#I’d call the cops if I wasn’t allowed to lunge at the fucker
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sub-ignis · 1 year ago
Ichoji Hikaru pre-ep 27: Idiot with some misogyny issues struggling through
Ichoji Hikaru post-27: malicious fuckboy non pareil
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darkredehmption · 5 years ago
By Order of The King
Written by @DamagedBrother and @OfFeatherNFang
[Tracking Malys was easier than I thought it would be. His scent was all around me but it never cut off, which meant only one thing. He wasn’t scattering his molecules. Odd. He was a vampire, yes? That’s what I smelled on him, and his mother was chosen. There was no way he could be what Butch was. So maybe he was just that dumb to think we wouldn’t follow so he decided to take a stroll. Idiot. 
Snorting as I race across a rooftop. Jumping off only to dematerialize in midair and taking form on the building beside it. My shitkickers grind into the gravel as I push myself even harder as I move quickly across each building. His scent burned in my nose, fangs lengthen as I got ready to attack. I didn’t like the smirk on his face the moment he stepped into the audience house. It had been such a long time since I chased someone like this and the fucking adrenaline rush I had right now had me going.
Letting out a powerful growl that I just couldn’t hold back anymore. Who was this male to come to a meeting with a bunch of brothers, reeking of lessers. Then had the nerve to dance around the question that the King asked him. Did he think we were fucking idiots. Chosen son or not this fucker was going down. I mean Wrath said I could knock him out, and knock him out I would. 
As I continued to move, I reached for my phone and made a quick call to Butch.] Hey Cop. Yeah, I’m gonna need the SUV. V texted you? Great. Yeah, I’ll give you a location once I have him down. Just head to the area, I doubt he will get far. Great. Later. 
[I hang up as I finally land on the last rooftop where his scent was all around me. Stronger than ever. I spotted the male close to the edge. Watching with a lowered gaze as he slid on a leather jacket then pushed a blade into his boot. From far away, I could see the black blood that tainted both those items. Fucker. Snarling to let my presence be known as I started to stalk my prey. My eyes that were once golden turned pitch black. I could feel the anger coursing through me, the air around us grew even colder. This fucker was done for. Please run. Oh please. Make this even better for me. Don’t give in. I wanted to tackle him down and connect my fist to his jaw.]
You. You need to come with me. [I barked out as I moved even closer to him.] We are going to take a little trip you and me. [Smirks wide, showing off my fangs] You could make this easy or hard. Your choice, fucker. 
The desire to summon my wings and fly the fuck off the Audience House doorstep had been so strong I’d nearly caved, vampires, cameras or human witnesses be damned. But after decades of keeping my existence hidden from all but the closest hunters, I couldn’t sacrifice it all now. So doing the whole two step, beat feet back to the heart of the city had been downright brutal. 
Every block or so I’d had the prickling sensation at the back of my neck, but no matter how often or how subtly I glanced back, trying to track the feeling, I saw nothing. No one. Yet as that scarred male stalked toward me across the roof I wasn’t surprised, and I was all kinds of glad I’d put my wings away again the second I’d landed after lifting up from the street below. Those dark eyes weren’t looking at me like I was odd, or a freak; no, those eyes looked at me like I was the enemy.
“Funny,” I replied coolly, turning to face the Brother properly, eyes narrowing, “‘cause I’ve always been taught never to go anywhere with strangers.”
Glancing at the edge of the building, I gauged the distance to the pavement below and knew I could make it, no broken bones or strains included. Fixing my eyes back on the Brother, I tilted my head, bangs falling around my eyes that I raked back absently.
“I answered the questions of ‘your’ King. I answered them honestly. So this?” I gestured between us, flashing a tight smile. “Doesn’t need to be a thing, sweetheart. Fuck, you’d think you’d be grateful - I did you all a favour, taking one of those black blooded shit stains off the streets, and y’all are acting like I took a shit on his Majesty’s desk.”
FYI, probably not the best thing to say, but I was beginning to get the idea that the vampire race was falling short for a reason. If only the King and his cronies were allowed to fight those things off? No wonder everything was tits up. 
[I let out an evil laugh, watching closely as the fucker eyes the ground. Oh he was going to jump? Please. Do it. Fuck do it. I’ll leap with you. Licking down the length of a fang as I move even closer.] 
Well guess what. I know your name and all about your Mahmen so look, we aren’t strangers anymore. [Snorts as I go along with his little joke. Though I was not about to sit here and play games with the guy. Hell no. I had a long night of guarding the King and wanted to get the fuck home. And I would capture this fool and drag him back to the mansion if I had to. I watched as he shifted closer to the edge.]
Yeah well guess what? All matters involving lessers is Brotherhood territory. Not some...chosen’s son. [Narrows my eyes at him] Now. You gonna cooperate or leap off the fucking roof already?
[Quickly I darted forward, moving towards the male as I get hit with that adrenaline rush again. Rolling my eyes as the fucker jumps off backwards. Showoff. I leap after him only to dematerialize to take form on the ground below. Tempted to grab a dagger, but I remembered what Wrath said. Don’t kill him just knock him around if you have to. Smirks wide as I crack my neck.]
I needed to be on the ground to fight this guy - wrestling on a rooftop probably looked good in a movie, but if we both went over the side he could dematerialise while I’d have to blow cover and summon my wings. So when he lunged forward, I went backwards, leaping away from the building and bracing as I hit the pavement and rolled back, then up to my knees. Sure enough, Captain Happy had demat’ed down onto the street, facing me with fingers twitching to reach for the daggers at his chest. Fun.
The phrase ‘some Chosen’ lingered though, and I had to fight the very vampire urge to snarl, not wanting to show my fangs. Instead I sniffed, rising to my full height and offering a cool smile. He knew my name? He knew my mahmen’s story? He didn’t know /shit/.
“Fuck your cooperating. And fuck your Brotherhood. Too head up your ass proud to take help from anyone else? No wonder the vampire race is /dying/,” I hissed lowly, eyes narrowing. “Maybe I should’ve left the Lesser there to do its damn job, huh?”
Hey look. That seemed to be the breaking point. The vampire dove at me, and without thinking I reacted, the pair of us moving in a fight that might’ve looked choreographed to an observer. I blocked his heavy punches and sidestepped jabs, while he weaved from my return shots and braced for kicks. His jacket moved as we did, and with a grim glance I knew the daggers on his chest weren’t the only weapons he was packing. Luckily for me, the guy seemed more intent on beating me with his fists than riddling me with bullets. Probably a pride thing.
Breaking an arm lock, I leapt backward and braced again, panting. There was a dark grin on my face, and I didn’t remember it getting there. But I also couldn’t remember the last time someone matched me like this. Gave everything like this. The faint ache of his hits that’d made it through my guards registered beneath the adrenaline, the side of my head itching with a gash I carelessly wiped back, but it was inconsequential. I could do this all night. And enjoy it.
“Did I touch a nerve, sweetheart?”
[Who did this piece of fucking shit think he was? The male had balls I’d tell ya that. All that son of chosen shit went out the window and out came a whole lot of sass. Fuck. Why did I have to spare his life again? Maybe if I killed him I could tell Wrath he was disrespecting the Brotherhood. That would work, yeah? Snorting at the thought before eyeing the male. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore. So I lunged forward and attacked.
Throwing punches left and right. Not for nothing the kid kept up. He gave me a run for my money, but I knew who would be on the floor in a moment and it wasn’t me. I smirked as he got a few punches in cause guess what? I liked to be hit. Yeah I know. I’m fucked up. But ever since I stopped making my twin hit me, I started getting my high from fighting the enemy. Every now and then the lessers got a punch in but it never felt like enough. Now this fucker knew how to hit. 
Licking blood off my lower lip after I get a nice blow to my face. Maybe this male had more strength than I thought he did. V might have to do a little digging on who his Father was. I let out another evil laugh.]
Fuck you. [I didn’t want to admit how much I was enjoying this. Come on Z get it together. He was not going to be a guest in our house tonight. More like a prisoner. Shaking the thought before I narrow my gaze. Letting out a powerful growl that echoes in the alleyway as I lunge towards him again. My body makes contact with his, knocking him flat on his back. Hand snatching up his shirt as my free one pulls back and connects with his jaw in one powerful hit. Panting softly as I wait to see if he bounces back from it. Ready to strike again at any moment. I could feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket. It had to be Butch, but I wanted to make sure I had him knocked out before I answered him.] 
I wanted to laugh, delight in the moment, but then the guy was throwing himself forward. The move was unexpected, surprising me before I could shift or twist out of the way. He collected me around the middle and then I was slamming into the pavement, the air rushing out of my lungs at the impact. 
I tried to bring a knee up, to block or roll us, but the Brother was too fast. The fist in my shirt lifted, held, and then..
Fucking /crack/.
His fist connected with my jaw and my head snapped back into the pavement. Lights burst behind my eyes and I struggled to cling to consciousness, my arms not responding as I order them back up, to block, to fight.
Then I lost the battle. The darkness won out as the male faded away in front of me, my eyes falling shut as I slumped.
[Slowly I loosen the tight grip I had on his shirt. Giving the male a hard shove, watching as he doesn’t move to get up. Completely limp and knocked out. Great. I reach into the pocket of my leathers to pull out my phone. There were a few missed calls from Butch. Looking around the alley as I dial him up. Listening as it rings, my eyes returned back to gold as my attention is drawn to the male on the floor. Finally I hear Cop’s voice on the line. “Yo, Z. You got him?”]
Hey. Yeah I got him. [Snorts] He’s out like a light, but I’m not sure for how long. I’m not too far from the audience house. I’ll share my location. See you soon. [Doing just that when I hang up with Butch. It was only maybe a few minutes after the call when the Escalade rolled up. Rhage hops out of the car and I nod to Malys on the floor.] 
I need your help with him. [Rhage smirks and moves over quickly to grab at the male] I got his feet. Lift. [Grunting as we maneuver him into the SUV. Sliding in afterwards before drawing my attention to Cop and Tohr who sat in the front.] Alright let's roll out. [We take off and I hear Butch chime in. “Damn and here I thought rotation would be a lot more fun than the audience house tonight. Welp, I was wrong.” He snorts before picking up speed. 
We needed to get Malys to the mansion before he woke. I couldn’t risk him seeing how to get there for security reasons. There could be a chance this fucker was going to be set free, and if that happened the Brotherhood had to protect their location. Sure Vishous had the Mhis set up on the manse, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t figure out how to reach us by watching how to get there.]
I was moving, though definitely not under my own power. Somewhere in the back of my brain I registered it had to be a vehicle of some kind, the forward momentum, side to side and stop being the only thing that made sense. 
My head felt like it was no longer attached to my neck. I could give the Brother props for that at least; the fucker hit like a train at close quarters. If I ‘wasn’t’ part of the supernatural fam? Fuck, my jaw’d be broken, easy. As it was, one side of my face throbbed as I tried to push through the darkness back to consciousness. 
A single breath in and I knew we were no longer alone either. Three other males were in the car with us, and didn’t that just make this that much fucking harder for me. What had begun as a simple enough evening to plead my mahmen’s case had turned into a clusterfuck of epic proportions, and now I was on a road trip with four males that looked like they’d be at home in a supplements store, raging out. 
Trying to lift my head, the action brought a groan I couldn’t even hold in, my hands moving like they could cradle it and set it back in place. And hey! No restraints! Yay for the positive! As I tried to blink through the haze and the pain, I looked toward the scent that was most familiar, the scarred male beside me. And he happened to be the last thing I saw. Lights out.
[My eyes stayed trained on Malys. Looking up every now and then as Rhage ran his mouth. Talking about the night of fighting he had before he hit me with twenty one questions. “So who is this guy? Where did he come from? I heard his Mahmen was a chosen is that true? Did he put up a good fight? I heard he took down a lesser yeah? How many lessers?” Finally Tohr chimes in “Scribe, enough Rhage. We are trying to figure all this out. All we know is that Wrath wants him back at the manse and he’s a prisoner. So do as the King says and shut up.” 
It grew quiet in the car for about a minute before Rhage breaks the silence. Of course. “So...where is he gonna be staying?” Before anyone can speak a groan fills the silence and it wasn’t from a brother. Turning my head to eye the male in between me and Hollywood. He was waking up slowly and I couldn’t have that happen while we were still driving. Pulling my fist back to give him another punch, not as hard as the last one but still did the job. Watching as he fades out again before I eye Butch in the driver’s seat]
Cop, how we looking? [Grabbing ahold of the door as he whips the SUV around to get off the highway. “Almost there.” He grunts as he maneuvers the car around seamlessly. My golden eyes found the prisoner again. I wondered when was the last time he fed, would he heal so quickly or need blood. Fuck who the hell would the King even let him feed from if any. 
My attention is drawn up as I feel the car skid to a stop. We arrived. Vishous and Phury were already in the garage to greet us. Rhage helps me get the prisoner out, the other brothers joining in once he was free from the car. We carried him inside and moved down the tunnels, heading towards the PT suite.]
Where is Wrath? [V lifts his head “Upstairs with the Queen. I told him not to worry about him until tomorrow, true?” That made sense. Not much we were going to get out of him tonight, besides the sun was coming up soon and the King needed rest. We managed to toss the fucker onto a stretcher. Vishous moves forward to grab the restraints on the bed and ties him down. “Hell I don’t know if this will hold him, but it’s worth a shot. We will need some to keep guard. I can stay up on my computers.” Butch raises a hand “You know if you’re up, I’ll be up fucker.” Nodding at the others who had mates. Not like Butch, Vishous, and I.]
Head upstairs. I’ll keep guard here with Butch and V watching from the pit. [My twin tried to interject as well as Tohr but I just shook my head.] It’s fine. I got this. [Vishous tosses me a pair of cuffs. “In case you need them.” Someone says, “You would have those on hand V.” Laughs are heard then fade as the brothers exit the PT suite leaving just me and the prisoner.]
My return to consciousness this time was worse in so many ways. My head felt swollen from the hits I’d taken, and the first words outta my mouth were a mumbled ‘stop… fucking… hitting me…’
Mercifully, whoever was near me took that request seriously, because another round of ‘Night night’ was not forthcoming. As I blinked away the pain, the bleary eyed state, one thing became hyper apparent as my senses returned; the intense smell of chemical disinfectant. Hospital grade.
My eyes jerked open as I looked around. No more car, or males. No, now it was some sort of surgical area, instruments clean and gleaming on trays against the wall, cabinets full of vials, needles, scalpels. Panic surged in my chest as I tried to move and failed, looking down at my wrists and ankles secured to the gurney. 
Had they figured it out? Was that why they wanted me here? Why they’d waited until I left the Audience House so none of the civilians knew? I was a halfbreed; mahmen said no one like me had ever existed before. Were they going to cut me open? Test me? I’d never been in a hospital that didn’t involve a hunt… I’d never needed one… and now…
I was breathing hard as I looked around, my wrists straining and yanking at the restraints until my skin bled, but they didn’t budge. Then he was there. The scarred male with the yellow eyes stepped into view. My fear made me reckless, but even as I tried to reign it in, to breathe through it and hide it from the Brother, I snarled. 
“What the fuck is this?! Let me go!”
Huh, yeah, I doubted my angrily telling him to do it would make it happen, but panic makes you irrational. Was this truly it? I’d committed no crime other than to slay an enemy of the race that made up half of me. I never should’ve come… 
[It was only a few moments after the brothers left that the prisoner started to wake. Great. Turning to watch him have a total freak out in front of me. The male thrashed against the stretcher. Rough movements as he completely lost his shit. My golden eyes go a little wide as I smelled fresh blood. Whoa there. Quickly I dart over, inspecting his body until my eyes land on his wrists. He was tugging so hard on the restraints that he was breaking open his skin.] 
Scribe…[My hand scrubbed over my skull trim before running down my scarred face. Suddenly images of me as a blood slave fill my mind. Tugging on the shackles in the cell as I screamed until my lungs gave out. Gritting my teeth, I let out a growl that was cut off as I tried to get my own shit together.] 
Alright! [I bark out then grips the side of the bed] Calm the fuck down. I know...this sucks. Just… [What? Trust me? Why the fuck would he? I’m the one that tracked him down, beat him up, and brought him here to be strapped to a stretcher.] Look, we are just keeping you restrained so you won’t escape and run amok in the mansion. There are females in here...and a shit load of bonded males that would separate every limb from your body if you touched them. Not saying that you would. 
[Grunts] Just...you are in a very high profile place and it’s important that we keep you under wraps until we can figure this out. Figure you out. Don’t...freak. I know that’s asking a lot but I get it. I’d freak too. [My scarred lip twitches to emphasize that yeah I had a past.] Yes I roughed you up, yes we have you captured, but it is only under the commands of the King. He wants to have a one on one with you. That will happen tomorrow and then we can figure this all out. 
[I hoped to Scribe this male would finally relax, cause if not I was going to have to sedate him or some shit. Luckily for me, I had all the tools available to do such. But I didn’t want to do that. It was weird to think differently of him now then how I did before the fight. Maybe I was still coming down from the high. Shaking my head as I look away] I know you enjoyed what happened before I knocked you out. Don’t really get challenged like that too much, eh? Never get to spar? [Snorts as I park my ass in a chair that was a few feet away from the bed. I was planning on keeping an eye on him from the door, but I suppose this worked.]
My body trembled with the fear and adrenaline as I fought to remain still. The male’s brief snarl reminded me I was a new level of helpless I hadn’t experienced before, and if he wanted to tear my throat out with those pointy whites of his, there was absolutely fuck all I could do to stop him. 
His words punctured the anxiety, and I looked away as I tried to breathe. Figure me out? Like I was a rubik’s cube that just had to be twisted the right way? Fuck. 
“I’ve never hurt a woman that didn’t try to kill me first,” I managed, fighting against the need to lock my jaw. “And so far all I see is that I did your job for you and now you’re all pissed about it enough to ‘imprison’ me.” 
I forced myself to look back, to meet those golden eyes as my own darkened to black. I could feel it, but I couldn’t control it. Oh well. 
“I killed a Lesser. One that could’ve killed a civilian. But /I’m/ the villain?” The injustice of it was infuriating as I looked away again, gnashing my teeth. “That’s fucked. Totally fucked. I shouldn’t have to be restrained like an /animal/; like something you all want to poke and prod to find out what makes me tick. Is that how you get off? Locking up males in your basement med rooms?”
Vaguely I wondered if I was being unfair to the male before me. The scar on his face was… defining. However he’d gotten it, the marks weren’t only skin deep. And me going mental on my restraints had obviously triggered something in him, since he wasn’t snarling at me that I was a fucking asshole or any other colourful words I’d half expected after our fight. But it didn’t change the fact I was locked up until some King that wasn’t mine decided I could go. I felt my distrust of the vampire race only deepen as I stared at my lap. 
When he spoke again, I got the sense he wasn’t really a Chatty Cathy, but shit, he was making an effort. To keep me calm. That sucked a little of the ass outta my attitude. My wrists stung as I tried to adjust them more carefully now, my blood a stain in the air as I considered my words.
“It was a good fight,” I said finally, quietly. “Pity you had to go and ruin it with abduction and whatever. But yeah…” I looked up, my eyes returning to deep brown. “I enjoyed it. I can’t fight humans like that. No holding back.” 
[Watching as the male starts to go off in a full rant. My eyes widen slightly as I notice his eyes shift. They turned to black when he started to get angry just like mine. Interesting. He went on and on about how he was innocent and what not. I mean...yes he did help us and the race by taking down a lesser. But still, there was something he was hiding. Who was he? And where did he come from? Though I wasn’t about to get into playing twenty one questions. That would be the King’s deal tomorrow.]
Yeah...remember when the King asked you to speak up about your evening. And you didn’t include the lesser killing in your chat. Now...I understand not wanting to spill on that. But my oh my how easier of a night this would of been, or maybe not. [Smirks] Then again...fighting with you was the highlight of my evening. [Resting my elbows on my knees, eyes staying locked on the prisoner.] You really know how to throw a punch huh? That poor lesser. [Snorts then lets out a heavy sigh. Why was I making small talk with the male? I hated to talk. I hated people. But for some reason the words were flowing easily with him.] 
Hell maybe things will work out for you. [Scrubbing my hand over my tired eyes] Just...stop. We will deal with this tomorrow. [I didn’t want to keep talking to him. I wasn’t here to make fucking friends. My brothers told me to keep guard and that was it. Getting up from the chair, I move to stand by the door again. I flickered my eyes up to the camera that was in the corner of the room. Vishous was watching everything that was going down, I wonder if the prisoner knew that.] 
I licked my teeth and said nothing, reminding myself to be careful about showing my fangs. Not that I had anything to smile about here. Telling the King I’d smoked a Lesser on his turf hadn’t seemed like the best idea, but hey, not telling him had turned out fucking spectacular, so would I do things differently if I had the shot? Probably, but there was a good chance my stubborn ass would do the same shit over again just to fight the guy in front of me.
When he pulled the plug on the convo thing though, I frowned, watching him get up and stalk away. His head tilted up, a bare fraction, but that was all I needed to follow his gaze to the camera in the corner. So Captain Happy here wasn’t the only one keeping an eye on me. Good to know. If I somehow, miracle of miracles, got loose from these cuffs, and then somehow subdued the scarred Brother, I’d have the Brotherhood ready and waiting at the door to beat me like a piñata. 
“Whatever, man,” I muttered, turning my gaze away from him. “You do you in the corner with all that brooding silence and I’ll just be over here, regretting that half of me is made of vampire…”
Too late I thought of the fact he didn’t need to know I was a halfbreed, but hell, he could assume I was human. Every one else did. Laying my head back on the pillow, I stared at the ceiling and tried not to stew in the anger, even as I adjusted my wrists in their restraints and wondered how the fuck I was supposed to rest like this. A whole day of waiting to be judged and found wanting by a King… 
[I froze in place as I heard the male’s words. Half vampire. My head barely turned to take in the site of him lying on the stretcher. What the hell was the other half? Ever since I’ve met a tiger anything was possible at this point. Taking a deep inhale to capture his scent but all I smelled was vampire. He didn’t smell like a shifter. No. Not a trace. So what was he? Half human like Beth? Maybe. Hell...the Queen was going to be pissed when she found out what we did tonight. Especially if this male turned out not to be a threat, and honestly, from the looks of it he really didn’t seem like one. Though I had to keep my guard up. Just because he seemed like he wouldn’t harm us doesn’t mean he wouldn’t. 
I found myself leaning against the wall, keeping my eyes trained on the wall in front of me. Deciding that it was probably not the best idea to speak to him again. Hell I was still getting shit from the brothers on all the crap I spilled to the shifter. Snorting at that as I find myself sinking down onto the floor. My eyes were tired but I knew I could stay awake. I've spent many nights getting little to no sleep due to nightmares so this was child’s play. Tomorrow I could get some rest and spill all that I learned about the prisoner. What if he wasn’t a threat? What was the male going to do then if we just dump him off somewhere? Run home to his Mahmen or come back fighting.
Shaking the thought from my head as I listen to the beats of his heart. His breathing started to slow down, which led me to believe he was starting to relax a little. I mean how much could one relax strapped to a bed? Trying to push away any negative thoughts as I think about that for a moment. Something happened to this male. Was he taken like this before? Held captive? Maybe some of this information would come out tomorrow when he spoke to the King. My eyes flickered to the prisoner once more before gazing back at the wall, if only I had a book to read while I kept guard.]
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theyrealllegends · 6 years ago
Careful (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Chapter Summary: You’re gonna meet Freddie and I hope you like him! Also, there’s a lot of stressed Rog in this one, before we’re eventually moving to some fluff. 
Author’s Note: Guys, thank you for your insane feedback on chapter 1, I almost started crying when I hit the 100 notes because I wasn’t even thinking I would ever reach them! I love you all and I hope you enjoy the next chapters just as much! Let me know if you have any comments or wishes!
Words: ~1.8k but I’m trying to write longer chapters!
Warnings: Mentions of drugs and drinking, slight swearing and pet names (lol), nothing too crazy so enjoy 
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Chapter 2:
Previous Parts: Ch. 1
The flat got quieter as Roger’s exams started. He’d be home with you much more, running his hands through his hair over his books that weren’t as big as yours but with graphs of skulls and different teeth that looked more complex than your longest laws. The amount of first English breakfast tea and then black coffee the two of you drank grew to new extremes but you secretly loved how good it was not to study alone for some time. It kept you going to know that you weren’t in this alone and it sparked your sense for competition to procrastinate less than Roger. Also, he’d ask you the mock exam questions you had and you’d do the same for him, finding out any trouble spots you had to go over again and also teaching each other the bases of your subjects in the process. 
“I’m so sure I’m gonna fail, I should drop out just now!”, Roger moaned from the kitchen table. You were preparing some noodles to feed the two of you for another late night of studying. 
“You’re not dropping out anywhere! Why do you even say that?!” “First of all because it’s too hard”, he said, pressing his hands to his face. “Second of all because I don’t love it half as much as you love your laws.”
“I come from a family of lawyers, I basically grew up with law books everywhere, I really can’t be a standard.”
“You should’ve told me way earlier! I mean, I have a similar - but not inherited passion for biology and I bet I wouldn’t question that as hard as I question these damn teeth and gums and whatnot!”
“Are you sure?”, you asked while you carried the pan full of noodles to the table. “Because I feel like you’re only trying to convince yourself something else would be better so you can stop studying.”
“That’s only half of why I’m done with becoming a dentist. I mean can you even imagine me there, taking care of your smile?”
“Don’t forget to smile”, you said, quoting the name of his band what made him smile in return.
“We’re Queen now, I would’ve told you if I had thought I had enough time to breath.”
“How come?”
“That fucker Tim just left, no idea why but luckily Freddie is our new lead singer now and man, he’s great.”
“Sounds good!”, you told him to wipe the look of anger from his face when he mentioned Tim. 
“It was enough of a pain in the ass to find a new bassists really”, he grumbled on until his face lit up. “Fred asked me to move in with him but I told him I wouldn’t move anywhere without you.” You shook your head to get back to reality after your heartbeat dropped for a second. 
“Rog, you can move in with him if you want to, you talk about him non-stop!”
“Yeah, but he’s not you, Tiff”, Roger said honestly. “I need this”, he explained, nodding to his books, the food in front of him and then looking into your eyes. “I need you, I can’t imagine living without you.”
“I mean”, you say, your cheeks burning, looking at your pasta. “We can find a flat that’s big enough for the three of us?”
“I’ll tell him to look for that”, Roger said immediately and you could tell he was surprised that you considered that but also, that he was very happy about it. You were surprised about yourself, too, really, agreeing to move in with another guy you didn’t know a lot about - and what you knew didn’t really speak for him, taking into account that Roger said Freddie was a heavier drinker than him, smoked more, sang on top of his lungs basically anytime he wasn’t talking about fashion - you didn’t know what had gotten into you, but you didn’t really mind. You felt like it was a good thing, you actually wanted to step out of your comfort zone like that in that moment. “You wanna smoke some pot?”
Your face dropped and your hands clenched into fists - every thought about comfort zones wiped from your brain. “Roger Meddows Taylor. If I catch you smoking pot in this flat or anywhere on earth, I’ll call the cops to get you arrested myself, there’s reasons why it’s illegal!”
“I was joking, Tiff”, he immediately said, trying to calm you down again. “I just wanted to see if my law-loving girl was up for something illegal.”
“I don’t believe you but I’ll let you get away with it”, you murmured and he smiled before finishing his pasta. 
Roger did drop out of his classes in the end and even though he had you convinced he did the right thing, you hated him for dropping out - because it meant he went out to celebrate his freedom and came home freaking wasted as your alarm clock’s digits let you know you’d only have thirty minutes left to sleep. 
“Shit, I’m sorry”, Roger mumbled as you opened your door to check on him. “I swear I didn’t want to wake you.” “Shouldn’t have dropped your keys then, love”, you told him, grabbing his arm to lead him to his room. His breath was hot and came in short yet deep inhalations and his lips caught your attention because they looked swollen. You tried to ignore it when you finally had Roger sit on his bed. He grabbed your hand as you wanted to go for the kitchen and pulled you into him, resulting in his head cuddled against your tummy and his armes wrapped around your waist. 
“Come ‘ere and go back to sleep, babe, it’ll be like I never woke you up”, he said, at least that’s what you thought you understood from his mumbled words. 
“I’ll have to get up in thirty minutes anyway, Rog.” He probably didn’t hear you, if he did he wasn’t paying attention because he just crawled backwards onto his bed, pulling you with him between the numerous patterned sheets and every thing else that was on his bed: clothes, books, you could’ve sworn you heard a bag of crisps or whatever fall to the ground as Roger finally rested his head on one of his pillows and pulled you into his chest that was only halfway covered in whatever fabric it might be. He kicked off his shoes while he kissed your forehead and buried one hand in your hair, the other one moving under the shirt you had been sleeping in. His skin was warm and he moaned softly as you moved to at least lie comfortable for the ten minutes or what you wanted to allow yourself in his bed. He smelled like cigarettes and sweat but there was also a hint of peppermint and clean clothes that reminded you of the flat you two called home right now and it made you calm as you closed your eyes, leaning into him. 
When you woke up, the sun had already risen but you surprised yourself by not freaking out and just carefully escaping Roger’s bed and his extremely chaotic room. He came to your room hours later and just silently started massaging your shoulders when he just saw you there, trying to find relieve in stretching them. 
“Sorry for waking you up”, he mumbled and you moaned instead of a response because - and you would deny ever thinking that - his hands made you feel so good. 
“It’s fine you can repay me in massages”, you told him, leaning into him. He cleaned his throat and moved behind you until you were resting against his chest. 
“Anytime, sweetie. When’s that exam? It’s your last one right?”
“I got one on Friday which is in two days and the last one Monday.”
“I mean, you shouldn’t go out on Mondays but I’d still buy you drinks if you let me.”
“I don’t drink, you know that Rog.”
“I can pay for your Pepsi then, please, Tiff, let me take you out and meet the boys!”
“We’ll see, okay?”
“Sure, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe, Roggie.” He just laughed at your pet name and moved away from you. 
“You want coffee?”
“I’d love some but you’d need to go to the store.”
“I need cigarettes anyway”, he replied, still groaning with all the moving and fresh air waiting for him. 
It was Saturday and you felt the need to glue yourself to your desk, yet Roger somehow managed to persuade you to join him and Freddie to visit the flat that might become your home in the future. 
“It’s cheaper than this one, at least with three people and Fred is really fucking excited about it”, Roger had told you, as he came back from band practice last night. The stress to prepare for your last exam faded a little as excitement got you. You’d eventually move out of the small flat your dad kept telling you was too expensive and your mom found rotten and too noisy from the street. Also, you’d finally see Freddie, the man Roger was such good friends with and you never got around to meet. 
“There you are!”, he said as he slid in the backseat of Roger’s car that you finally agreed to ride in with him. “You must be Tiffany, it’s so nice to meet you!”
“The pleasure’s on me”, you replied shyly yet smiling at Freddie. He wore a dark red suede blazer and black pants and you grinned because you were sure you had seen his shirt on Roger once or twice before. This would be fun, you were sure that moment. 
Except when you looked at the flat, the most gorgeous flat you could imagine living in on the budget your parents provided you, Freddie would be an absolute asshole, to a point where you were sure the landlord wouldn’t want you to move in, ever. 
“I’d lower the rent by 200 pounds, if that’d change your mind”, the lady explained at the end of the visit and your eyes widened in surprise. 
“My dear friend Tiffany here is a lawyer, she’ll make sure you’re bound to that”, Freddie just explained and extended his hand. Your future landlord looked at you and you gave her the best professional smile you could master with all the excitement starting to cook up in your chest, before she sealed the deal by shaking Freddie’s and then Roger’s hand. 
“I can’t believe you fucking did this, man”, Roger mumbled, as the woman motioned for her hardback in the kitchen. “You’re a genius, Fred!”
(which I’m really excited about! (imagine me being interviewed drunk with one hand in my shirt if you like?))
@discodeakyy @crazyweirdocalledfriday @blondecarfucker
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spider-moon-princess · 7 years ago
Fight me prompt, Shiori and Iba
COP AU! This one was hella fun, thank you~. BTW, watch out for language.
“He’s so perfect!”
Shiori’s eyes burned with jealousy as she eyed a group of women standing by the coffee machine, gossiping and preparing their coffees. All the pairs of eyes were on her boyfriend. He really was perfect, it used to aggravate her to no end, with his beautiful soft green eyes, perfect hair, face, beautiful features, everything about him was perfect.
But now it was aggravating that women were staring at him, right in front of her. She watched him with the group of women. He was just sitting at his desk, in his white button up shirt, loose navy blue tie, doing paperwork. He was just going about his day, looking so good. If this station was empty, she’d shove him onto his desk-
He was so annoying. Was annoying the word for him anymore? Oh God, how she used to find this rich pretty boy with his positive attitude for everything so damn annoying back when they first met. When he smiled, annoyance bubbled within her-or perhaps her heart was beating faster and her stomach had flipped for a different reason? She didn’t know, but now her heart and stomach did those things because she was in love with him. Love. She couldn’t get used to the word.
Shiori grabbed her mug of hot, black coffee and pushed past the group, grumbling curses under her breath as she stomped towards her boyfriend’s desk. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up to crush her lips to his, maybe that’ll show them.
“Shi-Shiori!” Iba’s cheeks were dusted with pink as he straightened his shirt and tie. “We’re…out here…” He wondered what was up with her…she wasn’t one to flaunt their relationship in their precinct.  
“Hachirō, you’re mine.” She whispered, her fingers lingering at his cheeks, sighing. “Don’t you forget that.”
“I-I’ve never forgotten it, not since the day we confessed our love…”
Shiori flushed this time. He was so cheesy. “I’m going to spar for a bit, I’ll see you later.”
Iba watched his girlfriend flip another man over, sighing dreamily. She was so pretty, her long, wavy violet hair in a ponytail, flipping behind her as she sparred. He went over and wiped her sweat with a towel, surprising her. Iba smiled as he saw her cheeks redden, and she swatted his hand away gently, her manner of saying she liked the action. “Hachirō, fight me.”
Chuckling, he continued patting her forehead and nodded. Her tone was much more different than when they had met. “Fight me!” She said so angrily, annoyed, with a glare in her cyan eyes. It was her response to everything and everyone. She wanted to prove that she was better in hand-to-hand, with a gun, making arrests. She had always been endearingly competitive to him. Shiori had something to prove in this male-dominated job, and she was certainly pulling her weight. Iba as her partner and boyfriend supported her. Her “fight mes” were now said with a hint of affection when she said them to him. “Very well, Shiori, I’ll spar with you.”
The remaining officers cleared the room, knowing they weren’t going to get any more use out of the sparring area.
They circled around each other like panthers circling their prey, but with no intent to kill. Iba made the first move, lunging at her, but she quickly feinted right, avoiding his hands. Shiori made the next move, and successfully caught him in his her grasp, attempting to flip him on his back. Iba hooked his leg around hers and tripped them both to the ground, pinning her underneath him. He chuckled lightly as she tried to rip out of his grasp, but she didn’t make any desperate attempts to get out of his grasp. Iba tenderly brushed his lips against hers, his brown hair tickling her face. “Ah-ah, seems like it’s my win today, Dearest.” He brushed his nose against hers and kissed it.
“Goddamn it, Hachirō,” She sighed but blushed, her heart was overfilling with feelings for him. She felt his grasp loosen and took the opportunity to roll him onto his back and pin his wrists down. A little smirk graced her lips and she crushed her lips to his, letting her tongue dance with his.
She left him breathless. He could feel her hot breath on his cheeks. “…can we call that a draw, Darling?” Her violet locks tickled his cheeks. Being pinned underneath her wasn’t a bad sight either. His eyes traced her curves until they met her cyan eyes.
“Shut up, Hachirō.” She flicked his forehead. “Down. I’m on duty until evening.”
“Ouch…” He sat up and pouted. “What a shame that is, Dearest.” Iba’s arm grabbed her waist and pulled her into him, his lips softly pressing against her forehead. “I’ll meet you at home. I’ll have a nice bath running for you with vanilla candles, a bath bomb, and rose petals. I’ll even have a glass of wine waiting for you.” He whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver in his embrace. “Mm? What do you say to that?”
She flushed and quickly stood up. “F-fine…just…” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Make sure you’re in that bath.”
Iba let out a light laugh and stood up. “Deal, Dearest. I’ll see you later.” He gave her hand a squeeze and let it linger as he left the room.
After finishing in the shower and pulling on his pants, he was finishing buttoning up his white shirt.
“Yo, Hachirō!” Shinpachi clapped his back as he opened the locker next his. He pulled out his clothes and tossed them on the bench.
“Hello, Nagakura-san.” Iba bowed his head and continued buttoning his shirt. Before he could continue their conversation, a loud conversation made them turn their heads.
“You got thrown on your back real good back then by Kaneko, Kimura.” Roars of laughter sounded by the the locker room on the other side.
“Aw, shut up, Maeda. She’s stronger than she looks.”
“Bet her body’s as nice as it felt, huh?”
Iba clenched his fist as he paused his movements. He didn’t like that one bit. He’ll let it slide, just this once.
“You don’t even know. I’d tap that ass if I could. Maybe I should spar with her next time.”
“She’ll toss you on your ass, Goto.”
“Speaking of asses we’d tap, what about that prosecutor that’s been coming around?”
“Ah, Miura, yeah. She’s not too bad on the eyes, she has a nice rack too.”
“Nah, Kaneko has a better body.”
“Miura has a better ass.”  
“That’s it!” Shinpachi charged towards them and punched the nearest officer standing to him. “Shut the fuck up!” He clenched his fists. “You bastards, how the fuck do you speak so disrespectfully!” He threw out another punch which set them all off.
Iba rushed over to help Shinpachi, resulting in a brawl. Punches were being thrown, bodies were noisily being flung against the lockers which attracted the attention Captain Hijikata who was passing by with Sanosuke. They entered the men’s locker room and broke up the fight.
“Shinpachi!” Hijikata roared. “Stop!”
Sanosuke used his long arms to push them away from each other. “Calm down, you idiots!”
“STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY.” Hijikata’s voice boomed and it had everyone stopping in their tracks. “Get in my office, all of you!” He barked, storming out of the locker room.
They filed in after him.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Nagakura threw the first punch, Captain.”
“I don’t fucking care. What the hell was that? For fuck’s sakes you’re worse than inmates!” Hijikata ran a hand through his short, black hair.
“Allow me to explain, Captain Hijikata…” Iba cleared his throat. “…They were saying disrespectful things about Officer Kaneko and Prosecutor Miura. Awful, misogynistic comments about them.” He clenched his fists, trying to keep his voice steady. His soft green eyes glared at the other officers.
“I expect this shit from Shinpachi, but I can’t believe you were mixed into this, Hachirō.” Hijikata sighed, shaking his head. “And you idiots, those kinds of comments are prohibited. Fucking prohibited. That officer and prosecutor you were talking shit about are both hard workers. Next time I hear any sort of shit like this, I’m sending you to a sexual harassment class.” Hijikata crossed his arms. “Get the hell out of my office, all of you!”
Shinpachi and Iba remained in his office as the others filed out.
“Hijikata-san! You shouldn’t have let them off so damn easy!” Shinpachi clenched his jaw, wincing at the pain in his face. “They were saying shit about Etsu!”
“I didn’t appreciate the comments made about Shiori either…” Iba said lowly.
“I know. They’re…friends. Kaneko’s one of our finest and Miura has helped solved numerous cases. Talented, the both of them. I don’t appreciate the comments, and if I ever hear shit like that again, I’ll be making suspensions and taking overtime away.” Hijikata crossed over to his chair and sat in it.
He sighed as he heard loud footsteps and the door to his office bust wide open.
“What the fuck happened?” Shiori followed by Etsu entered and went over to their respective boyfriends. They had been given a short explanation by Sannosuke and Shiori had charged out when she heard that Iba was involved in a brawl.  
Etsu’s brows furrowed in concern. “Honey Bear…your face…you’ve got bruises…” She gave his hands a squeeze. “Why did you get in a fight, Shin?”
“Shit happens…y’know…let’s go.” Shinpachi pulled her out of the office by her hand, giving it a slight squeeze.
“Who the fuck messed up your face? Which son of a bitch’s chops am I gonna bust? Who the fuck was the fucker that did this fucking shit to you?” Shiori was glaring at the bruises on his face and his busted lip.
“Language. You kiss me with that tongue, Dearest?” Iba sighed and took her hand in his.
“Shut up and tell me which fucker am I going after.” She cast her cyan eyes onto their Captain. “Captain Hijikata?”
“It’s not within my authority to tell.” He gave them a sly smile. “But I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything if Hachirō says anything.” He’d love to see them all get their chops busted by one of his best officers.
“Shiori, is it my looks? Do you love me for my looks?” Iba feigned a pout.
“It’s the fact that they fucking hurt you and it shows.” Her fingers gently slid down his cheek.
“Get Hachirō treated, Kaneko.” Hijikata pointed to the door.
“Yes, sir.” Shiori continued to grumble under her breath as Iba squeezed her hand as they walked out.
His usual soft eyes were fierce as they walked past the group of officers he’d fought. His jaw clenched at the thought of any of them laying their slimy hands on his girlfriend.
“Hachirō, my hand.” Shiori tapped the back of his hand with her other one. “A little tight there.”
“I’m sorry, Darling.” He released her hand and placed it on the small of her back, guiding her forward.
She could tell something was bothering him, but she made a note to ask about it later.
Sighing, Shiori settled into the bathtub next to her boyfriend. After having Etsu put ointment on his bruises, since she had some things to finish. Like Iba had said, when she came home, dinner had been cooked and the bath had been as he’d described it.
Iba buried his face into her neck and he pulled her close. “Shiori…I…would prefer it if you wouldn’t spar with other men besides the men in our friends group?”
“Could it be what that brawl was about? Some stupid sexual comments those idiots made?” Shiori had heard it from Etsu after she’d gotten it out of Shinpachi. She leaned against his chest.
“Yes. They bothered me…that they would talk about you in such a manner, as well as other women.” He shut his eyes, enjoying the feel of her skin against his under the water.
“Hachirō, they don’t mean shit. If they make a pass at me or anyone else, I’ll split their skulls open.”
“And I have no doubt, Dearest. I know you can handle them.” Iba kissed her cheek. “…I just…hate it. That other men look at you in such a way.”
Shiori laughed at the irony. “…Honey Pie, women look at you too in the same manner men look at me, I guess. I’m not particularly attractive though.”
Iba gasped and shook his head. “Shiori! You’re absolutely beautiful.” He kissed her shoulder, murmuring against her skin. “Every bit of you. Don’t put yourself down. You define beauty itself.”
Red colored her cheeks. “Right back at you, Iba Hachirō, you and your stupidly perfect looks.” She ran her fingers through his brown hair. “But you’re all mine.”
“I am, and you’re mine too.” Iba captured her lips and let his hands roam her body as hers roamed his body.
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vsdocjane-blog · 7 years ago
I vaguely had the impression that I was being lifted onto a bed. A bed? Being slid into something. Fuck, fuck, fuck please don't tell me this was an ambulance. The sirens blared out, the vehicle started to move. Yep it was an ambulance, that meant I was going to a human hospital. The pain in my chest was unbearable that I passed out. The next thing I knew I heard a female telling she wasn’t letting me go to the fade, opening my eyes I was staring into forest green green eyes. Mine. What the fuck? I wasn't about to argue with myself, nodding that I understood I closed my eyes again. Regaining consciousness once again I heard a male’s voice and a female’s voice. My surgeon. She was arguing with the male. Opening my eyes I saw the male, he was holding my surgeon’s hand. Mine. Not on my watch fucker, I heard growling realizing that it was I who was growling
Jane: I caught up with the patient as the staff wheeled him down the chute into the surgical suite. At my request I asked for a cardiothoracic surgical kit and the heart/lung bypass machine to be set up for me. The ultrasounds and X-rays were taken downstairs. With both my hands latexed I held away from myself, so I could review the scans again.The bullet was lodged in the muscles of his back, I was going to leave it there. I frowned as I leaned closer to the screen. Interesting bullet. Round but not the typical oblong shape I was used to seeing. I approached the table where the patient had been hooked up to the anesthesia machines. Using a laser scalpel, i made an incision down the patients chest, then sawed through the sternum and used a rip spreader to pull open the heart’s iron bars, exposing--- I lost my breath. “Holy…” “Suction.” When there was a pause I looked up the assisting nurse. “Suction, Jacques. I don’t care what it looks like, I can fix it-provided I get a clear shot of the damn thing.” There was a hissing sound as the blood was removed, I got a good gander at a physical anomaly that I had never seen before: a six-chambered heart in a human chest. That “Echo” I had seen on his ultrasounds was, In fact, an extra pair of chambers. I Shouted out “Pictures. Make it quick please.” With my left hand, I reached in behind the males heart, plugged the back end of the hole with my finger, and stitched the front impact site closed. My next move was to lift the heart out of pericardial sac and do the same underneath.  Total elapsed time was under 6 minutes. I then released the spreader, put the rib cage back where it was supposed to be and used stainless steel wire to close the two halves of the sternum together. I was just about to staple him from his diaphragm to his collarbone, the anesthesiologist spoke up and machines started to beep. “BP is sixty over forty and falling” I called out to the heart-failure protocol and leaned down to the patient, “Don’t even think about it” I snapped “you die on me and I am going to be ticked off.” From out of nowhere, and against all medical rationale, the man’s eyes blinked open and focused on me. I jerked back. Good god...his irises held the colourless splendor of diamonds, shining so bright they reminded me of the moon on a cloudless night. For the first time in my life , I was stunned into immobility. With our locked stares, It was as if we were linked body to body, twisted and intertwined, indivisible--
The nurse shouted “he's V-fibbing again” the anesthesiologist barked. I snapped back to attention. “You stay with me,” I ordered to the patient. “You hear me? You stay with me.” I could have sworn that my patient nodded at me before his lids shut. I then got back to saving his life. After sometime the man was wheeled into a room at the far end of the corridor, Manny walked in “Please don't go to Columbia”
The male above me was talking to my surgeon about not leaving. Leaving? Where was she going? When they both heard my growl, they both stopped and looked down at me “Looks like your patient has woken up” The male still had hold of my surgeon’s hand. Let her go you fucker. “We will talk about this later” The male finally let go of her hand. That was the smartest move he's made. He left the room leaving my surgeon and I on our own. If I wasn't flat on my back I'd have her underneath me. But for now I had to stay where I was. Anyway where were the other brothers? Most surely they'd know I was missing, I couldn't be here in the daylight hours or my surgeon will be looking after a pile of ashes. All of a sudden there was a commotion outside of the room, the door opened and in walked Hollywood aka Rhage. He had the looks of a movie star “Am I glad to see you fucker” “Now why you get yourself shot for?” Before I could answer the Cop aka Butch walked in, he was my best and only friend “You look like death warmed up Cop, true?” The Cop chuckled then coughed. He needed healing but I was in no shape to do that right now. Finally Phury walked into the room “Records changed, staff had their minds scrubbed and given new instructions. We don't have long. Cop grab him” The Cop flung me over his shoulder, my surgeon began to protest then silence. Phury had put her into a sleep. They began to walk out of the hospital room “She comes with us” “You out of your fucking mind. Wrath will take your last remaining ball man!” “Fuck that, she comes with us” Hollywood gently places her over his shoulder “Come on let's get the fuck out of here” The Cop headed to the backstairs, Phury carried my surgeon's coat and purse while Hollywood had my surgeon over his shoulder. Phury  shorted the cameras out as we passed them. The Cop knew his way around the hospital from his days as a cop at the CPD. We finally made it down into the basement heading towards the metal doors to the outside world. “These cameras will be harder as they are on a higher security. Brace yourselves as I open the door” As soon as the doors were opened the alarms went off. Outside was the Escalade, The Cop  threw me onto the backside and sat next to me. Hollywood placed my surgeon next to me and got into the passenger seat, and finally Phury got into the driver’s seat. Time elapsed was ten minutes. Hollywood put his foot down and accelerated out of there
Jane: After Manny left, I stared down at my patient in disbelief. In spite of all the sedatives in his veins, his eyes were open and he was staring up out of his hand, tattooed face with full cognition.  God...those eyes. They were unlike any I had seen before, the irises unnaturally white with navy blue rims. This was not right I thought. The way he looked at me wasn’t right. The six-chambered heart beating in his chest wasn’t right. Those long teeth in the front of his mouth weren’t right. He was not human.
How the hell was this male conscious? “Can you hear me?” I asked “Nod your head if you can.” His hand, the one with the tattoos, clawed at his throat, then grabbed on the tube going into his mouth. “No that has to stay in.” I leaned over him to take his hand off it, he whipped the thing back from me, moving it as far away as his arm would allow. “That’s right. Please don’t make me restain you.” His eyes went utterly wide in terror, just peeled right open as his big body started to shake on the bed. His lips worked against the tube down his throat as if he was crying out, and his fear touched me. There was such an animalistic edge to his desperation, like the way a wolf might look at you if his leg was caught in a trap: I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s all right. We don’t have to go that route. But we need that tube-” The door to the room opened, I froze. Two men came in they were dressed in black leather and looked like the type who’d carry concealed weapons. One was probably the biggest, most gorgeous blond I had ever eyeballed. The other one scared me. He was wearing a red sox hat pulled down low and a horrible air of malevolence about him. I couldn’t see his face he looked ill to me. Looking at both of the male’s, my first thought was that they had came for my patient, and not to just bring him flowers. My second thought was that I needed security, stat.
“Get out,” I said, “Right now.” The guy with the sox cap completely ignored me and went over to my patients bedside. As he and my patient made eye contact, red sox reached out and the two linked hands. Red sox said “Thought we lost you, you son of a bitch.” My Patient’s eyes  strained as if he were trying to communicate. Then he shook his head side to side on the pillow. As my patient nodded, I didn’t bother with any more chatty-cathy, you need to leave shit. I lunged towards the nursing station call button, the one that signaled a cardiac emergency and would bring most of the the floor to me. I didn’t make it red sox’s buddy, the beautiful blond, moved so fast I couldn’t track him. He grabbed me from behind and popped me on my feet of the floor.I started to holla, he put his hand over my mouth and subdued me as easily as if i was a child throwing a tantrum. I went ballistic, as the machines started to go off, I hauled back and kicked my captor in the shin with my heel. The blond behemoth grunted then squeezed my rib cage until i got so busy trying to breath I couldn’t soccer ball him anymore. I fought harder, until I strained so hard my eyes watered. “Easy said the blond male in my ear. “We’ll be out of your hair in a minute. Just rela.” Yeah, the hell I would. They were going to kill my patient. The patient took a deep breath on his own. And another, And another. Then I noticed those eerie diamond eyes shifted over to me,I stilled as if he’d willed me to do so. There was a moment of silence. In a rough voice my patient whose life I saved spoke 4 words that changed everything...Changed my life, changed my destiny: “She. Comes. With. Me” The male then had me in a choke hold as we left the room going down the hall, the other male was in the hall at the nursing station. “He spoke to the blond saying it wasn’t supposed to be a kidnapping operation.” He told the blond guy to knock me out cold. My Voice came through loud and clear. “So help me, God, I’m going to-” The other male told me to relax and to ease up.  He locked his stare on mine and began to will me into calmness. I shouted back. “Fuck you!”  I spat. I’m not letting you kill my patient!” Then everything went into darkness.
Arriving at the manse the Cop eases me onto his shoulder and takes me up the steps to the vestibule, wait I thought we'd be going to the pit. The door opens, Fritz was on the other side greeting us all with his happy voice “Welcome back Sires” The Cop passes Fritz and goes up the grand staircase, he walked passed Wrath’s study and the statues, coming to one of the guest rooms. Opening the door he laid me down onto the bed, Hollywood followed and placed my surgeon In a chair by the radiator. Finally Phury placed my surgeon’s coat and purse by the chair “We’ll get some dressings for her to use on you. Now we report to Wrath and he has to know about this too” He pointed to my surgeon. Phury was right I should never brought her here but my instincts told me to bring her with me. I had a feeling she was going to change my life.
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