#I wonder what the kids did while we watched Smosh
jeromesmith · 2 months
Waking up on the couch, cuddling my fiancé, and having fallen asleep while binging Smosh is amazing. 10/10. God, I missed this. I love this man so much.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 5 months
U should write more Ian x reader, like a besties to lovers one? No pressure if ur busy ofc <3
More Than Friends || Ian Hecox x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: you have been ignoring your growing feelings for your best friend ian, but when you are chosen to do a romantic scene together will those feelings stay hidden?
word count: 3.5k
warnings: mild cursing
a/n: ahh thank you so much for this request ml, i’ve been meaning to write for ian again!! hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day!! 🎀☁️🍒
     “Ok, hear me out. The story is ‘getting a root canal’ but we make it a full on musical with production numbers and everything.”
     Angela’s loud voice broke over the chatter you had been drowning out and you looked across the table. 
     You had been sitting in an early-morning writers meeting discussing ideas for a new sketch for what felt like hours. 
     Whoever thought it would be a good idea to make you and everyone else be creative at 8:00am….
     “Angela,” Chanse chided.
     “What? I had a dentist appointment this morning and I was inspired.”
     “Anyone else have any ideas that don’t have the words ‘root canal’ in them?” Chanse asked.
     “What screams Smosh more than a root canal musical!” Angela looked around the room for help.
     Alas, it didn’t look like you were getting anywhere anytime soon. 
    You watched as Ian, who sat to your left, let his head slip from his hand where it had been rested on the table.
     “Look alive, Mr. President-of-the-company,” you whispered to him, covering the fact that you had definitely been watching him longer than was friend-like.
     Looks like you weren’t the only one who suffered from drowsiness that morning.
     “I was totally paying attention,” Ian yawned. “Something about boats.”
     You rolled your eyes and smiled at your best friend. You’d known Ian since you two were little—in fact, he was the reason you'd got your job at Smosh all those years back.
     You’d been staying with him for the past week while your apartment was being renovated and you'd definitely stayed up too late last night watching reruns of friends. Which probably contributed to you both nodding off during this meeting.
   “Twenty bucks says someone suggests kiss currency part two,” you whispered to Ian.
     “Are you kidding? No way I’m gonna take you up on that, I don’t have spare cash on me.”
     “Did someone say kissing?” Courtney waggled her eyebrows. 
     “Yeah, (Y/n) was just begging me to suggest a kissing sketch,” Ian teased.
     You smacked Ian’s arm, feeling your cheeks warm. “I was not!”
     “Ian just wants to kiss you, that’s all,” Anthony leaned over his friend to tell you conspiratorially.
     Ian pretended to gag. “I’d rather kiss Shayne.”
     “Hey!” Shayne threw up his hands in outrage.
     You laughed along with everyone but you couldn’t stop yourself from clenching your fist around your coffee mug.
     You couldn’t exactly pinpoint when you had begun to have feelings for Ian that were more than friendly. One minute he was just your best friend Ian and the next he was this funny, attractive guy who made your pulse race when he touched your arm or gave you one of his smiles. 
     You knew Ian didn’t return your feelings—you were sure of that. This new development was entirely one sided. Which was why you were absolutely, definitely never going to tell him. Ever.
     You sighed as you watched Ian lean away from you and towards Anthony to whisper something to him.     
     Everyone was silent for a moment and you leaned back in your seat, running a hand through your hair. 
     “Hey, to piggyback off of the kissing thing,” Anthony started, his voice breaking through the silence, “what if we did an ‘every dramatic love confession scene ever’? It’s been a while since we’ve done that style of video.”
     “Ooh good idea,” Ian said, “Those ‘we want the old Smosh’ people will love that. I can already see the views.”
     “Always ‘the content’ with you,” you teased him.
     “He’s right though,” Spencer chimed in, “Especially if we had you and Ian do some scenes together. People would eat that up; it’ll give ‘em more material for their edits. I’m talking Shourtney part two.”
     You watched as Shayne and Courtney looked at each other and grinned. Damn it, why couldn’t you and Ian be like them!
     But, Spencer wasn’t wrong. Ever since you had begun working at Smosh, fans had been convinced you and Ian were dating. You guys had always laughed about all of the comments and posts together. 
     You and Ian? As if!
     But lately, as you watched the fan edits and read the YouTube comments, you couldn’t help but wish that you and Ian actually were what all of these people thought you were. 
     “I can see it now: April 1st, 2025, Ian and (Y/n). Shourtney part two” Ian echoed Spencer’s comment and nodded. “Zach Justice and Tara level shipping.”
     “You know who they are, grandpa?” You snorted.
     “For the last time, I’m four months older than you!”
     You laughed as Ian spoke again.
     “I mean, I’m in if you’re in,” he turned to you,  “For the sketch. If you don’t mind pretending to be into me. I know it’ll be hard not to fall hopelessly in love with me.” 
     “How will I ever manage,” you deadpanned sarcastically, even as your palms began to feel sweaty. Ignoring your feelings on a daily basis was hard enough, let alone doing a love scene together. But you couldn’t very well refuse and have everyone, including Ian, wonder why. 
     Besides, it could be fun. It’d been a while since you’d done a sketch, and regardless of how you felt about Ian, he was still your best friend and you would get to spend a lot of time on set with him. 
     You took a deep breath. You were probably going to regret the next words that came out of your mouth. 
     “Let’s do it”
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     “Shut up and kiss me,” you said, throwing your pretend purse to the ground as you stepped forwards.”
     “Not until you promise me that I’m the only one,” Ian sniffed dramatically. “I cant lose you again, baby.”
     “It’s only you,” you yelled, “It’s always only been you.”
     “Then kiss me,” Ian took a step towards you. “Kiss me like you’ve never kissed anyone before.”
     “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that,” you leaned in. 
     “And then we kiss,” Ian said in a lighter voice, breaking character as you ended the scene. “I feel like it should be raining in the background of this, damn. Ooh, note to self: talk to them about fake rain.”
     “Right,” you smiled shakily, trying not to let the scene have affected you. You were at Ian’s place—your apartment still wasn’t livable—and Ian had suggested you rehearse your scene again for the shoot the next day. 
     You had just received the script and were already panicking a how real it all was. The two characters in the scene were friends who fell in love with each other. Just your luck.
     You silently cursed whoever had written the whole thing. 
     “So do you want to rehearse the kiss before tomorrow?” Ian’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.
     “Oh, um, I think it might be better if we just wing it. You know, realistic first kiss and all.”
     “As long as you don’t pull a Jennifer Lawrence on me,” Ian laughed, “No garlic fries.”
     You placed a hand to your chest in mock surprise, “Wow Ian, two pop culture references in one day? I’m so proud.”
     “I learned from the best,” Ian booped your nose and you felt your heart flutter. 
     You flopped down on your couch-bed in the middle of the living room and kicked your pajama-pant-clad legs out in front of you. 
     Ian sat down next to you and picked up the TV remote. “Do you mind?”
     You shook your head as he turned on the television. A show was playing that you’d definitely seen before, but you weren’t paying attention. 
     You couldn’t focus on anything but Ian’s presence next to you as he scooted closer to you and laid his arm over the back of the couch behind you. He smelled like pine and soap and a hint of the day’s cologne and the scent was so familiar and so damn attractive that you couldn’t ever imagine a time when you hadn’t wanted him all over you. How had you been so ignorant then?
     You rested your head on Ian’s chest and let out a sigh. All of this was so normal—you two laying there, watching TV, falling asleep next to each other—and yet it felt so different. 
     Ian kissed the top of your head gently and mumbled “Goodnight, (Y/n).”
     You muttered a soft, “‘Night.”
     Sometimes, when you were really desperate, you imagined that your best friend felt the same way about you that you did about him. In all the little ways that he made you feel special and loved, you found an almost something. It was times like these that you let yourself imagine, what if?
     But then you reminded yourself that you and Ian had always been this way. The only difference was your pulse racing and your heart jumping into your throat whenever he looked at you or touched you. 
     You let your eyes close as the sounds of whatever comedy was on played in the background.
     It was strange how you could feel so anxious and so comfortable at the same time. Despite all the new uneasiness that came with your romantic feelings towards Ian, you were still calmed by his presence. You still knew him better than anyone else. You still wanted this forever. Which is why you couldn’t let yourself change things. 
     You felt Ian wrap his arm around you and you shifted slightly on the bed. This felt right, you thought. How could you dare mess that up with unrequited love making everything difficult?
     Because that was scary. Changing everything was scary. Losing him was scary. But this? This was comfortable, you thought. And it was true. 
     You had never felt more comfortable before in your life.
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     You had never felt more uncomfortable in your life. 
     You’d thought last night was awkward, reading through the script with Ian. But today, as you reminded yourself you’d have to kiss him and not make it seem like it meant anything to you, you were sweating through your floral-pattern dress. 
     “Hey (Y/n)!”
     You spun around to find Ian wearing a full on tuxedo, complete with a boutonnière and everything. 
     “Wow, you look—”
     “Like prom threw up on me? Yeah, I know,” Ian joked, “But you look like the lead in a romcom so thumbs up costume coordinator.”
     You looked down at your dress. You had gone to costuming earlier on and had just come out of hair and makeup. You hoped you hadn't already sweated it all off. 
     You looked back up at Ian. He looked—well, aside from drop dead gorgeous—like he had eaten something that didn’t quite agree with him.
     You opened your mouth to ask if he was feeling ok when you were called to set by one of the directors.
     “Looks like that’s us,” Ian smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
     You walked over to the set that you would be using, which looked like the outside of a building that could have been a school or a convention center. Apparently Angela had just had it lying around from a previous play. It looked really realistic, almost too realistic.
     You took a deep breath as you stepped onto set and Ian followed you. 
     You got this, you told yourself, you know all of your lines and you’re not going to mess this up.
     You looked out at the rest of the Smosh cast and crew, busy on set or waiting for their scenes. 
     “Ok and rolling…” you heard the director call.
     You prepared yourself. Ian stepped to the side of you. “You ready for this?”
     “Yeah,” you whispered, “definitely. Are you ok? You look pretty pale.”
     “I’m good,” Ian assured you with a nod, “just ate some weird pistachios at the snack table. I’d stay away if I were you.”
     “Noted,” you giggled.
     “…And Action!”
     You immediately were thrown into the scene. Ian had the first line and you tried to get into character.
     “What is your problem, Amy?” Ian said.
     “My problem?” you spat, trying to channel your inner romcom protagonist, “Are you really going to make me sit here and spell it out for you, Jake?”
     “That’d be nice,” Ian—Jake—scoffed.
     “Fine,” you made your voice shaky, “You wanna know what my problem is? My problem is that you came here with Veronica when you knew that all I wanted to do was be your date tonight.”
     “How would I know that? Was I supposed to just guess? You’re my best friend, Amy, why wouldn’t you just tell me!”
     “You want to know why I didn’t tell you?” You—Amy—asked him. “Because you’re my best friend. That’s why. I’ve had to sit here and watch you with girl after girl while all I wanted was as to be one of them.”
     You stepped closer to Ian as you kept saying your lines, trying to summon tears “I have been in love with you for years. Years, Jake. But I couldn’t tell you because I didn’t want to lose this.”
     You gestured between the two of you, trying to clear your mind and do what you had rehearsed. You refused to let any of your own thoughts slip in. 
     You continued, “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. So go ahead. It’s ruined now. Go back to your date and have the best night with her. I’ll just be here on the sidelines like I always have been.”
     You turned and pretended to walk away and as planned Ian grabbed your wrist and you spun around.
     “You don’t get it,” he started, “I love you. I always have loved you. From the moment I met you, I have loved you. I love the way you tie your hair up when you’re working on something. I love the way your nose scrunches up when something amuses you. I love your perfume and the way it kinda makes me dizzy when I’m near you. I love you. I have never loved anyone more.”
      Ian’s eyes were intense as he looked down at you. 
     “And I never told you because, look at you. You’re way out of my league, I was lucky to have you as a friend. But, it’s always been you. I love you so much and I can’t believe you love me back. I’ll keep saying it as long as I am still breathing. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
     Even though it was acting, you’d never seen Ian like this. Not even when you were rehearsing. This was raw and emotional and it was hard not to let yourself believe it was real. The air was thick and you were both breathing heavy, the room silent except for the synchronized sound of your breathing. You stepped towards Ian, preparing to tell him to ‘shut up and kiss you’, as the script said, but he kept speaking.
     “I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to say all this. But, I want to be more than friends. And now that you know, will you be  more than friends with me, (Y/n)?”
     You jolted at his use of your name and not your character’s. None of this was in the script, as far as you knew.
     “Ian—” You whispered, looking around. 
     He took your hands, swallowing hard. “This is real, (Y/n). And I meant every word.”
     You couldn’t process what was happening. You searched Ian’s face and he looked honest and hopeful and a little scared. But he was sincere. You didn’t see any evidence that this was some kind of practical joke. Was Ian saying…
     You moved to stand even closer to him. 
     “Shut up and kiss me,” you said hesitantly, saying the line you were supposed to say earlier. 
     A slow smile came to Ian’s face, getting what you were doing. “Not until you promise me that I’m the only one, I cant lose you again, baby.”
     “It’s only you,” you whispered, “It’s always only been you.”
     “Then kiss me,” Ian said. “Kiss me like you’ve never kissed anyone before.”
     “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that,” you leaned in. 
     And scene, You thought, So much for not letting this be real.
     And then your lips were on his, and you were kissing him. And Ian was kissing you back. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. You ran your hands through his hair and you felt him shiver beneath your touch.
     As you kissed Ian, your best friend, you silently thanked your luck—that this had happened, that Ian returned your feelings.
     Ian pulled away gently, brushing your hair back from your face.
     “Wow,” you breathed, “that was—”
     “That was everything I’d imagined it would be,” Ian said.
     And then, all of a sudden, the entire studio burst into applause. You looked out at all of your friends and cast mates clapping and cheering for you. Had they been in on this the whole time? Had they all known that Ian would break character and confess real feelings for you?
     “Just to be sure,” Ian said, “You do actually like me back right? You weren’t just finishing the scene?”
     You laughed, “Yes, Ian, I like you. A lot.”
     “Phew,” Ian laughed, calling out to the people gathered, “It’s a yes guys, she said yes! And sorry about ruining the shoot!”
     “You kidding? That was the most realistic love scene I’ve ever seen. How could we not use that?” Anthony called back.
     You giggled and placed your hands on Ian’s chest, “About that, I didn’t know you could be so cheesy and romantic.”
     “Only for you,” he said. “And I wouldn’t say cheesy. Poetic and beautiful, maybe.”
     You rolled your eyes at him, but you’d never been happier. You wouldn’t be able to stop smiling for days. And you didn’t want to. 
     All this time, as you’d been battling your own feelings, Ian had had feelings for you. You no longer had to pretend, because everything you wanted with Ian was already happening. 
     You smiled up at him, “I love you, Ian.”
     You had said it so many times platonically, but it felt different now. And yet the same.
     “I love you so much, (Y/n).”
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     You put your hair up into a ponytail as you walked towards Ian’s office. You had changed out of your romcom dress and back into the clothes you wore to the studio today. Now that you were done with the shoot, Ian had said he wanted to take you out. Your first real date. 
     You rounded the corner and went to enter Ian’s doorway, but you stopped when you heard voices. 
     “Hey, thanks man,” Ian’s voice carried into the hallway. “Thanks for suggesting that sketch.”
     “Anything for my friend,” Anthony said. “When your best friend whispers ‘hey can you suggest a sketch where me and (Y/n) have to be romantic together’ you step up.”
     You strained to hear. What? Was Ian saying he had planned that whole thing? He was the one who wanted to do that sketch?
     “Besides,” Anthony continued, “I didn’t even really do anything. You wrote the whole thing. Speaking of which, damn man, warn somebody! I’ll bring tissues to set next time.”
     You couldn’t believe it! That entire scene, about two random characters, Ian had written it all for you and him. 
     “You wrote all that?” You stepped into Ian’s office a look of shock on both men’s faces.
     “(Y/n), how much of that did you hear?” Ian asked nervously.
     “Enough to be even more in love with you than when I walked over here, if that’s possible.”
     Ian looked relieved as he came over to you and put his arms around you. “Well, then yeah, I wrote it. And I meant every word I said about loving you.”
     “Wow, I gotta work on my speech writing skills,” you teased, “I didn’t know I was best friends with The Bard himself this whole time.”
     “It’s a gift,” Ian smiled, kissing you softly. “And I had plenty of time to practice being poetic, being in love with you for years.
     “I’m going to go,” Anthony’s voice interrupted, “because I feel like a third wheel and not because my eyes are watering—damn allergies. I’m so happy for both of you.”
     Anthony left the room and you both burst into laughter. 
    Ian placed a soft kiss to your lips again, and you smiled. You couldn’t believe this was your reality. 
     Some of your best memories and moments were with Ian as a best friend. And now you got to experience a whole new world with Ian your boyfriend. You couldn’t wait.
     You were wrong the night before, you thought, as Ian wrapped his arms around you.     
     This, this was the most comfortable you’d ever been. 
     “Hey, I hate to interrupt,” Angela peeked into the room, “but now that we’re done with the operation-get-Ian-and-(Y/n)-together sketch—congrats by the way—where are we at on Root Canal the Musical?”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope y’all enjoyed this!! if you did, check out my other ian fic + my ian hcs 🤭🍓💌
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lololollywrites · 6 years
thoughts about being 29 on the internet that i just had in the shower...
...and had to write down. they were all basically just about how f**king - NEW. and surreal. the internet, its capabilities, and its fandoms can still be to me sometimes. i feel like i forget this a lot. but when i think about it, i can easily recall my wonder at discovering that it all existed in waves of smaller finds. and because i know there are others like me, i thought i’d share some of my own experiences. because honestly, i’ve had fewer years on tumblr and sites like it than some people much younger than me. i’m catching up and enjoying it.
firstly, i know i’m old to some of you, but i’m not really old. not really. i’m still a millennial, screwed over by student loans and old white men and viewed as part of the technological generation. i’m a phd student, and because i’m always on a college campus, i’ve been mistaken as a freshman. a few times. but it’s been fascinating to witness actual freshman and other college students and consider just how different things are for them and honestly? i’m sort of jealous. 
i can remember when i first discovered that fanfiction existed. i was in third period tech skills as a junior in high school - 16 years old - and got a little off-topic and searched for spoilers for a new supernatural episode. this was in 2005 and the show had just come out (yes i still watch, i can’t escape).
and what did i find? somehow? fanfiction.net. i was, no exaggeration, shocked. i sat and read a full-length chaptered fic in episodic format. my mouth was hanging open. i saw thousands more fics in hundreds of fandoms and suddenly felt less strange for envisioning full-scale episode re-imaginings in my head as i laid in bed, dissatisfied with what i had just watched. (btw, i watched new supernatural episodes the sunday after they used to originally air on the wb on thursdays, at my mom’s house where i had my own room and own tiny tv, because no one at my dad’s house wanted to watch and streaming episodes wasn’t something i could even imagine. plus i didn’t have internet at my dad’s house. i know.)
not only that, but i was impressed as hell. here was me, not even aware that you could somehow upload your own text to the internet, and people were not simply writing polished stories in private but posting them somewhere that allowed for chapters. that allowed for people all over the world to read their words. that categorized everything into a huge virtual library. and, most incredibly to me, that allowed for reviews from people around the world.
i couldn’t believe that this new world was open to me. that people would be so generous as to offer amazing stories to me to read FOR FREE. that i had a limitless supply of content to read and review. i barely had functioning internet at home, so i had been sheltered. i told the people sitting next to me in class about it and encouraged them to check it out, mostly to blank stares. i may have even told the teacher, but no one cared. i didn’t understand. who wouldn’t be interested? i told my dad and my sister about it when i got home from school. i was mind-blown.
months in and many reads and written reviews later, i wrote my first fic. it was for smallville. 6 chapters, with updates every few days, that received 14 reviews in total. i read them all multiple times. i showed my sister. i checked the story stats every half hour. i cried. i wrote on the family computer secretly in the evening when most of my family had gone upstairs, because i was about half a year away from owning my first laptop. i wrote more stories sporadically for about 6 years, gradually getting better, but also gradually becoming more stressed and aware of negativity, online arguments, and the embarrassment and shame i suddenly felt about having an online presence. i found a supernatural forum at tv.com (the forums sadly no longer exist), learned about fandom, and immersed myself in posting and being part of a community that i thought understood me more than my friends. like a secret life.
during my first year of college, in 2007, i was in a friend’s dorm when he asked everyone if we wanted to watch an episode of scrubs. i laughed. surely he was joking. “how can we just watch an episode? it’s not on now and you don’t have the dvds.” i literally didn’t consider that there may have been a way. he excitedly told us that he had found some website that had episodes just... pre-uploaded. and that you could just click. i didn’t believe him. the stress of having to be at the tv at a certain time each week for fear of missing an episode entirely and forever was just part of being a fan, right? buying the tv guide and checking listings was necessary. but he found the episode. and clicked. it only took a few full minutes to load and there it was. again, i was astounded. this memory is so shockingly clear to me. it changed how i spent much of my free time, for one. just that moment.
sometime during this first year of college, i was home for break and came across a video on youtube, this new website i had started to use. it reminded me of ebaum’s world, which my friend would show me at her house sometimes because her computer was faster than mine. it was called “cat soup”, and by two guys that called themselves smosh. it had more views than i could comprehend - probably not much more than 5 digits, but still. they were just two kids i could have gone to school with who could create a funny video and get famous. again, i was shocked. mind-blown.
i showed my sister, my mom, and all my friends. they appreciated it a bit more than the fanfiction, but no one seemed to grasp how incredible and revolutionary it was. they all liked “shoes”, with the kelly persona by liam kyle sullivan (we still quote it today), probably because its budget and effects made it a bit more familiarly professional and it appeared less homemade (though it definitely was). but i couldn’t forget smosh. i was so impressed by them. i watched more videos and eventually found communitychannel and jenna marbles and eviliguana and shane dawson. i even found fan edits for my faves, buffy (maybe i saw one of phil’s, lol) and supernatural and smallville, and tried making my own. i freaked in 2009 or so when fred reached a million subscribers. a million. i couldn’t wrap my head around that. again, i told my sister and friends, expecting them to see the enormity of something so crazy happening, and they just... didn’t.
back in 2008, after watching “stick it” again, i recalled the name of a gymnast my cousin used to always talk about when we were kids - from the 1996 olympics - and looked her up on youtube. i realized that all gymnastics competitions imaginable had been uploaded. again - not to be repetitive - but i was shocked. there’s no better word. i gave myself a thorough education on the sport, traveling through time. i am still so grateful that i was able to do that.
sometime in 2009, my friends started pestering me to create a facebook account. i was a junior in college. 20 years old already. it sounded weird - pictures of me online? why? but i gave into pressure and made one. my mom had never allowed us to make a myspace; we were a bit young, and she hated the idea (now, she’s on facebook more than i am). around the same time i got my fanciest phone yet - an LG Env3. i figured out that it could access the internet and that i could use songs to create ringtones. again, sufficiently mind-blown. considering my first cell phone had been a flip phone with no camera that i shared with my sister during emergencies when i was 13, i felt that technology was coming along fast. 
smart phones were foreign to me for a long long time, until recently actually. i thought they were unnecessary for quite a while. i don’t even remember what phones i had at the end of college and through grad school, but i’m pretty sure they consisted of a series of cheap pay-as-you-go phones from walmart. in 2013, i went to china for a year to teach. i got a cheap phone there and used it for about 7 months. one day, a friend of mine gave me his old htc smartphone because he was getting a new one. i didn’t know how to use it, but i played one app on repeat before class and snapped some low-quality photos. after that, i almost immediately went to indonesia for another 9 months to teach high school (2014-2015). the htc phone died very quickly, so i used the nokia brick phone given to me by the organization. it was fine. i had never even used my old smartphone to access the internet, aside from wechat, thanks to china’s internet blocks. it wasn’t until i got home, in the summer of 2015, that i finally got an iphone. it was a huge deal and a big learning curve. it was also around this time that i found dan and phil and tumblr. i only got my macbook two years ago and finally think i have some things figured out.
so i may be old in some ways and remember floppy disks and the card catalog and using encyclopedias to write my middle school papers and huge computers with black screens and green text that displayed math problems in elementary school. i may be able to remember the sound of ancient, huge printers that used reams of paper with perforated, tearable strips down each side. i may remember aol red, dial-up, and not being able to connect if someone was on the phone. but i can also remember watching technology evolve in front of me, discovering fandom and the huge world of content and friendship that lay ahead. and when people try to say i’m too old to like dan and phil, i remind them that dan and phil can also remember. we’re the same age. i relate to them and their stories. to phil’s buffy obsession. to dan’s love of smosh. i’ve only had about 10 fully-cognizant years here on the internet, and only a couple in the world of tumblr and iphones and mobile apps. i’m young in those ways. and i look young enough that strangers sometimes think i’m a teenager. 
that’s laughable to me in some ways, because i’ve lived so much since my teen years. so much has happened. but in others, i don’t feel much different. there’s no age where you just feel grown up. that your interests vanish. that things suddenly seem childish and dumb. yes, i cringe about some things i wrote or did back then and i think i’ve matured, but my interests are all still relatively similar and i can finally explore them in ways that i just couldn’t before.
i hope that this has made sense. and i hope that some can relate.
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apurpledoor-blog · 7 years
Miel and Anthony : Thoughts  about their relationship
I think it's time to talk about this relationship a little given the recent developments.
 I don't know if you're going to like what I have to say about this or not, and I do realize that this post could be a little controversial, but personally, I always believed that everyone is entitled to have and share opinions.
Now, before we begin  I wanna clarify that, as I have stated before, I love Anthony. I have followed Smosh diligently for almost a decade now and I have obviously gotten really attached to these two boys that I have basically seen grow up on camera. I love him dearly and sincerely want the best for him, so seeing him happy is a joy no matter what. 
And if it is Miel that I have to thank for it, I gladly will. 
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I'd do that with a heavy heart though, and not only because I ship Ianthony (I have shipped Ianthony since the guys were with Melanie and Kalel after all, so clearly, them being in realtionships doesn't really bother me) but because I  DO. NOT. LIKE. HER. ...at all. Am I happy that he seems to be enjoying himself ? Yes, of course I am! but pretty much in the same way a parent would be if they saw their kid finding happiness with a girlfriend/boyfriend they did not like or just thought wasn't right for them. I don't think Miel is a bad person or anything like that, luckily, that's not the case at all here, it's just that I think she is unbearably annoying. I tried to make myself like her, (you know, it's Anthony's girlfriend, and she's appearing more and more in his videos so I really, really tried) but I just couldn't. Everything about her is offputting to me. From her over the top facial expressions, to her pityful sense of humor, right down to something as trivial as her fashion sense. She is everything I would NOT want in a partner, and I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would find her likeable. 
I don't feel anything even remotely akin to 'hate' towards her of mind you, she has done nothing bad, and she honeslty seems to be a nice person, but every single time she is on screen and says something that she thinks is supposed to be funny, I’m like
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She tries way too hard, waaaay too hard to be entertaining. It feels so forced it's pratically painful, and I simply can't watch the videos without cringing. Some people are gifted with a nice sense of humor while some aren't. Unfair ? maybe but that’s just how it is.
But that's unfortunately not the only thing that feels forced and unnatural about Miel. Now, I know that  this is going to sound a bit odd to most of you (and to Anthony in particular I am ready to bet),given the fact that she presenting herself to the world as this 'hyper real and hyper genuine gal' but I am just going to say it here, I think...,that her whole 'persona' itself is very,very fake. And I get that a psychology student might have a few more tools to help them tell apart possible calculated behaviours form real personality traits, but it still seems incredible to me that no one seems to realize the fact that despise the appereances there is a lot of scheming going on inside of her head. To me it's very obvious that that is a person who  is actively and purposefully trying to sell a 'character' to people: 
  The ever so popular ''cool chick, won't to act like a girl just 'cause I am one, chil af, pseudo quirky'' character. (Which btw will probably only be in high demand only for another two or three years before everyone belonging to this category will start getting shoved back into the good old frienzone). .
The positive note is that I don't believe Miel has a secondary motives for being with Anthony (though Anthony would be a good catch for someone in her position and that's something he should always keep into consideration). I think she really does like him and that she is not faking that at all, which is nice. But,  that said, I still firmly believe think that he can find better than a woman who pees in cups, burps and curses on video and thinks she's the shit just because she's not a valley girl. Of course, I would readily (promptly!) suggest Ian if I could (you know, gorgeous boy, with an acutal sense of humor and all) but if it cannot be him, at least, I want him to get a girl that is actually worthy of him.
I would be very, very, grateful to him for that you know?  because right now I am cringing everytime I watch a vlog with her in it and watching Anthony's channel has gone from being fun to being dreadful. I could skip the videos of course, but I have watched everything else from him for years and years it'd feel weird not to know about the things he wants to share with the fanbase. Anyway it's his life and his choice. He has the right to do whatever he wants. I'll just stay right here and wait, hoping he doesn't make the same mistake again and proposes to the wrong  girl twice in a row. 
I wish him luck. ...And yes,yes.., if he finds out that she is all he could ever want in life then be it. I will support them as well as I can. But I seriously hope he won't.
Anthony Padilla, wonderful person, terrible tastes in women.
( Just to be fair though, he is not totally 'at fault' here because sure enough, if you really analyze this you can pinpoint three very obvious factors that have without a doubt conributed and are contributing to subconciously enhance his attraction for her. I would talk about that part too, but it's getting long, so I'll simply get to it another time if you want me to.). As always, these are my own opinions, and I am aware that I could be wrong (though I sincerely think I’m not). You can criticize me for criticizing her if you want, I will understand if you do that, but I hope no one gets too triggered by this.
 /forgive my grammar mistakes english is not my first (nor second) language/.
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