#I’ll test you until you break or... I fall in love | Zangetsu x Miriam
executionerzangetsu · 5 years
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Just let your big grumpy samurai bf deal with it.
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executionerzangetsu · 5 years
Kiss Miriam
Zangetsu leaned in very carefully, shyly actually, grumbling incoherent words that sounded like curse words in a mix of confused japanese and english, before laying a gentle chaste kiss… on the top of Miriam’s head.
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executionerzangetsu · 5 years
I dare you... to pet Miriam on the head
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED || @shardbindermiriam
Zangetsu was a serious man who didn’t laugh a lot in his life and hadn’t actually any real opportunity to rejoice in a general manner for a very long time ; demons had killed his comrades, his friends… So a little silly challenge perhaps could not do any harm ? Also, as the proud japanese warrior, with a strong sense of honor, he was, he wasn’t the type to back off from a challenge !
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A bit awkwardly perhaps, no matter how hard he tried to keep his legendary severity, he approached the shardbinder he had grown so fond of and, slowly, still hesitating maybe a little, he lifted his scarred gloved hand to ultimately put it on the charming head of the little lady. His little lady, he hoped.
“Huh… it’s just… a challenge,” he cleared his throat uneasily, before patting her head, with terrific embarrassment.
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executionerzangetsu · 5 years
"I told a man that these crystals on my body are fashionable decorations. A rage in Paris and he believed me." (shardbindermiriam)
What an idiot… Well played, Miriam.
Zangetsu’s callous lips parted in a smile that revealed how fond of the shardbinder he had become by now. Dark eyes glinted, as he chuckled lowly.
“They’re not ugly, even though it’s difficult to appreciate them knowing what they truly represent, the samurai confessed, contemplating her with his sole remaining eye. Maybe… if we survive this… we should head to Paris, you and I, just to… check… if they’d love these patterns. They’d surely think the same about my ofuda papers,” he barked a little laughter, relaxed like rarely.
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His affectionate smile grew a little wider as he heard Miriam’s laugh, so lighter than usual, a light adorable giggle that rang in his ears.
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executionerzangetsu · 5 years
I dare you to write a poem for Miriam
Zangetsu had actually never tried such a frivole thing… In his country, he had happily learnt some of the traditional poems called haikus. And he remembered one that seemed absolutely made for her, for them… After days of mental dilemma, the rusty burly samurai had finally eventually… come to the conclusion he loved Miriam. A shardbinder… Against all odds. Taking a proper brush, he immersed it in black ink and traced letters on a scroll.
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虹立ちて 忽ち君の 在る如し
The rainbow stands
In a moment
As if you are here.
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executionerzangetsu · 5 years
Will you kill Miriam should she succumb to the Shard corruption?
A shadow darkened his tired face ; it’d destroy him, devastate him, leave him heartbroken but he knew the answer ; he knew what he’d have to do under such circumstances.
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“Yes. As she would just beg me to.”
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executionerzangetsu · 5 years
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