#I would’ve make these nicer but it’s 4am and I can’t color anything at this insane hour soooo🥲
yesloulou · 2 years
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imola 2022 | suzuka 2022
and sharl just lets him
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kaiju-z · 6 years
Seon Adventures - Episode 8, “6, they traveled”
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aka. “Amelia’s Coochie Quest”
When we last left off, the party had left Menum, gained new equipment (weapons and armor) and met up with Samson at the fortress. From there, they set off on a journey that would take them to Heraia, with their closest stop being 5 days of travel to Tereresk
During the initial journey, on the 1st day, Luck shared with the party that there would be a fighting tournament in Crystalgate, during the Spring Welcoming Festival. He would also mention that “accidents” have been known to happen.
Samson, the druid of the Forestheart Bretheren, becomes the inadvertant camp maker during their quest and Mournimar does some stargazing, keeping mental note of the sky above, while Belli shows off her artistic skill to Amelia.
Their journey through the swamps has been troublesome, but they had managed. With Amelia’s impressive perception, of the passive variety, she notices something interesting on the 4th day of journey.
Between the trees, she sees a golden shape. She points it out to the rest of the party and a chas begins, which leads the lot of them to a tree, where the shape, which they quickly realize is a GOLDEN STAG, makes it’s stop. Amelia and Mournimar, as well as Samson quickly realize what this means. As Dyunficus, the deity of  Hunting, Trade, Craftsmanship and Agriculture has often been portrayed by the masses as a Golden Stag.
A follower of Dyunificus, Samson drops to his knees and bows, while the stag keeps his attention, for the most part, on Mournimar. He snorts, bows his head and then walks towards the tree, mentioned earlier.
“Entering the tree”, it dissipates. The party quickly investigate said tree and learn, through Belli’s Identify that it, much liek the stag, were divine. Mournimar finds 20 pieces of gold and five gems:  Amethyst, Carnelian, Garnet, Onyx and Topaz 
He shares his findings with the core party, giving each of them equal pieces of gold, while also sharing the gems.
- Luck gets the Amethyst.
- Belli gets the Onyx. And puts it on her necklace????
-  Mournimar keeps the Carmelian.
- Amelia gets the Topaz.
- So Burk gets the Garnet.
After this, they continue on their way and eventually reach  Tereresk. A more trodden, small town than anything big like Bavorum, Victrum and Rorum. It’s more of a stopping place than anything else.
While Samson keeps to the carriage, with Kevin and Killer, the rest go inside a tavern the chaos siblings find by Belli carrying Mournimar on her shoulders for extra vision.
Inside said tavern, Mournimar approaches a scarred man and tries to ask him a few questions, but doesn’t really get anything out of him. He, however, recognizes Belli. And tries to ignore her, which upsets the half-orc, who ends up sitting on the table, trying to get an answer from the man’s recognition.
It soon becoems evident to Belli that this is actually the changeling Kit, from Menum and the two agree to have a conversation at midnight.
While the shenanigans with those three occur, Amelia, Burk and Luck go to the old lady bartender, who just poors herself and Amelia some good liquor, noting the handful that the party can be to Amelia.
The nicest rum.
Luck makes the old lady’s week by giving her a gold piece for whiskey, Luck asks Burk some questions regarding his quest for revenge.
Burk’s clan was called “Cragreaver” and they hailed from the western part of Ermia, the country they were currently in, since they crossed the Aetorumia border. Burk bluntly asks Luck why he’s poking around, asking about his dead family.
Luck, in turn, answers that he too understands the need for revenge. And that even if Burk didn’t make them promise to help him with his revenge, Luck would've still helped.
From there Luck buys Burk a drink and gives off a sincere smile, for the first time since the party began their travel together. Then fucks off to get some fresh air.
At midnight, Belli and Kit meet up back at the bar, while the others are sleeping. The two bond over Ficus, Belli’s brother and friend o Kit’s, discussing the party in a positive light and the journey ahead. (Also Kit is scared of octupi???)
Two two girls are the same age,with Belli being 16 and Kit being 17.
Kit seems to have some history with the Forestheart Bretheren, as she recognized Samson, when they arrived in town. Belli offers her a place in their party,but Kit refuses, as she really doesn’t want to travel with a lawman, of sorts. (The Forestheart Bretheren are basically magic sheriffs)
Besides, Kit works alone and hasn’t worked with anyone since Ficus.
“Yeah, but he’s a dick, I promise I can be much nicer.” - Belli, a legend.
Belli gives her bow (the ribbon variety, not the weapon) to Kit as a keepsake, tying it all pretty on her wrist and she makes Kit Blush.  “This is my excuse to hold your hand.” - Belli, a fucking legend.
They part ways on good terms with Belli blowng a kiss to the changeling, leaving her a mumbling awkward blushy mess. And it’s glorious.
At around 4am, Mournimar wakes up in cold sweat having the realization that Luck talked to him in infernal, days prior after they took out the cult. He shares this information with Belli and the following day-
We get the comedy act of Mournimar trying to wake Belli up. Failing, then screaming and getting suplexed for it by the half-orc girl, much to the annoyance of Burk, who kicks down their door and proceeds t oslap them both upside the head. This party is wild.
Belli writes down “0 days since our last nonsence”
While Mournimar gets everyone food, Luck goes to get Samson to join them for breakfast, quite surprised to find him having not taken the carriage to the local barn. It would seem that Samson is very awkward about barns (maybe because that’s where he slept off downing centaur moonshine?!)
Once they eat and buy supplies from the locals, they continue on their journey, with Mournimar and Belli joining forces to teach Luck all new kinds of CUSS WORDS! In other languages! Infernal, Undercommon, Orcish, Elvish and even Abyssal!
The chaos siblings successfully corrupt the angel boy.
On the first night, Mournimar continues teaching Luck all kinds of new things, with the fighter enthusiastically taking notes, mindblown by these new findings. All the while Belli sets the mood with illusionary butterflies and Amelia hearing a voice in her head, which worries the rest.  Everyone thinks they broke her.
This prods Mournimar and Belli to get Luck in on helping them with gathering food and flowers for Amelia. Make up for all the stress they put her through, right? Luck eventually agrees and the two form a pact on this matter.
Before the morning comes for them to perform said pact’s requirements, Mournimar soon gets greeted with by a Direwolf, during his turn on watch.
He speaks with the big wolf and bonds with him, learning his name is Morgan.
“Those, who find me in the forest call me Morgan.”
Luck is introduced to Morgan, as he was on the watch before Mournimar and had only barely gotten to sleep, when all this was transpiring.
Once morning comes, Belli joins the “Morgan Appreciation Squad” as she feeds him two bacon balls and basically becomes his best friend. (Morgan is a bit of a Brutus, you see).
It doesn’t take them long during their hunting trip to find and take out a deer with the expert skill of Mournimar’s archery and Morgan’s. Well. Teef. Belli picks flowers for Amelia, while the boys bond over archery. Luck had seen his master, Therodin, use the bow before, but he himself never quite mastered that. He was more of a close range fighter. A bad one. But a fighter non-theless.
Belli plans to make a flower jacket for Amelia, though sadly it would take too long to make it. So instead she makes an amazing flower crown for her (NAT 20!!!) As well as a leigh of greatness.
They return to the rest of the party and introduce Morgan.
Then Burk starts wrestling Morgan, much to Mournimar and Belli’s dismay and Amelia’s annoyance. Only Luck and Samson keep quiet and watch, while Burk has this struggle for dominance and eventually succeeds.  Burk whispers in the wolf’s ear “I’m the Alpha here.” And lets Morgan go.
Burk’s logic was simple. As the only person in the party, who has experience with Dire Wolves, his clan having used them in the past, he wanted to settle the record straight with Morgan.
As things quiet down, calm down even, Belli presents Amelia with the flower crown, from which Amelia loses all color in her face and walks off. Crying. Luck goes after Amelia, while Belli runs into the forest, followed by Mournimar.
Each duo have a heart to heart and eventually come back to the party’s camp, Luck having learned some things about Amelia’s past. Burk is bitter, Samson is confused.
From this point, the party continues their travel. Amelia can tell Belli’s still upset and, wearing the flower crown, sit beside her, having a good conversation about what happened earlier. Amelia makes it clear that Belli did nothing wrong and she had to step away, because, as she puts it:
They’re all just really messed up.
To which Samson takes offense, coachmanning the carriage with Burk.
“Look me in the eyes and listen. You didn’t do anything wrong. They’re lovely and I love them. Thank you very much.”
Belli insights Amelia. She knows she means it. Belli relaxes a little and nods.Then she apologizes for her behavior. The girls hug each other.
Luck hugs his daggers. He can’t stay mad at them. (yeah, with all the bad rolls Luck’s been having the past couple of sessions, he has been having an existential crisis of the ironic nature of it all. But he can’t stay mad at his new daggers!)
Once they reach the next small town, everyone but Luck and Amelia go to the tavern, much to the tavern owner’s dismay, since Mournimar brings Morgan with him.
In the carriage, Amelia asks Luck to help her with her hair, having taken note of how well Luck’s been keeping up with his own style. Luck agrees.
(And at this point I made my brother and mother angry at me, because shenanigans happened. Because I rolled bad on doing Amelia’s hair. And I started using all my Lucky rolls.
Once I re-rolled.
Twice I re-rolled.
THRICE I RE-ROLLED! I spent all my damn Luck for the day so that I don’t accidentally scalp Cloudmom!
With the last re-roll I succeeded on doing her hair right and had me a loud scream. At like. 1:30am??? Woke my mom up, freaked my bro out.)
Eventually the lot of them go to bed and take off the next day. It doesn’t take them long from this point to reach the township of Heraeia. The first major stop of the session!  For the first time since Menum, they reach a town with more than 12 buildings. The thing that stands out the most from a distance is the large temple. Heraeia almost seems close to bustling, you know?
The party splits in four.
Mournimar and Belli go to the local temple, a major building that stands out from a distance.
Burk and Luck go to the shady part of town for a fight club experience, asking around about their quarries.
Amelia goes to a tavern, “The Tipsy Goose inn”, where she had agreed to meet with Nelatha, the bard, and Samson chills out with the horses.
Mournimar talks with a tiefling cleric with leaf charm jewelry on her horns, while Belli gets watched over by a half-elf priest.
Mournimar discusses his life with the tiefling cleric. His tragic past involving the cult of Potencia, his blood rages, the Death Cult, as well as meeting the Golden Stag and the jewels. She is floored by Mournimar’s story about Savon giving him the bow after beating the Death Cult.Mournimar asks if this is a positive sign from Dyunificus. She answers that the gods are known to usually interfere when something’s happening on a macro scale.
Mournimar has regrets. He wishes, some days, that he wasn’t born a tiefling. But the cleric assures him that there is no shame in being born one, like them. “ It isn’t who we are, but how we react to who we are. “
While this happens, Belli talks about her religious experience with the half-elf, who’s. Well. Tired af, man. He needs a vacation, travel the world. Belli helps him more than he helps her in this instance and it’s amazing.
She  encourages the half-elf cleric to go for a walk and live his best life.
While this happens, the melee weapons boys go to the purple sector, the shady part of town, having been pointed to a particular bar. The two find a tavern, a bar called “The Leaking Spoon”. As they approach two men come flying out the window, mid-brawl. Said men laugh it off, hug it out and go back inside the tavern.
Luck and Burk promptly go in and scan the area for their targets. Who aren’t here. It’s very mid-western saloon after a bar fight. People randomly beating each other up.  12 heads snap in Luck’s direction as he says “Quite the Lively place.
Burk shouts at the lot staring at them: “ WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!”
“ A fucking dick, obviously!” he gets in turn.
Then things return to the usual with people laughing, drinking and fighting. Burk gets a fist swung at him and gets into combat with one guy, while Luck tries to get to a high ground. Only to drop off the table, for being too heavy with the plate armor.
Getting laughed at, Luck runs for one of the five guys he notices and dropkicks him off his chair.
The fight proceeds in ridicilous fashion, with Luck breaking in his new armor, but doing a miserable job at fighting, having not been used to this kind of stuff.
Burk, however, is doing amazing.
Until one racist calls him Luck’s “pet”. Which causes Burk to snap and beat the ever loving shit out of the man, leaving him for dead, before exiting the bar.  “You’re my bitch now.”
Luck, having nothing available to help the man, follows after Burk.  and Luck tries to think of a gameplan. As they walk they find the man shambling away and he begs for his life. Luck pays him off with his two remaining platinum pieces. “Nothing happened. We go our own ways. Fix yourself up, get your wife something and don’t be racist towards goblins.”
Amelia visits Nel, who is performing in the tavern, flautisting the shit out of the scene. After her performance and money collecting, Nel opens her eyes and sees Amelia. They hug it out. Nel expected the others to be with her, but Amelia assures her taht eventually they’ll all find their way to the tavern, with Mournimar and Belli soon joining them.
Until that happens, though,the girls get drinks from Tommin, the Halfling, who is able to read the room.
The girls discuss their time apart and the job that Nel acquired for Belli. Though she would prefer to wait for Belli, until giving further details.
Amelia mentions that they took out the death cult recently and Nel is impressed.
“They may be a pain in my ass sometimes, but they all are wonderful people.”
The chaos siblings enter, discussing their temple adventure. Nel and Belli proceed to talk about the job, which will take place during the Winter Solstice festivities. And introduces herself to Belli properly.
Belli knows Nel’s name, since Amelia talks about her a lot.
“Oh, does she?”
Mournimar is having a shit eating grin over this. Fun times.
Maybe we’ll have loads to talk about after we’ve met.” Nel is grinning the same way, basically.
Everyone admires Amelia for her strength or booty. “Sometimes both.” - Nelatha.
As the session draws to a close, Amelia and Nel go to drink, catch up further and do the do.
And this ending, as decreeded by Mournimar and Belli’s players, gives birth to the episode subtitle of “Amelia’s coochie quest”.
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markgetsetgo · 8 years
The Only Exception
Author: ohhhkenneth
Pairing: Markson (GOT7)
Category: Romance
Length: 20 Chapters
Rated: M for smut, cursing
Summary:  Jackson is no stranger to one night stands or hookups. When the sun sets he comes alive; losing himself in the city lights, finding his way into the beds of guys whose names he didn't even bother to get. Relationships are off the table - he's more interested in the pursuit of unending happiness. Cars, clothes, money, sex. Life is easy for a twenty-something gay man in New York, especially when they're as hot as Jackson. What the boy wants, he gets. That is until his favorite coffee shop barista, Neil, is fired. Jackson is thrown for a curve ball when the coffee shop hires Mark Tuan as a replacement for Neil. Mark is a pale and beautiful young man who seems to have everything that Jackson wants, except one thing: he doesn't want Jackson.
Chapter 1
I have to be perfectly honest, I wasn't expecting to have as many potential suitors as I ended up having when I went out to the club on Saturday. I mean, being a young, wealthy, and good looking man - if I do say so myself - works wonders when you live in a large metropolis like New York. Over the year or so that I've been frequenting the bars my "little black book," if you will, has become filled with a dozen or so names of gorgeous and well endowed men that would drop anything if I called them, whether it was 4AM or 4PM, needing a hit. Typically I liked to find myself wrapped up in the sheets with another new body a few times a week. It was almost like a game to me, who could I get next, how long would it take me, that sort of thing.
One of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite, was Joel. He was a little older being 38 and all, but he was the epitome of a great fuck. I had heard stories of the mythical "monster dick" and men whose penises were that of tales and legends, but I hadn't run into one of those prized jewels until Joel. Turns out, they do exist. Unfortunately Joel is married and has three kids, so getting out and away from the family is sometimes tricky. We meet at motels and pretty well anywhere that we can. Sometimes I let him fuck me in his car. When you're horny you become crafty - every surface becomes a perfect place for fucking.
I met Chad online, he was a veteran, back from his tour in Iraq. He and I met on Grindr one evening when I realized that I was too spent and couldn't be bother to go out into the real world to find my night's fun. We exchanged a few contrived messages, "What's up?" "What are you into?" "Where do you live?" etc. After seeing a picture of him, I had to invite him over. I normally wouldn't host, because I don't like the idea of having perfect strangers in my condo where I have artwork that costs upwards of a hundred thousand dollars, but his ass was too great, it was an ass worth breaking a couple rules for.
Chad told me, the first night we met, that he was freshly single and wasn't well versed in bed. I told him it was okay, because I could take the lead, but I was pleasantly surprised that his own self evaluation of being an amateur was completely unfounded. Chad was a maniac.
Within minutes of me opening the front door, I found myself pressed up against the wall and my pants around my ankles. Chad bent me over slightly and buried his face into my ass, eating me out aggressively for what seemed like half an hour. I guess he had been deprived of ass eating for a while, and I was glad to help him out and be his late dinner.
Chad was the one with the perfect ass - even nicer than mine - so I was surprised when he took his saliva coated finger and slipped it into my quivering hole knuckle deep. He began fucking me in my front doorway for fifteen minutes, then lifted me into the living room where he threw me down, flipped me over, and took me for the ride of my life in one of the four positions he had in store for me that night. I guess being in the military really did have its advantages. Chad was incredibly strong, and tossed me around with ease. 
Finally, he finished me off by sticking his perfectly curved cock into my ass and pounded the cum out of me, making it sprout all over my chest. When he finished after me he mouthed a "thank you" and quickly did up his pants. Turns out he hadn't even taken his boots off, and with that he was out the door. I didn't mind that he trekked a little bit of mud in, I'd let him dump dirt all over my house if it meant that he would fuck me like that again. The maid would clean it anyway.
It's true that I have a wide range of men at my beck and call, some are into darker things like BDSM and role playing, some into feet and me stepping on them, still others are into romance and cuddling and "making love." I've been feeling a void inside my chest lately; something I can't quite put my finger on, that's making me anxious. For someone who can have literally anything he wants, why do I get the sense that I'm missing out on something? 
Work is something that keeps my mind busy when I'm not cruising or searching for the next hot guy to hit me up. I go into the office almost every day. One thing about me that I take pride in is my time management and conscientiousness; I stick to my schedule and respect my own boundaries and capabilities when it comes to work. My father's business got to where it was with my help, and together we have become incredibly successful. 
The only thing that makes work unattractive at times is the drudgery. It becomes incredibly slow and monotonous at times. Sometimes I find myself playing cheap games on my phone during meetings. That's why I take solace in the small things: the songs on the radio in the morning drive to work, seeing Neil each morning and getting my macchiato, the view from my office when the sun is rising. These are the things that maintain my sanity during the day.
Today was a morning just like every other. I pulled out of the car lot and headed towards Steepz, the coffee shop at the end of my street. They have a drive thru, but I insist on going in to speak with my favorite barista, the hilarious and cheerful Nathaniel.
When I step into the coffee shop, there's a small ding on the door as it closes behind me. There's a lineup of about 30 people, all tapping their feet and looking at their watches for the time. Seems there's a hold up; which is odd, considering Niel is practically a mad genius when it comes to coffee. He'd never let the line get this long.
"What's going on?" I softly ask the older woman in front of me.
"Ugh, they're taking so long. I think they're training a new staff member." she said over her shoulder to me in a very pointed tone.
I was tired too, so I understood her impatience. Coffee was like a drug, and this new staff member was the only thing between these angry addicts and the one thing they desired the most.
I waited and waited in the line, and since I'm my own boss I don't care about how late I am getting into the office, which is why I'm honestly not that upset when I finally get to the counter nearly 20 minutes later. 
The morning gets even weirder as I approach the counter and see that Niel is not working today. Surely he'd be the one training this newbie - he's the best there is. Instead, there's a shy and timid girl showing an even shyer and timid boy his way around the register. His face is down and his visor is hiding his face as he presses and prods at the till's buttons, nodding sternly to himself as the girl explains things to him.
When he lifts his head and greets me, I nearly lose my train of thought. 
"Hi, what would you like this morning?" the boy asks me in a gentle and warm tone.
It takes everything in me not to reply with "You. Right now. In front of everyone here."
I look down at the boy's name tag. Mark.
If I wasn't the most logical and rational thinker that I know, I would've believed anyone when they told me that Mark was an angel sent from the heavens to deliver coffee to me in that very moment. His hair was fluffy, a warm and deep golden color, falling neatly over his forehead. 
His eyes were two perfect slits of black that looked like they held the entire universe in them, and when he looked at me with a questioning gaze, I felt as though he had just looked right into my soul.
"Sir?" he asked. A single word that shattered me inside, arousing me beyond all control. It sounded so innocent, yet charming at the same time. What I wouldn't give to have him under me, begging me to enter him, whispering that same word to me in that same voice.
"I'll have a venti, skinny, caramel macchiato. Sorry." I finally answered when I had regained composure.
Mark nodded and turned his attention to the machine. His eyes went from innocent and loving to determined and focused as he worked away on the register.
"That'll be... $3.49 please." he said, looking back at me. I flashed him my gold American Express card, "Oh, credit. Okay, please insert when you're ready."
Insert when I'm ready? God, this boy. I thought.
"So, you're new. How are you liking it so far?" I said, punching my pin into the pad.
"It's really fun. I've made a lot of mistakes so far, but I'm excited to keep learning." Mark replied, beaming with light. 
"Ah, customers can be a bit unruly. Don't worry about it, I'm sure they'll warm up to you in no time. You have a very very inviting presence about you." I told him, wanting him to understand that I thought he was doing a great job.
"Thanks." he pursed his lips back and blushed.
"Here, this is for you, keep your spirits high. I'm sure it's the first of many tips you'll get." I handed him a fifty dollar bill and winked, heading off to the side to wait for my drink.
As I walked away I caught Mark's reaction to the tip. He was stunned, he picked the money up and quickly pocketed it, then shouted a thank you to me to which I nodded back at. 
I spent the next few minutes examining the new barista further as I waited for my drink. Mark looked to be about my age, although his gentle and loving demeanor made him appear a lot younger. He was fresh faced, with perfect soft skin and a winning smile that just begs to be returned. Though his eyes were determined and wise, they were juxtaposed on his face by his cute and boyish features. He was truly a sight for sore eyes. Maybe Neil being gone wasn't all that bad, after all.
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