#I’ll already have included $150 more dollars in late fees
unnamedelement · 2 years
Someone drained my wife’s bank account overnight and she is responsible for bills the second half of the month, because I pay bills the first 2 weeks of the month (and I already did, so I’m out.) So now we are not only both out of money but both in the negatives, because her transfer to me to cover a bill obviously didn’t go through, since someone drained her account.
Truly think people who are gonna steal money should at least make sure they’re not stealing from a family that literally lives paycheck to paycheck.
6 notes · View notes
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
"Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I need CHEAP auto insurance HELP ASAP 10 points!!?
When I was 19 I got auto insurance for 119 dollars now I'm 23 and I have never even got a speeding ticket or ANYTHING and the lowest I can find is 150 dollars which i am *not* paying. I even get the good student discount b/c I have good grades. Please throw out some cheap insurance agencies that I can go to their websites. Do not tell me esurance, progressive, allstate, geico because I've already tried those and they want me to pay like 150-230 dollars. Am I filling the thing out wrong or something??? Tell me what do put under coverage to get the cheapest rate or direct me to a little insurance agency online that I can purchase some super cheap liability state minimum insurance please. This has been an all day task and I'm about to blow up!""
""How much more will it cost to add another car to insurance for a teenager with license, already have to cars?""
I have already two cars with Mercury insurance, and how much more will the price raise to add a third car to Insurance for a teenager who has license""
Why are Dental and Vision Insurance separate from regular Health insurance?
Why are Dental and Vision Insurance separate from regular Health insurance? I have regular health insurance one me and my kids. I also have Dental and Vision insurance on just myself, because I can't afford it for my kids. They are the ones who need it most. Why are Dental and Vision not included on Health insurance? I'm not talking about for Braces or colored contacts, but for wellness check-ups, fillings, glasses if needed, etc.""
Car insurance help!!!?
Hi me and my boyfriend are both new drivers. We bought a car together a few months ago a renault clio. We insured the car as me as the main driver. Fully comp. Our insurance costs 1885 annual. We have now decided to get another car... another Renault clio exactly the same. Are we insured to drive the second car? Do we have to add it on? Get another policy? Can we cancel? So confused please help xx
How much to lease a car (WITH insurance)?
How much is it to lease an economic car (in Canada please), with insurance calculated into the mix? I am willing to pay 4-500 altogether, is this enough? Practical examples from people who lease their car, with how much they pay, etc, would be most helpful. (I am a recent graduate at the verge of starting an entry-level position). I am looking into VW golf and honda civic (hatchback).""
""Just got my M1 , wondering what kind of motorcycle I should look at? ( price/Insurance wise )?""
I have my eye on the Suzuki 500 gs , Since its considered a Touring sport, I will have cheaper insurance... Any suggestions on some motorcycles, I live in Ontario Canada. Thanks""
Will a 9 mph over speeding ticket effect my insurance in NC?
I got a ticket for 53 in a 35. When I went to court the DA lowered it to 44 in a 35.. 9 mph over. Will it effect my insurance? I live in NC.
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
Good 2 go auto insurance?
Who has this insurance? Whats ur take on it and whats the cheapest price do they offer?
Car insurance write off?
Ok so wanting a slightly clearer answer for how exactly car insurance write offs work? I have a 92 Toyota lexcen market value on my policy is up to 2125, I have a damaged bonnet, bumper and headlight also my horn sounds really wrong now! Not sure if there's other damage, I was not at fault in the accident. Basically wondering how they decide whether to write it off or not and how much I could maybe expect to get back? Car was in decent condition low ks, although it's not the first accident it's been in""
How much can Insurer charge me to SALVAGE my OWN CAR?!?!?!?
Some background first, i was hit from behind whilst stationary in traffic the other week by a works van. the damage was not too sever that i couldn't limp back home (sore and car bashed but still alive) got the other drivers details at the scene and reported the incident to my insurance company. As the accident was not my fault my insurer passed this to their dedicated Non-Fault (NF) accident claim company (i'll not name them at the moment) who in turn provided me with a hire car and collected my car to have it assessed for REPAIR. At no point was writing off the car mentioned. Then i got a call from the garage dealing with my car (NF appointed) a week later telling me of the damage and repair value and that the engineers working for the NF, different company again, were going to deem the car a write off, CAT D as i later found out. Now the fun part - the engineers have made an offer for settlement and to write off of my car, which is a good 500 below what is would cost to replace it with a like-for-like car in my local area (replace cost circa 2.8k-3k) they are adamant they will not repair my car even though the repairs would cost LESS than the write off - because the repair is too close to the market value and they can make a killing on salvage apparently. so fighting this out at the moment. NOW FOR THE QUESTION: They have advised me that should i wish to keep the car after they write it off (which i want to avoid if at all possible) i can accept the settlement and pay them a salvage fee to retain my car. This i understand as technically they buy my car when they write it off and then i have to buy it back. The problem is that they have a flat 30% !!! salvage fee which on their offer would almost negate me being able to get the repairs covered. What i really need to know is if anyone else has been in this position and if there is a maximum salvage fee they can charge - bearing in mind that this is my car to start with - and if there is any way i can make them drop this percentage. Forcing them to drop the percentage might not only let me repair the car after retaining but might also swing in favour of repair instead of write off if they cannot justify such a big payout for themselves. Any help here would be appreciated fast as i'm still bouncing between the parties here to get this resolved. In case your wondering the damage constitutes a bumper rear panel and a kink in the boot floor - VERY repairable.""
What are the odds of insurance rates increasing after a ticket?
Okay, so late last year, I had a run in with a cop on the freeway who pulled me over for speeding. After having a lengthy talk with him, I managed to talk him into just citing me for some dice I had on my rear-view mirror. It ran me a little over a hundred bucks, and I don't think it really effected my insurance. Now, just the other day, I got caught in a speeding trap on the freeway and got pulled over, and this time I did get a ticket for speeding for doing 81 mph. Now, as far as I know, insurance companies only check a person's MVR once every three years or so, but I've only just begun to research the subject. So my question is, given the information I just provided, what are the odds that my insurance company finds out about my new ticket and raises my rates?""
Insurance for 16 year old?
Hi, i live in California and I am 16 years old, I'm just wondering how much it will cost my parents every month/year for my car insurance. I have an Audi A3 2008 and I have Farmers Insurance. Please help!""
Concerned about insurance rates for 2011 Mustang - 305 HP V6?
I really want this car for my next car but I'm concerned about insurance rates. Will it be considered a sports car even though it has the same engine as family car types like the Fusion? I'm over 25 (will be 26 in December) and I've not had any accidents just a couple of speeding tickets - one when I was 19 and one when I was 23. I'm buying later in the fall as a graduation present to myself since I'm finishing my master's degree and I'm still driving my 02 Sunfire from high school.
What insurance coverage should i get?
i purchased a motorcycle for 1800 dollars and parts are cheap for it so what coverages do i need and which ones dont i need
No proof of insurance ticket in Southern California?
I got pulled over for speeding. Got a speeding ticket plus a ticket for no proof of insurance 16028 (a). I do have insurance for the car but I forgot to put it in my car the day I got pulled over. If i show prove of insurance during the fine date, how much does it cost in calfiorina law. It is a correctable offense. I heard that I can get that offense dissmiss just by showing my prove of insurance. Is that correct?""
Need braces insurance in california?
im trying to get braces and i need an insurance company that could help me pay for my braces.. please refer something to me thank you... im in souther california
Home insurance?
I am buying a home. How do I find a home insurance company? Will my mortgage company help me with that?
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
""How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car in Germany, Freiburg?""
I want to buy a used car, from 2002 or something like that. I need a small car, like Smart For Two.""
How long on workers comp can you keep you health insurance from your work?
i mean like for things not related to my work injury? how long do they have to keep my job for me?
What is the most economic way to insure a second car?
I already have fully comprehensive insurance for both myself and my spouse on our first car but now are looking to buy a second car. I also have 9 years no claims bonus.
Best car (insurance wise) for new drivers?
Of the following cars (all old models), which would be cheapest for a new female driver. I haven't started to learn yet but I should be thinking about it in about a year and I should probably get a head start saving. Assuming I'd follow all tips to keep insurance down which would be best? Ford Ka Ford Fiesta Peugeot 206 Peugeot 107 Smart Fortwo Fiat Punto Or do you have better suggestions? Before you tell me, I am WELL AWARE that it will be very expensive.""
Can't afford college Health Insurance...?
I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either.""
Can my brother drive my car without insurance?
My insurance company is with Statefarm. I'm the primary driver with full insurance coverage for the car. My brother just received his license but does not have any car insurance YET. Would it be legal for him to drive my car and if so, would my car be covered by the insurance company if he gets into an accident. I am from Canada, Ontario.""
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
Cheapest 1st car possible?
For a 17 year old what car would bet the cheapest considering gas, insurance, and the actual price of the car.""
Is the insurance for a Mazda 6 expensive?
i want to know
How does this car insurance thing work?
and where can you get car insurance quotes.
Car trade in value change after accident?
Can somebody generally tell me that how much car trade in value decreased after a accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, good mileages, the car is repairable)? and how to negotiate with Insurance on this?""
""Where can I find cheap teen car insurance in Cincinnati, OH?""
Few people in my family actually drive with a license let alone insurance(not including my mother) she doesn't even drive. I'm only 17, how can I and where can I get CHEAP car insurance from?""
How to get different types of insurance?
Dental, health, medical, etc. Im graduating HS and my parents are taking me off there's. They say it's time to grow up and support myself. I fully understand. And I have no complaints. So that's why I'm asking. I just got a job, so would that help?? I'm taking a break from school (college) for a couple years.""
Who makes the best affordable medical oxygen concentrator?
portable preferred
Car insurance question (just turned 16)?
So I just turned 16, and am about to purchase a car after saving up for the past year or so. I just have 2 questions. 1- Im planning to get a 1991 Nissan 300zx, there's a 2 seater-2door and a 4 seater- 2 door version of this car. Planning to get the 4 seater, and from what I've heard, insurance will be a tad bit cheaper with the 4 seater, is this true ? And for the more important question - Im underage obviously, so I have to go under my parents for insurance. Thing is, my dad has a HORRIBLE driving record, 1 accident that was his fault and a heaping amount of tickets. And my parents' insurance has gone up from that.. But is his driving record going to affect my insurance? Like will I have to pay more than expected due to his bad record ? Sorry for such the long question..""
How much would insurance cost?
i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc""
How much is full coverage for auto insurance cost monthly usually ? ?
I was thinking about financing a 2000 nissan maxima but im not sure if its a good idea because of monthly car payments and car insurance plus if it breaks down idk what I would do. I just need to know how much is full coverage for auto insurance usually cost per month or is there something cheaper I can get other than full coverage.
What used vehicles are the cheapest to insure for new drivers?
My daughter just turned 16 and we are looking for an inexpensive used vehichle for her to drive. Insurance is unreal. What vehichles are the cheapest to insure?
Whats the best agency to call to get homeowners insurance? single family cape cod style.?
Looking for good home insurance rates
Life insurance question - term life and term life with return of premium?
Hello, my spouse and I are in the market for life insurance now. After some researching, we have pretty much decided to go with term or term return of premium insurance. I still have following to decide and if you could enlighten me on these I would appreciate it very much. Which company? I found the following list that's supposed to be the best life insurance companies at this website. http://www.lifeinsurancestar.com/lifeinsurance/company-ratings.php * New York Life: A++, stable outlook * Mass Mutual: A++, stable outlook * State Farm: A++, stable outlook * Geico: A++, stable outlook Does this mean I should probably check out these companies? We have State Farm for auto and home insurance. Would State Farm be a good way to go (convenient to have all three in one place)? I also thought Geico didn't offer life insurance. I was led to LifeQuotes page from Geico. Does this mean that this list is not reliable? How much? We are 40-45 years old, just We still have almost 30 years of mortgage, and 20 years of raising our son. I was using some calculator online (Kiplinger, Life Foundation?) to calculate how much coverage I need, and they both returned figures like 1+ million. How can this be? Is 1 million life insurance common these days? We have about 170,000 in remaining mortgage balance (actually I only included half of that in calculation), and I calculated monthly living expense to be 2,000-3,000 (depending on if our child is still with us)/month with my spouse's income to be 2,000/month, and also included college cost. Does this seem reasonable that this will add up to be million dollars in 30 years, with inflation? I was thinking of about 300,000-400,000 before using these calculators. Term or Term ROP? We have almost decided against Term ROP and to go with straight term, but are not final on this decision. What do you all think about ROP? With ROP, do we typically actually receive ALL of the premium, or are there any fees etc. subtracted from the refunded amount? Also, does ROP term insurance give you investment returns in addition to the amount of premium you paid? One of the reasons that we are leaning towards straight term is that with our current age, with 20-30 year policies, the likelihood well actually be using the death benefit would be moderately high  then ROP wont be such a good deal, as well as hearing that if we just get term and invest the difference in the premium, wed be ahead of term ROP. How long? In this case, should we try to get a 20 year term (for while our son will be with us), or 30 year term, just to cover the full length of the mortgage, although I wouldnt need that much coverage towards the end of 30 years (our son will be with us for only 20 more years, our mortgage will be paid off except for last 10 years or so)? Or buy 25 year return of premium term policy and pay 5 more years of mortgage using the money we receive from return of premium? Or buy two term policies - a large amount of 20 year policy plus a smaller amount (to cover the remaining mortgage balance in the last 10 years of mortgage)? Thank you for your help!""
How much does it cost to insure an RV?
i have to do a project for drivers ed.. and i need to figure out how much it cost to insure an rv and i guess the insurance company would be aarp.
How much would auto insurance cost for a 1995 dodge viper?
I saw the car for sale for $16,000. The Viper has only 400 horsepower.""
Buying car insurance for the first time. HELP!!!?
Next week I can get my licens, and I already have a car so the only thing left would be car insurance. I asked my mom, who is making me pay for it, how much it would be to be put on her insurance. She said $108 a month!!! I know that I will not be able to afford that. I have enough money right now for about 14 months and that is it. I already have a job, but all the money I make goes toward tuition for private school(long story). Can I have my own isurance plan? Do I have to be under a parent? what are my options? Please help. I have until newt Friday to figure it out.""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
How many times can you change your car on an insurance policy?
I buy and sell cars privately but I'm too young for trade insurance. Someone told me I'm not allowed to change cars on one insurance policy too many times as they will cancel my policy. Is this true? And how many times can I change cars on my insurance? Thanks in advance!
I Need Car Insurance Help?
I am about to buy a new car and will be 17 maybe 18 when i get it. Its a 350Z so it has to be 6 cylinder which means its a sports car. How much will it raise my insurance.
3rd party/ business car insurance?
Because im a young driver my insurance will be really expensive so i am getting 3rd cover insurance however this job i found requires me to have b1 insurance my question is do i have a have a comprehensive insurance to also have a b1 insurance? and how much more would business insurance cost me?
I'm 21 years old and i work full time&i live at home with my parents&im pregnant what benefits do i get?
I'm 21 years old and i work full time&i live at home with my parents&im pregnant what benefits do i get?
I trying to find a cheap car insurance for teenagers?
she already have tickets in her name . i trying to find someone who can make a deal with us.
""I bought a good life insurance for my family, Just how much does McCain loves 303 million Americans?""
I bought a good life insurance for my family, Just how much does McCain loves 303 million Americans?""
""My Daughter starting driving lessons, { she 17 } where is the cheapest place for insurance for when she pass?""
I drive , could she go on my insurance ? would that go up? I have 7 years no claims. Thanks .""
Cost for car insurance for a teenager?
I'm 17 right now and don't really need a car (I do have a license though). When I'm 18 I will NEED the car to commute to and from college. How much is it going to cost to get insured - possibly to be added to a parent's plan? I've taken driver's ed, have a high gpa... what else can I do to lower the cost? PS. I'll probably be driving a 1995 Geo Metro.""
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
""When you get married, how do you get off of your parent's insurance, etc?""
My dad still has me declared as a dependant, and my car insurance and health insurance is on his. When I get married will these automatically change, or do I have to notify the insurance companies and tax people?""
""Who has the most lenient car insurance? Husband has points on his license from speeding, need cheap coverage.?""
Who has the most lenient car insurance? Husband has points on his license from speeding, need cheap coverage.?""
""Poverty level, affordable health insurance plan for a family of 5?
i want to help my parents find health insurance that they can afford
What insurance is best for me?
I am currently 17 years old. I will be turning 18 in early November and my family does not have health insurance. I was wondering if I qualify for anything that will be able to get me low-cost braces or anything orthopedic. My family makes not that much money and I am currently going to be a full-time college student. What insurance or health care would I qualify for? I have been needing braces for a while now and I am really self conscious about my teeth.Im also a legal california resident. I have been thinking about midi cal is that the right choice? Thank you on your help.
Car Insurance Question?
I'm looking at buying a four door sedan but I don't have car insurance. The reason that I don't have insurance is because I only have my permit. Unfortunately, I no longer live with my parents so I don't think their insurance will cover me. I've been trying to get quotes from various companies for when I do get my license but many of them will not even give me a quote if I don't have my license. Are there any car insurance companies that will offer insurance to me while I still only have my permit? I already found a car that I like before realizing my parents probably won't be able to put me on their insurance so I'm trying to figure this out quickly but thoroughly. I'd really like to get it soon because I hate driving in my parent's minivans since they are huge and I have trouble seeing out the tinted back window. So far the only option I see is to have my parents buy the car for me until I have my license (which I plan to get before December to avoid learning in the snow).""
Car insurance + 3 points?
heya ok to cut a long story short i got pulled ove by the police the other weekr and i had a really worn out tire on my car.. i got 3 points for it and now 2 weeks later it my insurance renewal i know i have to tell them about the points and thats fine but this is where it gets slightly interesting, my renewal with no points would cost 790 for the year but if i tell them about the points i think it goes up to 1100 so i looked about online i added the points in the quotes and everywere is about 1300 so i was messing about with the insurance options and i changed the price of my car value from 400 to 3000 and i got a quote for 770 i couldnt believe it so i checked over all the details and they are all correct apart from the value of my car so my question is... does it really matter that i put 3000 as the value?""
How much more dose car insurance costs for teens than middle aged people and why?
How much more dose car insurance costs for teens than middle aged people and why?
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old male price in ontario?
im looking to buy a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster 883 for my first bike what am i looking to pay for insurance
Cheap Auto Insurance for a student?
Hi I wanted to know if you guys have any suggestions for Cheap Auto Insurance in Phoenix Arizona or preferrably Mesa Arizona. I'm a student and I got pulled over yesterday and the cop told me I had to get insurance if I wanted to be driving around so I need to get insurance asap. And I'm looking for cheap insurance. No full coverage or anything like that since I don't have much money. Maybe roughly around 30 dollars if possible. It's not a really new car so I don't think it'll be a problem. Any suggestions?
""Which medical insurance should I get, I am 26/female/Chicago?""
Hi guys! I would like to get medical insurance. I'm a 26 years old female living in Chicago. I don't work since I'm a student. My school doesn't offer any type of insurance. I'm in good health and live on my own. I have a doctor's appt tomorrow, what medical insurance is best for me? If I buy it today, can I use it tomorrow? Thanks a lot for your help!""
What is the cheapest price university in California to study Power Plants for international student?
I'm holding Diploma certificate in Airframe and Power plants, i need to continue my study in US, CAL exactly but i didn't find the perfect university i need a low price university which i can get bachelor degree in it so i need a help please as soon as possible to get start soon.""
Cheapest/Best auto insurance for parents of newly driving teens?
My son will be 16 tomorrow and got a learner's permit Friday.
How much will auto insurance be?
I am going to be getting my permit in a month and i already have a car. its a 94 plymouth acclaim 4 cyl and i was wondering how much insurance will be, I will be joining my moms insurance she has farmers.""
Need to find homeowners insurance?
Have pit bull trying to find homeowners insurance that will allow me to keep my dog
Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance?
I'm a 20 yr old male that has had his license since age 18 but has never been insured. My mother would prefer to simply add me on hers, but her insurance company does not offer temporary insurance, which is what I need since I will be going back to school in late September. Which car insurance companies offer temporary insurance (3 months)?""
What is the best life insurance?
I wouls like to make sure that my partner and my mother are safe if something happens to me. What is the best insurance? Also: Does life insurance also cover critical illness?
Can you buy car insurance if you don't have a car?
Aside from the credit card companies, how can you insure a rental car in Ontario. Is it possible to purchase car insurance if you don't own a car?""
Does becoming pregnant qualify as a life changing event for most insurance companies/employers?
Commonly, life changing events are listed as marriage, divorce, and birth of a child, ect. If a person doesn't have insurance and learns that they are pregnant, will most companies allow enrollment at that time even if enrollment is scheduled at a specific time of the year?""
Looking for a car insurance commercial.?
In the commercial a guy is using a marshmallow treat to simulate a wrecked car and to fix it he sticks it back together. I believe the commercial is trying to say the insurance is fast at fixing your car. I think there was some sort of frog/toad in the commercial too.. Help?
Does alaska have state insurance like Tenn.Care?
Does Alaska have state insurance?
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
Car with cheap insurance and cheap to run.?
Can any one advise which car to look for that has cheap insurance , low tax and is economical to run .I dont need a powerful car .""
Infertility insurance?
Does any one know of a good provider or some one with an insurance rider for infertility? I have great health insurance, except it dosent cover that! I should say that I live in Kentucky. Thanks""
When will we start having to buy health insurance for this new law ?
I think it is bs. You can all say because you don't wanna pay for me but Obama has u all brainwashed. Most of us young guys dont need it and by me having to buy it IM PAYING FOR YOU! Think about there are lots of ppl who don't go to the hospital I havnt been there since I was born except shots and im 27. Why should have to pay I surance for the next 20 years I'm not gonna use it. Oh ya i have good credit and pay my bills. So why should I have to start paying yours? You ppl that already have it and use it r gonna get cheaper rates cus ppl like me who don't use it and pay for your sickness. And the ppl who don't have it the hospital Covers the bill. Well us healthy guys shouldn't have to pay your dang bills!!!
How do you get insurance and registration over the phone?
I'm not sure how this works? Can someone let me know. I'm insuring my motorcycle but the insurance I want is cheapest if I do it over the phone.
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
How to find low cost car insurance in Detroit?
budget around 50 to 60 dollars per month... let me know is there have any company out there who serve affordable for others.
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
Need help with car insurance?
About a year ago my husband and I sold a car. We went through the usual channels with dealing with the plates, calling the insurance company and so on. Well today we got our yearly insurance cards in the mail and didn't recognize one of the cars they had given us a card for so I went over the statement. It turns out they have been billing us for insurance on a car we sold over a year ago. We never really noticed how much we should be paying in insurance for our cars and only get our statement once a year with these cars. We only pay $1504 a year for what we thought was two cars and I had assumed that was pretty good. In fact we were paying for three cars and an extra $663 a year on the car we sold. I haven't contacted the insurance company yet but my question is what are my options here? Will they give us the money back for the year we payed on a car we legally sold and what do they need, if any, proof of that? We have paperwork of the sale but no real proof we called them to inform them to take the car off the insurance. Will that we enough?""
""I received a ticket for no seat belt, will it affect my insurance?""
I got the ticket in Garden Grove, California (my first offense). I am thinking about fighting it because I DID have my seat belt on but then I found out that the Vehicle Code 27315 states that the fine for a first offense is no more than $20. But then again I am worried that it will affect my record and my insurance. Can I go to traffic school or something to clear the violation so my insurance won't know? If not should I fight it?""
Motorcycle insurance rate estimation?
I want basic liability insurance for a lower cc Honda Phantom, 700 cc tops. I am a 21 year old male who committed a DUI 2.5 years ago and is now alcohol-free. For that reason, I feel ...show more""
Anyone know a cheap Health Insurance Cover for myself?
Im single, 27 years old and living in Victoria/Melbourne""
What are my health insurance options?
I recently changed jobs to a small company that does not provide health insurance. I was turned down when I applied independently to Aetna for medical reasons. Would the decision of another company likely be any different or is COBRA my only option? Despite some issues in my medical history I virtually never go to the doctor and would be happy with a plan that just covers unexpected catastrophic issues but I'm not sure how to go about looking for that.
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???""
Will adding a person to my car insurance (progressive direct) make it go up? by how much?
i want to add my wife and she's 24
Auto insurance In australia?
im moving over to aussie soon im thinking of getting a 2nd hand car. i have been driving for 10 odd years. am 33 yrs i want to know how much does it cost for auto insurance in aussie(melbourne). any brands you would recommend? here in singapore we pay ard $1030 for driving many years and WITHOUT any accidents. if your in accident and its our fault they reset the amount back to 1300-1500 per year pls advice.
Buying a car v.s buying car insurance?
My father doesn't have credit history because he never used credit card or anything. My credit is way better than him. I'm getting an car loan but worrying about the insurance problem. I'm only 21 in college my insurance will be extremely high so i'm just wrondering can i buy a car with my name and buy insurance with my dad's name? Are we allowed to do tat?
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
Can i borrow from my life insurance policy?
Buying a car from a showroom. Insurance?
I am collecting a new car tomorrow from the dealership. Do I need to phone and pay for the new insurance at the showroom before I drive off, or is it allowable to take it home and do ...show more""
Can I rent a car without insurance in Texas?
I haven't had a car for awhile but manage to get around easily. However my main ride source goes out of town for a month on Tuesday. I booked a rental through Enterprise online for use until main ride returns. Having not owned a car for awhile, I have no insurance, so my question is: will enterprise still allow me the rental without having personal insurance? I know they have insurance to purchase at time of rental, but I need to know if I will be denied rental without my own insurance. Please know what your talking about and be sure of your answer! It's very frustrating when people who don't know the answer respond with inaccurate information.""
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI?
If one is a partner in a small airplane, what effect would a potential DUI/DWI have on current insurance rates?""
Are jettas cheap to insure?
I need to buy a car for college and i really like a 2001 vw jetta. I have the money cash for it, and im looking at middle coverage. I know i can get a quote, but i dont like doing ...show more""
How to find affordable health insurance?
I am an international student in the US, and by law I am required to get health insurance while I am in university. I have been buying from Blue Cross Anthem and the price is getting very unreasonable over the years. The price is close to $1500/year. What company do you suggest me to get cheaper insurance from? Something preferably under $1000. Insurance Broker must certify that all of the following conditions are met: * Policy must be in English * All coverage limits must be in US dollars * Medical benefits of at least $250,000 for each accident or illness * Full cost of medical evacuation * Full cost of repatriation of remains * Coverage for the entire academic year* * Minimum 75% coverage for each accident or illness * No capped benefits e.g. $1,200 per day for hospital room * Maximum deductible of $100 per condition per plan year * Maximum out-of-pocket expenses $2,500 or less * * Must cover pre-existing conditions, with a wait period of no more than six months if attending the full academic year Thanks in advance.""
Insurance costs for a 17 year old for a car/quad/bike?
what would be the (rough) cost to insure; say a small engined car (1.2l ish), a mid sized quad (400cc ish) or a bike (between 125 and 600cc)? what would be the cheapest for a 17 year old? (geussing the bike then the quad then the car?) any help would be appreciated :) cheers dougie""
Why is my car insurance expensive as the year go by?
i got the car in 2009, each year the car insurance keep rising by price.. it was 400, then 600, now its 800... but as the year go by the car is getting older, so why is an older car insurance more expensive? does this have anything to do with the fact that my car has leather seats?""
How to make car insurance cheap as possible!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i need to get cheap insurance. i have a 1.0L 05 plate corsa and i need to get it on the road asap. its my aunties car she had given it me but wont let me use it till i get insured. i need help to make it as cheap as possible so please help!
Which cars are the cheapest insurance wise? (england)?
I wanna get a car as soon as i'm 18, so i obviously want something which will have cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind.""
Best ATV insurance for Washington state?
Ok so whats the cheapest insurance for ATV's. my zip is 99148, just name the insurance and estimate how much it will be a year month or how ever they do it, thanks""
What's the average price of a Doctor's visit without health insurance?
My eyes are yellow.
Registered my private car reg with DVLA but insurance companies can't find it?
I bought a private plate for my car and have registered it with DVLA and received my new tax disc. My new V5 arrived today but when going to change my car reg online with my insurance company .. they dont find my car reg and basically put a new quote through for my car and it increases my insurance premium. The company i am with is Quote Me Happy and is an online company i tried to run a new insurance quote through Go Compare and it doesnt find my car reg? What's going on and what can i do? I want to put my new private plate on as soon as possible ... :(
Crowdsourced car insurance company? Would you join?
If I were to set-up a crowdsourced car insurance company would you be interested in joining? I appreciate how much money is required when starting a car insurance company but I seriously think that with a concentrated effort and a crowdsourced company then we could beat the large companies at there own game. The way I envisaged it working was that the idea attracts as many people as possible and each person pays a membership fee. In return for the fee the person gets a share in the company with certain voting rights. The share doesnt entitle you to free insurance, but seriously reduced in price. Insurance policies are only available to members, the main benefit being to keep insurance costs down people would hopefully be less likely to claim. When the company generates profits, those profits would go into a pot and at the end of the year the pot would be sent out to members in the form of dividends. Anyone interested?""
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
Edgerton Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53534
0 notes
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
"Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I have geico insurance for Arizona. Will I still be covered if I go out of state?
I have Arizona insurance. But I might take a job in California. Will I still be covered if I move there. I don't know how long I will be. Maybe six or so. I don't want to change driver license and such over if I am not going to permanently live there. Anyone know if I will still be covered if I go out of state.
""Insurance rates in California to rise 147% under Obamacare,was obama lying or does he just not know?
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with these items. item 1: Premium rates are as high as the industry chooses to set them item 2: Insurance companies are not required to provide to low income families (as are utilities, and other necessity services) item 3: Insurance companies only pay a small percentage (20%) of claims, and only 6% without judication.""
Motorbike insurance?
motorbike insurance
About how much will it cost to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?
I recently found out that I am going to be inheriting close to $36,000,000 (after all of the government fees and estate lawyers fees and everything else). I have always wanted a Ferrari or Aston Martin. Please don't say if you have to ask you can't afford it...as stated I am inheriting a lot of money and can easily afford it. I just want to know how much the insurance will cost me for planning purposes. I am a male and will be 20 when I get the money (and then the car)...it is going to apparently take between 9 and 10 months to get everything done for me to have my money. I have a good driving record (been driving for 2 years) and am a student and live in California (Orange County normally but for school I will be in Provo, Utah...studying to be an Accountant :] ). So knowing all of that, approximately how much will it cost me to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?""
My dentist wants me to pay up front and have my insurance company reimburse ME?
I just went to the dentist today and had a filling. I have dental insurance, but the dentist wanted payment up front for the services. The receptionist said they require payment in full for the services on the day of service, and then they will send the insurance claim in to the company and eventually I will receive a reimbursement check. Isn't that what INSURANCE IS FOR??? So you DON'T have to pay????? I don't handle the cash in my family, so after much arguing about requiring payment up front, the receptionist agreed to let me walk out withouth paying, but expects me to have my husband pay by tomorrow. It just doesn't seem right that the dentist gets cash up front for the work, and then makes ME wait to get reimbursed by the insurance company... what the heck?""
Will insurance be higher on a truck than a car?
my guess is yes, i even googled this and i couldn't find an answer, but right now i have a 92' Benz with 150, 000 miles on and im paying about $110 dollars because im still a student, but im getting a 99' Ford F-250 Heavy Duty Diesel Turbo, because im 6'2 and tired of a car, money isn't an issue i just want to know how much it will cost, im not getting a new one because i don't want payments right now""
Can a 19 year old get cheap car insurance on a 20 plus year old muscle car.?
O.K. i know these cars are expensive to insure in most cases but i am wondering if there is any possible way i can get cheap insurance on such a car. There is also the fact that this will be a daily driver . also if anyone knows if a modified car will be more to insure. im looking at a 1974 Camaro with a 454 Modified or a stock 1974 AMC AMX. Thanks Jay.
DUI in CA - how much will my car insurance go up?
I was convicted of a DUI and soon I'll be eligible for a resticted license. I have to have an ignition interlock device installed, and file an SR-22 with my insurance company (Anchor General Insurance). I have not told them yet as I am not yet eligible. I called and they said that they do accept people with DUIs. I am currently paying $77 per month for full coverage. I'm male, 29 years old. How much can I expect my insurance cost to rise once I file the SR-22?""
Is car insurance policy number confidential?
brother is applying for his own car insurance to A. A asks if anyone else has drivers license, and requesting policy number from other family members and their respective insurance providers.. Is that necessary?""
How do you try to buy or bid on totaled vehicles by car insurance companies?
Im interested in trying to find a vehicle like mine, but wrecked with a good engine and transmission and any other parts I can salvage to keep mine alive for a few more years . I would like to know in general how to search and bid on wrecked vehicles that have been totaled by insurance companies and are now up for bid. This would be kind of like what a wrecking yard must do to purchase vehicles for parts resale, or a used car dealer that would in turn repair the vehicle and resell with salvage title. Any leads on where to start would be appreciated""
Car insurance when buying a new car?
Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?""
Can my car insurance company drop me for having not at fault accidents?
I had Go Auto insurance on my 2 cars. Well over the courseof about 1-1 1/2 years (a year to a year and a half). I had about 3 wrecks. All not my fault. The other drivers were 100% at fault. After the third wreck, which was not to long ago. My insurance company (Go Auto) sent me a letter saying they weren't gonna let me renew my insurance with them because i was considered poor risk . Can they do this or should i contact insurance commissioner. No rude comments.""
Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?
what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high?
Drivers license in California 19 years old?
How do I get my driver's license in California when I'm 19 years old? I already got my permit but it expired. Thanks Also, i'm a california resident""
Learners permit insurance?
My parents are divorced and my mom took me to get my permit and signed for it. In order to drive with my dad do I have to have a card of her insurance in the car?
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
How does go auto insurance payments work? ?
Like if your bill is due on the 18th and you have a 10 day grace period which would make it be due on the 28th but you don't get paid til the 2nd? Do they charge you a late fee or do they cancel your insurance?
Need senior insurance advise?
my mother has a supplemental insurance health [anthem] we recently received a letter that informed us that because of the cost of living..it is necessary to more then double the monthly premiums..when my mother used a ambulance service...god bless this insurance. they paid 13 dollars and we had to pay the rest.the insurance sucks!..does anyone have an alternative supplemental insurance and has anyone tried the ARRP program..moms Aricet is 300.00 a month alone..so i found out i can get this in canada for 50.00 a month..i now order my mothers pills a little early and save the excess pills for when she gets in that infamous donut hole...its a killer out there.mom has dementia and does not have the strain that i have trying to keep her in good health.any advise would be appreciated....
Will this cover my insurance too...?
hi i have a full coverage on my car that also has rental coverage... now, my friend rented a car with insurance...i was not a registered driver of that car.... but then if i drive it and gets into accident,will my personal car insurance still covers it?""
About how much money a month do you think it would cost a 16 year old to get a mustang gt ?
Including insurance and how much do you think the down payment will be
Who's a good Life insurance company?
I'm looking for Life Insurance Company that doesn't require health exam for my husband. He's a tabacco user Copenhagen Long-cut but a non-smoker . We are looking to get a policy $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. I see those advertisements on TV saying you can get $250,000 for $30.00. You know what I'm talking about? He's never been sick but he is a little over weight. Come on who isn't? LOL Help, Please for those who know something about Life Insurance policy. Tks.""
""USPS Insurance, How much to insure an envolope.?""
Hello, I would like to start selling things online. I would be selling small thin items that I can place in a regular size envelope. I was wondering if anyone knew how much it would cost me to insure the envelope for $25, and maybe $50 for the larger orders to mail at a USPS post office? I couldn't find this information online. ):""
Can a 16 year old get auto insurance without being under a parents name?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm buying my own car. My parents and i don't get along at all (stepfather hates me, mom isn't on my side). So can i get auto insurance without being under their name? Also, would it cost a lot more? I'm an honor roll student.""
Can I drive my parent's car without auto insurance?
I am 22 , university student with G2 - 2006 , and G - 2008 license , Richmond Hill , Ontario , Canada can I drive my DAD car , his policy does not have my name . in case my name must be included , what are the suggested insurance companies ( probably need a cheap one ) because they might double his monthly payments""
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose as individual and family floater ?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose for individual and family floater , which provides annual health check up""
Insurance on a 06 mustang?
I'm going to be 18 soon and I'm interested in an 06 mustang.. Even though I'm legally an adult, I'm pretty sure my insurance will be as high as a 16 year old. This would be my very first car.. How much do you think the insurance would be? I have AAA. Any other cars you could suggest to me?""
Speeding ticket and insurance question?
I just posted a question about my speeding ticket I received yesterday I was going 101 mph on a 65 mph zone. I'm under my dads policy and im 17 this is my first ticket I just want to know how this is going to effect the insurance rates? Obviously they'll go up, but our policy expires in August will the insurance notify my parents about the ticket when they find out about it or when we go renew our policy/. thanks""
Can you get insurance with a suspended license?
i asked a question earlier about my friend's loser bf who has a suspended license and says he is going to buy a car from a used car dealer my friend (who is stupid) is going to get him the loan to pay for the car he says HE will pay on the loan (i doubt it) i say you need insurance for a car loan but she may just get him just a loan i dunno what that means anyway i know you need proof of insurance for a car loan he says he has been forging his insurance for years i still say they are going to check on it for the loan again i am trying to prove him wrong but can a person get car insurance with a suspended license?
Typical renters insurance in springfield MA?
what is the typical amount of money you pay for renters insurance in springfield Massachusetts?
How expensive can i expect the car insurance for this car to be?
Car insurance for a 27 year old with 3 years driving experience( that i can prove xD) on a brand new Porsche Boxster S
Dental insurance? Can i get it?
I need to make a long overdue visit to the dentist but I'm worried about the cost involved. I'm pretty sure I've tartar on the back of my teeth but been put off for how much it might cost. Would I be able to take out dental insurance considering my existing problems, how much would it cost etc? I live in the UK btw.""
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
We res the cheapest place to get car insurance?
How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?
How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?
Whats your average price car insurance group 12 and Road Tax?
im planning on getting a car lexus is200 in a few months time and wanted to know how much you guys/girls pay monthly or yearly only on insurance group 12 and on road tax. Im 19, passed a month ago. planning on putting the car in my dads name and me as the driver. Dads a good driver had no past accidents (not sure if you need to know that). Thnxs""
Good Driver Insurance Discount?
Okay, so this is the deal. I have a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, right? Well, for one of my classes I actually have an F in for ONE of my Spring 2011 classes. Although I can get the discount, my parents keep hounding me for my transcript and I don't want them to see that F or I'm screwed. Can I still get the discount if I send the car insurance company my trancript from the previous semesters and not my most recent one?""
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Does having back up sensor's help your insurance cost?
Does having back up sensor's help your insurance cost? I am wanting to have some put on my car, but didn't know if it would help with insurance!""
What should I do about this car insurance?
I have a car that is worth no more than $1500. I bought it off someone in my family and I should transfer ownership (as it is from a different state). At the moment they have selected me as a secondary drive for insurance, as I am a P plater it will cost a lot of money to put it under me. To reregister it and insure it under me would cost a lot. (including getting another roadworthy certificate). I took it in for a check and they said repairs would cost nearly $2,000 which is more than the car. Plus the insurance, totaling about $3500 in total when the car is only worth $1500 max. So this is the situation I need help with, the car runs great and I may have just gotten ripped off by the mechanics (I didn't bring it in, someone else did and they can seem like an easy person to rip off) - also we have a friend who is a retired mechanic and he said the car is in great shape and roadworthy should be no problem, so that conflicts with what these guys said.. Any tips? I have no clue what to do. What do you do when it costs more to put a car on the road than the car is worth?""
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
Do insurance rates vary on the type or model of car?
Is it true that you don't need insurance on a car registered in New Hampshire?
A friend of mine went to college in New Hampshire. She told me that in New Hampshire the state motto is live free or die and insurance on a car is optional but not required. I'm from New York where people pay out their ears for insurance on cars. I can't imagine that this is true. Is it?
How does a 13 year old tell their mom they want to have a baby??? HELP PLEASE :)?
Im 13 and it may be a little weird but im ready for a baby. how do i tell my mom?
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
Speeding ticket will insurance go up??
Ok my fiance just got a speeding ticket his first ticket ever!! He was doing 44 in a 35. He has progressive insurance the cop told him that his insurance wouldnt go up. But I dont know if that is true. I was wondering if he pays it off or goes to court and see what happens will his insurance go up since it is his first ticket? If it helps we live in North Carolina. I was just wondering what is the best way out because right now we cant afford to much money. He works two jobs got laied off one because no business and expecting second child at anytime. So was just wondering if anybody could give up information on what is best? Thank you and somepeople said something about driving school?? But do you take that before or after court?
Added my newborn to my insurance after 30 days?
help ! after i had my new baby things wre so hectic for me. he had jaundice and in and out of doctors.. my toddler had dental promblems . i had post partum issues myself and by the time i called to add baby to insurance it was abt 12 days after the 30 day period . my insurance is united healthcare thru my previous employer that im currently on cobra with.. they denied adding my newborn and said they wll send me a letter so i can appeal but im afraid that wont help . any advice on what i can do .. i cant imagine nt hvng insurance for my baby..especially we just got home from the hospital yestrday bcz he has broncholitus .. so i wl be billed for that . i know i called to add him late but hopeflly there gtta be something i can do. i means its for a child i live california .. any advice on how to handle this
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
How much will my insurance company give me for a totaled car?
i bought a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero and totaled it less than a month later. the kbb value of the car is about $3000. Can anyone tell me about how much i should get from the insurance company?
""About health insurance plans in the state of NY, which one covers alot?
And for a decent/reasonable price ? Are there any plans that offer members the option of playing annually versus monthly ? Do you know of any Medicaid manged program care ?
Do you think I need insurance?
I have to have insurance on my car for 3 years because I got a ticket for no insurance and suspended license. I just recently go rid of my car...do I still need the insurance. People have told me to at least keep liability non-owners insurance, but that's $266 a month for me...!!! Can I just forget the insurance and ride the bus?""
Car insurance question! help?
Ok so I'm 17 years old. I have had my license for 5 months. I have never gotten a ticket, been in an accident or pulled over. My parents are buying me a car.. and well I'm a teenage guy so I want a sports car. My parents said I can't have a car with a v8 engine or any kind of GT because it will raise the insurance cost. I found a nissan 300zx online for around 4,500. It isn't a gt, its automatic and its a v6. I told my dad about it and he said no. When I asked why he said because nissans are different and the insurance will be high if I buy that car, but he says its fine if I get a different car make that has a v6. Is what he said true? Will the insurance go higher because its a nissan sports car? (We have gieco)""
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
General car insurance question(s)?
Which will cost more in car insurance, generally: a passenger sedan (maybe a 1999 Honda Civic) or a pickup truck (1995 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, if I have two trucks, both exactly the same, only, one has 2-wheel drive and one has 4-wheel drive, which will cost more in insurance? If one will infact cost more, will the difference be significant enough to matter? I live in Colorado. 4-wheel drive is desirable with the snow and ice, but if it will cost significantly more in insurance, I can't justify it.""
Car Insurance?
Okay so I'm sixteen and I got my license about two months ago. But I haven't been allowed to drive yet because I don't have car insurance. Is it really illegal to drive without car insurance?
Inifiniti G37 insurance for 18 year old?
Ok i live in new york and im 18 and a new driver.... i keep hearing that it would cost over 700 dollars a month to insure it ..... is that true ? i know there is alot of variables but i wanna know is it possible ?
Two Questions for Automobile Insurance?
Can u guys help me to answer these questions? These questions are about Automobile Insurance 1) How can coverage needs change as you go throughout life? 2) Utilize Insurance Terminology. TY!!!
What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
The last molar on my bottom left row of teeth hurts pretty bad, its decayed to the point where half the tooth is gone. I was just wondering what it would cost to get this fixed if you have no insurance? Also whats the the cost difference between getting a crown put versus having the tooth extracted? What are the pros and cons of each?""
What does no-fault auto insurance mean?
I live in California which, I think, is a no-fault state. What ramifications does that have if I'm in an accident? Does it matter, in any way, whether the accident is my fault or the other driver's fault? Thanks you.""
Where can I get babysitting insurance in the UK?
I have scoured the internet but keep being told they won't give me babysitting insurance unless I am a registered childminder. Help please?
Do car insurance rates go down in the time you have you license even if you don't have car insurance?
I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
How far will my car insurance go up?
i hit my friends car at school today, there's just alittle dent and some red paint from my car on his car. im 16, and i have a red mustang convertible..im just wondering how much my insurance will go up?""
How can I convince my dad that leasing a cheap car would be a good decision given my circumstances?
Ok. So I'm about to be 18 and have about $1,400 saved up towards a car, should be getting a few hundred more after graduation and from a few other things, so I expect to have around $2,000 in the summer. This is what I was planning on spending on a down payment on a cheap used car. For the monthly note and insurance, my parents said that they'll help at least some until I get a job. The thing is, it's seriously impossible to get a job in my town. I've been trying for a couple years and just nothing. Most other people I know - not just teenagers - are having the same problem. Because of this, my parents are worried that having to pay for so much and me pay for basically just the down payment would be too much on them. They're struggling very hard financially and haven't bought a car themselves in 13 years. So I was looking at some car websites the other day and noticed that some of them had really appealing lease deals. The ones that most caught my attention were $0 down, and then a monthly payment of around $200 or less per month for three years. What really interested me about that deal is the no down payment, because if there's no down payment and they pay for the monthly note, then that's the only thing they have to pay, at least for quite a while. That leaves me with around $2,000 still in pocket to spend over time on insurance, gas, various maintenance costs, etc., plus if there are too many hidden fees, etc. in the lease. (My dad got me an insurance quote and it was a lot lower than I expected btw, about $560/yr.) That seems so much better than having to start back at $0 after buying the car having paid all the rest on the down payment. I just don't wanna spend that much down because then I'm left with nothing, if I can't get a job then I have no way to pay for everything, again my parents don't think they can pay too much. If they only have to pay the monthly note, then I still have quite a while to get a job and start making money before that couple thousand runs out and if I do eventually get a job (hopefully it'll be easier in another city, but I need a car in order to move), I can even help them with the monthly payments or pay all of them. But all they can say is, Why lease a car when you can buy one, you'll just be stuck in the same spot in three years. But this is completely missing the point. The problem here is that if I spend everything down, then I have nothing left to maintain the car with, and therefore can't have a car at all. I have no steady source of income and can't make a steady source of income without a car. But if I can afford to maintain a car for at least several months with money I already had and can later get a job in a bigger city, I at least have some car, regardless of whether not I own it or it's the best and wisest financial decision in the long run. Once I have a car I can move to a bigger city and hopefully go to college and then get a better job, I'm sure I can get another car later. So basically, if I want a car now (which I need one in order to advance my life and go to college and such) the only possible way is if I lease instead of buy, unless I suddenly come into a bunch of money or can find a car for sale with no down payment. I need to just do whatever I have to do to have a car and get by at the moment, but my parents won't let me. They're so stuck in their stubborn ways that leasing cars is always a waste of money (I agree that it'a a waste of money, but again that's not the point here, the point is that I need a car) when in this situation it would work much better for me. But they refuse to let me.""
I'm looking into insurance sales as a career change. Which company would you recommend?
I have a strong background in sales, a college degree or 3, and a strong drive to succeed. However, with so many companies out there looking for agents, I'm having a hard time narrowing it down.""
Switching insurance - will my accutane be covered??
In a weird spot - will be switching insurance within a month and a half... but i'm just starting accutane now... will the treatment be covered when i switch health insurance companies?! please help!
Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?
I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?
What's good insurance for young adults?
I'm 21 & I currently have insurance with the car lot I purchased my car from. What are good full coverage but affordable insurances?
I don't have insurance ?
I don't have any insurance. Any cheap one? Please any suggestion ?
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
I received a letter requesting that I show proof of car insurance?
I received a letter that asking me to send proof of insurance on my vehicle. I lost a good job in September and the job that I have currently, barely pays me enough to pay rent on my apartment let alone insurance for my vehicle. I just got a new job and will be able to put insurance on my car in a few weeks. I did some searching and I know my license will get suspended! My question is for the state of Ohio, when you haven't been in an accident and this is only your first offense...how long will they suspend license? the website doesn't say. It just says until requirements are met meaning I have to pay reinstatement fee and get sr22 bond. If I can't drive I will loose my new job...I'm loosing it. will someone please tell me what to expect?""
Insurance costs?
How much do you pay for your medical/life insurance each month? Mine is about RM200.
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old with an suv?
I am 17 years old and wanting a 98 Ford Explorer, but I would like to know how much the insurance would cost!""
Cheapest car to insure/ run in UK for a 21 year old female?
Someone said Renault Clio. Then someone said no, because they're branded boy racers. Then someone said Vauxhall Corsa. But then they're supposed to break down frequently. I don't like Ford Ka's or Micra's. Help me please! Aha x""
How do i obtain individual short term disability insurance?
I got an offer from a small firm but they do not offer short term disability insurance. I want to have one just incase I get pregnant and need to take a maternity leave so I get paid during the maternity leave. I've called few insurance companies and they dont do individual short term disability insurance? What's my best option? Any ideas? Thanks
A month or two of car insurance?
Are there any car insurance businesses that pay for just a month or two, not the whole 6-month policy that you pay a portion each month. Just that, I pay for a month or two and that is it. I'm going to have a temporary vehicle to move around in but its only for said 1 or 2 months.""
Health insurance premium just went up because i turned 60.?
Anyone know where I can get my own health insurance rather than through my employer?
Buying a new car but confused on car insurance...what should I do?
I am going to be part exchanging my old car for a new one. In terms of car insurance I still have 2 months left so I believe its cheaper if I just go with another insurance company as my current insurance might charge a lot for just 2 months. I am thinking of using my previous insurance NCB( elephant 1 year ) for the new insurance as proof of my NCB but the problem is I sent my NCB 1(year) (elephant) to my current insurance(Directline). Basically I would like to know if its possible to use my previous NCB (Elephant) which I it proves I have 1 year no claims for the new car insurance. I done some research and found it that having 2 years NCB makes 20 compared to 1 year NCB. What should I do?
How can I get cheaper insurance?
I'm 18 years old about to be 19. I paid 200 monthly for insurance but found out there raising my fee to over 500 bucks. I used progressive to find a quote and I got 400 from it. I got in one car crash last year. What are my options?
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
Getting Car Insurance?
I'm getting married and because I'm moving to another state I'm having to switch from one insurance for my car to another. My question is this, how much up front money will it cost to get insurance for me and my wife? For example, will they need a deposit, or expect a certain number of months up front? Also if anyone could refer me to a good insurance company, I live in Alabama near Birmingham I 'm considering either state farm or alfa. Thanks!""
Will damages to my rental car go to my car insurance if I was not the one driving?
I have terrible luck lately. Two weeks ago I totaled my car (my fault) and I have a rental until tomorrow. Rental is from enterprise and paid for thru my car insurance. On my rental agreement I did not list any other drivers, and since it was paid for by my car insurance the guy crossed out the extra insurance and just asked me how much my car insurance deductible is and wrote that down($250). Today, I looked at the agreement and I actually hadn't signed it when I rented the car (even though there is a place for me to sign)...hmm...(?) SO, last night I was drinking and my boyfriend was not so he drove us home- in my rental. A car hit the rear driver side of us and it caused a dent and some paint damage. Called the cops, the other driver lied and nobody cited. I DO NOT want my insurance to know, since I just totaled my car. Boyfriend has full coverage, can it go on his? or will it go on mine? Can we just pay for it in cash & not use insurance? Its minor, fix before I turn it back in ?""
Cheap auto insurance in Alberta?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda, how much does the insurance usually cost for my situation per month?""
Can I change car insurance in the middle of a claim?
I bought a different car and want to change insurance companies but was iin an accident and they are currently paying my hospital bills. It wasn't my fault, as I was rear ended. Can I still find a cheaper insurance for the new car?""
Will I get any insurance money?
Today I was driving down the road and a shelf blew off the back of a truck in the opposite lane and hit the SUV behind it then it came into my side of the road and put two holes in my hood. The truck drove off but the lady in the SUV gave me her number and tried to find the truck but couldn't (after checking on me she went looking for it). The only problem is I only have the minimum for car insurance so i don't know if I will get any insurance money to help pay for the damage. Thanks for the help!
Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service?
Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service?
Individual Health Insurance / COBRA?
Why is COBRA considered better than individual health insurance plans? When I did some research,for almost the same kind of coverage but cheaper premiums, I could find individual health insurance plans.But I keep hearing that given an option, going for COBRA is the wiser decision. I don't understand what the catch could be in these individual plans. Any insight?""
Can my mom get insurance?
we live in Lo s Angeles, California, and shes getting really sick possibly with cancer.i figure her medical bills will be around 98000 dollars by the end of the year without insurance. In California, can already very sick people get insurance?P.S.shes over 45""
How do I find health insurance for myself as an individual?
I am currently a sophomore in college, and I really hate student insurance, as it covers and pays for almost nothing, and doesn't include dental. Where do I go if i need to get a different provider?""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I got a speeding ticket, paid for it, went to traffic school to get it removed off my record. But before it got removed, my car insurance found out and now i want to change to a different car insurance company. If I change car insurance companies, will the new car insurance company find out I had a ticket from my old insurance company? Thanks for your help, I'm so confused!""
Is the road test hard in nj?
I'm 17 turning 18 in two months. I don't like driving and I've only driven a handful of times. But I'm going to start driving more. I hear from a lot of people that the road test is easy. I'm not gettin lessons my parents are teaching me. So is the test easy or not so much? Also how is parallel parking ad such what is the test like??
Car Insurance Coverage?
Im doing a report for a class. Lets say that you parked your car in a parking lot for 2 hours or so. When you come back, you notice a dent on you car. Its not bad but you can definitely notice it. In most cases, with standard auto insurance, will the insurance company cover this claim? All responses are appreciated, Thanks""
How much would car insurance be?
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old male first time driver driving a car cost around 1200 1.2l engine
Is someone who is only insured on their works car insurance ok to drive my car?
My sons girlfriend does not have a car, but claims that she has insurance through her work, so she is ok to drive my car? Am I right in thinking that this means she can only drive company cars, and not MY car?""
How do you find car insurance?
Ok heres the situatuion, Am 22 I dont drive yet and i dont have a clue what car i want! Am hoping to pass my test this summer and am willing to spend roughly 750-2000 on a car but i dont want to pay anymore then 500 a year on car insurance. The most irritating thing about this thing is the fact i dont know how i can get a rough quote without having to fill out loads of details etc. Is there any easy way of finding your first car? Am losing my patience really annoyed by the whole process. HELP ME!""
Does anybody know of a cheap insurance company for eighteen year olds?
I just turned eighteen and I'm looking for car insurance since what I'm paying right now is really high ( 290 for minimum) Everywhere else I look wants like 1000 dollars a month for minimum coverage thats crazy how can anyone afford that? Are there any good companies in specific for someone in my position?
Does your car insurance go up if you don't have it for a period of time?
If I dropped my car insurance for monatary reasons, and then picked it back up in a few months would I still have the same rate as before?""
How can I get my insurance cheaper?
21 years old 0 claims bonus first bike : 1998 r1 (already got it) what are some ways to get my insurance down? thanks
Currently on my parent's auto insurance plan. Can I get motorcycle insurance with a different company without it affecting my current plan?
Currently on my parent's auto insurance plan. Can I get motorcycle insurance with a different company without it affecting my current plan?
Can car insurance sue you if you are 18 and just have a permit and if its under my cousin insurance?
I was driving in a parking lot with my cousin and my cousin has her driver license and she over 21 and i was driving. Im 18 and i only have my permit. Well accidentally i was driving and i was trying to park and i hit the car next to me. Well they put it under my cousin car insurance and they didn't call the police on us. Well my mom saying the insurance can go after me to what ever how much it cost. What should i expect if i don't have a job and what is the percent that they will sue me if i have my permit and what should i expect if they do.....
Will car insurance price drop in 2013?
I went to a local insurance company, called NFU Mutual - I was advised to wait till next year because its likely prices will drop a bit, young drivers pay a lot and was also told that women's insurance will be as much as men, there wont be a difference anymore whether you female or not. Is this true? I'm 21 and the cheapest I have been able to find was at 1.400 per year, or 1.500 per year paying monthly - on a Peugeot 106 Zest 2, 1.1 with quotemehappy.com Thank you!!""
Why are Pickup trucks so expensive to insure?
ok, I'm 17 and I own a 1999 Dodge Ram 4x4. I pay an insane amount for insurance, and I know I'm a teenager, but I haven't had any tickets or accidents to make it go up. Anyway, my truck is really common in my area, there are Ford, Chevy, and Dodge trucks everywhere you look. But yet I compare the insurance of my truck to a brand new Camaro SS, and the Camaro way cheaper, Heck I compared it to a Brand new Mercedes Benz CLS63 AMG, and it's still way cheaper. I'm thinking about getting a little newer Dodge Ram, but the insurance is a little more expensive on it than what I'm already paying. So why are trucks the most expensive vehicles to insure? I mean if they are in a low speed accident, they don't cost nearly as much to fix as a Brand new expensive car such as a Mercedes with expensive parts, and trucks don't get damaged as easily either. It's kind of frustrating that I have a 11 year old vehicle that you see everywhere, and the cost to insure it is outrageous already, but even If I get the same truck only 5 years old, it's even more to insure, which is understandable seeing how it's newer. I know trucks are big, but even a Brand new Suburban cost less to insure than my 11 year old truck. The truck I'm thinking about buying is the most expensive vehicle possible to insure on a standard drivers license.""
What does comprehensive coverage mean as far as insurance?
What does it actually mean regarding medical insurance AND with car insurance? What kind of things do they cover?
What would be insurance on this car?
I want to get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The price is great, but how mh would te insurance be? For a 16 year old""
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
Las Cruces New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88003
0 notes
disc-golf · 6 years
These Are the 4 High-Priced Items You Should Never Buy
I have good news and bad news.
First, the good news: Americans’ net worth has grown over the last 10 years, topping out at an average of about $200,000 for all demographics in 2014. If you’ve been financially savvy, you’re already there—or at least well on your way.
Now the bad news: That equity is increasingly less valuable. Beyond giving you credit advantages, it offers little possibility for sales returns later in life (or for family after your pass away).
Here’s why:
Most of those who have worked long enough to gain any net worth at all (usually ages 35+) have invested in things that are becoming outdated, unnecessary, or altogether obsolete. It’s also harder for up-and-coming professionals to afford. Here’s a closer look:
While cost of living is increasing—well beyond amounts expected for inflation—salaries aren’t keeping pace.
More money is being sunk into expensive technology (smartphones, tablets, computers, home electronics, Internet of Things devices, and so on). That technology, almost by definition, loses value very quickly as innovation soars and new technologies enter the market.
Younger generations aren’t buying homes; they’re renting their whole lives or investing in lower-cost condo properties. That means the single-family homes of older generations stay on the market for longer—sometimes even years. The final sales cost often does not give home-owners measurable return on their initial investment.
The sharing economy has made certain once-were necessities no longer a given. Instead of purchasing a car, for example, many people now lean on services like car2go, ZipCar, Lyft, and Uber.
Remote (and generally more casual) work environments are turning dress codes upside-down. It’s no longer an expectation in many industries that you present yourself with a suit and tie. High-ticket business wardrobes are out.
Given these cultural and economic shifts, there are some common investments that you probably shouldn’t be making—especially if you live in an urban area. Why? Their longterm value will likely tank and you’ll lose money.
If there’s any value in using these items in the present, the cost may be worth it for you. But think twice before investing in these high-priced items as long-term investments:
It’s common knowledge that a new car depreciates in value by about 10% the moment it’s driven off the sales lot. And while some models hold their value for 5-10 years, most lose between a third and a half of their sales value in three years.
Let’s do the math on this. Let’s say you buy a brand-new Volkswagen Jetta for a cool $19,000. Here’s your investment over three years:
Downpayment: $2,000 Average loan terms and cost: $17,000 for 36 months at 6% / $18,500 Average annual maintenance: $630 for 3 years = $1,890 TOTAL COST: $22,390 (not including gas or parking)
Likely depreciation over 3 years: 44%, down to $10,640
According to Kelly Blue Book, you’re likely to get 70% of that in a sale. That leaves you with about $7,500 in meaningful equity. And you paid $22,390.
Compare this to ride-sharing. CreditKarma recently crunched the numbers on this and came up with some interesting numbers: Given Americans’ average social trips in a year, they estimate that ride-sharing will cost you $4,000 yearly if you use it “casually”—that is, not every time you leave your house/apartment.
That’s $12,000 in three years, which is a heck of a lot less than $22,390. And sure, you have no equity to speak of, but you also don’t have the hassle of car maintenance, gas costs, parking, and other random car fees (tolls, licensing, tags, etc.).
But there’s more to this decision than simple math. Younger professionals are keenly interested in lowering their carbon footprint, living in urban areas with better public transportation, and saving their money for experiences—not things.
Is it any wonder Millennials have set a new norm for a non-car-owning generations?
Business wardrobe
You may think that younger generations spend more money on clothing than America ever has. But that’s simply not true. According to some sources, clothing doesn’t even fit into household budgets anymore, while younger demographics are spending $50 less per month than older shoppers.
As mentioned above, spending for Millennials and Gen Zers leans more on experiences—dining out, music, theater, and so on—than it does on material goods like clothing. There are two reasons for this. One, the social dominance of today’s culture highly values experiences—and the ability to document them for social cachet. That’s not to say there isn’t genuine interest in new adventures, but the push to define oneself by these new experiences (often using social media) is huge.
Second, wardrobes no longer have to be defined by the expensive business suit. This is due in part to the rapid increase in telecommuting positions, which often don’t require a dress code. Over the last decade, these positions have more than doubled in the U.S., thanks in large part to readily accessible internet and collaborative software. But even in situations where in-office work is required, business casual attire has taken over the once-was dominating suit scene.
A couple of decades ago, lifer corporate types would often hand down their trusty suits to their young professional children, saving them several hundred dollars in wardrobe costs. But here’s what a suit will get you today:
Cost of suit and basic tailoring: $400 Cost of 3 dress shirts: $150 Cost of 2 pairs of dress shoes: $150 TOTAL COST: $700
Uses: Seldom, if ever, in the office; weddings and special occasions (for which suits can be rented)
Now, let’s take a look at a more Millennial-styled wardrobe:
Cost of 3 business-casual button-ups: $90 Cost of 3 khakis: $90 Cost of 2 pairs of nice shoes: $100 TOTAL COST: $280
Uses: Office (as needed), nicer social events, dancing/clubbing, theater, most celebrations
I’m not saying you should not own a suit—often a job/office environment will dictate that for you—but most young professionals choose not to because it makes more financial sense and dress codes have changed significantly. Plus, if they’re not going to make use of one, what are the chance their children will?
What? Don’t buy a house? But that’s the American dream, isn’t it? College, job, marriage, 2.5 kids, a house…
It sure used to be. But if pundits are right, then 2018 is going to be a rough year—home-buyers will find themselves paying a lot more for a lot less. And why? So they can say they own their own home?
Equity is less important to younger generations, and not because financial institutions suddenly changed their mind about it. It really is a matter of affordability. Millennials are entering the consumer market with soaring a cost of living, painful student loan debt, and salaries that just don’t make up the difference. So, they’ve had to rethink their use of money—and in most cases, they value enjoying experience in the here and now over the possibility of property in the future.
Simply put, the young set are renters. And there’s less of a stigma on living through your 30s and 40s as a renter if you’re genuinely happy and can maintain a reasonable quality of life.
When they ARE ready to buy—generally older and deeper into a career—these younger professionals have no interest in sacrificing an ideal location just for a picket fence. Instead, they scout out condos. It’s little wonder that in many cases, urban condos are appreciating much faster than single-family homes.
If markets continue their current trend, the cost of living continues to soar, and salaries climb at a snail’s pace, then the future for home-sellers will be bleak. Why? Well, nobody can afford one.
At some point, these wonders of modern communication will drop in price—maybe. But for now, buying a brand-new, late model smartphone is going to set you back about $1,000. The trouble is, if you wait even a year to sell it or trade it in for an upgrade, you’re going to be very disappointed: Most smartphones lose 60-70% of their value in a year, and as much as 90% in two years.
Okay, you argue, but owning a cellphone is actually financially smart; the gouging costs of “renting” one through the manufacturer or service provider is enough to make you gag every time you see your monthly bill. At the same time, however, there’s been growing evidence that companies are throttling service and functionality of old devices. Even if they don’t do so intentionally, technology moves at a lightning clip and before you know it, your expensive smartphone no longer plays well with others. This is perhaps most keenly felt in the growing world of the Internet of Things (IoT). Dated hardware like a two-generation-old Apple TV may not respond to the newest Apple remote app on your iPhone X. Why? Because, well, technology.
For convenience and reliability alone, then, it seems that many people are opting to swallow the monthly cost of “renting” their smartphones—provided they get an upgrade at the end of a year or 18 months.
In other words, nobody wants your iPhone 6.
Don’t buy a car, a house, a suit, or a smartphone—that’s a tall order, isn’t it? If all of that is off the table, what SHOULD you buy?
I’ll let the equity experts tackle that one in a future article.
But for now, tell me: Do you agree or disagree with the advice above? Share your comments below!
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The post These Are the 4 High-Priced Items You Should Never Buy appeared first on Early To Rise.
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paulckrueger · 7 years
Sub-savings accounts: How to save for anything in 3 steps
You know what would be great? If we could always be ready for the unexpected.
Like, say, dropping a comically oversized bottle of champagne worth thousands of dollars like this dude.
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Here’s a system that can help you prepare for even the worst emergencies WHILE allowing you to save for awesome purchases in the future:
Sub-savings accounts
Sub-savings accounts are fantastic for setting concrete savings goals for any purchase you might want to make in the future.
I’m talking about big purchases like weddings, engagement rings, homes, and even emergencies and dumb mistakes like when I got hit with this late registration fee for my car awhile back.
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Now I put away $150 / month in a sub-savings account for unexpected expenses like this one.
Let’s break down what it is, where you can get one, and how you can set one up today.
What is a sub-savings account?
A sub-savings account is an account you create to save for specific purchases or events.
Using my automated personal finance system, I use monthly automatic transfers to funnel money into each of my sub-accounts. Now that these transfers are in place, I’m getting closer to each of my goals automatically, month after month, without having to remember to set money aside.
This is precisely how people accomplish financial goals passively. Because when you don’t see the money — when it’s automatically withdrawn from your checking account and shunted to specific savings goals — you will never miss it. However, a few months later, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’re progressing to your targets.
How to set up a sub-savings account
You need to first have a regular savings account that allows you to set up sub-savings if you want to set up your own.
If you already have a savings account, chances are your bank already does this. If this is the case, head to step two.
If you don’t have a savings account that allows sub-savings (or if you don’t have one at all), that’s okay! You simply need to open one up.
Here are a few great suggestions for banks that offer great savings accounts (with sub-savings):
Capital One 360 / ING Direct (This is the one I use)
Ally Bank
Barclays Online
Discover Online Savings
I use Capital One 360 (formerly ING Direct). I praised this bank account in my New York Times best-selling book I Will Teach You To Be Rich over 10 years ago and I STILL use the same account now.
A few fast facts about the Capital One 360 savings account:
No fees
No minimums
High-yield interest rate at 1% APY
Links to your checking account (even if not in ING) via electronic transfer
Which savings account you choose doesn’t matter as much as just getting started. So don’t spend too much time deciding which one to go with. They’re all great.
Once you have your savings account set up, it’s time to start saving with your sub-account.
Step 1: Set a sub-savings account savings goal
This is the fun part — you need to come up with goals for your sub-savings account.
You’ll have something concrete to work towards when you create goals — that way you’re not just throwing money mindlessly into a large savings account.
When I first discovered sub-savings accounts, I created one and named it “Down Payment” for a down payment on a house. I was regularly transferring money into it based on my savings goals using my automated finances.
As the months passed, and the amount in that account grew, I felt really proud of my accomplishment.
During this time, one of my friends was just blindly putting away money in an account he had mentally earmarked for vague goals.
Though we might have had the same amount saved away, the difference between us psychologically was staggering. Where he felt despair about trying to save money, I was motivated.
For me, I wasn’t working towards $20,000 for a down payment. I was working on saving $333 a month over five years — a perfectly achievable goal, especially after I tracked my progress.
Eventually, my friend did open up his own sub-savings account. He told me that doing so changed his entire perspective on saving money for the better.
So think of things YOU want to save for.
Here are a few suggestions:
Wedding / engagement ring
Down payment on home
New car
Emergency payments (car breaks down, surprise medical expenses, etc.)
Travel / vacations
Once you have a goal in mind, it’s time to get really specific with it — and you can do that with SMART Objectives.
SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-oriented.
A good goal will exemplify all those things.
Check out these examples of how normal goals compare to SMART Objectives:
BAD GOAL: I want a house.
SMART OBJECTIVE: I will put $XXX dollars into a sub-savings account each month until I have enough for a down payment on a house.
BAD GOAL: I want to travel.
SMART OBJECTIVE: I will read Ramit’s article on “How to travel cheaply,” pick a destination, price it out, and learn how I can travel on a budget this July.
So think:
Is there something you’re saving for?
When do you want it by?
How much can you save each month?
How will you know you’re on the right track?
Saving with a goal in mind puts all your decisions in focus.
Step 2: Create the sub-savings account
Now it’s time to actually create the account.
Though the exact steps will vary from bank to bank, the process is essentially the same for each savings account: Go to your bank’s website, log in to your account, and create a new sub-savings account.
Chances are your bank will even allow you to give the account a nickname. This lets your sub-savings accounts reflect your savings goals, like I did with my down payment.
Check out all the different sub-savings accounts I had in my old savings account.
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ING Direct is now Capital One 360. BTW that wedding one is going to be put to good use.
Here’s a look at a few sub-savings accounts I have now:
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ING switched to Capital One 360, and I used the money I saved to buy an engagement ring
Step 3: Automate your sub-savings account
Once you have your sub-savings accounts open, it’s time to automate the entire system.
Automated finances are the ultimate cure to never knowing how much you have in your checking account and how much you can spend.
When you receive your paycheck, your money is funneled to exactly where it needs to go — whether that be your utilities, rent, Roth IRA, 401k, or your savings account.
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Check out my video below to learn exactly how to set it up today.
Earn money for your sub-savings account
I suggest putting around 5% of your income into your sub-savings account each month. Though this amount seems small, you’re going to be surprised at how easily it will add up over time.
The best way to make that 5% even bigger is by earning more.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand more times: There’s a limit to how much you can save but no limit to how much you can earn.  
That’s why my team and I have worked hard to create a guide to help you earn more today:
The Ultimate Guide to Making Money
In it, I’ve included my best strategies to:
Create multiple income streams so you always have a consistent source of revenue.
Start your own business and escape the 9-to-5 for good.
Increase your income by thousands of dollars a year through side hustles like freelancing.
Download a FREE copy of the Ultimate Guide today by entering your name and email below — and start blowing up your net worth today.
Sub-savings accounts: How to save for anything in 3 steps is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Surety Bond Brokers? Business https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/tip-using-sub-savings-accounts-for-unexpected-expenses/
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fesahaawit · 7 years
“Supporting” vs. “Spending”
I’ve been trying something new lately where every time I have to spend money on something – whether a need or a want – I try to look at it as I’m “supporting” the place my money’s going to vs. “I’m spending my hard earned money” there.
The effect to my wallet usually remains the same, but what I’ve noticed is that I’m starting to appreciate these transactions a lot more, and not only that – but in some cases even enjoying it!
A great example of this was the other week when it was time to pay dues at our local coin club. The membership fees are literally only like $12/year (or $1.00/month), but we were starting a new *lifetime membership* option where for a one-time fee of $150.00 you could actually become a member for life.
Now, $12 and $150 are drastically different paying attention to price alone, but what I noticed was that a number of people started whipping out their checkbooks right there on the spot for these new memberships. The same people who graciously donate coins to our monthly door prizes, or who volunteer their time and expertise to present to us throughout the year. To them, it wasn’t about the “cost”, but more about the love of the hobby and wanting to support it however they can.
That night 4 people became lifetime members on the spot, including myself :)
(Of course later I ran the numbers to see where the break-even point was because we’re nerds like that (12 1/2 years), but whether I attend the meetings for that long or not, I felt proud to support something I believe in too. I doubt that would have happened had I not consciously changed my thinking.)
This works in other areas too:
$5.00 for coffee? Your baristas thank you for giving them a job!
$75.00 for groceries? Way to help the cashiers, managers, night stockers, and even cleaning crews
$100.00 for insurance? Thanks for protecting my family and finances, insurance company!
$875.00/paycheck for taxes? God bless America and our roads, schools, libraries, outreach programs, and the men and women who protect our laws and safety every day
In all cases they’re still normal expenses, but thinking of them in terms of how they provide for others or society ON TOP of it is a pretty powerful (and often overlooked) feeling. Not unlike the concept of “voting with your dollars” by shopping at the places/stores/services that match your values, and staying away from those which do not.
It’s spending, but it’s also very much supporting.
This new mentality has also affected the way I give back too. I started thinking about all the other hobbies or organizations I could be supporting more just like with the coin club, and came up with three of them right off the bat:
The Sundara Fund – I’ve loved this organization since the moment I learned of it two years ago (they recycle gently used soaps that the hospitality industry throws away every single day and re-uses them to prevent disease and death among kids in poverty-deep countries), and realized the last time I donated to them was almost just as long ago.
516 Project – A newer project launched by a friend of mine who goes around fixing up old and broken down homes of those who can’t afford to have them fixed themselves. I gave to them the day they launched and then promptly forgot.
And then there’s our very own Rockstar Community Fund – where I initially funded it with $500 to get it going and help spread the GOOD around our community, but have since stopped contributing financially purely out of forgetfulness. And this is my own project!! (Of course, I spend gobs of *time* towards it which is worth much more than any donation (or else it wouldn’t exist! haha…) but financially speaking specifically, I was still slacking)
I went back to that same “lifetime membership” concept and decided to give $20/mo to each of these organizations. All very much new “expenses” to me, however when looked at in the light of “support” shines much differently.
And I’m actually pretty embarrassed that I didn’t think of it earlier?! Of course I should have made it automatic to make sure my money was going where I wanted it to!! That’s Personal Finance 101! :) Despite the disconnect though, it’s already feeling worlds better now, and I’m already looking for more places to pledge my support to so I can make it an even $100/mo across the board.
We’ll see what the future holds with this new thought experiment, but I wanted to share it with you while it was hot on the brain and my encouragement levels sky high, haha… Maybe you already think of your money as voting dollars and supporting your community, I don’t know, but the more ways we can feel empowered by our spending, the better.
Give it a shot today while you’re out running your errands or picking up food/paying the bills, etc, and then come back and let us know how it felt.
Think about everyone you’re supporting with each transaction you make, and see if it changes anything. You’re already going to spend the money, might as well feel better about it! :)
I’ll follow up after a few more months as well…
**** PS: For all those who missed last month’s batch of #GivingCards through our Community Fund, we’re giving out another twenty-five $20 cards right now for anyone who still wants to participate. All you have to do is use it for GOOD! And I guarantee you’ll enjoy spending that money too :) Sign up for one here.
[Heart photo by Oleksii Schastlyvyi]
“Supporting” vs. “Spending” posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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heliosfinance · 7 years
“Supporting” vs. “Spending”
I’ve been trying something new lately where every time I have to spend money on something – whether a need or a want – I try to look at it as I’m “supporting” the place my money’s going to vs. “I’m spending my hard earned money” there.
The effect to my wallet usually remains the same, but what I’ve noticed is that I’m starting to appreciate these transactions a lot more, and not only that – but in some cases even enjoying it!
A great example of this was the other week when it was time to pay dues at our local coin club. The membership fees are literally only like $12/year (or $1.00/month), but we were starting a new *lifetime membership* option where for a one-time fee of $150.00 you could actually become a member for life.
Now, $12 and $150 are drastically different paying attention to price alone, but what I noticed was that a number of people started whipping out their checkbooks right there on the spot for these new memberships. The same people who graciously donate coins to our monthly door prizes, or who volunteer their time and expertise to present to us throughout the year. To them, it wasn’t about the “cost”, but more about the love of the hobby and wanting to support it however they can.
That night 4 people became lifetime members on the spot, including myself :)
(Of course later I ran the numbers to see where the break-even point was because we’re nerds like that (12 1/2 years), but whether I attend the meetings for that long or not, I felt proud to support something I believe in too. I doubt that would have happened had I not consciously changed my thinking.)
This works in other areas too:
$5.00 for coffee? Your baristas thank you for giving them a job!
$75.00 for groceries? Way to help the cashiers, managers, night stockers, and even cleaning crews
$100.00 for insurance? Thanks for protecting my family and finances, insurance company!
$875.00/paycheck for taxes? God bless America and our roads, schools, libraries, outreach programs, and the men and women who protect our laws and safety every day
In all cases they’re still normal expenses, but thinking of them in terms of how they provide for others or society ON TOP of it is a pretty powerful (and often overlooked) feeling. Not unlike the concept of “voting with your dollars” by shopping at the places/stores/services that match your values, and staying away from those which do not.
It’s spending, but it’s also very much supporting.
This new mentality has also affected the way I give back too. I started thinking about all the other hobbies or organizations I could be supporting more just like with the coin club, and came up with three of them right off the bat:
The Sundara Fund – I’ve loved this organization since the moment I learned of it two years ago (they recycle gently used soaps that the hospitality industry throws away every single day and re-uses them to prevent disease and death among kids in poverty-deep countries), and realized the last time I donated to them was almost just as long ago.
516 Project – A newer project launched by a friend of mine who goes around fixing up old and broken down homes of those who can’t afford to have them fixed themselves. I gave to them the day they launched and then promptly forgot.
And then there’s our very own Rockstar Community Fund – where I initially funded it with $500 to get it going and help spread the GOOD around our community, but have since stopped contributing financially purely out of forgetfulness. And this is my own project!! (Of course, I spend gobs of *time* towards it which is worth much more than any donation (or else it wouldn’t exist! haha…) but financially speaking specifically, I was still slacking)
I went back to that same “lifetime membership” concept and decided to give $20/mo to each of these organizations. All very much new “expenses” to me, however when looked at in the light of “support” shines much differently.
And I’m actually pretty embarrassed that I didn’t think of it earlier?! Of course I should have made it automatic to make sure my money was going where I wanted it to!! That’s Personal Finance 101! :) Despite the disconnect though, it’s already feeling worlds better now, and I’m already looking for more places to pledge my support to so I can make it an even $100/mo across the board.
We’ll see what the future holds with this new thought experiment, but I wanted to share it with you while it was hot on the brain and my encouragement levels sky high, haha… Maybe you already think of your money as voting dollars and supporting your community, I don’t know, but the more ways we can feel empowered by our spending, the better.
Give it a shot today while you’re out running your errands or picking up food/paying the bills, etc, and then come back and let us know how it felt.
Think about everyone you’re supporting with each transaction you make, and see if it changes anything. You’re already going to spend the money, might as well feel better about it! :)
I’ll follow up after a few more months as well…
**** PS: For all those who missed last month’s batch of #GivingCards through our Community Fund, we’re giving out another twenty-five $20 cards right now for anyone who still wants to participate. All you have to do is use it for GOOD! And I guarantee you’ll enjoy spending that money too :) Sign up for one here.
[Heart photo by Oleksii Schastlyvyi]
“Supporting” vs. “Spending” published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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touristguidebuzz · 8 years
What Is JetBlue Elite Status Worth in 2017?
If you’ve ever held elite status with a travel provider, you’ve experienced the variety of perks that can make traveling less stressful and more rewarding. But exactly how much value can you expect to get out of airline elite status? Today I’ll continue the 2017 iteration of last year’s series that tries to peg a value on each elite status tier for the major carriers in the US.
This time around, I started with the three big legacy carriers (American AAdvantage, Delta SkyMiles and United MileagePlus) before moving onto the first niche player (Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan). Now I’ll analyze another important player that has really upped its game in recent years: JetBlue’s TrueBlue program.
What is JetBlue elite status worth in 2017?
As with my previous entries, it’s important to note that this approach is just one way to consider the value of elite status, so you should adjust any of my assumptions or calculations based on your own travel patterns and considering what each perk is worth to you. I’m also basing this analysis on the assumption that you’ve already earned the status and will have a similar travel pattern in 2017. However, if you’re starting from scratch and plan to work your way up to JetBlue elite status, I do have a link to an Excel spreadsheet below that’ll give you an idea of the value you’d get from the TrueBlue program as you do so.
In addition, I’ve made two key assumptions as I came to the numbers below:
You earn 20% more base points than the minimum required for earning status.
You take at least 7 round-trip paid flights during the year.
As always, you should adjust these assumptions based on the level of travel you expect to complete.
Two final details before getting into the valuation. As an elite member with JetBlue, you’ll earn bonus points when you travel, and I’m basing the value of those points on TPG’s most recent valuations. Since he pegs TrueBlue points at 1 to 1.4 cents apiece, I’ll go with the middle of that range and use 1.2 cents below. In addition, I’m rounding all numbers below to the nearest $5 to make the calculations a little simpler.
Given this information, how does the JetBlue TrueBlue program and its sole elite status tier stack up? Here’s what I found:
JetBlue Mosaic ($1,840)
Mosaic members can enjoy complimentary drinks on all JetBlue flights.
The only elite status level in the TrueBlue program is Mosaic status, and you can earn this in two different ways: by flying 30 segments and earning 12,000 base points or by earning 15,000 base points in a calendar year (you earn 3 base points per dollar spent). You can also earn this status outright by spending $50,000 in a calendar year on a JetBlue credit card.
For this analysis, I’ll base my numbers on the latter of the two qualification criteria and assume that you earned 18,000 base points, indicating a total spend of $6,000.
Waived change and cancellation fees ($500): One of the most unique perks of Mosaic status is that you (and others traveling on your itinerary) can change or cancel JetBlue flights without any fees. While most other carriers offer this privilege to top-tier elites on award tickets, Mosaic members can utilize it on all tickets. Since JetBlue changed its fare structure in 2015, you almost need a doctorate degree to determine what fee you’d pay as a non-elite member, but it ranges from $0 to $150 depending on the type of ticket you have, the fare you paid and/or how close you are to departure. Of course, you’ll still need to pay any applicable difference in fare, but if you regularly need flexibility for you and your travel companions, this could be a very valuable benefit.
Two free checked bags ($250): The other big change that accompanied JetBlue’s new fare class structure was baggage fees, as the lowest fare (Blue) does not include a checked bag. As a Mosaic member, you and others on your itinerary can check two bags for free, regardless of the ticket you book. This will save you $20 for the first bag and $35 on the second bag. If you (and your friends or family members) regularly need to check multiple bags on JetBlue flights, this benefit could be quite lucrative, though keep in mind that you can get one free checked bag for you and your travel companions with the JetBlue Plus Card.
Take 3 and Lucky 7 bonus ($145): JetBlue also offers a couple of tiered bonuses when you complete a certain number of flights. The Take 3 Bonus awards 5,000 bonus points when you fly three paid round-trip flights, while the Lucky 7 Bonus will give you 7,000 bonus points after flying 7 round-trip JetBlue flights. While not officially a perk of Mosaic status, it is something that you’d almost certainly earn during your qualification. These 12,000 bonus points are worth up to $144 based on TPG’s most recent valuation.
Qualification bonus ($180): When you officially qualify for Mosaic status, you’ll enjoy a one-time bonus of 15,000 points, worth up to $180.
Bonus points ($215): As a Mosaic member, you’ll earn 3 bonus points for every dollar spent on JetBlue flights. Since I’m assuming $6,000 worth of spending, that’ll give you 18,000 bonus points, worth $216.
Priority check-in, security and boarding ($200): Mosaic members have priority check-in, can access Even More Speed priority security lines at dozens of JetBlue airports and will be among the first to board, giving you early access to overhead bin space. This is a nice collection of benefits if you’re running late for a flight but isn’t the most valuable perk out there.
Dedicated customer service line ($100): You’ll also have a priority phone line to call as a Mosaic member, which can be fantastic in the event of a large-scale weather event.
Complimentary alcoholic beverages ($150): Last year, JetBlue began offering complimentary drinks to Mosaic members. However, this isn’t a single drink but rather extends to the entire flight. These drinks regularly cost $6 – $9 (though are available at a 50% discount for holders of a Barclaycard JetBlue credit card). Depending on how many flights you take and how frequently you typically enjoy a drink at 38,000 feet, this could be a very valuable perk.
Even More Space redemptions ($100): A final perk of JetBlue Mosaic status is the ability to redeem your points for Even More Space seats, sometimes at a pretty fantastic rate. I’ve found JetBlue’s regular coach seats to have generous legroom compared to other domestic carriers, so Even More Space seats can seem massive by comparison. I like to book these seats using the airline fee credits from cards like the Premier Rewards Gold Card from American Express or the Platinum Card from American Express, but having the ability to redeem points for these seats can be a nice benefit to have.
What if I’m starting from scratch?
If you’re starting from scratch, your first several flights on JetBlue won’t provide any benefits.
As I mentioned at the outset, these numbers are based on the benefits you’d enjoy by spending a full year with Mosaic status. However, if you’re starting from scratch, the calculations become a bit more complicated, since you won’t start to enjoy any benefits until you hit one of the qualification thresholds to earn that status. To help modify the analysis for those individuals, I’ve taken the above valuations and converted them to a value per elite-qualifying mile, as follows:
$1,840 / 18,000 base points = 10.2 cents per base point
I then created an Excel spreadsheet that uses these numbers to calculate how much value you’d get from JetBlue Mosaic status given a certain amount of flying. All you need to do is change the number in cell A2 to represent how much you expect to spend on JetBlue flights in 2017. The spreadsheet will then calculate the number of base points you’ll earn, and the calculations will update with the corresponding value.
For example, you’ll see that I have pre-loaded the 18,000 base points I assumed above. At this rate, you’d get no benefits from the first 15,000 base points and then enjoy Mosaic benefits for the remaining 3,000 points (at a rate of 10.2 cents per point). This means that if you’re starting from scratch and estimate that you’ll spend $6,000 on JetBlue in 2017, you’d be able to get $306.67 worth of perks from the TrueBlue program.
As always, feel free to adjust the numbers above for Mosaic status (loaded into the “Base Data” tab of the spreadsheet) based on your own personal valuation.
Is it worth it?
Only you can decide whether it’s worth pursuing JetBlue elite status in 2017.
So given these values, is it worth pursuing elite status with JetBlue? Just like with any analysis we undertake here at TPG, there isn’t an easy answer to this, as it depends entirely on your individual situation. However, here are a few overarching questions that can help you arrive at a decision:
How much will you travel in the future? If you earned JetBlue elite status in 2016, it’s valid through December 31, 2017, and if you qualify in 2017, your status will last until December 31, 2018. It’s critical to think about how much you’ll be traveling in the future. If you push hard to earn Mosaic status, for example, the perks outlined above only apply when you actually travel.
How well does JetBlue’s route map (and/or those of its partners) match your typical travel patterns? There’s really no point in pursuing elite status with an airline if you can’t feasibly fly it (or partners) on a regular basis. Be sure to consider JetBlue’s service from your home airport(s) and how easy it is to get to your desired destination(s).
How sensitive are you to price and convenience? There are many tradeoffs in this hobby, and one of the most common is deciding whether to use your preferred airline or hotel chain when it’s not the most convenient or cheapest. Would you book a one-stop JetBlue flight if Delta had a cheaper nonstop option? If the answer is no, it may not be worth going out of your way to earn Mosaic status (or elite status with any airline, for that matter).
These questions are also not easy to answer, as there are many different factors that come into play with each of them. Nevertheless, it’s a worthwhile exercise to evaluate your own situation to determine if JetBlue elite status is for you!
Bottom Line
JetBlue is unique among US carriers in that it only has a single level of elite status. Back in 2014, I took advantage of an earlier iteration of last year’s status match and challenge program, and I must say that I came away unimpressed. Nevertheless, for those of you in cities with a large JetBlue presence (especially one with existing or new Mint service, a TPG favorite), having Mosaic status can be quite valuable. Hopefully this post has provided you a framework for determining if this status is right for you!
How much do you value JetBlue elite status?
Featured image courtesy of Boarding1Now via Getty Images.
JetBlue Plus Card
Earn 30,000 bonus points after you spend $1,000 on purchases within the first 90 days
Earn 6 points per $1 on JetBlue purchases, 2 points per $1 at restaurants and grocery stores and 1 point per $1 on all other purchases
No blackout dates on JetBlue-operated flights & redeem for any seat, any time on JetBlue-operated flights. Points required for an Award Flight will vary based on the published base fare at the time of booking
Points awarded in your TrueBlue account don't expire
Earn 5,000 bonus points every year after your account anniversary
50% savings on eligible inflight purchases like cocktails and food & the primary cardmember's first checked bag is free on JetBlue-operated flights
Enjoy TrueBlue Mosaic benefits for one year after you spend $50,000 or more on purchases each calendar year with your card
Enjoy a $100 statement credit after purchasing a JetBlue Vacations package of $100 or more with your JetBlue Plus Card
Intro APR Regular APR Annual Fee Foreign Transaction Fee Credit Rating N/A 12.49%, 20.49% or 25.49% Variable $99 0% Excellent Credit
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