#I write these in one go which is why they are drabbles instead of official chapters
ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Dawn
I am back because i got home from work and I got no chill! :D @spotaus
First one Prev drabble Next one
Okay. So why this one? Because i realised it was a while since i wrote a drabble from Horror's point of view and that is criminal and it is a great excuse for me to showcase some stuff from the quiet and very observing sockets of Horror! (also gives me an excuse to not think about the drabble order i got now and that thought i messed it up a bit which I need to think of a solution for)
Ready? Let's go!
Horror makes sure to carefully close the door to the greenhouse. It is still early but he is used to those.
He enjoys the cool fresh air as he walks towards the house, small basket filled with fresh monster food. Horror is happy he got permission from Crop to harvest the plants in there for their meals.
He quietly opens the door and listens for a moment. He saw Cross leave the farm a little while ago to do his own morning workouts and by the sounds of it the other three are still asleep.
Which is good because he needs his own sleep. Horror knows very well that Dust is the one to wake up with Nightmare if something bothers him in his sleep.
He found the two of them awake and reading a book one too many times for Horror to believe they just had an allnighter.
Horror likes being up early. Maybe strange for him but he got used to it in his old universe. The best time to check his traps and search for food had been in the very early morning, or very late night depending on how you look at it, as most people would be asleep.
It is a leftover habit and he just kept going with it when he joined Nightmare's gang.
He puts the food away in all the right places and goes about getting the ingredients for todays breakfast. He notices the fresh milk and eggs and the choice is obvious. Some pancakes would be great.
He starts preparing the ingredients as he takes the time to measure it all. The milk makes him chuckle.
Watching Cross realises there was a cow had been funny. Finding Cross in a tree shaking with a cow under it had been hilarious. Crop ahd been apologetic as he explained that his cow, Betty (Killer had mutters "of course it is claled betty") was aparently mischievious.
Horror had his doubts but Cross swore that the cow would know when he left the farmhouse. That the cow would stand at the edge of her field and stare at him.
Cross did not go to the east side of the farm anymore. aparently that was Betty's territory in his mind.
Nightmare liked petting Betty however so you have your ups and downs.
Horror mixes the ingredients slowly but surely. Thinking about Nightmare, "Shouldn't you still be in bed?"
silence before a soft mutter "Not tired anymore."
Horror chuckles as he shoots Nightmare a look. He looks fully awake and adorable in his new wool sweater. Horror grins "God powers?"
Nightmare shrugs "I mean probably. I never needed sleep before. that is still new." They hadn't really noticed anything that could be connected to Nightmare's godhood at the moment. Maybe it had gone domant, at least that was Cross's guess. Dust just thinks Nightmare's magic is now focussed on healing instead of weird god shenenigans.
Speaking of healing! Horror gives him a stern look "bandages?"
Nightmare rolls his eye lights but mutters his answer "All still in place and good. Killer replaced them after the bath last night,"
Horror nods. With that secured he relaxes abit "Want to help?"
Nightmare is already by his side and stands on his tiptoes. Horror chuckles as he gives him a look "Need a chair?" he would offer a stepstool but the chair is more stable for him.
Nightmare looks at the counter annoyed before nodding his agreement. Horror grabs a chair and puts it near the counter. Nightmare climbs it easily.
Horror really wants to pick him up but they do have the rule that inside Nightmare should walk around himself to carefully train his spine. It is still much to early to already start carrying him. Horror knows that if any of them start they won't stop.
Nightmare reaches for the ingredients, some fruits for inside the pancakes, before pausing and staring at his sweater.
Nightmare has been very careful with his new gifted clothes. Horror himself is also very careful with the set of clothes Dust got him.
Horror frowns at the food he is making. He really hopes he can quickly find soemthing to do here to earn money. At the moment only Dust has something and it is starting to show, even Killer seems to be getting annoyed with himself over it.
Until now Horror and Cross helped around on Crop's farm. Which he was happy to do as it only seemed fair as a way to repay Crop for letting them stay. Horror has also been learning the basics about farming, farmland and farmwork from Crop. It is still a lot and not everything sticks in his skull, probably falling out of that hole. But he is getting better at it. He hopes with this Crop can maybe get the news out that both of them are more than willing to help around with heavy duty work and get a bit of cash flow.
Killer... Killer has a very specific set of skills. Sadly not specifically useful on a farm. Even if he is great with the animals and can herd pretty much anything, which is very useful but well. Most people won't let you near their animals unless they trust you and Killer is Killer.
Horror just feels bad that Dust is pretty much still Ngihtmare's main caretaker, got the rough end with the backstory they settled on, and has to deal with work to get cash. Only to spend all of it on them all.
Horror can see it is starting to wear him down. He just hopes they can figure out how to balance everything better.
It is another reason he loves these mornings. Because morning time means Dust, and Killer, both sleep in and Horror gets time to supervise their babybones. Horror adores the time wiht Nightmare. Especially when alone because then others don't watch them nervously the whole time.
It is exhausting to be seen as something dangerous even if he knows it is true. It is why they mean so much to him, they never treated him like that. None of them did.
A glance confirms that Nightmare has carefuly rolled up the sleeves and is taking extra care with cutting the fruits, using one of the duller knives which won't be able to cut bone. Horror turns back to getting everything else ready. He has to concentrate to push his intent into the food. He wants them to enjoy and like it. Feel the things he can't say to them.
Horror knows what he wants and feels but also knows none of them are ready to hear it. Horror has known that from the moment he realised what he felt was. The curse of being the only emotional stable one.
He still remembers all the way back near the start of them meeting and chuckles to himself. they did not get along at all.
Nightmare immediantly looks up "What is funny?" he looks adorably confused.
Horror thinks for a moment "Remember when you brought me in?"
Nightmare blinks before giving a slow nod "Yeah... I had hoped you would calm Killer and Dust."
Horror chuckles "Can't believe you thought i could do that."
Ngihtmare shrugs as he finishes up his task and just sits normally on the chair "I mean... It worked." his hands find the glass of juise Horror got him.
Horror pauses for a moment before nodding. Nightmare is kinda right with that one. It hadn't worked right away but he made it work. Mostly because he had had a lot of motivation.
Nightmare, still a fully active god at that point, had offered him that he would slowly but surely fix the food problem in his universe in trade for his service, something about it being too severe for him to be able to instantly fix but if Horror worked for him he would work on it. Horror had figured Nightmare had known about his little weird immortality situation with his own universe's core and accepted.
Turns out he just wanted him to fix whatever had been going on with Killer and Dust. Because they would fight. Constantly. And those two got very close to killing each other a few times.
Horror had eventually managed to somehow form a connection and bond with Killer. It had been rather easy and Horror was able to become friends with him over coworkers. Eventually find him not just annoying but funny. And later think fondly of his antics.
Dust took longer. Which had been a combination of Dust just being an introvert and not looking for connections or at least not in the way that made that clear to Horror. And well Horror heard bits and pieces of what Dust had done and had honestly been disgusted with the idea that Dust just murdered his whole universe and his own brother. Just to fight one human? Just to end a timeloop?
It was well after he managed to get them to stop, or at least contain the damage of, their fighting. Well after he started working for Nightmare more permanently that Horror realised how the multiverse worked.
And how fucking unfair it was.
Because aparently? stupid fate or some shit? That decided how your universe worked. His would always have ended up with a famine and starvation. Killer would always lose control and be controlled, abused and used by the human. Cross would always be the end of his universe. Dust... Dust would always have to kill his universe. No matter what he tried or solution he tried.
It wasn't until later Horror learned that Dust had tried everything. Multiple times. That Dust had learned to play multiple musical instruments in the time of resets. That he had learned to cook, and tinker. He master chemistry. Everything in the hopes it could give him a solution.
But the fates had already decided his ending, much like for all of them there was only one ending possible for them. And in the end locked him in a dead AU make by his own hands when no other options was left. Just like all of them had been.
Horror has to admit it took him a long time to get Dust to admit those things to him. Msotly because Horror had been standoffish before and that he accidentally gave Killer advice to treat Dust like one of the many stray cats he interact with.
He hadn't specifically said that. horror had just told Killer that maybe Dust would like Killer more, or at all, if Killer learned to respect his boundaries. Horror had mentioned how Killer could learn each cat's limits so why not Dust?
Worst part was that it actually worked.
Horror rubs his face "I give him cat advice." his voice sounds pained. Dust had been so mad at them both.
Nightmare nods "I remember. Dust left for three weeks." he snorts "which really is very catlike..." more thoughtful "And then you two got mad at me for not telling you where he went." He blinks and shrugs as he drinks from his orange juice.
Horror ignores the cat comment as he looks at Nightmare "Why didn't you tell us?" Dust had actually been recruited to help Nightmare with the balance. Something Horror only started to do after helping Killer and Dust be less homicidal.
Nightmare blinks at him wiht those wide sockets "I didn't want to force any of you... If you wanted to leave..." he speaks softer and softer "I wasn't going to stop you if you wanted to leave... if you didn't want to stay..."
Horror frowns and picks Nightmare up. He embraces him and hums "I am sorry we left..."
Nightmare shrugs as he pushes clsoer to him "You came back..."
hah... yeah they did. Much like Dust did all that time ago. He was gone for a few weeks before returning after killing Ink bringing back one of his fucking sketchbooks as proof. Obviously killing Ink does little in the long run but it was quite the powermove. Dust had glared at them daring to say anything. Killer of course had muttered something about Dust bringing back a kill much like a cat.
Horror is still not sure how he managed to stop Dust from Killing Killer that day.
Horror puts Nightmare at the table and gets a small yogurt and fruit snack ready for him. Just so he can eat a tiny bit. See how his magic will handle food today. Nightmare starts eating it when offered and that is a good sign. Means his magic is actually sending out the signal that it needs food today.
Horror goes back to flipping pancakes. Horror tries to stay in the here and now but his injury makes his mind likely to wander. and with already having been thinking about them.
He still remembers one of the early missions, after Horror learned about fates cruel games. Dust had still acted the same but Horror had tried to be more friendly. He had been close to giving up on it as clearly it wasn't working as Dust was still standoffish. Only for Dust to pull him out of the way of an attack from Ink, getting hit instead.
Later Horror had demanded why he did that and Dust had just shrugged. He hadn't had an answer for him. It confused Horror to no end. Horror was immortal because of that fact that his magic had been used in the core and bonded to that. Meaning as long as the core in his universe was fine he would return to life.
The gang had known this and Horror knew that Dust knew this. And yet. Dust had heard all of that and looked at the large monster Horror had become saw soemthing worth protecting. Something that needed protection.
Horror thinks he fell a little bit in love that day.
Much like how one day Horror just realised he couldn't stand the idea of not being near Killer or never seeing him again. That even if Killer could be annoying that he didn't wish him any pain or harm.
How it warmed his soul that Killer, and Cross later, would hide behidn him. Seeing him as someone safe that would protect them. See him as someone trustworthy.
Cross, so eager to please and desperate for affection and affirmation. but once he relaxed so smart and funny. Loyal and always ready to help...
But now is not the time to try and see what any of them thought or felt. They are dealing wiht a lot at the moment and they need to concentrate with trying to make staying here work.
The front door opens and Cross walks in quietly. He sneaks a glance at them and smiles when Horror catching him looking. Cross waves to Nightmare "Hey guys. All good?"
Horror nods "Nightmare helped." he flips another pancake as Nightmare drinks his juice with a smug little smile.
Cross grins "Good to hear. I will quickly get cleaned up and help. Dust and Killer?"
Nightmare hums "Still asleep." and he sips his juice again.
Cross nods "Good to know. be back in a bit" and he goes towards the bathroom. The pipes groan softly as Cross no doubt turns on the shower.
Horror finishes the last pancake and gets to wrok on getting the drinks and coffee ready.
Another day for them to figure out how this will work. Horror is just happy they are all here, everything else can wait as long as they stick together.
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raguiras · 3 months
POV: Deuce's very first kiss from his crush
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I'm finally officially introducing my Yuu/OC x canon/Yumeship here! (✿◕‿◕) Writing this post took me forever, but I'm super happy with it!
Reblogs are super appreciated hehehe
Please be kind & DO NOT take inspiration from this ship. ^^"
(While Allen isn't me, I'm calling them a Yumeship because he's based on my younger self/me when I first started playing TWST & because the ship gives me a ridiculous amount of comfort!)
Allen x Deuce (aka Spade of Storms) is my ultimate comfort ship and they mean a ton to me.
These two are best friends who become lovers and closely mirror each other. Deuce is the delinquent with rather bad self-control who tries to be a model student, while Allen is a former honor student who's now a very lowkey delinquent with stellar self-control and a mature attitude.
Due to the fact that Allen and Deuce are so similar and yet the opposite of each other, they're able to excellently understand and support the other, and they help each other accept themselves.
Their ship blog: @spade-of-storms (facts, drabbles & more est. May 2024)
Now why exactly are these two perfect for each other? Well...
Allen supports Deuce with all his heart. Instead of believing that someone "as stupid and temperamental" as Deuce could never become an honor student, Allen fully believes in him and encourages him. In comparison to when other people say it, these words actually have an incredibly strong impact on Deuce and are believable to him because he knows that Allen has similar experiences and speaks from them.
Allen doesn't think that Deuce is stupid in the slightest and views him as genuinely smart. To Allen, intelligence isn't determined by grades or academic abilities, but by morals, attitude, logic, and willingness — all of which Deuce has.
Allen doesn't try to change Deuce. Rather than turning Deuce into a full-on honor student and role model, which he isn't by nature, Allen prefers for Deuce to stay true to himself and work towards his goal while not suppressing any aspect of who he is — Allen knows exactly that forcefully becoming someone you naturally aren't would cause more issues than it would fix. In order to assist Deuce with staying true to himself while working towards his desired self, Allen does several things:
Allen lets Deuce be his 100% authentic self when they're together. Deuce tries extremely hard to always be polite and serious in order to maintain his reputation and not resort to old habits, but Allen, being very impulsive and easily angered himself, knows just too well that suppressing one's feelings and true nature isn't the way to go. When they're together, Deuce can openly rant about topics, use insults towards the people who angered him, and show his emotions without having to worry about how others perceive him or about how it might mess up his reputation — Allen would never judge Deuce nor share his secrets with others. This way, Deuce can be himself without restraints while also maintaining the way he wants others to perceive him.
Allen allows Deuce to be a delinquent in a safe, harmless way. If Deuce ever feels like doing something forbidden without breaking rules or staining his reputation, Allen (a very lowkey delinquent) has just the ideas for him. This provides a comfortable space for Deuce to live out his tendencies without falling back into bad habits.
Allen is able to introduce Deuce to a wide range of healthy coping mechanisms that work for him. Allen is a much angrier person than Deuce and is equally impulsive, but has stellar self-control due to the methods he uses, and passes them down to Deuce. As a result, Deuce doesn't feel the need to immediately lash out at others anymore and manages to become calmer and much more mature, taking steps into his desired direction.
Allen helps Deuce channel his "negative traits" into positive/helpful ones. With Allen's assistance, methods, reassuring words and unique view on things, Deuce learns how to use the qualities that he used to hate about himself to his advantage. Suddenly Deuce's anger is no longer a hindrance, but a source of energy and motivation.
Allen admires the things Deuce hates about himself. While Deuce wishes he wasn't as hot-headed, Allen views it as an amazing trait and sees the passion and longing for justice behind Deuce's fiery attitude. Additionally, Allen is able to help Deuce see the positive side of these traits, and aids him in channelling them into something good to use to his advantage (see above).
Allen is the only person to fully get through to Deuce. Due to them essentially having the same experiences, opinions, wishes and morals, Deuce felt comfortable trusting Allen with every last bit of his heart (in comparison to other friends) — not to mention that the way Allen was able to help Deuce so intensely and actually talked to him the way he needed it also played a role! Allen has his way with words and knew exactly how to talk to Deuce from the beginning.
Deuce can genuinely open up about his self-esteem to Allen. It's been heavily hinted at in the game several times that Deuce thinks incredibly lowly of himself, but this topic is usually cut short and he doesn't talk about it further with the canon Yuu. With Allen, however, Deuce can open up all he wants to. He knows that Allen has similar experiences and struggles with self-worth related issues himself, therefore not only not judging Deuce, but also fully understanding him.
Allen perfectly understands Deuce's past. Having been feared, avoided and known to be a delinquent/bad kid himself, Allen even understands the details extremely well. Neither of the two ever had a proper friend until they met each other on their first day at NRC.
Allen successfully helps Deuce with his studies despite hating school. Seeing how Deuce needs help, Allen (the "gifted kid") gladly volunteers, even though he's no longer interested in class and has sworn to drop the "honor student" facade himself. Due to Allen's easy explanations, methods, photographic memory and capability to catch on quickly, Deuce actually manages to improve his test results by 1-2 grades.
Allen's study methods are unique, which helps Deuce & is necessary for him. Being a slow learner (I also hc him to have some sort of intellectual disability), Deuce requires rather unique approaches to topics. As Allen is well-versed with both studying and psychology and also keeps Deuce's exact issues in mind, he's able to perfectly tailor methods and mnemonic bridges that actually work out for Deuce.
Allen makes sure that Deuce's desire to be a model student is & stays healthy. A fair part of Allen's trauma stems from being an honor student himself and having unrealistically high expectations regarding grades and attitude shoved down his throat by everyone at school (including himself), so he pays a lot of attention that the same doesn't happen to Deuce.
Allen respects Deuce a ton. Not only is Deuce determined, passionate, loyal, honest and eager, but he has the same core values as Allen, too. In Allen's opinion, finding someone with these traits is not only rare, but immediately makes them endearing to him.
Allen is patient with Deuce. He understands that Deuce occasionally has a difficult time processing and understanding things, and he isn't bothered by it in the slightest. This means even more when you consider that Allen is generally a very impatient person and is only able to be patient with those he truly loves and trusts.
Allen fills Deuce in when he doesn't understand something. Due to Allen being able to catch on extremely quickly, he can immediately explain things and situations to Deuce, helping him out and allowing him to get everything right from the beginning.
Allen indirectly protects Deuce. Known for being intimidating (in a good way), quick-witted, sly and a skilled schemer, most people — including those who enjoy picking on Deuce — shy away from Allen and avoid getting in trouble with his friends.
Allen stops Deuce from getting into fights. Whenever Deuce is about to get into a fight anyway, Allen gently but sternly reminds him of both his goal and the healthier coping mechanisms.
Allen understands that Deuce dislikes being picked on. Allen, being a sensitive person, hates it himself, and he actively tells off everyone who dares to make fun of Deuce or call him "Loosey Deucey". At times, Allen even gets snappy because of the inappropriate nicknames or insults directed at Deuce.
Allen inspires Deuce. Him being skilled at a variety of things and just logical in general gives Deuce the motivation to achieve the same. Deuce doesn't compare himself to Allen, either, and views him as an inspiration. If Allen can control himself and get positive things out of his negative traits, so can Deuce, right?! Not to mention that Allen is extremely tough and pulls through no matter what despite his mental and physical state...
Allen's maturity subconsciously wears off on Deuce. Even outside of the fact that Allen helps him grow and improve a lot through all the ways mentioned before, Deuce sometimes also subconsciously copies his boyfriend's mature attitude or asks himself what Allen would do in certain situations.
Allen is an advisor to Deuce. Deuce struggles with planning ahead, and Allen — a big-time overthinker who's extremely competent at scheming — is able to assist him. As a result, Deuce makes less bad decisions.
Allen loves blastcycles. Deuce can rant about them to Allen for hours, and the two often go on blastcycle dates together. Nothing is more fun than clinging onto your partner while driving at full speed!
Allen values Deuce's company like no other. Deuce regularly feels like a nobody, and Allen takes that feeling from him due to how much he connects with him and likes having him around.
BONUS: Allen is not only beautiful but also has an incredibly strong personality, drive, and determination and hasn't given up despite everything that happened to him. Deuce is a massive simp and his humongous crush on Allen has always been obvious due to how Deuce just can't shut up about him.
Deuce loves and accepts Allen's body. As we have seen through his interactions with Azul and Epel, Deuce is very protective of people who don't fit the norm, and Allen is another such person — an intersex boy who was bullied for his unconventional body. Deuce has not only sworn to protect Allen from any possible discrimination, but also loves his body dearly and thinks he's super hot.
Deuce gives Allen a sense of stability. Allen's life was all about short-lived fake joys and prevailing negativity prior to coming to Twisted Wonderland, which made him feel disconnected from many things and people and gave him the feeling that everything is temporary anyway. However, Deuce's fierce loyalty and the strength of their relationship prove Allen wrong — yes, there can indeed be things in life that last forever.
Deuce's utter affection warms Allen's empty heart. Allen was never loved by anyone but his parents, who he thinks only love him because he's their son. Other than that, he never experienced love, affection, ... or even mere friendship. He was alone... until he met Deuce, who he somehow immediately connected with. It was as if their friendship was predestined by the universe... and with every day, Deuce's affection for Allen only grew.
Deuce genuinely admires Allen. Seeing how Allen always does his best, works hard, has ambitions and aims to improve impresses Deuce a ton. This is extremely healing for Allen, whose efforts were never properly recognized or rewarded before and who thinks that he needs to perfect at everything in order to be "someone".
Deuce makes Allen feel useful and resourceful. Allen often believes that he has no worth and could never make a change for the better no matter how much he tries, but seeing just how much he's able to help Deuce with a wide range of things proves Allen wrong — he's indeed capable of a lot of things. Not to mention that Deuce even passes some of Allen's tips down to Epel!
Deuce's honesty is refreshing to Allen. After being lied to and tricked by about anyone Allen ever knew before coming to Twisted Wonderland, Deuce's natural honesty and loyalty are an unfamiliar but utterly wonderful experience for Allen.
Deuce makes Allen feel understood. Allen often believes that others would view him as a monster if they were aware of his secret anger and opinions, but Deuce shares many of them. These two can openly talk about their values together and Allen feels extremely understood because of it — a feeling he barely ever experiences with other people.
Deuce helps Allen enjoy the moment. While he has some overthinking tendencies himself, Deuce is much more spontaneous than Allen and tends to act more on impulse. As a result, he can show his ways to Allen, allowing the overthinker to finally relax and think about his problems a little less.
Deuce doesn't hesitate to stand up for Allen. The fact that Allen was bullied for something he can't change in the past saddens and angers Deuce, and he has sworn to himself that he'll always protect his boyfriend. If there should ever be another situation where Allen gets bullied, Deuce won't hesitate to absolutely throw hands — this is not being a bad person and picking fights, it's standing up for an innocent person whose life was ruined by malice. Deuce wouldn't regret it in the slightest anymore, especially since Allen has helped him learn than anger isn't a bad thing.
Deuce helps Allen with becoming a proper mage. When Allen first gains magic during the final quarter of the school year, he has absolutely no control over it and is partially even avoided due to being a "walking health hazard". Deuce, however, sees this as the perfect time to pay Allen back for helping him study theory and decides to assist Allen with practical things. Through Deuce's determination and belief in him, Allen is able to improve much quicker than he would've without Deuce's help.
BONUS: Deuce is the warmth and honesty that Allen needs in his life. The boy's mere presence lights up Allen's day and Deuce's careful physical affection makes him feel like the most cherished person in the universe.
What else is there to them? (examples)
Both are extremely close with their families.
Due to being so similar and sharing many personality traits, loving each other so deeply allowed them to realize that they can easily love and accept themselves, too.
Deuce's previous incarnation had a crush on Allen's, who died way too early. In this life, the regrets of the past are being fixed.
Allen's the brain, Deuce is the brawn.
They're both extremely cuddly with each other.
LOTS OF COMPLIMENTS (from both sides).
Deuce often gifts Allen plushies.
Allen and Deuce are basically inseparable by now.
If you hang out with Deuce, you have to suffer through at least one tiny ramble about Allen.
...and much more that can be found on @spade-of-storms!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like the art & ship and are looking forward to more of them! (✿◕‿◕)
EDIT: Please do not take inspiration from this ship. ;-;
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fr3sh-tragedies · 2 months
Hiii!! Im not sure if you take requests but if you do could you write something for regina goerge (2024) x fen reader please? Thank you
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[Mean Girls: 2024] Regina George x Female Reader
Summary: Upon growing closer and ultimately becoming official with Regina, you finally understand the saying that home can be a person.
Word Count: 1.76k Content Warnings: A very brief mention of sex Category: Heavy Fluff || One-shot + Preference
[A/N]: I've been wanting to write for her ever since I saw the movie, so thank you for requesting this! I hope you'll like what I was able to come up with. The last part of it was more of a drabble, but overall this was fun to write.
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“Rough day?” Regina had asked you once you seated yourself in the passenger side of her jeep. You blinked, surprised she had already taken notice of your slumped and fatigued demeanor, but you responded regardless. “Yeah, it just felt like today went on forever. I didn’t think eighth period was ever going to end,” you murmured, smirking to yourself, amused. Regina, when you glanced up at her, was frowning at your words. She ignored Gretchen’s request to hurry up so they can get away from the school and instead took hold of your hand, giving it a small squeeze.
Before shifting into reverse and backing out, she lifted your hand up to her lips and pressed a small kiss against the backs of your knuckles. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make sure you can relax. It’s the weekend now, so you don’t need to worry about anything.” You hummed and nodded, face slightly flustered from her actions. She shot a grin your way before her attention focused in on the road ahead of her.
Like usual, the Plastics were going to meet up at Regina’s house after classes, just as they always had. Karen and Gretchen planned on informing their Queen Bee Regina about the latest gossip they had heard, though you already knew they had made half of it up just to stir the pot around school. You generally paid no mind to them when they started talking about drama. You couldn’t understand why Regina was so interested in it all – sure, it helped her gain the upper hand here and there, but it hurt so many people in the process.
You grimaced to yourself when you looked out the window, the soreness from the day already creeping up on you and causing you grief. With your focus pointed outside at the passing terrain, you hadn’t taken notice of how Regina peeked over at you, clearly having heard your small hiss of pain when you turned your head. As Cady and the other two Plastics blabbered on about god-knows-what in the backseat, Regina kept her worry centered on you. After you flinched again from hardly moving your limbs, she huffed, making up her mind.
“I’m gonna drop you guys off,” she announced to the girls in the back, who all stared at her for a moment, purely dumbfounded. “What?” Gretchen started, “But we always go to your house after school. You promised we could come today.” “Well, I changed my mind. I’m dropping you off at your houses instead.” Once again, Gretchen tried to argue against this sudden decision, though a sharp glare from Regina quickly forced her to press her lips shut again. She groaned and slouched down into her seat, causing Regina to roll her eyes.
Curiously, you eyed her from your seat. She felt your attention on her and glanced over at you from the corner of her own eye, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Gently, she squeezed your hand. A silent promise that it would be alright soon.
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Almost immediately after making your way into Regina’s bedroom, you spotted one of her shirts draped over the back of the chair stationed at her desk. With a small smile, you plucked it from its original spot and hoisted it over your head, pulling it down over your body and sighing when the scent of her perfume met your senses. Always a comforting smell for you, which she was very much aware of. Each time you came by, she made sure to spray on a little extra.
Your feet led you over to her bed after you kicked your shoes off. Regina was still downstairs, briefly mentioning to her mom that you were going to be staying for the entire weekend. Her mom put up no argument, like usual, and you soon weren’t alone in the room anymore. You had situated yourself on your side of the bed, bundling up against her pillows while you mindlessly scrolled through your phone, and she could feel strings tugging at her heart at the sight, a prideful grin painting her lips.
She joined you on the bed after changing into more comfortable clothes: sweatpants, a loose t-shirt, and the fuzzy socks you had gotten her for her birthday a few months prior. She climbed onto the mattress, sighing at the relief the plushness provided her. Wordlessly, she shuffled until her hip met yours. Her arm slung itself over your shoulder and pulled you to her until your head was resting against her own, then her head dropped to rest on top of yours. Soothingly, her hand ran itself up and down your arm, and her soft lips pressed a chaste kiss to your temple.
Moments like these were what you cherished most. There was no drama to listen to, no prying eyes from other students, no snarky remarks directed your way, no stressful work to deal with. Here, in Regina’s arms, you were able to unwind and feel safe. As she tugged her phone off of her nightstand to click through TikTok, her other hand slid up to your scalp, nails dancing slowly through your hair in such a heavenly way that you couldn’t help but feel your eyes instantly flutter shut at the sensation. When you hummed in satisfaction, she grinned, then pressed another kiss to your skin.
“Ew, why are you back on my feed?” She suddenly questioned beside you. Puzzled, your eyes pried themselves open to glance at her phone, unsure if she was talking to you or not. Thankfully, she was talking about a random girl from school. You couldn’t help but snicker and watch as she immediately tapped the “Not Interested” option and continued her journey through her page. Upon hearing your small laugh, she let out her own and glanced at you.
“What?” Was her question, soft and playful, accompanied by an amused smile as she studied over your features. “Nothing. I just wasn’t expecting you to talk. I thought you were about to fall asleep. I know I am,” you explained, mirroring her smirk.
She shrugged and shook her head, briefly turning back to her phone. “I might. This week kind of kicked my ass.” You could only groan at that for a moment. “Yeah, same.”
A heavy sigh unwillingly slipped past your lips, and you didn’t have to look at her to know she was staring back, fueled with concern. Weakly, you rubbed at your eyes before letting them fall shut again. She said nothing, but you heard her phone click off and get placed back down on her nightstand. Her eyes were trained on you, you knew, but you were too exhausted to meet her gaze.
Instead, you focused in on the comfort she was effortlessly provided you with: fingers toying delicately with your locks, her own weight supporting yours, arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders, occasional pecks against the head. You felt your eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment. A quick yawn passed from you before you nestled further against Regina.
“Scoot closer.” Interrupted from your thoughts and once again being pulled away from sleep, you groaned and opened your eyes, looking up at her with confusion. “What?” “Scoot closer.” You did as told without another word. With a bit of effort thanks to your heavy limbs, you managed to slide over onto your side, which she did in return before pulling your head against her chest. Now feeling fully enveloped in her arms, your body went slack, much to your long-awaited relief. As her hand returned to play with your hair, she shuffled for a bit, trying to get comfortable.
Finally, she settled with a sigh of her own.
“I love you. You know that, right?” She murmured against your head, speech slightly slurred from her own exhaustion. You nodded. “I love you too.” Her nails drug effortlessly against the nape of your neck as she let out a yawn. “If you ever just want us to be alone after school, or… actually, whenever, all you have to do is tell me. I’m gonna get annoyed with Karen and Gretchen anyway, and Cady’s starting to get on my nerves too, so it would be nice to spend more time alone with you.”
A grin broke out across your lips. “Okay.” Silently, you wondered to yourself if she had ever been this soft to anyone before. When you had first gotten together with her, you worried she was going to treat you like she had done to everyone else. However, much to your relief, instead of being met with cold glances and meaningless sex, you found yourself constantly being showered in genuine compliments, longing gazes, soft touches, and plenty of promises for the future.
As she held you in her arms, you couldn’t help but tear up a little, truly feeling safe and secure with every bit of her warmth wrapped around you. Digging your nails into her shirt and burying your face into the soft fabric, you sniffled, which immediately caused her to tense and lean back to look you in the eye. “Woah, baby, what’s wrong?” You laughed and shook your head, the sight of your smile easing her tensed form. “Nothing at all. They’re good tears, I promise.”
Briefly, she eyed you, wanting to ensure you were being truthful. When you softened your gaze and smiled wider, she sighed, nodding and pulling you back against her chest.
Sleepily, Regina huffed out a small chuckle and closed her eyes. “Why’re you wearing my shirt by the way?” She questioned softly. You blushed, one of your hands instinctively slipping down to toy with the collar of said shirt and tug it up to your face. “It just… brings me comfort. That’s all.” You paused. “Is it a bad thing that I’m wearing it?” A quick shake of her head settled your nerves, though she further soothed you anyway. “Of course not. It looks good on you, baby. You should wear my stuff more often.”
You giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind,” you murmured in reply. It only took a few moments before you felt her melt into you. With your head rested against her chest, you were able to feel her breathing even out, slow down, then deepen, signaling she had finally fallen asleep. You yawned, knowing you were going to follow suit shortly after.
Your fingers dug in a little deeper to her shirt as you pulled yourself as close as possible to her. As your eyes fluttered shut, you hummed. “I love you.”
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httpscomexe · 2 months
Ensnared 1
So, after I read your response to my last ask, I got an idea for a fic or drabble whatever you want to do. So basically, it would be a Logan x plus-size reader. The timeline is set in the x mansion and reader came to them for help so she could stay somewhere idk something of that origin. Logan immediately becomes OBSESSED like he turns into a complete yandere. He starts following her and stealing her clothes 👀 knowing Logan he’s gonna act all weird and protective. And for shits and giggles let’s throw in some jealousy but on an outside character; They have a crush on Logan and are like “why would you be interested in someone like her🙄” then Logan goes batshit crazy. Regarding readers powers idk I always love what you come up with so I would love to see what you bring into this one!!
Summary: Finally, after having enough of the abuse and violent attacks, you decide to take shelter in a friend's home, the X-Mansion.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Yandere!Logan Howlett x PlusSize!Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Discrimination of mutants, foul language, use of the word God, description of violence, traumatised reader, hidden injury, injury. Logan is an official warning as approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because Logan is a DRUG. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will be a NON-CON fic. Do NOT get attached if you do not like non-consensual fiction. I will not change my fic plans because somebody decided not to read the warnings. Thank you.
Tags: @sammyluvsfics
Word Count: 3488 (Find all chapters here) Chapter 2
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again.
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You didn’t remember much, but you know you were attacked.
Being a mutant wasn’t easy, and you needed an escape.
Xavier had mentioned the X-Mansion to you many times, but you’ve never even thought to consider it. At least not until you discovered there was a fucking gang trying to kidnap you, your powers considered something you can ‘only find once in a lifetime,’ if you’re lucky that is. But you didn’t find yourself very lucky. You wish you had just been normal, you wish you looked normal. You wanted to change everything.
So as you stand at the front doors of the mansion, your knuckles on the wood of the door as you hesitate to knock, you think again about turning back. It was late, and surely no one would be awake to hear you. You take a step back, unsure of if you actually wanted to be in the mansion. Sure, you’d be safe, but you wouldn’t be free.
But just as you’re about to step away, the door opens, slowly, and you expect someone to walk out and greet you, but nobody pops out. You peek around the door, and take a single step inside, then another, then another. Then you’re standing in the entrance of the mansion. It was cool inside, but you stood there awkwardly as you turned your head up, down, left, right. Looking all around you as you admired the size of the mansion. It was huge, and you’ve dreamt about it, but it was better than what you could’ve ever imagined. Still though, you had no idea where you were expected to go. After all, it was a mansion, and you’ve never been inside.
But you start walking anyway, hoping to run into someone. You pass through some halls, a door every few feet which you assume are classrooms or bedrooms. Only some doors had a label, but there was one part of the hallway with an arch instead, so you turn into there, but it’s empty. Still, you step in, looking around in the dark. It was empty, and you immediately lost interest, turning back around too quickly as you collided with another person, their hands immediately moving to hold your arms and steady you.
“Hey watch it-” A deep voice comes from above you, and you look up to see deep brown eyes staring back down at you.
“I’m so sorry… Where can I find Xavier?” You ask quickly and step away from him, he seems to hold on for a moment longer, but he does let go.
“He’s probably in his office still.” His voice is softer now, and you swear you recognise him, but it was so dark you couldn’t be sure.
“Where uhm… where’s his office?”
“Are you new?”
“Kind of…” You lift your shoulders, and he turns around, you take that as a cue to follow him. Trailing close behind him as he turns and makes his way up some stairs, eventually stopping at a door with a plate on it that said “Professor Xavier.” Which is when you finally start to feel sick to your stomach, thinking maybe this isn’t the best idea. So as his hand lands on the door knob, your own hands shoot out and grip his forearm, stopping him immediately and he stares back down at him.
“I just uh… maybe… I think I’m actually just going to leave.” You tell him, removing your hands off of him and shoving them into your hoodie pocket. “Thank you though, I appr-”
The door opens, stopping you mid sentence, and you see Xavier standing at the door.
“Look who’s here.”He says, his voice tired but he stares at you in the dark, your face however illuminated from the light of his office.  “Oh, and you’ve already met Logan I see?” His head turns towards Logan, which you could now recognise as he also was glowing from the light of the office. It was Wolverine.
For someone who’s rumoured to be an asshole, he was pretty nice to show you to Xavier's office.
“Xavier… Hi.” You panic a little, your voice raising a few octaves as your fingers lace in front of you nervously.
“Finally decide to move in?”
“Move in?” Logan asks.
“Yes, I’ve been trying to get her to move in for a few months now.” He tells Logan, looking back over at you. “And what happened to your face, darling?” Xavier asks, his hand coming up to your face as he takes the hood of your hoodie off your head.
“I got into a bit of a fight…” You tell him. You knew he was talking about the massive bruise under your right eye. You’ve had a non-stop headache from it the last few days.
“It sucks you can’t heal yourself like you can heal others.”
“Yea, God's little way of hating me.” You tell him. You’ve always wondered why you can’t heal yourself. And it’s always triggered you.
“You have healing powers?” Logan asks. And you wonder why he was still there.
You nod.
“She does, and that’s why it’s dangerous for her outside of the mansion.” Xavier tells him, in a ‘I told you so’ sort of tone. “Which, I’m assuming, is why you’re here?”
You nod again. “Yea…” Your voice cracks a little, and you’re not sure why it was a sensitive subject for you, but it was.
“Well, lucky for you, I know you’ve been wanting to for the past few weeks, so I have a room already assigned for you.” A tear slips down your cheek. You didn’t deserve someone like Xavier. He cared more than anyone else could’ve possibly done. “The room should be done by Tuesday, so give it two days, I have Logan here and Scott working on it. Making it comfortable for you.”
“Oh I don’t need anything special really.”
“Y/N…” He growls, stepping towards you and placing his hands on your shoulders. “In your own home, you're sleeping on a blanket and your actual blanket is whatever you’re wearing. I can’t find it in me to give you just any room. So it will be nice, like the students have. A comfortable bed, pillows, blankets, and anything else you ask for.” His hands rub down to your biceps, squashing your baggy hoodie down. “You live here, so you’re family. Now until the room is finished, I have spare keys to my office, and I have a fold out couch, alright?” You hadn’t even realised the amount of tears that were falling from your cheeks until he wipes them away with his thumb.
You would actually be loved. You’d be around people that care about you.
“Do you have anything you need to grab from your place?” You shake your head, afraid to speak knowing your voice will break embarrassingly. “Okay, come on in and we’ll set up your couch, I’ll have Logan here give you a tour in the morning.” He tells you, gently placing his hand on your back as he led you into the office. “Good night Logan, just be here in the morning when I text you she’s awake.” You see Logan nod, then he walks away. You guess it was at least true that he wasn’t much of a talker.
You spend the next minute getting under blankets after Xavier presses a button next to the couch and you watch as it unfolds itself. You weren’t surprised in the slightest.
And the bed was comfortable, but you still struggle to sleep after the lights go out and Xavier leaves you, locking the door and heading to his room.
It all felt so unrealistic. Like you were in a dream. But you knew you were finally safe…
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You’re not sure what time you wake up, but it was late in the morning. You only awoke because of the sound of a bell, and you remember the mansion was also used as a school. So you sit up, grabbing the phone that you had slept with in your back pocket.
It was already two in the afternoon, you had seriously slept in, and the office was empty, but the light shone through the closed curtains, showing little dust particles as they flew through the air and invaded your lungs.
You look to the foot of the bed, some clothes were neatly folded with a little note on it. You reach for the note first, taking the blankets off your body.
‘Here are some clean clothes. There’s a bathroom on the opposite side of the room if you’d like to clean yourself. Text this number when you are finished, saying you’re ready for your tour.”
It was sweet. He was always sweet to you, always bringing a smile to your face, even when it wasn’t that special. You always thought maybe he had bad intentions, like he also wanted you only for your powers, but everytime your eyes landed on him, that thought immediately left your brain.
You stand up, grabbing the clothes and looking at them. Plain black sweats and a baggy T-shirt with the Rolling Stones logo on the front. He apparently also knew you liked a baggy style. You take the clothes and go to the bathroom, deciding to just take a quick shower, just to rinse yourself off.
You start by taking off your hoodie, then you stare at yourself in the mirror. Your ribs adorned with bruises that were turning purple and blue, your pudgy skin looking like a canvas decorated with a dash of fucking pain.
As soon as you’re finished showering, you step out, drying your hair as much as you could before working on drying your body, being gentle when you dry over your bruises, staring at yourself in the mirror again when you’re finished. An enormous bruise still decorating your face. You looked kind of badass.
“Oh you’re awake.” You hear a voice enter the room, it was Xavier and you step out of the bathroom to meet him.
“Yea, hey, I used the shower so-”
“That’s fine, I really don’t mind. Have you messaged Logan?” He gets straight to the point and you assume he’s in a hurry.
“I haven’t.”
“Okay, if you’d like, he’s in the kitchen right now grabbing himself a drink, do you know the way?”
You nod, remembering being there last night. It should be even easier to find now that the sun is up.
“Alright, let me know if he gives you any troubles, he’s a hardass.” He chuckles and you smile a little, slipping your slides on which were next to your bed before telling Xavier bye and leaving him to be in his office, quickly making your way down to the kitchen.
You lose your way so quickly it wasn’t even funny. Stopping as soon as the halls feel unfamiliar. There was no one around again of course, just like last night. So you just keep walking, once again hoping to run into someone.
You swear as you realise you’ve come across just about anything except the kitchen. There was a training room, classrooms, bedrooms, a restroom, and even a fucking gaming room. But you couldn’t find the damned kitchen. Until you hear a beeping sound. Like a microwave, to which you immediately follow the sound.
“There you are.” Logan greets you with a smile that would brighten up anyone's world.
“Got lost…” You admit, mumbling your words slightly.
“Everyone gets lost when they first move here.” He tells you, putting a milk jug back into the fridge. “I made you something to eat, figured you’d be hungry.”
You step into the kitchen, you weren’t hungry. You were famished.
“Oh thank you…” Your voice sings sweetly as you see the bowl of food, it was lunch time already, so in the bowl was ravioli. Simple, but easily one of your favourite foods.
“Of course.” He watches as you take the bowl, and another person walks into the room.
“Hey Logan, how’s it going? Is this the new girl?” She asks immediately. She knew about you already?
“Yea, her name is Y/N, Xavier seems to like her.”
“Well hi, my name is Vincent, you can call me Vin though. My friends call me Vin. And I know we just met, but you seem cool, so you can call me Vin, it’s nice to meet you! Xavier talks about you ALL the time.” She fills your brain with words, half of which you really don’t give a fuck about. Something in you already didn’t like her. But to be fair, you had the same feeling last night before you ran into Logan. So your instinct might just be fucked up. “Good God girl, and what happened to your eye?”
“It’s personal.” You tell her quickly, your instinct taking control of your lips instead of your empathy or friendliness.
“Oh…” She pauses for a moment. “Sorry…” She apologises, but you know you hear some spite in her voice as her teeth grit. Well sorry if you didn’t wanna share your personal stories with some girl you’ve never seen before.
“Well, I have to give her a tour, so I will see you later, Vincent.” He puts an emphasis on her name, then puts a hand on your back at the same time you stuff a thicker ravioli in your mouth, making you cough a little but they don’t notice as he leads you out of the room. That wasn’t the best first interaction.
He takes you through every hall, not spending much time anywhere, but spending enough time for you to remember what the rooms looked like. You tell him the only places you need are the library, and your room. He also brings you to your room actually, but he explains how he can’t open it at this hour, since Scott has the key to the room. Then he takes you to where his room is.
“And I’m right here.” He tells you, stopping at his door.
“Jesus this place is huge.” You breathe out heavily. You wouldn’t know all the halls for at least an entire year.
“Yea, but most students only have to learn three or four rooms, two of them being the kitchen and their own room.” He explains and watches you as you take a deep breath, feeling a little more relaxed now that you could navigate a little better through the halls.
“Hey, it ain’t that bad. Once you get used to it, maybe make some friends. There are some good kids here.” He tells you, but his voice lowers and he sighs when he brings up making friends. You just assume he hasn’t made any.
“Well thank you so much for the tour.” You smile your best. “I usually do keep my group very small though.” A chuckle comes from your throat as he stares down at you, his eyes burning into yours.
“Of course. And having a small group is always better than a huge one. Less to worry about.”
“Yea no kidding.” He laughs a little, and it makes you smile, just knowing that you can make someone, a man, who is hated by society, laugh.
“Is Xavier just keeping you locked up?”
“Uh for now yea, he wants to do a checkup though sometime this week.” You sigh, part of you wishing you had just dealt with the normal outside world. “Just to make sure I’m okay, I guess he’s worried I’m hurt more than I’m letting him know.”
“Well it is a damned big bruise on your face.” He tells you, then reaches up to your face, his thumb gently stroking over your bruise, his touch soft enough for it to not hurt.
And also somehow comforting.
“You gonna tell me what happened?” You chuckle a little, and he’s confused at what’s funny as he stares down at you, his hand still cupping your cheek.
“There’s a video on it, I can send you the link later.”
“You have my number?” He asks and lets go of you, presumably reaching for his phone.
“Yea, Xavier gave it to me.” You tell him, and he crosses his arms.
“Alright, I guess I’ll watch it later. Is there anything else you wanna know? Anything you need to tell me?” You shake your head, not wanting to bother him anymore through the day. “Alright. You know the way back to Xavier's office?” You nod, confidently.
“Yea, and thank you so much.” You take a step back, beginning to walk away.
“Of course, let me know if you need anything, Xavier is usually busy.”
“Okay, thank you. See you later- or- tomorrow?”
“See you.”
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You don’t get back to the office until later, you spend the next few hours just sitting outside and relaxing next to a tree until the sun starts to set, mainly because you didn’t want to intrude in Xaviers office the entire day while he was working or busy.
So when you do get back, you take off your shoes and collapse on the bed, groaning into your pillow before taking out your phone and opening YouTube.
You scroll mindlessly for a while, occasionally giggling at something you found funny, then a message notification pops onto your screen.
Unknown number: About to head to bed, do you need anything?
You assume it’s Logan, he’s the only one you’ve spoken to all day, so to check it you take the little note from this morning and verify it’s his number.
You: Don’t need anything. I’m looking for the video right now though.
You respond, then go back into YouTube as you type ‘Mutant attack New York,’ into the search bar. Your video is the most recent to pop up, and you copy the link before sending it to Logan. Then you go back to the video to close out of it, but it starts playing the moment you move back to the app.
“Panic breaks loose as another Mutant is attacked in public. Witnesses say that the Mutant was the first to attack but recorded camera footage shows otherwise as a young female Mutant attempts to defend herself against three men, and the following footage shows her struggle as she manages to get away”
The woman on the video disappears as the video enlarges a video of you, standing and minding your business as you wait for a bus home. In the back you can hear cars driving by, until you can hear one skid to a stop. You head looking up from your phone as three men exit their car, each of them wearing a mask and quickly approaching you.
The audio doesn’t catch it as one of the men speaks up, asking you to just go with them so they aren’t using force, and in the background an old woman's attention is caught before you start telling the men off. Then there’s the punch that leaves you a bruise after telling them to fuck off. Knocking you back against the frame that covers the bus bench as the other two try to grab you, but you manage to meekly fight back, adrenaline soaring through your body, otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten away. Of course, the pepper spray you pull out also played a key factor in getting away, at least from two of the men. The only thing the video doesn’t show is what you had to go through with the last man that chased after you as you got away. Even if it did, it would be too violent for the news. You were glad it wasn’t on recording.
“None of the men have been identified, and neither has the woman. It is not uncommon however to find Mutants who have escaped the system. If you have any details on the mission, please call the number below to reach this news channel's service. Thank you, and have an amazing Friday.”
After it’s done playing, you sit there biting your lip as you try not to cry, another text coming in from Logan.
Unknown number: I’m sorry that happened to you, it’s ridiculous.
You: It’s alright. By the way do you have any pictures of yourself so I can change your icon?
You ask as you begin to fill in the information for his number.
Logan: I don’t. Sorry.
You: It’s alright, I’ll take one while you aren’t looking.
Logan: Fine by me lol, just make sure you get my good angle.
‘Every angle is your good angle,’ is what you wanted to send, but you quickly delete the message before another one comes in from him.
Logan: And Y/N.
Logan: You’re safe here. Know that if you ever need somebody to talk to, anyone to cry to, or just a shoulder to lean on, I will be there for you.
You: Thank you, Logan. I appreciate you.
Logan: Of course darling. Good night.
You: Good night 😁
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pearbunny · 1 year
you saved that for the end » lmh
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paring: lee minho x f!reader. genre: drabble, angst; smut [minors do not interact] warnings: vingettes of smut, unprotected sex, mention of praise kink, breathplay (not really), jealousy, alchohol. word count: 0.8k a/n: just aiming to improve my writing so i whipped this up.
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Two hundred fiftythree. 
That was the number of days since the last time you and Lee Minho exchanged I love yous. 
That’s not to say that you stopped saying it. Just that it was the last time you both said it and both meant it. Meant it like that. 
For a couple months after, there were late night texts. For a couple of months, you both had blurred the line between friends and lovers. 
It was easy for the both of you since you had been friends for so long before you had decided to make it official. In fact, it was one of those circumstances where it was the natural progression between the two of you. Everyone around you had already assumed you were together months before he had asked you. 
“So are you guys dating?”
“Minho, are we dating?”
“Sure. Why not?”
So when you had broken up, it was difficult to draw that line. 
He called you when he got promoted at work. You called him to coordinate outfits for a friend’s birthday party. He texted you when he was excited about a new recipe he tried. You invited him for dinner when your childhood friend was in town. 
At some point, you both had silently agreed that it wasn’t healthy. It wasn’t sustainable. Especially since you agreed to be friends. 
And it was going great. 
Until that one summer night…
You were drunk. He was drunk. He handled his liquor well, you did not. 
He walked you to your apartment, he unlocked it using the spare key you gave him in case you locked yourself out. He helped take your heels off and stored them in the shoe closet by the front door. He placed you on the right side of the bed, farthest from the door and closest to the window because he knew you liked to be woken up by the sun. 
And when he was about to tell you goodnight, his common sense was gone as you whispered, “Please stay. I miss you,”. 
It didn’t take long until your dress was thrown over the foot of the bed, his shirt forgotten and tossed onto the chair in the corner of your room. 
Minho knew your favorite spots. The junction where your neck and shoulder meet. How much pressure he needed to use when his thumb pressed against your clit judging by the state of your breathing. The pace to set with his fingers to bring you to the edge. 
It was a give and take with you. A push and pull. Because just like he knew you, you also knew him in ways no one else did. You knew about the way it drove him mad when you had your hands in his hair, bringing him closer to your core. The right words to praise him so that it made him almost animalistic. You knew how holding eye contact while you were on top, riding, would make him crumble and melt in your grasp. 
You were both sober by the time he was behind you, with your back arched and aching, face in the mattress, as you pushed back against him in this odd rhythm which always meant how close the both of you were. He helped you up to press your back against his chest, his hand gently around your neck and other arm around your torso, while your hands grabbed at biceps for support. His gentle grunting and your breathy moans continued as he pumped into you the last time. You collapse on the bed together for the last time. 
You wake up the next morning together for the last time. 
“We shouldn’t keep doing this.” 
“We can’t. We can’t keep doing this.” 
You refused to turn to look him in the eyes as he got dressed. 
“What’s her name?” You’re unsure why you ask. You didn’t even want to know. 
He didn’t answer. Instead, he stood at the door, clothes haphazardly put on, his jacket clutched in his hand. 
“What’s. Her. Name.”
He took one step forward and that was all it took for you to break down crying. You felt used. You felt naked. You felt vulnerable. You felt alone. 
That was then. 
This is now. 
You’re standing at the train landing, waiting for the next train to take you into the city. A sound chimes over the speakers to let you know that a train is approaching. Your hand grasps at your bag, bracing yourself for the gush of wind that comes by. 
When the train comes to a stop, you’re staring at Lee Minho. He’s on the other side of the door, waiting for them to open to let him out. 
He looks at you. He’s looking right at you. 
There's no light behind his eyes, no recognition of who you are, only the most miniscule movement of a clenched jaw.
The door opens and people are filing out. The world doesn’t stop for the two of you. There’s a lump in your throat that you swallow. At the same time, you both take a step forward– around each other. 
“Excuse me,” he says. 
You’re on the train and when you look back towards him, you can see his retreating form. 
You never started as strangers. 
You saved that for the end. 
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pearbunny's masterlist
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sotwk · 1 year
Hi, I've been following you for awhile now but I'm very internet-shy (if that's a thing) so I've nerver said anything, hence the anon. I wanted to commend you for your writings and headcanons, which I've been enjoying so so so much.
I've always believed that Thranduil had multiple children but I was always indecisive on the number, you helped me settle on five, and many of your characterisations fit perfectly in my own personal headcanons. Moreover even those that I do not agree with have helped me develop my own, so again thank you.
Now on the question: have you ever had so many ideas that you end up creating multiple version of your own AU or, worse, fanfictions of your fanfiction? I write a lot and I'm always expanding on my writings (but never publish, again internet-shy) and I always get so many new inspirations that I always create AUs of my AU so I never finish anything, how do you solve this problem?
Oh my friend, you being so kind is exactly the reason why I would probably never turn off Anon Asks, even though I'm quite sensitive to hate and dread the thought of eventually getting my first hate Anon. (Fingers crossed my lucky streak holds out!)
Thank you so much for reaching out to tell me all this, even though you're "internet-shy"! 🥰 I am so, so glad you enjoy my headcanons enough to let them inspire your own! That is fantastic, and I hope you are able to create tons of content for you to enjoy (and for other fans, if you ever decide to share them)!
As for your question: Hoo-boy, like most of our fellow writers, I am plagued with "too many ideas, too little brain space and even less time to write them down"! That being said, the kind of brain I have is also quite determined to keep my creative mess (somewhat) organized, so I DO fight to wrestle my SotWK AU ideas down and create structure for my fics to stand on.
Yes, I do occasionally get the urge to deviate from my own headcanons and experiment with other scenarios. I think more writers operate with unlimited AUs in their heads, actually. (From what I've read of others' works, at least.) But my personal goal is to create a single consistent, unified "SotWK AU" that encompasses not just Thranduil/Mirkwood's history, but ties into the untouched/extended stories of other canon realms/races/characters as well (including a lot of "Everyone Lives")! So I do try to stay disciplined and stick to my headcanon "facts" once I've nailed them down.
If that's something you also want to try to accomplish, here are Five Things I personally do that might be helpful:
Keep a Master Timeline. This was the first thing I did when I decided to take the SotWK concept all the way. I copy-pasted the entire Middle-earth timeline from Tolkien Gateway into a document, and started to plug in all the headcanon events from my AU into it. That's why nearly every fic I write has a specified date and year!
Keep a Glossary of Your Originals. This can be as messy a dumping ground as you want! Just try to keep all your notes about every single character, place, object, or term you create in one document/file folder so you can easily track and reference them.
Indulge "rogue AUs" in fic "shorts" or drabbles. I accept requests for Reader inserts and this area is where I allow myself to "go wild" with my "out of bounds" ideas. Here, I will allow myself to write stuff like Modern AUs, or have Thranduil be with someone other than my OC Elvenqueen, or have my Thranduilion princes love whomsoever they want, changing the love interest up each time! It doesn't matter, since these stories are all considered "outside" of the SotWK canon, and don't affect the overall "official" story arc. (Note: I haven't actually posted/completed any of these yet, but I have multiple WIPs of such stories.)
Chop Long Stories Up into Smaller Bits. I have a terrible inability to stay focused on a single story/project (don't we all), and for this reason, I avoid long, multi-chapter fics whenever I can. Instead, I will (or plan to) write individual key events as stand-alone one-shots and later group them into collections. This is how I plan on tackling Thranduil and Maereth's 2,000-year long courtship, for example. It reduces the stress of doing things in a linear fashion, or updating with "new chapters".
Don't Smother Your Creativity. You can try to "rein it in", and keep things under control so you can create a cohesive saga that your readers can follow. But ultimately, run with all and whatever ideas make you happy and inspired! Believe me, I'm the one of the most stressed out (self-inflicted) writers out there, but we gotta remember the primary goal of fanfic is FUN, right? <3 Just write The Thing and don't worry about it, especially if publishing/sharing isn't your main goal anyway.
I hope some of this helps you! I can already tell you are a wonderful writer, and I wish you all the best with your fics!
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someonefantastic · 1 year
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” For vacation au cangel 💗
This took forever to finish because for some reason instead of writing a, you know, drabble for some reason I chose to write the entire first date scene which turned out to be over 2k words. I swear I'm nearly incapable of writing something short for this fandom smh
Anyway this is a sequel to this fic and basically the premise of this au is that everyone is human, there's no supernatural elements, and Cordelia and Angel meet while on respective vacations
The flurry of butterflies in Cordelia's stomach have officially upgrades to bats--and she's pretty sure they're waging a war. To say she's nervous for her dinner date with Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Frosted-Tips is an understatement; she's been jittery all evening prompting some lighthearted jabs from Faith and Fred. It's like she's in high school, except Queen C never really got nervous on her dates so maybe it's more like she's about to do an audition for a very successful producer. Either way, she's nervous and she's not really sure why.
The elevator dings and she takes a deep breath, smoothing out the long light gray skirt of her dress. Giving herself one last glance in the elevator's reflective surfaces, she pulls her shoulders back and strides out into the lobby.
She spots Angel almost immediately and her heart immediately picks up it's pace. She could never forget how pretty he is but if she did, the sight of him standing there in a navy button up that hugs his form perfectly and dark jeans is a very good reminder. The smile that spreads across his face as he spots her threatens to turn her insides to jelly and she gives him a wave as she crosses the lobby.
"Hi," he greets back, eyes leaving her face for a moment to scan down her dress. "You look beautiful."
She feels her cheeks grow warm. "Thank you. And you look very handsome yourself."
His smile simply grows and she decides that it's right up there with the sunset and the Grand Canyon for most beautiful sights she's ever seen.
He offers her his arm and she automatically takes it. "Shall we?"
"Oh yes please. I'm starving."
He chuckles as they head to the resort's dining area.
Dinner goes off really well. Cordelia can't remember the last time she had this much fun with a guy but they've barely stopped talking since they sat down. Well, to be honest, it's been mostly her talking and him listening but he's been asking her so many questions about herself that it feels sort of unavoidable--after all she is chatty. But he seems to be enjoying himself and she certainly knows that she is so she really hopes this is going well by all accounts.
"So, Angel," She says when there's a lull in the conversation, "We've talked so much about me but I want to know more about you. Like what do you do for a living? Or what brings you here?"
He swallows the steak he's been chewing--he likes it rare and to be honest, she finds that a little weird, but it's definitely not a deal breaker. "I work at a law firm, leading the security team. I don't love it but it pays the bills. And I'm here because my friend--you might've not noticed him but he was playing basketball with me. Was wearing orange shorts." An amused smile pulls at Cordelia's lips as she thinks of Fred. "He knows a guy who works here and managed to get us a good deal." Picking up a knife, he starts cutting into his steak. "I've been so busy with work and felt like I wasn't around Connor nearly enough so--" He stops mid sentence, knife halfway through the meat and gives her a guilty look. "Oh."
Eyebrows creasing, Cordelia puts down the wine glass she was about to sip from. "What?"
"I'm sorry, I just... I never know when or how to bring this up. I'm still so new to this and..." He trails off and Cordelia's brain fills with countless worst case scenarios. Angel takes a deep breath. "I have a son."
The scenarios freeze and dissipate in the blink of an eye. "Oh?"
He nods, a little uncertain. "His name is Connor, he's five." Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his wallet and flips it open to reveal a picture of him--sans frosted tips--and a little boy with dirty blonde hair and a grin that reminds her of Angel's.
Cordelia feels a smile spread across her face. "He's adorable."
Angel nods his head, practically beaming with pride. "He is. He's going into first grade this year and he already knows all of the alphabet and is starting to read!" His eyes light up as he talks and Cordelia finds herself captivated. "He's really smart and he's athletic too. You should've seen him on his junior hockey team, one game he scored three goals." Stopping himself, he rubs the back of his neck and chuckles awkwardly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away."
"No, don't apologize." She gives him a soft smile, covering the hand he has resting on the table with hers. "Your son sounds wonderful and it's really sweet hearing you talk about him. You really love him."
"I do," He says fondly, his eyes going far away. "His mother and I... well we were never good together and it didn't end well. She's no longer in the picture."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It was for the best. And well, Connor? He's the best thing to ever happen to me."
Scratch his smiles, the sincerity and love in his voice and written across his face is absolutely breathtaking.
"That's why I'm on this vacation," He continues, "I wanted to spend more time with Connor and give him cool experiences. It's what he deserves."
She squeezes his hand. "That's really sweet." A thought strikes her and she frowns. "Why are you here with me then? You should be with your son."
He ducks his head. "Is it bad if I say I needed a break from him?"
She laughs and shakes her head. "Not at all. This girl at work has kids and she once told me a big reason why she chose to return to work was to get out of the house every once in a while, so I get it." A playful smile dances across her lips. "Is that your only reason though...?"
With a smirk, he grasps her hand and lifts it to his lips. "Not at all. I saw you sitting by the pool and nearly got hit in the head with a basketball." She chuckles at the image, her stomach flipping, though not unpleasantly. "I'm very glad you agreed to dinner."
"So am I," She says softly, warmth bubbling inside of her. Tearing her eyes away from her face, she returns to her meal, cutting off a piece of her scallops. "So, if you're on this date with me, where's Connor?"
"He's with his uncles." She glances at him, prompting him to explain, "I came on this trip with a few of my friends. There's Gunn--it's his last name--he's the guy I mentioned before. He works security with me. Then Wesley, it's a long story how I know him but he works at the museum where I'm from archiving old books or something. And then Doyle, who's like my brother. Youo might've seen him on the court as well, Wesley was watching Connor during his nap time." He takes a sip of his wine. "They all agreed to look after him so I could be here with you."
"Well tell them I say thank you. They sound like great guys."
"Yeah I really appreciate them." His glass clinks softly against his plate as he sets it down. "What about your friends? They seemed interesting."
"That's one way of putting it," She says with a snort. "I met Faith in high school through a girl we both knew but we didn't really become friends until later on in our lives. She did time a few years back, it's not really my story to tell, but once she got out she started a non-profit helping kids to get off of the streets. I help her out." Taking another bite of scallops, she continues, "And then I met Fred when I accidentally signed up for what I thought was an all inclusive retreat but turned out to be five days in the mountains taking care of some woman's farm." They both laugh. "We certainly bonded."
"Seems like it," he says shoulders still shaking.
"They're good friends even though Faith has less of a filter than I do."
He hums around his bite of steak. "Good to know."
They lapse into comfortable silence, eating their respective meals and occasionally sneaking glances at the other. But a tightness wraps itself around Cordelia's spine, fear manifesting itself physically at the possibility of vulnerability, at the realization of how relaxed she feels around this man in such a short amount of time. She doesn't know him, not truly, and yet she wants to with such a fierce desire that it scares her. Not only that but she wants him to know her as well, to let him strip her bare of her defenses, allow him to crawl inside her skin and know the parts of her she's kept on lock from everyone else.
It's a terrifying thought to realize how much she wants this and more importantly, just how much he could hurt her if she let him.
Swallowing down her anxieties with a gulp of wine, she levels her gaze at Angel. A smile slips across her lips at the crease in his brow as he concentrates on cutting his steak, her heart fluttering at the tensing muscles in his hand. And she decides right then and there that she won't let him hurt her--but she also won't let her fears get in the way of getting to know this beautiful man.
By the time dinner--followed by dessert and a walk around the resort--is over, the moon is high in the sky and those still awake have gathered at the bars and other places with nightly activities. The hallway to Cordelia's suite is quiet though, the only sound is the soft elevator ding and the scuffing of footsteps as Cordelia and Angel make their way to the door.
They walk hand in hand, bodies so close together that their shoulders bump occasionally. The door gets closer and the bats in Cordelia's stomach become tiny vampires, gnawing away at her insides. Part of her doesn't want this night to end, to be honest it's the most enjoyable date she's had in a very long time. Talking with Angel feels like talking to an old friend; there's an ease and a comfort to their conversations, a rhythm that they found so quickly that just feels natural. She genuinely enjoys being with him--something she can't say for very many of her past relationships.
As they stop in front of her room, the other part of her waits in nervous anticipation for how this night is going to end.
"Well, this is me," She says, glancing at her room number as her body turns to face him. "How much do you want to bet my friends are in the living room just waiting to ambush me?"
He chuckles. "My friends probably will do the same."
"Why do we put up with them?" She asks teasingly.
He laughs again and ducks his head. A silence spreads between them, tense and exciting, wrought with anticipation and the pounding of Cordelia's heart. She watches him study his shoes, shift back and forth, as if gathering up the courage. It's cute how shy he's being but the silence stretches on one second too long and she can't help the sigh she heaves.
"Well? Aren't you going to kiss me?"
His head snaps up and his cheeks go red, one hand moving to run through his frosted tips. "Well-I-I didn't want to assume. I really like you and I didn't want to mess--"
He's abruptly cut off as Cordelia surges forward and firmly presses her mouth against his.
Angel relaxes almost instantly, his hands finding her hips and gently holding on. She palms his face, kissing him softly, tenderly, but without an ounce of hesitation, like walking into a pool for the first time and feeling the cool waters slowly warm. His skin is soft beneath her hands, lips like ambrosia and when he parts them slightly her head spins.
She pulls back before it can go any further, before she breaks all carefully crafted defenses and invites him in for something she hasn't done on a first date since high school. But she already mourns the loss, her mouth tingling with the ghost of his kiss and she steps back, letting her hands drop from his face before she can give into the temptation to press her lips hard against his and never come up for air again.
His hands remain on her hips for half a second more, thumbs running slow circles against the satin of her dress and then he lets go, looking at her with wonder and warmth, his cheeks pink.
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” She teases gently, voice coming out soft, nearly breathless.
He smiles, not a large beaming grin or a gentle quirk of his lips but a soft curve that she longs to run her fingertips across. "I hadn't realized just how much I wanted to kiss you."
She feels warmth bloom in her chest and spread up her neck, flushing her face. "Me too."
"I should let you get some sleep," he says hesitantly, like it's the opposite of what he really wants. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Absolutely." And then, without thinking, she presses up on her toes and kisses him once more. "Goodnight, Angel."
His voice sounds breathless, wistful. "Goodnight, Cordelia."
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cevans-seb · 2 years
Sour candy,makes me red
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A/n: This is a supposed Drabble entry for week one of @the-slumberparty event. This was sitting all week because I couldn’t stop writing, but I ultimately decided to conclude it pretty ambiguous because I felt it was becoming a full fix instead of a Drabble. I used all of the items that were listed ( bouquet of flowers, leather chains, and diamond necklace) and I believe my theme was urban legend and another planet, so yeah…ENJOY!
Pairing: Bucky x Alien Reader
Word Count: About 1.3?
Warnings: none, but alludes to smut
You sit at your desk, piles of books and files scatter into an unorganized mesh. You and your sister were assigned to receive a peculiar blue vile from Earth. “I still can’t believe we have to travel to that primitive planet.” You thought. Your eyes skim over a certain target, James Buchanan Barnes. He was very different than the men on your planet while his skin was pale and his eyes were stone colored ,yet within his iris held the same graveness as one of their well decorated officials.
“Be weary of these soldiers,Y/n. They are dangerous and we want to make sure you are your sister are safe from harm.” Your father grunted, he was opposed you going on this mission but only agreed if your eldest sister traveled as well.
“I’ll be fine father, this isn’t my first mission.” You reminded.
“You’re right, it’ll be your first mission without me.”
“Winter Soldier, White Wolf, Bucky…this creature goes by many alias. I highly doubt any of this is real.”
Your emerald diamond vibrates against your chest. “Yes sister ?” you eyes never leaving his file, allured towards him. Why was the elders so unwavering about this serum? Your soldiers were well equipped and need no serum to fight adversaries. “ It’s almost time for us to depart. Did you drink it yet? Our elders is fueling the ship now.” She referred to the lukewarm liquid that was tucked away in your pocket. A mixture of honey, water, and some peony’s blended together to make a potion that allow you to blend in with any species, with this case being human.
“in a minute, I’m finishing up some research on our target. He is supposedly an assassin that has killed more people than I care to count and he and his friend both are injected with the serum. It all sounds ridiculous because this is Earth we are talking about, a plant eons behind us.” You concluded with a slam of your book. “ but I’m sure it’ll be a nice vacation.” You tell her as you down your concoction.
While you adjust your suit, you were able to glance at your new skin, and you were indifferent. Your hair was still the same which you appreciate but your skin matched those of the soldiers and it made you feel weird.
“I need more time.” You panic then rush over to the kitchenette, gathering a bouquet of flowers and chop them up. “ has to be another form I can take.” Your hand diced away on a sunflower while you sister softly chuckles. “ Well, can you hurry up? I’m giving you 5 minutes before I leave without you.” She abruptly ends the call. You silence your stone. After a few more attempts, you were able to mimic a skin that closer to yours and it made your heart soar.
“Only a few more hours left.” She announce, her fuchsia diamond gleams under the ship warm light. “ Remember we have to blend in, so I brought of these to make it seem like we’re from here.” She toss you some flimsy clothing that did little to hide your assets- you were blessed with some chest.
Finally off of the ship, you scout the city for Bucky. Your sister wasn’t too far behind, tracking Steve but somehow you both came back short handed. “ it shouldn’t be this hard to find super soldiers.” She exasperated, folding her arms over her sweater covered chest. Suddenly a masked figured bump into you on the sidewalk, causing you to smack in a brick wall and you hiss in pain.
“Sissy, are you okay ?”
Running off adrenaline, you follow the figure with intent on setting him ablaze when a star-studded shield catch the man, throwing him into the dumpster. He groans in agony which makes you smile a little but then you follow the shield and spots your assignments, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.They were bigger in person. Bucky bulging arms were the size of your head and his hair is shorter than the pictures researched, but his eyes. His eyes held the same fervor as those pictures-somehow they were more intense now.
“Miss, are you alright.” Steve held his hand out, you grasp and yelp from his unbridled strength. You smooth down your romper before finally speaking.
“I’m okay. Really wasn’t expecting to get trampled on our first day here.”
“you’re from outta town?” Bucky inquired, more like out of this universe you thought. But you nod.
“Yes, we are from….Washington.” Your brows furrowed at you sister. What’s Washington?
“Well you’re not too far from home. How about we make it up to you both with some lunch?” Steve suggest his arm strangely rest around your sisters waist. “I know a great restaurant up the street.” Bucky stares at you with an unreadable glint in his eyes. Your sister and Steve were already heading towards the building while you felt like you plummeted in quick sand. “Darling, do you wanna come?” Bucky cups your face when he noticed your blank stare, frowning when you didn’t answer him.
“Sorry, I’m ready.”
You grimace while your sister and Steve chatted away like they were best friends reconciling after being distant for years; it was how his hands rest on top of hers while she starred lovingly at him. What was going on?
The waiter came by to set your drinks down, along with a bowl of lemons. You gleam as it resembles your favorite sweet at home and you greedily inhale it.
“Y/n no,” you sister tried to stop you but the bitterness and tangy taste, riddled you speechless. You knew your skin began changing into a burgundy shade when Bucky used his leather jacket as a shield. Blinded by your teary eyes, you fail to see you sister and Steve evacuate the restaurant, leaving you alone with Bucky.
He slowly discard his jacket, smirking at your hue. You shrink back with fresh tears as you knew you failed this mission. He was never suppose to see you and you miss how his face drops.
“Hey, what’s wrong dove?” He wipes your tears away. You prick at your bracelet, unable to meet his somber eyes. “You were never suppose to see me like this. It was a simple mission and I failed.” You sniffle.
“So that what your sister told you? This was a mission.” He snickers. “Follow me darling,” Bucky slid out the booth.
You follow him until you hear a faint sound coming from the storage closet, but Bucky trudged on inching you to open the door. You gasped at your sister being railed by Steve, her arms tied together with leather cuffs. you immediately shut the door while Bucky boastfully laugh against the wall.
“What the fuck was that!”
“So my sister lied to me about this mission? She only did this because her and Steve have been secretly dating this whole time.” You paraphrase everything Bucky told you.
“Pretty much ,yeah.” He munched on his taco. “ she wanted to tell you but you were so busy that she had to make up this case.”
You and Bucky decided to leave the love birds alone and eat tacos instead, and it seems they were finished because your diamond has been vibrating for 3 minutes. “I think you should answer her.” He suggest.
“Why I wanna talk to that liar?” You sip on your tea. “She could’ve told me.”
“What if she was scared? Didn’t know how you would’ve reacted.” He reason. “Let her explain her side and then decide accordingly.”
“Fine, but after we finish our …tacos? You say.” He wrapped his metal arm around, causing you to shiver. He laughs. “ I think blue is your color.” He mocks. “Ugh, stop making me change colors. You’re lucky we are in a dimly lit room.” You huff while you revert back.
“Okay, so enlighten me. How you do all this? I always thought aliens weren’t real but then I saw your sister a few years ago and have always been curious.” He inquire , his head rests on your shoulder.
“Well, let’s start with this.” You retrieve a small bouquet from your bag.
A/n II: So many unanswered questions that’ll probably won’t get answered…..
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #1
We officially had our first Round Robin in our server. We had @beelou (yellow) @lhhomefics (blue) and @larryatendoftheday (red) joining @wabadabadaba (pink) and I (@justalarryblog) (green) and here is our drabble! Thank you guys for writing with us, we had so much fun! 💖
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Louis folded the mask up over his eyes and bit his bottom lip as he stared at the fire in front him. He did not mean for this to happen. In fact it was the opposite of what was supposed to happen. And yet, here he was standing in front of a raging fire with his friends.
“The fire didn’t start itself!” Liam whispered, which was more like a yell. “Which one of you did it?”
It was Louis but he wasn’t going to take the blame. “It was Niall.”
“What!” Niall did yell.
Everyone told him to shut up. 
“I didn’t light it!”
Louis obviously lit it.
Louis gasped and clutched at his chest. “I would never!”
“You would,” the entire room chorused.
“Okay, what the fuck!” Louis threw his hands up in the air.
“This is just like you, Louis. Why must you always make a mess and then put the blame on Niall. What has he ever done to you?” Liam complained defensively. 
Louis was very offended at all his friends - so called friends he scoffs internally - turning on him. Sure, it was his fault, just like the many messes in the past few months, but still!!
“I should find some better friends,” He huffed as he watched the fire.
“This is not the time to stand here arguing, is someone going to do something?” Harry said, waving his arms wildly. 
“Why don’t you do something if you have an idea?” Louis bit back. 
“Well, we should probably call someone.” Harry replies
“Who are you gonna call? Ghostbusters?” Louis says sarcastically.
“I think Harry means the fire department, Louis.” Liam says
Oh, that would make sense. “Oh, yeah. Okay.”
The fire started just small, but now as the boys keep arguing, it’s growing larger and yeah, maybe they should call the fire department. 
“Anyone have their phone on them?” 
“Uh guys, if any of you are going to make the call, you should hurry,” Niall said pointing his head towards the fire and showing it was spreading faster.
“Oh shit!” Harry said, picking up his phone and dialing the fire department.
A couple of minutes later, two men entered the room and used a fire extinguisher to put down the fire. 
“What happened here?” One of them asked.
The 3 boys looked at Louis immediately. The man fumbled on his shirt and mumbled something no one could understand.
“Say again?” Liam asked.
“I uh… I was trying to…”
The firemen looked at Louis expectantly. He didn’t know if he should tell the truth, it was quite embarrassing and he didn’t know if he wanted to throw anyone else under the bus. He did get them into this mess so he decided to come clean. With a sigh, he pulled off his batman mask fully and turned to face the rather attractive firemen. On second thought, could he flirt their way out of this? No, no, he had to focus.
“I was trying to burn pictures of my ex-boyfriend,” he finally admitted. “Look, his name is Zayn and he’s gorgeous okay? Devastatingly so but he’s always so busy and he never has time for me so I am trying to get over him. We figured-” his friends scoffed. “Okay I figured if I burned his pictures then it would hurt less. Turns out, it hasn’t.”
“Did you get this idea from Friends?” one of the firemen asked.
“Did you?” Harry yelled.
“No!” Louis gasped. “Of course not.”
No one believed him.
“I just didn’t want to hurt anymore and-”
“And? What? You decided to put all of us in danger? Instead of I don’t know talking to one of us?” Liam shouted.
“Yeah we’re here for you Lou but instead of talking to us you take these ideas from shows and buzzfeed on how to get over an ex” Niall said.
“Yeah like-” Harry started.
“Okay, okay boys, that’s enough, we need to get back to the station but unfortunately we have to take a report of this and deal with whatever this is.” The hot fireman said exasperated.
“Here are some forms that we need you to fill” the other fireman handed Louis a bunch of papers.
“All of this?” Louis asked, incredulous about how thick the pile was. 
“It’s mostly just signatures and initials. It shouldn’t take too long,” one fireman explained.
“Okay, thanks.”
The three boys huddled in close to Louis in a makeshift group hug. 
“Alright, alright, alright! That’s enough, I’m not that desperate for affection,” Louis said, getting out of the hug and straightening his clothes and fixing his hair. 
“Yeah, right. You just needed to set the whole house on fire to let your anger out. That’s fine.” Liam said, showing the place around. 
“I said we clean this mess up and head to the bar, have some beers and play snooker, what do you guys think?” Niall asked.
“Fine for me, what do you say, Lou?” Harry asked.
“Definitely,” Louis smiled and then covered his face.”You guys are really too nice. I almost just burned our whole place.”
“Don’t remind them, Lou,” Harry said, elbowing him.
Liam sighed deeply, shook his head, and then said, “Let’s put that all behind us and support the one and only Tommo.” 
Niall cheered and started tugging on Louis’ arm. “Let’s go!”
“I have to fix my hair!” Louis screeched. Everyone silently rolled their eyes as he ran off to the bathroom to adjust his fringe, but eventually they were on their way out the door to their favorite pub. “I just hope I don’t run into Zayn. If I do, Niall has to kiss me to make him jealous.” 
Niall squinted his eyes in assessment before nodding and agreeing. “Might as well. I’ll grab your bum, too.”
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mneiai · 2 years
new asoiaf fic, help me decide on something???
I have an idea for an ASOIAF/Dance era crossover (with some HOTD influence because they fill in a few gaps and there's a handful of things they did right/I did like better). It was vaguely inspired by my drabble through time and some of the theories about Vhagar/a dragon's personality/abilities.
It is a Jon goes back in time/becomes Daemon Targaryen's son AU. I can't decide what year I want him born in, though.
Jon "wakes up" when Maegon Targaryen (Daemon was being an asshole when he chose the name) claims Cannibal, so there's a whole life before that and the time period will affect what is happening on Dragonstone/why he's there/what he can do.
So, the possibilities are as follows (I started writing as if it was the first one, but that's easy enough to change, except that I want to write more and am now stalled lol):
Firstly, what stays the same:
-Maegon is Daemon and Rhea Royce's trueborn (and only) son.
-Maegon is far more even tempered than Daemon, and broods instead of lashing out. His crib egg doesn't only not hatch, it seems to start turning to stone just from being near him. Despite looking Valyrian, many people suspect he's not much of a Targaryen (something Daemon hates, but many others see as a good thing).
-He has a contentious relationship with Daemon because of Daemon's hatred for his mother and long absences. The King adores Maegon and Rhaenyra cares for him.
-After not having a dragon for at least a decade, he goes to Dragonstone and is basically pounced on by the Cannibal, at which point Jon Snow gets shoved into Maegon's head.
If Maegon is born 100/101: 
-Born just before Rhea becomes Lady of Runestone, helping to solidify her claim as she has a male heir. And before the Great Council, which technically gives Viserys two male heirs.
-He’d be closer to Rhaenyra’s age/a childhood companion, Daemon would think he was Viserys’ heir still for a time and that Maegon would therefore one day be King (makes Daemon getting passed over as heir harder/more insulting).
-Daemon would take him to the Red Keep often to show off his male heir (possibly seen as a motivation for Viserys to be so desperate for a son). Maegon would be used more as a tool than a son by a less mature Daemon, but if it weren't for fear of Daemon gaining influence through him, Maegon would have been betrothed to Rhaenyra.
-He would claim Cannibal when Rhaenyra first moves to Dragonstone in 113 (this would basically mean no needing to finagle the timelines and that Jon could stop some of the worst stuff that happens, but maybe that's too good of timing lol).
-He’d have a dragon to go back and forth to Runestone, especially after his mother’s death when he is old enough to immediately be lord.
-He would be a Black. Could help Rhaenyra with Laenor and keep her sons looking Valyrian. Would also possibly influence her to put more effort into being the heir/keeping power in the Red Keep, or staying in the Red Keep himself to advocate for her. They’d both resent the Greens, as even if Maegon had come to terms with Rhaenyra being heir, he definitely wouldn’t come to terms with Aegon being heir/king instead after his father and he were passed over.
If Maegon is born 106: 
-After the Mysaria/dragon egg stuff and Rhaenyra being declared heir, when Daemon is arguably at the height of his resentment for Viserys. He just lost a child to miscarriage so it may also feel like an insult that the gods gave him a healthy son with someone he hated. Possibly also some self-hatred for knowing this could have surely made him official heir if he hadn’t pushed Viserys’ hand.
-Daemon will spend Maegon’s early childhood in the Stepstones, so less influence over his life. Maegon will be more of a peer to Aegon than Rhaenyra, and could have a positive impact on him (or could be more manipulated by the Greens). He might spend time at the Red Keep at Viserys’ behest instead of for Daemon’s manipulations and see it as a second home.
-He would claim the Cannibal during Rhaenyra’s marriage to Laenor, maybe just after his mother dies/his father goes off with Laena in 115? This would makes him about a year younger than Aemond would be, possibly increase Aemond’s desperation for a dragon, since he’d soon be older than even Maegon was if he doesn’t claim one.
-Daemon might try to demand regency over Runestone, creating even more of a wedge between them (Maegon may also suspect Daemon of murdering his mother). Having an actual regency will allow Maegon to still be around Dragonstone/King’s Landing for the next few years without many issues, so he’d be around for Rhaenyra’s first few children’s births/early years.
-He’d be a Black…at least until Rhaenyra married Daemon, at which point she may lose his support.
If Maegon is born in 111:
-Daemon goes to Runestone before returning to the Stepstones after unsuccessfully trying to win Rhaenyra’s hand. He is in the Stepstones when Maegon is born, perhaps Rhea’s message to him was “lost” so he didn’t even know she was pregnant (who would blame her for not wanting him around...Daemon, Deamon would). Possibly Rhea even names him Jon and Daemon renames him Maegon (otherwise, possibly a Runestone tradition not to name a child until they're one).
-Daemon’s hatred for her increases even more and maybe he believes Maegon was “ruined” by his first year or so of life being raised by a non-Valyrian when Maegon does not seem enough of a dragon. Maegon also represents the missed opportunity of a child with Rhaenyra. 
-After his mother’s death, is sent to the Red Keep at Viserys' request and most often spends part of the year there and part of the year in Runestone. Maybe Alicent becomes something like a second mother. He is raised by his regent and some of the other Vale lords to suspect his father of murdering his mother and resenting Daemon for trying to take lordship of Runestone when he never spent any time there.
-Maegon is also very much a contemporary of Alicent’s children, perhaps close friends with Aemond (who shares his lack of a hatched dragon and shitty Targaryen father) when Alicent accepts that he has little of Daemon within him (and unlike Rhaenyra's children, is "obviously" not a bastard)
-He would certainly be there during the funeral trip when Aemond claims Vhagar, perhaps even with Vhagar/keeping Joffrey quiet without hurting him so that the fight never happens and Aemond never loses his eye. Either Maegon might take Aemond’s side when others criticize him for claiming Vhagar (since there was no big fight, Aemond is only at “fault” for that) or he envies Aemond too much for having finally gotten a dragon and pulls away from him.
-Claims Cannibal in 120, going to Dragonstone in desperation after Aemond claims Vhagar, with plans to claim Vermithor. Could possible delay Daemon and Rhaenyra’s plans for a secret marriage (and possibly make Aegon the Younger obviously conceived before marriage).
-He’d probably be a Green, basically he's been raised by Daemon's worst enemies, but maybe astute enough not to show it
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
While I'm sad you're not going to continue 28 Cities, could you answer some questions about it for closure sake?
DID RHYME GET AWAY FROM ZEPHYR?????? Because you kinda left off with them being set up to work at a hotel thanks to Rhyme's grand parents. Part of me is wondering that the reason why Rhyme and Reason moved through so many cities is because Zephyr is chasing them… I assume this might end with Rhyme fighting him in a climactic battle or something.
What made them want to become villains? You kinda set it up in earlier chapters with Reason pickpocketing the rude lady on the train and…. Rhyme's entire childhood of being raised by a supervillain and forced to train. What was the thing that made them become villains?
I believe you mentioned a misadventure with stealing a blimp. Do you mind elaborating on that?
What made them choose the names Rhyme and Reason instead of Super Strong Woman With Freeze Breath and Normal Guy?
Hi, thanks for the interest in my story! Although I'm not writing "28 Cities" at this time, I haven't truly abandoned it.
In truth, I went into that story without a plan because "28 Cities" was a "drabble a day" project I was trying to do, posting one chapter per day. I burned out pretty quickly because I genuinely struggle to write short things and I always wanted the one-shots to be longer, and I was getting overwhelmed and disappointed with it. I don't consider that story a great reflection of my writing abilities. I decided to put it on hold until I was ready to look at it again.
I do like the WordGirl universe and I explored it more in my one-shot "AlgoRhythm," but part of the problem was that the strict schedule I was holding myself to with "28 Cities" didn't give me enough space to worldbuild the way I wanted to. I have a lot of ideas about the world, like charm schools and genetics, and I wanted to write a bigger 'fic to explore those ideas instead.
I'm working towards that goal now with my multi-chapter Kid Math 'fic "Factor It In," which I started back in 2018. I made good progress with it back then and even drew a cute cover image I still love, but I never posted it because it felt choppy and inauthentic to my style, and I hated that.
Earlier this year, I did tidy the first few chapters of it and they're officially part of my weekly 2023 'fic schedule now ("Factor It In" Chap 1 goes up on FFN/AO3 on June 16th!) so that makes me happy :) I've got two chapters fully written (but at the end of Chapter 1 I have a note asking readers for advice on chapter length so it might end up being three chapters already done). Hopefully people enjoy that, I'm glad I had the chance to revisit it.
In short, "28 Cities" is not a dead project in my mind. It's just not part of my plans this year because it would take a ton of mental effort to plan and write for, and it won't fit in my 2023 plans.
I didn't really plan anything for "28 Cities" so you're probably not going to like my answers, but hopefully they provide some closure anyway.
In response to your questions:
Did Rhyme get away from Zephyr? - Probably, but I never planned it one way or another. Rhyme and Reason ran off a week or two before graduation and I doubt he's still chasing them when they're in their... 30s? He'd be in his 60s.
/It's been a long time since I saw the episode so forgive me if they had a canon age that I forgot. I'm not sure what I headcanon Rhyme and Reason as, but maybe 30s since they've lived in 28 places and it cracks me up to imagine world-weary Reason painstakingly decorating every single apartment until Rhyme blows it for them.
I don't want to commit to that for sure, though my heart will always belong to "Rhyme and Reason are legitimately adults who are platonic best friends and no one even bothers telling them they're "too young and will change their minds about being platonic when they're older" because yes they really are adults and they're happy." As far as I'm concerned, they're zucchinis and I love that for them <3 Gosh I wish that were me.
To me, Rhyme and Reason were always bouncing around because Reason wanted to put down roots and Rhyme didn't, but I never thought about her dad pursuing them. Zephyr's kind of a bitter and broken man who already lost his wife and is on awful terms with his in-laws after taking the villain route. He probably WOULD want to attack Reason for "stealing his daughter" and I can imagine Reason getting beaten up badly while Rhyme stands in shock, but I'm not sure how I'd actually play it if I went that route.
To me, Zephyr was more of the inciting incident that pushed Amy and Tyler out of their hometown, but I didn't really intend for him to be the climax. Since it was a one-shot series I didn't really see a need for a climax, but if I were to revisit it years later, I might try building towards one. Who knows.
What made them become villains? - I didn't plan that either. It's already established in WordGirl canon that "superheroes usually work for free." I built this into the backstory of Rhyme's dad (i.e. a hero who became a villain to feed his daughter after the death of his wife). In addition to Reason pickpocketing that lady who was rude to Rhyme, like you mentioned, I already painted Rhyme with a violent nature (i.e. destroying prom after her dad banned her from going) so they were probably just struggling to survive. I'm not really sure yet.
Rhyme dealt with a lot of turmoil growing up, being born to a superhero who turned to a life of crime, and she looked down on villainy for a long time. In "28 Cities," I wrote about how she ran from home and hid at her grandparents' place, and they helped her and Reason get that hotel job. I like to think these early years were focused on her and Reason building their friendship, but the crime didn't come until later. I'm not sure what sparked it, but it was absolutely after they were already "ride or die" for life.
My guess is they were probably hungry and couldn't pay rent and probably had medical bills or something [i.e. Reason getting beaten up by Zephyr so Rhyme swallows her pride and does everything she can for him even though she hates it at first] and Rhyme's grandparents were already out of their lives for a long time, so things just got tough.
Don't take this as my official canon because I still want the option to change it later if I want to, but that's a possibility for your question.
Stealing a blimp - I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're referring to. I did a CTRL-F in the full version of the story and I didn't see anything about a blimp. I checked my OG doc and my blog, but didn't see anything in either of those places. It doesn't sound familiar.
What made them choose the names Rhyme and Reason? - I never decided, though I do headcanon that Rhyme was rhyming even when she was young, so her name was inspired by that. The phrase "rhyme and reason" is pretty common, so once Rhyme got her name, Tyler was probably like "Yeah, Reason suits me." He's the kind who couldn't care less at first, but ends up proud of his name. I'm sure he's the one who designed their logo, too.
Thank you for reaching out, and I'm sorry if this reply is less than satisfactory. "Rhyme and Reason" is my favorite episode and I love them dearly, and I'd rather focus on other projects that are more important to me right now, and maybe do "28 Cities" justice at a later time, and not butcher it in a rush <3 It's not dead to me, it just won't fit into my plans for 2023.
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v-hope · 3 years
Jimin + ~"I'm trying to be subtle here but...":
[Y/N]"Are you jealous? " [jimin]"No. Why would I? Everything is... Perfectly fine. All cool, no problem, ça roule. "
pairing: park jimin x reader
genre: fluff, jealousy au
word count: idk bc i wrote it straight on tumblr dot com, but it’s just a drabble
a/n: i just felt like writing something quick on the softer-angsty-without-being-really-angsty side and this request from forever ago was it. not my best work but i hope you guys enjoy!
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Ever since you had come back out from the cabin after having thrown one of Jimin’s cozy hoodies over your head, and claimed back your seat next to him around the bonfire as all your friends shared stories that rather cool summer night, you had not been able to ignore his intense glare on you.
It had been over ten minutes since, and you still had no clue over what was going on for him to not pull you into his arms like he had been doing all night long, even more after being well aware of how cold you were.
Although your relationship wasn’t officially defined given how little time he had to keep up with one, you had cared for one another in a more than friends way for long enough, and had kissed way too many times not to consider yourself taken by one another.
You were his and he was yours.
And hence, you did not understand why he seemed so mad over you wearing one of his hoodies. He always offered you the one he was currently wearing whenever he noticed you were the slightest bit cold. He had even done exactly that only minutes ago — having you refuse his offer and instead going back inside the cabin you had all rented for the weekend, to get something to warm yourself up with.
Staring down to the ocean blue piece of clothing you had chosen, you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he didn’t want you to wear that particular one. After all, you had never seen it before, which made you guess it must’ve been new. Then again, he had never been that possessive over his clothes, whether new or old — not when it came to you.
“Do you want me to go change?” you ended up wondering in more of a whisper, only for him to hear.
Jimin shrugged, eyes fixed on the fire going up and disappearing into the air in front of you. “If you want to”.
That meant yes. You knew that was a yes.
And although you didn’t know why specifically he wanted you to change, you didn’t want to be the reason he was upset, which is why you settled for just nodding your head before getting up.
“Yah, you thief!” Hoseok’s loud voice coming from the other side of the bonfire caught your attention. “Why are you wearing my hoodie?”
Even though he was smiling, finding this whole situation to be hilarious just as the rest of your friends did, you panicked — eyes instantly going down to Jimin, whose jaw had seemed to tense up at his hyung’s words.
The puzzle pieces suddenly coming together.
“This is Jimin-ie’s” you argued anyway.
“Judging by how jealous he looks right now, you better believe it’s mine, love”.
That had only seemed to make your already drunken group of friends laugh harder.
Throwing them all a subtle glare for them to leave him alone and resume whatever conversation they were having before you had gotten up, you looked to the sulking guy next to you for a couple of seconds.
The least you could do was try and reassure him of the fact that you had not deliberately chosen his friend’s hoodie over his. Try and reassure him that his clothes were the only ones you wanted to ever steal, for you wanted everyone to know it was him you were —unofficially— taken by.
That is why his eyes opened wide in surprise when you sat down on his lap and your hands rested loosely around his neck.
“This is why you wouldn’t look at me? Because I’m wearing Hobi’s hoodie?” you whispered, softly caressing his cheek as he continued to say nothing. “Are you mad?”
He shook his head no. His lack of speaking was not very encouraging whatsoever.
“Are you jealous?” you worded it differently.
“No,” Jimin denied, that had seemed to touch a nerve. “Why would I? Everything is... perfectly fine. All cool, no problem, ça roule”.
“Jimin…” you quietly pleaded for him to drop his act.
He let out a defeated sigh. “It’s whatever. You can wear anyone’s clothes, we’re not t—”
“Don’t you dare say we’re not together,” you warned him. “I will get up and walk away right this moment if you do”.
At your determined words, you felt his hands finally go around your body, pulling you tightly towards him as he shook his head and nuzzled your neck — not even dreaming of finishing his sentence.
You were right. You were together. And he was not risking losing you over his careless words while being indeed very jealous.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “It’s stupid, though. It’s just clothing”.
“But it clearly upsets you” you pouted, resting your chin on his head. “I’m sorry, I honestly thought it was yours”.
“You promise?”
“I promise” you reassured him, pressing a small kiss to the crown of his head. “You should’ve just told me”.
“I didn’t wanna sound possessive” he uncomfortably shifted on his seat.
“Oh, yes, and glaring at me for ten minutes straight without saying a word is so much better” you rolled your eyes.
Jimin chuckled, pulling away from your neck and staring at you with loving eyes. “I was glaring at the hoodie, not at you”.
You shook your head in amusement, before your bottom lip stuck out in another pout. “I thought you were mad I had taken one of your hoodies instead of wearing my own”.
“You should know by now I love seeing you wear my clothes” he hummed, leaning in just enough to sweetly brush his lips against yours.
“Which is why I was so confused” you pointed out, blissfully receiving the tender kiss he had just hushed you with.
A bright smile curved up his mouth when your hand cupped his cheek and you pulled him into another kiss, just as his lips had started to abandon yours.
It didn’t last long, though, for a rather shy giggle escaped your mouth less than ten seconds later, at the sound of your friends both complaining and cheering over your quite lovey dovey actions — causing you to pull away from his longing lips for once and for all.
Jimin wasted no time to pull you to his chest, being now his turn to glare at everyone looking your way, before he could plant a brief kiss to the top of your head and let his forehead fall to your shoulder.
“You smell like Hobi hyung” he complained.
“I do not—”
“Would I be crossing a line if I asked you to go change?”
You rolled your eyes, letting out a loud, dramatic sigh before you grabbed him by his shoulders — shoving him against the back of his seat and leaning closer to his flushed face.
“So jealous” you called him out, pressing a chaste kiss to his pouty lips before you stood up to comply with his wishes.
His hand was quick to grab yours, standing up right after you and intertwining your fingers as he dragged you away from the bonfire with him.
“I’m coming with you so you actually get mine this time”.
And to make out with you a for a little longer without having everyone around. But they could always figure that out on their own.
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linawritestwst · 3 years
twst nightmares and fears au: heartslabyul (chronophobia)
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okay, so this is the thing that i've worked on for some time! i wanted to write a twst au where mc/yuu gets different kind of dreams, not the ones that explain the plot of disney movies, but instead they have nightmares that are related to different phobias and fears.
i chose chronophobia (fear of time) for heartslabyul because i felt like it would fit quite well: in this nightmare mc has to come to the unbirthday party, but they don't have much time left. will they come to the party in time or will it be too late? and if they are late, what kind of consequences they will have to face?
i wanted it to be a "twst x reader" type of content that i usually write but.. i don't think it is "twst x reader" hdjsksk i feel like it's too dark and it isn't that romantic. i mean if you're into getting your head cut off by riddle i don't judge
also this is written in a different format from what i usually write, i wanted it to be something like a drabble, but.. idk if it can be counted as a drabble.
warnings: possible ooc, blood, death mention, beheading/decapitation
maybe it's because there's a LOT going on in your life right now and you've been feeling anxious lately, but it was hard for you to fall asleep. i mean, that's understandable, right now you're in a whole different world, filled with mages, weird creatures and.. just a lot of stuff that you have never seen before. and tomorrow you will start officially attending night raven college, a school for the most gifted young mages (even though you know nothing about magic and you don't have magic abilities) and you also have this raccoon-like.. or cat-like creature called grim as your roommate now. yeah, your life has changed completely in just a couple of days.
so how were you supposed to sleep tonight? you hoped that you will be tired enough to close your eyes and fall asleep quickly, but your anxiety (and excitement?) was too strong for that. so you continued to move around in your bed, while grim was sleeping peacefully and talking about being "the greatest and most powerful mage in twisted wonderland".
"wow, he's sure having a nice dream" you thought.
you could only hope that your dream will be just as good tonight or that you'd get some sleep at all.
you felt your eyes getting heavy, but you still had quite a lot of thoughts in your head.
"twisted wonderland, huh.. wonderland.. sounds familiar."
with this thought, you finally managed to close your eyes and fall asleep.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵��︵‿︵‿︵
"i'm late, i'm so late!" you were running through the woods, hoping that you will still be able to come to the party in time. why did you have to wake up so late today? you knew about unbirthday party and you knew about queen of hearts' bad temper, so why did you wake up late anyway? why are you so irresponsible?
okay, you're getting closer to your destination. you looked at your watch to check the time..
.. yeah, queen of hearts is not gonna like this.
maybe you could use someone's help and support? you know, ask someone to not tell the queen about you being late? you have some friends here, in heartslabyul, so they definitely will help you, right?
> now, please choose which boy you're gonna ask for help.
> ace trappola.
ace could act mean sometimes, but you knew that he was a genuinely nice person. we all have our flaws, don't we? also you were sure that he's late too, so you can protect each other and not tell anyone about when you actually came to the party. yeah, you totally can trust ace!
so you tried to look for ace, you thought that he'll be standing not so far away from you, because he also came late. but he wasn't there. so you continued to search for him, and to your surprise, ace stood with other heartslabyul students, looking completely normal and not nervous at all. are you.. are you the only one who came late?
you quietly walked to ace, trying not to get any unwanted attention from others. you tapped him on the shoulder, making ace finally notice you. before he could say hi, you covered his mouth with your hand. ace was pretty loud, so it was better for him to not say anything.
"hey," you whispered. "i'm late, can you please not tell anyone about it? if riddle finds out, i doubt that i'm gonna make it out alive."
you laughed, trying to calm yourself down.
you let ace speak and of course, his first words were: "wow, so i actually came earlier than you? man, i'm so punctual, a perfect heartslabyul student!"
you rolled your eyes, that's ace for you. "yeah, yeah, but are you gonna help me? please, ace, i really need it."
but then.. ace laughed. and it wasn't a good kind of laugh, the "you're so hopeless, but i'll help you, because i'm your friend" kind of laugh. it was a simple "you're so hopeless" kind of laugh.
"seriously? you're asking ME for help? and what do i get from it?"
you expected ace to ask for something and help you only after that, but still.. does this guy have at least a little bit of sympathy? can't he just do it because you're his friend?
"ace, i.. i don't know, i will help you with homework, but just do it. don't let riddle find out about me being late."
"hey, dorm leader! we have a rule breaker right here!" ace walked to riddle, who was checking if everyone is here.
you can't let ace do this. you can't. wait, how will he even prove you being late? it's not like he recorded your conversation or something..
but you couldn't stay calm. you had to stop ace.
you felt so many emotions right now and anger was the strongest one of them, but you also felt.. betrayed. you always thought that ace's behavior was just a mask and that he's actually a nice guy.
but turns out, sometimes guys that act mean don't have a hidden "heart of gold" and sometimes they really are mean.
and ace has to pay a price for betraying you like that.
> deuce spade.
what if you ask deuce for help? he's a really nice guy, maybe a bit slow sometimes, but you can depend on him.
you were able to find deuce pretty quickly and you almost ran to him, you were that desperate for help. it probably sounds dumb, you're scared of your dorm leader finding out that you're late, but.. you had a reason to be afraid of riddle.
"deuce! i'm so glad that i found you!" you smiled and greeted your friend. "hey, can you please help me with something?"
"y/n, where have you been?" deuce was surprised that he noticed you only now. "the unbirthday party has started five-"
"i know, i know! that's the problem!" you started talking more quietly. "so i.. i actually came late. i can't let riddle find out. you know what he does with people who are late or break the rules."
deuce was a very understanding boy, so he listened to you and nodded. he couldn't let riddle hurt you. but if he tells riddle about you being late, riddle could praise him and it could help him become closer to achieving his dream of becoming a honor student..
no, he can't do that. you're his friend, he can't betray you like that!
deuce promised you that no one will ever find out about it, his lips are sealed.. but it doesn't mean that nobody else could hear your conversation.
"dorm leader!" one of the students that were standing right next to you, ran to riddle. "y/n just showed up! they came late, you should punish them for that!"
you should've expected something like that. you sighed and you were ready to accept your punishment, but deuce couldn't let that happen.
"dorm leader, he's lying! y/n actually came right before unbirthday party was about to start!" deuce ran right after that student, trying to prove your innocence.
you wanted to tell deuce that it's fine, he doesn't have to try so hard, but.. you were scared. you actually wanted him to protect you. even if it meant that deuce would be the one to receive punishment.
it was selfish, yes, but..
that student continued to insist on you getting what you deserve and it annoyed deuce. in fact, it annoyed him so much that his delinquent personality came back.
and right after that, deuce punched the guy as hard as he could. he forgot about the unbirthday party, he forgot about other students, he continued to fight that student.. and deuce forgot about riddle watching their fight.
the garden became even more red with not only roses, but also deuce and that student's heads lying on the ground in a pool of blood.
> cater diamond.
cater was a talkative type, but he can keep it quiet for you, right? he was your friend and you trusted him enough to ask him for help.
you found cater pretty easily, after all, he often was in the center of attention. you told cater about your situation and he understood everything. "don't worry, y/n, cay-kun's got your back! i won't let riddle find out about you being late!"
.. why did you have to say it out loud, cater? why? couldn't you just stop at that first sentence? just knowing that he will help you would be enough, why did he have to say "i won't let riddle find out about you being late" right in front of other students?
and what's worse, why did he have to say that right in front of riddle?
riddle heard everything. and he looked right at you and cater.
"hm? what's wrong, y/n? you look so pale, like you just saw riddle who's in a bad mood!" he laughed.
is he doing it on purpose? cater can't be that dumb. he's a bit of airhead, yes, but he isn't stupid. and you've suspected cater having a hidden side before.
but why is he doing this? he just wants riddle to say that he's done well and that he's proud of cater revealing the truth about the rule breaker?
you didn't know anything about cater's intentions, but you weren't sure that cater wanted to see riddle punish you right after he heard about you being late. cater did have a hidden side, but he wasn't that sadistic and cruel, right?
well, it's not like it matters anymore.
> trey clover.
trey was a vice dorm leader, so he was riddle's right hand man, but trey was reliable and you hoped that he's gonna help you and he won't say riddle anything about you showing up late.
you and trey were really good friends and he helped you so many times, so he's totally gonna help you this time as well.
trey was standing right next to riddle, but you managed to get his attention without riddle noticing. he went to you and asked what happened. "you know, what riddle will do if he notices me talking to you right now?"
"you know, what riddle will do if he finds out that i came late to this party?"
oh. trey started speaking even more quietly. "well, that's bad, i won't deny." you nodded. "yeah.. so, can you please not tell him about it? i promise, this is the first and last time."
trey thought about it and you were afraid that he's gonna refuse, but thankfully, you were wrong.
"fine, let's make it our little secret. but i hope that you keep your promise about it really being your first and last time."
you almost hugged trey because you were so happy, but remembered that riddle is still watching. so you just quietly said "thank you" and smiled at trey.
you had a lot of fun at this party, well, not counting riddle's usual behavior. you talked to some people, ate many sweet and tasty treats and you spent your time well. all of this wouldn't happen if it wasn't for trey.
but nice things don't last for long and the next day, riddle called you to talk to you about something. you had a bad feeling about this.
and you weren't wrong: riddle somehow learned about you showing up late to unbirthday party. and he was even more angry at you now, because you've lied to him. he thought you're better than this!
how could riddle know about you being late though? you told only trey about it and he promised not to tell anyone, so..
wait a minute. trey and riddle are childhood friends, right? and trey obeys riddle's every order and never says no to him. and when you've met trey for the first time, you were surprised because wow, a heartslabyul student who's genuinely nice and who has no secrets and flaws at all?
but now you know that trey definitely has his flaws. he promised you that he won't tell riddle anything, but riddle was too important for him. he couldn't lie to riddle.
you saw trey, who was in the room all this time, look away and say "sorry", but you weren't sure about him being sincere. and it's not like you had time to ask trey anything, it was too late. you always were too late.
> riddle rosehearts.
maybe it's actually better to confess. you're not that good at lying and the truth will come up anyway. and you doubt that you can rely on anyone right now. you just have to wait for the right time.
riddle finally noticed you standing with the other students and his face expression became even more serious.
"well, this is probably not a good sign." you thought.
you hoped that riddle will talk to you about it somewhere more quiet, but of course, he had to punish you right in front of the whole crowd. he had to do it so that everyone will know what happens to rule breakers.
"y/n, can you please tell us why you've come so late? do you have any reason for that?" he sounded polite, yes, but you knew that it was only the beginning and riddle will show you how angry he actually is at any moment.
a reason for being late? you don't have one. you're just not the most punctual person. yes, you can make up a reason, you can lie about it and say that something happened, but.. you couldn't. you just knew that riddle will see right through your lies.
".. i'm sorry for being late, riddle. i promise, it won't happen again, i know how important unbirthday parties are-"
"well, if you know about it, why did you show up only now?" his voice became louder. "if you know how important they are for me and my dorm, why did you come so late? do you have any idea of how disrespectful it is?"
everyone was staring at you, but you didn't care about what they think of you and their reactions. you only cared about your fate and what riddle will do to you.
you were ready to beg for mercy, you were ready to fall on your knees, but you knew that riddle won't forgive you. you've seen what he done to people like you, who were late, who ate something at the wrong time, who broke another stupid rule of his.
maybe losing your head like this isn't actually so bad. maybe it's better to die because you broke the rule and not live trying to follow every single rule of this dorm.
you woke up because of someone loudly knocking on your door. and honestly, you were grateful to whoever woke you up. you thought that it would be better to stay awake than sleep and have this kind of nightmare.
but who could've visited you in the middle of the night?
.. it's ace. really? you can't get a break from heartslabyul in your dreams AND in real life?
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lovee-infected · 4 years
I enjoy reading character analysis to understand them more and I've also noticed that some insert fics are like too exagerated and their personalities are far from the canon twst. I think some writers are just basing their fics to others and and makes conclusion about it and ignore important details or text on their cards?* And as a reader, I do sometimes think that "this" character are like that. Like Vil, being portrayed as narcisstic and beauty obssessed charac, I think he isnt like that and theres more to him than we think. Sorry for the long ask✌️
You're totally valid anon and I see your point, you know while I agree that each idea and interpretation on characters is worthy on its own and no one is bound to having a specific opinion or belief, getting too wild with personal fantasies and ignoring the originals can totally ruin the writing. Characters are often mischaracterized especially in reader insert fics and the most annoying part is that almost everyone is making the same mistakes about him-! Like some of the noticable mistakes would be:
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(1) Femininely has nothing to do with Vil's terms of beauty
Oh lord what can I say- It's even against what Vil himself directly said through chapter five and how he cleared his point on male and female equal, and you can tell he is pretty strict about it.
Like did you just forget what he told Epel when he complained that he doesn't want to act like a girl: “a boy getting embarrassed about ‘acting like a girl,’ -- what year is your head stuck in??? did you take a time machine from 100 years ago??”
He doesn't seem to be one to appreciate the concept of labeling beauty as a female-only thing and on the other hand, he doesn't really seem to like the way women can be looked down on while being compared to men either. He seeks equality, and beauty wasn't ever defined as a feminine act in his dictionary; while there are tons of requests asking for: Vil forcing their trans s/o to wear more feminine clothes/ Vil asking their fem! s/o to wear more feminine stuff an look cuter/Vil complimenting s/o's appearance for not being feminine enough/... And literally TONS of requests like this. Please, you're forgetting one the most important parts of his personality, he considers male and female to be equal and it's so hecking important to show that he holds respect for all genders nonetheless.
(2) Vil's maturity is often ignored
Honestly, within all twst characters Vil's maturity on its own really impresses me. From the way he speaks to how serious and sincere he is all I gotta say is this man is waaay different from the way he's charactetized in most of the fics. Idk why but, he's sometimes charactetized as a guy who's ready to boil you alive if you dare touch any of his expensive make up pallettes or eyeshadows. Oh please, Vil isn't an angry child.
Also he often decides to keep his anger in, though you can tell when he's mad by just looking at his face. Clinching fists, trying not to talk and most likely, walking off or asking people to leave him alone until he calms down a bit is most likely his usual way of expressing his anger, but I've seen him being described as a loud, feral figure like Riddle is! Oh god no- Are you just ignoring how calm and collected Vil often tends to be?
(3) What's with the potato fetish?
While it's canon that Vil can sometimes call people around him potato. You may like to know that in some languages, potato is translated as "Apple of the ground", which can be an interesting reason of him using this nickname for people.
Watching Vil call students potatoes can be as entertaining as watching Malleus play with his tamagotchi, but again, it's important to realize that you don't have to only use potato when you're thinking of what Vil might say in a reader insert/situation!
Come on there are hundreds of different statements and sentences you can use other than just 'potatoes' and it'll get boring to read him saying the same nick name over and over in a fic. Good lord of course this isn't the only word he uses in communication so please try to avoid using it too much. This, is NOT the only word that he knows to use! (Seriously though I've seen being used like 6 times in a 500-word drabble)
(4) Please avoid spreading false information about him and his personality
Funny how I'm saying it here, but don't forget that you do not own him! Vil Schoenheit is a property of Disney/ Aniplex and all, which means that no one can certainly decide on his sexuality/ background/ unexplained character details unless it's officially announced.
Why am I saying this? Because some people are seriously going to far! I've seen people attacking others saying that Vil's pronouns are She/Her and not He/ Him like: EXCUSE ME...???
I don't want to get into details explaining how this drama is going but I've got to say something anyway, YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DECIDE ON HIS PRONOUNS! None of us do!
It's totally okay to have your personal preferences on his pronouns or anything else, but you must avoid spreading such information and forcing them on others as long as they aren't confirmed! Please keep your headcanons for yourself and don't confuse the fandom with them. Everyone's free to have their own headcanons but it's never okay to force them on others!
(5) Vil has a LOT to talk about other than just beauty!
Man... sometimes I feel like the fandom is just doing him dirty. Most of the reader inserts, fics , and even Vil memes have something to do with beauty while it's important to try and look through his personality as well instead of just sticking with the beauty aspect.
For example, through the Halloween event, I couldn't be any more surprised when Vil found the crying child who had lost their parents through the crowd and instead of just leaving them to headmaster or asking someone to take care of them he actually started to play with the child and entertrain and confront them on his own! That was probably one of his sweetest moments through the whole game and it really changed my mind about him! It was great to know that Vil as well can have a softer side when it comes to children, just imagine how good this can be used while writing a father AU for him!
His talents on the other hand need to be recognized, for example: his acting skills back in the ghost marriage proved how much of a great actor he can be and this can also give us lots of ideas to use in writings. On the other hand he's much of a celebrity on his own ( Woop- he's also got 2m followers on magicam) which gives us another great plot to write for him.
The way he is around close friends, how he compliments them and gets complimented by them in return, the way he manages Pomefiore and tries to put the students into doing their best in using their skills and lots of more interesting details that can be found through his stories are there to tell you that he's a lot more than just a beautiful Queen. A considerable part of his background as well is going to be released at he end of chapter 5 (Yes baby after the overblot Vil) and I hope that gives us all the opportunity to come up with stronger personalities and plots next time that we're describing or even, characterizing Vil!
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Lmao I kind of rushed to finish this so I didn't get to talk about him as much as I wanted to, but hope that this is useful anyway.
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Jotaro - Kakyoin's Notebook
I'm sorry, I clickbaited y'all. The pairing in this story is not official.
As you were all about to check out of the hotel, You decided to go back to everyone's respective rooms to make sure none of you forgot anything.
The crusaders were downstairs and you came up, checking every room. Everything seemed okay, you only needed to check Kakyoin and Jotaro's room last and then go back down.
You entered their room and looked everywhere. You stumbled onto a little notebook that was halfway underneath one of the pillows right as you were about to leave.
"Huh? Oops, I nearly didn't see that!" You bent down and took the notebook in your hands. It was just about pocket-sized. "Oh I do remember Jotaro having something like that, better get it back to him!"
Out of fateful clumsiness, the notebook slipped out of your hands and fell on the ground, opening on a random page. You crouched to pick it up, but then, your gaze fell upon what was on the page.
Your breath hitched in speechless confusion at what you saw, written at the top, in big font.
Why was your name and Jotaro's on that page? Was that some kind of memo? You knew Jotaro had the habit of taking notes to remember things, but why was your name in there?
Your curiosity got the best of you and you continued to look down the page, swiping through the others. You knew it was terribly wrong and you were invading his privacy but you were just so lost. It concerned you, there was your name on it.
" 'One-shot Draft... WIP', What does that even mean? J-... Jotaro did this?" You mumbled out loud, face scrunching up in confusion and slight fear as you looked through words you couldn't understand.
" 'Soulmate AU', 'Drabble', 'NSFW'? Are those some kind of codes?"
Pages long of stories decorated the sheets, so many you couldn't read everything. There were even some sketches and drawings that you didn't have the heart to look at. You managed to read some pieces of stories that left you even more confused. You read to yourself.
' "W-wait!" Y/N said as tears prickled in her eyes, her face flushed with innocent shyness. "I-It's my first time..."
"Don't worry," Jotaro spoke, hovering above her, his voice deep and soothing. "I'll be gentle." '
...What? You don't remember ever saying anything of the sort? You couldn't comprehend what you were reading. Whatever was written in there never happened and was fictional or somesuch to you.
When it was just too much for you to handle, you closed the notebook, your face still strained with mixed feelings.
Only then did you notice that there was a cherry sticker on the back of the notebook. After looking at the first page, you saw the name of the owner.
Noriaki Kakyoin.
"K-kakyo-... Oh my gosh..."
You were shocked, but somehow relieved. It made more sense than the author being Jotaro, but it still blew you away, the fact that Kakyoin would write such things on your and Jotaro's behalf.
Suddenly, Polnareff walked by and noticed you through the open door. You flinched when he called out to you and entered the room.
"Ah there you are Y/N! We started to worry!" He approached you and he noticed what you were holding. "Oh that's Kakyoin's notebook! He can't live without it, good thing you found it! Okay, let's go now, the others are waiting. Allez, on y va!"
He guided you out of the room and you followed, clutching the notebook. Polnareff didn't have to know the weird things written on it about you and Jotaro. You had to discover what it all meant.
"That's bullshit. You don't make any sense, Y/N." Jotaro scoffed at you, a few hours after the little hotel room occurence.
"I swear on my future husband's life! I'll prove it to you, look." You turned around and looked for your red haired friend. "Kakyoin! Can I doodle something on your notebook please~?"
"Huh?" He looked at you questioningly. "Why all of a sudden?"
"Well, Mr. Joestar will take a while to come back, so might as well kill some time. I'll write a cute message for you to read on the last train home!"
The red head smiled at your goofiness and thought 'why not?'. He took out his notebook along with a pen, but instead of giving it to you, he opened it on a specific empty page.
"Here," He handed you the items. "Only draw on this page. Don't draw on the other pages."
You nodded. "Got it! Thank you Kakyoin~!"
You smiled innocently and as soon as the male turned his back to you, your expression turned dark and you instantly looked for Jotaro who was sitting nearby.
"Jojo! Here, I have it, let's do this!" You stood in front of him with the notebook in your hands and he sighed.
"Yare yare daze, I'm not betraying his trust because of your shadiness."
"It's not like that! There's-..." You cut yourself off to look behind you and check if Kakyoin was looking.
You leaned down, inching towards Jotaro's face and whispered quietly. "There are things about us in here. Last time I saw it on accident, but if Kakyoin writes stuff about us, it's our legitimate right to know!"
"Says who? Are you a lawyer or something?"
"Jojo please!!" You pleaded while gripping on the collar of his gakuran, moving the chains on it and making them clang loudly.
The sudden noise alerted the cherry-haired fellow who turned his head to look at you both from afar. His eyes instantly widened and sparkled with vicious yet happy stars.
He loved to see his two best friends interract and, he knew damn well he took half of your interractions out of context, but that's what made them so good. His imagination started running wild at the scene before him.
The way you desperately held onto Jotaro, your faces, so close to each other, your begging eyes looking at him, yearning for his lips, waiting for one thing only.
'Jojo, please!' Kakyoin muttered what he imagined you would say. 'Say yes... I've been dying to kiss you!'
Back to you two, Jotaro clicked his tongue and looked away, closing his eyes in frustration. He hated the fact that he just couldn't refuse you anything.
"Tch! You're so fucking annoying. Fine, I get it, give it to me." Jotaro grumbled and moved your hands away from him, snatching the notebook from your hand.
'Tch! You know I can't resist you. Fine, don't beg for me to stop when I start messing you up.' Kakyoin continued, imitating his friend's deep voice under his breath and being surprisingly in character, for the inappropriate things he was imagining.
Kakyoin tensed up with anticipation when Jotaro suddenly grabbed your wrists, his big strong hands overpowering your fragile ones easily. You may have made the first move, but he would take the lead.
If it wasn't for the public surrounding you, Kakyoin was sure his friend would have gotten up and slammed you against the wall, pinning your hands at your side while you whimpered his name cutely. But he had to hold back, at least for now, or so Kakyoin daydreamed.
"Hey Kakyoin, what're you looking at? Come here for a bit!"
Before Kakyoin could even see the rest of the scene, which happened to be the most interesting part, he was interrupted by Polnareff who was in dire need for help with a nearby vending machine that seemed to have eaten his money.
Kakyoin sighed a bit annoyed, but joined his French comrade, not even glancing back at you. He'd have to remember to write everything down as soon as you gave him back his notebook.
Kakyoin Noriaki was an average boy that loved action and adventures, but he secretely wasn't immune to a good sweet romance story.
When you joined the crusaders, your interactions with Jotaro seemed as platonic as with the rest of the men. But for some reason, the boy started to feel some kind of connection between you two.
He didn't know when or how it started, but he felt like something was different at a certain point.
Why was it so cute when, one day, you removed Jotaro's hat to fix the pins that were moved out of place after a fight, and he let you put it back on him, even though he never lets anybody touch it?
Or maybe it was that other time in a restaurant where, after Jotaro eyed your dessert for a while, you exchanged your cakes to let him have a taste, stealing a bite from his own in the process.
Or that day when you struggled put your earrings back on and he had to help you out, only to struggle even more, his fingers too big and clumsy to be accurate. He had to call out Star Platinum to do it while he held your hair out of the way.
Even the simplest of gestures seemed romantic and adorable to him. He was sure something was going on between you two, and yet, you were too dense to realize it. All of this fueled his inner fanboy and it prevented him from sleeping at night.
He shipped you two so goddamn much.
He was guilty, but he loved every single bit of it. Of course, no one could know. If someone knew, especially you two, that'd be the end of him.
You were all waiting for the next train to arrive, which was a big 40 minutes. Joseph and Abdul went to buy something to snack on while you waited and Polnareff went to the restroom.
Kakyoin was sitting next to you, his back resting against the wall and his eyes were closed. As you thought he had fallen asleep, you took this moment to turn the other way to talk to your nonchalant friend.
"You see?" You spoke softly, careful to not wake Kakyoin up. "I told you there were stuff about us in that notebook!"
"Shut up, there were only messages on that page, I'm sure the others were the same." He grumbled with the same low intensity as you. "And you know damn well he can be a weirdo sometimes."
"But still, I want to understand... And also, what does 'smut' even mean?"
He pretended to be asleep, but his mind was racing.
Kakyoin who wasn't quite sleeping and very much listening to whatever he could hear through the background noise of the station, flinched and started blushing.
Just, when and where did you heard that term?
" 'Smut'?" Jotaro looked at you with confused furrowed eyebrows. "Hell if I know. You speak better english than I do, shouldn't you know?"
"Well I..."
Before the conversation could go down even further, Kakyoin feigned waking up and got up from his slouched position.
You noticed and turned around, staring at him, scared that he would ask what you were talking about, as you didn't want to confront him about the weird things you saw in his notes. If he ever knew, he would finish you. But something worse happened.
Jotaro nudged you and tilted his head towards Kakyoin, but you quite didn't get the message.
"Oi Kakyoin, do you know what 'smut' means? You know a lot of languages, right?" Jotaro asked like it was nothing and you gasped, secretly wanting to slap Jotaro for his indiscretion.
Kakyoin looked over at him, unfazed as ever. "Smut? Hmmm I guess I can look it up later. Where did you hear that?"
Jotaro innocently signed your death warrant. "Y/N just told me."
"JOTARO!!!" You shot up from your seat and stared at him in pure disbelief and betrayal. "OH MY- ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YOU TRAITOR!!!"
"Oh really?" Kakyoin teased, sending you a knowing look. "What's going on with you two? Are you keeping secrets from me?"
You blushed and flinched as Kakyoin's amethyst eyes stared through your soul. Before Jotaro could say anything else, you slapped a hand over his big mouth and Kakyoin's eye glinted.
"I-I mean... No! Wait. There's something I need to tell Jojo, excuse us for a sec."
You then leaned in and cupped Jotaro's ear as you whispered. Kakyoin looked at you in pure satisfaction, trying his best to not start smiling and giggling like a goofy schoolgirl.
Oh no, he didn't need to hear the sweet nothings you were deliciously breathing on Jotaro's now tingling skin. Imagining it was more than enough.
You leaned back and softly spoke to him. "Don't ruin this for us. I'm trusting you."
"Yare Yare daze. You put me into this in the first place. Don't complain."
Kakyoin's eyes widened and he turned his head around, trying to hide his expression and pretended he totally didn't hear that. Oh how sweet the lack of context was for his little fanboy mind. He wouldn't ask too many questions since you were offering him such a good show.
On the train, you waited until Kakyoin was completely out and asleep to subdue his notebook. That would make a good reading on the 4 hours long travel.
"Yes that's it! Right on the left pocket, yeah that one!"
You guided Jotaro who was hiding not too far from Kakyoin's seat as your delinquent friend used Star Platinum to steal your cherry loving friend's notebook.
When he finally had it, Star Platinum brought it back and both you and Jotaro proceeded to read through the many drafts and stories about you two.
Getting ready for one hell of a joy ride.
Kakyoin stretched and took a deep breath of fresh air as he got off the train.
"Aah~! I slept like a log. Huh? What's wrong, why are you two so red? Did you get motion sick, maybe?"
Kakyoin commented upon seeing your and Jotaro's flushed face as you got off. Your shoulders were slumped in shame and Jotaro was hiding behind his hat like a wanted criminal.
"Uh yeah... Here Kakyoin, you dropped this..." you groaned and handed him his notebook.
He thanked you and took his due. When he was gone, you glanced at Jotaro and you both shared intense empathy and regret.
Don't steal Kakyoin's notebook.
Oh man, wouldn't it be fun and also a bit sad if after Dio was defeated, Y/N and Jotaro became a couple?
You walked by the river, holding hands with Jotaro after a long week of finals. You suddenly stopped in your tracks and looked at the water reflecting the orange sunset.
Jotaro looked at you confused, but followed your gaze, until both of you laid eyes on a young girl painting the scenery on a canvas.
"You know... He would have loved this..." You started softly, a melancholic look cast on the girl as her Stand posed on the grass like a model, thinking herself only could see it. "To see us together, I mean..."
Jotaro inspected the girl, her red curls and green uniform moving messily in the wind. "Did he ever write something about us watching him paint?"
You chuckled sadly. "Why didn't he think of that? His stories were great, but he was in none of them..."
Jotaro noticed you biting your lip as your voice wavered slightly and he squeezed your hand in reassurance. You laid your head on his arm and he responded by bringing you closer to him.
"But now he is."
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danikindofwrites · 3 years
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Sunday, February 27th.
So it’s almost the end of February and I promised an update this weekend after officially launching the intro post for The Rising Night. I am super stoked that things are going well so far and that there seems to be interest for what I’ll be continuing to share with you all for hopefully a long time to come! For this update it’s going to be a little different since it is the first one I’ll be putting out there and I’ll be covering later updates in the coming months over two separate update posts instead of one but I am hoping to cover a few major overarching points going into March such as a demo-date, where things are at for coding, information on the RO’s/Characters and the current writing timeline.
Demo-date So I think the biggest thing that I want to talk about right now is when The Rising Night demo date will be active and available. As of right now looking at what I’d like to get done before the launch and in case of any setbacks before that happens, I’m looking at releasing the first demo-date around JULY 2022. This is unfortunately a tentative guess on when the first demo will be out and can possible change as I am looking to have a few chapters completed by then so that I can beta test coding and reading, check for any errors in branches and writing, and give myself some cushion as backup on releases going forward. The first demo is looking to have the Prologue, Character Creation and the First Chapter released all together to give a generous amount of content for the first release for you all to latch onto, a lot of which heavily relies on coding and formatting things for the best experience for future chapters but I am seriously looking forward to starting to share with you all.
Coding with Twine Unfortunately I am a bit of a novice right now towards coding and getting things sorted how I see it in my head which is where a lot of my time will be dedicated right now compared to the writing portions. This is all a bit of a side gig right now (though entirely a passion project that I adore and want to share) since I have quite a few things in my life I am focusing on as well alongside a job. I know that I don’t have to rely on coding for as much as I am thinking I will, but it is something I am hoping to spend some of my earlier time learning right now so that it makes later releases and possible changes easier.
March plans for RO’s/Cast I have a lot of plans going into introducing the world of The Rising Night and ultimately The Continuum Series as a whole, a lot of which includes getting to know more about the cast for The Rising Night specifically and the world that your story is based in before the demo-release. Some of those plans at the moment are things such as character illustrations, scene story-boarding and character prompts/drabble. For March in particular there should be at least two RO illustrations being finished with more on the way soon after, some writing sneak peaks, and a few story-board scenes of Chapter One being put out through the month of March as teasers for what is in store.
Overall Writing Timeline MARCH As of right now the Prologue is in testing but the writing is finished with the beginning of Chapter One in a bit of a bare bones state but ready to be written out. I am going to be away from my house for business from March 8-22 which unfortunately means that I not going to have access to a lot of my work station and programs which is why I will be focusing more on posting drabbles, asks and character art throughout most of the month. Thankfully this is going to be one of the few times that I am away which means as soon as I am back I can begin working on more coding and major writing as soon possible without interruption and head straight into the demo-release. The writing timeline is going to be played by ear for a while as I figure out a good writing and release schedule for myself, but as I have stated before when I am able to get a lot of the major coding done in the beginning stages through the upcoming months getting the writing done for all the other chapters should come about much more periodically.
TLDR: Tentative Demo-date is JULY and will be releasing the Prologue and Chapter One together, new to all this coding- bare with me please, Official RO illustrations coming up this March, but I also have a trip the 8-22 which cuts into writing/coding time so a lot of March will be asks, drabbles and art.
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