#I’m also hashtag catholic
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do you actually work out ?
Of course, bro. All the time. Now, Dennis may tell you that I “only work out my glamour muscles”. Dennis is usually right, but he’s totally wrong about that because he’s seen how incredibly ripped I am in all the areas. I’ve never even eaten a steroid. It’s all hard work. And Jesus of course.
#besides going to the gym is fun because there are often large men there#yup I’m hashtag gay#I’m also hashtag catholic#love you jesus#hallelujah#mac answers questions#its always sunny in philadelphia#iasip#mac mcdonald#dennis reynolds#iasip roleplay
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Are you Christian? hope that doesn't sound accusatory
Anon. I love you, but please know there is no possible way to drop into a stranger’s ask box anonymously demanding to know personal information (age, sex/gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, diagnoses, etc.) without sounding somewhat accusatory or at the very least a little nosey (because why do you need to know that), but reading your disclaimer did make me smile despite my apprehension regarding this inquiry, so I appreciate you adding that in.
This is also a weird one because I genuinely don’t know what answer you are hoping for or if you’re just curious and enjoy dropping into people’s inboxes to ask if they’ve heard the good word of Jesus Christ which I have to admit, is an interesting strategy though not one I’d recommend. I was gonna answer this anon with something like “what are you a cop?” Or “come back with warrant” (classic) but then upon reflection, realized I should probably clear some stuff up in case you are confused. So, uh, to answer the question, yes, I am, though that will require some explanation as religion is not really what this blog is for. This blog is where I dump my hyperfixations, rants about life, links to my fanfics, and maybe make a few friends along the way. Some of the media I engage with like Narnia happens to be Catholic/Christian, or have Christian themes, or be popular in Christian circles, but that’s more coincidental. This blog really has no clear organization at all, I just see stuff I like or personally identify with, reblog, and that’s that, so it’s mostly fandom content, but stuff on neurodivergence and disability slips in a lot because I identity with a lot of it and happen to know a fair amount about it, so it makes sense to have it on my blog from time to time.
Now, I believe you might be coming into my ask box to ask about this because I recently started following and reblogging a few posts from Christian content creators. The reason for that is ironically similar to the reason I got this blog in the first place. I had no one irl to talk about fandoms and hyperfixations with, and people didn’t want me talking about them irl, so I came here to do that, met a lot of nice people, we rant about fandoms together, it’s a good time. Currently, I’m not around people irl who are Christian, so I’ve started coming here for that too, and it’s worked out pretty great. Met some nice people, talked about headcanons and such, found a few neurodivergent Christians and the intersectionality is nice, mostly good stuff.
The one issue I ran into was that a good number of my established followers and mutuals have religious trauma or don’t like religion very much, so to be sensitive to that, I tag every reblog of a religious post “tw religion” or “tw religion mention” so that they know to block the tags if they don’t wanna see it, and then I save my long rants on Christian headcanons and stuff like that for private DM’s and discord conversations with mutuals who are interested in that. It’s just something I do to try to be respectful and acknowledge that while this is something that’s brought a lot of joy and positivity in my life, not everyone has experienced it that way, and they might not want to see that on their dash, and it can be genuinely triggering for people.
But while this seemed like a good idea at the time, I now realize why you probably feel the need to ask about my religious background, which is why I feel obligated to answer your question. Because… most people who reblog posts with “tw religion” have something to say against it, but people who like religion will just reblog the post. Which I now realize, upon reflection, leads to a lot of Christian creators getting notifications like “uh oh! Someone reblogged your art with the hashtag “tw religion” wonder what rant they have against you” and then they check and it’s just me going “wow nice art, Happy Easter and God Bless You, you’re incredibly talented 🥰, and also TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS CONTENT!” and on the flip side it’s also probably weird for everyone who sees the hashtag “tw religion” and is like “haha…nice. A rant against faith. I gotta see this!” only to click on the post and see some really well drawn art of Jesus and the children with a ton of positivity. So um… sorry for confusion?
To make a long story short, yes, I’m Christian, but this blog is mostly fandom content, that’s why I created it and that’s what I’m here for. I do incorporate a lot of Christian themes in my fic writing just like I incorporate elements of my neurodivergence into my writing as well, but my writing is not explicitly Christian, anyone can enjoy it. You’re allowed to like things by different groups that you are not part of while still not completely agreeing with everything that particular group believes. I promise it’s okay, that’s how humans work, none of us will ever think completely alike, but we can still enjoy each other’s stuff sometimes. I promise the world won’t end because you liked a fanfic where I wrote Nicholas’ speech to Martina about forgiveness and how she’s still a good person to parallel God’s mercy and love for us, you can still like it and like the message while not agreeing with my idea of who God is or that there even is a God at all. Most if not all the characters in Wolf 359 are atheists, and I still enjoy the podcast (though I will note before people come in my comments about this, yes, there is obviously some nuance to this atheism as canonically Minkowski is culturally Christian, Doug kinda knows the our father and probably got dragged to church on Christmas/his birthday and Easter at some point, Daniel Jacobi’s name has Jewish origins so the character likely has some Jewish background, Maxwell is ex-evangelical, Hera strikes me as spiritual but not religious, Cutter and Pryce are atheists who left religion but kept all the toxic parts so they could make themselves gods, and this last one actually has no canon evidence whatsoever, but I firmly believe that Kepler is specifically agnostic not atheist, and he goes out of his way to emphasize this by saying stuff like “due to the limits of the human mind, we can never really know the truth about the big picture” or something like that, but I know he has a speech about it. No disrespect to my agnostic followers, but unfortunately I think Kepler would do this).
That tangent aside, I will end by saying this. I have all sorts of people following this blog: Christians, atheists, people of other faiths, members of the LGBTQ+ community, neurodivergent folks, BIPOC, and more, and they followed me for my unhinged rants and fandom content. They didn’t come here to have their identities and beliefs bashed, and due to the fandoms I am in, many of them are also minors. And I am so, so, scared about what my reply to this anon might bring to this blog, no matter the answer, so let me be very clear: if you use this post, or any of my posts, to spread hate and negatively towards anybody, you’re blocked. I have already done this a few times when I’ve seen it around tumblr. If you think it was a mistake, let me know, but I’m not exposing my young followers to that. That’s not gonna help anybody, and there are so many better things you could be doing with your time.
With that said, if the tagging system is not working out, and you’d prefer I put the religious stuff on a side blog my non-Christian followers can block while still enjoying my usual content on the main, I can do that too. Whatever makes it easier for y’all.
*this would be a bummer, because I just hit an even 200, which is tricky to do when all you got is two of the tiniest fandoms alive and not much else. But look after yourself, I wish you well, and I’ll get over it.
#Bods Answers#I’m not dumb enough to put fandom tags on this#Not for all the money in the world#Bods Polls#tw religion#tw religion mention#Long post
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📩 Simblr question of the day: What are your OCs/Sims' Aesthetics/Vibes?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
Thank you for sending this and thank you for tagging me in that one post earlier 🤍 Words can’t describe how touched I felt.
So, I’m quite terrible with words but Noemí’s Pinterest board can be found here. Of course she’s in tune with her Mexican culture but also loves living in Italy. She enjoys the outdoors, gossiping, baking, wearing a lot of gold jewelry and long skirts, watching novelas, and being a devote Catholic. She was somewhat inspired by my own mom but became her own person along the way.
As for Dulce, I’m still working on her Pinterest board but she definitely has more of a y2k aesthetic! @deardiaryts4 understands her a lot btw. She said that one of Dulce’s outfits reminded her of Hannah Montana, and now I have a clear direction of what I want her future house to look like! Something inspired by Hannah Montana’s closet, Raven’s room from That’s So Raven, and other iconic girly sets from 2000’s TV shows. deardiary also described Dulce’s style as a mix between girly and tomboy, which I agree with. Dulce loves purple, fashion, playing basketball, social media, cooking, jogging, partying, and doing whatever she wants lol.
#also a reminder that i’m back to posting on mondays wednesdays fridays and saturdays!#only once on those days#i only posted a lot last week because i wanted to end gen 1. it was the 6th month anniversary and my birthday and the end of the month lol#SQOTD#more about noemi alegria#more about dulce alegria
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Saw your "fuck the left behind series" tag on that 4 humors post and I genuinely want to know why. I never read it as a kid because reading about the rapture scared me to all hell and back even though my mom tried pushing me to read it. It makes me curious what I missed.
Okay to be fair I haven't read the Left Behind series, I just some something about it but a lot of this comes from who the Antichrist is in the series, and also because the series’ creator is a douche. (one of two)
I feel like the latter isn’t a surprise, but Tim La Haye, the guy who allegedly came up with the idea for the series, is a homophobe and also a conspiracy theorist who thinks the illuminati is real and out to turn the world into a one-world government that’s going to practice socialism and worship satan. He helped found a right-wing Christian Watchdog group back in the 80s, his wife did the same thing but for women, he supported Reagan’s run for president and helped to get the Religious Right behind W Bush, and was buddies with Moonies, AKA the people that Shinzo Abe was shot for being buddies with because the Moonies are a dangerous cult that ruin lives. This dude is probably able to justify this because of his conspiracy theory beliefs that a bunch of people are trying to establish the New World Order, including every civil rights organization, major media corps, the United Nations, (and more) by working with the illuminati and satan! Generally speaking, he’s a shithead.*
This is important context because in the Left Behind Series, the Main Antagonist is the Antichrist, who is a Romanian dude born to a mom who was brought into a group of satanists and artificially inseminated with the Antichrist. This dude (whose name is reminiscent of my first edgy anime oc) becomes leader of the United Nations and then turns the United Nations into the Global Community, aka a One-World Government that has all the powers a pissant right-wing evangelical thinks the UN has, and then he later nukes a bunch of major cities and kills millions of people and then takes over the planet.
When I looked at what the series was about I only really needed to see that the portrayal of the UN was right out of some Alex Jones bullshit screed to know that I’d hate the series, and the fact that it deals with the rapture at all, since the rapture isn’t considered biblically valid by most actual biblical scholars. It’s also considered to be anti-secular (of course), anti-Jewish (considering the conspiracy lore i’m not surprised), and anti-Catholic (not surprising since this is American Evangelical wanking), and the book’s been criticized because not only is it an absolute bloodbath, but that bloodbath is framed with goddamn rose petals and scented candles. People die, and they die horribly. It frames the United Nations as a vessel for Satan, and one of the guys who wrote it thinks the ACLU is trying to destroy the country. To quote a Time article about these books: "the nuclear frights of, say, Tom Clancy's The Sum of All Fears wouldn't fill a chapter in the Left Behind series. (Large chunks of several U.S. cities have been bombed to smithereens by page 110 of Book 3.)"
I think the comparison to Clancy is apt here, if only because in my experience, evangelical Christianity has a masturbatory fascination with the Middle East and with bloodshed. The former is partially because of the history of Christianity and Abrahamic religions as a whole, the latter is down to the fact that violence, when justified, is a pure and holy thing to these people. Dennis Prager recently went viral for arguing there’s no secular argument against incest, and that’s what people like this think. Hashtag not all Christians, whatever. But the idea that your faith is what makes you moral means that whatever you do in service of your fate is moral, and that conversely, everything the other side does is proof as to how much you need to fight against them. Anything can be justified, and so violence is baptized into something acceptable in the eyes of people who piss and moan about video games and shit.
This is a book series criticized for delighting in violence, bloodshed, and slaughter, and in retrospect why not? This is a book written where the inciting incident is the rapture: all the ‘good people’ and all the ‘innocents’ have been taken up to heaven, and everyone left is an acceptable target. The Left Behind series is the closest thing to porn that the people who write it can engage with without guilt, and you can tell they’re jacking off at the idea of being to engage in guerrilla warfare against Satan and the New World Order.
*The other guy, Jerry B. Jenkins, is much less politically active but is a full Christian who writes a lot and actually legitimately believes in dispensationalism. All his books deal with either christianity or the end times in some way.
TLDR: I haven’t read the book series but it stands as an example of a lot of things I hate about Evangelistic Christianity and also the Rapture is BS.
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back by unpopular demand, my thoughts on taemin's advice mv:
first of all this tumbnail slaps
i love the classical piano intro that's very iconic and mood-making of him 😌 show off ur basic piano skills king!
he's giving raven cycle/secret history/six of crows aesthetic tumblr edit circa 2015
love that for him!
this "ay you" part is stylistically lifted STRAIGHT from yunho's thank u...........shinee tvxq clones confirmed 😌
if there's one thing taemin's gonna give u it's neat complex footwork
also i still don't know how i feel abt the hair...........like yeah it's objectively terrible quality but idk it kinda works for some reason 😔
the introduction of highly saturated (?) red after the cold whiteness of the first 50 seconds is shocking (complimentary)
if there's another thing taemin's gonna give u it's intericate hand choreo
i feel like most pre-enlistment songs r like rlly sweet like "i love u u make my life better pls don't forget me while i'm at war 🥺" but advice is like "i'm a bad bitch and i'm just getting started and there's nothing u can do abt it 😏😎😌"
"ay you, looking for something to gossip about" vs jonghyun's "i’m just here and they give me something to rip apart, thanks i guess, once that wears out, just switch to a different story i guess," in hashtag
the car crash directly parallels the famous mv omg but also pyn and flame of love
we love car crash symbolism to show someone's dangerous and impulsive and unhinged
(referring to my post/theory abt innocence vs corruption in taemin's work and how there's two taemin's: an innocent one and a corrupted one)
him floating suspended like the door performance from the 2018 Sirius tour
the checkered outfit reminds me of that one outfit from the 2kids teasers/mv
there's actually so many callbacks lol
MOVE TANKTOP???????????
the way that scanned down and replaced current taemin w this blatant move era reference is *chef's kiss*
the white crop top tracksuit outfit is SO GOOD
actually this whole choreo in that tracksuit is so gender-blending like the hip choreo when he rolls his hips to this like weird hip isolation/thrusting move that transitions to a crotch grab like.................
if move was like elegant gender then this is messy gender
also the way he started off covered in black but ends covered in white on top of the black is.........a Choice
lee taemin never disappoints tbh he's always gonna deliver smth that demands a reaction instead of like......just doing choreo in a couple rooms and walking around kadkfjddjskflglhjkl
in conclusion stan one of the greatest pop artists alive rn stan taemin <3
#taemin#lee taemin#personally i liked it better than atlantis and don't call me 😔#but I'm not here to start an argument in the tags kfsjfjsfkdlglhljkl#shinee#p: taemin#i should've tagged all these#my reactions in general lol#rc reacts#rc reacts to taemin
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@bigcheezey tagged me to share 10 characters I love from 10 different fandoms :) here they are: the faves, the babes, the creme de la creme...
1. Star Trek: Spock - The Star Trek universe is full of fantastic characters, but Spock is the best. The iconic hair, the blue eyeshadow, the repressed emotion, the struggle he faces with identity and belonging and connection… chef kiss.
2. Mass Effect: Tali’Zorah - Her character growth makes me proud, plus, I like characters who are a little bit homesick. She has one of my favorite quotes in the entire game: After time adrift among open stars, along tides of light and through shoals of dust, I will return to where I began. Like… how wistful?
3. Dragon Age: Hawke - It was hard to choose between Hawke and the Warden but when it comes right down to it, Hawke is a hell of a protagonist. I like that they’re a refugee and an immigrant and undocumented, we don’t often get protagonists with that background. Immigrant pride baybee.
4. The Sparrow: Emilio Sandoz - He just goes through so much. But the way he navigates it is what I wound up loving most of all. Yes, leave the church babe. Heal on your own terms.
5. Discworld: Tiffany Aching – Discworld is AMAZING and I love every protagonist. Tiffany in particular though… I just feel like she was written with a lot of love and hope for young readers especially? Sometimes I read lines from the Tiffany Aching books and spontaneously burst into tears, factually.
6. His Dark Materials: Mary Malone – I was especially fascinated with her background as a scientist and her role as the serpent in the books. I read His Dark Materials when I was 10/11 years old and then I was like welp! Guess I’m not catholic anymore lol!
7. Avatar: Zuko – I feel like he’s a lot of people’s favorite, but listen. He deserves it. What an amazing redemption arc.
8. FMA: Ling Yao – He’s cool, he can fight, he’s a prince, he has that king & lionheart thing with Lan Fan, but most of all, he earned my undying loyalty when he literally got arrested for being undocumented. See my points about Hawke above. I support him.
9. Death Note: L – Purely due to nostalgia. I was obsessed as a teenager. I owned so much L merch. I was devastated when he died.
10. MP100: Reigen Arataka – Finally, the end. Last but also least. Kind of a problematic fave. He’s a mentor figure, he’s a Libra, he likes the paranormal... hashtag relatable.
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Nathaniel: Ironically, we need to scare you straight Because this shouldn't be how we roll We get these ideas and we just can wait But there is a price
Marc: You want to do slash have it all Because you have no impulse control
Kim: Yes we do!
Marc: So before you snap, tag, like, or God forbid call Here is our advice
Nathaniel: Stop When you send five texts And you get none back So you want to send a sixth one Stop You gotta stop
Marc: Stop When you meet a new girl at school And you dump the old one Because you think she’s a bully Stop Check sources and stop
Nathaniel: We know it's hard but try Don't instantly gratify My God, she’s not jealous over a guy! You really need to stop Stop You're gonna make a mess And then who's going to get the mop?
Alix: These guys!
Marc: When you talk and you talk 'til you can't get calm It keeps coming out like “You’re jealous”, stop! Keep your mouth shut and stop
Alix: Guys, we all make bad choices, sometimes. Nathaniel, tell them about Phillip
Nathaniel: No!
Marc: Who?
Nathaniel: At arts camp, I met this cute actor boy And he and I had a fling I'd run my fingers through his hair You should’ve felt those curls His second show was Anything Goes
And he seemed pretty close to this girl who could sing And when they kissed Which by the way, gross I wanted to murder her!
But no one told me stop stalking him And that pasty catholic girl Who is playing Hope Harcourt Of course, 'cause, basic, stop
(Stop, stop, stop)
Nathaniel: I couldn't stop
(Dude, you really need to stop!)
Nathaniel: Stop, posting comments on YouTube As four different people That her de lovely was pitchy, stop
(Stop, stop, stop)
Nathaniel: I really had to stop!
(He didn't stop)
Marc: ‘Cause when you feel attacked That's a feeling, not a fact Don't jump online and react You really need to stop
Nathaniel: Picking at the emotional zit That you can't pop Four whole weeks I trolled and dissed her Then I found out She was his sister, stop Hashtag obsessed, stop (stop)
And now he won't talk to me And he won't accept my edible arrangements
Alya: Guys, we get what you’re trying to do, but we are nothing like that-
Marc: Oh no! You guys are gonna stay, and listen!
Adrien: But we’re not making bad choices.
Marc: Tell that to the girl you told to be quiet about her bully.
Adrien: But I-
Marc: I said it! Hey, guys, what have you learned from your worst ideas?
Wayhem: Stop when you think to yourself Should I get a tattoo Of my favorite model’s name? Stop After you hear what he did, stop! Now whenever I look at it, I’m just reminded of a spineless coward
Kagami: Stop when you're angry at a liar And you want to slice her face So she’ll be no more Stop Stick to meditation and stop
Luka: Stop when you have this crush on a girl Who has cute blue hair and bluebell eyes And you're like wow, she’s extraordinary But she’s getting bullied By everyone in class So you get akumatized To make things all better And I guess it worked too well ‘Cause her ex-friends Are scared and won’t look your way!...
I’m pretty sure I threatened to kill Alya while I was akumatized... Also, this school really needs security cameras, because I just walked right in...
Stop 'cause they have their phones with them, and they’ll call the cops!
(Think before posting)
Luka: Threatening
Wayhem: Tattooing
Marc: Good work guys, let's take a break!
Nathaniel: A five, six, seven, eight!
Dance Break
(As right as it might seem To overshare, lie or meme That's just low self esteem In your brain like a bull in a china shop)
Nathaniel: Stop, being glued to your phone Not checking your sources and ignoring your friends They’re leaving just like my dad!
(Stop, stop, stop we can't stop Stop, stop, stop we can't stop Stop, stop, stop You really gotta)
Nathaniel/Marc/Alix: Stop!
(Honestly, everyone stop)
#Class Salt#Miraculous Salt#Salt Playlist#Marc Sugar#Nathaniel Sugar#Alix Sugar#Adrien Bashing#Alya Bashing#Alya Salt#Adrien Salt#Stop#Mean Girls the Musical#Mean Girls Stop#Luka#Kagami
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A Guide to the Amber Woods
This blog, its writings, and its characters are all copyright to the author of this blog. All opinions and ideas expressed within are not guaranteed to be factual and are the product of the blog owner’s research and creativity. Trust not the Fae.
Where Am I?
Welcome to the Amber Woods. Currently located in the midst of the verdant depths of the Willamette Valley, the Amber Woods are the haunting grounds of an ancient, secretive Archfaerie, fallen from grace and on the run from his past. He answers to The Warden (or Cecil, if you’re on good terms) and he lives in a strange-looking cabin by the river, selling trinkets made of amber and glass for unusual forms of payment. The sun is red in the sky, and the shadows of the trees are long against the ferns. It’s hard to concentrate with the sound of the river so loud in your ears, which is odd, because you’re nowhere near it. You keep walking, because you came here for a reason.
What was it again?
Who’s Who?
The Author
Hi! My name is James, I’m the (very human) author of this blog. I hail from the misty locales of Oregon, where the rain is our sunshine and you end up in the town center of TIllamook no matter how many times you think you’ve left it. I’m a self-diagnosed mythology nerd and a semi-consistent creative writer with a love for horror and fantasy. I run this blog to practice my writing, interact with people who enjoy the topics I write about, and to give myself an outlet to express my love for the weird shit I find on the internet. Most posts that are not focused on faerie mythology, eldritch/occult stuff, or similar are the things that I post. Almost all of that content can be found under the hashtag [# not the warden], or if I’m lazy, no hashtag at all. If you want to ask me about my research, creative story lines, or just tell me about your day, my inbox is always open!
The Warden
The Warden is the character I run this blog as. He is my original creation, though he is heavily inspired by several Celtic, Irish, and British folkloric legends. In the Amber Woods canon, the Warden and I are separate people that exist at the same time. Almost all of the content that The Warden deals with is tagged [# the warden speaks].
The Warden will answer asks about the Fae, his past, or the occult, and does business through the inbox. It is not necessary to do business in order to ask a question, and asking a question does not require payment. If you wish to buy amber from the Warden, he will expect you to give him something valuable in return. The Warden will make a post with the hashtag [ # restocking] to announce that the inbox is open for amber selling, and a post with the hashtag [ # out of stock] to indicate that it is closed. As with all transactions with the Fae, mind your manners and your words. The Warden is kind but will not hesitate to rob you. General offerings are also appreciated, and will be used to make lunch. As with all faeries, follow the rules. Additionally, never mention crows.
If you would like to hear it, below is part of The Warden’s story. Also found below is the tag directory and some necessary disclaimers. I hope you enjoy your visit to the Amber Woods! If you don’t, well, that’s hardly our fault, is it?
. . .
The Warden is an ex-Archfaerie of the High Court of Summer, where he ruled at the right hand of the Midsummer Queen herself and was responsible for defending the Courts of Summer against defamation and attack. He hails from one of the first generations of the Aos Sí, born on the edges of the last great war between the Fomorians and the Tuatha Dé Danann, rescued from near certain death by Ghillie Dhu and given to his sister for safekeeping. He is the eighth child of the Last Great King, younger sibling to the seventh daughter, the powerful sídhe who would eventually come to rule the Summer Courts.
He ruled as commander of the armies of midsummer and guardian of the great emerald woods of the hills for nigh on six thousand years, becoming known to many humans as The Green Knight. The story of his downfall is not mine to tell, but after committing a great act of treason against the Queen, he fled the Summer Court and wandered the edges of the feywilds for another three thousand years, acquiring enemies and friends alike, hiding his face, never speaking his own name. Some say that the legend of Crom Dubh stems from this period, but the Warden denies this.
After some time, The Warden wandered a little too close to the edges of the world and discovered the truth of his past, hidden from him by his sister. He chased these threads of history into the twilight hell of the Gloaming Courts, and he currently refuses to tell anyone anything else about what happened then besides the fact that he stole an artifact of great power and barely escaped with his life. Using this artifact, the Amber Woods were created, and the Warden finds himself now haunting the forests of the Pacific Northwest, exchanging the bereft dreams and wishes of humans for amber. He hides from the Queen of Midsummer yet, but he swears that someday, he will reclaim his inheritance. How, I do not know.
How to Navigate the Woods
[ # the warden speaks]: Denotes a post that the warden has reblogged or added onto.
[ # not the warden / # the author speaks]: Denotes a post that I have reblogged or added onto out of character.
[ # machinations of the fae]: Denotes a post that describes an action, creation, or person belonging to faerie lore that isn’t about the warden.
[ # abominations of the fae]: Denotes a post about non-faerie cryptids, beasts, or other affronts to sensibility.
[ # teaching the mortals how to speak with faeries]: Denotes a post where someone breaks a rule of faerie etiquette in the ask box.
[ # under hill / # under hill and stone]: Denotes a post about the feywilds or faerie geography, usually.
[ # four courts under hill]: Denotes a post about the seasonal faerie courts.
[ # tales of the tuath de]: Denotes a post about or concerning Celtic, Irish, or Gaelic mythology.
[ # the unspoken rules of the amber woods / the unspoken rules]: Denotes a post that is part of the Unspoken Rules series, either about the Amber Woods or a mundane place
[ # amber sales]: Denotes a post about the selling of amber through the ask box.
[ # restocking]: Denotes a post about opening the inbox for amber sales.
[ # out of stock]: Denotes a post about closing the inbox for amber sales.
[ # fear not! / # be not afraid]: Denotes a post about angels.
[ # nicene lore]: Denotes a post about specifically Christian or Catholic lore.
[ # eldritch thread]: Denotes a post that interacts with several other eldritch or occult blogs.
[ # sigilcraft]: Denotes a post about the Author’s sigilwork.
[ # ____ cw]: Any content warnings will follow this format: (thing i’m content warning) cw. If you would like me to content warn a specific thing, message me.
[ # blogname]: Denotes a post specifically interacting with a blog.
[ # f scott fitzgerald’s reanimated corpse]: Denotes a post about F. Scott Fitzgerald’s reanimated corpse.
[ # hillkeeping]: Tagged onto any post that details changes made to the blog, its workings, and/or its lore.
I will add more as necessary.
This blog sometimes interacts with @thetatteredveil and @normal-horoscopes. It was inspired by both of these blogs and does not claim any canonicity within said blogs. Both blogs exist within the Amber Woods canon; none of their content is considered my intellectual property.
If you would like to create a blog or character within the Amber Woods canon, message me! I would love to work with other creators and writers.
As stated above, all information and creative licence posted within this blog cannot be considered consistently factual. I have done surface-level research on the common Gaelic, Irish, and Scottish folklore and mythology that forms the basis of my characters and stories. Check your facts and consult with experts, of which I do not consider myself one.
Finally, friends, be kind to each other and the world you live in. You have no idea what listens to you when you think you are alone.
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Who I am and what I’m trying to accomplish in the year 2021
Hello reader, thank you for your interest and attention. My name is Carter Troughton and I run this blog, The Hashtag Headlines. I started it back in 2012 for reasons I will happily address and have accumulated over 3000 posts in 9 years because I have something to say like I’m raising my hand in class. The theme is pursuing the unknown, the mysterious, the supernatural. I know I know you’ve probably done some research yourself for it is the curious monkey in all of us but I care about the answers so much I have put my own reputation on the line.
After college I started a career in the consumer packaged goods industry where I was relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada. I did a really good job while I was there but the year 2012 was dawning upon us all and the possibility of anything from economic/societal collapse, biblical rapture, or even space aliens coming down to pay a visit struck fear into my soul. I honestly did not know what it would be but something was striking fear in my mind’s eye so I wound up moving back to the refuge of my hometown where I have continued living to this day.
I was always somehow able to keep a job selling cars or hvac although most conversations wound up completely off topic. More recently I delivered pizzas for awhile and what I liked about it most was how straightforward the task really was. Collect the order, follow the route, exchange the product for some money. After getting robbed at gunpoint tho, I quit and then COVID happened which put me on unemployment which is where I am today.
Where am I today? I believe I’m on the cusp of breaking through a wall of disinformation. Misinformation, conspiracies, and lies. It’s getting harder and harder to believe anything that anyone says anymore. The fake news, the evening news, and just the news in general. Anyone willing to break the law can have their 15 minutes of fame and believe it or not I actually tried in 2015 but miraculously enough and I mean miraculously, my story didn’t make it! Now I sit here thanking god and thinking how I never wanna do anything again.
I was trying to garner attention to my online comic book @bathoscoda where alien zombie shape shifting reptilian creatures invade earth on the starship Nibiru to hold mankind hostage by threatening to detonate the sun with alien technology if they were not given the planet’s gold. You should see it for yourself I made sure to include as many conspiracies as possible. In 2013, I also emailed over 300 mainstream journalists claiming I casted the dark lord Lucifer into the pits of Hell for 1000 years. That didn’t make it on television either although the Roman Catholic Pope did resign immediately the next day.
Look here, I don’t really know what is going on with the deep state but I do believe there is definitely something going on! It’s like this really crummy episode on a TV station you don’t even like because it doesn’t make life any fun. This obsession of mine has costed me more than you can know but I stick with it because there is a chance it can lead man and woman into the right direction! I am talking about the light at the end of the tunnel so thank you for reading this and I’m not dead yet so I can answer any questions you may have.
Carter Troughton
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49, 50, 51
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Several! None that I can remember are particularly entertaining. Some years ago, at my last job at a bakery, a bunch of older, very catholic, ladies were apparently super curious about my love life and kept asking my coworker about who I was dating, if I had a boyfriend, etc. They were also all hispanic, and would often whisper about me while I was RIGHT THERE because they thought I couldn’t understand them. They were regulars so this was kind of the norm. It didn’t really bother me tbh?
Anyway once I got to work and everyone was really weird around me. Turns out my coworker had gotten tired about the random questions and had told them I was a lesbian? (I’m bi, but she did not know this. I was actually dating a guy at the time) And they were super scandalized for like a month until they forgot and started obsessing over other things. But uh yeah... that job was pretty weird.
50: Do you believe in magic?
I do not! I think there’re things in this world we don’t understand. Like plenty of things we take for granted now could’ve functionally been considered magic historically, and there’re probably more discoveries like that to come. But I don’t think actual magic exists and I’m pretty tired of white people appropriating other cultures because they’re hashtag witchy.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
I hold grudges forever ahahahaha
I’m trying to be more sincerely forgiving, but even with people I really care about, I’ll still be silently upset about that one time they did something or another
Let’s Get Personal Ask Game
#personal ask game#ask games#ask meme#I guess I should tag this for#tw homophobia#even though it’s mostly just minor pearl clutching#I think it’s just like unethical to say that in such a conservative environment#and she was def doing it as a joke because she was so certain I was straight but like damn girl things could’ve easily gotten really ugly#generally outing someone is no bueno#step into my office#dark stories of the north
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Top 10 Netflix Watches in 2020
A roundup of my favourites from what I’ve watched this year on Netflix.
1. Alice in Borderland
I only recently finished this (in like 2 days) and it is the best thing I watched this year. 10/10 will recommend, will pine for season 2, will attempt the webtoon even to keep my obsession at bay.
If you have not heard of AIB, you must be living under a rock. Or don’t have Netflix which is close to the same thing. The premise of AIB is that 3 friends suddenly find themselves in an alternate Tokyo where all the residents have mysteriously disappeared. They quickly realise they have to play pretty sadistic games to in order to survive and lives are dispensable. It has elements of Battle Royale (hey, also Japanese! The Japanese have some serious issues.) but I found AIB more engaging and suspenseful than Battle Royale because unlike Battle Royale which can be thought of as one long killing game, AIB is a series of many, extremely stressful but shorter games that aren’t just about killing each other.
What works so wonderful for AIB is the storytelling. It has AMAZING storytelling. How the characters progress from stage to stage and the mystery behind this “country” they’re in is kind of slowly revealed, how there are parallels with Alice in Wonderland, the playing cards, the excellently fleshed out characters. *Chef’s kiss* Chishiya is my favourite character. LONG LIVE CHISHIYA! I don’t care if everyone else dies but CHISHIYA MUST LIVE.
There are things I didn’t like about it, but it’s less to do with the show and more to do with Japanese acting/dramas in general. I find it very unnatural when the characters give very dramatic outbursts or attempt to act gangster-ish but I find this is very common in most Japanese shows. So I like to believe it’s a cultural thing. I also didn’t like the pointless skin showing and sex. I mean, we get an entire scene where a girl in a bikini fights a katana wielding mad man. But I think it might be more because it was adapted from a webtoon and it’s just adapting the anime style? And EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER has a depressing backstory, like every single one has some weird ass issue. (Tell me it doesn’t sound like Battle Royale.)
But overall, AIB’s winning combination of great world building, excellent storytelling and likeable characters, makes it my favourite in 2020.
2. Kim’s Convenience
I’ve talked about Kim’s Convenience before so I shall not go too much into it. It’s great, just watch it. If only for Appa. Just watch it for Appa. Appa is best. I love Appa.
3. Kingdom (S2)
I started on Kingdom quite a lot later than most people. Mostly because I’m a coward and horror is well, horrifying. So I watched Season 1 about 1-2 weeks before Season 2 was released. Must say I’m glad I did cos hello cliff hanger much?!?!
S2 was great too. Has all the elements I loved in S1. Excellent storytelling, the suspense, the build up, NO ROMANCE (makes it a frickin unicorn in Korealand), believable villains but the thing I enjoyed the most about Kingdom is the relationship between characters. SO PURE. SO REAL. SO AMAZING. MUST PROTECT.
The one thing I didn’t like was how the damn characters like to do this thing where they’d just freeze and AIIIISIH FFFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK and draw out the suspense when a literal tonne of zombies are coming for them. Like dude, RUN. But no. They will pose there like fucking idiots for like 2 minutes while the zombies come closer and closer till FINALLY, someone goes “RUN, YOU FOOLS” before they move a muscle. It’s nonsensical, it’s frustrating but it happens in every damn Korean show so… I’ll give it a pass. It’s not the show, it’s Korea.
No news if there will be a season 3 but there is a special episode being released next year, a side sequel of sorts. So… yay?
4. Queen’s Gambit
This baby made chess sexy. How it did it, I have no idea. But 10/10 will recommend. It made chess so alluring, I downloaded a damn app and played 2 games and remembered how much I sucked at chess and promptly deleted the app again.
Anya Taylor-Joy is beautiful. Will recommend just for her face alone. And the beautiful cinematography. Beautiful, the whole thing is just beautiful.
I didn’t like the guy that played Benny though. Seriously what a weird casting choice. Dude is supposed to play some devil may care gangster but he looks like he’d fall over if breeze came by.
I think what makes Queen’s Gambit so appealing is that you see Beth succeed and rise up, then falls dramatically down but she comes back and triumphs over her chess opponents and her own issues. It’s essentially a story of overcoming adversary, of triumph. Gives you hope. Gave me hope. Made me want to play chess. Made me watch entire Youtube videos explaining the chess games featured in it. I’ll say that’s a win.
5. Sweet Home
My (and apparently the rest of the world’s) latest obsession. Well, my obsession is actually less the show, more just one character/actor.
CHA HYUN SOO IS A PRECIOUS BEAN THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. So frickin precious, with his broomstick spear and mismatched socks. I. LOVE.
But honestly, it is a pretty good show, my obsession with Song Kang (the actor) aside. The world building in Sweet Home was pretty well done, characters were compelling though as with Kingdom, characters do the same thing where they just stand there and freeze when danger is about to descend on them. Seriously, I lost count of the times I yelled HELLO FOOL RUN!??! at the screen. If the Spanish have magical dicks, then Koreans have idiotic legs.
I think the director/writer made a deliberate decision not to explain how the infection (if it’s even an infection) occurs, how monsters can be defeated or if they can even be defeated, and how the monsters’ abilities/traits are determined. And I enjoyed the mystery of not knowing and could understand the characters’ despair better because they were just as bewildered as me. (Me being me of course went to read a bit and it is explained more in the webtoon the show is adapted from but, I like to think the two are different.)
I find myself comparing it to Alice In Borderland quite a bit. Might be because I watched them one after another but also, the main characters share such similar traits, they even look similar. And with that comparison, AIB won. AIB has better storytelling and pacing. But Sweet Home has more characters you feel for and more deaths you care about. I cried a FUCK TON watching Sweet Home.
It’s good. Would recommend. If only to stare at Song Kang’s perfect face. 😊 Oh oh oh and the Soundtrack is also 10/10.
6. Derry Girls
I did not expect to like Derry Girls as much as I did. This was supposed to be a mindless Circuit Breaker watch for me but it was SO FUNNY! I related so hard to the characters because I was from an all girls catholic school in my youth.
Each episode is a bit of a standalone so you don’t even have to watch the episodes in chronological order. But they are all SO DAMN FRICKIN FUNNY. That’s what I loved the most about Derry Girls. It’s just funny. Watch it if you want something to make yourself happier.
Also, Irish accents are LOVE. That alone is worth the A grade.
7. Criminal United Kingdom S2
Depressing as fuck but so engrossing. It’s literally watching a mystery unfold. The acting is also 10/10. Though the episode with Kunal Nayyar (Raj from BBT) made me very uncomfortable because I couldn’t unsee Raj.
What makes Criminal even more amazing is that there is only one set, an interrogation room. So the show can only rely on the writing and acting to be good. And it is really really very good. Not light watching but feed your soul with the excellent artistry.
(S1 is just as good as S2. 100% will recommend the entire Criminal Series TBH. France, Germany and Spain all are good.)
8. Teenage Bounty Hunters
CRACK. 10/10 SOLID CRACK. The show is as ridiculous as the title suggests. But I enjoyed it because it was so engaging! Storytelling was great, characters were great and IT WAS SO FUNNY. Great light watching. 😊
9. Dirty Money
ALSO DEPRESSING AS FUUUUUUUUCK. But I learned so much from it. Will not recommend watching it all at one go but it was hella educational. I feel like it opened my eyes to many things.
10. Dr Jason Leong Hashtag Blessed
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yes, hello, i am henry ( twenty, gmt+8, they/them ) and this is my bastard supreme catholic crusader-king wannabe : giulio michele cardinal de medici, archbishop of esztergom and cardinal of the ( one, holy, catholic, and apostolic and bigoted ) church. here is his about page , his biography ( which is basically just the headcanons section of the app ) , some wanted connections, and ( if you care to read a whole buncha words ) here’s the whole application. read down the cut if you want it summarised + the first task! :) if u wanna plot, send me a dm @ i am a mushroom! 🍄#9146 or hmu here on tumblr ims.
content warning for usual mediaeval church brand of bigotry + mentions of: disordered eating, scrupulosity, obsessive-compulsive tendencies
crusader-king wannabe, what else do u need 2 know?
hashtag only 1099 kids will remember
FULL NAME : giulio michele de medici
giulio — from latin, a cognate of julius, the meaning of which is irrelevant, as it was chosen more to invoke julius caesar
michele — italian form of michael, meaning who is like god?
de medici — medici, plural form of medico, meaning doctor, physician
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : giulio, papabile
commander of several abbeys, scattered throughout the italian peninsula (multiple dates to present)
administrator of bozen (1538 to present)
archbishop of esztergom-budapest (1540 to present)
cardinal of the roman catholic church (1544 to present)
prelate of the roman inquisition (1550 to present)
vice-camerlengo of the apostolic camera (1556 to present)
GENDER & PRONOUNS : listen... he’s actually Agender but do u rlly expect the church/himself to like... accept anything beyond the gender binary... that being said, the imago dei is inclusive and also inherently non-binary so... there is that... (one day, giulio...... one day...........) — pronouns are he/him
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: 25th december 1526, thirty-three
ZODIAC SIGN : capricorn sun / virgo moon / sagittarius rising
ORIENTATION : do u know that playlist in spotify that’s just like is this sufjan stevens song gay or just about god? ... yeah, like that exactly.
MARITAL STATUS : married to the LORD
OCCUPATION : cardinal, archbishop, crusader LARPer
PLACE OF BIRTH : florence, tuscany
basilica cattedrale metropolitana di santa maria nascente, milan, lombardy villa d’este, tivoli, lazio
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholicism, somewhat of a catholic mystic in the vein of pseudo-dionysius, hildegard von bingen, and meister eckhart (hashtag eckhart did nothing wrong!!!)
EDUCATION : private tutoring, ecclesiastical catechism, autodidact in a great deal many things
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : italian, latin, ancient greek, hungarian, bulgarian, serbian, russian, arabic, hebrew, french, german, spanish, english, old church slavonic
ALLEGIANCES : the church & himself (to him? there is no difference)
the house of de medici: only nominally loyal, he thinks there are far better things to pay attention to than temporal matters such as these
the one holy catholic and apostolic church: his #1 bae
papa & mama medici: parents
piero de medici, older brother
francesco de medici, younger brother
giovanna de medici, younger sister
FACECLAIM : james norton
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : i’m so mad abt this... but yes... he has a tonsure... press F in the chat pls // though he has stopped shearing his hair in switzerland
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : blue, and idk... eye-shaped?
HEIGHT : 1.85m / 6′1″
BUILD : fluctates: for reasons specified in the neurological conditions section below, this isn’t very consistent; however, if this was modern day, redditors would just spam him with “delete facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up!!!!”
SPEECH STYLE : mellifluous to the point of inane verbosity, uses more words than he should; that being said, he possesses the uncanny ability to pick up a language easily and quickly, inserting local colloquialisms to the point that he sounds like a native speaker; nevertheless, he consistently speaks in a formal register (sometimes! even to family members!) and has a very blunted affect, diminishing the effect if only slightly
BEAUTY HABITS : for a mediaeval european, he is actually very hygienic; takes baths obsessively, definitely more than once a week, which does link to his fixation with purity both metaphysical and temporal; hates public bathhouses with a passion; combs his hair and parts it to the side, favouring his left
TROPES : the chessmaster, bookworm, our angels are different, knight templar, lack of empathy, lonely rich kid, affably evil, & raised catholic (duh).
INSPIRATIONS : lenny belardo (the young pope), crusader kings ii (the game), pope julius ii (history), adso (the name of the rose), john the beloved (history, the bible), jacopo belbo (foucault’s pendulum), henry winter (the secret history), the prince (the prince, niccolo macchiaveli)
MBTI : intj-t (the architect)
ENNEAGRAM: 5w4 1w9 4w3 (the researcher) sp/sx
ALIGNMENT : lawful good, insofar as goodness is aligned to catholicism
TEMPERAMENT : choleric but perhaps more arguably a choleric-sanguine hybrid
HOGWARTS HOUSE : slytherin
POSITIVE TRAITS : charitable (to catholics), brilliant, prodigious
NEGATIVE TRAITS : manipulative, narcissistic, self-serving, self-righteous
HABITS : has a tendency to fidget his fingers; gnaws on his lower lip to the point of bleeding when thinking, not that he realises it
HOBBIES : reading, writing, playing this new thing called chess
USUAL DEMEANOR : affable to the point of boring people, charming to catholics but cooler against non-catholics, somewhat easy to talk to but one has the niggling feeling that he’s not as invested in the conversation as he should be, people hear the word cardinal and thinks he’s bigoted to the extreme (which he is) but he always deflects and he can be agreeable (but probably slips by still calling istanbul constantinople though!), very learned and nerdy and will talk about theology all the goddamn day if nobody stops him, presents as a very non-threatening (affably bland) cardinal who albeit has very fixed opinions about All The Things
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : thinks of himself and presents as neurotypical but probably has szpd (schizoid personality disorder), a form of scrupulosity in the vein of alissa (in strait is the gate by andré gide); also arguably has some form of disordered eating, cycling between binging and extreme fasting, which gives him a weight leaning toward lanky
PHOBIAS : haphephobia, fear of touch; his scrupulosity can also be arguably defined as a phobia of sinning, but that’s basically a whole other complex
ALLERGIES : allergic to SIN!!!! n/a
SLEEPING HABITS : an insomniac, though he thinks it a common affliction; has a habit of reading until late as a way of staving off boredom; may sleep a grand total of only three to four hours at nighttime, though he makes up for it through a post-lunch siesta (which is a habit he picked up from the pope)
SOCIABILITY : presents as a social butterfly, if albeit sterner than most; can slip into conversations of any kind easily, but always ever in a professional context; has no real friends, but can lay claim to easy acquaintanceships; forever holding people at an arm’s length, which is just the way he likes it
ADDICTIONS : drinks the communion wine more often than he should; other than that, he can be almost puritanically temperate, to the point of self-affliction (?); addicted to the idea of purity
#bgintro#'but henry cigs weren't even a Thing in the 1500s!' ye i know but also this was Aesthetic ok let me live
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Ok I would like to put this out in the world reblog this anything it would help!
Now I’m Irish and if you’re on TikTok you may have seen videos with the hashtag ‘blue lives matter’ and in some of those videos the creator is using a cover of this song below.
Now I have a slight problem with that. Americans are using this song for their problems! The cranberries are an Irish band! The song is about a 12 year old child being killed in a bombing in Northern Ireland. Behind the bomb were the new Ira. I’ve heard in other places that it was about a 12 year old and a 3 year old. Either way it’s against brutality. And I’m not saying all American cops are abusing and killing people but some of them are! Using a sound that is made for a whole different problem almost against what you’re using it for isn’t okay in my opinion! If you don’t believe what I’ve said about it being about the troubles in the 90’s and stuff listen to the song! It clearly says ‘it’s the same old theme since 1916’! In 1916 there was a lot of fighting for Irish people to be free from the english free to be catholic without worrying for their lives! It was a fight to gain independence! For the Irish, Ireland NOT America! The rising was at this time. ‘The 1916 Easter rising’. Eventually Michael Collins a west cork man. From Clonakilty west Cork Ireland. He gained the independence we have today! He came back with 26 counties ours, 6 were ruled by the British. 26/32 not bad you would think god after 800 years of Irish depression it’s amazing! But no he was executed because he couldn’t get a whole country back to their own! Then the new IRA came along fighting for the 6 counties. Which we couldn’t afford we could barely afford 26 not to mind 32! They didn’t get them back anyway. But the violence that rose from this was undeniable! The cranberries made this song to tell the story almost. The lead singer Dolores O’Riordan passed away due to drowning in a bath while intoxicated. The cover they are using was made in honor of her. She died the night before she was meant to make that cover. So they got someone else to sing it. IF YOU HAVE THIS SONG ON A TIKTOK TAKE IT DOWN OR CHANGE THE MUSIC! IF YOUR FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER OR EVEN SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS A TIKTOK OR ANYGHING WITH THIS SOUND PLAYING TELL THEM TO TAKE IT DOWN OR CHANGE THE SOUND! It makes me shake and get sick to my stomach to hear it so please do it! I’ve said it to multiple people on TikTok already one person responded! His response is below its a disgrace of a response in my opinion! He then deleted my comment and his but when I said it he deleted the video I think I will check again! If you have any questions feel free to ask. I know this was a bit harsh comapared to my other stuff but i felt it needs to be said! Also this dude said ireland didn’t matter oh was he wrong never mess with ireland it telling you! If you could get the message around by rebloging ect. It would mean the world to me! Slán

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I'm waiting to have blood drawn. The req was from my new HORMONE DOCTOR.
I was freaking out the whole time but it went really well. He said I have "realistic expectations" of T and sound confident that I know what I want.
I have to have 5 or 6 follow-up appointments before he'll prescribe T, just to make sure but I'm not really worried he won't prescribe anymore. I was so scared before the appointment.
He also said he'll refer me to the gender program, which means seeing the psychiatrist in the Catholic hospital because of course it does (sarcastic hashtag Alberta Advantage!) The wait is...undetermined. the wait list is so long they're not even giving the vaguest of estimates on timeline.
But that's for surgery. Hormones can come before that.
There is nothing like this relief.
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Hey! I mostly never post this kind of topics because I try to avoid politics on social media as much as I can but this time I can’t keep being silent. This post is going to talk about the way how Hungary tries to make trans ppl to be seen as “enemies of the society”. Also excuse my English, I’m not a native speaker but I will really try my best to make it as understandable as I just can.
So I am really worried about the things that are happening and that are about to happen here. In the middle of the coronavirus crisis, the Hungarian government thought that it would be a good idea to cancell trans ppl while everyone is busy with the pandemic. They wanted to make a statute (including a lot other nonsense stuff as well) which says that your identity card (and other documents) should contain the gender you were BORN with and not the one that you identify as. This shit was accepter yesterday (19th of May) by the parliament.
In Hungary in the past 2 years not a single request was accepted about changing someone’s gender.
In Hungary if a trans person wants to donate blood, they can’t cuz they aren’t “cisgender” and their blood must be “low quality”.
In Hungary being trans is treated like a mental illness among our society.
In Hungary it’s disgusting to be lgbtq+. Any kind.
Hungary is cancelling basic human rights.
In Hungary you only matter if you are a heterosexual, cisgender, catholic man.
Please spread the hashtag #toroljeka33ast and #droparticle33 on twitter and other platforms to help us keep our human rights.
I am not trans but I am worried. Worried for my friends, worried for everyone who has to face this.
First the enemies were the immigrants, then an old guy, then the whole youth, now trans people.
Who’s next?
I attach a twitter post which is discussing this thing more professional. https://twitter.com/ilgaeurope/status/1262744374632300549?s=21 check it out for more informations.
Also thank you so much if you read it through!
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i know you didn’t reblog this ask game but if you did i’d hope your first one for me would be procrastination since you sent this ask like 2 months ago slkjlhlshshlsh. but ily so here’s an essay

1) being the patron saint of kureinen 🌚🌝 i mean, obviously, the beginning of that ship literally happened on your birthday (and some less important holiday called “thanksgiving”). there’s also the whole ~china connection where you were SO CLOSE but no. either way your energy is what allowed the GAY to happen and that’s why we have kureinen so we all owe you our lives. you’re also the danton to my sean so like, obviously this is what i associate with you. i have a lot of fond memories of conversations with you, from the literal first time we talked outside the gc bc i was seeing our favorite edgelords w*terparks to that one night (afternoon for you) that we spent like 2 hours completely going through dan and sean’s twitters and compiling screenshots. #TEAMWORK 🤠 it was like 6:30 am my time when we finished and i had class at 9 am shsjdhwjdjwj but i didn’t regret a thing. it’s harder now bc we’re both busy but it’s always so easy and so much fun to talk to you, and every time you come online it’s an absolute gift! also the matching blogs started as a kureinen thing too so i’ll put that here, but i love watching people confuse us for each other 🌚 our themes just get better every month (well it used to be monthly) hashtag blessed. anyway i love you as much as sean loves danton uwuwuwuwuwuwu
2) being possibly the funniest person i know!!! you have so many jokes that won’t even make sense to most people but every time you say them, i absolutely lose my entire mind. like: s**** k*** h*****, calling danton ugly, the bdsm jokes, the kat***ina jokes, making various words bold, and just generally having all the best reaction pics/whatsapp stickers. you’re a clown and i, a fellow clown, love you for it 🤡
3) your art skills!! OBVIOUSLY your edits and gifs are the best of anyone on this site’s, and that’s not up for debate. this also applies to icons, headers, writing, calligraphy, your regular handwriting, random drawings, literally anything. you’re ridiculously talented, and the fact that the bruins haven’t hired you as their graphic designer yet is absolute clownery. on top of you being amazing, though, you’ve also taught me so much about gifs/edits/etc and i’m honored to be able to learn from the best! without you i wouldn’t even know how to make gifs, never mind good ones 🤩
pokemon ;) especially pokemon go, your favorite game,
milk tea!! every time i see it i think of you, and i’ve been meaning to try it but now that we know boston has gong cha i bet it’s going to happen real soon 🌚
stan talent stan loona/blackpink + kpop jokes in general
being sc*murra’s wife but also forsberg’s and pasta’s and celery’s
j*llon :3
pirate daddy karlsson
………pavs :’(
making me stan the sharks in general
also making me kinda like the preds, you’re very convincing!!
classes being cancelled/suspended (obviously it hasn’t happened to me yet since i’m not in school but come next spring i’ll be making therese kin jokes every time a class is cancelled)
law school 🤠 we stan a future lawyer
the red sox
skinny legend twunk sale x porcello
michael chavis
jaccob slavin
stanning the beauts o_O
just generally being rabid on main (and also an icon)
indie music ;3
eLeCtRiC cHaIr
queen of pettiness (and we all love u for it)
star wars
marvel, obviously
st*ve/b*cky deserved better
me saying i’m going to watch all of the above and still not having done it but it’ll happen 😩
loving tuukka juice
bad catholics by the menzingers ;)
mpp’s biggest fan 🤪
k*panen’s tapeworm
anders’ knife + anders being a murderer in general
i don’t speak rat
j*ssica n*ely
there’s even more tbh but that’s PROBABLY long enough lksjklhslhslhs anyway sowwy this is like 2 months late but i love you and you deserve the world ☺️💖💖
#@ anyone else reading this yes our inside jokes are weird#and what about it#anyway i love you danton aka trees uwu#💗💖💝💘💕💞💓❣️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜#princenamors#ask#friends
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