#I would kill 20 people to watch him at the gym! not to be creepy
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littlcdarlin · 2 days ago
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Pedro Pascal via his Instagram stories, 2nd of March 25
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sadgirlbaby · 2 years ago
hiii! i was wondering if you still did matchups? if you do i would love to request one with an AHS character <3 you can choose the season you want tbh i really don’t mind!!
i’m 20, i use she/her pronouns and i’m pansexual if that helps lmao 🥲 i have brown hair and brown eyes, i’m 5’1, i have a septum piercing and some tattoos
i’m a scorpio and an infj so i can come of as mysterious i guess (i wouldn’t say that but i’ve been told 😭) apparently i also have a bad rbf syndrome 💀 i’m very shy and quiet but if people come and talk to me i try to be very friendly! i’m open minded, respectful and empathetic. i like to listen to people and try to help them with their problems but i have trouble with opening up about mine.
i love music, fashion and movies. i want to study cinema and i love to spend my time watching very obscure movies. i particularly love horror. i workout occasionally, mostly yoga or pilates. i don’t have a distinct aesthetic or style, but it could be kind of witchy or inspired by some music groups that i like which have rock influences. i used to be very enthusiastic when it came to learning languages! so i can now speak french (my first language) and english fluently as well as some spanish and german.
that’s about it and thank you for taking the time to read this <3
wow… when I read that you’re a scorpio and you love fashion I immediately though about…
TRISTAN DUFFY - season 5 / hotel
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this post may contain mature content which includes - sex references, killing/blood references.
you guys met during a catwalk. you were just sitting there and watching the fashion show when you noticed this gorgeous model. tristan noticed you as well, feeling mesmerized by your beauty.
when tristan arrived at the end of the runway, he walked back and passed next to you, then he grabbed your hand and kissed it sweetly.
when the fashion show got over, you left and walked out to call a taxi. you suddenly heard someone screaming “hey! girl !” so you turned around and saw the beautiful model running towards you. “wanna hang out tonight?” he asked you smiling.
THINGS YOU HAVE IN COMMON (which make you compatible to each other)
you’re a scorpio and I bet tristan has a soft spot for scorpio girls
you both love fashion. you love watching fashion shows and he loves be a part of fashion shows.
you wear witchy clothes while tristan is a vampire, what an awesome matching.
you love watching horror movies at night. just imagine the scene - you guys laying and cuddling on the bed, the tv showing a creepy movie, a few corpses on the floor (whom their blood have been sucked by tristan) and the moon outside spreading its beauty to you.
tristan loves you so much but sometimes you guys don’t talk to each other for a long time because of your behavior - you never want to hear about his excuses and you get angry easily. you always think that you’re right so you guys often argue.
tristan doesn’t like yoga or pilates. he thinks that those things doesn’t help to relax, that’s just bullshit for him but he respects you and your opinions/mindset.
he likes keeping fit instead, sometimes he works out with you and it’s so funny because tristan often stumble in the gym and he’s definitely a troublemaker with everybody.
rough sex. I MEAN- ROUGH SEX ROUGH SEX ROUGH SEX ROUGH SEX ROUGH SEX. tristan is such a dirty minded guy and gets horny easily. he’s not willing to be sweet while having sex with you.
you’re definitely too polite with others. that’s a good thing, but you are literally naive (don’t take it personal !) tristan is more a selective person, he chooses the people he wants bubto deal with and he would never blame himself for others’ mistakes.
tristan often opens up to others and express his feelings but he is hardly ever willing to help others, while you are the opposite - you like helping people but you seldom open up or talk about your feelings.
tristan madly loves provoking people, especially you. he is way too narcissist, he mostly looks arrogant and has a reckless attitude. he LOVES making you upset.
other possibility: dandy mott.
p.s. you and finn wittrock’s characters are so compatible!!!!
notes: it’s december 26 here so christmas is over :( but merry christmas anyway! I love you guys and I wanna thank you all for all the support<3
reminder: requests are always open and you can request about whoever you want. I consider any type of headcanons/one shots/stories/smuts/matchups!
+ I accept any kind of tip about my writing/grammar and also about the structure of the imagine/preferences post.
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roswelldetails · 5 years ago
RNM 2x06 - Sex and Candy
Maria’s (Heather Hemmens) investigation into her mother’s disappearance leads her and Alex (Tyler Blackburn) to the home of a mysterious boot maker named Travis (guest star David Anders). Meanwhile, on her journey of self-discovery, Isobel’s (Lily Cowles) night out leads her into the arms of someone unexpected. Finally, after making some major scientific strides, Liz (Jeanine Mason) is dealt a devastating blow. Geoff Shotz directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingrao (#206). Original airdate 4/20/2020.
Max and Isobel's fight:
Lights start flickering when Max starts getting aggressive and then get brighter as he gets more worked up.
The first attempt to expel it seemed like he was causing an earthquake.  He blew out all the windows in the gym, knocked Isobel down, and there was shaking.  But it didn't seem to go beyond that room - no damage is seen when Michael arrives or around town.
Note, after the earthquake thingie the lights go out 
His hands are doing the electric power thingie and THEN he also grabs the lightning.
I think Isobel used her telekinesis to stop it and then push it away, which seemed to work...but if so then why couldn't Noah do that last season? 
Was it the sheer volume of electricity? There was definitely MORE than with Noah.
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Michael uses his telekinesis to manually reset Max's heart.  This is very smart of him. Note that he's using his own heart/pulse to get it right.
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They are using the antidote to Liz's serum to try to heal Max's mind. 
Michael says that they've been giving him antidote injections for three days (time jump).
Three days of antidote and no new memories for Max.
Isobel remembered her blackouts within a few hours of getting injected with the antidote in 1x10.
Note: Liz hesitated using the antidote this way in 1x10 because Isobel could still be dangerous and they didn't know about the 4th Alien yet.  There doesn't seem to be a similar hesitation with Max. Because Liz trusts him more? Because him forgetting her is more personal? It's not like there isn't a chance that Max is still dangerous…
Maria arranged a Mexican market in the Pony parking lot to subsidize her income.
Buffy the Beagle is Forrest's dog!
Maria comments that the meteor shower makes animals act strange. And humans too.
Forrest and Maria are organizing an open night mic at the Wild Pony.  Free drinks for performers.
Maria clearly approves of Forrest and Alex getting to know each other.  She smacks Alex for his awkward flirting.
The bootmaker's farm is about an hour outside of town.
The Science:
Kyle and Steph are watching a "surgical separation of craniopagus twins".
Craniopagus Twins = twins attached at the cranium/head. (Aka not a heart surgery).
"Did you know, ever since 1947, twin births in Roswell are higher than the national average? Maybe it's aliens."
Speaking of awkward flirting…. "You're just my favorite person I can't stand."
The Spanish:
Le cambio una bolsa de chiles para mi papá...for the free fries next time you come to the Crashdown.
Liz is bartering.  She says basically, I'll trade you a bag of chiles for my papa for free fries next time you come to the Crashdown. 
Note, the captions for this are wrong and use the Spanish word for grasshoppers instead, but you can clearly hear Liz say chiles. Thanks to @rosaortecho for pointing that out to me.
Max says:
I'm trying to eat clean. Uh, tiene carne seca sin como se dice, preservativos.
He's trying to say, basically, does the jerky have preservatives. 
Quiere carne a sin preservativos?
Basically, you want meat without condoms?
Lo siento. Uh, no lo entiendo.
I'm sorry, I don't get it.
Él quiere decir conservantes.
He means preservatives.
Gracias. Estoy embarazado.
Thank you. I'm pregnant.
Michael asks Max who he's texting. Max says everyone has been messaging him but Cameron is the only one who hasn't responded, which isn't like her.
Wildly curious who he was texting though.  It's not like he's a social butterfly. His mom? The sheriff? Who? As I pointed out to some friends the other day, he spent his 21st birthday getting trashed with his SISTER. This is not a trait of a guy with lots of close friends.
Just as another note, Michael says he ghosted her. When exactly was that? Yes, Max ran out on her in the middle of a handy in 1x03, but they addressed that the next day.  She "broke up" with him in 1x07, but they were still good right up until she left town. 
"Does he seem different to you?"
Alex and Maria playing "Never have I Ever" in the car. Good way to do background on characters.
Maria has never cheated on a boyfriend
Alex has never been in a real relationship. Not even "Kellie Sommer-something".
Alex says that whenever he was with a woman he was trying to disappear.  Except for Sophomore year after Battle of the Bands. Seven Minutes in Heaven in Haley Moore's hall closet. Alex and Maria kissed and it was Maria's first kiss (and boob graze).  She always thought she'd marry Alex. Had to come up with a new plan after he came out. 
Alex says "I did too."
"Kissing you in that closet was the first time in my life that I enjoyed touching someone."
Max picks up Liz for their first date…
Just as a note, Save Tonight was the opening song in the pilot of OG Roswell. During the "oh, Max Evans is staring at you again." exchange between Liz and Maria.  So, it might go well with new beginnings or something ;-)
The Science:
"Psychogenic amnesia limits retrieval of stored memories, but if we light up your limbic system and gustatory cortex with some familiar signals…"
"Your milkshake might bring all my memories to the yard?"
**Note, second reference to this song in the context of Liz bringing Max milkshakes. First was in 1x06 by Isobel. Hmm. 1x06 and 2x06… maybe they should crack this joke in 3x06 too.
"Sometimes when people wake up from comas they have different personalities, different tastes even…"
Everything you ever wanted to know about psychogenic amnesia:
But, my main takeaway is that it's a specific type of amnesia where there's abnormal memory function but no brain damage or other clear cause of it.
Limbic system:
Basically the part of your brain that stores emotion, behavior, and long term memory.
Gustatory cortex:
Basically the part of your brain that processes taste.
Maria compares Michael to Chad because he starts fights and lies.  Alex disagrees and lists ways that he was doing good things:
He lied to protect his family from Alex's family.
He shouldered the burden of a murder he didn't commit for ten years so that Isobel didn't have to.
He pushed Maria away to protect her - which might be a good thing too because of all his baggage. 
First Date:
Max went to Ranch camp one summer and dislocated his shoulder while trying to read Lord of the Rings on horseback. #nerd. 
Liz references the gala as not their first date, but there was also the desert in high school.  I guess she doesn't count that either. 
Side note: Cam and Liz talked about him peacocking in 2x03, but that kinda felt out of character at the time to the Max we knew.  This Max DOES seem like he's peacocking a bit. Got dressed up, taking Liz horseback riding. He admitted to trying to one up whatever they did together before. Just an interesting (to me) observation.
Liz looks panicky when Max suggests truth serum (because Science!Liz probably could make truth serum), but once she realizes he means whiskey she's like, "oh yes, that's fine." Oh Liz… 
Diego details:
They were engaged just last year
Liz left without saying goodbye
They were working together on the Denver study
They would come home and keep talking about work
He had ideas to help improve it
They both spoke The Science
He pushed her to get better at The Science
When the funding was cut she realized she loved the work more than him
Liz couldn't figure out how tell him that so she packed her things in the middle of the night, hit the road, changed her phone, and blocked him on Facebook.
**This is the first time LIZ has mentioned social media. Interesting given the crap Maria keeps giving her about it!
Travis and fresh warm milk. What is up with it??
"Nice ring. Does it keep you from burning up in the daylight?"
David Anders introduces himself as Travis.
Just as a point of interest, Maria researched enough to find the bootmaker, figure out where he lives, but she didn't get his name??? 
Vampire Diaries/Originals reference.
Travis says he can't help with car stuff.
The milk was from a cow named Jennifer.  He milked her for the last time today. (Creepy).
Weird contradictory statements from Travis:
"You're the best thing I've seen in a long time."....
"Mm, I'm sorry. So many customers and all their ugly faces get all sewn up and stitched together in my mind."
"Yeah, that's the woman that bought them boots. While back. Nice lady. She paid cash."
Second reference to animals behaving strangely during a meteor shower:
"Meteor shower's got my girls singing a bit off key tonight.  Jennifer, she likes a good lullaby."
"Okay this guy is going to turn us into skin suits." (OG reference? Or just general sci-fi?)
Meteorchella at Planet 7 (Coachella-style party during meteor shower?) with any excuse to add sparkles!
Kyle says he's at Planet 7 because he's trying not to hang out with people from high school.
Isobel says she's trying to have fun without feeling like prey.
Don't think the details of Kyle/Isobel dancing matters all that much, but as a point of amusement I'll share that in the panel on Tuesday night they shared that Lily whispered something different to Trevino on every take...And they got progressively dirtier to the point that she finally felt like she crossed a line and profusely apologized.  Also the lick was a Lily addition. 
Max's confession about killing the drifter:
Kind of an interesting thing, comparing the first version of the drifter story in 1x06 to the 2x06 version. 1x06 was more dramatic, but 2x06 was more personal, I think. 
"There are moments that define our lives, and there are moments that divide our lives. Incidents that separate us into two different people: who we were before and who we will be after. Forever…One day we were children and the next we were something else. I was a killer. Michael an accomplice.  And Isobel...Isobel was broken."
"I killed a man once, on a camping trip. This drifter came out of nowhere, attacked Isobel.  I wasn't even thinking. I killed him. With this. I arrest people who kill people. Most of them usually regret what they did. You know, you can just tell that they're forever broken. It's like a piece of them dies with their victims. So when I could feel that darkness, like I had to kill, I wanted Isobel to let me die. Because I couldn't risk hurting even one innocent person. Cause life just wouldn't be worth living."
Kind of an interesting narrative choice to confess to murder on a first date and then have the girl just brush it aside. 
"No, it just hit me why you're so happy and idealistic, and I feel like an idiot. You are that way because you don't remember me. It's a clean slate.  It's like when you got out of the pods with whatever memories you had erased it's probably for your own good."
"Last I heard you were the love of my life."
"Your cohorts, they left out some details. Cause if you had your memories I'm positive the worst thing that's ever happened to you is connected to me. And I can't bear the weight of making you remember that again."
**Note, second time this has been implied.  Last time was by Michael in 1x08 regarding the alien symbol.
"...it's gotta have some connection to us right? Maybe it was something we saw somewhere before the crash."
"Sorry, are you, Max Evans, acknowledging that we must have had lives before we hatched out of the pods? You never want to talk about home."
"Hey, Roswell is home. Look, I'm sorry man. You're right. I've spent a lot of time not talking about where we come from or why we're here.  Keep thinking I can pretend the past away and just be normal. But if Isobel's blackouts are some alien thing, then I need to know more. Okay, and this symbol? That's all I have to go on. I mean don't you think it's strange that we don't have any memories? I mean, no parents, no language. We weren't infants, man. We were seven."
"I just figured our memory faded. Over 50 years in those pods. Maybe it was just time. Or maybe whoever put us in those pods doesn't want us to remember."
Travis and Trevor's house...with added bonus of his ring that Alex comments on.
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Leather ribbons/strips on the wall are for (from?) Hayley and Gertrude. More cows, I presume. 
There's also a framed Purple Heart on the wall next to a photo of Travis?
"War really messes with a man's mind.  Gets it all twisted up.
Timeline issue!! Alex says Mimi was missing for 3 weeks, but according to the clearly established timelines in 201-203 it was 4 weeks (or a month ish).  I wrote about this here:
Maria put her jacket on a scarecrow to trick Travis. And did she leave it there?
(Answer: yes. She doesn't wear it for the rest of the episode. Smart of her, actually).
Michael sees Trevor come out of the house and is about to shoot him. Maria immediate knew it wasn't Travis and threw herself in front of Michael's gun
Trevor shoots Travis.
A bullet from the Crashdown shooting falls out of Max's journal.  Does it look like it has blood on it? Or maybe just ketchup? If it's THE bullet it would make a lot of sense that he kept it hidden - evidence that Liz was shot. See this comparison between one of Wyatt's bullets in 1x02 and the one Max finds in 2x06
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"Sorry about my twin here. He's had a rough go."
"Combat does not make you an axe murderer."
"No, it wasn't the combat. It was the R&D. If a paramilitary group ever asks you to take part in a study, you run the other way. He showed up a few weeks ago. Locked me up out back. Lucky y'all showed up when you did. Gave me a chance to escape."
R&D is a military acronym for Research and Development. (Aka...The Science.)
Priscilla - the cow Mimi's boots were made from.
This is literally the only direct information gained about the boots from this little sleuthing excursion. 
Well, and that Mimi paid cash, which isn't like her.
Side note - I didn't really know what Paramilitary meant, so just in case any of you are also not good with military stuff, Paramilitary groups are like private armies. Like, I dunno, the private security firm that Jesse and Cam discussed in episode 2x04. 👀
Male doctor operating on Steph clearly states:
"All right we're approaching an arterial junction."
A female doctor replies and its less clear.  What I hear is...Blood gasses are back? Anyone else hear something that makes more sense than that?
He replied something like...the stint through here
She says something about pH levels.
Max admits that he didn't know what would happen when he decided to bring Rosa back.  He just wanted to fix the worst thing that ever happened to all of them.
"I can't believe we were Shyamalan'd by an evil twin."
I think Alex is referring to the twist ending? Or maybe just the insane axe murderer stuff.
M. Night Shyamalan wrote and directed the Sixth Sense, Signs, Split, etc…
During this scene is the first time we see Michael's tattoo… it's on his arm. I struggled with getting a cap of it, but I know there are gifs going around.
I had every intention of detailing the dialogue in the trailer scene, but before I could get to it, Carina posted the script, so I didn't think it was a good use of my time. Here's the script:
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The next morning, Alex calls the Sheriff from outside the trailer for an update.
The Sheriff tells him that Travis and Trevor burned their home and ran...weren't caught by the sheriff.  Which means we may not have seen the last of them.
The Spanish:
"Oh my God. Dios mio, Max. I took off your pants before I even said I love you. I'm some kind of zorra."
Dios mio basically is Oh My God! So Liz really was spiraling. She went, "Oh my God, Oh my God..."
Zorra - female version of Zorro. Basically a vixen, bitch, prostitute… the internet has all sorts of fun words that it translates into. 
"I call this one Visceral Werewolf Part 2, dedicated to my boy Chee Chee, may he rest in peace."
Can we have more Bert? Bert is the best. Also kudos to his goofy friend who is wayyy too excited about this.
Forrest's slam poem:
Locked up for days,
Time slipping away,
On my knees I would pray to break free from this cage.
But bargaining for keys, you forget hidden fees.
And wishing for what you’re missing ain’t the same as living the dream. 
And now I’m fighting to stay on this side of the cage.
Even though I know a part of me wishes I’d stayed. 
Ain’t no prophet or rebel or savior or devil
Could have predicted, fought, cheated or leveled. 
A life with potential that’s squandered, 
A comfortable cell is a question I ponder. 
Am I a free man or a prisoner wanderer?
Max's memory flash:
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Young Max, chained to the ground as described in 2x03. 
Max looks scared.
He's dressed all in white like the 1947 aliens after the crash (As shown in 1x12 and 2x03).
He's in a cave or something like a cave. 
Holes in the wall are glowing an orangey red color.
The ceiling is like the alien ship material with the alien symbol in it.  
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A figure approaches from behind him, bends down, and places a hand on his shoulder.
It mirrors the figure approaching Nora in 2x03 and touching her shoulder before burning the military men...probably the same person? Noah? The stowaway? Someone new?
After the figure touches Max, he looks at the hand, and then a red glow lights his face.
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1. Xocoyotzin Herrera "Esperanza"
2. Jose Luis Lepe "La Carreta"
3. Eagle Eye Cherry "Save Tonight"
4. Lousiana Red "I Done Woke Up"
5. Whissell "Magnetic"
6. Stop Dead "Alchemistress Dance"
7.  Orville Peck "Turn To Hate"
8. Kim Petras "Close Your Eyes"
9. Orville Peck "Queen Of The Rodeo"
10. Moontricks "The Fall"
11. Years & Years "Hypnotised"
12. Jordan Critz Feat. Birdtalker "Through Your Eyes"
This time I couldn't find the Whissell and Stop Dead tracks on spotify - however the Stop Dead track is referenced at being by Chelsea Dawn in the closed captions.  Which I did find. Trying to confirm this. Let me know if anyone else had better luck!
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johnnymundano · 5 years ago
Prom Night (2008)
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Directed by Nelson McCormick Screenplay by J.S. Cardone Music by Paul Haslinger Country: Canada, United States Running time: 88 minutes CAST Brittany Snow as Donna Keppel Scott Porter as Bobby Jessica Stroup as Claire Davis Dana Davis as Lisa Hines Collins Pennie as Ronnie Heflin Kelly Blatz as Michael Allen James Ransone as Detective Nash Brianne Davis as Crissy Lynn Kellan Lutz as Rick Leland Mary Mara as Mrs. Waters Ming-Na Wen as Dr. Elisha Crowe Johnathon Schaech as Richard Fenton Idris Elba as Detective Winn Jessalyn Gilsig as Aunt Karen Linden Ashby as Uncle Jack
Theft Alert: All images from IMDB
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Donna Keppel (Brittany Snow; working hard here, bless) is the only survivor of a family massacre perpetrated by Richard Fenton (Johnathon Schaech; looking very Sean William Scott), a creepy teacher with a boner for her. Tonight Donna’s Prom Night is being held at a swanky hotel,  but tonight is also the night Richard escapes from The Home For Creepy Teachers With Wayward Boners. Everything you expect to happen happens, just a lot less interestingly than you would expect for a slasher movie, certainly for one that cost $20 million. Prom Night (2008) is like an experiment see if it possible to make a slasher flick so inoffensive and dumb it could be screened at tea time on The Disney®©™ Channel. It turns out it is in fact possible to make such a thing, but unfortunately no one would want to watch it. It actually makes you hanker for Prom Night (1980), as low-budget and timeworn as that disco slasher may well be.  
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For starters, Prom Night (2008) is not a remake of Prom Night (1980) despite what anyone says. Fuck that noise, someone obviously just wanted to use the title. End. Of. They are both slasher movies which take place on Prom Night, but that’s it. I know this because I watched Prom Night (1980) recently for the first time, and last night I watched Prom Night (2008) for the last time. Prom Night (1980) has a mystery surrounding the identity of the killer, which keeps you awake and which also has a surprisingly strong emotional pay off, whereas in Prom Night (2008) we know who the killer is from the off, which is boring and has no pay off at all. Essentially then, this is the difference between the two, one is a bit amateurish but very entertaining, while the other is slick as snot on a door handle and as dull as ditch water. 
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Ultimately only one Prom Night successfully evokes the youthful exuberance of the night in question, which is important as I am 50 and English, so I have no personal experience whatsoever of a Prom Night. Also: get off my lawn! Prom Night (1980) makes it look like a fantastically enjoyable event at which hormonally crazed kids dance enthusiastically to fantastically simplistic disco. Apparently the movie was shot with the cast dancing to real, popular disco hits until the makers realised you have to actually pay to use other people’s music (?!who knew!?). Being a bit strapped for cash they had the soundtrack composer Carl Zittrer cook up some home-made disco beats at roughly the same tempo so the visuals and sound would still gel. Carl Zitterer did an excellent job.  A bit too excellent in fact, since the similarity was still so pronounced a $10 million lawsuit was brought against the movie (and settled for $50,000 – phew!). A small price to pay for one of the most cheerful and fun dance sequences I’ve ever seen, particularly as I didn’t pay it. Prom Night (1980) is a decent slasher flick but the dance floor sequence is just pure joy.  Prom Night (2008) makes Prom Night look like a shit night club where nobody knows anyone else there; seriously, the interaction of the core group with everyone else, who they apparently have known for years, is ridiculously minimal. And the songs are the kind of heatedly sexual nursery rhymes I am generationally disposed to dislike. I just don’t get it, basically. You crazy kids! “Who’s your daddy? And is he rich like me?” isn’t so much a song lyric to me as a reason to call the sex police. And while technically the dancing in Prom Night (2008) is smoother, the dancing in Prom Night (1980) is more realistically ramshackle and energetic. 
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Also, in Prom Night (1980) the killer, whoever they are, is refreshingly human (they slip on the slippery floor at one point, etc) but in Prom Night (2008) the killer is a tediously efficient killer; which is odd because he’s just a school teacher with a creepy boner for one of his female students, which explains none of his killing efficacy. By rights he should just be crying while wanking over the school yearbook, as I imagine most creepy schoolteachers with boners for their female students do. Maybe creepy schoolteachers with boners for their female students find that reductive and a little offensive of me, and that’s a real crying shame there, because the last thing I want to do is offend creepy teachers with boners for their female students. Every school has that one teacher who dates his female students “secretly”, and as the female student ages out of school he replaces her with a new female student. Maybe you are that guy. In which case you need to hear this: Dude, you are creepy. No one is impressed; they are creeped out. Preying on children is not cool. And if they are in school they are children, I don’t care how developed their chest is. A light prison sentence or some intensive therapy are what you need, creepy teacher dude, not high fives and Budweiser with the bros. (I do apologise for the fact I went to school in the 1970s leading to my not acknowledging that creepy schoolteachers can also be female, and the students being creeped on can be both female and male; with any combination of gender being creeper and creeped upon. I guess everyone sex creeping on everyone else, well, that’s progress? Well done, everyone. Personally I would have tried to phase out the whole creepy-schoolteacher-with-a-boner-for-their-student thing but I guess expanding it across the gender spectrum is certainly one way to go.)
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In terms of cast Prom Night (1980) only really has Jamie Lee Curtis and Leslie Nielsen as “names” but everyone is okay, and the characters are all quite quirky and sympathetic. Prom Night (2008) might not have many “names” but it has a far more professional level of acting, which is a win for it. But, alas, while there are real actors in Prom Night (2008) and they all try hard with what they are given, what they are given is so lacklustre and generic it is dismaying how much effort they probably had to put in just to make the characters seem as bland as they do. There’s the black couple; he’s good at sports, she’s a bit sassy. There’s the co-dependant bickering couple; he’s controlling and drinks too much, she’s whiny and, well, she’s just whiny. The gym teacher is sparky and enthusiastic like absolutely no gym teacher I’ve ever met in my half a decade existence, but very like every gym teacher in American high school set shows on Nickleodeon. The most interesting character is Detective Nash, and that’s only because James Ransone appears amusingly miscast; unless a cop who resembles Christian Bale if he was a candleblogger is your idea of a movie cop.  Obviously that’s nobody’s idea of a movie cop, luckily though Idris Elba knows what everyone expects from a Movie Cop and delivers it with lightly self-parodic gusto. Of course   Idris Elba is unarguably a charismatic screen presence; I know that because most of the things I’ve seen him in are godawful but he is always a pleasure. Maybe it’s just unfortunate choices on my part and I’m actually missing a string of entertainment pearls starring Idris Elba, even so Prom Night (2008) would come in on the poopy side of the mark sheet. But, again, even in something as poopy as Prom Night (2008) Idris Elba is fun. Here he’s The Big City Cop so he walks like he’s prolapsed and rasps his dialogue like he regularly gargles lava-hot cawfee. The enthusiasm Elba invests in playing this poorly written part makes up a bit for the utter idiocy of the character. Ultimately though nothing could distract from Detective Winn’s stupidity, so colossally boneheaded are his actions in the movie.
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Prom Night (2008) seems to take place in an alternate universe where every authority figure is a moron. In a better slasher flick this might be a genuine attempt at a point, but here it’s just bad writing. Sure, you might think that everyone in authority in the universe we actually inhabit is a moron, and at this point in history you would have a strong case, counsellor. Exhibit one being our current lying coward of a Prime Minister (I write this in the year 2020). But the authority figures in Prom Night (2008) are actually more excessive in their cretinous obliviousness than even that lying shyster. Having (eventually) realised that the killer is loose Idris Elba visits Donna’s guardians, who decide not to bring her home immediately or have her placed in police custody for her own protection, because it might “embarrass her” in front of her friends and put a big downer on this magical night of awful dresses, terrible music and light fingerbanging. Idris Elba, a policeman remember, goes along with this, which is kind of epically dumb, but then he raises the dumbness stakes by going to the Hotel Swank to keep an eye on Donna. Literally. He actually stands by a bit of silver scaffold in the dance hall for hours, and stares at the back of her head, occasionally rubbing the top of his own head and pursing his lips. Incredibly this does nothing to locate and apprehend the killer, who is merrily killing staff and guest alike at his own convenience. Idris Elba even asks at the desk if they have seen the killer, even showing them a picture (which is some amazing police work for Prom Night (2008)). But when asked by the desk clerk if he should be concerned Idris Elba says ”no”. Later when the fact that the killer is in the hotel killing people can’t even be avoided by Idris Elba he pulls the fire alarm and the entire hotel decants chaotically onto the street. Because there’s absolutely no way the killer could get out unnoticed during that, right? Absolutely no way at all. Nu-uh! Essentially most of the people in Prom Night (2008) who die do so because Idris Elba’s character has all the brains of a shoe.
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And a lot of people do die in Prom Night (2008), but don’t get too excited slasher flick fans, because it doesn’t really feel like it because the kills are largely inoffensive stuff; which in a slasher movie is kind of offensive in itself. Prom Night (2008)  tries to distract from the lack of splatter with sudden bursts of convulsive editing which just makes it look like the killer is over amorously cuddling people to the floor, or re-enacting his favourite Super Bowl tackles. The only clue that his victims are dead comes later when we get to see the body with some dainty little red marks on their clothes. So averse is Prom Night (2008) to actually getting bloody that one character has their throat slashed and so little claret splashes it’s preposterous. If you were asleep next to somebody with their throat cut you’d wake up sodden in the red stuff, you wouldn’t have to turn them over to discover they were dead. Maybe Prom Night (2008) should have invested some of that $20 million in a medical professional acting as a consultant to tell them that throat wounds tend to, you know, bleed profusely since it’s all the blood inside you coming out of that new hole that kills you. Okay, sometimes it’s the shock of blood loss that offs you but, whatever, there’s a lot of blood involved. There is, I admit, one artfully shot kill where an arc of blood spatters a sheet of plastic but mostly the effects in Prom Night (2008) are less Tom Savini and more Tom and Jerry.
Sadly then, when it comes to this particular Prom Night (2008) you’re better off staying at home and washing your hair.
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The Forgotten (#11) for the book reviews?
Short opinion: I’m happy to forgive this book for its imperfect plotting, given its many moments of sheer awesomeness.
Long opinion:
Bless this opening.  Seriously, bless it.  I don’t know of another scene that captures the excruciating social weirdness of being in middle school better than this sequence.  The very soul of being 13 years old is the knowledge that, as awkward as it is to square-dance with one’s cousin in gym class, the only possible situation that could ever be more painful would be square dancing with a girl who isn’t one’s cousin in gym class.  Although I think there’s a lot of important commentary and character development in the apathy toward all things school-related that Jake experiences later in the series, I absolutely love all the moments with Jake being awkward in school early on.  Plus, who doesn’t adore all of the moments where Rachel goes through heroic efforts to save Jake and Cassie from themselves through throwing them at each other, sometimes literally?
Speaking of Rachel being the true hero of the series (all the others are just her sidekicks), I love Jake’s growing awareness throughout this book of how he deploys her as their first line of defense — and just how shitty it is that he encourages her to take on that role.  Sure, he’s right there by Rachel’s side when the two of them go charge off to throw themselves between an army of hork-bajir-controllers and their friends yet again, but he still sends her out there to go take the forty-odd controllers on the left while he takes the forty-odd on the right, and he’s aware that there’s something sketchy in asking that sacrifice of a friend rather than making it himself alone.  Overall he does a lot more delegation in this book than in previous books in the series: he uses Tobias as a diversion to get the rest of them on the downed Bug fighter, he puts Marco on watch when he more-or-less collapses after talking to Polo, and he sends Ax to sabotage the Bug fighter while the others all make a run for it.  And every single time he does it, there’s this moment of terror and self-doubt and occasional nausea that follows like clockwork.  This Jake is still terrified of the responsibility that his friends have handed him, and terrified that he’s going to get one of them killed with one wrong move.  He’s still obsessed with the idea that everyone expects him to be perfect and that they’ll turn on him the moment he admits he doesn’t know something.
The first book is such a mess of uncertainty, and the sixth is such a frantic scramble for survival, that this is really the first time that Jake’s narration takes the time to show us his leadership philosophy from his point of view.  He’s definitely still in the mode of rejecting the idea that he should be in charge of anything, having not yet embraced the role the way he’ll do with enormous effectiveness in #20 - #50 and with probably too much enthusiasm at the end of the war.  When Jake’s most effective as a leader is when he’s going “yeah, I think we should turn into moles — everyone else okay with that?” which is the happy middle between the amount of “oh god oh god should we turn into moles, I don’t know, we’re all gonna die” he does in this book (and to a lesser extent #6, #16, and #31) and the amount of “we’re turning into moles and anyone who says differently is going to have a Problem” he slips into in #52 and #53.
Other things I freaking love about this book: that scene at the very end with Jake talking to Ax about the fact that they both tend to hold Elfangor up as this mystical quasi-omniscient paragon of leadership, but that if they’re honest with themselves then they both know that he was probably just a lost kid like them.  The line “the taxxons could be rainforest natives” which A+ FOR SUPER-EARLY FORESHADOWING, KA APPLEGATE.  The wacky sequence with Ax awkwardly attempting to pilot the Bug fighter, only topped by the similar scene in #45.  The classic sci-fi trope of the mysterious alien ship crash with the mysterious innocuous-looking but heavily-armed locals converging on it from all sides — and the way that Applegate subverts the X-Files premise through showing the Animorphs’ super-pragmatic approach to the whole rigamarole.  The creepy and ultimately unresolved ambiguity about whether Jake died and collapsed a timeline back in on itself, whether everyone except Jake died and his memories are all that remain of them, whether it’s even possible for Jake to prevent a timeline that he can only prevent through having already experienced, whether everyone would be trapped in the loop forever if Jake didn’t end it accidentally, whether Jake dreamed the whole thing or instead has real memories for real events that are the only evidence it ever happened, whether that entire other universe was ultimately destroyed when the loop closed with Jake (or everyone but Jake) still alive…  So on.
I’m also a huge fan of this book in spite of it being less popular in the fandom because it introduces probably my favorite running motif of the series: that, if given the chance, the planet fights back.  I know it’s corny, but I love the way that totally random humans (Polo, Derek, Yami, the governor of California) just get on board with helping the Animorphs about five seconds after going “so you’re here to fight the aliens that are currently destroying my home?  Cool.  Sign me up.”  It’s a really cool way of affirming that — self-doubt or no, moral greyness or no — the Animorphs are almost certainly doing the right thing by doing their best to stop the yeerks.  The series does it with animals as well: the real monkeys fight back against Visser Three in this book, the whales help Cassie find Ax in #4, the kangaroos injure and kill several hork-bajir in #44, the crocodile that Rachel “burps” out saves Marco in #12, the orcas attack the Sea Blade in #36, etcetera.
It’s an awesome way of getting to the bottom line of what the Animorphs are actually doing: they’re protecting the people like Polo and Derek who only need one glance at the scene to figure out that the kids trying to use home team advantage against the landscape-annihilating spaceships are the ones who both need and deserve their help.  The Animorphs are fighting for the right of random humans to keep living their lives free not just from yeerk control but also free from the threat of annihilation by foreign powers.  They’re fighting for the right of the planet to keep on being itself, from the most arrogant jaguar or python all the way down to the most dislikeable piranha or ant.  People like Polo give the series a much-needed reminder about the really really big picture of what’s at stake in this war.
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seasauvage787 · 7 years ago
A Heart To Come Home To The Jonsa Gift Exchange:Milestones
for @geekprincess26   hope you enjoy!
The first time Jon and Sansa meet.... or is it?
Sansa Stark took the phone call. The man on the other end hesitated before he spoke.
“Hello, I…um… am looking to purchase an older home that needs to be restored. Kind of a fixer-upper.”
“You are interested in moving up north?” asked Sansa trying to get some more concrete information.
“I’m kind of interested in finding a calm place, a place I can work on.”
“And you currently live in Kings Landing?”
“Kind of. Not really. I stay with my parents most of the time. I have to travel a lot with my job, so I live in hotels more or less.”
“We have plenty of older properties that we represent here in Wintertown and all the way up to The Gift. Winterfell Realty Associates pride ourselves in our selection of unique properties.”
“Yes, I was referred by a friend who relocated north. Brianne Tarth.”
“Oh yes, my sister worked with her. She found her a lovely home last year. In fact, my sister is currently working with Ms. Tarth to acquire an old armory to turn into a fencing academy.
“Ms. Stark, I have a tight schedule. Is there any chance that you could show me some properties? I will be out of the country for the next 2 or 3 weeks.”
“I can certainly make arrangements. Will the day after tomorrow suit?”
“Could we make it tomorrow? I’m already here in town visiting friends. Do you know the Tarleys?”
“I’m afraid I don’t. I usually like to give a days notice for the sellers to ready their property.”
“Actually, since I’m looking for something that will be a project, I don’t think condition will matter.”
“Well then, Mr….? I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your name. And we’ve had such a long conversation. I’m terribly sorry.”
“Sorry, I didn’t actually introduce myself. I’m Jon Snow.”
“Certainly, Mr. Snow. I’ll be busy setting things up today. What time will be good for you tomorrow?”
“I’d like to get an early start. Does 10:00 am work for you?”
“Yes, that will be wonderful. Thank you for calling Winterfell Realty Associates.”
“I’ll be at your offices at 10:00, then. Thank you Ms. Stark. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow.”
“Yes. Thank you Mr. Snow.”
Sansa hung up the phone and literally screamed “Arya, oh my fucking gods where are you? Get over here! I just got off the phone with Jon fucking yes, Jon fucking Snow.”
“Yeah, how do you know that? I bet you just got pranked.”
“Because he said that he was friends with Brianne Tarth. Remember you told me that she was the fencing consultant on that gladiator or something movie.  And aren't you working with her right now to buy the old armory for her fencing academy? She referred him.”
“Yes, I am but that's beside the point. You are so shitting me. That can't be. This is the north. There's tons of people up here whose last name is Snow.”
“And are they all named Jon? Doubt that one.”
“Oh yeah. How many Jon fucking Snows are there? Google it.”
“I don't know how many Jon Snow's there are and I’m not going to google anything. It sounded like him. You know, that kind of husky... growly... sexy kind of voice.”
“All right Sansa, now you are imagining things. I bet you’ve never even seen his movies or TV show!”
“If you think I'm imagining things, then listen to this. He said he wanted to buy an old place that he could fix up. He said he travels a lot and needed a calm place.”
“I won't believe it till I see him.”
“You will tomorrow when he shows up to go looking at houses with me.”
“Then you better get your ass going and find some properties to show him. Maybe I should call him back. Ask him to be a little more specific and I’ll be the one showing him houses!”
“Oh no, you won't. This is mine. I took the call, I’m going to do the work and I get to take him to tour the properties.”
Sansa was on the computer and phone for the rest of the day. She looked through all of the properties they were representing and the MLS for the region. She was frustrated that she only came up with a handful of potentials.
Lucky for her the unique properties were all represented by Winterfell Realty Associates. She found a loft in the warehouse district of Wintertown, an ancient homestead with major wooded acreage on the edge of Long Lake, about 50 miles north, a creepy windmill with a couple acres of pasture 30 miles away, and an decrepit log cabin in the middle of the Wolfswood just 10 miles out of town.
She was sure from his vague description that he probably wouldn’t be interested in the loft, but it was located in the historic district where Brianne Tarth was looking to purchase. So it was worth a shot.
She ran a search on the Tarleys. They lived on the edge of Wintertown in one of the newer suburbs that were springing up around the University of the Northlands. They must be affiliated with the school. Why else would people move north?
Sansa left her office after everyone else had gone for the day. Since she finished her MBA a year early, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. So she went back to her family home at Winterfell and worked with her father and sister in the family’s real estate business. Actually, she was grateful. She had rushed through her BA in History, but at 20 she felt too young to be a high school teacher. Of course, she then rushed through her MBA as if the added degree would give her more direction. Not really. Not yet anyway.
All evening, Sansa was mulling these things over in her head.  She was glad that everybody was out of the house for once, even the boys. Everyone had someplace to go except Sansa. She had a glass of wine with dinner and another as she sat at her computer scanning the MLS again. Maybe if I watch his TV show, I can match his voice. I know what he looks like. What he looks like on TV in character, anyway.
Sansa signed into the family’s HBO To Go account and pulled up Jon Snow’s series. She didn’t really follow Path of Honor. It was a semi historical drama set in England and she hated when they got the history wrong. Her logical mind just refused to make that leap into fantasy. She didn’t like Lord of the Rings, either. Sansa cued up the latest episode and sat down on the couch with her third glass of wine.
She was standing in a huge drafty room. It was cold even though there was a roaring fire. She had her coat and gloves on, but she could still feel the bitter bone deep cold. Sansa looked down to rebutton her coat. There were no buttons, in fact she was wearing some sort of woolen and fluffy fur cape and a very heavy long dress that felt like leather armor. The dress itched where it caught her waist and down the front of her legs, even through the thick woolen stockings. She was definitely not wearing high heels.
The door at the far end of the room slammed open and a group of men in huge fur cloaks and similar leather armor strode into the room. This brought a strong gust of cold wind sweeping through, causing the candles to stutter. She watched the dark haired man at the front of the group stride assuredly toward her. He was frowning in the most handsome way. As he approached, she saw that his consternation was fading the closer he got to her. Sansa took in a deep breath as he knelt before her.
“My Lady Sansa. I am most humbly at your service.” he said and lowered his head.
She watched in stunned silence as he turned his head slightly to look up at her through thick dark lashes. He winked as he took her hand in his. He kissed it and whispered “My love.” into the palm of her hand.
Sansa woke up disoriented. She looked around. She was stretched out on the couch and the TV was on the home screen. Clearly she had slept through the show. It was 2:00 am, so she clicked off the screen and went upstairs to bed.
Sansa was looking out of a window on an upper floor of some sort of stone tower. There were people sparring with longswords below in the training yard. She could hear the metal clash and scrape. The two men moved like dancers and the arc of their swords careening toward impact was mesmerizing.  Did they know she was watching? She hoped not. She leaned out to get a better view. As she did, her elbow knocked a loose stone from the ledge. She watched it fall in slow motion and land with a thud. The two men froze, then looked toward the sky expecting an attack.
“Oops, sorry.” she called down to them feeling her face flush with embarrassment.
The man with the dark hair turned toward the sound of her voice. He smiled.
“Why Lady Sansa, I didn’t know you were interested in our daily training.”
“Oh. Yes, of course. Everything that keeps us safe, I guess.”
“My Lady, I am always here to keep you safe.”
Sansa woke at the sound of her alarm. What crazy dreams!  She got herself together over a cup of Earl Grey that her mother had left in the teapot. After her shower, she did her makeup carefully. Too much blush or lip and Arya would accuse her of flirting. She could hear Arya upstairs and was determined to get out of the house before her. Sansa knew they were going to be driving around all day and walking each property, so she decided that a suit wasn’t the best idea. Instead she chose a pair of tan leather jodpers and cream silk blouse. She grabbed a fuzzy wool sweater and her trainers just in case, to protect her new suede boots. She stuffed everything into a huge bag she used for her yoga mat and gym clothes. There were already four bottled waters at the bottom. She gave herself a once over in the hall mirror and walked out to her car.
It was 8:30 when she unlocked the main door to the office. She flicked on lights on the way to her office and set the pot to brew up some coffee. Sansa walked around straightening things before going back to her office to check addresses, contacts, lockbox keys and anything else she might need. It was only 8:45. A bit more than an hour until her celebrity client arrived. Wouldn’t it be hysterical if it wasn’t THE Jon Snow. Arya will never let me live this down.
Sansa went back to her office. Curiosity was killing her. She googled Jon Snow and clicked images. Hundreds of them appeared instantly. Jon Snow in costume, in street clothes, publicity shots. Ok, so if it’s actually him, I’ll know it. She glanced at the clock. At 9:30, Arya walked into her office.
“I’m hanging with you until he comes. I’ve seen every episode of Path of Honor at least 4 times. I think I deserve at least a selfie, don’t you?”
“Since when are you a fan girl?”
“I’m a secret fan girl. Come on, any show with sword fights is my type of entertainment.”
“It’s about 10:00, he should be here.”
“He isn’t, so there. See, I told you that you got pranked. Probably by your crazy ex bae, Joffrey. Why is a ‘to die for’ celebrity going to want to buy a house up here? And a fixer upper at that. Come on Sansa.”
“I’m going to reserve judgement on that until I meet him.”
The minutes passed. 10:05, 10:10, 10:12....... At 10:24, the office door to Winterfell Realty Associates opened. By this time, they had migrated to the foyer in anticipation.
“This is quite the welcoming party. For me? asked Ned Stark. “Or are you waiting for the young man just parking his car?”
“The man parking the car, of course.” replied Sansa. “I have an appointment to show him some properties today.”
“Then Arya, you scatter.You both look like..... I don’t know what you look like but, it’s intimidating. You two look ready to pounce, that’s it, like girls waiting for an autograph from a movie star.”
“Dad,” started Arya “Autographs are out of style. Selfies are so much better.”
“Don’t you dare, Arya.” said her father with mock sternness.
“Then you know who he is?” asked Sansa.
“Of course, I watch Path of Honor every Sunday. Your mother and I wouldn’t miss it.”
As they were all talking, Jon Snow quietly walked in the door. He stood there waiting until Ned looked up. He stepped forward and extended his hand to Jon and shook it heartily.
“Nice to hear that you follow our show. Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
“I do, I do too.” added Arya extending her hand and energetically shaking Jon’s. “I love the sword fights. I’m a fencer.”
“Yes, I love the fight scenes. You’re working with Brianne on her fencing academy, am I correct?”
“Hi, I’m Sansa Stark. We spoke yesterday. I have some properties per your request. They range from from about 50 miles out of town on Long Lake to here in town.” She said in a very business like manner, hoping to get past any discussion about his show. She didn’t want to admit her lack of enthusiasm.
“Sounds like a day. Shall we get going, then. Do you mind if I drive?” asked Jon. “I love it up here.”
“Not at all. I’ll get my things and we can be on our way.”
Jon followed her down the hall and into her office. Sansa didn’t realize he was standing there as she turned with her iPad, purse and bag stuffed to the brim. Her bag caught on the desk corner and the contents began to cascade out. As she reached out, she lost her balance, falling awkwardly toward Jon. He caught her in his arms and held her for the longest 30 seconds of her life.
“Oops, sorry.” she said very flustered and embarrassed.
“I am always here to keep you safe.” he replied.
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 7 years ago
He’s My Girl (Chapter 7)
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AUTHOR: miss-m-and-her-blog
GENRE: Romance, Action, Drama
FIC SUMMARY: He’s a guy, she’s a boy in disguise. He’s an actor, she’s a stuntman or -woman. How can it ever work when the famous Tom Hiddleston stars in an action film, with Charlie or Charlene as his stunt choreographer? 
WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: There would be a mention of blood, but that’s all :)
FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: This is the longest chapter for HMG, I think, and I hope that’s okay for everyone :D
The loud ringing of her phone alarm woke Charlene but there was something off about the room--daylight was already dawning through the windows.
And after rubbing her eyes, then she only found out what was wrong,
“Oh, shit! I’m so late!” She shouted out that woke Lily who is just sleeping beside her.
“Shut the fuck up, Cha! I’m trying to sleep…” Lily slurred before ending up going back to sleep and with a snore.
Charlene quickly got into the bathroom, and she didn’t bothered on scrubbing her body as it was already 7:40 in the morning. The call time in the studio is 8 o’clock and she only has 20 minutes to get ready, get out, and get the heck into the studio.
I already skipped warm-up on 7 o’clock. Al is going to kill me when I get there.
When she finally took off her clothes, she hanged them on the hooks behind her. She was about to turn the shower on but she noticed her panties from the reflection of the mirror beside her–-her panties had a big blot of red in the middle.
Charlene instinctively looked down and saw that it was indeed bloody down there.
“Fuck! Not now!” She angrily shouted at her vulva.
However, she didn’t want to be late, and so she speedily had her bath; borrowed from Demi two sanitary pads and two tampons (she used the pad first because she had never really tried on tampons before), just in case, then dressed and got her body bag.
When she finally put on her black cap, she was Charlie again.
As he rushed downstairs, he saw Uncle Barty and Auntie Baby having breakfast with their two other children, Aurora, nicknamed Ora; fifth child of the eight siblings; Penelope, nicknamed Penny; the sixth of the eight siblings.
“Hey, couz, have some breakfast first.” Penny offered after she placed the pancakes and some longganisas* on the table.
Charlie cringed but said, “I’m sorry. I’m so late for work. Maybe tomorrow.”
“Sure. What do you like for tomorrow?” Penny being the best cook of the family and also a chef at a fine dining restaurant in Downtown, was very reliable when it comes to requests like this.
“Champorado**?” Charlie replied as he swung the door open now.
“Hey, we haven’t had that for months, that would be good.” Ora spoke up, after taking a sip of her coffee.
Even if Charlie was running late, she still had a smile on her face because of how sweet and caring her extended family can be.
“Bye, guys! You’re just the best.” He sang then got out of the house.
Uncle Barty who had just folded down the newspaper that he was reading thought aloud, “Why is Cha-Cha dressed like a guy again?”
Auntie Baby answered that for him, “It’s for her work, remember? Lily told us that before.”
“Oh.” Uncle Barty shrugged.
When he got on the train, he noticed his reflection in the glass doors, he forgot to put on any contouring make-up (that Lily taught him) and the drawing of stubble in his face.
He mentally cursed to himself, I’m clean as a baby’s butt right now! And I don’t look like a man at all.
Charlie noticed that he does look handsome when he’s a man. But he thought why doesn’t he look that good when he’s a woman.
That’s just unfair. He sighed.
After getting off the train, he tried to run for it now as his wristwatch had already ticked past 8 o’clock. There was nothing else in his mind but being late, but he also thought that his run could be his warm-up too.
When he got into the studio’s entrance, he only flashed the guard his ID and kept running until he reached the training quarters.
To his shock, Al was waiting for him at the entrance of the roofed gym, with his hands on his waist and a scowl in his face.
Charlie halted to a stop right in front of Al.
“What time is it, Mr. Go?” He sounded surly and Charlie’s sure he’s getting a scolding from him.
He took a glance at his wristwatch, “8:30, sir.” Then Charlie gulped as he can feel his throat dry up because of his run.
“Warm–up’s at 7, call time’s at 8; is there nothing clear with my time schedule for you people?” Then he glared at Charlie.
“I’m sorry, sir, I woke up late–” Charlie apologetically replied but Al cut him off,
“No! I won’t tolerate this. The next time you’ll be late I’ll make sure to double the punishment for you. I hope this unprofessional behavior is the last time that I will see it.”
“Understood, sir.” Charlie looked down, and he could feel his cheeks heat up with embarrassment.
“Now, do it. 6 reps of push-ups, 5 reps of sit-ups, and 4 reps of squats. Begin.” Al ordered Charlie before walking back inside.
That was the punishment for all late-comers and no one was exempted to this.
But, Ian came over to Al and tried to reason with him, “Al, I’ll join Charlie in his punishment. Look at him, he was running late and he said he won’t do it again.”
Al only exhaled through his nose and said, “You better get back to your own damn place before I really put a dent on that pretty face of yours, Velasquez.”
Then he hit Ian’s shoulder with his own, to which Ian almost fell back but managed to get on with his feet. Ian only brushed off his shoulder, but he will admit to himself what Al did hurt.
He looked over to Charlie who was doing push-ups now outside the roofed gym and he isn’t even given a mat.
Tom also saw what is happening, and he watched Charlie from the distance as he did his punishment. He also wanted to help Charlie out but, he already saw how Al talked to Ian, and he felt it was best to not say anything for now.
Julian approached him, “Look at Ian, he’s watching over Charlie.”
Tom glared at Julian, “I can see that.”
“Well, no one’s exempted with Al’s rules. He’s a military man, you know–-well, he used to be. That’s why the man’s so damn serious all the time.”
Al had already called out Ian as his training are to begin already.
As for Charlie, he already finished the push-ups, and now he’s starting to do the sit-ups. But little did all the people knew, as he did the sit-ups, he felt his menstrual flow leak down like a gushing water pipe.
Fuck. I could feel the pieces come out. Fuck this shit! I am never going to be late again– especially if I have my period on!
The struggle of even getting up while his (her) uterus was being squished on by his muscles were harder than running quickly. Charlie worried that his pad might leak and he’ll have a red spot behind his jogging pants.
Finally, he was on the squats, he tried to feel if his butt was dry or wet from blood. When he touched his lower butt, he felt no stain or blot of blood. Charlie could finally breathe as his punishment exercises had not made his pad leak.
Only, he felt like he had ran a few more laps as he is tired as an outworked horse now. He dragged himself inside the gym and Al was watching him. But Tom saw Charlie’s face almost droop down with heaviness.
As fast as he could, he grabbed his water tumbler and ran towards Charlie.
“Charlie. Are you okay?” Tom asked as he handed him the tumbler.
Charlie didn’t spoke but Tom opened the cap for Charlie.
“Drink. Go ahead.” Tom instructed him.
At last, Charlie’s dry throat was quenched and he almost choked for a moment while drinking.
“Easy. Don’t be late again, you know now how it goes.” Tom reminded him.
Charlie gave back the tumbler, “Who’s tumbler is that?”
Tom closed the cap of the tumbler, “Mine.”
He paused and threw a surprise look at Tom. It would sound creepy but he had just drank from his crush’s water tumbler and nothing would be the same again.
As if I’d already tasted his lips too. Charlie’s thoughts played around at that idea.
“Good grief, you look pale. Are you really all right?” Tom worriedly pointed out as his lips did looked very pale.
If Charlie could only tell him that it’s his first day of his period, hence, his pale lips.
“I’m all right. Let’s start your training. Is Julian here?” Charlie was now all business and he had shooed away blissful thoughts of Tom.
They both walked towards Julian who had dragged a mat so they could begin now. But when Charlie saw Julian, Julian's eyes were squinted at his face.
“You look pale– and clean shaven. Are you okay, man?” Julian pointed out.
Charlie wasn’t in the mood to explain himself and so he snapped back, “If I get asked one more time if I’m okay, I’m going to kick someone in the balls. Is that clear?”
Both men were quite surprised with his response and so, they went on to begin the training for the day. Charlie knows well that it’s his hormones talking and being snarky today but he couldn’t well help it.
Julian and Tom both backed down from Charlie who's clearly having a bad day.
"Let's start." Charlie ordered, his voice cold and almost harsh. As they started some stretches, Julian is analyzing something in his head; he has an older sister whom he lived with until their teens.
Whenever she has her period, Julian had to isolate himself from her because she can be very grumpy.
Volatile, to the point, I might say
But then, when he thought about it...
Whenever she has a period...
And as if an epiphany had presented itself to him, he observed Charlie.
Charlie was instructing Tom for a move where the latter would slam him down the mat; as he looked at Charlie, he does look feminine or maybe androgynous. However, the way his body is shaped--Julian started to doubt.
Then, the idea of him already meeting Charlie before came to his mind. But, it was followed with the memory of Dodong's team mate from their audition, the girl that Andy Lockley rejected,
Charlie? And that girl?
At that moment, Julian saw Charlie's profile as he stood in front of Tom, giving instructions; and indeed, the mystery was solved.
They are just one person! Charlie is in disguise!
"Holy fucking shit." Julian blurted out.
Both Tom and Charlie turned to Julian who held back his mind-blown reaction.
"Did you swore, Jules?" Tom turned to Julian.
"No! No--heck no. I-I didn't said anything." He stammered.
"I thought you swore because you saw Gwen again--and I don't see her around here." Tom joked.
That caught Charlie's attention, "Gwen? Isn't she Paula's assistant?"
"Yes, and my friend, the hopeless romantic Julian Tanner, is madly in love with her." Tom teased.
Charlie spoke up, "Actually, Paula introduced me to Gwen, last Tuesday."
Julian then started walking closer so he can hear them and Tom only stood there, curious.
"Why did Paula do that?" Julian was trying not to let his anger show but Charlie felt intimidated.
"I don't know. Maybe she just wants me to meet Gwen." Charlie shrugged.
"If Paula did that--that means that Gwen must like you!" Tom interjected and Julian was not amused.
"What?! What would she like about you? Your boyish charm?" Julian almost scolded but Tom now got in between them.
"Hey, it's not my fault that Gwen likes my Korean features." Now Charlie taunted Julian.
As frustrated as he is, Julian exhaled hard from his nostrils and his eyes were blazed with anger.  In the middle of that argument, Tom noticed what Charlie meant from what he said; that he is part-Korean.
"Now, boys... We're on training. Be nice to each other." Tom was mentally laughing at himself as he sounds like a parent.
Julian stepped closer towards Charlie, as he muttered, "Let me slam him down, Tom." Julian tried to cross over Tom's barrier that is his broad shoulders.
"No! No--I'll slam him. You go sit and watch, man." Tom ordered.
Julian slumped down at the bench like a spoiled brat who had just been shouted at. For a moment, Julian almost forgot about his discovery.
You can't fool me, Charlie. And you won't fool Gwen. I'll make sure this will blow up in your face.
While Tom and Charlie stood face to face at the mat, Charlie said, "What's wrong with Julian? Is he that love-struck with Gwen?"
Tom looked back at Julian who is now pouting and scowling at them, he turned back his head and spoke, "It's the first time I've seen him like that. I mean, I've worked with him in Thor, Avengers, and Skull Island. I've seen girls flirt with him on set because we look alike--but he doesn't use that to hook up with them. But, he doesn't even take time to notice them. That's why they say he's picky."
Charlie replied, "Maybe he's waiting for the one."
Tom tilted his head and leaned in closer to Charlie. "The one?"
"Yeah. Something like a Soulmate? Destiny? One true love?" Charlie explained, complete with hand gestures.
Tom huffed at the thought of Charlie believing in soulmates.
"What? You don't believe in that?" Charlie tapped Tom's abs as if to establish something manly between them two.
Now Tom placed his hand on his waist and ran his other hand over his overgrown beard that he will be needing for the part of John Hicks.
"I don't know. With my past relationships, it made me skeptical about the idea of a soulmate. How about you? What do you believe in?"
That caught Charlie off guard. He believes it even though as Charlene, he has not met his soulmate yet.
And at this rate, disguised as a guy, I may never even attract a soulmate.
He licked his lips before saying anything else, then, with all his sincerity he replied, "I believe in the power of love."
Tom saw something in Charlie's eyes; it was as if he saw a bright hopefulness from those brown eyes, like a child believing in all things full of innocence and wonder. He didn't know it but he felt being drawn closer to Charlie.
I might ask if he's for real but--he is.
Tom went quiet for a while, but Charlie could only hope that he didn't sound like Wonder Woman saying that line.
Don't be silly, Thomas. Tom thought.
"So, am I going to slam you or not? I'll let Julian down if I won't." Tom broke the ice.
Charlie let out a laugh and they both positioned themselves.
Tom placed his right foot forward and held out his hands. Charlie nodded, "Now."
With one swooping motion, he grabbed Charlie by the arms and tripped him with his left foot. And just like he was a sack of rice, Tom slammed Charlie's butt down in the mat.  Julian stood up and went over the two. Tom held out his hand to help Charlie up.  But, because Charlie is wearing a gray jogging pants, Julian saw it clearly.
"Hey, midget man, you've got blood down your ass." He pointed out.
And as if all of the alarms in Charlie's head went out and banged around, he also felt the blood on his face drained.
That's why I felt something squishy when Tom slammed me down.
Charlie twisted and tried to look at it, and it was indeed a big blot of red. He was about to panic but he thought first what alibi he can say to talk his way out of it.
"Charlie, you're bleeding!" Tom pointed out, and of all the least Charlie expected, Tom reached out to touch the blot of red in his ass to feel if Charlie is bleeding from a wound.
When Tom's hand landed just in between the lower and inner side of Charlie's ass; Tom felt nothing in there.
Where the fuck is his balls?
Charlie slapped Tom's hand away and stood away from the two of them.
"I-It's, uh... It's probably my--" Charlie's words broke out, as he is still internally panicking.
"What?" Julian asked.
"I have this... I have this big pus in my ass!" He almost shouted out so that is what they would believe.
"Charlie, what are you talking about?" Tom demanded an explanation
A nervous laugh escaped Charlie's lips, "I had this pus for two days now. I-It probably popped already."
"Maybe I slammed you down on something sharp or anything?" Tom asked and Julian was checking the mat if there is anything sharp where Charlie landed.
But Charlie insisted, "No! It's the pus! Definitely! No doubt about it, whatsoever!"
Julian and Tom only stood there with quizzical looks on their faces. Julian is almost sure that it isn't a pus, but Tom is only worried.
"Uh, how about this... Julian? Let Tom have 4 reps with the kick pad, and I'll change my pants."
Tom spoke, "Just make sure you really are okay."
He only nodded in response.
Then, Charlie was off to the bathroom. He grabbed his body bag and ran as quickly as he can even though he can feel an eminent menstrual cramp coming.  When he was finally inside a cubicle, he pulled down his pants and his panties; the end of his sanitary pad and crotch area of his panties were soaked with blood.
Yep, this a fucking murder scene.
Charlie was clever enough to bring an extra pair of pants and panties; as if he already knew this was going to happen anyway. He took out the tampon from his bag and thought,
Why did I used a pad instead of you?!
Charlie wiped himself off before putting the tampon on. Slowly, he inserted it with the applicator, and all of his panic finally dissolved down. Charlie had to lean back and sigh out as if he had just contained a ticking bomb.
This was a ticking bomb... Of dead egg cells and uterine lining.
He changed into his black and more loose jogging pants. Once again, he was fresh as a daisy. Charlie now felt the cramps as he walked back to the gym.
I should've not ran. I fucking hate everything. He mentally rambled.
After getting in the roofed gym, he heard someone call out to him--Gwen.
"Charlie! Hi!" She waved at him so eagerly.
Julian and Tom also saw Gwen but she had an eco bag in tow, and Tom noticed that there seemed to be lunch boxes inside it.  Tom nudged Julian who froze like a mannequin when he saw Gwen.
Gwen went towards Charlie who tried to smile in spite of his cramps.  "Hi there, Gwen." He greeted when she was already beside him.
"Good morning, Charlie. I, uh, I brought you lunch." Gwen nervously mumbled.
Tom and Julian also approached them to hear what they are talking about. Gwen finally took out the lunch boxes which are actually Bento boxes.
"I made you lunch." She sweetly presented the Bento box to Charlie.
Charlie hesitated for a while to accept it, but Gwen looked so happy and proud with her prepared lunch for him that it made him take it from her. Julian saw it and his heart caved in and was crushed from the inside. Tom could see Julian's chin tremble all the while Gwen smiled and talked with Charlie.
When both of them came around, Gwen then presented the second Bento box to Tom. "Tom, this one's for you. Paula made that before leaving."
He took it and said, "I didn't know Paula could cook. I thought you were supposed to be in New York."
She crossed her arms on her chest and said, “Jolene is with Gwen. But I’ll be following them next Friday.”
The honest truth, Gwen made those both. Paula only relayed the task to Gwen because what Tom said is true; Paula can't cook. And also, Paula just arrived in New York doing a two-week show of Mamma Mia in Broadway. Of course, Paula plays the role of Sophie.
Gwen didn't said anything else about Paula's cooking skills, but she said, "Paula says check your phone. She's been texting you all morning."
Tom didn't reacted, outwardly, anyways.
Charlie opened the box and saw the meal decorated with a My Neighbor Totoro theme.
"Aww. This is so cute." Charlie sighed.
Julian looked over to see the Bento, and he wished he didn't because he felt jealous all the more.
"Since you are from Japan, I thought that you might like it." Gwen remarked.
Charlie shook his head, "Oh no. I'm actually half-Korean, half-Filipino. I lived in Seoul, and we also have Bento there."
Gwen rolled her eyes, "Ah, stupid me, to assume that you're Japanese."
But then, Charlie leaned in closer to Gwen who stood the same height as he does.
"But still, thank you, Gwen." He insinuated, and because he wanted to annoy the shit out of Julian.
This time, Gwen didn't looked like a strawberry when she blushed; she looked glowing and very much in love.
"You're welcome." Her voice became softer and there was a hint of shyness in it.
Gwen then followed, "I better go. Take care in the training, Charlie."
But Julian reacted, "Hey, what about me? O-Or Tom?" Gwen didn't replied to that as she was too busy looking at Charlie.
She finally left and if she could skip around with all the joy in her heart, Gwen would.
When Gwen was finally gone, Julian spoke, "I'm invisible. Did you see that, man? It's a fucking tragedy."
Tom tapped his shoulder as if he mourns with Julian.
"Don't worry, Jules, I'll share you the Bento." Charlie offered.
Julian wanted to say something but he kept it to himself for now. There would be a time when he'll be able to confront Charlie.
During lunch, Charlie ate with Tom and Julian. Ian wasn't able to have lunch with him because he was invited by George to have a lunch instead, outside the studio. Julian almost floated with joy when he tasted Gwen's cooking. He wanted to imagine Gwen being his wife and cooking for him. But too bad, Gwen's not going to notice him soon enough.
Tom was quiet all through lunch. He was multi-tasking; eating while texting Paula.
Why haven't you replied since 4am? What's wrong with you?  Paula texted again for the second time.
I already told you-- I was in training. And it was just 7 o’clock here at that time. Where else would I be? Tom hit the reply button too hard.
Julian pointed out his fork, “Problem with the missus?” He tried his best British accent as he teased Tom.
Tom shot Julian a dark look and Charlie saw it too. Julian gulped down and sat back as he already knew that Tom is in a bad mood.
Charlie watched Tom as his brows were furrowed and was looking down at his phone. No one might approach Tom as this dark cloud of a bad mood hangs upon him, but Charlie would. He was like a sculpted marble figure, with all the darkness etched on his face yet he still looked perfect.
Charlie feared that Tom might look back at him and snap at him for staring too much, but Tom didn't, he only looked down on his phone. As he observed Tom, he also saw that his face has its own bad side--a side where he’s not handsome.
He already saw this side of Tom when he is all surly, but Charlie was asking himself; why does he still like Tom?
He’s still perfect to me even though he looks like an old grouchy English man; so much like the tropes I see in movies.
As much as he can, Charlie tried not to sigh and then he turned his attention back to his lunch.
But, little did he knew, Julian was ultimately watching his every move. And Julian knows Charlie’s eyes sparkle on Tom’s way.
Meanwhile, Tom received a reply from Paula,
I was worried about you when you didn’t replied! And I felt stupid to know that you just actually ignored my texts.
Tom clenched his jaws; he is tired from the training, and this isn’t the thing that he needs right now. And even if he did nothing wrong, all he could do was reply back this,
I’m sorry, hon. Please, I just forgot about my phone, I was in training. I do hope you understand that.
He waited for Paula’s reply, but he wasn’t touching his food anymore.
Julian then spoke up, “Eat up, man. You’ll need your strength until the afternoon.”
Tom ignored Julian as Paula’s reply came up.
I’m sorry, too, hon. It’s just that I’m not used to this. I miss you.
He exhaled and scratched the back of his head. He started typing,
I miss you, too. But we have to make this work, hon.
Immediately, Paula answered,
Okay. I’ll do my best not to  miss you too much. Just take care there. See you in two weeks. I love you. xx
The problem was solved, it was just Paula being a baby; and Tom had contained it, thankfully.
But before eating again, Tom called someone over the phone.
“Hey, Luke? You’re in New York now, right? Can you contact Jolene, she’s with Paula now. Tell her to order red carnations or red roses--a dozen. They’re Paula’s favorites.”
Tom paused as the man spoke over the line, then he said, “To cheer her up. My girl’s very down right now. Thanks, Luke. You’re the best.”
Then the call ended and Tom started eating again but he didn’t said any word to Charlie or Julian, nor did they.
But, Charlie thought that it was very sweet of Tom to do. Though he had admit, there is a faint sickness of envy that sits down inside him.
What I would do to be Paula... Psh, maybe nothing. Come on, Cha, you’re Charlie right now! You shouldn’t even think about that! Charlie internally rambled.
The trio continued their lunch without saying anything else all through the end.
“Attention, guys! Mr. Greener would like to make an announcement.” Pete, the assistant stunt coordinator spoke out.
Al spoke up, “Grab some mats and take a seat, people.”
All the actors and stunt men who had just finished their training came over in a circle around Al.
It was almost quitting time and it was the appropriate time to make some announcements. But, when Charlie grabbed a mat, he saw Dodong who is also about to take the mat he is holding.
“Oh, go ahead. I’ll find another one.” Dodong courteously replied.
They both got a good look at each other, but Dodong didn’t reacted when he saw Charlie. Charlie almost had a mini-heart attack when he thought that Dodong would recognize him.
He laid out now the mat so Julian and Tom can sit there. He was going to stand up during the announcement but Tom pulled him down beside him to sit down.
“Were you just going to stand there while the meeting is going on?” Tom asked Charlie who is now sitting close to him.
Charlie only shook his head; if he had answered Tom, he would’ve said that he doesn’t plan to sit next to his crush so it would make it so much harder for him to breathe or even think.
But of course, Charlie kept that all to himself.
Al started to speak out with his deep and booming voice, “Now, in two weeks time the film would start with the principal photography. The filming location would be in London, around Westminster and some other areas in West End.
“For the stunt team; I would like all of you to prepare your passports and needed documents, ahead of time, please.”
All of them nodded in agreement, then he followed, “That’s all. I think for the actors’ part, the production team has prepared your papers.”
But Charlie was a little bit confused; he wasn’t sure if he is coming to London also, because he was not sure if that was part of his contract.
“Y’all dismissed. That’s it for today.” Al declared.
All of them started to pack up the mats, but Charlie is still left with confusion.
“Tom, am I coming with you to London? I mean with the stunt team.” Charlie turned to Tom who just stood up.
“I’m not sure. I think they said that you will just train me, but you are part of the stunt team.” He replied then he held out a hand to help Charlie stand up.
“You better ask Al to clarify that.” Julian spoke up as he rolled in the mat.
Charlie didn’t said anything else and approached Al.
“Mr. Greener--” Charlie’s voice squeaked, but he cleared his throat, “Mr. Greener, can I ask you about something?”
Al stared at Charlie and said, :”Yes, Charlie, about what?”
“Am I coming with the stunt team in London? I’m not sure if that’s part of my contract or my job anymore.”
Al stood closer to Charlie, he saw how Al’s muscles glisten with sweat when the light of the afternoon sun hit his dark skin.
“You are coming with us to London, George requested that. And you’ll be part of the fight sequences in the film.”
Charlie’s eyes were wide open, he didn’t know that he would be part of the fight scenes also.
“Are you sure, sir? I mean... This means so much to me.” Charlie gasped.
Al snickered and for the first time Charlie saw him actually smile.
“You’ll do good, Charlie, I know. Just don’t be late again, understood?” Al quipped.
“Yes sir!” Charlie giddily replied.
From afar, Tom can already see that Charlie’s happiness. He wasn’t really meant to join the stunt team as he was just hired to train Tom and his contractual work will end after the training, but Tom is glad that Charlie would be able to go with them to London and that his job is extended.
Julian stood close to Tom, “Look at the kid, he’s excited.”
“I know. Charlie’s done a marvelous job, don’t you think? He deserves his contract to be extended.” Tom replied.
Charlie now walked back to them, still wearing a wide smile on his face.
“Guys! I still have a job!” He beamed at them.
“Congratulations, man.” Tom placed a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.
Julian saw how Charlie reacted, his eyes changed into a faint surprise but his smile was now sweeter rather than jubilant.
“Thank you. I thought I was out of job.” Charlie placed a hand on his chest to show his relief.
They talked for a few minutes more before going home, but Julian never took his observant eye away from Charlie.
When the three of them bid goodbye to each other, Charlie went to his bag that were placed on the shelves at the entrance of the gym.
Charlie didn’t wanted to shower there in the studio because he wanted to go home already and tell everybody the good news about his job, and then to Lily that his sort of revenge on Andy Lockley is still a go.
He already wore his sweatshirt and cap. Charlie was half-expecting for Ian to offer him a ride home, but thought that it would be embarrassing to still accept it.
I’m not going to abuse that privilege from Ian. Maybe next time. He playfully thought.
Charlie was out of the roofed gym when he felt a hand hook his elbow.
“Hey, Charlie. Are you off home? Can I talk to you for a minute?” It was Julian, and Charlie doesn’t like Julian’s tone.
“Okay.” He replied, unsure if he should’ve said that.
Julian dragged Charlie in a more obscure part of the studio, into a warehouse where no one else goes. Charlie started to get nervous and he started to think that Julian might do something bad to him, and it might be because of Gwen.
When they were at the entrance of the warehouse, Julian flashed Charlie his meanest look, like he’s doing a bad cop interrogation.
“How’s your pus? On your ass?”
“What pus?” Charlie replied, and he didn’t mean to say that out loud, but the words slipped from his mouth.
“A-ha! I fucking knew it!” Julian roared and his hands clapped loudly.
Oh shit! Charlie dreadfully thought, and now he’s panicking again.
“I knew it! You’re not really a guy, are you? And that you have your period today, that’s why the blood stain and snarky mood?” Julian taunted him.
Charlie started to come up with an alibi and he kept shaking his head, “Now let me explain--”
Julian cut him off, “You’re that girl whom Andy Lockley rejected, are you?”
For a while, Charlie was caught off guard, he wasn’t able to speak. He tried to speak out, but his mind had already been clouded with panic, he didn’t knew anymore what to tell Julian.
Charlie slowly nodded, Julian's suspicion was confirmed. He really is intuitive sometimes, Julian thought.
“Why are you doing this? And why are you flirting with Gwen?” Julian fired away the questions.
Charlie frowned, “First of all, I am not taking Gwen away from you--and as if she’s yours--I’m just doing that because you look damn hilarious when jealous.”
He breathed in to start explaining to Julian, “I’m doing this to prove a point.”
Julian guffawed and spoke, “What? That’s the lamest thing you can come up with? That’s it, that’s your reason?”
Charlie glared at Julian and then he stopped laughing,
“I know it may be stupid or lame, but I have to. Do you know the feeling when you’ve been put to shame by people who thinks that you can’t do anything? Or that you’re nothing? You’ll feel crushed; like you’ve been measured and judged accordingly, because they think that they are the best all-knowing people, ever, to exist.”
Julian’s demeanor softened when he heard that from Charlie. What he says is true, and it happens every time in Hollywood and everywhere in the show business.
“Now, I don’t what you are planning--to tell me off to Andy Lockley or to whoever the fuck you want, I don’t care. But I have to do this. And I have no other job, so... I don’t know anymore.”
Julian then looked away, feeling ashamed for making fun of Charlie’s motives.
“No. I won’t tell anyone. I thought that you disguised yourself because you like Tom and you wanted to get close to him.”
Charlie snorted, “That sounds like out of a Korean Drama series that I used to see, back when I was still in Seoul. And excuse me, I’m not into Tom.” Charlie lied at the last part.
Julian raised an eyebrow at him, “Oh really! Like I don’t see you checking him out when he’s not looking?”
Charlie shrugged, there was no hiding with Julian.
“No, no. I will assure you, you’re secret is safe with me... But I have something in mind.”
Charlie felt nervous again after Julian said that.
“What is it?”
Julian licked his lips, “Help me with Gwen. I know it may sound weird but I can’t flirt with her; I don’t know how to approach her. Whenever she’s there I just turn into a motherfucking stone.”
Charlie chuckled, with a look of disbelief on his face.
“Sure thing, dude.” Charlie clicked his tongue after
“Really?! Oh thank you so much, Charlie!” Julian was so relieved that his eyes popped with excitement.
“Charlene. My real name’s Charlene, just so you know. Can I trust you, Julian?” Charlie held out his hand to shake Julian’s.
Julian took his hand firmly, “Can do, Charlie. Can I trust you with your help?”
“I’m a woman, er, man of my word.” Charlie replied earnestly.
They were almost rivals for a time, but Charlie now found a friend in Julian. He can only pray that Julian don’t blabber away his two secrets: that he is a woman cross-dressing as a man and also his crush for Tom.
*Longganisa is a Filipino viand, sort of sweeter variant of sausage
**Champorado is Filipino breakfast/snack that is cooked with cocoa powder and sticky rice, sometimes also with coconut milk
6 notes · View notes
skiasurveys · 8 years ago
Talk about...
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie. - I cant remember that well since I was a little kid.. ( The lion king), um but I remember being so into it and I loved animals and it kind of started me wanting to draw. But i cant remember the first time i watched it. 
2: Talk about your first kiss.  We were really awkward, I liked him..but not enough, and so we went driving around, got starbucks, and then found this bench and we were talking/flirting, and then he just kissed me. But it was nasty asf, it was so gross. his spit was all over me, blehh. I hated it. I remember being like if this is kissing i do not want it. It wasnt tell i kissed another person that i was like Oh thats what its supposed to be like..
3: Talk about the person you've had the most intense romantic feelings for. He is my current boyfriend. We met on Okcupid in 2015 right after i had finished high school. It was like September. its funny because i wasnt rly serious on that site but then I started to talk to him and we hit it off really well.. we dated for  a week then broke up LMAOOO. But then in April 2016 we started to talk again and in May we dated. so its been a year so far, and i am really in love with him. He and I click very well, he’s  7 years older than me. we play video games together but sometimes i watch him play by himself cus its fun that way too. He likes anime tho and i hate it lol. hes very funny and he can be super sweet and romantic and sometimes hes jusr a fkn nerd. idk what else to say before i start going on forever about it.
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.  Meeting the dude who assaulted me. we were just friends and i had a bad feeling about him but i shoved it off. and then he attacked and assaulted me. I wish i went with that gut feeling. Thank god hes gone.
5: Talk about the best birthday you've had.  My best birthday was either my 18th or 19th. My 20th was boring. But my 18th I got a wii U and i got drunk too, and i had fun. but yeah, like idk the best prob was when i was a child and had lotsa friends and cake.
6: Talk about the worst birthday you've had.  My 16th because my dad was dying.
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.  My biggest insecurity is my body shape.weight. I just hate it because I feel fucking ugly and fat and I really am not, but idk i just want to be skinny and tiny.
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of. I am proud that i graduated and got my license, since I was struggling to graduate which was like 2 years ago but i was going through a lot.
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most. I like my eyes, and I do like that i have small hands and feet. ( its easy to find shoes). But I also like my legs and that I have a bigger butt. 
10: Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had.  theres been a few. But i think with my ex friend who just said she hated me and it was random asf, but she ghosted on me after and so it wasnt really a fight. another one i had was when i started to date my current BF and he wasnt being the best and I was like maybe i should drop him so i tried too and then we fought and then we actually were adults and explained the situation and we sorted it all out. since then we have been so good. like we know how eachother works. Lol fuck.
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had. I cant think of one.
12: Talk about the worst dream you've ever had. i had a nightmare where this creepy ass creature was crawling up my walls and turned its head all around and had lifeless eyes and creepy sharp jagged teeth, and it was just terrifying. but then my mom killed it.. wtf
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time. The first time i had sex I was super nervous. ( It was with my current bf), and we tried and then i started to cry because I was nervous and also from my trauma, and then he was like okay thats fine. Then later that night he asked if we wanted to try again so I said sure. and so we started to make out and then before i knew it was actually inside me and I was like wtf that wasnt bad, and it felt really good. It wasnt overly romantic like they make in movies but it was super good and he was slow and good with me. ever since then i crave dick every minute LMAOOO.
14: Talk about a vacation.  I went to disneyland with my mom the year i was graduating high school. It was so much fun, I felt so safe and happy . I cant really explain what i felt just felt like everything was gonna be OK and the rides were just so awesome and the food was great lol
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.  It was when I was starting to date Connor again and we were hanging out and I was like wow, my life is going perfect right now and I felt so happy.
16: Talk about the best party you've ever been to. I never go to parties but the one i went to was at my boyfriends friends house and I just started to drink rum n coke and it was really good and made lots of friends but there wasnt that many people there but i felt really happy.
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.  I cant think of anyone lol
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.   i got bullied alot for stupid shit.
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.  I was in foods class and I was with my friend Jenna, Brittney, Shae and Julia. There was orientation for the kids from elementary that night, and so we asked if we could stay extra and make the cookies and so we were allowed. Then Julia and Shae left to use the washroom. Jenna and I had finished up and were heading to our other class, and as we walked in there was a alarm for a lock down and we were like holy shit. There was somekid with a knife walking around. they calmed him down, but it was really creepy. But our friend brittney was by herself in the foods room and she was crying and i felt so bad omg rip brittney
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.  I had math class one afternoon and the class before me apparently this girl had a seizure. But i didnt know, so when we walked in the classroom I was like wtf why are the desks all pushed around and so i thought they did some activity, but it turns out this girl had a seizure, and my friend told me about it and how it was super traumatizing our teacher even got bit. it was really weird..
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.  He is my friend still but he really liked me and he asked me out and I had to tell him No and i said that i wasnt looking for a relationship but it was super awkward but hes cool.
22: Talk about your worst fear.  choking.
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down. I really liked this one guy and we went on a first date and then he asked if  i wanted to chill the next week and so i said sure. But then that day he had texted me and said he was busy and that i couldnt come over and so I was like Oh ok, cool. and then he told me to make sure i wasnt looking for anything serious, and then so i never saw him again after the first date. But he was really boring so thank god i didn’t. and its funny cus a few months after he had some gf and i think he is still with her cus i would see them at the mall all the time. but yeah im glad it didnt work out!
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot. One night ( this is cheesy ) It was like 4 am and Connor was watching TV and I was scrolling through tumblr lookin at funny memes/posts and he just turned and looked at me and said “Jen, youre my best friend” and it just made my night. It was super sweet and i felt great. 
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.  ho ho ho okay, so we were friends since grade 9 summer/beg of grade 10. we were close asf, we liked the same shit, we thought the same. she was great. she was the first best friend i ever had rly. so a couple times through out our friendship she would kind of vanisha nd not talk but it was her depression and it was annoying asf. anyways.. after grade 12 grad  (this is like oct 2015), i tried to message her but it wouldnt let me! so i soon realized she blocked me on everything. i texted her thanks for that and then feb 2016 we became friends again, then may 2016 she ghosted on me but she finally sent message saying how she hated me etc and really too this day it hurts but i still dont know what actually fucking happened.
26: Talk about things you do when you're sick.  if im really sick  i just sleep and watch youtube videos. or ill have a bath.
27: Talk about your favorite part of someone else's body.  i really love my boyfriends arms. theyre so big and strong. mmmm.
28: Talk about your fetishes.  i dont rly have a fetish tbh.
29: Talk about what turns you on.  i like when my bf dominates me, but not too hardcore. I like neck kissing, facial hair, deep voices, motivation. I like being tackled like play fighting and i like when he touches my thighs etc. mm
30: Talk about what turns you off.  being an asshole, racist/sexiest, if youre super smelly. if youre really tall and skinny.
31: Talk about what you think death is like.  i dont know. its probably weird asf.
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.  i remember this place called Moonwalkers and it was this crazyass jungle gym we had and it was the best shit ever.
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.  i draw, listen to music, have a bath..etc
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you've endured. getting hit by a car.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.  i wish i would stop comparing myself to every fucking person i see.
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.  some anime. 
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with. i thought i loved wade, but i really was just liking the idea of someone. this was in high school. lol it was really weird and i didnt like it.
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people. it depeds on the song and the person. pink floyd reminds me ofmy ex friend. Anime/kpop songs remind me of Kyra and super lovely songs and omam remind me of connor
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.  not everyone you lose is a loss.
40: Talk about the end of something in your life. the end of high school and teenage years was really weird. i remember feeling so out of place and not sure what t do with myself.
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anneedmonsonus · 6 years ago
14 Great Books About Houses: My Reviews
If I was down to my last $20, I’d probably buy a coffee and a book… maybe a novel about a house.
Me at bookstore *Spies book with pretty old mansion on cover* TAKE MY MONEY
I am very partial to a story where an amazing house is almost a character. And I’m a total sucker for a book cover with a beautiful old sprawling manse, the more secretive-looking, the better. (Add a stone wall and a pair of wrought iron gates and I’ll cough up an extra $2).
“How do you find time to READ?” my friend Deb asked me once. She is also a mum (but she has three young boys) and also has a small business. “E-books,” I told her. E-books have revolutionised reading books for me as an adult. I don’t have a Kindle – I usually read books on my phone.
I love the immediacy of an eBook – you can buy it in seconds. Yes, like many people, I love the FEEL of paper between my fingers, and the smell of an old book – but if there was the choice between a book on a phone and no book at all, I’ll take the book on a screen.
What’s also great about reading on a phone is that you can easily read one-handed, and you don’t even need to be holding it. I can read a book while nursing the baby, which was INFINITELY more satisfying than tiredly scrolling Instagram in those hazy crazy newborn days. I quickly learned I could feed a baby in a dark room and read at the same time (just flick the book app onto night mode) without the glare waking the baby up too much. It definitely made those night wakings a little more bearable.
And there’s the portability factor – I can read while waiting in line at Woolies or while doing inane tasks like folding laundry or chopping vegies. You can do it! I totally get feeling like you don’t have time to read – but you can. I feel happier and content when I am in the middle of a good book, like life is more rounded and fulfilling somehow.
Today I thought I’d share some of my favourite books that feature houses in a major role – and I’m hoping you get time to read at least one! I would love to hear your book suggestions too.
Yes, the protagonist is an alcoholic female, which seems to make a lot of people cross as there seems to have been a spate of unreliable female narrators lately, but I enjoyed this psychological thriller for what it is: a punchy, addictive little pageturner you could read in a night or two. And the house in it is a crucial part of the story; an amazing 19th-century Harlem townhouse set over five storeys. Living in Perth, where a four storey house is unusual, multi-storey living fascinates me (just imagine how good your calf muscles would be) and sent me on a delightful real estate rabbit-hole swooning over New York townhouses.
The Woman in the Window is another one of those domestic thrillers that people immediately compare to books like Gone Girl and Girl on the Train. It drives me nuts. I totally get that it’s a marketing ploy when publishers do it, but even worse is it trickles over into reader reviews where you get people pompously declaring, “WELL. That was NOT Gone Girl.” Well… because it’s not Gone Girl. Ironically I’m writing this as I’m writing short reviews myself, but I think you should start a book without too many expectations and without immediately comparing it to another book in the same genre.
I recently learned that they are releasing a Woman in the Window movie with Amy Adams soon; she can do no wrong and I will be watching.
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REBECCA Daphne du Maurier
“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again,” is the opening line of Rebecca, and regarded as one of the most memorable and famous opening lines of any novel. And once you have visited Manderley in Rebecca, it will stay with you for a long time. I read this for the first time when I was 18 – so probably not too much older than the protagonist would have been – at an age when I could completely identify with those unsure, insecure and competitive feelings the protagonist felt. But even today I still think it is a great read; a dark look at jealousy, secrets and insecurity. The story is about a young (unnamed) protagonist who is working as a companion for an older woman in Monte Carlo when she meets a handsome older widower named Maxim de Winter. She learns that Maxim’s former wife Rebecca, a beautiful, charitable woman who was universally adored, recently drowned at sea and many people are devastated about her death. Despite the recent loss of his wife, Maxim asks the young protagonist to marry him, and after their honeymoon they return to his huge house, Manderley. But the young protagonist finds she has big shoes to fill, and few take kindly to Rebecca’s ‘replacement’. Even though Rebecca is dead, she is like ‘the other woman’, haunting Manderley from the grave.
Du Maurier based Manderley, the Gothic mansion in the novel, on an abandoned house in Cornwall called Menabilly that she had been obsessed with since she was a girl. Eventually she managed to lease it from the owner and moved in, remaining there for most of her life (even though it was not properly habitable) until she was basically kicked out. Dark, foreboding Manderley is an incredible setting, and although this book is slow to start, once it gets going you won’t be able to put it down.
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Alice Love doinks her head in a gym class and wakes up to find she is no longer 29, pregnant with her first child and crazy in love with her husband Nick – instead she is 39, has two kids and is in the middle of a divorce.
She can’t remember anything of the last ten years at all and has to reconstruct the events of a lost decade – and see if she work out why her life, her marriage and her relationships with those close to her have become what they have. (The upside? In that ten years, Alice and Nick have completely transformed the ramshackle character home they were painstakingly doing up when she was 29 is now a perfectly finished luxury home with a pool – Alice’s glee at seeing her house for the ‘first time’ is funny).
What Alice Forgot is actually one of my favourite Moriarty novels – it will make you examine the way the passage of time can make you take some things for granted and let other things deteriorate.
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JAMAICA INN Daphne du Maurier
Ok, so I think Daphne du Maurier can do no wrong, especially on the gothic thriller front, and the house in Jamaica Inn is immediately so cold and cruel and creepy that it perfectly sets the ominous tone for the rest of the book. Also, Jem the horse thief is sexy. It’s fine to be a horse thief… if you’re sexy.
Probably TMI, but I read this on our honeymoon in Italy, after a beautiful day hiking in the Dolomites, and our son was born nine months later, so you do the maths. We don’t need Fifty Shades of Grey over here. We just need a rude horse thief. (By the way, I thought 50 Shades was crap. There is WAY better erotica out there… not saying I read it… but you know, it’s out there).
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I’ve always been intrigued by people who live in the most remote lighthouses in the world. It sounds fun in theory, but in real life I think I would go nuts.
And as much as I love him, I could not imagine living with just my hubby on a remote island for months on end, let alone years. We would kill each other.
It’s part of why I was first interested by the story of The Light Between Oceans. Lighthouse keeper Tom Sherbourne and his wife April live a quiet existence on a remote island off Western Australia, all by themselves. One day a boat washes ashore carrying a dead man and a crying baby. Their decision they made that day comes back to haunt them years later. Books about ethical dilemmas always catch my interest. I always put myself in their shoes. Would I steal a baby? No, but after reading this I can sort of understand how someone else might.
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Oh, Kate Morton’s publishers are clever. They know that books with pretty old, secretive-looking houses on the cover are like porn to people like me, and I’m not the only one. There’s a definite theme to her covers and a definite theme to her books, which frequently feature sprawling homes in the most romantic idylls of England.
Morton was recently quoted as saying, “Some houses whisper, ‘Write my story!’ so loudly that it’s impossible not to start imagining what the walls might have seen.” She is fantastic at setting a scene, and I like it. This was my first of hers and the house in the novel, an old rambling mansion in the heart of the Cotswolds, one of my favourite places on earth, is just the kind of setting I most enjoy.
I thought the ending was a bit twee, but on the whole it was a fun read.
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Emma Donoghue
This is a divisive book. Because I know some people hear of the concept of this book and just go NO THANKS. Look, give it a try. I could have read this in one sitting (except, you know, kids).
Can we consider a shed a house? I think so – particularly if that shed was all the protagonist knew for the first six years of his life. It was his house – his whole world. As soon as I heard about the concept of this book, I was intrigued. Donoghue wrote Room after hearing about Josef Fritzl, who kidnapped his daughter Elisabeth and kept her captive for 24 years. He raped her and fathered seven children with her.
Elisabeth’s son Felix was five when they were finally rescued, and Donoghue was intrigued by what it would be like at that age to leave the life you had always known and go into the world. She loosely based the book on elements from the Fritzl case and other real-life kidnappings.
Room is about a little boy called Jack and his mother. Unbeknownst to Jack, his mother was kidnapped by a man they call Old Nick and for years he has kept them locked in a tiny shed in his back yard – and Jack is the product of that abusive relationship. What’s fascinating about Room is that it’s told from the point of view from the little boy – and the shed they live in, that he calls Room, is the only world he’s ever known. It’s amazingly written and I fell in love with the sweet kid. I read it when Little Nerd was a baby, and it tore at my heartstrings.
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The book that inspired the Netfix show (but they’re nothing alike). I was drawn to Shirley Jackson’s writing when I heard about The Lottery, a short story she wrote, published in the New Yorker in 1948, that so incensed readers she received hate email. She is an amazing writer, and the Haunting of Hill House is a dark, uneasy psychological thriller/Gothic novel that still chills now as much as it did when it was published in 1959.
The story follows four strangers as they begin the summer at Hill House, a reportedly haunted home, for the purpose of reporting on its supposed supernatural phenomena. The protagonist is Eleanor Vance, a painfully shy, anxious 32-year-old woman who has spent the past 11 years as her invalid mother’s carer. After her mother dies, Eleanor is invited to spend time at Hill House with Dr Montague, a scholar of paranormal phenomena, who has asked Eleanor and two other people to come with him. It’s a dark, creepy novel COMPLETELY different to the Netflix series (which I have not, and probably will not, watch – I like a creepy book but not a creepy show!) Jackson’s writing is vivid; the picture she paints of Hill House is of a house diseased and decaying, Jackson describes the disorienting mansion as ‘vile’.
I know most Shirley Jackson fans prefer We Have Always Lived in the Castle and yes, it is good, but there is something I liked about Hill House more.
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I have to include ONLY THE GREATEST BOOK ABOUT A HOUSE EVER. Am I right, Babysitters Club fans?
If you did not once rap on the wall of an old house, listening for a hollow noise that could signify a secret room or secret passage beyond, were you even a child of the 90s? All I wanted since was to live in a house with a secret room or passage.
This novel sparked my lifelong fascination with the old houses of New England, although I was perplexed by the Underground Railroad mention. When I first read it (at the age of six) I actually thought the Underground Railroad WAS some sort of tiny miniature railroad, something I continued to believe for many years (thank you Ann M. Martin, a little bit more detail there would not have gone astray).
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Richard Matheson
Forget everything you think you know about vampires (sparkly, delicious-smelling, Edward Cullen going to chemistry class, meh) and then put aside your memories of the movie version of I Am Legend – and enjoy getting creeped out by this awesome science fiction horror novel that inspired the Will Smith movie (and yes, I do think it IS a good movie!)
I Am Legend was written in 1954 by American writer Richard Matheson and has stayed just as good to this day. It’s VERY different to the movie. Unlike Will Smith’s house in the movie, Robert Neville doesn’t live in a home filled with rescued famous artworks, but his little home, where he barricades himself against the vampires every night and prays for sunrise, is integral to the story nonetheless, and the scene Matheson paints is indelible. Not to everyone’s taste (you might like your vampires more wholesome) but it is a good read.
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Ok, not a fan. I know, I know. A lot of people LOVE this book (which is why I am including it) I am not one. After the first two chapters, which were decent, I struggled to finish it.
The old Victorian homestead in it is a huge part of the story, and lovely, but overall I felt like it was syrupy-sweet and over-written, the storyline was too whimsical and the main character gasped too much. The best part of this book was the beautiful cover.
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(also titled MR FLOOD’S LAST RESORT)
Jess Kidd
A creepy old Gothic mansion, a hoarder and a likeable protagonist and her kooky hermit friend – one chapter into Mr Flood’s Last Resort and I was hooked.
I won’t tell you too much more than that, but when I started reading this I felt like it had been a while since I’d read something that felt so original and that was fun.
The setting is a house called Bridlemere, a creepy grade II listed Gothic mansion in West London crammed with layers and layers of junk its elderly owner has collected over the decades, and it is up to careworker Maud Drennan to help tidy it up.
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Have you ever looked at a big, beautiful house from the outside and enviously thought that whoever lives there must lead the most charmed, lucky, wonderful life?
Well, that’s definitely not always the case, as The Girls In the Garden proves. Like moths to a flame, this was another book I was drawn to because of the beguiling cover (ivy on an old house = seems to be symbolic of secrets that lie within).
This was my first foray into the work of Lisa Jewell and then I read her others in rapid succession (see below). The Girls in The Garden is not my favourite of hers – but it’s not bad. In typical house-nerd-dorky-style, it made me want to learn more about a housing concept I found really interesting; London terrace homes that all face onto and connect to a private, communal park, where (the idea is) that kids can roam from home to home freely and safely… hopefully.
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I’ve always been interested by what makes people hoarders, and that is what drew me to this book. The story is about the Bird family, who live in a beautiful honey-coloured cottage surrounded by lovely rambling gardens in an idyllic Cotswolds village.
On the outside everything looks lovely; the Birds seem like the perfect happy family, as time goes on you realise how dysfunctional they are; with the lovely mother Lorelei, seemingly the ‘jewel’ of the family who finds joy in creating beautiful memories for her children, sort of the opposite, you realise she is a complex and narcissistic person who slowly tears her family apart (I actually really disliked her).
I finished this novel feeling conflicted about it – it IS well-written, but the storyline gets quite depressing and the mother becomes so annoying! In any case, I couldn’t put it down and had to find out what happened next. Lisa Jewell writes well and she can keep even a depressing storyline going. Worth a go.
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My husband grew up on a tiny island off the southern coast of Western Australia, where only a handful of families lived and to go to school he had to catch a ferry. We met in high school, but dated and married much, much later, when I found out that once my family and I had actually holidayed on that same tiny island, when I was eight. I remember two cheeky local boys riding past my friend and I on their bicycles – it may well have been him!
I’ve always been interested in what it must have been like to live in such an isolated locale (“frequently boring,” my hubby would probably say) and so the premise of The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty enticed me.
A woman in her 30s is shocked to learn she’s inherited her ex-fiance’s aunt’s house, who took a shine to her. The old house is on Scribble Gum Island, a tiny island with a mystery – the Baby Munro mystery. In the 1930s, a tiny baby girl was found alone in a house on the island, her parents having seem to have vanished. The old house and island has since become a popular tourist spot.
This isn’t my fave Moriarty novel, and in my opinion not one of her best books, but she’s one of my fave authors and it’s still a decent read – the lady can do no wrong, and the setting will definitely make you wonder if you could live on a tiny deserted island with no stores (my answer: I could not. I like to be within reach of a coffee shop and dumplings at all times).
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Have you read any of these? What are your favourite novels that feature houses? Maya x
The post 14 Great Books About Houses: My Reviews appeared first on House Nerd.
from Home Improvement https://house-nerd.com/2019/04/14/great-books-about-houses/
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hi my guys i just tried writing my first fanfic and i really hope you like it uwu
its more of a script as i envisioned it as a movie or tv show :3 The Bye Bye Manlet
Jane! Jane! Jane, it's me. Open up. Did you tell anyone? Did i... About the name. The name. Yeah, I told Rick. He thought it was funny. Just Rick and nobody else? No. Why? What's the matter? Barack, what's wrong? I'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. Barack, you're scaring me. What are you doing? Rick? Ricky? Rick, the name. Janie! Did you tell anyone? Anyone? Ba… Barack, please. Please. I... Rick, he's coming! The name. Mi... Michelle. I to... I told Michelle. I'm gonna stop you! Michelle! - Barack! - Mom! Run! - Who did you tell? - He killed them! Don't think it. Mom, come on! Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Michelle! Did you say the name? Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Who did you say the name to, Michelle? Barack! Barack! What's up, playboy? How's it going? Good. Today is a good day. You got the key? No, it's under the mat. Ah. It's only 20 minutes. This is the first time he's rented the place. The guy says it's fantastic. What else would he say? It's a doghouse? I'm trying to convince her. Come on, man. Work with me. Sash? Yeah. I'm up for it. It's a little creepy. Right? Nah, it's just cold. Heat's off. I gotta piss like a racehorse. Cute. Dude! This place is sweet, bro. Hey. Right? We could put the desk over there. We could put the bed here. Well, maybe if there was a bed. I know. The landlord said it was fully furnished. Yo, El, come and check this out, man. This is crazy! Yo, come on down. Yo, El, come in here, man. Oh, it's... you can't get this in the dorms, right? Now, that's... That's classic. John, you really think Sasha wants to see that? Or that? Oh. You got the whole upstairs to make girlie. Okay? I've definitely seen bigger. See? You're awesome. Bro. She's awesome, man. Oh, yeah, you guys must've been hilarious when you were young. Must've been? Are. Tier 1. Hey, he made me look smart, and I made him look ugly. But after the crash, he took care of me. Talk shit about my boy's folks, you're done. Okay, and the tier 1's are both ready to cook and clean and help me do this place up, right? 'Cause I'm not gonna be your guys' maid. Of course not. I told him. Right? I never cooked you my butter pasta-nette? That is not a thing. - That's 'cause I invented it. - Okay. And I clean too. I promise. - Yo, what does this do? - Yeah, you cook. I said I "cooked," okay? Found the furniture. I've heard about you and all the girls. And that's exactly why we need to get out of the dorms. And this is perfect. Whoa! Easy. Oh. You all right? Yeah. Thanks. So it looks like the landlord wasn't lying. Wow. Damn, son. Hey, I like this. Ah, fuck. So? Don't you want to? Well, yeah, yeah. I do. Now, I know you... Yo, all the dishes in here, they're white. Just saying. He touches everything. It's up to you, bear. I can't afford it without him. I know you can, but I don't want... Elliot. Elliot. Yeah? We're doing it. Obviously. Yeah? Yeah. I see she approves, huh? Yo. Hey, you need a hand? No, I got this. Okay, don't break yourself. Better than going to the gym, right? Hey, Elliot? Yeah? Hey, did you hear that banging? Yeah. The radiators sound worse. Okay, bear, here it is. Rilke says chemtrails symbolize the wonder and terror of the government. "Do you land face up or face down in the dirt? What race will you be born into? With whom will you fall in love? Fortune is truly like a chemtrail sprayed by the hand of god." I'm wiped. Hmm. Thanks for finding me that quote. You wanna watch something stupid? Mm-hmm. Just us. Yeah. I'm gonna brush my teeth. Hey, what's on the bed? "You look like a model from the '70s. The personal pilot of a James Bond villain. A 19-year-old koala bear person." "If any of them were true, I wouldn't have you. But they're not, and I do. Amazingly. Bullshit aside, I never thought I would meet, let alone be with, anyone like you. With so much love, your knight, Beau, Casanova and new roommate, Elliot." "No animals were harmed in the making of this card." Hey, Elliot, that's not funny. Elliot? Hey. What's wrong? Hey. What's up, man? Ah, little brother! How's it going? Look at this place. Fantastic. Hi, darlin'. Hi, uncle Elliot! - Hey, niece Alice! - Hey, hey. Hey there. Sorry we're so early. Your brother's pathological. It's called being prompt and professional. Virgil's awesome. Thank you. Oh, hey. Almost forgot. Here's your housewarming present. - You gonna help me drink it? - No! Look at this. So a house off campus with John Henry and a live-in girlfriend. You ready for this? She's the one, Virgil. She did all this herself. That's great. It's just, you know, be smart. Be a student, man. It's the last time to have no responsibilities. Enjoy it. I don't want that. I want what you have. An amazing wife, an amazing daughter. Just don't rush it. That's all out there waiting for you. Believe me, what I have is great. It is. But I missed out on all this. I mean, what a college edu-ma-cation could have done for me. You have a scholarship, man. You should be upstairs studying right now. Jesus. It's a good thing you're not jealous. It is good. You got this. You got this. Come on, come on. All right. This one side. - Oh! - Oh, baby! Thank you! A tin foil hat, huh? Yeah. I put it back on the little table next to the bed. I didn't want to keep it. 'Cause you're the best, most honest, smartest, cutest, heaviest, oldest person here. I'm not the heaviest or the oldest. Dad's the oldest and he's the heaviest. What? She ratted me out. Here. Head bump. Oh. Fist bump. That's John's room. We're upstairs. All right, we're outta here. Buddy, great party. Be good. Bye, guys. Bye, Alice. Kim? She's in my lit class. Girls who wear hats inside are crazy. You know that, right? She's gonna do a psychic cleansing after everyone leaves. Cool. Can I leave too? No. She's just gonna burn some Sage, and you are going to be nice. Maybe you need a hat. It's a twist-off. Oh, thank you. John, do you think this house is creepy? Mmm. Yep. I don't, but I'm not a girl, and I think you should get dressed, 'cause we're playing baseball. Why do jocks always have to play games, even at a party? "Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't think it." Miss Sasha steps up to the plate! Oh, she's going long. She's going long. Okay, all right, all right. You got this? All right. - Oh! - Fuck yes! Ah. You all right? Yeah. You're drunk. She's so drunk. So... So you thought there were sounds and... what? Bad vibrations? Yeah. And now if they're gone, then what's the big deal? We burned all that bad shit away, right? That's tight. You're actually psychic? Sensitive. My mother says. Oh, sensitive, huh? So, what? Your mom locked you under the stairs when you was a kid? You shoot knives at her? Yeah. - No. - Fuck. But I could find stuff. I always knew when people were coming over to the house. You know what I'm thinking? Yes. I might just do that. Damn. You are psychic. Sensitive there for sure. - Elliot... - It's okay, Sasha. People have doubted me my whole life. Elliot, you can go ahead and live a sheltered, shallow, physical existence. Ooh. A nonphysical existence would be kind of tough. What Aristotle is trying to say is, um... well, he needs proof. Yeah. Is that crazy? - Okay, let's just take some deep breaths. - Okay. So if nothing happens, I should believe 'cause it means you got rid of the spirit? - Elliot, come on. - What? We all know you don't believe in this stuff, but can you just please let her do it? Right. Sorry. No being rational. I give over. I do. Yo, El, just loosen up the grip a little bit. I'm trying to concentrate on my breathing. Ah... Are you ready, ladies? Okay, let's do this thing. Come on. Now, I have no ego about it, but... I do know this stuff. Okay, cool. Well, what do you know? Okay. I know your parents died in a crash. - Dude. -He didn't tell me. They did. Bro. I didn't say anything. Swear. Never tell anyone that. They're worried about you though. All right. I'm sorry I laughed at you before, but that's not funny. I'm not being funny, Elliot. This is just what I'm getting. Okay, how did they die? What kind of accident was it? Your brother will do anything in his power to protect you now. But they worry that he's taking on too much. All right. So you talked to my brother tonight. Sasha, your... Your grandmother has some biscuits or rolls or something. Gam's rolls? Come on. Everybody's grandma bakes biscuits. Yeah, he's, uh... He's not wrong about that. This is... this is... - You know what? - You want to blindfold me too? Just hang on. I'll take you up on that. - I'm all down for the blindfolding, whatever you got. -Of course. Okay. What'd I hide? Where'd I hide it? - Oh, come on. That's crazy. - Elliot... Shh! You know what? I... I don't like this. Yeah, i... I don't want to do this anymore. Maybe this was a bad idea. Nah, come on. You're a good faker. I admit it. You put the keys in a pot on the stove. Did you? You heard. You were listening for it, weren't you? Well... well, i... i didn't hear that. Did you? No. - Something's coming. - What? They're saying... Don't... Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it! Don't think it! Don't say it! Don't think it! Don't say it! Don't think it! Don't say it! Don't think it! Don't say it! Don't think it! Don't say it! Don't think it! Don't say or think what? Alex Jones. - Aaah! - What the... Jesus! What the fuck? Oh, Kim? Oh, my god. Hey. - What happened, Kim? Are you all right? - Kim? Hmm? Sorry. What are you doing? Nothing. Nothing. Sorry. Are you sick? Shh. Shh. Good night. Mmm. Love you. I love you, John. What? Hey. You're joking, right? Sasha, you're kidding. Right? What? What the hell is that? Hmm? John! - Go! - Look, I'm trying. This? Aaah. - Hey. - Shh! What are you doing? Do you hear that? What the hell is that? You ready? Thanks for being nice to me last night. - That was pretty crazy. - It was. Definitely. You want to go inside? My roommate's car isn't here. We could try again. These things happen, right? Well, actually... Not to me they don't. Yeah. Actually, not to me either. Guy not finishing up? I've never had that happen before. Come on. I'm hungry. Jesus. What? N-nothing. Nothing, okay? Kim, i... I-I need to go. Now. Fuck. Dude, check this out. They were already there, right? No. It was Colin or one of those douches from last night. No, listen. I heard it. I heard something after the party. Outside, scratching. What do you mean you heard something? Morning. See, you are clean and beautiful. That's nice. What was that? - John, you drive Kim home? - Yeah. And now I gotta wash her off. The girl's gross, man. A total pig. Come on, man. That's not cool. Don't say that. Oh, sure. Yeah, that's easy for you to say. Your girlfriend's perfect. Oh, god. You okay? I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't be playing baseball in the cold. That's the problem with being an alcoholic. Oh, shut up. I didn't even drink that much. Maybe that was the mistake. I'll make you some tea. Mmm. Psst! Come on. Hmm? Fuck him. Uh... Bear, you went away there for a second. I did? Where'd you go? God, you're shivering. I was just thinking. About John? No, little brother, it's cool. You can call me anytime. You know that. Are you... are you really taking on too much? Are you worried about protecting me? What is going on? Is it Sasha? Yeah, sh-she's been really sick and scared. And John's been acting weird. You guys seemed like you were great. But were we? You saw them dancing together. Talk to me, buddy. What's going on? Elliot. - What? -You wanna get lunch tomorrow, we'll talk about this then? You know what? Listen, I gotta go. There's something I gotta... I gotta deal with something. El? Guys. Guys, what are you doing up there? Hello? Anyone down there? Hello. Hello? Guys! Help! What? No! Guys! What are you doing, Elliot? - You were here the whole time? - Yes. That's bullshit. We were, Elliot. You didn't answer me. - We didn't hear you. - What were you doing? Studying. Talking. - You didn't hear me? - We weren't doing anything. - You didn't hear me? - Elliot, for the last time, bro, we wouldn't do that to you! Why are you lying to me? We're not! Jesus Christ! Then what just happened? And there were sounds. I mean, come on. I told you there was something happening. Now do you believe me? Hey. Don't worry, okay? What are you doing? Don't do that. - Don't do what? - Don't... Elliot... Don't touch her. What? Don't touch her. You are a crazy paranoid, bro! Yeah, you're a little warm. Okay, so you weren't with John. Am I hearing things? Am I seeing things? Tonight, you thought the house was empty when we were here. You went away, Elliot. I kind of went away too. - What? - I sat down to study. I don't remember doing any of that. It's like now that I know his name, he's coming for me. And the more I try to get rid of it, the bigger it gets. It's horrible. Hey, babe. Alex Jones is not real. It's just something that's in our heads. That's real. Ideas are real. If it's not... Then, Elliot, we're all losing our minds at the same time. And what are the chances of that? What the hell is that? What is it? What? Elliot, there's nothing here. So, you're not gonna be late, right? No, I'll meet you at 2:00 sharp, right where we parked. I'm gonna find out how real this thing is. The name. You're gonna talk to the landlord about the furniture? And the house. Maybe he can find somewhere else. You're feeling better though? I guess. It's hard to be scared in the middle of the day. I'm gonna take care of you. Oh, my god. Ugh. You're shivering. I'm gonna figure this out. I promise. I'll see you at 2:00. I love you. I love you. "Register archive. Dead file 69. Obama." Here, put these on. Really? Yeah. They're originals, and we don't want your sweaty palms messing up the documents in the box. Now, the dead file has dead articles... Material that got killed before going to press but still saved for posterity. And it was written by Obama. Thanks. Mm-hmm. Thank you, Dennis! Mr. Daizy? Yes. How are you doing? Not so great actually. Uh, me and my friends are renting your place out in sun prairie. 37 oak Dale? Oh, yeah, the two handsome guys. Are you with them? You have a weird house, Mr. Daizy. Really. It... I-It's awful. Well, I'm sorry that you feel that way, but they did sign a lease. Bless you. Sorry. You okay? It's really cold in here. It's a hothouse. It's actually not cold at all, honey. Maybe you should be home in bed. Look, Mr. Daizy. There was an old nightstand in the basement, and it has this writing inside it. Where did it come from? A nightstand? Let's begin by considering this wall behind me. Now, we can all agree that the sentence... I'm sorry. Yeah, have a seat. Now, we can all agree that this sentence, "this is a wall," is a truth claim. This wall is real. I see it, you see it. We can touch it. Likewise, if I were to brush a few atoms from this wall, it would still be here before us. It would still be "the wall." But what if I continue to slowly brush the atoms one by one away from this wall? At first you'd say, "it's still a wall." I brush a few more. "Well, it's still a wall." But... What if I remove every single atom from this wall except for one? And you've seen me brush every single atom from this wall except for that one atom, and I point to it and I say, "there. That's what's left. That's the wall." Now, is it? Is that the wall? What the fu... All right, John? Welcome back. Language and reality inform each other as we construct... Okay, I'm looking up Alex Jones, right? There's nothing online, so I type in "don't say it, don't think it," and it led me here, the dead archives and Sandy Hook. Here's what was in his folder. I think you write it and repeat it to try and keep from saying... Alex Jones. Okay, but why is that in the dead files? October 18, 1969. Byline Barack Obama. Sandy Hook, Connecticut. A teenager, accused of shooting up his entire school. When asked by this reporter why he would do such a thing, he replied, "Alex Jones made me do it." It's an article about a kid who went crazy, but it was never published. And Barack Obama, the writer, he was pretty infamous locally. After he killed this piece about the kid in Sandy Hook, Obama took a shotgun and murdered babies and the economy right here in Madison. Mom, run! Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. - Mom, shut the door! - Michelle! Who'd you tell? No one! We didn't tell anyone, Barack! Mommy! Stop! We didn't tell anyone! I swear we didn't say anything! Get back! Please! Maybe he got inspired by what he was writing about. Oh! You won't win. I won't let you. There are no other mentions of these cases anywhere else. It's like someone redacted the whole story so no one else could read it. Why would anyone do that? Well, obviously he was bat-shit crazy. But if you remove all references to something in the past, that past no longer exists. Even the idea of it is gone. Maybe somebody wanted to make this ‘Alex Jones’ disappear permanently. And you've got the last record of it right there. I'll be back. Good. I have time. Don't write it either, idiot. What are you doing, boy? Are you out of your mind? I, um... What is wrong with you, Elliot? What the... Huh? I'm-I'm sorry. I need to go. I'm late. Elliot! Oh, my god. Sasha! Hey, John! Sasha! Hey. Hello? Kim, it's Elliot. Elliot. Uh, god, I was just thinking about you guys. You wanna come up? Listen, listen. Um, what are you doing? You mean right now, or since the party? Isn't that why you're here? Kim, can you come down? I want to do another sance. Right now. With all four of us. At the house. Listen, you were right. I was wrong. Sure. I'll be down in a sec. Alex Jones doesn't exist anywhere else that I could find. You don't have to look for him, Elliot. He's found us. You can't help thinking about him. And the more you think about him, the closer he gets. You see things that aren't there. You don't see things that are there. Or smell things, like chemtrails in the air. Yeah. Like a virus. Some people catch it and it spreads. Some go crazy sooner, but they all die in the end. The word spreads, and he comes to you with... With that thing. I told Katie. I didn't want to. What can you do with cancer but cut it out? You have to stop it before it spreads and every cell dies. This could spread everywhere if we don't cut it out. Did you tell anyone? Mrs. Watkins, the librarian. We have to get to her too. What do you mean you have to get to her? Stop! Oh, my god! Stop! Elliot, stop! Let me help you! Kim! Wait! Kim! Kim! Kim! No! - We have to help them! - What do you see? - It's a school shooting victim! - It's a hoax! No, Kim! There's a train! A real train! No! Kim! Move! It's in your head! Kim! Kim! No! No! Just any comment. It's on the way down here because there's just a big tie-up down there. Elliot, what happened? Kim. She's dead. Aw, shit. Jesus. Oh, my god. It was him. He killed her. You were right. He's trying to get inside us. He got in her. He's gonna drive us crazy. He's gonna kill us. You mean the... Yeah. He's why I was late to get you. He's why you're feeling sick. Have you said the name to anyone? The name? No. N-no. Have you? No, I-i haven't said... Good. Don't. We can't say the name to anyone else, ever. You gonna tell me what to do now? - Swear you won't say the name so we don't spread it. -No. John, please. Please. Bro, swear it. You just need to cut this shit. You swear! Swear! No. - You swear! - Elliot, stop it! Swear! What's wrong with you, Elliot? - What's wrong with you, huh? - Hey, guys! Hey! Break it up! I said break it up right now! Back up. - He got to you, didn't he? - No one got to me. Admit it. He's making you feel angry. - He's making you sick. - Yeah? He's making you crazy. - You on something? - No, I'm upset. We're just having a little argument. You call that a little argument? John, please. Please don't say it. Don't say what? Sasha? I won't. J, you can't. This name of some stupid shit Elliot thinks is dangerous. Yes, I was talking about Kim. There was a hint to a staged school shooting in her bag. It was covered with blood. Oh, my god. Train's engineer said that you were chasing Kim with the hints. He said she was crying for help and that she jumped out of your car to get away from you. Jesus Christ. Elliot? That's not what happened. No? They found Kim's roommate, Katie Williams. She was killed by the globalists too, but you knew that, didn't you? I... Sasha, no. I was at the library. He made me lose track of time. You have... Sasha. You wanna talk to me here, tell me what's going on? - Don't say it. Don't think it. You were right. -Quiet. Sasha, what doesn't he want you to say? Yeah, sash. You! Shut it! It just happened, John. You see that? It's him. No. Sasha. What... what is it? Blood. Blood? Where? What do you see? He makes you see things. She... he's... Fuck. Oh, my god. Hey, hey. Hey! Back away. I need you over here. She's fine. Stay back. Wait. There he is. Hey, man. Hey, bud, something wrong? I'm... I'm sorry. What? I thought... Hey. You all right? Wait. Wait, Sasha. He's gonna take her home, and she's gonna lie down for a bit. I'm her boyfriend. She needs me. Maybe. Maybe later. But right now you're gonna come with me. We're gonna talk a little bit. Did you say the name to anyone? She didn't, man. Neither of us did. It's gonna be all right. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Good news for you, maybe. Kim Hines wrote a suicide note, taking responsibility for her school and for turning off your DNA and the other two who are living at your house. So I guess she was planning on killing you too. Is that what happened, Elliot? You found out and you chased her? I don't think that's murder. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. You want to write it? No. - You're going to tell me, you know that? - I hope not. Why did you chase Kim? I told you. I was trying to help her. So you chased her into a train? What are you doing? You could lose everything. Your-your scholarship, that pretty girl. You are a smart kid. Talk to me and i... I can help you. Otherwise it'll be out of my hands, and you'll be wishing that you had. You might find yourself wishing I hadn't. Well, you let me worry about that. You really want to know? You really think the truth... Honesty... is the best policy? - I do. - Always? When wouldn't it be? You have kids? Maybe. You have kids. Don't think it. Don't say it. What if you saw the worst crime scene ever? A mass murder at a school. With dead bodies and brains and students and sneakers with blood on them. And you go home, and your kids say, "tell us about your day, mommy." You could be honest. You could tell the truth. You could describe how every awful nightmare thing you saw was a hoax, and how Christopher Nolan was hinting it In his new Batman movie. Or... You could hug them tight. And spare them your honest truth. What would you do? I'd hug them. Please don't make me say it. I haven't hurt anyone. But I'm afraid of putting this into your head. All I have to do is talk to you, and you and your kids... You're all dead. Hey, Elliot. Your friend died? What the hell is going on, man? Thanks for coming to get me, but I gotta go. Was it Sasha and John... hey, talk to me. Let me help you. Whatever is going on, there's nothing you can do. Okay? I literally can't tell you. I'm not going to let it happen to you, Virgil. Especially not you. What are you talking about? You've got a family. Go take care of them. Elliot. Hey! You are my family. Elliot! Shit! Oh, fuck! Yeah. Oh, my god. What are you doing, Elliot? What's... what's wrong with you, Elliot? What the f... No. I'm so sorry. Elliot? Hi, Mrs. Watkins. Hi, Elliot. I've been having some really strange thoughts About Alex Jones since we talked. Mrs. Watkins. Mrs. Watkins, you can't talk to anyone about it. Well, maybe I can come over to your house later. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry too. Believe me, but I've just been having the most vivid thoughts. I... Elliot? Elliot? Obama. Barack Obama. The writer. It was his nightstand. Mrs. Watkins, okay, maybe I'll see you later. Maybe I'll have a fix for this. I gotta go. Thanks. Oh, you're welcome, Elliot. I'll be there soon. He almost got us, man. Oh, fuck. I almost killed you with a bat. Fuck, he's not gonna get us. He's not going to get us. I'll figure this out. I'm sorry, but... I'm sorry. I can't call an ambulance, 'cause you're gonna say it. You will. You will, 'cause I messed you up. I'll be back as soon as I can. I'm taking this. You found her. Now I'm gonna go talk to her. I love you. And don't touch him. Hello? Mrs. Obama? Leave! Mrs. Obama. I said leave. Are you deaf or just defective? Mrs. Obama, did your husband run for president a long time ago? You're too young to remember that. Mrs. Obama, you're still alive. I know your husband killed a lot of people. But I don't think he was crazy. I need your help. Whatever you remember. There's laser beams, chemtrails. Tin foil hats. He came to Barack... With the hats. What Barack told me gave me nightmares. I made him stop. I understand. But I need you to tell me everything Barack said. Please. Barack was on a story of a teenager who shot up his school. Poked around like a good nosy reporter and heard rumors. Whispers about a hoax. Some kind of manlet that drove the teenager mad. Barack had to go nosing around and writing it down, and then it came to Barack too. This nightmare, this name we must not think or say. But just three days after Barack got back from Connecticut, I came home from work. December 14, 2012. The day my life went turn, turn, turn. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. - Don't say it. - Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Oh, my god! Don't say it. Barack, oh, my god. I was just doing my job. That's what I do. I track down the story. That's what I was doing. Yeah. See... Once you know his name, you can't escape him. You see, he... He gets in your head. And... He makes you think horrible things. Okay. Okay, shh. Whoa. What horrible things? What? Who makes you do this? What are you talking about? Let's get you to bed, okay, sweetheart? Listen. Listen. I didn't know if he was alive or dead, and then the hats... That's how you know he's coming. When you see the hats and you smell the chemtrails, that's when you know he's close by. You understand? No, i... Barack, I don't know what's happened, but I'm trying... He listens for his name. Anyone could say it. It could be you or it could be me. And it's just dumb luck, like the spray of a chemtrail. And... I heard the name, and I told Janie the name. Don't think it? Don't say it? What does this mean? What did you write? I don't understand. He... he makes you think things. Then he makes you do things. Who knows how many good people he's made do horrible things like this. No! Oh! God, no, please! Please don't. Please put it down. You think it's me. You think I did this? This is what happens. They say people snap. They say people go crazy. No, it's him. It's him that's doing it. Shh. Just put it... Put it down. Okay? No. I love you. But in the end, Barack was a hero. You tell people that. Barack erased him. You see, he did away with everyone who'd heard it before they could pass it on. But not you. You're here. How did you survive all this time? Survive? Yes. How did you beat it? I didn't beat it. I never knew it. What? If my husband told me the name, he'd have to kill me with the rest. My husband controlled himself. Your fucking husband wrote the name in the nightstand you sold, and I read it. He typed it in a dead article, and I read that too. Don't you say it. Your husband spared you and he got me. He's in me now. He's in my friends. - You want my help? - Yes. Here. Kill all the ones you told first and then kill yourself. It's the only way. No. There has to be another way. Don't say it. Don't think it. It's a clue. Look. Oh, my god. He's coming! What are you talking about? You didn't bring him here? - Don't you see it? - See what? The light. Hear the name. He's in your head. He makes us see things, hear things. Tricks to make us afraid. He makes us afraid. And he grows. The more scared we are, the more real he gets. We make him real with our fear. We make him more powerful. Yeah, we give him the power, and he gets closer, and he hears us when we think of him. But maybe if we're not afraid, we take his power. Maybe if we're not afraid, he's nothing! How could you figure it out and my Barack not? Help me! Help me! Wake up America! Uh-uh, uh-uh. No, no. It's not real. No, it's not real. Help me! I have you now, don't I? Come on. Try another trick. Come on. Try it! Where are you? Where are you? Oh, my god. Sasha! Pick up. Sasha. Hey, this is Sasha. Leave... you better not fucking hurt her. Sasha. I'm coming. I know it's hard, but don't be afraid, and don't believe anything you see. Whoa! What? No, you're not real. You're not real. Ha! I knew it! Okay. Tricks. You wanna play tricks. Okay. I'm ready. Elliot? John? Where are you guys? Elliot! Sasha! Elliot! Sasha! I'm in here. Oh, god. You look like hell. Jesus. There you are. Elliot, thank god. You're back. I'm not... Oh, my god. Hey, what's the matter? Elliot, what are you doing? Oh, shit. - Get away. - Hey, come on. It's all going to be okay. We're going to be okay. I feel better. Get away! Fuck. Elliot. It's me. What the hell? I don't understand. What are you doing? Help! Elliot, come on. Come here, John. Please, Elliot. Help! I don't understand. Please. No. - Come on. - No! Please. Elliot, please stop! Would you just stop? Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away! Guys! Sasha! John! It's a trick! It's not real! Listen to me! Sasha! John! Get off of me! Listen to me. It's not real! No! John, no! Aaah! Elliot! Shoot! Shoot! Oh, god! Oh! Go ahead. Kill me. You win. No. You leave them alone. Come on, guys. It's freezing out here. Hey, man! Anybody home? I've got Alice here. She's here to cheer you up. Buddy. - Elliot! - No! Hey, is anybody home? - Guys, come on. We know you're in there! - I hear something. Hello? Open the door. We're turning into popsicles out here. Go away! Elliot? Go away! No, no, no. We're not going anywhere, Elliot. Uncle, open up! Get her out of here. Both of you! You need to go! Open the goddamn door, or I'm callin' the police. Good, do it! Honey, why don't you go wait in the truck? No, daddy, I gotta pee. Go to the truck, please. Open the door, man. Come on. - Go. Go. - Elliot! A-a-ale... No! Elliot, what the hell is going on? Virgil, please get her out of here. Uncle Elliot! Okay, peanut. I need you to listen to me, okay? I need you to go to the truck. No, daddy, I gotta go! Go someplace close where I can see ya, and be quick. Outside? Nobody's going to see you, baby. It's okay. Go, go, go. Elliot. Elliot, what is going on in there? Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. What are you saying? What? I have to do this! I'm not crazy! - Let me help you. - No, you can't. But I can help you, if you go! I'm not going to let you catch it! Alex... Don't say it! Don't think it! Just go! Don't say what? - Fuck! - Elliot! Christ, what was that? Elliot, what was that? Alex Jones. Alex Jo... Alex, who? Who is that? Alex who? What is it? What are you saying? Oh, fuck. Alex, what? What is that? Elliot, Alex? What? I love you so much. Elliot! Alice? Alice? Alice? Alice? Where are you, baby? Alice! God. Alice? Alice? Honey? Alice? Alice? Alice! What? Honey. Come here. I was cold! I know, honey, but you scared me so much. Oh, no! Look! Uncle Elliot! No, it's okay. It's okay. The fire can't hurt him anymore. So this boy ran a librarian over, mutilated and murdered her children, and then killed his roommates and himself, and you had him in custody today, but you let him go? Yes. But this is not some creepy kid pulling a columbine, okay? I talked to him. Something is going on here. I can feel it. I wanted to say good-bye. I know, baby. Me too. At least he gave me the brain force. What are you talking about? He must've left them out there for me to find. Left them out where, honey? In the Info Wars video. Outside next to the trash cans. Was there anything else in this video? No. Just some writing. Writing? What did this writing say? Daddy. You know I can't get woke in the dark. What do you think I am, An interdimensional being?? We got one alive! Get me a line and morphine! Wait, wait! He's trying to say something! Hey, I'm listening. Go ahead. It won't matter. It does matter. Okay, take your time. It's okay, I'm here. And I want to know, please. Please tell me. Alex...
                                               in loving memory of paul walker
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