#I’m a mushy puddle on the ground
cupidskissx · 10 months
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Lines from Charles Leclerc that make Max wiggle his foot like a dog wags its tail:
“memories that were less good became really good with time.”
“moments […] that are very funny.”
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cosmica-galaxy · 7 months
how would your oc’ and mimic’ react in this scenario:
the human and them were fighting the skibidi units and at what seems to be the end of the battle when they ask the human if their okay, the human replies with a I’m fine but gets cut of as a large knife pierces through their chest.
what would they do after that?
Camron would feel the world go still as the image of the human being impaled is burned into his lens. The moment they collapse in a pool of their own blood, he snaps back to reality and he full on has an emotional/mental collision. HIS FRIEND IS HURT, MAYBE EVEN DEAD! WHO THREW THAT?! THEY'RE GONNA PAY! He pings the medics urgently before trying to stop the bleeding and collect his shattered thoughts. Please...please don't die! DJ is frozen in place the moment the human's blood is splattered upon his speaker and they fall next to him in a puddle of blood with a large blade sticking out of their chest. It's a terrifying realization once it actually hits and DJ becomes enraged and sorrowful at the same time. He pings the emergency medics and crouches down next to the human as he tries to slow the bleeding. His mind is scattered and a rage unlike any other builds in his chest. Whoever struck the human down is a DEAD SKIBIDI. Vee facial expression reveals shock and horror as he watches the human's eyes roll back and they fall to the ground with the blade sticking out of their chest. He could barely recollect himself, but once he does, he grapples onto the human quickly and uses every ounce of his energy reserves to get them back to Doc as soon as possible. His mind is a whirlwind of emotions and rage, he can barely even comprehend the blood staining his clothes and gloves. This can't be happening...this...no. Please...not now...you can't die now.
The mimics all have a peculiar reaction. One moment everything was great...the next...the human's blood was coating their face as they fall down to the ground with a gargling, blood-spewing yelp. Then...they each experience something akin to a black out. The last thing they can remember was looking at their fallen friend and...something from somewhere else emitted a loud wrathful roar. Then, the mimics remember their vision going red before they blacked out entirely. When they come back to consciousness, they discover that they are back at base, carrying their human friend in their arms, coated in blood and mushy flesh, and with a pounding headache. For some odd reason, they have no recollection of what happened after the human was hurt. Nothing made sense...they just heard a loud echoing roar from some distance...and then there was nothing. The human is put into the medical ward and the mimic sits down outside. Confused, tired, and mostly...afraid. Afraid of what will become of their human friend...but also about what caused them to lose control of themselves and block out their memories for a time. Were they even in control...?
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thelostfrequency · 10 months
I kinda just realized I’ve never posted any wholesome writing on this blog. Just depressing stuff. So imma fix that. Take this thing I wrote between Banzai and his boyfriend Hound. Pardon any spelling errors btw. I did not proofread this, we die like dumbasses in these parts.
The rain tapped on the rooftops of the abandoned town’s buildings vigorously. The gloomy sky was laid out for miles with thick clouds. The gray of the sky blocked out the sun’s light, making the shadows that were casted by the overhang of old buildings and overpasses especially deep.
The two sat side by side calmly, finishing their deer breakfast. Banzai’s tail curled further into his lap as he watched puddles form just beyond their makeshift shelter beneath the old building’s awning. His gaze briefly turned towards Hound. The hybrid ate with his eyes shut, exhaling quietly in relief as his previously empty stomach was filled. Hound couldn’t look more beautiful in that moment if he tried… despite doing something so mundane as eating. Banzai turned his attention back to his own front thoughtfully before suddenly grinning mischievously and hopping up. He licked the blood from his lips as his counterpart’s eyes turned all attention to him.
Hound tilted his head as Banzai moved out from under the awning and turned his head upwards with his eyes shut. He held out his arms to the side and seemed to just enjoy the feeling of the rain on his body with a deep inhale, filling the expanse of his chest before letting it out. Hound squinted at him, pondering yet another mystery that Banzai had created for him in doing such a strange thing. He was getting wet! He didn’t doubt he was also getting cold! His train of thought slowed as Banzai looked at him, “Come on Houndy! Feels great!”
Hound furrowed his brow at the request, chirping in inquiry while cleaning his hands of blood to sign, ‘Are you not cold?’
“Nope!” Banzai chirped as he spun in a circle childishly. He put all his weight onto one hood before kicking up a large puddle with the other, “See for yourself.”
The hybrid sighed reluctantly. He rose to his feet regardless, stepping out from under the awning. He found himself almost immediately flinching back beneath it the moment the rain fell onto his being. He shook himself off lightly, silvery hair lashing this way and that. His gaze focused up just in time as he realized that by the time he successfully shook off Banzai had made his way over to him, taking his larger hand and pulling him forward along with him. While he was capable of simply resisting and standing his ground, he tricked himself into thinking he had no other choice than to follow after his mate much to his own disappointment. The distasteful thoughts quieted in an instant as he transferred his full attention away from the bothersome rain and set it on Banzai. His chest warmed some as the quilled Halo squeezed his hand wordlessly, smiling without looking at him. Banzai led him out into the middle of the road that divided the old buildings, stopping and turning to face him, “See? You’re not melting or anything.”
Hound could sense the cringe worthy line a mile away as Banzai teased, “Kinda surprised. You’re real sweet and I’m pretty sure sugar would be melting with all this wet.”
Hound let go of his hand calmly, at first causing Banzai to frown just a little until he realized he was just doing so to sign, ‘That was horrible. But yes. It is alright.’
Hound’s hands seemed to hesitate along with the look in his entirely black eyes as his hands slowly carried on, ‘It’s much nicer with you here though.’
Banzai buffered for a moment at the sincerity, his face warming and his tail thumping against the ground behind him as he chuckled bashfully and took hold of Hound’s hands once more, “And you said my mushy talk was horrible.”
Hound’s eyes pinched and shoulders bounced subtly with an indication of a silent laugh as he was led around by his partner in an absent circle. The rain seemed to carry its own tune that the two began to learn how to identify in that quiet. Banzai yelped softly as he was suddenly guided around by one hand, spinning before he was pulled up against Hound and dipped. Hound’s hands knew Banzai’s body well. He dared to say he knew the place of every single quill, knowing just where to put his hands to not get stuck without even thinking about it. Banzai exhaled softly, looking up at Hound with fond bewilderment, “Didn’t really take you for a dancer.”
Hound shrugged lightly with a mildly amused look in his eyes. Banzai was carefully pulled up so he could straighten his back once more. He easily expected it when Hound pulled him in close and grabbed him by the chin. His mouth suddenly formed, slots expanding within the skin that had once covered rows of shiny black teeth. Banzai’s eyes brightened the moment he caught on, his lips meeting Hound’s in an embarrassingly eager manner. A content sigh left the both of them in unison.
The kiss lasted around four heartbeats before they parted and looked at one another. Their expression shared a sense of ambiguity for all of ten seconds. Banzai was the first to begin a fit of laughter that left Hound no choice but to soundlessly chuckle along with him as his mouth hid away once more. He leaned his head down to press his face into the shorter being. Banzai shut his eyes calmly before pulling his head back carefully. Hound’s ears perked up some, nearly leaning forward to find that contact again, only for his hands to suddenly be taken and pulled upon. The hybrid made a rumble sort of noise as his eyes met Banzai’s who grinned at him like an imp, “We got a few hours to burn. How about another dance huh?”
Hound paused briefly at hearing this. He huffed softly, a smile seen in his eyes. He briefly pulled his hands free from his mate’s to sign, ‘I don’t see why not. Even though it is silly to dance in the rain.’
“That’s why you love me,” Banzai shrugged at him carelessly, “I’m a silly bitch and you're along for the ride to experience it.”
Hound shook his head lightly at him, only for his eyes to soften as he signed to him once more. Banzai paused as he pieced together the words.
‘You are my favorite experience. Thank you.’
Banzai stared at him for a long moment. A warm smile came to his lips at how the statement dripped with genuine love and fondness. Banzai took hold of Hound’s hands once more, pulling him closer to himself and leaning his head up to press a kiss under the taller being’s jaw, “You’re a pretty nice experience yourself babe.”
Hound purred at him softly, only to make a sound of surprise as he was suddenly pulled along with Banzai once more, “Now come on yah sap! Now you really owe me a dance.”
Hound recovered quickly, squeezing his hand in return. He found himself nodding lightly.
He prayed for the sun’s light to return leisurely. For the moment that was spent carelessly and clumsily trading steps and making up words for the fake song that was sung by the rain was a healthy reminder to Hound just how lucky he was to have allowed Banzai to drag him into the light.
Thank you for reading and until next time <3
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I know the algebraic expression of L-O-V-E [Kamunami/Hinanami & Yandere!Chiaki] - Chapter 9
Disclaimer: This is an AU in which the Chiaki AI got at least partially infected by the Junko Virus. This is what makes her become a Yandere and a bit out of character. This AU also entails Hajime and Izuru becoming more of a DID-System, instead of fusing into one person. The main difference, compared to the real illness, is that they can switch out consciousness at will. Also, major spoilers and canon divergence ahead. You have been warned.
Chapter 9
The boy didn’t have a chance to stick to his words, as she pressed his body down on the ground. The struggling body within her grip, desperately gasping for air, her creepy grin from earlier returned. Yet she wasn’t fully satisfied.
Simply getting rid of him was too easy, she had to enjoy that victory. That sadistic virus turned her pink eyes into a spiral in deep dark despair. Eerie laughter echoed through the island, yet only Nagito was able to hear her.
First his legs. She wouldn’t allow him to try and run away a second time. Cutting them clean off gave her a sadistic thrill and his painful screams filled her whole body with trembling despair. Next, cutting off his arms. Once this was over with, he was nothing more than a disfigured body. Blood spewing out of him, tainting the ground fuchsia.
Soon enough the blood loss would knock him out, but she wanted to make sure he’d hear her last words. What she had planned to do with him, was much more despair-inducing than any physical wound she could give him.
Moving her bloody hands over to his head, she cupped his face and with a gentle stroke over the cheeks, leaving a bloody trail of his own blood there. This is what satisfying despair felt like. It made her artificial heart race, as she’d finally be able to get rid of the person, she loved and hated the most.
Admiring her work for a few more seconds before he’d eventually pass out. Whispering sickly twisted words into his ear. “Don’t be sad. Death won’t be the end of you. I’ll let you live, in my world… under my control.”
His eyes shot wide open, his mouth silently screaming of pain. He didn’t have the energy anymore to fight back. His expression, a crude mixture of pain and desperation. Blood, sweat and tears all over.
He wouldn’t make it any longer, so she decided to yank his head off, as she still had use for that. Grabbing his hair, pulling it off his neck, a few nerve endings dangled out. And with that his fate was sealed: He was finally dead for sure.
Now what to do with the rest of the body? Enticing in the thrill, she turned the rest of the body into a mushy mess. Blending the remains of his flesh with the dirt underneath, until only a slimy puddle was left.
With that her job was done, and she returned to the main path. Making her way to the control room. All that was left to do was connecting his brain to the machines. They’d do the rest.
 Dawn of a new day and Hajime woke up in his empty cottage. Last night’s encounter still had him puzzled.
“Chiaki? Chiaki, where are you?”
Looking around for the girl, but she was nowhere to be found.
“Huh? That’s strange…”
This seemed so oddly suspicious, so Hajime turned to Izuru for advice.
“Oh, now you’re asking for my help. Didn’t you confidently declare that you don’t need me anymore?”
He sounded so salty, despite his monotone voice.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Shove that passive-aggressiveness up your ass. We might have a serious situation at our hands, so I don’t have the time nor nerves for unnecessary banter. Just straight up tell me, why Chiaki isn’t here.”
“Are you worried that something happened to her?”
Izuru asked in return, despite already knowing the answer.
“Maybe you should be more worried that she happened to someone else.”
He unkindly scolded Hajime.
“You know I’m worried. What’s your problem with that?”
“My problem is, I told you what she is capable of, but you decided to ignore all my warnings.”
Biting his tongue there, he shoved Izuru away.
“Fine! If you don’t wanna tell me, then just shut up.”
Hajime was fed up with lectures, as the strain of worry only increased.
“The only logical place to look for her would be the computer room.”
Izuru unexpectedly answered .
In hand-sight, that was an obvious the solution. Why didn’t Hajime think about that first? Maybe she went there for an update. Or…
A little shudder went down his spine. Remembering the offer she made last time, maybe she was preparing the virtual world for them.
But as he stepped outside his cottage, barely dressed, barely awake, something way more terrifying greeted him. In front of his door, the putrid smell of blood and death burned away the inside of his nostrils. And beneath his feet, he saw a horror, he thought he had left behind long ago.
Never again did he think he’d have to see a corpse again. Never did he think, he’d have to witness another killing happen. In front of him, laid none other than the separated head of the Ultimate Lucky Student: Nagito Komaeda.
« Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 »
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cb-works13 · 2 months
Impersonal Grief
A short story created by me.
This was written after some recent life events that have occurred. Heaven forbid I ever just write down my own feelings, so instead I write vicariously through my own characters! But in all seriousness, this did help me processes some of my thoughts and emotions during this awkward time in my life.
This story is going to talk about death. Nothing like how someone died or anything like that. Just that someone did die. And just talking about death in general.
If you’d like to see, then continue reading.
It had been a pretty easy going day for Flint Chasey, all things considered. After being on the run for so long, staying at one of his family’s summer homes meant that ConneXion Labs was going to have a harder time finding the group of kids and their barely-qualified-as legal adult, let alone justify breaking in and kidnapping that plant girl Holly Dr. X has been so set on getting his hands on.
The time at the house gave the group time to plan and talk logistics- two things Flint hated doing. They were always his least favorite part of sitting in on his dad’s business meetings. However, Flint was nearly impressed with Roxanne's ideas on how to transfer funds to where his bank accounts wouldn't suspect Flint was buying the car's gas, random groceries, and the occasional gear that caught Roxanne's eye. Impressed or not, the conversations were still boring, making him pretty tired by the end of the day.
But that doesn't mean he skips out on a late night snack.
Having just grabbed the whole jug of milk and the bag of mini cookies, Flint made his way down the hall to his bedroom. However, he heard something faint coming from one of the rooms. He stopped, focusing hard on the vibrations in the ground. It sounded like…
Oh, rock.
Flint silently paced around, irritated that he now has the knowledge that someone was sad- he'd be seen as a jerk if he kept moving.
But… I can’t handle comforting someone! I’m the one that makes good times better, not the bad times bearable! I’m known as the Prince of Parties, not the Duke of Depression! Besides, nobody else is a rock alter. Nobody else has the ability to feel sound vibrations- especially when this crying is practically silent. It’s a miracle I even managed to sense this! So that means nobody else would be able to notice the crying. Maybe I can just sneak by? Yeah, yeah, I’ll sneak by and nobody will know-
The door to his left slowly opened, revealing a mushy, misshapen, half-melted Oliver Ferguson.
Flint turned around, smiling awkwardly. "Heyyy, Oliver! Uh, what's… up?"
Oliver wiped his nose, a bit of Oliver smearing onto his hand. It absorbed back into his skin. It was a very strange sight for Flint. Psycalters have always been more on the… peculiar side of the alters- Flint himself had only met a couple in his life. Oliver here, with his emotions becoming physical manifestations, melts into a puddle when he cries. Flint had seen Oliver melt when he thought about the ending to Inside Out, but he had never seen Oliver look this disheveled before.
"Hey, Flint," Oliver sighed.
Flint's eyes darted around. "Do you…” He holds up the stuff in his hands. “…want some cookies and milk?"
Oliver was quiet.
"I… got alcohol in the kitchen, too, if that’s… what you… need?"
Oliver stepped out of the room. "No, thanks. Cookies and milk sound nice."
Flint's shoulders relaxed. "Okay… okay! Great. Uh, here you go." Flint tried to hand Oliver the food, but it made a shloop noise as it slipped through Oliver's hands and fell to the floor. The milk spilled, some of it splashing onto Oliver in the process.
"Oh, rock-" Flint picked up the jug before it spilled even further.
"You're fine- my body hasn't fully reformed yet. It took a lot for me to open the door in the first place."
"Oh, okay okay. Is- is the milk going to absorb or-"
"No," Oliver replied, "it'll just sit there until I'm fully formed again. It'll wipe off like normal after that."
"Okay, good, good." Flint, either from his tiredness or his unfamiliarity with comforting sadness, was somehow more awkward and clumsy than Oliver. And Oliver, either from his tiredness or his sadness, was more composed and spoke more clearly than, well, Oliver. This is wildly out of character for the both of us! Flint thought. Flint then caught himself trying to scoop up the milk on the floor with his hands. Rock, what the heck am I doing?! He stood up quickly and wiped his hands on his pants. WHY DID I DO THAT?! THESE PAJAMAS WERE CUSTOM MADE FROM PARIS!!! Pushing back the thoughts of his gross behavior, Flint cleared his throat. "Do you want me to carry the food for you?"
"Yeah, that would be nice."
The two sat at the kitchen bar with the overhead lamps above them being the only light. The rest of the living area faded into a dark, indistinguishable void.
"So, uh…" Flint took a breath. "What's going on?"
"My uncle died today."
"Oh- oh my rock- I- I'm so sorry."
"No, no, wait," Oliver replied, "I should clarify- my uncle on my birth mother's side."
Flint thought for a moment. "Your birth mother… wait, you're adopted?!"
"Uh, yeah?" Oliver said. "My whole family are plant alters? Holly and I have different last names..?"
"Yeah, that makes sense…" Flint replied. “I guess I didn’t really think about you two not being blood related with how much you care about Holly and all.” He played with the cookies in front of him. "So, uh, were you close? To that uncle, that is?"
"No… and that's the issue." Tears began to roll down Oliver’s face. "I… I didn't have the best family. And it wasn't just my parents either. There's a reason I was sent straight to the adoption center instead of in the care of another family member."
Flint didn't know what to say. "Oh, um, that's… terrible."
"Yeah, but… they're still my family, you know?" Oliver vaguely gestured with his hands, as if he was trying to grab the right words out of thin air. "I don't know if that makes sense at all. It's like, I know of them- I found some of my relatives online and I would occasionally check up on them that way. I mean, my name is still attached to that family. They are my blood. And… it might be that blood that makes me feel like I need to care about them. I haven't told anyone about this, cause, like, I have my own life now. I’ve been in the Brooks family for years now. And it’s been life changing. But, I just can't help but wonder… What if things had gotten better after I left? What if things were better and I could reconnect with everyone again? Maybe not, like, be buddy-buddy with them, but just… ever since my uncle died, I have this sickening feeling that I'll be too late to do anything to fix my birth family. Getting out was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me- what if that’s what someone else in my family needs? What if… what if that was the thing that my uncle needed? But then he died. There is no ‘what if.’ There’s only ‘was’… All of these thoughts, and yet, I didn't even know him. It’s like I have this impersonal grief. I mean… how do you even mourn the loss of someone you didn't know?" Oliver began to silently sob again.
Flint reached out to put a hand on Oliver's shoulder, but he stopped when he noticed the melting. He awkwardly put his arm back on the bar.
"I… think you mourn exactly how you are doing it right now." Flint replied.
Oliver looked up at him, confused.
Flint took a deep breath. "You're a pretty emotional guy. Anyone can see that from the way you love your sister. And, I've been to a lot of funerals in my life."
"Big family?" Oliver asked.
Flint shook his head. "Big partnerships. Alliances. Business associates." He tilted the cup of milk he was holding, swirling it around. "Nobody in my family has died since my grandpa, and that was not too long before I was born. But… my family would go to these funerals for these big business people. There'd be some guy's picture up in the front next to the casket or urn- some CEO or something, and none of my siblings or me would know who he was. We'd just stand there awkwardly at the service because, what reason did we have to be sad?" Flint took a sip of milk. "And, as far as us kids were concerned, our parents didn't have a reason to be sad either. Can't let the competition know you've gone soft. But you can't be so heartless that you don't go to the funeral. So, my parents would have this weird expression on their face, as if they were trying to balance both like it's some circus act. But we all knew it was fake. Everyone did. It's one of those hush-hush things you don't ever bring up."
Oliver sniffed a bit.
“That’s impersonal grief.” Flint said.
Flint continued. "But you… You care. You never even met your uncle and yet you're crying about him. You talked about how you hoped things got better for your family, cause you're genuinely concerned about the family you were born from. Even if you never really want to go back. You're not just mourning the loss of your uncle- you’re mourning the ideas of your family you’ve had in your head for all these years."
Flint looked at Oliver, puffy eyed and still melting.
"Even though it makes you look like an abhorrent mess, you are grieving.”
Oliver narrowed his eyes.
Flint stuttered, trying to save his words. "But… but that's what grief is sometimes, you know? I… sometimes I wonder if I could ever be able to feel something so strongly for someone.” Flint paused. “But, I don't know if I'll be able to. The family image is pretty… uptight. I’ve got to be cool and fun and perfect- which I am all those things, mind you!”
Flint points a finger at Oliver, expecting validation. Oliver only raised an eyebrow in response.
Flint sighed. “But… It still bewilders me that you can just… let yourself feel your emotions so freely, even with your… slimy-ness? To just be imperfectly you. It must be nice to be able to express yourself, right?"
Oliver shrugged a little. "I don’t really express a lot, if we’re being honest here.”
Now it was Flint’s turn to raise an eyebrow.
Oliver lifted his hands in admission. “Okay, okay, I am anxious and easily scared. And I do cry over movies. That's not really going to change. But that doesn't mean I let Holly or Mom or Dad see me cry like this.”
"You got your own image to uphold too, huh."
Oliver nodded.
Flint held up his cup of milk like a toast of sorts. “Cheers to being ourselves here and now, then?”
Oliver picked up the cup, a smile growing on his face. “Wow, you really are the Prince of Parties. Can’t even let a guy grieve without toasting a glass to something?”
“Hey- I did my best! I held off for as long as I could! Now are you going to toast me or not?”
Oliver grinned and they clinked the glasses together.
Oliver drank his milk. "Please… don't tell anyone about this. I don't need Holly or Roxanne or anyone getting caught up in my old family."
Flint nodded. "It'll be like an NDA." He grinned. "Where do I sign?"
Oliver laughed. "Just sign right here." He held out his hand. "In cookies, please."
Flint rolled his eyes. "That is the worst legal binding I've ever heard of."
"It'll get stored in a very safe place." Oliver pointed to his mouth.
"Wow, you’re so corny. You expect to get that one girl you're head over heels for this way? What was her name… Priscilla?”
"Hey- It might be worth a shot!”
Flint slapped the cookies into Oliver's hand. "Whatever floats your delusion, man."
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punishingangel · 3 months
07.     white.
a memory that is colored
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It was an overcast night in January. The midwinter's snow was already starting to melt from exhaust, leaving mushy puddles in potholes. Pea-soup fog wrapped itself around the outside of the Gotham Grand Center. Cars lined the street near the bottom of the building, each parking meter accounted for. Glass flew from the 25th floor’s balcony window and showered down to the sidewalk.
Azrael tumbled from above, one bullet in the chest and another in the abdomen, blood seeping from smoking holes in Kevlar.
Their biceps locked around LeHah's head. All they could see through blurry eyes was LeHah's demonic mask, the face of his master Biis, smiling — or was he screaming? — as the two fell together in a flurry of flowing fabric. Chunks of rock and metal came after them, a large mass striking Azrael in the back of the neck and slamming their throat against the nose of LeHah's helmet. If the projectiles piercing their lung and intestine hadn't killed them, the sudden trauma to their cervical spine should have ended them then and there, mid-air, before they’d even hit the ground. LeHah's pistol had long since smashed to pieces on the concrete. They would be next, swift and fitting.
Perhaps it was The System sending their brain signals to override the agony of impact, but Jean-Paul (or was it Azrael?) felt propelled from his body. It was as if he was next to himself, or what used to be. He saw flashes of red and gold and green disappear into murky grey while he remained fixed in place. He flexed his fingers and gasped a breath, but there was nothing to hold it in.
He’d experienced this once, and only once before. A hallucination in which he was an angel, bursting from his mortal cocoon. As if pulled by an invisible cord, he floated, and the higher he lifted, the more he felt it.
That cool breeze. Not biting, like the wind, but mellow. Gentle.
It tickled what would have been his cheek. It passed through his chest, downward through his legs, outward through his arms. He continued upward, at home outside of his body. He felt the urge to expedite his journey, to paddle towards it like swimming through water. He went no faster scooping a hand to the side. He could only allow himself to ascend.
He saw that white light, same as December when he'd saved that boy; a lamp glowing from cracks in a closed door, beckoning him home.
If I’m dying, he thought, it's a lot nicer than I imagined.
The words scattered out from him, escaping like sand through a sieve.
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yundk · 9 months
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(Click on the date to read full story). Chile is chilly. I guess I’m used to hot, humid air hitting me as soon as I step out of the airport, its warm blanket embracing me, welcoming me into the new adventure that is about to begin. This time was different. I didn’t rush to take off my jacket. I put two on. I’ve packed more layers on this trip than I ever have. Actually, I’ve packed more things than I ever have period. A few items of clothing, four jackets, toiletry essentials, camera, battery bank, sleeping bag, stove, pot, utensils, and a whole sack of food, 8 days worth of meals and snacks. For a little more than a week, I’m lugging a 35lb bag traversing through the Andes mountains of Patagonia, embarking on an adventure I’ve dreamed of ever since I learned of the place almost a decade ago.
Layers are essential. You bundle up to step out of the tent into the morning mist, readying yourself for a splash of cold water to wake you up for the day. You remove a layer or two after a mile in and when your body has warmed up enough that a puff down jacket is now trapping too much heat. Then you arrive at a clearing, over a mountain pass, and light snow is falling. A roaring wind picks up its drift and numbs your face. Your ears thank you for bringing your beanie. Your hands thank you for the gloves to make snowballs. You thank yourself for bringing your puff vest when the wind quiets to a whisper and the sun blazens overhead, radiating its warmth to the peaks of mountains where you now stand. Clouds follow, first bringing cooling showers. They soon turn heavy, drizzles to downpours that crash down with a relentless thudding over your rain jacket and backpack. You are drenched, but you are light in spirit. One of the most simple but impactful lessons I learned while living in Honduras is to embrace the rain when it’s there. I used to stop myself from running in the mushy grass, jumping in puddles, standing in the open with my tongue in the air trying to catch some droplets before it seeps into the ground. I didn’t want to get muddy, dirty, cold, my shoes wet. But shoes can be taken off, clothes can be washed, I have the luxury of a hot shower (not here though - we get glacier water!), and I will be dry again. The small inconveniences aren’t worth fretting over. I’m somewhere in the southernmost tip of South America, the rhythmic drum of the rain filling the air, once again reminding me to not let the little joys slip by.
Another lesson I’ve learned over my life: live simply. The times in my life when I felt most content was when I was living out of my backpack, just like I am now. Life is extraordinary even without all that stuff, even more so. You notice the ground around you a little more. The taste of your meal doesn’t just melt away into the background. You feel the light of people a bit warmer. It changes you, I would say, to become closer to the person you are meant to be. When you have less, you value more the things you do have. The shoes that have taken you on so many adventures, a simple soup that warms you up during the chilly night, the people you meet along the way, the people who are waiting back home. And yourself. Without all those possessions and distractions, you confront yourself at your bare. At first, you may find yourself to be a mystery, but slowly you start discovering parts of yourself that have stayed buried all these years. You get in touch with the child who saw everything with unbridled curiosity and infinite possibility. You inquire a deeper humanity, and everything around you takes on a whole new meaning. The simple becomes extraordinary again. I think this is part of what people mean when they talk of spirituality.
Every day, I’m on the trail for more or less eight hours, trekking a dynamic landscape and ever-changing altitude. Most of those hours are spent alone, in the musings of my own thoughts. The soundtrack is the chirping of birds audible when the wind slows down, the rush of streams coursing down from the mountaintop, the thud of my boots on the well-worn dirt path, the shift of rubble on the stone trail. Once in a while, I’ll catch up to a fellow trekker, or someone will catch up to me, and we’ll share a leg of the journey before eventually breaking off again at our own pace, bidding a “see you later at the camp.” We’re all familiar faces now; for those doing the O-trek, everyone is going clockwise and to the same campsites. The days are long here, at least during summer, which in this region of the world is now. Sunrise before 5am, and nightfall doesn’t come until 11pm. So, we have a lot of time to lounge around once we reach camp. We take off our packs and hiking boots and melt into the ground after ten plus, sometimes twenty miles of up and downs. We light up our propane stoves and scrape up every last grain of rice because we can never eat enough here. We take quarter shots, because someone always brings alcohol. The shots later get bigger, because they’re tired of carrying the weight. We play cards. We tell stories, sharing our favorite adventures and dreams of what’s to come. After a long day of quiet dialogue with nature, even the most introverted among us seek company. Laughs are plenty when a bunch of weary backpackers from different countries share a table together. I learn so much about the world, about people, during these nights. Cultural exchange, it’s what I live for. 
I had a moment of frustration today. I burned a tear into my jacket sleeve while boiling water. The jacket is one of the nicer things I own, and I was angry with myself for not being more careful with the stove. Then I had to remind myself. The jacket is replaceable. I can repair it, or buy another one later. And if I mend it, the stitches will serve as a dear memory of when I was having a hot cup of tea with my German and Canadian friends after a weary day of hiking 900 meters of elevation gain through a snowy mountain pass, and down over a glacier with bitter winds that genuinely gave me a scare of getting necrotic fingers. When I see the scar on my jacket, I’ll remember the laughs we had over woodpeckers. Years from now, I’ll see that the memory is worth so much more than the price of the jacket. But first I had to take a step back and take a deep breath to remind myself all of this. I’m still learning, still growing.
I don’t feel like I have the words to capture what I’ve seen over the past several days. I can only describe the feelings that trekking through this enchanting region has stirred in me: wonder, shock, exhilaration, exhaustion, inspiration, peace. What I can say is that magic exists. Nature is alive in all its marvel. I used to think of landscape as a snap portrait frozen in time. There is more. There is life, a pulsing beat of activity deep within its tranquility. Pay attention, and you’ll feel the heartbeat. Stillness is not stasis. Clouds drift in and out of the frame. The sun peaks through, awakening the field of sunflowers from their slumber. Melting icecaps carve ridges in mountains, and the streams navigate the passageway to find their way back together again. Glaciers break away in the distance, causing a thunder that for the first few days I thought was a warning of impending rain. The wind drills tunnels into glaciers. The sun transforms them into the most pristine blue water. That water gives us life. In the picture-still background, miracles are happening every day.
Santiago is a radical departure from Patagonia. My senses, spoiled by the serenity of immaculate nature, has become hypersensitized in the bustling metropolis. The crisp scent of wilderness air is replaced by the fuming smog of old engines sputtering through retirement, the soothing whistle of the wind by the hawking of street vendors earning a living, the vivid evergreen and glacier blue by the vibrant rows of umbrellas. In the distance stand snowcapped mountains, but the commotion of the place puts them worlds apart. Even as my senses experience this rude awakening, I feel a sense of home being here. I grew up with pedestrian streets shaded by umbrellas and crowded by makeshift stands selling anything from toothpaste to bootleg DVD’s and Nikes. I grew up with hot dogs sizzling and shopping carts fitting a grill, the wafts of smoky barbecue enticing a bite of kabobs resting over the embers of charcoal. Piles of fruit laid on top of milk carts next to cardboard signs with prices and a weighing scale. I went overboard and bought two kilos of cherries for less than a couple of dollars after seeing how cheap they were. I chuckled walking home with a plastic bag ballooning with cherries, having not realized how much two kilos of fruit actually is. Even with three people, we barely went through half the bag before getting sick of eating cherries.
Chile loves their dogs. Hot dog carts line every metro stop, and almost every block has a fast food take-out spot with a generic sign of a combo deal plastered on its wall. Large for 2,000 Chilean pesos, XL for 3,000, drink included. Italiano, completo, venezolano, the options are varied and the toppings abundant. But perhaps even more than hot dogs, Chileans love their furry friends. Everywhere, people are walking with their dogs. In nicer neighborhoods with tree-lined streets, the dogs accompany their owners on leashes. Police K-9 vests are popular, even for small chihuahuas. In more unkempt and chaotic streets, the dogs meander untethered, some tagging along their human companions, most on their own. They trot alongside people like normal pedestrians. They find shade in parks and nap under the trees like many young couples do on a hot summer day. I swear they even follow traffic lights. Many Chileans I’ve spoken to told me that it is a mix of dogs with owners and without. They just all live together in the streets, both fed by humans, the former by their owners, the latter by the neighbors. Half cut plastic bottles filled with water are left out on side walks. In a small mart, pet food takes up a quarter of retail space. At night, dogs line up outside restaurants to mooch the day’s leftovers. The dogs know when to come and leave; there is no shoo’ing away. Rarely have I come across a scrawny, malnourished dog. If I was a dog here, I think I’d choose to live in the streets. I’d roam about, not necessarily with any direction in mind, wandering to wherever my curiosity takes me, blending in with the crowd, until I’d eventually find my way back home again. 
Just a few days after spontaneously dipping in the glacier waters of Las Torres del Paine, I find myself in northern Chile, in the desert sands of San Pedro de Atacama, the driest place on Earth. I was looking very much forward to toasting in the desert heat after spending many a cold nights buried deep inside my sleeping bag. I got what I asked for. I went from lush green and ever-moving clouds gatekeeping a release of rain at any moment to an arid desert where the sun scorches your skin unobstructed. You’re literally closer to the sun too; the town sits on 2,500 meters of altitude, and that can climb quickly if you travel a bit out. San Pedro de Atacama is worlds different from Santiago and Patagonia. It feels like I’ve been dropped in an old desert Western town: dirt gravel roads that crackle under the tires of bikes and cars, a flurry of dust trailing behind until the wind carries it away, people wearing face scarves and looking like bandits. Everyone, maybe minus the just arrived today tourists, are at least a few shades darker than their natural skin tone, even as they don wide brimmed hats. True to Latin American style, many are wearing jeans. The sky is a pale blue, the color of faded jeans but without any traces of white. After seeing clouds daily painting the sky with blotches of grey and white, how spotless it is now is salient. The shift is even more striking when contrasted with the brick clay color that tints the entire town. The sky, however, is hiding a treasure behind its monotony. When the night falls and the dust settles, a marvelous constellation of stars that is only in Disney movies emerges to adorn the sky. I now understand what it means to be star struck. I couldn’t look away; I may have been holding my breath in, afraid to make any sudden movement that could scare the stars away into a scatter. Apparently, stars are supposed to be dead by the time we see them. But can anything be truly said to be dead if it continues to light up the world?
My lips are painfully chapped even as I apply lip balm every hour. The bridge of my nose is peeling from spending almost all of my waking hours outdoors in the sun. I walked backwards for four hours downhill because of pain in my kneecaps from the crashing impact of descending mountains steep step after step. I almost passed out from laying down too long in a volcanic hot springs and inhaling an exorbitant amount of whatever fumes volcanoes emit. My vision was flushed yellow-green, and I had to lean on all my will to not fall over. But like any hike to the summit, it is all worth it at the end. I didn’t know how much I needed this trip. World events in the past few months have left my heart aching, and my emotions numb. Part of our collective soul died. Over the past few weeks that I’ve been here in Chile, every day waking and lacing up my hiking boots, setting out to experience another day’s adventure, my spirit gained a little more life. As much as the world is heartbreaking, it is breathtaking. It challenges you to look under the surface, to see without judgement, to feel deeply. It inspires and gives life to the most beautiful imagination. It is testimony to the possibility of peace in the world. I am every day thankful to be a witness.
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nancypullen · 1 year
Happy Beltane!
It’s May 1st and I can feel change in the air.  Beltane is the pagan holiday that marks the point halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.  It celebrates the return of light, rebirth and fertility, and basically all things SPRING!  There is dancing around May poles, bonfires, and all sorts of revelry, including feasting and drinking. In Ireland it marked the day that cattle were driven to summer pastures. Doors, windows, and even livestock were decorated with yellow flowers, and home fires were doused to be relit from Beltane bonfires, whose flames, smoke, and ashes were believed to have protective properties.  Best of all, it’s a time when fairies might be seen - most Beltane rituals are seen as either welcoming or appeasing the fairies.  I happen to know a small girl who wholeheartedly believes in fairies so we may have to make an offering for the wee folk.  On this day we’re supposed to spend time close to the earth - maybe gardening, maybe tending land, whatever.  I did that and I’m better for it. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, certainly one worth celebrating.
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Yesterday we crossed the bridge and spent quality time with Little Miss and  also celebrated Jamie’s birthday.  Gosh, we’re awfully glad she was born.  Tyler is happy and loved, and we have the cutest, sweetest, funniest, smartest grandgirl. That’s because of our beautiful, talented, determined, and generous daughter-in-law.  Aren’t we lucky?  We had a lovely day and ended our visit by taking a walk and doing some puddle stomping.
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Back here on the homestead we’ve been busy in the yard and in the house. Last week we painted the mister’s office, and moved the chair from my craft room up there.  It was his favorite back in Tennessee so it was only right that he laid claim to it.  Don’t mind that busy bookcase, this was snapped when we were just putting furniture back in place.
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So I became chairless downstairs, and how am I supposed to sit by the window on rainy days and get lost in a book without a chair of my own?  Because I am cheap, I first looked for a granny-sized chair on Facebook Marketplace.  Lo and behold, I found one!  It was in excellent shape, and I had high hopes that the colors might work in my craft room.  
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No dice.  What I hoped was a sweet red and white gingham (swoon!) was in fact more of an orange-red and beige pattern.   But it was just the right size, shape, and quality that I wanted.  So I forked over $30 and then bought a very inexpensive slipcover on Amazon.   Look how sweet she is now!
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On my sister’s advice I purchased (for just a couple bucks) little screw pins, they’re little bitty and look like this...
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and now that slip cover isn’t going anywhere.
I also swapped out that little pot of lobelia that I had on the table at my sitting spot on the porch.  It kept tipping over.  I don’t know if it was wind, cats, squirrels, or fairies.  So I grabbed the colander that I always used for red impatiens on my porch in Mt. Juliet and filled the bottom with rocks. That sucker will stay put.  
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Other than that, I’ve been holding string while the mister measured out fencing and leveled stuff and shared more information on posts and rails than I ever wanted to know.  Looks like we’re putting up a fence on Wednesday.  We’re waiting a couple of days due to the amount of rain we had over the weekend. Better safe than sorry.  Putting a fence into mushy ground isn’t wise. Derby Day is on Saturday, and it’s supposed to be about 70 degrees and sunny.  Feels like a good day to kick off grilling season, doesn’t it?  The Edgewaters are coming for the weekend and I requested that Jamie bring a derby-themed dessert.  She is an ahhhh-mazing baker so I can’t wait to see what she makes. I may throw together some cupcakes for the grandgirl with some horsies on top.  They’ll be quick and easy and then the adults can enjoy Jamie’s creation.  Did I ever tell you about the German Bee Sting cake she made? I still dream about it. Anywayyyyyy, we’ve been puttering around the house and gardens and making improvements.  We’re lucky enough to spend time with people we love (Matt, if you’re reading this, it’s time for another visit!) and we’re welcoming this lovely green season.  I may go dance under the moonlight tonight to celebrate Beltane.  Why not?
Celebrate with me! It’s MAY! May is like October’s sister - they’re the lovely months where it’s not too hot, not too cold, and everyone is happy.  Well, I am. Off to do a dance and then take a bubble bath.  Stay safe, stay well, buy yourself some flowers. XOXO, Nancy
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tonkidesk · 2 years
Fathers day soccer strophes pictures
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#Fathers day soccer strophes pictures skin#
#Fathers day soccer strophes pictures free#
Had he ever brought someone out to the woods like this? Dad, or Brandon, or even baby Grace? Of course he hadn’t. Green slunk around the front of the tree, his head nearly brushing some of the upturned roots.
#Fathers day soccer strophes pictures skin#
Its shiny skin was pale as the moon and looked slimy, like it had seeped right out of the wet ground. Its huge, gnarled roots had been pulled from the ground and turned upside down, pointing up at the sky.Īs he got closer, Parker watched a long-fingered hand creep around the bark on middle. Up ahead, a great big tree was waiting for him. This meant no one else would be out here no one who could ruin his fun, or steal his new friend. It must have rained so much, it was almost like the whole woods was one big mud puddle. The forest floor kept sinking beneath his feet. Who would drive through the forest like that? The road here wasn’t even a road, just a clearing. It had been left in the woods for weeks, maybe months now. He walked carefully around the broken car with the smashed front bumper. The wind blew a little harder, and Parker kept moving down the familiar path. Green always said, that it was so silly to be afraid of little things like that. He tried to tell himself not to be afraid. Parker thought he liked it too, even if sometimes it sent shivers down his back. Green wouldn’t show.īut then the rain had slowed, and it left only a crisp fog that spread between the tall trees. Dad said it would rain all day, and he worried the crops would drown. It had rained this morning he remembered looking out the window at breakfast, watching the dark clouds float over the backyard. The ground was mushy beneath Parker’s sneakers, the dirt giving way as he padded along. It would fade away soon, replaced by the solid black of night, and a cool feeling in the air. The sun was barely peeking over the treetops, leaving a golden trail as Parker passed the backyard gate. Nothing brings us closerĮxcept being close, but it’s good to be alone Trying to understand announcements in tongues Walking through the underground terminal Īfter sitting on the train, nervous my stop has passed, I never tire of looking after flying after Those pictures, the ones inscribed up there. With feeling rising from a page, rising to formĬonstellations above us both. Strobing pink and green like strophes on fire pulse So much further, Jupiter’s wild-a disco ball Standing on the cemetery steps, I’m alive and alone, The trees lean closer to better hear me speak. The phone in place my ear begins to ache. The static grows thick after an hour or so of holding We watched together, parted by an ocean, they don’t Maybe you’ll add a gift or a promise to detail his car, but that won’t matter to Dad as much as getting a card you took the time to make just for him.I disagree with the forlorn lovers in the film Your phone, computer, or tablet is all you need to send his eCard via email or Facebook, or preserve your creative genius with a hard copy printed directly from our site on your home printer. You can even choose whether to make it a Printable Card or an online eCard.įor further inspiration, make sure to visit our suggestions for Father's day wishes & messages, and Father's day quotes. Personalize his card with a photo or two, images from the Stickers Menu, your favorite font in his favorite color, and text you can edit to add his “dad name” or your own greeting. You can choose from options like photo layouts, rib ticklers, classic illustrations, and fancy lettering designs.
#Fathers day soccer strophes pictures free#
Our free Father’s Day Cards honor dads with ideas & styles like traditional or funny and first Father's day. Dads don’t always express their feelings in a big way, but his Father’s Day will hit a new level of happy when he gets a card from you.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
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He’d be so freaking mean too omg
like all “Shut the fuck up, did I say you could fucking speak?” spitting at you when you’re panicking, blubbering out anything to get him to stop.
Originally he was just going to spank you until your skin had broken, until there were raw welts across your ass and thighs, bruised and sensitive to the slightest breeze. Levi would want you to remember and suffer with the pain for as long as he had to suffer and endure the pain of almost loosing you. The hurt of knowing that you’re still trying to run, still trying to get away from him.
But now he knows that the pain of a few smacks won’t be enough to convey the ache you put his heart through. The ripping, tearing, long-lasting suffering afflicting him whenever you show your disdain for him. He masks it with anger, with the poorly restrained attitude of a trainer correcting its pupil, but the hurt is still there.
Levi knows it’s all wrong, everything that he does to you. But in a twisted, fucked up way, you deserve it. Deserve it for catching his eye, and being nice to him even when he was a bitch (which was always), for letting things progress to this point - a relationship filled with suffering and heartache.
It’s all your fault.
That’s what he tells you when the man hisses at you to shut up again, delivering another resounding smack to your rear to convey the seriousness of his point.
“Brat. What did you think you’d gain from running? Huh?”
He’s so aggressive, pulling your hair, smacking you around, his hands stinging with the abuse he’s littering across your skin. When you attempt to garble out another plea for mercy, for forgiveness, Levi grabs your face in one hand and pinches, pulling you towards himself with a cruel expression. “You don’t get to ask for an ounce of goddamn mercy. I am being merciful, you stupid little shitstain.”
The sheets are smeared with the slightest bit of blood.
“Now be fucking quiet.”
You can’t help the yelps of pain that are smacked out of you when Levi’s hand connects to your raw flesh, immediately sobbing and biting your lip as tears soak the sheets, mingle with the blood.
Levi’s so pissed, he doesn’t care how hard you’re trying to be silent. With a growl of frustration, he grabs the back of your neck, hauling you up onto your knees on the bed. 
A palm strikes hard against your cheek, whipping your head to the side and then it strikes again in the exact same spot.
“Are you so stupid that you can’t get it through that tiny fucking brain of yours - this is a punishment. I’m in charge. I tell you to do something, you fucking do it. I own you.”
Your ears feel like they’re filled with cotton, you can’t stop the wretched sobs heaving from your chest. Levi is furious.
He maneuvers you until you’re on your hands and knees facing away from him, barely able to hold yourself up through the fuzzy panic filling your body, weighing you down and making you dizzy.
More spanking is expected, and you’re already struggling to brace yourself for the inevitable hit when instead, hot fingers covered in cold lube grip your ass, pull the cheeks apart.
Levi ignores the way your breath catches in your throat, how your body freezes completely and your tears start falling faster. He doesn’t care about your comfort right now, he’s trying to prove a point.
His nails are blunt and short - the man keeps his hands neat and clean. It just means you’re forced to feel the full sensation of Levi’s fingertips probing at your ass.
“You better relax, or else I’ll shove my entire fist up your ass and fuck you with it until you bleed out.” Levi snarls, and you realize you’re shaking terribly, almost convulsing as you force your hole to relax and stop clenching.
A finger worms it’s way inside, painful and entirely too fast, too soon. But Levi doesn’t care. You deserve to be in pain.
He only wants to work two fingers inside of you, just enough so that he can spread his digits and open your hole a little. Levi knows you’ll probably tear and bleed anyway tonight, but he’s not looking to actually kill you, so he squirts lube directly into your hole, sneering when you clench at the sensation and it makes a disgusting squelching sound.
“You aren’t trying to take a shit, stop that.”
As if you could control the way your body reacted to painful stimulus.
Levi fishes out his cock, doesn’t even bother with removing his clothes. He’s going to fuck some sense into you, make you understand pain and consequences, and then he’s going to leave you lying in a puddle of your own tears. You’re pathetic.
He taps his cock against your hole, jaw set in anger, thinking about how he’d felt to hear that you’d somehow gotten loose in the barracks, running through the halls and trying every single door, hoping to find a way out. Good thing all the cadets, all the staff - they knew to who where you belonged.
“L-Le-L-N-n-n” You managed, tongue thick and heavy in your mouth. You wanted to say no, tell him to stop, that you’d listen and be good and do whatever he said, if only he would please not do this.
But all your mushy syllables gained you was a violent slap to your rear, Levi seething. “How many times do I have to fucking tell you? Can’t do anything right, useless brat.”
And with that, he was pushing inside, forcing his way into your body, relentless and uncaring of the extreme pain he was putting you in.
A horrified wail tumbled from your lips, body jolting and spasming and struggling to lurch away from the assault, but Levi held you easily in place, exactly where he wanted you.
“Don’t, you brought this upon yourself.” He ground out, your walls squeezing the tip of his cock almost painfully, so tight and convulsing wildly as your body tried to force him out.
He was tired of talking, tired of trying to get through to you with words.
In no time, he was fully inside you, lube easing the way, blood joining and slicking your passage even more. As his hips pulled back, the gross mixture dripped to the bed below, staining his sheets. Levi was disgusted.
But he pushed forward, finding his rhythm with quick swings of his hips, pummeling your insides with barely a care for your wellbeing.
Maybe he was sick, but it felt good.
It felt good to see you in so much pain, mourning the choices you had made to lead up to this moment.
It felt good to feel you squeezing at his cock so intensely, body reacting in violent spasms that felt exciting and made Levi’s balls tingle.
Usually Levi would at least try to help you cum. A hand between your legs with he fucked you, fingers flicking against your clit. Having you ride him and control the pace so you could bounce until you reached your peak. Fingering you after your hole was loose and sloppy from his cock, curling his digits just so that they  rubbed against your G-spot and made you squirm on each thrust.
But now Levi had no desire to make you feel good. You had made him feel awful; he was just returning the favor.
Seeing you like this, struggling underneath him to stay conscious through the hurt, crying and sobbing his name even though the man had told you to shut your fucking mouth, taking what he dished out....
Levi felt warm.
That stupid, syrupy warmth rising in his chest, threatening to spill out his mouth by way of foolish words.
“I love you.” Is what he wants to say, press himself down until he’s flush with your back, mouth next to your ear so he can shamefully whisper it just so you can hear.
You’re in so much pain, writhing and jolting, clawing at the sheets - Levi doubts you’d even understand him if he said anything at this point.
So he lets his body talk for him, hips speeding up as he felt his balls tighten, cock twitching inside your hole and you screech in agony. He won’t drag this out any longer, you’ve learned your lesson, remembered who it is you’re supposed to love.
Levi grabs your hips, clutches onto you with white knuckles and pounds home, faster and faster until he feels himself let go, cock twitching wildly as your hole squeezes him down.
When he pulls out, the cum that drips down your thighs is tinted pink.
Levi’s reminded of the color of love.
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Sleepy Time With His Babies | Iwaizumi, Sakusa
Pairings: Iwaizumi X Reader (female), Sakusa X Reader (female) 
Genre: domestic fluffy sleepiness 
Author’s Note: Another one
Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Atsumu, Osamu // Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Kita, Kuroo // Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Ennoshita, Akaashi // Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Kenma, Bokuto
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gif from @rivaillerose 💛
He was physically crushing you
Did you care? Not at all
This was Hajime, a soon to be athletic trainer, someone who seemed intimidating with his muscles and overall beefiness
But here he was
Here was your hajime that melted anytime you called him cute or any other cutesy, mushy gushy nickname
He was a puddle in your arms and he didn’t care what he looked like - as long as no one else besides you or the dog saw
Even your guys’ dog was the same as him — an intimidating Rottweiler, muscular, growl so low that would make those that didn’t sit right with him, scurry far far away
His name was Zilla, short for Godzilla named by Hajime yet he was such a puppy whenever you were around, his tail wagging like crazy as he nuzzled his snout against your legs, whining whenever you went away for even just a few minutes, waiting by the door until you returned home from wherever
Yep, they were two peas in a pod
And as Hajime laid on you, Zilla laid beside you on the bedroom floor, the two of them fast asleep
Your legs tangled beneath the sheets on the gloomy day outside as rain trickled down from the clouds, tapping the windows and rooftops all throughout the city
You brushed your fingers through his hair, slowly scratching the base of his scalp as he snored lightly into your shoulder, his cheek squished against you, making his lips all pouty
No matter what angle you saw him in whenever he slept on you, you could never bring yourself to make the smile on your face falter
For someone who looked so beefy, you never knew they could look so soft at the same time yet here he was
Whenever you moved just the slightest bit, readjusting the blankets or pillows, he woke just the slightest, lifting his head off of you until you were ready and patted his head down against your body again
You held him closer, squishing him into your arms even if it didn’t feel like much to him 
a slight, sleepy smile spread on his lips, his face showing he was in true bliss while he slept on you
The fire crackled in the fireplace behind the iron gate while you sat on the couch on the ground beside the coffee table and Zilla at your feet, fast asleep while your fingers rapidly typing away at your laptop, finding the recipe you needed so you could make some agedashi tofu, a favorite of Hajime’s  
Your little girl crawled about around the couches, staring out the windows seeing the tufts of snowflakes fall onto the snow covered ground, already a couple inches high
She was so small yet she saw so much of the world, it felt like she could fit the world and the universe in those eyes
You made sure to keep her away from the fireplace, not letting her get too close, steering her away, giving her one of her favorite toys, or to even hold her in your lap while you watched numerous videos of others making the tofu
though after about an hour or so, as the snowflakes only got bigger, she no longer had any interest for the things floating silently to the ground as she crawled down the hall, the baby gates keeping her from falling down the stairs or bumping into the taller dining room table 
“D/N?” you looked up, finding your little girl’s legs disappearing into the room where Hajime slept soundly, his snores kind of echoing louder into the hall now that the door was cracked wider 
she let out such a pure sounding giggle as her wide eyes fell upon her sleeping father as he laid flat on the futon fast asleep 
she crawled faster, her little hands making little thumping noises against the plush covers he slept under as she crawled and climbed onto his sleeping body 
until she finally did it 
she had successfully made her way to the top of his chest, laid right on him, a smile of wonder spreading over her chubby cheeks as she slowly rose and fell as Hajime breathed 
Hajime was still undisturbed as he slept, catching up on the hours of sleep he had missed, practically unbothered by the slightly extra weight added onto him by his little girl 
that was until she made her way toward her sleepy father, reaching her little hand to his chin, doing her best to grab him, though it would be quite some time before she could properly hold his face 
she continuously patted his chin until he woke 
it took a moment as his eyed adjusted to the sight of his baby girl, a chuckle escaping his chest as he smiled, his eyes drawing into lines 
“Hi, mochi,” his voice raspy from sleep as she cooed, her smile contagious, cheeks so chubby, Hajime just wanted to bite them
like mochi 
she adorable tilted her head side to side, shying away from the loving eyes of her papa as he tickled her, poking her puffy cheeks with his finger, getting her to easily fill the room with her giggles every time he did it 
“Wanna sleep with papa?” he hummed as he sleepily looked to her, a yawn escaping him as he reached his head up to peck a kiss to her face before he turned to his side, laying his little girl beside him, beneath the warm covers of his futon 
“nap time, moch,” he chuckled to himself as the two of them stared at each other before he gently blew a raspberry into her cheek 
her cheeks were just too irresistible to him 
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gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛
His footsteps sounded through the bathroom as you stood, brushing your teeth, your hair still damp from your shower, the mirrors steamy
Kiyoomi stood behind you, his figure towering through the foggy mirror
His movements faltered before he gave in, snaking his hands from behind you, around you, letting his chest melt to your back
“You smell good,” he said but subtly sounded bubbly as he buried his face into your shoulder, bending his back to a “C” shape so he could match your height
You only smiled through the mirror as he began to sway side to side slowly while you brushed your teeth, finishing
“I did just shower, Omi,” you smiled up to your curly haired husband
The two of you paused in place as you looked up to him, adoring his features as he did the same to you, something neither of you could never get over - the fact that you two had each other
“Mmhm,” he cuddled himself even closer like a kitten when you were fresh out the shower
Your skin and body was so warm, so fresh and clean and he could hold you without letting any of his fears interfering
He stood beside you, just standing awkwardly with you in the bathroom before he followed you out to the bedroom
The two of you got into bed but before you could really settle, you were suddenly pulled into his embrace, his arms wrapping around you, his body curving to match against yours
“Aren’t you cuddly tonight,” you murmured as you turned your head back to the best of your abilities turning so you could face him
“I’m tired,” he matched your volume in the darkness
“Sleepsies,” you brushed your fingers through his hair, getting a relaxing sigh from him as he hummed in agreement
“Sleepsies,” his voice barely audible
“Goodnight,” you smiled into his chest
He held you close to him, a scenario your high school self could have imagined with the Sakusa Kiyoomi
Omg was always distant, known to be quite handsome yet no one ever had a chance with him
So many others thought he would never be with him, that no one would be good enough for him but he was a great volleyball player
And now you were a Sakusa too
The sun kept him warm as he laid beneath the open blinded windows as the summer rays cast down into the living room, right onto Omi as he laid on his back, his arm draped over his eyes now that he got to relax
The house had been cleaned through his monthly sanitization day
The past few days were making his skin itch but now - it was all okay
Birds chirped in the neighborhood, outside in the distance, it was a beautiful day
The house was oddly silent as he laid on the couch, his chest slowly rising and falling
But before he could fall asleep, let his energy recharge, just before he drifted off, the smallest sounding steps approached the couch and then stopped right beside him
Omi slowly lifted his arm, turning his head to take a peek at what could be happening but he had an inkling of who it could be
And he was right
He saw his little girl, her teddy in hand as she stood beside the couch, her chin just able to reach the couch cushion
Her beady eyes looked up to him, cheeks round, her lips almost in a pout as she stood looking up to him to the best that she could, the sun shining into her eyes
“What is it, pum?” He lifted his hand, blocking the sun from hurting her eyes 
His little girl was observant, kept to herself, speaking up when asked or when she didn’t like something or if something didn’t go her way
She was just like him
She blinked looking up to him before she raised her arms, her teddy in her hand waiting patently to be lifted
“You wanna nap with me?” a smile cracked onto his lips 
and all she did was nod
“Mmhm,” he complied as he sat himself up, scooping his little girl, pushing out a yawn as he laid back down as D/N made herself comfortable on top of him before cuddling close into his side in between him and the couch 
she hugged her teddy close in her arms while Sakusa laid sort of on his side, turned toward her at a slight angle 
from the perspective of anyone else if they entered the living room, they would only see Kiyoomi’s back, and only stepping closer would they see his little girl cuddled close, the two of them fast asleep together in the summer sun as it shined in through the window
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged or removed for all my haikyuu posts): @makeusfreefromthisfandom @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan @turquoiselace @macaronnv  @oxmaddy @mrkoala4prsdnt @curiouslilbeast @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei @skyh20 @yehetstudies @that-chick212 @proherotheflamehashira @celestair @katiea03 @omg-haikyuu @chesirekittycat @ilovecheese08 @amy-yurima @realityisabitch-blr @suga-tofu @ushislittlewife @nabisonyeo94  @aaprilshowers @emotional-ayato @to-move-on-means-to-grow @kellesvt @haikyuu-galaxy​ @8-eight-8 @  
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
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↳ bottom bakugou(32) x top reader (32)
request: Could I request Bakugo wanting to surprise you after you get home from a rlly long mission, so he greets you on the kitchen by wearing only an apron and a buttplug on after you put the children to bed. Breeding and impregnating him AGAIN with your child. Maybe ends w/ their children coming to their room cuz they heard some noises and was scared <//3
w.count: 5040
content warning: fluff and smut; fluffy smut with lots of kisses, male pregnancy mentioned, breeding and impregnation mentioned, baku and y/n already have two children (2 and 4), mention of c-section scars
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“Welcome home.”, he grinned at you with that glint in his ruby eyes, arms crossed and leaning against the wall.
“Ah…”, you just came through the door, when your husband greeted you, a smile immediately on your lips as your own e/c eyes shimmered, “I’m home.”
And before Katsuki could say anything anymore, you were already in front of him, strong arms wrapped around him as he was pressed against your body; immediately, he relaxed into the embrace, his own arms slung around your back and his hands gliding up your spine almost timidly as if you were just some hallucination and he had to make sure you were real.
It had been over a month since he last could hug you, due to your mission having been so stupidly long. Though before any of you could say anything, you already heard squealing.
“Daddy!! IT’S DADDY! DADDY IS HOME!”, your four year old screamed excitedly as he rushed down the staircase, hence you and Katsuki detangled again, just so you could kneel down and catch Haruki who was jumping into your arms.
“Hahaha, Daddy missed you too, Haru!”, hearing your happy laugh truly melted Bakugou’s heart, before you both got interrupted by a whiny “Daaaddyyy!” coming from your two year old who stood on the edge of the staircase, thus activating Bakugou’s fatherly instincts instantly.
Though before he could rush up the stairs, you said, “It’s okay Nao, just wait a bit, Daddy will get you.”, hence you stood up, Haru on your arm.
As you walked past your husband, your free hand brushed along his back for a moment, a fleeting gentle touch that immediately made him feel all warm and fuzzy, his own hand drawing along your arm until he reached your hand and had to let go once you were past him and walked up the staircase.
Meeting Naoki at the end of the stairs, he immediately wrapped his arm around your neck when you grabbed him with a “There we go.”, both of your sons cuddling into your arms.
“Shouldn’t you two be asleep already, hm?”, you chuckled as you walked back into the hallway, Bakugou, who finally got changed properly, as he had been standing there in mere pants due to him freshly coming out of the shower when you came home, then crossed his arms and shook his head.
“I let them stay up.”,
“Oh…”, you simply smiled, which only made your husband softly smile as well when he saw how much they cuddle into you; Bakugou knew how excited they were when he told them about Daddy being on his way home – honestly, it was his own fault, but he was also pretty happy and excited to have his husband back home soon.
“AND! I was not sleepy at all! Nhn! Haru was not sleepy!”, to which Naoki approvingly nodded with a “Not sleepy!”
Both you and Bakugou looked at each other with an amused smile on your lips, before you said, “I know, I know, you are big boys already, huh? But now even the strongest little heroes need to sleep, right, Dad?”, you then looked to Katsuki who stepped closer just to ruffle Nao’s spiky hair that was so similar to his, “Right. So they can wake up and save the world again tomorrow.”
“Uhhggh but DAA-AAD! Nao and I want to play with Daddy now!”, Haru whined loudly, though one glance from Katsuki was enough to make him pout and cross his arms.
“I know, but Daddy is tired, right? And you promised me you will go to bed once Daddy is back home.”, he looked at you for a little help, one glance enough so you kneeled down to put your kids onto the ground, even if it was only 9 pm, but it was way past bedtime for your little ones.
“That’s right. Daddy was gone so long, he is really tired. But I promise we will play tomorrow, okay? Haru? Nao? Promise?”, you smiled at them and offered both of your pinkies, your sons immediately hooking their own into them.
“It’s a promise, Daddy!”
“Pwomise!”, Nao excitedly threw the other hand into the air, making your heart seriously melt as you nodded.
“Okay, now. Be good little heroes and go into your bedroom, Daddy will be there in just a second, okay?”
Haru was still pouting a bit, though he nodded as he took Naoki’s hand so they slowly walked up the stairs just how you and Bakugou showed them (Naoki going down the stairs was, however, still something Katsuki liked to monitor until Nao was a little bit older), leaving you and your husband, who had just watched the scene silently, alone for a moment.
“I love you.”, he said out loud so suddenly it surprised you, though in a good kind of way as you couldn’t hold back your grin when you grabbed him around his hips to whisper an “I love you too, Baby.”
If he wasn’t already a puddle because he just loved the way you talked to your sons, Katsuki sure as hell was very close to being one right now, literally melting in your arms, not wanting to let go, though he knew he had to.
“Will you join me in the kitchen later? I’m starving!”, Katsuki whispered so seductively that you had to really bite your lip in order not to let your emotions get the best of you, since he exactly knew what he was doing with his choice of words.
“I will, just let me take a quick shower and then we can eat.”, the smirk on your lips and the twitching of your eyebrows only made Bakugou’s grin a little wider as he let go of you to walk up the stairs to tuck your kids into bed.
While you were busy in the shower, Bakugou quietly sneaked into his bedroom to prepare the surprise he had been planning ever since you left for the mission, because even though you were married with two children didn’t mean the love and desire he felt for you had faded over time – if anything, it had just gotten stronger.
Thus, when he was in the kitchen, doing something at the counter, your whistle immediately made him grin and turn around a bit.
“Hmmm, now that’s what I call a feast.”, your own grin spread across your face as you approached him. You didn’t even bother putting anything on after showering besides a fresh pair of underwear.
“You like it?”, it was barely whispered when you were close enough that his breath was tickling your cheek. An apron was merely covering his body, and a little heart shaped diamond was sneakily peeking out, revealing the buttplug he had inserted.
Katsuki was pressed against your body once more, arms wrapped around you tightly and your own also holding him close, while your face was buried in the nook of his neck – inhaling his scent.
“I love it. Hmm fuck, I missed you! My handsome, gorgeous husband. I was so lonely!”, you mumbled against his skin, feeling his beautiful body melting against your own so perfectly as he also buried his face at your shoulder.
“Me too… I missed you so fucking much. Even though Haru and Nao kept me quite busy…Haha look what you fucking did to me? I can’t even fall asleep without you anymore. I’m all mushy now.”, he laughed, hugging you even tighter.
“Hmmm, I’m glad I’m not the only one.”, pulling back a bit, you also giggled.
Then, you leaned in, your foreheads touching for a moment and just relishing those quiet seconds, before he closed the distance between your lips, his nose brushing against your own, then his lips against yours as he barely whispered an “I love you.” again, just to connect them at last after your mumbled “I love you, too.”
And it truly was like little fireworks as he held on to you desperately, softly moaning into your mouth when your hands traveled down to his tiny waist, you immediately taking the chance to slip your tongue between his lips, brushing against his and entwining them.
“Mhhhh”, blissfully groaning, Katsuki twitched when you grabbed his small, firm butt with your big hands eventually, just to openly moan the moment your fingers sneakily pushed against the heart shaped diamond at the end of the plug, moving it like that.
“Y/n…”, he breathlessly gasped when he pulled back just an inch, his ruby eyes shimmering when he whispered, “Let’s have another brat… What do you think?” catching you so off-guard for a moment that you stopped every movement just to stare at him.
“Wait… Really? You mean it?”, your surprise from before faded away and was replaced by a big, wide happy grin that made Bakugou laugh excitedly, knowing how overjoyed you were. Nodding with a big smile on his face as well, he then confirmed, “Yes. I mean it.”
Immediately, Katsuki felt your grip tightening around him, only to gasp in surprise when you suddenly grabbed and swung him around as if he was a mere piece of paper, just to giggle and squeeze you also tightly.
You both had talked about a big family even before Haruki was born, but after your latest son’s birth, Katsuki kind of didn’t mention it again, probably because you both had to settle into your new role as parents of two very agile boys. That’s why, hearing your husband say he was ready for another baby, was just overwhelming.
“Let’s go upstairs!”, was the thing you declared, only to make your husband yelp your name in embarrassment when you threw him over your shoulder so easily, exposing him and the buttplug completely.
“Y/n! You are so stupid!”, though he couldn’t help but chuckle even though he was ‘punching’ you in the back all ‘angrily’ when you carried him upstairs and into the bedroom, glad that your two baby boys were sleeping soundly in the room opposite of yours.
Closing the door behind you quietly, you didn’t waste much time and thus, Katsuki fell into the big bed with you crawling on top of him, his arms however instantly welcoming you as he wrapped them around your neck.
“Hmmm, you know… I wouldn’t mind if you’d cook for me dressed like that.”, you purred deeply as you pressed open-mouthed kisses against his neck, making him shiver and groan blissfully.
“I- I’ll remember it for the next time… when…the boys are at their grandparents’ ...”, giggling and sort of moaning at the same time, his body reacted instantly, pushing himself against your hands that were roaming his body and sneaking underneath it to play with the strings of the apron.
“You are so… beautiful. God, how did I get so fucking lucky?”, your words were enough to make him softly blush and kick you, though very harmlessly, because you knew exactly he didn’t know how to respond properly to compliments like that.
“Anh, Y/n-“, arching his back slightly, your big hands had opened the strings around his waist, giving Katsuki the chance to pull the apron away from his body completely and thus exposing himself.
And so, you kissed down to his chest where you started leaving little bite marks and kisses; every time his sensitive skin slipped between your teeth, his body reacted way too violently, twitching and moving and his lips escaping cute, lewd sounds.
“So pretty… Hmmm.”, your lips against his skin vibrated so deliciously and made him squirm a bit, only for Bakugou to quietly groan when you flicked against his bud, just to moan out when you bit and pulled gently.
“You’re gonna be all full again when you’re pregnant… And leaking all the time…Just like the first two times…hmmmm I can’t wait!”
“Y/n…”, he hated to admit it, but your words really turned him on, knowing how feral you were during his past two pregnancies, because something about his pregnant body just made you so horny and wild, not even giving him a chance to feel insecure or bad about himself.
“And your belly… So cute and round.”, slowly wandering down with your lips, you kissed all over his body that had some stretch marks from the previous bumps and wasn’t as firm as it was in his younger years of being a hero.
The pregnancies had left their scars on his bodies and for a while, Bakugou was insecure about them, especially having been so well-trained and having big muscles, to his skin being scarred with stretch-marks – it truly was a transition to liking himself again, but with your help, it was easier.
Kissing past his belly button, you then stopped when you reached his c-section scars and the loose skin, your hands that had travelled with you down his sides resting on his hips as you laid between his legs.
“You really want to go through this a third time, Baby?”
He was a little surprised when he raised his head to look down and into your own shimmering e/c eyes, though he just smiled and reached out his hand to touch your cheek.
“Yes… I want to have a big family with you. So even if it means I’ll get more flabby skin and a third scar, I don’t give one fuck about it! Just promise me… you will still fuck me from time to time, even if I look horrendous.”, Katsuki grinned, maybe to hide his actual feelings, you didn’t know, but you didn’t have to, because the moment those words escape his lips, you sat back up and crawled on top of him again.
“Katsuki! Don’t say that.”, you leaned in, lips brushing against his as you continued in a hushed voice, “You will always be gorgeous in my eyes. I will always love and desire you.”, as you pecked them in between, making him gulp as he tried not to get emotional – and he wasn’t even pregnant yet! – before wrapping his arms around your neck and smashing his lips against your own.
Letting your lips melt against each other and your tongues dance passionately, you grinded your covered cock against his, Bakugou instantly moaning into your mouth so lewdly as his own hips started moving with your own, rubbing against you.
“Mhhh Ahh!”, he didn’t hold back blissfully groaning and moaning against your lips, especially when you pushed him into the sheets like that, with your hips rolling so deliciously against his, only to almost sadly whine when you stopped and broke the kiss, Bakugou, however, following you with little pecks against your lips, not wanting to stop yet, until he was physically unable to raise his head any more, earning your chuckle and “You’re so cute!” that made him groan a bit.
“Y/n…”, barely whispering your name, he watched as you traveled between his legs again, this time however, not stopping and going past his scars, following the soft blonde hair until you reached his leaking cockhead, letting your tongue swirl around it to taste his precum and earning his delightful moan as you licked along his hard shaft down to his balls, sucking on one of them softly.
“D-Don’t play- with me!”, he choked out, though you didn’t listen, your index and middle finger that were wrapped around the heart-shaped end of his buttplug pulled on it lightly to make him moan, before you started moving it a bit.
“Hmmm, but… you did all of this for me, no? Might as well enjoy it a little, hmhm.”, you chuckled and he whined as a response, as well as his hands clawing at your shoulders and leaving scratches as he tried to pull you back up.
So in the end, you complied and sat back up, meeting your husband eye-to-eye once more.
“So demanding.”, a soft giggle escaped your throat as you brushed your nose against his, Bakugou barely grunting and giving you little kisses – he missed you. Not feeling each other over a month made him very, very needy for all the love.
With his legs spread, your hand kept moving between them, Katsuki wantonly moaning against your lips and holding on tightly as you pulled the buttplug out just a bit, spreading his hole and then thrusting it back in.
“Ahnh Y/n… I love you. Fuck, I missed you.”, he whined, lips brushing against yours, giving you no other chance but to connect them for deep, demanding kisses while your free arm was slung around him so you could hold him against you protectively.
And then, Katsuki’s hand slowly started wandering as well, until your own deep groan got lost in his hot mouth when he snuck underneath your underwear to wrap his digits around your throbbing cock.
Spreading his legs a little more, he completely melted against your side while his hand moved inside your pants. Smearing around the precum on your tip and rubbing his thumb against the sensitive underside of your cockhead, just to hear your own grunts and lewd moans.
“I’m gonna… pull it out, yeah?”, you breathlessly whispered against his lips, his approvingly whined “Mhm” everything you needed to hear before you properly took the heart-shaped end of the buttplug and pulled on it, earning your husband’s loud grunting and blissful moaning; the plug spread him wide open, until it quietly popped out, leaving his hole twitching and gaping for more.
“Please… breed me. Fuck me! Impregnate me! Y/n!!!”, Katsuki moaned out and bucked his hips, wanting to be fucked so desperately, his half-closed ruby eyes gleaming with want and lust and tears pooling in the corner of them.
“Hmm, you don’t have to tell me twice!”, the low purr against his lips made Bakugou all giddy, his hand that had been pumping your cock, now slipping away so you could get rid of your underwear.
Katsuki just watched you with half-closed ruby eyes and softly panting as you reached for the lube, his hands lightly shaking with excitement and one lazily stroking his own dick while he waited for you, before he opened his arms willingly when you were crawling on top of him once more.
Digging his nails into your back, your lips collided and melted into each other ones more, soft moans getting swallowed in the process. Spreading his legs, he waited, though not for long when he vividly felt your cockhead pressing against his sloppy hole, just for him to moan and whine loudly as you spread him open.
Guiding your cock for a few inches, you eventually thrusted inside of him balls-deep, earning his delightful grunts and mewls when you filled him out fully, Katsuki’s eyes closed and face twisted in pleasure as he relished the moment of being connected again.
Just looking at him, your heart quenched, wondering how you deserved someone so amazing and beautiful by your side, hence startling him a little when you buried both of your hands into his spiky hair, his ruby eyes fluttering open in surprise.
“I love you… I love you so much. And I missed you so, so fucking much.”, your barely choked out, only to connect your lips once more, Bakugou’s instinctive reaction being to also wrap his arms and legs around you, being smushed together deliciously, your heavy body pressed against his own hot one.
“Me to-… Ahnh!!”, he didn’t have time to articulate much more when you started moving, a blissful moan leaving his lips, before you stifled it as you kissed him, Katsuki instantly returning the desperate, passionate gesture as your tongues entwined and fought, drool trickling down his chin in the process.
At first, you were moving rather slow, barely grinding your cockhead against that sweet spot inside of him, before you increased your pace at last, his nails digging into your back while your own were buried in his scalp and shoulder, holding him close against you and not letting him go.
Your balls slapping against his ass with every vigorous thrust sent Katsuki higher and higher into the clouds, drifting away on a wave of pleasure. Drops of sweat dripping down his temple over his cheek, due to his quirk but also because of the sheer passion you shared, mixing with his hot tears he couldn’t hold back from overwhelming emotions of pleasure and love.
“Y/n! Y/n! Ahnh AH!”, at last, he had to pull back and throw his head into the pillow, moaning while trying his best not to be too loud because of your babies, though it was hard when you penetrated him so skillfully. Ramming your cock into his ass, marking what was yours over and over again as you rearranged his insides once more.
“Ahnh! I mi-miss-ed thi- HANH!”, Katsuki gasped and sobbed, sweaty bodies moving together so deliciously, the heavy scent of love making filling the air, your own natural scent mixed with your soap clouding his mind more and more as he only knew how to hold on desperately, loving the way you were pressed together.
You missed him so much, even if you said it out loud multiple times, Bakugou could feel it in your movements and the way you held him.
As you gently tucked on his hair, he followed your demand as you tilted his head a bit, giving you a bit more room to work with, only to bite his bottom lip in order not to moan too loudly and lewdly when you pressed kisses onto his neck once more. Your tongue catching a few drops of his sweat as you licked over his Adam’s apple, before you caught his sweet, delicate skin between your teeth to suckle softly.
Bakugou usually was more careful when it came to hickeys and love bites, wanting them in places that could be easily hidden with clothes, but in that moment, he didn’t care, he only moaned and spurred you on, his heels pressing into your hips as they irregularly jerked against his ass.
“Y/n!! Y/n!”, sobbing and hiccupping your name, Katsuki felt the hot waves in his lower abdomen becoming stronger and stronger. He was close.
As you raised your head to look at him, the sight alone made your stomach turn as a strong wave of lust swept through your body, seeing your husband enjoying himself so much – he looked so cute and lewd.
“Y/n- I… I’m gonna…”, Katsuki tried to warn you, but you just leaned over him and pecked his lips, saying in a hushed voice and out of breath as well, “M-me … too- fuck!” before you got pulled in as he had captured your lips once more, another sloppy kiss igniting.
“HmhhMM!!”, with suppressed and stifled moans against your lips, Bakugou’s tightened the grip from his legs around your hips, almost giving you no room to move, yet, you didn’t care as your hips rapidly jerked against his ass.
The last few thrusts against his sweet spot were enough at last, Katsuki’s nails almost drawing blood on your sweaty back as he moaned and whined, his sounds thankfully getting stifled due to kissing you. However, as you fucked him through his orgasm, his cock bouncing so pathetically as he released all over his belly with big spurts of cum, Katsuki’s body was shaking and spasming in your arms.
His insides fluttering around you and tightening were almost too much, your vigorous thrusts coming to a halt just a few moments after his own orgasm as you buried yourself balls-deep into his ass one last time.
Pulling away from his lips, Bakugou opened his eyes the moment you threw your head back, watching attentively as your Adam’s apple moved and your faced twisted in pleasure, it sent another jolt of pure lust through his body – this was because of him. He could make you feel this good.
“Y/n-“, barely choking out your name, you also just gasped his in response.
For a moment, you looked into each other’s eyes, before you pressed a soft kiss against his swollen, red lips, just to rest your head against his shoulder, Katsuki’s cheek instantly leaning on it as he hugged you against his sweaty body, feeling your weight pushing him down so perfectly, your legs tangled and both of you heavily gasping.
After a few minutes of just silence that was disrupted by heavy breathing, you eventually managed to raise your head and push yourself back up and onto your elbows.
“I’m gonna pull out, okay?”, brushing your lips against his, sweet, innocent little kisses were shared as Katsuki nodded, barely breathing a “Hm”, before a delightful hiss escaped his dry throat as you slowly pulled back until your cock slipped out.
Rolling over, you fell beside him into bed.
Bakugou could vividly feel your seed inside of him, drops of cum dripping from his hole – the sheer bliss of being bred was making him shiver; rolling over as well and snuggling into your body, your arm instantly wrapped around him to hold him.
“Hm?”, you turned your had to look at him.
“I’m glad you’re home again…”, Katsuki tiredly smiled, before his ruby eyes closed when you leaned down to smooch him.
“Me too. I missed you and the babies so much.”, and like that, you had rolled over a bit to have a better position while kissing him, Bakugou happily sighing into the soft kisses, tongues lazily brushing against each other.
“Hey… we should go clean…”, he whispered against your lips, though with how he was still clinging to you, you just giggled and rolled around so he was pushed back in the mattress again.
“Hmmm, already? How about… a little bit more?”, the way you giggled, so utterly smitten and in love as you kissed him over and over, it was quite contagious as his deep, raspy giggle was also heard.
“Just a little…”
“Hmmm just a little.”
And as you slipped your hand down his torso to play with his already soft dick, Katsuki’s hand simultaneously wandered down as well, both of you insatiable and needy for some more love.
--- A few hours later ---
Sighing in bliss as he stepped into the cool room, he walked towards the bed while you walked over to the window you had opened before your shower to get rid of the sex-heavy, stuffy air in your bedroom, before you joined Bakugou in bed – freshly showered once more that night.
“Hah…”, Katsuki sighed as he cuddled closer, one arm wrapped around your torso and his head resting on your chest, “I fucking missed this…”
“Me too.”, slinging your arms around him, you peppered kisses onto his freshly washed hair and face, earning his raspy chuckle.
“Just being able to have you in my arms again after that mission feels like heaven.”
“Yeah… same…”, he barely whispered, before he looked and reached up.
Your foreheads touched and he softly caressed your cheek, exchanging a few last little kisses before you cuddled into the bed and the blankets so you could both finally get the rest you deserved after thoroughly making love again.
However, it must have been less than 30 minutes later when you were both startled as a quiet “Daddy?” made your head perk up.
“Haru?”, you tiredly mumbled his name, your hand reaching out to your nightstand to turn on the lamp.
“Hey, champ, what´s wrong?”, Katsuki, who was laying on your chest still, also raised his head to look at his son who was scurrying to the bed, only to then see the tears trickling down his face.
“I had.. I had- bad dream…”, the little one then broke down as he had tried to keep his tears at bay before that.
Bakugou and you looked at each other for a split-second, then you already reached down to pick up your son.
“It’s okay, Haruki. It was just a dream. Everything’s going to be okay now.”, softly cooing, Katsuki was the one who pressed a gentle kiss onto his son’s cheek as he scooched closer to you and him once more.
“That’s right. No one can hurt you as long as Daddy and I are here.”
“R-really?”, his big, round e/c eyes that clearly were so similar to yours looked at you and Bakugou so innocently, and when Haruki saw both of you nodding, he was a bit relieved, his sobbing calming down a little.
“Dad and I will always protect you and Naoki. Right, Dad?”, you whispered and kissed his forehead, hand gently combing through his spiky h/c hair.
“Mhmh. We will always be there to protect you, Haru.”, Bakugou approved and smiled at his son, something, no one would have ever thought he could do just mere years ago, but having his own kids just… changed him.
Thankfully, your reassuring words helped Haruki to calm down, a few last tears trickling down his cheeks as he nuzzled into your chest; your hand combing through his hair and Bakugou gently caressing his back.
Both of you were quiet for a few minutes, just tending to your little one, until you both heard Haruki evenly breath, telling you he was fast asleep once more, hence you made a small gesture with your head towards the door. After your husband nodded, you carefully stood up and carried your baby back into his room and bed.
Waiting for you, it only took a few moments before you snuck back into the bedroom, softly closing the door and then jumping back into bed to your husband.
“I’m glad he fell asleep so quickly again.”
“Hm.”, Katsuki approvingly nodded and cuddle closer again.
“Tomorrow, make sure to spend lots of time with them, they really missed you.”, he mumbled into your neck, hence you pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek and whispered, “I will.”, making your husband tiredly smile, ruby eyes feeling heavy as he slowly closed them at last.
“Good night, Kat.”, was the last thing he registered before he drifted off, now that you were back, finally being able to fall asleep again, because even though he hated to admit it – he couldn’t sleep properly without you, he was lonely and anxious, but now… Everything was okay.
Because Daddy was finally home again, right where you belonged.
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: I’ve worked on this… for a LONG time but I am pretty happy with how it came out! Just being all smoochy smoochy with baku is perfect and I love reunion and reunion sex it’s just and mpreg and just… it was a perfect request👌🏼 thanks again anon!
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Hi bitch! I’m here! 😁 okay so: Ron being grumpy and reader being a sunshine child and playing in the rain. They drag Ron into the rain and he slowly loosens up and starts enjoying the rain too?? Idk you can change it up however you want, I just want a grumpy Ron <3
And again, if you could keep the reader inclusive and gn? Thanks bby!!
Sunshine in the Rain
You're way too happy about the rain for Ron's liking, but how could he resist your infectious enthusiasm?
A/N: Honey, I'm heereeeee😂💜 I had so much fun writing this honestly it's such a fluff fest to be honest and I couldn't be more mushy about it because who doesn't love Soft!Speirs? Thank you so much for this wonderful request and I hope you enjoy it 💓 my request are open so if anyone would like to send in a request please do because I have so much fun with them 😊
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You raced to the window and laughed when you looked out. There it was, pattering against the ground and the window, the first rain of the season. You raced to the door to grab your wellington boots, pulling them on without a second thought.
"What on earth are you doing Y/N?"
You looked up from your seat on the floor by the back door and grinned up at Ron happily. "It's raining," you exclaimed, "Why don't you come outside and enjoy it with me?"
He raised an eyebrow incredulously and shook his head. "There is no way I am going out in that rain and you shouldn't either. You'll get soaked to the bone and get pneumonia."
"Oh don't be so dramatic Ron," you sighed, rolling your eyes fondly. "I'll put on dry clothes straight away when I come back in. Now if you don't mind, I'd quite like to go out and it would make me very happy if you came too."
Ron watched disapprovingly as you stepped outside onto the porch and spun around to face him. He crossed his arms and watched, as though still not fully convinced you would actually go through with it and step out from under the safety of the porch. You grinned, eyes twinkling with glee and mischief as you turned and jumped off the porch, landing in a puddle with a splash. Ron walked onto the porch then and wrinkled his nose when he saw you splashing around in the puddle.
"You really are such a child Y/N," he sighed, leaning his shoulder against the porch pillar. You turned around to face him again, pushing back the hair that was cling to your face and sticking out your tongue.
"Yeah well at least I'm having fun," you teased. "C'mon Ron, are you really going to stand there like a grump and not join me in my happiness?" You walked back up to the porch and held out your hands, pouting at him and fluttering your eyelashes. He sighed in defeat and placed his hands in yours, allowing you to drag him out into the rain.
He stood there frozen, looking like a drowned rat and mock glaring at you. You ignored his pouting and looked straight up at the sky, closing your eyes and smiling as the rain poured down on your face.
"So, is this your plan then, stand out here and get pneumonia?" He asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at you.
"Oh don't be such a debby downer," you sighed, rolling your eyes as you walked over to his side. "C'mon, I've always wanted to dance in the rain."
He shook his head incredulously when you took his hands in yours and dragged him into a lively swing. He couldn't quite believe he was actually out here getting drenched while you danced around like a lunatic, and yet he couldn't stop the small smile from rising on his face when he saw how happy you were as you bounced around.
"Well," he said after a while, a reluctant grin taking over his face, "I suppose if I'm going to get pneumonia anyway I may as well enjoy myself."
He pulled you into a dip and you threw your head back in delighted laughter. Ron was as much of a perfectionist with dancing as he was with everything else he did, never putting a foot wrong. He spun you around and chuckled a little when your feet slipped in the soggy grass. He pulled you into his chest then and rested a hand on your spine, slowing down your dance. You rested your wet head on his shoulder and sighed contentedly. You swayed together for awhile, just enjoying each others company.
"See, this wasn't so bad now was it?"
You felt a laugh rumble in Ron's chest and looked up to meet his eyes. He smiled down at you fondly and rubbed his hand up and down your spine.
"Jury's still out on that considering we're soaked but I guess you are a little bit of sunshine in the rain," he teased, smirking at you. You rolled your eyes and smacked him gently on the chest, mock glaring at him and fighting the soft grin from taking over your face.
"Aw shuddup, you had fun."
"Yeah," he sighed fondly, "I suppose I did." He leaned down then and caught your lips in his in a gentle kiss. You tightened your arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. You were both cold and soaking wet, but it was sweet and loving and just perfect.
A rumble from above forced you to pull back from each other. You looked up and squealed when the heavens opened and it really started to downpour. Ron groaned and before you had a chance to do anything he had picked you up by the waist and put you over his shoulder.
"Put me down goddammit," you laughed as he ran back up the porch steps and into the house. He placed you down just inside the door and ran a hand through his sopping hair. You bit your lip as you watched him, your eyes twinkling with mirth and joy.
"You, my sunshine, are completely insane," he said, shaking his head fondly. You grinned and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your chin on his chest and looking up at him with adoration.
"You wouldn't have me any other way."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@caelestisdemon​ asked: Doflamingo thought he'd found a nice corner to die in seeing as he was far beyond being able to save himself, somewhere quiet where he'd at least have the dignity of going quietly and relatively unseen. Peering up at this woman he'd used to enjoy tormenting so much made him realize how much the world no longer saw fit to owe him shit and that instead it ought to hammer in his demented brain how mortal he truly was... Far from a god he claimed himself to be. "You so much as think about taking a step closer and I'll-" A loud coughing fit interrupted his words, blood splattered to the floor and he reeled his head back to continue glaring seeing as talking wasn't going to work. The threat still remained however, because a dying predator still had claws to put to use until it's dying breath.
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In most situations, Ikkaku would consider herself foolish for going down a dark alley to investigate mysterious groans and a trail of blood. After all, it usually led to trouble. But her curiosity had been piqued further when she saw a few mangled pink feathers poking out of the puddles of crimson viscera.
Charcoal eyes widened at the sight of Doflamingo crumpled on the ground, blood dribbling down his chin as he hacked and coughed up what sounded like his lungs. 
Perhaps if it had been anyone else, Ikkaku would have shown compassion. She’d often been told she had too soft a heart for a pirate, not really finding much enjoyment in watching people suffer or die. True, sometimes it was necessary and unavoidable, but when she could look away, she did.
Except this time. Doflamingo was a rare, despicable exception where her moral compass was concerned.
Full lips spread into a shark-like smile worthy of her ancestors. Her eyes twinkled with glee and malice that would make her captain proud. Joker, the monster that had haunted Law for over a decade, who had managed to withstand his most powerful attack despite all odds and logic, was dying. She was no medical expert, but she’d seen Law test out that attack before. The Gamma Knife should have killed the bastard instantly, his awakened Devil Fruit powers having somehow managed to keep him alive. When she’d first heard Law explain that despite his best efforts, the his nemesis had survived, she’d cursed whatever gods saw fit to deny her captain his deserved victory and peace.
Now she saw that perhaps it had been a blessing in disguise.
"Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got no need to get closer,” she said, tone sickeningly sweet. For emphasis, she took a few steps back, to the opposite wall of the alley, sitting down on a few crates. Crossing her legs and getting comfortable, she pulled out her miniature visual den den mushi. As much as she intended to enjoy the show, there was one person who she knew needed to see this more than her. She’d record this whole slow, humiliating death and present the video footage to Law so he could watch it over and over and over again. Perhaps they’d make popcorn and make a movie night with the rest of the crew over it. “I want you completely in frame. Carry on. I’m sure you’ll completely forget I’m even here while you’re busy dying in agony.”
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bucksfucks · 4 years
          𝐟𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐚𝐩 𝐮𝐩
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every month i like to highlight the amazing works i’ve been able to read on this platform. the order which they are in mean nothing—they are all equally amazing and i love them all dearly.
please make sure to check them out and remember to reblog and comment on them; it will make a writers day!
additionally, please read ALL warnings attached to all pieces.
luv you all & enjoy xoxo
           𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
and he is there... ; @bonkywobble ; all i can say is gimmie more!! this is so beautiful, it is truly such a stunning work it may as well be poetry because of how you wrote steve and the reader. i can't get enough i am addicted!
i want to know what love is ; @smutsonian​ ; nothing could have prepared me for this fic let me tell you that. the angst mixed with the love was everything i could have ever wanted and more!
did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen? ; @speechlessxx​ ; i’m glad that we can all agree that we all hate steve’s ending because it was trash but this fic was exactly what i needed to soothe my broken heart (even if it broke it even more) ugh this was great!
i’ll always want you sweetheart ; @autumnrose40​ ; literally alpha!steve is my kink what the fuck this was so hot i can’t even put into words how much i needed this
scenting home ; @sweetflowerdreams​ ; i warned you guys that alpha!steve was my kink and uhhh i really meant it because i needed this!! this series is amazing i love it with all my heart!!
we might be falling in love ; @sunstalgia​ ; uhm yes hello i will be needing like three business days to recover from this because it went from sweet and mushy to my panties are on the ground and i am here for it!!!
compromise ; @steebsbabygirl​ ; thigh riding??? yup i’m already hooked this was so unbelievably hot i am a mess and only daddy!steve can help me please and thanks wowowowow
         𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
friend u can keep (f.u.c.k) ; @mariahthelioness29 ; this was so delicious oh my god the way it's written is fantastic and the ending is just so sweet and wholesome it felt like i got a huge hug at the end!
spilled wine ; @sunmoonandbucky ; bye i'm sorry but the talent?? fucking incredible the way this story flowed and the way it was so romantic and i could literally go on forever u are who i look up to wow!
mojitos and leather ; @burninmatches​ ; this series is everything! seriously! i can’t even spoil anything because it’s so good but i can tell you that it has bucky barnes in a leather jacket so what more could you want!!!
cheek to cheek ; @burninmatches​ ; this just made me so unconditionally soft and made me feel like everything was alright ugh it was so sweet and fluffy!!
two types of daddy ; @rebeccccccaaa​ ; this was great! i’m a sucker for fluffy, wholesome smut and this is exactly what you get with this fic and it was phenomenal!!!
           𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐫
take care ; @afriendlyblackhottie ; this is not only an incredibly emotional piece that's comforting and so well done, but it is hot and everything you could ever look for in a smut. you don't often see andy barber written like this, but this was phenomenal!
a quiet longing ; @thecornerlot​ ; this was so perfectly written! it was the perfect balance of sweet, but absolutely sinful smut, needless to say it left me hot and bothered but also wanting more!
rules ; @afriendlyblackhottie​ ; roughsexroughsexroughsexroughsex yes and YES holy fuck this was so fucking good i can’t even begin to tell you how much you need to read this oh myyyyyy
anywhere ; @labella420​ ; all i’m saying is that andy could, in fact, give it to me anywhere and i would be happy to oblige this was sosososososo yummy!!!
          𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐦 𝐝𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞
happy? ; @chrissquares​ ; so. this one hurt. you tugged on my heart strings in all the right way i don’t know why i’m a sucker for angst yet here i am, in a puddle of my own tears. i just want more!! 
you have no idea ; @chrissquares​ ; no but you don’t understand how much of a slut i am for soft!ransom this was literally the best thing i have ever read in my life soft!ransom OWNS me!!
strawberry shortcake ; @brattycherubwrites​ ; UHMMMMMM rosie??? your mind?? wow. i am truly in utter shock at how well this was written (not that you don’t always written phenomenally) but this concept is amazing and i literally can’t get enough of it ahhhhh!!
           𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬
all mine ; @fallinforevans ; dani u are the love of my life and you came with this and attacked me in all the right way i mean this made me hot and sweaty and i had to take a snack break halfway through this was AMAZING 
disobeying wife ; @vocalharry​ ; spanking and a daddy kink? yes ur coming for my throat and i am here for it holy fuck was this good i need a glass of water 
         𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝
can’t sleep ; @emilykjh​ ; if you ask me if i’ll ever get enough of this fic my answer will always be no i am such a slut for tommy boy and oh my gooodddddd was this fic everything. i mean everything!!!
124 notes · View notes
Warnings: heartbreak, betrayal.
Pairing: Zuko x f!Reader
Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Azula, Katara, Aang, Sokka (mentioned), Toph (mentioned)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, nor the gif. Credit to the owners.
Summary: Part two of “destiny is a funny thing”
A/N: Since I’ve been asked for a next part to my last Zuko fic, here it is. (tho further requests only per inbox please haha)
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“(Y/N)?” You felt someone’s hand on your shoulder, lightly shaking you awake. “(Y/N)!” A groan passed your lips, feeling every limb ache. “You have to wake up, we need to get out of here!”
The sudden sound of water irritated you, but one second later relief flowed through your body. The pain disappeared. Slowly you blinked your eyes open, seeing a slightly blurred version of your friend. She looked no different than the last time you’d seen her. Her braid was a bit more tousled than usual, but her ocean-blue orbs were like the calm after a storm. “Katara?” You slurred, stumbling slightly when she helped you up, but her healing powers were quick to work. She drew you into a hug, as soon as you’d gained full balance. Immediately the smell of salt and sea overcame your senses. Something you constantly associated with her. “I’m so glad you’re back. We were so worried,” She pulled away slightly, analyzing your face. “What happened?” Her voice was soothing. It felt good. Knowing that they had, indeed, thought about you. “I was-”
The tunnel above you began to rumble. You took a hold of Katara’s hand, spotting one of the earth benders against the bright sunlight. “You’ve got company,” Another one sneered, pushing their next victim down into the Crystal Catacombs. “Gaah!” He screamed as he tumbled downwards, landing on his stomach directly in front of you. It took you a second to recognize it was Lee. “Zuko!” Katara said, surprised, before her face disorted with anger. You calling out “Lee!” at the same time didn’t help the situation. His eyes widened when he saw you, but the shock was gone in a flash. You’d wanted to help him up, but upon stepping closer he turned his back on you, still sitting on the floor. Your smile disappeared. “Don’t get close to him, (Y/N). He’s dangerous,” The water bender murmured, grabbing your upper arm to hold you back.
This wasn’t a happy reunion. Instead it was all a big puddle of confusion.
Katara hadn’t even registered you calling him by the wrong name, too caught up in her rage. “Why did they throw you in here?” She asked, only to answer herself a second later. “Oh, wait. Let me guess. It’s a trap. So that when Aang shows up to help us you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches!” He briefly looked over his shoulder, but stayed silent. “Katara, what are you talking about?” You asked, bewildered. “This is him, (Y/N)! This is Prince Zuko, who hunted us down countless times to capture Aang!”
You swallowed dryly. Was this supposed to be some kind of bad joke? His feelings for you. The stories you’d shared. The caring touches when he’d changed your bandages. All a lie?
Of course you hadn’t been truthful yourself, at first. And you didn’t blame him for being precautios. But you’d told him in time, when things got more serious. Didn’t you deserve the same?
Weeks were wasted with a prince, who’d hunted your friends for ages.
Now you blankly stared at the back of his head. His shoulders seemed more slumped than before, but he didn’t deny the accusations that Katara had thrown at him. Your love was lost. Lost to someone who’d probably never been honest with you. Not once. Deep regret formed in the pit of your stomach. You felt sick. Speechless.
“You’re a terrible person, you know that?” Your friend remained unimpressed by his Royal heritage, continuing to yell at him. “Always following us! Hunting the Avatar! Trying to capture the world’s last hope for peace!” She growled, pacing around like a panther in it’s cage. “But what do you care, Fire Lord’s son? Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!” Katara spat, which eventually gained her the response she was waiting for. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” She whirled around. “I don’t? How dare you? You have no idea what this war has put me through. Me, personally!” She turned and sunk to the floor. “The Fire Nation took my mother away from me,”
You choose to interrupt, standing between both sides uncomfortably. “Maybe we should calm down...” You didn’t know how to explain that you’d spend the past weeks with the enemy. Surrounded by rocks and crystals there wasn’t much room for you to comfort her, but you choose to help her calm down before you’d attempt to talk to... Zuko. It was hard not to think of him as the ‘Lee’ you’d met him as. Wrapping your arms around her, you swayed her softly, trying to soothe her outrage. Something scraped over the stone behind you. The prince must’ve shifted in his seat. “I’m sorry about your mother. That’s something we have in common,” You pulled Katara up to stand next to you, gently wiping the tears from her face. When you lifted your gaze, Zuko stood directly in front of you.
You didn’t know what to think. Couldn’t even look at him. So you kept your eyes focused on the crystals around you. “(Y/N)...” He mumbled, but you shook your head. No more lies. You couldn’t take it anymore. “No,” Tears stinged in your eyes, but you refused to let them go. A throbbing headache soon formed, from your tightly clenched jaw. Katara looked between the two of you, sensing a new kind of tension. “But-”
“No!” You said with more force, glaring at his face. It was the first time that his eyes met yours, since you were down here. “You lied to me,” your voice wasn’t as strong as usual, shaking with emotion. “All this time was just a big lie!” You could see the big questionmark on your friends face, but you couldn’t bare to tell her what a stupid mistake you’d made. “It wasn’t! Yes i did lie about my identity, but i didn’t lie about anything else! Besides you never told me you were with the Avatar!” This was unbelievable. “Why would i? I didn’t think it would matter to our-” The walls shook around you. A part of it exploded, making stones and crystals fly everywhere. The three of you covered your faces, coughing from the whirled up dust. To your relief it revealed Aang and Iroh behind it.
“Aang!” Katara exclaimed, running up to him and embracing the Avatar in a tight hug. The man you’d formerly known as “Mushi” did the same to Zuko, while you stood in the middle. Silent. Unmoving. “Aang, i knew you would come. I found (Y/N) down here!” The water bender said. He smiled as you walked up to him and shared a hug with both. “It’s good to see you. We tried searching the city, but we couldn’t find you. Then i had a vision about Katara and you being in danger... What happened? Did they hurt you?”
You detatched yourself with a sigh. “It’s a long story,” He nodded, letting you off the hook for now. “Uncle, i don’t understand, what are you doing with the Avatar?” Zuko growled from behind you. “Saving you, that’s what,” Aang replied, still clinging to Katara. “Ugh!” The prince made a step forward, but the general held him back. “Prince Zuko, it’s time we talked. Go help your other friends!” he said to the Avatar. “We’ll catch up with you,” Aang didn’t waste any more time. He bowed to Iroh with a thankfull grin, before disappearing into the tunnel. Katara followed him without hesitation.
“(Y/N)?” At first you wanted to ignore the man. But you owed your life to him. He’d been the one to take you in, nursed you back to health, and now he seemed to help you once again. So you stopped for a second to look back at him. “I’m sorry we had to lie to you. But for what it’s worth, i’m glad to see you alive and well. I hope you can forgive us one day,” He mildly spoke, without force. You acknowledged his words with a brief nod, not sparing a glance for his nephew. Then you moved to follow the others.
The three of you took off, running deeper into the Catacombs. “We’ve got to find Sokka and Toph,” Katara called out. Suddenly a hiss rang out behind you, a wave of heat following the sound. You turned around just in time for Aang to block Azulas attack, barely escaping her flames. You’d never seen her before. Tough the resemblance to Zuko was undeniable. Knowing who he was helped to connect the dots between them more quickly. They had the same shade of umber hair. Shared some particular facial features. And nearly the same intruiging eyeshade. Just almost. You’d never known golden eyes could be so cold.
Producing a large wave Katara ran up to her, letting the water come crashing down. The princess deflected the attack with an offense of her own, transforming it all into hot mist, clouding the room. It didn’t take long for her to attack again. You redirected the fire balls with some of your own, staying in the defensive. “I see you’ve added a firebender to your little group,” She mocked, landing on a stone pillar. “How does it feel being a traitor to your own Nation?” You ignored her bribes, watching her every move.
The rock crumbled under her feet at Aangs next command. She had to jump, meeting the three of you on even ground. Minutes of deafening silence passed. No one dared to make a move.
A deep red flame interrupted the tension, landing right in the middle of the ring. Zuko had joined the field. And he was ready to fight. The question was: Which side would he choose?
You had no idea. You’d thought you knew him before. But now he was unpredictable. The boy you loved never existed in the first place. And yet you still tried to catch his eyes with yours, pleading for mercy.
He didn’t even look in your direction. He couldn’t. Because if he did, he wouldn’t be able to fullfill his destiny. Wouldn’t be able to go home.
His burning hot flame shot directly at Aang.
Azula responded accordingly, sending her fire in Katara’s direction. The blue flames clashed with her water and the air sizzled, as a relentless fight erupted in the hall of the Catacombs.
In mere seconds pure chaos ensued. You tried defending Aang from the prince as best as you could, both of you working together. But as he bend a large rock to knock Zuko back, you found yourself at the ground as well. You landed on your back, directly on the wound the prince had treated. A sharp pain travelled up your spine.
Katara had Azula at her mercy, who was quickly freed by her brother while you and Aang got back to your feet. “I thought you’d changed!” Your friend yelled at him, using her water as an extension of her arms. He did the same with his flames. “I have changed,” He striked with all his might. It was a painful sight to look at. Her braid didn’t exist no longer, hair flying freely from the blow. She was knocked into a pair of green crystals, stained red around the edges one moment later.
“You’re right,” you mumbled, coming up behind him. “You really have,” For a moment his stance faltered. Nevertheless he faced his opponent. Neither of you made a move for a long time. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Azula hunting after Aang. She got the best of him as she pushed him back into the crystal wall. “Aang!” you screamed, rushing forward. Zuko stepped in your way, now producing flames, to hold you off. A rush of energy went through you, calling out to the fire within. It formed in your palms, pulsating and strong. They collided with his. Smoke rose around you, fighting tooth and nail.
But your heart wasn’t in it.
Only rage. Pure and powerful anger. You shoved him back repeadiately, the despair fueling your fire. In a moment of carelessnes he managed to grab your wrists, pressing your back against the wall. The troubles of your injury caught up on you, weakening you faster than normal. You were no fool. It wasn’t a secret that he was a better fighter than you. Zuko was holding back.
Your heart clenched in your chest. This time you couldn’t hold it in. Tears spilled on your cheeks. “Please,” you gasped desperatly. You’d tried to concentrate on your hatred towards him. You really did. But your heart played a different game. “I don’t want to fight you,”
Doubts crossed his mind. It showed on his face and a tiny piece of hope flared in your chest. “You can still choose differently,” you whispered. Right now he was closer to you, than he had been in days. Once again you discovered all those tiny details in his face, that you’d loved so much. For a second you saw Lee. But before you was standing Zuko. His thumb catched one of your tears, gently wiping it from your cheek. And then he left. You weren’t worth his alliance. Weren’t even worth a fight. He left you sinking to the ground, the taste of ashes in your mouth.
All it took was one look upon the battlefield to know you’d lost. Aang’s next attack didn’t even reach the fire benders. Surrounded by Azula, Zuko and a number of Dai Lee agents, you had no chance. Katara had gotten back up, drawing a circle of water-tentacles around her. But you knew it would be of no use. There were too many. You got up despite the defeat, refusing to lose sitting down. Distanly you registered Aang producing a tent of crystals around his body to protect himself. You wondered how long it would take, before Azula burst through it. You positioned yourself in front of it regardless.
The princess smirked at you, raising her hands. Like a cat watching it’s prey.
Then the makeshift tent began to glow. From the inside. Aang floated in the air, his marks and eyes glowing brightly. He’d made it. He’d reached the Avatar-State. Everyone watched, entranced by the sight. Until a blaze of lightning striked. His body convulsed under the pressure of it’s power. And then the Avatar fell.
All you could do, was watch.
You were by his side before anybody else, still protecting his lifeless body with a circle of flames around you. Katara produced a large wave, reaching you just in time before the siblings. And to your luck, she wasn’t the only one who did.
Someone burst through the wall near the exit. “You’ve got to get out of here. I’ll hold them off as long as i can!” Iroh screamed, sending flames in every possible direction to create an opening. You took it. Carrying Aang, you and Katara ran for your lives. The waterfall of the Catacombs was your loophole, and you managed to get through, thanks to your friend producing a pillar of water.
Your eyes remained on the prince, until you were no longer able to see him.
find part three here!
tagging u beautiful ppl: @zvkonation​ @viva-la-millennia​ @randomness501​ @drheinzd​ @kaylove12​
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