#I’d love my eyes if they didn’t draw the wrong peopel in
At least I’m pretty when I cry!
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Lexi you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Natalie Dupont!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Natalie’s one of those characters that I’m particularly fond of, not because of an attachment from prior books, but because of the potential in her skeleton, and therefore it was wonderful to get an app that captured her complexities and explored them in depth! You did a marvelous job deciphering the tug-and-pull of light versus dark in her, and I got a great understanding of who she was as a character and what was drawing her towards each of them. I can’t wait to see you explore everything that you mentioned in your app, and to give you a family and a place where you can write her with abandon! Welcome!
application beneath the cut
Hello I’m Lexi and I’m 27 from the EST timezone. I use the she/her pronouns. I’ve been writing for over ten years now and I still absolutely love it. I started out on a harry potter roleplay and went from there so I’d love to get back to my roots. I love Marvel anything, Doctor Who, Dusk Till Dawn (move and series) and I’m a avid music lover. I look at rp’s like family so I’m excited to possibly get to be apart of this one.
I’d say an eight. I work from home so I am on periodically through out the day and evenings. It’s hard to pin point the slow days but if I know I’ll be busy and unable to post longer than just that day I will be sure to send you all a message.
*removed for privacy
harry potter rp tag, and I found it months ago so I bookmarked it and have been poking around since. I’ve just got my schedule cleared up so I can join.
Luna Lovegood hands down. She was so unafraid to be herself and she was the quirky one no one ever understood. I’ve always felt different and it helped to have a character that was simply her. She helped me accept different as being ok and she was confident in her own odd way which I loved. She’s just a very awesome character that I really felt connected with while reading the books and it was awesome to see her come to life on the screen.
I think that covers it :)
Natalie Dupont (Natalie means ‘Christmas’ which finds funny and her father used to tease her and call her mother Christmas, and Dupont is an old french name meaning 'of the bridge’. If it’s ok I’d like to give Natalie the middle name 'Antoinette’ and that name mean priceless. I was always going to say it was great grandmother’s name and given to Natalie in her honor.
Hailee Steinfeld REASON FOR CHOSEN CHARACTER Natalie on the surface could appear your straightforward kind of gal. She’s that young woman with many layers and once you start peeling them away you’d be surprised at what you find. She’s been in a family filled with love and light, and yet her urges tug her nearer to the darkness. She finds it exciting being that close to danger, and she likes that feeling like when you go over a big hill and your stomach feels light. Then you hit the drop and it’s all worth it. Natalie was raised on the principal of family being your rock, and she firmly believes it. She recalls the tight knit little world she was raised within, but her hands reach for the bigger and wider world.
School only strengthened her need for more. Some would call her greedy, but she’s simply ambitious. Natalie wants to see it all and do it all, and she’s willing to pay the price to do it. She wants the thrill and the fun all wrapped in a tiny little gift for her. I’d love to explore her impulsive nature and how she finds her way into the darker side of the world. How she meshes with the other death-eater’s, and how she handles her home life or personal life as a result. I want to see her pushed to see how she reacts, and see her true and find her place in the world. PREFERRED SHIPS // CHARACTER SEXUALITY // GENDER & PRONOUNS
Natalie has had maybe two or three boyfriends during her time at Hogwarts. They were never anything overly serious and mere crushes. The type of crushes that meant sweet kisses in the hall and hand holding at the table in the Great Hall. She tended to date within her circle, but she did venture in her sixth year and dated a Slytherin boy who had a taste for violence. She watched him bully other kids like an eager child taking in a lesson. She never participated but she absorbed the knowledge like a sponge. They eventually broke up when he chose to pick on a friend of hers and Natalie put her foot down. She hexed him so he broke out in horrible warts and then proudly proclaimed she had done it.
She believed when she was younger like most girls that there is a prince charming out there and she’ll raise beautiful babies with her best friend, but the notion has begun to fade as she gets older. She doesn’t want to be tied down at the moment and instead wants the adventures of life. Perhaps later as Natalie does want children to teach and nurture. She wants to find someone that’s her best friend first and lover second. The sort of person who matches her need for adventures and will dabble in the darkness without telling her she’s wrong.
Natalie’s parents were a good example of a strong marriage for her. They had their spats but she for the most part got the idea of a loving relationship from them. She recalls they had date nights and could be found snuggling on the couch in front of their fireplace. She hopes one day but for now she couldn’t see it. She is strictly heterosexual though in school she debated on the idea of dating another girl out of curiousity’s sake. It never happened and she found her heart wasn’t in it anyway. She didn’t want to fake anything for the sake of experimentation. Pronouns wise that would be she/her.
The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: Gosh all the good ones are taken aren’t they? I’d like something where it helps make my decisions for me. Is that a thing? I’d like for it to be a thing. Go red if I’m in the danger zone and should not approach, or green if all is well. I’m a horrid decision maker. I have zero impulse control.
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: That’s a hard one! Caradoc though. He’s interesting and I haven’t made many attempts to get to know him just yet and all that jazz. Kind of wondering what’s going on in that head of his. I’d take some chocolates. I got wand so I need some snacks.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?: How about all decisions? I’m not good at making decisions because I make the decision and then second guess myself. I’m like oh was that actually the right decision or was I just deciding for the sake of it? It’s a mes and a half all the time.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?-Gosh ok I hope people never say I was a terrible friend or that I never amounted to anything. I take my friendships seriously you know? I love my friends and I’m that kind of person that wants to be your three in the morning phone call because you need someone. I also take working seriously enough. I think ambition is a big part of life and you need it to keep moving forward. I’d hate for peopel to say I never did anything with myself.
Tick tick tick….The old fashion clock on the wall continued to click and click as Natalie stared at it with narrowed eyes. Brows furrowed she judged the time as the hands taunted her from her comfortable position leaned over the back of the couch. Tick tick…Finally the chime went off to signal a new hour and she was scrambling to get off the furniture and grab her jacket from the front hall. A chuckle from her Uncle was heard as he shook at his head at the girl’s enthusiasm.
“In a hurry?” he inquired, his graying hair tucked neat around a small set of ears and a gentle smile swept up the dimples of his cheeks. “Got practice,” Natalie returned, her tone still sweet as she politely halted for her elder. “I’ve almost got that hex down!”
She was practically bouncing in her shoes, the nice little dress her mom had made draped on her frame. The vibrant red made her think blood and made her grin with a twinkle of amusement. She had grabbed her cloak from the hook and made sure her wand was safely tucked away. Always out of sight her dad had told her once upon a time. It was safer that way. Her grandfather approached and ruffled her chocolate locks which got a crinkle of her nose from the younger girl.
“You’ll have it in no time,” he reassured.
He was gentle and at ease around the younger ones of the home. Her father would have put his foot down and reprimanded her for not having the simple hex down pat by this point. Natalie was a focused and ambitious learner though. She put in the hours of work into the newer spells and charms. Her grades in school had allowed her a little more space when it came to sorting out the formalities of adulthood. She was in her own space in her own apartment, but the comforts of the large estate would always beckon her back. She had visited and sat, but off she would go once again.
“Tell mum I said hi,” she rushed, ducking out the large front door in the next second and letting it shut with a thud behind her.
Natalie was putting in the hours and moving forward with her future. At least in some aspects. Her mother was dead certain her daughter would never marry anyone at this rate. She had wanted her arranged to someone of pure blood at sixteen, but the plan had never run as smoothly as her mother hoped. Natalie had turned down the idea so many times she had lost count.
She wanted independence and the chance to find who she was beyond someone else. She didn’t want to be stuck on someone’s arm like a prized piece, but instead a strong woman who could stand her ground. Another reason to put in the work, she had reminded herself simply.
She was in good spirits as she headed into town to meet up with her friend. The other girl was trying to do better as well. Both of them bore the mark of the dark lord and were eager to rise in ranks. They looked to past members of great name and great power to inspire. They were of course excited to be a name of their one one day, but baby steps. Even Natalie knew when to take things slowly lest she make a mistake.
Today was another day. Another beginning and another chance. She was ready to begin as she always was, but things were changing and Natalie Dupont could feel it in her bones.
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