#I&039;ll Give You Hell
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slrmagazine ¡ 5 months ago
Finnish Modern Metal Powerhouse ARCTIS Announces Self-Titled Debut Album, Set for Release on November 1, 2024
Finnish Modern Metal Powerhouse ARCTIS Announces Self-Titled Debut Album, Set for Release on November 1, 2024. #arctis @arctisofficial
Ice cold Finnish modern metal band ARCTIS have announced their self-titled debut album, set for release via Napalm Records on November 1, 2024. Drawing inspiration from the mythical winters and mystical summers of the North, the Finnish metal minds of talented misfits ARCTIS fearlessly navigate their futuristic battleship through a treacherous ocean where ferocious waves of Metal clash against…
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babyawacs ¡ 4 years ago
the good good germans didnot just manage n o t to compensate thei r crimes they overtape for 20years they didnot o nly manage n o t to compensate while harming allal ong w h a t t h e y want and smearing the charging survivor a n d his mother while compensating af ghanis and iraqis (people onthe literal other side ofthe globe) while e ffort blackballing blacklisting the survivor of their mess they  manag ed to quell access to anything the survivor earned himself  d e s p i t e themess while making it seem as mysteriously bad fate or dege nerate person  in plausible deniability while hating these monster s and causing authorities was the confirmation for any degrading smear w hat a proof how batshit nuts the survivor oftheir crimes are now german cure  and bumlidokain because the heartkill is aeh just a   d r e a m kz survivors turn 94 and healthy so andtheyhavetheir genitals yet they  a r r a n g e d themselves in a guilty liable ca using germany ///// lawyers publish medifile so the organ damamg es experiments from facebone to heartflap to kidney to guts to rupture d guts to rapes to genitals to groin  to tittsuits to bonemess to b ackleg tricks allthe harms the poisons found the tiptoe pun of found things only recent years andthe y e a r s o f persistent intent this.  was a t2 healthy body w here alltheir damamges are intrinsic proof initself that it  w a s a healthy body allalong else itwouldnot be survivable thereareno hea lthsins thereare shuffling intel monsters with their crimes murd erers poisoners mengeles rapers xray cokraovches explotiers leechers corkaoches that try anything including pedo tricks smear tricks itisntju st abit cockroach drugs with intel access they got away as usually and so thatthey repeat thatthey prerorgative thatthey get underhuman fant asies thatthey so can fuckover destroy nut decoy nut smear them that they are arranged and wellfed and the survivors die in their ghetto on a h a b s o l u t e l y n o t h i n g the criminally insane rommmanian prsotitute andor yomama too ihate th e germans and i cannot expresssss how iwant to p r o p p p e r l ie s t give them b a c k th eir g e r m a n n e s s s s s s ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s es morethan p r o p e r l i e r than p r o p e r l i e s t //// replacedphone 2321 /// makesure ge rmans dont use the chance to damage sth (no burnmarks etc) they killed or gans 2004 on intensified and murder effort murder killit killit murderit k illitmurderit killlit intnsified for 6years /// guys do sick stuff too like crying silent on heaters #2001 wha almost 20ys ago #women #girls @drg iallo #rape #poster #metoo @women @girls  sexual assault is a very serious monstrosity. it burns thesoul alive. youwant to scream on emotional agon y too. whatwas the sickest self-fix everwas: yourenot the only1 ithappensto amillionpeople worldwide. masturbation regaincontrol, backon toohot heater onepainkilled the asspain dont worry people that do these things and repeat will a l w a y s smear you as the worstpaid prostitute man ever env isaged  I am Christi an KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #H ELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKis s /// 2001 crying  silent raped on heater didyoustore it /// doom dot xraymurderer 2243 from /// xraymurderer 2210 frontwindow andor ab ove aboveadjancent? windowaimed ? aloftheabove? radar? pathogengaser 2 039 thesame clown? /// murderer tries cancerkill againallevening m akes sick  kills heart makes cancer find the exact  murder trick ra dar murder trick 2155+-5 xray murderer usin radar? 2115 /// pa thogen load murderer 2039 to 2105 is espec 2039 above adncircuitboardbut tonpusher squeeze else allday highpwoered radar murderbeamtrick usua lly nazis control maybe roomrent clowns control accomplice ofgermans //// gasing is /// find xray murderer tis veryabad /// xraybeamtri ckery radar? /// centerback aimed 1812 is chambercontrol hostile? // / detox cockroachdrugs like acid crhystal destroywallisntalls //// lawyers the aldistorething: idont game to rattle a: thereis probablecaus e tobe furious b: they gotaway waaaay too often with arbitrary harms usual ly and or did nothing on scums c: they measure up safety and dont mess or a dd harm like chavleechery or molests that is the goal and  now a year to see ifthey want and can else we hit em as if they c a u s e it because the clowns use a c a r t a c a r t deedtyped rapes and pedo sexual assault fromminors by the dozens cockroaches they host act like imtheir prostitut e and that during daytimecharigng after daytime charging after dayti me warning them and kaufland and the fix is molest  and a minute later you use a cart by some storeclerk seriously i am furious itis outraging and whenthey dont gett heir act together yousue the crud outothem as  r e p e a t for this factuality and the authoriti es withem //// the cockroach access cockroaches act like youre somekind of parasite and them superior to you its unbelievable use the chance sothe murderpathogen tricks  1635+-5  1650 //// lawyers sero tolerance with nothilfe ai ding emergency hittingscums because the authorities quell selfhelp host s cums cover scums invite scums intel regulate them their chamber access    and or occasionally lost control in one and one chamber only for 10years but else not around all in tight order sero tolerance with vic timblame and hit onsupport tocover criminals doignwhattheywant by syst em caused and clovered /////// cockroachdrug heorine or so 1650+-2 kilslheart  ondehydration /// yourescue minors nottomentionkids fromstol enspem ///  8 9 usethe chance trashcanleechery trick themail vanishe d after unsent 1628 so ifthe store lawsuit is pausedfor a year the m ailwas outrage thattheymake people use a cart a c a r t ?? while dozens hundreds of sexual assault s pedo sexual assaults instore occured and make me use a cart ? aminute after molesting me and that is the repeat that is the fix? afterdayt imewarning check if 1628 was tr ashcan leechery trick or ifthey make safety the smear is being a pe rvert dad incest dad or sth checkifthe transponder ofthe creditcards are ge rmanspoiled extreme pathogen load murdertrick chamber upstreet poison chamber 1635+-3 and 1649 caution with support!!! includoing store 7  the harasswalks arejust as intent itisntjust fringeuqellkill chec k drowsy since bank roadcrossing andor headimpacts 6 lawyers because thisis intel botch causemess they usually coverup quell and simply shuffle new fools ********** highlight  hoooooooowmany times itwas confirmed intelkilltrick ontopof which trick ontoppof whichtrick ****** ***** notarstampit brief the fools they use new fools briefthem s o whatyoubriefed their before s  whoelseknew allalong waht 5 the y imply frivolous gains they imply hideous intents they imply standa rd stigmas on a system botch caused mess in a situation and access them ma de which iiiii daytimecharged under risk and repeatedly so they imply he donisms and pleasure gain and a character sacrficing who and what for tho se implied hedonistic pleasure gains itis a  dis grace usually allof it allwith german drugs german ave rtedimmunisation see how they can empower the scums that do these things and use minors and civillians for it empower them and shuffles anothe r trick onthe survivors that charged it accurately factually ie without interpretations 4 itis germanythey ar e sexcockroaches about anything because their crimin al system rapes anyone and anything so anything is blah german spoiled cockroachnessed  rotten re-interpreted sexxxcockroached lets not be ignorant and save this cutelittle bugger  so all minors the germans use nottomention kids fromstolensperm 3 check also identity of walkby 1534 its weird how a cutelittle bugger walkby triggers dad protects empowers mental program 2 you rescue walkby 1534 and repair bill ionaire grade adnthen keep outof medical hells seems like a cutelittle l ost human  seriously save her and thismeans also from the medical he lls safe sound normalise on good lifestyle with friends and contact not tomention kids from stolensperm no black sheep bs makesure theres r edunancy tolerance if sth goes wrong incontrary to one thing goes wrong all busts bs no fragility tiptoe but normalisation what teens need  name ly safespace orientation with friends selfactualisation 1 hn ca 6789 and mos wq or so grey audi suv are so mos aq333 are I am Chris tian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #H ELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
the good good germans didnot just manage
n o t
to compensate their crimes they overtape for 20years
didnot only manage
n o t
to compensate while harming allalong
w h a t
t h e y
and smearing the charging survivor a n d his mother
while compensating afghanis and iraqis (people onthe literal other side ofthe globe)
while effort blackballing blacklisting the survivor of their mess
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newssplashy ¡ 7 years ago
Sex & Relationships: Should you have sex on the first date? We're settling the age-old question once and for all
Even in 2018, some women still believe that if they have sex on a first date, they'll automatically be labeled “not marriage material.”
Should you have sex on the first date? That's a loaded question, particularly for women.
Even in 2018, some women still believe that if they have sex on a first date, they'll automatically be labeled “not marriage material.” (You know the old saying: "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Yeah, that's a dumb saying.)
“There is still some holding onto what people might call outdated dating values,” says Lawrence Siegel, a clinical sexologist and sex educator. “Either there is still a stigma, or there is a fear that there is a stigma.”
But while we typically think of the "should I have sex on the first date?" question as exclusive to women, men struggle with this question, too - albeit in a different way. If a guy has sex on the first date, it's essentially a signal to the other person that all they care about is sex, even if that's not necessarily the case. And if it is the case, having sex on the first date can send mixed messages to the other person.
"I’ve been on dates before where I turned down sex on the first date, despite being attracted to the other person, because of the potential repercussions," JC*, 34, told MensHealth.com. "I could tell she was feeling a more emotional connection than I was.”
Luckily, the stigma surrounding sex on the first date is rapidly changing - for both genders. According to a survey conducted by OkCupid, 46 percent of users would consider having sex on the first date. “Today I think we are having much more sex on the first date because of technology, as well as more relaxed attitudes about sex, especially for women,” says sex therapist Dr. Debra Laino.
So should you have sex on the first date? The answer, for Siegel, is “a resounding: it depends.” Here are the pros and cons.
Hell, yes, you should!
There are a few reasons why sex on the first date isn’t just not a bad idea, but a really great one.
1) It helps establish whether you have chemistry.
More often than not, it takes time to figure out if another person is the right one for you. But every once in a while, you meet someone and you just know.
"I've had three, three-year-plus relationships and they all started with sex on the first date,” says Alex, 38. “The way I look at it is, if you lust after somebody that you don't know terribly well, it can still be a damn good start to a longstanding relationship. And I think it alleviates a lot of pressure."
If you really like someone, you shouldn't let outdated dating rules get in the way of that. "If a guy/girl doesn’t call the guy/girl after a first date that ended with sex, it wasn’t because of the sex," he says.
2) If you communicate beforehand, it ensures there are no mixed signals or unclear expectations.
That said, let's say you're not looking for anything serious, and you're just looking to get your rocks off. That's totally fine - provided you make that clear to the other person right off the bat.
If things are getting hot and heavy, and it starts to look like first-date sex is in the cards, you need to ensure you guys are both on the same page. That can be as simple as saying, "Hey, I'm down with this if you are, but I just want to be clear that I'm not looking for anything serious right now." You're not a jerk for being honest, and it can mitigate the risk of hurt feelings later on down the road.
3) You get to, uh, have sex.
“If it feels good, right, and there is enthusiastic and very clear consent, it’s kind of hard to find a downside," Siegel says. If two people are attracted to each other, why fight that or put off pleasure? 
Eh, maybe not
1) You might lead the other person on.
If both partners are looking to have fun, hook up, and part ways, then that's one thing. But if she's looking for something seriou sand you're not (or vice versa), then that's another story altogether. "[Your partner's] post-sex expectations can be painful if both parties aren’t on the same page," says JC.
If things are getting hot and heavy, and it starts to look like first-date sex is in the cards, you need to ensure you guys are both on the same page. That can be as simple as saying, "Hey, I'm down with this if you are, but I just want to be clear that I'm not looking for anything serious right now." You're not a jerk for being honest, and it can mitigate the risk of hurt feelings later on down the road.
2) You might do something you're uncomfortable with, particularly if you've been drinking.
There's a stereotype that all guys are interested in having sex with all women, all the time, but there are many legitimate reasons why you might not want to have sex on a first date - maybe you're not attracted to the person, or maybe you have a history of unsatisfying one-night stands and you want to reverse the pattern. Whatever the reason, if adrenaline (and alcohol) are flowing, that ups the risk of you doing something you might later regret. 
“When you’re in the heat of the moment, you’re trying to figure out your policies, belief system, and what you will and won’t do,” says Siegel. “Figuring all those things in that moment is not an instant calculus. When there is doubt and when you think ,’I’m not going to say NO and ruin the evening or upset my date, but I’m not totally into this,’ it may just end up being, ‘I will give in and bide my time.’ And that’s not consent.”
3) First-date sex can be pretty terrible.
Even if you're super attracted to the person you're with, if you don't know them that well, then the first time you have sex might not be great, simply because you don't know what they like or don't like in bed. If this happens, you might be more likely to write the other person off (or have your partner write you off), when in truth, all you guys really needed was more practice. 
“If the chemistry is right and it feels special enough that it doesn’t feel like a first date, then the sex can be terrific,” Joe, 31, says. “If you're both bombed in a crowded club and nodding even when you can’t hear her, just to keep her happy enough to drop her pants later, then it probably won’t be very good. You probably won’t even remember her name.”
So what's the ultimate takeaway? It depends - both on your expectations and The key is to remember the importance of honest communication - both with your date and with yourself. If it feels right, and if you're open and honest about what you're looking for, then you have no reason to feel regret.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/sex-relationships-should-you-have-sex.html
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newssplashy ¡ 7 years ago
Even in 2018, some women still believe that if they have sex on a first date, they'll automatically be labeled “not marriage material.”
Should you have sex on the first date? That's a loaded question, particularly for women.
Even in 2018, some women still believe that if they have sex on a first date, they'll automatically be labeled “not marriage material.” (You know the old saying: "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Yeah, that's a dumb saying.)
“There is still some holding onto what people might call outdated dating values,” says Lawrence Siegel, a clinical sexologist and sex educator. “Either there is still a stigma, or there is a fear that there is a stigma.”
But while we typically think of the "should I have sex on the first date?" question as exclusive to women, men struggle with this question, too - albeit in a different way. If a guy has sex on the first date, it's essentially a signal to the other person that all they care about is sex, even if that's not necessarily the case. And if it is the case, having sex on the first date can send mixed messages to the other person.
"I’ve been on dates before where I turned down sex on the first date, despite being attracted to the other person, because of the potential repercussions," JC*, 34, told MensHealth.com. "I could tell she was feeling a more emotional connection than I was.”
Luckily, the stigma surrounding sex on the first date is rapidly changing - for both genders. According to a survey conducted by OkCupid, 46 percent of users would consider having sex on the first date. “Today I think we are having much more sex on the first date because of technology, as well as more relaxed attitudes about sex, especially for women,” says sex therapist Dr. Debra Laino.
So should you have sex on the first date? The answer, for Siegel, is “a resounding: it depends.” Here are the pros and cons.
Hell, yes, you should!
There are a few reasons why sex on the first date isn’t just not a bad idea, but a really great one.
1) It helps establish whether you have chemistry.
More often than not, it takes time to figure out if another person is the right one for you. But every once in a while, you meet someone and you just know.
"I've had three, three-year-plus relationships and they all started with sex on the first date,” says Alex, 38. “The way I look at it is, if you lust after somebody that you don't know terribly well, it can still be a damn good start to a longstanding relationship. And I think it alleviates a lot of pressure."
If you really like someone, you shouldn't let outdated dating rules get in the way of that. "If a guy/girl doesn’t call the guy/girl after a first date that ended with sex, it wasn’t because of the sex," he says.
2) If you communicate beforehand, it ensures there are no mixed signals or unclear expectations.
That said, let's say you're not looking for anything serious, and you're just looking to get your rocks off. That's totally fine - provided you make that clear to the other person right off the bat.
If things are getting hot and heavy, and it starts to look like first-date sex is in the cards, you need to ensure you guys are both on the same page. That can be as simple as saying, "Hey, I'm down with this if you are, but I just want to be clear that I'm not looking for anything serious right now." You're not a jerk for being honest, and it can mitigate the risk of hurt feelings later on down the road.
3) You get to, uh, have sex.
“If it feels good, right, and there is enthusiastic and very clear consent, it’s kind of hard to find a downside," Siegel says. If two people are attracted to each other, why fight that or put off pleasure? 
Eh, maybe not
1) You might lead the other person on.
If both partners are looking to have fun, hook up, and part ways, then that's one thing. But if she's looking for something seriou sand you're not (or vice versa), then that's another story altogether. "[Your partner's] post-sex expectations can be painful if both parties aren’t on the same page," says JC.
If things are getting hot and heavy, and it starts to look like first-date sex is in the cards, you need to ensure you guys are both on the same page. That can be as simple as saying, "Hey, I'm down with this if you are, but I just want to be clear that I'm not looking for anything serious right now." You're not a jerk for being honest, and it can mitigate the risk of hurt feelings later on down the road.
2) You might do something you're uncomfortable with, particularly if you've been drinking.
There's a stereotype that all guys are interested in having sex with all women, all the time, but there are many legitimate reasons why you might not want to have sex on a first date - maybe you're not attracted to the person, or maybe you have a history of unsatisfying one-night stands and you want to reverse the pattern. Whatever the reason, if adrenaline (and alcohol) are flowing, that ups the risk of you doing something you might later regret. 
“When you’re in the heat of the moment, you’re trying to figure out your policies, belief system, and what you will and won’t do,” says Siegel. “Figuring all those things in that moment is not an instant calculus. When there is doubt and when you think ,’I’m not going to say NO and ruin the evening or upset my date, but I’m not totally into this,’ it may just end up being, ‘I will give in and bide my time.’ And that’s not consent.”
3) First-date sex can be pretty terrible.
Even if you're super attracted to the person you're with, if you don't know them that well, then the first time you have sex might not be great, simply because you don't know what they like or don't like in bed. If this happens, you might be more likely to write the other person off (or have your partner write you off), when in truth, all you guys really needed was more practice. 
“If the chemistry is right and it feels special enough that it doesn’t feel like a first date, then the sex can be terrific,” Joe, 31, says. “If you're both bombed in a crowded club and nodding even when you can’t hear her, just to keep her happy enough to drop her pants later, then it probably won’t be very good. You probably won’t even remember her name.”
So what's the ultimate takeaway? It depends - both on your expectations and The key is to remember the importance of honest communication - both with your date and with yourself. If it feels right, and if you're open and honest about what you're looking for, then you have no reason to feel regret.
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online
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