#I’m actually very hopeful to complete this project of mine
blajah-blaster · 26 days
I just read your bio and I would LOVE to hear about your murder mystery au
The Murder Mystery AU is well, an AU that takes place in a small town rather than a high school. Everybody knows eachother and alot of community stuff takes place and *GASP!* they are paid above the Californian mininum wage of $16 AND can walk places!! Other than that the townspeople feel as if nothing much happens. Oh and Milton is mayor sadly [Fun fact: When I first got into EAH, the murder mystery au is the first thing I came up with and wanted to write but I couldn’t figure out the plot until uh March]
Their normalcy is interuppted however by shock, horror, and the paranoia that follows when Rumplestiltskin suddenly dies and is discovwred by either Briar or someone else and the police department/Literally just Chase rule it as a murder. Blondie Lockes, an overeagerly ambitious journalist and our protagonist of this tale, begins waking still waters to try finding out the complete and whole truth on her but finds more than one mystery; especially within her mysterious companion, C.A Cupid.
Honestly when it comes to the AU I try to keep myself from accidentally spoiling anything to try retaining the mystery and so far nothing has slipped from what I can tell and only me, Demon, and SilverTheLovebug have access to the doc that has all my notes and character descs but I blanked out the spoilers so maybe I’ll share it with more people for fun lol.
What Demon and I plan to do after all this meticulous planning, is finish all the chapters behind the scenes to avoid 1. Burn out & 2. Dissapointment. Then when we finish that with all the breaks and procrastination in the world, we’ll post the chapters weekly on Thursdays I think. Guess I’ll say a few things to wrap up my ramble here;
•There’ll be a good amount of focus on the Charming Family
•Ginger owns a cafe thats very popular in town and Cedar only visits to stare at the very pretty barista/server, Cerise. And also Ginger makes the most fire cinnamon rolls
-To add; Canonically in the AU, Ginger pays herself barely mininum wage to keep the cafe open and pay Cerise. She desperately needs a very long nap lmao
•If theres a sequel then it’ll include Goldi Lockes
•I literally forgot to write the Wonderlandians character blurbs [Whoopsie]
•There’ll be Ghost Story dub references and might add Nate Nutcracker :3
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Another Vox enthusiasts I see? Well if I may...
Vox with a GN Hacker reader who was turned entirely digital after manifesting in hell. They don’t even have a physical form they’re completely stuck within Hell’s databases, their skills are obviously useful to him so he offers them a place on the team which they immediately accept on the condition that Vox makes them a vessel to inhabit because holy shit are they going stir crazy.
I’m not entirely sure how Vox’s abilities work but given he can at the very least project himself onto screens and the like I get the feeling that he’d plug himself into the system whenever they talk. Mostly because it keeps them grounded, they’re alot calmer when he’s actually next to them and not looking in through a screen.
I hope this didn’t get too wordy or long I just wanted to be thorough because I have massive brain rot for this techno mf-
Take your time with this request! Kisses darling <3
Dude, does anyone else remember having Shimeji's or that internet episode from Fairly Odd Parents? Cause that's what I'm about to write!
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Digital Pet [Vox x Digital Reader]
When you first manifested in Hell, you were completely unaware that you had ended up in Hell itself. Because instead of manifesting in the overcrowded circle designated for sinners, you instead found yourself in a digital landscape. Countless screens surrounded you like a million portals. You could see the different shapes and sizes of the devices being used in hell and could even alter whether or not you saw what was being displayed on the screen or what the screen could see itself like a window to Hell.
At first, you had a massive meltdown. From what you could tell, you were the only one in this digital Hell custom-tailored to leave you isolated despite having access to every device in Hell. You wondered what you did to deserve the extra punishment layered on top of not being good enough for heaven, especially since you hadn't done anything particularly evil when you were alive.
You lost track of how much time passed. You entertained yourself by jumping from system to system. You'd watch shows that sinners binged, and you'd watch the city from large advertisement screens that overlooked the sinner's circle of Hell. Anything to stave off the loneliness.
One day, that all changed when you felt an electric buzz make the hairs on the back of your neck stand. You heard the voice of someone swearing and immediately pulled yourself away from the screen you had been sticking your nose into. When you turned, you saw another demon who was still sparking with some bright electric energy as he dusted himself off.
For a moment the two of you just stared at each other in shock. As far as you and Vox knew, you were the only ones who could access the digital realm of Hell's database. Vox is immediately wary, but you are thrilled as you approach him quickly.
"H-Hi, oh my god!" you breathe as you look him over. He didn't look new to Hell, but you had never seen anyone else in the same pocket of space as you before. "Did you just die? Have you seen anyone else? Did you just get here? It's been so long since I saw another person that wasn't on a screen!"
Vox blinked as you rapid-fired questions at him. He looked you over as you rambled something about the irony of his face being a screen when he finally shook his head and held up a hand to stop you.
"Woah, woah, woah, slow down," he started. "What are you talking about? How are you even here? No one else should be able to traverse through the database of Hell but me."
Vox's interest only grows as you explain your situation. "I see," he hummed as he looked you over with new intrigue. "I wonder if you have similar abilities to mine and just got caught in the in-between..."
It was easy enough for him to lure you into a deal. The sheer amount of panic you expressed when he pretended he was going to just leave you there was hilarious at the time. In exchange for you "surfing the web" for him, so to speak, he took you on as an apprentice of sorts. Vox trained your abilities and helped you hone your magic. While you had every hope of one day figuring out how to manifest in the physical realm the way he did, Vox cleverly avoided any pursuit of the possibility.
He liked having full power over you and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't starting to grow attached. While you hadn't learned anything about manifesting physically, you had learned how to appear on his screens. He'd never admit it to you out loud, but he found the tiny image of you running around on his devices and talking with him to be pretty damn adorable.
Despite his manipulation, the two of you actually slowly became friends. He found himself genuinely proud of you whenever you popped up to show him something new you had learned. There was a weird warm and fuzzy feeling in his chest when you would bounce with excitement at your new discoveries.
Sometimes you'd ask him to play a certain show or song for you. Even after you learned how to control inactive devices so you could look up anything you wanted, you still liked to ask him to play things for you just so you could watch them in his presence. You'd send memes to each other and Vox had to quickly excuse himself when you sent him a crudely drawn image of Alastor slipping on a banana peel while he was in the middle of giving a presentation at a meeting.
Vox was emotionally constipated, but he wasn't stupid. He could tell that the warm feeling in his chest was growing and he knew you were the source. He clutched his chest as he stepped into his lair and saw you sleeping on his desktop toolbar, waiting for him to come home after a long day at work. He had promised you that you'd watch the new episode of a show you'd been watching together, but his gameshow had run late.
He sits down with a sigh and traces over your sleeping form, feeling something twist inside of him as his claw only met with the cold, flat surface of a screen. He wondered what it would be like to hold you. To touch you. To have you in his arms while the two of you lay on the couch while you made him watch stupid shows instead of...
"Fuck," Vox whispered to himself as he pulled away from the innocent image of you. He clutched his face as he slumped forward in his chair. He had a decision to make.
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And so do you, dear readers! I want to make a part two to this, the real question is:
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beebeetheclown · 9 months
Quiet as a Mouse
Oliver Quick x fem!reader
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Summary: You attend college with Oliver Quick. He is quiet and a little strange. You think you are nothing alike, he proves you wrong when you are assigned partners for an assignment.
Notes: This is different from what I usually write so bear with me here👀 I needed to write about Oliver as soon as I watched Saltburn because I love little freaky men and I know you do too, don’t lie😏 Hope you enjoy it😊
Also, go read my bestie’s, @aurorag98’s, Saltburn fic if you haven’t already, it is perfect in every way.
Read here on ao3
It was your second year of college when you first spoke to Oliver, he was in one of your classes. You thought you were different from one another as he was quiet and you were more talkative and went out to a lot of parties. In your first year, you weren’t as extroverted, it was actually your boyfriend who helped you come out of your shell more, he was the one who dragged you out to all the parties. Now that you have been with your boyfriend for a while, you became more like him and enjoyed things that he liked, which was mostly drinking and partying.
It was hard to focus on studies when you went out a lot as it would give you less time to study and actually focus as you would sometimes go to class with a hangover. You were very smart though, so even when you felt like shit from the other night, you managed to keep your grades high.
The only reason you had spoken to Oliver was because you had been assigned as partners for a big assignment. You would much rather have the professor let you pick your own partners but he said that it was better that he picked as it would make people fool around less. He also said that it was good to get to know others.
You figured Oliver was pretty smart, he’d attend every class and you had seen him in the library often either studying or reading. You didn’t really want to be his partner though because you knew nothing about him and he didn’t know anything about you, so it would probably be awkward.
“Switch tables and sit with your partners, this will be the seating plan now as you will be working on this project until the break. You have three weeks to complete it.” The professor says.
You sigh a little, not wanting to have to sit next to him because you knew you’d most likely have to do all the talking, but you had no choice, you collect your things and go to sit next to him.
He looks up at you, and to your surprise, he’s the first one to speak, “Looks like we’re partners.”
“Looks like it.” You reply and sit next to him, “So, I guess we just decide which part we will each work on. I’ll choose mine and you’ll choose yours, we work on it individually then share them and put them together the last week before it's due.” He just looks at you with his blue eyes before looking down at the paper, you could tell something was on his mind, “Unless, there was something else you had planned.”
“Well, the professor said we work on it together, not individually.” He says quietly, continuing to keep his eyes on the instruction paper.
You grew annoyed easily when things didn’t go your way, it was something you got from your boyfriend. You didn’t let your annoyance show as you knew that you’d be with him for the next three weeks. You had to get along with him otherwise the three weeks would feel even longer.
“Yes, it’s just harder to work together as we, you know, don’t know each other well. But it’s fine, we can figure something out.” You say and then your phone buzzes, it’s a text from your boyfriend and you immediately smile and text him back. Oliver was now annoyed with you, but like you, he didn’t let it show.
“So, I think we should pick our parts now, class is almost over, I want to start early so we can finish early. That way, we’ll have free time for a while in the end.” He says as he looks at you typing on your phone.
“Alright, you can pick your parts, I’m fine with whatever.” You say, still looking at your phone. Oliver just takes a deep breath in and exhales before he looks over the papers while you stay on your phone. A few minutes pass and he has read them over,
“Okay, I think I’ll do part 1, 5, and 8. You can have the others.” Finally, you put your phone down and look at the parts he gave you, they are a lot of work but you shrug it off.
“Cool, sounds good to me.”
“Would it… be okay if you started tonight? You don’t have to do much, even a little research is fine.”
You look at him, “Yeah, I’ll start some, no problem.” You give him a fake little smile. You knew that you most likely wouldn’t start anything. Soon, class ends and you are done for the day. Your only plans now were to go to the library after dinner to help your boyfriend with his school work, he wasn’t the brightest at school, it was almost like his party life was more important to him.
Hardly anyone was in the campus library as it was later in the evening and it was closing in an hour or so. The two of you enter the library and laugh together as you hold hands and you walk with him to find a computer. When you sit down next to him, you look up only to see Oliver sitting at another table a few feet away from you.
“Shit.” You say quietly and laugh.
“My project partner is here. I told him that I’d work on the project. I haven’t even started.” You can’t help but laugh quietly.
“Just lie to him, no big deal. Now, help me with this essay before I fall asleep.” You begin to help him and Oliver soon notices you. He can’t seem to stop studying you. He was watching you to see if you were working, seeing who you were with. He hesitated for a second but when he sees you laugh with your boyfriend and put your hands in his hair, he stands and makes his way over to you.
“Hey, sorry I don’t mean to bother you.”
You turn and look up at him, “No, don’t worry about it. Is there something you need?”
“I just come over here to tell you that I’ve got part one started, you know, for the project.”
“Oh, okay um, that’s good. You can share it next class.”
“Yeah, okay. I was just wondering if you… got any work for the project done?”
You side glance at your boyfriend before answering. Oliver captured the small glance, he was good at catching the small details of a person, the side glance told him everything he needed to know. He knew you hadn’t started, but he let you finish speaking anyway.
“Oh, yeah. I got a little research done earlier today.”
“Great, you can share it with me in the next class.” He grins a little, knowing now that if you were going to keep lying to him, you’d have to get work done now as you’d have to show it to him next class.
“Uh huh, right. It’s uh, that’s not a problem. See you next class Oliver.”
“Okay, see you.” Before he leaves, he looks over at your boyfriend for just a second with a blank expression.
Your boyfriend leans into you and speaks into your ear when Oliver is walking back to his own table, “Yikes.”
You playfully hit him in the arm and laugh. Little did the two of you know, Oliver heard the words leave your boyfriend's lips and he felt upset. He already hated your boyfriend. Oliver wanted to be better than him in some way, he didn’t know how yet, but he would find a way. He always found a way to get what he wanted.
The next few classes, Oliver knew that you didn’t start the work. He had listened to so many of your lies, hearing you say that you forgot your notebook, saying that your laptop with all of your work on it was dead, or that you had forgotten your USB stick. He came up with a plan, he knew how to make sure you would actually start working.
“Why don’t you just come to my dorm room tonight? That way, we can work together. I can even help you with yours.” He looks down at the table, “... Or start yours.”
You look at him, “I have started.” You lie.
This only makes him look back at you, “Look, you don’t have to lie to me anymore. I know you haven’t started. I won’t get angry with you if you come and work with me, just this one time. Please?”
You think for a moment, you really didn’t want to go to his dorm because you felt as if it would be both awkward and boring, but you did have to get work done eventually, “Okay, I’ll come over, but just this once. You can just help me get started and I’ll go from there.”
He smiles a little, “Perfect. How does six o’clock sound?”
“Six sounds fine.” He soon gives you where his dorm was located and unlike you, he was actually excited to have you over. He wanted to get closer with you, not just for the project, but in general. He found a lot of people pretty or handsome, you were one of those people.
You went out to dinner that night at a little pub with your boyfriend. You went out at four, you knew you had to be over at Oliver’s by six, but you didn’t see a problem if you would be a little late.
Coincidentally, he was at the pub too. Well, he was outside of the pub. He was on the street when he saw you a few feet ahead of him with your boyfriend and he watched you enter the pub. He slowly made his way closer to the building and gazed through one of the windows and he spotted you sitting at a booth. He watched you for a moment and you didn’t notice him watching. There were a few tables outside, so when one of the waiters asked if he needed something, it kicked him back into reality.
“No, sorry. Just looking.” He says, but before the waiter can walk away further, he stops her, “Hey, actually could I just get one drink?”
“Of course, would you like to sit inside or outside?”
“Inside please.”
“Of course, we should have a table open for you.” He follows the waiter inside and she begins to lead him closer to your table, you still didn’t see him as your back was to him.
He notices that the booth next to yours is empty and he knows that the waiter most likely was leading him to it, he stops in his tracks, “Hey, actually, I might just sit at the bar on one of the stools. Thanks though.” With that, he turns and walks to the bar and sits down. You were still in his vision.
While he is sitting at the bar counter, you are still at your booth just a few feet away. Your boyfriend is facing where Oliver was sitting and he sees him, “Hey, isn’t that the guy? Your nerdy project partner?”
You stop smiling before turning you back to look where your boyfriend was looking and you spot him. He is looking at you but when he catches your gaze, he quickly turns to face forward again.
“What is he doing here?” You say, half laughing and half annoyed.
“Maybe he is following you.”
“What’s the time?”
Your boyfriend checks his phone, “five thirty, why?”
“He wanted me to come over to his dorm at six so we could start this stupid project early.”
“You’re going to his place?” Your boyfriend asked with a concerned look on his face, “You didn't tell me.”
“Well, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Why can’t you just work on it at school?”
You shrug, “He seemed to really want to work on it at his place.”
“The campus isn’t far, I wonder if he walked here as well. You should ask him to walk back with us.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I think we should just leave him alone. He’d probably rather walk back alone anyway.” You reply. “We should actually head back.”
He pays for your meals and begins to walk towards the door with you. In order to get to the door, you’d have to walk right past the bar where Oliver was sitting.
Your boyfriend tends to always do what he wants so when the group walks past Oliver, he stops right next to Oliver, “Hey, you’re my girlfriend's project partner, am I correct?”
You turn back to look, annoyed that he said anything even after you told him not to.
Oliver looks at him, then to you, and then to him again, “That would be correct, yes.”
Your boyfriend gives him a fake little grin, “We were just heading back to the campus. She tells me that you two are planning to work together soon. Would you like to walk back with us?”
Oliver just looks at the two of you. Before he can say anything, you speak, “You don’t have to. I can just meet you at your place. I have your dorm number.”
Your boyfriend barges in, “No, no. We insist you come with us.”
You give your boyfriend an annoyed glare but he ignores it. Oliver speaks again, “Alright, sure. I can walk back with you guys. I was planning to leave now anyway.”
“Great.” Your boyfriend replies, and soon, you along with Oliver make your way back to campus with you both.
Your boyfriend was the one who did most of the talking, once in a while, his friends would join in. They paid most of their attention to Oliver.
“So, Oliver, what brought you to the pub? We maybe thought you were following us.”
“No, I came for the same reason as you, I wanted to get out for a bit.”
“Right. But you went out alone.” Your boyfriend replies. “This must be weird to you, hey? Walking with us. I seen you around, you seem like you don’t hang out with people like us, or you are and I’m just not seeing it.”
You stay quiet and listen to what Oliver replies with,
“People like you?”
“Yeah, people like us. We party, go out, get drunk. It’s fun, you should try it sometime.” Your boyfriend continues blabbering, “I’m curious now as to why you chose my girlfriend as your partner.”
You finally speak up, “He didn’t choose, the professor did.”
“Ah, I see. That’s a shame for you isn’t it.” He jokes and nudges his arm into yours playfully.
You look at Oliver then at your boyfriend, “Stop.” You say quietly. He was beginning to get on your nerves a little. The one thing you didn’t really like about him is that he could be mean at times and he would be cocky about it.
“What? Oh, come on. It was a joke. It was a joke Oliver, clearly you aren’t offended, right?’
“No, I’m not offended.” He replies coldly.
“See? You are too soft sometimes.” He wraps his arm around you and kisses the side of your head. Oliver watched as your boyfriend held you close to him and kissed your head. There was some sort of anger building up in his stomach.
Soon, the three of you finally make it back to the campus and it is now time to break apart. You were going with Oliver to his dorm. Your boyfriend whispered “Good luck” to you before he left the two of you and it now grew silent for a moment as you both just stood still in the hallway.
“It’s just down this way.” Oliver says, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
You follow him down the hallway, the whole time your mind was only thinking about how you wanted to apologize to him for how your boyfriend was treating him. You don’t apologize right away and just walk in silence beside him. You couldn’t help but notice that Oliver smelt good, you didn’t know exactly what he smelt like, maybe a flower of some kind, but all you knew was that he smelt good.
He breaks you out of your thoughts as he makes it to the door of his dorm and unlocks it, “You don’t have your things. It’s okay, I probably have paper or something you can borrow.” He could have just sent you to go get your things as it would probably only take you about ten minutes, but he was growing impatient and he even thought that maybe if you left him, you’d run away.
When you enter his room, you look around and see that everything is clean and so organized, crazy organized. Everything everywhere was straightened out, the things on his desk, the pillows on his bed, everything. The one thing you did realize was that he had no pictures or posters on his walls, they were bare.
“No posters?” You ask.
“No, I like how it is.”
Something was on his mind, and you could tell, “Hey, I’m sorry about him. My boyfriend can sometimes say a lot of stupid things. He is kind of cocky.”
He looks at you deeply and says your name, “Your boyfriend’s a dick.”
Your eyes widen, “I’m sorry?”
“He’s a dick. I don’t know why you are with him. You deserve someone better.” He walks over to his desk and gets papers out, “We should start now.”
“Hold on, you just called my-”
“Yes, I did. Can we work now, please.”
“So that’s why you are alone often. You are quiet but when you speak to someone, you insult them.”
“I am not insulting you, I am insulting your idiot boy.”
“Okay, and? That’s basically the same thing.”
“Look, I didn’t mean to hurt your little feelings, all I’m saying is,” he pauses for a minute, “What’s happened to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Last year, you were like me. Quiet, smart, focused on work. You were these things but not a total ‘nerd’. We were similar and now ever since you met this guy, you’ve acted differently. I liked you better before.”
Hearing him say all of this just makes you still in silence for a moment. You barely even remembered him from last year and he seemed to remember you so well, as if the two of you had spoken before.
“How did you know that?”
He shrugs, “I’ve seen you around. Is it fun hanging out with them? Do you like it better than how it was before?”
You think for a moment, you honestly had never thought about it before, “I don’t know.” You reply softly, “I can’t remember what I liked about being quiet rather than outgoing. Do you like it quiet? Do you like it this way?”
“I do. It’s peaceful really. But I hate being looked down on by people like your boyfriend. I sometimes want to be the way he is, not give a shit about anything and have fun.”
“Then how come you don’t go out more? You can come out with my group of friends if you’d like.” You saw Oliver in yourself now, he was alone but was too afraid to go out because everyone else felt different than him. He felt alienated.
“They wouldn’t like me. I am not like you anymore. You have changed into a copy of everyone else. At least I stay the same.”
Just as you thought you were finally getting along with him, he gets on your nerves again and you get on his. You would just be annoyed with him but his annoyance felt different, he was annoyed with you but felt a weird connection to you. He wanted you to like him but he also wanted to show you that he could be strong and that he didn’t just pretend to be strong.
“I was trying to be nice. You make it really difficult for me to like you more, you know that?”
“I don’t need you to like me, I just want you to respect me. Look at me as if I am the same as you.”
“Well, we are not the same. Maybe we were a year ago, but not anymore.”
“We are the same. Deep down, you are just like me.” He walks closer to you now, “I can see right through you.”
“You’re crazy. I came here to work on this stupid assignment and all you’re doing is insulting me and speaking nonsense.”
He chuckles softly, “You’re boyfriend was right, you are too soft, aren’t you? I am not insulting you, I am just telling you the truth. Truths aren’t always what we want to hear, most people hate the truth, but you can’t run away from it. You can’t run away from reality no matter how hard you try. Trust me.”
Your faces were inches apart now and it seems as if he has trapped you in place somehow because you feel as if you can’t move back or push him away, you just stand still and let him inch closer.
“You need help Oliver. You need fucking help. You are even crazier than I thought.”
His smile only grows, “I think you’ve got the wrong word. I am real, raw, not crazy. God, there are not enough real people here. That’s why I liked seeing you last year, you were real like me, I could feel it.” He brings his hand and tucks hair behind your ears and you let him, “You don’t have to be scared.”
“I’m not scared.” You whisper back.
“Then why’d you change yourself? You changed yourself to be better for him, changed to be how society makes people like your boyfriend cool and people like us strange. You didn’t want to be strange, so you changed.”
All of his words were true, you couldn’t believe that you only started talking to him and he was revealing truths that were hidden deeply in your mind. You thought no one else knew about your truth, but he did.
You begin to cry very quietly, a couple of tears run down your cheeks. “You are pretty when you cry, has anyone ever told you that?” He asks. You shake your head and continue to cry softly, “So quiet, so small, like a little mouse. Your eyes look all glassy when you cry, it brings out the beautiful colour of them more.”
He leans in closer and brings his tongue to your cheek, licking the tear off your skin with the tip of his tongue. You could feel his warm breath on your skin. He moves his lips to the left side of your face and does the same, bringing his tongue to lick away your tears.
He holds the sides of your face in between his hands and looks at you in the eyes, “You are like me, and I am like you. Just give it up, give in and admit that it’s the truth.”
“Okay.” You whisper.
“Let me hear you say it. I need you to say it. Tell me what I just told you.”
It takes you a couple of seconds before you obey and repeat his words, “You are like me and I am like you.”
“Good girl. Say it again.” His voice was soft but demanding. You’ve never been in a situation like this. You were under his control, his power. You were too weak to move, you couldn’t do anything else but listen to him and do as he told you. You didn’t know how he did it. Oliver was quiet, but had so much control, he had you at the palm of his hands, right where he wanted you.
“You are like me and I am like you.”
You keep on repeating the same sentence over and over again. You only stop when he runs his tongue along your lower lip very slowly before he kisses you. He still has his hands at the sides of your head as he continues to kiss you. You kiss him back and part your lips, allowing him to slip his tongue inside of your mouth to meet your tongue.
Your mind was running with so many thoughts, it was so loud and everything didn’t seem like it was real, you felt as if you were in some crazy dream, a crazy nightmare. He begins to push you gently backwards so you make it to his bed. When the back of your legs hit the edge of his bed, he pushes you so you sit on his bed.
“Who are you Oliver?” You ask.
He leans down so his lips are close to yours again, “Do you want to find out?”
You shake your head and continue to look into his eyes, “Why are you doing this? How- why can’t I stop you?”
“You can’t stop me because you want me. You want me just like I knew you would.” He begins to drag his fingers up your thigh, “Are you going to take off your clothes, or are you just going to sit there and stare?”
You finally snap back into reality, “No, Oliver. You are not doing this. I can’t. I have to switch partners, I have to tell the professor-”
He stops your words by putting his hand over your mouth, “Can’t you just give in for just a moment? You are so difficult. Are you this difficult with him? Does he even know how to fuck you?” He doesn’t remove his hand yet and he just looks you in the eyes. His eyes were the colour of water, but they were burning through you like fire, “Now, when I remove my hand, you are going to smarten up. You are going to be quiet and give in to what you want. No more lies, all we want here is truth, okay?”
You can’t help but nod your head and he removes his hand and the room falls silent for a minute. You were wet between your thighs and that was no lie. You shouldn’t have been, you liked your boyfriend. You felt like you couldn’t say you loved him yet but that didn’t mean that cheating on him was not a big deal. It was a huge deal, if he found out about it. Oliver was quiet, the secret would be in good hands.
“I don’t want to take my top off.” You whisper, “I will feel guilty.”
“Then take off your pants.” He brings the back of his hand to stroke the side of your face, “He won’t find out. If you stay quiet, it will be easy; he won’t catch on. All you have to do is be quiet about it. Be quiet like me. You get away with a lot more things when you keep to yourself.”
You look at him the whole time you begin to remove both your pants and panties, you are soaking wet, you shouldn’t be but you are. He is already hard in his pants, he was dreaming about having you like this ever since he first saw you.
“Now it’s my turn. I am going to remove everything and you are going to watch.” He says and pulls his shirt over his head. You couldn’t believe what you were doing, sitting half nude on Oliver’s bed and watching him undress himself. First of all, you had your boyfriend, and second, you never thought Oliver would be like this. You saw him like a deer, quiet with pretty eyes. But he wasn’t a deer when he was alone with you, if anything, he was the opposite. He still looked like a little deer, but he didn’t act like one.
Soon, he is standing in front of you naked, you don’t even look at his body and just keep your eyes on his, feeling as if it would make you feel less guilty of cheating on your boyfriend if you didn’t look at his body.
“What now?” You ask innocently.”
“What now? What do you mean ‘what now’? Has your boyfriend never fucked you good enough? I bet he just gets right into it doesn’t he, bet he doesn’t even excite you first.” He chuckles a little, “That dumb boy. Spread your legs, quit being so scared.”
You do as you’re told and just sit there, waiting for what to be told to do next. He kneels down in front of you now and admires your pussy, “Does he ever eat you out before fucking you?”
“Sometimes.” You reply, “I don’t want to talk about him, Oliver, not when I’m like this.”
“Like what?”
“Having you in front of me while my legs are spread. It’s so wrong.”
“Oh, but it’s so right. You want this, look at how wet you are. Stop pretending to be someone you’re not just to get him to like you. You’ll regret it, trust me.” Right after he says this, he latches his lips onto you and tastes you, gliding his tongue along your walls. Your hand falls down to his hair and you brush your fingers through it. A loud noise leaves your lips and it makes him hum into you in satisfaction. He ate your pussy as if he was starving.
He doesn’t let you cum, he removes his mouth from you and brings his lips an inch away from yours, “Kiss me. Taste yourself on me to know how good you taste.” You thought he was crazy and doing such a thing was bizarre, but you bring your lips to him and kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on him, “Now, I’m going to fuck you.” He says bluntly when he pulls away, “I was going to fuck you with my fingers like I’ve wanted, but you’ve got me so hard I can’t wait any longer. Maybe next time.”
“There will be no next-” You can’t finish what you were going to say as he pushes you down so you are now on your back and he stands. He pulls you by your legs to get closer to you,
“You’re going to see just how much pleasure you’ve never received, how much time you’ve wasted by fucking pretty boy when you could have had me this whole time.” He grinds his hips forward and fits himself inside you and you both let out sounds. He grins as he fucks you, thinking that he has won, he finally has you like this and made you pick him over your boyfriend.
He watches every part of you as he fucks you, looking at your stomach, your breasts, your face and how you reacted to the pleasure he was giving you. Your boyfriend wasn’t that bad at sex, but something about how Oliver was working you made it feel like your boyfriend was completely clueless on how to fuck. Oliver fucked you with such need, with a mixtare of love and hate.
“Oliver, wait.” you whimper out, “Let me ride you.”
He paused inside of you for a moment, “You want to ride me? You’re more of a slut than I thought.” He pulls out of you then the two of you immediately switch positions. He leans against the headboard of the bed and you climb on top of him and lower yourself down. You couldn’t get yourself to look at him, otherwise guilt came over you, so you just put your face in the nape of his neck as you kept moving your hips up and down to ride his dick.
Hearing your sounds in his ear along with having your hot breath against his skin already made him close. He grabs your hips tightly, digging his nails into your soft skin. “Fuck, I need to cum inside you.” He groans out.
“No, no, you can’t Oliver.” You don’t stop your movements, you wanted to let yourself come over the edge too, it felt too good to stop
“Why not? Let me cum inside you.”
“No.” You reply. He growls and then suddenly flips you over so you are underneath him again and he begins to fuck you harsher. The change of pace makes you even closer. He brings his fingers down to play with your clit and that’s all that it takes for you, you moan out loudly and cum around him. He finishes right after you. He wanted to spill inside of you so badly but he decides not to, he pulls out and spills onto your stomach.
In the end, you never ended up working on your project. You only let him fuck you and then you left and went back to your own dorm room. Your boyfriend called you later in the night and you have no choice but to answer it and act as if nothing happened. You smiled and laughed at his stupid jokes through the phone. You pretended and lied to yourself that nothing between you and Oliver ever happened. You knew that it would never happen again, hoped it would never happen again. But you wanted him so badly.
You ended up switching partners, telling your professor that you and Oliver were not getting along and having a hard time working together. The professor thought about it for a while but then gave in and switched you to work with someone else. Oliver was angry but he didn’t tell anyone the real reason why you wanted to switch so bad. He wouldn’t be that cruel to you, he still wanted you to like him. He liked that you and him had a little secret between the two of you.
He grew more than angry as more days passed of you ignoring him and his glances, he practically grew obsessive. He’d follow you around the hallways when your boyfriend wasn’t with you and you were alone, asking you why you didn’t want to sleep with him anymore and why you didn’t even want to speak to him anymore. You got angry at him every time he mentioned the two of you sleeping together and told him to keep his voice down even though he was already talking quietly.
Oliver was always sneaking around now, watching you. One night, your boyfriend's dorm room window was open, facing the campus fields, and Oliver stood there watching through the window. Watching how your boyfriend would kiss you and how your body and your face would react to his touch and his kisses. He felt himself getting hard the more he watched but soon, the two of you were out of his view as you moved away from the window. Oliver was only mad now.
He wanted to find a way to have you again; he would find a way, he always did.
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kibblbread · 1 day
Yeah it’s optimus x megatron, sorry not sorry i want to explore their relationship as lovers instead of friends/brothers because I’m a hopeless romantic although i may or may not do that eventually too???
Anyway this fic is being dubbed the Transformers one alternate timeline fic! You can look at the basic premise by clicking the embed link 🔗
You can call it whatever you want the nickname is mostly for me lol
Anyway here is more headcanons and basic outlining for my writing if anyone is interested. I know what its like to be in a small fandom with hardly any fic content for your personal otp 🙃 cries in redhood fandom
So lowkey I want there to be roles within the relationship, I just don’t want to type cast or define either Megatron or Optimus by assigning Top & Bottom. Like people they’re complex and often switch in accordance to what the other needs.
I noticed D16 throughout the movie was a bit more easily stressed and anxious while Orion usually tried to stay more level and optimistic. Pax truly is a good leader. However D16 definitely is also very capable of taking charge, especially when he starts getting fed up with a specific circumstance cough, cough. D16 is very emotional though, and allows that to fuel his motivation and in turn his actions as well.
In my fic I plan to make alt Megatron emotional too! He’s protective and a bit impatient but he’s happy with routine and the mundane of everyday. Also still a nerd and is actually very kind/gentle to not only Optimus but the citizens! Well, outside of the gladiator ring at least.. Megatron never truly gets used to younger bots idolizing him like he does a past Prime. Yes he does become a gladiator, kinda like in the tfp continuity but in this timeline he is still leader of the high-guard as it operates under Optimus Prime’s will. Think basically Cybertron’s army for lack of better terms!
Optimus does his best to be hands on as possible but thats kinda difficult as he is essentially Cybertrons assigned leader and protector. Most operations under his own orders go without the bot ever truly getting to be involved. However, he still takes just about any scrap of time he can to spend with Megatron. It’s pretty obvious to anyone that sees them interact that they’re whipped for one another lol.
Some kinda pivotal moments (spoilers ig??? They’re not too bad though i hope) 🤞🏾
A proposal from Optimus to alt Megatron. It’s pretty early in the fic, and will probably be after I’ve set the stage and done some world building.
Alt Megatron taking on an aircraft form for his transformation! It was just easier for him while leading High-Guard operations but his size, lol, the difference between them is so cute. I’m gonna have so much fun writing
Sentinel being marched through the mines like Megatron originally set out to do. Optimus wasn’t exactly happy about it but never questioned or interfered despite Sentinel’s pleading
Both Megatron’s being partial to holding grudges and indulging in rage. Although alt Megatron has trouble controlling other emotions as well, his mood is contagious for better and worse tbh. Both versions of their auras are captivating and fill any room no matter how big.
Canon Megatron trying to kill alt Optimus on sight because that boy ready to square up 🤭
Shockwave figuring out the switch situation and switching things back without even consulting anyone, spoiler alert — he fucks up
Megatron being disgustingly cute with either Optimus in either timeline because he’s dangerously persuasive and sincere
Yeah that’s really all i got for now. It’s very otp centric but obviously Ill flesh out the others to an extent later.. or not idk if I’ll complete this project or not. But it’s maybe gonna be around 10-15 chapters???
Wish me luck and we’ll see how it goes 😝
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What is Sam&Max: Mansion Play?
It’s a project I’ve been thinking about and working on since the beginning of 2023. I started thinking of what Sam&Max game would I make if I had the chance, but I wanted it to be something a bit different from the usual. That’s when I realized Sam&Max had never been on a murder mystery, we had to change that right? Since then I’ve been writing a script and drawing sprites and rooms of the mansion the story takes place in
What’s the story about?
Sam and Max have a very simple mission tonight, simply retrieve a mysterious document, located in the mansion of the owner of a famous toy factory, the billionaire known as Manny Money, who is hosting a big party tonight. What starts as a simple adventure develops into a strange and absurd murder mystery. Since they are here and have no other plans, Sam and Max will try to find out the person who is behind the murder that suddenly took place in the party. Get to know the guests, from an elegant fashion designer to a skeleton supervillain, and many more. Solve puzzles, or at least try to without asking Max for the answer. Play minigames, you have time to have fun in the middle of a murder case. Find the truth, discover the mystery behind this murder, could there be something deeper happening…? Oh well, who cares, just have some fun in this boring winter night
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What can we expect from this story?
Hopefully laughs! The big challenge of this project for me is to make a Sam&Max story that feels very close to an actual real Sam&Max story, I know it won’t be perfect, but I want to come close. I’m not the funniest person ever but a couple of lines I’ve written have made me chuckle, I hope they make you chuckle too!
Aside from that, as silly as this adventure is, I hope you’ll get invested in the mystery! Ask yourself what’s going on, be curious as to what will happen next,… your typical murder mystery stuff, but with Sam and Max
There is a little bit of an emotional core to the story and some characters, but overall this is a comedic murder mystery, which I hope you’ll enjoy!
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Is this a fangame? Will it be playable?
This is an idea for a fangame but no, it isn’t an actual fangame. I lack the skills to properly make a game, but I would like to use the skills I do have to share this project once it’s done. I am trying to learn more about Adventure Game Studio and perhaps if I’m confident enough I’ll be able to at least make some parts of the story playable, but as of right now I don’t have plans to do that
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When will it finished?
I have a lot of the story thought out but there are still a couple of puzzles pieces missing to make the story feel truly complete. I have written a lot, but it still feels like only the 10% of a bigger story
I have almost finished drawing all the rooms of the mansion, there are close to 100 rooms in this project, so I’m happy I’ve almost finished this part
I have drawn a bunch of sprites, but I still need to draw more, included side characters, you’ll meet a lot of guests in this party!
And overall, this is a project I make for fun on my free time, it���s not a job. I’m hoping to finish it someday but it will definitely take time, sadly it will probably take long
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If it’s still unfinished, why make this blog?
I’d like to share updates on a separate blog from now on, I think it’s better this way. I’d like to post sprites, parts of the script and even finished scenes from time to time. And besides, it’s close to Halloween so I wanted to make something special, like creating a sideblog for a project of mine
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Are Sam and Max a couple in this?
Yes, obviously, I’m trying to write this as close to canon as possible after all
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Who is the murderer?
Not even Sam and Max know, so we’re probably doomed
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Hello! I hope this finds you well!
I wanna tell you that your Rocket x Readers bring me so much comfort and that your writing is great!
I was listening to “Awesome Mix Vol. 1” and I came to the song “Fooled around and fell in love”, and I was wondering if I could make a request of Reader working on something (it could be a new weapon, or a little gadget, anything you choose) and she is listening to her brothers mix tap and that song is playing in the background and Rocket sees her working and singing along while swaying along to the song. Rocket and Reader have unspoken feelings for each other, and maybe they have an unspoken confession to singing this together near the end.
I thought this was a really cute idea, and I’m sorry if I didn’t explain it well enough. I also understand if you don’t want to do this.
But I wish you a good day/night/evening!
just watched Gotg and now im PUMPED
it is a personal hc of mine that rocket can sing beautifully given that mr bradley cooper can sing (he sang with lady gaga)
Some Unsung Thing
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It was a slow day on Knowhere, things were finally starting to fall into place and everyone finding their roles on the old sentient head.
It was a slow morning, Rocket awoke to soft sunny weather shining through his curtains, rolling onto his back in no rush.
Mornings were his favorite, laying around in soft blankets, music playing quietly and a comforting silence he had come to really enjoy.
When his hunger got too much, he got to leisurely head downstairs and have breakfast with Groot and Cosmo.
But his favorite part of the day was just before noon, deep in the Milano's ship workspace. Quill had quite generously given the ship to you, his younger sister and most recent member to the Guardians family.
Without wasting a second, you had taken over the complete under carriage and turning it into your own personal "man cave" as you liked to call it.
It became an unspoken thing between you two, Rocket coming in to visit and you both simply tinkering in silence. You both had an appreciation for music and machines and found the company quite enjoyable.
His boots clunked down the metal stairs, echoing off the walls of his old home. He heard you before he saw you, humming and tapping your feet to the music playing from the back wall.
Stopping just outside the door he forced the smile off his face before leaning in and knocking on the door frame. Crossing his arms and leaning against the metal he gave you a curt nod, thankful he couldn't blush when you lifted your head and smiled.
No words needed to be said as you continued on your current project and Rocket went over to his respective table, moving around some loose odds and end to make you think he was working.
His pocket knife sat in the midst of the mess, his alibi for the last few weeks as to why he had been spending so much time in here.
At first it was an accident that he met you down here, he needed a tool to fix the dumb thing and caught you adding to your own blasters.
He was going to grab the tool and leave, but you insisted he stayed, after all, it had been his home only a few months ago.
Now Rocket thanked every morning that had you in it. You were so bright and optimistic, and smart and sarcastic.
You were intoxicating.
Rocket knew very early on that he cared about you, after all, you were his best friends sister, but there was always something more. Something he could never figure out. It drove him insane, he wanted to spend every moment of every day with you, but in your presence he stuttered and felt hot and couldn't keep his wits about him.
Which is what lead him here, now unable to say anything of actual value for a conversation, only looking at you through a reflection of sheet metal behind his table.
Gods, you were beautiful. Which is surprising given your brother.
Your hair in a loose bun, strands falling down around your ears and in front of your eyes. Your cute little focused pout, the way you angrily huff when you couldn't get the parts into the right places.
Flipping his knife between his fingers, he took a deep breath. He had to do something about this, he couldn't stand it...this deep ache in his chest whenever you were around.
As if the Milano were on his side, the next song was one of Peter's favorites. Fooled around and Fell in Love.
Rocket had heard it before, Quill played it a lot when he was in a sappy mood. But today it was different.
And in a cruel twist of fate, you started to sing along, tapping your foot on the ground and softly swaying in your chair. You weren't the best singer, but the way you smiled at the words, the way your eyes lit up made it all worth the while.
Rocket wasn't apposed to singing, alone at least, he'd done it in the shower dozens of times, but now the words were begging to be sung.
What were you doing to him? He slumped, finally sitting down on his stool, preparing to fake working.
He sighed, feeling his nerves get the better of him. Getting out one of his screwdrivers and untwisting the bolt on his pocket knife.
Around the middle of the song, you dropped the welder, it rolled off the table to the floor. You stopped your singing to bend down and get it, at the same time the song hit its instrumental part.
Rocket felt himself start to sweat, feeling a sudden burst of courage. The song continued and before he fully knew what was going on, he started to sing.
It was soft and quiet like yours had been, and he heard you stop your own words to listen to him. He saw your smile in the metallic reflection and his heart leapt as you started to sing along with him.
He didn't know what it meant, or what would happen next, but for the first time he truly felt happy and free from his feelings. He knew in that moment he didn't care what his future held so long as you were there.
The song ended and he inhaled sharply, hands loosely holding his pocket knife and screwdriver. He heart was pounding against his chest, he forced his eyes up into the reflective wall.
He gasped seeing you staring right back at him.
"Wanna do a duet?"
He laughed. He did, he really did.
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wcbweblog · 1 year
What Could Be Worth Eternity?, or wcbwe for short, is an art/storytelling project of mine! I currently have a comic (very early stage) in-the-works, as well as some writing and other art pieces. In short, wcbwe is what I call the original universe that holds a number of stories and characters I want to share!
………not exactly, unfortunately. The comic is still very early in its production, and as the only person working on it, progress is slow going. I think taking the extra time will be worth it in the end, but I’m biased lol. As it stands, this blog is not specifically for the comic in the works, but when I am ready to start posting pages, this is where it’ll happen!
Wait, countdown? For anyone who doesn’t know, for about two months, I was doing a… daily, countdown on my main blog, and it ended today, 2023.08.28, the day this blog goes up.
To be honest – the countdown wasn’t for this. In fact I’m writing out this lil intro post the day it’s supposed to go up while at work haha! I am incredibly unprepared. The countdown was to something at work (that never ended up happening, to my knowledge), I think we were supposed to do some sort of… media blackout? Like I said, it didn’t happen, so it doesn’t really matter. But, well, a couple of my moots saw the countdown and got curious, and I thought ‘well I should do something on tumblr, too!’. So here we are. Art blog! Yup, this is an art (and sometimes writing) blog centered around the wcbwe universe. Right now the plan is to update every Monday, but that’s subject to change because I have no clue what my uni schedule is yet XD
Ah yes. The comic. My pride and joy, should I actually manage to stick with the project. Like I said, it’s still very early in its production; only the prologue and first chapter have been scripted, and only half the prologue has been storyboarded. And it’s going to be a very long comic, so that’s not a lot. I’d prefer to have the whole thing, or almost the whole thing, storyboarded before I start making pages. If you want an estimate? I’d say it’ll be about a year or more before I can start posting pages.
Well, there’s no time like the present! I need somewhere to organize my thoughts and concepts for the universe, story, and characters, and I’m hoping having a dedicated blog might motivate me to sort out my ideas haha.
Wow! What was the progress again? Not to worry! I’ll keep the progress updated here :]
scripted up to chapter 4
21/? pages storyboarded
0/? pages completed
In short, anything wcbwe related! Digital art, traditional art, short writing things, animations, concept art, storyboard sketches, etc. etc. Anything I make that has to do with the wcbwe universe will end up on here eventually! Not all of it will be Quality Art TM lol
I don’t want to get too into spoilers, especially since I don’t have most of the plot ironed out yet. Up until the comic’s production is further along, the main focus here will be on worldbuilding and designs. With that said – you might be able to put together pieces of the plot with the art provided! I’ve got a couple big pieces coming up that have some kinda major spoilers. I just don’t want to actually talk about the plot things until I know what I’m doing. With that in mind, some art might end up getting retconned in the final production. Though, there’ll be a liiiiiiiitle plot sneak peak at the end of this post. Very small :p (it comes with art!)
Idk haha, if you’ve got anything to say, or any questions, drop an ask! It might take me some time to answer or I might want to save it for whatever reason, but I’ll answer eventually! Oh – asks are exempt from the Monday Updates btw! I’ll answer them whenever I answer them :3
…oh yeah I should probably mention. C a t s. (also tags are in the. tags-)
Without further ado – welcome to What Could Be Worth Eternity? Let’s dive in.
Arceli dies.
And then she doesn’t.
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hephaestuscrew · 11 months
You listened to Greater Boston, right? Is there a metaplot? Like, is it a conspiracy theory red string board podcast or a listen on long car trips looking out the window podcast?
I’m trying to listen to more things post w359 and heard Greater Boston was good, so… yeah
Hello Anon! Yes I do listen to (and love) Greater Boston! I'm going to try to to focus on the particular questions you asked here, but for more of general attempts to pitch the show, you can look at these posts of mine: Greater Boston description ask , Greater Boston pitch post. (These posts are from a while ago, so stuff has happened in the show since, but I still think they provide a decent introduction, to the extent that it is possible to sum up this show.)
Greater Boston very much has an ongoing plot, or rather a range of interweaving ongoing plot threads. I hesitate to call it a 'metaplot' because I almost think that implies an apparent anthology structure (like in The Amelia Project or The Magnus Archives, both of which I'd describe as anthology shows from which a metaplot emerges. Greater Boston isn't really that). The first couple of episodes might seem slightly like they are each a few somewhat self-contained stories, but that approach changes quickly. The show follows a wide range of characters and events, but I'd say that the connections, throughlines, and returns to key characters are frequent enough to create the sense that you are following one big story.
I'm not sure I completely understand what you mean by your dichotomy of red string vs long car ride podcasts. Greater Boston definitely lends itself to a fair amount of red string thinking, given that there's an extremely high number of characters who interconnect in a range of ways, and some really interesting stuff going on with the nature of the storytelling later on.
But, at least in my eyes, Greater Boston is not primarily focused on figuring out a mystery/conspiracy, or theorising about what will happen, in the way that the 'red string' approach might imply. There are some mysteries, but for all of the utterly wild stuff that happens in this show, what appeals to me the most about Greater Boston is the characters, and how the show forces you to engage with everyone from the main focus characters to the smallest minor character to the antagonists you thought they couldn't make you sympathise with. What ultimately keeps me thinking about this show is the emotional journeys of these characters, the ways they struggle and impact each other and relate to one another... (And to be honest, I don't really kid myself that I can actually predict where this show is going to take you next.)
Does Greater Boston fit the "listen on long car trips looking out the window" vibe? If the long car journey vibe means a show you can just let wash over you while you tune in and out of it, then probably not. But if you mean something that can hold your attention for a long period, with enough variation in tone and plot to keep you interested, then Greater Boston definitely slots into that category for me.
Obviously I'm going to say you should listen to it, because, well, you came to a fan of Greater Boston in order to ask about it, but I hope this response helped you figure out if it's the vibe you're looking for at the moment!
(From the past tense of 'listened' in your ask, I wonder if you might be under the impression that this podcast is fully released. So I just thought I'd mention that while the Season 4 finale had some sense of resolution, there is still a fifth and final season of the show planned!)
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bit of a long ask incoming, sorry in advance
I haven’t caught up with the Yuumori manga in a long time, but I’ve heard Takeuchi is no longer working on it and that the light novels are by someone else. And despite Sherlock’s considerable importance in the main story, he hasn’t shown up in the light novels at all (except for the school AU extras that I think Miyoshi has added?)
Now i know Yuumori is about Moriarty, obviously and not sherlock (in the sense that sherlock is not the protagonist). But here’s the thing: i used to be a pretty big fan of ace attorney a few years back (i still like it but it’s not a hyper fixation anymore) and I remember a friend of mine telling me that in the middle, the original creator, Shu Takumi, stepped back and someone else wrote the storylines for some of the cases (Atsushi Inaba I think) (for those of you who may read this and are familiar with AA, i think it’s the cases involving Iris and Dahlia)
Up to that point, there had been thinly concealed chemistry between the male leads, phoenix wright and miles edgeworth. But when Inaba took over, miles was written out completely and a girlfriend shoehorned for Phoenix (they’re not endgame and she’s not a recurring character but still). And this happened because the main writer wasn’t involved.
Now I may be paranoid, but I’m just worried a similar thing might happen to Yuumori. Sherliam is very dear to me (as is the series!) and I really liked how it all ended in part 1. Now sherlock isn’t there at all, and I hope that they don’t shoehorn some shoddily written love interest who has no chemistry with whoever she’ll end up with (Yuumori is a shounen after all, and this has happened in shounen before) . I have faith in Miyoshi, and maybe I’m being silly, but after AA it’s kind of a worry
So, the light novels were actually written a while back (before anything about part one ending, part two, or Takeuchi leaving was out). They are written by someone else entirely.
Miyoshi actually enjoyed the novels and wished they had gotten a chance to draw some things from them (more than the pages inserted in the novels). And Sherlock is in one or two of the light novel stories. They just haven't been adapted into the manga, possibly because Miyoshi wasn't compelled by those ones to draw while figuring out part two, or perhaps because we just haven't gotten there yet.
That said, it's still not clear (and possibly never will be) how much of the story was written by which of our original creators. The idea was from Miyoshi's editor, and Takeuchi didn't join the project until after Sherlock and William were already developed as characters. I do have another interview from Miyoshi I picked up in Japan that I have...still not sat down to read, so maybe that has more information.
Takeuchi isn't credited with writing the series; he's credited with storyboards. And you can see the lack of that work in the Remains (the pacing is off now), but the characters have been pretty consistent.
Anyway, I think it's too earlier to worry about Sherlock and William's relationship in part two. We have no idea what part two is going to be like or going to be about. And if it sucks, we have the end of part one, which would have been a really lovely wrap for the series anyway, and people who don't like where it goes can just. Stop.
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bgeevee2005 · 15 days
Projects and Personal Update Announcement
Alright. For the past few weeks, I’ve been going through some personal issues that prevented me from getting the inspiration and motivation to draw or write. Not gonna lie, I’ve been feeling relatively lonely, and I was also dealing with depression and paranoia as well… I haven’t been able to draw a lot as well, as there were some people who were uncomfortable with some of the things I was in, though I’ve been slowly able to get out of the deep hole I got myself in… Though I’m still worried about the same past mistakes, I’m currently trying to focus on my personal well-being as well… And on top of that, I’m going to start university in October, which is what I’m also worrying about… Also, if you want, you can add me on Discord, though I have to know you pretty well at first. Anyway, here are the stuff I’m planning to release:
Outlaw Gangster — For the past year, I’ve been working on this particular story, which is pretty much inspired by my personal real life. Many of the characters are pretty much inspired by people I actually know in real life, and the story takes inspiration from many racing and driving video games. Story is planned to have 4 Volumes. All the characters in this story are humans, many of the characters actually inspired by me and many people I know in real life, so most of the characters will have prototype inspirations. And to be completely honest with you, this is actually a rewritten version of a very old story of mine, which I was writing during the pandemic, and the results of it (the original) were something I’m genuinely not proud of at all. So now, I want to try to remake it, and possibly do it better this time. Hope you enjoy reading them, once I post the story. Keep in mind that the story might include some action scenes, such as profanities and violence, which might not be appropriate for some people. If you’re 12 or below, I’d advise you to read with caution.
Rush Gotham Blur — Basically a spin-off story of Outlaw Gangster, which, however, is set in my Pokémon universe. The story is a sequel to my recently uploaded “Liberty Gangstress” (which took inspiration from Need For Speed Unbound). RGB takes inspiration from many other video games, such as Gran Turismo 7, TC Motorfest (Both of which I haven’t played much lately for several reasons), TDU Solar Crown (Which I still haven’t gotten), Need For Speed Unbound and many other video games I know. The Main Protagonist is a Pikachu, and the story includes many kinds of Pokémons, not just Eevee Evolutions. This story is not suitable for people 12 or below, as it includes profanities and violence. Be advised in case you’re not comfortable with some topics, so read with caution.
Saintsport Wanderers — A prequel of Rush Gotham Blur. Story is inspired by a popular webcomic, about college students, who are anthropomorphic animals (If you know the comic, that’s good), and the characters are Pokémons. The story, just like all the others, will be a text-written one. And all the characters will be Pokémons in it. It basically shows what college/university life is like for others, considering that I’ll start going to college/university on October 1st. Story will be rated 13 or above, as it tackles some topics, which might not be appropriate for others. Viewer discretion is advised for those who are not comfortable with slightly more Mature topics.
Millennium City 2030: Return of the Wolf (Title Might Change) — This story is a sequel to both Liberty Gangstress. Characters are Pokémons, and the story is set in the near future of 2030 in the fictionalized version of Sofia, Bulgaria, called Cobraville, better known internationally as Millennium City. Story will show what Bulgarian life is like for some people, though it will include more mature topics as well, and it will include lots of references to my country. Story will include language, violence, and overall, it will be 12+, but some chapters will be for slightly more mature audiences, due to the inclusion of serious topics that some might find inappropriate. Read with caution and hope you enjoy it.
Other Stories, which I might probably write:
Transformers Cyberbound — Remember when I was into Blaze and the Monster Machines? Well, I’ve decided to try to write my own personal fanfiction series in the Transformers world. Unlike my own personal AUs for Blaze and the Monster Machines, which inspired me for my “Heateon” story, this story will pretty much be a lot more serious. In this fanfiction series, there are humans, who fight on both sides: both good and bad. I’m not sure how many Chapters/Episodes the story will have yet, but I expect there to be a lot. Story will be rated 7+, as I want it to be suitable for slightly more mature audiences, yet appropriate for the younger audience as well. Many of the canon characters will have my own personal designs, while I’ll try to keep them as close to the canon as possible. The story is fan-made, due to the 40th Anniversary of the franchise, which was announced on September 17th, 1984. And I hope you enjoy reading the story, when I’m able to write it.
Outside the Law (Title Might Change) — A police story, about a former military pilot, who goes after every single dangerous criminal in his home city, Delgham City (fictionalized version of Detroit), as some of the cops in the police department are somewhat corrupt. Story will most likely be either 16+ or 18+, as it includes stuff that is heavily inappropriate. So if you’re not an Adult, I advise you to beware of reading it.
Sun Corona (Title Might Change) — Pokémon story, which takes inspiration from both The Crew and Test Drive Unlimited video game series. Story is currently in a very early development, so I can’t reveal anything about it at all. Not yet at least. Might be most suitable for people between 12 and 18.
Spirits in the Underground (Title Might Change) — This story is set between the events of Heateon and MC2K30. It’ll basically be a mixture between action/adventure, crime/angst & possibly fantasy/supernatural. Story is a spin-off sequel of Heateon. Might get a rating of 12+, as it includes language and some action scenes, which might not be very appropriate for slightly younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Wyjście (Title Might Change) — This story would most likely be a fanfiction, which is inspired by the 2024 video game “Heading Out”, made by the Polish developers “Serious Sim”. Title is the video game’s name in Polish, though there is a possibility I might change it. I decided to write such a story, because this video game in particular is what I mostly watched online, while I was still in a very deep state of depression. It’ll most likely be set in 1974/1975. Story might include topics, which might not be suitable for everyone. Reading with caution is recommended, and the rating will probably be 12+.
Minun Kesäautoni/Minun Talviaautoni (Title Might Change) — It’s probably going to be a fanfiction, inspired by both “My Summer Car” and its upcoming sequel, “My Winter Car”. Story might be set in 1976 (Intro), 1995 (MKA) and before 2000 (MTA). Title is the Suomi name of the two videogames, but I might change it. This duology is what inspired me to probably write this fanfiction. Plot is currently in development, so this is just a story suggestion. This fanfiction will most likely get a rating of 12+.
Night Runner (Title Might Change) — This story will most likely be inspired by the currently in development videogame “Night-Runners”. It will be set in Japan, between 1990 and 2009. I’m not sure what the exact plot might be yet, this is just a story suggestion. Rating might be either 7+ or 12+, depending on the Chapters.
There might be much more content to make in the future. However, this is all I could make for now. I might also upload character reference sheets on some of my accounts, including my Refsheet (I made an account on there, as I can’t make a Toyhou.se), so if you’re interested, you can check my characters, and learn more about them better. Also, I’m currently working on my Discord server, a new one, as I had an older one, which I made over 3 years ago, but this one went dead pretty quickly, due to me being severely inexperienced. Anyway, this is all from me for now. Wish me good luck with my progress. And I want to let you know that I’m slowly starting to feel better now, though I’m not able to be online all day, as I’m only allowed on my phone for about 60 minutes at maximum right now, due to personal issues. Goodbye for now. I’ll see you all around!
From Yours Truly, Miles “BGEevee2005” Walker
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ruvastuon · 19 days
Writeblr Intro
I haven’t gotten around to writing an intro until now, and i’ll try my best to not ramble too much.
Ruvastion/Ruvastuon are both fine to call me, but if you want to play around with the names to make them easier to type, that's okay with me, too.
I am a 22yo introvert, and my hobbies include writing, drawing, gaming, knitting/crochet, DND, walking, and making bread.
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(Guava taking a nap)
I have been writing since I was young but suffered from the curse of never finishing any of my projects.
Last year, I was really frustrated with myself for having only two actual results of my writing efforts over the years (both of which were unedited short pieces that exist where I can not reach them. (One I had written in a note book that I lost, and the other was on a web novel account that I lost access to, due to my former self being really bad at writing things down correctly))
Anyway… One of my brothers had a conversation with me about trying to write some fan-fiction to jump start my writing which is how I stumbled across a little site called AO3 and to my surprise I was actually able to get some stuff written and even posted.
I struggle with interacting online and tend to procrastinate heavily if there isn’t some type of deadline that is in one way or another enforceable. I was sick of being held back by my anxiety about even commenting or liking things that I enjoy, so I made this account to try and push myself through exposure therapy.
I’ve really enjoyed interacting with people here more than I thought I would, but as I am rather new to social media interactions in general, I apologize in advance if I get something wrong.
For my original work, I tend to write more dark fantasy than anything, but I like to experiment around with ideas that I find interesting, so no genre is completely off the table.
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My main original WIP right now is very much a work in progress, and doesn’t have a proper title yet, so I just call it ‘Bloodmage’. I’ve already posted snippets from it for Flashfictionfriday prompts, and it is an alternate universe 1940s post-war dark comedy that leans heavily into magic/cryptids.
I’m having fun with it.
I have written fics for: Valorant, Resident evil 8, Vampyr, Darkest Dungeon, and Warframe. As stated before they help me get my brain in writing mode and I would recommend at least trying to make a short fic about some fandom you enjoy if you struggle with a similar problem to mine (It might not work, but it’s worth a shot)
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I like talking about people’s ideas and absolutely love when people make original monsters/different takes on existing monsters. They can be so fun to imagine and fascinating to think about. If you would like to share one, I would love to hear about them, but if you just want to gush about a character that you are having fun with, feel free to do so.
I am okay with being tagged in games or posts, but it might take me a bit to reply.
My all-time favorite book series is LOTR/the Hobbit, but I also really enjoyed Exile’s Honor by Mercedes Lackey.
I love cats, but dogs are also fun to be around. (The cars featured in this post are some of mine.)
Okay, scatterbrained rant over. Good luck with your projects. I hope you have a great day!
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(Front: Tubbles, back: Gondor)
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delta-bw · 9 months
Hello everyone! Wanted to make a bit of a general post. First off, thank you so much for 100 followers! We actually hit this milestone a little bit ago, and I’ve been wanting to make a celebratory illustration of some sort, so stay tuned for that! It’s really exciting to know that so many folks are interested in following this little project of mine, and I sincerely hope that you will stick around to see it finished & playable ^^
All around progress update: redesign stage is nearing 1/3rd complete! I’m quite happy with this pace, given that I only really began working on this project in earnest a little over 3 months ago. I’ve been striving to put a lot of care and thought into the concept of each retyping, since I’d like it if their new design works well with their core concept and is still recognizable as the original Pokémon. I hope that will show through in the final product.
On a few other fronts, we’ve made a bit of progress on later phases of development. Several sprite sheets have been completed, some of which require further tweaking, but are currently usable. I also sat down with my wonderful consultant & collaborator—someone significantly more involved in the competitive scene than I, and also happens to be my sibling—to work on redesigning a few of the finished lines mechanically. We’ve gotten a feel for redistributing the base stats, as well as generally raising the BST for some weaker Pokémon we feel need the support. Additionally, a few Pokémon lines’ movepools & learnsets are also starting to solidify. Much more of a focus will be put on these aspects once the redesign phase is complete, but the ball is already rolling on them.
Well, think that’s about everything in need of announcing! As always, asks (serious or silly), fanart, or just any sort of interaction is very welcome! Running this blog certainly helps my easily distracted mind stay focused on keeping at this project, so I thank you all very much for checking it out. 💙
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tresenellaart · 1 year
The Big Life Update!
Um, hi everyone! Long time no see huh? In fact, it’s been a very, very long time. 5 years ago I nearly dropped off the face of the internet, and while some of you might have caught a glimpse of my work here and there, I've been almost completely offline and I've kept away from all social sites ever since.
Around 2017-2018, I found myself very lost artistically. I hit a hard wall where I wouldn’t know where to go next, what project to embark on. I had many ideas, but all of them seemed to evaporate into nothing the moment I sat down to flesh them out. I felt extremely apathetic creatively, eventually stopped uploading any art, and sank most of my time into gaming or mindlessly watching videos and streams. My partner at the time helped me gather the strength to look for a job, but without any formal education or previous jobs I could refer to, I tried my luck on Fiverr.
My experience on Fiverr was… mostly terrible. Being paid very little for a lot of hard work, and having to deal with some problematic clients and tight deadlines, really took a toll on me. My time there did send me on a path that I wouldn’t have expected though. I was contacted by a game dev to do a character design for a little wizard character. This person was quite pleased with my work, and continued to ask me for art for a second character, then some test animations… And soon I found myself handling all the art and music for the game, in what’s been my job for 5 years. The game is called Enchanted Portals, and it’ll be releasing later this year!
It’s been… a wild ride. The game’s very heavily inspired by Cuphead, with very similar art-style and gameplay. My boss, being an avid fan of the original, was very passionate about creating his own take on the genre, but maybe not surprisingly, the initial reaction to unveiling the first trailer was one of mass rejection and hate towards it. A useless ripoff! An inferior clone! I hope they get sued for this! Instead of the love letter from a fan that it actually is, it was mostly seen as a ploy from some greedy studio to make a quick buck. Didn’t help that the trailer reached a lot more people than we could’ve ever anticipated.
I can’t really call the game mine in any way, as I’ve mostly just been hired to make art and music assets for it, but the wave of hate was still quite overwhelming and soul-crushing for me. Is this all I’m gonna be known for now? Is this hate going to follow me forever? That creative black hole I had found myself in before, grew even bigger. I didn’t want to be public online again. I wanted to disappear. I couldn’t work on anything creative outside of my job anymore. I was burnt out, scared of the world, feeling completely defeated.
I was very fortunate to be contacted by a long time friend from my early DeviantArt days, someone that, despite my lengthy online disappearances, would make an effort to send me a message from time to time to catch up. We started talking very regularly, and she got me interested in a project she was part of, a fandub of the webcomic Rain by Jocelyn Samara D. (that I’m sure a lot of you know already). We toyed with the idea of upgrading the project into a full animated series, a pretty ambitious task since I’d be the only one animating, but my creative spark was immediately reignited. Working on Rain was such a joy, and a rekindling of everything I love about creating art. The project hit some serious bumps along the road, but it’s still going strong now, and while it’s been really slow working on it on top of my job, it’s been the best artistic experience I’ve had in a very long time. If you want to check it out, here’s the Rain: TAS Youtube channel! We just released a new short!
This long time friend has since become my girlfriend, and we’ve embarked on other wonderful projects together. If you want to check out some of our other stuff, we have a wonderful world of gay fae bugs in the making too!
Despite all of these exciting new personal projects I’ve embarked on recently, coming out of my bubble has still been a huge struggle. Posting on my own accounts, drawing new strips for my webcomic, uploading anything that's more personal, still fills me with fear and anxiety. I really want to get out of my comfort zone and start posting again, being more active online, reaching out to new people, sharing my art with others once more. I miss it all dearly. And I know people have been missing my art too, and some have even been seriously worried about my well-being. I sincerely apologize if I made any of you worry too much! ^^;
I hope this post is the first step in a long new creative journey for me. I’ll do my best to leave my shell, and to build myself and my art back up again. There’s so much wonderful stuff I want to do, and to show to the world! Stay tuned!
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twotales · 2 years
*tries to think coherently about characters but literally can’t* RADEK ZELENKA! Just!!! RADEK!!!! I mean look at him! I did not expect to watch Atlantis and become obsessed with non-wraith characters but here I am, searching for David Nykl content y’all because of the amazing Dr. Zelenka.
Do you have any fic recs of him getting absolutely destroyed in the best ways possible? I have dived into AO3 and read so many fics with him (and Lorne, and McKay, and also wraith in general). Reading Legacy right now and there’s still not enough Radek even though he’s doing his job and McKay’s.
-Lt-Col-Siren I swear I’m a real person I’m just very busy and can’t make decisions also wanting to learn Czech just to understand what he’s saying when Rodney is being Rodney about things
Thanks @lt-col-siren for the side character request!
Coherence is overrated!!
Dude, DUDE! I KNOW RIGHT!!!! He is amazing. And welcome to being completely normal about Radek Zelenka. COMPLETELY  NORMAL. 
There 100% is not enough Radek.
I literally made this blog because of that! I just couldn't go on in such a Radekless world.
On that note, David Nykl is such a great and underrated actor. He's also very cool and pretty funny imo!
Now! Fic recs for Radek getting destroyed, I got you-
Rodney gets destroyed in this one too!
Summary: Remember when Rodney insisted that he was supposed to be the one figuring out how to rescue the poor trapped bastard (Grace Under Pressure.) We're exploring what it would take to make him eat his words!
Phantom Pains
This dude, this!
Summary: Zelenka is taken to be a Runner by the Wraith. Atlantis presumes him dead and McKay takes that harder than expected. Takes place between "Trio" and "Midway."
Read the tag! But it's good! But sad, but like, bah! So good.
Summary: "We're the ones who do the impossible. We're the ones that find the solution when there is none. We're the ones that fix this."
Mensa!AU Radek (Rod's universe)
Summary: To the day of his death, Radek believed that one of the universe's greatest cosmic jokes was that he would come to Atlantis and fall in love with the city. The city in the middle of an ocean. The city which could fly. (Mensa 'verse)
Mensa!AU (Rod McKay) Radek
This is one of mine - It's more mentally destroyed but anyways
Summary: Radek stayed in the back, twiddling his thumbs and hoping to put off the inevitable. He pushed his glasses up with shaky fingers and sighed. It’s not that he didn’t want to go, quite the opposite in fact. He needed to go more than he needed to breathe.
I hope these are new to you and what you're looking for!!
(Evan and Rodney 💖 both in my top 5 favorite SGA characters!)
Did you know that I started learning Czech because of Radek Zelenka? No? Well I have been going strong since and now my partner is actually applying to a masters program in the Czech Republic (not related to my fandom love) so we are both learning it. 
Mostly it's him cursing Rodney out 😂 wiki has translations! But honestly, learn Czech! It's a fascinating and beautiful language that is not learned enough, just like Radek, not enough and highly underrated. It can be difficult to find ways but it is possible! Duolingo is good for basics, but don't rely on it for pronunciation. 
One day I hope to meet David Nykl and say to him in Czech  "I fell in love with the Czech language and the Czech Republic because of Radek."
So seriously if you commit then I hope to converse with you in Czech one day 💚 (absolutely no pressure)
Thanks for the ask dude!! I appreciate and If you ever want to be completely normal about Radek or have more requests feel free dude, feel free
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The enchantress, quite busy with her work of great occult importance, frowns as the crystal ball beside her hums. She taps it on the side with her fingernail and does not bother to turn. Her irritation is softened somewhat at the sound of the lovely voice calling her.
Hero: Motherfucker- What did you do to me?
Enchantress: Always a pleasure, hero. How may I assist you? I beg you to make it brief, however. I’m reanimating a very rare, very fresh monster corpse, and it’s being finicky.
Hero: G-Gah... I know y-you did this to me... what is this spell?
The enchantress frowns.
Enchantress: I’m afraid you’ll need to be specific. I don’t think I’ve cast anything on you recently.
Then she smiles.
Enchantress: Why don’t you describe it to me?
Hero: D-damn you... How could you take advantage of me like this... Didn’t you want this call to end quickly so you could work on your project?
Enchantress: Which is exactly why you must give me the details of your... discomfort, so that I may help you sooner. I’ve cast so many traps on you over the years and any one of them could have triggered.
Hero: I can’t stop feeling aroused...
Enchantress: Oh ho, that sounds like one of mine, alright.
Hero: I can’t stop cumming either... every hour or so...
Enchantress: More detail, hero. Assuming you want my help at all...
Hero: I’ll get aroused... small thoughts at first, but then it’ll get too strong to resist in an hour... If I resist too long I swear I start feeling my cock being milked... the image of breasts fills my mind... And then I cum... and an hour later it happens again...
The enchantress puts down her equipment. She frowns...
Enchantress: Oh my... That enchantment sounds like trouble, actually. Did it begin after you masturbated to a specific picture? A very old picture, perhaps?
The hero is silent.
Enchantress: Dear. Answer me.
Hero: . . . It was that picture of you that you slipped into my log journal years ago.
Enchantress: That’s what I was afraid of. The rather tasteful free photo I gave you?
Hero: . . . You were wearing the witch’s hat and nothing else.
Enchantress: Ah yes. I’m touched that you kept it for so long. Hmm... though I’m also dismayed it took so long for you to use it to please yourself. Took you long enough. Anyways, that photo is cursed. It’ll make you keep cumming until you die a wrinkled mess.
Hero: Dear Gods, it’s fatal?
Enchantress: I cast that spell LONG ago, hero! We were still mortal enemies at the time. *giggle* Well, more like you were my favorite victim at the time.
Hero: Am I going to die, damn it? O-Oh Gods, it’s happening again.
Enchantress: Oh come now, hero. You know I would never do that to you. I can reverse the curse anytime I wish. It’s just that... well...
Hero: Wh-what?
Enchantress: Hero... this corpse I’m trying to animate... I can’t seem to complete the spell. Whoever killed this monster must have put a charm in it to prevent reanimation... quite rude I think.
Hero: What does this have to do with me..?
Enchantress: *chuckles* Oh hero~
Hero: Wh-what?
Enchantress: Hero, please... tell me how to remove the charm.
Hero: I... I don’t know what you mean! Oh Gods... I’m... I’m getting hard again...
Enchantress: You do know what I mean. Because this Were-Ogre Knight was killed by you, hero. And you are the one who’s stopping me from reanimating it, and adding it to my army... Now tell me so that I may help you.
Hero: I-I won’t!
Enchantress: It’s your choice. I hope you’re somewhere nice and private right now. Because soon you’ll start feeling a nice, wave-like warmth down your body... Your cock will become super sensitive... even rubbing against your own clothes will start to harden it... You’ll have to start ignoring the pressure of your cock... the tightening of your balls... and then, as you’re contorting yourself to try and keep the feelings at bay... the hallucinations... Even clear air will smell of light perfume... The warmth of women’s bodies even if you’re alone... You’ll lose your sense of location and become trapped in your own irresistible arousal... Even my beautiful voice will ring in your mind... every sense in your body urging you to tug on your cock... dragging you into a blissful, prolonged, and dangerous orgasm... closer and closer to danger...
Hero: OKAY, I SURRENDER. The charm is in the creature’s left thigh!
Enchantress: Good boy.
The enchantress gets to work. Sure as day, the charm interrupting her powers was located in the ogre’s thigh, and removed.
Enchantress: Now before I cancel that spell, let’s make sure you’re in a safe place... Are you somewhere private and safe, boy?
Hero: I’m in an inn...
Enchantress: And this spell has been going on for how many weeks?
Hero: W-weeks? It only started this morning...
Enchantress: *chuckles*
Hero: Enchy-? I... I’m so hard right now... It’s getting harder to resist...
The enchantress turns off her crystal orb and gets back to her work.
Enchantress: He’ll be fine.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
The difference between invasions
This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post.
A good friend of mine and fellow Edelgard fan, Volossya, had quite a bit to say about people trying to compare Edelgard’s war to the one in Ukraine. I’m posting this with her permission:
(This is is from last May, as she references the then-recent fall of Mariupol.)
The thing is, what Putin is doing is not anything like what Edelgard is doing, other than being aggressive militarily. He's not even calling it a war!
Edelgard is attempting to overthrow a military theocracy and a system of oligarchs who hold all the power and can subject their serfs to any level of suffering with no accountability. Any idiot born into the correct position holds the power and the people's taxes are spent according to their whims - and thus often wasted on frivolities while people starve on the streets. That she needs to use a war to achieve change is tragic, but realistic given the forces at the disposal of the status quo. What is her other option? There is no democracy here. The people did not choose this - it is simply how it has always been.
Putin is launching a war that no one wanted in an effort to maintain his country's projection of power. He cares nothing for his own people and even less for the people of Ukraine, as is evidenced by the systematic leveling of cities and the brutalization of the civilian populace. The end result for any conquered regions is brutality against the civilians while Russia's oligarchs strip the region of all of its industry and resources, plundering it for their own gain. This is essentially the reestablishment of the very sort of governance that Edelgard is trying to remove!
Let alone the appalling equivocation of war with the systematic destruction of civilian populace that we are seeing in Ukraine. There are three times that civilian populaces are slaughtered in FE3H: Remire by TWSITD, Duscur by the Kingdom, and Fhirdiad by the Immaculate One. Edelgard never does anything that is a fraction of what Putin is getting up to. The people who do? Your precious Church and Kingdom.
As a last point? These people act as if - of course Ukraine would fight back this fiercely. As if that is inevitable. As much as it shames me to say, this isn't guaranteed. When Putin first moved troops into Donetsk and Luhansk, many Ukrainians welcomed them with open arms - because they thought that Russia would invest in the region, that it would improve their futures to be a part of Russia. This didn't happen - the regions were taken over by essentially local warlords who mistreated the civilian populace, random violence became common, and the Russians looted all of the wealth of the region they could and took it back to Russia. Ukrainians fled those regions to either Ukraine or into Russia proper, because their hopes and futures in occupied Donbas had died. Ukrainians outside those regions saw this fate, and saw the investments that the Ukrainian government put into their cities, and their determination to stay part of Ukraine solidified.
I could easily see a different path, where Putin had invested in Donetsk and Luhansk, and so Ukraine put up much less of a stiff resistance to being conquered. However, Putin's Russia, his complete lack of care for the people, his climate of robber barons, his social structure that is so similar to Faerghus and Liecester, backed by the corrupt Russian Orthodox Church that acts to validate him as the Church of Seiros does, made this impossible, and so he defaults to brute, overwhelming force.
All of this is to say, a lot of people choose what offers them hope and a better future. Edelgard could offer that, and actually cares about the people. I suspect far fewer serfs and peasants would be willing to fight and die for Faerghus than this person assumes.
And yes, I am Ukrainian, I can speak about this.
(As a final note, she wanted me to mention that “Volossya” means “hair” in Ukrainian.)
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