#I’m about to be unleashed!!
atthepond · 3 months
Guys I think top surgery will happen for me within a year 😭😭 I can’t even begin to express how excited and overwhelmed I am
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pepperpixel · 6 months
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+ Butch 4 Butch +
(Except neither one of them is rlly that butch but holy fUCKING SHIT THAT SONG IS LITERALLY THEM… the version of them I made up in my mind palace… it’s them.)
Anywayyyy. Yeah! Have a tagr art dump..! aka, those vibes when you, out of a series of moments of temporary insanity, end up finding, taking in, nursing back to health and eventually falling into a tangled messy yearning situationship w the asshole tsundere alien who tried to destroy your entire planet… rlly extremely relatable vibes!!
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theangrycomet · 1 year
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If I had a nickel for everytime Kevin Michael Richardson and Rob Paulson worked together voicing a duo of unlikely allies in an early 2000’s tv show, with Richardson’s character getting regularly beat up and his stuff ruined and Paulson’s character’s having an R name, a far more famous blue relative, and a penchant for annoying Richardson’s character by making sandwiches, I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a lot of nickels but it’s strange that it happened TWICE.
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If Spencer does come back to Criminal Minds in season 17 then the world will finally start healing and then AND ONLY THEN will I watch season 16.
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molinaskies · 1 year
Some people playing the DLC rn have never played Eggmanland from Sonic Unleashed and it shows.
To be fair, I ALSO think the DLC is holistically too hard (it’s unforgiving on hard mode and, at some points, even on easy). I was stuck on master king for 9 hours. But I’ve seen people say that the DLC is unrealistic for a child as if Sonic has never been this hard before.
Sonic Unleashed is difficult. Sonic 06 (for a number of reasons) is difficult. Hell, Sonic Adventure 2 is difficult. All of the classic games, to a degree, are difficult. This is also an optional, free story. It can be entirely bypassed, if needed.
Sonic is a franchise that challenges you. It dares you to push past your limits because that’s the whole entire thesis of these stories (quite LITERALLY for Sonic Frontiers).
The beautiful thing about being a child is that you have resilience. You will get up and try again. Something we can learn from children (and this franchise) is that it’s okay to fail. Pace yourself.
It’s okay to struggle and complain about your struggle. That’s a good thing, in fact. But this isn’t new.
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hevexns-realm · 2 months
Sonic - popular jock, captain of either soccer or track. A lot of people have a crush on him, but he has a little bit of an attitude towards some of the “villains”.
Knuckles - star quarterback, but anger issues. He tends to hang around Sonic and crew, and while he is popular, he’s nowhere near shadow or Sonic’s level of popularity. He’s known to get into skirmishes with scourge a lot, but it’s usually because he’s caught scourge be mean to tails.
Tails - president of the debate team and science club, intelligent and passionate about his work; he is currently working his way towards his PHD in medical science early! However, he’s very shy and has a hard time talking outside of his debates or explanations, a true nerd!
Shadow - also popular, but for a different purpose. He’s the cute motorcycle guy you see all over booktok (the healthy ones-) that has some abandonment issues, and a lot of the girls there think they can fix him or make him worse. However, he and sonic are starting to see each other. They’re taking it slow, one step at a time, but otherwise they’re considered a sweet couple!
Silver - the sweet prince of the school. Popular, but not as much as Sonic and shadow. He’s smart, sweet, and bubbly! However, do not mistake his kindness for weakness. He can easily mop the floor with you if you hurt his friends.
Scourge - self proclaimed “king of bayside”. Which is mostly a lie, but he’s the leader of a local gang in the school, and is known for striking fear into the hearts of new students or freshmen. He’s done this since his sophomore year, and isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
Mephiles - is known to be a part of an underground band. It has house or EDM mixed in with some gothic elements! Recently the babdreleased a few new songs, and the most popular one is “spellbound”. He is also the vice president of the witchcraft club in bayside!
Nazo - Despite him being well known around the campus, Nazo is actually more of a loner. He usually keeps to himself and studies or does training to keep his powers up. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t catch the eyes of students, as he’s always wearing his whimsigoth wardrobe and can be seen wearing all sorts of eyeliner and eye looks. He is a little lonely though, and has no idea how to make friends. (Well, he won’t need to know, because two hedgehogs, one of them being a siren, are already taking an interest in him!)
Seelkadoom - unlike nazo, seelkadoom is the alt kid that all the freshmen and new kids go to when scourge and his gang try to pick on them, as scourge is much weaker than seelk. He’s also popular due to him having the whole “bad boy with heart of gold” deal. While he is popular with the ladies, there’s only two he has his eyes on currently, and like hell he’ll let the opportunity pass by!
King - one of Iris’ biggest fans, and he’s like the hypebeast “alpha male” types who tries to flirt with every girl he sees. It usually doesn’t work , especially if seelkadoom or nazo are close by.
Amy - cheer captain, good grades, big social circle, she’s got it all! Well, except a good boyfriend. Most of the guys she’s interested in are gay or taken. However, she’s not bitter of it. If anything, she’s the most supportive and protective of them all, making sure nobody tries sabotaging their relationships.
Rouge - you lookin for gossip, she’s got it! This girl has got dirt on just about everyone here! (With a few exceptions, because they’re either her friends or they’re loaded enough to sue her for defamation.) Always prepped with all the feminine care needed, ranging from pads to emergency face masks. She’s also contending for the homecoming queen crown!
Blaze - the quiet academic, but is a part of the debate and music memory teams. She’s that aesthetic dark academic that you see posting pictures of her work on Pinterest, outfits, and more! While she’s not as popular as you may think, she likes it that way, so she can focus on her work!
Maria - shadow’s older sister, and one of the counselors’ aids for disabled students. She was an A-B honor roll student, and is shadow’s biggest supporter and role model. It’s actually why shadow is trying to become a doctor, to hopefully cure her of her illness!
Aeon - scene social media queen! She always does these cool outfits of the day, educates people on scene culture and it’s history, and records everyone’s fails, and tells her story of being trans and her experiences of being a trans woman! (She might or might not have a small crush on Amy too-) While is she is a contender for the homecoming crown, she isn’t the most into it, unlike rouge and Iris!
Surge - the little rebel sophomore that hangs around seelkadoom. She’s the rambunctious rebel who is a little bit too violent for her own good, but she cares a lot about her friends and will always protect them! While she’s civil with scourge, she just does not like him.
Iris - Whenever you hear the tapping of red bottom heels and smell the scent of either honey, roses, or chocolate, you know you’re in the presence of one of the school’s newfound popular girls. She’s sweet, sassy, and drives most of the students up the damn wall with her siren-esque charms.She’s also a contender for the homecoming queen crown, and is arguably the most intense about it. She’s just excited since it’ll be her first time doing this! ^^
“Ok, so what about their dynamics?”:
Sonic and shadow - the newest couple on the block, and you either love em or hate em. Some try to actively sabotage their relationship, but Amy’s got that covered!
Sonic, tails, and knuckles - the most popular boys, as they’ve been here as friends since they were kids. Nobody can separate them from each other for long, as they’ll meet up again eventually!
Silver and blaze - also childhood friends trope, but it’s slowly blooming into a romance with each time they hang out!
Amy, rouge, aeon, and Iris - the popular quartet! They all tend to have personality traits that bounce off each other, and this is one of the few times we see the more shy and awkward Iris, as she can’t keep the facade forever!
Rouge and shadow - polar opposites becoming friends. Rouge being the popular gossip girl, while shadow was the quiet biker type. It was actually rouge who introduced shadow to Sonic, and shadow has been forever grateful since!
Aeon and Amy - a situation where one has a crush on her best friend, but doesn’t know how to tell her. However, it appears Amy seems to be piquing interest in aeon as well, especially after the whole camping trip situation!
Blaze and tails - mutual admiration and a sibling like relationship between the two!
Nazo and seelkadoom - two alt/goth kids who are in need of friends and they happened to meet after a bad skirmish with scourge after the bastard tried throwing his hands on mephiles after one of his concerts.
Surge and seelkadoom - sibling archetype. Seelkadoom is the older alt brother who sticks it to the man and then surge is the younger sister who is trying to follow in his footsteps, just not the same as him.
Mephiles, seelkadoom, nazo, and aeon
- The fun alternative group of friends who do stupid shit together, but would literally kill everyone else to protect their friends.
Iris, seelkadoom, and nazo - Princess X “bodyguards”. Originally it was just seelkadoom making scourge run off from Iris, but she actually had a proposition for them. She wanted them to be her temporary bodyguards while she’s running for homecoming queen, as she knows scourge and Fiona are trying to run as well, and can’t risk being ambushed by them after school. So they agree, only to end up having a blossoming poly relationship with the three of them! (Don’t worry, she does pay them! $55 per hour, and they get paid every Friday!)
^ (I am so normal about nazseelk and the three of them, I’m sorry, I just can’t help it ;v;)
I’ll probably make mini stories about them eventually, but I’m currently working on AUWNN side stories, so be prepped for that!
@hunniegl4zed @thebreadmeower
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
it’s taking so much fucking self control not to respond pettily to something over on bearotonin
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
in defense of 1989:
the breathless, wailing anguish with which she howls "take me HOOOOOoooooome" as she finally gives in to her vices, her weaknesses, knowingly but willingly. because she's so tired of doing the right thing, the smart thing, so lonely, so hopeful, and soooo horny she's helpless against self destruction. A song so unflinching in its awareness of that while also unapologetic in her choice to fully throw herself into temptation.
and even still the continued breathless, endless questioning in out of the woods. is this it? is it finally over? when it be over? when will someone just love her, and when will she stop doubting that they don't? when will this cycle of searching and heartbreak end? the way the song ends, so desperate is she for guidance that her voices harmonize together in a nearly religious choir, calling to the heavens for an answer. utterly lost, screaming into the forest doubting everything she remembers, was it real? can she even remember herself?
In I wish you would, how she turns a quiet, fleeting moment of laying in bed, watching headlights crawl across her bedroom wall though the gap in her curtains into a bombastic tour through all the regrets and dashed hopes that fly through her head. how you can mentally run through the span of fifty emotions over the course of ten seconds.
wildest dreams where the song is paced using her own heartbeat i mean what a clever way to quite literally let you into her heart
also in wildest dreams, giving into the idea that maybe this is what she deserves maybe, all she deserves. it's all she'll ever be, just a memory to someone and so in that fatalist acceptance, she's determined to at least make sure she's a phenomenal memory. and she asks them to lie to her, just this once. she doesn't ask for anything else, just to be told one time that she's worth remembering. an incredibly vulnerable thing to admit about how you see yourself and how dark of a place to be mentally.
the murky, wobbly synth and wistful whispery voices on this love. the whole song sounding like a fog or like wading in the tide as it ebbs and flows. so tactile in how it renders the feeling of wading through the fog a breakup or dissolution. not sure what the right thing to do is, to turn around and fight for them, to let them go, to move on. a song where she's so lost, she surrenders her fate completely and accepts whatever happens will happen and completely succumbs to the current, wherever it takes her and whatever it brings. she has to believe they'll come back on their own because there's nothing else to do now. she's done everything she could and it's just up to the tides of fate.
i mean clean?? hello??? one of the most apt metaphors for breaking up with someone when the relationship was intense and maybe codependent or manipulative. how addiction can be a person, and all the same trappings apply. how the whole album was her struggling through that. revisiting it over and over, how hard it is to try to live without them, as if it feels like drowning. but ultimately finding a baptism of self in the drowning, being the one to save herself for the first time, realizing she could save herself. revolutionary idea for the person who wrote all 4 prior albums, a monumental moment of growth. while still acknowledging that the itch to return to them will always linger, but recognizing that that's not love or fate or destiny like she once thought it was. it's just her insecurities trying to drag her back into bad habits, ultimately pulling the monster out from under the bed and in the harsh light of day, seeing it for what it is and rendering it unable to fool her anymore. one of the most pivotal moments in her mental and emotional growth as a person that she's ever discussed in her art. Where she completely abandons the fairytale idea of fate and destiny and begins to embrace her autonomy.
bonus of YAIL being one of the quietest, most intimate and mundane stories of love she’s ever written. how poignant for it to come after the bombastic pop and clashing synths of the sweeping and tragic romances regaled on the entire album. as if to say nah, real love, true love is in the quiet, unremarkable moments. the synths and echoes used again here but in a more dreamy, ethereal way, as if it's not happening quite yet but it's a wish for something totally different than she had before, something she should have wished for all along. a beautiful contrast!!
also just i'm sorry but blank space was so clever, maybe you had to be there but for her to come out with this song after the Red era and just.... absolutely destroy the pervading narrative about her with a sledgehammer but in the most tongue and cheek way, the most above it all way. like look how stupid you sound? this is the person you think i am? do you hear how ridiculous this shit is? get a grip! she not only made them into the fool and came off smarter and savvier than anyone else, she made BANK off of their stupidity. slay of the century!!!
basically 1989 is the rawest and most honest depiction of a woman in her 20s at some of the lowest points your 20s can bring. how through that time, as you figure out who you're supposed to be as an adult, you completely lose sight of who you are, and because of that you feel the lowest about yourself you may ever feel in your life. You let yourself get treated horribly and you begin to wonder if this is all there is. and it's awful and it feels endless and so lonely because you feel like the only person going through it, that everyone else knows something you don't, and that you're pathetic and worthless for falling so behind everyone else. but at the same time your 20s are soooooo fun and exciting and liberating because of your first foray into independent adulthood, so to lay unapologetically pop instrumentals over these crushing feelings is genius. it's the whiplash of that time in your life, the oscillation making each feeling of euphoria and devastation that much more potent. And how she emotes on this album is unlike anything else! She’s theatrical with her syllables and delivery as if she might never get the chance to say any of this again!
but also, the perhaps unconscious metaphor she presented that so many people, fans included, seem to fall victim to. the idea that oh, it's just pop music, it's not that deep, it's soulless and vapid. only serious music can actually be emotional, when the words she's saying and the hard truths about herself she's conveying are raw and bleeding open wounds. repetition isn't laziness, but a manifestation of anxiety and building tension. heavy synths and electro-pop stylings aren't soulless compared to guitars, but a way to unground you from reality and give you that atmosphere of disorientation and so as she grapples with losing her bearings, so do you. it's a musical allegory for how in your twenties someone can outwardly be having the time of their life, but inwardly be the lowest they've ever been. it's the eternal duality of your 20s, rendered so beautifully and harnessing musical stylings so masterfully to convey this experience. i'll defend it forever for that reason and implore people to reexamine their view of pop music and pop instrumental compositions as less artistic achievements and less emotional than acoustic ballads. sadness isn't the only vulnerable emotion. confusion, anger, anxiety, frustration are all profound and loud emotions that deserve an electric guitar because sometimes words aren't enough for how much you're feeling, and it's up to a cacophonous soundscape of electric guitars and moog synthesizers and your own cathartic screams to fill in the rest.
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tothepointofinsanity · 8 months
[Found a disgusting new colouring style to draw Sayaka in. It’s real blorbo tormenting hours up here.]
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Eri…if I could go back in time and tell last month me you would be sending me this ask I would’ve thought I was sent into another dimension but I AM SO GLAD WE ARE HERE OMFG!!!!!!!
Girl Dad Gojo… goodness the two of them would be thick as thieves until she is older and utterly unimpressed by her father, the greatest sorcerer of all time, because to baby girl he is simply papa or aka the loser who cried when she learned how to ride a bike
The first time she get sick he is a total wreck. He just wants to keep her safe but her fever has her in tears and all he can do is hold his whimpering sick baby. He’s reminded of how human and small he actually is because of this tiny babe wrecking his heart. He stays up the entire night to make sure she sleeps good (he of course gets sick the next week and he’s even worse at being a baby about it than she is)
Anytime she tries to crawl he is lying on the floor right there besides her yelling outloud play by commentary of her movements like she’s a sports athlete and he’s the excited announcer cheering her on
The first time she takes her first steps, he’s away on a mission. Of course he’s so proud but he’s angry and hurt he missed one of the biggest moments of his baby’s life… but the minute he warps home and the second he sees her waddling to him with the biggest gummy smile all that anger and frustration just melts away, especially when you gasp seeing her walk more than four steps without falling, and of course it is to him. He doesn’t shut up about it for MONTHS!
When she’s a little bigger and has playtime Satoru is right there with her and taking every one of her ideas very seriously! If she tells him he is a pink feathery dragon that shoots out glitter then you bet your cute ass he’s going to be the best pink feathery glitter shooting dragon ever!
He loves tea time with her and has a secret stash of cookies for them that you don’t know about cause it’s just for them!
When she learns how to make friendship bracelets the first one she makes is for him and Gojo cries when she hands him the mismatched colored beaded bracelet. He wears it EVERYWHERE! He about beats the ever living shit out of a curse user for making fun of the colorful bracelet when they see it
They for sure tag team against you because as much as she is half yours, she is still a Gojo and learns from the Gojo considered to be the best
However, when you have to leave for a trip and leave the two of them alone they are having the biggest ball for the first hour. Until they both crack and are FaceTiming you crying about how much they miss you
He dramatically sings all her favorite nursery rhyme songs to make her giggle, he also does funny voices for all her stuffed animals
He doesn’t let her win at ANYTHING video game wise because as he tells you “it’s keeping her humble”
When she tugs at his pant legs he doesn’t hesitate to kneel down to her level to speak to her eye to eye or let her whisper into his ear because they are both AWFUL gossips and noisy as hell!!! They also argue about the DUMBEST things like which digimon is best and because they’re both stubborn and ridiculous they make you pick sides!
The first time she sees a curse and cries clutching him so terrified is when Gojo swears he understands all over again why he was born to be a sorcerer, born to be the strongest. Yes it’s to protect the world but he was born to protect his world, this little stinker who sticks her tongue out at him when he eats the last bite of cake and happily grins when she gets to cuddle you and he doesn’t
Because yes you are his gravity keeping him stable and so strong, but she is his universe
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
What kinda ultimates do you think the members of QSMP would have?
to absolutely No One’s surprise i have, in fact, thought about this extensively. so here are all the ones i’ve decided on
jaiden is, obviously, the ultimate animator. not only is it true to her, it Also matches up with sdr2’s backstory as to how despair spread (as stupid as i think that explanation was). if they’re in a simulation, it would make sense for a danganronpa au that they were put there for the same reason that the 77th class was to return them to their pre-remnant states. (additionally, i think the explanation for the new arrivals would be that the brazilians, french, etc weren’t captured with the original cast and found later, hence why they weren’t added in at the beginning)
roier calls himself the ultimate spider-man. no one knows his actual talent because he’s ADAMANT on that being it, but they’re pretty sure it’s something akin to ultimate traceur (parkourist) or ultimate stuntman/stunt double.
arin is the ultimate AI, kind of in the same sense of alter ego. except instead of inhabiting a computer, he’s taken residence in luzu
charlie is the ultimate gymnast OR ultimate acrobat. i’m leaning towards acrobat as to not have Too many titles match those of the actual games. inspired by him being el backflipo :]
i think it’d be funny if mariana was the ultimate superhero based on his skin alone. what does that title even mean? fuck if i know! but it’s funny
foolish is, ofc, the ultimate builder.
similarly obvious is phil being the ultimate survivalist
and wilbur being the ultimate musician
bad is currently the ultimate caretaker! i say currently because considering his backstory partially consists of killing thousands with cellbit in the hunger games, i think he originally had a much darker title. not ultimate assassin like maki necessarily, but something akin to it. unlike maki, his new title isn’t any sort of cover-up, and just genuinely what he’s turned to nowadays
i’m not too sure on fit yet, but i definitely want to make him something sports/body-building related because of his gym. maybe ultimate bodybuilder or coach? he’s in that field Somewhere
someone joked about ultimate yandere for forever and ADMITTEDLY i did toy with the idea. as funny as it is, i think he’d more accurately be the ultimate terraformer/landscaper, considering his past clearing of a mountain and current clearing of an entire desert. maybe ultimate yandere could be a secret title, like junko’s ultimate analyst or the ultimate hope title?
pac and mike definitely have matching ultimates in the science field somewhere, considering they’re currently building their laboratory/factory! i’m not sure what exactly yet tho, just that they’re somewhere around there
and lastly, cellbit is the ultimate cryptanalyst/code breaker! he’s individually devoted himself to any and all mysteries, but his biggest strength is by far code-breaking.
that’s all i got so far! i don’t know enough about the other members/don’t have enough to go off of to give them titles sadly :( additionally, rubius doesn’t get his own ultimate because he’s one of the “helpers” (like monokuma, monomi, the cubs, etc)
bonus: the eggs get their own ultimates too :] going off the lil ultimate system being strictly named after classes
tallulah is the lil ultimate music (based on her flute)
bobby is the lil ultimate art (based on his room being full of his + his family’s paintings)
dapper is the lil ultimate woodshop (based on his interest in create!)
richarlyson is the lil ultimate p.e. (based on him wearing a futebol jersey)
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rowanthestrange · 4 months
Oh Monday (Mundy) comes after Sunday.
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adrianicsea · 4 months
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olgunny · 6 months
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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There’s this one workplace safety video that someone posted a clip from on here a while ago of a coworker saying something like “I’m going to kill you, hurt you, or harm you in some way 😐” and it haunts my subconscious but I can NEVER find it when I go searching. does anyone know what the hell im talking about.
anyway jamiazu doodle
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