#I’ll start posting some wishlist stuff more regularly now I think.
tymptir · 11 days
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Kay but who do I have to pay for a lil AU where Luke returns as a ghost/spirit/haunting but not in a Casper the friendly Ghost kinda way but more . . . young boy dripping with seawater wandering the beach with a pale, disfigured dragon missing a wing, telling you it’s your fault he died kinda way . . . if he thinks you deserve to hear it. and he probably won’t blame the people you’d think he’d blame.
small figure appearing in the night, watching you, talking to you but he can’t be touched. he’s not vengeful but he’s finally free.
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tinkiisms · 4 years
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SPEED: I’m not a speedy RPer tbh. If I’m really pumped about a current thread and my partner and I are both online replying, I might shoot back and forth, but generally it takes days to weeks to put out my replies to any given thread. I have a job irl--and I 100% treat this as a hobby and don’t want to let it stress me out by writing with people who expect me to reply instantly--otherwise I would just stop.
REPLIES: I prefer mid-length to long threads (not novella level tho), especially with partners who I’m rather comfortable/familiar writing with. I tend to enjoy exploring what my character is thinking and feeling, so one-line dialogues can be fun to quickly develop a rapport between two characters for an initial meeting or a little side-thread to enjoy a ship dynamic...but for threads that I’m really going to be interested in and want to reply to most, they are the plotted ones that are multiple paragraphs. Single or two paragraphs are my regular mid-length threads.
STARTERS:  I will write a starter for anyone who I’ve plotted one out with, or by request/call without much plotting if I’m familiar enough with their muse that I know how I would want to set up a plausible meeting with them and Tinker Bell. If I’m not quite familiar with a character I might be less inclined to write a starter and rather my partner writes one for us to begin with. And I treat starters written for me with priority!!!
If somebody makes me a starter and I don’t reply to it within a few days--unless I’m not replying to anything in which case I’m low activity at the time like right now lowkey--LET ME KNOW. Writing a starter someone asked for and it being never answered is very frustrating and a way to make me quickly lose interest in RPing with someone, so I never want to do that to anyone else. (Weirdly, I care way more about ignored starters than dropped threads. Like if you drop a thread I’ll probably forget about it, but I never forget who liked my starter calls and didn’t answer the starter I gave them....)
INBOX: Always open for IC & OOC memes from my memes tag. Always open for IC & OOC questions for/about my muse! I don’t reply to everything immediately honestly. I’ll reblog some memes and not answer all of them, but then go back later when I’m feeling the inspiration again to get to them. It’s not my primary/preferred method of starting RPs, so not my first concern to answer--but if my partners want to continue them into threads, that’s also kind of what they’re for!! I answer them more as jumping off points to reply to rather than little drabbles of my characters reaction. So I’m always willing to turn them into threads, never hesitate. Assume it’s a go.
SELECTIVITY: Not super selective. I consider myself semi-selective because I’m technically open to RPing with non-mutuals--but at this point I basically follow back every blog that looks decent (not full of OOC and un-cut posts, has about/rules page that’s not just a link to a wiki page) whether I know the muse or not, so that tends to be all the ppl I’m willing to thread with anyway.
(I’m still not mutuals-exclusive because I can imagine a situation where maybe I enjoy an RPer’s style and am interested in their character and writing with them, but they regularly reblog stuff that I don’t like. I’m not bothered to thread with them even tho we’re not mutuals, bc I’m just here for the writing rather than following their inspo posts lmao)
WISHLIST: My wishlist tag is here, but instead of scrolling through it...My wishlist is honestly just finding RPers whose writing really clicks with mine so I find it easy and relaxing to reply to threads with them, instead of trying to force myself and get stressed for not being able to make it flow when this should just be for fun? There are ppl who I really want to write with, whose blogs/muses I like, and who I enjoy talking to OOC, but then when I actually get to our threads I’m like....eh, idk what to say here. And others who I want to have a hundred threads with because every time I go to reply, it just comes easily and I’m inspired.
+ Our characters have interesting dynamics and plots, potentially we ship our muses so I can squeal over them! It’s not something I can exactly just point at and say “who wants to do this specific plot with me?” It’s like, once you find a good partner, keep expanding your verse, your muses’ relationship, your plot ideas, and your friendship OOC to make this hobby really worth the time.
HONEST NOTE: I’m not the best writer. I’m not the best role-play partner. I take a long time to reply to things, and I drop threads if I’m not feeling it, but it never means I don’t WANT to write with you or that I have no interest in our threads. I just don’t want to let this become a stressful activity for me, because I can only write when I’m feeling the inspiration. I can’t just grind out replies like that, because my imagination is very picky, I guess?
And I’m very much a perfectionist in the self-sabotaging way so if I’m trying to write something and don’t feel like it’s good enough to share, I’d rather just not do it at all...(like taking a 0 instead of a higher but still failing grade bc if u didn’t try then u didn’t really fail, which is ridiculous but i’ve always been like that even in school--anyway my point is DON’T STRESS ME OUT I HAVE ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION)
My honest note is just, I’m always ready to plot and discuss and try to thread, but please don’t expect too much from me and end up disappointed bc I don’t live up to expectations as an RP partner. I’m just doing my thing here and putting in the effort I realistically can with my mental state. I want to have fun writing with all of you, just give me patience and time and enjoy what we do get to see from our characters, and I also won’t judge you for being slow with replies or dropping things.
tagged by: stolen from dash​
tagging: anybody who wants to do it why do we have to be tagged or tag ppl like just do the mun and muse memes you wanna do??
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
I’ve always been a bit of a slow rper. It takes me a couple days to get around to most stuff, regardless of length, because I get burned out pretty easily. I do have more time on my hands since I’ve wrapped up my year at university and my province and country is still under quarantine, but I am still slow because Arthur’s muse kind of comes and goes. All of that might be tied together, idk. I do tend to drift more toward replies over asks, but sometimes I’ll alternate the two when I reply or do solely one a day. Either way, don’t expect instant replies from me outside of crack or quick banter stuff. 
Outside of what’s mentioned above, I tend to work well with medium length replies. I don’t mind shorter or longer ones, but either I’ll feel like I rambled all over one or it may take me a while to give enough to at least somewhat match the longer length replies. I also don’t have a thread tracker, I’ve tried to set one up before and kind of gave up on it lol. So, I may lose threads from time to time, and I welcome people asking about the state of them and I will tell you if I just forgot, didn’t know it was my turn, or dropped it. 
As said in my rules, I am really bad with starter calls. I used to post them regularly and found a lot of the time I would lose motivation pretty quick, so I only do them sparingly when I feel like trying to start something new. The best way to start a thread with me is to continue memes sent or plot with me. I’m better with plotted starters. You’re also free to link me your starter calls if you wish to do that. 
It’s always open, I try to answer most of what is in there. Though, I do tend to drop asks more than threads because sometimes I just have no idea how to work with something sent or the same sentence/symbol has been sent by a lot of people that I can’t make unique situations for. I am always, always open to random asks, be they starters, stuff for Arthur or myself, or headcanon prompts. I try to answer all that is sent to me unprompted, but cracky/jokey stuff can kind of fall flat with me sometimes and I may delete some. 
I am heavily selective on this blog. I only write with mutuals, but my askbox is open for anybody but I can be prone to picking and choosing what I answer from them from non-mutuals. I do ask that you please check that I’ve followed back before you start sending me things, as I find it awkward when I have chosen not to follow back. 
I don’t have an extensive one? I would really love to explore more pre-game stuff but for right now I’m pretty chill with what I do have going on. Though, I am open to hearing ideas and bouncing things back and forth if there’s anything on yours that you think would fit Arthur. 
I don’t know why it is or what exactly has caused it fully, but with what’s happening in the world at large rn, being stuck inside has effected my mood and motivation in a number of ways. I always fall into a bit of a slump fresh out of a school year because everything is done and the structure gets shifted around, so it plays into my depression. However, being stuck inside and being left to just wait things out has made things like that worse. As much as I do have more free time to be on here and write, I do find myself lacking the motivation and general mood to write things that I feel are quality. Plus, this can also make me overly distant, as I’ve been prone to taking up depression naps and shit like that again, along with generally not having much energy for heavy conversation. I promise I don’t hate anybody or I’m ignoring people, it’s just a weird time that I’m not really talking about too much. 
TAGGED BY:  @yukikorogashi c: TAGGING: Be my guest.
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buffintruder · 5 years
Lockwood and co, eponine, and not a ship but aro Ezekiel
Thank you so much!!
Lockwood and co
Favorite character
I love pretty much every single one of these characters (Holly and George hold special places in my heart) but the Skull is just so fun. I love his snark and the way he grows to care about Lucy over the course of the series
Least favorite character
this is really hard. Of the people who show up in more than one book and aren’t an antagonist, I’ll have to say Flo Bones. I don’t dislike her, but i just sort of feel meh about her
5 favorite ships
Including platonic ones, in no particular order, Lucy/Lockwood, Lucy/Holly (I also ship this platonically a lot), Lucy & Skull, George & Lucy & Lockwood, Kipps & everyone
Character I find most attractive
I’m pretty sure it’s canon that Holly is the most attractive person on the team
Character I would marry
Honestly none of them. I love all the characters, but I really would not want to spend my life or share my home with any of them. If I had to choose, probably Holly
Character I would be best friends with
Absolutely George. Let’s go science ghosts
a random thought:
I bet after the ghosts stop becoming as much of a problem (like in a couple decades), and especially with technology that lets adults see ghosts, the role of children in this society changes a lot. They go to school, they aren’t expected to be in life-endangering situations. Instead of being the ones to protect people, they start becoming the ones to be protected. But even though this shift gradually comes about, it never really goes all the way to how our society views kids, at least not for several generations
An unpopular opinion:
I have no idea what the popular opinions are. I think that despite (and actually because of) their similarities in personality, Bartimaeus and Skull would hate each other if they ever met. They would clash personality-wise, but also see the mistakes, weaknesses, and annoying parts of the other one and make them feel more insecure about their own self. Like “if that guy who is so similar to me can be like this, what would it take for me to be like that?” And also, “if he’s like that, people who know me less will think I’m like that, WHICH I”M NOT”
My Canon OTP:
I mean the only canon pairing is Lucy and Lockwood. Can I say Holly and her roommate?
My Non-canon OTP:
I don’t really have one, but Holly gives off big lesbian vibes, so her with Lucy maybe?
Most Badass Character:
All of them?? Honestly, Lockwood is pretty impressive though. His whole family died, and he regularly goes up against stuff that could kill him, and on top of that he just runs his own business as a teenager. And it’s honestly the last one that sells him as most badass for me
Most Epic Villain:
It’s been a while since I’ve read these books, and I don’t remember it too well, but the whole Creeping Shadow thing was so creepy, especially because it was the first I learned of forays into the Other Side
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Anything involving George. I relate to him too much as an aro, and he just doesn’t seem the type to have romantic relationships
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Holly or maybe Lucy? I just really don’t like how big their rivalry was in the first book Holly was in it, especially because it was so motivated by jealousy on Lucy’s side
Favourite Friendship:
That said, I do really like how Lucy and Holly’s friendship develops throughout the series. I also love Skull and Lucy
Character I most identify with:
George. I mean, bad vision, poor aim, wants to understand how ghosts work, loves donuts, etc. I think I made a post about this once
Character I wish I could be:
I don’t want the life of any of the characters, but I do wish I was more like Holly
How I feel about this character:
She’s great!! I love her and even though she is very far from perfect, she wants better for herself and to be better, and she deserves a lot better
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
I ship her with Cosette, though not particularly hard. I’ve seen some good Marius/Eponine/Cosette fic too
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
I really like her interacting with Gavroche because they’re both in shitty situations because of their parents, but in different ways. In some ways, Gavroche is more free, and definitely more full of joy, and I like the idea of her looking out for him while he brings a bright spot to Eponine’s pretty depressing life. But also I love her having strong platonic relationships with anyone, just let her have friends
My unpopular opinion about this character:
It’s not so unpopular in the fandom on tumblr, but I don’t think she’s actually in love with Marius, and either way, reducing her story to being just about unrequited teenage love does a disservice to her as a character
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish she lived and could have her life improve, and just for her to have friends and support
Favorite friendship for this character:
Other than Gavroche? Maybe Marius? I once saw a post that was text over screenshots of the 2012 movie, with Eponine saying “I have feelings for you!” and Marius saying “I also have feelings for you!” Then it said, “Narrator: the feeling was friendship but neither of them had experienced it before.”
My crossover ship: 
I don’t particularly have one because I’m bad at just thinking of stuff like this off the top of my head, but honestly anyone who would respect her and make her happy and allow her to be soft
Aro Ezekiel Jones (which I’m answering the relationship questions for)
When I started
shipping them
headcanoning them as aro:
I think either before I started watching the show or soon afterwards you mentioned seeing Ezekiel as aro, so I just took that. The thing that cemented it was probably the Cindy episode
My thoughts:
He just kind of doesn’t care about romance or being aro. I don’t think he’s super open about it, but he also doesn’t try to hide anything and he’s probably dropped it in conversation with acquaintances before if the topic comes up. Until he joined the librarians, he hasn’t really had anyone he was close enough to that he would bother actually coming out to, but now that he’s faced with it, he’s sort of like ‘aw shit i actually care what these people think about me. and i know it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but do they know that?’ During the video game loop, he probably did come out to them to see how they would react, and it was all positive. It takes him a bit to actually get around to doing it, but he does end up telling them he’s aro
What makes me happy about them:
He’s so full of love, even if he tends to cover it up. Like he probably thought he would live his life more or less alone, and he was fine with it, but now he has people who he sees regularly and who care about him and enjoy being around, and it’s just great
What makes me sad about them:
I don’t think I headcanon any other of the characters, so he doesn’t have any aro buddies
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I mean there isn’t a lot of aro!Ezekiel fic, and him having romantic relationships in fic doesn’t bother me (or at least when it does, I don’t read fic about it). I’m not sure I’ve seen this in fic, but he’s a complex character who is actually a really great person who cares about the other librarians, and I wouldn’t want to see him reduced to ‘jokes and steals things’
Things I look for in fanfic:
Since there aren’t a lot of aro Ezekiel fics, in theory, I want him to be confident in his identity and also like “romance?? what is even up with that???”
My wishlist:
I have no idea how this would work, but aro Ezekiel in a leverage crossover where he has his librarian found family and a thief found family would be great
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
It’s not something I particularly ship but there’s some good content with Ezekiel/Jake/Cassandra
My happily ever after for them
I can’t imagine a traditional ‘happily ever after’ for him. He’s just always doing new things, never fully in retirement, even if he’s a hundred years old and no longer going on missions for the Library. He grows to be more confident in his relationships with the other librarians. I can’t imagine him being a super open person, but he feels comfortable sharing stuff with the others, and they’re always there for each other, and they also get to do fun things with magic without the world being in danger
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I’ve been thinking about making a witchy wishlist for a while now, because I’ve done them the past couple of years - but it’s so hard to think of things to put on it, when there’s so much more important stuff going on right now.
So, because of that, here’s my witchy wishlist for this year:
1. Defend people who need it. Fight back against injustice. If someone you know says something bigoted, challenge them on it if you’re able to.
2. Build your support system. It can be friends, neighbors, people on the internet, it doesn’t matter. But work towards having people in your life that you can talk to about your life, and that can talk to you in return.
3. Do your best to be a kind person, no matter what the word “kind” means to you. If it means holding doors for people or encouraging friends, go for it. If it means volunteering your time, or sending cards, awesome. Do whatever you’re able to to make your part of the world just a little bit better.
4. Be gentle with yourself, and don’t beat yourself up about your mistakes. If you’ve done something wrong, apologize, fix it, and move on. It’s easy to get caught up in guilt and self-hatred, but there are better ways to process through what you’re feeling. I believe in you.
5. Don’t read the comment section on videos or news articles. If you’re really curious, make sure to stop on page one, and don’t expand any of the chats. There are so many upsetting things in the comments, and it’s better not to see them.
6. Don’t be afraid to change your opinion if you find out it might be wrong. Don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t know something, or don’t know enough to make a decision. We’re all learning and growing, and it hurts sometimes, but accepting facts over feelings makes us better people in the end.
7. Even though bad stuff happens, try not to let that seem normal. You don’t have to settle for being unhappy all the time, so don’t. Fight for a life that’s more than awful. In the words of the author Diane Duane: “Entropy is indeed running. Our job now: To run faster.”
8. Listen to music sometimes. Draw stuff, even if you think it’s bad. Love what you create, even if it’s not perfect. Everybody has to start somewhere.
9. I’m putting this last, so as to not outweigh what I’ve posted above, but if you want to, consider supporting me through ko-fi or patreon. 
If even 10% of my followers decided to support me regularly on patreon at any amount, I might be able to move out of my abusive home, and I can’t pretend that’s not something that’s important to me (even though it scares me to ask for monetary support).
I want to be able to create and share things with you, not only through patreon, but it’s gonna take some time before I’ll be able to, and I’m sorry for that.
Until then, I want you to know that I love all of you, no matter what happens in the new year <3
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