebub…I want you to eat my pussy.”
Back hitting solid wood, you barely have time to gasp before you are pulled to the edge of a long table in the centre of the kitchen, a long tongue running up the insides of each thigh in turn before they’re propped up onto broad shoulders, Beel’s breath blowing hot on the space in between.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can hold back.  I’m just…so famished, so desperate to taste you again—”
His words cut off in a low growl as he presses his lips to your folds, saliva dripping from his mouth mixing with the juices that already painted a glistening sheen on pink flesh.  You fight to bite back a moan at the vehemence of his hunger, the sheer greed of his tongue — flicking at your clit until your back arched off the table, heralding the arrival of the cream that leaked only to be swept up by Beel licking from end to end of that swollen seam.  And when that still wasn’t enough, you nearly swooned to feel that serpentine tongue penetrate, reaching depths that surely only a demon would be able to achieve as Beel sought out more of your flavour.
He buries his face deeper into your pussy, nose nudging your clit as arousal smeared over the entirely of his visage.  The vibrations of his voice further stimulates your locus of pleasure, punctuating the lewd, wet sounds when he says:
“You smell so delicious.  All the time.  And tonight, when you stepped out of the shower…I couldn’t take it, not with the way your scent flooded my senses.  I had to leave or else…this would happen.”
“Oh Beel…you should’ve told me sooner.”  
Mind lost in a haze of lust and body boneless from riding out wave after climatic wave, you reach down a trembling hand without thinking, fingers innocently tracing along the smooth ridges of the onyx horns that lay against your abdomen.
Suddenly, his breath hitches at your touch and the Sixth Prince of Hell is throwing his head back, eyes squeezed shut and mouth open in a moan loud and deep enough to reverberate off stone walls, clattering stacks of dishes in cupboards and making you come once more — legs convulsing upon his shoulders as you feel a preponderance of fluid gush forth from your body right into Beel’s waiting mouth.
The pleasure was such that you’ve never known before, so good that surely, it must be bad in some way, shape or form.  But you hadn’t the energy to ponder further.  
No, the only thing you’re aware of when your vision goes black is that Beel’s mouth is still on you, feasting upon a pussy that continued to respond to the teasing movements of his lips and tongue even as you ceased to think.
Cheddar.  Pickles.  Ketchup and mustard.
The smell is what rouses you, but nothing could’ve prepared you for what you saw when you awoke in your own bed: mountains of cheeseburgers arranged on platters filling up every available surface in the room you shared with Beel.
“You can sleep for longer if you want.  I told Lucifer you’d be skipping class today because you’re not feeling well.  Are you…feeling well?”
Beelzebub lifts his head from where it’d been resting at the side of your bed, the rest of his body laid out on the floor as if he were guarding you like an oversized dog.  Those puppy dog eyes, full of concern, didn’t help his case either.
“I’m fine, Beel.  Better than fine, actually.  I feel fantastic!”  You smile, moving to sit up in bed.  The demon springs from the ground, putting an arm around your shoulders to help prop you up, and your heart can’t help but warm at how protective he was being.
He breathes, relief flooding those handsome features.  “I’m glad.  I was afraid I lost control last night and had to carry you back.  You were just…so tasty and…satisfying…”  
Those amethyst eyes glint as they travel to the apex of your thighs, and all of a sudden, he is grabbing at those human world cheeseburgers, shoving them into his mouth two at a time.
“Have some,” he says between bites.  “They’re my favourite and I thought you might like them too.  Besides, you need to eat if you’re gonna keep up your energy.”
You reach towards the nearest platter, taking one for yourself.  “Energy for what?”
Beel looks at you, expression completely serious when he says, “For the next round tonight.”
Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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leossmoonn · 3 years
noooo bc what wld his reaction be to riley asking him for his blessing to marry jackie😭
Mmmmm probs go smth like this
“Hey, Matt,” Riley awkwardly goes over to him.
“Hey, Riley. What’s up?” Matt asks.
“Um, just wanted to say thanks for having me over for dinner tonight,” Riley says.
“No problem. We enjoyed having you over.”
Lmao Riley is so nervous. Acting as if they aren’t 28 😭 Riley starts to fiddle with smth in his pocket and ofc Matt being paranoid he thinks it’s a gun. He’s about to punch Riley, but Riley pulls out a box
“What’s that?” Matt asks. “A box.. with a ring,” Riley explains.
“Who is it for?” Matt then glared at Riley. Matt knows that it’s for Jackie, he just likes making Riley nervous
“It’s for um… Jackie. I wanted to ask you blessing to marry her.”
Matt raises a brow. “You think I’d say yes?”
Riley is like 😳 “um i mean… I was hoping”
“What makes you think you’re good enough for my little girl, my first born”
😭 Matt would def say that
Riley starts to sweat lmao “uh… well I’ve been with her for 4 years. I really love her and I think she’s happy with me, if I do say so myself. She’s a great girl and I’d be stupid to not propose to her. I can’t imagine my future without her and I’m hoping you agree.”
Matt stares down Riley for so long Riley decides to give up
“I know this was stupid. You’re right, why do I deserve Jackie. I —”
“You have my blessing,” Matt says. Riley is like “omg really?”
Then Matt leans in to Riley’s ear and whispers “if you ever hurt her, I will make sure you never see another day of sun again. I will make sure you are never allowed to have kids and worse of all, you never see Jackie again.”
Riley gulps and nods furiously. “Yeah yeah of course. I would never hurt her.”
Matt smiles and pats Riley on the back. “Good. And hey, congrats on choosing the woman you wanna spend the rest of your life with. Let’s just hope she says yes”
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
Love Is Not A Victory March
~Notes: :Hiya loves! So yes this is a repost becs I wanted to fix it up and I think it’s much more of an actual story now ty God<3 <3 This is based off the prompt that the ever lovely @goodboylupin gave me for her Candy Hearts challenge, that was literally just, “love letters,” and my dumb brain said I should do this RIP. I literally have photographic proof that I sent RJ that this was meant t be 6k at max lmfaoooo. Also huge thank you to @omgcmere for always being dat bitch to kick me in the ass, and to @mischief-marauders tedddylupin for their kind words, and of course to Angel Anon! I hope y’all don’t hate this!!!
Send Me A Prompt  |  Reblogging is like giving a hug.-
“Sometimes when you open up to people, you let the bad in with the good.”
-Zack Siler, She’s All That
The Lion’s just won their third game in a row for the season, which of course dictates that the team celebrates with an after party at the Prewett’s house while their parents are off visiting their older sister and her new born up north in Albany. There’s a Suicideboys song pulsing through the speakers, and a never ending tub of jungle juice besides a truly imposing stack of White Claws towards the back. All the necessary ingredients  for a good and proper blow out in Sirius’s humble opinion, even if he has to see Peter Pettigrew’s pasty white ass when he runs through the house screaming that he’s lost his pants before jumping into the backyard’s pool in the midst of people cackling and taking photos for their Snapchat and Instagram stories. Not an irregular occurrence, all things considered, especially when taking into account how fucking tweaky Pettigrew can get when he smokes too much.
But whatever, it’s fine.
Sirius is taking a huff out of the sloppily wrapped joint that Evan Rosier had just  handed over— which proofs that if you want anything decently done you have to do it yourself. But it’s whatever, he’s laughing along to a story James is crowing about,  the time when they had snuck into a Florida club during spring break of last year— emphatic hand motions and all— and Eleanor Hawthorne is making eyes at him from across the way— a sure lay for tonight— and he’s the one who made the final goal that won them the game against those serpents in the first place. So yeah it’s a good night all put together. It would be a great night if Fabian would stop whining about Emmeline Vance dumping him for the fourth time in as many months of dating  after she had caught him half way to fucking  a blonde from the local Catholic girl’s school. But he supposes you can’t get everything you want.
“Emmy is the love of my life,” Fabian moans in a truly pitiful way right on queue, interrupting James cackling over how Sirius had flirted so hard with the bartender that they ended up drinking free for half the night. Gideon sums up all their feelings when he just rolls his eyes at his twin before sauntering off to probably go and get busy with Benjy Fenwick  upstairs, the selfish bastard.
“Sure she was,” Kingsley says wryly before going back to the game of beer pong that he’s destroying the competition at, and Frank only pats Fabian’s head consolingly.
“I loved her I tell you!” Fabian shouts defiantly before chugging down his fifth claw of the hour, already fucking tipsy— the light weight.
“Get some dignity man, and get over it,” Sirius tells him— this side of derisive.
Fabian glares at him menacingly. “Just because you don’t have a heart Black, doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t feel things!”
“I have a heart, I’m just not a bitch bout it,” Sirius sniffs loftily, getting up to stretch and gulps down the rest of his rum and coke, winking at a junior who’s blatantly staring after him and making her flush.
“Have you ever even had a long term relationship in your life? Besides just folks you keep on the back burner for casual hook ups?” Frank asks, a bit slurred before stuffing another handful of Doritos into his mouth. He thinks that just because he and Alice Flores have been mindnumpingly in love since Freshman year Homecoming that the rest of the world is just lost until they find their “other half” like they have, whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean.
“Sure I have Frances, your mom.” No one laughs, and he doesn’t expect  them to— that was a pathetic attempt at a joke, and Sirius blames the subpar weed. “’S whatever, I can keep up a relationship if I wanted to.”
“I bet you can’t find someone you haven’t already fucked and dumped   to take’m to the Snowflake Formal,” Kingsley goads, effortlessly bouncing another ball into a solo red cup before taking a seat on the arm rest besides frank and chugging from  an untouched Miller.
James only shakes his head, muttering a small, “Here we go,” beneath his breath.
“Oh hop off, all I gotta do is not cheat on’m with anything that breathes, learned that one from you Fabs.”
Fabian glares darkly at him, “That was a misunderstanding.”
“Your tongue was down the chick’s mouth.”
“We were on a break!”
“And Joey doesn’t share food!” Frank tacks on with a snort.
Fabian flips him the bird before swiveling his gaze back up at Sirius, “Just admit that you’re an irreverent asshole and can’t hold up a relationship if your life counted on it.”
“Pff,” Sirius tilts his head, starting to get real peeved off. “Let’s make it  a bet then. I’ll get a date to take for the formal, just to rub it in your fucking face Prewett.”
“Guys, this is a bad idea.” James interjects.
“I think it’s an amazing one,” Kingsley counters, pixelated gleam in his dark eyes.
“I think you’re all off your rockers,” Frank intones with far too much gravity.
Sirius sighs. “No more comments from the peanut gallery for the love of Christ.”
“Not only a date, a full blown relationship for the next three months! Gotta make the poor fucker believe it too.” Fabian clarifies, to which Sirius only shrugs, indifferent to the caveat. “Then you’re on Black! And if you lose, you gotta streak the entire crowd during the championship game!”
Sirius agrees easily, knowing full and well that he won’t lose to the bastard. “And if I win, you gotta hand over that motorcycle you and your dad have been fixing up over the summer.”
They shake on it with matching smirks of condescension.
“This is going to be so, so bad.”
Acting as if James hadn’t even spoken, Fabian gets up to meet Sirius eye to eye. “Next person to walk through the door is your conquest.”
“Fine with me.”
“I don’t like this at all.”
Everyone continues to ignore James, to busy keeping up a death stare towards the entrance of the living room— Sirius’s stomach dropping six feet under and his heart clenched when not even a minute passes and it’s no other than Remus Lupin who ambles through the threshold, looking so adorably flustered until spotting Dorcas Meadowes— president of both the STEM club and  the black student union— who quickly envelopes him into a hug before they stroll towards the garden by the smokers.
ANd shit.
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 // the kidnapping
okay yall heres this! see you in two weeks! 🥳
-ik george called everyone to help but i get such a thrill from people asking nancy for help bc they know she can do it. (its a real contest sometimes between nancy over-inserting herself into peoples business bc she thinks she knows better vs her actually being the one to call)
-maybe an interesting facet to nancys tendency to lack emotion comes from mystery solving- being able to stay calm and objective when people like george are frantic and anxious. think rationally. search for clues. follow logical footsteps. this is where her predicting human behavior scientifically and not socially prevails. you might think youre behaving rationally but it takes a cold clocked brain to really do it (the 'wall' that carson mentioned)**
-owen is so cute lmfaoooo
-once again bess's particular attention to detail wins the day
-they totally stole this sharpie + back of menu thing from victoria
-wonder what gomber asked for from simon
-chief has absolutely zero hesitation to sharing things with nancy now lmfaoooo
-"just dont slow me down" all im picturing is nancys face when carson says how bout a father juxtaposed with s2 ryan and carson stalking her and pretending to hide in their car when they got caught
-"commentary rescinded" lmfaoooo we all judge him for the weekend sweater vests but he is undoubtedly the most capable character on this show for taking care of a kid
-"your memory is relentlessly specific" would honestly hate to be raising that kid lmfaoooo no winning arguments here. thats probably why carson is the way he is though, soft, small, open and unguarded - no reason to start arguments. perfect calm happy family
-okay lbh. was karen a dick for snooping in nancys room y/n?
-nancys face when carson offers advice on the phone call lmaoooo
-**so now wonder if that "calm" carson mentions as a survival mechanism is manufactured. that would be an intereting parallel to s2 premiere when nancy confesses to the wraith that shes afraid. then with nancys constant conflict of wheter to engage with mysteries or not when they are such a part of her is brought to scintillating focus if we consider this cold clocked calm during panic is actually based in something painful and tragic, and the real truth is that nancy is too afraid to even solve mysteries anymore (afraid of what tho? herself? hurting others? her own mystery-solving ability?)
-carson still has his supernatural nope hat on
-her frustration with her "memory in pieces" become so much more interesting considering it as a control mechanism- nancy is obsessively in control of what shes thinking and feeling and executes that control firmly in pretext of solving mysteries - she controls and solves them, they dont control her. like cancer was "the mystery she couldnt solve" and she just spiraled from there. like in the first ep she says "it was more than just a hobby, it was part of who i was" past tense. shes trying to reclaim parts of her identity that she thought were unshakeable, like mysteries and who her parents are, yet these parts of her identity that she still picks up and engages with turn out to be destructive both to herself and those around her. does her ability to draw the line differ? like the mysteries are a comfort/lacking stillness to avoid dealing with emptiness: did mysteries always hurt her parents/friends/others when she was younger, and she just never noticed because their lives werent permanently damaged like nancys picking apart these secrets did?
-"superstitions and rituals are all part of human behavior, its not proof of something inhuman" -discuss 🧐
-this ep and that hug made me ship george/nick
-love this bess/owen bonding time 💙
-love the contrast between nancy rejecting nicks help to george with "my trucks outside" (THE TRUCK omg foreshdowinggggg)
-damn casting did a good job finding a creepy bitch to play moira (shes sooooo weak tho lmfaooo)
-wonder if mcginnis can sense anything when gombers arm starts to bleed
-"TED!" "...yeah?" 😰😴🤦🏼‍♀️😂
-wonder what a relief nicks help is to george when even her own mother cant help her
-love this branch swinging bit for nancy. one hit for every memory taken! reminds me of our good ole tazer ep. and loving these physical outbursts from nancy.
-carson saying "i'm here" just like he did on the bluffs 😭
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: "just out of curiosity..." and gomber indulges her! what an interesting weirdcreep nancy/gomber (+simon as an extension) for a what if scenario. "i can still smell him on you" 👀...something about the children who were chosen first as little girls that come back as grown women (like an addiction/cant stay away/been marked/curiosity)
-owen holding bess's coat for her 🥺
-"we can enter our homes justified tonight" nancy would love that.
-irony: asking where kate will be in heaven bc lucy never made it to heaven/stuck as a ghost in purgatory (and why nancy always feels so lost bc she cant find kate bc kate's not hers)
-nancys old notebook is the same blue just like her blue car 💙😚
-mcginnis reaches out to nancy physically during/after carsons handcuffing by karen but just barely makes contact- so physical after meeting with mcginnis/him saying "work together" and seance/ceremony - now that opposing forces of mcginnis' law and nancys ability to get results have mixed and "been resolved" - emotional conflict nullified which allows for more genuine emotion/"paternal" instinct of older man-younger woman dynamic to come through (ironic since her actual parent is getting carted away)
and lastly
-"tell them you didnt kill her!" karens look at carson when he doesnt/cant say anything speaks volumes.
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haikyuu-drabble · 5 years
Could you write a clubbing scenario with Oikawa?
i .... live for this kinda shit LMFAOOOO pls enjoi thank you for requesting!
Oikawa x Male Reader | Proposed What?
word count: 1204
Once you were inside the club, the dark and loud atmosphere only made you feel tipsier and more buzzed. You and your friends decided to start off summer vacation by going out and having fun one last time before everyone went to their hometowns for break. That being said, the atmosphere of everyone dancing, made you crave a drink. You walked up to the bar to order a drink, when a random stranger began to talk to you. To be polite, you would reply, but in simple yesses or nos. As soon as the bartender made your drink, the stranger grabbed your arm and pulled you, “Let’s go over there where it’s more private.”
You felt your stomach drop as their grip was tight. You searched the crowd to see if you could see anyone familiar, and you called out the first person you could recognize, “Oikawa!”
Oikawa looked in your direction and smiled. However, his smile fell just as fast as soon as came. Oikawa glared at the stranger, “Can I help you?”
The person ended up leaving, and you sighed in relief, “Thank you, Oikawa. Let me buy you a drink!”
“Nope, that’s okay. I’m supposed to be responsible tonight. I have practice in the morning!” His intimidating glare melted away as he smiled at you, “Where are your friends?”
You scanned the crowd and found them dancing in the middle of dance floor. “They’re over there!” you pointed, “What about your group?”
He looked around the club to see where his friends were, and he frowned, “I think I lost them.”
You smiled, “That’s fine! Just join our group until you find them later.”
You led him to your group, and you caught up with your friends. Your friend asked you, “How did you run into Oikawa?”
“He saved me from a creepy guy earlier!” you grinned, “But it’s whatever now! Let’s dance!”
You felt yourself relax, probably due to the alcohol, and danced to the beat of the music. Oikawa turned to your friend and asked, “How much did you guys pregame before this?”
Your friend laughed, “More than I’d like to admit.”
Oikawa chuckled to himself at how free you seemed. In the past couple of weeks at school, he’d seen you stressed from all of the end of the year projects. It was nice to see you finally relaxed. Your friend looked at Oikawa and smirked, “You seem to be watching him pretty closely. You don’t like him, do you?”
Oikawa could feel his cheeks turn red, but before he could answer, someone called out to him. He turned and saw his friends approaching coming towards him. “Iwa-chan!” he called out.
You noticed the guys approaching your friends and went up to Oikawa, “Hey! You found your friends!”
Iwaizumi answered, “More like we found him.”
Before you realized it, the both of your groups soon meshed together and became a giant group. You were resting on a random bench on the side of the club. Someone sat next to you, and you smiled at the familiar face, “Hello again, Oikawa.”
Oikawa grinned at you. You asked, “So, why did you come out tonight if you have practice tomorrow? Won’t you be tired?”
He laughed, “Well, some of my friends from high school visited me, and I thought it’d be boring if I didn’t show them a good time around.”
“How hospitable of you!” you grinned, “Man, you don’t really get any breaks though.”
“Well, I don’t really mind.” Oikawa replied, “If I really hated volleyball that much, then I would have quit ages ago.”
You felt your shoulders drop slightly, “It must be nice to have something you enjoy doing that much. I really feel like I was running around like a chicken with no head this semester.”
Oikawa looked at you, “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. Whenever I saw you, you looked like you were working hard. I just think that if you weren’t passionate, you couldn’t do what you do.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, “You think I’m passionate?”
Oikawa noticed the blush on your cheeks, “Definitely. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone as hard working as you when it came to what you study.”
You were about to smile and thank him, but your friend interrupted the two of you, “Hey! We’re about ready to leave. Are you guys good to go?”
You looked at Oikawa hesitantly, who was just smiling, and nodded to your friend, “Yeah, if you guys are ready.”
When you all managed to leave the club, your friend asked, “A lot of us are feeling kind of hungry. Do you wanna go and get some food with us before we head home?”
You could feel your eyelids get heavy, and you wanted to say yes. However, you knew both you and your wallet would probably regret it if you continued the night. You shook your head, “I think I’m good for the night. I’m pretty exhausted. I’ll just take a taxi home.”
Your friend said, “It’s fine, then. I’ll go home with you. I don’t want you to be alone.”
One of Oikawa’s friends said, “Oh! Oikawa is actually going home too since he has practice tomorrow. The two of you should just go together. He seems like a frivolous guy, but he can be dependable at times.”
Oikawa scowled at his friend but waved at you. Your friend remembered how Oikawa was watching over you nearly the whole night and agreed for you, “I think that plan sounds great!”
You looked at your friend with wide eyes and said, “Wait, what do you think you’re doing?”
She winked at you, “Trust me. You’ll thank me in the morning.”
In the silence of the car ride home, you could feel your eyelids getting even heavier than before. Oikawa must have noticed and said, “You can sleep if you’d like. I’ll wake you up when we reach your apartment.”
It was as if he said a magic spell because after that you instantly fell asleep. After what felt like seconds later, Oikawa gently shook your shoulder in attempt to wake you up, “We’re here.”
You opened your eyes and squinted at the brown-haired boy, and then you smiled at him. The first thing to come out of your mouth was, “If I woke up to your face every morning, then waking up wouldn’t be half as hard.”
Oikawa felt his cheeks heat up, and you managed to stumble out of the car. Oikawa was at a loss for words. He watched you walk into your apartment when he finally came to his senses. He got out of the taxi and ran to you. You looked at him with wide eyes, and he said, “How are you going to propose to me before I gained the courage to ask you out?”
Suddenly, you felt all the effects of the alcohol disappear from your body, and you exclaimed, “I-I didn’t mean it like that!”
Oikawa grinned at you, “Well, what do you say then?”
“Say?” you asked, “About what?”
“To the date.” He continued to smile at you.
“I-I’d love to.” You stuttered with a huge blush on your cheeks.
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musclegoth · 5 years
omg omg omg omg i’m cackling I feel like i struck gold in the studio tonight i feel like i’ m creating my MAGNUM OPUS lmfaoooo i’m sure other humans won’t think it’s that great but I DO BOY DO I HOOOOOOOOO BOY
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / OCTOBER 5, 2019 // return of josh
oooookay folks! that's a wrap! below are my comments about tonight's ep + additional expansions on previously stated opinions. i'm not combining s2 ep 1 with this bc s2 is dead to me! so is s3! i only did this to gather up all these loose thoughts i had when this show with its one lonely season became such a comfort to me that i developed a second consciousness about it. but with these posts i am done! the evil is defeated! i will carry on through the 3rd and hopefully final season of nancy drew with less emotion and better spirits. thank god.
-"talk to owen" nancy firstly thinks of talking to owen only to see what happens w the agleaca; saying goodbye comes as sorta an afterthought mirroring tiffany's possession of george. yet nancy was unable to say goodbe to owen just like w kate. knowing this reveal about kate, i wonder if this was foreshadowing that something big will be revealed about him later? unlikely but still
-nancy + the reality of broken things: 'totems' like broken sand glass sculpture (good place) to show you it's not a dream; "owen broke that" ghost trap to ground him to reality, like how she reached for her locket in the good place, lucy's charm, ace's bear ('totems' idea borrowed from inception)
-george has never been an affectionate person, even with other women- so why does pda with nick suddenly become so important?
-lots of comments about ryan + women but what about carson/kate and karen? again with the hypocritical (interestingly, there is an aspect of violence to women connected with ryan (even though that violence is not his fault); but its not like kate or karen fared well either)
-ryan feels useless- relationships with women as stated by nancy- he seeks to redeem himself by showing up where nancy goes to prove he is good to have around/necessary/needed - but now that he is attempting to act as a parent he has to break through nancy's defenses all over again- firstly she didnt really consider him any kind of threat bc he comes off as incompetent- ie bad business deals- i think i mentioned last ep, their hauntings equalize them as they both attempt to gain peace by searching for answers but now ryan has changed the terms of engagement so he's back to square one, with carson. (which is how we find them s2 cowering in ryans car stalking nancy together)
-ryan's relationship to nancy exposes an interesting layer here. so far she doesnt know about nick/george but they still hold the cards (ie george gets one over on nick's ex/"the new girl") with the revelation of ryan being nancys father, nancy gains an interesting trump card in navigating the social fallout of being nick's ex. like george would take the new spot but then nancy comes out with george's ex in a much higher category. this plays out later on in the ep when george confronts ryan. george wants to talk about "them" but ryan shows up completely focused on nancy, thus illustrating the trump
-"i thought it was whitney with another insipid question" to me this sounds like whitney took bess's advice earlier about "asking aunt diana what she wants" (only to learn it actually annoyed the hell out of diana lmaoo)
-"then you need to fight for it" this hearkens nancy earlier by asking "arent you in by virtue of dna?" the test was positive; she is a marvin just like nancy is a hudson. thats not a fact that they can change. however, diana really acts like it can be changed- and in s2 we see it does change. its interesting for bess to be told to fight to be in a family she's already in and also foiled by nancy trying to fight her way out of her own family. would like to see bess stand up to diana and say something. i mean, she exists. as much as she may want to erase bess from the family, diana cannot erase her existence
-hannah's rolled up sleeves 💙
-"previous keepers records" -from s2- were those not her parents??
-mistaken murderers- everyone incorrectly assumes lucy was murdered just as they assume the agleaca killed owen
-even if owen weren't the price, how can they pay the toll without one of the people who called? i mean if it was anything other than owen and he still died they still wouldve been fucked
-"you don't need to check, i'm not even driving!" okay and giving up the goss. cassidy is me. lmfaoooo
-wonder if this locked marvin industries box will ever come back
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: george's confrontation with ryan comes waytoo late to do anything. i think i brought this up in an earlier post. its literally just her screaming at him now. like he is clocked out moved on. you know a good time for this scene? in the claw when he comes by to "check on her". hes vulnerable, fresh from rehab. and she has a chit over him for punching bookcases/the fuckin country club deal. therewould have been a perfect time to confront ryan on what happened- "what you did to me" okay sis. you admitted ep 1 you werent in hs anymore. youre of age now. admit you fucked up. take the L to force him to swallow the bigger L. and imagine how much more powerful the scene would have been- in george's domain, literally her own office, something ryan doesnt even have because HE DOESNT DO SHIT. ryan is SO EASY to trap but nobody notices. instead they have george try to get some kind of apology out of him when hes already done with that, and only for the sake of her establishing a new relaionship to boot. imagine how much more empowered she would feel if she just got that closure for herself- because she needed it, not so she could trot straight back to nick being all proud of calling a grown man to some random estate only to scream at him in a parking lot and have accomplished nothing. 🤦🏼‍♀️
-i get patrice thinking nancy is lucy but yeahhhhh this isnt how dementia works 😬
-i almost cant with nance and josh. how do you save your would-be murderer? (+ lucy's best friend and brother are in jail, her mom is lost to her mentally; all she has left is nancy and ryan)
-tbh i had no idea how to spell agleaca until bess said "theres no i in agleaca!" i thought it was igleaka like 😂
-damn how george just stares at nicks hand and then gets out herself is just so sad (like she immediately rectifies it but still...)
-"curiosity" part II; nancy who comes back to the sea after her mother died in it- agleaca drawn to lucy's trauma/to agleaca, lucy died fir "love"- would nancy be willing to risk the same? // this is also one of nancy's "mirroring mom" moments: winning sea queen, going to the velvet masque, getting caught by celia, having a "chat" with everett, and "falling" off the bluffs
-the collector 🎵👌🏻
-i wonder if there's any significance to the locations/means of their deaths; nancy's is pretty straight forward in terms of where and how, but why george and nick drowning, in the truck specifically? drowning in love? idk. ace's at the claw i get, but he gets himself caught? in what precisely? what does the fish hook mean? and bess's makes the least sense- burning alive? in the marvin estate? maybe the agleaca picked the most painful death for the marvin blood relation? idk. up for debate lmk ya thoughts
and lastly:
-i remember seeing this ending for the first time and i had just been traumatized by avengers endgame and since black widow is also a redhead seeing that shit at the bottom of the cliff it was like 😰😰😰 TOO SOON
-random thoughts-
these are just things i noticed, feel free to grapple with them or take note of them for extrapolation in s3 (lord knows i wont be) they probably belonged in recaps for previous eps but i either didnt find them in my notebook or couldnt fit them in
•nancy and truth/the perception of truth: using facts to suit theories instead of creating theories to suit facts- nancy often plays with the perception of truth and the details that fall between the steps; but she is also a victim to them by people who also know how to play the game (ie Carson) ex lying about the dress (tea cups and knives, trash got picked up, bail paid 1 hr ago) her inferences can be off from what others tell her ("people always lie") but she can also come to the wrong conclusions organically (carsons trial) more willing to believe the best in others/wanting them to be innocent (think nick ep 1) but later finding out the truths hurts more so she chooses to isolate herself and avoid involving others to be spared pain
•maybe i'm dumb, but who is "mr marvin" exactly? owen? the bald guy from the funeral? this comes from the guy who takes sailboats out like ep 4ish and says "ive worked for the marvins 20 years" she compliments the ship, he says "mr marvin and i just took her out this morning" so?? who is that? plus last ep just saying cassidy and isaac are her "late husbands children" dows thet mean sebastian? like did diana marry in? i feel like it would be odd for her to so embrace the "marvin way" if she wasnt a true born marvin
•ik college becomes a more s2 topic but none of the crew have ever been to college 🤔
•nick + the relationships with people whose reputations are tarnished: tiffany with investigating the hudsons/marvins, josh with murder/attempted murder, kate and 'stealing'/lying about nancy (esp compared to her almost preternatural kindness i mentioned before), george and her mom/family's reputations --> this kind of segues into nick + the concept of believing people you love could be capable of horrific things- accidental or on purpose (see- having to tell his family what happened)
•at the beginning, nancy kind of seems to be the "i'm sorry you're upset" kind of apologist and knows it. she also doesnt usually apologize earnestly bc shes never really sorry (she always has to get what she needs first ie coins mess) and she doesnt want to lie; to me it seems she doesnt like to bother with other people bc they require certain cues/niceties that are often lies- they ask "how are you" without meaning it, they dont really want an honest response except "fine", they dont like it when you call them out on fakeness, etc/ they require apologies for their bruised feelings even if youre right (and nancy can be pretty rude/nasty if provoked- a harshness unsoftened by sympathy)
•cont'd from the good place ep- since kate apparently means nothing to nancy anymore according to last ep ("stop calling her my mother") is her policy of "always seek the truth" now null and void? this mantra is now tainted bc the person who gave it to her broke it so much. can nancy disengage w it now? does she fall from grace to be complicit in "mysteries" of her own like everyone else? does she lose some of her "god-like" holier than thou act bc she is now literally born and raised in the "darkness" of sins/ugly truths like everyone else's? (ie truth is ugly but not to nancy, until now)
•did lucy disappear because her "murder" was finally solved? or simply because her trauma was addressed- she never meant to tell anyone about her suicide plans, the twisted trauma of which was too great to contain/unable to move on due to "sin" - or unable to move on because secret of nancy's parentage still remained? "lucy never wanted me to figure out how she died" she only wanted nancy to figure out her parentage without solving the mystery, yet did lucy see/witness nancy's revelation at the claw, or with carson, or even ryan? waiting for karen/josh to know? or just vanished?
•concept of imperfect mom figures- lucy, kate, celia, victoria, even karen- who all struggle with failings
•since karen dispelled one of lucy's attempts at nancy's haunting at the garden party, is that proof she isn't haunting karen?
•the crew + needing adult help: george's possession and victoria, club busted and owen, car accident and mcginnis, thom and cipher, larkspur lane and sal, bones and john, agleaca and hannah
•everett is always sitting- at his home office, at dinner, at yacht club (wonder if that was his actor + had to do with his recasting?)
-dad talk-
•both her dads think negatively on her "girl detective" thing but ryan sees use in it as a means to get answers, carson would never 'use' her in that way
•nancy + carson : suffering
"what about what i wanted?" + carson being imprisoned for weeks but she immediately rejects him (the DAY he gets his freedom no less) with no regard to his suffering (caused by herdiary!!) in regards to her own from this new knowledge (she does suffer a lot- "almost dying is my new normal" but still)/ the "thankless job" of parenting
•nancy + adults - connected to cop thing a few posts earlier : nancy is v precocious and smart for her age- she is "old enough" but also has trouble with the "adults" in her life- fathers, moms, karen, and cops letting her down but depends heavily on "adults" she cantrust- hannah gruen, john sander, lisbeth- highlighting her youth and occasional naiveté; nancy is unafraid to hold adults accountable for their actions (ie karen) but also loses them as allies along the way. both hannah and john are very nonthreatening and also experts in their fields, while her fathers and karen are revealed to be "just another brick in the wall" average, capable of mistakes, and not the people she expects them to be, while characters like john and hannah can only benefit nancy because either they do not mean as much to her or have no reason/nothing to gain by lying; they are purposefully shown to be small, demure, gentle, and nonthreatening as foils/opposed to karen, ryan, and josh whom she previously trusted; carson (+kate) is nonviolent as well but has the biggest betrayal which is perceived as an act of violence to her very personhood/shattering who she thought she was so she cannot be that anymore (admits truths to john "everytime i dig i hurt everyone" and hannah-agleaca) : unclear if redemption is possible for anyone :
•nancy bonds with carson over loss and then ryan over haunting. but actually, nancy rejects carson over loss bc she wanted to say goodbye and wasnt allowed to- so carson was with kate but nancy was not. nancy and ryan are more equals about haunting bc they both start around the same time and conclude together as well [nancy and ryan bond over thinking their parents conspired to kill lucy- think sitting on the floor at velvet masque] nancy is appreciated by ryan for her ability to get answers- he has no qualms about going through her/outside of police bc he wants results/instant gratification and thinks nancy is more so the expert in her field/respects her even through her age- once again acknowledging she is braver than he is (think lucy + claw parking lot) and her portent in the car freaks him out bc shes usually always in control, esp with him
•bc nancy was told "you can't be afraid of the truth" until she was / ironic bc shes braver than him except when the truth is they are related then she's scared to tell him while he actually starts to take some initiative
•nancy picked "the wrong person" to help her through her grief in her dad's eyes like her mom's best friend was somehow a better choice? carson truly "parents" nancy even during grief and haunting (which she rejects) whereas nancy and ryan are really equals in all their situations which is actually better for her and easier for her to maintain- nancy's expectations are low so anything that ryan gives is a bonus. nancy's expectations of carson were shattered by his lies so now she has nothing to connect with him about- they could barely even connect when sharing the same grief- carson actually very hypocritical hence nancy's upset at karen revelation yet carson doesn't agree bc hes the "adult" and shes the "child" not realizing she hadnt been one for a long time (hidden staircase perhaps?) whereas ryan better treats her with lack of controlling parental nature bc he is impressed with her competence before he receives that knowledge; "lucy was smarter than me too" acknowledging her intellect negates his ability to "parent" ie control her to leave him solely with caring about her wellbeing in her situations + aftermath - i honestly dont think carson would ever admit that shes smarter than him* bc he thinks shes not "all grown up" yet ("youve kept me on the bench for years"); ryan is more willing to meet her where she's at which is so important for all her good relationships - ace, owen, etc
*carson asks for nancy to figure out "who to trust" in ep 12, finally admitting that she is useful/ie acknowledging that her skills/abilities do help, are necessary, and can in fact save lives --> this is then s2 follow up by working for him (but it takes him that long)
•ryan/nancy/carson venn diagram - using sex to escape trauma
•if not carson vs ryan then what about celia and everett vs patrice (and josh)? at this point in the narrative, do you think ryan's parents would take his side should the knowledge become public (without their involvement), or deny nancy?
•"we were a family" + the disruption of family dinner- kate was really the one holding that family together and her death makes it unsustainable
okay!! that's all folks! i have exhausted my plethora of nancy drew thoughts + knowledge. you will never have to hear from me again!! TYSSM 😘
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