#I’ll probably do more skyjacks stuff at some point
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When you would die for one (1) undead pirate captain but he’s already beaten you to it.
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starswallowingsea · 4 years
Skyjacks and One Piece could exist in the same world
I made a post a few weeks ago about how Campaign Skyjacks and One Piece could exist in the same universe and I finally typed out my ideas. I’ll probably update this as I get more of them but this is also just a work in progress! 
Okay so for people who don’t know, there’s islands in the sky in the One Piece universe that have been visited by the Straw Hats canonically 
And also in Skyjacks, people used to sail the seas and then shit happened and now everybody is an airiner or however it’s spelled bc the wiki pages for campaign aint shit 
SO ANYWAY in this theory, the events of One Piece would happen long before the events of Skyjacks because mostly everyone in One Piece is still on the physical earth in-universe 
And once Luffy reaches Laugh Tale (because, let’s be real, he’s gonna do it there’s no way he’d get this far and NOT do it) word spreads about where he went on his journey and the parallels between his and Roger’s last journey 
And people who have met Luffy and co or who have heard about them because they live in a place they visited want to go visit some of these other islands that Luffy went to and the most popular is Skypiea bc why wouldn’t you want to go see a sky island 
And the Skypieans aren’t happy about this at first because hOLY SHIT THAT’S A LOT OF PEOPLE and they like keeping to themselves lest another Enel type incident happens or people disrespect the Upper Yard or any other part of their culture which is completely reasonable 
But people sneak in anyways because we all know everybody would be curious about it and the poneglyph that’s up there that Roger Oden wrote on so in the end, Skypiea opens up but there’s a lot of restrictions on what tourists can do there and only some of it is actually enforced 
And as time passes, people begin to think that stuff from the Golden Age of Piracy was just a bunch of stories and that it was all exaggerated and turned into fairy tales or myths or smth like that. Pop culture stories 
So a lot of time has passed and there’s been conflict between the blue sea and the white sea/the earth and the sky and a bunch of people end up moving to the sky to escape most of the conflict because people from the blue sea don’t like to fight up in the sky where the atmosphere is thin 
And then because people will be people, there’s a bunch of new people in the skies who want to become pirates and become like Luffy and some even wear fake straw hats (that also begs the question of if Luffy will choose someone to succeed him and pass on his straw hat like Roger and Shanks did or not but that’s neither here nor there right now) 
The stories told about the Straw Hats are fairly accurate but nobody believes them because now almost everyone who would have known him would be dead so there’s no way to verify them, but it’s a fantastic story so of course it lives on 
And then our Skyjacks characters show up! Jonnit would probably be the most in to the stories because of how fantastical they are and it’s what he grew up hearing from his family and playing with his sister 
Also the signature wings that Sky People had in One Piece become not as common but you’ll still see people with them around. It’s a recessive trait but because everybody in Skypiea had it, you wouldn’t have been able to tell 
So obviously when all these people who don’t have wings show up the gene pool gets a huge new set of input 
Same with their hair growing into antennae, but that’s also more of a stylistic choice for some than others 
Somewhere on the ship there’s a copy of the Straw Hat tales that someone published, but it was under an anonymous name so nobody knows who wrote it (Robin did) 
Also wrt the Church of the Slain God, Urogue was one of the earlier monks for it, although that’s before the God worshipped became “dead” and came after people 
Gable probably wandered around Skypiea at some point since they are so old, and actually might have been in Sky Island when the Straw Hats and/or Roger was there and met both of them, although they don’t dare say anything like that now 
They also kept track of Luffy’s journey when they realized it was taking a similar/the same course as Roger’s, although, again, they don’t tell anyone that they know this because they were alive at the time 
Travis’ race of changelings probably originally came from Earth and some of them would have migrated to the skies at some point 
And since giants, fishmen, mermaids, and the long arm/leg/neck tribes all exist canonically in the world of One Piece, changelings aren’t that much of a stretch 
Travis is also Really Old, and probably ran into the Straw Hats as well, in bars where he would challenge them to games of Illimat under different names each time
Also tried to steal Nami’s watch once and she destroyed him and he learned his lesson for about 20 minutes 
He also doesn’t talk about how he personally knew the Straw Hats because it would put him in a lot of danger 
Dref? He doesn’t believe in the stories and passes them off as bullshit kid’s tales and doesn’t expand on that 
Secretly? He wishes he had a Devil Fruit like Brook’s to bring Orimar back to life and not have to hope the magic he’s been using keeps up 
Also Devil Fruits, iirc, aren’t super common in the sky so they’ve also become stuff of legends to the new sky citizens. It’s rare for someone to have a devil fruit power in the sky now 
And without water to take away their powers, those who do have Devil Fruits might not realize that water is the common weakness they all share since they don’t encounter it that often 
Other small things from the Straw Hats made it into the pirate crew like snipers having sun related symbols to “honor Sogeking” and have Usopp’s god-like accuracy on everything 
Okay I think that’s all I have for tonight but that’s a lot of words dang. Feel free to add your own things to this too!
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