#I would still die for huck tho
jacobglaser · 2 years
Rewatching Scandal so I'll be pulling my hair out in about 10 minutes, why would Olivia let herself get clowned over and over by that flop of a man.
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In case you haven't blocked the tags, this is a SPOILET ALERT for The Rise of Skywalker. General impressions before the keep reading tab, spoiler stuff after. This has been sitting in my drafts folder since I saw the movie, I just haven’t been able to get to a computer to upload it.
Overall, I feel like this movie really cemented that like, this trilogy had no idea where it was going and what story it wanted to tell. They had to awkwardly ham fist in stuff to make the story work, and it felt so disjointed. Clearly JJ and Rian had very different visions for the trilogy, and it's extremely unfortunate that the resulting films feel like a pissing match between two big egos. That being said, I feel like it was the truest to the spirit of the original saga without being a remake like TFA. I didn’t hate it.
More specific feelings about the film, in no particular order:
I can't believe they killed Ben. The Last Skywalker. And like...there was no emotional weight behind his death???
There really wasn't any emotional depth anywhere in the film. Things moved too quickly, and the characters felt so different from the last movie that it was hard to reconnect to them.
Did we really have to bring back Finn's nice guy incel pining over Rey? Was that Really Fucking Necessary?
"Your parents were nobody. Because they chose to be," has to be the most godawful awkward attempt to retcon TLJ. Like yikes just say you didn't know and move on.
That being said, I thought Rey being a descendant of Palpatine was a good choice, and I only wish the entire trilogy had been building to this reveal. It felt WAY better than "you're nobody", and makes sense; Palpatine has ALWAYS been important in the Skywalker story, and it's a great way to bring the story full circle. It could have happened better, admittedly, but I’m on board with it.
So I do understand how limited they were with this, but it was weird that Leia completely disappeared after her death, especially considering her bond with Rey. Like I get it, but I would have at LEAST liked to have heard her voice among the Jedi calling to Rey (even if it was just to say her name). ALSO WEIRD THAT BEN DISAPPEARED COMPLETELY BUT LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT.
We all wanted Leia to be a jedi but not...not like that. It felt like an afterthought squeezed in the please the fans.
Evil Sith Planet With Creepy Room Of Chanting Robes And GLAYDOS Palpatine was aesthetically very pleasing. A+
Poe's character was a lot better in this film. I hated his characterization in TLJ, so to see him return to TFA Poe was nice.
Seriously tho why did Ben have to pull a Padme and die so pointlessly? He didn't even have a chance to reconcile with his family? Why don't we see him as a force ghost at the end? Darth Fucking Most Evil Man In The Galaxy Vader got a funeral and Ben gets nothing??? They did my boy dirty.
However him hugging Rey's lifeless body? Mmmph. Fantastic.
I hated that Rose was relegated to a background role. Like seriously this trilogy has been Fuckboy Finn: A New Piece of Ass, The Ass Strikes Back, and Return of the Ass and I am not here for it. Rose could have done all the things Finn's new gf did smh. I didn't LOVE her in TLJ but she deserved better.
The absolute and complete irony that they reinforce this stormtrooper redemption arc by having more redeemed stormtroopers but still gleefully kill them with no regrets or any recognition that there are people under those masks continues to kill me.
Love that Supreme Leader Kylo Ren clearly made affirmative action a priority for the First Order because damn was there way more diversity than we're used to seeing in a Nazi allegory.
Ben's redemption happened a little too fast for me, especially in the context of TLJ. Like we saw him choose and actively commit to the dark side, and not 10 minutes after reaffirming his choice, is hucking his lightsaber in the ocean after having a conversation with force ghost hallucination Han Solo.
Weren't the Knights of Ren supposed to be jedi drop outs (note: I have not consumed any media outside of the movies)? I thought it was weird they didn't have lightsaber themed weapons à la Snoke's personal guard. Also these guys were Ben's Possé from Jedi School and he has approximately zero regrets about turning on them. Like these were your friends Ben, they followed you to the dark side, do you want to try and redeem-no, no you're just going to slaughter them okay. I guess.
I don't care how good of a pilot or strong with the force Rey is, ain't no way a bitch from the desert sailing her way across stormy waters the actual sea-seasoned people say is too dangerous that easily (although couldn't have been that bad, since the other two make it across like 10 minutes later).
Seriously tho why did Ben have to die fuck you JJ how could you do this to my boi
Rey claiming the name Skywalker was a choice. Not one I would have made, personally, but I guess when you kill the last living Skywalker you need SOMEBODY to take that mantel so your movie title makes sense.
It just really felt like they were trying to fan service but by trying to please everyone nobody ended up happy. Why didn't JJ Abrams take my personal feelings into account? #blocked
Ben deserved to live happily ever after with Rey and I think it's dumb their powerful force diad or whatever wasn't strong enough to keep them both alive.
I didn't hate it, but it could have been so much better. Disney has sucked the soul out of this franchise and it's heartbreaking to see.
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spector · 6 years
comics i read today (23/08)
or attempted to read today
huck - 6 issues, very cute, great art, tight plot, six issues of just good comics... i would die for huck. i cant believe mark millar can still write good stuff... five stars
the fix - i tried reading it but i couldnt get past issue #1, do not pass go, do not collect 100$, do not support n*ck sp*nc*r’s mediocre millenial hating writng 😔🤘
black eyed kids - i dropped it too, the art was SO DARK, i could not see shit and the story didnt hook me after 3 issues so u know. bye !
black cloud - NOW this had me hooked since issue 1, art is great, i love stories about story-telling itself and the main protag is so interesting, full recommend, just 10 issues !!
cannibal - me, reading cannibal: god i sure do miss true blood.............. its good tho ! i like the art, the concept is like a crossover between santa clarita diet and true blood, 8 issues, its neat ! the art is acutally like. really good in terms of facial expressions and character design im into that
briggs land - also pretty good, had that southern bastards feel to it... american b making independent communes huh ! 
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