#I would prefer that to misinterpreting all that I say or Vice verse
hunterarden · 5 months
I guess I’ll just block perhaps most people in The Witcher fandom (or hatedom), even many I like or find interesting. Because:
1) you probably will or already do not like me!
2) I may love some of your takes but adamantly disagree with many others.
3) I… am clearly not at all on the same page as most in this fandom. To me, this seems like a very non interactive fandom, where we each generate our own work, and then agree with one another, no matter what. So I should try to refrain from answering questions that are posted only to be insults or jokes, responding to people who are very good at coming up with their own theories but have no interest in imbibing others, or projecting my own issues with the entire fandom onto some random fan.
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worstlynch · 4 years
CHARACTER SHEET repost. do not reblog.
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     declan tiernan lynch. PRONUNCIATION.     the lynch family say “DECK-lahn”. everyone else says “DECK-lin”. NICKNAME.     “ d ” by matthew, gansey, and aglionby mates & “ dbag ” by ronan. GENDER.     cis male. HEIGHT.     5′11″. AGE.     21 as of cdth. ZODIAC.     we don’t know his birthday, but he sure acts like a virgo with libra interests. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.     english, latin, and conversational irish.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     very dark brown, almost black. EYE COLOR.     blue. SKIN TONE.     pale. BODY TYPE.     athletic, but with a soft stomach. ACCENT.     slight west virginian accent with occasional irish pronunciation of things. VOICE.    deep... bland... boring... ‘political’... DOMINANT HAND.     ambidextrous, but prefers his right hand. POSTURE.     straight, guarded but confident. SCARS.     minor ones from childhood at the barns. TATTOOS.     none.
BIRTHMARKS.     one on his left hip, sandy brown in color, looks like a smudged thumbprint. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).     his very blue eyes or how bland he looks.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.     we’ve been led to believe that it’s the barns, west virginia, but it’s probably a lie. HOMETOWN.     henrietta, virginia. BIRTH WEIGHT.     above average. BIRTH HEIGHT.     slightly above average. MANNER OF BIRTH.     to quote his own father: “i wouldn’t know. i wasn’t here.” FIRST WORDS.     "kitty”, which probably sounded more like “-ickey”. SIBLINGS.    younger brothers ronan and matthew. PARENTS.     niall lynch ( father ), aurora ( mother ), mor o corra ( birth mother ). PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.     niall was an absent and emotionally neglectful father to declan. aurora, while loving, had a poor social-cognition skill and generally viewed the world through a very short-sighted lens. growing up, declan learned that he couldn’t go to her when he’s upset as she would often misinterpret his emotional cues or try to distract him from his emotions than work through it with him. his biological mother, based on the information we got, didn’t want anything to do with declan. there seems to be a lot more to that, though.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.     college student & political intern. secretly a magical artefact dealer. CURRENT RESIDENCE.     a luxury townhouse in alexandria, va. CLOSE FRIENDS.     none, really. declan has a group of acquaintances he regularly hangs with. some of them could be called his friends, but not his close friends. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     single by default. involved with jordan in some verses. FINANCIAL STATUS.     upper-middle class. comfortable. declan inherited 3 million upon his father’s passing. DRIVER’S LICENSE.     got it when he was 16. CRIMINAL RECORD.     none.  VICES.        envy & vanity.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     ahahaha... ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.     ashleys... PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.     submissive  |  dominant |  switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.     submissive  |  dominant |  switch LIBIDO.     normal. TURN ON’S.     intelligence, confidence. TURN OFF’S.     co-dependence, immaturity, ignorance. LOVE LANGUAGE.     quality time. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.     declan tends to fall in love quickly. he’s attentive and caring. he shows his appreciation for his s/o by showering them with gifts or acts of service.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.     burn it down by daughter. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.     art collection, his film criticism club, reading up on social science. MENTAL ILLNESSES.     undiagnosed anxiety disorder and likely a comorbid insomnia. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.     stress ulcers because of his anxiety. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.     left. PHOBIAS.     death of loved ones. powerlessness.  SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.     high, but the universe keeps testing him & making him doubt. 😖 VULNERABILITIES.     his brothers, his generosity, and his aloneness / the lack of supportive individuals in his life.
TAGGED BY. @crestazul​ back in march lmao. TAGGING. you! yes! please tag me, i want all the tea!
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Namjoon Scenario: Be My Love.
Request: Love your works ^^ a lil request of a very oblivious reader and namjoon dropping hints with every coffee that he brings to her untill he finally snaps and kisses her and then decides to stick a sticky note to her face with "I like u a lot" written on it ^^ dont know if this'll suit your tastes but I decided to give I a go :D
Flatmates AU.
Genre: Fluff. 
The cup was placed on the table making a sound but you didn’t even lift your head from the book. Namjoon frowned just a little and sighed, you were usually absentminded, but as you were studying for a very important test you were even more immersed on it than normal. 
It was ok, he thought, because the way you were so centered in your studies, how you were so smart, how you were so determinate, those were some of the things Namjoon liked about you. But of course you had other characteristics, for example how evident was his crush for you. Everybody in the department had noticed it, everyone knew Namjoon liked you since a lot time ago, since you moved in he could say, but not you. You treated him as a friend, perhaps sometimes like a bit more than that, but Namjoon hadn’t had the courage to confess although he really wanted to.
You lived together with other three people, three girls and two guys in total, you’ve coincided there since the department was really close to the university,  but Namjoon being the romantic he was and adding more since he had a crush, thought it was because of destiny. 
He cleared his throat making you lift your gaze to him making you gasp a bit startled. 
-Namjoon! I didn’t see you there, sorry-
He smiled inevitably, you were really cute while surprised. -It’s ok, I brought you a cup- he said sliding the beverage closer to you.
You smiled taking it in your hands. -Thank you so much- you sipped from it and then realized the cup had something stuck on. -Oh, what is this?- 
Namjoon stood up quickly. -Well I leave you to it then-
You watched him go and then saw it was yet again another sticky note, Namjoon was very kind, he always brought you coffee when he saw you were studying, and more often than not he’d stick a note on the cup, sometimes with inspiring quotes, others with simple words, like “hope” or “fighting”, or silly phrases to make you laugh like “Better read this” and then he’d write his own name, it was a really thoughtful detail to do such a thing. You really liked him, in a lot of ways, but you weren’t sure if he felt the same. Sure he was attentive towards you, but you couldn’t judge everything on that, you just weren’t sure of what he felt.
You read the quote he wrote today, “Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret to success, Swami Sivananda”. You liked it, you agreed with what it said, perhaps that was one of the reasons you got so focused when you were doing something, concentrating to the point of forgetting the world. 
But then there were people like Namjoon to bring you back to it, with a cup of coffee and that gorgeous smile, you really liked his smile, and dimples, you sighed getting back to your reading, if only he liked you back.
You were feeling tired, you had gone to class and came back to keep reading, you didn’t do it on your room or you’d fall asleep fast on your bed, that’s why you preferred to be outside, the others didn’t bother you and you felt more awake and productive. Namjoon arrived from his own classes a bit later, you saw him, gave him a little wave and kept reading determinate to not drift apart from your goal, then you heard the sound of the cup once more and Namjoon sitting on the table with a book and a cup himself.
-Thank you- you said again seeing the sticky note this time in bright green. This time it read “Need a pick me up? ;) ;) ”  You smiled, thinking how could you act around him to not make your crush and smile as noticeable.
Namjoon on the other hand was faking to read just watching your reaction, he didn’t want to be so bold, he didn’t want to come of as a creep or anything but he didn’t know what to do to tell you in a rather silent way that he liked you. It wasn’t like he didn’t know you or that you weren’t comfortable with each other, because living together he could say you were. Living together, just thinking how lucky he was to live with his crush made him smile, but then you were completely unaware of it.
Namjoon was smiling by his own you noticed, it made you feel curious as to why exactly would he be smiling like that, maybe remembering something, or someone?
-What is it?- you asked with a little shy smile.
Namjoon cleared his throat. -Nothing just… thinking about some things I want to happen-
-Like what?-
He chuckled hiding his mouth with his hand. -It’s a secret- and after that he stood up and left, like he was running away, the only thing you could think of was Namjoon seeing someone else, it made your stomach drop with unpleasantness, so you sighed and obligated yourself back to your books.
Namjoon had had to run at that time because for a moment he though you had read his mind and he panicked like a coward. He was thinking on how amazing it’d be your daily life together, but as a couple, you’d cook together, he’d accompany you to class if you wanted, he’d make sure you didn’t overwork yourself and vice verse, sleeping together. And then you had spoken and he had ran away instead of finally saying it.
-Get it together Kim Namjoon- he said to himself realizing he had reached a definitive point, he was driving himself crazy with the day dreaming and longing, he could be almost sure you liked him back but there was a point of doubt that made him apprehensive, because if you rejected him it’d hurt.
Namjoon wrote the sticky note with a rather shaky hand, but he deemed it still legible, it must be, since this was the last he was going to write, this was it. He had seen you in the living room as usual, the others were out so it was only the two of you home at the moment, this was the perfect moment to finally say it. 
His plan was for you to read the sticky note, realize what he meant and then talk a little bit about it, he thought he could succeed  so he breathed in with confidence.
It was almost six in the afternoon, a perfect time for a pick me up kind of coffee, he snorted thinking about that one, if he thought about it that one had been dumb, you could have misinterpreted it, luckily you hadn’t. 
He prepared the coffee just as you liked, living with you Namjoon had picked up some of your habits, you liked your coffee dark, with just a tinge of milk and a little sugar. He served one for himself and went to meet you, sticking the note right before walking because knowing himself he could fall and ruin the whole thing if he tried something too complicated.
Like dozens of times before Namjoon placed the cup in front of you, only that this time you did look at him right away, which was an excellent sign, his heart started to beat faster as you smiled and thanked him, your eyes focusing on the sticky note as you read it.
-You want to like with me?- you read with a little laugh. -I thought you liked me Namjoon-  you said still nervous but amused giving a sip to your coffee. 
He couldn’t believe it, you thought he was joking, but then that phrase sounded odd and then he really wanted to smash his face with the table, he had been thinking so hard if writing “I like you” or “you want to go out with me” that he had mixed the two.
He cursed under his breath and you looked at him again, you were blushing a little and didn’t know if keep staring at him or not so you started to mumble and blabber out your nervousness -I mean, I thought you liked me, because you know, as friends, not that I’m saying that we should… be anything else, that could be good, but I know you meant some…- you couldn’t keep speaking as he closed the distance to you quickly and in an instant you had his lips on top of yours.
It was a light touch at the beginning, but when you didn’t pull apart he moved his lips, you reacted to it, moving yours as well, closing your eyes because you were enjoying the moment beyond the surprise it caused you. Namjoon went even closer, grazing your cheeks with his hands deepening a little the kiss just a little before it stopped and you were left looking at each other, blushed and surprised, both of your hearts beating way too fast.
-I… this…- you bit your lip to not say anything else because Namjoon wasn’t looking at you anymore, instead he had taken your own sticky notes that were on the table and one of your markers, he wrote something on it and then stuck it on your forehead softly.
You detached your note from your skin and read it, the handwriting was a bit shaky but this time the message was completely clear.
-“I like you” - you read out loud and he nodded.
-I do, I like you a lot Y/N, I’ve been trying to tell you, well, to show you through all this time but I couldn’t so…- he exhaled smiling when he saw you were starting to do so. -I like you Y/N-
-All this time you…- he nodded and you took the note to your chest, then looked at the cup of coffee and then back at him. -I was so oblivious Namjoon, I’m sorry- you giggled nervously and he shook his head as to say not to worry. -I like you too, I really do-
Both of you exhaled this time and laughed afterwards, his hand extended to yours and you fingers intertwined. -So now we know-
You nodded and he leaned him for another kiss.
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angelfccdie · 7 years
RULES.  Repost, do not reblog !  Tag 10 !  Good  luck ! Tagged by: @tuffletruffleking Tagging: this took me forever i’ve seen like everyone do this already. so. if you haven’t already and would like to, i’m tagging u
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FULL  NAME :  Whis NICKNAME/S :  Beerus’ taxi, fluffy, Blue and Perky AGE :  Somewhere in the hundreds of millions probably. He doesn’t keep track of his exact age. BIRTHDAY :  Too long ago. He likes to ‘celebrate’ it in the spring at this time ETHNIC  GROUP :  ??? NATIONALITY :  ?????? LANGUAGE/S :   yes SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :   aromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  single but it depends on who he’s interacting with tbh CLASS :   ??????? divine idek HOME TOWN / AREA :  a home planet he hasn’t divulged the name of CURRENT  HOME :   The weird planet he lives on with Beerus and Seer PROFESSION : Servant and teacher to the God of Destruction. Professional bullshitter
HAIR : white EYES :  lavender  NOSE :  kinda sharp and long FACE :  also sorta sharp idek  LIPS :   pretty lipstick. cupid’s bow kinda look COMPLEXION : very Blue BLEMISHES :  ?????? SCARS : haven’t really decided yet TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS:  None HEIGHT :  somewhere around 6′8″ or so i don’t really know WEIGHT :  not a lot he’s a tall bean pole BUILD :  see above FEATURES : that hair 8| great eyelashes ALLERGIES :  people not laughing at his jokes USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : tol USUAL  FACE  LOOK : If he’s engaged, he’s normally smiling. Otherwise he’s got one hell of a resting bitch face USUAL  CLOTHING :  Plum purple-ish dress lbr it’s a dress with a turtleneck collar and long sleeves, tights or pants of the same color, shoulder pads of doom to complete the look
FEAR/S :  Paralysis, powerlessness, mortality ASPIRATION/S :  Currently only cares to look after Beerus and search for his successor in his free time. Personal enrichment that currently centers on telling a good joke POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Placid, level-headed, wise, excitable, polite, observant, playful NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Aloof, strict, smug, occasionally callous, slow to act MBTI :  i saw him labeled as an INFP once so maybe that ZODIAC :  no idea but i lean sliiiightly toward libra TEMPERAMENT :  detached but not stoic, polite and affable SOUL  TYPE / S : i have no idea what this means ANIMALS :  Tol birds like cranes, secretarybirds VICE  HABIT/S :  The fact that his love is purely conditional FAITH :  neh GHOSTS ? :  yes AFTERLIFE ? :  Yes REINCARNATION ? :  er. i’m not sure ALIENS ? :  no, everyone he meets is clearly an angel like him :v POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  None ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE : comfortable???? probably likes some luxuries, but most of them have to do with freedom or independence more so than objects SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : er. the Top EDUCATION  LEVEL : Constantly learning. He’s had millions of years to self-educate himself on a variety of different topics. Had various lessons as a child and young adult that were related to his current occupation and where the angels sit on the universal hierarchy and their duties, etc.
FATHER : The Grand Priest MOTHER :  None SIBLINGS :  Vados (older sister), I guess the other angels are his siblings too??? EXTENDED  FAMILY : None  NAME  MEANING/S : ....you know, i haven’t. given any thought to that yet. just kind of off the top of my head, i like the idea of it meaning a color, like grey-blue HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   
DEITY :  he’s contractually obligated to say beerus MONTH :  April SEASON :  spring PLACE :  ...Earth bc of the food WEATHER :  Cool but dry SOUND : Howling wind SCENT/S :  flowers (in particular sweet peas, gardenias, roses), aloe vera TASTE/S :  sweet, sweet and bitter, sweet and spicy, smoke, sour fruit FEEL/S :  silk, flluffy cakes, dense cakes, peaches ANIMAL/S : Cats on earth amuse him to death. Otherwise they’re all sort of on the same neutral level of interesting and/or endearing NUMBER :  He likes odd numbers because ‘they can stand on their own’ COLOUR :  Pastel and light yellows
TALENTS :  Cooking, particularly without recipes, makeup he has one steady hand, teaching maybe, ‘misinterpreting’ questions BAD  AT :  Singing, answering questions honestly, caring TURN  ONS : uh. confidence, the ability to deflect his sarcasm and/or deflections, neck kisses TURN  OFFS : demeaning talk, that moment he realizes you have no idea wtf you’re doing, pain outside of what’s ‘normal’ HOBBIES : dancing, board games (with a particular fondness for the game of life, once it was introduced to him. he finds it hysterical), drawing/coloring, gardening, i had a dream the other night that he enjoyed archery so that’s going here too, riddles, jokes, stories TROPES :  Humanoid Abomination, Inexplicably Awesome, probably Agent Peacock AESTHETIC  TAGS : I uh. don’t have one. there’s v;; a long summer for things that remind me of his home or childhood tho
MAIN  FC/S :  his. face. ALT  FC/S :  my own art for the fairy verse tbh OLDER  FC/S :  None YOUNGER  FC/S : my own art, eventually VOICE  CLAIM/S :  Ian Sinclair, given he does the dub voice
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