#I’ll definitely get back to sharing my art slowly but surely ^w^
hachiitsukii · 10 months
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Who’ll win in a race, a smol Evo or a smol Zinogre? One way to find out!
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
So @alcinassugarbby asked for another part of my previous music drabble, where R teaches Alci how to perrear to latino music. And if you want to get the vibe you can listen to the Spotify playlist i made specifically for this.
Also, just to let you know, this was written with latino people in mind.
I took my time with this one, but please enjoy ;)
The castle was huge af, you yourself had gotten lost in its infinity many times, mostly when you have the late night cravings and sneakily you manouver you way out of Alcina's hold and have to find your way through the darkness of the hallways in order to find the kitchen. It was like a neverending maze, but just as it was great for parties and hide and seek games, it was a pain in the ass to keep clean.
Maids had stopped roaming the castle's halls a long time ago (more like, the family outlived them), and Alcina never bothered to hire new ones, so the chore of cleaning the place fell upon the daughters.
Your mom raised you right, you were not going to let the girls struggle with the the chores when you could do something about it, and so, you being in your right age to put music to clean but not old enough to put Juan Gabriel, you pulled out your phone, connecting it to the speaker you made Alcina buy for you, and you started to sweep and mop, with your sleep shorts on clinging to you like a second skin and an oversized shirt (courtesy of Alcina's wardrobe) hanging on your body.
You were the only one currently in the castle, as the rest of the family went out for some business stuff with MM, leaving you the entire place to do as you pleased, so you didn't hesitate to blast the music through the whole east wing while dancing around the room you were cleaning. Though you lost track of time, and when you felt a hand on your shoulder just when you were crouching throwing it back, lost in the music, you jumped 3ft in the air with a surprised yelp, only to run to the nearest couch to grab a deadly weapon, a decorative cushion, and wield it with assertive determination towards whoever had dared to put a foot inside your home.
"Whatever are you doing, dear?" You heard your lover's amused voice and you blushed, letting out a squeak of surprise at being caught while dancing like that. You didn't even hear her arrive, but then again, the music was too loud.
You quickly turned the music down, so it wouldn't hurt her ears and so you could hear her better.
"I uh, was cleaning?" You said, unsure of your answer. You went to her, giving her a welcoming hug, though it was mostly to hide your face.
Alcina, the ever teasing woman, looked at a flustered you and a smirk formed on her face. "What an interesting way of cleaning. I'm sure the floors will be sparkling when you're done." And if it wasn't enough, she added: "You're really good, my love, you should teach me sometime." Alcina could say stuff like that all day, but in reality she loved the cute way your butt bounced up and down and as cool and composed as she looked in the outside, she was having a hard time keeping her eyes (and hands) off of your lower back. Because she's a gentlewoman, and a lady, and not because her daughters are wildly unpredictable and no one could assure her they wouldn't barge through the door at any moment effectively interrupting and testing her self control.
Though what she said gave you an idea, and now it was your turn to smirk mischievously. "Oh, i can definitely teach you. I would love to, even."
Her expression went blank and her face went pale, or well, even paler if it was even possible. "No." She said without a pause.
You giggled, and she giggled too because she cherished your laugh.
"No, but really. I could teach you. I mean, i'm no master myself but i know my moves." To prove your point you smoothly swinged your hips left and right, while holding Alcina's hands to make her follow your dance.
"I don't think i can do that, dearest. Maybe is best if i refrain from doing such dance." The smile on her face was small but it made the whole room brighter and you wanted to kiss her right there, although at that exact moment one of your favorite songs, and a classic at that, could be heard from the speaker and you didn't waste a second to dance along with it.
"Watch this, Alci." You said as you started to move at the rhythm of Yo Perreo Sola. Your left leg bouncing against the floor, then you started to move your hips in a rhythmical circle with a little pause and bounce of your butt at the end of every lap. It was really simple, yet Alcina looked mesmerized. And when you bent over, with your hands on your knees, and started going up and down, Alcina's eyes were definitely glued to you.
"See something you like?" You asked, smugly.
Alcina was speechless. But her gaze fixed on your behind let you know that in fact she did like it, she did like it a lot.
You stopped and you could have sworn you heard Alcina whine. "Why did you stop?" She asked, with a tint of disappoinment in her voice.
"You didn't say anything, so i thought you might not like it." You turned away from her to hide your smirk, because it was all bs, you knew she was enthralled.
"No, no. I like it. Although i must admit, i'd rather wish you'd dance for me like this more often." When you faced her again ahe was watching you intently.
"Tell you what, you dance for me first and i'll dance for you tonight in our chambers, how's that sound?" You were struggling to keep your grin under control as Alcina seemed to seriously think about it.
"You really want to see me dance like that, don't you? You little devil."
"There's nothing else i'd wish for right now."
Alcina sighed. "Fine, i am willing to do it." She held your face with her hand and leaned to kiss you. "Just because i really like that butt of yours."
You blushed but went to choose a song nonetheless.
"Let's start with something easy." You said as you browsed through the Colores album, looking for a song that you thought fitted her perfectly and 'Negro' started to play.
Alcina had listened to your songs before, but it never ceased to amaze her how different each song was, the rhythm and lyrics, not to mention the many different languages, and seeing you so excited to share part of your culture with her– it just made her heart soar.
"Alright, how should i start?"
Your huge bright smile made it impossibe to hide how much you were enjoying this. "You see, my dear apprentice, perrear is an art where your hips are the brush and the room is your canvas. Now, with me, stand like this and try to move you butt up and down along with the beat."
Alcina was hesitant. How a lady such as herself would allow her body to move in such an... aggravating... manner? Well, the answer was that she loved you. She would do anything for you and if it was your wish to see her dance, then she'd swallow her pride and try her best.
With awe you witnessed how your lady attempted to perform the basic step of perreo, though you could clearly see she was being shy, and you didn't blame her. The first time you tried to learn in front of your full body mirror was like that too.
"How's this? Am i doing it right?" She asked, unsure.
Her posture was a bit awkward, and you placed your hands on her to correct it. "Yes, now try to lean down a bit, like this. You can put your hands above the knee for support." She did. "Now, the tricky part. Try and arch your back a bit, just a bit, while you throw it back."
"I'm not throwing anything back, dear." Alcina said, confused, and even glanced behind her to confirm.
You giggled. "Baby, i meant your butt. Like this."
Alcina followed your example, and she being an extremely smart, talented and observing woman, picked up the move real quick.
"Now try to draw a circle with your hips. Yes, just like that. You're doing great, babe!"
"I sure hope so, my love. I'm really looking forward to you dancing for me tonight." She smirked, stopping her moves and pulling you close to her, her hands on your back pressing you against her front. "I putting a lot of effort and i require praise and kisses." You were more than happy to comply to her wishes, climbing on a chair and proceeding to kiss her hungrily. Wet kisses could be heard in the room, and Alcina's hands under your shirt gently scrapping the bare skin of your back were driving you crazy. But you knew you were getting too lost in the moment, and as much as you wanted to keep drawing those delicious groans from her you still had a goal to accomplish.
With a last bite to her bottom lip you pushed yourself back and jumped to the floor, ignoring Alcina's whine of disappoinment.
"Let's move to something a little more difficult." You say, a little bit out of breath, as you change the song to Gasolina. It started with a rapid beat and you wasted no time following it.
"Oh god..."
"Now you do it."
You'd be lying if you said seeing Alcina try that specific step didn't stir something in you. Definitely her leaning down, moving her hips side to side, slightly rotating her waist, in a rapid pace was a sight to behold.
"My love, you're drooling." Her amused voice reached your ears and you got out of your trance.
"I guess i'm really good teacher." You day, the back of your hand hiding your mouth.
"Mmh, well i think so too." She laughed. A beautiful laughter indeed. "Do you happen to have more knowledge you'd like to share?"
You lit up as a new song came into mind.
"I do!" Wait a sec!"
You quickly change the song and run back to Alcina's side.
"Third step! Should be easy enough." You squat and thrust your hips forward in a repetitive smooth motion while gradually rising with every 'Tra' of the song, slowly, tempting, alluring. "What do you think?"
Alcina is staring again, and you can almost hear the Microsoft startup sound as her brain reboots.
"Would you look at that! It's already night time." She said, pointing to a half covered window that lets in a faint but clear ray of sunlight. You opened your mouth to deny it but Alcina was already hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around her waist. "And i believe we made a deal." Her husky voice and hungry eyes left no room for arguing, though you wouldn't complain.
I think i should put links to videos so you can get a reference.
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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thegremlincrowsnest · 4 years
Porn Idea #548
I’ll be posting this to AO3 after some final editing but I was too impatient to share it with you guys! 
CW: Afab language, daddy is said, double penetration, anal, Cernunnos just being a really horny mofo You're a new art teacher, married to a fellow teacher, Shouta Aizawa, the history teacher. You started working with him a few months ago, part-time,  after finishing some freelance gigs and wanting a change of pace for a while. It was nice working with your partner and teaching a new group of students to love the arts as you do. However, Shouta slowly gets jealous of how often you innocently flirt with the music teacher Hizashi Yamada and the gym teacher Toshinori Yagi. From there, that’s when he starts picking up some of his old gang behavior, wanting to claim you and make sure no one messes with what’s his. Hizashi definitely tests him by letting his hands linger on your back or shoulders when Shouta is watching. Hizashi was his old second in command from back in the day. He casually speaks in code to Shouta even when you're present. Whenever he was at your house, he lets his hands slide up your thigh or play with the elastic band of your short shorts. He would snap them, chuckling at your squeals and keeping eye contact with Shouta as he says, “Careful, my dear, don’t want to fuel the thoughts of wolves that hunger for you.” All you can do is blush and not fully understanding the weird vibe they’re giving off to each other but doesn’t question it. 
After Hizashi makes that wolf comment what Shouta goes, “Well, I don’t think there are any wolves brave enough to bite what’s mine....” to try and push Hizashi to the edge. Of course, Hizashi rises to the challenge, pulling you back against him, his arms wrapping around you while he looks at your lover, saying, “And what if there was a wolf brave enough?” Shouta walks up, pressing close to your front as you Y/N.exe stopped working as you were sandwiched between two men who have some history. “W-would anyone like some lemonade? Hizashi let his hands trail down your sides, digging his fingers into the top of your thighs. “The only thing I’m thirsty is for you, darling,” Shouta growls at that and leans in to say, “Hizashi...if you wanted me to fuck you senseless again, you didn’t need to tease my partner like this,” to which Hizashi smirks and grabs your throat, tilting your head upwards, saying, “What if I want both?” Shouta chuckles, moving your head back and leaning in to kiss you softly, asking, “What do you think, my love?”
You’re in heaven blushing and letting them handle you like some prized possession. Hizashi just smiles and lets his hands slide back up over your breast. Chuckling at the small noises you make. “You picked a perfect one as always, Shouta.” Then finally, you snap out of it a little and weasels your way out with a chuckle. “L-let me get that lemonade for you boys”“Oh no, you don’t....don’t avoid my question, baby,” Shouta would say as he grabs your wrist to pull you back in. Pushing you to his chest and wrapping an arm around your waist to pin you against his throbbing cock. “I want to know what you think of Hizashi here...eating you out while I pound this ass...” 
Hizashi moans at the suggestion, holding onto your hips and grinding his own dick against your ass. “Don’t tease me with a good time like that, baby...” Hizashi moans in your ear; you could only moan softly and lean into them. Your eyelids drooped, and you press your ass against Hizashi some more. “I-I’d like that a lot, Sir.... mmmm, I think Hizashi is quite handsome, and I-I wouldn’t mind him eating me out if you’d allow it.” The scent of their cologne mixed together made you dizzy. You had to press your thighs together to prevent any of your juices from dripping onto the carpet. The two boys share a look. It was only for a moment, but it’s almost as if they had a full conversation. Because before you could register what’s about to happen, Hizashi chuckles and turns you around, pinning you to the counter, standing in front of you while he leans down to grab the counter by your sides. “You think I’m handsome, baby? Even with your sexy husband around?” He teases, leaning in to kiss your neck. His fingers slipping down to play with the hem of your shorts. You squealed and ran your hands through his hair. “Ohh~ I mean, I’ve always thought you both were very sexy,” you say as you switched from looking at him to Shouta. you rubbed your thighs together and whimpered at the intensity of his gaze. “Fuck boys, if you’re just gonna tease me, I’ll just leave then~” Shouta grabs your neck tightly. Turning you to face him as Hizashi drops to his knees. “Do you really think you could leave right now, baby....” he stares into your eyes. “Your job is to feed the hungry men in this house. And you have two to satisfy,” he says as he leans in to kiss you, wanting to devour you now but knowing the best is yet to come. 
Meanwhile, Hizashi chuckles while he pushes your thighs apart, enjoying the view. “How could you leave when you’re a mess like this?~” he teases as he runs a finger through your pretty wet lips “what do you want me to do about it?”You couldn’t help but squeal as you came. Squirting onto Hizashis face as your thighs quivered and your back arched, blushing furiously. “Oh god...I-I’m so sorry Hizashi...t-this has never happened before. I’m so embarrassed.” Your heart pounded as you looked up between Shouta and him, expecting a laugh or look of disgust. ”Well, that was a first. Fucking hot, that’s what it was,” They say to one another. With a primal growl, Hizashi roughly spreads your thighs open and dives in to devour you. His tongue teasing your entrance as he takes the time to also suck on your clit. Shouta gets stunned for a moment before giving a low chuckle, “who knew my darling love had more tricks up your sleeve?” He says all sweet as he then rips the front of your shorts open, “if you’re gonna act like a whore you should look like one.” You threw your head back and moaned loudly again. “Fuck yes, I’m a whore~ a cock drunk whore! Jesus that feels so good~” you tugged his hair gently as you looked to Shouta. “Please, sirs have your way with me...I’ve been dreaming of this for so long. “In that case....” Shouta pushes Hizashis’s face away from your cunt and lifts you up, to then roughly toss your ass up onto the kitchen table “in that case, well, eat you up till there’s nothing left.” Shouta spreads your legs open by kicking your feet apart, and after he lets his erection out, he slaps it onto your ass. “Beg bitch”. Meanwhile, Hizashi strips and moves to stand in front of your mouth. His dick sliding across your pouty lips. You squeal and push back to try and grind against his cock. “Fuck me, sir~ please fill me up and use me!”  You licks against Hizashis’s cock gently before opening your mouth for him, looking up at him with a soft whine.  Pushing back, almost sliding Shouta’s cock into you, but he groans softly as he pulls back. “God, I need you both inside me so bad~” You moan out. “What do you think, Hizashi?” Shouta teases, letting his cock rut gently against your lips, not giving you the friction you desire just yet. “Aren’t they beautiful?” He asks while his hand caresses your ass and slaps it occasionally. Enjoying the moans coming from your lips. “I agree with that,” Hizashi says as his breathing gets heavy, holding onto your chin and letting his thumb run across your bottom lip. His cock throbbing against your cheek. “But I think we both know how to make them look even prettier,” he taunts. Looking up to Shouta. In silent understanding, ignoring your begging, they both ram their cocks into you fully at the same time. Shouta grabs onto your hips and fucks you slowly, while Hizashi holds onto your head. You could only squeal as they began to use you; looking up at Hizashi, he swore your pupils turned to hearts as they fucked you. Drool and precum began to drip from your lips as you push back against Shouta, clenching around him and grinding against his hips. Slowly you move your hands onto Hizashis hips, gripping them as you helped him fuck your throat.  You squealed and moaned helplessly, in pure bliss at the two men ravaging you like an animal. The men moan and grunt as they thrust into you. Shouta makes sure to slap your ass to keep you moaning underneath him. “You like that, huh you whore? Being treated like a cocksleeve just for us?”  Hizashi moans at that even. His hands running down your chest to pull and pinch your nipples. “If you want more slut you’re gonna need to make us cum. That’s what you’re best at, isn’t it?” Hizashi says. You pull back and jerks Hizashis’s cock as you whimper. “Fuck, if you let me ride you both, I’ll be able to show you want I really can do~” clenching around Shouta, bouncing against him slowly.  You look up at Hizashi with big eyes as you say. “Don’t you wanna fuck my ass Hizashi~” Hizashis knees buckle a bit at that suggestion. He looks from your messy face to Shouta’s with pleading eyes. Well, who is he to say no? He pulls out of your pussy and takes a step back. He twists you around to lay on your back and pushes your feet towards your head “hold onto your ankles, baby.” With a giddy smile, you do as your told, holding your ankles to your head. “I’m ready~” He smirks down at you as he slides his cock into your pussy, moaning appreciatively as he does so. And then he wraps his arms around you to lift you up, clutching you against him. Without missing a beat, Hizashi comes up behind you. Kissing the back of your neck and sliding a finger into your ass to get you ready for him. You let go of your legs, allowing them to hang off of his shoulders. Whimpering softly, you nuzzle into him as you feel Hizashis’s fingers. Desperately wanting to grind against those fingers and the cock deep inside you groaning in frustration. “More~ please more!” Hizashi smirks, bringing his hips to your ass, massaging your cheeks with his fingers. “What are we to do with such a naughty kitten like you?” He teases, slapping your ass roughly. “Already so full of cock but wanting more...” he pushes his tip against your tight entrance. Shouta tilts your chin up to kiss you, “I guess we need to punish them then by filling them up.  You can’t leave the house if you’re full of cum.” He says. You could only whimper as you felt him press against your entrance “H-Hizashi, don’t be a tease anh!”  You said as you tried to push back. Hearing Shouta say they’ll fill you up sent you into a spiral. Shivering and squirting on his cock you whimpered. “Yes! F-fill me up, please!~ I’ll be a good Kitten.” you babbled on as you felt your mind slipping. "Tsk tsk making such a mess..." Shouta says. "Looks like it’s time to plug them up~" Hizashi continues for him, thrusting his full length inside your ass. The two of them thrust at different times, constantly changing the pressure inside of you. They both lean into the sides of your head, Hizashi giving you praise while Shouta continues to degrade you. You couldn’t help the whimpers that escaped your lips as you were filled. Threading a hand through Hizashis hair, you leaned back. “So good~ you guys make me feel so good,” you moan softly.  You can feel the beginnings of small bruises on your hips and thighs but accepted them fully. Your holes leak and throbbed around the two cocks inside of you. Then you had a wonderful idea “C-come on, Shouta~ Don’t want Hizashi to outdo you.” Hizashi chuckles at that. “Am I making you feel that good baby?” He says as he looks Shouta in the eyes. Continuing, he says, “Make you feel so good you wanna be bred on my cock? Make you full with my cum to have my babies?” This makes Shouta possessively growl and slap your ass “who are you to be making such claims bitch?” He then grabs onto your throat to slightly choking you. “you will cum on my dick, and you will enjoy it. Like the cock whore you are. Be bred.” You moan softly at the feeling of his hand. Then smirks when you say, “Make me~” you loved pushing his buttons and seeing how far you can take him. “Make me, or else I’ll ask Hizashi to hold me up while he fucks my ass in your face.”  You clenched around their cocks as you felt Shouta growl and thrust faster. Hizashis hands move up to pinch and pull your nipples, reaching down to rub your clit as he keeps slowly fucking your ass. In return, he tightened his grip on your hips, his fingers pushing deep onto your muscles, forming bruises that will be visible all week long. He was going slow to be nice and match Hizashi in your ass, but if you wanted to be a brat like this, he’d treat you like the ragdoll you want to be. He growls and starts moving you on his cock and thrusting faster and deeper into you. “Looks like I need to remind you who’s in charge here, kitten....” he leans in and marks up your neck as he says, “If you behave and tighten up, maybe I’ll fill you up like you’ve wanted.” Your eyes crossed as you squealed, “yes, daddy~ fuck, please fill me up. I want your babies!” Your resolve faded as you felt his cock hit against your womb entrance. Hizashi chuckled and started speeding up as well, making your body shiver. “H-harder, please, daddy fucking put me in my place, please!”  You say as your pussy tightens up around them both.  You reach down to rub your clit as you watch his cock disappear inside of you. He grins and keeps this pace, making sure every thrust into your sloppy pussy hits you deep. “Look at this whore, playing with their clit while we fill them up, Hizashi....” he teases and smirks at the blonde “what do you suggest we do?” Hizashi also smirks and leans in to kiss your shoulder, picking up his pace to match Shouta’s. “I think we need to fill them up for days....that sound like a good idea?” He grins and keeps this pace, making sure every thrust into your sloppy pussy hits her deep. “Yes, yes, fill me up! Fuck I want your cum so fucking bad~” you lean back and pull Hizashis’s face close. Kissing him deeply as your other hand cups Shouta’s cheek. “I feel so good~ god, you’re both so fucking thick~,” you say as you feel them throb deep inside of you. It’s a nice sight, seeing the two of them kiss. Not that he’ll admit it for now. But he knows he’s getting there. He leans his head on her shoulder and focuses on how soft and wet and warm you are. God, he can get lost in you for hours. You’re gonna look so good full of his kids. Over and over. “God baby, I’m gonna fill you up...” he moans, shuddering as he thrusts fully into you and filling you up with his cum. You hold onto him tight as you feel him cum deep inside.  You whimper softly and bite down on his shoulder as you cum as well.  You feel Hizashi stop and look back, confused. “What’s wrong?”  You ask cutely. He helps Shouta pull out before thrusting into your pussy cumming as well. He groans and rubs your clit softly, helping you through another orgasm. “Oh god~ I’m so full~ fuck daddy, it feels so good” Well shit...that was a surprise. Shouta thought, but you look so happy being full, so it’s okay for now. Carefully he and Hizashi get you to sit on the couch. More so, sitting on a combination of their laps. Their hands and kisses soft on your skin, helping to soothe you. “What a good kitten you are, baby...” Shouta praises you, “maybe we need to have guests over more often.”
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thewritewolf · 4 years
No, Really
Summary: Adrien can no longer deny it - he is in love with Marinette! The only problem is, she has made it absolutely clear that she is definitely not interested in him. But when he discovers that Marinette might be harboring feelings for Chat Noir, Adrien decides that there is only one way to get together with her: Reveal his identity.
Trouble is? She doesn't believe him.
Hello and welcome! This fic was written for the @totographszine, which was publish for free here. Go check it out, the wonderful @anna-scribbles even did some excellent art of this fic in there.
Read on Ao3
Without any further ado... Enjoy!
Adrien was in love with Marinette. There was no getting around that any more. But, unfortunately, it didn’t seem that she felt the same way.
Ever since he had come to terms with his feelings, he’d been trying to flirt with her. A few cheesy lines here. Some lingering touches and eye contact there. Compliments scattered throughout the day. Although, as he had realized now, it was harder to compliment her more than he already had been. How had it taken him so long to figure out his feelings?
The worst part of it was that she even flirted back! Which may sound great, but his experiences with Ladybug had taught him that flirting back could also mean friendly banter. It was a frustratingly similar experience, which he chose not to dwell on too hard.
And just like with Ladybug, he was at least appreciating the friendship that he could share with Marinette. Now that she had begun to open up to him, he was learning all sorts of things about her. Her favorite foods, what exactly tickled her most, her little mannerisms.
One day he learned the most important little fact about Marinette of them all.
“What is it with you and crushin’ on celebs, girl?”
Adrien recognized Alya’s voice at once and his eyes widened when he realized who she was likely talking to on the other side of the locker.
Sure enough, Marinette let out an irritated groan. There was a sound of a locker opening.
“What makes you think I have a crush on him? Just because I drew him in my notebook—”
“Oh sure, if you were just drawing him, that’d be one thing. But the hearts and kissy faces tell a whole different story.”
Adrien stood stock-still, listening as intently as he could. It felt as if his heart had
stopped beating. Had he failed to win the hearts of both his crushes? Would he ever get a lucky break just for once?
“They weren’t—that’s—no! Those were …” Marinette sputtered and eventually mumbled something that sounded a lot like “spades.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m just saying, girl, if you want I could probably mention your name the next time I see him. Sure it’d be harder to pull off than with blondie, but I’m down.”
“Drop it, Alya,” Marinette said half-heartedly. The locker door was shut and they walked toward the entrance. For a moment, he was scared they would turn around and see him eavesdropping. “I’m sure Chat Noir doesn’t want to have my number pushed into his hand.”
Adrien’s eyes widened as he suddenly jolted to life. Chat Noir?
“Maybe. We’ll only find out if we give it a shot.” Their voices got more distant as they walked away. “At least we know you’ve got a type now.”
In his heart of hearts, Adrien hoped that type included boys with green eyes and blond hair. Would it be too much to ask that she fall for him a second time? Not just as Chat Noir but as Adrien?
It was there, standing alone in the locker room, heart pounding in his throat and feeling light headed, that Adrien was suddenly struck by a plan. And while he was no Ladybug, he was pretty confident about this one.
After all, he didn’t need to make her fall for him twice. She just needed to find out who Chat Noir was.
His first opportunity took way too long to arrive. The need to confess his secret identity to her had been weighed against his duty not only to Paris but to Ladybug. He was as certain of Marinette’s trustworthiness as he could be, but he needed to be sure that she and only she heard him.
Besides, it made confessing his feelings a little easier too, which was honestly weighing just as heavily on his mind. Sure, safety of Paris and fighting Hawkmoth and all that, but there was also his poor battered heart to take into consideration. Ladybug had been gentle with her rejections, but they still stung as much as being tossed into a wall by a dozen akumas.
It took over a month for a golden opportunity. The four of them had been studying in Marinette’s room when Alya had left to go babysit her sisters, taking Nino along with her. Adrien watched them slowly pack up and amble over to the trap door, silently screaming every time they stopped for another little chat. But eventually, they did leave. Nino’s cap disappeared below the floor and the trapdoor shut behind them. It was late enough that Sabine and Tom had gone to bed already, but not so late that Adrien would have to leave yet, at least not for a couple hours.
Swallowing against the suddenly dryness in his throat, Adrien looked at Marinette. All thoughts of the physics homework in front of them banished the moment he saw her tongue poking out the side of her mouth, her brow furrowed in concentration.
How could one person be so cute?
Her bright blue eyes flickered up at him. “Something wrong, Adrien?”
There wasn’t going to be a better time. It was now or never.
“Marinette … I’m Chat Noir.”
The sound of her pencil scratching along the paper stopped as she stared at her homework. There was a long moment of silence wherein Adrien silently panicked. After a few seconds that stretched into infinity, which Adrien spent praying that she would say something, anything, she finally spoke.
“Yeah, okay.”
She said it with a snort and a chuckle. It was like when he was experimenting with different jokes for her and he found one that didn’t quite land but didn’t completely fall flat.
She returned back to her homework, and the sound of the pencil resumed.
“Okay? That’s all you’ve got to say?”
“Um … I suppose I can add a ‘haha’ in there too? If it makes you feel better?”
“You’re not supposed to laugh!”
“Then it’s not a very good joke.”
“It isn’t a joke,” Adrien said, crossing his arms haughtily. This was not going how he had planned in the slightest.
Marinette raised an eyebrow as she sat up. “There is no way you are Chat Noir.”
“Why not? I’m cool!”
“Exactly, and Chat Noir is a massive dweeb.”
Adrien gasped, scandalized. “Take that back!”
“I will not. Besides,” she continued, raising her hand, “there are plenty of things Chat Noir is that you aren’t and vice versa.” She raised a finger for each point. “Chat Noir is loud, outgoing, with a sharp tongue, and he’s a flirt to boot. Plus the whole massive dweeb thing.”
“And what about me?” Adrien pouted, almost dreading the answer. “Adrien Agreste me, I should say.”
“You’re quieter, to start with.” There was a faint blush on her cheeks. Maybe it was easier for her to describe someone who she thought wasn’t present. “You’re considerate and kind and a perfect gentleman.” She smirked and chuckled. “At least, you usually are.”
Adrien put his hands together and brought them next to his lips as he took a deep breath. He was suddenly reminded of all the times he’d made reservations or tried to set up an account on some website under his own name, only to have it deleted because it “couldn’t possibly be actually Adrien Agreste.” By this point in his initial planning stages of confessing to Marinette, they were already organizing their first date between passionate spells of making out, not trying to determine if he really was himself.
But Adrien was nothing if not adaptable.
With a wide, toothy grin worthy of his alter ego, he leaned forward, putting himself dangerously close to her face. The faint blush she’d been sporting flared to life and spread across her entire face. Her eyes went large as he purred out a reply.
“What an unfortunate alley cat I am, baring my soul to a beautiful princess and she doesn’t even believe me. Whatever shall I do?”
“W-wow, you’ve … you’ve really practiced this, h-haven’t you?” She put on a brave face and scooted backwards.
“You could say that. You could also say I’ve got a lot of experience with the whole Chat Noir flare.” The smile became more genuine as he added teasingly, “And it looks like you think Chat Noir might be more than just a massive dweeb, hmm?”
“Y-yeah?” She got back some of her composure—not much, but enough to start bantering back at him. “And what else is he then?”
“A cool cat, maybe,” he said, tossing his hair and running a hand through it. “Or, even better, a fine feline.” He grinned and finger gunned at her.
Marinette snorted. “You’ve definitely nailed down some of that Chat Noir full-of-yourself stuff. Congrats on getting your research done at least.”
“Not research. Just living the life, Pigtails.” He waggled his eyebrows.
“Very creative nickname.” She smirked and crossed her arms. “Then again, it’s better than princess or my lady, so I’ll take it.”
“Hey now, Ladybug likes me calling her that, even if she tries to hide it.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Somehow I doubt that. But seriously, whose idea was this? It feels like Alya had a hand in this. I just know it.”
“Why would Alya get me to try to tell you I’m Chat Noir?”
“She never gives up on her ships is all.” Marinette’s eyes went wide and she threw her hands over her mouth. “Forget I said that!”
“But I—”
Her hands went straight for his mouth. “Forget!”
He held his hands up in surrender and she backed off.
“Come on, though. What’s so hard to believe about me being Chat Noir?”
“I just can’t see you and Chat Noir being the same person. You’re both so different!”
“Okay, first off—yeah, I can be quiet sometimes,” Adrien admitted. “But you’ve seen how I am with my friends, when I’m comfortable. I can be just as outgoing as I am in the mask!”
Marinette massaged her temples. “So what, you’re saying you have to be with close friends to be as confident as you are making terrible puns in front of all of Paris?”
“Well, the mask helps a little,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “After all, then I don’t have to think about how what I say will impact the company or get yelled at by my father. I get to just … be wild.” He gave her a timid smile. “I suppose sometimes I go a little overboard, huh?”
Her blush deepened. “Y-yeah. I guess you do sometimes.” She cleared her throat and schooled her expression back into a skeptical one. “Assuming you are Chat Noir, of course.”
“Of course.” Quietly, he added, “You know, Adrien me isn’t the only one who is ... kind. I’ve done it plenty of times in the mask.”
“I mean, yeah, you do the heroics and everything, but I was talking about something—”
“Gentler?” he said with his best Chat Noir grin, which made her eyes widen like saucers. His voice was still barely above a whisper. “Like when I comfort akuma victims or sponsor animal shelters?”
“I—yes, like that,” she admitted in the same soft tone. A little stronger, she poked his chest and gave a small smirk. “But don’t you think Ladybug will be mad that you revealed your identity? You promised not to do that, you know. Assuming you really are Chat Noir.”
“Maybe I should have asked her about it first,” he admitted, even as something tickled at the back of his mind. How did she know about the promises between them? “But I’m sure she’d understand if she knew. The value of love is something we both agree on.”
“I mean, I guess, but—wait, what?”
“And I suppose you’ve noticed how, no matter what side of the mask I’m on, I love to flirt with the person I love?” She gasped, but he just shook his head and laughed. “Finally get there? I mean, I’ve been flirting with you nonstop for like a month.” He smiled. “Maybe you and Ladybug should hang out. The everyday Ladybug and the real-life Ladybug. Both of you can be really dense when it … comes to … realizing … oh my god.”
Adrien saw the exact moment that she realized that he had figured her out. One moment she was watching him attentively. The next, her eyes had widened in panic, her pupils shrinking down to tiny pinpoints. He knew that if he did nothing, she’d start flailing her arms around and denying it.
The distance between them turned to nothing as he leapt toward her, laughing. She grumbled as he pulled her close, squeezing her tight against his chest, but she didn’t try to break free.
“Don’t be so proud of yourself. You only got lucky,” she said as she returned the hug.
“Luck or not, I finally found you … my lady.”
He looked down at her face at the same moment that she looked up into his. A moment laden with meaning passed between them before they both broke down laughing again. At long last, they had finally found each other.
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cherrybracelets · 4 years
Heat Waves
weed dealer!mgg x reader 
masterlist | requests
word count: 5.5k | warnings: 18+ content! drugs and alcohol mentions and usage. no smut but partying!
summary: your brother has a new roommate, and fuck, you might be in love with him? 
song inspo : heat waves - glass animals 
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an: this gif is how i imagine him in this fic like w glasses but way less nerdy ahahha ok well whatever idk if im gonna continue this or just leave it as is lmk what yall think ok byeee
You stumbled up the steps of the subway, the heavy cardboard box you were holding slipping out of your hands as you made your way above ground. You tried to adjust your grip on it and almost fell backwards, shaking your head in frustration. The box was filled with all the random shit your brother had left at your place over the past few months as he was trying to find a place to live, sleeping on different couches of random friends. It was almost all useless stuff, which made the fact that you had to hand deliver it all to him even more frustrating.
You walked tirelessly down the street, gripping harshly on to the box. You pushed your way through people, not caring at all that you probably looked insane as you yelled for people to move so you could just get there and fucking put this box down. You finally came upon the building, sighing with relief as you set the box on the steps and rang the buzzer.
“I’m here,” you groaned into the speaker, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.
“Hello!” A cheery voice responded over the intercom. A voice that was definitely not your brothers. “Who exactly is here?”
“Oh, sorry- I might have the wrong apartment. Is this 4B?”
“Yeah! You must be Danny’s sister. Come on up.” The door buzzed loudly as it unlocked, and you grabbed onto the handle quickly, lugging in the box behind you. You were extremely grateful when you saw the elevator, quietly thanking the universe that you didn’t have to walk up four flights of stairs with this thousand pound box.
You took the elevator up to the fourth floor, your body exhausted as you leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes, hoping that maybe a five second nap could give you your energy back. But unfortunately, the elevator stopped and opened its doors, urging you to once again pick up the box and be on your way. You dropped your head to the floor and sighed, using the last of your energy to pick up the box and walk down the long hallway to apartment 4B.
Thankfully the apartment wasn’t too far from the elevator, and you only had a short walk until you came upon the door of his new place. You noticed a welcome mat on the floor that read ‘Bachelor Pad’, and you rolled your eyes at the pure douchiness of the thing. God, your brother was a prick. But, nevertheless, you loved him, he was family. Despite being one of the most annoying people you’d ever met.
You knocked slowly on the door, excited to throw the box into someone else’s arms and run home. It was your day off from work, and all you wanted was to throw on some sweats, eat frozen mac and cheese and watch Jeopardy until you fell asleep on the couch. The perfect day.
The door swung open, and the man who was definitely not your brother stood on the other side, a large smile plastered across his picture perfect face. His messy curls hung across his face, and he pushed them away before reaching out to you to grab the box.
“Let me get that for you,” he said quietly, literally lifting the weight off your shoulders as he grabbed it effortlessly. The muscles in his arms protruded as he set the box down on an old dining table they had set up in the kitchen, a cluster of mismatched chairs along with it.
“Thanks,” you said back, your eyes still trailing over his body, watching him closely. “Is, uh, is my brother here?” You stuttered to get your words out, your eyes still locked on the model-like man in front of you.
“No, he just ran out actually. Went to pick up a couch or something.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. He told me he would be here!” You shook your head in annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest, which pushed out your cleavage slightly. You caught the man glancing at your breasts, and felt your heart start beating a bit faster. He wasn’t even trying to the fact that he was staring at you. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you. He really was supposed to be here to get this.”
“It’s not a problem at all. He told me you’d be stopping by. I’m Matt, by the way. I’m sure he’s told you about me.” He stuck out his hand, and you reached back and grabbed it. His hands were soft, but the tips of his fingers stained black, the familiar site of a smoker. The air hung the smell of stale pot smoke, so it was pretty easy to put together that he was a heavy weed guy. 
“I’m (Y/N). And, uh, no, actually. He hasn’t told me, like anything about you. Just that he knows you from work and you’re a ‘pretty decent guy’,” you laughed, letting go of his hand but desperately wanting to hold on to it forever. You didn’t really understand why, but something about his touch was so comforting, it made you feel like coming home after a long day.
“Uh, I was just about to smoke a bowl actually, if you’d like to join. Your brother told me you smoke,” Matt said, motioning to the coffee table covered in various paraphernalia.
“I don’t make a habit of smoking with strangers,” you responded sharply, realizing immediately how bitchy you must’ve sounded and wishing you could take it back. You scrunched your face a bit, cringing as you replayed the sentence over and over in your head.
“But I’m not a stranger! I’m Matt! Besides, this is fantastic stuff- I just got it from my guy the other day, knocks your socks off,” he giggled, his eyes wide as he wanted to desperately for you to say yes.
“Well, I guess I really can’t say no to free weed,” you shrugged, following him over to the old couch they had set up in their under furnished living room. It was exactly how you pictured your brothers apartment to look- disappointing and not at all coordinated.
“Sorry about the place, we’re trying to make it look nice but we’re not exactly interior decorators.” He shook his head as he looked around the room, before picking up his freshly packed bowl and lighting it.
“Yeah, it looks pretty frat-housey in here. I would expect more from you, but not from my brother,” you giggled, taking the glass pipe from Matt’s hands and enjoying it yourself.
“Why me?”
“Well... I don’t know...” you stuttered, shaking your head and trying to pull together a sentence. “You just seem to have... more style, I guess. Seem more put together.”
“I appreciate that. I do try extremely hard to not look like a douche.” He smiled kindly at you, his eyes shining with the reflection of the lighter as the two of you continued to share the bowl.
You made small talk for a bit, feeling the calm of the marijuana taking over your body. The old couch suddenly became much more comfortable as you sunk back into it, staring at the patterns on the ceiling. Matt was talking quietly behind you, trying to tell some story about him and your brother; but you were only half listening, losing yourself in your own thoughts of him. Thinking about the softness of his lips as he inhaled and exhaled, watching his hands flex tireless to work the lighter, noticing how his body seemed to relax more and more with each hit.
He tilted his head towards you, flicking the lighter with his thumb and escaping in the flame. He had lost himself in it, a comfortable silence coming down over the room. You watched the flame, too, trying to see whatever beauty he saw in it- but you weren’t feeling anything, and getting pretty antsy. You turned away from him, staring into the kitchen and hoping to see something edible from this distance. You weren’t sure what kind of food two men like this would bring into their home, but you were sure it was nothing good. Your stomach grumbled at the thought of something to eat, and you fell back into the couch with a groan.
“You okay?” Matt whispered, turning his face towards you and staring at your eyes.
“Mhmm,” you responded, not having the energy to respond at the moment.
“You are extremely beautiful,” he mumbled, his eyes exploring your face, finding themselves locked on your lips no matter how hard he tried to look away.
“What?” You snickered, replaying the words in your head, feeling your heart pounding out of your chest.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be weird. It’s just shocking to me how beautiful you are. Like a piece of art; I can’t take my eyes away.”
“You’re joking.” You rolled your eyes at him and pushed his arm playfully, trying to hide the obvious delight in your face.
“Why do you think I’m joking?”
“I just don’t hear that very often.”
“Well, that’s disappointing.” He frowned, looking down at his hands and playing with his over bitten nails.
“Sorry, I mean, I appreciate it of course. Fuck, sorry, I get so awkward when I’m high. Not very good at holding conversations.”
“Well, now that we’re friends I’ll make sure to remind you how beautiful you are as often as I can.” Matt placed his hand on yours lightly, at first only as a friendly touch, but feeling a comfort in the embrace. His thumb moved slowly, the small movement between your flesh overwhelming you with desire. Your eyes were locked on his, an intoxicating silence overcoming the room. You opened your mouth to speak, not sure exactly what to say, but the sound of the door unlocking breaking you from your daze. You pulled your hand away from his quickly and jumped off the couch, watching as the door opened and your brother walked in.
“Heyo!” Danny, your brother yelled, greeting the two of you with a large smile. “I see you’ve met my sister!”
“Yes, uh, yeah. We were just chatting,” Matt said defensively, trying to avoid eye contact with you.
“I was just waiting for you to get back. That’s all.” You responded, nodding your head quickly.
“How sweet! Just in time to help me get the new couch up!”
“Absolutely not. I brought your box, that's all the free labor you are getting out of me.” You laughed awkwardly, looking back at Matt, who was still avoiding you.
“Alright, whatever, but don’t ever ask me for anything ever again.” Danny rolled his eyes, throwing his phone down on the counter and grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
“Well, I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow night for my party?” You asked, heading towards the door.
“Oh, right! I almost forgot. Is it cool if I bring Matt?” 
You looked at Matt, who finally looked back at you, and you nodded slowly.
“Of course. I’ll see you guys then.” You smiled at the two of them, gave a small wave and left, closing the door loudly behind you. Fuck. What the fuck was that? Was he flirting with you? Or was he just high? You closed your eyes and leaned your head against the wall, trying to compose yourself before heading home.
There was nothing that stressed you out more than when your roommate threw her chaotic ‘get togethers’ every other Friday at your place. It was always an exhausting mess, and now you had to think about Matt coming along as well. You hadn’t stopped thinking about your weird intimate moment together, and the thought of seeing him again made your stomach do backflips.
There was something about him that made you feel so comfortable, so at home. But he’s friends with your brother... he has to be a scumbag. Right? And what kind of guy just walks around telling random girls they’re beautiful. He was definitely just trying to sleep with you. Which of course you wanted to sleep with him too, obviously. But he was the kind of guy that you could find yourself falling for, and getting hurt, badly. He was the kind of guy that would break your heart. You could tell. And you could not let him in, no matter how much you wanted to.
Tonight has to be all about ignoring him. You cannot let him be alone with you, because the moment he’s alone with you and starts calling you beautiful again with his pretty face and intoxicating voice and touching your hand... you were playing a dangerous game. You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, trying to push the thoughts of him out of your head when you were interrupted.
“What are you doing? I told you to get the cups set out like 20 minutes ago!” Your roommate rolled her eyes, pushing you to the side and laying out the cups herself.
“Sorry, Callie. Just a bit distracted today.”
“I can tell. What’s going on with you? You were weird all night last night.”
“Just tired I guess. Don’t worry about it. I’ll go set the drinks out.” You walked away quickly, hoping she would be too focused on her party planning to ask any more questions. Whenever you told her about a new guy, she was stupidly optimistic. And you really didn’t need her telling you to go for it when your brain was giving you the exact opposite advice. She just shrugged, turned around and went back to mindlessly setting up. You felt relief wash over you as she looked away, and you could once again get lost in your own thoughts and anxieties.
You mindlessly laid cups and other dumb decorations out, Matt’s face continuously crossing your mind. You found yourself smiling every time you played his words over in your head. His voice like silk as it wrapped around your body, warmth flowing through you as his lips whispered ‘You are extremely beautiful’ over and over again. You felt your heart racing, and you took a deep breath as you were brought back into reality by the vibration of your phone in your pocket.
You grabbed it, only to see you had multiple missed calls from your brother. ‘Fuck’, you thought. He knew, he somehow knew about your little flirt session with Matt. You shook your head in distress, preparing for the oncoming conversation as you reluctantly pressed the answer button and brought the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” You muttered, squeezing your eyes shut to bear the impending rage from your brother.
“Jesus, I've called you like 18 times? What’s your deal?” He laughed, his voice full of his normal light and cheery tone. You took a sigh of relief after you realized he didn’t know a thing.
“Sorry, uh, helping Callie set everything up. Must’ve put my phone down and forgot it somewhere.”
“Well I need to know what liquor and illegal substances you’d like me to bring tonight- I’ve only got like an hour!” He said urgently.
“Uh, honestly whatever you want. We’ve got a few bottles here but nothing you’d like, probably.”
“You sound distracted, you all good?” You could head the concern in his voice, and you rolled your eyes aggressively.
“Everyone keeps asking me that today and it’s pretty annoying. I’m just trying to set up a party I don’t really want to be involved in and everyone keeps bothering me!”
“Jesus, grumpy pants. Looks like someone needs a nap... or a blunt.” Danny laughed quietly, and you bit your tongue to stop yourself from yelling at him again.
“Sorry. On edge today. Don’t want to talk about it.”
“No worries. I’ll see you later, okay? Try and cheer up a bit by then, I’d like to make a good impression on Matt.” Danny hung up quickly after that, and the word ‘Matt” kept ringing in your head over and over like a church bell. You put your phone down on the table and looked up at Callie, who was adjusting your work on the cups table.
“I need a drink,” you groaned.
“A little pregame shot, I love it!” She squealed, prancing over to the bottles and pouring shots for the two of you. You downed yours quickly, letting the liquor burn through your insides. You were hoping, after enough of it, it would burn through any thoughts you had of him. 
After another shot, the next hour before the guests arrived flew by. Callie put on some music and you danced your worries away, deciding which outfit to wear by rampaging through your closet. You kept fighting the urge to look as sexy as possible, one half of you wanting Matt’s jaw to drop as soon as he saw you, and the other half wanting him to ignore you all night. You couldn’t resist the temptation, though, and chose an extremely well fitting and low cut dress that accentuated all of your best features perfectly.
“God, you are literally the perfect specimen,” Callie giggled as you walked out of your room to show off. “Who the fuck are you trying to impress?”
“No one!” You responded, raising your eyes at her. “Can’t I just look good for myself?”
“Not that good. That is for someone. I know you.” You were saved by the ringing of your doorbell, and you smiled, relieved.
“Whatever you say. Go welcome your guests,” you motioned to the door. Callie just rolled her eyes and walked gleefully over to the entryway to welcome your first partygoers.
A few more groups of people rolled in, and you paid no attention as you were too busy making yourself another strong drink. You poured sloppily into the cup, giggling as splashes of soda and vodka spilled down the sides of your cup.
“You better watch out there, pretty girl. Making quite a mess.”
You turned around quickly, Matt’s voice making you jump in surprise.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiled brightly, his perfect face begging to be touched, adored, kissed. You looked at every part of him, every beautiful part of him, stuttering to get words out.
“No... you’re... it’s okay. Sorry.” You put the bottle back down on the table and picked up your cup, taking a large swig, and nearly gagging on the taste of the strong liquor.
“Can I get in there and make a drink?” His eyes travelled up and down your body, his lips slightly pursing at the sight of you. You felt your heart pounding through your chest and he eyed you. His eyes finally locked on yours, his gaze paralyzing, your body refusing to move.
“Of course. We have lots of options. Anything you want,” you managed to squeak out, still unable to draw yourself away from his gaze. His eyes didn’t leave yours, and he smiled slightly, reaching his hand out to grab a bottle. For a split second you thought he was reaching out to touch you, and when you thought about the feeling of his skin on yours, you felt yourself melt. Desire and craving washed over your body in a wave that you couldn’t push away even if you tried.
“Thank you. I’ll see you around, (Y/N).” He finally looked away, and began walking back towards the small group of people who had gathered in your living room, including Callie and your brother. You felt relief as you were able to breath again, your body relaxing as he got farther and farther away. You waited a few moments before following him to join the rest of your friends.
“Ah, there you are, my sister!” Danny yelled, wrapping you in his arms so abruptly that you almost spilled your drink everywhere.
“Hey bud!” You hugged him back, grateful to have someone here to take your mind off of Matt.
“We were just about to play a fun little ice breaker game, since Matt is new to the group and all,” Danny motioned to Matt, who smiled and waved awkwardly as everyone stared at him.
“An ice breaker, really? What is this, college orientation?” You joked, taking another swig of your intensely strong drink.
“Shut up. Don’t be such an ass.” Danny rolled his eyes and pointed to an empty seat, and you realized it wasn’t worth fighting him. He loved to play stupid little games like this, that everyone else dreaded. But you have to admit, everyone always ended up having fun at the end of the day.
“What’s the game, Danny boy?” Callie cooed, getting comfy on the couch between a few of your other friends. She always had the biggest crush on him, although you forbid her from ever getting near him. It wasn’t her, you loved her and would love it even more if she was your sister. But he was such a dick, you knew he would break her heart, and you would not stand for that.
“Easy, everyone shares one surprising fact about themselves.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I have any,” someone moaned, and Danny just laughed.
“No worries, plenty of time to think. I can start. Uh.... I slept with my professors wife in college as revenge for him giving me a C- on my final.” Danny smiled proudly and took a long swig of beer. The group around you just groaned in disgust and laughed, but you knew the story. That wasn’t the entirety of it at all, in fact, Danny had fallen desperately in love with this woman and she crushed his heart by choosing her husband over him. But he would never tell all of that, because that doesn’t sound cool. Apparently you weren’t the only one who knew the truth, though, because Matt instinctively turned to you and looked at you in a way that read, ‘This guy is so full of shit.’ Apparently Matt and your brother were closer than you though, if he told him his biggest secret. 
“Hmm, Matt, I think you should be next. Only fair since you’re the new guy.” Danny turned to Matt with an excited face, like a little kid on christmas.
“Oh man, alright. Well, I guess one thing that people have a hard time believing about me is that I am a bit of a hopeless romantic. I believe in soul mates, love at first sight. All of that bullshit. I’m a sucker for it.” Matt looked right at you as the words spilled out of his mouth, not even trying to hide the obviousness of what he was trying to say. You tried your best to look away from him, but you couldn’t pretend his words weren’t entrapping you.
“That’s super corny, bro,” Danny laughed, pushing Matt slightly. He just shrugged, and took a sip of vodka straight from the bottle. Danny bothered a few more people about their secrets, and you listened intently to stories about shoplifting and coke addictions, trying to avoid his obvious gaze. You knew he was staring at you, his eyes burning holes in your body as the liquor started to flow through him. He wanted you, he craved you, in a way he had never experienced before.
Love at first sight had always been a myth to you; something in books and movies. Fiction. Until you heard the words slip from his mouth. Love at first sight, soul mates. It was all impossible. But why couldn’t you stop thinking of him. Why did his state send shivers through your body? Why did it feel like you had been waiting for him your entire life, even though you just met?
“(Y/N)! It’s your turn!” You heard Danny yell, bringing you out of your thoughts once again.
“Uh... what’s going on again?” You murmured, the alcohol overcoming your brain as you tried to remember the dumb activity you were being forced to participate in.
“Alright, you might need to slow down on the drinks girl.” Callie laughed, pointing at the cup in your hand.
“I’m fine. Just lost my train of thought!”
“Tell us a surprising fact about yourself,” Matt chimed in, a flirtatious smile plastered across his face.
“Uh, right. Well... I have a really huge record collection. It’s kind of my hobby.” You shrugged, nodding your head slowly as the group around you seemed let down by the less than flashy secret.
“You’re kidding! I collect vinyls too. I have like a thousand,” Mattresponded, his eyes lighting up at the realization that he finally had a way to talk to you.
“You should show him your collection, (Y/N), it’s ridiculously impressive,” Callie said, nodding in excitement. Your heart stopped at her words, hoping that Matt would say ‘Another time!’ and you would forget about the entire interaction. But you knew he would take up any offer to be alone with you; and a part of you was hoping he would.
“I’d love to see it,” Matt said slowly, his voice now a serious tone as he waited nervously for your response.
“Uh... of course. Does anyone else want to see?” You asked, in one final last ditch effort to protect yourself from being alone with him. But the room had already moved on from you, and no one even heard you ask the question. You looked up at Matt, his perfect smile once again showing itself.
“Guess it’s just you and I, pretty girl.” He whispered to you, his hand on your shoulder. He leaned in as he spoke to you, as if to keep the nickname a secret. You looked around in hopes that someone noticed, someone would put a stop to it. But everyone had already moved on, started new conversations, brought themselves deeper into a state of inebriation. No one saw either of you, and you could easily slip away into the night with him. 
You stood up slowly, and motioned for Matt to follow you into your room. He eagerly followed behind, not a single soul in the room even realizing you were leaving. You felt your heart pounding in anticipation and nervousness, not knowing how the next few minutes would play out. You took a few deep breaths to control yourself before opening the door to your room and letting Matt follow.
“Open or closed?” He asked, his hand gripped on the door handle as he awaited your response.
“Closed. I don’t like people seeing my personal space,” you said, moving over to the shelves that held your vinyls. Matt nodded and closed the door lightly, following you over to your collection. 
You walked to the corner of your small, cluttered bedroom. Sat in the corner was multiple shelving units, all packed high and bending under the weight of your numerous records. Next to the shelves was a small desk, which your record player sat beautifully on top of. Your room was overwhelming to a stranger's eye, but every single thing in there had a purpose, to you. It was your sanctuary. And it wasn’t a place you regularly invited strangers. You barely ever let Callie or Danny in there. But seeing him stand there, gazing in fascination at your records, felt very comfortable. You knew that he would respect your space, and not question it. It was a nice feeling to be able to share something so private with someone. 
“Wow... this is amazing (Y/N)... you have fantastic taste in music,” he whispered, running his hands up and down the records.
“Thank you. Some of them I don’t really listen to, they’ve just been collected from garage sales and thrift stores over the years.” You watched him in awe, every feature glowing in the low light of your room. He smiled at certain titles, pulling things out delicately to look at the covers. He was beautiful, perfect. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“Do you wanna smoke a blunt?” He asked, turning to you in excitement as he pulled out a bag of weed from his pocket.
“Of course. Just crack the window,” you responded, your eyes still locked on him.
“Perfect! Let’s listen to something, too. Do you mind rolling so I can pick something out?” He asked, handing you the plastic bag. Your hand touched his as you grabbed it from him, and you felt time freeze as your skin made contact. He was warm, soft, angelic in his touch. You wanted more, you craved more. But you let go, pulling yourself away.
You watched him pull out various records and contemplate what to put on as you carefully rolled a blunt to smoke. His face was focused and concentrated, and the furrow in his brow made you smile. You couldn’t help but smile around him. He finally pulled out an album you immediately recognized as (Y/F/A).
“How did you know?” You asked, watching him as he delicately took the record out and placed it on your player.
“What?” He giggled, biting his lip as he looked up at you.
“That's my favorite album.”
“You’re joking. It’s mine, too.” He looked up at you, your eyes once again meeting. You didn’t need to speak to know what was going through his mind. The two of you were both thinking the same thing. He broke the stare first to start playing the music, his hands gently placing the needle on the record.
The music began quietly, but filled the room around you. You lit up the blunt and began to smoke, a wave of happiness coming over you as you took in your surroundings. A beautiful boy, your favorite music, some fantastic weed. It was paradise. It was pure bliss.
You smoked the blunt in silence, both of you taking in the beauty of the music, no need for words. You watched him, his movements, enthralled by his every move. The light from the blunt lit up his face in an almost angelic way, making your heart race every time he took a puff. The more high you got, the more you wanted to touch him, feel him, kiss him, love him. Love at first sight, it’s bull shit, right? But what if it isn’t? What if it’s sitting right in front of you?
“Dance with me.” Matt said, standing up quickly and reaching out his hand.
“I... what?” You asked, giggling slightly at the man who was standing in front of you.
“Dance with me. You know you want to.” He raises his eyebrows at you, hand still stuck out waiting for you. You rolled your eyes, a small laugh escaping your lips as you grabbed his hand and stood up. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. The smell of smoke and mint immediately overtook you, the warmth of his body wrapping you in comfort. Being in his arms, it was the most calming feeling in the world. It was the best feeling in the world.
In that moment, nothing else mattered to you except being with him. You would do anything to hold on to that moment. You reached your hand up to his face and touched it gently, the softened of his skin flowing on your fingertips. You brushed the few stray wisps of hair away from his face before bringing your lips up to his.
There are many different types of kisses in the world. You first kiss, which is awkward and usually terrible. A sad kiss, one where you know it will be your last kiss for a while. A lustful kiss, where you can’t keep your hands off of each other and want nothing more than to rip clothes off. But this kiss... this was a kiss you had never experienced before. It was a kiss that filled your entire body; flooded you with light and calmness, made every bad thing you’ve ever felt disappear into thin air as your lips pressed against his. It was a kiss that you knew was saved especially between two people who were meant to be. A kiss between soul mates.
As your lips worked effortlessly with his, everything else in the world disappeared except for you and him. You melted into each other, two paints seamlessly coming together to create a beautiful piece of art. You never wanted to let go of him. You never would, if it was up to you. But you needed a second, a second to catch your breath, a second to ground yourself back to reality.
You pulled away from him, your hands still locked in his hair and his on your waist. “We should go back out there. We don’t want to look suspicious,” you whispered, suddenly remembering the circumstances that led you in here in the first place.
“Of course, that’s for the best. But I promise you this is not the end of us.” Matt kissed your cheek and winked flirtatiously before heading back out to your living room. You sat quietly for a moment, your heart racing and your breathing unsteady. In that moment, you knew that was it. That was the last first kiss of your life.
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stormielikeweather · 3 years
We’re Going on a Frog Hunt!
We’re going on a frog hunt
A oneshot - Rin and Shippo have a big frog race coming up, but Rin has no frog! Mom and Dad to the rescue! Lots of Sesshomaru Dad! moments and Kagome Mom! moments. Cheers!
For the BigBang 2021: Theme - Spring
Thank you to @goldie-fawn for their patience. This is short but it took me forever. :”D Check out the super cute art that GoldieFawn made!!!  Squeeeeee!
Mud sloshed up Rin's shoes as she raced along the little stream beside the school. The other kids were in front of her, scanning the soggy bank with keen eyes. 
Everyone had on their rain gear, all shiny colorful coats and hats. 
Rin slapped her hand over her hat to keep it from flying off as she ran to catch up with the others.
She could hear the frogs ribbiting loudly. The last frost only days before, the frogs had just come out of hibernation. 
They had watched a video about it in class. The loudest ones were males trying to impress lady frogs. There must have been a lot of guy frogs sleeping through winter because they were loud!
"I got one! I got one!" Yelled one of the taller boys from her class. He held up the squirming frog high above his head like a trophy. 
"I got one too!" 
"Yay! Look at mine!" 
"Mine's going to win for sure!" 
As her classmates began to catch them a sense of urgency bubbled inside Rin. Maybe there wouldn't be one left for her to catch! 
"I got one! Check out his long legs!" 
"W-Woah!" Rin stumbled over a rotten log, landing on her butt. "Ow..." Mud stuck her pants, but she didn't care. 
Two large yellow eyes blinked at her, and she blinked right back. 
Her hands felt ready. She sucked in a breath, extended her fingers to go for a solid grab. 
"This one's mine!" The bigger girl knocked Rin's hands away and took the frog for herself. 
"Hey!" Rin shouted, "I found it first! That one's mine!" 
“Oh boo hoo!” The girl rolled her eyes, "Go cry about it to your Mom! Oh, wait," She sneered, "You don't have a Mom to whine to!" She stuck her tongue out.
Rin's jaw clenched. Fists balled in the mud. Before she could defend herself someone shouted behind her.
"Woah, that's the biggest frog I've ever seen!" The boy ran over, shouting back at the others, "Hey check out this one Mei found! It's huge!" 
“It’s Frogzilla!”
Excitedly the group circled the girl that had taken her frog. Rin shoved off the ground. 
"Hey, Rin!" Shippo bounded over as she wiped the mud from her pants. 
"I don't really want to talk right now, Shippo. I need to find a frog for the frog race tomorrow." Not that she hadn't already found the perfect one. She glared at Mei's smug grin.
"That's what I came to talk to you about! I caught two! Want one?" He grinned, holding out one of the frogs he'd caught. The puny frog blinked back at her. His stubby legs squirming.
"Hahaha! Look! Rin can't even find her own frog!" Mei pointed right at her. "What a loser!" 
"I am not!" She snapped. She knocked Shippo's hand away, the frog leaped up into the air and splashed back into the pond. "No, wait!" She dove to catch it, but it was long gone. She landed with an oomph! "Shippo,” she looked up at him from her place on the muddy bank, “I'm sorry!"
"It's just a frog," Shippo shrugged, "What do you care what they think anyway? You know you can catch one yourself." He held out his free hand and helped her up.
She clenched her jaw, "It's just that Mei makes me so mad!"
“She makes everyone mad, don’t take it personally.”
Rin looked over at the crowd surrounding the selfish brat, “It sure doesn’t look like everyone is mad at her, Shippo. It looks like they all love her. They think she is awesome.”
Suddenly the light misty air filled with thick heavy rain. 
“Students! Time to come inside! Put your frogs in your buckets for tomorrow!”
Rin looked over at Shippo, panic-stricken. Her large brown eyes near tears, “What am I going to do!? I don’t have a frog!”
“Rin! Shippo! Come inside!” Their teacher called from the door as the last of their classmates scrambled inside. 
“Sorry Rin,” He looked down at his frog as it hopped and splashed inside his small bucket, “I don’t mind sharing with you.”
“It’s a race.” Rin sulked, “We can’t share and race against each other.” 
“Rin! Shippo! Don’t make me come get you!” The teacher scowled, “Get inside! Now!”
With a heavy sigh, Rin trudged toward the school building. Shippo alongside her. 
That night, Rin felt restless. 
She watched out the living room window as the rain came down in sheets. 
Her lip worried between her teeth. 
She jumped at the sudden sound of the doorbell.
Her father’s long strides moved toward the door and she found herself peeking from around the corner of the hall. 
“Kagome?” Her father’s amber’s eyes lit up at the sight of their neighbor. “What brings you here?” He cleared his throat and opened the door wider, “Come in out of the rain.”
Kagome stepped inside, and Rin immediately noticed the green polkadotted rainboots and forrest green rain coat. Their eyes met across the hall, and Kagome grinned at her. “Well, a little fox told me that someone here wanted to catch a frog.”
“A fox you say?” Sesshomaru’s brow rose. He gently shook his head with a chuckle as he caught sight of Shippo right outside. His bright orange and white raincoat stood out in the night. His rainhat had little triangle fox ears. “Perhaps this fox should come inside?”
“So,” Sesshomaru looked at his neighbor and her son, “What is this about catching frogs?”
Shippo told him what happened earlier that day. The man’s ears tipped red with anger for his daughter’s sake. 
Sesshomaru reached out for Rin, “Come here Rin.” 
“Daddy!” She rushed into his arms, tears pouring down her cheeks as she let him comfort her. His chest felt warm and she buried her face above his heart, where it always felt safe. Her hands balled into fists and she let herself cry out the frustration and indignation that she had been trying to hide.
He held her head in his palm as he leaned back to look at her distraught little face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
She shook her head and clenched her eyes shut, “I didn’t want to.”
“Why didn’t you want to?” 
“It’s humiliating...” She muttered under her breath, “I can get my own frog. I don’t need help.” She looked away from the intensity of his gaze, “I didn’t want you to worry.”
Sesshomaru hugged her tighter then. His little girl. “It is my job to worry for you. Understand?”
When she didn’t respond, he reiterated and she nodded silently.
Kagome’s small but warm hand met Rin’s back, sweeping her hair aside as she gently rubbed soothingly. “Rin, sweetheart, we know you can get your own frog.” 
“Yeah,” Shippo rocked on his heels with a huff of doubt, “I mean I don’t know if you can find one as big as Frozilla, but you can definitely catch a frog.” 
Rin growled, her fists tight as she pulled out of her father’s grasp and narrowed her gaze at her so called friend, “I can so catch a bigger frog than Frogzilla!”
Shippo smirked, “Sure ya can.”
As the children bickered, Kagome and Sesshomaru exchanged a glance and a grin. 
Rin shouted, “I have to get my raincoat and boots on first Shippo!”
“Fine!” Shippo groaned.
Kagome laughed, swinging her umbrella back and forth as she looked up at Sesshomaru.
He had both hands in his pockets and gently rocked back and forth. Rarely did she get to see his ling silver hair loose. It hung over his shoulders as he moved. 
She took a step toward him, her smile faltering as a moment of insecurity broke free, “Are you still sure about Friday?” 
Sesshomaru’s dark brows rose, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
She glanced back at their arguing children, and back at him, “You know, if things go well...”
“What?” He closed the distance. “Your son and my daughter will pick at eachother everyday?” His grin, as charming as ever. His head dipped low and his whisper warmed her cold ear, “I could only be so lucky for things to go well.” He kissed her cheek then and leaned back, “I should go put on my raingear.”
Her fingers caressed the place on her cheek where he pressed his lips. Blushing. “W-wait,” She took a breath, her heart fluttering in her chest, “You’re coming too?”
Sesshomaru smirked as he worked his hair into the band he’d had on his wrist, “Of course, don’t you know that I am the Lord of Frog Catching?”
Kagome’s brows rose, “The Lord of Frog Catching?”
“Really, daddy?”
“Seriously!?” Shippo’s green eyes gleamed, “That is so cool! Mom you haven’t won any titles have you?”
“Not for frog catching...”
Shippo snicked, but Rin came to her defence, “She could if she had the opportunity. Daddy was a part of a competition that your mom wasn’t, right daddy?”
Sesshomaru nodded, “Right you are, Rin.”
Kagome rolled her eyes, “Pft. Sure.”
“I’ll have you know I caught a frog when i was a boy and it followed me around for three years.” 
“Oh really?” Kagome scoffed, “What was it’s name then?”
“Jaken? What was it, evil?”
Sesshomaru cocked his head and nodded slowly, “It was a very nastly little frog.” 
Shippo burst into laughter, “Your dad is weird, Rin!”
“Daddy! Stop, you’re embarrassing me...” Rin flushed. The floppy yellow hat atop his head didn’t help her embarrassment. Her nose scrunched as he slipped into a big yellow raincoat and matching boots. 
“How do I look?” He did a turn and placed one hand on his hip for his daughter’s mortification and Kagome’s enjoyment. 
“Fabulous.” Kagome tapped his hat making it drop over his eyes, “Let’s go catch some froggies!” 
“Yay!” Both Rin and Shippo cheered.
Outside the rain had slowed to a light sprinkle. Kagome held the buckets, a smile planted on her face while Sesshomaru’s deep voice overtook the sound of the storm and the resounding ribbits of the frogs coming out to mate. 
Sesshomaru squatted between their kids, a hand on each of their shoulders as they all tucked between the thick reeds at the edge of the stream's bank.
He looked so natural in any element, whether in the office or out in the rain hunting frogs. His button down and tie hidden beneath sun-yellow rain gear. The man could make anything look good. 
She joined them. Her feet crunched twigs and earned her a look from all three of them. “Oops?”
“Quiet, mom.” Shippo whispered.
Sesshomaru visibly preened. “Proper frog hunting etiquette requires stealth.” He dropped his hands and slowly spread the tall grasses. “Watch.” 
The children were quiet. Their movements purposeful as all three of them dipped their noses into the tall grass and peered at the contents. 
"Frog!" Rin squealed in delight before slapping her hand over her mouth, "sorry," She whispered with a wince.
Her shoulders fell as she noticed the frog gone.
"It's okay, Rin." Sesshomaru gave her a gentle pat. 
”That frog was pretty small anyway, you said you were gonna find a big one remember?” 
Rin pinched her lips at Shippo. “I will find a really big one.”
Sesshomaru had moved farther up the bank. As he spread the tall grasses, a large rock lay at his feet. “Rin. Shippo. Come quickly.”
The children shuffled close. 
He looked at them with serious eyes. 
Kagome had seen the same look on his face as he went over his files at the dining table. She had come by to pick up Shippo and the door had been unlocked. He had been so engrossed with the paperwork, he hadn’t heard her knocking. She found herself wondering if he took everything so seriously... and if that meant he took asking her out just as seriously as everything else. 
“When I lift this stone, you must move quickly.” 
The children each nodded their little chins, their gazes just as serious as Sesshomaru’s. 
When he lifted the stone, Rin gave a shriek. 
“Woah, cool!” Shippo gasped, reaching out for the slimy creature. 
“Fasinating.” Sesshomaru mused as he dropped the large rock back to the ground. 
Kagome stepped over clumps of grass and mud. “What is it?”
Shippo turned her way, holding it up like a puppy. “A salamander! Cool isn’t it!?” His wide toothy grin made her smile. “It’s way slipperier than I expected!” He shouted, “want to touch it?!”
Rin backed away, “Gross, no way!”
Sesshomaru reached out and brushed his fingers over the large black creature’s wide head. 
It squirmed. 
“Find a good place to set him back free, Shippo.” 
Her son pouted, “Aw, but I want to keep him.”
“Salamanders don’t make good pets Shippo.”
“Yeah, they are too gross. Get rid of it.” Rin grimmaced. 
“They are not,” He frowned, “This guy’s really cool.” He turned pleading eyes on his mother, “Mom, can you please take a picture?”
“Of course I can,” She shifted the buckets in her hands and pulled out her phone, “Alright, everyone get in the picture!”
Rin began to back away again, but Sesshomaru pulled her close enough to get in the picture. 
Kagome laughed, “Say cheese!”
Shippo and Sesshomaru complied, but Rin was too busy side eyeing the salamander to smile. 
As soon as Kagome lowered her phone the little girl complained, “Can we get back to frog hunting now?” 
“What’s with the sour face, Rin?” Her dad gave her a gentle nudge, “Too serious for fun tonight?”
She crossed her arms over her chest, “This is a very serious problem I have daddy.”
“Of course it is. Come here,” He grabbed her up and she squealed, kicking her legs. 
He put her on his shoulders, “Better get an eagle eye on it.” He held her legs to keep her steady.
As soon as she settled, she giggled, “Do you really think I can spot frogs from way up here?” 
“The really big frogs you can.” 
Her grin turned serious as she nodded, “Right.”
Shippo and Kagome watched the salamander slide back into the water. 
“Cute little guy wasn’t her?” She grinned.
“Super cute.” Shippo nodded, “And super cool. I’m going to put the picture on my desk in my room.”
“Good idea.” 
She helped him back up the bank and they followed Sesshomaru and Rin along the stream.
Shippo studied his mother. She looked what his great grandfather called googoo eyed. “Mom?”
“Yeah?” She turned, a light flush to her cheeks from the hiking. 
He pressed his lips together, “Do you like Rin’s dad?”
Kagome paused. “He seems like a good person, don’t you think so?” 
She waited with bated breath as he took a moment to think. Unable to relax until his little chin nodded and he offered a smile. “Yeah. He is weird, but so is Rin, and she’s my best friend.” 
“They are a little weird aren’t the,” She laughed, hugging him by the shoulders as they continued forward “Then again, maybe we are a little weird too, don’t ya think?”
“Speak for yourself.” Shippo scoffed. 
“Hey! Shippo! Kagome!” Rin yelled, “We are going to turn over another big rock!” She pointed down the bank, “Over there!”
When they made it to the small boulder, Kagome’s eyes widened, “are you sure you can lift this one, sesshomaru?”
As if to proof her point, the kids climbed on top of it, giggling. 
He stiffened, “You think I am so weak as to not be capable of lifting a simple stone?”
“That thing isn’t a stone, it’s huge!” 
He rolled his eyes, “Children, remove yourselves.”
Rin rubbed her hands together, “I bet this frog is going to be ginormous!”
“Ready yourselves.” He pressed his lips together and placed both hands around the sides of the boulder. 
Kagome winced, “Don’t hurt yourself.”
“I. Am. Not. So. Weak.” He clenched his teeth as the boulder came free from the ground. 
“Wow, your dad is like superman!” Shippo looked at him with awe. 
“I know.” Rin bragged, “He’s the strongest person alive!”
Unconvinced, Kagome grabbed both children by the collars, “Wait for him to tilt it a bit, you don’t want to get crushed if he drops it.”
His glare didn’t deter her. “Fine.” He grunted as the boulder dropped to it’s side. “There.”
The children rushed in. “Frogs!” The frogs began hopping up the bank quickly. Rin and Shippo gave chase. 
Sesshomaru’s hand went to his side. 
“Pulled a muscle?”
“Of course not.” His eyes clenched shut as he took a step forward, and Kagome bit the ‘I told you so’ on the tip of her tongue. 
“Let me help.” 
Amber eyes cast her a cold look, “There is nothing to help. I am fine.”
She rubbed her hands together quickly. “Nonsense.” 
He winced as she slid her hands inside his rain coat and pressed her palms against his aching side. They had never been so close before. She couldn’t help but admire the length of his dark lashes as he stared into her eyes.
“No need to admit anything.” She grinned up at him. 
For a moment he simply looked back at her silently. His heart beating fast in his chest. Her hands firm yet gentle against him. “Actually,” He whispered, “it is quite sore.” 
“Is it?” Her eyes glittered with both warmth and mirth. She kneaded, “Does this seem to be helping?” 
“It is.” 
“Daddy! Look!” Rin bounded over. 
Kagome stepped back, leaving Sesshomaru’s side cold. 
Sesshomaru looked cool as a cucumber, but her face pounded with heat.
Rin held up a fat frog with thick legs, “I’m going to call him Frogculese!”
“I got... one too!” Shippo gasped, doubled over as he caught his breath. “He was really... fast and hard... to... catch!”
“You already have a frog, Shippo!” Rin reminded him. 
“I’ll...let that one... go!” 
Kagome handed off each bucket, “Good job! One of you are sure to win the race tomorrow.”
“I’m totally going to win!” Rin grinned from ear to ear, “Frogculese is the best!”
“You’ll probably beat Mei, but you won’t beat me and Kanakero!” Shippo held the handle of his bucket close to his chest, looking down at his frog as it tried to hop up the sides and failed. 
“You will both do well.” Sesshomaru patted them each on the head, 
“Daddy!” Rin groaned, fixing her hat. 
Shippo preened. 
The next day each child came home with a big yellow ribbon. And that Friday, Kagome and Sesshomaru had a first date that went very well. 
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absoluteindulgence · 4 years
Happy Black History, Honeys!!! I’ve spent the last 12 hours working on this and I’m still unsure of the finished product, please if you like what read don’t be shy to comment (or if you didn’t DM me, constructive criticism. I haven’t written a story in a while so have mercy lol) Characters are Aged Up🆙 but it’s fluff? I tried my hand at Ludus but can’t say I executed it right lol. Thanks in advance to everyone that reads it! I’m gonna go pass out now, respectfully.
The time you spent together always resorted to some kind of new fun. Always smiles and laughter, learning something new about each other. You didn't spend a lot of time together during your days of being highschool kids, but after some time apart and rekindling something most may call "Puppy Love," you've been finding more reasons to get out of bed.
Kirishima was strong and kind-hearted when you knew him back at U.A., Giving off the proper sentiment that would make you believe in yourself. It's kind of embarrassing how hooked you were to each other's personality, painstakingly apparent to your other classmates wishing for you two to just date but never doing so. Resulting in the classic 'Will They, Won't They' trope annoying everyone; Only to continue like that in your young adult years. Pushing your childlike fun on each other, date after date.
You woke up early, just to get a sense of the mid-winter weather. Still wearing your pajamas, you opened the window near your bed; the brisk air immediately greeted your room with little atonement to your mildly groggy body. You shivered right away, knowing that even though the sun was high in the sky, the wind would be unforgiving until the afternoon. Promptly doing your beauty routine, you dressed warmly and threw your hair under a cute beanie Kirishima had bought you for Christmas. Eager to meet at the station with your Red-haired date. It would be the first date you would've had in weeks, and ironically enough, on Valentines' Day.
As you reached the meetup station, he was already there, fifteen minutes earlier than when you two were supposed to meet. This was typical for him, and many times you had tried to beat him to the punch, but he was always one step ahead. As you got closer, he raised his head from staring at his phone screen, reciprocating the smile plastered on your face as you hugged him.
"Hey, Little Miss Cozy, you look great!" His sharky grin made your heart pulse.
"Aw, thank you, you don't look bad yourself, Kiri" You glanced at his outfit; he looked so stylish! His PR team has really helped him with his image since he graduated, and now he looks like he belongs in a sophisticated J-pop group. "I'm so glad we're hanging out today!" 
"Yeah, me too. Too much work and not enough play are bad for the body!" He dramatically sighed as you playfully pursed your lips in agreeance, and in return, he held your hand through your winter knitted mittens, "Plus, I missed my partner in crime."
Your face heated up from the sweet confession just to retort with, "I feel the same way, Handsome."
His raspy chuckle coming right after as he casually brushed his red hair back with his fingers. Kirishima had promised to make it the best day you could ever have on the holiday. Planning something you didn't even expect; an indoor Ice Skating rink. It would be your first time engaging in the sport, and you were anxious. Unsure about your own elegance and precision to be the best on ice. But he reassured that it would be a fun experience nonetheless, and you believed it would.
"Don't worry, Cutie, if at any point you think you're gonna fall, just hold me tighter." With his graciously, flirtatious wink, you were blushing, with a demure grin.
After traveling to the venue, Kirishima greeted the clerk who would be taking your admission tickets. Right after, you two went to the counter where you get sized up for the Ice Skates. After getting them, you were slightly frantic on how to tie them, bewildered by the laces and hooks. Kirishima saw how confused you were, lightly chuckling at your frantic fingers working so hard to figure it out on your own.
"Hey, don't stress yourself out before you get on the ice, let me help.'' He squatted close to your feet just to help settle your feet into the rented skates. They were a perfect fit, and as he helped, he looked up to beam at you. "You know I feel like the Prince of your story, ready to whisk you away after knowing that the shoe fits you so perfectly."
How smooth, you thought to yourself. Physically flustered and speechless, you had no cheeky rebuttal. Which only made the buff redhead break out into laughter. So many times, did his bold flirts silence you and make your heart flutter. But it was one of your favorite traits that he had. After getting your shoes on, you held his hand the whole way to the rink, continually repeating, "Don't let me fall, okay?"
"Of course, My Princess" He nodded kindly, taking on his role of 'Prince' too seriously. Bringing you to almost trip as you tried to hide your face. "Hey, at least wait till we get on the ice."
Another carefree chuckle leaving his toned body, making you happy to enjoy this experience with him. Getting to the rink may have been a battle, but now you were finally getting onto the ice, working your legs slowly to steady under the frozen ice. Not wanting to move too fast and create an inconvenience for anyone enjoying the rink. Gradually, you took a breath, calming down, as you held Kirishima's hand tighter. He smiled so warmly the whole time you focused on getting comfortable on the ice. The patience he carried just to keep you feeling safe and secure made its way into your heart, knowing that there was no malice energy.
"Are you ready, Princess?" Finally finding your footing, you nod. "Okay, then I'll teach you the basics."
His skating directions are so thorough and straightforward that you're able to follow them and feel like you can execute each move flawlessly. He politely assists you with your stances, placing his big, callous hands onto your waist gently just to help you find the proper posture to keep you from falling. It's fun learning how to do it, but now you're eager to start, and Kirishima can tell.
"Okay, Princess, that's all I have to share. Let's have some fun!" He holds your hand firmly as you slowly glide around the skating rink, feeling your legs space out naturally to create the best gliding and position one leg in front of the other. "See, you know what you're doing!"
Your childlike smile shoots Kirishima straight in the heart as you make the first steps to skating like a pro. He knew you were a fast learner and always admired that. Your persistence to learn something new was fascinating to him. You would start off anxiously and felt as if you didn't know what you were doing. But once you had the chance to shine, you left no skill invalidated.
"Hey Kiri, you think we can go a little faster? I wanna get some more momentum and see if we can do a trick!"
"W-what, you sure you want to try that on your first time at a skating rink? Certain moves require being a professional figure skater… Which we aren’t."
"You have a point, but we should still try anyway," You smile with reassurance, "We didn't graduate from U.A. not to be durable in various conditions!"
You raise your other arm showing off the muscle you gained from being a student at the number one school. Kirishima looked a little bewildered, thinking that your ideology doesn't equate to ice skating whatsoever, but he agreed that you weren't wrong. U.A. definitely had their trials, and you were put through many of them as a first-year.
"I mean, just look at that couple; they're so graceful, and I think we can do that!"
You pointed to a couple of what looked like professional ice skaters making a move you had never seen before. Your eyes sparkled as their chemistry was unmatched by everyone else in the rink. They spun so gently and romantically that you felt like you had to try to do something just as beautiful as that. Kirishima took a couple of Ice skating lessons on the side only to gain more flexibility and agility to become a better defense hero during his agency apprenticeship. It worked well, and he learned many things that he didn't expect to use in his daily life.
Looking at the skilled ice skaters, he felt like that could be him and you, and so he looked back into your eyes, reciprocating your glittery gaze. With a pure and toothy grin, he said, "Okay, let's give it a try."
Excited by his answer, you almost jumped for joy, forgetting where you were, and almost slipped and tumbled into the Red-haired hero. You laughed off the blunder, and you both kept trying to reach the speed it would take to get into any ice move. Having the fundamentals of chemistry be explained had made you even more pumped. Learning the basics of a spin and how to get the most out of sticking your leg out and balance. Kirishima praised you every time you got further into the rotation. You felt good knowing that you were trying and learning something different, respecting the art of figure skating.
Surprised that you were doing so well, you lost focus for a second and accidentally bump into Kirishima, resulting in him falling to the ice-cold floor. Horrified that he's injured, you kneel close to him to inspect, but instead, he laughs, looking at your worried face.
"I'm okay, Princess; this isn't my first time falling on the ice."
"Are you sure? I mean, it looked like you fell kinda har-"
To avoid a freakout and reassure you, he stole a kiss from your lips, lasting more than three seconds as you didn't want it to stop, but he pulls away with a light chuckle, "This floor is cold as hell, though."
"I-I'm sorry," You slightly pout, not knowing what else to say.
"But hey, I'm here with the hottest girl, so this makes up for everything."
Your goofiest smile was starting to form as you reached out to help him up. "Okay, Mr. Flirt, you got me there."
His laugh was highly pleasing to your ears, and you laughed with him. As he stood up, he patted himself down and checked his skates, making sure everything felt the way it did before the fall. After the check, he wanted to leave the rink, it made you anxious, thinking that something else was wrong with him, but he laughed again, "I know you wanted to try a pro move today, but I actually have something else planned."
"Something else?" You tilted your head to the side, confused as to what he could be mentioning.
"Yeah, but it's a surprise, so I'm not gonna say anything until we get there." His shark-like grin came back, making you grin in return.
"Okay, but can I have a hint?" You imitated puppy dog eyes but couldn't keep your face straight, laughing at your own face.
"Hmmm, I'll think about it" He smiled. "Maybe when we're closer, but let's return these skates and go."
And with that, you returned the skates getting your cute and comfortable platform sneakers back. You had even forgotten what shoes you wore since you were in the rink skating for a long time, Feeling like you had sweat enough from the body-induced activity. You were excited to figure out where you might be going. You tried your best to make guesses as you rode the bus to get there and passed by each stop. Still not able to put the finger on where you might be going.
"Here's your hint, Princess," You turn from looking out the window to look back at him. "It's as sweet as you."
Even with such a cute but corny remark, you still didn't have a clue. But you were getting off at the next stop. No dots connected as Kirishima grabbed your hand, guiding you off the bus with him. He smiled the whole way, eager to see your expression on the date's secondary location. The walk may have lasted for five minutes until he stopped, turning to look at you, "We're here."
The building looked a little shabby but still had a colorful banner saying 'Welcome.' A little creeped out, you wondered what was being welcomed. Ghosts maybe? Not humans, maybe clowns, though. You were reluctant to step further, but you looked into Kirishima's eyes, and his expression looked pure and unaltered by the outer appearance of the building. You feigned a light smile, unsure what to expect inside the establishment but prepared for what's to come.
Intertwining your hands, your date tightened the grip, caressing your hand. As if doing his best to comfort you as you walked closer to the entrance, his toothy grin never leaving. As he opened the door for you, you entered the building, the floor looking just as bland as the outside, but you had to be admitted in to get to the specific base, and as you got to your final destination, Kirishima let you walk in first to scope out the scene.
In an instant, you're blinded by beautifully bright colors, pleasingly happy music that didn't sound creepy and candy-like decor from wall-to-wall. Shocked by what you're seeing, candy hung from the ceiling while numerous candy stations were on the floor. Your eyes became huge, looking at what could only be considered a candy paradise. Kirishima stood next to you, nodding at the beauty of the atmosphere filled with gleefulness and sweets all over.
"Well, Princess, welcome to Sugar Sanctuary."
He presented the place so nonchalantly, and yet his energy about the place said otherwise. Your jaw had dropped, not even knowing a place like this had existed. Your eyes couldn't even focus on what was in front of you; you just wanted to explore the floor and eat as much candy as possible.
"We burned so many calories skating, I think we should reward ourselves. I remembered out of the blue that you used to have a sweet tooth, and I wanted to see if that still holds true now."
You turned to hug him tightly, almost jumping into his arms. His eyes widened as you held him, " Of course that's still true! Let's leave here with a dump truck worth of sweets!"
His chuckle reverberated through his body and onto yours as you held him; without protest, he nodded. "Let's do it!"
And with that, you venture into the venue, reading fun facts about the candy, playing the video games that gave out real prizes. Kirishima had a point to prove, his goal was to win you whatever you wanted, and he did it so well, surprising you at his gamer abilities. And his claw skills were something to see too! You never thought you would have this much fun on a date, and yet, here you were having the time of your life with the man who was your highschool sweetheart.
Although your relationships would continue to confuse your friends, you always looked at the bigger picture to smile and have fun. Avoiding all the complicated politics of your connection, taken at your own pace, and not listen to others' opinions as you enjoyed Kirishima's company and vice versa.
You spent every moment tasting different sweets and fresh pastries from the floor that you almost forgot to take photos of the unique location. You spotted a photo booth, and with no hesitation, You lightly tugged your redheaded date to follow along. The booth itself was spacious when inside and looked like it had enough room to fit half a dozen people. But because there was so much space, you tried to create a wonderland of candy surrounding you, bringing you closer to your date.
Kirishima happily obliged to set up what seemed to take a while but eventually, ready to pose for the flix. Unironically, you two looked gorgeous, making quirky faces as the camera flashed, focusing in on the memory. However, the moment was just perfect enough to steal a kiss from him and to thank him for all that he’s done to help you celebrate a holiday that you usually overlook. After caressing your lips onto his, you say, “You know what, Kiri, you truly delivered. And I want you to know that I appreciate you.”
He goes in for another kiss, just to rest his forehead on top of yours, “No, thank you, I’m happy to rescue my Princess from a boring any time of the year.”
With a couple more photos taken in the booth, you leave heading to their lounge area to share a complimentary cake with a candle to grant a special wish together, hoping to have endless moments and to keep smiling together.
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peaches-writes · 4 years
felix’s arts and crafts!
skz of christmas day 2: handmade presents with felix
member: felix wc: 1.6k genre: fluff, roommates au, preparing for christmas w no plot lmao
the brownies
“Y/N, does two cups of flour make more brownies?”
“Ah, I really do think we should’ve bought more of these chocolate chips!”
“Y/N, can you look at my mix? Does it need more flour? I just think it kinda does.”
“Aah, I still haven’t finished everyone’s amigurumi—“
“Felix? Felix!” Having had enough of your roommate’s incessant worried monologue over your Christmas playlist, you finally rush over to your roommate on the other end of the kitchen island and grab him by his shoulders with a chuckle. Held down in place now, the doe-eyed boy is quick to comply and stares back at you curiously. “Can you slow down a bit? Relax!”
“B-But—“ He fumbles over his words at your sudden comment, raising an eyebrow before rubbing the nape of his neck. “Sorry, I—I’m just—just a bit worried!”
“A bit worried.” You roll your eyes playfully, moving your hands down to his and taking his first batch of brownies. “You should’ve thought more about that when you started promising everyone stuffed toys and food, hm?” You then return the brownie mix back on top of the island. When your gaze naturally glances down on the recipe he’s been trying to adjust, you then continue, “Okay, how about we start with this recipe first? How many did you put in already?”
Felix follows your eyes with a pout, taking a seat on a nearby high stool. “Just the flour and sugar.” He sighs when you take a longer peek at his bowl. “I only managed to put in two cups of flour and half a cup of sugar when it started overflowing.”
“The wet ingredients over there?” You pointed to another bowl on his side, extending your hands out to which he immediately replied by handing you the bowl. “It looks a bit lacking compared to the dry bowl.”
“It’s just one and a half stick of butter and three eggs then I gave up measuring.”
“And how much yield do you want? Compared to the original recipe?”
Felix’s eyes widened at the unfamiliar term before his brows naturally furrowed down in thought. “Huh?” He asks, a gesture that definitely makes you giggle.
“It means your recipe makes 16 brownies in one go so how much are you trying to achieve with more of the ingredients?” You elaborate more in answer, laughing even more as realization dawns on him. “Help me out here, I suck at Math too.”
The boy runs a hand through his blonde hair once with a hum. “A-Ah, well around 60? Or more? Something like that?”
“So four?” You ask next, more to challenge him now with his new knowledge.
“Yeah?” Your roommate slowly nods, still a bit unsure. When you nod back almost teasingly, he then repeats his gesture with more conviction. “Yup.”
With this, you then turn around to the overhead cabinets by your stove, taking out your extra supplies of the same ingredients. “Then we’ll have to add just a bit more in your mixes. Thank God we don’t have to reduce anything or it’ll be a waste.”
Felix is quick to follow you, trailing right behind you like a lost puppy while taking the heavier ingredients from your arms. “And the same goes for the cookies later, right?”
You nod again with a hum. “We’re going to bake for a whole army, Lix!” You joke, returning to the kitchen island once you’ve got everything on hand and placing them next to their respective wet and dry ingredient groups. “Now, we should multiply everything by four in the ingredients list—and maybe take out extra trays for later.”
“Even the fractions?” He frowns, picking up his recipe again.
“Yeah, I guess even the fractions.” You sigh back before giggling at his distressed face. “We might have to call in Changbin from next door later.”
the cookies
“You want to what?” 
Felix looks up at you with his best puppy eyes, his plastic gloved hands clasped together to his chest as he juts his lower lip down in a seemingly quivering pout. “Trust me on this one, please?” He asks while blinking rapidly. 
You swear if he was anyone else, you would’ve smacked him in the arm for trying to look cute. Instead, you rub your temples and tear your gaze away from him to the big lump of cookie dough melting on one of your last kitchen bowls. “I mean, adjusting the brownie and cookie recipes was one thing. Now you want to freestyle the cookies?” 
“Yeah, well, it’s just the shapes! I’m sure it’ll still cook the same!” He repeats, pouting even harder and even clinging to your arm this time when you try and turn away. “Please, please, please? Pretty please with all the cherries you want on top?!”
“But Changbin and Hyunjin have cookie cutters next door.” You point out, letting him cling onto you and even rest his chin on top of your shoulder anyway. “I can go and borrow some if you w—” 
“But Binnie and Jinnie only have those weird heart-shaped ones! I want to do cookies that look like the Gingerbread man!” 
You quirk an amused eyebrow at this. “Then shouldn’t we just stuck to an actual Gingerbread recipe?”
“But I want it to taste like cookies.” He argues back.
“It’s from our Shrek movie night last week, isn’t it?” You stifle a laugh, placing a hand over your mouth when he starts sulking while nodding slowly. “Fine, because you’re cute and Chan will can sense when you’re sad from the next building, we can try one first. Just one!”
Your roommate’s face lighten up once more, clapping his hands in delight. “Yay, thank you!”
“But I’m telling you, it’s gonna be a weird-looking cookie when it comes out.”
“It’s fine, we can just eat it for later!” Felix assures with a dismissive wave, finally letting go of your hand to pick up enough cookie dough for his little experiment. “I’ll make a big one that we can share for crocheting later, okay?”
“Sure, I’ll just go and check the brownies.”
the amigurumis
Your little cookie Gingerbread man, comically named Yongbok II when you sent a photo of it to all of your friends, lays on the coffee table with all of his limbs and a chocolate chip button on his button up ‘shirt’ eaten. As you’ve predicted, the big misshapen cookie came out looking weird and feeling crusty but it made Felix smile and laugh anyway.
That’ll have to do with letting your roommate experiment for today.
“Wait, pause!” You exclaim when your work-in-progress stuffed fox starts looking weird on a particular row, holding it in the same hand as your crochet hook before pressing pause on your phone with your freed hand. “Did I miss something?”
Felix tilts his head over to your direction, squinting his eyes playfully as he surveys your work up and down before resting his cheek on your shoulder blade and shrugging nonchalantly. “Looks fine to me.” He huffs, scooting closer to you to press play on your phone. “Why?” 
You hold your palm up in between the two of you and place your work on top of it, demonstrating the miniscule defect on the pattern. “It won’t flatten.” You point out, letting him poke the orange and white yarn a few times. “It’s not supposed to close in on itself until the tenth row.” 
“Have you tried counting the stitches?” He then asks and when you shake your head with a pout, you hear him chuckle and take your work from your hand gently. “Here, let me.” 
“It’s at least a hundred stitches now, I don’t want to start all over again.” You sigh in defeat, leaning back on the couch once Felix starts counting the stitches carefully under his breath. “Not to mention, we still have to do five more stuffed toys for the guys.” 
You see Felix wave a dismissive hand to you as he counts, holding the crochet circle so close to his face while his current work, an amigurumi stuffed toy puppy for Seungmin, rests on his lap with its tongue poking out. “I’ll do it for you if you want but just this row!” He assures you. “Only if you do a row of my puppy toy, though.” 
“But you’re almost done!” 
“And it’s only fair!” 
Your roommate then looks up at you with a teasing glare, holding our stare until you scoff and give in. “Fine.” 
“Justice.” He sticks his tongue out before his eyes suddenly widen, realizing that he didn’t take note of the last number he was counting on. “Wait, I lost count!”
the gift wrappings 
“I just think it’s more economical to put them all in the same bags instead of having them separate for each guy.” Felix repeats his argument, eyes darting everywhere on the busy coffee table. 
“I’m telling you, Lix, literally putting them in one bag with no divider or anything will spoil the food and get yarn shedding all over it.” You scold him as you continue packing the brownies and cookies in small goodie bags. “Besides, we’ll pair the goodie bags with the stuffed toys in bigger paper bags for each of the guys later. You didn’t have a problem with this a while back so why are you complaining now?” 
“Well...” He trails off with a pout, reluctantly going back to wrapping the stuffed toys in red and green Christmas wrapper. “I don’t want to wrap these anymore.” 
“You’ve only wrapped Chan’s wolf toy so far.” You roll your eyes. rummaging through the mess of haphazardly cut gift wrappings and old ribbons for the only present he’s wrapped so far. As you find it next to the Tupperware of brownies, only then does a realization dawns upon you and you immediately ask, “Hold on, did you buy the greeting cards?” 
“Ah, well, Y/N, you see...” 
december 18 (yang jeongin)
skz of christmas (masterlist)
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vlogsquadssquad · 4 years
model for me - pt. 2
summary: a continuation of model for me. David and y/n go out to town for another shoot, will they be able to resist each other for the photos?
a/n: I feel like this one is so short but A LOT of people have asked for a part 2. I think its cute and im thinking of doing a pt 3, ill try to make that one extra long.
warnings: drinking, language, alluding to sex.
mood board:
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your instagram post:
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“so i saw that picture you posted on instagram,” david says as i walk into his house. “you know that’s against our contract for you to post sexy photos on your own instagram.” i laugh now realizing he’s kidding.
“oh, you thought it was sexy?” i say as i head over to the couch where he sat. he clears his throat.
“nope. definitely not sexy.” and then side smiles to me. i roll my eyes.
“what are you working on?” I ask plopping down next to him.
“well i’m trying to find inspiration for our next shoot. i feel like we’ve already done all the big stuff so where does it go from there?”
i take a minute to think and David tries to read my expressions. “you could tape me to your wall naked!” he throws his head back in a big laugh. “or you could put a giant snake on me... naked.” i giggle at the thought. he raises an eyebrow,
“hey those are good ideas.” his tongue poking out slightly.
“no no please don’t take me up on those offers” i laugh nervously.
he looks to me and for a split second i feel almost sexual tension. he glances to his hallway.
“holy fuck you guys why are you screaming?” she says as she walks down the hall.
my face goes slightly red and i giggle.
- texts w/ davey😈
< i came up with an idea
oh god what is it? >
< late night, fun, blurry, slightly sexy photos! i’ll send some inspiration.
wow they actually look good! let’s do it! tonight? >
< yes and bring a couple outfits. we’re going downtown and i have a hotel booked to change in.
thank you daddy d!! >
< shut the fuck up 😂
“hey you ready yet?” i ask as i walk into her house. she texted me to come in. i look around the dark house. “hello? y/n?”
“BOO!” she yells out around the corner
“fuck, i knew it.”
“no you didn’t! don’t lie to me! i totally got you!”
“ok ok you totally got me.” I chuckle.
i take a minute to take in her outfit. she looks beautiful in red.
“i’m gonna go get my suitcase of dresses. i’ll be right back.” she says to break the silence.
- in the car
“im so excited, the pictures you sent me looked sick!” she says to me. I glance her way and flash her a smile. 
“yeah and I have the best model in LA so it'll be breezy.”
she smiles at me and my heart melts. I look back at the road and try to focus.
- at the hotel
“wow David, its beautiful!” she says as she opens the door to the hotel room.
“yeah I liked this hotel as a background. its gorgeous.” 
“hmm, one bed huh?” she raises an eyebrow to me and giggles.
I sigh, “well we’re not staying the night, but if its too weird I can go down-”
“David! calm down I was just teasing you.” she smiles. she puts her hand on my shoulder and I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans. 
“okay, well im going to go set this down and then we’ll head out?” she nods to me
I nod back. I find myself watching her as she walks away. I felt guilty so I looked down at my hands. already sweating again. these shoots were a bad idea. considering ive had feelings for her for a while. how could I not? she's everything ive wanted. I get pulled from my thoughts when I see her coming around the corner.
“you ready?”
“as ill ever be.” she kinda looks confused but I usher her out the door with camera in hand. 
“stand there real quick. look fierce.” 
“okay now maybe lay across the stairs? pull your dress, show some leg, girl!”
I giggle. he's such a goofy photographer. 
“did you shave your legs?”
I throw my head back in a laugh and I see the light flash.
“that one was perfect.”
“can I see it?” I ask.
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“damn yeah it looks great.”
he smiles to me. “okay, lets take a few more and then we’ll go change.”
- the hotel room
“listen I know its 9pm but were you planning on feeding me? I don't work for free.” I look at him waiting for an answer.
he chuckles as he sets his camera down.
“yes, im starving. lets get at least one more dress done and then we can go eat.”
“ok cause I was about to have to call my union.” he laughs at my joke.
I head to the bathroom to change. I have a couple more dresses but I decided to go with this pink club-y type dress. as I slide it on I take one more look in the mirror. I sigh and fix my dress. ill never be pretty enough for him. all night i’ve been having thoughts, ‘maybe he likes me too.’ I know i’m not his type so why am I even entertaining the idea? I turn off the light and head out.
I do a playful spin.
“whatcha think?”
“you look like a dork.”
I stop and pout. “what do you mean?”
“well, ive given you enough compliments on how beautiful you are today. i don't want your head getting too big and leaving me for a real photographer.” 
I laugh, “no, no. real photographers would pay me in money,” I grab my phone off the table and he grabs his water. “you pay me in burgers, so im all yours.” he laughs as he opens the door for me and I walk out of the hotel room once again. we take a few photos of down the hall and in the elevator. finally we get outside and David sees a perfect seat for me. 
“aha! sit there!” I laugh at how excited he got. 
“okay, okay, calm down. you'll pop a woody.” I laugh
he throws his head back in an infectious laugh.
“you wish.”
I cover my face as it gets redder and he snaps a photo.
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“don't take a picture!” 
“sorry, I love the candid ones.”
I laugh and another flash goes off. at this point its just flash after flash he's laughing and im yelling at him to stop. im sure there's some not so pleasant ones in the bunch.
“hey, lets go back up, get changed, and then eat.” David offers after we settle down.
“we barely took any though!” 
“I know, but im hungry, and we took a bunch in the hall, and its getting late.”
“first reason was good enough for me. lets go!”
we sat down at this nice place to eat. she wanted steak so I asked Natalie where the best steak in downtown was. she said this was it. she's wearing a simpler dress now. probably still thinking we’ll end up taking more pictures. I just want to be with her, honestly. she's so funny and smart. 
“anything to drink?”
“cosmo please.” she says.
“just a water for now.” 
“a water?” y/n says as the waitress walks away. 
“yeah, I didn't know we were drinking! I have to drive back!”
“we can always take an uber, and ill have you know today has been very stressful. I had to change my dress three times!” she says as she flips her hair. I just laugh at her. she's so great. 
“here's your drinks, can I get you any appetizers?” 
“actually ill have a margarita please.”
y/n gasps, “David dobrik!” I laugh and the waitress smiles.
“coming right up.”
“wow I can't believe I pressured you into a drink.”
“hey, ive had a hard day too. I had to click this little button like 150 times.”
“our lives are so hard” she smiles as she takes a sip of her drink.
we finally start eating but im already feeling the buzz. we’re definitely taking an uber. everything y/n says is so funny.
after many many laughs and drunken slurring we call an uber and head back to the hotel.
“so we’re crashing here?” y/n asks slightly slurred but a lot better than before.
the hallway looks like its spinning in slow motion.
“I guess, I can sleep on the couch though.”
“no, its fine. I don't care.” she says as I open the door.
she's laughing so hard as she stumbles in. she's gorgeous. suddenly im thinking a little clearer. she just said I could share a bed with her.
she jumps on the desk and asks if I want room service.
I chuckle to myself and grab my camera.
“we just ate!”
“oh fuck we did didn't we?” she laughs. I take a quick photo and her eyes dart to me. 
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“hey, I wasn't ready!” she throws a note pad at me.
“im sorry, im sorry,” I pause to smile. “you're just so incredible.”
“what...?” she whispers now.
“I know im drunk and tell me im being a creep, but I just have to get this off my chest.” she searches my face for any clue I could give for what im about to say. I step closer. “I have the biggest, fattest, crush on you.”
she bursts out laughing. im a little taken back. is she laughing at me?
“umm... okay..” I say, suddenly embarrassed by my confession.
“no no!” she yells as she's hunched over laughing. “I just- I can't-” she pauses to breathe. “I was in the bathroom today feeling shitty because I thought I wasn't your type.”
“what are you saying?” I ask, slightly smiling.
“ive been crushing on you sooooo fucking hard!” she yells. I go closer to her and put my finger over her mouth shushing her.
“people are sleeping and while I want to shout from the rooftops, I also don't want to leave this hotel room.” I say. she nods her head and looks me in the eyes. my finger still in front of her mouth.
“you make me the happiest guy in the world.” I whisper.
“you make me the happiest girl in the world.” she whispers back.
she moves in closer until our lips are finally connected. she's soft and sweet. my hands find their way to her back. her hands are in my hair. suddenly we’re moving faster and our kiss is getting stronger. I never want to leave this hotel room.
my eyes slowly open to the sunlight shining through the room. I rub my eyes and look around the room. I see a naked y/n next to me. her hair falling perfectly around her shoulders as she lays on her side. her naked back looks like art. while I love the view im also confused. then I realize im naked and my heart starts beating out my chest. it starts coming back to me in flashes. our magical night. her breaths are long and deep so I know she's still asleep. I flip over and grab my phone from the nightstand.
JASON: David answer your phone, what's going on?
NAT: call me asap
ILYA: are you guys serious rn?
MEGAN (publicist): Dave we need to talk
TODD: check twitter dude!
why is my phone blown up? I open up twitter and there I see it.
“David dobrik and y/f/n caught in bed!” read the article title.
“fuck” I groan.
“Dave?” I hear a little voice from behind me.
part threeeeeeeee?!?!?!?!?
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pecherlecriture · 4 years
smoking with tom
helloooo, I finally decided to post this fic and I really hope u guys like it, is basically fluff w tom🖤
English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there's spelling mistakes💫
don't forget to send your request ab timothée, tom or harry if u want
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-look at him, looking all giggly n happy n shit. what a bitch-
the witcher was playing on the tv, both you and tom were 'watching' it, well actually tom was on his phone and you were paying really close attention to henry cavill abs. hours passed and tom was extremely bored to say the least
"hey bub?"tom asked softly, and you didn't answer
'bubs?" he asked again and looked at you and notice you were stuck watching the television. curious he look at the same spot you were and notice almost instantly why you weren't listening to him.
"oh c'mon" he said and grab the remote turning off the tv
"hey I was watching that" you screamed
"yeh I could tell, ya didn't even answer me when I called ya" he said
"well, I'm sorry I was watching tv"
"i don't care I'm bored" he pouted and you giggled at his childish attitude
"god you're such a baby" you laugh again and stand up from the bed, he following right behind you
"no I'm not, I just want my baby to pay attention to me' he says and grab you by your waist "and I wanna do something fun because I'm really really bored"
"and what should we do then huh?" you asked and turned around so you were able to see his face.
his cute little face becomes shy all of the sudden and he hides it on your neck
"what were you thinking baby?" you giggle quietly and grab his face with your hands
"ya think we could maybe, I don't know..." his eyes travel from your eyes to the floor "get high and watch a funny movie or something?" he says and you are in shock, being honest. he had never mention any interest on wanting to smoke weed any time you were smoking a blunt or using your bong.
you and tom have been living together for a long time all ready, from the start he knew you liked smoking weed even when you guys weren't dating and just shared friend in common he would always think you looked extremely beautiful when you smoked.
you smiled at him and answer "of course baby, I would love to smoke with you" you say happily and stand up to grab all of your stuff "you just want a blunt or what?" you ask tom and he just nods, you walk to your room and grab a bag with some weed, your grinder , a lighter and some paper for tom, and you grab a cute little bong for yourself.
you go back to the living room you found a rather excited tom and you couldn't help but giggle "are you okay there?" you ask and he looks at you smiling
"yeah just thinking" you sit down next to him and put everything you have in your hand on the table.
"ya' gonna use your bong?" he ask looking very excited to smoke you can't help but giggle. you nod and start rolling him a blunt, you've been smoking for years so you consider yourself very good at it.
"would it be ok if I smoke on it as well?" he ask shyly and you look back at him "are you sure?I mean I know is not your first time smoking but I just wanna be sure" he smiles, grabs your face and kisses you in the mouth "I'm sure bubs, I might cough a lot but I think i'll be ok" you both laugh because you know that was definitely gonna happen.
"ok then" you stop rolling the blunt "do you want me to go first?" you ask and he nods
"yeh, maybe you could teach me how to do it right without dying"
you grab your bong and you load the burner (idk how you say this in English sorry haha)
you move it to your mouth and grab the lighter. you tell tom to pay close attention to what you're doing, you inhale the smoke that comes from your bong, you close your eyes for a second and exhale the smoke.
"wow" you hear beside you and you look at tom "what?" you ask with a smile.
he was looking at you as if you were a living work of art " from the first time we hang out and ya were smoking I couldn't help but just stare at ya and think how fucking breathtaking ya looked" he admits and you feel so full of love. you get close to him and you kiss him "are you ready my love?" you look at his eyes and he smiles even more "as ready as ya can be" he kisses your forehead.
you fill the bong a let him grab it "I'm gonna use the lighter ok? the moment I take this out you inhale" you say pointing at the burner and he nods
"getting kinda nervous now love" he giggles and you grab his face "it's ok baby, just try to enjoy it"
he puts his mouth to it (never though I would want to be a bong smh)
"start inhaling very slowly I take this out and you do one more time a little harder ok? but be careful I don't want you to choke" you both laugh
"think I got it" he starts to inhale and you take the burner out "inhale" you say and he does as you say.
"oh fuck" he says right after he starts coughing and you grab the little bottle of water you had on the table and gave it to him "you ok baby" you say and he keeps coughing but nods
"uuhh" he says when he finally stopped coughing "that shit was strong" he giggles
"I told you to do it slowly" you kiss his hand.
"yeh i know I'm sorry" he says with a very big smile on his face, you laugh and kiss him.
"i always get very excited when I smoke" he mentioned and I grab his hand "like my heart start beating very fast" he laughs
"that's very normal actually, but just now that nothing bad is going to happend to you, nobody has ever died from weed" he looks zoned out, his eyes had a little shade of red and he can't stop smiling
"you wanna watch a movie now?" he stands up excited "oh, that's a good a idea I'm gonna go get some snack" he grabs your face hard and kisses you and you can't help but giggle.
you grab the remote and say goodbye to henry calvil abs deciding which movie the two of you should watch.
scary movie comes to view and you decide to watch that one, tom comes back with some drinks and food and you press play.
the whole time you were watching the movie you couldn't pay much attention to it because of tom giggles and because from time to time he would randomly start talking about something completely random and you couldn't stop laughing as well, also I didn't help that very close to the end of the movie he started to get horny and decided it was a good idea to start playing with your boobs while kissing your neck and you both ended up doing some other things.
what a shitty fucking end I'm so sorry, I just didn't know how to wrap it😔👊🏻
this is my first non smut fic so Idk how i feel about i just know that I really like getting high n i wish i could do it one day w tom🤧🖤
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amoosewritesfanfic · 5 years
19: spanking
[Bakugou Katsuki x female reader]
[Warnings: spanking, skin tight suit, arousal, teasing, swearing.]
[I do not own any of the characters or art posted, all credit rightfully goes to their original creators]
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He was a step behind her checking out her ass as he usually did, gods the things he was gonna do to her ass later.
They were in a... special kind of relationship, they weren't dating but they fucked on occasion, sometimes they fucked other people.
They were content with that...
No actually he wasn't, he hated sharing her with other assholes who couldn't touch her the way he could...
It was criminal for her to be dressed in such a skin tight suit, the way it hugged her curves made Katsuki growl almost.
But when she bent over, oh dear merciful creator... he almost choked.
She was talking to a young girl who was very enthusiastic about becoming a hero like her.
"You can become the best hero! Even better than me I'm sure!" Y/HN said, flexing her arm while resting her hand upon the muscle, she was standing up straight now.
"Yeah! Do you want a autograph from me and Ground Zero?" She asked pushing a stray hair behind her ear the young girl of course nodded holding out a doll of Y/HN.
Both heroes signed it, Katsuki did it on her back.
Which gave him an idea for later.
Once the doll was signed the two said goodbye and walked off.
"Hey Y/HN, lockers after this." Katsuki said and Y/N turned slightly facing him.
"Okay, whatever you say Ground Zero." She said smiling.
When the two were done with patrols usually they had an hour before another team walked into the locker room, so they took full advantage of it, of course Y/N wanted to take a shower but she was stopped.
Katsuki lifting her over his shoulder and carrying her to the men's locker room.
"W-what the hell do you think you're doin'!?" Y/N asked, now usually Y/N was a calm and collected person but when Katsuki did things like picking her up or groping her ass she couldn't help but react like this.
But almost always they ended up having sex, either in an alleyway, the showers or in the back of his car before they left work.
"Punishment." Katsuki grunted.
"Punishment for what you asshole...!?" She whisper screamed, he was like this all the time.
"That hero suit... the way it clings to you deserves punishment." He answered as he sat down bending her over his lap, his hand slowly stroking her ass, basically warming it up for what he was planning on doing.
"Kat-... ah!" She yelped as he brought his hand down with a firm smack, making her asscheeks ripple. She knew this was definitely gonna leave a mark.
It was a new hero suit, she wanted something that would help her move with ease and this was what was recommended to her by multiple heroines, but it was actually the first time Katsuki had seen it like this.
He could already tell that Y/N was becoming aroused, he was sure if she sat up her nipples would be erect.
Oh she was definitely not wearing a bra in something so tight and revealing...
"Also it's daddy~ you know this brat~" he teased as he did the same to the other cheek, this time slightly harder.
"N-not so hard..." she whimpered, her hips pressing slightly into his lap but lifted up as she squeezed her thighs together.
"My oh my~ what a lewd little brat and the disrespect to her daddy is even worse~ I might have to deny you pleasure for the next three days..." He growled giving another firm spank making her yelp out.
"N-no... daddy I'm sorry..." she whimpered.
"Repeat it." He ordered, bring his hand down for another firm smack and she whined holding onto the bench.
"I-im sorry daddy! I'll.. behave!" She cried out.
"That's a good girl~ I might just have to reward you later... for now..." he gave her ass another spank.
"For now go shower." He ordered helping her get up before he stood up himself.
He was right about her nipples peaking through the suit, she would have to talk to her designer to fix that if Katsuki was planning on doing things like this a lot...
She hated it when he teased her like that, she felt the heat between her legs and gods knew how horny she was.
She nodded and walked off.
"And you better not touch yourself princess! I'll know!" He called out before heading off to the showers himself.
[Keeping it short so I cant get started on my other stuff, I need to catch up with my prompts TT_TT
Also you may have noticed I posted prompt 20 first that's because I had no clue what to write for prompt 19 so RIP.
also please if you want, you can slide into my dms if you wanna talk or if you wanna send some asks I'll answer them! Don't be afraid to!]
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dbzebra · 4 years
Surpassing the Strongest
Im back on Marten bs lol
This is something Ive wanted to do for a while now. A 28th World Tournament / End of Z retelling, which focuses on Goten’s plans to follow in his fathers footsteps like Goku originally planned back in the Buu Saga. Ignores DBS obviously.  Anyway this is just a oneshot for now but may possibly make it into a longfic.
May, Age 784.
Ten years of peace had passed since Majin Buu's defeat.
The cool spring air blew in from an open window of Orange Star High School. Son Goten was lost in thought as the lecture droned on from in front of him. He couldn't hear what the teacher was saying. Rather, he didn't really care. He wanted to be outside and enjoying the day. Flying around or out on a date.
Ya know, something that was actually fun.
Something, anything but being cooped up in a stuffy building all day on such a nice afternoon. If Goten closed his eyes, he could feel himself soaring through the clouds on the Flying Nimbus, the wind in his hair and the whole world below him. Ever since he learned to fly, it's been his absolute favorite thing to do.
"Man, I wanna go to the beach!" Goten whined to himself and continued daydreaming about the endless possibilities of summer fun when he heard two kids whispering from the back of the classroom that piqued his attention. Super sensitive hearing really came in handy sometimes!
"Did you hear? Mr. Satan won't be participating in the World Martial Arts Tournament next week. He announced his retirement yesterday."
"What, really?! Maybe I should enter then. Now I'll actually stand a chance."
"Noooo! Mr. Satan can't retire!" Another kid chimed in, slamming his fists down on his desk in despair. "He's my hero! The strongest guy in the whole universe!"
"It's true man. I saw it on TV. He's all bald now too. Mr. Buu is gonna sweep with him gone. He's unbeatable next to Mr. Satan!"
"Awww… Yeah, you're right. Buu is unstoppable! He's never even been touched in a fight once!"
Goten snickered to himself. If only they knew the truth. "Speak for yourself. Me and Trunks almost beat him when we were fused together!"
The more Goten thought about it, the more it intrigued him.
He always loved the World Tournament, ever since he was a kid. Growing up, Goten loved hearing stories from his dad, Yamcha and Krillin about their fights from the old days. He collected all tons of World Tournament merchandise over the years, most notably of which were figures of every finalist leading back to the very first Tournament. The premium edition figurine of his father as a teenager during the 23rd Tournament was his most prized possession. He had to send in like one hundred postcards to a sweepstakes to win. The day he got the letter in the mail saying that he won, he almost flipped.
The news of the upcoming Tournament re-ignited a fire in the young Saiyan.
"Maybe I should enter! I'll run it by Mar later..."
The final bell rang as class was let out for the day.
Goten stretched his arms out wide upon walking out the front doors of Orange Star High with an extra pip in his step. It was finally the weekend!
He spotted his girlfriend leaning against one of the pillars at the front gate, sporting her signature twintails. She was waiting for him! He grinned and picked up his pace a little bit. Marron twirled a strand of blonde hair in her fingers as she absent-mindedly watched a capsule-plane go by from above. 
Being a sophomore, sixteen yer old Marron was on the cheer squad and wrote for the school newspaper. Like most girls her age, Marron loved shopping, but her true passion was writing. It all started when she used to read fantasy books and write in her diary as a little girl. She hoped to work for a big fashion designer as a writer when she got older.
"Hey there, gorgeous." Goten said while he snuck up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.
Marron flinched in surprise, but lit up when she heard her boyfriend's voice. She swung around and jumped into his arms, planting a kiss on her boyfriend's face. "Goten! It's great to see you!" Marron said and kissed him again, just for good measure. He definitely wasn't going to object.
“You too! So how was class?
“Boring. I’m starting to see why you and Trunks skip all the time.” Marron huffed, and then playfully poked his chest. “I guess being a delinquent like you has its perks~!”
“Told ya!” He said with a cheeky grin, eager to tell her about what happened today. “Anyway, ready to go?”
Marron smiled and grabbed his hand affectionately. A date was just what she needed right now. "Sure! Where are we going~?"
"There's an ice cream stand near the park about three blocks that way." He replied, gesturing over his shoulder with this thumb. "I'm friends with the guy who runs it!"
"Sounds great! It's such a nice day out! And I don't have to be home anytime soon anyway, so we have the whole afternoon to ourselves!" Marron chirped and playfully pulled him along.
After a bit of walking, they reached their destination . It was one of the more popular spots, so there wasn't a surprise there was a line.
"If I don't get something in my stomach soon, I might just eat my own hand!" Goten whined, his stomach growled almost as if it was agreeing.
"I'd pay to see that." Marron laughed.
Soon enough, it was their turn.
"Well well, look who it is! My number one customer!" The man at the stand said. He was an older man, about Goku's height. He had a kind face with short grayish hair. "Welcome back, Goten!"
"Hey Mr. Sherbert!"
"On a hot date?!" Mr. Sherbert said as he winked at the two teens. "You'd better treat her right, you hear?"
"Yeah! I'd never do anything bad. Right Mar?" Goten grinned. Marron blushed a bit from next to him.
"So what can I get for you two kids today?"
Goten already knew what he wanted; he had thought about it on the way over. "You first."
"Hmm..." Marron scanned the options until she found just the right one. I'll take a medium sized scoop of mint on a waffle cone, please." Marron said, eyeing the green-colored ice cream in the picture.
"Comin right up, miss! And how 'bout for you, big guy? The usual?"
"You bet!"
The older man laughed out loud. "I'd expect no less! A triple deluxe cone of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate with rainbow sprinkles, comin' right up!"
"How much do I owe ya?" Goten said, digging into his pocket for his wallet.
"This one's on the house, kid." Mr. Sherbert said, waving off Goten's attempt to hand him money.
Goten and Marron both looked shocked.
"What, really?"
"Yep. Don't worry 'bout it."
"Wow! Thanks a lot!"
"Just make sure you show this nice young lady a fun time on your date, okay?" Mr. Sherbert said with a kind smile, as he and Goten shared a laugh.
"I promise!"
After that, Goten and Marron got their food then took a seat on the grass in the park across the street and ate their snacks together.
"So, tell me. What's the big news?" Marron asked as she finished off her food, feeding off his anticipation. She could tell it was something big- whatever it was. "You've been antsy all afternoon!"
Goten fell backwards onto the grass and put his hands behind his head. "Well, I heard something interesting in class today!"
"You mean you actually paid attention?"
"Nope!" Goten declared without hesitating one bit. 
Marron rolled her eyes with a giggle. She expected that response. 
"It's about the World Martial Arts Tournament."
"Oh yeah!!” Marron exclaimed. “That’s next week, right? What happened?"
"Mr. Satan retired. And I'm considering entering. I’m sure Trunks and my dad will too.”
Marron gasped and clasped her hands together joyfully. "Oh my God, Goten, you totally should!" Marron exclaimed, putting her hands on his knee. "It would be so cool! Plus, it'll be like a little vacation for us!"
"You really think so?"
"Of course! You'll do great!" Marron declared happily. She gently took his large hand in her smaller ones and stared deep into his eyes. "You've been training so hard these past few years. I know that better than anyone. You said you wanted to surpass Goku someday, right? Well this is your biggest chance. I’ll be your cheerleader the whole way!” Marron declared that as if it were a love declaration.  But it didn’t matter what place he came in. To her, Son Goten was already number one. 
Goten liked the sound of that. He sat up and stole a quick kiss from Marron's lips when she wasn't paying attention. He pulled back and saw that the blonde was staring down at her dress, a scarlet-red hue covering her cheeks from ear-to-ear.
“You're the best, Mar. And you're right. I'm entering. And I'm going to win!"
"W-W-Warn me before you do that! I-I-I wasn't ready!" She stammered out, fixing her hair to distract herself from the sudden kiss. It was only a moment, but she felt the love and appreciation he had for her in it.
A sly grin made it's way onto the half-Saiyan's lips. "Okay then. I'm warning you now."
Marron didn't have time to react as she screamed with laughter when he pounced on her a moment later. They fell back onto the grass together and started making out, not caring who saw them.
It was almost dusk when Goten and Marron parted ways for the night. As the young Saiyan approached his home in the mountains from above, the sky had become a brilliant orange and red hue. It was like a wild flame slowly dying out into the calm darkness of the night. Sunsets were always soothing for him. When he was still a small child, Goten used to watch the sunset and think of his dad, wondering if he saw the same sunset from Other World. 
Goten dropped down onto the grass in front of his house; smoke coming from the chimney. Goten smiled widely. He could smell dinner from here! "Oh boy! My favorite! Nothing beats Mom's cooking!"
“I’m home!” Goten called upon walking in.
“Hey kiddo! Grab a seat, it’s chow time!” Goku waved to his son, already seated at the table.
Chi-Chi placed the last plate on the table and then sat down herself. “Welcome home, honey!”
Goten sat down and together the family of three started eating. Chi-Chi paced herself while the boys ate in typical Son fashion-- as if it were their last meal ever (and seemingly never even came up to breathe). Chi-Chi sighed with a smile. She was used to it by now. 
“Man Chi-Chi, you outdid yourself! This is really great!!” Goku exclaimed and went back for a fifth helping. “Your food is the best in the whole world!”
Chi-Chi touched her cheeks, bashfully smiling. She was even blushing a bit. “Oh, stop teasing, Goku. You're embarrassing me!”
“I’m serious!” Goku continued.
“Um, Mom…” Goten started hesitantly. He scratched the side of his cheek, thinking how to word his next question. “Sorry to ask this so suddenly, but… can I take a week off from school?” He said and then braced himself for the ‘no.’
Without flinching, Chi-Chi put down the tea she was sipping and smiled. “Planning a romantic getaway with your girlfriend~? I don’t mind, but if something happens are you prepared to take responsibility? A girl’s virginity is a special thing, Goten!” 
Goten instantly did a spit take. He hacked and coughed and Goku patted him on the back. Once the teen caught his breath, he went pure red from embarrassment. Or was it from shock? Probably both. 
“What I do with Mar is none of--- W-Wait! There’s no romantic getaway!” Goten practically shouted. 
Talking about that type of stuff with Trunks was one thing, but it was the absolute LAST topic of conversation Son Goten ever in a million years wanted to have with his mother. 
“Oh honey, stop being so dramatic. I’m no fool. I know how much you two love each other, it’s only natural!”
“Mom! Enough! I’m not talking about this with you!”
In the years since Buu, most things didn’t bother the Son matriarch anymore. Chi-Chi let things slide. She even started wearing her hair down or in a ponytail more often than not. And became brazent with her playful teasing. Too brazent for Goten’s own good. First Gohan, now him. Goku almost felt bad for them. Almost. He found it amusing. 
Goten slapped his cheeks and quickly shook off the image before his mind could wander any further to any thoughts that might make him not able to ride the Flying Nimbus anymore. 
“Besides, 18 would kill me, revive me with the Dragon Balls, and then kill me again!!” Goten said, getting a laugh from his parents. They were laughing because they knew he was right. 
“Of course, honey. Now what’s the real reason?” She knew Goten would likely skip anyway. Goten didn’t think she knew, but she did. She was smarter than she looked. But still, she appreciated that he came to them first, whatever the reason was.
“I want to enter the World Tournament.” Goten declared, surprising both of his parents. 
“I’m in too!!” Goku replied with the same confident grin his son had. Goku had a feeling Goten would. “There’s this guy I’ve been keeping an eye on lately. He’s got some insane power within him, more than he realizes. I have a hunch he’ll be entering the Tournament next week.”
Though he didn’t say this aloud, Son Goku had another reason he wanted to enter the Tournament. A lesson that his master had taught him long ago. 
“A hunch?” Chi-Chi asked, somewhat worried. She had gotten used to the peace again. They all had. The last thing she wanted was another creep with an inflated ego dragging her boys into another universal death battle. “Sounds like bad news to me.”
“No need to worry. This guy’s totally pure of heart.” Goku replied, easing his wife’s fears.
“So who is he then?” Goten said, in between heaps of food. “Do we know him?”
Goku flashed his signature wide grin. “Sorry! Not telling. You’ll have to wait and see for yourself!”
Goten slouched back in his seat and frowned. “That’s lame. You’re no fun.”
“We’ll have to train for the Tournament just to be sure! I have a feeling this is gonna be a fun one!”
“I had a feeling this day would come sooner or later.” Chi-Chi said, sighing slightly. It was tough for her seeing her baby boy growing up into a man. He was almost done highschool, in a loving committed relationship, and now following in his father’s footsteps as a fighter. Soon he’d be out of the house and out on his own. The thought almost made her tear up, but she supported him nonetheless. The Son matriarch excused herself from the dinner table to hurry into the hall closet and pulled out a large white box with a bow on it. 
Upon returning, Chi-Chi glanced to Goku for a moment and then handed her son the box. “I know your eighteenth birthday isn’t for a while, but I… we wanted you to have this before your big day. I made it myself.”
Goten raised an eyebrow at the box, shaking it slightly. It didn’t sound like a game or anything like that was inside. Now he was really curious. He carefully lifted the lid off of the box to see a brand new gi. His current one was fine and all, but it was getting a little too small and worn out over the past months of consistent training. 
“Whoa! This is…” He gasped.
It was an orange gi, much like his father had worn for decades. But what made it different from Goku’s was instead of blue, Goten’s new gi had a black undershirt, and matching black belt, wristbands and boots. 
Goten smiled as wide as could be as he lifted the gi out of the box to get a better look at it. “This is great! Thank you so much! I’m gonna go try it on!!” He said and ran to his bedroom to change. 
Goku and Chi-Chi idled about in the meantime, cleaning up from dinner when the teenaged Saiyan returned shortly after. 
Chi-Chi’s eyes lit up like stars while Goku proudly beamed from beside her. 
“Oh, look at you! You look so handsome!” Chi-Chi gushed, fussing all over her son despite his protests. “You look just like your father did when he and I reunited at the Tournament all those years ago! Ahh, those were the days~!”
“Yup! Lookin’ just like his old man!” Goku said. “Except for the hair!”
“Hey! Don’t hate!” Goten whined. “This hairstyle is stylish!”
Goten had recently changed his hairstyle to stand out from his father. Instead of his father’s signature palm-tree hairstyle, Son Goten let his hair grow out. It still shot out in most directions, but was now much longer and shaggier, reached the back of his neck. He liked it a lot more. Even better, Marron said it made him look super cute. So he decided to stick with it!
“Training begins tomorrow!” 
Goten smirked. He couldn’t wait. 
The next day, Son Goku came into Goten’s room bright and early, ready to start. They didn’t have much time to prepare! He found the teen was curled up in a ball, clutching his pillow for dear life. 
“Rise and shine, kiddo!” Goku swung open the curtains, bringing the hot bright rays of sunlight right onto Goten’s face. 
Goten winced and half-opened one eye. “...Dad? It’s ...7 AM! On a Saturday. Come back in like three hours.” Goten grimaced and then pulled the covers over his head, hoping his father would go away. It was too early for this! He was in the middle of an awesome dream too! 
“No way. We’ve only got six days till the tournament! We’re gonna train for three days, and then rest for three days.” Goku said and yanked the covers off the bed entirely. “We’re getting breakfast out on the road, so get up or you’ll miss it!” 
Goten groaned even louder than before, finally sitting up. The teen rubbed his eyes and yawned loudly. His hair shot out in every direction even more so than normal. Under most circumstances he wouldn’t mind early morning training, but his bed was too comfy to leave it right now! If he went back to sleep now, maybe he could continue the dream he was having! “Can’t today be a rest day?”
“Nope. Now be outside in ten minutes or your mother said no dinner for you!” Goku grinned teasingly, knowing that was his son’s weakness.
“Oh come onnn! That’s--. Ugh. Fiiine!” Goten whined. “Cheater.”
After brushing his teeth (still half asleep) Goten threw on his new gi. Knowing how their sparring sessions usually went, he hoped it wouldn’t get destroyed after not even having it a full day. 
He tiredly dragged his feet out to the kitchen where his mother was waiting for him. 
“Never shoulda entered this stupid Tournament…” He mumbled to himself and yawned again. 
Chi-Chi shook her head, laughing. “Oh hush. It’s not that bad. You know how your father gets in times like this.”
“Yeah, yeah. He could’ve at least waited another hour though!” Goten said and then went outside to see his father talking with Gohan as little Pan ran around at their feet.
“Oh, hey Gohan!” Goten said happily. 
“I see Dad’s puttin’ you through the ringer, huh?” Gohan chuckled when he saw his brother drag his feet out onto the grass. “I was down that road plenty of times growing up.” 
Goku had traded his signature orange gi for a blue gi with dark bluish-green pants, black shoes and orange wristbands. He still dearly treasured the Turtle School colors, but wanted something different for a change. 
“Uncle Goten!!” Pan cried happily. The toddler wore a little red gi, a present she got from Goku and Chi-Chi for Christmas the previous winter. Pan jumped into the air and came flying at him like a football player trying to take down the quarterback. 
Goten braced himself for the hug just as Pan slammed into him, laughing. “Hey, squirt!”
“I’m not a squirt, I grew two inches!” 
Pan giggled. She loved her uncle so much. He was like a big kid, but also an adult! Pan didn’t really get how that was possible, but she just wanted to be just like him. He showed her all the funnest games, and always knew all the coolest places to go! Plus whenever he visited he always snuck her candy when Gohan wasn’t looking. 
“Guess what Uncle Goten? Daddy says I can enter the World Toonament!” 
Goten couldn’t help but laugh at her pronunciation of the word tournament. “Wait, what? You’re sure it’s okay if she enters, Gohan?”
Gohan nodded. “When she heard Mr. Satan used to be the Champ, it’s all she wanted to do. Videl and I agreed that since there’s no threats anymore, it wouldn’t be a big deal. There’s no Junior division this time, but we’ll all be there anyway. So no harm done.”
“You’re right about that! Besides, I think she can give Goten a challenge!” Goku said, winking up at Pan. 
Pan tugged on Goten’s pant leg. “Is it true you’re comin’ fishin’ with us?” 
“Sure is, Pan! Come on! You can ride on my shoulders!” Goten said and picked the little one up. She felt so tall!
“Alright, we’re heading off!” Goku said. Pan cheered while Goten smirked and pumped his fists. Now that he was fully awake, he was ready for action.
Gohan trusted his father more than anyone else in the world. He went over to affectionately pat his daughter’s head. “Bye, Panny. Be good for Grandpa and Uncle Goten!”
“Okay Daddy!” 
And with that, the three were off. Gohan watched them go and then went back inside for his morning coffee.
The three followed the dirt path to a pretty meadow nearby. Dew glistened on the blades of grass, as the sun continued making its way over the mountain horizon. A river gently flowed into a waterfall that spilled into a sprawling crystal clear lake.. It brought back a wave of nostalgia for Goku as he could remember the countless times he went here to fish with Grandpa Gohan growing up. 
Goten placed Pan down and stretched as the toddler immediately ran over to the river’s edge and stared in awe. 
"Alright before we start training, whaddya say we get some breakfast? I’m starving!" Goku said, already prepping. 
"Sure! I got it covered! I’ll get us some fish!”
"My favorite!” Goku said. No matter how many times he ate Paozu tuna, it didn’t get old.
In the meantime, Goku gathered firewood and then fired a tiny ki blast to start a fire. Pan helped by throwing sticks to make it bigger. He placed three large wooden stakes over the fire, one for each of them to roast their breakfast on. 
Goten got down to his boxers and dove into the river. It was cold, yet refreshing. If he wasn't fully awake yet, he was now. The teen swam around a bit until some huge fish caught his eye. Common for this area, the Paozu fish were at least five times his size, and normally blue and white in color (but there were other colorations as well). Four of them spotted Goten at once and rushed towards their prey, each with the intent to swallow him whole. 
Goten became motionless, waiting for the right moment. As the first approached, he swam down and kicked it in the side, killing it instantly. The teen then disposed of the other three aquatic attackers in a similar fashion.
Goten swam around and gathered his food. One for each of them and one extra! They could split the last one. 
With their breakfast caught, the three generations of Sons sat around the fire, enjoying the morning together while they ate their breakfast in typical Saiyan fashion. 
Goku burped and rubbed his stomach upon finishing. “Man, that hit the spot! Now it’s time for training!” 
“I wanna train too, Grandpa!” Pan exclaimed. 
Goku ruffled Pan’s hair, making her giggle. “You like flying, right?” He asked, knowing the answer already. 
“Mhmm!” The four-year old gleefully said, raising her little hands into fists. 
“Alright, well how about this? I want you to fly around the world as fast as you can!”
Pan’s little eyes lit up. “Really? Okay! Can Uncle Goten come with me??!”
Goten laughed and knelt down to be on eye level with the toddler. “I’d love to, Panny, but I gotta train! Next time I’ll go with you! And I’ll show you something real cool!” 
“Pinky promise?” She said, holding up her little finger.
“Of course.” Goten grinned and they shook on it.
“Alright, bye Grandpa! Bye Uncle Goten!! I’ll be back soon!!” Pan waved and took off to the east. 
Once Pan was out of sight, the Son boys could truly focus on their training.
“So, what’s on the agenda??” 
"Okay, Goten. First, I need you to power up as high as you can possibly go." Goku folded his arms and smiled confidently. "I know things have been easy in these peace times, but I wanna see the progress you've made. You've been training primarily with Trunks, right?"
Goten nodded. "Yeah. At first it was pretty casual but these past two years or so we've really gotten serious."
Goku had full faith in his son. Though Goten was suppressing his energy, Goku could feel the sheer amount of power he had within him. In his fight with Buu, even as a child, Goten showed glimpses having more potential than even Gohan. At only seven years old, he became a Super Saiyan just by sparring for fun. And when fused together, Gotenks was one of the strongest fighters in the entire universe.
"...Alright, then. Here goes!" Goten smirked. He then took a deep breath and let out a mighty roar as his power skyrocketed. "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
A wild golden aura erupted around the teenager's body while lighting violently sparked around him. Goten's muscles bulged somewhat while his shaggy hair stood completely upright, becoming sharp and jagged. First, Goten's eyes turned to an emerald green. Then, his dark black hair became the signature golden-yellow. The lightning increased in intensity as Goten didn't stop there and kept powering up until a burst of light shot from the teens body.
There stood Son Goten in a fully-powered Super Saiyan 2 state. The splitting image of his father. His facial features were relaxed and he was in complete control of his energy; a far cry from ten years ago when he had gotten carried away at the Tournament.
"How's this?" Goten asked, smirking slightly. “At first, it took a lot of rage to transform, like I had to picture Majin Buu hurting Mar or Mom again. But it’s easy now!”
"Amazing, Goten! Wow! I'm so proud of you!" Goku beamed with pride at how far his son has come. At only seventeen years old, Son Goten had mastered Super Saiyan 2. Goku wouldn't be surprised if he was on the edge of unlocking Super Saiyan 3!
"Me and Trunks are just about equals."
Equals?! They were equals? If that really was the case, Goku could truly put his worries about leaving the earth to the next generation to rest. "No wonder You got so strong so fast!"
"How would you compare us to Majin Buu? Like a ballpark."
"You mean the evil one? Hard to say exactly, but you're definitely stronger than Vegeta and I were at the time. If both of you attacked together at full power, you could have possibly beaten him before he split good from evil and lost most of his power. But you know more than anyone how unpredictable Buu can be. Even though he's good now, you have to be careful. If you get matched up against him, you can't afford many mistakes against a guy like that.”
Goten pumped his fists happily. "Right! Thanks, Dad! So, what now?"
"Power down to normal. Goku said and slipped into a fighting stance. "Let's have a quick spar. This time, no transforming.”
"Huh? Are you sure? But you'll kick my ass!"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm gettin' old ya know! Now come on.” 
Goten nodded and after a deep breath, his hair and eyes returned to their normal black color. He clenched his fists and then slipped into a fighting stance. “Just watch the gi, okay? It’s brand new, and I was hopin’ to surprise Mar with it.”
Goku smirked. “Sure. I’ll let you have the first move.”
“You’ll regret that!!” Goten instantly burst forward, appearing as only a blur. He swung a volley of powerful kicks directly at his father's face.
Goku smirked as dodged with ease but Goten was relentless. Kick after kick he didn't stop. That continued until Goku grabbed Goten by the leg, and prepared to counter. "Got ya."
"Not so fast!" With his other leg, Goten swung but that too was caught. Goten squirmed and fought to break loose, but Goku’s grip only tightened. Growling, Goten spread his arms wide, unleashing an Explosive Wave at point blank range. 
Goku was hit dead on and lost his grip, staggering back somewhat as Goten landed. "OWW! Good one! That actually hurt! But I'm not even getting started yet!" 
Goku vanished from sight and reappeared behind his son. Goten swerved around just in time to see his father pulling his fist back, ready to strike. 
However the blow went right through his son as if it were an illusion. 
“An afterimage...” Goku said, smirking.
Two copies of Goten reappeared to Goku’s side. Then, the real Goten appeared from above and swung a ferocious kick at Goku, but that too was nothing but an illusion. 
“W-What?!” Goten exclaimed and jumped backwards, searching around for his father’s energy.
“I invented that move! Ya gotta be better than that!!” Goku said from a few yards away, smiling mischievously with his arms crossed. 
Goten ran towards Goku again, but this time Goku vanished completely. The teen flipped backwards just as Goku came into sight, narrowly dodging the counter. Goten burst forward and immediately slammed Goku in the back of  the head, this time hitting finally it’s mark. 
Goku was sent careening down towards the ground, but he caught himself and safely landed on his own two feet. He winced, rubbing his head where Goten hit him. “He’s tougher than I remember!”
Goten continued his assault, flying down towards his father and firing multiple energy waves at Goku.
Goku deflected the blasts away from himself, sending the blasts far away from the fight to explode in the distance. Goten charged a bigger blast in his left hand, firing it directly forward. Goku stayed absolutely still, waiting for Goten's blast. At the last moment, Goten curved the blast up and it exploded into multiple blasts that shot in every direction, wildly zig-zagging around without any sense of direction or course. 
Goku watched each blast intensely, waiting for the right moment. 
“He’s distracted!” Goten blasted forwards, head first, at full force, slamming directly into Goku’s back. 
Pulling his arms back into the signature pose, Goten his hands together. “KAAAAA… MEEEEE…” The blue energy began to build as Goten’s ki spiked. “HAAAAA… MEEEEE…”
Goku recovered and came to a sliding halt on the grassy terrain. The Saiyan hadn’t felt this excited in years. Goku smirked and raised his power level to match Goten’s. Just then, Goten vanished. 
Goku’s eyes widened and crossed his arms over his face, just as Goten appeared in front of him.
The blast hit Goku dead on, creating a super massive explosion that could be felt all the way at the Son house from far away. 
Goten jumped backwards to gain distance. The teen hovered there, his senses on full awareness, waiting for his father to emerge from the smoke. A palm-tree hairstyle and bluish-green gi appeared through the smoke soon enough, completely unharmed. He was smiling! 
“I see you’ve finally mastered the Instant Transmission. Great work!” Goku grinned, folding his arms. 
The Instant Transmission technique. Goten had asked his father to teach him the attack about two years ago when he started his training. Right around the time he started dating Marron. Goten motives were as clear as day.
“Yeah! Thanks again!” Goten said.
“You won’t fool me twice with that move though. Come on, let’s keep going!”
“You bet.”
They rushed each other at the same time and collided. A powerful yet invisible tremor shook the area as their fists met. The father and son duo crashed blow for blow as they rose higher in the air. Their attacks grew more intense the higher they went.
Eventually they disappeared, and could only be seen by the tremors echoing throughout the grassy training grounds. 
At first, Goten traded blows evenly with his dad, countering each blow with ease. But as their struggle continued, Goku slowly raised his power and started overwhelming his father. He managed to land a crushing blow to the gut, making Goten falter. Goku went to punch him but Goten phased out of the way, reappearing some significant distance away and hid his energy singal. 
“Now’s my chance!”
Goten got into position and powered up to full. In an instant he pulled his hands back, charged two blue blasts of ki in his hands and fired. The beam exploded in a marvelous blue light, hitting its target dead on. “Gotcha.”
Goten waited for movement. But when the smoke cleared and Goku was gone! The teen growled when he saw his father simply dusting off his gi on the grass below. 
“Dammit! He’s not even hurt!” 
To Goku’s own surprise, he was just a bit out of breath.  ”If I’m not careful, he actually may get the advantage. He’s even further along in his training than I originally thought.” He smirked and then raised his hands close to the center of his face with his fingers spread out toward his eyes. “This was fun, Goten, but you’re not winning this fight.”
Goten braced himself and shut his eyes. “Oh crap!”
A blinding white light exploded from the Saiyan father’s body as if a second sun was right there on the battlefield with them, covering everything in sight. 
Despite being temporarily blind, Goten’s other senses kicked into high gear. He felt where Goku was going to appear and attempted to counter, but missed every attack. Goku simply side-stepped or caught everything Goten threw at him. 
Goku smirked, reappearing right behind his son. "Come on! Focus! You're better than that, Goten!" He said right before flipping behind Goten and kneeing his son right in the back.
Goten was flown forward as he grunted from the impact of the hard hit, trying to regain control of his body as his sight finally began returning to him. 
Goku pursued his son, pounding him into the ground causing cracks and the ground itself to rise up from the impact. Goku then grabbed his son by the legs and threw him into the air. Goku flew straight up, stopping above Goten. He threw a punch at Goten but Goten managed to duck, countering with a jab to the gut.
Goku vanished and kicked his son upwards, and with a flare his energy unleashed a monstrous kiai that had Goten flying backwards, unable to recover. 
A boot connected with the boy’s face and he was sent shooting towards the ground yet again. 
“Try and stop this one!!” Goku cried and unleashed a volley of rapid-fire blasts. Goten’s head was still spinning from the kick, so he didn’t have time to block the dozens of golden Ki spheres that crashed into his body one after another seemingly without end. 
Finally, Goku built up one last, super-large energy ball for the final attack. 
Goten had just enough time to land on his feet and catch the ball of ki. He grunted as he felt himself being pushed back, but with a flare of his aura--almost turning Super Saiyan until he remebered the rule, managed to send it flying away. A massive explosion echoed from afar where the impact was. 
Goku floated above him with his hands on his hips, smiling proudly. 
Goten heaved and huffed, now feeling exhausted as if he sweat from his brow.  He really could have kept going, but decided against it and shook his head. “I’m done for now. You win....” He said and plopped down on the grass.
The fight was over. Goku grinned and flashed dual victory signs. “You did amazing, Goten. Really had me there!” 
“One of these days, I swear, the shoe is gonna be on the other foot!” Goten declared in between heavy breaths. At least his gi didn’t get ruined. 
“And I think that day will be sooner rather than later.” Goku smiled and sat down next to Goten on the grass as they waited for Panny to come back. 
Only six days remain until the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament begins!
52 notes · View notes
soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels &  Devils Part II: Someone Say What’s Going On
Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle ~ l a n g u a g e : English ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.) ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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She had been trying hard to ignore the onslaught of messages from Kai, but the last ones he sent got her laughing quietly to herself. It was her 3rd period of the day, Science, and it was the first and only period on her schedule that she didn’t share with Kai or any of his friends. She wasn’t too nervous though, she knew how to handle herself well in most social situations.
She had her phone hidden under her desk, and she was about to give in and respond to Kai’s messages when she heard someone from her left.
“Pst. Hey.”
She looks up and sees a girl smiling at her. She had shoulder length hair and a confident smile on her face. “Um, sorry if that was rude. You’re the new girl, right?” the girl asks. She nods in response.
“It’s fine, yeah, I guess I’ll be living with that title for a bit. You can call me B, though.” B says, flashing a smile.
“It’s nice to meet you, B. I’m Ryujin.” the girl says. She gestures over to another girl beside her. “This is Yuna.” the other girl, Yuna waves at B. “Hey there.” Yuna had long blonde hair and a bubbly air about her.
B waves back with a smile. “Hey, nice to meet you. How long have you 2 been studying here?”
“We’ve been here since freshman year. It’s a great school, I’m sure you’ll love it here.” Yuna says.
“How’s your first day going so far? Did you get the welcoming committee treatment?” Ryujin asks. “All new students get a short tour on their first day by representatives from the student council.”
B shrugs. “So far so good, yeah I was welcomed this morning before first period. It’s a great campus, I’m happy to be here.” she responds, trying to keep her voice low. The teacher wasn’t paying strict attention to the class since it was only the first day and he was just giving an introduction to their subject for the term.
“So, which of the legendary council members gave you the tour? Was it Beomgyu?” Ryujin mused. “Nah, Beomgyu doesn’t usually like dealing with council stuff. I bet it was Taehyun, he’s always down for official council business.”
“The legendary council members?” B asks, laughing a bit. “Actually, it was the 5 of them. Soobin the president, Taehyun the VP, Yeonjun the secretary, Beomgyu the treasurer, and Kai the public relations officer..” B started trailing off slowly when she noticed the odd looks on Ryujin and Yuna’s faces. “What?”
“So you’re telling me that the entirety of TXT gave you the campus tour?” Ryujin asks.
“TXT?” B asks. There goes that term again.
“Yeah, that’s what everyone calls the 5 members of the student council. They were all there this morning for the tour?”
“Entirety of TXT…yes? But it’s no big deal. Ningni–I mean Kai, is my childhood friend so I asked him to help me sort of get settled into the school since I know he goes here, but I didn’t know he was in the student council and everything? It’s no big deal though.” B says defensively, but she can see by the way Yuna’s eyes widened and Ryujin shook her head that somehow, she was wrong.
“You’re close friends with Kai?” Yuna asks.
B nods. “Yeah, I asked Kai to help me get settled in since I knew he was a student here, so I guess he was just doing me a favor?” she says defensively, but Ryujin just shakes her head again.
“Oh sweetie, you have no idea. Not once in the history of MOA has all 5 members of the legendary student council given a single new student a tour.” Ryujin says.
“Ah well, Kai’s my friend so I guess he was just doing me a favor. Really, I don’t think it’s such a big deal.” B says defensively.
“So how are you close friends with Kai?” Yuna asks, focused on the topic of Kai.
“We were best friends back in elementary school, practically inseparable, until we were finally separated when my family had to move away.” B explains. “Since then, I’ve only seen him a few times each year to catch up when we could, but since I got the chance to transfer schools, I ended up choosing the one he happens to go to now.”
“Oh wow, so you 2 grew up together.” Yuna says. “What was he like when he was younger?”
“Kai? He was gross.” B says, wrinkling her nose. “I mean, we were kids. He was a silly boy, always pulling pranks, always teased me and annoyed the hell out of me, but he was the sweetest boy I knew and the best friend I had.” she says, a fond smile on her face.
“Oh wow, I can only imagine. He sounds like he was an amazing kid. Is there any history between you two? Have you ever…dated?” Yuna asks, an intense look on her face.
Ryujin swats Yuna’s shoulder. “Yuna, come on. Can you please shut up about Kai.” she says teasingly. It was only then when B realized that Yuna probably had a crush on Kai.
“Oh, don’t worry, no romantic history between him and I at all. And there never will be.” B says. “I mean I had a crush on him at first when we were kids, but ew god, I can’t see him as anything other than a brother now.”
Yuna raises a brow. “Oh, you had a crush on him? Are you sure you don’t have any feelings for him now?” she asks. B was amazed at how straightforward this girl was, somehow she admired her for it.
B shakes her head. “Positive. None at all.”
“Well now that that’s been settled,” Ryujin says, wanting to steer the conversation away from Kai, “what do you think of his friends then?”
“You mean the other council members? What about them?” B asks.
“Well, in case you haven’t noticed, they’re practically legends at this school. And with good reason.” Ryujin explains. “MO Academy has never had a group of guys as talented, smart, charismatic, and attractive as them around. Especially not all in one group, and especially not in the student council. They’re legendary.”
Yuna nods. “TXT are like the gods of MOA.”
“What exactly is TXT?” B asks. “The guys mentioned it during the tour, but when I asked them they didn’t really know either.”
“It’s a nickname that people started calling them. I’m actually not sure who started it or what it means exactly, I think it means Tall and Tasty, cause they all are.” Yuna says, laughing. “But I think it means different things to different people, depending on who you ask.”
“Tall and Tasty?” B says, amused. “I mean, they are all practically giants.”
“They’re all pretty tasty, too! I mean, you’ve seen them. You spent the whole morning with them. You should know.” Yuna says teasingly.
“I mean, they’re all pretty friendly and nice.” B says. “But I don’t really know them yet, so I really can’t judge.”
“Well if you must know, they’re all pretty much legendary in their own ways.” Yuna says. “First there’s the youngest member, Kai.”
“I already know about him. I grew up with him.” B says, but Yuna interjects.
“Yes, but do you know what he’s like now?” Yuna begins, “He’s dreamy, he’s charming, he’s cheeky, he’s-”
“Yeah yeah, let’s just say Kai is like the human version of Dopamine.” Ryujin interrupts, wanting to keep it short and straightforward.
Yuna nods. “He’s like a ray of sunshine, he’s energetic and he makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy. Not to mention talented, he’s the president of the Art club, he’s part of the instrumental team for Jazzed, and he’s the student council’s public relations officer, so he’s an all-around friendly person.”
“Wait, he’s part of the instrumental team for what now?” B asks. “I mean, I know he’s musically inclined, but I didn’t know if he was still like practicing it.”
“Jazzed, it’s our music club but there’s a lot more to it than music. They’re like an entire production crew or something, you’ll learn all about it on Club Recruitment Day.” Ryujin says dismissively. “Oh Yuna, you forgot to mention that Kai plays basketball.”
Yuna laughs. “How could I forget? He looks adorable in his jersey. Soobin and Yeonjun don’t look half bad either.”
“Wow, I didn’t know he was into sports.” B says, amused. “Do they all play basketball?”
“Nah, it’s just the 3, but Beomgyu and Taehyun definitely aren’t lacking in the extracurriculars either. They’ve all got different things going for them.”
“Different things?” B asks.
“Yeah, take Taehyun for example. While Kai is bright and energetic, Taehyun shines as well, but in a different way. He’s a scholar, so his grades are always topnotch, and he’s always been in the school’s Honors society. He excels at everything he does, such as singing and dancing. He has the best vocals in Jazzed club. He’s the president of the debate club, leading our school into regional championships since he started. Plus, he’s the student council vice president despite being just a sophomore, and he’s set to take over once Soobin graduates. Kang Taehyun is pretty much perfect, honestly.” Yuna enumerates.
Ryujin smirks. “Pretty much, except he’s just too perfect. No one can match him. He’s too focused on succeeding that he hasn’t really showed interest in dating anyone, or rather no one has succeeded in dating him anyway.”
“What do you mean no one’s succeeded?” B asks.
“Well, he has his fair share of admirers, and don’t get me wrong he’s very nice and charismatic, but it’s like he’s too nice? He’ll never flirt, he’ll never show interest. When girls talk to him, you can just feel that he’s not interested, even though he’s really polite.” Yuna explains. “He’s intense, but really nice. He’s like…a King. King Taehyun.”
“In contrast, Beomgyu is more laidback, less intense.” Ryujin begins. “He’s more into anything that has to do with cameras, like film and photography. He’s the best photographer and videographer on campus. He’s also the editor and chief of the school paper, but he isn’t uptight about how he runs it cause they say he’s more like a supportive mentor than a strict manager, but he’s a big perfectionist so despite his carefree style of handling things, he somehow manages to ensure flawless outputs in everything he does. He may be part of the student council, but he feels more like an average student compared to the rest of them, like he can make anyone feel like they’re his friend.”
Yuna nods. “Mhm, yeah, very well said for someone who used to date him.”
B’s eyes widened. “Wow, you and Beomgyu used to date? When? What happened?” she asks, surprised.
Ryujin chuckles at B’s reaction. “We went out last year while I was a freshman. He was assigned to give me my welcoming committee campus tour and we became friends for a bit before we started going out. It didn’t work out between us, and we only dated for a couple of months, but we’re still on pretty good terms now. No hard feelings or anything” she explains.
“You guys were really cute together.” Yuna says in awe. “I mean, you still are. You’ve still got great chemistry, even as post-break up friends, but you 2 were so sweet together. Remember when he played you that song last Valentine’s Day? That was the most adorable thing I’ve ever witnessed.”
“Oh wow, that sounds like something a girl could only dream of.” B sighs. “Wait, Beomgyu can sing too?”
Yuna nods. “Yes, and he can play the guitar like a pro.” she says dreamily. “If I were Ryujin, I would’ve melted on the spot.”
“I don’t melt. You’re just too much of a softy.” Ryujin scoffs. “And yeah, he’s pretty good at playing the guitar. His voice isn’t bad either. He’s part of the Jazzed club as well. Now that I think about it, all 5 members of the student council are in Jazzed.”
“What, they’re all musically inclined?” B asks, amazed.
Yuna nods. “Kai knows the most about instruments, Taehyun’s vocals are heavenly, Beomgyu plays the guitar like a pro, Soobin composes songs like a genius, and Yeonjun was just born to be the star.”
B nods, taking it all in, until she says, “Wait, Yeonjun? Born to be the star? The star of what?”
“Of, well, everything I guess?” Ryujin answers. “He writes songs and everyone says he can sing though no one’s really heard him sing before. And not only is he musically inclined, he’s the president of the dance club too, and he dances like he was born to do it.”
Yuna nods. “I mean, Kai’s amazing, but when Yeonjun dances, I can’t keep my eyes off of him.” she admits. “Not to mention he’s the captain of the basketball team. He dominates the court every time. You’d think Kai or Soobin would do better cause of their height, but Yeonjun’s got skills.”
“Yeonjun sounds amazing.” B says in awe. These boys were starting to sound more legendary by the minute.
Ryujin scoffs. “I mean, he’s great and all, but he’s…complicated.”
B raises a brow. “Complicated? How?”
“Well let’s just say that he’s got a lot of history, with a lot of people.” Yuna begins. “He’s hot and cold, one minute he’s on fire and the next he’s the ice king. First he’ll treat you like you’re the sun and the stars in his world then out of nowhere he becomes this black hole and you’re gone. Just like that.” She snaps her fingers. “I mean, I haven’t had any firsthand experience with him, but our friend Yeji was obsessed with him last year. They only went out a couple of times, but she was crushed.”
Ryujin shook her head with pity. “And despite his record, girls still fall at his feet. Every girl wants to believe that they can be ‘the one,’ I guess.”
“Oh god, no thanks. I was never into bad boys, anyway.” B says, laughing.
“No, don’t get us wrong, he’s not a bad boy. He’s actually a really nice, cool guy. He’s just complicated, is all.” Yuna clarifies.
Ryujin nods “And it’s not just his dating history that’s complicated. That guy’s life hasn’t been very easy on him, either. He even got suspended last year, so it’s a miracle that they let him in the student council again this year.”
B’s interest was immediately heightened. She’d been curious about it ever since Beomgyu let it slip during the tour. “He was suspended last year? What for?” she asks casually.
Yuna shrugs. “That’s the thing, no one really knows. No one ever mentions it out loud. He suddenly stopped coming into school in the middle of our final term. It was weird cause at the time he was already the student council secretary, and although his father pulls him out of school on some days, he was already set to graduate. It was supposed to be his final term at the school, but he just stopped coming to school altogether. And no one really knew why, the council members and everyone on the school board kept very hush about it, as if he never existed. Everyone assumed that his father had finally enlisted him to take over the family business, or that he had suddenly moved away or something, so it was a shock to everyone when his named appeared on the list of student council members again this year.” She explains. “I mean, sure he has to repeat his senior year and everything, but its’s a bit of a surprise that he’s still on the council despite getting suspended during his supposedly final term.”
“That does sound very strange.” B says. Hearing more about it only filled her head with more questions. She also felt sorry for him, as she remembered how bad her last term at her last school was for her as well. “Oh, you mentioned something about his father and the family business? What’s that about?”
“Oh, his father is the CEO of YJ Choi Corporation. His family owns it.” Ryujin pipes in. “You may think that all the students at this school are pretty rich, apart from the handful of scholars of course, but his family is filthy rich. Loaded. And he’s next in line as CEO, so his father sometimes pulls him out of school to do business stuff.”
B lets out a breath. “Oh wow. He does sound complicated.” she says, taking in all the new information. “He sounds very different from how you described the other boys.”
“Well, let’s just say they’re a very diverse group of boys with a very interesting group dynamic.” Ryujin says, chuckling.
“Oh, we haven’t even mentioned Mr. President, Choi Soobin himself.” Yuna squeals. “Now, he’s just absolutely–” she began, but was interrupted when the bell rang.
“Alright students, hope our first day of class was productive for you. I have clearly outlined our syllabus for the term, so I expect some reading to be done in advance. Biology is fun! See you all tomorrow.” their teacher says as he dismisses the class.
“Class is over already? Wow, the period just flew by. Is it really lunch time already?” Ryujin asks.
B shrugs and checks her phone for the time. Only then does she see the number of texts from Kai.
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“Hey B, you wanna have lunch with us? We haven’t even mentioned Soobin yet! I’m sure our other friends wouldn’t mind having you with us either.” Yuna asks her excitedly.
“Actually, Kai and his friends already offered to have lunch with me. He’s actually waiting for me outside.” B says apologetically.
Yuna’s eyes widen. “Oh my god, he’s outside our room?? Right now?” she squeals. “Can I walk you out of the room? Maybe you can introduce us.” Yuna asks, her eyes sparkling.
B laughs. “Yeah, sure, let’s go.” she says, collecting her things. As she walks out the door with Ryujin and Yuna by her side, she sees Kai standing across the hall, leaning against some lockers. He stands up straight as he sees the girls walk out.
“Baba! Why weren’t you answering my texts?” he asks, pouting a bit.
“Sorry, I got caught up in something with my seatmates.” she says, laughing. “Ningning, these are my seatmates, Yuna,” she says, gesturing to Yuna, who gives Kai a bright smile and a friendly wave which Kai reciprocates, “and this is–”
“Ryujin! Hey.” Kai says, surprised. “Haven’t seen you around in a while.” he says a bit awkwardly.
B was about to ask him how he knew her, until she remembered her history with Beomgyu.
“Right back at ya.” Ryujin says, laughing slightly. “Well, Yuna and I have to go meet up with the girls. Say hi to Gyu for me.” she says, tugging at Yuna’s arm and giving B a smile before heading down the hall.
B turns to face Kai, her eyebrow raised. “I think you have a lot of explaining to do.” she says.
“What do you mean?” Kai asks, laughing nervously.
“I’ll fill you in on the way to lunch. Let’s go.” B says, hooking Kai’s arm with hers as she starts to walk down the hall.
“Um, Baba?” Kai says, trying to pull B in his direction. “Lunch is this way.” he says.
B lets out a huff, turns around, and pulls Kai in the other direction. “Okay, so here’s what I know so far…”
“So is it true?” B asks after relaying everything to Kai.
“Is what true?” he asks, his arm still hooked in hers as he leads her past the quadrangle and into the grassy school grounds.
“Um, everything? Beomgyu and Ryujin’s history, Taehyun being a scholar, Yeonjun being suspended last year?” she says in return. “Plus, where the hell are we going? Wasn’t the cafeteria the other way?”
Kai smiles. “Yeah, I guess you can say there’s some truth to it all. And yeah, I know where the cafeteria is, but that’s not where we’re going.”
“Just some truth? What do you mean?” she asks. “And if we’re not going to the cafeteria, then where are we going?” she asks again, exasperated. She hated walking, and it felt like they’ve been walking for an hour even though it had only been 5 minutes.
Kai abruptly stops walking then, startling B as she walks into his chest. “Oof, what–” she starts, but Kai looks at her intently then, which shut her up. She hadn’t seen him look this serious since they were kids.
“Look, people talk. Everyone has a lot of things to say, you will hear many things about me and everyone else in the council. Some of these things may be true, but some of them might be complete bullshit. I’ll tell you everything you need to know later, but right now, I need you to set your curiosity aside and just enjoy having lunch with us.” he says softly. “I know you’re curious, I know how stubborn you can be, I know you’re probably dying to know everything. Trust me, I know you.” he says, laughing a bit when she pouted at him. “But right now I just need you to behave, enjoy my company, and try not to act like a lunatic. Can you do that for me?”
B nods. “You know I would never embarrass you, if that’s what you mean.” she huffs. “I promise to keep my mouth shut in front of your friends” she says. “Now will you tell me where the hell we’re having lunch?”
Kai grins. “Thanks, Baba. You’re the best.” he squeezes her cheek. “No need to tell you, we’re almost there.” he says, leading her a few more steps forward until they finally reach a gazebo draped with different kinds of flowers, and inside was a round table made of marble with a round bench built in along its walls. And on the bench sat the 4 other members of the student council, their packed lunches spread out across the round table, looking like something out of an anime.
B raised a brow at Kai as they approached the gazebo. “A garden gazebo is your lunch spot? Are you kidding me? What kind of students are you?” Kai just laughs in response. “Do you guys eat lunch here everyday?”
“Why don’t you ask them?” Kai says, before waving a hand in the air and yelling “Hey guys, we’re here!”
4 heads turn towards them then, and they all smile as they see Kai and B approaching.
“Took you guys long enough. Come sit with us.” Taehyun says, motioning them over.
“Where do you wanna sit, Baba?” Kai asks as they enter the gazebo. “Wanna sit next to me?”
“Come on, she’s probably sick of you by now, Hyuka.” Beomgyu scoffs jokingly, while the other boys snicker. “You can sit wherever you want, B.” he says.
B assessed the situation. It was a round table, so there weren’t really any sides to choose from. The one closest to the entrance of the gazebo was Yeonjun, and he seemed to be busy as he kept alternating between using his phone and leaving it on the table. Beomgyu and Taehyun were beside each other, and their food was already half eaten so she could tell that they had already settled in. Next was Soobin, who had his lunch box on the table still unpacked, he had both hands atop the table as if he were waiting for everyone to arrive before getting started on his lunch. Out of the 4 boys seated, B figured it would be safest to sit next to Soobin.
“Alright then, I think I’ll sit next to Mr. President himself.” B says, making her way around the table towards where Soobin was seated. “Do you mind?” she asks with a sweet smile on her face.
He smiles brightly as he says, “Not at all, this spot is all yours.” He pats on the space next to him. She thanks him as she sets her things down and takes a seat.
Kai follows suit and occupies the space next to her. “Good call, Baba. I usually sit next to Soobin anyway. Yeonjun’s always too busy to talk, while Gyu and Taehyun start eating right away.” he says, laying his lunch on the table.
Beomgyu snorts. “It’s only cause you all take your sweet ass time getting here, my stomach waits for no one.”
Taehyun, surprisingly, nods in agreement. “Time is important, and we only have an hour to eat and rest, so I’d like to maximize the free time I have.” he says matter-of-factly. “Unless you’d prefer that we wait for you to get here before we begin?”
It took B a moment before she realized that Taehyun was talking to her, Kai had to nudge her leg under the table before she straightened up, swallowed her food, and gave Taehyun a bright smile. “No, you guys don’t have to worry about me, thanks. Sorry, my mouth was full.” she replied sheepishly.
Taehyun smiled back warmly, and damn it, he did look somehow regal as he did. “Thanks, we’ll keep that in mind. No worries.” he said.
“So how’s your first day at MOA so far, B?” Soobin asks politely as he begins to eat as well.
Just as B swallows her food and opens her mouth to answer Soobin’s question, she stops when the sound of a cellphone ringing loudly pierces through the gazebo.
“Yeonjun, why isn’t your phone on silent mode? Lunch break still counts as school hours, you kno–” Taehyun begins, but he stops when he sees the tense look on Yeonjun’s face. “Oh.” he says quietly. The rest of the boys fall silent too.
Yeonjun purses his lips together and stands up to leave before answering his phone. He steps out of the gazebo as he says “Hello?”
“So…” Beomgyu begins, breaking the silence. “B? How’s your first day so far?”
She plasters on a smile, trying to tune out Yeonjun as he spoke on the phone a few steps away from the gazebo. “So far, so good. I thought my science class would be lonely, but I was able to get along with my seatmates, so it wasn’t too bad.”
“…it’s my first day back, and already you pull shit like this?” B heard Yeonjun say, as much as she tried not to listen.
“Oh right, none of us have 3rd period with you.” Soobin says. “Good to know you got along with some classmates though.”
“…do you seriously think it’s a good idea for me to skip class on my first day back…”
“Seatmates, huh? Who are they? Anyone we know?” Beomgyu asks curiously.
Taehyun comments “I doubt it would be anyone you know since she takes Sophomore Science and you’re a batch higher than her class.”
“…I’m still on probation from last term, so I honestly don’t think this is the best…”
“Oh actually,” B begins, until she feels Kai kick her shin under the table. She does her best to suppress any expression of pain and annoyance as she looks at Kai, who was giving her a warning smile. She smiled at him with the same energy as she continued, “actually, it was just a couple of girls in my grade. They were really nice, very good company, so they actually made third period enjoyable for me.”
“…please, I don’t want to go…”
“Well I bet your next period will be more enjoyable, since you’ll be sharing it with me.” Beomgyu says, wiggling his brows at her, which caused her to laugh and Kai to scoff.
“Please, I bet it’ll be a snore.” Kai says. “It is French class, after all.”
“…I’m at the gazebo.” Yeonjun says as he finishes the call and makes his way back into the gazebo.
“Yes, it’s French class, but French class with me is better than just plain French class, you know what I’m saying?” Beomgyu says, trying to keep the atmosphere light as Yeonjun sits back down.
All the boys look at him with concern, and there’s a moment of silence as they all seem to be waiting for him to speak.
Yeonjun runs his hand through his blue hair, clearly frustrated. “So, apparently, I’m being pulled out of classes this afternoon.” he says. “My dearest father sends his regards.” he adds bitterly.
“Already? But it’s just your first day back.” Soobin says with a hint of concern. “You feeling okay?”
Yeonjun nods. “Yeah, it just sucks I guess.” he sighs. “Sorry you had to see that, by the way.” he apologizes to B. “But as you can see, my dad is a bit of a dick and wants me to skip afternoon classes on my first day back.”
B nods, accepting his apology. “Trust me, I know how shitty parents can be.” she says sympathetically. “I’ve never known any parent who actually wants their child to skip classes, though. Can he do that?” she asks.
The blue-haired boy laughs as he says “Trust me, my father is unlike any parent you know.” he says, as he starts to collect his things. “And trust me, he can do anything.”
“Looks like your chariot awaits.” Kai says, as a black sedan with blacked out windows pulls up close to the gazebo.
Yeonjun sighs as he stands up and slings his bag over his shoulder. “See you later, alligators.” he says, giving the boys a salute.
“Come back soon, crocodile.” the 4 boys respond, giving him salutes back. A man dressed in a black suit steps out of the car and opens the door, waiting for Yeonjun to come inside.
As Yeonjun steps out of the gazebo, he pauses, looks back and says “Later, Baby.” as he flashes a smile her way before continuing on and getting into the car.
There’s silence as everyone watches the car drive away.
“Okay, I hope you guys don’t mind me asking, but I think that warrants some sort of explanation.” B says, breaking the silence. The other boys look at her then, and she could tell by the looks on their faces that they knew she was right, but that they were hesitant to tell her anything. She felt Kai squeeze her hand under the table. She looks at him, and he gives her a small nod, and she takes it as a go signal to ask,
“So, what was that all about?”
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rosyredlipstick · 4 years
Would it be possible for you to write a Conchell fic for me? Quarantine is really getting me down, and I hope you’re staying safe and healthy. Could you write something maybe where one (or a few?) of Mitchell’s siblings gets in a fight w him or gets mad at him and he gets really sad and is crying. And Connor comforts him and then tells the sibling(s) off until they apologize? I love protective Connor
i left my apartment for the first time in 2 weeks for a cat food run. i understand where you’re coming from anon, hope you’re doing well xoxo. 
also, I couldn’t write anything BUT a cabin quarantine fic. sorry!!
They had been stuck inside for five hours now, and they were near their breaking point. 
Ever since that mysterious purple fog that drifted out from the--whatever, the Hermes kids had been working on at Arts & Crafts, they’d been stuck inside. 
The Aphrodite cabin had just been getting ready for horseback riding when it happened. Connor had shrugged his counselor’s duties off on Travis for the day, so he had tagged along with the Aphrodite cabin to “annoy Sebastian and hog Mitchell’s attention”--his own words--when Chiron’s megaphoned order to take shelter in the cabins until further notice! had echoed across the camp. 
That was five hours ago. Now, late into the afternoon and much past dinnertime, they were at the breaking point. 
Sebastian and Piper had been snippy with each other for the last hour, and Stefan and Drew couldn’t stop exchanging glares. Every time Lacey and Sophia burst into a loud bit of laughter, Micah looked up from his thick fantasy novel to shoot them an annoyed look. Valentina had put in her headphones around twenty minutes ago but, before that, had kept rubbing at her twitching eye--a headache, most likely. 
Mitchell, curled on a top bunk, had been keeping track of it all despite Connor’s, who was also curled on the top bunk with him, best efforts at distraction. 
“Wow,” Connor clicked his tongue as he dragged his marker across the mini whiteboard. “Another win for me.” 
Mitchell gave him a small, but anxious smile. He clenched at his uncapped marker. “Oh, you’re just too good at this for me.” 
“What can I say,” Connor wiped off the ink with his sleeve and redrew the same overlapping four lines. “I’m a tic-tac-toe king.” 
Connor drew a small O--the top middle, the worst place to start. Mitchell added an X to the middle. 
Mitchell had bodily shoved each of his siblings back into the cabin--they had begun to spill out on the porch to watch in amusement as Connor waxed upon all the things they could dash off to do if they skipped out on their duties. He had curled his hand into Connor’s sweatshirt in panic and pulled with an unforeseen strength until he was up the steps, in the cabin, and Mitchell had slammed the door after them. On the hillside, he saw dark purple fog rippling across the grass. He and Piper sealed the windows, Connor stuffed a towel under the door frame, and they all tried to breathe around the adrenaline. 
Mitchell added another X to the board. 
He flexed his hand. Connor’s sweatshirt was still wrinkled. 
Another X. 
For the third time in five minutes, Scarlett let out a loud huff of frustration. She’d been pacing for the past few minutes but no one had said anything yet--they all knew it was bound to bubble up soon enough. He glanced down at the board. Despite Connor’s best efforts, Mitchell was still losing. 
Mitchell shot Connor an apologetic look as he capped his marker and passed it over so he could climb down the bunk. Connor, of course, followed. 
“Scarlett,” Mitchell asked, leaning against the wall. Connor’s shoulder brushed his own. “Are you okay?” 
Scarlett threw her hands in the air, “What the fuck kind of question is that? We can’t fucking leave the cabin, of course, I’m not okay! What’s going on out there? Why haven’t we heard anything?” 
Piper stood from her bunk and shared a look with Mitchell before she spoke, “They’re probably just busy dealing with whatever out there. Annabeth said things are fine, they’re just making sure it’s safe to go out.” 
Scarlett stopped in her pacing just to give Piper a disgusted look, “How can things be ‘fine’ if we’re still not allowed to leave?” 
Mitchell took a breath, “We’re all feeling cooped up, Scarlett. I think you’re just freaking out -” 
“Freaking out?” Scarlett yelled, “Oh, and you’re the picture of calm? All you’ve been doing since this happened is freaking out to your boyfriend who, in case you forgot, is the reason we’re all stuck in here in the first place!” 
Behind them, Drew didn’t hesitate to scoop up Sabrina in a smooth movement, threw her over her shoulder, and grabbed Sophia and Lacey each by a wrist to drag them into their large closet, her expression hard as Scarlett’s voice rose in volume. Micah followed, his hand tight on Stefan’s shoulder to pull him in. 
Piper waited until the closet door was snug shut behind their youngest siblings before facing Scarlett. “Cabins are in lockdown until Chiron gives us further notice,” Piper said calmly. “We’re stuck together for now, so picking fights won’t do us any good.” 
“I’m not ‘picking a fight,’” Scarlett mocked, “I’m just stating the obvious!”
“Oh, is that what you’re doing?” Sebastian drawled out, looking bored as he examined his nails. Scarlett glared at him. 
“Yes. This is the Hermes cabin’s fault, and now we’re stuck in the cabin with a fucking Stoll.” She threw her hands in the air again, an explosion. “All because poor baby Mitchell has to spend every waking moment with him and can’t go 10 minutes being his own person.” She crossed her arms, “Gods, can’t you exist on your own? Are you really that pathetic that you can’t-” 
Mitchell pulled back with a wordless hurt expression, his siblings talking over each other. He clenched his hands. Can’t you exist on your own? 
Gods, Scarlett knew to hit where it hurt, even in the midst of all this anxiety.  
Sebastian was in her face now, like they were want to do in their biggest blow-out fights. They hadn’t had one of those in a while. 
Mitchell turned away from them, extremely aware of how they were probably all looking at him but there was nowhere else he could go. He sniffled and tried to take a few deep breaths around his tight throat. 
Connor appeared in front of him, his siblings going quiet behind them. 
“Hey, babe,” he said casually and smooth, identical to his everyday greeting as he came up behind Mitchell to tuck his hand in his pocket, or every time Mitchell walked into the Hermes cabin. “What’s up?” 
Mitchell looked up at him--he wasn’t crying, but his face was definitely ready for it with red cheeks, watery eyes. “I’m so stressed,” he only said very, very quietly--just for Connor. “And this is making it worse.” 
Connor looked him over, his eyes going over every inch of Mitchell’s face, before nodding briskly and leaning in to press a quick kiss to Mitchell’s forehead. “I’ve got this. Wanna wash your face?” 
Mitchell almost burst into tears at that alone--the fact Connor knew exactly what he liked to do after crying, what would refresh him and let him step back from the stress for just a few moments. 
Mitchell nodded and miserably walked off, letting the door click behind him as Connor watched him. 
And when Connor turned back to the rest of the cabin, he was grinning. 
“Hey Scarlett,” He said, his voice perfectly even and composed. “We’re not going to be yelling at each other anymore, okay?” 
Of course, that only set Scarlett off in a pattern of cursing and snarling, her perfect face screwed up tight with anger, rage, and an undercurrent of anxiety. Gods, they were all so stressed. 
“Okay,” Connor said, his lips still perked up in a calm smile. “We’re gonna take some breaths then, okay? Breathe with me -” 
Scarlett let out a twinkling laugh, “Tell me what to do in my own cabin one more fucking time, Stoll. I dare you.” 
“Guys,” Valentina’s eyes shot toward the closet door. “Try to keep your voices down.” 
Scarlett rolled her eyes, “Oh, yeah, that’s definitely what we should be worried about right now. Good thinking, Val.” Valentina wilted slightly as Connor’s eyes sharpened. 
“There’s no need to speak that way to your family, Scarlett,” Connor said her name firmly, no trace of humor in his voice. “You need to take five. Chill out in your bunk with some headphones, or we can clear out the closet and you can take some alone time.”
“I”m not going in the closet for a fucking time out.” 
“Okay,” Connor agreed easily. “That’s fine. But you can’t blow up at us because you’re stressed.” He took a small breath, “I take responsibility for my sibling’s action. I don’t know exactly what they did, but I know that they would never want to seriously hurt anyone. This is all probably just precaution against like,” He made a loose gesture with one hand. “A laughing gas prank gone wrong.” 
Impossibly, that seemed to calm her just the slightest. Connor continued, his voice gentle. He could hear running water in the bathroom.
“I am not your sibling and no one can tell you what to do,” Connor stated, staring her down. “But I think you should apologize to your brother when he comes out.”
Scarlett was shooting her siblings a bewildered look like are you backing him up on this? but they all just stared at her. 
Sebastian crossed his arms, unimpressed. “The fuck you waiting for?”
The rest of her siblings seemed to be thinking along similar lines, no one backing her up. Slowly, the fight drained out of her shoulders. She crossed her arms, almost looking tired. “Whatever. Fine.” She threw herself on her bunk, curling up a bit. “I’ll talk to him later.” 
Piper turned back to him with an eyebrow raised, almost impressed. Connor shrugged happily. 
“Alright,” Connor clapped his hands together. “Who wants to see if I can get the Hermes drones to deliver us some contraband snacks?” 
“I’ll get the kids,” Asher muttered, “and the first aid kit.”
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sincerelymarinette · 5 years
A Recorded Life (31/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 1960 Chapter Summary: Today is the day of the first song of the Jagged Stone album cover collab! Marinette and the gang are excited, and Jagged has a surprise for them! She finally feels comfortable reading comments again (mostly) and how this collab will work when the album is fully released is explained. Author's Note: This was a lot of fun. I love Uncle Jagged so much. More action next chapter, I promise! Also, I think the story could come to a close pretty soon. I love writing this story, but the main plot could finish up in like the next ten parts or so. I haven't decided yet if that's when I'm finishing it, because I love writing youtube marinette. What do you guys think? I'd love to hear feedback :)
its 11:30 its still sunday ;)
Prev / Next / Masterlist
Lift Up Release with Jagged Stone
"Marinette," The soft, high-pitched voice said. "You need to get up and get ready for school."
"My alarm hasn't gone off yet, Tikki, I've got more time," Marinette mumbled back.
Tikki looked to Plagg, getting no empathy from him. "Marinette," She said. "You've slept through your alarm three times."
Marinette's eyes shot open. "What?" She almost yelled. "How did that happen? I've never slept through them! Turned them off, sure, but never slept through them!" She said.
Tikki shrugged. "I don't know. You and Adrien fell asleep really fast last night, must have been tired from the contest," Tikki said.
Marinette was confused by her statement; then her eyes drifted to the other side of the couch. "Oh yeah," She remembered. "I forgot he was here."
"Clearly," Plagg said. "Kid, get up!" Plagg said as he dropped onto Adrien's head. It was a much different awakening than how Tikki handled it. Adrien wasn't moving, so Marinette stood up and walked over to him.
She put her hand on his shoulder and shook lightly. "Adrien, get up. We have school soon."
Adrien's eyes slowly opened and smiled when he saw Marinette. "W...what? School?" He asked.
"Yeah. We fell asleep watching our movie. My parents probably turned the TV off and just left us alone," She shrugged. "But we have to get ready, or we'll be later, well, later than usual."
Adrien hopped up from the couch once he fully realized what happened. "Oh no," He searched for his phone. "I'm so dead."
"What?" Marinette asked.
Adrien found his phone and swore at himself. "I have eight missed calls from my father, and ten from Nathalie. And a text from Gorilla," Adrien said. "I didn't tell them what was going on; I didn't intend to fall asleep here. God, they probably filed a missing person's report and everything. How did I sleep through all of these? I normally wake up if Plagg breathes too loud," Adrien worried. His mind was moving so fast that he could barely keep up with his thoughts. He put the phone up to his ear to call Nathalie.
Marinette went to her room to grab a change of clothes, giving Adrien some privacy to explain to Nathalie what happened.
"Adrien?" Nathalie answered, sounding worried.
"Hey, I'm okay. I'm so sorry. I was watching a movie with Marinette last night, and we fell asleep. I didn't mean to, I'm sorry for not letting you guys know," Adrien said before she could ask questions.
Nathalie sighed of relief. "You had us so worried, Adrien. We thought something had happened."
"No, I was just with Marinette. I'm sorry, I was just worried about the school thing and being a superhero, and we were talking and lost track of time."
"The school thing?" Nathalie asked. "Didn't your father tell you? He's not pulling you out; he thinks it's better if you stay with your friends and have some freedom. Not that you shouldn't tell us where you are, but enough freedom to have school."
Adrien blinked once to process what she said. "Wait, really?"
Marinette and Adrien were...a little late to class. They walked in twenty minutes late and didn't say a word, trying not to cause a distraction.
"Where were you, girl?" Alya whispered.
"I slept through my alarm three times. Tikki had to wake me up," Marinette said.
Alya looked shocked. "You actually slept?"
"The best sleep I've had since the video," Marinette sighed. "Adrien and I fell asleep watching a movie. We must have been exhausted."
"Do you think it was from what the Guardian gave you?" Alya asked.
With a shrug, Marinette pretended to be looking at her book. "Not sure. He said it was supposed to make us more aware, but I slept through my alarm. I was probably just so exhausted from all the not sleeping that my body finally gave up," She said. "Adrien slept through like twenty phone calls."
"That's strange. He never does that," Alya said, and Marinette only replied with another shrug. "Don't tell me you forgot what today is."
Marinette turned her head to look at Alya, confused again. "Come on, girl! Jagged Stone!"
"Oh my god, you're right! His single comes out in a few hours," Marinette said. "And everyone's going to see my artwork. Oh, I'm so nervous," Marinette was going through different stages of emotions. Excitement and nervousness were the two most prominent.
"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," Alya comforted, and they both went back to looking like they were paying attention.
In the front row, Adrien was still trying to figure out how he slept through all those phone calls. It was one of the best nights of sleep he has ever had, but he couldn't help being confused. He couldn't focus on what the teacher was saying; what changed his father's and Nathalie's minds?
The whole day, while Adrien and Marinette felt much more well-rested, they were distracted. Maybe if they figured out why this was the effect of the cure, it would ease them.
The day zoomed by because of the distractions, and as they were walking out of the school, Adrien and Marinette were telling Alya and Nino about their intense video game battle. Marinette was laughing, but stopped once she saw her name on a sign in front of a car. "Uh, guys?" She pointed at the car.
The door opened quickly. "Marinette!" The familiar voice shouted. "Only an hour until the song and your album art are released! We have to celebrate!" Jagged Stone shouted as he got out of the car. "With all your friends, of course."
Marinette was surprised. "Oh, Jagged, you don't have to-"
"Nonsense! This is a big day for both of us!" He insisted. "Plus, Fang loves ice cream."
Marinette looked at her friends to see if they would agree. "And you can make a video!" Alya suggested. "Get everyone even more excited about this collab by showing our two stars celebrating together. People will be so excited to see us all out together," Alya said.
"Perfect idea!" Jagged Stone pointed at her. "You all in? My treat."
Marinette's friend's all agreed and got into Jagged's limo. Fang sat across from them, next to Jagged, and Penny was making light conversation with the teens. Marinette pulled out her camera. "Do you want me to start now?"
"Go for it," Jagged said, giving her permission.
Marinette turned the camera, so she was in front of it. "Hi! I'm Marinette!" She smiled. "You may be wondering: Marinette, where are you? Well, I am in a limo," She said and started to turn her camera. "With Adrien, Nino, Alya, Penny Rolling, Jagged Stone, and Fang. Everyone say hi!"
All at once, everyone, save for Fang, waved to the camera with big smiles, and Marinette turned the camera back to her. "Today is a very important day. Jagged Stone's single, Lift Up, comes out! It's the first one of our album cover collab, and I'm so excited. I've heard the demos of the song to get inspiration for the cover, and I can't wait to hear the final version. He's even taking us out for ice cream!" Marinette said.
"We have forty-five minutes until it comes out. Why not play it now?" Jagged Stone said.
"Really?" Nino and Alya said at the same time, stoked to hear the song.
Jagged laughed. "She really didn't play the demo for you guys?" He asked. "I assumed she would have for her best friends."
"I would never! I can't make the hype for your music go down if I went around sharing the demo," Marinette defended. "Although, Adrien did hear some of it. He surprised me and walked in while I was working. But he doesn't count."
Jagged grabbed his phone that was already hooked up to his limo. He started the song, as loud as he could make it. It started out slow, but was leading up to the major rockstar that Jagged Stone is. Everyone loved it, a coming of age song about getting back up on your feet after life throws you down.
"That was...glorious," Nino said. "We really got to listen to Jagged Stone's new song...with Jagged Stone!" He said.
Jagged laughed loudly. They had been at the ice cream place for a few minutes now, but listening to the song was much more critical. As they walked into the parlor, Jagged turned to Marinette and her camera. "Do you want to know a secret about the song?"
"Even if she says no," Adrien intervened, "The answer is yes."
Marinette rolled her eyes at Adrien. "I would love to know the secret," She said and pointed the camera at his face.
"It's actually about you," Jagged Stone smiled, making Marinette do a double-take. "I wrote it a while ago, after I found out you were Ladybug and you were going through a rough time. No matter what happened, you always bounced back and were back on your feet. You never gave up," He said.
"Seriously?" She asked, still in shock. "There's no way."
"Way! I'll have to show you the original lyrics with my notes sometime," Jagged said. "Now, let's get some ice cream." Marinette panned the camera to the ice cream shop, showing her friends already getting ice cream and talking amongst themselves. After they all got ice cream, they brought it back to the limo so that Fang could enjoy a treat too, and they continued talking to Jagged and Penny about the album and Marinette's designs. Penny slipped her a bag with a few mockups of how they would look when released hardcopy, and Marinette would definitely be looking at them later.
Later that night, in between editing, Marinette took a look at Twitter to see the response to Jagged's song and her design for him.
oh my gosh, Marinette's design for this song fits it so well. I can't wait to see ALL of the covers!!
man yall are really gonna make me buy every version of the album. im gonna go broke because of you.
Lift Up is my new anthem. It's so good. And to know it's based off Marinette is so cool. This new album is going to rock!!
So i'm still a little confused how the covers work- do we really have to buy every album to get all the covers? Like, I'm sure they're gonna be amazing based just of Lift Up alone but like, I don't have enough money to buy twelve albums. Either way, great song!!
im so excited for the album you guys don't even know. when will we have a release date?
I can't wait for the video Marinette and Alya teased on twitter like i am SO HERE for this jagged x marinette collab i love seeing them work together
JAGGED @JaggedStone Awesome feedback on the song and Marinette's design! Thanks all for listening, we are so excited to release the rest of the album. The release date will be out soon!
JAGGED @JaggedStone I noticed some are confused about how the covers will work. There will be a few options. You can buy the album, with just one cover, like normal. Or, you can opt for the deluxe album with two extra songs and all of the covers that you can display or switch out as you please.
JAGGED @JaggedStone We will also be selling merch! Shirts, posters, and maybe some other goodies, with all the covers on it. I've seen some mockups, and it looks incredible. Marinette is still putting final touches on everything, but trust me, you guys are going to love it.
JAGGED @JaggedStone And make sure to follow @MarinetteDC to keep up with her!
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98 @evufries
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hispeculiartreasure · 5 years
All We’ve Got is Time - Chapter Six | B.B.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
AU: If They’d Survived/Post-War/Window Washer!Bucky Barnes
Rating: All Audiences
Word count: 2,901
Chapter 6/24
Warnings: Can second-hand embarrassment be a warning???
AN: This chapter was one of the first scenes I thought up when this idea was born. It was so much fun to write.
As a heads up, I won’t be posting a new chapter next week. I am going to be insanely busy -  as in, leaving the house at 6AM and running around like crazy until 11PM kind of week. Between my grandpa slowly deteriorating and my niece being born within the next 10 days, I’ve got too much going on to give posting the care and attention I want to. Chapter 7 will be posted on June 6. Thanks for sticking with me 💕
Chapter Five
‘All We’ve Got is Time’ Masterlist
The below adorable image was found in this super interesting article!
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“Well hey there you smitten kitten,” the sweet, curly-haired Dorothy purrs.
You scrunch your nose at the name, moving to take a seat at a table in the breakroom. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what it means.”
“Now tell us Suzy is full of it and you haven’t seen this boy five times since Saturday,” Connie scoffs before sipping her glass-bottled Coca Cola.
Your unamused gaze turns to Suzy who says, “Sorry!” in a very not-sorry voice. “You’ve been coy all week about it, we are equally invested in this relationship. They deserve to know.”
“Excuse me, you’ve been on how many dates in the last week with this boy?” Charity squawks, taking her lunch out of the fridge.
“It’s actually been less than a week.”
“Suzy, how is that helpful?” you say through an exasperated sigh.
“Five out of the last six nights is what you said, right? Sounds pretty serious.”
“To quote her roommate: ‘He must be something special since this is the most she’s been out of the apartment since move-in day’.” You were going to kill Suzy.
You grind out, “I’m not introducing you to any of my other friends if you’re going to use them against me.”
“If I remember correctly, you claimed you didn’t have any other-” The ringing of a telephone interrupts her. “Damn it, that’s mine.” She scoots out of the kitchen and you can hear her pick up the receiver. You zone out of the other womens’ discussion for a moment to hear Suzy say, “Who is this? Oh, hiiiii. How did you- Uh-huh.”
Tall, dark, and gorgeous Frances brings you back to the topic at hand. “Newbie, you need to give us the scuttlebutt.”
“Uh, I mean. . . I’ve been having a really nice time with him.”
“Get out of here with that dodginess. Come on, give us poor single girls something to hang onto.”
“Honestly, we’ve just been getting to know each other. We’ve had good conversations over dinner, walked around the park, perused some art galleries. It’s. . . been lovely. He’s a sweetheart.”
A chorus of “awwww!”s fills the room.
“You know we’re going to ask you a million questions, may as well give us as many details as you can now.”
Resigned to your fate you lean back in your chair, mentally searching for harmless information. “Umm. . . he’s from Brooklyn. He served with the army, was in Europe for the last few years. Has sisters, both parents still alive. Was a good student and an athlete. From how much he talks about his friends, he’s extremely loyal. But that’s really all I’ve got.”
“Sounds like a real dreamboat.”
“Did he give ya a smooch yet?” Connie asks around a mouthful of sandwich.
“Connie.” You know your flat tone won’t do a thing to discourage her.
“That’s a no.” She continues in a sing-song voice, “Which means it’s co-ming!”
“He hasn’t been affectionate at all?” Alice, the tiny shy one pipes up.
“He kissed my hand after our first date and I’ve gotten a few pecks on the cheek when he drops me back home. Usually when we walk and cross streets he holds my hand, or at least offers his arm.”
“A gentleman. That must be nice,” Millie, the baby of the bunch at 19, snorts.
“Do you not want to kiss him?” Connie, ever the one to get straight down to business.
You look down, can feel your heart beating fast. “I-I, uh. I. . . of course I want to kiss him.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“There’s not a problem. You’ve all seen him, you know he’s handsome. The moment just hasn’t arrived yet. I don’t want to force it and get nervous or weird.”
“You’re making me blush, Sixth Floor,” a smooth, deep voice brings the lunch-time chatter to a halt.
You turn so fast in your chair you think you may have given yourself whiplash.
The subject of your conversation is in the threshold of the breakroom, one shoulder propped against the door jam, hands full of a stunning bouquet of your favorite flowers. Suzy peers over his shoulder, ruby-red lips curled in a satisfied smirk.
You leap to your feet, smoothing down your skirt and patting your hair. “Buc-Hi!,” you say, your tone slightly shrill with embarrassment. “W-what are you doing here?!” Your face drops, thinking back to Flannery’s two warnings about male visitors in the office. “You’re not supposed to be here,” you whisper-shout - as if the office manager would pop out from behind the sofa and catch you.
“Relax, Newbie. Flannery’s out at that executives lunch, remember?” Suzy steps even with Bucky, sharing a mischievous glance. “He wanted to surprise you so he enlisted the sneakiest dame to smuggle him in.”
“And I’ll forever be in your debt, ma’am,” Bucky banters, a cheeky grin in place.
Suzy eyes him up and down, then turns to look at you. “I like this one.” The room of women collapses into giggles at her brazenness.
“Watch yourself, Suze,” you playfully warn as you approach Bucky.
“For you, ma’am,” he offers the bouquet.
Breathing in the blooms you whisper, “You remembered.”
“‘Course I did,” he whispers back. “I called Suzy from the drug store across the street to see if the coast was clear. I wouldn’t just barge in with Mrs. Flannery on duty, I promise.”
“Well, are you going to introduce us to this delightful fella or not?” Dorothy titters.
You turn back to the room, flowers in one hand while the other sneaks into the crook of Bucky’s elbow. “Apparently you’ve met Suzy. But here we’ve got Charity, Frances, Alice, Millie, Dorothy, and Connie.” Each girl greets him in their own way, some smiling, some waving. Connie just stares at him.
“Ladies, this is Bucky.”
Connie lets out a small gasp. “Wait. Bucky Barnes?”
“Uh. . . yeah?” You’re slightly unnerved. Do they know each other?
“The Bucky Barnes?! Of the Howling Commandos?!” She’s on her feet, eyes wide.
You can feel Bucky stiffen beneath your hand before he shuffles his feet.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies lowly, directing his gaze to a fixed point on the floor.
Connie practically shrieks while several other girls’ eyebrows are raised, obviously affected by her words.
“Connie, what are you going on about?” A wave of protectiveness washes over you, hand tightening on his arm.
“You have been going on dates with Bucky freakin’ Barnes and you haven’t known?!”
“Known what?”
“The Howling Commandos! Captain America!” She gestures wildly at your indifference. “Have you been living under a rock the last few years?”
“No, I’ve been living in a factory the last few years. We didn’t exactly sit around discussing the paper,” you can’t help the bite to your words, not enjoying her tone or Bucky’s unease.
He clears his throat. “My last few years of service, I was in a special operations unit.”
“With Captain America!” Connie exclaims, practically jumping up and down. “He’s, like, his childhood best friend!”
The girls go into a frenzy, talking over each other to ask questions or give compliments. Unsurprisingly, Connie’s voice silences everyone else’s.
“So. Is he single? Because he’s so cute, I really think we’d get along - I’m very patriotic and I-“
“I’m sorry, ma’am. He’s, uh- spoken for.”
“It’s the girl from the compass, isn’t it? I thought that’d be over by now. What if-“
Bucky interrupts her prattling. “Trust me - Connie, right? - that’s a bear you don’t wanna poke. It’s solid.”
You had never seen Constance Adler deflate, but you’re pretty sure that’s what was happening now. She almost looks like a kicked puppy and normally you’d feel bad for her - if she hadn’t dropped a metaphorical bombshell on you.
“Bucky,” Suzy steps in, laying a hand on your shoulder, “We appreciate all you’ve done the last few years. Newbie, why don’t you show him your desk and find a vase for those flowers, yeah?”
You nod and tug Bucky out of the break room. Several steps down the hall you hear Suzy speaking in a hushed, stern tone she usually reserved for belligerent businessmen. Minutes ago, you wanted to strangle her for prodding you. But she was respectful of boundaries and definitely felt that one had been crossed. Now all you wanted was to wrap her in a hug of gratitude.
Your brain finally catches up to the new information you’ve just been given. Suddenly, Bucky made a lot more sense to you. Special operations meant specially horrible circumstances. Knowing now that he’d seen combat as well brought his struggles into sharp relief for you. And he had to handle everything in more of a public light than the average soldier.
“I’m sorry about that, Bucky. Connie can be . . . a lot.”
He shakes his head, rolls his shoulders. “Aw, it’s nothing. I’ve met worse.” His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes and your heart stings for him. “I was going to tell you soon, I swear. That’s not how I wanted you to find out.”
“You don’t owe me a thing. We can talk about it later.” You reach your desk and empty a glass that held your pens and pencils, swapping them out for the flowers. “These really are gorgeous. You didn’t have to do this.”
He nods, shoving his hand into his pockets. “I know. But I wanted to. Hoped they’d brighten your desk.”
“Thank you, Bucky. This was. . . incredibly sweet of you,” you murmur, even though you’re the only two in the bullpen.
Finally, his smile seems genuine. “You’re welcome.” He takes a moment to survey the office, coming to perch against your desk. “I’ve gotta admit, it’s strange being on this side of the glass.”
“It’s strange having you on this side of the glass. Not that I mind,” you add quickly, terrified of saying the wrong thing. A beat passes, Bucky staring at the floor, you staring at the flowers.
With the barest hint of amusement Bucky finally speaks up. “So, you think I’m handsome, huh?”
Bringing your hands to cover your eyes you let out a groan, prompting a manly chuckle. “God, that’s embarrassing.”
“Nah, I’m flattered really. It’s not every day a fella like me hears that from the prettiest girl in the room.”
“Okay, calm down, sweet talker,” you playfully nudge an elbow into his shoulder. “Ya know. . . you could’ve at least told me your best friend was Captain America,” you tease.
He tosses his head back in mock disgust, jarring a strand of hair loose. “To be fair, I did mention him on our first date. Several times, in fact.”
“Because I was definitely supposed to make the connection between your scrawny friend who was gravely ill his entire life and America’s Hope.”
“I’m disappointed, frankly. Seems like a pretty easy jump to me, ma’am.”
“How could I ever make it up to you, sir?”
“There is something I had in mind. . .” He leans in close. “Dinner tomorrow night?”
“I’m gonna have to check my calendar, Barnes,” you sigh, nose inches away from his. Those blue eyes search your own before they flit to your lips for a split second.
The moment is ruined when Suzy barrels into the room.
“Red alert, red alert! Flannery’s coming!”
“WHAT!” You shout, jumping away from Bucky. “She’s not supposed to be back for another 20 minutes!”
“Well evidently she didn’t enjoy herself because I saw her out the window of the breakroom. If Flannery finds out he’s here, she’s gonna bust your chops.”
The sound of grinding gears from the elevator shaft drives the point home. You look between Suzy and Bucky, frozen in your spot, mouth agape.
“I’m sorry, this was a bad idea-” Bucky starts.
“No time, hide! GIRLS OUT HERE!” Suzy immediately takes control. A stampede arrives from the breakroom in response to Suzy’s urgent tone. “Flannery is on her way up. We need to get him out of this office without her seeing him. Run interference, hide him behind you, I don’t care - under no circumstances can he be caught, capiche?”
A chorus of ‘capiche’ answers her.
“You,” she points in your direction, “stay at your desk so she doesn’t suspect you.”
The elevator doors sweep open before anyone can elaborate on the plan. Out the corner of your eye you see Bucky vault over your desk to remain unseen. Instantaneously a few typists congregate around you, the rest act as subtle “checkpoints” in a trail toward the stairs.
Suzy approaches Flannery, who stands ominously at the front of the office, suspicion wrinkling her forehead. “Flanny, you’re back!”
“Aw, you know I hate my full name. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Suzy?” Your friend stands directly in front of her, blocking the view to your desk.
You lean down, catching Bucky’s eye. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “See you tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow, doll,” he winks up at you, then turns to crouch-crawl to the next desk.
“I assume as many times as I have to tell you never to call me ‘Flanny’,” you hear the office manager practically growl.
“Of course, yes ma’am. Lunch go good?” Alice and Dorothy converge to talk over a file to cover Bucky’s journey to the next desk.
“Lunch went well, yes.”
Dorothy waves Frances over, evidently needing her opinion on the wording of a letter. Sheltered behind their skirts they walk Bucky to Millie’s desk which happens to sit adjacent to an enormous filing cabinet. Your window washer ducks behind it, allowing the typists to shift around - doing their best to avoid moving like a herd.
“So why the rush back?” Suzy follows Flannery to the front desk, watching Bucky’s progress surreptitiously.
“I can only handle so much male arrogance in one sitting.”
“Oh, I hear that. Say, I think that mold may be back in the breakroom, I swear I saw a spot of something.” Suzy raises her voice, “Wanna come with me to check it out?”
Flannery sighs deeply, tucking her handbag into a desk drawer. “I suppose.”
This was it. Suzy continues jabbering at Flannery, walking side by side with her. She jerks her head toward the stairwell door and Frances whispers to Bucky, “Go, go, go!”
He’s on his feet but still bent at the waist, booking it to the door.
“Wait,” Flannery turns on her heel back toward the front. Everyone sucks a breath in, thinking Bucky’s been sighted. At the syllable he had dropped to his knees and slid across the floor - landing with his back flat against the front side of Flannery’s desk. Eyes wide, you watch Flannery stride to the desk, reaching beneath it to pull out a glass bottle. “The janitors gave me a chemical mixture they used on it last time.” She was mere inches from Bucky - if she had the super-sonar hearing everyone accused her of she would definitely have heard his heart beating out of his chest.
With the bottle in hand she takes a few steps back into the bullpen before taking stock of everyone’s tension. “What’s going on?” she asks. On his tiptoes Bucky creeps to the stairwell door. Just a few more steps and we’re home-free, you try to calm yourself. Flannery makes to turn back to the front; at that point everyone was certain your job was done-for. At the last moment Connie lets out a deafening screech.
All eyes are on her, including Flannery. Then she screams, “RAT!” Every typist in the room follows suit, insisting they saw it too, hopping up on their chairs or desks.
Bucky reaches the stairwell and with one more wink in your direction, he disappears.
You breathe a deep sigh of relief from your seat atop your desk. You turn to Connie and mouth “Thank you”. She nods in return and says silently, “Sorry”.
“Ladies, ladies! Calm down! It’s just an animal!” Your office manager is absolutely fed up with this day, with these women, with this job. Quiet descends on the bullpen. “What has gotten you all ridiculously hysterical today?” The stairwell door clicks shut, causing Flannery to spin in its direction. She scans the face of every person, looking for someone to break. Much to your satisfaction, everyone is stoic.
It’s in this moment that you find yourself genuinely glad to be in this office with these women. Every one stepped up to save your job, your livelihood. And everyone was excited about this new relationship once they saw how happy you’d been. If your adrenaline hadn’t been pumping wildly you might have had to hold back tears.
But then Flannery is walking up to your desk. She gestures to the flowers Bucky had brought you. “And where did these come from?”
Suzy swoops in. “Her mother called in to have them delivered, isn’t that precious of her?”
“Is today a special occasion?”
“No ma’am, just because,” you shrug, stroking a few petals.
Flannery hums in a tone that says she isn’t entirely convinced. “Alright Susan. Show me where you saw the mold.”
“Right this way, Flanny.”
The pair disappears into the breakroom and every typist slumps and groans.
“That’s all the excitement I need for the next week,” Alice pants, hand to her chest.
Charity throws a smirk in your direction. “Newbie, that boy is trouble in the best kind of way.”
“You’re not wrong, Charity.” You turn to the flower arrangement again. “You’re not wrong.”
Chapter Seven
@abovethesmokestacks @ursulaismymiddlename @hiddles-rose @connorshero @barnesrogersvstheworld @thisismysecrethappyplace @palaiasaurus64 @fanfic-diaries @fangirlfictionmain @creideamhgradochas @moderapoppins @lookwhatyoumademequeue @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons @thinkwritexpress-official @fearless2tobeme @laneygthememequeen @past-perfect-future-tense @drhughgrection @wildsageleon @promarvelfangirl @anditwasjustus @p3nny4urth0ught5 @just-add-butter @katiemarkes1942 @usernamemingmei @the-canary @thorfanficwriter @blueskiesbleakeyes @silverwing2522 @satansmushroom @nerd-without-a-cause @firewolf-marvels @reginaphlanageadams @kiliakit @forsaken-letters @bouquet-o-undercaffeinated-roses @part-time-patronus @biavastarr @ellaenchanted91 @ihopeyousteponarosepetal @handfulof-roses @bloatedandlonly @barnestruck @itsbuckysworld @writemarvelousthings @havanaangel @animeflower26 @igotkatiepowers @clockworkherondale
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