#I’m at Dylas
zorosdimples · 9 months
totally normal thinking about men who tie their long hair up before going down on you
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cyberwormss · 8 months
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*smoothies your horseboy*
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the-feral-gremlin · 5 months
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Guess who posted one of their WIP’s 🙏🙏
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ungalobrando · 1 year
Thinking about how realistically I probably couldn’t score any of my F/Os tbh
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karnakian · 2 years
last thought before it’s naptime but i really do think leon is like the best person to have in your corner. he would be your ride or die. he would do anything to see you happy and he would love and guard your name through millennia. and he would bury anyone who dared mistreat you ❤️
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breakfastteatime · 11 months
Comfortember Day 12: Dreams
Water presses against him, fills his ears.  
Cal jolts, eyes springing open. Overhead is a bright blue sky. That can’t be right. Doesn’t feel right. He sits up, sinking slowly into the soft sand beneath the water. Far, far away he sees a beach and a figure waving and shouting. He knows her. He does. Who is she?
Someone moves at his side, the water splashing.
Cal watches a young man run past him and toward the beach. There’s something familiar about him too. Cal gets to his feet and hurries after him. Maybe he can explain what happen. Either him or the woman calling out on the beach.
Except Cal never makes it to the beach. The people shatter like glass and drift away, the world fading into –
Water presses against him, fills his ears.  
Cal jolts, eyes springing open. Overhead is a bright blue sky. That can’t be right. Doesn’t feel…
“I’ve done this before,” he whispers.
He looks over, sees a young man, probably his own age, flat out in the water beside him, eyes closed, grinning up at the sun. Facing the beach, Cal sees the tiny figure waving and shouting.
“Hey,” Cal calls, reaching out. “Hey, I think – ”
His hand passes through the other man.
The man’s eyes open and he sits, the water splashing. “Yeah, yeah, alright, I’m coming!”
Cal knows him. He knows his face. But there’s something different. Something…
This time, Cal tries to keep up, make it to the beach, but…
Water presses against him, fills his ears.  
Cal jolts, eyes springing open. Overhead is a bright blue sky. That can’t be right. He was…
“I’ve done this before,” he whispers.
More than once. He takes a deep breath, ignores the sound of a person beside him. He needs to remember what he was doing before this. Right before.
Inside. He’d been inside. With the others. Stuck during a storm. Invited into a home. Log cabin. Simple. Homely. Welcomed to the table. Greez helping with the cooking. BD scanning. Merrin and Cere speaking with the friendly homeowner – Dyla. She’d taken pity on them, told them it was too dangerous to go back to their ship. Talk. They’d all been talking, until Cal was called upstairs, the Force insistent. A room. Medical equipment. A figure on the bed. Young. Unconscious. Shimmering.
An echo.
The man was an echo. And now, Cal is inside the echo. Not hearing. Not merely watching. Not even seeing it from within the man’s perspective. He is inside the echo. He is himself within in the memory, in the past.
“This is new,” Cal tells himself.
He can’t let the echo loop again. There must be more.
Cal looks. The man gets up, calls out, runs for the beach. This time, Cal goes with the flow, doesn’t allow the echo to reset. He pushes through, follows through, and this time when the people disperse and the beach fades to white, everything coalesces anew and suddenly he’s back in the cabin they’ve taken shelter in, except he’s in the past with its hazy, dreamlike quality, and standing ahead of him is the young man, arms held up, with Dyla aiming a weapon at him. Instinct tells Cal to get in between them. Before he can move, the pair burst into laughter, the man turns and walks through Cal, passing by like a warm breeze.
The scene replays.
Cal swears. He needs to get the hang of this, follow the man’s memory, not get stuck in it.
Not get lost.
He tunes in, hears the pair properly this time.
“It’s going to work perfectly,” Dyla says. “No one’s going to see us coming. No one knows about us. You go to work, same as always, we come in and launch the surprise attack, take you hostage and you let us in. No one will suspect you because why would they? You being such a loyal soldier.”
The past moves on, and Cal’s there, in the Imperial outpost they’d taken care to avoid today, staring at a stormtrooper with his arms raised, Dyla aiming a weapon at him, a crowd of others behind her.
“Give us what we want, and no one gets hurt!” Dyla bellows.
The stormtrooper – the young man – opens the door and beyond is a prisoner transport. Dyla and her people rush aboard, start freeing people, start –
The echo shifts. A firefight. Prisoners versus stormtroopers. Cal sees Dyla. Sees the fear on her face. It’s all gone wrong. Cal knows exactly which stormtrooper is the young man, can see him a sea of white.
Sees a prisoner behind him. Sees the prisoner holding a weapon – a slugthrower.
The prisoner doesn’t know he’s aiming at an ally.
He lines up the shot.
The slug cuts through the helmet.
The young man drops.
The crowd moves past him, the fight heading beyond the prison. Dyla alone remains. Her, and Cal. He joins her at the man’s side, sees that despite the terrible headwound, he’s still alive. He’s still –
The echo fades and they’re back in the water, back on the beach. The echo has looped again. Cal sits, turns to the man, reaches for him.
The man looks at him, stares in confusion. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
No one ever noticed Cal in an echo before. No one. This man, this rebellious stormtrooper, is trapped within it. Stuck in his own past, going around and around and –
Cal holds out a hand. “Come with me. Come back. Dyla’s waiting.”
Their hands connect. The echo ends. Cal is back in the cabin, hand closed around the young man’s. The young man who is staring up at him from his nest of medical equipment. Cal’s head gives a nauseating thud. He can’t be sick. Can’t be. Not on this poor guy he just woke up. He takes a deep breath. “I’ll go and get your, uh, your – ”
“You were in my head.” The man’s voice is a whisper. “My memory. And now you’re here. How?”
The door opens. Dyla is there, staring first at Cal, and then at her partner in the bed. She rushes forward.
“You’re awake!” she cries out. “I never… I never thought it would…”
He reaches for her, hand trembling. She grabs it, sits on the bed, kissing his fingers.
Cal backs away, finding a wall to lean against. His head throbs, the migraine gaining strength. He’d never, not once, done that before. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb him.”
She looks up at him. “You’re joking, right? Dev’s been in a coma for months. You woke him up. The doctors said he would never –” She trails off, stares at him, wonder in her eyes. “What are you?”
He’s going to be sick, that’s what he is. He rushes out of the room, almost crashes into Cere, finds the cabin’s refresher and just about makes it in time. A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door and Cere calls out. She steps in, crouches down by his side. “What did you do?” she asks.
He holds up a hand, begging for silence. He’s not ready. His head is in a vice, brain slowly crushing under the pressure.
Cere’s voice is next in his head, soft and soothing. It’s alright, she tells him. We’re still safe here. I’ll be back for you.
She slips out once again. The only sound is the rain lashing the refresher window. Cal sinks to the refresher floor, eyes closed, the cold tile the most soothing thing he’d ever experienced in his whole life. Slowly, surely, the nausea backs off and the migraine steadies. He sits up, massaging his head. He wishes he hadn’t left his sunglasses aboard the Mantis. They’d really come in handy right about now. Instead, he gets to his feet and washes off in the sink. When he steps out, Dyla is in the hallway, eyes swimming with tears.
“I know what you are,” she says.
Cal takes a breath, steadies himself with the Force. “And I know what you are. You and Dev.”
Dyla smiles. “Guess that means we’re on the same team.” She salutes him. It’s the Partisan’s salute. “I promise I’ll never tell a soul, not after what you’ve done for us.”
“Will Dev be alright?” Cal asks.
“Eventually,” Dyla says. “He’s got me. And I spoke to Cere. She told me offer you a bed.” She nods to the door on her right. “That’s for you.”
Cal thanks her, steps in, and finds Cere and BD waiting. There’s a bed with the covers turned down, and BD’s busy hopping on the pillow to fluff it.
“What did you do?” Cere asks.
Flopping carefully into the bed, Cal closes his eyes. Cere places a cold compress over his head. It feels so good. “It was an echo,” he tells her. “It called to me. But it wasn’t like others. It was a sequence, a chain of echoes, stuck on a loop.” He pauses, takes a deep breath. “Cere, I think I walked through his dreams.”
“Your psychometry is strengthening,” she says. “This is likely the next progression of the ability.”
“Could have used a heads up,” Cal says.
“Get some sleep,” Cere tells him. “And try to stay in your own dreams."
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avionvadion · 1 month
Normally when I play farming games I have just one marriage candidate I fall for, but fields of mistria is the first time I’m genuinely having trouble deciding, between Balor, March, and Caldarus. I’m still probably going to pick the dragon first, but it’s a tough choice
I was running FULL SPEED to Balor and Ryis until I realized Caldarus was technically romanceable. 😭 I already have Balor and Eiland at the max hearts EA has allowed. I’m still working on Ryis, but once the full game is out??? Or Caldarus is available in EA??? DRAGON HUSBAAAAAAAAAND
Normally I have a type. Balor falls into that type.
Stardew: Sebastian
RF4: Originally Dylas before I met Leon and it has been LEON ever since. Literally I can't marry any other character in this game it always has to be Leon, anytime I start a new playthrough I speedrun until I get Leon because I NEED MY DEPRESSED FOX HUSBAND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
RF5: Murakumo.
Coral Island: Theo, Wakuu, Agung (he's not actually romanceable, though, ow my poor heart), Sumeru.
But. But. Like. Oh my goodness. This game.
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spicyhotsoup · 3 months
I love Rune Factory 4 so much, even if Rune Prana is kicking my ass
I’m romancing Dylas and yesterday he got the courage to say he loved Frey out loud 😭 I said it back and he started crying LMFAOO yeah this game can own my heart and soul I love the townspeople and all the cute town events and ughhhhh
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regallibellbright · 7 months
I MIGHT have found what you were talking about regarding Kiel. It wasn't a full-blown confession, but I JUST encountered something he'd never said before wherein he heavily implied and/or started to confess. HOWEVER, it was something along the lines of "I know you already have a lover, but I also… Oops, shouldn't say that!" The line was partially voiced (and not with generic voice clips) even! I was so shocked I talked to him again hoping he'd repeat it, but he instead switched to a generic dialogue about magic. And I sadly don't know if that one line was it or if he might have continued on another day, because this triggered on literally the last day of Dylas' marriage event for me, so I immediately married the next day. I doubt Kiel would confess even if he could when you're fully married to someone else.
Do you remember if you were dating someone else when Kiel confessed?
… Holy shit. Yeah, that sounds REALLY familiar and I was dating at least Dylas and Arthur (and I think also Leon?) when that happened. Kiel confessing was ultimately why I went “yeah, okay, I’ll date all the boys, I want to do Arc Three before I get married if I can anyway,” which is why it left such a firm impression on me as A Thing That Happened. (I also am pretty sure Doug had dialogue at least indicating a crush before I did anything - I semi-think I remember he confessed first as well, but it’s nowhere near as clear to me as Kiel’s since he was the last boy to be added what with the “can’t pass a certain point until Arc Two’s done,” so I’m not sure.)
I had also gotten Kiel’s mini-event(s?) before that point (the ones that don’t span multiple days) - those, at least, have some firm evidence of existing in that Houcha’s Youtube compilations of the different love interests’ events all include at least one mini event. More of them than not have two… but not Kiel or Doug, and I could swear I saw two for both of them. (I think Doug had one taking place in the store in addition to the one on the stairs? I can’t remember a second for Kiel in detail but I feel like there was one. I definitely got the color compatibility quiz, though, and it HAS been a decade. But if I checked Youtube more thoroughly at some time that’s not 4 AM I wouldn’t be shocked if I do find second mini-events for the others.)
Seriously, up until last year I assumed this was a totally normal part of gameplay that just didn’t happen to be on any of the Youtube compilations, and I’d ultimately restarted the game at least once pre-Special hoping to see what Arthur’s would be (since his whole complex about love made me figure a reverse confession would play our VERY differently than the usual.) I figured those mini-events were probably prerequisites (and that’d explain the rarity, since they’re not required for marriage, not formal Events and therefore not really talked about, but are still subject to the wonky event RNG, and by the time you activate them both and presumably get a love interest at high enough LP they’d want to confess to you, you’d probably confessed already. Pretty sure Kiel’s LP was at least a 9 or 10.) And then I never got this after my first playthrough despite getting mini-events, even if I didn’t get quite as far in on them, so when I brought it up and the universal reaction was “… do you not mean reverse proposals?” and bafflement at my belief this was a thing, I wondered if it wasn’t a glitch.
But I’d also wondered, once I realized just how rare this clearly had to be, if maybe they only happen once you’re dating at least one other person. I figured “more than one” seemed more likely, at that, since it’d be another thing that would seriously reduce the number of players who’d ever experience this and therefore make it more plausible no one else seemed to recognize it. (And if it already requires you to date one person, the devs probably assumed you’d be more receptive to the idea of dating another if they’re at least the third, rather than the second.) Maybe it really is necessary. At least for Kiel, and I’m way more certain it happened with him than Doug. Definitely something to test for now that I’m replaying.
Thank you for this information! Seriously I had all but convinced myself I’d imagined everything. (And if the line’s voiced, I should definitely try and record things going forward like I was originally playing.)
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zorosdimples · 1 year
don’t get me started about my favorite video game boys… leon & dylas are my current obsessions.
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coderedblood · 1 year
Rune Factory English Voice Actors/Actresses:
I’m a huge fan of Rune Factory. It seems sort of niche bc when I ask other gamers (I’m a casual gamer, don’t ask me to be on any teams 😂) about it they don’t really know what it is. One of the things I love about is is how they get these huge voice actors for the games, which seem so small (but I know it isn’t, it’s sold hundreds of thousands of copies)
Raguna (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Vash the Stampede, Ichigo from Bleach, Sabo from One Piece, and Nero from Devil May Cry
Mist (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Haru from Persona 5
Bianca (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Saya from Blood+ (I didn’t see that one coming)
Tabatha (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Mima from Perfect Blue and Rem from Trigun
Iris (both of them, RFF) is Rukia from Bleach and Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya
Anette (RFF) is Starfire (and Blackfire!) from Teen Titans and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time
Raven (RF3) is Amy Rose from Sonic Boom
Electra (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) is Annie from Attack on Titan (didn’t see this one coming either)
Bacchus (RFTOD) is Vampire Hunter D (and D’s left hand!) (loved this one)
Vishnal (Rune Factory 4) is Leonardo from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon and Kappa Mikey
Clorica (RF4) is Shiki from The World Ends With You
Xiao Pai (RF4) is Jenny from My Life As A Teenage Robot
Doug (RF4) is Sasuke from Naruto
Margaret (RF4) is Hinata from Naruto, Kyrie from Devil May Cry and Orihime from Bleach
Forte (RF4) is Abbey Bominable from the first Monster High cartoon
Amber (RF4) is Morgana from Persona 5
Dolce (RF4) is Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (this one actually makes sense), Maka Albarn from Soul Eater and the female protagonist of Persona 3
Frey (RF4) is Gaz from Invader ZIM
Ares (Rune Factory 5) is SwaySway from The Breadwinners
Scarlett (RF5) is Retsuko from Aggretsuko, Akko from Little Witch Academia and Ryuko from Kill La Kill
Lucy (RF5) is Loona from Helluva Boss and Emira Blight from The Owl House
Martin (RF5) is Louis from Beastars
Cecil (RF5) is Hunter from The Owl House and Remy from Big City Greens
Ryker (RF5) is Trebol from One Piece (also, also did not see this coming)
Livia (RF5) is Rebecca from One Piece
Misasagi (RF5) is Tatsuki from Bleach
Rudolph (RF5) is Mugman from The Cuphead Show!
Yuki (RF5) is Beauty from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo
Darroch (RF5) is Jelly Jiggler from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo (which brings back memories and makes actually a lot of sense)
Radea (RF5) is Reiju from One Piece (also makes sense)
Gideon (RF5) is Griffon from Devil May Cry and Scratchmen Apoo from One Piece
Lara (RF1 and Rune Factory: Frontier), Eunice (RFF) and Maerwen (from Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress (and are Kitana and Mileena from Mortal Kombats 9 and X)
Melody (RF and RFF) and Sonja (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress
Carmen and Shara (both Rune Factory 3) have the same voice actress and is Triela from Gunslinger Girl
Rosetta (RF and RFF) and Beatrice (Rune Factory 5) have the same voice actress
Nancy (from RF4) and Hina (from RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Kikimora from The Owl House
Ventuswill and Lin Fa (both RF4) and Selphy (RFF) have the same voice actress who’s also Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop
Micah (Rune Factory 3) and Bismarck (RFTOD) have the same voice actor who is also Ling Yao from Fullmetal Alchemist and Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail
Violet (RFTOD) and Priscilla (RF5) have the same voice actress
Lily and Sierra (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
Pandora and Quinn (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
James (RFTOD) and Leon (RF4) have the same voice actor who’s also Law from One Piece and Levi from Attack on Titan
Dylas and Bado (both RF4) have the same voice actor
Arthur and Jones (both RF4) have the same voice actor who is also Donatello from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
Father Gerard (RFF) and Heinz (RF5) have the same voice actor who’s also adult Gohan from Dragon Ball Z and Kiba from Naruto
Cinnamon (RFF) and Fuuka (RF5) have the same voice actress who is also Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug and Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss
Simone and Julian (both RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Ash from Pokémon and April from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
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the-feral-gremlin · 8 months
A list of things that I wish we got to see in arrow flashbacks
More of John (and Andy’s) childhood and time in the army, not just the Dyla flashback episode (which don’t get me wrong I love) and the glimpses of John and Andy as bodyguards.
Dyla breakup!!! Dyla breakup!!! Dyla breakup!!! Give me them not knowing how to love each other outside of war and pain and trauma!! Give me them trying so desperately to love each other when they’re both still so guilty and angry and grief ridden and traumatized!!
More of What the fuck it was like for everyone else after the gambit went down. I personally loved the episode where Oliver returns to starling city while working for Waller and seeing just how much the gambit affected everyone else. Maybe give more depth to what it was like for Thea so that I can stop seeing people criticize her for lashing out at Oliver in season one.
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ungalobrando · 1 year
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Horse time horse time
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turnippaintbrush · 2 years
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I’ve tried a YouTube art tutorial for this Dylas fishing tinder profile image but I’m not the biggest fan, but I tried adding my own style a bit
By the way Dylas best horsie
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jacobsbigmelons · 1 year
Now, hear me out, Jacob x Dylan? Terribly sorry if that’s not in your range of expertise/comfort, I just gotta get the question out as a shipper. If it suits you, though, maybe some fluff with Jacob in general would be cute? I know your “bro (passionately)” fic was hella good and I’m a total sucker for just cute fluffy stuff.
hey anon! i’m not the best when it comes to ships since im more of a x reader kinda guy but im a man of the people 🫣 so i’ll try !
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Beating around the bush
Jacob Custos x Dylan Lenivy
cw: jacob and dylan fighting off the romantic tension to the point where the vine “oh my god they were roommates” plays perfectly here.
OH- and for the sake of my own sanity, emma and jacob aren’t a thing here because i have no clue how to write a smooth scene where they casually split or whatever smh.
oh and spoiler alert i’m making the roommates joke at the end of this lol
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Faint crickets chirped in the distance as moonlight lit up the cabins as best as it could, Jacob and Dylan were in their bunk beds thought the sudden voice of Dylan and the response of Jacob clearly showed they were awake. “You up?” Dylan said as he was tapping his fingers on his chest to fidget a bit.
“Huh? oh uh well I was starting to drift off but not anymore” Jacob put it bluntly, he rolled onto his side so his ear is in the air so he can both lay down while hearing what Dylan had to say. “My bad, but like can you come down and give me company. Lonely on the bottom bunk” Jacobs eyebrows furrowed not because of annoyance but merely because of his tired state but for some reason he just couldn’t find it in himself to say no.
“Ow- fuck, uh gimme a sec” Jacob moved too quickly as his elbow met the wall, the slight pulses of pain were rather uncomfortable. The sound of sheets moving before he hopped off the top bunk made the cabin slightly creek. “Heh, sup dude” Jacob sat next to Dylan who was now sitting up himself, stretching a bit as to not tire himself out. “Long day today huh?” Dylan spoke. “Dude, so uncalled for by Mr.H to go on that long ass hike, i mean I personally enjoyed it until my legs started to get tired” Jacob whined as he spoke with his hands while talking, something Dylan enjoyed about him.
“Well you definitely got the build to enjoy stuff like that” Dylan said while pointing to the not at all handsome dude in front of him without a shirt on. Yet he did all that without presenting the pink tint on his cheeks now. “I guess you’re right, sight for sore eyes i’m sure” Jacob said. “Do you ever shut up when it comes to talking about yourself?” Dylan said making sure to make his tone sound not malicious at all but mere teasing.
“Well i’m not shutting up until you make me” Jacob has a slight smirk on his face, “I mean…I can think of a few ways” the silence only adding on to Jacobs thoughts, clearly they both had similar thoughts but didn’t wanna say anything, the silence spoke every word they couldn’t. “Uh…haha…I think i’m too tired to think about how you’d do that man” Jacob rubbed his eyes to add to the bit.
“Just putting my cards out on the table.” Dylan said, whether a joke or not Jacob added onto it “What, you looking to go at it on a table?” Dylan was thrown back by his reply as the two broke out into laughter, “Well I mean there’s always room on the table so we could always y’know…do more” Dylan finished off before Jacob turned against Dylan. “Eww, you’re gross dude!” He said giving Dylan a playful punch on the shoulder. “No see! I’m not gross, i’m just more vocal about my thoughts, you just keep this stuff tucked away! So the only reason i’m being accused of being ‘gross’ is for my consistency!”
The two laughed a bit longer before the room fell silence again, though with a bit more uncomfortable tension unlike before. “Just in case, if I ever joke around and I like cross a boundary or something…just tell me?” Dylan broke the quietness, “Nah you’re good man, but…when you do joke and shit…do you like, mean some of that stuff?” Dylan always made flirtatious jokes, a bit to Ryan when they first became friends, and most of the time they were directed to Jacob. But he never expected to be confronted with this kind of question. The urge to lie was there but he felt wrong lying to the person he feels deeply for.
“I mean…like I said. No jokes this time, my cards are on the table…so I mean, I guess. Yeah. I like you a lot, you’re a good friend and all that. So, if you ever…wanna give a guy named Dylan a call and ask him out or whatever, i’m here.” Silence yet again filled the air which only made Dylan want to double back on what he just said, he definitely didn’t expect to spill his guts to his crush. “But if you don’t I totally get that I mea-“ His words were cut off by the feeling of long awaited lips against his, he was shocked at what was currently going down, was Dylan even conscious?
They pulled away quickly as they just stared into one another’s eyes as they felt more drawn to each other in the moment, they simply reconnected lips once again, Dylan putting a hand on Jacobs waist and likewise. “Uh.” They awkwardly laughed in unison, almost like they both knew they weren’t expecting this. “Color me impressed, Im pretty speechless, not too often this happens” Dylan admitted. “Well, uh” Jacob scratched the back of his neck. “We don’t have to talk when we can like…show it.” Jacobs voice which was much more louder earlier now turned soft even kinda sweet was showing and it only made Dylan smile. “But guess what?” Jacob was trying not to laugh as he spoke his question.
“What…?” Dylan asked with concern laced in his voice along with a raised eyebrow. “oh my god they were roommates.” Dylan playfully smacked Jacobs chest as all he could do laugh while trying to protect his bare body. “You just killed such an intimate mood dude.” Dylan said now slightly annoyed but more or less happy overall as he saw Jacob filled with all this joy, it was contagious really.
“Worth it.” Jacob said while cackling as they attempted tried to sleep in the bottom bunk together, the crickets still chirping as the moonlight illuminated the two peaceful lovers.
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Fanfics / Drabbles
When s/o has nightmare | When He Has a Nightmare | Arthur
Surface Pressure | Vishnal
“I stopped trying to push my feelings away the second I realized that I’m falling in love with you.” | Dylas
“It’s called Netflix and chill, we’re not supposed to just watch Netflix.” | Leon
“This is the fifth night this month, just tell me what’s going on.” | Vishnal
"Did You Do This to Yourself?" | Leon (TW)
You Deserve Better | Dylas
I Know You're In Love With Him | Doug
“I may be an idiot but I’m not stupid.” | Doug
“I’m worried about losing my job!” | Vishnal
“Who gave you that black eye?” | Dylas
A S/O Who Gets Sick Often | Bachelors
Leon as Your Boyfriend
Drunk Bachelorette HCs (Feat. Kiel)
When You're Sick | Dylas
Drunk Bachelor HCs
Cuddle HCs | Bachelors
Being Best Friends with Leon
An S/O Who Self-Harms | Bachelors and Bachelorettes (TW)
Reactions to an Infertile Female S/o | Bachelors
Being Proud | Bachelors
Types of Hugs | Bachelors
Comfort for a Depressed S/O | Bachelors
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